"'f I f " 4

m a m > A r » Auucnrr w , itA ' T M W otUn t JHaitrlfeHter Coming Corato OTOTgaDgirllat I af V . a. wmihai ' vkr m * m m a * e ft’ EUaabath Nortoo. fUraaarty Ahaam took Ma syaa oC naymaaO^UMna W m Snrpriie P*rty - tha ansnar of M.i« atraat thla town, aa ^ tlra program araa aad kia oar atrusk n 5*65 Tow n tal win hav« a mlnlatratrlx o f tha aataU lag a eartoon. mualeal pdla. mmOar tn m 11 ■. aa. Em b child mother, Mra. NMtto Brown Norton, O n Anniversary langth taatara» waa ahoold hrlnc hto or her own lunch. fuU-la patrnlaaaa Frl»a..Aaa h« hVhlUlite ao that baa ordered an auettan of the oca* aaaUgatad. No' inJSriao Chy of ypiego C k m m oc a urnm tanU o f Mra. N o i ^ ’a laU h o ^ hpt doi^ BUT '»• roatad. A aurprlaa Wrthdaar pnrtar w parted and no arraat wha j« tlO a lM iM tomorrow from 10:60 a. m, i« »a gtaan yaatardny far Mra. Oiartat A uto Strikes P ole; pramiaaa, IBS Baaarty road, Wath- MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY, AUGUST a llid i W - of 6S OlBtaB atraat. and (TWBLVS PAQIS) 10,1949 ‘ maagk U ^ U r. and M n. Frad Bmora. o f araflald. Mlaa Norton raoantly ra- M guaata from ttalonalUa VOL. Lxvm u NO. M l « N o O ne Is H urt Wouid You Raihor Orho A tolKvOw Ma ««< • SU Oaatar atzoat, hare raturnad tumad from a trip to tha Hawai­ RoekaUla and toam attandad. PRESdllFTlONS {torn a aacattca trip thirt took ian lalanda. . Hoataaaia for Uia ,w w N k W 1 9 4 9 P O N T I A Q thorn to Datrott, Cldcaco* thdtaa- Mrn Carl Pataraon. aistar-ln-Uw ■ptrila aad Waahlaftoa, D. C. . Anthony. F. Aanartl, St. o f' IM **Sm^ W ith S afetgr** Tninum Greeted at Legton Qonvention Mh . Mafeart M* To m t o f CM* A board moating of tho Owm- o f Mra. HIH: Mrs. ChartaaJUU. Waotlaad atraot. Hartford, waa REASONABLY EABLY DEUVERIES Inada Muaie Chib arffl ba hold to­ mothar-in-Uw; and Mlaa Itoiy F» Parade of Legion Vaughan Admits Aid Mil alNai iffll taaa oluutC* f t tba dririag waat on Woedhrt^e Arthnr Dnic StofW m!t tiS twatfth C a n to r Thaaptana m e a U ^ morrow ayaning at eight o^dock, Uea. aU arho hMpad aaraa tha bufM at 6:10 A to. yaatarday w hmVm W rrfl 9R WITHOUT TRAPES ■^y i. ■■ ■- - r- ■■ ^ at tha home o f Mra. Harry M. Buppar which waa hold o irt-«- r^SlSM Utiy OUn of Om board win moot toaight at S:S0 Oolorad UghU dacoratad tpa foot aooalarater atuck. B y ahtng SS oomty TJI.CA.. which win In Center Church Paii4i Houao. Fraaer, 17. Spring atraat fe« M i IM t with tunebcea BALCH PONTIAC, Inc Is Chief Activity • ■theca* ______John raftowakL racraatica a - ___ OPEN ITINOIGS- ______From Business Men . rMtor for Maachaatar. wlU lyaak Three Cars Crash to Rotarlana tomorrow nlfht m IH CDinR mBR MANCRW** “Itacroatlaa Problama.’* T h a O n L ocal Street T o t O n Atwari Da Bsttar At Bstahls MORIARTY maatlnf wUI ha hald.at ••M »t Of Session Today tha Manchaatar Country club. Mr. Three automobllaa pOad up Sat­ On Campaign Funds brothers FantowuM la aarrlBf hla aoooad year In aupervlalnf local racraa* urday afternoon on Middle tumpika Annual Nardi to VvV COAL IS tional actlvlUaa. E ast whan an unldantlSad wonun motorist atoppad to maka a laft Unttt Midnight With|NeW6 TldoltS ■ ' v General Ackoowledges Mra. AUca McCaranagh, o f 60 turn Into a gaaollna atatkm. Tha Plants New Duty After Hurrieans HomMtead atreat, waa dlacharg^ Brat car foUoaring tha woman step­ 0>ld Fade Camior ^t60 Drum i ^ . Bngle C a D a d 'F roa i (/(P) W b a a Blocks Dimstor Session He Collected Money in 6001^ from Hartford hoapital laat Sat* p e In tlma, tha aaoond oar fol­ Corfia, 80,000 Pa* urday after undergoing aurgery. lowing tha first car atoppad in Useful Tool Jackaonville, Fla., Aug. SO— 1946 from Some of .COAL I Uma. and tha third car feUowtng radm Passing in Re­ A ooUdetor of latoimtl r«va» '(/r>—Red Croat officials called Thofic He Helped in tha aacond car atoppad not in National e-evoe for Qoprflo has rsoslvad o ff today’s achedulad dlsastar m — Jana L> England o f Eaat Uma—and puahad tha- saoend car view Before Million Unuaw, all by talsphma, Canter atraat araa a brldeamatd at O f Science institute. Dealings With Govern­ Into tha first car. Tha woman’a alnsa )w Slad ault laat waak tm t Too many workcra ware on tha Tumar-Parkar areddlng, Sat­ automoblla ascapad damage. PreMure ment; Race Tra^ urday aftamooB la St John'a dlaaater duty after the hur­ Eplacopal cbuch. Waat Hartford. According to tha report of FhibMphi.. A»,. j(M«|S±Sr?. parada. Bnaala to aaM oO Vagaalavla . . . Bowles to Check getting a permit for scarce butM- Box Houra bafoiu tha mar^ hMaa at. P stofa baaiUea la Vatteaa a t y eantly-davalopto techniques am- CSacboslovab govammant an- bng»-l 8Har, ployl^ such pirate opaato up the, ftg materlaft for the TanfCnai In S disoriMncy t i m . F k f. of 6S arowda gatbarad along tha flvo- la riBiaaaetatid aftar yaung Ital. Citizen Draft nouncto today tt had crushto an (Calif) raoe track. f a r t mlla routs. Iga ma shorn bright­ tan huria aatf 170 fast to hla daath poasiblUty of studying certain aa- Tile A1 New from w aft around tanar dotna. pecte of growth and devalopmaat •anti - Communist underground And, Vaughan aald, to "pthb- ly la tha clBUdlaaa aky. State’s Finances ably" got 63,000 from John Mar- .V, 8. MUtary and Naval units I Fiaafi aaarehtag pamsB, aidad in a manner now Impoaslblo or dif- movement Just as the group waa Reservists Called to Col­ flerit. {Mreparing to begin an armed rev­ agon, Washington man-about- '-.A V . lad off tha amrek dirsette bahlnd by rireUng alrpIUA antar ninad town and one Uma amploya eg a Um Lagtoa’a parada maianala U m I wlldamasa naar CSratmik. Ma., Hartford, Aug. so—(F)—Q ov-^request It Shows both tha tsU Plante provide a better means olution. ors; To Mobilize All mated and actual axpensas aad than animals for studying cartaft Chicago perfume company. '* ’ fa craek llS-maa Army band movad I whara Beaton unlvaralty Prof. Cart emer E^las wlU check the ac­ The offlcial Press bureau linked Vaughan, tha praaldant’s aaOlF Uka a pturiaion asaclilna up Broad E. Purinton haa barn laat sinoa Men of 19 to 50 curacy of tha Btata’a fiscal oom- tax yield during the McConaugfay- subtle changaa ft tlasua develop­ paas when ha ratuhM from hla Shannen administrations. ment that may occur as a result of the underground members with "a tary aide, waa ft tha wttaaaa atraat to a ty HaU and tha ravtew- Saturday . . . Strika against ana certain waatem Imperialistic pow­ chair of tbs Senate InvaatigattOM ing ataad. *1**^ Quaana county’s btggaat b iy nautical vacation later this weak. From this report it ft utocr- various ftfluancas that can to B o lk t in ! er" but did not identify the west­ subcommittee. Paratroopan. WACS, Mari"—, U»aa antara aiztlL.day with haad of Awaiting hla ftspaction. It was stoto. Oovamor Bowles wiU' be brought to bear by rasaarchers ha ern power. • union predicting lt_wfll m d avR La Paa. BeU^ia, *Aug. 80— learned today,'is a report of tha able to find out how accurate Mr. Dealer Aaytbtaig laapeofav lU ila n n of i^tra Sp^iall •aid* Secret Trial Held Flatly aad rajMatedly. to de­ aNaddf taaiMiy Aa. 4 Moa. (F)—Two rabal plaara today state's flacal operations during Wetr'a budget estimates have Hope for Now laalght Details of tha purported plot SX* SSrSSyi.;.-' dreppad nMvtar atolls on. tho been during that period. 'And it ft the hop# of various nied tbat there waa aayttdag fta* nawBiaa la haady R ^ . 50c Slight Irregnlvs Dunde® Solid Cplop the taro-year f l s ^ period arhich ware announced after a proper ft anything ba did t e any iabM^dtdi.lodMta( SUBURBAN The mamad colors of tha ddlnouth eoDaga honor s ti^ t last Ln n a Army airport aad a ended June SO. It win show, ft effect whether ftveatigators carrying on auch M ardi may ba raopanad at naxt Boarhy milltsry collage. T to the state's flacal compass art two trial at which aft {wrsona buaftese man or tbat to aver t- i. fmuw.lmaawd Hand and Face Siae atataa, tho Diatilat o f OolumMa, Frepatad hy.WaIr atudlei,” ha added, "that they wUl condemned to death, 10 given Ufe received any fee, gift or favqg to Alaaka. Ouaia, PiMrto Itlco, tha I aaarion o f grand Jury, aaya Naw ravaiutloalata need UMriar Fraparad by Budget Director lead to near Insight Into tha parti­ IradMHriaNd The An Mstal Rampshlrs govamor. impriaonment and an unspecified return for hft old. Vbgla lalanda and tha Panama ahaUa hacanae they have s o . Robert H. Weir at the govemor’a (ConMaato an Paga Two) cular factora Involved ft produc­ number leaser prison terms. Tan Top jofflctala of OrganlnUon for to mba, a gaveramaat apakea- Senator MeCtethy (R-Wta) aaM Early Dattrsry canal Zana ware oarriad by tha ing tha wild growth of cells known of thoae triad were acquitted. at one point be felt tbat "Vaughan battalion o f mtutary poUconMa. European Eoonomle Cooperation man aaM. The atolls dM aa as cancer.’* TURKISH aratk out new plan for divWaa af The announcement termed mem­ did not |>eraonaUy profit flnanrtal- •TTour -PlyBiouth Dealer” Bafsau tha parada anda, abeatl damage, hp added. The planaa, Dr. Wetmore made the atate- bers of the group spies and ter- ly” from his aaalatanca to midnight, more than 80,000 par- Marahnll plaa fundp wUeh would DO-6 tiaaapufa, flew aver meate ft aa fttervtow on tka eve CHILDREN'S glva Britain 6680,000,000 In 1640- New Suit Lets Men rorlste aad aald they were triad m who have figured ft tbe inquiry. a Freezer I ISO drum aaM bugis Ln Fas Harif, but ware driven of a aympoelxun to be held at chargaa of high treason aad Fry­ 80.. Itapraaantativaa of labor and ffl by aall-alreraft Bra. But he demanded that Vau|^ua TOWELS oorpa wHl have filed past tha ra-, .u .. , Connecticut OoUege For Women ing on bMalf ef the waatem pow- produce for the commlttea Urn vlewtng atand. . i T '“ ...... Brown-Bequpre, Inc. I Ca Pus. Ballria, Aug. S0-(Fl— Lite in Raging Fire **wlth which thay had hem jnlnamaa of all panooa from whom Locker Bags 59^ * Marahara tram Mlnnaaota eontaet' 1 racalvad money for csftpalgB M BI8SELL STREET PH O N E 7111 Lunch Box rigtomg’’dar oufVivsl -agu]nri''a The Harvard aclaatist to presi­ Pkg. at N plat ataa hnga. f nB wiiil HMwy wm Mma on The govammant clalmto Ks pe- puipoaea, the exact amousta and eprmiHng rlghUai ravolutton. dent of the society—the only id- Uca'had played a cat-and-mouae the dftptoiUon of tha monagr. 1 4 .. Far tha first ttsM atnoa ^tha b fts^ gasolfta of wraekto ontific organisation ft the worm Complata wttk Ij pint bottle. , ’ I lari Kovamhar, whi i la in AnMri- govumoant today began a draft gams with the allagto oonsfUra- Vaughan had taatiflad tbat ba 3 9 ' flan dapsrtisanta proud a f rirplaaea tpoetiftally dodicated to tho study tors and waited until they were aU RadVywalght aolid color with aatf cblor border In Duadaa guM^T ca’s mllla and farioalaa are turn- of aq ritlaana The suit withatenda 6.000 t thought tbe Maragon and RaBa Locker Wrap$ 2*79- I'uii thair StatSS. hUtory, displayad U n r Yofk, Aug. 90—m — Toil of growth, both normal and ab- aat to begin the revolution before contributions had gone to tbo 6(la- towel. Buy plenty »t low price. Colors: Bids, malar, gray, gwan, thair favorite ayaabola aag ahmah |lng faster. Reservists, 60 to 64, ware called can walk Into raging firs, with greaa FabranhaU for up to throo noimaL ^ SfafC G reen . moving ta to nab them. aouri TlemocraUc cam{>algiL roar and fiamlngo. from Nevada; Xowa cam : a Santa under orders ftom (3ov. Thomas to the colors In La Paa aad orders flames Uekftg your antlra body, minutes Than you oomo out to More than 100 American and One of thoae aentencfd to death IB. Dewey, Waatchaatar county for mobUlaatlOR have bean Issued cool doom, but only tto suit aooda Heey Oidera aaeBaa Stampa Given Oaus ftom Santa Ctoua. Ind4 and live there comfortably for European acientiste are here for waa Joaaf Chaivat,.idmtlflto by Ho was still being quaatftnad HALE'S SELF SERVE •Ysbri yaUif* and haautifiil tWgtrta e oflcialB go ta work oa proto of to aU man 16 to 00. mom than two ariautea ft a naw cooling. four day dftcuasloa which Wet- With.Caah Skies I riot which hroko im eoncart by friends as chief of security pdUea about tbft whan CSialrmaa w a y The Original In New England tIm JW.HAL4 CORI from MlaaUalppt and Tanaa aoeB-|not which They .will to called upan to fight snow-white ault out of the Aara Tho snowy suit has 18 layon. more said would.embrace, qoMng hare during tha first rapuMlc. I N ap a fiiagar Faal yehaaon . . . tho revolt against tbs middla-of- which pllo up to a thicknam of (D-NC) ordered a racasa uattt S MANCHSSTBli COMM* Reg. 25c,-Slight Irregnlart in Solid Color haraiaa. Medical laboratory. others such aubjeots as: Bovkovac flalmri Leadav Laclonnsliaa boast there’s tharu’s na|n o Left-wing labor laadara, faring tha-road'govanunant which broke about half aa inch. Study *Tfaeleoprotolns” This suit, the first aad only one Tha go'vemmant said tha poUt- (CMtIanad aa Paga BIgM) and HEALTH MARKET .W ^^l^anywlM ra ria. la tha | C ^ oriT to'irc2 to.?2 2 ^ out la scattered uaetiMw Saturday Oater Layara Fiber Oftaa 1. The rols ft growth, of body aad now oontrolo all BoHvla'a large yet made, waa shown to tha Aero loal la a ^ of the planned putech - CANNON ■ Medical association today by tha Tha first two outer layers am chemicals known aa “nucleopro- waa Dr. Jarosftv Borkovac, Idan- R snatlad downtown traffic to ritlsa except La Paa. fltor-gUas which ft white aa driv- tolzui'*: MONDAY— ^TUESDAY— WEDNESDAY S abala atrangly Batraached laboratory's doctora from Wright These are complex aubatancea tiflto aa tto brethar of a former TUESDAY SPECIAI^ Oraatari govamaMOt efforU field, O. chief of the Prague poUca’s crim­ * Tllopm^ to tha oelo etflrial I OfficC aa rags Twa) that occur ft tha "nuclei’’ or come inal Investigation section. Hft iiy fC Green Staaipa Given With Caah Sales Daglon activity on this aacond day! VFAAAVX; far have been directed against i t o purpoaa ft raacua work ft of an body ceUs. It ft bellevto 0 ^ FACE CLOTHS of tha oonvaation. Oochatomba. a city o f 90,000 they am a main constituent of brother waa ousted when the Com­ Flashes! Three Day SpeeUii Ratlrad Oaa. Uiriua D. Clay, aauthaaat o f La Pax, whara tha munists took over the government genee”—the tiny carrier of hered­ f t February, 1848. former commander of V. S. mili­ Vault Cracked ratola are strongly sntranebad. itary traits ft the body. It la ba- (Lata I laftoaCP) WW) L b s. Freshman Senator Gags Informed sources said those sen­ SUGAR 10 83c tary foreas In Oanaany. apeka lari Air Fores planm bombed the llevto, too— .that nucleoprotelns tenced Included Army and |K>Uea SWIFT'S ICE CREAM n lA t Ha urged Um U. 8. to lead town yaatarday for tha third 5 for 95? ^ Two GunmeiifTie lUd are cloaa to being the very *Tuy- paraonnel, as wall as clviUans. DBOMEDABT tha fight agrinri the “sggrassor," time, but raporto said ttoy did Leaders of Both Parties itone” of Ufe—that ft. aubatancea The trial of the group waa re­ OBera Araw AM Baal valua In haavywalght solid color Cajuion adth aolf aSlor which to never aaaMd. Uttia damaga Tha raids tarrorlsad that am right at the barrier Waahlagtoa, Ang. 66 — (PMu R e g . 29c Reg. 3 9 c ' novslty bordara. Peach, malM, flamingd and grasn. Take Watchmen *in ported to have lasted aavaral Clay addraaaad about 700 par- tha inhabitanta, howavar, and ft' weeks ft the Prague State court. Saaator Ceamally (D-Texaa) pae- GINGER BREAD French Style Chicago*® City Hall 90—m — AaUtical debate. Withers pounded (Oaattanto as Pago Two) The government aSid many of the poaad a c awpromlaa today to a Regular-Pak (Oaatinuad an Phga BigM) (Oaatlauad an Paga Two) Washington, Aug. freshman1 lawmaker lawn got to preside the rostrum and ordered: accused pleaded guilty. bM for "overwhelinlag approvaT* P k g. OiieagOk Aug. 60 — — Two over the Senate yesterday and Just Aak Quaattoaa A "large group” of conspirators o f PreaMant Tramaa’a 61,160,()86,- MIX 25c B u lk Beautiful Solid Color j m ^UARANniD B a lk O o pfTo # __ I gunman tevadad Um righth floor promptly pxoceaded to shut up "Don’t make q>eechea. Just was aald to have bean Involved 000 arma aM {trograni. Admiaft- Economy Drive ft tbs abortive putsch. tfatian’B forelgB polley leader to BETTP caOCKSg P a ck a ge S e s s io n l ir ln g aty Ran Orica of tha^Cnnlripal both the Democratic aad Repub­ ask questions'* P a ck a ge Haww Fights lican Senate leaders Wherry looked startled. Date Not Dtocleeed the Senate efiered the plaa 4a Um IN WRITING! “ Dream 'House** \ art W7 . _ I tmad two aratchman and smashed There's a Senate rule, aome- A little later Democratic Load- Date of the attempted coup waa eomMned Foreiga BelatleM and Phone ns today for a aciantific , Meets Defeat CHOCOLATE or WHITE 6 Ddidons Flavor) S DcNdoaa Fhyoca r o r VeteransFE»»»«»- Picket Order *tinMa observed,'* that a senator er Lucas (Dl). tried to break in not disclosed, but it waa reported Armed Senrleea eonMaltteea which afflciancy tast of your oil I Tha gunman spent mors than can yield the floor only for a Again Withers banged for afleace. tbe group chose a tank* holiday are eoasMerftg the arme bOL Ha bumsr, raaardleaa o f its maka thraa houra ft iha orica, thraa question. Senator Withers (D-Ky) Lucas looked startled. •when the working people were at wItkheM details ot the prepoaaL or type. Wa arill datarmina tha CAKE MIX 33e TOWEL r * \ ^ L a>i. Hoon above the poltca commlaatcm. '•Now," sa id . Wlthera, "W e’re Badgers Actoally Show home and unable te mount coun­ however^ natll a- group of Bapah foM aaringa a Timken Silent forced It yesterday when he tv. A , H , raem oeF ram isjar’s Oripa whara a poUctman arai Federal' Court Decides took over the gavel from Vice going to follow the rules. We'ra ter-action." Ucan aim Democratle ceniuen AntomatieWaU-Flama Burner Good-Sized Majority The announcement eald the win gira you—and era’ll guar- From Exhanation President Barkley. not going to have speaking back from both eommlttoeo have had Government Opera and forth ' group waa attempting to "prepare ohaaoe to etndy It. n tm thoM aavings in writing BLEACHING e n s e m b l e O. O. P. Floor Leader Wherry But Not Two-Thirds an armed conspiracy aimed at * tion of Docks Lega (Neb) attempted to make some There were no more intemip- * * * n R T H U R w.y to R «*p a -l!rX “'.S3»‘1X'SXS!: ttous Win Approve Boaaftg Unite towel atiUs comments during an angry po- WATER (Contents) GaL 25c ~ Made for us by one of the moat fi jPnlln.Police aatd■ ■ thara araa lam than Waahftgton. Aug. 80—(F)— (OoBtftued oa Page Two) Waahftgton. Ang. 60—

-a«i- ^ w 'i . 2 5 % la tha eoantry. Indianapolis, Aug. 60—(F)—The $800 ft caah ft tha vault, as wan Honolulu Aug. 80 — (F) — The Senate economy drive which had ator MoblaboB (D-Cona) announc­ hut . anoampmant of tha Grand 1 as court records. Early today po- Territory of Hawril today planned built up ateam for months appear­ ed today the HonaiBg aad Honw • d i s y f r NO. 1 Army o f the ItapubUc got tha to r i j Uea . had not tlatarmtaad what had to raaftt picketing of its dock op­ ed bogged down at last today fol­ Reg. gl.19, of ana OvU war* veteran laat bam stolaa. erations to striking CIO Icng- Contends Pilot Forced Her Plaaaoe admftfttration wUI ap­ lowing final Senate action- long Giinese Reds prove coMtrncUoa of 760 low-rent ' Bath Siae ■ a a a • night, but not for long. I Tha aafscrackara did not at­ aboramen. Both government ateva- overdue—on billlona of dollars ft POTATOES 10 u. 43c Cbutaa L. Chappal, 103-yaar-old tempt to break Into four othar dorftg and {ticketing against It boaaftg unite at BrMgepert and Into Plane Later Wrecked appropriations, ddO at Hartford, O mb. McM atoa 0VG>& lfW 99U aarior riea conunandar from Loag aafSa ft the caahlar’a c u e whara, were upheld by a Federal court in the final voting yeeterday on Take Jucheng ELBEBTA'ar WHITB polios said,' thara normally ft ba- U. *. District Judgsa J. Traxii BMde the aataeuBoeiiMat a lt e osn- R eg. 5 9 e , > B aaft, Calif., eoUapaad on tha way 614,600,000,000 defense money ' 4 HUDSON to a recaption ft tha oSlea of Oov. I twaan $10,000 and $60,000. McLaughlin and Dritort B. Mate- ferencee with John Tbyte Hgan, HUDSON HUDSON gar .announced tha doubla-bitted Philadelphia, Aug. 60—(F)—Aa The Naw York duman charges bill, economy advocatea actually Federal bouslag adndnfttndar. Mn>. nw «MM TIA WwMIwm L b s. 29c .Gueat Sise . Henry F. Schriekar. TalapiMnIng FiMaxt Uaad Naw Tock woman has fUto ault har former, husbaim and Pools abowad a good-aftad majority. CoDUDuniat Threat to PEACHES ■ f‘. ■} ■ a I|a eras ravlvad shortly aftar to The gunmen gained antranca to dacftlcn yaatarday. They aaia fha The- actleu, the aeaator aaM, wSI territorial govanunant could con- for 61,600.000 damages from a pi­ ” oom|>aUad.’ CoSrCto and physical' Pushing an amendment which to tokea today. The prajaeto am was taken to a hoapital room ft I the Orica under tha pretext of tala- lot aha elalma "physically fOroto" ly foroad" bar to board tha plans would have required President Canton Mounts; Move tto oanvantlon hbCal. riit ha wfa phonftg a Jt)dga ta sat haU, Watch- tftua ft tha stevedoring business the Orat to be approved to Oannsa- R eg. 2 9 c, which it began after arising the har to board hft plana shortly be- A few mftutea after taking - off, Triiman to cut government ex' ticut ander tbe boaaftg act taoant- HEALTH MARKET tokto ta the Vatsrana adraftfttiw- nun Jamaa J. White, M. taM po> fiom It crashed at Drsent, Maas, tha ftana cranked Into soma trass {tenses five to 10 par cant, they To Cut Railroad Seen GnapcMifeeaf ItoffrerfOT Face Cloth . a a a a a a a tlon benital tors. . Uoa. TlMy tied up Whlta aad lalanda’ atm a-pluggto docks un­ ly passed by Osngraaa. taped hla mouth. Later, as they der an anMrgancy law paasto by Jute 11. 1648. The plaftttff oentenda that Bummonad a total ' o f 46 'votea Don't serve "tho aame old thing”— try acunothhig now. B aavt-F w ni Oaad ths Hawalfth Lagftlatura August 'Tha ault, fUto by Gloria Garat- Pools triad to taka off without agaftat only 36 for the op{>osltlon. Cftnton, Aug. 80—UF— The I ■xtra haavywalght aoUd colcr that wUl glva yaars of w«ar. Dr. J. W. ThoBB, VA physlrian trM to driU through the ftault Communist threat to Chuiton | Fire Oauaee $4,600,008 Loaa Let us nuUce for yoa: 6/ file BaudMom^ PottMuful door, WatchnM|i WUUam Kana, 08, 8. M man ft U. 8. Dfttrlct court yester­ warfting up tha minors and with­ Not SaBIcftat Votes Saa Fraaciaea, Aug. 68 —Mlfn for '49**. s|t tour later. ft the eenatructlon Uft fide of the oqiift. wtts ef Naw Tork, Foote and sav. assumto name and that Pools aad 1660 eongreaslenal campalgna, ft alftt supply Unas. ’ Cbaptol ooUapaad f t a Had v a t e af STEAKS .tK 79c v to lt U a|m OTaBanges Law eral others dseldto at a "drinking har an-busband hbrito pa*to nf which It te expected te to a i RMoita Now Rad Drtva Oroaa. station wpgon as hs' eras Tha ILWU had ehallangad the Mata Ciet the flavor of the Ham and the moist tendemem Buy HERE. Our loVor ovdrhoad and lowor oporating eogta FLANNELETTE The robbery waa nipottad to po- party*” to fly to Naw Totk for tho wrdekto plana, making Jor Issue. The Mbtiatry ef National Da* toarihg tto hotri far tha Btata- law' ft Fadaral cmiri. It had huft, bat aalF of Veal for a grand combination in ono diMi. Uea by WMU and Kanf after/t&ay soma Chftaaa food. ‘Tafta" T^avt to autiiorttias Tto propeaed rider would have fonaa. rmorted a naw Communist permit oa to pay moM f«w your ear. hoppa laeapUan. said,Elmar Wahl- asked an order temporarily ra- drive from Riangsi prevftea aimed aapIMBaaUsa. gumutfi, LM Angriaa. hft eompan- ■ucefadad in unMOT thamaai^ atralntag tto govommant from op- required Hr. Truman to chop ,Open 5:S0 K. Mv— 1 :S0 A M . shortly aftar tha gunman fled. Fo- from two to four and a half hU- at Lunchuan, a city wall ftalda| FRESH STOCK SMOKED S p p e i a i ^/j^C yftrd lon. ' ayattag the docks Tha two Kwangtung {nrovftca. The Baft- Oeunteafrit Basaaa Jamaa A. Hard. IM , Rochester, Uoa said a cbftri aad a aiadga wava Judges sM tbsir nilftg upholding Admission Problem Presented llon dollars from tbe aetiiaated Naw Tarh, Rag. 68 .(fl .i-Way ) ★ CERTIFIED.USED A’ ’ , flUBUP eh* BDIH( AUD| fUTUsmiDri I ^ muaal m hwhWriPl rilrifiMri $45,000,000,000 ba aaked CMgraaa fttry ffid not say whatbar tbcRada O l l i H E A T !£• tv too um? to attmd W tam toiftl dock operations and the had cresaad tto bonte. raala wata Isaand ■Lb. MGta im'yeur «wn and your akUdran’a gowna andneiamas from ^ five ehftals wore found to autborfta for govanmaapt oa |umw • oa nmuen BEEF TONGUE 59c 9 “ W 'a tJgki.to contftua plekat- As Result of Visit' by Stork Um gehuw ft 146 milaa aast arrant af Msiift oa ioaifit • warai m *nn S^S^ gdeAleeldag aocal Md diUdran’e deelgne. 6r* wide. front at Mm riori door. ^ to aftsoUva untU ttoy spandftg tbft fiscal yaar, wblcb Barra and Mt fVi- White told pouoe that the rob- Martad Jifiy 1. northeast o f Canton and 116 mllia •”#nri^oSl£SJ a toartag oa the union’s northeast of tto British crown klngftoa la a KV LO O K F O R A, Fanland. I08*ysar«ld oononan- bCirs spont a goto daol of tiino [eattan for .a parm saw l >»- Boston, Auf. 60-Ha)-rTha stork*waltto. ti«M|)ortattoa . to.this ■ard-Wep Vietey te Lmom Fj-.,. ttcr.-rt, t Ghma wI3T Caah galea (owmftftg court rooorda etorto. ft ' Its defeat markad a hard-won ootony of Hang Kong. frit staaap flam .dmte-d)Uaf from Vaaeeuvar,{ praaantad a problaft for admlaatan aountry. Attarpay Boy M. tiM vault Ho said they brought It tha court'd action on vlctoiy for DamocraUc Loader LU' •nM Mlnfttry of Nationa) Da* HALE CO HICKORY to tiM UMtto States tor Mr. aad ' Trialats Bam. At. fansa said a column ot Conumin- A w fly SoU and Installed By "X: toloag to ,68di|faraat pickating .that brought an imaM- Than the atoik got busy." Trip­ era who m u t run for ra-alactkm <« an raga fwa) M rs Xaasq Warachnwakl, d l^ laoto naxt year ta nitaeft. ftt irragtlftra, strangtUaiMd 9y daai," to told ^^aintiUaty w< dtate promlM J f raafttonoa ftom lets wars bom to M rs Waraohaw; tagulaca, w$s a d v a n c^ toward by • '! SMOKED BACON t.. 69c a(i. ^ d an cC ^ ilb are good to I J. OartMT Anthony, tha tei^tory*a poraons bM at the ca m p ...... tt waa a amjor aatback for two TlTOTpanr B alaacp spacIM dspu ^ attaanigr )a naral. southam Damoerate. Sanatora Me- Lungobuan fram'llsunwu.'dfi mltea Hi* JW .H A I4 coiui •to*” ■ Rut the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Tha society flnaUy aiKcaadto ft norttaward f t Klangsl provftao. <^ha aaid t e ^ Oil Hoof and 'OsmpaasB aa4 Slngo w^ovoa yiokata aoeftty fpuad a aoluUon. getting vftas. for tto Infanta—two CloUaa of AHfthsaa and ^rrd of ["araU Baan'd ta ba t e is, MAMCNBSTaa CoHIt. Selafama FaaHtaaa A s aa afterthought, ha ad( Waahftgton, Aug. 60——Tha Tha Judgsa ruled tkat pickate at Tto ooupto'a affidavit atatto that Soya and a girt. 'Virginia, and two top RepubUcaa ad t e maatmliW otmap poritlcn M tha Ttoamiry Aug. 68 fbvamnMnt plain ymuld to ra- loaders, Sanatora Wbarry o f Na- Tba loaa of Jueb^. to aoutb- Cffiginseringg Inc. *T eampoaa songs aqd alag thrin— I they teat two chUdran to the Nasft A il art aCflMdulad to arrive m eaatam provftea, qauaad moaa im- [la te aatlam’' ' *tte* ysa, I really,do.