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THE REC IN FOCUS VALENTINE’S SPECIAL Leisure centre saved p4-5 ’s finest flowersp14 Edition 7 FREE February 2013 Green light for youth INSIDE... and housing Drama centre is part of ‘key vision’ for town centre By Tim Dickens Riots on record A pioneering youth arts organisa- We bring you the action from the tion could be moving to a new the- launch of a pioneering Becoming atre in the heart of Brixton. Brixton project, with a series of The Ovalhouse theatre, celebrat- short films and a website about the ing its 50th anniversary, will work 1980s riots in Brixton. Page 13 with on the plans to de- velop a purpose built performance venue on Somerleyton Road. The council has also announced that it will be working with the Brixton Green group, an organi- sation with more than 1,000 local shareholders, that hopes to develop a rundown stretch of land on the west side of the street. Ovalhouse director Deborah Bestwick said the theatre has been looking for a Brixton base for a number of years and she is “very excited” about the plans. Ritzy film guide “Many of the young people we From Denzel to Die Hard, resident work with come from Brixton and film buff Ashley Clark looks at we have outgrown our current the best, and worst, on offer at the building in . With a Ritzy cinema this month. Page 12 new, larger building we can work with more people.” She added: “If we can create an CREATIVE: Dancers from Ovalhouse Theatre at an event in Windrush Square last summer extra benefit it’s because there’s a synergy of community and creative people in Brixton. We can do so and a foyer space that “brings the as next year. The new venue could much work equipping young peo- streetlife of Brixton in and lets the then open in 2016. ple and supporting them to look creativity of the theatre out.” “We are contributing to some- towards further education and em- Bestwick said she wants to work thing live and vital that can go be- ployment.” closely with the community in yond the exciting things that hap- Deborah The plan includes two flexible planning the centre, and if funding pen at Ovalhouse Theatre.” Bestwick is theatre spaces, seven studio spaces is secured work could start as early Continued on Page 5 delighted Thameslink win Latest in Brady’s pub saga Commuters rejoice after Brixton Community Trust is to Atlantic Road, as a community cross- train services are refer Lambeth council to the Local venue, is unhappy that private de- saved. Hill MP Chuka Government Ombusman over the velopers could use up to £700,000 Umunna, though, says the govern- sale of a much-loved Brixton pub. of lottery cash to turn the building ment must go further and provide The group, which had planned to into private flats. more carriages. Page 4 get funding to restore Brady’s, in Full story, Page 3. 2 Brixton Bugle February 2013 NEWS

The Brixton Blog and Brixton Bugle Butcher fined are edited in Brixton by Zoe Jewell Labour take A butcher and supermarket owner and Tim Dickens. has been fined £8,500 for a series of hygiene failings. Inspectors from Lambeth Both the website and newsaper are Council found rat droppings published by a not-for-profit by-election throughout Brixton Supermarket, community organisation. Run by Electric Avenue, during a number a committed team of people from Labour’s Martin Tiedemann of visits to the store. They also Brixton. has been elected as the new found build-up of blood in cold councillor for Brixton Hill ward rooms, mud on the floor and no Brixton Blog and Bugle with a majority of 62 per cent. running hot water to clean it. The Brix at St Matthews, Tiedemann took the seat in Owner Ghulam Rasool was or- Brixton Hill, Brixton January after a by-election trig- dered to pay a fine £8,515, and le- SW2 1JF gered by the resignation of for- gal costs of £5,500 at Tower Bridge mer council leader . Magistrates’ Court in December. In second place was An- » Tel 020 7737 5417 drew Child from the Green » @brixtonblog Party, with 344 votes. Lib Dem » @brixton_bugle Liz Maffei came third with 274 LABOUR OF LOVE: Colleagues congratulate Tiedemann Toilet fire rescue » votes. Only 22.8 per cent of voters in Brixton Hill turned out to residents and listened to their the result just after midnight on Circulation: 9,500 copies vote, meaning 2,552 people vot- concerns. Now I’ll continue to January 18. It followed a good Readership: circa 16,000 ed out of a possible 11,206. work with the local community natured election contest and Speaking after being sworn to address those issues and pro- the first ever hustings held by For advertising enquiries contact: in at Lambeth Town Hall, cllr tect Lambeth services. Brixton Blog at Corpus Christi “The result is a real vote of church hall on January 10. [email protected] Tidemann said: “We cam- paigned on the issues that mat- confidence in Lambeth Labour About 90 residents attended Charley@brixtonblog,com ter to people in Brixton Hill, and our campaign.” the event to quiz candidates on bread and butter local issues. Lambeth chief executive housing, employment and traf- NEWS We spoke to thousands of local Derrick Anderson announced fic on Brixton Hill. »[email protected]

FEATURES Luke Massey Results in full »[email protected] M Tiedemann Lab 1593 63% A Child Green 344 14% A woman in had a CULTURE L Maffei LD 274 11% lucky escape after a candle caught Barney Evison and Ruth Waters T Briggs Cons 164 6% fire to the cistern in her toilet. »[email protected] S Nally TUSC 72 3% The blaze broke out at a flat in E Jones UKIP 63 2% Comber Grove, Camberwell on January 21. The woman was taken SPORT D Lambert Soc 34 1% to hospital, but was not badly hurt. »[email protected] The by-election hustings, hosted by Brixton Blog Both the Blog and the Bugle are produced by a committed team of volunteers with a wide range of skills. Blog celebrates birthday with 500,000 hits Cllr in hot water for This month marks the first anni- To celebrate its birthday, the A massive thank you to everybody versary of the relaunched Brixton Blog team is throwing a party at involved in making this issue, and the party political email Blog as a comprehensive online Kaff Bar, Atlantic Road on Febru- Blog & Bugle project, a success. newspaper. ary 7 at 9pm, all welcome. Residents, library users and He told The Bugle: “I will be In its first year, the site has The project’s editors, Zoe Jew- ROLL OF HONOUR opposition councillors have re- calling for cllr Prentice to re- racked up more than half a mil- ell and Tim Dickens, would like acted angrily to an email from sign. She has completely lost lion page impressions and at- to thank volunteers for their help, Miss South a senior Lambeth council mem- the confidence of the people in tracted 350,000 unique visits. businesses for their backing and Ashley Clark ber which appears to snub com- friends groups locally.” The project also spawned The all our readers for their support Jeannine Mansell munity groups not “It is completely out- Bugle in June 2012 to further and encouragement throughout Ruth Miller run by the Labour rageous and it is an in- serve the community in Brixton. 2012. Here’s to ten more years! Juliana Lucas Party. sult to all the people who Kaylene Alder Cabinet mem- are already in friends Brendan Zecevic ber for culture and groups. What this says Lindsay Harrison leisure, Sally Pren- about the co-op coun- Fiona Law tice, was writing cil is that it’s just about to Labour party filling these groups with Luke Massey Cllr Sally Prentice Charley Harrison members ahead of Labour cronies and yes Ruth Waters a meeting in Lambeth Town p e op l e .” Barney Evison Hall about setting up so-called Alistair Crabtree, of the Luke Massey “Friends” groups to control Friends of Streatham Library Rahima Fitzwilliam-Hall parks and libraries. These inde- (FoSL), wrote an open letter to Julian Kripps pendently-run groups are a key council leader Lib Peck saying Kaye Wiggins part of Lambeth’s “cooperative he was “disappointed” with the Michelle Banville council” plans. comments. David Carr The message said those who Cllr Prentice apologised for Laura Addis were friends of Labour party any offence caused by her email. Bob Groves supporters could attend the She said: ”I’ve worked closely event, but should be “broad- with the friends groups in the ly sympathetic” to the party’s past and will continue to do so cause. She went on to say: “In in the future. I know what a vi- the past many of the Friends tal role they continue to play in JOIN THE TEAM groups have been run by peo- the success of Lambeth’s librar- On the Blog: Chris Steele-Perkins, photographer ple who are our political oppo- ies and parks. In the latest in our Brixton People series on Brixton Blog, We need writers, reviewers, nents!”. “This meeting was intended snappers, scribblers, In response to the email, to encourage more people to Brendan Zevenic speaks to Brixton-based photographer editors, web pros, leaked last month, Liberal get involved in their parks and Chris Steele-Perkins about his latest book Fading Light, distributors, sellers & more Democrat councillor Jeremy libraries. It was certainly not Portraits of Centenarians, as well as taking pictures from [email protected] Clyne called for cllr Prentice intended to cause offence and I Brixton to Beirut and El Salvador to East Dulwich. to consider her position in the am sorry if it has done.” For the full interview log on to cabinet. Brixton Bugle February 2013 3 NEWS Wide support for Council accused of selling market petition More than 1,100 people have signed an online petition defend- out over community pub ing a grocery store from a crip- pling rent hike. A landmark Brixton pub could be The campaign calls on market turned into private flats using Lot- owners InShops Ltd to back down tery funding despite a long-running from a massive rent increase of 22 campaign to open a community per cent, imposed on Nour Cash hub at the former hotel. and Carry, Market Row, before The Brixton Community Trust Christmas. (BCT), has accused Lambeth coun- Pippa Couch, who helped to cil of misleading them over the set up the petition, told The Bu- sale of Brady’s pub, Atlantic Road, gle: “Nour reflects the cultural to overseas developers. The Trust, diversity of the local community which spent four years preparing a and the heritage of the market. bid to run the pub as a community If a popular store like Nour can’t venue, is also “disgusted” that heri- manage to stay open then I fear tage lottery cash could be used. for the unique nature of the mar- The derelict hotel was closed ket.” in 1999, and bought by Lambeth UNHAPPY: (l-r) Paul Hill from Brixton Community Trust, Brady’s today and an engraving from 1881 from The Architect A paper copy of the petition council for £770,000 in 2005. De- market trader Suart Horwood and John Spicer at the pub is available to sign at Nour Cash spite the council agreeing to work and Carry, Market Row. with the BCT, they sold it to private cerning the decaying building. Cllr Pete Robbins, cabinet mem- developers Zanna Ltd in December “Now to add insult to injury ber for housing and regeneration, Brix opens ‘hub’ 2011. Lambeth is applying for £700,000 to said: “The Brady’s pub is an iconic A planning application has now give straight back to the developer, building which has been derelict The Brix at St Matthews, Brixton been lodged to change the use of so effectively they’ve got for some time. After many years of Hill, has opened a community the ground floor from A3 and A4 for free. I am disgusted.” looking at alternative proposals, in- office space, in conjunction with (pub or restaurant use) to A1 (re- He added: “Selling the build- cluding working with the BCT, the Lambeth Council. For more in- tail) meaning the pub could be lost ing to private developers was very council reluctantly concluded that formation call 020 7738 6604. forever. short-sighted, our whole point was in difficult financial circumstanc- “We were mislead by Lambeth to have facilities for people in the es, it had little choice but to sell the every step of the way,” Paul Hill, community so they wouldn’t need building. of BCT, told the Bugle. “It was bad to access council services. We would “We have submitted a bid for enough that the council sold the have saved them money.” Heritage Lottery Funding to restore building after encouraging us to be- Lambeth council has applied architectural details on the many lieve they were keeping the pub for for about £1.9million of funding, historic buildings there are in Brix- u s .” as part of the Townscape Heritage ton, particularly on Electric Avenue Mr Hill now plans to refer Lam- Initiative to return buildings in At- and Atlantic Road. If successful we beth to the Local Government Om- lantic Road and Electric Avenue to would set up a community partner- budsmanBrixton Bugleover theirHalf Page behaviour 23/01/2013 con- 10:45their Page former 1 glory. ship to oversee the funding.” HAPPY: Fred from The Brix

