A Hybrid Approach to Automatic Corpus Generation for Chinese Spelling Check

Dingmin ♣∗, ♠, Jing ♠, Jialong ♠, Haisong ♠ ♣ Inc. [email protected] ♠Tencent Lab {clksong, ameliajli, jialonghan, hansonzhang}@tencent.com

Abstract Sentence Correction 我们应该认真对待这些 己 (ji2) 经发生的事 已 (yi3) Chinese spelling check (CSC) is a challenging yet meaningful task, which not only serves as 在我们班上, 她 (ta1)是一个很聪明的男孩 他 (ta1) a preprocessing in many natural language pro- cessing (NLP) applications, but also facilitates Table 1: Two examples of Chinese sentences con- and understanding of running texts in taining spelling errors. Spelling errors are marked peoples’ daily lives. However, to utilize data- in . The first sentence contains a visually sim- driven approaches for CSC, there is one - ilar spelling error, i.., 已 (yi3) is misspelled as jor limitation that annotated corpora are not 己 enough in applying algorithms and building (ji2). The second sentence contains a phono- models. In this , we propose a novel ap- logically similar spelling error, i.e., 他 (ta1) is mis- proach of constructing CSC corpus with au- spelled as 她 (ta1). tomatically generated spelling errors, which are either visually or phonologically resem- e.., emails and social media posts. Table1 il- bled characters, corresponding to the OCR- lustrates two examples of such Chinese spelling and ASR-based methods, respectively. Upon errors. The first incorrect sentence contains a the constructed corpus, different models are misused character, 己 (ji2)1, which has a similar trained and evaluated for CSC with respect to three standard test sets. Experimental results shape to its corresponding correct character, i.e., demonstrate the effectiveness of the corpus, 已 (yi3). In the second incorrect sentence, the therefore confirm the validity of our approach. boxed spelling error 她 (ta1) is phonetically iden- tical to its corresponding correct one 他 (ta1). 1 Introduction Owing to the limited number of available datasets, many state-of-the-art supervised models Spelling check is a crucial task to detect and cor- are seldom employed in this field, which hinders rect human spelling errors in running texts ( the development of CSC. Currently, some main- and Li, 2014). This task is vital for NLP appli- stream approaches still focus on using unsuper- cations such as search engine (Martins and Silva, vised methods, i.e., language model based ones 2004; et al., 2010) and automatic essay scor- ( et al., 2013; Yu et al., 2014; Tseng et al., ing (Burstein and Chodorow, 1999; Lonsdale and 2015; Lee et al., 2016). As a result, the devel- Strong-Krause, 2003), for the reason that spelling opment of CSC techniques are restricted and thus errors not only affect reading but also sometimes CSC performance is not satisfied so far (Fung completely alter the meaning delivered in a text et al., 2017). To enhance CSC performance, the fragment. Especially, in pro- biggest challenge is the unavailability of large cessing, spelling errors can be more serious since scale corpora with labeled spelling errors, which they may affect fundamental tasks such as is of high value for training and applying super- segmentation (, 2003; Song and , 2012) vised models. Such issue of data absence is mainly and part-of-speech tagging ( et al., 1993; caused by the fact that annotating spelling errors is et al., 2008; , 2011), etc. Of all causes an expensive and challenging task. lead to spelling errors, a major one comes from the To address the data unavailability issue so that misuse of Chinese input methods on daily texts, 1We use Chinese to identify the pronunciation for ∗ This work was conducted during Dingmin Wang’ in- each character, where the last number represents different ternship in Tencent AI Lab. tones (ranging from 1 to 4) in Pinyin, same below. 赝 粟 赝 栗 Text to Blur OCR Image Image Detection 募 缉 蓦 辑