*’ Nat budget raoripte, 6 «.^ , garito an "monqaaante to -6-ysar-old |606.16; bui ret axpandtturaa, 676,- mafi" ft proUat kgaftst tha dock aaaking admftslto to the Valtto They will maka thair home wttl i With tto acMomy amandmaat madiata eopearn tort ft tbs Na- MTMaia sjeoet 108.4U.87; eaah briM ca, N>870,- States •Mi s Warachawaki’s brother ' M aNCHsaM d.^u* aiamim st:. iwaNCiiiWia. m . »• ■ «* . r ’Advertise lb The Herald— ’It Pgya »Twa) . By Stork in Tennessee bury. Edwprd ^nieM at Port^ moned both sidca to a conference li^^nSlate Tbs slscUoa atrug^ wwt oBw Junior visa sommandsr, Wsndali not naod bocauao at Inat roalst- Citizen Draft Useful Tool^ today, hut the meeting was can­ hr oMos to bring vletory to thosd Picket Order anoo, hot to make it eaay to aUdo . _____ ■' A maalUs) wras alappad In­ lAnd and WllUam Chapman of Ends Strike **Fw%iaaaa sfflotr. Allan KSa- By School Bus Facing Session East Haddam ware the Judges at celled with the announcement that Home Moilgage Loans •Mkar nomlnatsd, or aadorasd into tho suit wlta firs-regulaUon to tba Jug this raomtog aftar O rScience ■pringfleld, Toon., Aug. 19 the strike hsd been settled. naa- adjutant, WlUlaa Stsvanaoft: apeed. ICMitoMd from Paga Owe) he wraa found prayings tlM retiring Incuml^t, E v ^ historian, Thomas Wallstt; chap­ Tha Aaro laboratory Miowa an­ dlgnaUon against ths act aaeina to The pious prlaonar lookad (ConHnnefl frsM Pego Om ) Schedule Potted for Pit; first prtos vrant to Richard Fuller aaisuf* law. Thaaa pickats, the havo added new racrulU to tha ra- tha stork koa n one-track no Kannsdr. was Thoaaaa swem w. lain, WlUtom Damko; aargaant at opinion continued, would not cou- other ault, placUc, about aa thick none too happy about hia . uidpal Employeg Con* aad second ^ William Burito Jr, turn to Jobs Today' home, let tell yoa aboat tbs ItockMl McDonaell I* H m rr bailion. twsM m a tte r'th a t/to iltvtog Md pib hi Uollitter Area mind. LErS TAKE A RIDE Kennedy, who has g^bwd hl ^ aruB, Klato. ■titute a "pickot Itoo to oonnao- and haavy aa a souwsstar. This pBght when ho wraa vialtad to­ He has vlaHed. tke Pagnl In the square dance eooUit hold '' variooatypdaef finandagtbatara henors for hls wotW to Mgacutlvs oenmlttas for throe suit with a hairnet ia aa air tight The planes, aftef dropping thalr day. He stdrad out the win­ that which la not. vention in Pinal Day under, flood Ilghta Boot Windsor In Surprise Accord IN THAT •'Heeled CommeBder hi yaara, Wsitsr Joynsr and Pred Uon with a Uhor dtopdU.” bomba on Cochabamba, flaw on to 'For the Nathun Hale household three times to eon- avnilabla veterans, did not seek snot^ Anthony aald this ruling "la caga. It ia mads for porsosuisl dow and Ignored hia eell-mata, X. Tha ehalWnglng prahlanf at Orange woe first to dunclng aMII- tana, Kamsd to bs flnaacs od^ Woodbousa; for two yaara Cdward tha garrison town at On mill to human, normal anO piant *"hor- aecutlve yonrs — udM each '49 PACKARD SarpriM Lm I Night vagua and Indafinito as to Its pos- working on rockst weapons, wko a Mr. Fluttering Moth. Tho Uma on Aug. M. New BriUto, Aug, 99-*up-Tw»j ty. Andover Orange w JudgH ■tamford, Aug. SO—oF)<—Schick,! car was rred Woodbouae. Huntsr and Thsodora Fairbanks ars sxpossd to nitric add fumaa. plek up troops for an attack on Jug to which they am confinad a’’: 'TlMaa ara ehemieal "maa- Tho foltowlng ashool bw ed|ed' first for entumes and Hlllatown Inc., reaumad p ^ u ctlo n of elec­ Mbla sffsets.” Judgs MoLsugtaUn ulo, with Button UMpa. wUl bo to Mrs. Pagnl, wife of n lab­ conusucoatasta werewara expecMiraxpacta# wito spice j ^ awarded the 135 H. P. '* la aa oMeUl tfaeUoa upast ia Others electsd ware WUHamflt^ and for oas yoar Haas Bngal sad jpiong air bosa coaneetod to Sucre. looks auspiciously Ilka a milk aaimen’’ wUeh ara aaiaciated oonaola tric raaora today after a six-day THE MANCHESTER TRUST CO. Ooorga Froat dscltosd to clarify this part tt 'Ftaaco SolBod By Inamgawto ••oet for atotk grads p«pUs< (ran oratory technician, gave birth 18 to 22 MfWa tbs sptnion for a rsportsr ysstar- thoaa suits to koop tha workats bottle and la ptaosd on tho irlu many important prooeoaea to ths HoHlstar'araa, who ara to be ths alocUon of offlcara today aa. tkm prlra. Mra. Oatbertoa PeUcti halt caused by a walkout of the Vhika • «* th* ila u •anistant adjutant; Adrlw FoUowtof tha auteoiaa 6t tba cool. Thalr own body hast makaa In a Ughtntog ravaraa play, tha office counter wrhem the prls- living ayatame. kut thalr true na­ to Thomas Pagnl i n a t Rob- the annual convention at Council gill won the eltver slated cake International Axaorlation of Ma­ Per Gallon Gaa MANrHEBTF.R. CONN. tf o ttn Iwoufkt Id ky a Pierre, Wstorlan; W lU i^ Wthlm election, Oommander McDonnaU day and Anthony aald ho could pianos thamsalvos wars aslaad at ture aad mode of action oonotltnte truBSBorted to the Nathan Hale ertaon Oetmty hoepltal yes­ chinists. give no authorltattvo statanMnt on the ault Intollarabla la a few min- onera am kept undikr oonatant schoot. It wlD be nooesaary for terday. The other two Aug. 18. State. County and Municipal: **!•**••* ****• BIG TRADES 'liKtjag cOBualttaa waa turaad eo»i> Chaplain, and Henry Klein, ser eaid that be hoped to bring all of UtAA. Oamhrl by tha toaurgwnts; tha gov- scrutiny. on# of th a big quoatlon iMrtts at Flam Personnel Director Doug­ Member Fetteral Depoait Ina. Corp. tha members together to Join In what tha court meant until tha or­ tho oehool bus to-tako two trips to 29th children a r e Maria Employes QMy Post, Amsrican Lf- ■Thera will ho a lot of changes", Fteksta Keiaimia Was pea nd foroaa wara to tha act of gum. H sU a World War I vet- mittee, for three years tlgusd by loug psrlods at sitttog In tha rumor that the three-and- car Btudlefe amplmr^, tarns and First trip: speaker. Rev. Leon H. Austin, pas Settlement of the strike waa an­ esoue and WalUr Hansen; for two he said this morning, "and wa "Plckettog at the ^pona of ep- a eram ^ flghtar plana cockpit oceupytog tho airport at COcha- n-balf inch tall man(Ua) u floerartng plants, watmora aald. Middle ’Turnpike, west and Al> tor emeritua of Norik Coventry, both seek election aa second vlqel ahlra*7ritllr“ f^'* nounced Jointly by the company 3.58 Eaat Tenter Sf. ttir e Theodore Fairbanks and An- hops all of them will be for the ermUoiM la not an axarolao at tna hsunbiu At Harraid and other roeaarch with Rev. William C. H. Moe aa- president, while Edward fltruasn-! j**y*^*^ and lAM officials last night. Kd- Hamtd t6nk)r vice commander Tha maaaagsls dona by soma bulbs trying to liquidate tha Jap ton. ski of MIddletoem and Charles; ^ ton Kanak; for one jh^r JamM good." . speech,’’ Anthony said. "It ia an toalda tha lining at aa 'ordinary Th# ravolutionists, nMmbors of Beetle gang. He la planning a InatUutlons. he aald, raaaarchara Lockwood and Broad. ■Isting. Aaron Pratt. J r , of mund J. Perealuha, grand lolge was Walter Mahoney, and Wen- The new commander aald that economic weapon designed to ham­ Windsor was guest organist. A Dorsck of Hartford both want to I **•■" ***4 Mra. Ralph E. Lord of dan Haydsn. prop«^ Arthur and George flying suit tha National Ravolutlonary party maeUng between the twro rivals hava taken minute piecea of cer­ Woodland and gtrong. bs treasurer. Thsss rs-elsettona ^ “'Jdsn** «. 1* have repreaentative of the lAM. said w,minated from the ^ be ia caUing a meattog of the new per our operatlona and wa are go­ The bulbs art connected to a ni­ (MNR), are apparastly atlU . in aoon. tain planta—pteooa a traction at Hudson and tummit. box lunch on what thoutand* ol old-iimfre (A>;—Friend! here received word scheduled to try to get unlon-em-' • Mamarto Urriolagoltia. Tba PIR aUat defendem who aald. tha fleld nite dlffersnosa batwoon tka vari­ nounced on the first day of aChool. Clayton Reed; vice preeMent, Rev. tlcut Federation of Labor (AFL); RpiM fya H n ifl L sD O F TUESDAY SEPT. 6 todav that Frank T. Flynn, for ipioyer negotlauona under BowlcS tO Chcck la a Marxist group which danlaa was not aafe. ous tlsBusa of a givaa plant. Futh- WUUam a H. Mae; aecretory, Mra. WiUiam Ward of Boston, inUma-I AJI i n g B a x n i u axsaaraxa arr rr-«li«cO\rrinn —llx old-lini/ flavor of M-m-m! Good, and Coldl more than 80 years W’estem New ajain. any connection with srerld Com' ermora, Ifa poaalbto to bring about Edith Gunther; treasurer, John tiohal vice president of State, _____ IN ASSOCIATION England district Mleiman for the | Federal Mediator Georgs HUlen- j a natr change—and thssi ravaraa tang), tight Caldni Itry Hnmiyrit! TatIC munlam. Abom, Solo, vlolto-'ceUo, Mra. county and Municipal Employes Tokyo. Aug. 80—UF»—Bto Jap­ WITH Margenthaler Linotype Corpora-1 brand announced he had arranged Stated Finances Fhlao Alr-EsM flesra i t Mery Tweet. Changes to eld land­ of New England; Edward Logue, anese today were sentenced to tbc rhoi< r»l ingrrdirnl*—(Ac Jinnt mall Uon, died unexpectedly last night i a maeUng with both aidea this af- Gsechs Crush Thus, aald Watmora, It ia oon- Tolland marks, Mias Berths Place, fling­ legal secretary of Gov. Ctoaater La Paa, excapt for a falat air­ five years at hard labor for DR. HARRY in Rutland, Vt. * 1 temoon "to determlna whether ne- raid team yaaterday, la calm. Tha eslvabla that such planta win ing by oongregstlon led by Mrs. Bowles, rapresenting the gover­ and hop% thal monrv ran bnv . . . latte full, Fl>-nn had lived here about 20 i i^oUaUone can be resumed" here. CewtUs (roas Fage Oua Revolt Move throw new Ught M cartaln fro- Mrs. Chadbourne Knowlton, Helen D. Upaon. nor; George Ritter, executivs direc­ spreading rumors derogatory to ' LUTHER BAY government has taken no reatrlC' eaaoaa of Eiowth and davatopasaat at U»ng aging in rvrrv tipi More papular years before moving to W’eet Hart- ’ —------tive measuree and has not toatltut- praaidant tha Tolland P. T. A., Mr. and Mra. Ira Creelman of tor of Council 16; and Mayor occupation forces. ~ ford three years ago. ' ^ , mu years ago by Mr. Weir lead to —poaoibly appUeabla to tho ean- has callod a maettog of the Bxecu- Stow, Mass., were week-end guesta Henry A. Gwiaxda of New Britain. than ever brf«»rr , straight oourae between eatimates ad cenaorahip. (CsnMMtad Irani Fngo Om ) CAT MOblBBL tlva committee for Thursday, flep­ *rhe sentences were handed Widely known in New England C . , | f I a | a 111 A n Tha present government waa of Mra. Leila S. Hall and family. down at Osaka by the U. 8. 23th newspaper clrclee through hie con- iT lC U and expenditures or veered to the Ha aald Dr. Ooorga Moral of tha tember 9, at 7:80 p. m. at her Mr. and Mrs. Francla Maacham (.olden Dry is the latte to liyt right or left. alected foUowing a violent uprising crushing tka peopla’s democratic University of Paris, now detag rs- heme, Orant’e Hill section of Tol­ D t V i a ion'a Provost Marahal'a nection with the linotype Arm. aaainat the MNR. then In control. and son of Newark, N. J., w an court. One wonderful gimtt wilt Flynn waa in Rutland on buslneas Live in Blaze Meet Important, an informed regime." March at Harvard, had bosn able land. recent guests of ToUand relatives. source pointed out, it will enable In 1945. It governs 4.000.000 per­ It added that thoaa arrastad to produce a "eanear-Uka” growth Mr. and Mra. North of Fitch­ Marlborough The case waa the outgrowth of I at the time of hls death. | Mr. and Mra. Walter McCray of a poster campaign Japanese au- Ha la survived by hie widow. , Governor Bowlea to get a better sona living In this landlockad coun­ ware “tha laat participants of n In a grape plant by ompleytag a burg, Mass,, wara guaata of Mrs. Springfield. Mase., were guests FI.AT TOF CooUaiiod from Page Osa line on how the budget director'e try high in the Andes mountaina. highly traaaonablo underground Lena g, Rail Monday, August 29. The Marlborough Grange Fair thorltiea said was conducted by i Mrm Helen-Hamilton Flynn, and a ' large does of a horaaona that Sunday of Mrs. McCray's sister, Communists. American soldiers I "S/dADK estimates for the present two- ' Victor Pas Estensaoro, exiled movement" which police had bean aormaUy oceura la grape aad other Mr. and Mra. Harry Ostaln and Mrfe. L. R. Ladd, auid attended “Old which waa bald on Saturday waa sifter. Mother 8t. Egbert, preei-, tracking Tor some time. family ara moving from RAckvlUa were accused of raping Japanese | dent of Notre Dame Glrle College.! snow, and the whiteness re­ year period may shape up. leader of the MNR, was Interned plants. Home Day” acrvices at Tolland a blg.sueceaa and attandad by TEA flects away some of the heat. The by Uruguay yesterday on eusplclon Death aantsneea wars handed But ha added that tha produc­ to the Kalas plaoa to Skunga- Fedaratad church. more than 1200 people frdm this women. kStaten Island, N. T. Would Fotot to Economies third layer dowm la silver foil. The of having engineered the revolt down to tha cases of Borkovec; tion of such effects la the tabors- maug aactlon of Tolland. If the report ahowa previous Kvetoolav Prokas, dascrlbod as The Feorwood Farm Art School Mrs. Eva W. Pearson of Hart­ and surrounding towns. There I bumlahed silver also defleeta the tory does not nocesaarlly moan ford and Mra. Ruby Loverin of ware many line exhibits and a* Mr. Flynn was a frequent visit­ heat, and the metal won’t melt ‘ revenue estimates to be higher having been flrad from the Cnch at which Mrs. Amy C. Barnard la or in Manchester elnce 'The Herald than they were, it might be aa- Army as "unreUabla”; Emanual that the same agonU produce diroctor, d osed Its fourth aesson TalcottvlUe were recent guesta St great many prises awarded. The I even at 2,000 degrees. them Vhen they occur naturafly In the home of Mr. and Mra. John H. many attraettona included a coun- | was one of hie regular points of Then follow layers of glass : turned that Weir also shot high Court Office Canclk: Vratialav Polaany, Joaaf Saturday afternoon at the home PRESCRnmONS call In hie tour of New England , of the mark for tha new budget. Cbarvat and Vratialav Janda. a Uvtof system. of their Instructor, Walter Van Steele and family. try etore, wlshlng-well. white ele- > as saleaman for the linotype com­ cloth, in tones of three to four Arsdale, .to Ctovantry. Foxwood The ToUand Players prsosntad phant table, a cattle drawing con­ each. Intei^ersed with aluminum I This would point to etrict econ- Vault Cracked two plays, “A Package For Pon- test, a Doodle Bug Rodeo, a cake' CALLED FOR pany. He waa one of the best I omlea to make up for less tax Farm Bummer flchool also has known salesmen In the printing foil. elaaaea fer children aa well as aottb/' and "The Knave of Haarta." and crochet contest. AND Layer Number 17 in coal black I^ yield than figured on. On the NOBTH HAVEH FAIE Friday and Saturday. August 26 Industry in the New England area. (Coattooed from Page One) Child Is Injured adulta. Tho claotog lesson was In the cattle drawing In the 2,-; Dea’f spoil a Visit The fiber blase coated with neoprene.. | other hand. If the Weir eetimaUe Routs I held out at doors as the others and 27, to full houaea, and werp DELIVERED He aided The Herald considerably proved fairly accurate in the 1947' 600 lb. class and under, 1st prise, In changing its type and headline Black absorbs heat. fleptember g, 9, 19. 11 have been. Mr. and Mra. Van Ara- well received. Almost the entire went to Lcn Otle of Wateiford. Air Osafftleasi 49 budget the governor could be one Bheaf of papers out and one As Cars Collide dala sarvsd tsa to the atudenta and membership of the Players worked good typewriter WiLROSE Br id a l Sa l o n layout by which It won the Ayer .Absortta Hewt from Body encouraged about the new esti­ of the men asked, ‘Ivhere Is it?" Sand For Pnsntani Uat 2nd to Claude Jones of Hebron, and NaUonal Award for Typography This layer close to the skin ab­ tha art studenU had a chance to on building a new atage set, flexi­ 3rd went to Len OUa. In the 2,600 PINE mates. SMpa Paper Into Pocket vtolt the barn that once aerved ble and permanent enou^ to use for lock of a littia FOR to mi. sorbs the heat from your body. White said he saw one of the MsdoUn Cook. 9, of 28 Bruce J. C.- BMiktt to 3,000 lb. class the 1st prixa want The Aero medical men say a While th e ' governor was pre­ road. Lakewood Ciircle, suffered North Hnvssi, Cosu. the Bird to Hand Inn, to Colonial over and over. Anyone Interested to Elmer Chapel and 2nd to Len PHARMACY pared to delve Into fiscal matiers, men remove one paper from tho face lacerations yesterday when an times ever 2M yaara ago. to working on atage aettlnga, prop­ Export ftarvica . • • man can remain comfortable in file and slip It Into his pocket as erties, costumes, make-up, light­ Otis. (Only two contestants in 884 Center Street *Bridal Gowns and Veils this ault for over tw^o hours during a new group of Republican legls- automobile in which ahe waa Mrs. NaUle Darling of New Brit­ this class). a heat wave In the 90s. This seems ‘ lalore named to keep tab on aUU bis partner asked "Did you tsdte riding and a truck coUided at the ain IS n guset at her daughter and ing, curtains or any of the many Tel. 2-9814 •Brideflmaidfl Gowns and |lt?" sen-ln-Iaw, Mr. and Mra. Emery types of activity will be moat wel­ In ths "Free for AH" class ' expensea waa slated to confer Intersection of Ad4ms and Hilliard Clauds Jonts of Hebron took first Coil 5060 Accessories here todsiy at Hotel Bond. R«p. Five steel lockers containing streets. Msdolln was taken to her M. Oeugh. come to the group. Mansfield D. Spngue, New Can­ I records were broken Into, and home. G«t th« most Mrs. CISare Dodge at Barre, Vt., aan attorney, waa expected to be ': many of the records were scat­ The youngster was a passenger to n guaot of her nloce, Mra. Ruth FILL \jP v o u R Ta n k , named chairman of tha G O P i tered on the floor of the vault. In a car driven by her mother, Mrs. out of your lunch Ayara flonk and family. MARLOW’S WILROSE DRESS SHOP budget watchdog group. Norma R Cook, 81. Tha driver of A reunion at the Ayers family n Cl • >«i twiir rw ant v? IN 6UMMER'„lDO^ the truck wae Alger A, Rice, 3$, was bdd At tho heme of Mr. and ■For Everything Cr**m Ai* l•v*r•pcb Ir*ta*ni8 IM . t T.. U. I A. 597 MAIN ST., SHERIDAN BLDG. Purpose of the group ia to see of Rockvine. hour by enjoy­ Mrs. Howard Ayara to ToUond FOR WATER HOT - how closely current revenue and Chinese Reds Patrolman Theodore Fairbanks Oantar. Sunday, August 28. GuesU 824-828 Main Street THAT FRIEND TO VOU.' expenditures line up. Committees reported that Rice was iMvlng ing good food were present from Vermont, Mss- were expected to be named to look Take Jucheng north on Adams street and Mra. sschusette end Connecticut. Tel. 5161, Manchester into different phases of fiscal op­ Cook was going south on Adams in pleasant sur- The seventh snnusl Home Com­ erations. street at the time of the collision. ing Dey of Friends of ToUsnd As- May Affect Special Seasloa { (Coattooed from Page Oae) Rice waa making a left turn from roundingSa secisUon was held Sunday s t Tol­ Have you seen our Hilliard street Into Adams street land Fsderstsd church with ths Both of these moves may hava a i church flUsd to capacity with tha bearing on tha special session I tlonallst provisional capital. The when______the______left running_ board of his new line of Men^s NaUonaUsU Immediately rein-1 struck'the car' arrival at friends from Vermont, Tha NBWl which may be called next month Dine Mt the Hoeoachuaetts. Rhode Island, New by Governor Bowles. Purpoao of forced their positions on the MAO Kwangtung-Hunan border to try Tork state and Oonnaetlcut. Morn­ FEOVEH Sport Jackets, Suit*, the special call would be an appro­ ing worship service had as guest priation to help in local school to hold Kukong, tho northern Air>Conditiuned Top Coats and Rain­ construction throughout the state. gateway to Ouiton. So far. Democrats and Rcpubll- Large numbers of civilians were Martmmfkees/ DELIVERED IN coats. fleeing southward from Kukong, I cans have agreed on a figure of which ia 125 miles north of Can­ PRINCESS BRAND NEW I 87,200,000. But the Bowles admin- ton. MANCHESTER Alto most anything in I istration wants the money to come Mflin St.« At PekrI *2119 from bonds, while the G O P aaya There were reports here that re­ inforcements from Hainan island WED. Hum SATURDAY Only 873.50 Monthly. Yonr Present Car May Men's Made-to-Order it should come from the general; being niahed to Canton tor First Muchester Showing 'X;conuQi fund. Noonday Speciali Equal or Eaceed the Required Down Payment SECVIC dispatch northward to meet the Suits at very reason 3N TUf ■ CtNUB. i. BROAD If the Weir report points to new threat. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY “tight" state budget [toealbllltles Top Nationalist leaders con­ 50c able prices. for the present fiscal Mennium, it ferred here on plans to defend will strengthen Governor Bowles Ktvangtung. (^lang Kai-Shek, Dinners Serv^ position that school financing can only come from bonds. If atrong 5 P. 51. To 9 P. M. tints of “red” are indicated, It may put more pressure on the Legisla­ Plate* WHh TRUCKS ture to approve next year'e eco­ MANCHESTER. ELSPHONE 5155 nomy recommendattona of the Natural*Co1ored State Organisation committee. The Weir report, which will Gums That . M a n c h e ster show how true the atata'e compasa Harmonise With has been aimed, la expected io be made public by Governor Bowles Your Features THIRTY-FIRST ANNUAL within the next week or two. « iPublle Market Visit the Fagkn-Dental COUNTRY FAIR R M flM B R tof PODROVE’S— 805 MAIN ST. . Economy Drive MBRRMMiMIto Technicians for Yoar WILLIMANTIC ELKS atari! W* 4. ••Bsssseraas” ^ Dental Plate Troublee fleets Defeat Plat “Wsbs Vs Aad Otaaai'* We Feature Emergency Work—Come in Morning SEPT. 1, 2, 3 and LABOR DAY Leading Mid-Week Values. Your PuLlic MO Get Your Dental Plate (Ceattouad from Pag* One) BERGEN Garden Displays In New Exhibition Building Market will be OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY , (,N i n - : . ■ " /% D ---- Same Day Exhibit!^ Rides, (iames. Dancing out of the way the Senate quickly to ease your holiday shopping task. defeated an anti-oleomargarine EASTWOOD CHARLIE S Big Professional Acts Presented Free Twice Nightly rider sponsored by Senator Wiley Many Other Attractions For Young and Old •‘City LOW PRICES (R., Wis.) and a last minute send- Tha XUvai'’ I "iC i' it.-back - to - committee economy Mara McMallr I ■. Annati M ^ A R T H Y Glee Oub Dill Pickles, whole or spears. move by Senator Douglas (D.. n i) Hare your old plate knade Then it sent the huge defense Wad. "Haaaa al Btraagara" Large ja r ,...... 25e Bw>a a t N t i t r i r i ' .MDRTIHER SHERD over ip the new naturaf I appropriation bill back to the House for action on Senate )*• ilAIMIAMUl essunc/iism-n plak-plastic at moderate Zarex Fruil Flavors, ja r ...... 25c changes slashing nearly $1,400,- coat. k 000,000 from the House-approved FaoMMM augtag Frwnptor RAY NOBLE Fast aervlee. Dental Albacore White Meat Tuna Flakes, Can . . 33c total. plates repaired fn 3 Will Resist Reductiou PHIL GREEN I VIC & A0io*MT M nkian riast "Tbo Jndgo Btapa Out* hours. House leaders have served no­ T raA Y 824-828 MAIN STREET . .TEL. 5161, MANCHESTER Libby's Corned Beef, Can .45c AND BAND b m dMKrsrmsiKmfX Now! You ean put a cost-saving Ford Bonu.< Built' W o'ro TrotUng HiRhl tice they will resiet most of the Of SprtagflaU. Mass. "Dooltos Of OUnboma” lATI tTAOl IHOWllAT .SUN 10 Senate reductions, although the Ftas: *U)w Of Borlwry ComV Expert Dental Truck to work for vtiu at less cost than ever before! Arrowhead Sodas, contents...... 3 for 25c CITY VIEW CsaMf JAW RUSIlLfAiraflNAIaf We’ve boosted truck trade-in allowances sky-high/ Our House is now on vacation and Technicians Cash in now on tim highest trade-in allowances in current sales goal of new trucks is b im r than it haa won't be able to consider the bill DANCE HALL Ford Truck hiatoi7 and on new lower prices announced Delrich Oleo, Lb ...... 32c | until September 21. KasMy Straat been in years. We’re readv to "deal.” Phone u$ today recently on certain popular models. to arrange^foran appraisal on your oW truck. The biggest Senate cut waa an TONIGHT Many Year* Expiirience French's Mustard, large j a r ...... 14c $800,000,000 slice in Air Force \ fimda The House allowed enough Admtoslon 20c ( ^ ta c L ^ ^ 4 ^IG DAYS Cliooaa from ovor 150 Moflolal ForsI Trucks Lost Looforl cash to expand ths air arm to M ___ STARnNO ■: ( There’g a Ford Truejf for pour job, for aay job. Over Ford Trucks are Bonus Built! Superstrong eonjriruetion Chin Lee Complete Chinese D inner...... 49c combat groups but the Senate ISO models in all, from half-ton Pickups, up to the whittled this back to 48 groups as TOMORROW Fogan D«ntol in every vital part means longer truck life. Usijig latest lequr 145-horaopower BIG JOBS, biggest Ford Trucks ever registration data on 6,106,000 trucks, life inatmnoe recommended by the president. by Aarlal OBT Bprayl Native Pork LiveP, Lb...... 3 9 c The Senate also directed Secre­ V aatiiranad A fun-fill^d Iov9 story! Laboratories built. experts prove Ford Trucks last longer} tary of Defense Johnson to cut $434.00,000 frofri the totals asked 193 Trumbull St^ at Immodluto DOHvory on AN Our Own Freshly Sliced Bacon, Lb...... 69c for the Army,.Navy and Air Force. JUDY GARLAND 9 Aaykun « Finally the Senate ordered a but ■ row rorri Truck Modolal Wafer Slieed Chamberlain Dried Beef, 8278,000,000 reduction in funds for AUyn Hotel BiilMIhg The “Seller’s Market” is gone! We can,make imme­ FORD TRUCKS stockpiling strategic materials. VAN JOHNSON diate delivery on many itoodela. We can make de­ V4Lb...... j... ------>...... 39c Final Aotloa tItalM Office Hoars livery at pre-war speM on all but a few of our Final con(pvaalonal action on 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Bologna or Mineed H>m, Lb...... 5 .5 e the defense measure and flva other Bonus Built trucks. .. MunrsfBomstM ro lAsri/BifGM major money bills la stalled until Hartford Pastromi (sliced) Vi ...... Senate-House conference commit­ COMPiimV RHUHT I^TORt CUT $10 tees reach agreement on differ­ 5.1. SAKAlpL/ SPRING BYINGTQN >. No Appointments ences batwaan the two bodtea end RequIi;od 'Ousrantoed Eke a naw motor) Ford. Ckov. 'Carefully'Prepfretl Ground Beef’ Lb. . . 55e thqse comprohitoto era elawrod PLUS: ''Felloir Sfs Qglstljr NEW LIBERAL TERMS again by both Houses. Monthly Terms Ftpaev*, Oodfo.. ; : at Words low prieol Tha dtffareneaa tovolva bUla to' N*C-M Fieturt Trado.ia oIIowmco (or your oW molorr tailing 'nearly 880,000,000.000, or .Arranged DILLON SALES and SERVICE Chase Af Sanborn Coffee, Lb, C a n ...... 55e about three fourths of the Fedeisl BTA»T» rnV M . "nLOCItoDB" TODAT "Hauao Of gtnugera’’ FLUg "Lanvo It To Henry* Ue CBNTEB STBBET MANrHEOFES hon w y a Words rebuilt motor! m nUf expenditures. FLV8 "nun* wmM" r ------7 - MANCHESTER EVENINQ HEjRALD, MAMCHE8TER. <30H!f, TUERPAI, AUOUBT W. l»4 t MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANGHERrER, OONN„ TUESDAY; AIKIUST 80. 1949 Pkr.W nMR-