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Michael Hawksby, 33, of Ling- at Thameslink ham Street, was “heavily intoxi- cated”, and threatened to cut off the head of a regular at the pub on January 5. He later returned to the trains u-turn bar, where he was arrested by police The Department for Transport has more than 1,500 signatures at the offficers. bowed to the weight of pressure station of passengers objecting to Hawksby was sentenced to 24 from south London commuters the plan. weeks in prison at Camberwell and vowed to keep a through-Lon- LJAG Co-Chair Anthea Ma- Green Magistrates’ Court on Janu- don train service on the Thames- sey said: “We are thrilled that the ary 10. link route. Department for Transport has The government announced the changed its mind about stopping decision that trains would contin- the trains on the Sutton Wimble- Redeem the Swede ue through Streatham, , don loop at Blackfriars. This train The search is on for the Brixton and on- is vital to the people of Loughbor- resident who can cook the tastiest wards to St Pancras and beyond. ough Junction. It is our equivalent swede. Food critic, and Brixtonite, The move comes after a consulta- of the tube and stopping the trains VICTORY: Anthea Massey (right) protests at Loughborough Junction Jay Rayner will judge the Redeem tion on the future of the line that at Blackfriars would have been a di- the Swede Contest at suggested terminating trains into s a s t e r.” tion for everybody, the community concerns of residents. He said: “The farmers market on February 10. the city at Blackfriars station. Chuka Umunna, Labour MP for is absolutely delighted. Thameslink Programme is having a The event has been organised Community activists fought a Streatham, said the announcement “This decision is a response huge impact on improving rail ser- by Herne Hill-based vegetable box hard campaign around Loughbor- was “brilliant news” for commuters. to the voice of the people and the vices across London and beyond, scheme Local Greens. To enter go ough Junction, Tulse Hill, and oth- But he criticised the Government huge weight of objections. It’s peo- but the department was always to er affected stations, with petitions for stopping short of increasing the ple power.” concerned that the initial proposals and a huge response from the pub- number of trains on the line. Rail Minister Simon Burns said for this route were not quite right.” lic in Lambeth and south London. Jeremy Clyne, Liberal Democrat the Wimbledon loop was a vital More at Last summer Loughborough councillor for Streatham Hill, told service for commuters, and that Blog Running club Junction Action Group collected the Blog: “There is joy and jubila- his department had listened to the Scores of runners have been pound- ing the streets with a new running club organised by the team behind Carpetright site to become Supermarket the Brixton Blog and Bugle. The free, social running club Sainsbury’s has revealed its plans nities for local people. “I note that this Sainsbury’s will meets every Monday at Windrush for a 12,000 sq ft supermarket on “We will ensure that disruption be not just a Local store but a regu- Square 7pm, wih different routes the site of Carpetright, on the cor- is kept to a minimum during con- lar-sized Central store. So that rep- run at different paces around Brix- ner of Tulse Hill and Water Lane, struction and will keep the com- resents an even bigger threat to lo- ton and . Contact Brixton. munity informed throughout the cal shop keepers. I’d also say that of [email protected] for The grocery giant said the new works. ” the up to 100 jobs that Sainsbury’s more information. store will create 100 new jobs in the A Sainsbury’s spokesperson said says it will provide many will be area, and will open later this year. Carpetright would continue trad- unskilled, part-time and pay below Sainsbury’s will make changes ing until March, when work will the Living Wage.” including building a new entrance SUPERMARKET SWEEP: begin on the supermarket. Another local, Sarah Scott, said: at the north east corner of the Carpetright as seen by Google Local residents gave a mixed re- “Part of me supports this, Brixton building. Planning permission was Lisa Poyser, Sainsbury’s Devel- ception to the news. Andrew Child, has only one large supermarket given for the alterations in August opment Surveyor said: “We are de- from the Save George IV pub cam- (Tesco) to serve an enormous pop- 2012. The store has submitted an lighted to be opening a new Sains- paign, said: “There are already six ulation and it’s always so busy it’s alcohol license application to Lam- bury’s supermarket in Tulse Hill, Sainsbury’s stores within a mile ra- pretty unpleasant!” beth Council, but a spokesman said keeping this prominent site in retail dius of this site and a further three Visit for more it will not be open 24 hours per day. use and creating 100 job opportu- Tescos. on this and other grocery plans. Fight to keep black icon in schools By Juliana Lucas A Tulse Hill councillor has joined MPs and race cam- paigners fighting to prevent BRAND PRINT AND WEB DESIGN plans to remove Mary Seacole from the school curriculum. Cllr Adedamola Aminu, deputy cabinet member for BESPOKE VISUAL COMMUNICATIONS FOR SMALL BUSINESSES youth services and children, has thrown his weight behind the bid to stop Education Sec- retary Michael Gove from re- moving Seacole, a black nurse who cared for soldiers on the front line during the Crimean War. The petition was started by the campaign group Oper- ation Black Vote (OBV). Gove plans to replace the Crimean War nurse with his- torical figures such as Winston Churchill and Admiral Lord primary schools, said Gove He continued: “Black peo- Nelson, but more than 30,000, is “wrong to remove Seacole ple have achieved a lot in this people, including Deputy from the school curriculum”. country. Many, including Se- Prime Minister Nick Clegg “I don’t know why they acole, were involved in World and Labour MPs David Lam- want to remove her”, he add- War Two, but how many peo- my and Diane Abbott, have ed, “The sensible thing would ple know this? signed the petition to try and be to keep her in the school “They should include other stop him. books so our young people notable black achievers into Cllr Aminu, a lecturer at can learn of the achievement the school books so our young South Thames College and black people have contributed people know what their people governor at two Lambeth to the country.” have given to Great Britain.” Brixton Bugle February 2013 5 NEWS Site will provide ‘More detail’ needed on Future Brixton theatre and homes By Tim Dickens A public consultation on a crucial Continued from Page 1 planning document defining the The Somerleyton Road site runs future landscape of the town centre off Coldharbour Lane, Brixton and is to launch on February 1. is on partly vacant land of around The draft version of the Sup- 15,000 sq m between the Moor- plementary Planning Document lands Estate and the railway line to (SPD) will be considered by res- Herne Hill. idents and businesses in Brixton Cllr Pete Robbins, Cabinet at a series of workshops and ex- member for housing and regener- hibitions, after it was approved by ation, said: “This is a new approach councillors in January for Lambeth, and we’re excited The consultation will close on about working with Brixton Green March 15, before the final draft goes and Ovalhouse Theatre on these to the full council in the Spring. ambitious plans.” Bill Linskey, chairperson of the Under the scheme, Brixton Brixton Society, told a meeting of Green will work with the council the Brixton Neighbourhood Fo- to deliver new homes, offices and a rum, attended by The Bugle, that health centre on the “key” site. the current draft needed to be more Brixton Green chairman Ste- specific. “My overall impression is phen Jordan said: “The transforma- that it’s mostly good but it needs tion of Somerleyton Road would more work,” he said. bring lasting benefits for the wider “The SPD has a lot of good as- neighbourhood.” pirations but we need to know how Ovalhouse theatre, Brixton they will be achieved. It needs to Green and council officers will now set down things like affordable sit down with architects to come up housing. with detailed plans for the site. “Developers need to know that they don’t have a blank cheque to YOUR SHOUT: A Future Brixton exhibition on Windrush Square last year gets residents’ views come into Brixton and do what they development, with the 30-year-old ton has already had significant in- Brixton have told us what they want want. The development needs to be building pulled down and replaced vestment and become an incredibly to see happen in the future, and this on our [the community’s] terms. by retail and housing space. successful town centre.” document will help make that a re- “We need to do all the things Cllr Pete Robbins, cabinet mem- He added: “This document a l it y.” that need doing, without Brixton ber for housing & regeneration, will make sure people from Lam- To find out more and to have losing its soul.” said: “We are determined to pre- beth share the benefits of future your say, visit A previous version of the draft serve the unique character of Brix- investment, with new homes and uk/futurebrixton, email futurebrix- highlighted the Brixton Recreation ton which makes it such a great businesses that meet their needs. [email protected] or call Centre (Rec) as a possible site for place to live, work and visit. Brix- Residents and business people in 0207 926 3026. SITE: Somerleyton Road

