Downloaded from Proceedings of the Nutrition Society h uhr 05Frtpbihdoln 6Otbr2015 October 16 online published First 2015 Authors The © h meit s fteigse oeue,their molecules, ingested the of orchestrate organism, use the of immediate status accord- metabolic the which, the signals to neural integrated ing and an hormonal by of determined network is macronutrients ingested rts mn cd n a,adsrea nrysources cells energy the as of serve components and structural fat, and and acids amino drates, Abbreviations: cells of function the for systems vitamins essential organ are and include and minerals Micronutrients and micronutrients macronutrients. categories, main Nutrients and two Indeed, in mellitus. subdivided diabetes be organism. including can diseases, our many of of functioning proper de essen- are for utilisation tial and intake nutritional Appropriate Society Nutrition the of Proceedings * orsodn author: Corresponding eateto udmna ersine,Uiest fLuan,9Red unn 05Luan,Switzerland Lausanne, 1005 Bugnon, du Rue 9 Lausanne, of University Neurosciences, Fundamental of Department fi inyo xeso eti uret r tteorigin the at are nutrients certain of excess or ciency nui erto nhat n ies:ntinsdcaetepace the dictate nutrients disease: and health in secretion urto oit ctihScinMeighl tRbr odnUiest,Aede n25 on Aberdeen University, Gordon Robert at held Meeting Section Scottish Society Nutrition ypsu :Mcouret,gn xrsinadmtblcdisease metabolic and expression gene Macronutrients, 1: Symposium PR ehlcpaeislnrlae F,hg-a it iN,mcoN;TD ye2diabetes. 2 type T2D, microRNA; miRNA, diet; high-fat HFD, release; insulin phase cephalic CPIR, ofrneon Conference eetain rlfrto n uvvl lee xrsino hs ee sprl caused to better A leading partly and uptake. treatment mechanisms is nutrient unbalanced the genes by of induced these dif- transcripts understanding of RNA cell non-coding expression metabolism, in Altered lipid changes modi by survival. and carbohydrate and translational secretion, proliferation and ferentiation, and biosynthesis insulin in post-transcriptional nutrient-induced involved mediating transcriptional, mechanisms The include adulthood. in function and al-ientiin(..prna ihfto o-rti it assaltered causes diet) low-protein suboptimal Likewise, or risk. high-fat diabetes stimulatory parental in to (e.g. increase response nutrition in consequent release a early-life insulin with impaired concentrations, and glucose secretion basal increased scription, hoi xouet uret a edtietlto detrimental promote be nutrients entero- can short-term nutrients by the to as in nutri- exposure well If to chronic biosynthesis. as response insulin in acids, compensatory regulates tract fatty and acids, digestive and basal the also acids controls by amino Glucose released ents. by neuropeptides the potentiated and discuss is and endocrine glucose secretion of in insulin highlight effect metabolism on will and This nutrients review uptake of This Glucose mechanisms. effects detrimental. underlying pathological be and can physiological utilisation the and/or absorption intake, equate ibtsdvlpet ic itr uret in nutrients dietary Since development. diabetes nui sakyhroecnrligmtblchmotss oso yfnto fpancre- of dysfunction or Loss homeostasis. metabolic controlling atic key a is Insulin ( rR eaz,fx+4 1625 5 mi [email protected] email 55, 52 692 21 ++41 fax Regazzi, R. Dr 1 oaoRgzi,AraaRdiuzTeoadCcl Jacovetti Cécile and Rodriguez-Trejo Adriana Regazzi*, Romano , 2 . ) arntinsicuecarbohy- include Macronutrients . β clsla oterlaeo insuf of release the to lead -cells . IPaddress: fi dacr o diabetes. for cure a nd (2016), nui:Nutrients: Insulin: ( 1 ‘ ) it eerglto n eaoi disease metabolic and regulation gene Diet, 75 h aeo the of fate The . ,19 – 9doi:10.1017/S0029665115004152 29 , on 04 Oct2021 at14:13:02 β fi cl:McoN:Gn expression Gene MicroRNA: -cell: in nui ocvrteogns ed,promoting needs, organism the cover to insulin cient β cl yfnto ilb rtclt improve to critical be will dysfunction -cell hs hnfo ece h gastrointestinal the reaches a food by when followed phase are util- and and nutrients absorption of pre- , isation to for serve tract digestive phase the cephalic pare as to referred responses early odpae h atodoeojjnlmcs n the and mucosa gastro-duodeno-jejunal the phase, cond aiyeii aiain ati cdpouto and production acid secretions endocrine gastric and exocrine salivation, pancreatic elicit disorders cavity metabolic of causes mellitus. diabetes homeostasis the as metabolic such elucidating of for understanding responsible for and essential mechanisms is nutri- the utilisation regulating and processes uptake the of ent knowledge depth in An iceia rnfraino hi ogtr storage long-term their or transformation biochemical fl ec h ciiyof activity the uence esr otc ihfo n tmlto fteoral the of stimulation and food with contact Sensory β , subjectto theCambridgeCore termsofuse,available at β cl rlfrto n,aogwt fatty with along and, proliferation -cell clsadcue eue nui tran- insulin reduced causes and -cells β clstigrislnsecretion. insulin trigger -cells fi β ain fgenes of cations β cls hi inad- their -cells, cl dysfunction -cell β cl activities, -cell β cl mass -cell – 6Mrh2015 March 26 ( 4 ’ – 6 ) uigti se- this During . ( 4 , 5 ) These . ( 3 ) . Downloaded from Proceedings of the Nutrition Society rto fntinsi h losra n orelease to and bloodstream the in nutrients nutrients of dietary tration to of respond task and The monitor to acity the as to referred often Pancreatic conditions. pathological and secre- and insulin physiological of direct under control on the tion the discuss to macronutrients contribution to their of be evaluate will impacts review this indirect of aim The n bopinaduiiaint civ metabolic achieve to utilisation and homeostasis peptides, nutri- absorption coordinate that numerous paracrine, ent mechanisms neural via release and neurotransmitters endocrine system and entero-hormones nervous enteric h iclto speieytndt rvn tissue hypoglycaemia prevent prolonged to of life- the tuned effects and in hyperglycaemia released precisely threatening chronic by insulin is caused of of damage control circulation amount the in The the and essential metabolism. homeostasis an glucose body plays blood and in network role regulatory complex this β 20 clswti h seso agrasi ttecr of core the at is Langerhans of islets the within -cells nui,appiehroepoue ypancreatic by produced hormone peptide a Insulin, Pancreatic β β ( clsaehgl ifrnitdclsta are that cells differentiated highly are -cells 7 clsi odtc h hne nteconcen- the in changes the detect to is -cells , 8 ) . . inl.The signals. 