fAifliifOim Hugo amnga traaa dad a ran trap- Mia* Ferguson aald she was think ”1 Juat can’t beUara IL •xlO ta kuaf naai — — .----- leal tioa hraught from Cuba, Om ss nghway wtara tta aald toa WM Itotemag to tta so that tlip Are departmeat aaaa Thinks Falhe? MODEL American Had Cresa tta Vatorana* gams batwssn tta Boatoa Bravea Iqg nsrvously ot what h«r puplla s® happy." ^ kaowa aa rSapadUlto” and to tta Advtaory Center, tta Amartota drss mads. * T eacher Gets Colambia her wUl ta readily avaUahl* al' P la y g r o u n d PhlUpptoas aa “totoo^” ft* wood •ad tta a t Louto Oantytals when a would hava to say on opwilng day And so, apparently, war* doaens Rockville Legion and tta Veterans of T&er Bond of $13 w en ordsrsd Cor- rapreamtatlva of tta radio atatloa of school next weak tf sta missed thought May Affect waya Tta card gtvea tta bow la radttsh, hard and dnrabto. It haa A lk > LA N E S •Ign War*. Help In making out fsttod to tta Cass o< Banford M. of b*r frimda. Th^ bombantod number far all areas 1a Booth Hurt in Storm (ABC) eallsd.bsr on tta tetophona Um BiunMrs. her with ao many congratulatory •to, hanitonma iforgritoi tohaga. tta tta appUcatlona wUl ta given by Roto o t PlttabufSk. who w m Quiz Jackpot fsr s oonfersno*. Among tta prls«* won by Mta* Wladaor and lastructioas for ra- fruit awaat aad hraawitoh tad aU ttaae agwiclaa. am stod on Angiiat 3n by Rtat* tetophona calls that she finally Gm eus H eld lira depart- IVotea ^ BO A TS aald tta vote* o a .tta other Farguaon w m a 81,000 fund to be delected tta task of anawerlng porting a fin. 'Tta fin ytolda ohlala. Tta Bomhardnara Small Claims* PoUesman JamM DIek for fslturq ata State Several Years maat numbar bars la •-4TN ar sad sf tta Un* saksd her If sta used for edncaUonal purposes for them to a newspaper reporter. Tta AU Playgraaad Pleat* wUl iocal Conple Called to amdoaa to aaa If ttaaa tioaa haea 88, o f to cany hto rsflMratlok. Roto aay boy or glH daaignatea by Mi*a OPWTHtOf. CARS Ctoranc* V. Outstberg, fallsd to mak* hto arpMrane* in Listening to Baseball would ta willing to snawsr eertain By Democrats ta h*ld leaaorf ow aioralag Mart- Florida; Tlieir Plaee in ■urvtvod tta bloar. R to thalr ana­ TerryvUle, waa fin*d 884 by Ju||r* F*rguaon; a vacation trip to Dr. Harvey Ooddard, Health tom to maha a Mp to FlofMa aaoh Court Sessioii - - - I, oourt. Broadcast When Radio miaatlOM put to her by Miss Dvmer* Oet* 88.606 P«*t offiocr has raportad tta aaaesid lag at U aja. at MaaMtlal Flald. t Saul L. PelB«r Rockvttto CHy fimltb. 'Tlien tta speaker asked France aboard the luxury liner U U B 8M Hnrrieane's Path •aaaoii. aad H to apt tang atom Oourt Monday morning on Hsnry B. MeKSIop. 45. of ILF.D. ArvffiRioB Spared Many o f potto In Bouth Wladaor. HOBBY SHOPPE Monday im tar tf ata knew to* words to s “Ds d* France,” a aet of books and KftfiTtoOir South Coventry UBdar tta diraetlaa a^.Bago^ thay warn atralghtaaad aut aftar charge of drtvkig 88 mitoa aa tojur 1, Vsrnon. w m finsd $5 sn s charge Call Received eertain song. After raadbig tta many other thing*. Hartford, Aug. 80-(F )—Bernard Heavy LoMee; Thoae Slate b Nominated in Tta flrat waa a MUld and th* o f intoalcaUhn. H* w m anratsd Mia. rataaa little Muaa aiad John Staa a peo* Mr. dM Itra CUffard A. Bmb- tost yasFs daniago. StaGrlawoMSt ttSS Flrat Caaea In Rockville on tta Wilbur Crom HlghW . H* woods of the eong to bar. toe qua*- About the fund. Mias Ferguswi B. Loahbrough, sUta housing ad­ aacond a man In Ms S0*a Ttay gram o f avanta wfll ta lua a tt •rraated sn Auguet 81- by Aufuat 38 tiy fisrgL Arthur Frey. Haw Haven. Aug. 8(y—4F1 — A In Gonnedirat Valley Gilumbia for the Octo­ an both at MoCbok Hospital, b a ri ot- Bast Ontar straat ara To Be Heard Tomor* Uon*r aald the radio star would said, “that'a wonderful” ministrator, has announced the ap­ Tliast gam** ara pMaa f *•.‘ 5 * Opea IvaatagB State PoUceman Bamu*l HoMwi. Louis Brow. 48. of tta Rockvine 45-y*ar-okl North Haven school first sWg th* soag and then aak About the vacqtlon trip to Hartford. Isaetag tomorrow Btonlag by an- HoUl, WM ^noa $10 on s charge pointment of Albert C. Demers of OffiVBLOrRp Sm b Hit Hardeet AB lecal puplla la neat year*a ber Electiona t« of a largo group of childrw row Afternoon Arthur Prucha, 83, r f Waat toachor who w m kespias up wtfh tta questions. Franc*. *h* *ald, "fm afraid I'll this city as chief of the Division FoUewlag an ampaa of som at ao that aU may taka p ^ tbUs tor Wast Palm Baaah, TiMra’s Notkli« Btttor WiUtngton, waa finsd $160 ok a of Intoxtoattoa, bsias andstod Sun­ FILMS PRINTED M duatU V olaaa at the new aehM day by fiupsrmunsrary PoUoemsn her “homswork m a tsaekor" by ‘Tt WM all ao simpla.” Mias Few have to go to *chool.'' of Rental Housing Management. M Ctoaa atreet are cordUUy invlt- CbhnnMa, Aug. 80—(Special)— th* hooks recantiy. raoalvad at A t IS o’dooh tUM wm ta oaBad FtarMa, oaOad toars by a talaptaa* TIwb charge of,.ap*raUng a motor vshl- guson said. "All 1 had to do t* About, the set of books, the Th* poslUon, which la a new one ayoM . Ant. w-on— oob> Sadd Mamorlal UhiarF, Wapping. BockvUle, Aug. 80—lapwUal)— Thsodem Mlrto. Ustsaliig to a baseball kraadcast ad to meet with Frank O. Avery, Tta Democratic Caucus for th* for hmdi. F ln a wm ta MBit aa- aan today from ona of Mra. Bom- Vka flrat ewma In HookrUle's cle whU* under tta tnfluenc* ot In- win was to say 'pis’ snd ’Herald scheolma'am said “'I always said In th* reorganised State Housing 39c Roll ^ •Mttedt took ft tad taktat tfom FtcUon: “Robbar" 1^ Eiwdiar dor tta directlea of Bm Staaras bard’o Mstois. tore# of whom aad taxlcaUng liquor wlto $38 of tta Waayl Radvlekhrlea, 87. of Vsr­ from BravM fishl Boston, won a atasasn'AO to myself tf I were rich I’d buy authority, will pay $8,0000 a year admlnlatratlve principal Thure^. purpose of nominating * alate for aatoU Oalina Court wtU ta heard non, WM fined $8 a* a okarg* of 881,800 Jackpot on a radio qulx ItaM t droftght Sept at a. m. at the ech o^ “Tta Wind that Bhahea tta Bar­ Jr. and Robart Olftocd for tta a maiTlad daughtsr, also bar fato fins bsing ramlttod. Hs w m ar­ She did set aay what tta ques- a set of tbe Book of Knowledge, tf that (kU is approved by the 1 10 Town electiona la October _ ley,” Burke; “I Hear la My tomorrow by Judge Saul L. Falaor rested August 36 by Oounty Detec­ Wtomeatloa. H* w m arrastod (Kate Smith) program tost nlghL Arthur Drug Storea And, ftoeordlat ta* tbOM who I t a group wlU be Invited to help to chlldten to eook hot dogs. Fellow- o r. Bv* toars. Tta lattor wat with tta sosaion starting at li80 p. Expistntng that her pupils con­ Uons ware. hfow I’ve got one coming to me.” State Finance Adviaory commit­ held last Bight In Teomans HaU Heart,” CftrroU; Eeargraan Cot­ tag lunch, deaaart wm ta strvad caratatar of tta Boatoard propar­ tive Arthur Knes who foUowrd Wm August 38 by Patrolmsa Bsrl About all the prises she said. tee. Should know, tta ttata may not ofwgHlslHw vurlous rooitu •no to and #aa weU attended. m., and continuing until 4:80 p. nt. Beebe. stantly talk basshall, Martha Fsr- Throughout' tta queatloning, ••rve aa uahere to the parenta ata tage, Cunningham; “ Thrao OasM iS f tta Racraatloa dapartauat ty, wWob oompilsm tor** beusM ROASTING from I’n’on street to the Wilbur Mwka off tta offocU for orroral The foUowtog ware named; Aa- Home.” Keith; "My Heart Tta filing of ctolma with William pnpUa of tta Incoming firet g r w srlth Mlaa Bvrtya It aad adjaaaat toad, ta all abaut J. Dunlap, Clark of tta eourt. atart- aeaaor. Joseph TaMiUk; Board of Not Fear," Lawronea; *Tta Valley Roaanuury Quiah, and Rato Ryaa SoK opening day of Wed- Tax Revenue, Martin Cohen; alghty aeras, aad toay bava raa- CHICKENS ed two wasta ago. Mr. Dunlap wUl ’ "tvMyod by Tta Tlaaft today, Below,” Marriot; •*WUdenn ea In chnrf*- FoQnwUif luMi m a neaday, September 7 at 0 a. m.. Firet Selectman, E. 'Mal«>lm soa to rwiiii that ta has baaa to- •gain ta In tta Pottos Oourt room., ot ttaM auttarittao would Mr. Avery announced. N u r 0 eMarahaU; “ Ooaatry entertalament program has baaa urad In tta hurrtcaaa wbleh Now |g a food tiBM to ftMftid oa oottmato aa to tta ao- Stannard; Second Selectman, A1 Ann.” Petrla; "Morning Bong,” Wsdnesday from 1 to 4 p. m. to PriM winner* at Pine Lake planned for a qulat hour. aabad tta araa oa Saturday aa rscslvs ctolma After this week, taal coot of tta pulTorlslnf aoUr fred Soraechl; Town <^erk. Mason Raphaatson; “Tta Colt Maatar,” AU Ftoygtouad chUdran ar* la- gtodk ro n fldoabr with Shore* araocletlon aet-back party Nuhfer; Treasurer and Agent of ta has baaa laaiovad to a boaptUl sessions of tta court. Including tta ilMa Aa one, howorer, ttay Saturday evening at the clubho\»»e Shott; "Young Mrs. Bavaga, vltad to attant AU Playgrenad Oaa Baaaa Daangad Umm ino dkididaB. 10% iM liail that the flyun la pretty Town Deposit Fund. Margaret Stevenson; “Towar of Tonel, off on 10 or e m to . Qokk- filing of clalnw, will ta on tta sso- with Hr*. laalle K. lUchardaon In Woodward; Orand Juror*; Maur­ directors ar* to aharge. Wban Itr. aad Mra Bombard a«- ond and fourth Wadnesdays of the prodmetai charge, follow: Women'* let, Mr*. Van Paasen; “Bagla on the oulrad tta proparty than was oaa frostn In Bptdal Brrap if •pared many from ice Alexander, PhlUp H.' laham. Plains,“ Wolfson; non fiction; On Thurad» morning at tta month. Edna Kaimlaon; fnd, Mlaa LUIMb Sol Binder; Tax Collector, Laura boussonlt. Mnes than toay hava yon prtftr. Town Meetlag h«eay'kaeee. but theae were a Richardson; ird, Mr*. Yaaka* AucUonaar,** Baaa; **YoO Chartar Oak Play araa a buUt two housas, aad thaa* hava adaoctty and nwat o f tta othera Squler; Constables, Louis Sor- Cun Change the World,” XeUar; A special town meeUng will ta Prue of Eaglevlllv Men'e l*t, G«0 baug entertained at their hooM on B-I ular meeting tonight at 7 o’clock for ploy, featuring front pleoti^ and trim oounty agricultural agent Watarfront Park gunday. Fifteen aantad to th* party caucus which been vlalting her aunt fo^ a few in the Council room with Mayor WlU ta held Friday, SapL 8 at 8 p. days returned bom* with her par­ *Tte draught waa tarrlflcally mambers of tta K. o f C . WllUman- EVERY TUESDAY 8 P. M. Frederick S. Berger presiding. pockets, and swingy dcirtt, Mif-bfiltfid and JACKETS. . . * U r. Harria dedared. tlc, aoclal committee and their m. at the Firehouse. ents. Funeral of Mre. Adams ity agent aald that farm Th* Republican Town commit­ East Ontral Pomona Orange Ptaeral aervtcee for Mrs. May uteea and frlanda enjoyed a cl wiU meet \\-ith Stafford Orange STOP! flared . . . all of sturdy, plnwolfi corduroyl SHOULD BE 7.98 an taee gone to great eapew to bake to the afternoon. tee hava not bad their mecUng yet RAINBOW b a l l r o o m , BOLTON Itlaley Adanta. widow of Frank M. trngattng ayatema and will but Uoyd Grant eayi it will be September 7, for an all day meet- Adams, o f 88 Park atreet. win be Flattering bright or deep shodet. •nead eciuaderabty m en In an el- Coventry Junior baeebaU team Basra Loava Otaaga defeated Storr* Saturday a f^ - held soon. Th* only contest for lag, starting at 10 a. m. LOOK! held Wednesday at 2;80 p. m. at - • .’*1 twt la emrd off any recurrent election between the two parties l^’e committee In charge of tta Fret Transportation Han At 7 aad 7iS6 P. IL the White Funeral Home. Rev. Mowa They win alao borrow noon la a league game la thW Specially styled for Wards, brought toem. The acor* waa Oovenrty 7, WlU ta for flrat aelectmen’a post, auction would appreciate as many Ferraat Muaaer and Rev. Dr. to ■ a * , ta propbeatad. to buy hay which haa been held 'fo r aeveral donations aa can be brought to tta LISTEN Ctoorga S. Brookes wUI oftteidt*. ta rapliaa aacond enttlnga abaent S to m 5. Oeorga Hawkea, winning at unusually low prices, these corduroy pitcher, batted a home run In the years by Thomas Burgess, Demo­ town hall by Friday as poaslbls. Burial win be In Orova HUl ceme­ tenth toning. He reUeved Oeorge crat. The appointment for other omitting perlahabl* arttclea. tery. Tta funeral horn* win be separates are outstanding buys for school;; Mr?*Ilenrta obaareed that treaa poal^ona wUl be held at the elec­ Mra. LUltan Motts and daughter open tonight from 7 to 9 p. m. for and atakta Ukaertaa were atilekaB. on the mound. the convenience of friends. % hai« ta tau yet,“ M ^ A. psT**-* list of awards given tion, Oct. 8. Nancy are spending a waak wltb ofTiOa, sports. Fall colors. Misses' sizeL A crossover has been made op­ 1 Mr. and Mra. Lawrence OemmeUl* Tho H eart of tho Drug Stdro S A • V • £ Beaeflt Ban Game •^ehat wm aurelee and what exhlblto at tta 4-H Town eight­ A benefit baseball game will be eenth annual fair Thursday at the posite ^terson'a IcaOeam Bar on at their bom* la Middletown weaT.” Route 6 by the SUte Highway de­ Springs, VL UP TO . played at Henry Park. Thuraday Ontaida Variably Affeeted Church Oomiinlty House and . evening at 6 o’clock, for Orrln grounds where more than 200 peo­ partment. Tlile wUI enable north Mra. Grace Glehrlng. who has THE PRESCRIPTION DEPT. ' On tta favorable aide, ta apoka been spending a week with her Babcock, a member of tta Elling­ cC fruit that haa come through ple were served a deUclous baked bound automobiles to turn directly ton A. C. nine,'who broke hie leg bam supper, foUow: Vegetable Into the dairy withoj^t having to father. Fred O. Weld at the Coehr- When illness strikes and your doctor prescribes, we •hemarkably well, conaldering the Ing summer home at Fsyettb. Ma, In s recent game at the Legion waathar” and other ctom which _____ ■; potato, Roberta Kalber, cross over at the Pleasant Valley win consider it a privilege to oerve yon. Field and who 1s now a patient at ban beaten tta drouipt Or- Andia Lelbman, Nancy Oates; to­ road InteraecUon quite a waya to returned home Saturday. < Hartford hoepitel. The All-Sters Edward Weld o f Main etreat 5 0 0 MnHA ta aald. h a n boon v u l ^ mato, Nancy Oates, Wtothrop the north. i ‘ of the Rockville Twilight League 824-828 Main Street Manchester •MeeM. Ttalta la a«f«e of them Marriam. Jr„ J. Oarbarlnl, J. Ward Plans, approved by the State spent th* weekend in New York. win play the Wtllimantie RIdgea b a n bean biggar thaa uaoal, al­ Motycka, Diana Motycka; corn. Board of Supervlalon of Dams are Robert L. Wood of Manchester, CENTER PHARMACY Ij-ir------. ,1 ' team, winner* In the Inter-Oninty though tta frw t In acme caaaa haa Nancy Oates, Mary Davis, John under way to construct a reservoir the organist at toe ElUngton Con- OPEN MON., WED., FRL TELL 9 League of Connecticut. All pro­ This Week Only! The Fall Fabric Sensation b a n waallor *>«an uaoal In alae. Motycka, BiUy Agar. Roberta Eal- in to* Plaaaant VaUey section gregatlonal chuheh for the past 487 MAIN STREET . TEL. 4258 innrrbfirrn----■ * a awmn * ceeds will go to the Injured play­ narhia an maturing both amaU bar; beans, Lima, John Motydka, naar tta Ellington road, behind two years comolsted bla services «Wbeta Pharmacy Is A Profoaslon* er. add Mg. Nancy Oates, Diana Motycka, the home of Francis Burnham. here Sunday and wUl go to Boston Union Picnic Sanm eMilage cam haa been Mary Davis, Roberta Kalber, An­ A smaU spring fed brook will fur­ to study. Complete Line Of Diabetic Foods and SuppUcs 1938 SEDAN Local No. B8.. TWUA-CTO, will “bUrt very much.” according to dre Lelbman; aheU beans, John. nish water for the reservoir which 1938 PACKARD SEDAN hold Ite annual picnic for members Dr. Harria, but on the other hand Motycka, Diana Motycka. Donald WlU be used to supply water for FREE DELIVERY and their famUiea on Saturday, iiMich of that In well-matured gar- Oehrlng ; anap beans, Roberta Kal­ fire protection. 1939 PACKARD SEDAN September 10. at the grounds of giaa haa come In "aurprUingly ber, Dmna Motycka, John Oarbar- A dry hydrant la planned to be Open AD Day Sunday the Itelian-AnMrican Social XHub BACKACHE, 1940 PACKARD SEDAN on Snipaie atreet. Secretary Eu- iwt, WlntUrOp Merrlam, Jr., Oeorge placed at the edge of the road Air Conditionod For To«r Comfort Mr. MaiTto put apoctol empha- Wald, John Ward; oarrota, Diana which wtU be connected to the res- ' 1942 PACKARD SEDAN ■| gene Dick of the Union announced Ma on tta “total water ahortaga“ Motycka. John Motycka. Nancy ervotr and furnish a quick, easy LECI PAINS MAY today. Buses will be Mctired to aa a datitmantal factor, and Oatea, Andre Lelbman, Oeorge outlet to connect with the fir* de­ transport members as In previous w S notad that with aprtnga and walla Ward, Herbert Crlekmore; onlone partment pumping equipment, y»*ra snd the program will get dflad up “a let of eratar ha* to ta Wtothrop Merrlam, Jr., Andre nte reaervolr which Is to be built BE DANCER SIGN under way at 1 p. m. Following a J carried to cattle ta paaturea and short speaking program for which ■ C - r Lelbman' BUly Aywr. Mary Davis; of concrete and earth will hold O f Hrad iUdiiaya 1946 NASH 4-DOOR ' S7 a b a m .’* oueumber, Andra - Lelbman, ‘ ‘ bman. Mary Wtoa diwnltr e< feMaer foBcUM pendto ‘ It Is hoped that national repreaen- several thousands gaUons of water. I tatlvea of the union will be pres­ ■atotal O ^ Hatt Man Anna Davla, Harhart Crlekmore, Home property osvners to th* aolmruis mmum ts mietn ta your liloet, PINEHURST DAILY BULLETIN . SEDAN $895 WUUam It. Fullar. ditaf h msr CUM nastar terlisdw. rinnmells ent. there will be sports for the RoberU Kalber, Janet Ryehllng. area who will probably profit bv pelni. lex piUni.' u. IM------of PWPW^awrsT.I- —^ awrsy. S*^. Again a short paragraph about Pinehwrat store sched , ' Dowfi Paj^ment $195' * children. Late In the afternoon tooMoglat at the U.- 8. Weather (3eerge Ward; beets, John Ward, _the lyservolr are donating funds tins up BlihU. iwculBS. pnfliu tu nnsor bateau at Bralnard held, pointed sytf. MwuchM______wui— dusiiMU. .— Ftmiw t*sl I aM.WS.ura. yy- ARE OPEN...... ALL DAY WEDNESDAY a « -from-8 . there win be dancing which will John Motycka, George Ward, 'for the project. acam.leoBty paMSSo*y e**— withw.«, nnartlns and boi m A. M. until 6 P. M. In fact, this is our dally schedule (no , continue through the evening with r r r - out that summer rainfsU has been Jeanne Ryehllng, Herbert Crick- It has been announced by •ometlmaa ahowatban la loiiwUiiiis wnas ( music by Sojka’s orchestra. Re- only half of normal. Normal more, Ann Rlchardaon; aummer With your kIdncT* or bladdtr. ntight openings). Open all day avery day from 8 A. M, Oeorge Knes, fire chief that new Don't wait I Aak your diusslit for DooWS 1946 PACKARD CLUB COUPE I freshmente will be served through­ Bummer-month precipitation to •quash, Janet RychUng, John fir* directory earda have been Ua, a Btlibulant dloraUe. otad wueonfully nntfl 8 P; M. out the afternoon and evening. , thla date la U.3 inches, but only Ward. Jeanne RyohUng, Oeorga printed and will be distributed this ’ mUIlana for ortr 10 yaon. Doaa^ ■!*• 1946 PACKARD SEDAN Refund Appileatlaas AT of an Inch of rain fell In June, oy nllaf and «U1 belp tba II ottu sf Ward; cabbage, Diana Motycka, w#e1c. r tubaa flub out poleonooseestof* STATE BRAND BUTTER , • Application blanks for the O.I. S.3S In July and 1.74 In August for (lat and 2nd prises), John Moty­ He advises that these cards ' '.Got Doon’o nik. 1946 SEDAN I Life Insurane refund were re- a S.M-inch total.. cka, Andre Lelbman; pumpkin, The other day when a new customer came in asking 1947 CHEVROLET SEDAN . celved In town Monday and may Mr. FuUer noted that most of DMha Motycka, John Motycka. for State butter and remarking that ^ a had the <^y ‘ be ot^lned at th* Post Office, th* the season's moisture bas come In John Oarbarlnl: muakmelon, no good butter In town*'; it reminded ns that it was time heavy showers, therefore has run flrat prlaa, John Motycka, Di­ a C ik » ^ ' off without helping much. ana Motycka; watermelon, no first FOR THE----- to “ tell the world” that Pinchnrat sold State . . . form­ “We need aeveral more good prUe, John Motycka; egg plant, erly Iowa State . . . Butter. Sure there are other good 1946 DESOTO CLUB FEN D ER A N D days of rain,” he asserted. no flrat prlaa, wtothrop Merrlam, quality butters, but week after week, month after "The Uck of rain has dropped Jr.; peppers, no first prise, Wln- Back-To-School Haircut month, this State butter runs beat f«r os ta uniform COUPE $1095 B O D Y W ORK our streams Juat about down to throp M erri^, Jr.; Kohlrabi, no Datra Pasrraent $195 the bottom of the record,“ report­ flrat prise. Naney OatwL vegato- Prompt Service ~ Better WorkmaiMhip quality, and we sell a let of it. / * ed Burke L. Blgerood, diatrlct en­ bias, acorn aquaah, plana M otyAa, Solimene and Flagg, tnc. NEW CORDUROY gineer of the U. 8. Qeologtcal sur­ John Oarbarlnl. Join M aty^: 'BEHIND THE SCENES 634 Ccator Stroct iI’ ^ PREP SLACKS vey. butternut aquato, Naney Qataa. If you wess to g* to to* work reom whore Lamb m 1947 PACKARD SEDAN . Water lavela Lew MANCHESTER'S fe; John Ward, Diana Motycka. Joto. being___ _ prsparaf______toss this afterassaor WednaaBay moraing m 4 Mr. Blgerood aald water Mvala Motycka. Orarga Ward; kaU, tee Ita aasalOl aMwitloa our asaai i 1948 PACKARD SEDAN Blue to July were tta lowaet slnea IbSO Nancy Qataa- In toa bast eoUse- BETTER BARBERS minor otaie, you would rcaUae why . — *------—^ 194B PACKARD SEDAN Gray. and saeond-loerest aC all time In tlon of gardan vagaUblaa award* •hvayn tta saaso uniform MsUty. 0 «r assn uaa only toe SoMt tasterh Connecticut , Tta umr* went to Nancy Oataa, Rotafta •, Open Evei7 Day 8 A. M. to 8>P. M. ll(j^^i^trtat^|P|M te^Il|h»dto^Am ^ fraah Oaaailiia Sprtag Lamb with 1 ^ PACKARD SEDAN Gfmb faeored western part of the state Kalber. .Diana Rlchardaon and apeototty blsadod eeaeoatog . . . l l had the third-Iowest'levels In its Mary Anne Davla. Arrangementa .*■ V matory* • Estimates CtiMifnlljr colors to mix or match wifh th* rearly tlBa marntog and Arthur Mlai Bhlrley Smith o f Masoh Inspoeted fresh beef. Given. Bufito IB, o f W Elm atreet, alao straat l«ft Sunday to spend the 1949 G. M. C. PICKUP ihlrls above, eoqls b*low. Brovyn. SUBURBAN Oet your eanalag euppUaa at FlaehursL_____ For tta Labmr Day te f fine o f ItaMNa. eraa erltleaUy ihjurod wMk at^thc home o f Mr. and Mrs. • Prompt Efficient Gray, Ton, tslevy, Graan.. fa b ric 1$ week end . . . PtoNiarst freak C< Hobart Farm Turtays . . ^ p f i if id P f ; pOlifi'** whsa ttalr ear atraek a troe at John McManus aad famUy to Wor­ derviee \nehe« >*ddfi. iPour Oornara. Palmar. cester, Maa*. Mr. and Mra. Mc­ The All Metal Station Wagon MevraU’a Ready to Bat Hama.. . aib Eoaat Beet. . . order today; EASY TERMS ' L ihfidfi* Manus and family wan waekend • Call Braao Maixoli <* ** W.I >• gueata at tta >homa o f Mr. and Early Delivery UP TO 84 MONTHS TO PAY | Mrs. Oeorga Smith. “— C o o l.ififpy In lOU, mora than 70,000 aUU- ' “ Your ChryilefyiPlymoath Dealer” CORDUROY JACKETS births eran nported In to* DWt- Na: I Daaaage to OtehaNp BRDCQRM?i |(XNCHE5TER ed Btatea, a ratio o f M out of UttoBsM, Aug. 80—(m—-(F i-n S — a y -{ . B R U N N E R ’S wear ttam with allirte and averp 2,000 boMoo boiA About mohd A. Atoerton, sgsnt for the 858 EAST CENTER STREET MOTOR 5ALES alftcka atav*. Big pMtaU, Judm- 85JM0 of mote than 834p.b00 ba- Utehfisld Oounty Farm buraau, Brown-heaupre^ Inc. .95 * 4 • 3 0 2 MAIN • DlAL2il$l5 TEL. 1181—OPEN: MON., WTDh FRI., EVE. Oy ouL with rayon lining. Tkn, •'v. Hea bora ahva diod on the Sret said ye^erday's storm and high 30 B1S8ELL STREET PHONE 7191 512 Wert Center Street day o f Ufc. sad 73.000 died before erinds had caused no real damage _____ K ' Maraak, Orawfier Q ^ . a ^ ia a to to srehards in the oounty. ‘ '' ’ PhfHie 41S4 '