Help shape your future Brixton

The Brixton SPD will be a guide for change and growth in the town centre. It will let people know how we all think Brixton can change for the better. We want you to have your say now on the draft document.

Brixton is always changing. In the last 5 years Windrush Square completed, Evelyn Grace Academy opened and Brixton Village became a huge success. But it is the people that make Brixton special.

Your ideas and energy can make sure the changes that happen benefit Brixton and everyone who lives and works here.

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1732 - LBL Future Brixton advert v3.indd 1 22/01/2013 09:28 6 Brixton Bugle February 2013 IN FOCUS: BRIXTON REC

Council promise firm future for Recreation Centre Mandela, Abu Shanti and cold swims: By Kaye Wiggins and Tim Dickens Lambeth council have pledged to Thirty years in the life of a leisure centre “retain, refurbish and upgrade” »1984 The Recreation Centre »Feb 2008 Rec reopened. Coun- Brixton Recreation Centre (Rec), opened. It was built as a direct cil recognises BRUG (Brixton after a passionate battle over its fu- reaction to the Brixton riots in Rec User Group) as consultative ture. 1981 to provide a leisure space body for Rec users. Cllr Pete Robbins has written for the community and black an amendment to the draft Sup- youth in particular. »2010 After a period of broken plementary Planning Document central heating and the cold- (SPD), assuring that the iconic cen- »July 1996 Nelson Mandela est swimming experience in the tre will not be pulled down to make spends an afternoon in the Rec borough, the changing rooms way for retail units and housing. and massive, joyous crowds wel- are refurbished, funded by Sport At a cabinet meeting on Janu- come him to Brixton . ary 14, Brixton Rec users criticised local councillors for not making a »2006 500 people attend Abu »2011 11,000 sign a petition to written commitment to keep the Shanti Saturday night dances in the council to keep free swim- leisure centre open – despite a ver- the centre. The same year, the Rec ming for under 16s and over 60s, bal pledge from the council’s leader is threatened with demolition by when the govenrment withdrew that it would not be demolished. a Lib Dem/Conservative coali- funding from local councils to Council leader Lib Peck told tion in the council. A campaign provide this. Lambeth council campaigners in December that the to save the Rec begins. agreed to limit payment to £1 per council would not go ahead with a swim and has not increased this proposal to knock down the popu- Cllr Prentice said that she and Rec and getting some time set aside »June 2007 Rec closure sudden- since. lar centre, which was once visited cllr Robbins would work with the for that…but I should also say that ly announced by Lambeth coun- by Nelson Mandela. user group to reach an agreement there are two other major projects cil. Hundreds organise to oppose »2012 More than 60,000 people But at the cabinet meeting last about amending the planning doc- going on in Streatham and Nor- this, march on Town Hall and use the Rec each month. month, Robyn Dasey, a member of ument. wood so it will take time to allocate command a council Assembly the Brixton Rec Users’ Group, said Cllr Peck also reassured users resources.” Rooms meeting (pic below by Ja- »September – December 2012 she was worried because the SPD at the meeting: “You can take my For more on the SPD turn to son Cobb). The council belated- A suggestion to demolish the Rec did not commit to keeping the cen- guarantee that there is no intention Page 5, or ly explains closure is for major first appears in the draft ‘Future tre open. to demolish the Rec.” structural works rather than per- Brixton’ plan. BRUG organis- “If the council does not amend Cllr Prentice acknowledged that manent. es campaign against it. Council the document to follow what it has it was a “major mistake” for the commits that demolition is not committed to, then a large number council not to have held a meeting on its agenda and it wants to con- of the Rec’s users will say they can’t with users of the Rec before pub- sult on improvements at the Rec. trust the council, and they will have lishing a proposal to demolish the justification for that,” she said. centre. »January 2013 BRUG makes “The distrust level will be mas- She said the council’s position detailed proposals to Council for sive”, she added. was to “retain, refurbish and up- improvements. Cllr Pete Robbins However, councillor Sally Pren- grade the Rec”, adding: “We are in writes amendment to be added to tice told Dasey: “I have no desire to conversations with [users] about SPD draft. cause more anxiety.” refurbishing and upgrading the Seventies architecture is beacon to ‘inspire and uplift’ By Julian Cripps, Rec user of its generous height can accom- community. The Rec has become The Rec was the result of an extend- modate many competitive indoor a beacon of enlightened provision ed design development period that sports at a high level. The pool hall and symbolic of investment and modern architects would only now is exceptional and its architectural regeneration of deprived city areas. dream of and like the Routemaster quality is unmatched anywhere else The embodied energy in the Rec bus was made to satisfy many cri- in London. , natural light, is high, and I do not believe that teria, that go far beyond the reach timber lining and arrangement of replacement studies will have ful- and aspirations of most modern family friendly pools are a delight ly appreciated the vast scale of the public sports and leisure design, and a credit to the vision of the lo- building that fits on a modest size with exception being the Olympic cal political leaders and architects. plot. The Rec has a pool on the sec- buildings. The Rec is not only an unrepeat- ond floor and the sport hall on the The scale of the Rec is impressive able asset in brick and concrete but, 6th floor, not out of Architectural and the range of sporting provision in the unique spaces and combina- whim but to fit all the facilities in. is exceptional, from lawn bowls tion of provision, it has enabled life, This architecture not only in- to climbing. The sports hall is of a leisure and sport accessibility to a spires and uplifts but, is accommo- size that even today is rare, because historically deprived and troubled dating change and new visions. Picture Jeannine Mansell YOUR BRIXTON REC: Max Macbride asks regular users for their views... Harry place warm, it gets very draughty Anne ming pool is leaky; they probably Browning, and the nature of the building Instone, shouldn’t have put it up so high. Brixton means it’s difficult to change that in Retired I would have thought they could Bowls Club the current state. If they do have to provide the same facilities in a captain pull it down I’d like them to build I play Bad- smaller area and probably fit a Tes- it again. minton about co’s in too, not that anybody wants I’ve been three times another Tesco’s! coming here Marlene Joseph, Home Care a week here. since just af- Agency Worker It’s a fantastic Karyce Maitland, Lambeth ter it opened, I come to Brixton often with resource, Schools Sports Programme and for about 23 my Grandson, who works with the and it’s reasonably priced, however Simeon Hallissey Disability years now. There are about 80 of football-in-the-community proj- there is a fair bit of wasted space. Sports Coaching (pictured right) us in the club, and a lot of us have ects at the Rec. Although I like the building, I I run multi-skills and football been coming for that long too. It I’m rather sad to hear any views think what matters are facilities sessions for local children with means a lot to me, it’s more than expressed to close this place. It’s not buildings. So the important autism here. The sessions are really grounds, so to travel further would just sport - it’s a community and a like a lifeline to the communi- thing is that there continues to be valuable, and the children really be a problem. social network. If we’re not here, if ty. What were they thinking of? somewhere with the same re- don’t have too many other places I definitely think the Rec could they close this down; we’d have to Without it I think youth would sources available centrally, without locally they can go. be improved though. The con- move to Crystal Palace and start have nowhere to go and crime interruption. But I don’t think it I’m concerned about the threat of cept is great but it could do with all over again, getting to know new would increase. We have to make necessarily has to be this building. closure. Not just because I’m wor- a revamp. And if a supermarket people and new competitions. sure this remains open. Just look It’s coming to the end of its design ried about my job, but because of were to take over I think that’s This building is ancient though, around – people full of vitality and life, which I think was 25 years what the Rec coming down would even worse because of the effect on and refurbishment has been a long people who want to be involved. and I gather the maintenance costs mean for the children. A lot of the market and local business. We time coming. You can’t keep this are high. For instance the swim- them aren’t from well-off back- don’t need any more Tesco’s! Brixton Bugle February 2013 7 IN FOCUS: BRIXTON REC Football club gives boys chance to succeed By Michelle Banville It’s a cold afternoon in December and I’ve come to Brixton Recre- ation Centre to interview Stead- man Scott. Steadman has been running a football club, Afewee, for local youngsters here for the past ten years and recent talk about the Council selling off the Rec worried him a great deal. He is passionate about the benefits of his football programme which has given hope and success to many of Brixton’s young people. He has lived in Brixton for 40 years after coming from Jamaica at the age of ten. “I went straight to Shakespeare Road and I’ve been here all my life. Everything I know in life is from here. When I was young there was nothing in Brixton for us.” “That’s why the Recreation Centre means so much to the black community. We fought for it. Be- Steadman Scott (right) and Tony fore the Centre was built we were Goldring (third right) take a the young guys on the street and break from coaching at the Rec they said to us ‘Why are you on the with players. street?’ and we said because there’s not exist. me the drive to say ‘look, don’t sure that the programmes the gov- nowhere else for us to go. So after As Steadman says, the young let anybody tell you that you can’t ernment puts in are programmes All pictures by Jeannine Mansell the riots they decided to put this boys that come out of his own be a footballer’. These kids need that have goals. Like the basket- » place here, for us guys on the street football programme are of benefit dreams. ball programme and the football corner, young guys with no money, to their community: “Our boys “Our youngsters need to be put programme.” Santiago, 8-years-old: “It’s fun and in blocks of flats and in gangs. are coming out of here disciplined. into these clubs where they can Since his Afewee football also important because we can get “The Rec has always been a My understanding is that every- be a part of society, so they can programme started Steadman has to go to academies and you know place where we can feel comfort- body is scared of our youngsters. have the same dreams as anybody seen the results of the work put what happened to some boys who able. And if we can use it to be The schools are scared of them, else. If they don’t come into clubs in by him and his partner, Tony came here? They went to Crystal successful then that will force the out on the street they’re scared of like mine then they’re likely to Goldring. “The reason I’m so Palace and now they’re famous”. council to back us up and put in them, even the parents are scared get involved with these postcode passionate about it is because I see “The Rec is important as well for more programmes that are going of our youngsters; but you see I am gangs where they think ‘I can’t it works. Boys from here have people who play basketball in to help our youngsters, like the in the community, I see these boys go here and I can’t go there’, so moved on to top academies and wheelchairs here. They have a boxing I’m trying to bring in.” all the time.” their dreams and expectations are clubs - Nathaniel Clyne at South- dream like try to be famous bas- After leaving prison in the There is no doubt that these limited. “ ampton - he’s the first boy we sent ketball players”. 1990s, Steadman joined a young boys would otherwise be “There’s a boy from here in to Arsenal; Sean Scannell who “My dream is to be the best foot- Football in the Com- hard to reach. But Steadman America on a $50 million contract now plays for Huddersfield; An- baller in the world”. munity programme isn’t interested in running [Basketball player Luol Deng]. dre Blackman who went to Celtic, “If the Rec was closed I’d feel sad and went on to clubs where kids can have They should have pictures of him Jordan Hibbert now playing in ‘cos I see them every Saturday gain coaching, fun and fill time. “It’s our here so when the kids walk in they Sweden; Leo Chambers at West and Steadman and Tony are good community lead- duty to help our youngsters can say I want to be like him.” Ham; Ifeanyi Allen at Barnet. Boys trainers and I like it just the way ership, weight and put these programmes As Steadman and I sit in the from here are in every Premier- i t i s”. training and per- in that are going help them sports hall on the upper level of ship club in London and in every Santiago has just been signed up to sonal training to be successful. The op- the Rec, it starts to fill with young division. FC Academy. qualifications. portunity wasn’t there when people of all ages, shapes and sizes. Even if boys do not make it into Before he went I was young. So that’s Jimmy, their basketball coach ar- professional football, they still ben- Jordy Renaldo, 10-years-old: into prison, my real motivation rives to start putting them through efit from the football programme “What I like about Brixton Recre- the football when I look their paces. through increased confidence and ation Centre is the coaches because programmes at these “The postcode situation hap- self-esteem. Steadman himself not every coach lets you come in in the com- kids. It pens with black kids. So it’s our says that running the programme when you don’t pay the full price. munity did gives generation’s responsibility to make also gives him self-esteem and a You can pay the next day you come purpose in life. back. And their football is really good. it makes me feel good If you want to support the cam- because more practising and more paign to protect Brixton Recreation coaching makes you better. Play- Centre go to the Users’ website at ing here is good because they train you and you can’t do whatever you Also, keep reading the Brixton want. You have to have discipline”. Bugle for regular updates on what’s “Football really means a lot. I happening. have to come to training no matter w h a t ”. 8 Brixton Bugle November 2012 WHAT’S ON