Figure 1: An example process of generating -style errors by the OCR-based method. In the OCR detection results, except for 赝 (yan4), the other three characters, i.e., 粟 (li4), 募 (mu4), and 缉 (ji1), are incorrectly recognized as 栗 (su4), 蓦 (mo4), and 辑 (ji2), respectively. All the three incorrect characters have similar shapes with their corresponding correct references. to facilitate CSC with data-driven approaches, in 2 Automatic Data Generation this paper, we propose a novel approach that au- tomatically constructs Chinese corpora with la- Spelling errors in Chinese are mainly caused by beled spelling errors. Specifically, given that - the misuse of visually or phonologically similar nese spelling errors mainly result from the mis- characters (Chang, 1995; et al., 2011; Yu and use of visually and phonologically similar char- Li, 2014). Errors of visually similar characters acters (Chang, 1995; Liu et al., 2011; Yu and Li, (henceforth V-style errors) are due to the promi- 2014), we propose OCR-based and ASR-based nence of character pairs visually similar to each methods to produce the aforementioned two types other. The reason is that, Chinese, as a hiero- of misused characters. Note that, different from glyph language, consists of more than sixty thou- sand characters2. They are constructed by a lim- detecting spelling errors from incorrect sentences, 3 our proposed approach aims at automatically gen- ited number of radicals and components . As erating texts with annotated spelling errors like for errors caused by the misuse of phonologically those in Table1. With the help of OCR- and ASR- similar characters (henceforth P-style errors), we based methods, CSC corpora are constructed with note that pronunciations of are annotated visual and phonological spelling errors. usually defined by Pinyin, which consists of ini- tials, finals, and tones4. According to et al. In our experiments, qualitative analysis illus- (2012), there are only 398 for thousands trates that incorrectly recognized Chinese char- of characters in modern Chinese. As a result, there acters by OCR or ASR toolkits are not trivial are many Chinese characters sharing similar pro- for human to detect, while interestingly, human nunciation, which further leads to the prominence are likely to make such spelling errors in their of P-style errors. In the rest of this section, we - daily writing. In the quantitative comparison, we scribe how we generate these two types of errors cast Chinese spelling check into a sequence label- in Section 2.1 and 2.2, respectively. ing problem and implement a supervised bench- mark model, i.e., bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM), 2.1 OCR-based Generation to evaluate the performance of CSC on three stan- Inspired by the observation that optical character dard testing datasets. Experimental results show recognition (OCR) tools are likely to misidentify that the BiLSTM models trained on our generated characters with those visually similar ones ( corpus yield better performance than their coun- and Evans, 1996), we intentionally blur images terparts trained on the training dataset provided in with correct characters, and apply OCR tools on testing datasets. To further facilitat- them to produce V-style spelling errors. ing the CSC task, we construct confusion sets by In detail, we use Google Tesseract (Smith, collecting all incorrect variants for each character 2007) as the OCR toolkit and the generation pro- and their corresponding correct references. The cess is illustrated in Figure1. Given a sentence, effectiveness of the confusion set is confirmed in the error correction task, indicating that the con- 2http://www.hanzizidian.com. 3 structed confusion sets are highly useful in many There are less than three hundred radicals in to- tal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radical_ existing Chinese spelling check schemes (Chang, (Chinese_characters) 1995; et al., 2010; Dong et al., 2016). 4https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinyin as the first step, we randomly select 1 ∼ 2 charac- ter(s) from it as our target characters to be detected by Tesseract, denoted as Ctargets. Specifically, ex- cept for Chinese characters, other characters like punctuations and foreign are excluded and we also filter those Chinese characters of low frequency5 based on the statistics of the Chinese 6 Wikipedia Corpus . Second, we transfer Ctargets from text to image with 100 × 100 pixels, namely, each generated image has a same size. Third, we 7 randomly blur a region in the produced images Figure 2: Two cases from the OCR-based method. using Gaussian blurring (Bradski, 2000), which Char (OCR): the character recognized by the aims at leading the OCR toolkit to make mistakes. OCR-based method; Char (gold): the correspond- Finally, we use Google Tesseract to recognize the ing correct character. blurred images. Once the recognized