w«nin«i xald that tha few wee* wanted la coanecUan with bteaka 3 W A Y S i; /.’ f LOAN CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC Ta m . ? ^ n— 3* evar tlw teet that aU W ife Collapses la Southbury^d Newtewa aad tv n c -ia s s May Settle New Method h Announced; Sees Hypocrisy ear f ! f " * f aad lahuarnl tor ta* 8* b * an that State pollea had a warraat iSSSBS, T o d a y 's R a d io POWER CLEANED t Connecticut for their arreat ca th# Seuthbury swonlhlas too# whw yoa Economy Block After Threats cbargM Ja tba svaat that they sac- 0 ^ wum j— isss School Row Improves Canned Tomatoes masMiBf Aas« ■OBaoBo WnAT—SIS In ^1 n ti I li I 11 r nial I ■> i I * attack. If any othar ___ ^ raMlag th* bead for th* I2t.ll W9AS WONS — tits OajrSgM Oft wily puraoad similar plaiwlng S ? O » 0 l Yankee fas t* SCUford efraoM. In default of bonda the four »4awaf A 1471 3470 OanevA N. T ., Aug. 80 — A t tom aad Juat bafora tbs Bd la Cong. Rlbicoff Says All h i N W \ h I ' h I • oft^ fobaarsal wo Should bavo no Woman Turns Husband *1t4S— AttomejB ^or Newtown By A. B . a gaaaa a f any taapayar, ar even ware ronaandad to Um N ow Havoa method for Improving 'tba appear* plaead on th* can or Jar for pro- aUghtast doubt that that aation WDRO—Newsi Seat tba Oteek. WDRO—L o rry Laanat if. eaaalng. Th* tabtete hava no For Hoover Action Ex« th* gn*M af the Oeveewer, c m Over to Police for oeuaty JalL And Regnal Board anea of whole canned tomatoas intended to wag* offonatvo, ag- aanbahattaa Bmn that af tha WTHT—M*lo<^ PreoMnad*. WONS—InakM o€ l^ orte. prmarvatlva aetton. hen** the con- McK in n e y bro s SiOO— To Meet Tomorrow widely used by eonunsrelat prooas* cept When Effected war. Wa may b* sr*n CtovaiBor Chaatar Bowm la win­ $15,000 Store Break w n O —Backateg* Wife. telners muit be proeimed In a hot WDRO—Mystery Thaater. w ater bath aa uaaaL -1 \\ \(.i hi n ■ \i I 11 satisfied that that doe# not hop- w S jfta r* tho Govaiaor stands, 4 ilS — sora la BOW avallabl* to tbo borne ning his budgH argument with tha W no-B teU a Danas. . WONS—Hartford ChMCa Bai Hartford, Aug. SO — (B) — A canner as wall. Th* procedure The calcium raacte with th* pec­ New Britain, August 20—U. S. pen to be our purpoM, but that la wearing Ma victory grin, $$,600,000 Milford, Aug. SO—(OV-A Bridge­ SO-dV- \M) I*, irl ^1. 1 rl. Nl.mi In l« r • *< lUpubllcaiia, and wlanlng It hand­ W KN »-Naw a; VwMUaa. ban CMam. ehaam far an amlcabM aetUemeat was davslopad by food acfantlato at tin eompouade ta th* tomatom to Reprasantatlv* A. A. RiMcolf la th* hols bafor* a dollar w— port w lf* whoM tip to the poUoo Longaboromaa______^ o M^ ; Ogw. 4S. 29 i h H a u u W TH T— Beautif ul Mnate. no guaranta# that othar nations, somely. But there la smaU conaoln- spent Locky fdlowl ' Sad R w r j W I t RSMIM tha eoatravacay batwaan tha th* Bxparimant Stetton bars. form a ^ ta' th* tterom which ehvgad last night that thara la M to UM arraot o f bar husband only smoking a ctearotte, but WHAT—MusM from IMIywaod Tba method eonsiato of adding tends to keep the tomatom In their more hypocrisy In Washington |1WI« >a t m » ^^1 mclud*ng our alUas, w ill #** the Uon la I t More o f auek vletory and W D R O -lfa w Caglaad Note- town oC NawtoBn aad tba board of "m S m s u m o n and thro* otbora on ehargaa of tha Judge gave him ISO daya ta wno-ChvaMada t t Aaaartea calcium In labiate which alao con­ orlgtaal B>a^ aa compared with on tha subject of economy than In ...... 'W, altnatlen axacUy a* w* a*# It b* wUl b* a vary aad fallow. It'a jaU. The reason: Ho waa aoMklag SM 343S * Sarid Mae book* gtff Regional High Sehool DMtrtct No. lO a«aa*a*a»***»J breaking and entering. coUapaad WTHT—Bandstand; News and tain ordinary taUa salt Th* cal­ untreated tomatom which any other phase of government. W# may feol entirely defenalv* not ao much fun bdng right whan State Death Rate aboard a sMp. tha Giaoa Una iBdli loomirt today* jfl ...... f “ on th* wltnoM stand yaaUrday af­ Weather. WDRO—Mr. aad Mm. Narth. It waa anaoimcad In Superior cium roaulte in a Srmlag ' of th* narily break down during procem The Hartford Oongremman told being right meane bamg broke. freighter Santa Juana. Madsd with WTHT—Town Maatteg of t tiasum ao that tba tomatoes prac­ tag. The only beneSt of Um cal­ M sr* forge and train th* atrength I t was common guaao, although ter telling tba court that th* hus­ W H A T —Chaster, th* Curious mrt before Judge Howard w . Al­ th* ISth annual convention of Stays Stationary 7,d60 caaM o f dynamite, 3,000 koga A ir. tically raU out of tha can whan It cium treatramL therefore, te to Council 16, Btete. County and sfhlch can knock down th* house tha RepubUcan# would not admU band bad thraataned to "burn her of irff*»wg powder aad 14 casaa of Camel. an jreotefday that attomeya for Improve th* appearance of th* On reo out" If aho Informad on him. W H A T —Oaptata OMnn’a TaMnt la opened tor um. Municipal Employes, A F L, hare Prospeef Hill w n c —Loreaso Jooea. tho board aad tha town would at­ fr«at •! ■•••• ******* ...... - across th# atraet and we may In- thay ahared it, that th# new aUtt dynamite capa. H unt 'n * tomato canning operation, IBMd producL budget waa certain to he an unbal­ Hartford, Aux. so——Oialr- Balt, who aa director had general Enrollment Limited TM flEriW yI and thre* other man had been In­ Depot Sa. 101. dsa W H A T —Meat tba Band. St4S— dlBtrict*wlda referendum on must be rcalUUc and face up to be dattEClE) rEEdoufbuttp knocked out the force which u naw budget cam* Into effect on man Carter W. Atkins o f th* charge o f the echooL volved In th* $18,000 robbeiT of Ctty Wtda WDRO—Old Racord Shoo. WTHT—Rax Maupla Bnter' whether th* projected 31,800,000 th* Issue, with efficient public Mrs. Lela Tybur, Director, 4267 SSS^hleti •«*»» 0***»^*« *»..**• July 1. BILLIE'S BEAUTY SHOP State fteorganlaaUon eommtaslon Mr. aad Mrs. Thomas Birming­ servlca and tha public interest aa, MrtlMQMOt* 00* OttW ****** trained on him. If the and new* Is not fiM- Autop«y to Find th* Wayald* aothlag Co., of Mil­ wnO—Portte Facaa Ufa. school should be bullL ham and daughter Susan hav* re­ JJ'SJaiSeaor^ mnam B *«**- Budi offensive planning is. ford on July 33. S: Tssterday*# court notion eon- has been asked by the State Btai- the only consldcratlona.” Se before tWa. It win e**n Im NORTH END 89 DEPOT SQUARE eamad the board’s Md for a tom­ turned from Vanoeboro, MataA Representative Ribicoff remind­ logically, the only kind of military I t Is the new* of the vanlem She aald that th* morning fol- WOOG—Naws; Big Brother Bin.) WDRC—Hit tha Jaekpot ploym aaaoctaUon to outline the where they spent a vacation. Tuoadar. AufUrt 80 Cause of Death lowing th* robbeiT her huSband Wonder porary injunction which would nul- apeciSc policies of th* study ed hi* llateners that they are tax­ planning w# can do. If we ar* Ing. ohftaking enrphm whkk Mrs. VoroBks Aeot* PrsostSB, Prspriotor WONS — Cham]B^OO, w n c —Big Town, The Ground Otaservattoa a>rpa had returned bom* with six suits PHARMACY Horae. w n rr—PoUo— a Spaclal Re* Ify th* action of a special New- group. payers aa wall as public aervanta pbiiiUng Defenalr* Attadi going to plan. But, aa Senator the eld *•■«•• "•9" of clothM wrapped In a blanket. toem town nMeting June 24. At Bernard H. McCuaker, execuUv:^ Aircraft Warning aervlce with in calling for “well paid, capable posed to beqaeatk I* th* now. Bridgeport, Aug. SO—(O^— Po­ w n o -^ u a t Plain BUI. p o rt John Boater Dullea said th* other He bad given her 8100 and aug- that Ub m , tho voter# Instructed aecretary of the aasoclaUon, In a Mrs E. M. Teomans is local co­ employes in govemnMntal service, Amorlcan itratefjr for a poa- The budget-making procedure lice Burgeons were to perform M V WTHT—Sky King. 16:30— ordinator win hold a Teat Period day. It la a course which "sklrta, gestad that ahe go to visit **M> |3tl WDRC—Dane* Orchestra. tha town to taka legal stepa to latter to Atkina, said that many whether at the national, state or Give aibU war with Ruaala la, to put roquIroB that thla surplus ba asU- autopsy on the body of Alexander tba Ragional board from past surveys and InvesUgaUona September 10 to Sept 16th local level.” mated, by th# Department of Fi­ UvM In Malone. N. T., ah* testified. W DRC—Curt M am w sb4 Mar­ W ONS—News. dangerously, th# road to war." Dembakl, 84, today, to determlna Upon examining the suits, ah* aald algntag a conatnietlon contract or have been *no more than witch There will be no poet in Andov­ It btantly. that our boat dafanaa nance Control, and that this #*0- M tha TUteo. WTHT—Aa Wa Sa* It Wa should. Senator Dulles tha exact cauM of hli death. ah* found the labeU of th* Way­ 484848485348234848482348485348485353532353485323485353484823485353535323485323235353 Issuing eonatructlon bondA hunts and publicity atunte." ^ er. However, our town w ill be w in ha aa attack. I f war mutt mata be employed In Mttliig up Dembakl. poUcs Mid, waa In WONS—CurMy BradMy. •. WHAT—Btu* Hirror THo. Your Car A Brahe ! though, be engaged In "only a side Clothihg store In them. WHAT—SportA w n c —U fa In Tour Hands. McCuaker noted that the com* auxiliary to the OolumMa Post. b* thara la, to ha honaat about It tha new state budget. There la 6ght ertth Juan Fellcano, 46, and 16>4$— mission had recently explained ita The hours which Andover Is asked defensive, holding operation.” aom* controversy whether the De­ WlUtam Figueroa, T3, on the night Upon her return from New Tork w n o —ProBt Pag* ParreU. htUa other atratagy open to ua. atat*. ah# teotlOed. ahe had an *1- WONS— COBoert Notebook. operations and poUclea to othar to aerve ar* on the 11th 2 p. m.-4 But, he warned, "a naUon that partment of Flaanc* aad Control of Aug. SO. He died last night S ilB - Authorizes Hiring INSURE W a 4o not awpaet to ba attacked tercaUon with her husband at WOOO-Bporte. W TH T— I t ’s Tour Biialnam. groups and askad that state *m- p. m. on th* 12th 6 p. m. to 6 p. m. $ 9 .9 5 poaaaasea a great material eatab- uses expertneoa or mere intuition at Bridgaport hospltaL which Uma he beat and threatantd THEY'RE OFF! U also ba told the story, on th* ISth 8 p. m. to 10 p. m. on with h i OUT OWB homalaBd, unlaaa It la In th* preciM , but It doe# roepond, Falleano ta being held in-bonds SiSB— of Uahmant I* apt to be InfltAnoad her. Disregarding tha threat #h* WDRO—Newa. Nawa oa alt StatMos. th* 18th 12 noon to 6 p. m. on the McKTNNBY RROTHKRS BRAKES bp atomic waapona, agalaat which from ^ * to tim#. with Its aatl- o f $10,00 Oand Flgueron In bonds 18th 8 a. m. te 12 noon. Anyone by th* oeonael of persona who ba- told her story to the Bridgeport WOCO-Hlte at Six. U :16— Real Batate as# Insarener "ctr $10.95 thara arouki ba ao or httlo da* matas, whldi hav# official status of $1,000 on a charge of breach of pcdlc*. WDRC—World Tm lght willing to help In obeervlng win SO.S Main St. TrI. ffOAO Utv* In the Inevitability of war, in th* budget-making preoadurs. This woMt-sad stilUoas o f fsopis WKNB—Newa; -Sporte; Weate Hartford, Aug. 80—(F)—AcUng faaaa. Wa do axpact mrope to the peace pending completion of Four Men Arrested W HAT—Moonlight Matlnao. please contact Chief Obeerver, Last December, when It eetlmat- the coroner’! Inquest. Gov. William T. CarroU yesterday Andover Cars ba attfeit* 9*5 •9* 28 Ym n Experience BsBSOfiBble Prlees' Crepes, IJnings, Drapery and Upholstery aoroaa vast laashas of th* earth's back south against the new, but By See Barnett Otew ■ ^ * •' aurfao* until, by offanalv* styls now more fitful, ruah'Of wind. 'A youthful, axtramely amait By Mr*. Anas caksc Fr«s EstimstcB fighting, wa had helped defeat th* I T h e M a n c h e s t e r dl^m a dresa ttuFa bound te| Twins ar* aU the rag* how aad asrti OaBaS PW eed Oallveroi DREAM USES MILL END FABRICS aggressor back on bis own home win a round of uplauae. tbea* twin Bumptlaa am great fa- "SpedaSateg fa Ftrs /CHEVROLET/ Pattern No. S60S to a sew-rttal vorites with both Mg aaaand ai ( grounA 8o that la bow the Ws haadls aay Job frosi Pretaatloa** parfoaatad pattern for alsaa 13, Adk. Baay to awk* taaxpsn* tbs sawHsst scrafiA la tbs prablwa of a third world vrar 14, 16, 13 and 20. Bis* 14. ahertl alva too. Open Mon. Thm Sot. 9 to 5tS0 aatdmaticallp gliaysa ttasif for TRUST Co. •leeve, 4 8-4 yards, o f S6-lnch. Pattern No. 8890 oonalste. o f boU largMt wreck. For thla pattern, send 38 cents, Iron tranafsra for Mg and little toy our mUltarp plannora. In thalr Fyr-Fyter MsachMtor. Coaaocticut mlndA the w e d ln g e f a submarine n coins, your name, address, alse owtonal roqulrtawats, We Hsvs Thd Moet (FUa) (PlgMar) utared. and th* Pattern Number Ing and making instructions, em­ to maaauvar oft Ruai^'s Arctic CARTER CHEVROLET Cdr, Inc o Membor Fodtrsl Deposit Insnrsnco Corporstioa Modera Shop In Town STUDEBAKER Solas and Service > She Burnett, The Manchester broidery atltch Uhistratloas for ooaat, or th* pin-pointing of vari- ivening HeiaM.. XW Av*. Ameri­ teatureo aad eomplote Snlshtag R FTAII EZ333 1 - V Yoar csr has autximnm COSIMMniEflTTIHMW! dtlaa far atomic Ilia bttBgdahers • aaeharsM 311 MAIN STREET ca'*. New 16^. T. dlrectiona. rsssis vahit when the paint ROOSEVLLT I f aaeraiplaniy tha Oust *f- BsSOa 8eh4 28 cento today for the new Bead 20c la Ootaa, jrmir PHONE-6874-6292^ Fall .and Winter Fashion, 64 addrsaa and tho Pattern Number la good and the body is free iwacaaeoWw- V pages of smart new styles, spe-| to Anne Cabot, Th* Manchester of . dents, scratches and CHORCHES MOTOR Wa art sot mplalningeatplalnlng tala ha- JOHN W. KEEGAN rial faaturas. Free pattern printed Evening Herald, 1180 Av*. Avsr- other evidence df diunage. 80 OAKLAND STReET "" It W# an amoag IS ij- - Bm # inside the bosk. Icas, New Tork 16, N. T. F h a a s lin < ^ UANCBE8TER EVENINO HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN*. TUESDAY. AUGUST 80, IMO i '1


of*her oommtttoe’a worti In loeat- Parade of Legion ing orphans of vetorass and ao- EsiorvMicjr Docton List Betrothal Plan Chiiiigel North Ends Upset Motors in Softball Playoffs, Stmtcgy of Toy Doc Polio Suspects qiHfinting them, their famUles and Here Foib PocaoUew Boxor Is Chief Activity ochools with the benefito available Dr. P. W. RelMah. tot 4M6. under state and natloaal law. and Dr, H. J. Loekward. S-496S, InZoneRuleift A saiicsr-ayad toy dog, Are Negatives "Legion and AuxlllarpTiromotoA are the phyMctons o f the Man­ 'For Veterans chester Medical Aaeoclatton THE « whleta appeared to ba of tbe Of Session Today leglslatloa for oduoatlaaal prlvll- IS—iwaii Chlboabua bread, at* egea for orphans of vetorans," she who wlU respond to — arginey ManyUp§et8 said, "waa successful, In Dslaware, calls tomorrow afternoon. i S i b l i e Hmying on Fiiit Indians Cop Third Italians Edge NB’s . traeted soma attaotlon tbia Four Owes Tested at 0 «e ) for Special Dhri* morning whan ba Jumped out Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana M w y- HERALD ANGLE Ix>eal Hospital; Two Proposds to Be tfetfi In Golf Play of a ear parked la front of tbe sons at a baaqust hOBortiig land, Masaachuastta, Moataiia, Are at Serrice Perry North OaroUna, Virginia and West ay Sheridan RestauranU Adults, Two Ciiildreii Brown. Beaumoat, Tex., national British-American I 9«pte^ 15 Straight From Bosox To Gain Finals, 10-9 C i U r i n T o w A large Baser canM orar to cosamander of tba Legion. Ha aald V ll^ iO .' Several Favorites liose EARL W. YOST Qash in Final o f Best tnvestlg^ and the tiny dog tho "sggrsasors wm over ,bs a Adveentee Trained Reserve rwi„„... l > „ I 'E ire Important ehanges to none beat a hasty and stratcgte re­ No additional poUo suspects threat until It Is evident that It Is A trained reserve tq le a r n tfa c k H01|ie||n the Waet Middle turnpike and Out of Three Game U iai ■■HUT 9t lawl ntar- were reported In town today, and knfied forces was urged by Mrs. Feller Wins Opener end In National Amateur 1 1 Underdog N orth Eild5t^ ■aa a ie alwwlBC tatarsst la Mcur* treat under the car arhera he dangerous for the aggrefsor to West Oenter street eecUone wefe Over to the National______Loofue, Twi Series Tonight Playoff Resnhs made a precarious stand be­ authorities wer4 hopeful that tbe B. A. Campbell, HoMer, La.^ chair­ Tonmey in Rochester There seems to bo much contro­ J| Forced to Go Nhw }mg tiM iVMial «hrie*id fonoa fw move from his own territory.’* man of the National Security oom< The British-American club bMs-'] Ptoood today for pubUe hearing aa Run in ICKh Gives the (Mrdlnala foiled to holdold tM ir tween the two rear wheeU of rapid growth of cases of the dis­ Outside toe huge, eweltering versy over the basebaU breadcaet- Labor Day margin and succumbed larvlM IK* taauraitM poi- ease may be drawing to a close. mittee in another report She said ball team arrived in ManchesUr I the Town PUnnlng C5ommise«m Broad Street Motors, league Nerth Bads (6) ' Innings to Triumphi tt was rsportad t o ^ . tbe rehicle. convention hall thousands of Le- Tribe 16th Overtime ' Roebaster. N. Y,,^ Aug. 00—(P) tog abilities of Mol "How About to the \Dodgera However, the ab r h pe' a a It was learned today that four that the auxiliary baa eoastantly shortly qfter upon today. . The «>*> ht the office o f Town CSeeV That" Allen, the Voice o f the Oerds gktoed aweet revenge the champions, end the North Itoda A t tiM Vataraas larvioa Oantar Just as the Boxer had about g^naires had a good lime. advocated national aocurity train­ toam competed...... ' to the National Samuel f . Tutittngtan the sa> —Dofendlng champion Willie Tur- Cecere, If ...... 4 3 2 8 1 0 ! NB lUlly Cut • Short suspected cases have been tested ^Victory in 17 Gemes Yankeee, and Jim "The Red 8ox" following year when the Mtuatlon will meet tonight ‘at Robertoon a MDsIraC tba foraw, togathar made up his mind to investi­ Crowd Hlecks Street ing os the only demoemtie way to Seail-Pro Baseball Oongreea Tour­ nouneenMnt o f the seseton, echffd- neoa mokea hla bow in tha Nation­ Pagonl, rf ...... 3 6 1 0 0 0 | ------gate further and try to wedge so far this week at Memorial hos­ BritL as the American League was reversed. The Brooke Pork to the third gome of the best Osborn, 2 b ...... 4 0 1 0 1 0 w fi^iaatnicUona. la araUabia and A pushing, scrambling mass of provide In peacetime the necessary nament at Wichita, Konaao, lost uled September 18 at S, p. ai. to Itog M k n a a S TsslsfSay*|i assfftts al Amateur Oolf Tournament to­ overhauled la the stretch drive and O' Mac McGuire, vetona-JC m tk under the car, the toy dog's pital, taro of them children and two humanity swarmed Philadelphia's tba municipal building. m pennant race between the New B. Gryzb, Sb .t - .l 1 0 1 4 0 tiH taani’s vatacaa organlMtkms trained manpower tor security, week. day arlth tbe uncomfortaMs feel­ fork Yankeee and Baetan Red tbe Red Birds triumptuMl. o f three serlen. The winner o f to­ 9! End righthander, furnlehsd ths •laa «ra tmUlcUiiif tba banaflt master came to the resctM and adults, and an have shoarn nega' streets. In front of the Bellevue At divislanal caucuaea last night Tbe locals, Connecticut etate If the proposels prevalL large Hartford 3, Binghamton 1. night's encounter wtU meet tba C. Parclak, e ..3 0 1 7 0 0 , pitching and Nino Pagonl ths M|r live reaction. Bpb Feller’s “eomsback" and ing that favorltoa aren’t wanted Box. At this writing. It's n three team that wni eoBM whan tba dlYidanda placed saucer-eyes In the car. Stratford, headquarters hotsL five vice preoldcats were nomtant- diamplons, arrived to tbe Hart­ eaa win be added to the toduo- Albany S UUca 1. around. race,to the A. L. between N Italian Americane for Um playoff Koeek, aa ...... 1 0 0 4 2 0 I ting lost mght oe tha North Siders- From that vantage point, traffic was blocked. triat business and commercial Ctoyeland's sntra-lnning ntoglc are 1 have lletlaed patiently to the championship cup. Game time Is Conran, l b ...... 4 0 0 10 1 0 S a ^ ald . probabtr aartjr aaat yaar. od by the deRgntee. This virtually ford railroad atatlon at 11:48 this Scranton 3, Elmira 3. Tha UtUe men e f the links are pralae and crlUclam dlroetod at York, Boston nod Onvelnnd, while shaded the Brood Street Motore.6 m appUcaticQS tor pay* tbe little fellow gave passers- tt was like New Year’s on 'nmes means election alnee the morning. The team left Man­ Bonee o f tha town. keeping the ladtoas In the Ameri- WUhamsport 0, Wilkes-Barre asserting themselves early in this the Cords and Dodgers ore flighting scheduled for 8:30. Kurlowlcz, rf .. 4 0 0 1 0 0 to 3 to nine Innings, to fores a by the eye. Square lost nIghL Soaaa o f the locations a re ’ In tha two ptoy-by-ptoy announcers McGuire, p ..^ .4 0 1 1 1 0 ■sot will ba In ordar of tbalr ra* tloa tradltlonnUy’ electo the choice chester Sunday, Aug. tl and laat] ean Ltaguel race. (8)-(lst game.) week-long match play marathon of the Yenka and Sox. There la a tooth and noil for tha N. L honor In two playoff gomes played third and deciding gome Ip tha H ebron Men and Women by the thoU' o f each divtaion. • both Ito starto to tourney play. vlclnttles where now Alexander NaHanal of playing to the Woito Series. thus for, the Motors end the North Softball Twilight league playoffs. wMpt, It bps baan announdsd. Just when New York and Bos­ over the wooded, heavily trapped email army of aupportota tor the It baa baan asUmatad that ora r. sands watched the traditional Le­ The nominees are: Jarvis la starting large new dwell­ 8L Louis S Boston 8. Oak HUl oouraa. Shots Hera and There Ends eodi won one decislen. The 28 4 6 27 10 0 The ItoUan-Amaricans coqM from MIse Jane NackewsM ing developmenta, but the land tn- ton seemed set for a private AUen-Tanks and a like number Brood Street Motors ( 6) •AM rslsianai in Manebeotar and ing hlnaclf as a closa frland of J. Robert Schuyler'e eeoond an­ gion fun-maklnf. And they i Western, Mra. Pred R. Henrft Brooklyn ft, Pittsburgh 1. They took out . three British for the Britt-Box. Then too, there BUI TuthiU will promote a 100- Motors winning the first contest behind to ouUost Nlchols-Brtstol plenty o f IL Omaha, Nob., oaatorn. Mm. voTved la generally considered un- stretch drive, tha Indtsns elbowed New York ft, Clnolnnatt 3. lap feature midget onto race Sat­ by a 6 to Im con , the North Ends (Jozzo, sa ...... 8 0 1 1 0 0 10 to 9 to a game that was momd ilslalty may sacurt tba dtvldand vaughan. nual Rope-Tying Field Day turn­ Two Maple Trees In by snatching three straight Rfalker Cup players in the Srat la Just as many who think Allen fijia s iits mads poastbla because McCarthy asked: Did you know ed out a complete success, held on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nackowski Electric canee, water pistols, Charles Mills, Belgrade, Me; Cm - sulUble to reeldentlal use or mote Philadelphia S, O ilcago ft. round yesterday and left Ted urday at West Springfield Speed reversing tne tobies to tost night’s McCurry, 3b ...8 0 1 5 1 0 by errors and ended to a disputed of Hawthorne street, anneunce the «« -m I uaeiylikely naaow usable lor for bualnoaBi or t»- from the Red Son. should taka an ovordoae of sleep­ (Jovey, rf ...... 3 0 1 0 0 0 S a eTtf"*'*** uaymaats on reteran Hunt received a fee of 118,000?” the lot adjoining St Peter's EplS' phony Ipbsters and Usards ,u tral, Mrs, B. D. Ward. Klngwood. Asaerioan Biohop o f IsUngton, Moss., the ing pUls and Britt should (|pllow way. caiorile Ethler won the 46, game, 4 to 6, In nine innings. Jer­ play at home plate. By virtue of MiruMM bare been found to “ 1 didn't know Hunt had any­ copal church, Saturday afternoon, engagement of their daughter, shoved Into the , faces of passers- W. Va.; north-western, Mrs. A. C. Ilere, Blown Down dustnai pyn^-^ The Tribe's sucesas In thumping 1066 champion and a heavy favor­ topper tost Saturday night at the ry Chognon wifi again toe the rub­ Bolduc. If ...... 4 0 0 2 0 0 their win over tha N. B'e the Itol- Jane Elisabeth, to Ralph Macar- Area Cleveland B-ft, Boeton 3-4 (10). suit. O. PhiUipa. 3b . .4 0 0 1 1 0 Igrgaly oaooad tba claims. thing to do with It,” Vaughan re­ lasting from 1:80 p. m., to about by who braved tlu heroes of grin­ Rons. Qarretson, S. D.; southern, Boston In IS of 10 starts could be St Louis 3, Washington 1. ite, hanging on the ropes when One must admit that whenever Bay SUU speedway. Bert Brooke, ber to hopes of pitching hto mates ions move into ths finale for tha plied. rone of Hartford. ning, shouting, Jostlliw Legion­ Mra. Raymond Cornell, Paris, Ky. The Szxt proposal is for ehanga the making of a second straight Lloyd Ouistopber and Mike Nos- Into the finals. Coach Pnitty Ma- OiOgnon, p .... 3 1 0 1 2 0 playoff championship. 8 p. m., and holding the absorbed Miss Nackowski received her Tasterday’a wtod storm cost Detroit 4. Philadelphia ft (10). darkness suspended play. he or aha turns on the radio to the Chairman Hoey spoke up to aay Interest of a good-sised crowd of naires. to Industrial aono of all or part pennlmt However, It also could oruk followed to that order Jewrakl will no doubt come beck Green, cf ...... 3 0 1 4 0 0 'The first end of thS doublebeed- Bachelor of Music degree in June Manchester two large sugar maple of what la now A sons and rural Only games eeheduled. Biohop, O'U. A Walker (^up favorite baacball etaUan and If the Jonris, c ...... 2 1 0 6 0 1 he didn't think there was anything people of all ages. Even movie star Kathryn Oray- pave the way to the flag for tha member, was tour holes down to game la to progreae, one doean’t George Oowe, outstanding Ren­ with Mac McGuire, hoping he con er between the North Ends end the Vaughan Admits from the Hartt School of Music, trees. One of these, located on sons property bounded north by Yankees. aissance boaketboU player, to play­ stop the Motors for the second Stopetke. lb ___ 4 1 2 8 1 0 Motors, that was late in starting in the committee record to show Grlsiled veterans and younger Hartford, with a major In voice son got s taste of the shenanigans. Worked lo Save John Kraft of Edgowater, Cblo., have to wait tor the aoore to tell that Hunt had received any fee In The pretty singer. In town for Tolland Turnpike, was uprooted by Blnlow brook 1,100 feet east by Ctosey Stangsl’s men, shaken b^’ ing flret base for Patwtucket to etrolght time. becauoe of the poor playing condi­ spectators looked on watching She teochee piano and' voice in Adams street 8(io feet, eoutti by with only Svs ssbra to play in their what team la ahead, the home or 31 3 0 25 6 1 Business Men the Tanforan matter. small tots of perhapa 6 years and Manchester and la also on the premiere of her latest picture, i the wind while Ui« other, on Blaet the loss of Tommy Henrich, took Pet. OBL Interruptsd match. the vlslttog club. the New England League .. Stort­ McCurry, Bolduc and (3ozia ore tion of the field, devalop(Ml Into one McOarthy aald: 'TTou never got seated In a parked car when Boats ou Beach Onter street, waa so badly dam-' Middle turnpike west 700 feet and new heart In tha double Boston ing this weak, the minimum purse the leading playoff hitters for the North Ends ___ 102 000 000 1—4 of the batter games of the season older ones up to about 14, tying faculty of the Julius Hartt School west by land of Harry Pogarty Albany .700 — This Joust was one of'16 which Britt la all hepped up about the Motors ...... 