Sifara Annual Magazine 2019-20

School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya, (Autonomous) Mangaluru Affilitated to University College with Potential for Excellence Re-Accredited ‘A’ by NAAC (3rd Cycle)

Website: Email: [email protected] Phone: 0824-2435791 Fax: 0824-2436720 This is my prayer to thee, my Lord - Strike, strike at the root of penury in my heart. Give me the strength lightly to bear my joys and sorrows. Give me the strength to make my life fruitful in service. Give me the strength never to disown the poor or bend my knees before insolent might. Give me the strength to raise my mind high above daily trifles. And give me the strength to surrender my strength to thy will with love. Rabindranath Tagore

To be a Centre of Excellence in Education, Developing Personal and Professional Competencies to build a Just, Sustainable and Inclusive Society. & To Impart General and Professional Education fostering Love of Learning, Integrity and Social Responsibility for Holistic Development. Editorial Board Dr. SarithaD’Souza Ms. RachithaP. Cabral Ms. Veena BK Ms. Jennifer Carlo EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Editor-in-Chief Dr. Keshava Gowda U. Dr. Juliet CJ EDITORS Ambreena SharoonKarat Priyali Prakash, Chalene Mariette DSouza, Dr. MeenaMonteiro I MSc.Counselling II MSc.Counselling Mr. Obanath I MSW Editorial Board President’s Message nweg ad xeine ht il nihe te id yu teach, becometoteachyou whom those of hearts youthe ignitesurelymustyou minds the enlighten will that experience and knowledge My activities. gaining year’sthrough wise more become you the while that is prayer and of wish overview an provides which magazine institute ofsuchgreat a stature. educational an running of waterstroubled deep the over bridge the crossto able be will you support, team the with know I but achieved– be to ideals and crossed everytoobstacles yetare There amidst much achieved have far,you and near others from and other God’sfromeach with support but and blessings pandemic; the during with cope tohave you that struggles your all of aware also am I 2020. January in come have I since in involved been have you that campus the VisionandMissiongoals oftheInstitute ofSocial Work. fulfilling of process the in year has academic the that during undertaken all been for gratitude my Work, Social of School of students and for benefit into everyone andgreater strength translated for ourInstitute.” be can fulfilled if which dream and hope developing our greatest abilities because in each of us there is a private of means the as education of think us “Let Mandela. Nelson -- world” in academic work and co-curricular learning activities around the around activities learning campus. co-curricular and work academic in our families andcultural heritage. from vanished already almost have which values moral and standards workers, social teachers, counsellors, leaders, who of need can great stand-up in to are the Nation onslaughtour and of Society ‘outside’.deterioratingworld the facing in courageous and humane more persons With my best wishes andprayerful support, God blesseachoneofYOU andyour dear families. We look forward to see the campus buzzing with students involved forth this forbringing Team Editorial the to congratulations My out of and in activities various the about much learnt have I At the very outset, I wish to extend to each one of YOU, dear staff change the can that weapon powerful most the is “Education Ms. VidaSequeira President At the very outset, on behalf of the management, staff and students of School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, I place on record our respectful tribute to the Founder Principal of School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, late Dr. Olinda Pereira, who left for her heavenly home on 31st May,2020 at the age of 94. Dr. Pereira has been an outstanding woman of heart and intellect, compassion and vision a woman of God who followed her dream of leading this institution towards greater heights. In the 1960s she dreamt of imparting education to women in Mangalore and introduce programmes in Social Work, Criminology, Rural Development apart from Psychology, Secretarial Practice, Economics, Sociology, English Major and Major. She also initiated establishment of extension centres to serve the rural and urban communities of Mangalore. After retirement she initiated another innovative project for the care of the elderly in Mangalore, namely, Vishwas Trust. We ever lovingly remain grateful to late Dr. Olinda Pereira for her services to the Institute and to the society at large. I also wish to place on record the loving and kind services of Prof. Shobhana N., Dean of Arts and HoD, Department of English who attained superannuation on 31st May, 2020. We remain deeply grateful to her for her valuable contribution towards the holistic growth of students as persons and as a dynamic faculty. I am glad to state that the Ullal Municipal Council has recognised the contributions of our faculty and students who worked with the zero waste management project for which a citation was presented by Shri. U. T. Khader, former Minister and Ms. Vani Alva, the Commissioner. The college has also been ranked 12th among the social work educational institutions in as per a survey conducted by India Today. Our students have also brought laurels to the college in co-curricular and sports activities. The academic year 2019-’20 remains ‘unique’ in the history of education with digitalisation of education and prolonged academic year. The year remains special in our own history as School of Social Work, since we complete 60 years of our existence in Mangaluru in 2020. As stated by Dr. L. N. Bhat, former Registrar (Evaluation), the year also Principal’s Message marked the closure of an ‘Era of Social Work’ with the demise of Dr. Olinda Pereira. There has been an intermittent interruption in the academic calendar with suspension of classes due to floods, CAA protests and the ongoing pandemic, COVID 19. Irrespective of these interludes, the academic and co-curricular activities have proceeded and