result does not match to the original one, a V-style error is why the size of generated annotated sentences is generated, which is used to replace the original smaller than that of the original sentences. We de- character in the sentence, resulting in a sentence note the dataset by -ocr, and show its statistics in with V-style spelling error(s). After the aforemen- the D-ocr column in Table3. tioned steps, we obtain the spelling errors for each sentence with their correct references. Bad Cases and the Solution Although the OCR- The raw texts used for OCR-based method based method work smoothly, there are still some are mainly from newspaper articles, which are cases worth further investigation. By analyzing crawled from People’s Daily, an official newspa- the generated spelling errors by this method, we per website8, of which articles are reported to un- find that in terms of shape, there exist some incor- dergo a strict edition process and assumed to be all rectly recognized characters by the OCR toolkit correct. We divide these texts into sentences using that greatly differ from their corresponding cor- clause-ending punctuations such as periods (。), rect characters. For example, for the blurred image question mark (?), and exclamation mark (!) containing the character 领 (ling3), the Tesseract (Chang et al., 1993). In total, we obtain 50, 000 incorrectly recognizes it as 铈 (shi4), which is to- sentences, each of which contains 8 to 85 char- tally different from 领 (ling3) in shape. Therefore, acters, including punctuations. These sentences these cases should be excluded because human are are then handled by the OCR-based method as we less likely to make such mistakes. In solving this describe before, resulting in an annotated corpus problem, we propose a novel approach to judge containing about 40, 000 annotated sentences with whether two characters are visually similar by cal- 56, 857 spelling errors. Note that in our experi- culating the edit distance based on the strokes of ment, we find that the OCR toolkit can still cor- Chinese characters. Similar to English con- rectly detect the characters in the produced images sisting of alphabets, a Chinese character can be 9 even we blur part of the images. This explains split into different strokes . To this end, we obtain the strokes of Chinese character from the Online 5In our setting, Chinese characters occurring less than five dictionary10. Empirically, given two Chinese char- times in the corpus are considered as low-frequency ones. 6https://dumps.wikimedia.org/zhwiki/ acters, c1 and c2, we set 0.25∗(len(c1)+len(c2)) 7A Chinese character may be misspelled to other different as the threshold, η, where len() denotes the num- characters, resulting in different spelling errors. For example, ber of strokes for the Chinese character c. If the Chinese character 缉 (ji1) could be misspelled as 揖 (ji1), the edit distance of two characters is more than a 辑 (ji2), or 楫 (ji1), such spelling errors could be obtained by blurring different locations of the given character, which threshold η, we consider them not to be similar in makes it possible for the OCR toolkit to give different recog- shape. To better clarify it, a bad case and a good nized results for a same character. According to our experi- ment, if we blur the entire character, we found that the incor- case are shown in Figure2. rectly recognized results are almost the same. As a result, we could not obtain different spelling errors for a same character. Specially, the blurred location may be different, but the size 9https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stroke_ of the region to be blurred is the same for all images. (CJKV_character) 8http://www.people.com.cn/ 10https://bihua.51240.com/ Text to Speech 仅一个多月的时间里 尽一个多月的时间里

Figure 3: The full pipeline of generating P-style errors by ASR-based method. In this example, 仅 (jin3) is incorrectly recognized as 尽 (jin4) marked in red, both of which have a similar pronunciation.

Case Gold Sentences Incorrectly-recognized results Type 1 而对楼市成交抑制作用最大的限购 而对 面 楼市成交抑制作用最大的限购 D 2 围绕亚运会进行的城市资金投入 没 让 亚运会进行的城市改造的资金投入 N 3 与院方协商赔偿问题 与 岳 风 学 生 赔偿问题 T 4 但是不幸最终还是发生了 但是不 行 最终还是发生了 C

Table 2: Four incorrectly-recognized cases with different types of errors. D: Different lengths with that of the original one. N: Not a P-style error. T: Too many errors. C: Correct case to collect.