000 001 020 0—8 any fee of course In connection tot moet Intricate knots Imagin­ She Is also the organist at S t Legionnaire dangled a lobster'In aged that It la beyond saving. loas yesterday. The Idle Tanks, In 44S 10H couldn’t be completed after a (Sold Sox and AUen ie Just as sn- at Rockingham Pork wUl be Motors. Tony Ocers, Charlie Par- os McGuire and Jerry Chognon Donated Funds with Tanforan deal?” Superintendent of Parka Horaoe 1,140 feet a p p rox lm a ^ ^ Scranton $2000, on increase of $200 above ctok and Nino Pagan!, hero of the Runs batted in, N. Pagonl, C. hooked up to a pitcher’s dual. able. Mr. Schuyler throughout had James' church In this town. front of her face. Or. Bernard Sheridan, o f 47 Ste­ Kansas City for an extiibitton, saw x-WUks-Barre .BS7 30>,6 drenching rain halted activities In thusasUc about tho Yankee dolnga. Vaughan aald that he did not, The musical sound that a man ted Murptaey aald that both trees are their lead mount to four full the scale during the first two North Ends latest win. are best at Parclak 2, McCurry 3, Zapatka; McGuire gave up six hlto. struck complete control of hla pupils and Mr. Macarrone U a senior at the phen street, was among the many The second proposal is for a Hartford ,4M 88H the morning. AU matches we^ to Both are good baseball annOuncera two base hits, McChirry; stolen McCarthy wanted to know things went off without a hitch Hartt School where he is majoring from Miss Grayson’s throat was now being removed. The maple games. Cleveland is five and a half be picked up early today at the or they wouldn't be to eueb re- weeks of tha 17th summer meet­ the plate for the North SIdera. out six and wolk^ five. Chognon whether Vaughan bad evar Connecticut shore realdenU who on East Oeiinter street le being cut change to businefe sons of aK^■'or BtogtBlnghXmton 61 .493 36 ing. . . . The (note C Colonial bases, Ceccre, Gryzb, Koeok, Co- was nicked for .six hits, fanasd (except hitch-knots). in muste education. perhaps the highest "C she ever hack. x-WUUliamsport 8| .447 s m point left off. eponslDla poatUona. a. m. (sa.t) Wednesday. Vaughan cetvad any money fiwm Maragon The wedding wiU take place worked several houm yeaterdsy down by a Crew fratn the. State | part of present A sons land bound­ BoseboU League has a ruling that way-, sacrifices, Pagonl 2, C. Par­ three end tosued stx bases on bolt*. Vaughan said at first that he never Around one elde of the field were hit. (P.8. The lobster wasn't morning In an effort to save Bureau of Roadside Development, ed north by Alien and HIlUard FaUar, now winner of 18 en­ Elmira .416 .05H Tbe British Walker Chippera who As one neutral fan pointed out. Robinson^g Mark clak, Jarvis; left on bases. North wm Ntnm to tbe wltneds chair displayed frames showing hun­ next summer. i olive.) gineered the first Cleveland vio- never In bis time of foUowing ma­ a player cannot play more than Tony Oecere scored tbe first had and then reversed hlmeelf to launches and other craft from he said. pond 485 fert, east by a propooed Ittca 45 .866 4 m surrendered in mater upsets were throe seasons with one team . . . Ends 8, Motors 8; bases on bolls, North End run in the first frame acknowledge that bs had got some dreds of various knots as used in Electloneertng InrrraMng damage In the strong winds that redldence C'sone 400 feet, south tory, 8-3. After the Indians tagged x-Doee not Include second ntfht James Brusn. the Irishman who jor league baaebaU have the fans McGuire 5, CTiagnon 6; strikeouts, Tbs WhtU House Army aide told U. . Navy set-ups. Mr. Schuyler Earl Johnson for two runs In the been ao bitter toward their arch Tenato players ore the most tern- Dips Slightly on bis stogie, a sacrifice by Pegs* ■snats iBvostlcators that the from Maragon during tba 1040 8 and helped out in the choir an(^ Electioneering Is Increasing. The buffeted the shoreline. Dr. Sheri­ by Middle turnpike west 800 feet game. formerly held tho British Alnsteur peromenUl of oU ethletea to the McGuire 6. CSisgnon 3; wild pitch­ ni, a base hit by Bob Osborn ofid campaign. has studied this unusual art for a at the ^pe organ at the Sunday smoke-filled hotel room le In use dan has si summer home at Point and west by Adama atreet 088 first Inning, FeUer drove home a title; Sh'nest MiUwsrd and Gerald rivals (I. a Yanks and Red Box.), es, Chognon 3, passed bolls, Jar­ bs did arsrs dona artthout Court Officitils third in the second frame. It was Natloaal managers, front office paraonnel, opinion o f P. Schuyler Van Bloem, a wild pitch by Chognon. CJiarUe of President Tru- Wughan aald ba "probably" had good many years and is complets morning service at St Peter’ 24 hours a day. Detogates are O’ Woods. feet. The easterly hoe of this ■t. Louis 78 67 .624 Mlcklem. retirsd general chairman of the New York, Aug. 80 — Ue — vis 3; umpires, Yoet, VIttner; Porclok'e single in the third, fdl- gotten la.OM from Maragon and master of the fascinating subJecL ^ Isco^ church. wined and dined In toe drive for Six to ten-foot wnvea mattered eeotlon would be a eontlnuatlon of his fourth victory over the So* .606 Three othera, including the pres­ ticket deportment managers and time, 1:40. Tael I ■•otlon would be a eonttouatloi Brooklyn ‘ 78 49 even the announcers. It’s true. National Tournaments (fommittee Joclde Robtoeon's batting average lowing Oecere's eacond hit, a aac- that Winiam H eto who was iden- Through the summer he has Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Grant votes. The polltleal plum is the the usually mild Connecticut Inspecting ja il Um west Sne of Deerfield drive who have beaten him only once. 64 60 .516 18H ent British champion Max Me* M dM aot mention them to tba Ufied sHth the Tanforan transac­ benches, imperiling many craft Boston Yank fan wonts the Red Sox to at Forest HiUs. N. T. Van Bloem may not be slipping oe fast as rillca and a walk to Ben Oryrti, bs said, beeauss *1 taught four claosea weekly in had as Sunday visitors the Istter’s national commander’s post— and ' tended northerly to HUIlard pond. The Tribe’s amsilng extra-ln- PhlUdsIphia 64 62 .808 16% Crsady, came through, however, claims several store nniat be ca­ Italtoa Asserienas who pilfered second, accounted for tion, gave him $J,0M or $8,0M for Hebron center, A met on and Gilead, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. at least four men are candidates. and some cottages. nlng skill snabtod them to pull tht along arith prime U. 8. favorites, lose every game. And the same you can say Jackie Robinson—but Phillip*. 3b . . . 4 2 2 0 1 3 think It was necessary." Jnrfs. WMlev C. Orvk end Dea- I pfopoeal to that Of a New York 63 62 .800 18% feeling is true to the cose of a Bos­ tered to by net officials Including two more North Eind runs. campaign purpoaea. about 18 young folks from flva or Selden and their daughter, Mias Backers of each predict positive The efforts of the men were con­ n rwldenca C sons ah or ascend out o f the toes eolumn, 8-4, 66 .463 30 Skse Riegsl. Ray BIUows and it has dropped fifteen points in Rlcfatere, as . . . . 4 0 3 4 0 0 Vhagbaa cams In for rugged centrated on getting the craft to uty JudfB John De Ia Boim* aioBC | present A pone Pittsburgh 67 ton rooter. The onnouncara Ore Sid Wood who dislikes the grand­ Ed Zapatka drove Chognon ■aasUsnlag from awmbers of tbe Vaughan told McCarthy the six up taking part Jane, of Middle Haddam. victory for their man. In 10 innings. Ted WlUlams' 38th CtoclnnaU 50 74 .408 27% Frank Strahahan. stand court adjacent to tha stad­ the lost two weeks. Gavello, U ---- 3 2 1 1 0 1 home with the first Motors’ nm to money he had received from Mara Mrs. Emil Danberg, who U The Legion’s Au^lary got Ka the bench and safety. Those boats wtto ^ e r court t^ rtato In Hart- b on d ed north by HlUtord pond and homer with one on broke a 3-3 tie Turnesa gets one of the first bums, eo tbe fans claim, whatever J. Prtogle, p .. .42105 1 SuA ts subcommittee looking Into Lewis W. Phelps of Andover act­ that had sunk were brought Into Chicago 49 79 .883 30% ium because he hoe been upaet The speedy Negro second boM- the fifth, after two walks and an gon and Hells went to either R*^ ed aa annquncer, and William W, staying at the Rev. H. R. Keen’s four-day conclave under way yes­ ford County spent ^ day on a | by HUUiwd pond, |^ tn the seventh but Cleveland tied day giant kWera In his first teat aide of tbe fence they ore on. mon for the Brwklyn Dodger* Gentilcore, rf . 3 12 0 0 0 tbe mMStltm of whotber there has Miore and emptied before being tour of the Hartford County Jail. American I wouldn’t be surprleed to aee or many times. Also Frankie Parker outfield fly hod moved him into bssn libproper Influence In letting Harper, Missouri DemocraUc Issd- Hammond and George E. Alden, place while he is away on his an­ terday. Mrs. Hubert A, Goods, Middle Turnpike, west. 1480 feet tbe score In the ninth and nudged -- over the par 05-86—71 layout. He who prefers to play ell bis match­ ■till Is first in the NationsI Gain, c f ...... 2 0 0 0 0 0■coring position. lUtdiie Jarvis er, or the Missouri Democrmtlc or secured on the beach. Plana for the tour were made and with the west line being a con­ New York 77 46 .631 hear of a major free-for-all* at of gsvamment contracts. Jr., of Amaton were Judges. Jeaae nual vacation, entertained her Portland, Ore., the auxiliary com­ Joe Dobson for the deetolve run In 4 tees off arlth Harold Foreman, a es before 3:30 p. m. because he League, however, with a clubbing M. Prtogle, e . 4 1 1 6 1 0walked aa second batter to the ganlsatlon. husband and daughter over the Tbe local man managed to beach with Sheriff. James BUsworth, in tinuation of the west Uns ot Deer- Boston 76 81 .868 trucking sxoeuUvs of Glencoe, ni., either Fenway or Yankee Stadium 4 1 1 7 0 0 ' Mueb of tt revolved about his Hills of Gilead furnished an am­ mander, told the women delagatea his own boat early In the morning the tenth. It was the Indiana’ I6th 83 .564 % wears dork glasses and needs percentoge o f .346 including Sun­ M. Correnti, lb ■eventh. Zapatka registored hls- Vaughan had a 1.000-word pre charge of the prison, by Judge Seld drive extended northerly to overtime arln In 17 games, four Cleveland 78 8 at 6:46 a. m. (e x .t ). before the season closes on days Puzzo, 2b .... 3 1 2 3 3 0 ‘ lalallans with John Maragon, the plifier. week end. they should do "something" about before the high wiiida started. Gryk. The local court official 72 86 .563 8 ,or nights that the arch riv^ plenty of simllght; Joroetov Drob- day's gomes. second hit of the night and both pared statement In which he made CMn teats want on in rapid suc' Mrs. Guy Harris o f Amaton, the future of the nation. Hiniard pond. ever Boston. _ Detroit tt was Foreman who put greasy That leaves him a slump mar­ P. Correnti, cf .10 0 10 0 amdsrlous sun-about-Washlngton a blanket denial of any wrong- No damage was reported to cot­ stated that he believed such a The Penrth Prepeeal Philadelphia 66 58 A33 12 tangle. The feeling is that Mtter. ny, the Ctoech ace, likes to ptoy runners crosaed the plots on a dou- wbo sfo«d on bis constitutional cession. The clove-hitch was won who .haa been a visitor with rela­ "Yoo long have we exposed our skids under one of the visiting tenflis as tote os possible to avoid gin o f 21 potoU over second place Annlello, a ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 tages' at Point O’ Woods although tour would be beneficial to the The fourth proposal to a dumge Mike Trash, reserve catAer who Chicago 81 74 .408 07% Labor Day Leader — Series Bound bU by Jimmy Mc(hirry to knot ^ . tighta and refused to tstt tbe com' by Nancy London, first, Harold tives In St Johnsbury, Vt„ to re­ children to the pox of Communism some summer homes at other had not batted la a nm all season, Engtishmsn, shoving Ernest MUl- the eummer beet . . . Joe DIMag- Etoos Slaughter o f St. Louis, count at 8-olL ^ H ? aald the eeven home freeaera turn in September. Misa Belle court offloacs In saaking dectoiona to buaineaa aona o f all or part of St. Louie 48 63 .384 06% ward to tht sldsUnss, 6 and 3. If the pattern of the past ton Totals ...... S3 10 IS 31 10 0 sMttss last arsMt about his finan­ which olllclala of the Albert J. Hills, second, and Billy Becord, without Immunising them with af­ beaches suffered severe damage. on various cases. the present B aone land bounded drove home the big score with a .333 36% glo, one '*^of basebell's an time which Just goes to show that Oecere opened tbs ninth wMi a Beebe of El^x haa spent a week fective AmericanUm,” aha aald. W ashii^on 41 83 MUlward carried Turnesa to the years continues the teams to first Jackie woo leading the batters by .Mcbois-Bristol (61 cial affairs. An accountant had Verley Perfume Company, Chica­ third. Judge Qryk has also etated that I at the start at the toterseetton ef left Said Btngls. The Indians had place to the American and Na­ greats, will be given a day at Yan­ base on bolle and was wild pttohbd that Maragon banked The black-wall hitch was won by as the guest of Miss Mildred The 40 and 8—legion fun and men on second and third with two last hols In a semi-final match of kee Stadium. Saturday, Sept. 1. a country mile before he hurt his Sloan, rf ...... 21000 0to second. ThU uet the stage for go, gave to him for blm^lf he to Interested In noting facUlttas I the south line ef West Oenter and Today’s Oaase* tional Leagues respectively on Hill, rf, c f ---- . 1 3^ 0 2 03 . 5 5 a m during a five-year period hla friends were simply gifts from Nancy London, Virginia Owen and Rathbone at the Harris home. Mr. honor group—continued Ita con­ and programs at the JaU as re- the west Uns o f Ctooper streeU, out when Manager Joe McCarthy the British Amateur Toi)irnamcnt Poor Joe. he's only drawing down leg three weeks ago and began Pagonl, who promptly drilled' a and Mrs. Harold Smith were also Session Tiring Bastcra earlier this year. Turnesa went on Labor Day will meet to the 1969 CJhapman, Sb . .42141 1 la which he had said his Income old friends. . John (Jueen. Next came the half- vention begun Sunday. garde alcoholics and habitual theiice wuther^r^al^ Oo^tor ordered Dobson to pitch to Trash. World Series. $90,0(M) from the Yonke, plus nu­ to slide down the scale. ^ base Ipt to oenUr scoring Aeero entertained there on Saturday. Drum Carps Wlaaera Wllkes-Barrs at Elmira. to toss to McCrsady In the finals. Lesi, l b ...... 31142 0 , was about IM.OM. One of the freesers wm t to Mrs. hitch around a pole. Winners of drunkards who spend much time street ISO feet, •n » next schsdutod batter was A1 WUllamsport at Scranton. merous sums from outside endorse­ Slaughter boosted his own with the wtotong run. Admits Orlplsg Maragon Rev. Howard C. C3iampe of The Raymend A. Qarbarina Me­ For Veterans Foreman slipped Into this 69th The occupant of the top rung ments. He'll probably be (ireaent- Mockowskl, os .31231 1 Big John PringU pltAod th* Truman for the Little White House Uila wars John Queen, Steven there. . la a line parallel to the south Une Benton. Only gamae scheduled. on Labor Day In seven ot the lost average three points during the youghan acknosrledged be had at Independence, Mo. Tcrchen and David Hills. This Shelton, who is having hli annual morial post No. 1828, New York of West Cmter street, thea south After Trash singled hyme the annual champlonahlp field through ed a new car. TV eet and the uaual. week ending Sunday for a seven Thompson, cf. 2b 4 0 1 2 1 1Italian Americoiia into th* finals Natteaal ten years in the American League Kelsey, i f ___ . 3 0 0 0 00 . helpful to Maragon from time Vaughan declared; was pretty hard. Standing at vacation, officiated Sunday at the city, won the Legion’t National 100 feet, then west 267 fast to • wtnaing run. the Sox didn't have a side doori He was a rsplacement . . . Bill Schindler, one-legged day gain of a dozen pointa on by virtue of a 10 to 9 win mrer interesting old (Congregational (Coattaaed frene Page Oaa) Blalaya’B PeUee at fha Btiength I St. Louis at Boston—Brazla for Ous Moreland of Peoria., lU., went on to win the pennant. In Boedor, c ...... 3 0 0 1 00 toTlins. but bs swore ha had never "There la absolutely no con­ some distance, a long rope had to Drum and Bugle Corps champion­ _____ point in the easterty Una of Bre- nu ch lo My* tho National League during this midget car champion, act a big car Robinson. Stan Musiol of the NichoU-Briatol. aatborlsed Maragon to "represent, church in Middle Haddam. For­ ship. It outmaneuvered nine other (18-6) or Hunger (13-S) vs. Bick­ when the latter broke a coUar record for a flat bolf-mile dirt Smith, p ...... 1 0 0 0 1 1 Pringle was touched for only nection between this ^ ft "'<1 ^ be ao manipulated that It would Negro veteran from Ponttag. Kuala Lumpufw(iP>_ TheTha Fed-1"»«*Fad- Only WUUams talked and he ten year period, 1939-1968, the Ctordirlais, lost year’s batting Cow las. 3b . . . .31020 0 ^ ^ ^ fo r w or tbs White uMstanee I have given these wind three or four times around a merly of Hebron, he haa been contest flnalUU laat night Last mumbled. "Bure glad to be toavlag ford (16-6). _ ^ bone. track recently when he posted the champion, moved post Pltto- five hits, but seven walks find flve here off and on during hla vaca­ Mich., took a wheelchair ride up Pittsburgh at Brooklyn — Dick­ The other two British stars were Labor Day leader won the flag on Marches*, x . . ,0 0 0 0 00 friends. . . • pole, and then It had to be un­ year's winner —Riverside, N. J., and down the sidewalk outside the now at lull otrength-14,(>33otrength- men this town.” eight occoslona. time of 2446 at Bedford, Pa. . . . burgh's Ralph Klner into third errors by hU tesmmetes kspt the ' tteder a fire of questions from tion, at the home of Mrs. Post 146 —placed second with northerly along Bremen road to son (7-13) va Barney (6-6). eliminated by (3aUow 21-ycar-oId Mike Nosoruk and Steve McGrath place. Musia] got 14 hits to decision to double up to the ftasl •*At no time have 1 taken action wound. hotel. Then he went to a dtaner for the first time etnee the Ub- Bento* Ike Winner Once the secod place club, St. T o ta ls ...... 26 6 5 18 6 6 •Mator McOarthy (ft, Wls.,) as a member o f the White House Harold Johnson, Earl Murphy Champe's mother, Mrs. E. G. Hamilton Post 20 of BalUmore. West Oenter street, then easterty It was Benton’s arln on rsUef. Only games scheduisd. youngsUra who should have more ore running neck and neck for the ■even da3rs, boosting his average out Walt Smith went the distanc* Lord, with his wife and daughter given by an all Negro poet oL the eratlon In August, 1946,- along the southerly side of Wqst Louis, in 1944, won the pennant a—Annielk) ran for GolU yaugban denied speelfleaUy that ataff in exchange for a gift or and Norman Jewell were equal Md.. third. ^ At the time of tbe liberation tbe the second important victory tor respect for golfing form. In the A. L., beating New York, feature event championship In the five points to 421. for the losers and was bomhanied Ruth. Amdrican Legion tost night Oenter atreet to the point ef begln- Gerald McKlem, 1967 English X—Marchese batted forDoedor ha ever told the SUto department other favor." __ winners in erection >f the gin pole, The Holy Name Cadet Drum Today’s program for the vetor- poUce force strength was 7,633 the Detroit discard in three daya New York at St Louis (night) while twice the third place club on American Racing Drivers' (4ub. Another couple of weeks of that by a barrage of 13 Italian Ifito. that President Truman was "per- Mr. and Mrs. Albert 8. Taylor and Bugle corps, Garfield, N, J.. nlng. —Lopat (13-5) vs. Papal (8-7). champion, went down before H. the night of the first Monday' In Mike, the az-Marlne hoe 17 fea­ sort of clubbing by Slaughter and Runs batted In: Richters, Gavel- Smith’s support to the field was Aa for Mr. Truman a knowledge ThU U a device for loading heavy _)s la a comparatively light eee- which^ was conaldarad ^ 389 below .. I ™ 8HR propoael to a ehanga He stopped the Yankees Friday le 3. J. Pringle, Gentilcoro 2. GoUl, ' Snally Interested” In a trip Mara- of what he has done, Vaughan articlea such as telephone poles, and children have returned from captured the junior title. S t Vln- night and halp^ hlmaslf to his Boston at Detroit — Kinder MacGregor of Pacific Palisades, September. Detroit to 1940 and tures to hia credit, while McGrath Muslal, combined with continua­ aboddy with hU nutes chipping la a vacation sp|pt in Long Island slon of receiving greetings, follow­ the appp^war e a to b tl^ I y , , i^isineaB sons of aU or part M. Correnti, Oiapmsn 8, MaekoW' ' gpn proposed to make to Europe onto freight trains or the like. A eent’s (Jadeta of Albert L Quinn ed by an "unofficial meeting" to­ ment. With the drotoratton of gj 3 lands on the eoutheriy sixth triumph on one seorMess in­ (16-5) vs. Oray (8-6). Calif., who Is Just old enough to CHeveland last year, came through had 16 until injured lost week. tion of Roblnoon’s olump, would with etx mUplaye. ■aidt with Mr. Taylor’s parents. vote, 5 and 8. Len Duncan has grabbed IB. ski 8, Thompson 3. Kelsey; Threc- The Tire man Jumped sway to a Si IMS for a perfume company— In eo far aa I have given as- good many years ago, Henry A. Poet No. 82, Jersey (^ty, N. J., night an emergency in Malaya aa a re- gf w eat Ctonter atreat starting ning. Philadelphia at Cleveland to earn the right to participate in moke the National Lemiue bat­ the r***** company which gave (night)— Fowler (12-8) vs. Bear- Bruen loat to Georgs F. Bighaai the fell classic. • Schtodler a dozen. boee hlU: M. OorrenO; Home four run lead to the first on otfy aUtance to any bualne|p concerns Spafford. a Hebron lumberman, placed second. Aa O A R activity olowed down, ault of tbe outbreak of a 0>m- ^t the westerly side ef Bremen Detroit, trying desperately to ting chose as tight aa the hide on runs: Gavello, Gentiloore, <4iap- .yaugban' seven home freesers for or their retreaentatlvea, it has and a group of others, used this proceedings developed faster In muntot campaign last year it was n>ad and runnUig westerly l i t feet make it a four-team battle, won dsn (7-8). of Kanaaa City, 3 and 1. BIgham an apple. one hit. A hit-batsmon with ths him—If and friends that year. Washington at Chicago (night) is 21. mon; Sacrifices; Gavello; Left on baoee loaded, two walks, and three been without participation by the device in loading at what was then About Town Said 300,000 Children the five allied organtoaUona. decided'to bring the total to tU and being 160 feet deep measured US eighth atralght by defeating Kiner, the league's home run bases: Italian Americans 7, Nicb- yaugban took responsibility for president In aiiy *way, either TumervlUe, on to the box cara. The W R C eras scheduled to present peak. I eoutheriy from the ooutherly side Philadelphia. 4-3. tn 10 innings. —Hlttle (8-4) va Wight (11-10). Rlgtl. tho 1967 U. 8. Amateur monarch with 37 non stop licks, errors gave NlchoU-BrUtol fqur a letter dated Aug. S, 1MB, ad- champion from Tuloa, Okla., oto-Briatol 3; Boses on boUa: J. ■cores. GolH received on R K ths through approval or any knowl­ Except for that the device haa Cared for by Auxiliary elect officers this afternoon, and I of West Cantor street Pat MuiUn’a single broke up the Local Sport Chatter filled fourth place among the bat­ Pringle 7, Smith 1; Strlks-euU dieasod to Mrs. Ruth Shlply of edge on hla part of the namee of never been used there as far as the Twenty seven driver’s Ilcensca Ohechs Fight Blach Marhe ball gome, giving reliefer Hal brushed past Thomas K. Oeal of ters with s slimming .311, com­ liord way to the first trams ss tbs 8Ute Department Passport were Issued up to 2:30 this after­ Philadelphia, Aug. 30—(dV-The the other groups had eleettona night crowd of the Polo Grounds J. Pringle 8; Hit by pitcher, by; apeclfie companies or indlviduala instructor knows. slated later. Shet to~Deatfe White hia first decUion. Tha Warren, Pa. Stranahan expeUed pared with the .318 he had a week Smith hit him to th* haad with don. and seeking permission noon at the Police Station by Mo­ American Legion Auxiliary ajient taasoB. William O. Holloway of Westbury, Wet grounds caused postpone-^McDonald, 147, Boston, in the J. Pringle (MarebowsU) Smith the beoae looitod to force to a nm. whose requerta for asalatanee Rope splicing was done by $1,384,000 for the care of 300,000 Prague—(AV— The Ctoeeboelovak I fourth-placa Ttgara now are only Homara by Stan Lopata and ago. (GoUi); Wild pitches: Smith 3; Maragon to make tbe trip. came to me and ware given my tor Vehicle Inspectors Ashe and government reports It to cutting Nei* York, Aug. 00—(ffV— A N. Y. BUlowa, the three-time run- ment of tost night's scheduled i (1**^ rouivd. Aalde from Klner and Robin­ Kenny Chapman put ths Tiro But hO 'Sald President Tmman Helen HllU, 1st. Muriel Warner, children in the past year. Mrs. VtoocoBt Oharlemont Dtoa eight gamca off the pace. Andy Btmlnick in tha eighth in­ Paosed bolls: Boeder; Umpires; r attention." 2nd, and Steven Turahen, 3rd. This Massey. down the nation’s black market | man Identified from hto flngsv- Dick Kokos ainglad arlth tbe nerup who haa never been closer, baseball game at the West Side ! son, the top ten spots all wers men out to front to the eacond.by ‘ *>cvar beard of tbU.” He said the Franklin P. Boweisox, Freemont ning enabled the PhUUea to top Joe McCluskey, noted local Toet-tfittner; Dme: 1:30. a 7 to 1 margin with a hooM lim was very neatly accomplished, and Newcastle, (Jounty Down, with sharp prosecutions and prints as a New York beekmakar ' bases leaded la the ninth for the -S, In a night game that eUminated L Welling Eisenmann Oval between the Silk (4ty end filled either by Olonta or C3ord- ^ bSCSidsat "vras not Interested In Nfb.. told the organisation's na- Chicago, 6 of LltUe Rock, Ark. Olympic runner, coached Lorry with two motes on the aaahs. Hia the ropes were aa strong as before tlonrt convention today. Northern Ireland, Aug. 88—<61— more liberal free market sale of! was found ehqt to death today In 8L Louis Browns' 3-1 edge over drew only 1808 to Itolbe Park. Re­ the Hamilton Proro. The gems ''Yogi” Berra of the Yankees when tooto. GU Hodges of Brooklyn, * ahy trip that might be taken by Hospital Mutes goods without ration eoupona a lower East Side tenement Po­ Big McCready showed good form ninth tost eveek, slumped out o f Italians pulled wlthto one nm at a Maragon, or any other detail of Public Records they were cut apart. The convention met briefly In ViKount Charlemont minister of Washington In their battle to etay liefer BUx DonneUy waa the aia- will be*ptoyed Wemtesday night, the two were stationed at the New Vigeant Gioice tie to their half of ths seoond as The most apectaculor acene of adyanee of tbe Legion parade. education for northern Ireland Confiscations of black market I lice said ha was Salvatore Villa, out o f the eellar. cniff Fannin waa ner over Bob Munorief, In stoking Tony Langan of Syra­ starting, at 3:48. London Sub Base during tbe war the top ten and was replaced by MMUfon's Ufe.” goods were reported to have de- [ 28, and bad three convictions for cuse, N. T.. 4 and 3. Arthur Sid Gordofi of the Giants. they pushed five ryns across on BssaK of Oenversa^OBs all was the "rescue” of 10 year- Patients Today ...... 139 Mre. W. E. Alexander, Durham, from 1926 to l9&7, died at his home the winner over Mickey Harria _____ I years. Over Vic Cardell four hlU and three NA. errors. Big Permtto old Muriel Warner, os from a dan- Admitted yesterday: Nancy N. C.. emphaalsed the Importance here today. He waa 69. dined. bookmakiag. Those St. Louis Cardinals cams Perowne defeated W. Stesabler of Among the top ten are WUtord And he tbe impression that u Miami, Fla., one up. and Joe Carr George England who motored ; . I T,. „ . _ Marshall, Whitey Lockmaa, Bob blow of the toning was a romtd *'bd (Vaughan) had told the State Peter Bungard, alteratlona erous height, like a burning build Karkut, 17 Drive F, Silver Lane up with a big seven-run seventh North Elm street $80. M/IJOU LEAGUE trounced Tony Ruddy of Toledo, 8 to WlehlU, Konaae to watch the ' Thomson and Gordon, oU of the tripper by Red Gavello with tsro •Ppartment that the president was Ing. Thia was accomplished by a homes; Mrs. Daria Jewett. 85 Inning at Boeton, treunetnf the Brittoh Americane perform, or- ,***J“^ for repairs un- Hartford, August 10 — Strong on. Michael A. Orfltelll. alterations. system of ropes and pulleys, the Goodwin street. Mrs. Etta Rey­ Bravea 0-3. to protect their two and 8, for tho other British Gloats, and Ekldie Kaxok and Rod support for challanger Vic Cardell infaiested was the result of second triumps. rlved to Manchester yesterday | ?f! Schoendlcnst of the Ctordtoals. lA ’e Move 0|rt Freaft o r third hand conversations. 27 Warren street flOO. preparations being all done by the nolds, 93 Middle Turnpike, West; and a half game lead over Brook­ I Itlea ore available at the West will probably send chomp Frank Robert J. Gordon, alteration 43 Just as If to keep from betog morning. Commissioner George The leaders: OentUcore drove to two to th* . Bsnator O'Conor (D., Md.) eon- pupils. Finally the llttla girl, en­ Mias Sophie Muslkevlk, Rockville; lyn la the natioq. The Birds have Mitchell arrived home by plane I Side Rac. Vlgaont into their 12-round state fourth with a four baa* svallop and Wellington road, $25. wrapped In blankets which were Mri. Anne O’Rlelly, 100 Florence whipped the Braves 18 out of 10 By Tht Assodsted Hrsss shown up by the othoqp, BIUows Player and (4ub G AB H Pet. welterweight title dual tonight but frintsd Vaughan' with a. copy of yeaterday from Konsoa. No word i Robinson of (forrenU tripled home another to , tbs Awr. S, 1MB, letUr, which Bernard LaPtne. alUrations, 00 held In place by atrong ropes, was street; Michael Glnolfl, 77 Birch xamea year. Nattennl Lwgne and Stranahan won by Identical a slight favorite. Lots of greater Branford street, $300. margins, 7 and 8. Rlegel triumph­ has been received on the time of Y rillja n e a llrslrla Dodgers ... 