1. Fig. lcna atgn H rwhhroe L-,guao-ieppie1 I,gastric guanine GIP, G, 1; YY; member. 1 peptide peptide type receptor PYY, -like taste TIR, polypeptide; transporter; GLP-1, glucose intestinal Glut, vasoactive hormone; protein; PL, nucleotide-binding ; VIP, growth PRL, polypeptide; 1; GH, inhibitory factor growth insulin-like lactogen; IGF1, placental factor; growth epidermal EGF, secretion. β clsa uretsensors nutrient as -cells ‘ ulsensors fuel Clu nie euaoso nui erto hog uret omnladneural and hormonal nutrient, through secretion insulin of Regulators online) (Colour . IPaddress: fi uesmaie h ifrn oeue otiuigt the to contributing molecules different the summarises gure ’ eas ftercap- their of because β clsadto and -cells , on 04 Oct2021 at14:13:02 ( 11 ( .Regazzi R. 9 , , 12 10 ) ) . . lcei oto n eue h meit odin- food immediate poor the in results reduces take phase and this control during glycaemic response insulin blockade that the demonstrated of rodents and subjects human rt ait fsgaseiie yntinsi the in nutrients by the elicited in fi signals and of brain gut, variety a grate n nml splaieadflosteoclaoyme- oscillatory the follows nutrients and of pulsatile tabolism is animals and ujcswoaeislnrssatadhyperinsulinaemic and resistant insulin are who subjects esr tmlto fteoa aiycue ymastic- ingestion by food caused to or cavity response tasting oral in ation, the occurs of cephalic that stimulation robust (CPIR) sensory a release is there insulin rodents phase and subjects human In PRi loal oihbtguoepouto nthe in production en- regulate glucose to homeostasis thus and inhibit ergy tissue adipose to peak. in in lipolysis able insulin and rise exaggerated also rapid an is a and CPIR levels preventing glucose by postpran- plasma of homeostasis optimisation glucose the to dial contribute to believed is prpit mut fislnt nuepop and prompt ensure to insulin ef of amounts appropriate tal et etnn fislnrelease insulin of ne-tuning , subjectto theCambridgeCore termsofuse,available at fi in eaoi disposal metabolic cient . ( 21 ) ehlcislnrlae a rmanecdotic from far release: insulin Cephalic nui ees uigtepeasrtv period pre-absorptive the during release Insulin . ( 22 , 23 fi etnn finsulin of ne-tuning ) ( 14 bs n ye2daee (T2D) diabetes 2 type and Obese . β , 15 clstesle emtigthe permitting themselves -cells ) The . ( 13 ( 16 ) nui erto nman in secretion Insulin . – 18 ( 19 ) β clsaeal ointe- to able are -cells , 20 ( i.1 Fig. ) eea tde in studies Several . ). Downloaded from Proceedings of the Nutrition Society hsetr-nua xsivle h ees fnumerous of release the involves axis entero-insular This pnarvlit h u,tentinsatvt regu- homeostasis metabolic in role a central a plays activate isletsthat pancreat-ic nutrients the and the gut the gut, between network signalling latory the into arrival Upon with associated diabetes. tolerance and con- glucose disorders may metabolic perturbed CPIR to defective that tribute suggest and and clearance re- glucose homeostasis insulin postprandial early maintaining of for in importance lease the control strengthen glucose data These improved but glucose subjects or obese lean insulin postprandial in on levels effect no the had during gestion, in- or tiny prior of amounts infusion sulin the by CPIR mimicking Remarkably, ipa eue PR eutn nelevation % 40 in about resulting by levels CPIR, glucose reduced postprandial of a display Galanin intake food in Involved Neurotensin hormones peptide Singular YY Peptide Y Neuropeptide family PP-fold Obestatin family Ghrelin B Neurokinin A Neurokinin P Substance family Tachykinin family Gastrin intestinal Vasoactive polypeptide inhibitory Gastric 2 peptide Glucagon-like 1 activity peptide regulatory Glucagon-like Main family Secretin members and Families 1. Table polypeptide ( 25 ) atonetnlpaeo nui secretion insulin of phase Gastrointestinal u-eie etdsadppiehroe nthe in hormones peptide and peptides Gut-derived n nbt T1D both in and atonetnltract gastrointestinal . . IPaddress: ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ( 26 u secretion Gut Motility secretion Gut Contractility secretion endocrine Pancreatic secretion Gastric secretion exocrine Pancreatic emptying Gastric Contractility Motility Appetite Motility Motility Motility secretion acid Gastric emptying Gall-bladder growth Cell secretion enzyme Pancreatic secretion Gastric growth cell Mucosal emptying Gastric secretion Insulin growth cell Mucosal emptying Gastric secretion Glucagon secretion Insulin secretion bicarbonate Pancreatic li secretion Fluid motility Gastrointestinal ) n 2 patients T2D and fi s 0mno odin- food of min 10 rst mato arntinson macronutrients of Impact , on 04 Oct2021 at14:13:02 ( 21 , ( ( 24 27 28 ) ) ) . . . etain n ofrhrices pnglucose upon increase further no con- glucose rise and low these at release centrations to hormone charac- excessive secretion, exposure stimulates by insulin terised impaired concentrations prolonged causes nutrients acid while same fatty secretion, or insulin glucose vated eta n eihrlnrossseshsbe exten- been has the elsewhere systems reviewed and nervous sively tract peripheral gastrointestinal and of central the component between major connections a is gut so-called neurons the enteric of activation ees ohi h al n otrnilphases postprandial