2.2 ASR-based Generation 2 have totally different pronunciations with their Similar to OCR tools, automatic speech recogni- corresponding characters in the gold sentence. tion (ASR) tools may also mistake characters for Such cases do not satisfy our requirement in gener- others with similar pronunciations (Hartley and ating P-style errors. To this end, we obtain the pro- 12 Reich, 2005). To build an annotated corpus of nunciation by pinyin of Chinese characters from 13 P-style errors, we follow the similar inspiration an online Chinese lexicon . Then it is easy to with those for V-style errors and OCR tools, and identify whether the incorrectly-recognized char- adopted a pipeline as shown in Figure3. However, acters have similar or same pronunciation with given the availability of various speech recogni- their corresponding characters in the gold sen- tion datasets, we employ a simpler approach. We tence. Specifically, in terms of Pinyin, two charac- exploit a publicly available speech cor- ters have similar pronunciation when they have the pus, AIShell (Bu et al., 2017), which contains same initials and finals but different tones, i.e., da2 around 140,000 sentences with utterances11. We and da1. Third, according to Chen et al.(2011), use Kaldi (Povey et al., 2011), a speech recogni- there may have two errors per student essay on av- tion toolkit, to transcribe the utterances into rec- erage, which reflects the fact that that each sen- ognized sentences. Finally, by comparing the tence will not contain more than two spelling er- recognized sentences with the original ones, we rors on average. Therefore, we remove those can identify whether the recognition results are incorrectly-recognized results that contains more correct. If not, they can serve as incorrectly- than two incorrect characters as shown in Case 3. recognized results and be used to build a corpus After the aforementioned steps, we generate a cor- with P-style spelling errors. pus with more than 7K P-style spelling errors in total. We denote it D-asr and show its statistics in Bad Cases and the Solution For generated P- the D-asr column in Table3. style errors, we also identify some bad cases, which potentially introduce much noise. To im- 3 Evaluation prove the quality of the generated corpus, a solu- 3.1 Benchmark Data tion is thus needed to remove them. Table2 gives three types of bad cases with a good one. We de- To evaluate the quality of the generated corpora, scribe the solution to deal with them as follows. we adopt three benchmark datasets from 2013– First, we discard all incorrectly recognized re- 2015 shared tasks (Wu et al., 2013; Yu et al., 2014; 14 sults similar to Case 1, which has different lengths Tseng et al., 2015) on CSC. Table4 reports the comparing to the corresponding reference sen- 12Pinyin is the standard method to define the pronunciation tence. Second, the incorrect characters in Case of a Chinese character. https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Pinyin 11Collected from 400 people from different dialect areas 13http://www.zdic.net in . http://www.openslr.org/resources/ 14These datasets are written in traditional Chinese, so to 33/data_aishell.tgz keep the consistency with our generated corpus of simplified D-ocr D-asr D Error # Char # Sent # Sentences # 40,000 40,000 80,000 Trn 324 17,611 350 201315 13 Characters # 915,949 716,509 1,632,458 Tst13 966 75,328 1,000 Errors # 56,857 75,667 132,524 Trn 5,224 330,656 6,527 201416 14 Tst14 510 54,176 1,063 Table 3: Statistics of our generated corpus. D- Trn 3,101 95,114 3,174 ocr denotes the corpus generated by OCR-based 201517 15 Tst 531 34811 1,100 method, D-asr denotes the corpus generated by 15 ASR-based method and D is the combination of Table 4: Statistics of three standard datasets. Er- D-ocr and D-asr. ror # denotes the number of spelling errors, Char statistics of the three standard datasets, including # represents the number of Chinese character and training and test parts. Consider that the quality Sent # refers to the number of sentences. of the training dataset has a significant impact on models’ performance on the test datasets. Thus Train:Test C (%) Train:Test C (%) Trn : Tst 16.2 D: Tst 74.1 in this paper, we propose a metric, Ctrain:test, to 13 13 13 measure the correlation degree between the train- Trn14 : Tst14 53.9 D: Tst14 80.6 ing and test dataset by calculating the number of Trn15 : Tst15 46.7 D: Tst15 84.2 spelling errors that occur in them: Table 5: Correlation results of Trn13, Trn14, Trn15