123 484 168 .349 the earn* stanaa to move tba Ital­ the fbDowlng notation be- hoisted far. far up Into one of street; Mrs. Mary Burdick. 78 Ron Northey clubbed a grand Batting* — Itoblneon. Brooklyn, arrival of the baseball team. The W lU ia m S 110108 Hartford ring enthueiaate like the ians out to front 9 to 7. Two Warrantee Deeds the huge maple trees on the ITnlon street; Harold Mlkolelt, 10 slam homer off BIU VolsoOe la the 483; SUughtor, I t Loula 437. ed, 7 and S Slaughter ot Wilson walloper's chances of Georgette Y. Wyman to Camll ' Runs—Reese, Brooklyn, lOi; team waa due home Monday. Cardinals .. 120 442 148 .326 otoglee and a oacrifioa gave the I ' "Oolanel Vaughan Informed Mrs. grounds, from which she was let Hale road; Mrs. Evelyn Butler, Mg Inning as A1 Brasle posted his Big Batting Lead wresting ths crown from a more winners on* more to th* fifth. •dplsy that the president Is per- lo Gambolatl. property at McKin­ down to ''safety.” She waa aa 142 Walker street; Reginald Pel- 16th victory, equalling hie beat RoUnson, Brooklyn. 60. Death Dodgem at Avon Musiol of experienced foe, who rallied to get ley and Dudley strvets. Runs Batted In — Robinson, Jimmie Lynch and the Death Dancing Danny Falcone, 122. of cardinals ...... 124 469 157 .321 Behind by three runs to the a o n i^ Interested in Maragon's placid and unconcerned as If in letter, 27 Tyler circle; Clyde Green­ previous Mg isafu* sM«8n- a close decision ever Cordell a seventh the Tiremen olmoat pulled . tslp to Italv." Eve^tt T. McKinney to Town of her own bed, meanwhile. This act wood, 38 Benton atreet. Brooklyn’s Jack BanU matched Brooklyn, 108; Klnsr, PlttaburgM Dodgere will appear at (4ierry Manchester, and Jerry O iW rlgbt, (Thicego, Aug. 30—iP)—A femll- Kiner, Pirates . 120 487 136 .311 year aso. Manchester, property on Steep Pork Speedway to Avon tonight 121, of New York battled to e stx Marshall, GlonU 111 364 116 .307 tba gome from the grasp of .th* Tbs notation was written by one brought forth a storm of applause, Admitted today: Shirley Peter­ Brasls’s sU-blttor as he went the M- ler figure occupied a familiar spot 'Tm gonna stop him deed," Italians. A1 Cowles and Jock Rill o f Mrs. Shipley’s assistants. Hollow lane. and waa the cloalng item o f the son, 148 BIssell street; Francis route for the Ittst time In his brief Hits— Roblnsoa Brooklyn, 172; and Wednesday night. Tbs show round draw lost night at West Kozak, C^ordinola 87 321 97 .302 fiercely stated (Cordell the other Marriage Ueense. Tkomson, New York and Muslal, starts at 6:80. A full two-hour Springfield. Monebester's Jack In American League baseball to­ Lockmon, Glonta 130 493 149 .301 reached on on error and a walk. Asked by O'Oonor whether hla program. Barry, 50 Holl street. major Issgue career, downing day os he completed training at A fter (Jhapmon had popped up for financial records were available to Harry Leroy Dery of Waterbury Those adjudged as doing the Discharged yesterday: Mrs. Pittsburgh. 8-1. SL Loula 156. thrill show Is schsdutod. Anpsirong, 141, knocked out Joe day—Ted Williams, mighty Bos­ Tbomoon, Giants 138 523 167 .300 and Dorothy Cecelia DUworth, 30 ton slugger, topped the betters for the Charter Oak Gym. His hand­ the first out, Lou >ms1 singM to the committee, Vaughan replied: best work in thIa scene were Al­ Doris Jewett, 85 Goodwin street; The lanky rtththandsr held Doublea — Robinson, Brooklyn, Schoendlcnst of lers tried to taoM his prediction, Goodwin street, wedding Septem' 33; Hatton, anelnnatl and Ennis, the fourth straight week. Cardinals ...... 120 609 152 .299 load th* bases. Whltsy Meehowski *^Cartalnly.” bert Fogil, Charles Warner and Nancy Karkut, 17 Drive F. Silver 3-1 edge on Duke Snider's tts- With a whopping .389 average but the tigerish Victor wonted no singled home tsw runs to moke ^ Spaetators lam Room ber 10 at St. Bridget's church. Sherwood Strickland. The little Lane homes; Mioa Sophie Muzki- kreaklng single in the seventh. Philadtlphla, 81. Gordon, Giants 119 437 137 .297 Tjnplea—Robinson, Brooklyn and Wlllioma, if ha continues his pres­ port of It Hist'e how he felt about the score 10 and 9. With two 'on , Bpaetatora Jammed the hearing "vlcUm” herself also won much vak, RockvlUa; Harold Mlkolelt, 10 Pee Wee Reese and Jackie Robtn SpoHs Roundup ent pace, should grab the loop it, and that's what he sold. and on* out, Joe Thompeon was , ypOM for the eemmittee'a round Arab Refugees Meve Wltb credit for the aplendld role she Hale road; Ernest Lowd, 28 Wad­ son homorod off rellotor Harry MUslal, B t Loula 10. Home Rune— Uner. PitUburgh; batting crown for the third Unknown Cooper In calmer tone. Vlgeont depre­ retired second to first Bud Kelsey ' vnth Vaughan. carried out. dell road; Mra. Anna Iriah, 10 De­ Oumbert In tho eighth. 07; MuaUl. St Loula 01 straight year. If the Boston strong cated hia challenger’s chaneea was given on totanUonoI posa,to For the moet part. Vaughan an- Not to be omitted waa the scaf­ pot Square. Larry Janssa earned win Nqi 18 By Hugh Fullertoa, Sr. ^ ago—and a guy Blgftto's stos can't man wine in 1949 It will be hie fifth I’ve forgotten more than Cfirdsll fill the bases. Frank Marchese was . swered questions In a - pleasant Suhkne. Haahamite Jordan — Stolen BaaOa—Robtaeon, Brook' remain unidentified anywhere, (Jf^~ Sixteen thousand Palestine fold hitch, won by Elaine and Discharged today: Mre. Alma for New York as tho Giants climb­ Rochester, N. T„ Aug. 30—

— hitting title since 1941. DecieionB Ortiz ie ever going to learn about boxi- ■ent to to bat for Buddy Boeder: voles but he showed irritation Klelnschmldt and aon, 84 Falrflrtd ed back cve.n with the .800 mark lyn, 00; Reese, Brooklyn. 31. Oae-Mlaute Sports Page Arab refugees have returned to Laura Hllla. This came Just be­ Strikeouts—Spahn, Boston, 118; Back from vocation to rain and WilUama' .889, compiled from ln|. I've been around too long to Morcheoe worked Prtogle for a 0 I whsa McCarthy swung Into quea- fore the final acL The scaffold atreet; Woodrow Trotter, 075 by shs^g (4ncinnaU's Ken Raf- The Buffalo BUls, who don't official figures through last Sun­ let a punk like that beat me,” con­ and 0 count Next pitch thrown by . tioM about IMB campaign fpnda the Suhkne camp from which they Newcombs, Brooklyn, 111. rhubarbs—the U. 8. amateur golf look too good without George Rat- Washington, Aug. 30—iP)— An fled last winter. Sub-aero tem­ hltoh holds aecure a plank such aa Gardner atreet; Mrs.- Katherine fensberger, 3-3. Hank 'niompcoa'c day's gameo. led runnerup George unknown youngster, Jimmy Coop­ cluded Gigeont os he flntahed Pringle'woe a colled etriks, hut , and brought In the name of Frank used la shingling a , houoe. It Orcutt, 120 Woodland atreet; Mre, Pitching—Wilks, St. Louis, 11-1 champloashlp started xith a Mt of termon’s pooelng, are wondering Kell ctf D etroit,by 20 points. In peratures and heavy snow and seventh Inning homer waa tha .786;*Ree, Brooklyn, 11-6 .733. er, la the boxing world’s newest training at the Auditorium Gym. thtoUng th* umpire hod colled It , Osqtello, reputed New York g^mb- won’t slip and the worker will be Mary Augusto, Andover;, Mrs. BMUgln o t vletory In a gams wit- both, mostliy roto . .Tommy what to do about that eeven-man a third placs' tie were Boeton's boll four,* Marchese atartod for rainfalls had chased them from line they faced to their first exhl- luminary. Frank has eporrad eeven and ling cbleftabi. safe unleaa the plank breaks. Mary Hldecavage, 87 Birch street ntased by anly 7,M4 fans, smallsst Strofacl, scheduled os the Sret Dom DIMoggio and Bob DUlinger, eight rounds s' day with such first bsM. Leal started to from MoChrthy wanted to know If this barren wind-swept plateau, A----- tfiRR IjOtkMftC btUon against the Chicago Hor­ of S t Louis, each with .328. He acored a ten round decialon 30 miles north of Amman. They Louis Qaglladl of Anuton was Birth yesterday. A daughter to Batting—Wlllisma Soston, 480; starter, got Into a mlxup over Um lost night over world bantam­ sterling aparmaUs aa Johnny third base for what was to be the Maragon at any time had claimed aa all around balperr making ton Mr. and Mre. Jamee Kelly, 20 Sun­ nets . . . Seems the Hornets Other leaders included; Dole tjin g run. John Prtogle threw' the money he was giving Vaughan took their winter quartern In the KsU. D etroit .068. storting time and nearly was die- didn't bother much about poos de- MitcheU, aevalond. .316; case weight champion Manuel Ortia to Osorio, former New England wel­ Jordan river valley, around the for the children, handing out set street Runs—WlUlama Boston, 130; fenae . . . Maybe the players a non-tiUe bout. ter and middleweight champ; with boll to th* catcher and thq. ,toS IMS campaign purpoaea came prlaeo, etc. He waa a great ad qualto^. He finally proved that Michaels, Chicago, .807; Roy Sle- was put on Leal for th* Uitrd'out Oootello. , Biblical towns of Jericho and Tonite Joost PhiUdslphla, 111. should chip to to pay George a lit­ vere, S t Loula, .307: Johnny Pea­ Cooper, a 21 year old left-jab Miguel Acevedo, Oiban feather­ Shune. dlUon to the party. ;locks were wrong. "And 1 artist from Woohlngton. easily weight boee, and with Teddy and the ball gams. ' "A m T sunpooed to know Frank Runs Batted Ih—fttsphena, Bos­ was here at 7 o’clock,' moaned tle more . . . When the Brooklyn- ky. Boeton, .306; Don KoUoway, But with summer came an in­ There waa a generous supply of ton, 180; WlUlama Boston, 116. New York Yankees broke camp, oqtpototed the 33-year-old Utilat Mockin, blond bomber of local OsateHo?" Vaughan Inquired. He cake and soda, which was much Cherry Tommy, who apparently haa the D etroit .303, and Vern Stephens, fuBed oloarly at a long cigar. tolerable heat and malaria. ,So HIU — WlUlama, Boston, 166; Dodger habit of ploying under their meat bill alone ran to $6,000 Boston, .808. at Griffith Stadium. fame. * they were forced back to Suhkne. i^preclatod -by the children as Mitchsll, Cleveland, 161. . Lorry MacPhall wonts to Johnny Rogefs, the champ’s Sol DlMorttoo, only foe ever to Vaughan asked McCarthy* to well as by older ones. Lieft overs lights . . . Roy Weston, the Spo­ Eagles Trounce Now Jordan government authori­ DeuUea—WlUlams. Boston, 06; kane, Wash., “dark horae" who home a colt by Grand Slam after manager, eold after the tight that actually knock out durable Tom­ MsBti^ Costello and to say what ties and International Red Crpaa were auctioned off and helped to Park Joe DIMoggio , . . Apparently he he la willing tivhave Ortto sign for .Marlng he had on the case. Kell, D etroit 38. Btorted off with a 6 and 8 vic­ Little Hill WiUet my Boosano of Middle town, bos repreoentativeo— Jointly reepoH' pay expenaes. Mias Dorothea Ray­ SPEEDWAY Trlplee—MltcbeU, Cleveland, 10; doesfi’l’t thtok; Joe’s...... lileg oUmente ore a title fight against Cooper after bean Cardell’e chief spom ate. Girdinals, 5144 1*. MsfMrthy said; "Frank Costello mond of Andover waa in charge tory, govs hto viewpoint op the sible for the refugees' mainten­ Bt. 171, Avon DUlinger, St. Louis, 18. goU weather. “I’m used to ptoy- catching . . . Somei wlchlto Kos., a trip abroad. Ortis Is scheduled Neither one epared th# other to Js.'a rather famous—” ance—are faced with the problem of the refreshment table. It la baaeboUboaeli fans are appealing to the Tops in Dog Show to leave for Europe on Sept. tor Vaughan iatarrupted; "Oh, the Home Runs—WlUlama Boston, fiig to rain because I originally 8 aiming withering fire during spirit­ a n ea ^ , Aim. 80 — (g) ^ Yha of DMving them again aoon. understood that Mr. Schuyler was 08; Stophtoa Bdeton. 16. NCAA to moke Wichita tne par- a six-week tour. r Wear Toyk gangster." In part financed by interested came from Oregon, but this is a ed aparrlng. Pbtladslpite qnd Stolen Bitot DUlinger, St. Seluge. This Is my fourth pair ot manent site of the college baseball Jaha White is wearing a satis­ “Manuel wasn’t to top shape to­ To the victor goes the State fealtog like National FoothaE j. 'B a wont on to aay then that Teat Bleetrte friends, and that prises were do­ Jimmh Lynch world eertea . . , They Sgure the night,” sold Rogers, “but 1 don’t * *Tm sura U Maragon had told me •r/t < fT u Lbula. 16. Vale, PhU adel^s. I t. socks toftay,” said Ray as hs fied grin again. You aee. Jabs title, a champlonMitp belt being M t ibp W0L nated from certain WllUmantlc Strikeouts — Triieks, Detroit. peslaS them off . . . For the rac- callegee and Ray DumonVe aand- entered hie beautiful Golden Re- u-ont to toko anything away from ‘ Ba got aaonej from that Individual stores, tt is probable that at­ lotters would shtn out the proposed put Into eempetitton by the Stats Springs, Ark., and a Mt sC rest ts> Moecow (P)— An electric com­ 100; Newkouser, Detratt 111, ofSs, they haS to dig a ditch on triqver, "UtUe Hill WiUet,” to Cooper. He fought a briUlant Athletic Commleeton, and a shot day after rsutkig ttto O l a ^ * 1 OTuM have rtmambered It." bine la being tested on Russian tendance In classes and In the Weetern League entry and uiey’d fight and certainly earned a abet Osls« Oato Bit Rough DEATH n td iln g —Panien. Baetosi. I0-6. tha Srat tea at Oak 1 ^ to drain ffo the A. K. C. show to Great Bar­ at Ralph ZaneUi’e New Bagisaft (MHtoals SI to 16. Is as grain Selds this summer. ‘Tsves- gathering Saturday waa some­ .7 0 ; Reynoldft. New York add the morning rain. keep their basebaU mere er leas rington, Mass., Sunday and aU the at tbe title.” going got a bit rough for what affeetbd by fear of polio, amateur. welter tile. ties gasM laat night tls," "Pravda" and other papera Hutchinson, Dstrott, lS-4, .766. BleeMngs o f Anftnymlty year old dog did ama win, beet In A Sne supporting card arranged Tfwgbaa, too, over tba question of recently announced that < as there has been an effort to Cleaning the,Cuff Egyptlaa Swbnmer Falls Tha "playaE" of las * Mp fisaasetton wltb sfforts of tba KsU* Munn,' the Michigan Sim Innes, National Junoir dis­ clois. beet to breed, beat tn oppo­ by Promoter Lou Viseusl. NFb< perimenUl machine was now be­ keep the young folks away from d o d g e r s Teatorday’ s SMrS site sex and placed third In obed' 1osaa (Chllt) raee track to crowds. All who witnessed the Nomber ef X-Raya State football coach, who pursues cus tossing chsmp. has entered the to ing tried out on the Selds of the fish and moose In the Ontario lance with 197 out of^a possible Folkestone, Eng., Aug. 80—(P) to All-Union Agricultural Academy program hope that classes wlU be token 38 years age U. of Southern Callfornls. but wUl Docombor whan ths Essies dews- Fsaturlng Battiag wilds during the summer, took stick to platter-pitching instead’of 200 points. ' • ' -TrSwimmer Marie Haaaan Hamad, __ mry> M'**' near Moscow. resumed another sununer, with 2S9 a SO-year-old Egyptian Army sd ths westom dMMon tltUelS T VbWSiMa asfeaowlodged taking Ron Northey, St. Louis—doutod himself Into the woods a few trying footbaU . . . Hughie De­ It was tbs fifth show that tbs Sports Schedttio to S was wltaaassd bjr It rseelveB its poursr—as do third field day In store. a home run with th6 bases loaded dog has appeartd to and won rib­ Warrant Officer, surrandared to .V i m dSM M Nltti housing oAelals Hebron was vlaltad Monday Rbiup to Rmmp Leap weeks ago to forget ateut the vore, a long-range worrier of the to ‘ ‘ Sovjst electric tractors— through to opaik tbe OsrSi' Wg toven-run WDlvag . . f landing at a trap- Notre Dame school, won’t give out bons each ttme, ihenopoUatog tha the Bngllah Channel yestorS gavs a psnnit fsr tba ma- eabiM running from tbe subtrans- from the early hours on by what with A Stoett Asto less than four mtlas from his fa th s ‘ ' ha Saalsd thars was sevestli tnnlnt O they hsat the 'iin mll66 tiotn Aowhero. any ontimtem about hto St. Bona- boot to hreed forqifr station to ttis eombins. may have been the wind-up of the Boetea R toved^. 0lr. White plana to antor the Tha ehannal smlmawr was puU- Tin Ssfthsn nayaffS Edhsit* Florida hurricane, though It did Nomber ef X-Baya Mkad. arsund and i vostura football toam ofon though aon Park. tosh tosd to a'St to taken hi 164S a l l n e w t h i s y b a b :ed: "This la great; nobody at ,ho has tons votorana to ths stort­ golden retifevar la many ehowa afi from the squally waves, wtefi not aMume that hel^it here. and ttdsa after imtog to the water 9:30 p. n.. Maters vs. Nsetb marfto aver ths' 6.312 Jack BaatayBroeS^yn Dodgers— all near you." . . . Just as he aald- ing lineup . . . Vern Stephens |Of Uila coming fall and winter. Hw vtstato There was much rain and high Young huricr went the dlitknoe for It, an Indian stuck hla head around the Red Sox has a more-or-less 14 houM out of Cap Gris Nes. Ends. mom Tinafty thousand human vle- wladSij^and brandies and twigs Any Seat 01.08—CklMren SOe the first time In his major league a bush and sold: "Hello, cnereaec.'’ secret desire to lead s band. Tuce

. 1. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHF.8TER. CONN.. TUESDAY, AUGUST SO, 1949 PAGE BLBVIH MAKCBBSTBII BVBNIKO BEBALD, MABCHESTEK. CONN, TOESDAr. ADCU8T SO, 1040 r DafUmHtmm 7S lOUMtHt tl.U . MH.K f RY PlINTAfNE POX OppsrtBBltlds at •O slnr Willi04it Bsart if f s r S s I s 7S Lste fsr 8s)s 1. Kesp skid chains on your Husband: A naan o t tom wnrdd, AatoaobitM Per aele4 Fisrists—Nsistiiss ' 1* Sense and Nttnsense tongue.'Cultivate a tew, persuasive Hamburgsr: H m last rounff-up. POOL ROOM tar sala, S tsMsa ROOM with kltchaastta tar Ught MCKEE STR EET—Pre-war S-tdbm VERNON gTREBT^-Claarad 1st ^PDIK $IM 5 C/W THINK OP MORg WAYS TO MAKK MONEY votes. How you aey It often counts Dentist: A ooUsetor of oM meg- FIRST-CLASS landacaptM wSrk. a08 a 50S. Drtva adS aad/aqa I t clean place, good opportunity heaaekeaptng, tar couple. Also capo CM, bet water Jm et eop- They probably call It a "bridaT I Parents: See that your toan-ags mere than what you say. aalnea. IM S OOMVBRTIBU! coup*. Makitts new aw rplanUnf two single rooasa tot aontlooMn. ptr pluasMag, garage. .Priced te My Nga la Uiera- Msdetlae fduUi. 3. Make promises sparingly Buffar Stete: One that's betwim Q a t a f i e d trees, fumlah labor and tar right party. Apply en TOMATOES—Bring own neutaln- party baeausa she reigns, there’s chlldrin knew bow to drive to stay Pboii* J-0T6O. promlaaa. M Oak atreet, Man- ars. 57 Floranca atraoL call giN . ssU, 111,100. l%one Maaebestar 8-ld48 er 4S78. no way to halter and traces of the alive!—National Safety Ommcll. i and keep them feithfuUy. two blffer etatea * lelB. UfeUm experience. Large TTtt or gm . Erae-Bum. I 8. Never let an opportunity Kangaroo; Natura'a initial ( 1»4T CHBVROIXT n*«UlHB two- aeoortment of blue spruce and chaster. PLEASANT room, gontloaun RICHARD ROAD—1. 8 or t MU. groom’s outhority are teat. There, I \ A dvcrtiM m enb too, he'U be eaddlefl with debt A truck driver wee taking a civil pase to say a kind and encourag- to produce a rhaer-leadcr. door MdoB. rin * condition, radio, evergreen trees, 80c and up. OaU t l tarred. One mlnutoo from FOR SAIE Twa family hoot Water, sewer, Soeat lecaUen la I ing word to somebody. f?ompll- j Delegate-at-Lerge: A man 8-S091 between 5-t evenings. Open Manchester. Priced tar quick k after a ML—Kitrhener, Ont. Rec­ ' mrvlee examination. He was asked CLASSinKD ADVT. boater and defroBtfr. Phone 8d6d. Help Waatwl— Fdfluils St OEIco. Phono 55tS. 811.800. Six rooaw vacant Phoae ' raent outstanding work. If critl- , goes tiS a convention without all day Sunday. S70 Burnside ave­ S15 m $15 815 815 818 818 818 8848. sala. Thl. 8181 er 4488. ord. I this question: I Examiner—Did you evor belong I dam is necessary, criticlM helpful- j wife. DBPT. BOURilt IMS rORD CUIB COUPE nue, East Hartford. JOIN THE largest female aalae That'S R l^ t , Tliat’a All You Need LARGE Attractively fumlshod FOUR Room houat plus two un- to en oeganlsetion that Is trying ' ly. never spitefully. | Biotter: A porous substance you A. M. to 4:45 P. M. Radio and Heater forca In the world. Over 70,000 to purchase room. Near Mala street. Phono ± Wife—le Jerry a recktese driv- Snlshed on second Boor. Fire­ to overthrow the government in 4. Be Interested in others; in spend your time looking for whlla 1947 PONTIAC 8TREAMUNER women are telling Avon producta “WES-nNOHOUBT' ELECTRIC 7g4t. Sabwrbsh ter 8slt 7S their pursuits, welfire. home, and Ro«tRB~Bi4|sg I t REFRIGERATOR place, cemblaaUon acreang, etc. , Weshlngton ? \ the Ink In drying. FOUR DOOR S CYL. In the United Statea. So can you. Husband When the highway families. Sympathizems with those' Home: 'The only place you caa Radio and HeaUr “BENGAL" COMBINATION 8 years aML Owaar laavliig atata turns the ssm * wsy he does, it's a Applicant fto ths surprise of the WE SPECIALnE la rootng and W rite Mra. Dorothy Buckman. M Boariers Wasted ItA COVENTRY—Living roeca. two Examlncri—Tea. j who are bereaved, and rejoice with enjoy com on the cob. L h A « i4 P M s i RANGE Phona 9-8901. oolncldenre. IMT CHEVROtFTT TWO-DOOR aiding. Highest quality materials, Highland Terraco. Middletown. bedrooms, kltehan and bath. Two Ehcamlner—What la the organi­ those who are happy. . Discretion: When you are sure Radio and Heater I 5. Remember that everyone you ■ you are right snd then sag yew workmanship guaranteed. A A. Cbon.. or eaU Middletown g-SS77 8 RooniT'TOttuSir^’FU ^^ M’myhome HAMLIN S treet 10 roam duplex, up unSnlahad. Oil heat Mt 88 a sation ? LOST-Xadjr’a blue two-atrand IMI PONTIAC STREAMLINER Dion, Inc., 7M Autumn strpet. after d p. se. Free Storage—Froa Delivery hoard tn my home. Phone pre-war hullt all asedem eoovan- 800. Prioa 81't800. Elmore TXvk- Applicant—The Republicsn Par­ • meet is important, snd treat him . wife. , e CTIa Tel. 4850. The Above Furniture Shown By 2-3845. Isnesa. exe apartmant owner Ingtqn. Agent. Phene WlOlmantle . seeordlrglt. | ______bMdO. can 1-M14. RELIA BLE Oiri to Isam ehoco- ty- Radio and Heater Appointment Only copied. Ideal, convenient locntkm. M te J4 . I 1 — »— I Mother—You were very wrong 1040 FORD TWO-DOOR la je dipping. Stsady worii. Na Phone Hartford d-0S5S Phone 8058. If she likes vou snd you're s phons calls plaaaa. Apply at Apsiiawnte. Piste, * COVENTRY—Attractive 8 rooina, We have been Uvir.g a lopg to disobey me, and I have pun- Radio and Heater Roofinf—Rdfstring It A Ask for Mr. Albert good spender, she'll adjust her af­ ' lahed you to Impress It on your Munson’s Candy KtteSan, *ons Tdscmfwte is all Isterovementa, ovar 1% acts, time but are etlll resentful of un- 1040 CHEVROLET CLL3 COUPE A-L-B-E-R-T-’S IMMEDIATE Occupancy, 8-family fairs to suit your convenience. I mind FEATURING Guaranteed reefs mile beyond Mancheatar Green. S a t very good condlUon; also afteaten well, basement 87J50, requeated adrire offered for our p r o s p e c t m u . acbool, tor Heater 48 AUyn Street Hartford 9 4 ROOM fumlahed apartment i ■Timl'ir Mother, aren't you mis- and expert repairs as well as Opm Thura. TUI 8 P. M. has 3 d ^ kennela, outdoor tr*> .casta requliM 81.800. Saverat own good. young children, reopana Monday. 1939 CLUB gutter and conductor work. Try WOMAN To care for I children, for rent. No children. Call 7447 ProterUoN , taken In regard te the positietl o t 815 815 815 815 815 818 815 815 plaoe, fruit treao and shrubbery other farms sad homes. WeUea . my mind. Sept. 11 IMO. Mondaya through COUPE your “Local Reofer.“ Call Cough- Monday through Friday. Live in. between 7 and 8. Teacher—.lunlor. give the def:nl- Heaven protects the working girl' Prtday. t:0(M l:45. LaU Tybur. patch, frontage IIS feet hy 170 Agansy, Oeventry. Tel. WUIissan- Radio and Heater Un 7707. Call g2It. COMBINATION atove, white tour- Uc 8 U Jt-m iW 4 . ' ' tion of home. But Heaven, we fear, is shirking. director. 4M7. RENT SEEKERS—We are again feet deep. Price lta.500. Phone 1937 CHEVROLET FOUR-DOOR humer gas and gtx heating unit East Hartford t-STOS. No agents. I Junior -Home la where part of For who proteets, we d like to A v;.ait to the dentiet for S major Radio and Heater GUTTERS Repaired, ehlmnoye re­ COMPETENT anthuMaatlc jrouBg Almost new. Phode 8-1T80 after for a Umlted time only accepting the family waits until the others know drilling Job reconciles ua to out SEWING Machlnaa aapartly re paired and cleaned, roofa built and girl to care for children 9:58 to applicatlona to Snd you a ren t pa'rad or adjuated. Raaaonablc All cars fully reconditioned by 4 p. m. LOVELY Colonial located la baart WaatfS—Ktal Estate 77 are through a1th the car. : The fellow she is working! other tro ibles. repaired. Phene SU5. 5:45, p. m. Monday through Sat­ We do our utmost to place you of Princeton street acbool district ret— Worh r*uu«nteed. Call factory mcthode. urday, vicinity of Park street 4n a desirable rent as aoon as pos- SlT^. or eveninfe I-P4H. ROOFING — Specialising In re­ Largs living room with squally WE HAVE cash buyars raaSy to BA LCH-PONTIAC. Inc. Cell 2-0407 Wedneeday. UNIVERSAL Electric range. Good tiMs. Inveatlgsts our ^service. bright and useable enclosed M1CKE2 FINN Bad News! LANK I.BONARD pairing roofe of all klnda, alto condlUen. Call 2-2575. RsntsI Service Bureau. M l Main purchaao your propany. Wa wUI CALL MRS. MABEL M.M ~ Brown. 158 Center Street Phone 2-4545 STENOGRAPHER-CSerk. Local porch: kltehan designed tar affl- appralaa Four proparty trot ot Registered Spencer Coraetlcr and new roofA Gutter work. Chim­ atreet, Manchester. Phone Man­ I KNOW y o u PIPN'T VERT IAP.I'm'N neys clsansd and rspalred. 25 concern win have a full time olency yet it is large and com­ e h ^ o . Phone our office hefere prove to yourself what a eorrect- chester 3-4278 days. Alee open fortable: compact lavatory aM WANT TO FRIGHTf N AHUM! HE years' sxpcriance. P w astimstea poaitlon open ahortly for an ex­ MAPLE CRIB, eompteta. 5TOU atn. Quick sale guaraatead. , ly designed Spencer Support can Rusinms Services Offered It Thursday evtnlngs 7-8 p. m. epacloue dining room complete Call Howlsy. Manchsstar 5M1. perienced and competent girl. lept condition. Call 8518. Oaater Realty CO, M l Mam JEANIE,ZEKE/H0W WAS STLL OUT do for you. TeL 2-2778.______Work te eenilet of general aalea the flrat Soor. Three, beautiful street. Manchester Phans 3-4379 ■APIS IT? COLD WHEN WE. FLOOR' Problems solved with office routine of typing. Sling, in­ Boiisew liOcstioBt bedrooms all with ample dodeta. days. f linoleum, aephalt tile counter. and tile bath upatalre. Oil hot Automobiles for Sale 4 Heating—Ptambing 17 ventory and order control. Invoic­ REFRIGERATOR for eala. 880. F o r R en t •4 ENpert workmanehip. trse ssU- ing. etc. Must be able to take Call 8-3938. water heat. Two-car garaga witb mates. Open aveninga. Jones' PLUMBING, heating. Rapaira on ahorthand. use dictating macblnea FOR RENT—S room modem of- an amcalte driveeray. Property It USED CARS Furniture, Oak street Phone old and new ayatema, oil burner, and calculators. No bookkeeping ALMOST New Montgomery Ward Soe. Suitable for one or two men. available for Immediate occu' 2-1041. water pump eervlce. Prompt at­ or accounting experience necas- deluxe parlor stove. Cabinet type Phone 6514. Apply 117 East Cen­ pancy. 