the Magazine, Sifara, presents a glimpse of the academic year. My hearty congratulations to the editorial team and contributors of articles for designing and bringing out the document irrespective of the contextual challenges. The Lock-Down came as an unexpected halt in our lives. At times while getting exhausted in the hustle and bustle of daily responsibilities, we must have longed for a halt to enjoy - Time to be with my students rather than computers, programmes and reports, Time to be with my family to just cherish and value one another in our homes, Time to be with nature and spend time to save nature…The lockdown satisfied our such longings initially. But as the number of lives that COVID 19 claims goes alarmingly higher, we are aghast, we are pained. We see our sisters and brothers going hungry, migrant labourers walking miles and miles across districts and states to reach their home towns, villages…We see millions yielding to the tiny Virus… On the other hand, the world also experienced the heroic, humane and heartening acts of love of our ‘unsung heroes’, the medical and police personnel, the administrative wing, the frontline warriors risking their lives to safeguard fellow citizens…We even watched in astonishment the healing of nature from the harms caused by us, human beings – the healing of ozone layer, water sources, air and the freedom of animals to step in when human beings could not step out. It looked as though the Almighty God is doing a research study using the experimental design.. Keeping all polluting and harmful human activities controlled, and proving the result… Take away lessons are many after the pandemic… Many states have already implemented Sunday lockdown as a routine. Under these circumstances, what can we do as professionals and trainees of Social Work, Counselling, Criminology and Forensic Science, Rural Development, Languages, Economics, Sociology and Secretarial Practice. We, the staff and students of School of Social Work, have been trying to contribute to alleviate the sufferings of our sisters and brothers in ways possible… Even if it’s only a drop in the ocean, every single drop makes an ocean. We thank our alert, efficient and empathetic faculty, staff and students who are taking a lead in these circumstances… We thank our alumni who have always stood by us in all our challenges, and who are now reaching out to the institute in offering traineeship, placements and relief assistance. We thank all our benefactors and well-wishers who are ever with us.. Dear all, let us rise to meet the situation, live our annual events, ‘Spandana – responding to Realities, Expressions and Scintilla’ and reach out to persons in need to the maximum extent possible… May the Lord God Most High continue to lead us in our life’s journey through thick and thin. With best wishes, Dr. Juliet C. J. Principal who bringsdown theblessingsuponusfrom theheavenly abode. Providence through the intercession of our founder Principal Dr. Olinda Pereira life. Divine of the Wepurpose of noble hands Institutethe entrust the this in aspirations to own subordinating our inspiration by an countedas be and up systematic Institute standto this of seasoned, part is who and each wish a I with career illustrious an of ladder the on visa climb entry to a multi have to us prepared eventually have initiatives these All This hasbeenagreat learningexperience for thestudents. to Resistance Peaceful Creative represent the concerns administer of justice and free our wider society from social evils. to trained were students society. The inclusive and sustainable a build to implemented and planned are Strategies transformation. social about bring to in put efforts Development, Community Urban and Rural for working Communities, Neighbourhood the with Dialogue withthe development. and growth its theoneness for contribute to nation built entire profession, their of irrespective students, the and members faculty our engage which Programmes Service Extension The professional with guidanceandaccompaniment. field the in theories bound class sphere. the test academic to the opportunity the in had governanceThey of area the in be RPO to exposure wide Officer), a Service (Extension ESO - (Research as Project Officer) and PRO (Public Relations Officer) roles have given them their assuming Students stress,addiction, and tension. programmes anxiety, mentoring to due truncated been has life and their if students the convergedhave Counselling tap resourcefulness. to order dormant in themselves their of aware becoming recognize by to strengths aim unique Cells their and Clubs Projects, Labs, Forums, Centres, various of activities oriented Development misfit. a being of feeling the conquer to are designed to prove that each one can scale up to greater heights and even events Curricular Co- and Cultural Sports, Practicum, Internship, Academics, pandemic through theseevents. the by away snatched temporarily was which joy the regained We experientialsharing. the through wisdom of citadel the build to rooms class virtual in together us brought world, the and state,country the acrosswell-wishers and alumni our members, faculty retired our all with Neuro-association Our being to from the process in becoming. progress to potential human enormous the research courses, diploma endeavours, and personal professionaland development presentations certificate allowcan the that aplomb with stated be Values and Professional Competencies. It can Nilaya as it has unfolded the miracles of inner Roshni of Campus College the in journey life our you with share to happy extremely am I s Te vnn i hue rgams are designed to programmes among strengthen the Knowledge, house Skills, in evening socialization The internalizations,us. and of processexternalization the Knowledge Tacit through and Explicit to extract Implicit, the hope definitely would learning and of teaching methodology creative The to resources externalexperience life withitsholistic abundance. and galvanise internal together our Weall researchers. and self at various capacities as teachers, learners Dr.Jenis Mary Vice Principal

