July IA Lawyer.Pdf
Volume 60 Number 7 July 2000 ALSO IN THIS ISSUE —— PlebiscitePlebiscite modificationsmodifications approvedapproved WhyWhy healthhealth insuranceinsurance rates riserise VLPVLP honorshonors itsits volunteersvolunteers LawpacLawpac needsneeds youyou thisthis year!year! WillWill IowaIowa UETAUETA survive?survive? YLDYLD’s’s NeumeyerNeumeyer says,says, ””AllAll aboard!aboard!““ Volume 60 Number 6 July 2000 Contents Published at 521 East Locust President’s letter . Page 5 Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Charles Corcoran, Editor 515-243-3179 BOG moves on plebiscite . Page 7 MDP committee hard at work . Page 8 Past president Smith cited . Page 9 THE IOWA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION ISBA honors VLP talent . Page 10 OFFICERS 2000-2001 President, Bruce Graves, Des Moines U of I Law students get help. Page 13 President-elect, C. Joseph Holland, Iowa City Vice President, Alan E. Fredregill, Sioux City Immediate Past President, Jay Eaton, Des Moines Why health rates increase . Page 14 Executive Director, Dwight Dinkla THE IOWA LAWYER (ISSN 1052-5327) is published monthly by The Iowa State About the Cover All aboard the YLD train. Page 16 Bar Association, 521 East Locust, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Subscription included in membership fee. Non-members, Bruce B. Graves, a senior part- $30 per year. Periodicals postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. LAWPAC can use your help . Page 20 Postmaster: Send address changes to The Iowa ner at the Des Moines law firm of Lawyer, 521 East Locust, Des Moines, IA 50309. Brown Winick Graves Gross The Iowa Lawyer is printed by Colorfx, 10776 Aurora Ave., Des Moines, IA 50322. Telephone (515) 270-0402. Baskerville & Schoenebaum, LLP, Continuing legal education calendar.
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