812.000 mortgage avail ARE YOU PLANNING TO 1M9 BUICK SEDAN tention. John H. Cerlaon. Tel. cost $80, will aacriSce for 850. ter street able. Ihicluaiva with T. J . LINOLEUM — Aephalt tUa, wall aary. Reply in eonSdenoe to Box 1948 BUICK SEDAN 7325. CR. Herald, atating axperience, Also trallsr wheels, 815. Call Crockett Broker. Phont 541$. ^ SELL YOUR HOME? covering. Done by i-ellabte, well- 2-0178 afUr 8. 1948 BinCK CONV. COUPE trained men. Ail lolw guaranteed. sTEAM. Hot water and hot air salary desired and availability. ST. JOHN Street— 5 rooms com­ B o o sm for Rest iS ^ 0 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN Hall Linoleum Co., 32 Oak atreet. heating. Van Camp Broa Phone experienced counter girl from I FORTY-Ons c«te proUeU a ssan'a pute. Attached, plastered ga­ We have a number of In- 1M7 BUICK 8EDANETTE Phone 2-4022, aveninga 6155. 5244. 9 a. m. to 2 p. m. 5 days week. or lady's suit from moth damage SiVCN-ROOM fumlahed home, rage. graplace, InauUted, lava­ f 1945 CHRYSLER SEDAN Apply in person. Annex Snack for 5 years. One spraying of Ber. large grounds, on bus tine. Auto- tory, laundry, storm windowe. OLANDER'S Machine Shop. Rs- PLUMBING and heating, special terested buyem — Call 8009. 1945 PONTIAC COACH Bar. lou Guaranteed Mothspray does mhtlc, hast* Fully equipped, 8125 scraene, gas hot water heat. Near r iw 9(3 WssnsM. mai psir — production — welding iatng in repairs, rsmodsUng, cop­ it. or Berlou pays the damage. per month. Phone 2-0187, bda Unc, school, shopping center. 1942 STUDEBAKER SEDAN Steel for aale. Open from t a. m. per water piping, new construe-1 Watkins Brothers, Inc. Beautifully landscaped. Shown to 7 p. m. 5S MUI etraet Tel. H. B. GRADY, Agent IM l BUICK COUPE Uon, astlmates given, time pay-! Hclf Wanted—Mai* Xt by appointment. Charles L’Es- FUNNY BUBINESR BY UERSUHERGER BUGS BUNNY BiHVrv AND HER RUDIUKN Just Wait BY EDGAR MARTIN 1P40 PLYMOUTH COACH 2-4410. mente arranged. Edward John­ TWO USED hot air furnaces, 180 Wasted to Rent € » perancc. Phona 8520. son. Phone 5979 er 79S3. fsst piping, elbows, rsglsters: Tte L m i MB.M(«U6A.l. MSA Bfikte AO ft VOSAHTT a CARO CMAE. tOONV 1941 INTERNATIONAL PANEL SAWS Filed, keys awda, mowers SHIPPER. Experienced shipper TM*9f POMP W OF% WO r 85VU* asm, wanted by local concern. Buiineas oil burner with controls, stsam ACCOUNTANT and wife In n4ed 3 BEDROOM House, living room ______r - X 60TTA 0CT AWRVV. \ Y m , NMff U\. «PUt .COMWMs 9RDF1 eVARA TRUCK eb a n ^ sd . outboards outi and air AN* -mffV BMffU- e f f i c i e n t Plumbing and h eat-! school graduate prefqrred. At­ or hot sir; 30 gallon hot wkter of unfurnished apartment or rent. with flrepisce. dining rwm k lte^ , SELLING OR Buying property? B P V THSPC/ BMbAViteA OUT Ote U kW . t o VOOittM MA R DVJO *. t V i W R t \ cooM engines repaired. Capitol ing. Plugged drains machine i *009, ICO/ p—' tractive salary. Free group insur­ tank; gas side arm heater; also Call 3-3905. en. oil hot water heat, atlachsd , Contact this ueH,.*office furfor uvAmntprompt OOABQMTT • GORMAN MOTOR SALES ^Equipment, 38 Main 1 street cleaned^ Carl J . Nygrsn. Phone | 13 pairs of window shutters. garage. Built prewar. Elevated BBANCrWA.t 'YOVlORROVOl ance and paid vacation. Write VETERAN and wlfs, 4 year old i and poraonai earvica. Alice Clam- 285 Main St. Phone 7220 RADIO — Electrical Appliance ______stating quallOcatlona to Box H, Phone 3-1818. location wiUi long view. Septem­ pet, Real EaUte and lasuraace. AWOUVO j daughter wish four unfurnished ber occupancy. Lot 55 x 225. Service, repairs picked up and < p l u m BING. Heating, asUmatea Herald. , 143 Main street. Fbone 4998 or WHOM Open Monday, Wedneadays and FURNITUHE for esie. Call Hart­ rooms. Including private kitchen Madeline Smith, Realtor. 3-1M2 delivered promptly 20 yean' gladly fumlahed. Excellent work ford 3-5305 or Manchester 3-9516, and bath, within 15 miles radius 3-OSSO Friday T il 9 and Saturday experience. John Maloney Phone' NA'nONALLY Advertised c^ -l or 4879. and moderate prices. Poggle A pany. Chamberlain Company of 7 to 9 evenings except Wednes­ of P r a tt, and Whltnsy. Refer­ Afternoons ' 3-1046. i Walnut etreet. Peterman. Call Manchester 8428 CONSIDERINO SELLINO America needs s repressntativs In day. ences. Phone •g-iygO after 4. AUTUMN STREET. Mora for your YOUR PROPERTY? NASH 1940 deluxe four-door or Rockville 3163. j money. Owner leaving state de­ ANTIQUES RellnUhed. Repairing Manchester snd urea to sell steel Without obitgatkm to you, wo sedan. Dark green. Priced to sell MOVING, Must sell recent models j WANTED—4 or 5 room furnished sires quick sale. Beautiful •, _____ done on any furniture. Tiemann. < and aluminum combination win­ radio phonograph console. Hot or unfurnished spsrtmsnt or quickly. Mr. Whipple, R.9 .D. No. 189 South Main street Phone Mininery—DreoaMattnE 191 dows, insulation and wsather years old home. Five fumUhed •PPralee ^ ; 2. RockvlUe. Phone Rockville Point washer and crib complete. | house. . by • '----- adult• ------gentlemanI roome. and roome. uii neai, Oil nrcpiece, heat, Sreplace. vene-, ------vane- P»P*rty. See us before 6543. stripping to horns ownsrs. Man Call 2-9262. I 51JL CTUSTOM Made clothes to Ot In- ! selected must have car, possess ______daughter. References. Write' utchen. etc.'iJou Box Q, Herald. Phoae 772$ Or 8373 VENETIAN BLINDS. AU types dividual. Will work from printed good personal hsbiU and require | oN E CROSLEY refrigerator. 340 Carage. outdoor fireplace, shade '3939 CHEVROLET coupe, origin made to order, also reronditloh-1 pattern or will originate. Dreesee. { a substantial income. Man sslect- one Coolcrstor ,cs rtfrigerator, i WANTED—By mlddlt-agsd cou­ trees, large lot. Excellent reslden- ' BRAE-BURN REALTY > al paint 1933 Plymouth coupe, tng. Best quality. FtndeU Msnu- i tlai location. Large F.R.A. mort­ suits, coats, gowns and play-: ed wUl be company trained and 310; one used gas rsnge. 320; ple, apartment or small house, HAVE You a single or 8-faaUly i radio, heater, new motor Job. Five facturing Oo., 48f Middle Turn- | gage available. Suburban Realty ALl.Lt UUH Let's Roll! BY V. T. BAMLOf clothes. Phone 2-3909. i given every aseletance. For In­ two Frigidsire rsfrigerators. as option of buying. Call Hartford house to sell? If se call write or HI, BUM/DO MXI tIKB ^ir WAff A PLIASUHB, y brand new Urfa. Phone 2-9248. pike EMst. Call 4865. I Co., Resitors, 49 Perkins street. TW/LL terview write Jerry J. Carroll. is 315 esch. Watkins Brottasra 8-4931. phons Howard R Haatlnga, Raal ------1 MV NIWNffW F1TU941A/ THERE MUST X u. FIX I . — Phone 8215. BB A P ^ Z IN THAT.? 1987 PLYMOUTH. Excellent con PETER W. PANTALUK alactricsl Moving—Trucking— Hotel Bond, H artfoi^ Estate SpecialisL Odd Fellows I, 9UTV )4AT? . dltlon. Reasonable price. Call 2- I FURNITURE direct from factory WANTED—3 rooms or more, b y ' contractor, maintenance and wir­ S to ra g e 20 WANTEni—Reliable man to work SUNNY four-room single, on nice Bldg.. At the Center bf Manches­ 3493. ing for Ught and power. 40 Fos­ to you at warehouse pricaa Ad- veteran, wife snd baby. CsU 5102, ter. m n m ifQ y for window cleaning concern. Call I' mlrsl ranges and refrigerators. Davies. / lot. Price within the average ter street. Phona 3803, E3IPTY te sad from all 6003. '• I working man's meant, 37.500. 3886 W ILLTS four-door sedan states. Assured return lead, Chambers Warehouse Sales, 501 Running condition. 54 Strickland WANTED— 4 or 8 room rent. Will Call 8009. H. B. Grady, Agent. RADIO need fixing? Have it re­ rates. United, 122 West street. Middle Tumtilke East. Open days atroeL Phone 4947. and evenings from 7:30 p. m. to exchange, modem, newly decorat- paired by experte. Pick-up serv­ Phons 5575, Situations Wanttd— ed, 2*1 room apartment. Phone ^ FOUR TOOU j^ g le , 3 unflniahad ice. guaranteed work Beta check­ 8:30 p. m. __ * . timup, good'location, *lAr>mtiA9l new, Alloil miPn*bum 193$ FORD COUPE—Good. 8345 2 9 2-9528. A U T O G L A S S ed In the borne. Car radloe a MANCHESTBR^ackags DeUvery. Female er. 39.500 terms' Six room single. ; 1938 OLDS SEDAN specialty Mancheiter Radio FRIGIDAIRE Local Ught trucking and packags W ILL CARE for children In 3-3, fireplace, oil heat good Iocs-. MIRRORS ^ ^ Yt. and H.—Good. 8245 Service, 78 Birch etreet. Phoae delivery. Refrigerators, washers tlon. Immediate occupancy,. $13.-, and stove moving a specialty. home while mother works. Mrs. REFRIGERATORS R imhim for S ale 72 I 1888 SMALL BUICK 2-DOOR 2-0840. Maters]. Phone 3-1887. 500. terms. Two-family flat, 5-5,! I, Good. 8245 Phone 3-0763. RADIO CUnlc protects your in­ « Cu. ft.. *50. 7 Cu. ft., LAKEWOOD CIRCLE excellent location, SO-day occu-, you rfofiY mind, driver. Pd juet se eeen travel in vestment Our low overhead saves UGHT TRUCKINO. Half-ton pancy. two-car garage. Sev-eral i lew g esrr Kdley’s Service Center pick-up truck. No aahea. no Dogs—Rirdi^Peta 41 porcelain, *40. Urge lots in restricted section. ; ^ 18 Bralnard Place Phone 7255 you money. C?all today if your A few large lovely lots available radio or electrical appliances need rubbish. Phone 2-1275 or S29S. water and sewer, nice view. Sher- TROPICAL FISH. Plante, teaks Manphester 2-1225 in this nicely rea^KKed fast grow- wood A. Beechler, Realtor. Phone , SIDE GLANCKS HV GALBRAITH jl8 4 0 DODGE convertible ciub repairs. 110 Spruce atreet. Phone •• ing dsvelopment. Siime wooded. LAVELL'S Express Ught trucking and acceisoriee. Kelley’s Aquar­ 6969. ______1 CAN' IV AL RY DICE TURNER i coupe, original black, full price, 5079. ium, 29 Sunset atreet. Phone' FRANK D. DENETTE, former others have nice view, FRECKI.ES AND HiR FRIENDS Too Late BY MERRUJL C BLOHSn ' 8685. Douglas Motors, 333 Main and deUvery. Weekly or monthly % rubbleh routes invited. Man­ 5705. owner of The Old Mill Trading A NICE CLEAN 6-room home, 1 fisckidrial : atreet Opra evenings. DE-LONG'S Refrigerator aervice. ^ l4AVf KTT Mao maybc f we OM.BOlf/ThOtir. fiovs.vv/e HAv/e ive Repairs on all makes, commer­ chester 8-8390. Post, Is buying and selling an­ AkTHUR A. KNOFLA modem, 2-cer garage. On bus ■fiHeMe ffo FBMMA Huimvhlwov we 1------CAM Meet we SEAUneS N SUFFICieNT NUMBERS FM DOG FOODS. auppUas and acces- tiques and second hand furniture. Un#. Immsdiste occupancy. Price since .we ve aesM 1 fah foa a few A SUMPTUOUS fea st; LAY DOWN 10UR. ) 1938 CHEVROLET coach. Good cial and domeatic. Emergency 24- aorlee Hand pluohlng, bathing, REALTOR .J M im s COME/ aOOSJ WE MUST FRACTICe condition; Reasonable. Phone 2- hour service. Phone 3-1797. THE AUSTIN A. Chambers Co., 705 North Main street. Telephohe 875 Main Strert reduced for quick aale. A 4-room HBtei NOTHM' SEFoee local moving. packUig. crating dipping and eUpping of doge. 2-3376. single, modem, built in 1943, im­ BUT W O R K / DAAIt? I 0553. « Kennel Supply Shop, 995 Main Phone 5440 Or 59.38 lllii Oe*ter 8t PImm ALL APPLIANCES Mrviecd snd and Morale -ervlce to all parts mediate occupancy. Price 310.000. F waltwre Tape of the U. S. A. and Canada Call street. Telephone 7 4278 WANTED—BRIC-A-BRAC, furni­ f o r d —1935 four-door sedan, repaired, burners, refrigerstora, Established 1921 A 3-famlIy 4x4x4 — a S-car ga-1 atore Praals. Pletww F j Radio and heater, new paint. ranges, washers, etc. All work 5187. ture, antiques. Old Mill Trading rage. Asking $13,000. Can you COUNCIL ZIMMERMAN’S lOn'fNELS. Lake Poe^, 17 Maple atrebt. Phone VsMtlaa IMafle • Sacrifice, $195. Phone Rockvine guaranteed. Metro Service Oo. atreet. Phone 6287. Boston Ter­ Home Listings Wanted give an offer? A elngla 4x3 on Teh Manchester .2-0883. ASHES, Rubblah removed. Otl- 2-1089. t Moore street, double lot. about I 1M0J2. tars, yards and /tttes elcansd. rier >pupi. Fox Terrier puppies. W E BUT and sell good used fumi- I ATTRACTIVE 4-room single. Hot 20 years young. Price $9,000. Two 1941 STUDYIBAKER Commander. FURNACES cleaned and repaired. Dump truck for hlra Sand loam, -Boxer puppiea. 8 months old. I water heat. Attached garage. Color, brlndlr. tura. (Tombinatloii rangaa. gat buelnesa lota on Hartford Road. Good condltionr throughout. Rra- If your furnace leaked gaa last gravel. flU and stone. James I Very nice neighborhood. Price Comer lots. James J. Bohan A NORTH MANCHESTER aonable. Phone 7200. winter now la the time to have it Mseri. Phone 4523. ranges and bestsrs. lonsi Fiiroi- I turs Store. 35 Oak Phone 2-1041 310.500. Call H B. Grady. 8009. Son. Realtors, SIT Hartford Read. a Room Slagle—Vacant. Sale reset by men who know warm MALE BOXER, year and one-half Telephone 7433. price SS.000. Down peerment 1937 FORD, model 85, two-door air heating. Special summer price RUBBISH snd ashes removed In­ MANCHESTER, Bueinees zone. sedan. Motor in good condition. cinerators cleanec Sand, gravel old. Reasonable. CaU 7842. COMBINATION electric and coal approximately $S,eee. Terme ar- 320. Your furnace Is completely atove. Also modem Oriole gss 360 Main street 3-family, 12- loaged on balance. Tires like new, 3115. Phone 2- and cinders. Van service and room duplex 6 roome vacant Rent 73 dismantled. Jointe are thoroughly stove. Very ressonsbie. Phone 3- Lot9 tor Salfl 3886. / ' cleaned and repacked with a local moving. Phone H. M. Jonea. 375 per month present occupants. Centrally located In Manchea- V. 3-1362. 2-3072. Poaltry and Supplies 43 3262. LARGE Comer lot 75 x 170. Must ter—Doplex with - ( ) S room 1941 CHEVROLET convertible, special long lasting, high temper­ Price 314,500. Phone Manchester 8 PRISCILI-A'8 PUP The Die-Hard BY AL VKRMEKH ature cement. Sections are wire- TOUNO Freshly kiUed turkeys. 7728 or 6275. Brae-Burn Realty. be sold at once. Owner's loss Is apartmeota Occopooey In 99 te 1940 Oldsmobile sedan. 1939 Olds- W HITE Combination stove, com­ your gain. T. J. Crockett, Brok­ , LEAPtO FOOtA THE ■IT w e A FURI0U9 brushed and the whole system ASHES, Rubbish removed. Cellars Cleanly picked, 12 to 15 Iba, 63e plete with Florence oil burner, iSteys la ane apartment Hot mobile sedan. 1939 Dodge sedan, and yards cleaned. Phone 7108. PLEASANT 5-room single. Attrac­ er, Phone 5416. WATCB SANA3ELV... BATTLE ...MAN vacuum cleaned. All work guar­ per pound. 20 lb. average, S9c 390. Phone Rockville 1640J2. air tamaeee. Owner's sMe has ASAINST MAST/ dean care. Priced right, guaran­ tive features, fuU two-atory. Mod­ lavatory down nnd bnth np. iJHEN Ht PLUNfiEO- teed. Cole Motors. 4154. anteed. T. P. Aitkin, beatlnx and per pound. Phone 7738 preferably CORNER LOT on Woodbridge sTWlSTlNQ.:. FOR A , FEW aheet metal contractor. Phone after 8 p. m. DE LUXE Bendix, two years old. ern kitchen. Oil burner, two-cer Rontal Income from other TENSE M OISTS Painting—Pipciing 21 garage. Good location. Conven­ atreet. Slse 50 a 150. Has gss, 5793. Very good condition. Alee pot water, sewer, bus Une. Price $595. apartment 999 per month. Sate FEARED.^ burner oil heater. Both very rea­ ient to bus end acbool. Price $10,- price 99.999. Down payment OUTSIDE. INSIDE Painting and 000. CaU 8009. H. B. Grady. Sold only to G. I. Box J , Herald. g l, e to SIA . Bateaca on paperhanging. Pres estimates Wanted—P9te—Pooltry— sonable. CaU 2-3784. 00 99 Household Scnicea Agent. O FF BROAD Street. 3 Iota 100 rental basis. Prompt service. Reasonable Stock 44 BOOKCASE, Kitchen sets, atoves. NEW Offered 1XA X 320 each. City water. Price re­ prices. Phone 7630. D. Frechette. AU klnda of household furniture. WEST SIDE>-Dutch colonial. Uv- IN MANCHESTER Workman's comreneatlon, public w a n t e d —Cows, calves and baef Ing room with flrepisce. dining duced to 5750 each. Madeline HUDSON FLAT FINISH. Holland window cattle, alee itorses. Wo pay the The Woodshed, 11 Mein- ftrect. Very good loeatlon—t Mmlly. liability care. room, kitchen, 8 bedrooms, steam Smith, ReiUtor. 2-1643 or 4679. Delivered Here Fully shades made to measure. AU top dollar. Piela Broa. 364 Bid- One 4 room apartment dewn- Equipped metal Venetian blinds at a new fumqcs, aide and rear porches, stalrs vacant and one ■ roam INTERIOR and Exterior painting well street garage, lot 86 x 288. October oc­ low price. Keys made while you and paperhangtng. Get my free Mffchinery aad Tods 62 105’ X 140’ partlaUy cleared. Oak­ apartment ap. t sepamto ataom ' ( . , • “ wait. Marlow's cupancy. Madeline Smith, Real­ land Terrace. CaU 5379 after 5. heaters, t car garage. Sate 01 2151 estimate on your work. Raymond TOUR Selection from two good tor. 2-1643 or 4679. Flake. 2-9237. Articica tor Sale 4S price SI8J 99. Owner says he Saper-Stx with 181 b.p. hlgh- WEAVING at bums, moth holes used Cletrac crawler tractors JU ST 3 left, *80 x 140. 1 block will take S1A99 to S8ffM dawn. eompreeelon engine. 184 Inch and tom clothing, Boslery, rune ROYAL Pbrtabla typewriters and with bulldozers. Ferguson Tree- WELLINGTON RdAD — 6 rooms from bus Une, $15(1 each. Sold Wbqeihaee iD new hunt­ eSLOi4BB TD TRB VtORCD/ R iBMT— MBBACTB Building—Contraetinff 14 ing ahoes. Phone 5716. (S bedrooma), draplnce BBIM’ ANNOySP Ublng. Call %9575 er 7-2805. NICE PLEASANT room for r»- ed porch. 8 car garage, steam BV M9H/ — WOULD MOU BAR lAlB . TAfLBB.tARK AND LEANBB Uabls couple or two girls. Kltch heat. Excellent teeatten and PATrt TO A L'JFB OF LOX- — AMO HB ffteSOyB A PABB GENERAL CARPENTRY. Altera- PAINTING And paperhanging. an prtvUcges. References requir­ 2 Women Wonted To Work tione, additions and new construe Boate ffffl Aeeaaaerica 46 lienee Is In cxeepttenally dna ORTVJO MOM A MAIL. • ••••■BBBBBa First cisss work, rcssonnble ed. Phona 3-1454. O RO B8 QATAIOO OMCB SA tlon. Dormers, porches and ga prices. Bob Fiske.' Phone 2-9178. condition. Oeeapaney id to 65 ragea at reaaonabla prices. Work- MERCURY, Champion, Flambeau, In Factory Office:— days. Baasonabl.v priced. ” New and Used Chria Craft motore. Lyman. • manship guaranteed. Free eetl- ONE BEDROOM for raUable gen­ mates. R. M. Alexander. Tel. Dumphy, Penn Yen boats. Sales, One—Typist-clerk, espericnced in fllinir snd follow-up. IN MANCHESTER ■ Hornet of Repatriffg 13 service, trade, terme. Small boat tlemen or couple. Phona 2-1330. ______Purchasc-o^er experience psrticniarly dceirable. i Reem medWed Ospo Oed WASH ItlBKB Didn't She? ______BY l E8 U E fUBNEH MATTRESSES. Tour old met- hardware. Robert Meintoeh, 28 ATTRA CnVELT fumlahed room with tmprevemente--lad id 's : WILL Build er repair your Harvard Road. TMNlP UOIMmI 1 tallrVRBUMFMr * Ontfftaoding Values * tress sterilixed and. romads like with Ught housekeeping privl- Two—Technician having two yearn college education 189. Bcasonahle eeonpeney. ■Ste MANS* home—you may help me if you nsw. Call Jones F\iraiturs and legee. Centrally located. Inquire price 88J 99. Down 9nymeat Y ousova ,ffl6lS|Sltll.«9IIRPBI a la teiteaa aaettoaa at MAM- wish—contact m e'fo r a reason or equivalent includinjg'nuitheinatics. To he trained in gtJMO. Ttim e arranged on hnl- WILL AON laflUtegtouDevriMii ” MUDSTKR. affWad by JA B- Floor Covering, 35 Oak. Tal. 3- Dianonda—Watches— 15 Arch etreet Mrs. Jerome. able price. Address Carpenter, 1041. yam testing and analysis. anee. lOMffwrilOB 'fOkneuBFratev^fti • TIB. Yob aapply m with Box F, Herald. J t w d iT 68 A u im g ■ fisar ■■li a wera.sapply yaa PLEAIAM T Room, centraUy lo­ ^ours—8:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M., Salary BBieaff. B flb tba batea yaa deUra. CARPENYIER Work of aU Unde Private iBsl^nictiBwa 28 LEONARD W TOST. Jewalar Re­ cated, for genOamaji, Call 4735. Saab Bbeai 8ABTI8 aaS Ya • Building contraotora. AtUca fin­ pairs and adjusts watches expert­ ^ Sbaff F M aaS Ba Happy. ^ ished. cabinet work, alteratlona ly at> reaeonable prices. Open BALLARD’S Driving School, take Apply In Person - O » » - t Darling A Davia, S and 10 Wad­ advantage of our expsrionca and Thursday evenings. 139 Spruoe ROOMS FOR RENT. Call 3574. REALTY CO. dell road. Fbooo 8-0W5 or 8-3409. fine reputation. A.AJL^ certified atreet Phoae 2-4St7. . RRALTOBff * Jorvit Realty Instructor, dual controUed ears 119 Center 8 D T o t SI9S CARPENTER Work ot an kinds license Included. Phone 3-8245. NICELY Fumlah.d room for two. CMfNiny Roofs sldlnga. additions and al- Garden—Farai—Dairy Also qlagle room. Near 'bus and A ldon Spininiig W k, I n c . After I ff. H . MML teratlona. Also nsw coastructloa. Prodaete SO Btoraa. Oontlnuoua hot- water. Sleffcrt Phoaa 3-0858. Musical—Oraaifltie 29 Phona 2-4442. CUCUMBERS for aale, 3Se basket TALCOTTVILLE, CONN. S i • BR ld l!. Itone, bamqnt work, PLANO TUNING, tapatrs, reeoB' B-'lng your own containers. ROOM FOR one or two, near but '' „ Or Call Manchester 5128 Rfutd Herald Advs. landacaplng. Contract or .hourly. ' dltloalag, etc. John Uoeherham. Robotto's Farm. Bireh Mountain Una. CaU 2-0580. 18 Falrvlew Ovlfilico OaUg-180L S8 Bigwtw attoet Fhoae 51X9. t s ^ . , i- - T - . .- u ^ •'«-i r ' t V, ' .■J?...... -.J-o .■> TUBBOAT. AVOUBT lf4l £o»nteg Iftnild Tha Waatkar ATanfi Dlfly NatPn at D. B. Wea«M Fke tos licaib M 6slr« dnat qiaaaas at tka raar aC SM - j a m s Maariy Mr. aad Mis. Palaar MIDn, o< Omtar atraat Realdanea B sons. kiwaniff Parley ______pmCasteaoi' Madam j$9 Bahoal straot, aad Mrs. Millar’s Board Grants Tim appUenttana ware with­ uaM B^aeM 9,4 6 5 Tow n danshtar, Min Margarat Aadar- drawn prior to tha haariiW- IBagr ha Arthur U May. Fftedsnni. R, HALE’S it tte *• aoo. will laaro tonocroar moralaf warn thoae a ( BaraM Kaaalaf , wba In O ld O rchard tuptttttg Bpralb te a note trip, with Hoori^ Company Plea raguaatad pamrtarian to araet a L.gmraniar a T tts Maw mttflmt I win Taaaa. as thalr ohlaetlTa. Hiair darport on a dwriUag at 84 Daap- KHranls Diatriat M tm eheeter^'M CUy o f VStaee Chmrm ____ . ___ j t ttw arm rialt Chri Aadaraon who la la hte sddrasa It la uadatatood wood drivo in a Raaidanea A aona Ddegatioa from Local ----- cottM» arlth the A ir Forea at Bningtoa eloaar to the aldritnaa than rtgu- Mr. Jaakaan wlU make a Wednesday Morning (TWENTY PAGES). PRICE rotm ciN td leewe from tbo cnurcii n sld . May Erect and Operate atrang wpaal for waiM peace and aa PBB8 IB) MANCHESTER, OONIL. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, IM latlona allow, and Franeaa Ballard, Club to Attendt New VOL. LXVnL. NO. 2tt roi; ___ Electrical Snbatlition who aakad to eendoot plgyaelioolB wOl urge Klwaals Chihs to guard ' Ahrahan Podrora, propristor of Preaident to Speadi agalast aufevaralva acUvItlas. TMa ■ I T " tha Manchaetar PnMie Market. On Antnm n Street* at 7S Lakewood Ordo sooth, ua- win ha bis first asstaaa tour aiaeS SPECIALI SSSSk? rt25f’-lW 800 Mala atrast, (aminaily known dar oonatmetion..and also at 88 hla alaetlan to tha praateancy last .4 Mlddla Tumplka, waat Tha Naw Bngland Ktwaala Bs- R eveah New •Unde W eds Niece Butted feoapiui tod«y t e as ’Todrara’a,'* has doddad to The Oonnactleut Power Coea- June te AUantte City, ' ' * w uiolaiwit and will m ««la keep hta atora open Wadnasdajr trlet oonvantion wtU ha hsM at 1 Vaughan Says FBI Legion Asks Nation than te n n n l watka. afternoona hoiaaftar. pany oan erect maintain and op­ OM Ortoard Baaah. Mates. Bs k erate, an elactrical eubataUon on i to 10. Tha dalagatas (te n tha It Honor Guest' w One Group Of Cancer Teat Mn. Hairlat Valtch and har Taaehars of OoroBaat-Concraca- Autumn atraat providing It oom- Ruling Made Manchaatar Chib wtU teduds tha cS teon . Robait Valtah Bownw tlonal church will neat thla are- prasldaident. RuasaU FauL Bdgar ban ratupnad to thalr •’®“ **J* nine at 7:80 at tha church to maka pUaa with projected plot and Ctarks aad Dante PagaaL At Sh’owcr Party Found Groundless Used at Yale Buthaak, California. afUr a p ^ - preparatloaa for tha ra-opaning of atructure plana, It waa dacldad On Small Qaint T o Succor Chinese lag tba aummar with tha Veltch tha achooL laat, night by tha Zoning Board of Mra. Artana Robteaen. at 88 i. _____ family m Church atraet. ^ Appaala at a hearing held In the ^ ru oa atraat, waa aurpriaad Fri­ Judge LaBelle Finds in Municipal building. day Bight whan a gmup af ka- DRESSES ' Tax Bribe Chargelf— — ^ Tha Board of DUractora of the Advanced Training twcsnlO aad 40 of bar friaada aad b Ifaiifkaatar Cteptar, Amarlw Attomm John Mroook, appoar- Favor of Plaintiff >in nalghbors droppad te aad garva bar t o Solve Ing for the company, praaantad a grcaakack baky ahewar. i n Q u etH Resisting Red Arms Had Croaa. will have a maatlng For Cadet Clapp Legal Action tUa araninf at al(ht o’clock at plot and atructure plana of the Mrs. Bteneha MeOpwaO. Mrs. Reg. Vaines to $8*98 R U U tte o f Disease tha Chapter headquartera In the propoaad aubatatlon for atudy by Robteaon’a two daughtars. Carol > While House 1 B o llV ^nr^ A rm y Houae and Hale buildlns- A local youth. Frederic 8. Clapp, the board. Mroaak pointed out Although you may think that Aaa aad Batty Lau, aad bar moth­ ' Aide Also Achnowl- -ra i i I of 14 Haynea atraat. haa written that tha atructure win not ha too >rioos ara too high or that you er. Mrs. Christ aU worktd to dae- Foreign Relations Com4 hla paranta. Mr. and Mra. John F. noUcaabla from Autumn atraaL lava bean ovarchargad for eortain erata tha houao **rtth ptak, bhia edge# contrL Bcats Kebelsl aarvicaa, you ara a ^ obhgatad to Strength Will Keep mittee Resolution 1st aapp. that ha la axpactlM to due to the contoura of tha land, ahd whlta straamaro with tiny hntion for Cempeign Maw Lcm tei. Aug- Sl—m — A leave CkwdfaUow Air Force Baaa. and ahowad tha board landacaping my a lagally contracted nm on rubiwr doOa attaohad to tbam aad , $r.oo Adopted Unanimottslyl I new approach te the queat to sotva Ban Angelo, Taxaa, where ha U plana for tha aubataUon. aaa you can ahow avldanca tbai eolorad baDona AU tha natelibora From Lawyer of Con* Government Geime to receiving Primary Training aa an Conaldcrable oppoalUon devel­ you hava bean ovardiargad. brought te rafraohmaata aad that* the rlSdto at esaoar was floaertbad By Convention; Askq AvlaUon Cadet, for Advanced oped to the aubataUon plan when Thia waa tha affect o f tha ruling vicied Chtdanati Man Here Taken Cochn- today by a womas aeiantlat af Peace Legion Told made yaatarday by Deputy Judge waa a wide aaaortaMnt o f aaad- Government to heed Training at an undiaclosad Air tha power oompany’a .applicaUon wlehas, eakaa. raUShaa aad eaady. S t r o n g h o l d Yale. Force Inatallatlon In Taxaa. waa llrat praaantad to the board John D. LaBalla in Small Clalma b a m b a court when ha found fOr John T. The amnay waa pisead la a daooa^ Wsshiagton, Aug. S l-^ ff) hraa afforta mariiail by In Forming Pacifie Cadet Clapp waa anllatad aa an on July 88. AcUon waa tabled at atad basket aad uaad w a vhry at- ' tt AvlaUon C ^ t In March at tha lo­ Ferguaon of 78 Charter Oak atraat —M ej. Gas. Harry H. ooraa ouoeaaa already ta aoteial Secretary »/ j Fuids Charge R easonable that Uma pending further invaaU- over Martin Madar, 88 Flower traetlva eantarplaea. A ahawer Dark sod Bsstal erepaa—Utht aad dark prfats aad a B oD a tla ! axparimaato—to datomtaa tha Area Defense Pad cal Racarultlng StaUon. Ha naa gaUon by the board. Tba aub- oaks daeoratsd with a baby la a V a u g l^ told sanators today Johnson Tells VeU © Cost dona ramarkabla work In training atraat A os- 81— exact composition of a eanear by To Preserve Liberty ataUon wUl be located on Lot 184 haakat waa alao uaad aa part o f few cottoB draaaaa. tha ooea lookod into — BuhJacUag dtffarant parta af tba ThrOWU Back and haa maintained a M par cant about 810'feat north of School Ferguaon told tha court that be tha daeoratlona for tho luncheon. No Aggressor Would aWHATEVXB yaa nay had made rapalra to Madar’a auto­ and found gToondlasa ~ a tumor tiagte to certain apaelal acholaaUe average. atraat and la a Raatdanea A none. Tha gnaats Joinad In group stag­ Dare Attack Nation . ------Philadelphia, Aug. 31— haaa read abaat fnaacal Ha aUtaa that during tha weak mobile to tha amount o( I184J8. ALL SALES HNAL ekarfa tint ha aaeaptad a tCfftga F x tfria n af Farndt Tba plaintiff aUtad that Madar ing and card gamaa aad apant a Aad out cr tha warh. osfd Dr. — T h e American Legioii Mala. jM win dad that there lan’t much Uma for fua, hut vary anjoyahle aveiitag. 