Etrain ∩ Etest and D with Tst13, Tst14, Tst15. Ctrain:test = (1) Etest where Etrain and Etest refer to the set of spelling Results Table6 shows the information of 300 errors in the training dataset and the test dataset, sentences and the annotation results on them. The respectively. Each element in the set is a pair con- average recall in the table illustrates that three stu- taining a correct character and a misspelled char- dents have a higher recognition rate for errors from acter, e.g., (撼 (han4), 憾 (han4)). Table5 illus- D-asr than that from D-ocr, which, to some extent, trates that, for three different testing datasets, the indicates that P-style errors are easier to be de- entire generated corpus D achieves 74.1%, 80.6% tected than V-style ones. Besides, we observe that and 84.2% on Ctrain:test, respectively, which are three volunteers fail to identify around 36.9% er- much higher than that of Trn13, Trn14 and Trn15. rors on average, which may indicate that our gen- This difference may denote the validity of the gen- erated sentences include some challenging errors erated corpus, with adequate spelling errors. which are likely to be made by human. Such er- rors are valuable for CSC since they are potential 3.2 Qualitative Analysis real cases in people’s writing or typing. Setup To evaluate whether the generated corpus contains errors that are easily made by human, we Case Study To qualitatively analyze why some randomly select 300 sentences from it for man- spelling errors are not detected by human, we con- ual evaluation, with 150 from D-ocr and 150 from duct a case study on an example sentence contain- D-asr. Three native Chinese speakers, who are ing some spelling errors that are not found by the college students, are invited to read and annotate three students. The sentence is 政企部分是一种 errors in these sentences. Then, we analyze the 痼疾 (translation: politics and industry parts are a annotated results by three college students from kind of a chronic disease), in which the third char- two levels: sentence-level and error-level. On the acter 部 (bu4) is a spelling error and should be cor- sentence-level, we consider a sentence to be cor- rected as 不 (bu4). In this example, 部分 (trans- rectly annotated only if all errors in the sentence lation: a part of) and 不分 (translation: equally are recognized. On the error-level, we calculate treat) are two highly common Chinese words and the percentage of the number of correctly anno- 15http://ir.itc.ntnu.edu.tw/lre/ tated errors out of the total number of errors. sighan7csc. Chinese, we convert these datasets from tradition Chinese 16http://ir.itc.ntnu.edu.tw/lre/ to simplified Chinese using the OpenCC, an Open-source clp14csc.html Chinese Converter. https://github.com/BYVoid/ 17http://ir.itc.ntnu.edu.tw/lre/ OpenCC sighan8csc.html Stu1 Stu2 Stu3 S-ocr 84/150 100/150 75/150 57.3 E-ocr 104/170 121/170 100/170 72.0 S-asr 95/150 79/150 106/150 62.0 E-asr 341/393 179/393 356/393 74.3