and early insulin the of in regulation the both to release through contribute secretion and nerve pancreatic vagal affect the can molecules These eodmsegr uha Ca as such classical of messengers production the second involve that cascades nalling speci to ing bind- by secretion insulin modulate cytokines, etc. , neurotransmitters, as such secretagogues, other contrast, uret,sc sguoeadftyais aeada ef- dual a have acids, on fatty fect and glucose as such Nutrients, te xeln eiw hthv xesvl addressed extensively have matter of that the this reviews effects highlight excellent the only other governing will on we mechanisms macronutrients space section molecular of this main Because in decades. been constrains, for have secretion investigated insulin intensively in culminating and nutrients h eaoi inligptwy lctdin elicited pathways signalling metabolic The paper. this in further uaoso etd omns ned uret utbe must the nutrients in Indeed, metabolised hormones. peptide neuromo- of or that dulators from considerably differs which system, from arn,ec)adnuornmtes(ctlhln,nor- (acetylcholine, serotonin, neurotransmitters epinephrine, and etc.) P, taurine, substance peptide, gene-related polypeptide, intestinal vasoactive peptides galanin, opioid-like endorphin), and neuromedin, (enkephalin Y, neuropep- numerous (neuropeptide of tides secretion the also stimulates tract ietytreigthe targeting directly by production insulin decrease neu- to orthologue proposed mammalian were U its romedin and gut the in cells sensing Indeed, provided. been also the secretion has conditions insulin fasting attenuating under signal entero-endocrine an n lcgnlk etd 1 peptide glucagon-like polypeptide insulinotropic and glucose-dependent is the ef- peptides are the fect and for candidates hormones strongest gut-derived the expanding, and still gastric of list eua uoaeetn nislntoi action insulinotropic an exerting mucosa jejunal gastric-duodeno- the of cells entero-endocrine by hormones olwn rladifsdfo intake food infused released insulin and of oral amount following the in observed differences the ( resultinginanincreaseintheATP:ADPratio,closure xd,ec)b h nei evu system nervous enteric the by etc.) oxide, al 1 Table h asg fntinstruhtegastrointestinal the through nutrients of passage The , subjectto theCambridgeCore termsofuse,available at ( β 40 Drosophila cl ucin 21 functions -cell , β 41 clsocr hog nqesga transduction signal unique a through occurs -cells ) β lcs nesthe enters Glucose . .Ti ocle nrtnefc srsosbefor responsible is effect incretin so-called This ). cl ucin ct xoueof exposure Acute function. -cell mato uret on nutrients of Impact fi ( 11 elsraercposadb ciaigsig- activating by and receptors cell-surface c , 12 etd iottnrlae rmnutrient- from released limostatin peptide , 37 – ri xs h ope n fascinating and complex The axis. brain ) uretidcdislnsecretion insulin Nutrient-induced . β β cl ocueislnsecretion insulin cause to -cell β clsadw ee h edrto reader the refer we and -cells -cells γ aiouyi cd T,nitric ATP, acid, -aminobutyric ( 35 ( 33 , 36 ( 31 ) ) . , β 32 clsadi metabolised, is and -cells n ilntb discussed be not will and ) β eety vdnefor evidence Recently, . cl signalling -cell 2+ n cAMP and ( 30 ) lhuhthe Although . ( 34 β clst ele- to -cells ) ( β al 1 Table clsby -cells ( 7 ( ) 12 ( The . 38 ) , .In 39 ( 29 ) ). ) . Downloaded from Proceedings of the Nutrition Society cues and identi h we at eetr htaepeetbt nmouse in both present are human to that and receptors binding taste by po- sweet secretion can the fructose insulin that glucose-induced evidence tentiate provided has work recent xrs h rcoetasotrGLUT5 transporter fructose the express nbet tmlt nui erto because secretion insulin be stimulate to to believed unable was fructose monosaccharide dietary insulin the recent- ly, Until secretion. potentiate triggering to glucose syner- with factor gistically act micronutrients and macro- principal other several release, the unequivocally eefudi h auezebra mature the in found were o el nrsos ooentiinadt h resulting the to and overnutrition to insuf response in cells sor β is eetsuyalwdteidenti the allowed study zebra recent A affect tics. can nutrients to posure oaiainadtigr nui rnl xctssupon exocytosis granule de- Ca insulin membrane triggers plasma and induces polarisation L-arginine, acid amino ic n ia ne odtoso nui eitne when resistance, insulin needs of conditions β under effective vital particularly and is secretion insulin a glucose-induced of of activation potentiation NEFA the receptor. on NEFA relies membrane-bound one last the whereas tabolism, oaiain otg-eedn Ca voltage-dependent polarisation, otasotdwt Na with co-transported eemn o nui erto sinduced is secretion insulin how determine ling oapiyislnscein hog he interdependent de three processes, through secretion, insulin amplify to ihtepam membrane plasma granules insulin-containing the of fusion with the and centration soitdwt h onrglto fteNotch the of down-regulation the with associated Both, diet. in crease et fteND htls rmrilmcaimto mechanism primordial a ef shuttles, achieve NADH the compo- of key in- nents are to glutamate leading and Aspartate cascade exocytosis. signalling sulin a ATP of intracellular activation increased and me- in levels results The alanine exocytosis. of granules tabolism insulin consequently, and, euaepoieainadsria of survival and proliferation regulate eedn nteqaiyadqatt fpoen present meals proteins of the quantity in and varies quality secretion the insulin on depending on impact their with However, re- co-ingested insulin sponse. excursion, the potentiate markedly insulin can frank they carbohydrates a provoke not in hswl ntr rge h pnn fLtp Ca L-type of opening the trigger turn in will This tion. hnes asn ai iei nrclua Ca intracellular in rise rapid a causing channels, K ATP-sensitive of ntpo abhdae pert els rattenuated or lost be added subjects to fat diabetic appear and carbohydrates