910,000 briba to “ fix” an in- that on tha waak-anda thaie are Alao granted waa a paUUon by paid $100 of tha bffl aad than ro- gT*.— MaimlV*. BOW avtdaaea haa PhlUdriphiTAM. on An- called on the United States mu aenrlcea are reaaan- dancaa at tha Cadet a u b on tha tha A A P for antanaion of parmla- fuaad to pay tha raat bacanaa ha coma tax easa. Tha Ug. Muff bam oMatead onggaating the alcm to move ita Uquor outlet from Taka Tha Elevator To The Second Floor —By “keeping awake and tlcipated Revenue Re- today to support “ any patri­ ahiy priced. Tba total BftM. hallaved u a eharga waa axcaaatva. J. Hugh Jsekson, dasa at tha Whita Boosa mflltary aide ttal af tha “poaolbilittaar’ at davcloptag “aatl- eharga la haaad on tba Cadet Clapp axpacta to flniah the preaant alta at 788 Main atraet Ferguaon added that ha charged otoo sdawwMsm that ba get a I at La Paa. aaruma" that adght ba oSaettva te preparing accordingly'* suits io Retort Today otic groups or organizations to Beat Canter atraat where a new graduate school at btieteaae at marehaadlaa ytm ariact training in March of 1080, at which Madar tha regular price for parta Stanford Unlvaraite In OaUfomla namiiniifln csmpslga oeiOThu- at 8 a. aa after (ear i Sghtteg caadar. America con assure per­ of Chinese” who would fight tlma ha will graduate and receive atora la being built. Tha board and had even cut down on tba la­ ttaa test ten from s lawyer who Oa tba lattor potat, howavar, and hi tUa as la aU other granted an axtanalon ot 180 daya and prsaldant o f IQwanla Intama' flam M m dd KoaaabhMB aad Ids aleee, manent peace. Secretary of Hartford, Aug. 31 — UP) — Tha Communists. The resolu­ hla Conunlsalan aa a Baoend Uau- bor coata. tloniu, win daUver tha principal HALE'S has aosM to him asriiar toCkteg aha aaiphaalaad that so ter ouch mattera tha fhodly's da- Unant in tha Air Force u a P ilot after Attorney John D. LaBalla, Madar taatlSad that ha thought a BSfSMi t e a SMB eoavletoS at La Faa; Bolivia, Ang* 81—(in— “aati-sora" have baaa uaad at Talc aita. eagtos Peftotreag. te marriage duriag ceremony at rrovtdeaer, Defense Louis Johnson said governor's office threw back at tion, drafted by the Legion’s repraaantlng tba A A P, atatad addraaa during tha thraa-day B. L The eeupte cam. fro i Brooklyn, N. W. beceose Bhode latond ta etahm la dnaL pricaa ware too high and that the maating. HeoJqiiorfers Mock moriut Uenor Sssla. te t Bellvta’a ganaral staff aaya It has and alsawhars oaly against eanear today. “We ehall build our Republicans today a charge that Foreign Relations committss« that a four-month period would ha fuJUKHMCooM the aaly atoto which allaws each a wedding. (AP wirepbolo). was adopted unanlmoualy. A con* pricaa at parU ware axeaaalva. Ha Dalagatas from mar* than 160 M A w c N e s n * C o m m * Vooshaa taalatoS than .was i MAMhe4 tho Coohohombo oCfoiig- in ow tala anliaalB and hava only ramparts so strong that no astimatea of how much money the Buffldant. admitted, howavar, that ha had FOR these anata madMad tha greavthA aot allm- trary propoaal. reported _ under Tha hoard took no acUon on two clubs in tha dlstriet, which a hoM of rightist lehala trying to aggressor will dare attack us. state will collect during the cur­ aaan Ferguaon making up tha bill and tha paaela gtvon to tha coo- inatad tbeoL "We mtut achieve peace, and rent biennium were too optimistic. discuoslan early thla weak, to 1948 paUUona. One waa tha raquaat from a regular price Uat but ha topple tha govenuBSBt “write o ff Oiina aa lost waa not Wlclad MOM* ** JrWEUEW idsma we will achieve It. Speaker John H. Thim (R-Ham- of J. and F. Oraan to divida a fait prfcaa ware too hlgh'aqd that Tha anaouBcainant aald natten- Tha taotaIta daolgaod to datarmina offered. p f land cgi Buah Hill Road tha car waan't worth paying that Sanatnr MaOwthy (It-Wlal Predicts More Tricks Peace from Streagth dan) aaaertad yesterday that Gov­ Pockard S«dans itoed the guaatlana abaot tha tws at foreaa teat nlglit aodralad tha spariUen employ a prin- ernor Bowlaa' "imported experts" The Legion's Slat annual coo- two lota, each having a frontage much for rapalra. "We e\\\ achieve It in the only An Equipped PLASTERING « taddanU. It was a aoraatimaa d ty of 80,000, whim Itoa 180 mllaa dpi* loog known to adentlata te had overestimatad state revenues vention adopted the resolution of 1(K> feet Requlrementa for Whan Madar couldn’t produce a the Sdd of Immunology. It to way possible in thla world of to­ which asserts that: Low Mileage Rural aone, In which the land la quaUflad wltnaaa to dispuU the PATCHINO AND . BUILDERS OF otoamy aaaaien dnrteg which Me- aeuthaaot ot La Pas. It For Control of . Berlin day—affirmatlvaly — by unmis­ by at laaat 810,000.000. That, to­ earthy daeiand ha waa wltb- whan certain gether with "continued diaregard "Our long friendship and par­ Like New located, call for 180-foot frontage coat of tha rapalra. Judge LaBalla NBW CONSTBCCnON tnal oeeuMtloa ta forea waa da- ^^rJS^Stotineea' ara Intro- takable strength on land and aaa ticipation In common causae ^ th DOWN lots. antarad Judgment for tha plaintiff AMESITE DRIVEWAY mawtas n atotomant be layad un^today to avoid "proba- ______. and in tha air,” tha defense aac- of admlniatratiiA economy.'' con- RAYMOND D. MCCARTHY yeaterday. duoad Into a Uvteg ayatam, nature tandad JThlm. would mean a 130,. the Chinese impels us to reject FATMEMT The other application not aetad for 834.86. Madar aald ha was Abo Tarvia and Asphalt and 90B xorn'eavemmmit tmona — combat thaa* Invading H o w l ^ A s s e H S R u S siS D S retary told*, the Slat Natianal defeatism and abandonment of _ e t i ^ upon waa that of William Batata satlaflad with tha work Ferguson TEL. 8007 At that Uma, MeOarthy said he American Legion convention in a 000,000 deficit at tha end at the bl awi iaiuJ! . BBAaONABlJI - WOM ennium. thla area to Communist aggrao- WALTER N.LECLERC Bmnner^B Packard who wlahaa to convert temporary had dona but did not Uke tha high had tha fooltic sS launched S ?a | :ss!r'-""“•I W I B K e e p News Tidbits prepared address. eon." 368 East Center St. quartara at the rear of 809 Tolland prices at the parta. UUARANTBCD - FBSB BSTIMATCB * atm MIt—that Volushaa did net —flrat major battle with tha rabals Johnson, in what he called hla Thlm'a assertion brought a re It m ain traiiT profit paisoMlly from any et —after tha atato had eallad up aU For every apedfle type of anti- Pressure as Long as tort from the governor's office to­ The veterans' organteatiori Open: Mon., Wed., Fri. 'nimplke Into a permanent dwell­ B8aatbly Paymaato It Oaahad gan there ia a spadfle antibody to CnDed From (JP) W irw first public address aa head ot moved to "appeal to the (Thlass* mAnCHCSTIR. T il.ta6® ing. eorioua tetareaaalona with tha gov- man It to 80 to quail tha four-day- the new Department of Defense, day that If anyone had been too Tin 9 P. BL cM rtTolt, “flt” It—Ilka a kay-ln-Ioek ar- They Think They Can opttimlstie about anticipated rave- people to throw out all forafga Baqneata Daalat Tha revolt to lad by tha National rangaxMHt. aald peace haa been elualva in the Ideologlta which are aimed at oov Two requaata for tha right to Jtfanehesier Television DEMAIO BROS. St. Louis animal lover leaves peat. nue. it waa the Republicans and tahltohment of tot^tariaa donl^ Ranges, Refrigerators half at that atatamant ba otrieluB lUvotntioaary party at tha lata In tba work at Yala, Dr. Ma- not the Democrats. conduct dancing achoola In real Praaldanto Oualberto VUloroel, euHa told tha Sodaty for tha Berlin, Aug. 81 — (ff) — 8100,000 to promote itarilisatlon ‘Twice ta our lifetime we had nation of tha Chinese paopla ta tM dance aonea ware denied. Marion gny ra sk c or model for 1c m SINCE 1920 TKI.BPHONB 7691 from tha lecetd,” MeOarthy said Formal Statement Issued D a t e B o o k W ashers and AU tggg- *thm part hi which I cald who waa hanged when hla govcfn* Study of Development and Growth Brig. Gen. Frank L. Howley of bouaehold pate, put HumaiM ao- It in our hands. Twice we let It Interest of a foreign power, WiUlama had applied to hold ciaty dascribas hte wlU aa ‘lalUlast slip away. Now we have It again In the absence on vacation of —The rcapIuUon - did 1not specify money. The best boys in autt^aUll was my optatei.’* . I ment was overthrown In IMS. tha prtadpla to applied to cancer predicted today RuasU would claaa In a garage atructure at 14 •A- Other AppUances (The Botivlan radio “Avaroa,' reaaarch ta thla way: tUaiF*.. Quaana hue drivara In within our grasp and thla time we Governor Bowles, hla office imuad what it meant bby "lupporL" Strong atraat Realdanea A aona Batarday, Saptambar 10 town. Lowest pricM in .VsiMbau idmttflcil tha lawyar Cfeaoar ttoaua to divided into try more trickf to ouet the Naw York caS oB atriM.. Death must ba deterr^ed not to let It a formal statement assarting that It urged tha U. S. govanimant IMMEDIATE DELIVERY hi tha parden caoe w William H. heard te Lima, said the rebel lead- and Walter Walah wlabad to con- Wapping Qranga annual Fair, Conn. Boy from a television era Sad by plana after tha Oocha- many fraetloas. Antlbodiaa to western sUies from Berlin. of Itobart V. Miller, known as go." Speaker Thlm'a effort to blame to "lead its tmmadlata aid In form­ mils Orova and Community 7hi 1 M(HAM c o m MdMatt aad dcaartbad him aa a bamba dafoot. It aald they ware thoae fractions are thaa produced The retiring U.S. command­ Oomrt Victor Los tig, one of Drawing a parallel between two any mtocalculatlona on tha govern­ ing a regional pact" under tM UN ezpert and have the Job euHWHMto cima teiF MftMff oC tba lota I charter which would unite "thoao O fT h tK tu ) House. _ ^ route to Araqulpa, Peru, ta a by iajaetiag them into axparl- ant of Berlip told a nawa con­ world’s moot notorious awlndlara, poot-war eras. Johnaon aald Rus­ or's fiscal advtoara was "another Also Bolton Grange 4-H Club wauam Olbba MaAdao a f OaUf____or­ eowmarctel transport plana of mental aalmslo. to ravaalod today. .New Bagload sia conUwisS^, V-J day with vivid Illustration of ths comic op­ froadom-lovlng eonntrlaa of tM done right. ate. Vanghaa OBldtha coavlatod Paclflc and Far Eastam area . . • Fair. y y ^ lUovd AarSDcitvteno) TIm oattbotfiaff oo oroduoad art ference 'Hmqr w}U keep try* shows signs ot fsaUng plaaa of M!tar arm _ as Japan, era of which Speaker Thlm has Batarday. October 1 Uquar bteok amritetor ■ OnrhahaiPha----- tbax placed ta teat tiwm and toaU .tkickA- sod. IX Reossvalt, been one o f the leading tenors." to praaarva IndivIdmJ Ubartiao." RADIO AND plotting aggreoaion, did after the Tha convention adoat-war years suddenly stops. session. Governor Bowles hsd "We arc opposed to-Commutianl asM, Vaatoum aald ha referred aald that after eoncluaton at tha learned." company has contracted to pipe warned that Republicane were Cargo CaniBr Cochabamba action on attack wtU to or “fit" oactate normal Uaaua Ne may hava been dosing all right, under any cloak. Appeasemaut ot Fteaaea year hocea tha mad- Mablatt te tha JosUoa dapartmant react similarly to eartaln com- At hto final news conference be­ aataral gas to 80,000 customara te counting too much on revenue. the aggressor constitutaa surren­ Vkttfhaa otod the FBI taveatl- ba started at Potosl, third key d ty but we had not yet fallen com­ am way with a 4% mertgaga ponanU o f cancer tipaua. fore Bailing for home next weelc, eight Maaaachuaatta communltlaa pletely asleep. Said the statement: der of our freedom on Um instaS- loaa nader O. I. Bin of Btihte. gi Mcn at tkaxapari at a ‘Tte" in partly held by the lebeto. ’Thera appaara to ba a oarticu- Howley paid a long, earnest tri- . .Oaa manufacture re In Connec­ "A t that time Hr. Thlm and his ment plan. toeoma tax eooa cams abqut aa larly close ralatlonahlp Mtwean huta to the German people of Bw- ticut express aurpitsa at Spring- colleagues conducted a consistent "We urge the State department Coaatfactloa Loan. avallaMa. 'Manlt o f a “ request o f tha Un and predicted "your city wiU Bald company’s atop .... Aaniw propaganda campaign to convince to use all practical means to gat a m tth* pTsar to tha'FBI. ooma cancer components and nor­ d f l o o t w Mortgage Saaacing threagh Q. mal lung and aplaan flans. one day be the capital of a united ■doeatioaal iM titato of Dlocaaa Drops Offer the public that the governor's rev­ the truth of the American way of L,' F. H. A. cr ceavaatloaal Ba navat did Identify thla mam- Red Guerrillas 8. Thera ara atiU other eanear Germany. I cannot say when tMt of Hartford opaas at St. Jooaph’a enues during the coming biennium life throughout the world." Tills Baak Loaa. hat af the prim win be becauae thora to no way Cathedral today with 1,800 priaats would be more than $10,000,000 was a reference to the Voice of TIRE SALE OoL C J. Mora, aaototant oomponants that art neither Uka o f predicting whan tha Rusataaa aad nuns attendlag. in axcaaa of what the governor's America radio broadcast program. Faada also avaOSMa for hoc WMIa HOuaa military alda, later normal ttoaua nor Uka virus (oth­ T o M ediate 6 0 0 X 16 TakePingyun er raaaarcbara qra raoponribla tor will atop their preaaura to tear the beat advice Indicated. "Inclusion of a greater propor­ repairs, aaodaralaatloa, ate. 8 Display aald that for ooma tlma before the country apa^.’’ Sacratary o f Stats Achaaon aaya tion of specially selaetad and as for eotaplato datalls lasard- Now On work Identifying b o o m cancer par- davalopmanta on Yugoalav border Unbalanced Bud ret Seen teveatigatloH a “vioioua campaign' In his own aumxuuy.to the da- "During final budget discus­ trained non-political peraonari... lag a B O W loaa ar the atraat ttelaa aa virua.) S|>p*ar to ba piart of a war of toUad report of U. S...oocapatlqn *re8ideotial Fact • Find­ sions, It was the governor who In the diplomatic aervlee.*’ Hateg at aa axlsttag loaa. Vaugbon T~®P« Kna* 8. Soma eaaoor tiaaua compon< te Barlin, Howlay blamed Ituaetan xervea .... Csech government 'The Legion’s national command* onto ara Uka namal adult tiaaua: thraatans prthlaaa aapprcaalon of ers Shaping Plans to warned repeatedly that the Re' Thla la a flea Jarrla aarvloa Into Kwantung end aiffoata to aatea 'taa mitira city tor publican party waa, by fabricating er declared tha organisation's ma­ Mara was put In the wltnaaa Soma ora Uka ttoaua te the ambry- tM friction hatwaan tha four pow- aU undaiiround activity .. jor 1080 fight WiU be against thf Plymouth anglnoera hava produced a sansatlonal new concept of —No ehirga to tba hot tower. The Beautiful New Continue Drive South onie (early davelepnant) stage. President Truman calls Demo­ Avert Steel i Strike its own Inflated revenue eatlmate, chair aad tartlSed that be had a attempting to force a heatrlly un­ governmant’a economy movq^ baauty, uUUty, and low oqat aU In one ear! It’s tha Plymouth talkad with the F K about it andl "W a M va auccaadad te reviving cratic lagtolaton for conference SUBURBAN, at home In Ipa moat aophlatlcaUd town-and-coun- balanced budget on the admlnto- which he said "threatena to atroh- waa DifomMd that Vaughan was IMnioa. Aug. 81—OO—Chteaaa tM Bocial axd p iM ti^ Ufa o f the oh tenx taglatetiax.... Detroit New York, Aug. 81—(te—Presl- gla" vetarana rights. tiy sattlnga--«nd a rugged worker too. YouT see U batiUng light 6.9 5 JARVIS “eomplately exonerated." Wa Mv* guteod tha Barite Board of OonunarM aeaka to head dantlal fact-finders went to work tratlon. cargo for tha aaleaman, businessman, or fanner aU day—then mmuntota irregulars tevadad eS Ford atrika . . . '.U. 6. and Brit­ YOUR DOLLARS HAVE MORE CENTS AT Typhoon Hite urn to n oooyapt of democra­ today to shape their recommen' taking families to the evening movla in real atyle. For many. It Kw«agtung provteoa today. The cy alteflar to our 'own. Wc have ain may oaa* raatrtctioaa on sale datlona for preventing a national wUl aarve as an economical “second car.’’ The Plymouth SUBUR- REALTY CO. Chrysler Royal Rad threat to Canton gained j not oneecaded te teachteg of military equipment to Yu:s* steel strike. ’They have aban' RAN la the real ALL-AROUND car people hava bean waiting for! 884 CBNTRR ST. Customs Rules PhoM 41U Or.787S Soviet Pilot force along aa are north of U 2 JapQ tiea mqnte te thoae fuadamontal con- B lavia./ doned a mediation plap. hatwaan Ruaolan Commu- Scienttota at Argonna Natiohal The three-man board yeaterday 1. Statloa Wagon. Even with 8 passengers, thara’s over 8 feat NatiennUst capital eastward to| of cargo space behind the rear acat. ’Thy naw Plynibuth SUBUR­ SERVICE and wastam domoeracy.' laboratory develop injections withdrew Its offer to earve a* me­ Flashes! , Turned Over outapokan American com- which wIB aretoet aalmalB from diator In the dispute after Indue- Changes Loom BAN haa a amall turning radtua; it’s easy to p v x . It’s the Ideal W o f M Storm in 11 (Late BaSetias of the (te Wire) aU-purpoae car for taking the children to acbool, for ahopplng. Piece dtopatches cald Itad.ir- wno haa bean tavolvad te death raaultug.frora radiation... try leaders Instated the negotia­ Hera’s a aoa- STATION Station Wagon Years W hip Across Yo-ldwyh o f heated vocal' hatttaa Former Braaldant Atnulfo Arias tion* would have to be on an In gardening, eporta, vacations, and hundreds of other uses. rcgulora, capped by Gen. Un Po-Chcag ta Oommualrt • MM tM Kuaalana oaUmatod M Madrid rattosad from Panama dividual eompany baste. AflministraUon. Wants to veedblepleeeef Buvov Given to Reds kohama aisd Tokyo had spqnt 8,(X)0 hours with Ruo- Slash Propoaal Favored . amay practical asaa PriaMfOy a B ack Prestomatie Transmission Ktengti provteca, kad katfed Into prison ta nnsral political amnesty This, aald Board Chairman Car- MS On Own Request . in Britiah aad French occupa­ ...H xw adim eraployars peaalmto- roU Daugherty, would be "physi­ Make Entry of For* W aa h te^ a, .4og* “ • trateias aac for id aarii c feeding 427 HARTFORD ROAD TEL. i(866 northcactem Kwaagtuag and ftoSavad by prapar aaoport Early Delivery On AD Models Anotrlaltekca Ptagyua, 810 mllca nerth- B a lfltia! tion autlMritias In tha past four ticaHy aaaqf8 tevitotlsn to enter cally Imposaible." eign, Goods Easier Senator Conaally (D-T*x) _aald pcogtaaa, it caa irai ba aaad aa a Toor phycMaa ana tod yea Ceremony in years. Naw York nagoUatlona Sept 7 to today oeaators coaalderlag FrosI* ' cast of Canton. Tbay were re­ Tdo*. Aw. 81-«P>-^ To Weigh Evidence deat Truman, ’a 81.480,088(68# hi-chair. Chair locks laataady ia 'oat ear axpcft eppBeaaa “Your Chrysbr-PIymouth Dealer” ported ctobblng eh aouthward end lS8-day-«rid dock atrika. He eald the board would begin ptaM oo (able, whose ■ a ^ M lfto T a h je te wotet Traasiiry Balancs Washington, Aiig. 81—(te—Tho anna aid program "received mv- Stttet aarvleai Wbathar It VUima, Auatria, Aug. 81—

— from thcra. typMan to U puuau leand Onig'Bleak- ayatery writer. In immediately the Job of weighing wide baaa provides ba Back Patea — Baotara — Soviet FUot Atotolc Baraev .Wsshtafton,' Aug. S1--(F>—TM Loo Angaiae psychopathic ward admlnlatratlon wants to make It erably" n propoael to ont 18 kf May 'Be Bepcatod Thoent evidence and drawing up propoaato 8180A90.000. n o elaak would M ina. aotadppteg aa- Obaalty — Ptoala— wa have tha untartly returned today to tha Itod ll^ tioa of tM Troaoury August after raportad aulclda attempt... for a cetticment between the com­ easier for Britiah and other for­ Whethar this was tM oama naw made from Um |1.188AS8g8i6 cad ty. . , . Brown-Beaupre, Inc. Army tram which be fled as a Red drive tha Ministry ot Nation­ Natlonallat transport pilot who da. panies and tha CIO United Steel eign goods to enter tM Unijod . poUtleal rafussa last October. ifs t' httdgst raoalpts. $48,887,- sertad to Chteoaa Oommu'ntots aaya which Mr. Tnimaa asked to Ml# SO BISSELL STREET PHONE 7191 al DafeiiM said was threatmteg I S48.88: budget axpixuUturaa, 8187,- Workers. States, so Britain can aarn more In a briaf caramony at tha aonal many more <3Unaaa airman ar* ‘Ihaae racommeadatlona which re-ona Eorepcox asttoua hi Lungdnm waa not dear. Lung- 416.407.06; cash balaaea, 64,466,- of tM dollars aha badly aeads. Atlaatie daamreatten Una, American au- ehun to 146 mllm from Canton tea first. won’t ba binding on either aide, Mortgages... thoritias handed him ever to a 616,468.00. Govanimant offidala who ra­ plas wee and 68 mllaa oouthwast Ping- ara due te Prsaldant Truman’a group at Itumten offloers. ot portad thla. today said admlnlstra btx^ Seaat* Foreign yua. Thlawould put it ta tM path hands by Sept. 10. aad Afinad Servioaa Tlig transfer waa made oa tba of tM Irregular’s throat past That erUl leave tha disputants lion attorneys ora Mroady drafting haidga Unking Lias te tho u. three daya to try to gat togatMr laglatetloa to simplify aad modern- after a M-parttaaa a ~t. Sedaa. This is stylA that you’ll ha prdud of, anywhere you wtthUrfohrritk U ifohr to tea Ptagyua. iMtlaaa Half-Year Mileage Death had worked it eat. got Tha SUBURBAN has tha modem, flowing lliiaa o f tha great TM mtelatry did not oay whath- terga —on the basis of tha racommen- Isa cuotoma ragulatlona • ■ • TO YOUR aOBb. Tba transfer took plaea only dations—before the ataalworkars' TM present plan to for Prasi new.Plynaoutha Tha body la all m eta l. . . aleak and sm art Tha a fow nUaa from tha American or the throat to Luagehun waa kP Boras Dafaato JVada Beats ara attractive waahabla plastle. Ilva people ride In pillowy, Tba Idl-A ^ Itod regular or Irr^olar troopa. Bapt 14 atrika daadUna. tiant Truman to ask Oongress for ioa“Plap-* jt t a L alibaaa whera Banov aad* two Rate Sets All-Time Low thsss changes Just as aoon as It gliding com fort for all aaata ara cradled batwaen tha whaalA ether ItussUa alraton sefte-laadsdl Naithsr ttd tt tM Kwang- Tokyo, Aug. 81 — (te — 1M SA80 Pages ef Taatimaxv cito*toal> MEASURE worot typhoon te 11 yoaro In 18 daya of haartega tM board acts an United States XMinheahlp JaSua*Mraa”rt^'ii ^ ‘ & ij»8A A Cargo Canter. Tha rear aaat rotataC downward quickly and eo a practical .eablo aat far tea ( SHIPPER to a twln-aagteod homhar ' '' tung‘— border’— *“ had*“ '* boon’— araaesd. — OeonactieHra aote surrlvea Is Hto Oae-ayad Ganaral Uu appaient- whlppod acrooo crowded Yoko­ Chloago, Aug. 81— Involve more rad taps thaa VnM 8 p, m. Amariqan Army authoritloa rs- o f Chaton. Ctontoa is tM Kwoag- Sogaml bay. aa ia 1846 to la sight.” tM ooua- population 476,000; Birmirkkkte ttoB oBar. DaugM rty aald: teoM at any other natlM. r-la tate estead testruetlons from tM State Japanaaa patioa '' raportad ell prssldsnt. New H> Doarbon, $6s,l00, aad Providenoe, 871,600. t, "la a leas merttagaiaatbuf te*t night Oovaramant cffidals famlUar flttto fl insurance' and pdid vacation. tung provincial Capital. tha tnduetry>gmaa5utlvai dodd dapartmant to return Baraev to Other forcao from Uu’s armloa dead oad four injurod at Odawara. said la a statoBunt “At tMt tlma Laadteg cittoa te each popula- with tea problem sgra# that aim- Forty bomaa In Odawara wore da- hs askad th a t'tM aaltoago death pUAsd oustoais pnetteas souM at­ tM p r^ s r Riusslan autboriUos. have ovorrun Juehsag, 170 mllaa ttoa irotte for tM first ssvan wide madirtlen. Ikay ao telOrM- KEMP'S . Write, stating qualifications to Itersov and hto na'vigatar Fietr! north at Chaton, aad puahsd oa te atooysd aad 600 flaodfd. rata, than about 18 dsatM hw aM ntis at Ittf iaaksd aceerdtag tract more BritUh sopoite oad S4 tM hoard today, 'n a y swggart Ptoqssv flaw thalr bembar from saj within 80 of tM Csateii- town to on a river ia tM i 100,000,000 mUos, M sot te haU." to tM anmbsr of trsflte dsatM thus help Britota in its posssHt Ineorporsted I Bear tha hay. ad individual mailatlon. Rqy Motors, Inc. qlukssa te tM waataiB Ukrateaafo- Bigkw.ralhray. TM ton of iotuai doates. how- ter each 16,000 ristotarsd vsktotoo, “Teak PtosIteSy If aisSHs" soononte riutnp. ' (iiAlctiulte^te/L y * Box H, Herald. ’ ^ te.wkat tMy said WM' nora than they saver the rail Una tM TM bairacM of tM UA. Fifth svar, roas aUgbtlv te July. TheI iaa- teriuda: < “Tlito would Mv* roqulrad ns to esdw Ckseese Pel lato W ltol r* ' DiEoto SBd Piymoath Deskr B sh y -L sm ) QUINN’S a paagfifl pteanteg. They ware so- mate NatlonUat dafeasa form for Cavalry rogimant on a paate aual 6ght te moko a gate ta 11 10(),009-6(!aoOO-Mew Bsdtord. msdiats in soms 80 eoareut r im - Trassury depeitatei* kMIrio . ERNEST ROY, P8pp. 5AVING5u«JlOAN ASSOCIATION, INC. eelipaklad by a BnaHaa ssnasat south CUaa would be cut oft nem batwaen Sagamt and Tokyo bays savod romatais eto*4. Mass.. OAt #atsrt>^. (Mm., 0-7: tteu. TM Mord hss therefore wM admteistar eustoato ka»s sssa of iten who ,pras handed kaek to Sovlat Its msjsr supply hass, pantoa. j were damaged. No troopa wora For July tM daath ton was 8, lookteg into tea rscatettofis fto 763 Main Street ------URCANtZeO APRIL 1691 ------Martterd. Opna.. OA. aama to tM odkiehision th it such s U NO. 1 | A 1 ^ ST. TEL. 5113. MANCHESTER PH A R M A a itkerit request, Haadquartsn o f Gan. Pai Chuag- reported hurt But soldi are ware 866, SB taersast sf 8 par cant from 66,000fl06.006 — Cedar Raptda task would pe phj^soU y tei; Kbs post twa years gad 6av* a)* two oMosrs were laksii to; Hsi ar* at Esii|iyhag on tM rail­ alovtod to movo to safer pound if tM 8.T60 J|ily t*n o f 1646. Jul'Jttly. la., Rvaaiteii. IIL, aad Sts wtiwrd. and M s loadir put sosM SkMBte in s s6B86 J tes ited States last F s b e w y . way 888 mllso north at Chaten. lUM lypnOQB vOL WUff!^ , Jaw s^ sad April are tM c a ll Cana,, all 0-te ' I

/■■ . / i l '