Saturday 2nd Feb Brixton Bakers & Flea Market Like a car boot sale without the car’s and with cakes, and breads and other treats. Brixton Station Rd 10am – 5pm, Sunday 3rd Feb Catch a Fire Reggae Heyareyah and the Human Bridge band. DJ Zinc Fence playing dancehall, ska and reg- gae. Brixton’s “longest running” reggae night. Upstairs at the Ritzy, 8pm,Free CRITIC’S CHOICE: Brixton Book Jam – Mon 4th Feb The third Brixton Book Jam promises another evening of Monday 4th Feb unpredictable and stimulating book-based – but not book- Brixton Book Jam ish – entertainment with a host of local authors. The current Readers & Writers Social (see Single? left). line-up includes the likes of Alex Wheatle (above), Geoff Dyer Monday 4th Feb 7, 7pm, free This Valentine’s will you be... and Martin Millar, who will all be reading excerpts from their Contestant No.1: Miserable, boring and staying in watching Corrie? work. The event will be ably compered with laconic wit by Ivor Wed 6th Feb or... Dembina and there will also be a pop-up bookshop with small Gypsy Jam Contestant No.2: An arrogant so-and-so that loves themselves and the mirror? presses stocking local literature. The Book Jam is fast becom- North African, Gnawa, Middle or will you be... ing a local institution and offers a hearty taste of the Brixton Eastern, Latin and Balkan tunes, Contestant No.3: Frisky, mischievous and up for a laugh and some drinks??? literary scene that book lovers should not miss. with jazz-influenced improvisa- tions from Melange Collective. The yours Hootananny Brixton, Effra Road, 7pm, free Concert followed by jam ses- sion, bring an instrument. Upstairs at the Ritzy, 8pm, free Valentine’s . . . Thursday 7th Feb Rip Roaring Roots Hubert Murray, Bruno Pichler, Sam Rose and more Upstairs at the Ritzy, 8pm, free ...with Miss Cilla Black Friday 8th Feb Thursday 14th Feb. Radio King Sessions Brings together some of Brix- 7.30pm - late ton’s emerging talent, part open @ mic part showcase 7.30pm - 2am, Electric Brixton

CRITIC’S CHOICE: Temporal Dislocation Tues 12th Feb Sunday 10th Feb Lovers Rock Affair 64-68 Atlantic road Photographer James Smith will be giving a talk and engaging Worldbeat music including Pe- in conversation at Photofusion about his most recent project ter Spence, Dennis Pinnock, DJ ‘Temporal Dislocation’, as well as life as a photographer after Lantan and Frederica Tibbs. graduating from the Royal College of Art. He will be joined by To win tickets turn to Page 14 RCA tutor Nigel Rolfe. A lover of brutalist architecture, James Jamm, 8.30pm - late told The Bugle that he wants his work “to make things simple” for appreciators of art and we expect his talk to be grounded, accessible and interesting. To find out more about his exhibi- Sunday 10th Feb tion, read our review on Page 13. Redeem the Swede Photofusion, 17a Electric Lane. Herne Hill farmers mkt, 10am

We are funded by The Collaborative- NHS Lambeth PLUG INTO COMMUNITY EXCHANGE THROUGH TIME BANKING Time banking in Lambeth has become the new hype. It works by using the resources and skills we already have to help others. Time Banking is a virtual bank where people can deposit their time helping someone or offer a skills exchange. Time banking works by using the skills and resources we already have to help others. For every hour you spend helping, you earn 1 credit of time so that someone can help you back. Whether it’s in the garden, making clothes, or giving employment advice, use your skills in the Lambeth Time Bank. Elisée on 020 7326 4703 Web: or 077794060120 Brixton Bugle November 2012 9 WHAT’S ON