in meal proteins of to top high-protein gly- response on reduced in a The excursion response. caemic whereas insulinaemic the secretion, potentiates insulin mild 22 clsaecle ocmest o h nrae insulin increased the for compensate to called are -cells clspooedfeetaino e norn precur- endocrine new of differentiation promote -cells nadto obigislnsceaous nutrients secretagogues, insulin being to addition In 2+ ( 48 ( 57 fi fi ( β fi ) nr hog otg-ae hnes -lnn is L-alanine channels. voltage-gated through entry 49 in nui ertr capacity secretory insulin cient ) w ahasivleitaellrftyai me- acid fatty intracellular involve pathways Two . ho opnaoymcaimi which in mechanism compensatory a of sh cl ifrnito nrsos ometabolic to response in differentiation -cell aino cientin-estv progenitors nutrient-sensitive active of cation h aeatososre loadaai in- dramatic a also observed authors same The . , 50 β ) fi lhuhdeaypoen ytesle do themselves by proteins dietary Although . cl rlfrto nrsos oahigh-energy a to response in proliferation -cell in lcs oxidation glucose cient β ( 51 β fi cl rlfrto n ifrnito were differentiation and proliferation -cell -cells e sthe as ned ) it ihlwpoencnetidc a induce content protein low with Diets . ( . ( + 45 52 – hnesadmmrn depolarisa- membrane and channels ) 47 h mn cdcmoiinwill composition acid amino The . ) + EAhv lotecapacity the also have NEFA . n nue elmmrn de- membrane cell induces and ‘ rdn model trident . IPaddress: ( β 42 cl aeadcharacteris- and fate -cell ) lhuhguoeis glucose Although . fi ( 53 hpnra ihthe with sh ) 2+ . β ( 56 -cells fi ’ hne opening channel ) iia results Similar . ( aini larval in cation 43 of ( 53 , 44 ) ( β 54 β h cation- The . ) clsd not do -cells cl signal- -cell , on , However, . 55 ) 04 Oct2021 at14:13:02 n ex- and 2+ .Regazzi R. con- 2+ rlfrt ne odtoso nrae nui de- insulin increased a of to to conditions capacity mand milk their under and mother responsiveness proliferate glucose the high-fat their enables quire the diet, chow from carbohydrate-rich transition the retsiuiadfo composition food and regula- stimuli tight trient the of characterised tion further have co-workers ua sesioae rmhprlcei T2D hyperglycaemic from in isolated reported been donors islets have Slc1a1 respectively) glucose- by human genes, (encoded the Slc2a2 GLUT2 of and impaired and help expression to GLUT1 may Reduced transporters obesity activity. settings linking islet-cell factors diabetes-associated the and understanding genes obese- expressed differentially these in of role the of standing xi) elpoieainadiltcl differentiation and cell Pax6) Prdx4 islet and Cat, and Tmem27 Cdkn1b, Pax6, proliferation (e.g. Tmem27, cell oxidative Cdkn1b, Txnip), desaturase-2) stearoyl- acid (e.g. fatty 1, stress and lipid 2 desaturase GLP1R), desaturase stearoyl-CoA CoA Pcsk1/2, insulin (e.g. (e.g. with metabolism secretion associated genes and of processing expression identi the environment, in ations diabetogenic transcriptomic a the to exposed analysed that Multiple pro studies events. of translational independent deterioration modi and to for the post-transcriptional lead detrimental through can is function nutrients lipids of and excess glucose of custo fa prpit functional appropriate the an for of essential acquisition therefore are window developmental ical 2mN rvnb lcs eaoimexerted metabolism glucose Ca by a of activation driven the through mRNA D2 a revealed os(..Mf,Nuo n D1 oteislngene insulin the to PDX1) and fac- NeuroD transcription MafA, key Glucose (e.g. several of tors homeostasis. binding metabolic the also of controls loss consequent the impaired dir- to can contribute overload ectly nutrient systemic that suggests GLUT2 lckns,teezm htctlssteiiilstep initial that the in catalyses evidence utilisation that glucose provided of of enzyme activation the co-workers the glucokinase, requires and proliferation glucose-induced in- Dor following regenerate to jury. capacity their and basal rate both eration regulates sensing glucose Indeed, not impact factors β circulating structures on other vascularised only and highly nutrients are and islets pancreatic The rn rudrosedctssfloe yarpddeg- concentrations, rapid mem- a plasma by followed radation the glucose endocytosis at undergoes degraded or directly brane extracellular either is GLUT2 elevated ally β agto aayi-eedn signalling mammalian rapamycin-dependent of activation of the target to and pathway signalling tal et cl ciiissc spoieainadsurvival. and proliferation as such activities -cell cl iedmntae ht ntepeec fchronic- of presence the in that, demonstrated line -cell , subjectto theCambridgeCore termsofuse,available at oee,crncepsr oeeae concentrations elevated to exposure chronic However, fi . eo ua rrdn ibtcilt ro islets of or islets diabetic rodent or human of le ( 58 mato uret on nutrients of Impact ( 64 β ) ( cl auainadfnto nrsos onu- to response in function and maturation -cell h urtoa rniinocrigi hscrit- this in occurring transition nutritional The . 65 ) β . ) cl ertr ucin,btas nother on also but functions, secretory -cell β h lcs-eedn erdto of degradation glucose-dependent The . nvitro In -cell-speci netgtosi ninsulin-secreting an in investigations fi euaino h ee fcyclin of level the of regulation c β -cells β fi β cl lcs esn n to and sensing glucose -cell cl eeexpression gene -cell aino transcriptional, of cation ( 2+ 59 ) dpnetpathway -dependent ute investigations Further . ( 61 ( – 58 63 ) ) ned nmice, in Indeed, . etrunder- better A . β cl mass. -cell ( 57 β β clst ac- to -cells β ) cl prolif- -cell o and Dor . cls The -cells. fi dalter- ed β -cell ( 60 ) . Downloaded from Proceedings of the Nutrition Society ehlto atr fmlil ibtscandidate diabetes multiple GLIS3 and TCF7L2 as of such genes, pattern methylation identi and islets human ocr anygnsascae ihtetricarboxylic the alterations with The genes. associated islet expres- genes the of the mainly % modify 10 concern and than more