Vice - Principal’s Message Registrar’s Message Plants are the main source of our food, medicine, paper, wood, fuel paper,wood, medicine, food, our of source main the are Plants survival. our forvital is Oxygenleaves. their oxygenfromrelease and dioxide importantcarbon absorb Plants beings. very living all for and areplanet the for Plants development. boost all-round beings, and living economic all protect thereby environment, end hunger, the help protectcan health plant protecting know all We Health. Plant of International Year the as 2019 declared has Nations United Happy reading! expression to present theirideas. Congratulation to the staff and students who used various mediums of the students andparents intheirendeavours. all I to convey wishes occasion, good my this On creative writing. and a forum which could aptly be used for recording events,fond memories sports and other activities going on in the College. College Magazine is and it is a mirror of learnersthe College life reflecting our the educational, cultural, of imagination the kindles Magazine said College kindled” Plutarch. be to fire a but filled, be to vessel a not is mind “The flow into you assunshineflows into trees.” JohnMuir plants. Happiness is surrounded by greenery. “Allow nature’s peace to the nurture to action some take and reflect us Let delay? why Then etc. Plants stabilise soiland regulate thewater cycle. Prof. Vineetha K. Registrar (Evaluation) A Brief Profile Of Dr. (Ms.) Olinda Pereira 1 EXCERPTS FROM THE EXPRESSIONS OF DEAR AND NEAR ONES 3 Cherishing Memories 19 Annual Report 2019 20 LIFE AS A CRIMINOLOGY STUDENT 62 Covid -19 63 An Idyll 63 Thoughts 64 Peace 64 Think Before You Defame 65 One In A Million 65 Friendship 66 World Is Beautiful 66 Downpour 67 Smile 67 Mould 68 Find The Time 68 Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night 68 Serializing Serial Killers 69 Future Investigators 71 Tomorrow 71 Chutki 72 Illusion Of Love 73 Contents Wonders That Fuel And Soothe The Heart 74 A Cool Breeze Blew 75 Two Sides In Life 75 Girl Child 76 This Is My Scar 77 The Rose Of Friendship 77 Interlude 78 Pause Your Run... Live 78 Don’t – A Poem On Suicide 79 Life Is A Pink-tinted Glass 79 Who Are You In The Dark? 80 Her Hands 80 Contents A WeaponT Hope That NeverF In TheMindOfAndianSoldier Environmental Pollution Medu If WereNot HereT Life IsConfusingonfusion Did Y L Nature I W My Beautiful Mind The Journey Books Are WeGrateful? Life OfAKindRebel Believe Y Anything Life “A Goodbye”INeverot T Life ICherish Life AndSuicide Roses AreD Reminiscence Mother Hidden Soul Thoughts hat KeepMeUpA W Beautiful AndSerene College Life Easy AndDifficult I MissThePeaceful Traffic Cosmic onnections Here &Now Humanity ove orld ILiven ant APedigree! ou Know sa ou Can ying o ChangeTheW

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School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

With her Nephew and Nieces.. Great love for and greatly loved by her extended family…..

