The Villach Regional Hospital (LKH Villach) is one of the most modern and efficient general hospitals in Austria. As part of the KABEG group of hospitals, it is responsible for the hospital, medical and healthcare needs of the population in Central and Upper . A cross -border cooperation agreement means that staff also work with their Italian colleagues in the Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto regions of Northern . The hospital has around 1,800 employees in twelve departments and four institutes, caring for around 36,000 in -patients and 96,000 out -patients annually. It has over 758 beds, with a further 36 beds available for the chronically ill.

In 2003 the Villach Regional Hospital was the first general acute care hospital in Austria to be accredited by the International Joint Commission with more accreditations following in 2007 and 2010. LKH Villach has thereby achieved the highest international standards of quality assurance and patient orientation.


In 2008, the Villach Regional Hospital commissioned its long -time partner NextiraOne "In an emergency seconds count, with the task of integrating a redundant alarm system to provide a fail -safe alert whether in terms of being at the system and enable the mobilisation of hospital staff during an emergency. A GSM scene for patients or getting integration project also enables the notification and mobilisation of staff who are additional medical personnel into away from the hospital. the LKH Villach Hospital. A well - functioning system of notification As part of the new solution, NextiraOne also planned and implemented a centralised of employees in an emergency is notification management system. This passes emergency calls, fire alarms and other therefore critical. Our partner Nex- alert calls to the DECT phones of doctors and nurses via a central management tiraOne has created a solution for system. In the event of failure of the operational telephone system, the alarm server us that meets these serious de- can transfer notifications to the Hospital’s DECT telecommunications system, which mands and allows us to operate then effectively becomes the operational telephone system. faster and more effectively." This innovative communications solution which is integrated into the voice network of Ing. Josef Hattenberger the hospitals of the KABEG group in , Villach, Wolfsberg, Laas and Hermagor, Technical Director provides increased availability and faster response times, allowing staff to spend LKH Villach more time in patient care.



In an emergency, time is of the essence. In the case of road traffic accidents, explosions and major fires, seconds can count in getting doctors, paramedics and nursing staff coordinated and ensuring the care of the injured. The Villach Regional Hospital has developed a disaster plan that NextiraOne has implemented with a redundant emergency alarm solution from NewVoice.

Firstly NextiraOne extended the existing NewVoice Mobicall alarm system by adding a second server. The network infrastructure has been implemented with edundancy in order to allow continuous alarm -ready status. In the case of a failure of the network connection the redundant server takes over locally the functions of the main server. The redundant distribution of all alarm information is carried out by the NewVoice Com -Port Splitter Box.

The alarm server is networked with the Alcatel -Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise PBX system and communicates directly with terminal devices. Staff at the Villach Hospi- tal can use a web portal to keep themselves informed of the current status of the doctors and nurses who have already received alerts. The alarm can be triggered through a telephone extension, a Web interface or an IP alarm box connected to the alarm server. The NewVoice alarm server sends the alert out to medical, nursing and administrative staff via DECT handsets and mobile phones. Employee data is automatically imported into the emergency alarm database from the personnel management system. This ensures that the personnel information and phone numbers are up to date. The patient transportation system is also controlled by the alarm server and ensures route optimisation for the transportation of patients. The management of "The integration of all technical alarms, the fire alarm system and the central management system are all communications channels into a also handled through the system. The alerts are automated and transmitted to the complete, fully redundant terminal devices as mini -messages and tickets via TCP/IP (Transmission Control solution simplifies and speeds up Protocol / Internet Protocol). communications for all personnel. This is particularly The scope of the disaster can trigger a range of different alarm scenarios and important in the healthcare ensure a coordinated and fully automatic alerting of all necessary staff. Depending sector: immediate notification on the type of disaster the doctors, nurses and administrative staff are notified in must be guaranteed no matter three corresponding sub -groups. where the employees are and what device they are using." The alerted employees can respond directly from their terminal devices, using a number of options. The server stores the responses according to whether they will Roland Kostmann arrive at the scene within 30 minutes, one hour, or not at all, and these are Sales Director Carinthia automatically passed on to those responsible for managing the emergency. NextiraOne Austria.

NextiraOne are Europe’s leading experts in communications services. The company designs, installs, maintains and supports all of its customers’ communications needs from voice to mobility, security and applications. NextiraOne provides seamless, end -to -end communications solutions working with the leading technology vendors in the industry to deliver maximum business benefit to customers .