pancreas of fetal sion on impact major lobe bevdi seso 2 ainsadi dia- in and patients T2D models of have animal islets levels betic in protein reduced observed been and also Tcf7l2 of levels mRNA eaoi disorders metabolic iiult eoeoeeaddvlpmetabolic develop and obese in- become an of disorders to likelihood the increase sur- dividual nutrient substantially to to fetus and the feit expose during to intake found energy were excessive pregnancy and sta- obesity metabolic Maternal prenatal tus. perturbed in a of the consequences studies elucidate term numerous to adulthood, attempted the have in health metabolic on expression. and/or gene on secretion impacting by insulin survival glucose-stimulated modi epigenetic fect lipid-induced that gest nilyepesdi sesfo 2 individuals. T2D from islets identi study in this differ- Interestingly, also expressed were genes entially thirty-seven them, Among genes. pro analysed expression colleagues genome-wide and the Ling disturbances. metabolic changes in expression gene nutrient-induced of involvement rlne xouet h F palmitate upon SFA observed the also is to promoter exposure insulin prolonged the to binding euaoso eeepeso ntemcaim of mechanisms the in these expression of the involvement gene glucolipotoxicity of an of activity to the regulators pointing control promoter, that binding insulin the factors affect to transcription able of are palmitate and glucose both, eeydrn rgac n atto periods lactation or and pre- lactation, pregnancy offspring either and during of diet pregnancy merely obesogenic throughout pancreas an and adult to conception the exposed mothers in changes from reported These PI3K. been proi- of have expression INS2, reduced INS1, and in- STAT3 of offspring, levels of adult n mRNA expression of pancreas increased abnormal the cluding the in with genes regulatory associated are traits cito atrTfl a ensont euaeboth regulate to shown been tran- β has The glucolipotoxicity. event Tcf7l2 of factor conditions scription key under islets a in reduced was Tcf7l2 is protein the whereas increased, unex- methylation pectedly was mRNA TCF7L2 silencing, DNA gene with associated Although, concentra- lipid and glucose tions. high containing medium a in pro methylation DNA hrceie yicesdftms,hyperinsulinaemia phenotype, mass, hyperleptinaemia obesogenic fat and increased similar by remarkably characterised lactation a and pregnancy exhibits throughout (HFD) diet high-fat rmtradi hsamjrpyilgcmdltrof modulator physiologic expression major gene a insulin thus is and promoter eedn pgntcmodi epigenetic dependent cl rlfrto n nui secretion insulin and proliferation -cell fl rti-etitddesdrn rgac aeas a also have pregnancy during diets Protein-restricted nadto oteefc ftentiinlenvironment nutritional the of effect the to addition In mrigeiec ugssa mato diet- of impact an suggests evidence Emerging maoyctkns(TNF- cytokines ammatory ( 75 , 76 ) ned h fsrn fmtesfda fed mothers of offspring the Indeed, . ( 68 ) ( . 69 . ( 70 ) .Hu ( fi 77 , 72 ( fi ein le 66 ) d16 ifrnilyexpressed differentially 1860 ed , tiigy hs phenotypic these Strikingly, . 73 ) mardPX n MafA and PDX1 Impaired . ) tal et fi mhssn h potential the emphasising , . IPaddress: β ain nteatooyof aetiology the in cations clsclue o month 1 for cultured -cells fi . dcagsi h DNA the in changes ed α ( 70 fi D8adIL1-R1), and CD68 , eo palmitate-treated of le ) ( fl 74 bevda aberrant an observed ec n h long- the and uence ) hs eut sug- results These . mato arntinson macronutrients of Impact fi ain a af- may cations ( 71 ( ) 67 Elevated . ) , on ( Hence, . 78 ) 04 Oct2021 at14:13:02 . β -cell ihatrdepeso f62gnsi h sesof islets the in genes 642 offspring of female associated expression adult is impaired an and altered The of ageing with with intolerance. appearance worsens glucose clearance the glucose of causing phenotype of offspring early dysfunction female the programmes male their HFD of exposure to chronic pro- that rats rat revealed on study feeding Their high-fat geny. and metabol- obesity mothers. paternal offspring transgenerational of the the the effect studied on co-workers of impact and Morris an the ism. role also pa- has in the the diet that ternal homeostasis suggest on evidence glucose accumulating focused Nonetheless, and have metabolism offspring on diet ftentin-esn ahnr n assimpaired causes F and in homeostasis machinery regulation suggest glucose nutrient-sensing transgenerational results the exerts they These of HFD particular, progeny. paternal In are the that receptors islets. olfactory in in encoding and down-regulated genes many tissue that fat found the in ways nlssrvae htptra itidcdobesity diet-induced paternal that modi revealed analysis nrae ua ntede fmlsfrjs r2dbefore generation d next 2 the or in 1 obesity just to for lead males can of mating diet the in sugar increased a ht dps iseadi acetcislets pancreatic in and study tissue retroperiton- this adipose in extended white affected eal group networks gene same the the comparing by survey, second a In n eeomn ntepoey Speci growth progeny. affecting the in without development changes, modi and epigenetic to through led sugar dietary aenltuiesplmnaintruhu preg- throughout and by proliferation supplementation prevented nancy cell are taurine and production, maternal pathways defence ATP anti-oxidative cycle, acid mtrt ne ibtso h on ye1) diabetes type of young form the of particular on diabetes a impact onset of (maturity development major the a in sult have can β factor transcription this leain uha yoehlto fteIl13ra2 subunit the receptor IL-13 of the hypomethylation for tran- encoding as These gene cycle. such epigenetic cell by accompanied the alterations also the of were in changes and Wnt-signalling, scriptomic apoptosis and of MAPK- metabolism, calcium-, control glucose as and well insulin as in dysregu- involved of genes enrichment lated an highlighted analysis pathway nteilt fteoffspring the the