S i f a r a Speeches that brought miles of smiles... Deep reflections on life....Wise analysis of situations...

 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20 EXCERPTS FROM THE EXPRESSIONS OF DEAR AND NEAR ONES

The love and respect that Dr. Olinda Pereira left all, especially to the senior citizens, where she behind can be traced from the expressions of a negotiated with the Government and managed to few selected messages and reports given in this get a 24 hour help line for them and also fulfilled section. They speak volumes about our dear her dream of having a Golden Age, Eco village at Founder Principal. Fermai for the Senior Citizens. As I visualize my association with Dr. Even when she was ill during these past few months Olinda Pereira since 1968… and confined to bed due to the fall on April 11th As I gazed at the mortal remains of our dear followed by a major risky surgery she never, ever Dr. Olinda, I visualized a video of events and complained about her aches and pains but always memories of my association with her right from grateful to the services she received and very the year 1968 till today. I would like to sum up lovingly she inquired about others. S the journey of her life in the following words of She has touched many lives, and lit many lamps Mother Mary” Behold the handmaid of the Lord which today are shining all over the world serving i be it done to me according to your Word”. humanity. May the good work which the lord As a faithful Daughter of the Heart of Mary began in her, be carried on by all those whom she f Olinda lived the charism of our religious Society has, taught, inspired and mentored. by being flexible and available to respond to the I am very grateful to our dear Bishop Peter Paul a needs of the time and place, either by living in the Saldanha for his hospital visits to Olinda, and for community or out of the community, in the midst of joining us during the last phase of our dear Olinda’s the people as the mission demands of us. She had journey to the Father. I appreciate and thank our r the experience of both forms of life, especially Parish priest Fr. James D’Souza and team for all the the later form from the year 1998, when she lived help they have given us. Many well wishers, Family a in an apartment in Falnir with late Mrs Britto so to members, friends, staff, members of Vishwas trust, be available for counselling services to religious Alumnai, Drs and Nurses, care givers, especially and others, and later on in Valencia ” at Vishwas “ Geetha and Gracy have assisted Olinda and the cottage as Directress of Vishwas trust to serve the Roshni community, we are touched by your concern senior citizens. and love, thank you one and all. I appreciate Following the footsteps of the Master who lived and thank the superior of Roshni community, Vida for others, Olinda too dedicated her entire life Sequeira and all the members for your tender, for the Education of young people by imparting loving care of Olinda. professional training to empower oneself and to Dear Olinda by your simple, humble selfless and serve the marginalized, through the School of unassuming service to humanity, you have inspired Social work which was her brain child. Like Mother us. Today as we thank God for the gift of your Mary the daring woman, Olinda worked tirelessly person to our religious family, and to the larger for the empowerment of women, and of course Society, we pray that the Good Lord who has her heart went out with love and compassion to accomplished His mission in you may reward you