CRITIC’S CHOICE: NME Awards Tour After Party, 23rd Feb You don’t always get the chance to see big name bands up close and personal – but that’s exactly what you’ll get if you head to the NME Awards Tour After Party at the Jamm. Two of the most exciting live bands around today, Django Django and Palma Violets, will be stepping off the Academy stage and heading down the road to the Jamm to bang out DJ sets. Legendary XFM DJ, Eddie Temple Morris, will also be on hand to keep the crowd happy, and if that wasn’t enough, Fast from Fun Lovin’ Criminals will also be making an appear- ance on the decks. Brixton Jamm, Brixton Road CRITIC’S CHOICE: Deftones 20th Feb Alt-metal fivesome Deftones are back with a vengeance. Following the disappoint- ment of 2006 album ‘Diamond Eyes’, these Californian rock veterans have rediscovered their earlier vigour and enter a third decade together with their seventh album, ‘Koi No Yokan’. Released November last year, this pulsating record has met with critical acclaim and ensured the band remain one of the most revered metal groups around. Their mammoth world tour kicks off in the UK this month and if the brutal energy of their latest album is anything to go by, it’s going to be a corker. Do you want to review this for Brixton Blog? Email arts@Brixton- O2 Academy, Stockwell Road

The Piano Club is an inspiring co-working space in the heart Join the business beat of Brixton; suitable for SME’s, start-ups and home workers where flexibility and affordability are key. It is a collaborative environment, allowing members to enjoy socialising and networking, but also to come and get their heads down without distractions. We provide a range of different packages to suit different needs:

• Monthly membership with dedicated desk • 1 day hot desking • Meeting space • Mail address and mail forwarding available to non-members

The Piano Club For more information or to arrange a viewing Level 2, Piano House Email [email protected] 9 Brighton Terrace or call 020 3189 2720 London SW9 8DJ or visit 10 Brixton Bugle February 2013 YOUR THOUGHTS Let it snow... TAKE FIVE Some of your snowy Tweets: Bridget Chapman @TerrollOnline: #BlockWorkOut On tomorrow in the snow. 10:30am ladies, 12noon Guys. Brock- well Park!!! @DailyStarEmily Brockwell Park looks stunning in the snow this morning. Not sure I’d fancy a dip in the Lido though #hernehill @_Leeroy_ Teacher Bridget Chapman gets fed up with #Brixton looks lovely people talking up the latest new cafe in the in the evening snow. market as if that was all Brixton has to offer. Here she introduces us her nieghbourhood, on Tweet us #Brixton the dizzying heights of Brixton Hill... @Brixtonblog 1. Angela’s Cafe, 28 New Park Road This tiny greasy spoon cafe with just three READERS’ PICTURES: Pull Dad pull! tables is run by the eponymous Angela, and it This month’s pic had to be a snowy one, and we loved this photograph by Kate serves a really excellent fry up. Proper home- Munro (@what_katy_did). Her picture captures the Sunday in January when part made bubble and squeak, toast made from good crusty bread, decent bacon, strong mugs of Brockwell Park resembled a ski station for the day. of builder’s tea and a catch-up on the local Upload your Brixton pictures to our Flickr page: gossip are all on offer here. And Angela and her staff are proper lovely – there’s always a warm The great Brixton supermarket invasion welcome, and they’re especially good at nursing those who’ve overdone it in the pub the night I would say 100 “unskilled, This monoculture of over- before. Not that I, personally, have ever done part-time” jobs are sorely priced, over-packaged ge- that, obviously. Ahem. needed in Brixton at the neric crap is a cancer. There moment. I think people are far too many of these 2. McKays Hardware, 17 New Park Road need to think twice before awful stores in the area. The sheer range of products and services they they get in a flap and start a There are four Sainsbury manage to pack into one shop never ceases to petition every time a busi- stores between Streatham amaze me. From key cutting to paint mixing, ness moves into Brixton. Hill and Brixton. What will from potting compost to rakes, from spirit Agreed that there are happen to the local trad- levels to picture hooks, the guys here always already too many super- ers - the business folk who have a solution to my DIY problems. And they markets in Brixton but live, trade and spend local- never, ever, commit the cardinal sin of patron- personally if I can go and ly? Well, surprise surprise, ising me because I’m a woman. And, for this, I buy a loaf of bread that’s they will be strangled out love them! got 4 days left in date at of existence and these par- Sainsburys, rather than an asites will crank their pric- 3. Hand in Hand Pub, 61 New Park Road already expired, dusty one es up because they are the If you want a trendy gastropub, don’t come from some of these small only show in town. here. The Hand in Hand is the exact opposite of local shops you all want to I don’t shop at these that, and I wouldn’t change a thing about it. It hang on to, then I will! places because there are is simply a good, decent local boozer, with mis- Amy, online great food shops that sell matched chairs and a good mix of customers. good quality food at com- The people that run it are brilliant and they put petitive prices. Sainsbury on some great nights. I’ll often come past and and Tesco, want all the get drawn in by a quiz night, or a ska event. My [email protected] profits and all the trade. Dad loves it too, and he’s notoriously difficult to Very bad news for the area. please. They only do one bitter on draught but Owen Llewellyn, he says it’s always well-kept. online 4. Nou’s Fruit and Veg stall GROWING SPACE: February is a time to plan and prepare for Spring Nou (pronounced ‘now’) runs the fruit and veg stall near Sainsbury’s at the top of Brixton Garden, balcony or windowsill: what to do risky as seedlings are likely to get ‘leggy’, Hill. He doesn’t have the same range as Brixton this month, with Fiona Law growing tall to seek the light and any ad- Market, of course, but what he has is fresh, vantage for earlier fruiting will be lost with great value, and always handed over with a There’s not a lot to sow right now but for plants that are weak in the long run. cheery smile. Every scoop is just a pound, and the joy of germination try sprouting seeds. Yes, this time of year is best spent plan- two or three quid can often net you a carrier Alfalfa, mung beans and even broccoli ning what you want to grow in 2013. Have bag full of goodies. seeds make tasty and nutritious additions a good old google round seed catalogues, to salads and sandwiches. and look out for seed swaps and potato 5. Bombay Inn, 220 Brixton Hill You can buy tiered sprouters online, or days. Transition Town Crystal Palace and 020 8671 7372 make your own using a jam jar with net- South London Master Gardeners are host- I’m really lucky to have this excellent Indian ting tied over the opening. Buy packs or ing a seed swap at Antenna Studios this Sat- Restaurant on my doorstep. Their food is experiment with lentils or beans and seeds urday, 26th January, and you can also find brilliant, and they do one of the best saag from the kitchen cupboard. Larger seeds out about the Incredible Edible Lambeth paneers I’ve ever tasted (and let me tell you I benefit from overnight soaking to start trunks or stems as you could damage the Squash and Bean Swap, a borough-wide am somewhat of a connoisseur in this area). them off. Rinse the seeds twice daily and living tissue under the bark and allow in project for the 2013 Chelsea Fringe. It’s all freshly prepared, and so delicious I have watch the baby roots and shoots emerge. pests and diseases. to make a concerted effort not to end up in They don’t even need sunlight as all the en- Raise pots off the ground with ‘feet’ or »Fiona Law is a garden designer and hor- there every week. They are brilliant value too ergy for growth is stored in the seed itself. little blocks to prevent roots from freezing. ticulturalist, also working on community – the bill at the end of the meal is always a nice Note: don’t use seeds intended for outside You want to do this anyway, to allow water growing projects in Lambeth. surprise! The best bit is they deliver, so you to drain. growing as these can be chemically treated. »Visit don’t even have to head up the hill to sample Hedges and conifers can split under You might start sowing tomatoes, au- their wares, just pick up the phone. the weight of melting snow. Gently knock bergines and peppers on a draught-free »Follow @vivekagardens @lambethpoly snow off the foliage with a broom. Don’t hit double-glazed and well-lit windowsill. It’s Brixton Bugle February 2013 11 ANALYSIS

The Ovalhouse Theatre has The Brixton Blog and Bugle announced it could be coming The Brix at St Matthews to Somerleyton Road and we are Brixton Hill excited about the opportunities it could bring with it. The im- Est. 2012 portance of youth projects like this and those run by the likes of Steadman Scott with his football team Afewee and Jimmy Rogers with the Brixton Topcats cannot be underestimated - they are the lifeblood of Brixton. With youth unemployment at a disastrous level in the area and much disillu- sionment for many young people who live here, it is tireless workers like Scott, Rogers and Ovalhouse theatre director Deborah Best- wick who provide confidence and support. “Our boys are coming out of here disciplined”, says Steadman Scott in our interview with him on page 7. “It’s our duty to help our youngsters and put these programmes in that are going to help them be successful.” The Ovalhouse move comes with a lot of questions about what the rest of developments on the Somerleyton Road site will mean for the area. We will be looking in more detail over the coming months at Brixton Green’s plans, which have so far been somewhat hard to get a grip on. It is vital to ensure that the people who actually live in the Somerleyton estate and surrounds are happy with plans and that some of Brixton’s most historic buildings in the area are not lost - let’s make sure we don’t see the demise of the Nuclear Dawn Mural, for instance. Everyone who lives in Brixton needs to get involved in shaping the future of our town centre. The latest consultation on the Sup- plementary Planning Document is launched today. It must contain concrete assurances and plans across the board or, as Brixton So- ciety chair Bill Linskey says in these pages, out-of-town develop- ers will have a blank cheque to do what they want with our unique environment. It needs to balance regeneration with the real needs of a community by focusing on social housing quotas and looking closely at what’s happening in each of our three famous markets. Let’s also then keep sticking up for what we have already - Stead- man’s idea to have big images of local sporting stars up in the Brix- ton Rec is a simple, cheap and yet very effective one. Here’s hoping he gets his boxing club off the ground with local support too. The council must not forget the importance of promoting and investing in our young people - the positive effects are too great to ignore.