Table 6: Human evaluation results. S-ocr refer to 150 sentences from the D-ocr and E-ocr rep- resents the errors in S-ocr, similar for S-asr and E- asr. R denotes the average recall of three students. Numbers in bold denotes the correctly-annotated results by students. Figure 4: F1 scores achieved by different pro- portions of D-ocr and D-asr on three testing dataset (Tst13,Tst14 and Tst15). The total size easy to be considered as correct. However, consid- of the corpus is 40k, the percentage of which the 政企 ering the preceding word (translation: poli- -axis represents from D-ocr. tics and industry) and the subsequent words 是一 种痼疾 (translation: a kind of chronic disease), we Results The performance of BiLSTM trained on can see that 部分 does not fit the current context different proportions of D-ocr and D-asr aims at and should be corrected as 不分. This case study exploring the quality of the generated corpus in- confirms that our generated corpus contains some fluenced by the distribution of P-style and V-style spelling errors like human made ones in their writ- spelling errors. Figure4 shows that when the ing or typing, which further demonstrates its qual- size of training dataset is fixed (=40k), different ity and the effectiveness of our approach. proportions of P-style and V-style errors achieve different F1 scores, denoting that the proportion 3.3 Quantitative Comparison of P-style and V-style spelling errors affects the 3.3.1 Chinese Spelling Error Detection quality of the generated corpus. Specifically, it is observed that a 4:6 proportion of D-ocr and D- In this section, we evaluate the quality of our gen- asr achieves the best performance on three test- erated corpus through Chinese spelling detection. ing datasets when compared with other propor- We firstly explore how different proportions of P- tion ratios. In addition, for the two special pro- style and V-style errors affect the quality of the portions (0% and 100%), it is seen that with the corpus. Then we compare the detection perfor- same size of corpus, the BiLSTM model trained mance of the generated corpus with that of training on D-asr achieves better performance than that datasets provided in the three shared tasks. on D-ocr, which indicates that P-style spelling er- ror contributes more to the quality of the corpus. Setup We cast Chinese spelling error detection This experimental result complies with the previ- into a sequence tagging problem on characters, ous conclusion (Liu et al., 2009, 2011) that most in which the correct and incorrect characters are of spelling errors are related to the pronunciations. tagged as 1 and 0, respectively18. We then im- Furthermore, to better illustrate the quality of plement a supervised sequence tagging model, the generated corpus, we compare it with some i.e., bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM) (Graves and training datasets, which are manually annotated Schmidhuber, 2005), as our baseline to evalu- (Wu et al., 2013; Yu et al., 2014; Tseng et al., ate the quality of different corpus. The hidden 2015). According to previous analyses on the ex- size of the BiLSTM is set to 150 and the other perimental results shown in Figure4, we choose hyper-parameters are tuned on a development set the 4:6 proportion of P-style and V-style spelling consisting of 10% randomly selected sentences errors to construct the training data in the fol- from the training data. We minimize categori- lowing experiments. Specifically, we build five cal cross-entropy loss for the model, with RM- different sizes of datasets: D-10k19, D-20k, D- Sprop (Graves, 2013) as the optimizer. 30k, D-40k and D-50k, which are extracted from

18The detection process can be considered as a problem of 19D-10k denotes the corpus contains 10k sentences, similar binary classification. for D-20k, D-30k, D-40k and D-50k. Tst13 Tst14 Tst15 P R F1 P R F1 P R F1 Trn 24.4 27.3 25.8 49.8 51.5 50.6 40.1 43.2 41.6 D-10k 33.3 39.6 36.1 31.1 35.1 32.9 31.0 37.0 33.7 D-20k 41.1 50.2 45.2 41.1 50.2 45.2 43.0 54.9 48.2 D-30k 47.2 59.1 52.5 40.9 48.0 44.2 50.3 62.3 55.7 D-40k 53.4 65.0 58.6 52.3 64.3 57.7 56.6 66.5 61.2 D-50k 54.0 69.3 60.7 51.9 66.2 58.2 56.6 69.4 62.3

Table 7: The performance of Chinese spelling error detection with BiLSTM on Tst13,Tst14,Tst15 (%). Best results are in bold. Trn represents the training dataset provided in the corresponding shared task, e.g., Trn denotes Trn13 in Tst13.