 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

the inherent dignity of every person and treated them with respect. In solidarity with the poor who hundred folds, and grant you Eternal Peace. Thank were deprived of their basic rights she raised you for your edifying life. Rest in Peace dear her voice and fought for their rights, she left no Olinda. stone unturned until they got justice. Daring to walk “Dr. Olinda Pereira has not only tried to live and alone along the unbeaten path, she responded to promote the motto of the Institute ‘Love is made the needs of the time and place. fruitful in service’ but also inspired all her students In the field of Social Work she ventured into trying to serve with love, especially the marginalized in out different methods to make it student friendly. our society. With a loving, compassionate heart, Her contributions as an Educationist, Social Worker she has embraced all those who had no one to and as a Selfless Leader have made a difference love and care for. Her simple lifestyle, attentive in our society. listening and sensitivity to the needs of others Ms. Philomena D’Sa, Provincial, DHM, India have indeed made a remarkable impact on all Province South those who came in contact with her. She believed in S Dr. Olinda Pereira who channeled her energies to uplift others… i “She was the one who channeled all her life’s energies, her intelligence, her giftedness, to encourage and empower young women and men to pursue their studies, take up worthwhile service oriented careers and f make a significant impression in society for its upliftment and development”. Ms. Vida Sequeira, President, The Institute of Social Service, Roshni Nilaya a Dr. Olinda Pereira’s message on her 94th Birthday… I would like to share a few highlights of our dear Olinda in her own words in her message for r our community on 15th August 2019, “Let us continue to live in love, offer best of ourselves to each other and to the world. God has given us more than what we need and when we give God will give us more. We have received much and we find creative means to reach out to the needy, a neglected and lost”. My association with Olinda may be more limited than many of you. Yet the encounter with her has changed my life. She has made a massive impact on me. My close association with Olinda is when I was asked by the then Provincial, Ms. Joyce Joseph to be a Trustee of Vishwas Trust which was close to her heart and to serve the senior citizens especially those who have been neglected by their families and communities. She loved the poor, needy and neglected. She always had solution for problems and was not preoccupied with them. She had workable solutions to problems and issues of self and others. During her confinement in 2020, whenever anyone over the phone enquired about her health she would say, “I am on the Mend and not on the bend”. To her relatives and friends she would say, “I am much better today”. One day she said to her cousin that she could sit and move. Her friend who reminded her of their pending visit to the Cloistered Carmel, she promptly replied that during the following week it would be done. During her last days she was childlike and would co-operate with us well. She was much sought after for guidance and help to address the needs and issues of people belonging to all ages. Ms. Eveleen Benis. Secretary, The Institute of Social Service, Roshni Nilaya

 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20


Dr. Olinda Pereira, renowned educator cum laid the groundwork and started the Diploma social worker of Mangalore, has left behind Course in Social Work in1960. Arline A’ Hearne many centres of education and social work, at the was constrained to return to the USA in May service of the people not just of Mangalore, but 1961, but could not obtain an Indian visa for her of the restof and beyond, to different return to Mangalore. Olinda Pereira, who had by parts of India and even outside it. The crème de then joined the Society of the Daughters of the la crème among them all is the School of Social Heart of Mary, took it upon herself, to work for Work, Roshni Nilaya, through which some of the the establishment of social work education on other institutions originated as field placement a firm footing, in Mangalore. Any institution has centres for the students. Naming them will not be trials and tribulations galore in its early history. amiss---School of Social Work, Family Service One problem that Roshni Nilaya faced was in the Agency, Janatha Kendra (Urban Community enrolment of students. Social Work was a new Development Centre), Nav Jeevan Marg, Centre subject and parents were wary about sending S for Rural Community Development) and, VISHVAS, their children to such a course. There was more for the aged. security in opting for the established and well i The idea that professional training was required known courses. Olinda Pereira often related the for Social Work was gaining ground and so St following anecdote, which reveals not only the Agnes College, assisted by Dr. Frances Yasas had difficulties encountered but more of her character. f initiated a training programme in social work, which In one of the early years only three students had registered and during the course of the year two unfortunately was discontinued. It was not yet the a opportune time for education for social work in of them left. How to continue with just one student? Mangalore. The right moment had to coincide with Common sense and higher authorities felt that it r the availability of the right persons and this soon would be wiser to shut down the course. However occurred with the establishment of the Society of Sumithra B, the lone student, insisted on continuing, the Daughters of the Heart of Mary, in Mangalore as she had joined the course against many odds. a by Ms Maria Paiva Couceiro in May 1960. This Moved by compassion, and strengthened by her religious society having its branches in the USA, flexibility about rules, Olinda Pereira gave in to had among its members there, some who had Sumithra’s entreaties and the course continued to been trained for professional social work and who exist and develop further into the eminent institution could possibly be available for work in India. Rt. it is today. The rest is History. Rev. Raymond D’Mello, Bishop of Mangalore was The course, begun as a Diploma course in 1960, supportive of this idea and plans moved ahead was promoted to a post graduate degree course, for the introduction of a much needed programme affiliated to the University of in 1967. It was for education in social work the first course in Karnataka to offer a programme Responsible for the early beginnings of social of Education for Social Work. Supporting her in this work education in Roshni Nilaya was Ms. Arline venture were the earlier faculty comprising of Ms. A’Hearne, an American Daughter of the Heart of Rose Susainathan, Ms. Celine Aranha, Mr.Harsha Mary and professionally trained social worker, and Mr K.A. Selvaraj. who during the year that she was in Mangalore, Mangalore soon witnessed the impact of