Market is more than Granville Arcade and Market Row units By Stuart Horwood confused in the public CEO, Brixton Market definition of ‘Brix- ton Market’. Brixton Traders’ Federation Market has 3 distinct Ethnic cleansing: the constituents: the street process or policy of market stalls which can eliminating unwanted be traced back to the ethnic or religious groups 1870’s, the privately by deportation, forcible owned indoor markets Where are we now? Illustration by Kaylene Alder displacement, or by with retail units built threats of such acts, with in the 1930’s, and the the intent of creating shops (including their a territory inhabited by people of shop front sellers) mainly found on a homogeneous or pure ethnicity, Electric Avenue and Atlantic Road. The by numbers religion, culture, and history The general street markets of Elec- (WIKIPEDIA). tric Avenue and Pope’s Road cater »66 age of Stansfield Road’s David Bowie, who has released a new track to the less affluent; the stallhold- Whether we like it or not, and »500,000 page views on the in its first year whether it was intentional or ers are well established licensed not, this is what is happening to market traders. The community »350,000 unique visits to the site since February 2012 Brixton Market. The process had ethos behind Station Road Market »12,000 sq ft size of the Sainsbury’s supermarket planned for Water Lane a clear start point, the closure of (managed by Brixton Market Pope’s Road car park. No more Traders’ Federation) encourages »2015 year that Oval House Theatre hopes to open in heart of Brixton family weekly shopping. No more start-up business from all corners »1,100 signatures on a petition to save belove Nour Cash and Carry bulk buying from the indoor of society and mirrors Brixton’s markets’ grocers, butchers and diverse cultural make-up. fishmongers. The second stage, The Federation has played a which we are now witnessing, is major role in championing the the transformation of the indoor market’s independent spirit for markets into a leisure destination. many years and will continue to do [email protected] In the face of this sea change the so. Even when we have to say ‘we street markets manage to retain told you so’. an air of stability, but are often 12 Brixton Bugle February 2013 FILM Die Hard and Denzel, a month at the Ritzy Throughout February at the Ritzy prosthetics as Alfred Hitchcock mega-long adaptation of David you can expect the usual filmic - haughtily implores the lumpen- Mitchell’s “we’re all connected” variety. Film writer Ashley Clark proletariat to shut down their novel Cloud Atlas (22 Feb), which looks at a month of explosions Blackberries (or something). And defies explanation in a capsule in Russia, terror in the air, and now the film version of the advert round-up, but does feature Hugh rubbish impersonations of famous - Hitchcock (8 Feb) - is soon to be Grant playing a full body-painted directors at south London’s cosiest upon us. Sadly, Sacha Gervasi’s cannibal. picturehouse. account of the making of the great director’s Psycho is fundamentally The Ritzy’s ongoing Discover He might be 87 years old, but misconceived and mishandled Tuesdays strand - dedicated to that hasn’t stopped Bruce Wil- from the off, and ends up little showcasing the best in arthouse lis from squeezing back into his more than a glorified, self-satisfied cinema - continues in February, iconic, filthy wife-beater for a TV drama. One to miss. too. Highlights include McCullin fifth instalment of the Die Hard (Feb 5), a informative, bracing franchise named (scarcely credit- Far more enjoyable is Robert documentary about the epon- ably) A Good Day To Die Hard (15 Zemeckis’ Flight (1 Feb), a grip- ymous photojournalist; and Feb). This time around, New Jersey ping drama about an airline pilot Pablo Larrain’s truly brilliant - and hardnut John McClane has got named ‘Whip’ Williams (Denzel completely unmissable - historical serious beef with the Russians. He’s Washington) who saves a plane thriller No (Feb 12), starring Gael got help, too, in the form of his from crashing, but happens to be Garcia Bernal as a slick, cynical errant son Jack, a hard-headed CIA packed to the gills with coke and advertising executive tasked with agent. Expect explosions, punch- booze at the time. Whoops! Moral creating a campaign to depose ing, CGI, more explosions and and legal complications swiftly feared Chilean leader Augusto wisecracks, though not necessarily ensue in Zemeckis’ first live-ac- WHIPLASH: Denzel Washington as a pilot in gripping drama Flight Pinochet in the 1988 Plebiscite. in that order. tion drama since Castaway,which Other films to keep an eye tearjerker Song For Marion (22 also features excellent support out for include Terrence Malick’s Feb), starring Terrence Stamp and Ritzy Cinema, Brixton Oval For months now, regular visi- from the likes of Don Cheadle as a dreamy To The Wonder (22 Feb), a Gemma Arterton; staid historical tors to the Ritzy will have seen the persuasive lawyer, and the ubiqui- spiritual and visual cousin of The drama Hyde Park on Hudson (1 Ashley Clark runs the film blog dignity-sapping pre-film commer- tous John Goodman as Williams’ Tree of Life, but with added Ben Feb), which cynically tries to cash Permanent Plastic Helmet. You can cial in which Anthony Hopkins friendly dealer. Affleck and about half-an-hour in on the success of The Kings follow it on Twitter @PPlasticHel- - completely mummified under shorter; Paul Andrew Williams’ Speech; and the mega-budget, met and/or him @_Ash_Clark.

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Pott’s Antiques View The Brix Hub Brixton Hill, MASSAGE THERAPIST FloorsandingETC