of Hnf4a of of region islets down-regulation enhancer the the the in in modi in resulting permanent locus, marks Hnf4a histone elicited in ma- restriction Indeed, ations diet memory. protein diabetes, maternal cellular and as ternal the obesity known link developing phenomenon to of a susceptibility believed the are to offspring the of inta uretidcdtaseeainlDNA transgenerational modi consequent nutrient-induced their and methylation that sion d metabolism polysacchar- genes and ide and of metabolism H3K9me3 mitochondrial expression glycolysis, cycle, including the Krebs histones pathways, metabolic in key the in changes involved by of and deposition H3K27me3 active an pro scriptomic cl ciiis ned uain nteHfagn re- gene Hnf4a the in mutations Indeed, activities. -cell nte td are u nfruit in out carried study Another ofr otsuiso h in the on studies most far, So , subjectto theCambridgeCore termsofuse,available at β cl ucin 23 functions -cell fi ( stesm ellrpoessadsgaln path- signalling and processes cellular same the es 79 ) pgntcmrsi h acetcgenome pancreatic the in marks Epigenetic . fi ( 85 eo h fsrn a hrceie by characterised was offspring the of le ) These . ( 83 ) 1 eeotlg n KEGG and ontology Gene . fi generation dnssrnte h conclu- the strengthen ndings fi ( ain ngn expression gene in cations 80 ) mardepeso of expression Impaired . fl ec fteparental the of uence ( 84 fl ) e eotdthat reported ies fi fi . ain ngene in cations al,tetran- the cally, ( 81 ( 84 β ( , 85 82 clsin -cells α ) ) ) Their . − High . . 2 ( fi 83 c- ) . Downloaded from Proceedings of the Nutrition Society n hoai modi chromatin degradation protein and splicing, ac- transcription, regulatory as gene numerous such in tivities nucleo- involved 200 be can than and longer tides are (lncRNA) RNA non-coding agtmN edn otasainlrpeso and/or repression degradation translational to messenger leading mRNA target to pair partially can 3 miRNA Each expression. gene of tors 21 typically are that n iisaeal orglt iN expression miRNA regulate to able are ( glucose Both lipids RNA, miRNA. of non-coding role disor- and of the on metabolic classes focused studies human different most metabolic the in Among mis-expressed of ders. been be have to maintenance RNA the shown non-coding in many the functions Indeed, vital homeostasis. including of control the organism, to contribute tively icvrdmlcls h iiascae N n the newly and of RNA classes (miRNA) microRNA Piwi-associated large and the two RNA molecules, also nucleolar discovered but small RNA, RNA, nuclear transfer small as are mole- such well-described that cules include RNA nucleotides 200 func- non-coding than and shorter Small length their characteristics. to tional according categories distinct in oi n ntedvlpeto aydsae,including diseases, many diabetes of and development pro- cancer the physiological in apop- of proliferation, and variety differentiation, tosis a cell in including involved cesses, are and cells omiti eoeitgiyb rvnigtransposon preventing by integrity movement contribute genome they maintain where germline to the in abundant ticularly h eeomn fipie eaoi phenotypes. metabolic impaired promote of and development disruptor endocrine the an as act can expression h fsrn,w ee h edrt eetrve by review recent a to reader Simons the and refer Rando which we offspring, through in the mechanisms diet the parental an of the transge- For description the disorders. depth in metabolic in factors to non-genetic susceptibility of nerational role the highlight fRAmlclsta r o rnltdt protein to thousands translated to not rise are giving that RNA sequences molecules ENCODE to RNA in sequences the transcribed of DNA elements most be functional that of all can revealed genome, identify results initiative human to the an 2003 project, the in Elements) changed launched DNA dramatically Indeed, of has (Encyclopedia cells view. the in this present RNA of were analysis all systematic high-throughput a new expression permitting of control techniques advent sequencing the protein The activities. for cellular in irrelevant of relic, the involved evolutionary recently, 3 considered Until the not genome. of protein our sequences % protein- driving constituting 2 pairs sequences 000 about 21 base DNA only about represent the expression but contains genes genome coding human The 24 i.2 Fig. ′ nrsae ein fmr hnoehnrddifferent hundred one than more of regions untraslated mato uret nnncdn N xrsinin expression RNA non-coding on nutrients of Impact hr sicesn vdneta o-oigRAac- RNA non-coding that evidence increasing is There vrl,teesuiscridoti aml and mammals in out carried studies these Overall, .Ide,mR3aadmR16 expressions miR-146a and miR-34a Indeed, ). ( 87 ( 91 , 88 , 92 ) ) hs o-oigRAtasrpsfall transcripts RNA non-coding These . iN r xrse nvrulyall virtually in expressed are MiRNA . . ( ( – fl 86 93 fi 3ncetd ogaemjrregula- major are long nucleotide 23 ecstemtblcpeoyein phenotype metabolic the uences ( ) cations – 89 . 95 ( , 96 90 ) hs o-oigsalRNA small non-coding These . ) ) β h el icvrdlong discovered newly The . .Piwi-associatedRNAarepar- -cells . IPaddress: ( 97 , 98 ) . , on · billion 2 04 Oct2021 at14:13:02 .Regazzi R. fl ies ino hrydfeetal xrse iN in miRNA expressed differentially thirty islets pancreatic of identi the to tion led hyperglycaemia char- chronic model by animal acterised an rats, Goto-Kakizaki from isolated erhtasivsiae h mato uret on nutrients of impact the investigated β teams search onrgltddrn compensatory during down-regulated u nMN el e oteidenti glucose the to by led regulated cells miRNA MIN6 in out i erto and secretion lin euaino hsmRApooe h rlfrto of tosis proliferation the promotes β miRNA this of regulation eeldta ato h hne lctdb h HFD the tion the by of elicited on sion changes impact the positive miRNA a of these have part of role that functional revealed the of analysis Detailed of entry the and pathway inter- oxidative in monocarboxylate