D-ocr and D-asr following the proportion of 4:6. containing more spelling error instances, it may Then, we train the BiLSTM model on these train- lead the model to misidentify some more correct ing datasets and evaluate error detection perfor- characters, resulting in a lower precision. mance on Tst13, Tst14 and Tst15. Table7 shows Compared with the limited training dataset man- the detection performance on three different test- ually annotated by human, our generated large- ing datasets. We have the following observations. scale corpus can achieves a better performance The size of training dataset is important for the From Table7, we can see that with a certain size model training. For Tst13, D-10k achieves a of our generated corpus, it can train a model that better F1 score than Trn13. A major reason may achieve better detection performance than with the be the size of Trn13 (=350, see in Table3), which manually annotated datasets provided in the cor- is much smaller than the testing dataset. In this responding shared tasks. To some extent, this situation, the model can not learn enough infor- demonstrates the effectiveness of our generated mation, resulting in being unable to detect unseen corpus, thus confirms the validity of our approach. spelling errors. Besides, we can see that the de- 3.3.2 Chinese Spelling Error Correction tection performance shows a stable improvement as the size of our generated corpus is continuously Once the Chinese spelling errors are detected, we 20 enlarged. Therefore, for data-driven approaches, test on correcting them. from Section 3.3.1. it is of great importance to train our model with Following previous studies (Chang, 1995; enough instances having different spelling errors. et al., 2007; Wu et al., 2010; Chen et al., 2013; Dong et al., 2016), we adopt confusion The precision may be compromised if the train- sets21 and a language model to handle the taks ing dataset contains too many “noisy” spelling for Chinese spelling error correction. In partic- errors From Table7, although the overall per- ular, by collecting all incorrect variants for each formance (F1 score) keeps improving as the size of correct character, we construct a confusion set our generated corpus increases, the precision and for all involved correct characters, denoted as the recall demonstrate different changing trends. It Ours. In addition, to illustrate its effectiveness, we is observed that as the size of training dataset in- compare it with two publicly available confusion creases, the model achieves a better performance sets (Liu et al., 2009), Con1 and Con2. Specif- in terms of the recall. An possible reason is that ically, Con1 consists of SC (similar ), with more instances containing different spelling SSST (same-sound-same-) and SSDT (same- error including in the training dataset, the number sound-different-tone), while Con2 consists of all of unseen spelling error in the testing dataset is re- sets, SC, SSST, SSDT, MSST (similar-sound- duced, thus facilitating the model to detect more 20In particular, we choose the best detected results spelling errors. However, the improvement of the achieved by D-50k as shown in Table7. precision is not so obvious as that of the recall. 21A confusion set refers to a set that contains confu- sion characters for a given character. For example, a Specifically, in Tst14 and Tst15, D-50k does not Chinese character 快 (kuai4) may have a confusion set, achieve a higher precision than D-40k. A possible {筷 (kuai4),块 (kuai4),怏 (yang1),···}, each of which has a explanation is that with a larger training dataset similar pronunciation or a similar shape with 快 (kuai4). Tst Tst Tst Metrics 13 14 15 Con1 Con2 Ours Con1 Con2 Ours Con1 Con2 Ours F1 (%) 47.6 52.1 50.3 52.6 56.1 53.0 55.6 57.1 56.3 Time(s) 290.3 679.9 101.2 310.2 792.1 132.4 267.6 622.5 119.2

Table 8: Error correction results on Tst13, Tst14, Tst15, using Con1, Con2 and Ours, respectively.