BASED IN CENTRAL BRIXTON Opening in February Houses a range of (ELECTRIC LANE) Are you looking to Confidential have your wood floors interesting pieces Affordable offices A NICE RELAXING DE-STRESS renovated? dating from the 18th OR Counselling and hot desks for century right up to the DRUG FREE PAIN RELEIF charities & small popular retro 50’s and in Brixton SW2 & enterprises We have been work- 60’s. THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE Old Street EC2A ing in this area for 15 HOT AND COLD STONE THERAPY Co-sponsored by years and can provide TRIGGER POINT THERAPY Providing personalised excellent references Hire service DEEP TISSUE/ SPORTS MASSAGE private counselling for Lambeth Council available Anxiety Central location, Skilled in all aspects SPECIAL RATE Depression all amenities. of floor finishes 111 Brixton Hill, £40.00 PER TREATMENT SW2 1AA. (MIN 1 HOUR) Bereavement Very reasonable rates Relationship problems [email protected] and free quotes CONTACT MARK ON 07972 564127 Tel To book an appointment Call Renny or Caroline call Julia Tracey: 020 7738 6604 07453078592 SECURE OFF STREET PARKING AVAILABLE 07957 59241 07580 635 610 Brixton Bugle February 2013 13 CULTURE Riot on LITTLE record BRIXTON Arts co-editor Barney Evison discovers Becoming Brixton, a new initiative to preserve the oral history of riots. Becoming Brixton is an exciting new film and digital media project which launched last week at the Ritzy. A charitable initiative led by Chocolate Films, Becoming Brixton has worked with a number of young people from By Ruth Miller Lambeth, including students of Dunraven Brixton used to be the home of many School, and has sought to document the hid- people associated with the theatre. den stories behind the infamous Brixton ri- Famous people like , Charlie ots of the ‘80s and the more recent unrest of Chaplin, Dan Leno and all wandered our Brixton streets. Can we August 2011, through a series of short films. come. Speaking to Aiofe Twomey and Nick The films are as varied as they are insight- The young filmmakers, aged 14-19, were create the next generation of music and Shaw, workshop facilitators at Chocolate ful. In one film,My Riots, footage of the 2011 theatre stars? trained by Chocolate Films to use cameras Films, it is clear that the project has been a riots is interwoven with a personal account and sound equipment so that they could in- Does your child love to sing? Do they learning curve for all involved, opening up of looting and regret, while another shows like to dance around or love being in terview local people for the project. difficult questions and fresh perspectives. local novelist Alex Wheatle speaking can- Several high profile members of the com- the limelight? Then Brixton has several Aoife and Nick told The Bugle how the didly about his own experiences. In Burning classes on offer to bring out your child’s munity were pleased to be interviewed and project so far has forced people out of their Anger, the filmmakers ask whether there is filmed, including Lord Paul Boateng, Black- inner performer. comfort zones and promoted the free ex- a formula for disruptive protest and show Visit the Rec and check out the er Dredd, Alex Wheatle, Symeon Brown change of opinions across the community. an interview with journalist Symeon Brown and Clovis Salmon, as well as Bill Butler and Performing Arts classes in the Energy With Becoming Brixton, the team hope to who viewed the media as the “oxygen” feed- Zone. Catering for kids age 4 through Mike Harding, two firefighters present at the have not only helped today’s young people to ing the fire of the 2011 riots. 1981 riot. to 16, they run two sessions on Satur- gain a more nuanced understanding of the days at £5 a class or £35 a term. Contact The driving force behind this project is the riots, but also to have provided a valuable »All of the documentaries and footage, as well need to provide an objective and multi-facet- Pauly on 07899882557 or visit www. learning resource for generations to come, as more information about the project, are ed record of the riots which is publicly avail- with the films to be housed in the Black Cul- available to view online at able today and preserved for generations to Head to the SWC world dance and tural Archives. movement studio at the Eurolink build- ing on Effra Road, because Saturday af- ternoon is time for Street Jazz, aimed at ages 5-11, and Ballet for children aged 5-7. For more information, visit their website at Capturing beautiful simplicity Have a child under five who likes to Arts co-editor Ruth Waters takes a Temporal Dislocation, a collection of eight plation”. A self confessed lover of brutalist bop? Then pop into Toddler Hip hop look at the latest exhibition at large format images, takes the viewer on a architecture, James is really interested in at Studio b. 130 Brixton Hill, SW2. Photofusion, Temporal Dislocation. journey through the British landscape, but functional structures, and finds a satisfying This class runs on Thursday and Friday without a shepherd, farmhouse or stream in simplicity to images where the function of mornings at 10am to 10:45am. Visit the Royal College of Art graduate and Lon- sight. Far from rolling hills, the landscapes the object, even if now redundant, can eas- website- - for more don-based photographer, James Smith, of James Smith’s photographs are dominat- ily be decoded. “It’s easy to confuse people, details. opened his first solo London exhibition at ed by cumbersome, man-made construc- whether that be through art or ideas,” he Studio b. also offers dance classes for Brixton’s Photofusion last week, Temporal tions: electricity pylons, neatly piled crates, says, “ but what’s really hard, and what I want older children. Diverse dance teaches Dislocation. James Smith’s exhibition, on hay bales, multi-storey car parks and neatly my work to do, is to make things simple.” a combination of Street Dance and show until the beginning of March, follows aligned caravans are just some of his unlikely Temporal Dislocation shows the land- Contemporary technique. They offer the astounding popularity of Photofusion’s subjects. scape, including man-made constructions, two classes to children, age 5 to 9 and Annual Members Salon 2012, which cap- Speaking to The Bugle James described as being in a state of constant change. The 10 to 19, around mid-day on Saturdays. tured the imaginations of over 600 visitors how his photographs “hold up a mirror” to viewer is left marveling both at the amazing Lessons are £7 each. during its 6-week exhibition. human interaction with the natural environ- lengths which human beings will go to to ment, and offer viewers a “pause for contem- impose order on nature, and also dismayed at the utter pointlessness of all these efforts, as structures become redundant and land- scapes are left fractured and scarred: in our throw-away culture what was yesterday’s revolutionary structure is today’s eyesore. Delighted to be exhibiting at this “fantas- tic spring-board of a gallery”, James loves the mix of professionals and amateurs, art and community, which Photofusion offers. He told The Bugle that whilst exhibiting “no- There are also classes for young table photographers and groundbreaking women on a Friday afternoon. Dare- collections of work”, Photofusion is “not pre- 2dance teaches Street Dance moves for tentious in the slightest”. James is eternally ages 14 to 22. Lessons are £5 or £3 con- grateful to Gina Glover, photographer and cession. For more information, contact founder of Photofusion, for inviting him to Judi on 020 8671 2402. exhibit Temporal Dislocation and feels that For teenagers interested in act- the organisation as a whole offers invaluable ing, Brixton Youth Theatre offers free support to up-and-coming photographers. workshops and master classes on Friday James Smith will be talking about his evening for ages 13-19 at Brixton work and life as a photographer at Photofu- Community Base, Talma Road, SW2. sion on 12 February. Contact 07770 461 781 For children who want to sing, »Temporal Dislocation will be exhibited Pergusus opera holds the Rising Star until 8 March - entry is free. Singing Academy offering »Photofusion, 17A Electric Lane, SW9 8LA free singing lessons for ages 8 to 11. »Gallery open 11am - 5pm, Tues - Sun Queries to 0207 501 9501 or email: [email protected] So take a look at all we have to offer! Left, Watchtower 2011 by James Smith 14 Brixton Bugle February 2013 VALENTINE’S DAY Where romance always blossoms By Luke Massey romantic anecdotes about people What would Valentine’s Day be buying flowers for Valentine’s Day: without the roses to give to our “Nop e .” loved ones? (A corporate inven- Who said that romance was tion without flowers you say? You dead eh?! So come on Brixton: pay may be right.) the Zucconis a visit and give them But luckily for the lovestruck, a story to remember! Pamela of the Duke – you have no George Zucconi and his two sons idea how beautiful and funny you John and Simon (identical twins are. I wish more girls were like you no less!) have been purveying and I wish you liked girls like me’ flowers for all occasions outside Anon Brixton station for over 20 years. In fact the exact number of To the guy at Café Cairo Sat 21st Jan, years remained disputed when I with beard, wearing hat and make spoke with them. George puts it at up. You gave me a red stamp, I would 23, but John challenged him: “Well have preferred your number. I started here when I was 16 and Siobhan with the fringe I’m now...” Let’s just say it made it more than 23 years. To the beardy northerner @Spark It’s a busy time of the year for who won cinema tickets. You were florists - “red rose time” accord- amazing. Anon ing to John, “everyone wants red roses”. And coming out of the To the barman in Seven with the sel- recent freeze it’s warming to see lotaped glasses. Thanks for noticing such a splash of colour on the high me. Double Denim street. Thinking it could be fruit- ful, I asked if he had any funny or You wore a Sixties’ Technicolour Dreamcoat and yellow tights in The stall, left, and John (or is it Simon?) Zucconi, right, with roses Soho. we spoke later on the Brixton escalator but i never saw you again. Biblical man WIN tickets to the hottest Valentine event in town! Do you recognise this encounter? The Pre Valentine Lovers Rock Affair at Which Lovers Rock superstar had top Or met someone worth shouting Brixton Jamm, on Sunday February 10, a UK Top 10 hit in 1990 with a cover of about? Tweet us @ConnectBrixton features the finest Lovers Rock reggae Cat Stevens’ ‘Wild World’? or email [email protected] and much more from an array of quali- for an anonymous shout out. ty live artists and DJ’s. a) Maxi Priest b) Tippa Irie Best connection wins a £25 bar tab The organisers have kindly offered us c) Ken Boothe at Kaff bar. two pairs of tickets to offer to readers as a prize. All you need to do to be in Email your answer to with a chance of winning is answer the [email protected] following simple question. by February 4. Brixton Bugle February 2013 15 FOOD AND DRINK REVIEW: Brixton Space is eccentric, eclectic and ending soon By Lindsay Faller Wonderful. The olives were a mixed selection Brixton Water Lane: 10-minute walk from and no doubt would go down well with some the centre of Brixton, gateway to Brockwell sherry. Gambas al ajillo were tasty pearles- Park and Hootenanny territory. With the cent little things, the holy combination of exception of Khan’s and Montego Inn, both garlic and white wine mingled perfectly with who have seemingly been in business since the prawns. The meatballs were also decent time began, many of the other restaurants and served in a rich tomato sauce; perfect for and cafés on the Lane’s little stretch of shops dipping the delicious olive bread that accom- do not last. One relative newbie rooted it- panied them. self quietly last year, and despite garnering The pumpkin salad was as sprightly as a steady stream of fans whose personal rec- the menu promised. A large plate of roasted ommendations acted as the restaurant’s best pumpkin and rocket was lightly tossed in a advertising, it too will be closing for good in tangy mustardy dressing; the mixed nuts the near future. adding a nice little crunch. Brixton Space’s From the outside, Brixton Space is wel- version of patatas bravas was a refreshing coming and unassuming. Inside, the décor is take on the traditional. A creamy spicy sauce similar to your favourite eccentric relative’s is to be expected in this dish, but it was served front room – 70s wallpaper in brown and or- with a fresh salsa as well, which gave a nor- ange geometric patterns, an Arco-style floor mally quite heavy dish a much-needed lift. lamp, low lighting and lots of cushions and The menu is reasonably priced and por- stools. We were greeted on a particularly cold tion sizes are generous. In truth, we probably Tuesday evening by a sole manager, who not over-ordered, although everything was really only served drinks, but prepared and served very good, so I shan’t complain. Brixton has food from the small kitchen to the back of the clearly become a destination for foodies and restaurant. it was refreshing to find a restaurant outside The menu is eclectic. Nibbles that range of the centre interested in serving great food. from olives, pintxos of Serrano Ham and Brixton Space will stay open until a buyer is Manchego cheese, to Polish dry sausage Ka- found so make it a priority to visit while you banos and gherkins, with the main offering can. The vibe is relaxed and the food is great, described as “fusion tapas”: Thai prawns, but sadly, this gem of a place isn’t going to be patatas bravas, quesadillas with hummus or there for long. sweet chilli chicken skewers. We opted to and a delicious-sounding pumpkin salad soft drinks, teas, coffees and stock a full bar. start with the pintxos and olives, then moved with rocket, mixed seeds and a honey-mus- The pintxos were instantly pleasing. Served Brixton Space, 30 Water Lane on to prawns cooked in white wine with gar- tard dressing. There is also a relatively com- on lightly toasted bread, the Serrano ham, a Tel: 020 7501 8606 lic and parsley (gambas al ajillo), Spanish prehensive selection of sherries to try, as well thinly sliced hit of cured porky goodness and Meal for two, excluding tip £29 meatballs with pork and beef, patatas bravas as wines, but my other half chose Cusqueña, buttery Manchego cheese were delicately a Peruvian lager. They also provide a range of accentuated with chopped herby tomatoes.