glycolytic the pyruvate-lactate of of membrane out leakage mediates plasma the re- translational preventing the direct transporter, to of leads to miR-29 pression of found release increase insulin islets, The also glucose-induced rat impaired and in human was resulting in expression concentration miR-29a up-regulate glucose contributes Elevated miRNA to this exposure to that chronic insulin suggesting upon in high-glucose, observed and decrease rates protein the biosynthesis tract-binding prevent to polypirimidine able of was miR-133a of Blockade promoted miR-146a in rise the stress-induced whereas insu- glucose-induced secretion, defective sensitise lin cause to to found and apoptosis were to miR-34a of levels Altered cito atrMf n,cneunl,o h insulin the of consequently, and, gene MafA elevated tran- factor the of of scription presence expression the the in- induces in the concentrations that glucose occurring revealed miR-30d miRNA of these of crease one of function the enta srqie o nui RAstabilisation mRNA insulin for required is that pro- tract-binding tein polypirimidine miRNA of a mRNA miR-133a, con- the targeting of glucose induction high the to caused islets centrations human of exposure prolonged to aeadcue etrsria ntepeec of presence the in survival better stimuli causes apoptotic and rate ation of capacity secretory rs lolwrlvl fmiR-184 of levels lower also press r nrae nrsos opoogdepsr fthe of exposure prolonged to response β in increased are ob ietyrgltdb lcs.TeiltmRAex- miRNA islet The pro glucose. found by pression was regulated miR-335 directly be and to miR-212 miR-132, miR-130a, xrsino miR-338-3p of expression ini rgatrats pregnant in sion aoyguoecnetain ipae eue eesof levels reduced miR-375 displayed stimu- concentrations with glucose incubated latory lines cell insulin-secreting and cells ned iemitie naHDfrsvrlweeks several expression for miRNA HFD islet in a changes on major display maintained mice Indeed, tal et clsi nmlmdl.Goa pro Global models. animal in -cells clsadpoet hmfo amtt-nue apop- palmitate-induced from them protects and -cells cl ieMN n acetcilt opalmitate to islets pancreatic and MIN6 line -cell , subjectto theCambridgeCore termsofuse,available at eieteesuiscridout carried studies these Beside β ( . cl yfnto ne yegyamcconditions. hyperglycaemic under dysfunction -cell ( 109 ( 109 100 ) , , 110 nfc,u-euaino i-3 nrae the increases miR-132 of up-regulation fact, In . 101 ( 102 ) ) oevr F assadces nthe in decrease a causes HFD Moreover, . nanother In . ) β e euao fislnpouto,insu- production, insulin of regulator key a , fi cl asadi mrvdislnsecre- insulin improved in and mass -cell ei losrnl in strongly also is le β ( cl death -cell 108 ( 109 β ) cl proliferation -cell β h ee fa es oro them, of four least at of level The . ) ( clsdrn exercise during -cells h seso ieo F ex- HFD a on mice of islets The . 111 β ) cls nue ihrprolifer- higher a induces -cells, lcaeo hsmRAusing miRNA this of Blockade . β nvitro in ( clsadrsl nteexpan- the in result and -cells 109 ( 99 ) ) nte cencarried screen Another . ( iN hti also is that miRNA a , 100 ) ealdaayi of analysis Detailed . fl td,piayislet primary study, fi ( ecdb h diet. the by uenced nvitro in 103 aino sixty-one of cation β , cl asexpan- mass -cell 104 ( 109 fi ( 107 ) igo islets of ling , ncontrast, In . 110 eea re- several , ) . ) Down- . ( 109 β -cells , ( ( 110 fi 106 105 ( 99 ca- ) ) ) ) . . . . Downloaded from Proceedings of the Nutrition Society i-8 eutdi nices naotssbt nrat in both apoptosis in human increase and an in resulted and miR-210 miR-383 miR-203, of down-regulation them Indeed, betes. of on part to impact fact, contribute deleterious In a cells. have insulin-secreting bene of ex- are HFD miRNA activity to islet response in in insulin elicited changes pression and all obesity not of However, resistance. conditions mechanisms under the occurring of part mand are miRNA allow these that of level the in etnrcpo,respectively receptor, hne ntelvlo hs o-oigRAi likely the is of RNA part non-coding least these at of known, level the yet in not of changes are most miRNA of expression these the regulating mechanisms precise ou nhmncrmsm 43 aeas been also secre- insulin have impaired with and 14q32 associated tion chromosome are and human reported on locus miR ae oehr these together, Taken ino eea iN a lomodi also was ob miRNA several of sion beo euseigti o-oigRArslsin results RNA non-coding this cap- sequestering β construct viral of a able with or oligonucleotides antisense cl rlfrto both proliferation -cell / lee xrsini sesfo ibtcdnr of donors diabetic from islets in expression Altered ob ‐ a miR 7a, and β ‐ db eldysfunction cell β β clst dp oters nteislnde- insulin the in rise the to adapt to -cells / ‐ β db -cells 8 n lse fmRAi nimprinted an in miRNA of cluster a and 187 cl alr n otedvlpeto dia- of development the to and failure -cell bs ieta r de are that mice obese ( 109 . ) . ellrpoess q unn uloiebnigpoenq lt glucose Glut, q; more or protein two in nucleotide-binding implicated are guanine square a blue Gq, have a red transporter. miR-184, in effect processes. with those positive miR-146a, marked while a cellular survival, MiRNA miR-132, have and green effect. proliferation miR-34a, secretion, in negative the and MiRNA a of synthesis regulates or miR-383. insulin expression Glucose and (palmitate on acids. miR-338-3p acids the Fatty miR-210, fatty regulate miR-375. miR-203, or (up and down-regulated diet) glucose miR-133a or to miR-30d, high-fat up- miR-29a, exposure is of miRNA upon expression several arrows) of down Expression and levels. miRNA the altering 2. Fig. fi dnssgetta h changes the that suggest ndings ( 113 nvitro in ( . IPaddress: 104 – Clu nie lcs n at cd oiyfnto n asof mass and function modify acids fatty and Glucose online) (Colour 115 , β 109 cl ucin n may and functions -cell ) oevr h expres- the Moreover, . , 116 , and 117 fi fi ) mato arntinson macronutrients