 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

Founder and First Chairman of Karnataka Bank, a good friend, also served as Chairperson of the professional social work when students of the Governing Council for many years. Mr.Ramchandra various colleges in Mangalore joined to form the Rao, IAS, District Collector at the time of Roshni’s Youth Service Council to reach out to the needy in early years, continued to be a good friend until Mangalore, under the dynamic guidance of Rev. he retired as Chief Secretary of the Government Fr. Angeletto S.J. and the active involvement of of Karnataka. Mr.Janardhana, Public Relations Olinda Pereira, Celine Aranha, and a host of Officer, Syndicate Bank was another faithful youth. 1967 saw the success of their first initiative, friend on whom, Olinda Pereira depended a the electrification of Damien Home and Cheshire lot, for advice and suggestions in difficulties. Home in Mangalore. Professor Hilda Rayappan, Foundress of “Prajna Dr Olinda Pereira was a member of several Counselling Centre” claims Dr.Olinda Pereira to be prestigious organisations at the local, state and her inspiration and guide since childhood, while national levels. Being involved with many national she herself remained Dr.Pereira’s confidante and organisations, she was sometimes called, “All India guide till the end.. S Pereira’’. She was a member of the National One trait of Olinda Pereira was her care of Women’s Commission. She also served as an finances. She was never lavish nor was she stingy. i executive member of the Christian Children’s In the early years she used to travel by bus and the Fund(CCF) and was the first President of the only concession made to her advancing age was National Council for Catholic Women (NCCW). f the purchase of a rickshaw, humorously labelled, Dr Pereira helped to organise the Federation “PRINCIPAL’S JET’ by the students, and chauffeured of Social Service Organisations in Mangalore. by the ever faithful Monthu. a This was an opportunity for people of different Friends and contacts in different places and religions to meet and work together for common organisations helped to create a kind of secular, r causes and so Mrs Kalyani Shetty, Mrs Shanteri non-communal ambience of Dr. Olinda Pereira as Prabhu, Dr. Olinda Pereira, Mrs Octavia Albuquere well as of Roshni Nilaya. Perhaps the fact that the all became friends. a Daughters of the Heart of Mary were dressed in The Integrated School for the Physically Disabled saris instead of traditional religious costumes and started by Mrs Mohini Nayak, first started without any exterior religious symbols facilitated functioning from the premises of Roshni Nilaya, this process. before moving to its own location at Vamanjoor. The Dr.Olinda Pereira believed in her students, Department of Sociology, Mangalore University, her faculty and staff, which led them in turn to temporarily had its classes in Roshni Nilaya, believe in themselves, leading them to do wonders before shifting to the University campus - All due wherever they are. This, has become a trademark to Dr Olinda Pereira’s kindness and good will. and tradition of Roshni, enabling it to grow and Many are the friends that Olinda Pereira had help persons to grow, while living up to its name in the civic and political fields. To name a few: “LIGHT.” the late T.A. Pai, former Railway Minister served for several years, as Chairman of the Governing Dr. Philomena D’Souza Council, School of Social Work, followed by his wife, Mrs Vasanthi Pai. The late K.S.L. Adiga, MLA, Former Principal (1983-1996) and Former Provincial, Daughters of the Heart of Mary

