
The Wars Of

Europe in Turmoil


War had been common in Europe, even during the .

Europe had a long history of fighting the Ottomans.

The that ended the Renaissance seemed to set the stage for larger things. Valois-Habsburg Wars

Pitted the Valois (Francis I) family of versus the Habsburgs of the Spanish Emperor Charles V of the . (1494-1559) Habsburg-Valois Wars

Most wars fought in and Low Countries.

Wars devastated the countryside.

The War was costly and indecisive

Peace of Aubsburg

Lutheranism was made Sources of conflict: “a legal religion within Calvinists in France the Holy Roman Protestants in Empire”. Netherlands (HRE) During this time (1555) a German Protestants split emerged within the competing Protestants.

French Wars of Religion

The Death of Francis weakened the realm.

Rival factions vied for the throne.

Religion was often a conflicting issue between noble families.

St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre

Conflict between the Guise © and Bourbon (P) family reached a crisis point.

A “fake” marriage was arranged. The goal—to lure protestant nobles out in the open under the banner of the wedding.

9/24/1572…a bloodbath.


The Massacre settled nothing…

Huguenot resistance was only emboldened.

Argued for constitutionalism and religious freedom.

Wars paved way for a wider conflict yet to come. Huguenot Control

Charles IX dies shortly after the ST. B. M.

Only heir to the throne died shortly after without an heir.

Next in line…Henry of Bourbon, a protestant!

Edict of

Henry immediately converts to Catholicism, recognizing that he can’t govern without papal blessing. Thought he could unify this divided country.

Granted Protestants religious freedom with the of Nantes Henry and the

Henry realized he had to create a strong monarchy in order to survive and to pass his throne on to his heirs. So he created a majestic impression of his own rule The Revolt of the Netherlands

Phase II: Philip’s problems in the Low Countries…Netherlands.

A wealthy, important part of the HRE—also a very important Protestant area.

Philip II a defender of the Catholic world.

Result—violence. Calvinists Attack

Philip sent an army led by Duke Alba to massacre 1,100 people.

William of led the anti-Catholic resistance.

Northern region gained independence…establishi ng the Dutch .

Council of Blood

Created by the Duke of Alba to punish Protestants.

Soldiers were allowed to pillage villages and communities.

Handed down 9,000 convictions.

Spain and Netherlands would be at war for 80 years.

The Thirty Years War 1618-1648 (1659) War Spills Over

Isolated conflicts mold into a larger ordeal.

Europe was marked by “truces” and “treaties” that did little but allow the combatants time to rearm.

Spain continues to be a primary agitator.

War In Bohemia

What is Bohemia?

Peace of Augsburg worked in Germany…but outside of Germany it was not working.

HRE moves to Austrian control…Spain out for a while.

An election in 1617 in both HRE and Bohemia. Protestants in Bohemia

Powerful enough to disrupt the power of the new HRE, not powerful to make it stick.

Frederick V became the first protestant ruler of Bohemia after a protracted battle. Weak Winter

The Winter King, as Frederick was known…was weak. Sauerkraut quote? Frederick didn’t have the stomach for this situation. Coronation, war breaks out on three sides. Frederick flees…

You can’t even throw people out of a 60 foot tower onto a pile of horse manure anymore…

A War In Phases

Phase 1: Bohemian Phase-War broke out in Czechoslovakia after the Defenestration of Prague. War represented here by determination of protestants in Czech. and the . Catholic win

Danish and Swedish Phases

Phases 2 and 3: Responding to the atrocities of Catholic general Albrecht Wallenstein, a pair of Scandinavian Protestants emerge as heroes: Dane Christian IV, and Swede Gustavus Adolphus.

Phase 2: a Catholic victory.

Phase 3: Gustavus Adolphus secures victory with an eye on securing trade routes. A Gunpowder Calvary Battle

Phase 4: French Phase

France hates the House of Habsburg and HRE and joins the war on the side of…PROTESTANTS!

France and Spain pummeled each other during this phase.

Europe is exhausted from war Conclusions

In some areas up to 40% of a population died.

Average was probably about 1/3 of residents.



Who won? Hard to say…France and Protestants.

Lost: Holy Roman Empire

Settled by Peace of Westphalia