Salvador Anglada, CEO of Telefónica

Graduated in Industrial Engineering in Madrid, holds MBA from Instituto de Empresa and PDG from IESE Madrid . Before joining Telefónica he held a number of executive positions in Dell Computer and Dow Jones Markets. In 2002 he joined Telefónica Group as Sales and Marketing Director for corporate clients in Telefónica de España. Since June 2005 he has been Chief Executive Officer and Statutory Representative of Eurotel, and member of the Board of Directors of ČESKÝ TELECOM (the legal predecessor of Telefónica ) before being appointed Vice-President of the Consumer Division in Telefónica O2 Czech Republic. Since June 2007 he is a Chief Executive Director of Telefónica O2 Czech Republic.

Jaime Smith Basterra, CEO of O2 Germany

Graduated in Economics and Business Administration (BA, Universidad Comercial Deusto, ) and holds an MA in Finance and Investments (Exeter University, UK). Before joining Telefónica, he worked in the .nancial sector for a Spanish brokerage .rm and for Banesto (BSCH Group) as Director for Global Equities in its fund management division. He joined the Telefónica Group in 1999 as Director for Financial Planning at Telefónica Internacional and was promoted to Chief Financial Of.cer in December of the same year. In October 2000, he was appointed Controller of the Telefónica Group. From December 2002 he was the Chief Financial Of.cer of Telefónica de Espa ńa. Since June 2005 ha was a Chief Executive

Telefónica O2 Czech Republic, a.s., Za Brumlovkou 266/2, 140 22 Praha 4 – Michle, zapsaná v Obchodním rejst říku M ěstského soudu v Praze, oddíl B, vložka 2322 IČ 60193336, DI Č CZ60193336

Of.cer and Chairman of the Board of Directors of ČESKÝ TELECOM – now Telefónica O2 Czech Republic. He also serves as member of the Board of Directors of Telefónica O2 Europe plc. In June 2007 he became CEO of O2 Germany.

Telefónica O2 Czech Republic, a.s., Za Brumlovkou 266/2, 140 22 Praha 4 – Michle, zapsaná v Obchodním rejst říku M ěstského soudu v Praze, oddíl B, vložka 2322 IČ 60193336, DI Č CZ60193336