Name # of Char . Max. Avg. size of confusion characters than Ours; and for the Ours 4,676 1 53 5.6 same testing, Con2 needs much more time to fin- Con1 5,207 8 196 50.6 ish the task while Ours always uses the least time. Con2 5,207 21 323 86.0 These observations indicate that our constructed confusions sets are more efficient in containing Table 9: Statistics of different confusions sets. fewer redundant confusion characters that seldom serve as correction characters. same-tone) and MSDT (similar-sound-different- tone). Table9 shows the statistics information of Error Analysis We conduct an error analysis on the three confusion sets. two types of incorrect cases, namely, the false pos- itive and the false negative case, which affect the Setup Similar to Dong et al.(2016), we adopt a precision and recall in CSC, respectively. tri-gram language model to calculate the probabil- For the false positive case, we find that one ity of a given sentence. Based on the detected re- common issue is that for some fixed usages, such sults by the sequence labeling models, we choose as idioms, phrases, and poems, our model often as the error correction the character from the cor- gives incorrect results. For example, in 风雨送 responding confusion set that has the highest prob- 春归 (translation: wind and rain escort Spring’s ability. For a given sentence containing n words, departure), a line of a Chinese poem, 送 is incor- th = w1, w2, ··· , wn, where wi represents the i rectly recognized as an irrelevant character. By character in the sentence, E is a set containing the checking the annotated corpus generated by the indexes of detected incorrect characters, W (wi, c) proposed methods, we observe that in most cases, th denotes the new generated sentence after the i 迎春 is a more common match, and 送 is anno- character is replaced with c. The process of error tated as an spelling error when it co-occurs with correction can be formulated as follows: 春 in the generated corpus. To improve the preci- sion, a possible approach to handle such cases is ∀i ∈ E : arg max P (W (wi, c)) (2) c∈C(wi) utilizing some external knowledge, such as build- ing a collection of special Chinese usages. where P (W ) is the probability of a sentence W For the false negative case, taking 想想健康, approximated by the product of a series of condi- 你就会知道应该要禁烟了 (translation: will tional probabilities as described in (Jelinek, 1997) realize that you should give up smoking when your and C(wi) refers to the confusion set of wi, one of consider of your health) as an example, in which which with the maximum conditional probability 禁 should be corrected as 戒. However, since is selected as the correction character.22 戒 and 禁 are neither visually nor phonologically similar, the proposed corpus generation approach Results Table9 shows the running time 23 and is unable to construct such spelling errors, so it is the F1 scores achieved by different confusion sets understandable that the trained model can not de- based on a tri-gram language model. We can ob- tect such spelling errors. In addition, on the word- serve that our constructed confusion sets achieve level, 禁烟 (translation: forbid smoking) and 戒 a better correction performance than that of Con1 烟 (translation: give up smoking) are two related while a little lower than Con2. However, from common Chinese words; it needs to incorporate Table9, we can see that Con2 has a much larger more context in order to improve the recall per- 22If more than one character from the confusion set have formance. Similar to our study on character-based the same maximum probability, we randomly select one of corpus generation, one potential solution is to con- them as the correction character. 23We run the experiments on a computer with Intel Core struct a word-level annotated corpus in order to i5-7500 CPU. better detect such spelling errors. 4 Related Work The large scale annotated dataset generated by the proposed approach can potentially serve as In the line of research on spelling error detection useful resources in helping improving the perfor- and correction, most previous efforts focus on de- mance of data-driven models for CSC, because the signing different models to improve the perfor- availability of large scale annotated data is the first mance of CSC (Chang, 1995; Huang et al., 2007, vital step before applying any algorithms or mod- 2008; Chang et al., 2013). Different from them, els. In this paper, we do not put too many efforts this work contributes to the generation of training into model design for CSC, which we leave as po- datasets, which are important resources and can tential future work. To facilitate related research in be used for improving many existing CSC mod- the community and benefit other researchers, we els. Currently, the limited training datasets have make our code and data in this work publicly avail- set a high barrier for many data-driven approaches able on: https://github.com/wdimmy/ (Wang et al., 2013; Wang and , 2015; Automatic-Corpus-Generation. et al., 2016). To the best of our knowledge, up to date, there is no large quantities of annotated data Acknowledgements sets commonly available for CSC. Some previous work (Liu et al., 2009; Chang The authors want to express special thanks to et al., 2013) pointed out that visually and phono- Xixin Wu for his suggestions and help in the ex- logically similar characters are major contribut- periment of ASR. Besides, the authors would like ing factors for errors in Chinese texts, where the to thank Li , Shuming , Garbriel Fung, number of phonologically similar spelling errors Kam-Fai , and three anonymous reviewers is about two times than that of visually similar for their help and insightful comments on various spelling errors. Vision- and speech-related tech- aspects of this work. nologies are then adopted in our approach. As a technology to extract text information from im- References ages, optical character recognition recognizes the shapes and assigns characters. According to Nagy Gary Bradski. 2000. The OpenCV Library. 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