of Impact di h sesof islets the in ed cientinleptinor lhuhthe Although . nvivo in fi ilfrthe for cial , on ( 111 04 Oct2021 at14:13:02 , 112 ) . euaigislngn xrsina ela insulin as well biosyn- insulin as thesis inhibiting by down- expression and by genes gene production exocytosis-related a insulin insulin modulate on of to regulating act directly and instead to cells demonstrated islet been HFD have extracts a nidin procya- seed Grape pancreas. fed endocrine the miRNAwithin are pups pre- be the diet. to carbohydrate-rich and if weaning at vented occurring shift nutritional the of maturation the xoe ogaese rcaii xrcsfr4 d 45 for extracts signi procyanidin seed a grape revealed to exposed eea iN eefudt otiueas opost- to also mature of contribute level to the found natal in were changes miRNA Recently, several diet. low-protein mothers of a progeny fed the in observed typically reduced function the and to contributing islets likely the rats, fetuses. in adult augmented the of remained in miRNA this miR-375 of level of The overexpression the in resulted asbr rmmtesfdalwpoende uigpreg- during diet low-protein nancy a fed mothers from of born rats concentrations animals. obese plasma these elevated in observed the NEFA and by TAG caused be to lgntinscnas euaeteepeso of expression the regulate also can Oligonutrients h ee fsvrlpnrai iN sas lee in altered also is miRNA pancreatic several of level The , subjectto theCambridgeCore termsofuse,available at β cl ucin 25 functions -cell ( β 120 ( 118 cl auainadt h custo fafully a of acquisition the to and maturation -cell β ) ) h iN xrsinpro expression miRNA The . cl phenotype -cell npriua,peaa rti restriction protein prenatal particular, In . fi atdw-euaino miR-1249, of down-regulation cant β clswr hw ob rvnby driven be to shown were -cells ( 119 β clsby -cells ) h iN hne and changes miRNA The . fi eo a islets rat of le β cl mass -cell Downloaded from Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 26 oosadotnmpigt eoi ein enriched T2D regions genes genomic protein-coding hyperglycaemic to islet of mapping in islets often and in donors dysregulated are that iden- the to ti led colleagues and Ferrer by studies Pioneering ainlSineFudto,b h Foundation Swiss the the by by supported Foundation, is Science authors the National of Research these treat proportions. and epidemic reaching prevent are that to disorders approaches metabolic therapeutic new of nutri- dietary by in elicited ents events Therefore, the mellitus. of understanding diabetes better of mani- a forms the different and of perturbations festation metabolic causing on dietary functions, consequences deleterious of have however, excess adult- can, in hood The or windows developmental demand. critical within insulin nutrients increased of tions the allow non-coding that and RNA protein-coding of expression the in changes inside signals β generating of capable all are Carbohydrates, proteins and expenditure. lipids energy governs and that metabolism network regulatory body complex a of core the at are Pancreatic eaoi disorders metabolic transgenerationalof transmission to contribute cells germ fromin progeny adult of changes epigenetic of sperm that indicating mothers, hyperglycaemic the expression in expres- altered H19 the also and were Igf2 reduces sions Langerhans. of and islets the gene in the Igf2/H19 the alters of hyperglycaemia methylation intrauterine that unveiled study omgyamco yegyamcsau fthe of status hyperglycaemic the patients or to according with differing normoglycaemic associated were genes SNP T2D-associated lncRNA multiple known 493 cells, the islet and in coding-genes detected the and Among expression use. gene regulate exon to suggested lncRNA including samples variants many genetic islet numerous unveiled pancreatic recently human has eighty-nine of screening tcilt ymdfigteepeso fagopof group a of expression the modifying miRNA by islets pancre- atic on sug- bioactivity their these kinases, exert procyanidins signal-regulated that extracellular gesting of protein and as B targets such pathway kinase insulin-signalling predicted the com- for of coding ponents the genes of enrichment an of revealed miRNA, analysis Gene ontology miR-3544. up-regulation and miR-30c-1* miR-483, rnmsino pgntccagsi emclsi a in mellitus cells diabetes germ transgenerational gestational in the of changes model in mouse epigenetic involved of been transmission has locus Igf2 te hog ra pcrmo mechanisms of spectrum broad a activ- through genome regulate ities to suspected strongly are and RNA clseiiigimdaeislnrlaeo engendering or release insulin immediate eliciting -cells fi h mrne nRAH9ta sgnrtdfo the from generated is that H19 lncRNA imprinted The nRAhv mre sanvlcaso functional of class novel a as emerged have LncRNA aino ueosconserved numerous of cation β clswl eo aaon motnefrtedesign the for importance paramount of be will -cells ( ( 124 120 β ) ) . clsadisln hi ansceoyproduct, secretory main their insulin, and -cells . . ( β iaca Support Financial 125 clst dp hi ciiist condi- to activities their adapt to -cells ) . Conclusion . IPaddress: ( 123 ) eyeeatgenetic elegant very A . β -cell-speci fi , on lncRNA c ( ( 125 98 04 Oct2021 at14:13:02 , 121 ) .This β , .Regazzi R. 122 -cell ) . 3 esom ,Cua ,Afs F Arfuso V, Cruzat P, Newsholme 13. 2 rnk ,MtcisyF aiauS (2013) SR Madiraju & FM Matschinsky M, re- fuel Prentki beta-cell: 12. islet The (2008) M Prentki & CJ Nolan 11. and homeostasis glucose of Physiology (2012) E Ferrannini 10. 7 hrn 21) ri lcs esn n erlregula- neural and sensing glucose Brain (2011). B Thorens 17. and sensing nutrient Intestinal (2015) H Daniel & T Zietek 16. 4 io ,Rve A oa JC Jonas MA, Ravier P, Gilon 14. 5 eeveP,Pois ,She AJ Scheen G, Paolisso PJ, Lefebvre 15. .R,A .T n .J erhdteltrtr n wrote and literature the searched J. manuscript. C. and the T. R. A. R., R. None. by and Diabète. 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