February Dinner

Starters Cauliflower and Cheese Soup (v) 5.00 Black Watch Scotch Egg with Rhubarb Chutney 5.75 Rabbit Rillettes with Pickled Black Grapes 6.25 Severn & Wye Smoked Salmon, Pickled Candy Beetroot, Rye Bread & Lemon 6.50 FIVE OF THE BEST Britsh and Spanish Charcuterie Miss South shows us around her Brixton foody hotspots Small Charcuterie Plate with Pickled Vegetables & Sourdough Bread 6.95 BEST LUXURY FEEL: Anything at BEST MARKET STALL: A close one, but Large Charcuterie Plate, plus Bermondsey Spa Cheese 12.95 Etta’s Seafood Kitchen. What could be more even the greengrocer under the bridge on sophisticated than taking yourself out for Pope’s Road and the Sunday morning veg lunch and dining on seafood? Whether you extravaganza at the Farmers’ Market and Mains start with the light as air crab fritters, or a are beaten by the choice, quality and craic Halloumi Burger Tomato Relish Triple cooked Chips (v) 9.50 few oysters or some Jamaican spice infused at Dagon’s fishmongers in Brixton Village. mussels, don’t miss the seafood linguine for There selling their wares since the place was Dry Aged, Rare Breed Beef Burger in a Brioche Bun with Triple Cooked Chips 10.00 main. And Etta’s so friendly she’d probably let Granville Arcade, they’ve been serving up Leek & Cearphilly Sausages with Celeariac Straws, Mashed Potato and Red 12.50 you bring some bubbles to toast it all with. seriously good wet fish at a great price and some serious banter for years. Fin... Wine Gravy (v) BEST VEGETARIAN MEAL: I admit, I’m Smoked Haddock & Loch Duart Salmon Fish Pie, Braised Cabbage & Bacon 15.50 not much of a veggie diner. I like my forays BEST CUSTOMER SERVICE: I generally out for meals to be meaty. I’m happy to eat find Brixton super friendly once you get past Shoulder of Saltmarsh Lamb braised in Meantime Pale Ale with Pearl Barley, 16.00 flesh free at home a lot of the time, but usual- its (outdated) reputation and slightly over- Kale and Heritage Carrots ly I like to go carnivore when dining out. The whelming feel. Lots of places are very pleas- exception are the tofu and dill dumplings at ant, happy to help and extremely welcoming. Free Range Guinea Fowl cooked in Red Wine with Mashed Potato and Purple 16.50 Mama Lan’s. Tiny pearls of smoky five spice My favourite place for customer service is Sprouting Brocolli infused tofu nestle inside fresh aniseedy dill the A&C Continental Deli on Atlantic Road for a light moreish dumpling of heaven. (ie: the Portuguese deli). Not big enough for everyone who wishes to use it, it is delight- Desserts BEST DESSERT: The Dime Bar cheese- fully old fashioned with most of the stock Cranberry and Apple Pie with Cinnamon Ice Cream 6.00 cake at Brixton Village Grill. In a world behind the counter so you get one of the staff where cheesecake is usually a sad shadow of a all to yourself at your beck and call as you Ginger Chocolate Pot 6.00 Philadelphia ad, your mind will be blown by stock up on quinces, pumpkin wedges, cured the homemade mascarpone rich monument meats, garlic stuffed olives and manchego. No Cardamon Panna cotta with Yorkshire Rhubarb Compote 6.00 to Scandi chocolate that the Grill offers up. matter how busy it gets I never feel rushed in Bermondsey Spa Cheese, Biscuits and Fig Chutney 4.50 Big enough to share without fighting and there. I’ve never found something they don’t drizzled with homemade caramel sauce, it is stock. I’ve also never said no to a pastei de so rich and creamy with a perfect cheese to nata when I’m in there either... Brockwell Lido, Dulwich Road, SE24 0PA base ratio that this carnivore rated it as good @thelidocafe | | [email protected] | 0207 7378183 if not better than the (excellent) meat! More at 16 Brixton Bugle February 2013 SPORT Redskins scalp the southern Devils By David Carr icing should have been called (but the Devils player coach declined Streatham Redskins made it six wasn’t blown) and then promptly the Scots’ offer to drop the gloves in home league wins in a row with a disallowed the goal to the ire of the centre ice. hard fought 7-5 win over the Solent home side. At 5-3 up the Redskins looked & Gosport Devils in Brixton. Streatham continued to pressure like they might run away with the The home side had to bounce from the restart but with six min- game but Solent took advantage of back immediately from a heavy utes gone the visitors took the lead. another powerplay to reduce the 14-3 cup loss in Chelmsford the Lively Redskins forward Joe Al- deficit thanks to an effort from the night before and were boosted by len required medical attention for a hardworking Nembhard. star import Jakub Klima passing a split lip after his big mid ice hit on Klima spotting Allen unmarked late fitness test prior to the game. Johnson saw his face catch on the on the far post and the battered and After suffering a shock defeat Solent forwards’ face cage. bruised centre man fired home first to the Devils down on the South After failing to make a break- time to spark scenes of celebration. Coast last month, Streatham were through in the first despite plenty Solent pulled Taylor for an extra determined to seek revenge on the of possession, Streatham started skater in the final minute as they bottom placed team. the second with renewed vigour desperately sought an equaliser but The evening began as it was to but found themselves shorthand- Klima punished them again, inter- continue as Streatham’s Russ Ste- ed again. This time it was Hopkins cepting the puck on the red line and vens was given an early charging who was called for a big hit on the sending his wrist shot perfectly into penalty for a big hit on a Devils de- boards as the officials endeared the centre of the net to make it 7-5 fenceman in the corner. The Devils themselves to the home crowd once to Streatham. powerplay failed to test Will Sand- more. It was a cruel blow to the Dev- erson in the Streatham goal and More sloppy penalties from ils who had battled hard to get Streatham killed it off. Streatham took away any momen- back into the game but ultimately Streatham then appeared to tum and the game became quite Streatham deserved the two points, score an opener as Joe Johnston scrappy with neither team looking even if they made life more diffi- finished a good pass from the cor- particularly dangerous. cult for themselves taking a total of ner, but then as the two teams pre- The game threatened to get nasty twenty four minutes in minor pen- Clockwise from top: Jubilation, pared to face off in centre ice, the as Redskins forward Jamie McIlroy alties across the game. Jakub Klima winds up and Joe two officials consulted each other and Devils defenseman Will Fran- » Allen gets treatment for a bust lip. and decided that in the build up, an cis clashed in the corner, however Pics by Rick Webb Photographic IN FOCUS: Windrush Triathlon Club By Laura Addis members can try a session free nars on everything from nutrition Windrush Triathlon club was before signing up. We swim in to bike maintenance, run a train- founded in 2008 as a multisport Brockwell Lido during the spring ing camp in Spain and take part in club where our members focus on to autumn and in the winter at the ‘friendly’ competitions against oth- swimming, cycling and running, and JAGS pools. As long er local clubs. the three components of triathlon as you can swim a couple of lengths In 2012 Windrush held our ex- which is the fastest growing sport you are welcome to come along and tremely successful Aquathlon race, in the UK. can be taught to swim front crawl which consisted of a 500m swim We are a very friendly local club efficiently and with ease. We also and a 5km run at Brockwell Park. and are based at Brockwell Park and run trips to local open water ven- The weather was amazing and we Lido, just a few meters from Herne ues such as Heron Lake. Through- had a large number of entries from Hill station. We have a wide range out the year we run a very popular the local community and London of members of varying ages and spin session at the Brockwell gym, sports clubs. Due to the success of levels of fitness, from those who and take our members out on their the race and the generous spon- are complete beginners and need bikes on a Sunday on rides varying sorship from local businesses and to build fitness to others who have in length from loops of Richmond charities we will be back with an WINDRUSH: club members at an event. Picture by Craig Mercer been racing for years. Our welcom- Park to stunning scenery in the even better race on 2nd June 2013. awards ceremony which celebrates chairperson even won the nation- ing attitude means new members Kent and Surrey countryside. Run- all the wonderful achievements of al award for volunteering in 2011- find it very easy to make friends, ning training happens at the Bat- page/windrush-aquathlon our members, ranging from ap- 2012 for running Windrush and get fit and have fun. tersea track and at the Brockwell Windrush isn’t all about training pearances in World Champion- bringing the club into the strong Windrush members can be parkrun as well as cross country and racing and we have regular so- ships to the best wipe-out during a position it is today with over 200 found training at many locations escapades. Last but no means least cials in local cafes and pubs, as well race! Windrush is accredited with members and a thriving club atmo- across the area and potential new we hold Pilates sessions, run semi- as our annual Christmas party and British Triathlon and all of our sphere. For more information just coaches are trained by them. Our visit



Club members at Brockwell Lido. Picture by Quintina Valero