 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

Endowed with Envisioning and Communication Skills…

My first encounter with Roshni Nilaya was in the person of Ms. Olinda Pereira in the year 1963 May. When I had been there to enquire regarding the religious life of the Daughters of the Heart of Mary, where subsequently since then I have been a member. Initially, I was confused as there was no external sign either in habit nor her approach in terms of behaviour or speech. She was very down to earth in her speech and easy to relate. Ms. Olinda Pereira was not only intelligent, but endowed with a vision, hard work and gift of perseverance. She had a knack to get things done through her gift of articulacy and skill in drafting her petitions, letters for the various approvals essential in starting the new courses such as M.S.W. Secretarial Practice and Criminology, along with the usual subjects. Ms. Olinda would also reach out to the needy students and the public at large when in distress, and could galvanise volunteers to get involved in times of need. People held her in high respect and she never flaunt her high status and family back ground. I feel assured she must be in peaceful embrace of Jesus and Mary. Ms. Philomena Serrao, Former Principal (1996-1999) S A Woman who ventured on un-trodden paths…. i Olinda Pereira was gifted with life on 15th August As a person of deep faith, Olinda dared to take many risks and ventured on un-trodden paths. A 1925, the youngest daughter of Martin Bernard f and Lilly Pereira, and having two older sisters, Sr. warm, gentle, compassionate and caring person, Bernadette AC and Cynthia Lobo. She now leaves she was sensitive to the needs of others, especially behind two nieces, Bernadette and Germaine, and the underprivileged. a two nephews, Roland and Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ. A great visionary, Olinda with her talent for She belonged to a reputed family in Mangalore. relationships set the School of Social Work on a r Her two maternal uncles were priests and a grand firm foundation, after having taken over in 1961 uncle, Msgr. Raymond Francis C. Mascarenhas, from Arline A’Hearn, DHM from Canada, who could a now proclaimed a Servant of God, has founded in not return to India due to visa problems. Olinda 1921 the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little steered the School of Social Work to great heights Flower of Bethany. and now the college is a pioneer institute of Social Olinda played an active role in the National Work Education in the state of Karnataka. Council for Catholic Women and participated Along with the development of the School of in one of its international conferences where Social Work, Olinda established social service she providentially met Catherine d’Hempteen, a centres viz. Bolar community development centre member of the Daughters of the Heart of Mary and Family Service Agency to help needy people (DHM) from Belgium. Olinda joined the Society of as well as serve for the field placements for the the Daughters of the Heart of Mary in 1960, made students of social work. In 1977, a rural community her First Vows on 15th August 1962, Five Year Vows centre was established in Ullal, which later served on 15th August 1966 and Perpetual Vows on 16th as a training centre for teachers and helpers of August 1981. In the meanwhile, she completed her pre-school children. Other ventures started were M.A. from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi and the School for the Blind, Fibre Centre and Home Ph.D. from Mysore University, Mysore. Science Courses which were discontinued.

 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

characteristic of Olinda was her inspiring speeches Olinda was a member of several local, state and at public meetings, which she regularly attended national bodies. Her commitment and dedication until a few months back. were proverbial and won for her several civic, Her untimely fall in 11th April 2020 followed state and national awards. In addition, she was the by a surgery a week later confined her to bed. superior of Roshni Nilaya from 1975 to 1978. She was still alert and cheerful and responded On retiring from the School of Social Work, Olinda to the visitors and telephone calls. During her was transferred to where she was superior convalescence, DHM community at Roshni Nilaya from 1987 to 1990 and overcame many obstacles cared for Olinda tenderly, also helping her with in getting government grants for the Women’s physiotherapy, hoping that she would regain use Hostel and the Women’s Centre. of her feet. As one of the three DHM pioneers who started Early at dawn of 31st May 2020, the sixtieth work in Kenya, Olinda lived in Nairobi from 1990 anniversary of the Roshni foundation, and when the to 1994 and took great pains to learn Swaheli to universal church celebrated the feast of Pentecost, help in pastoral work. Back in Mangalore in 1998, Olinda breathed her last to answer the Master’s S she established Vishwas, a Centre for the elderly, final call: “Come good and faithful servant”. She is especially the house bound, lonely and neglected. now interceding for us with God Almighty. i Other neighbourhood centres and the 24 hours The funeral service of Olinda was held on 1st June Police helpline ensured prompt service for senior 2020, at 3.30pm followed by burial at Valencia f citizens. Church, Mangalore. Due to lockdown there was Dr Olinda also served as the president of the no Eucharistic celebration, but we had a prayer National Committee on Women. Her publications service conducted by the Bishop of Mangalore a included ‘Understanding Children’, ‘Adjustment Rt. Rev. Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha who also blessed and its Correlation among Pre Adolescents’ and the mortal remains. We thank God for the gift of r ‘Domestic Workers’ Struggle’. Olinda and her inspiring life here on earth. Olinda’s dynamism, simplicity and humility Dr. Jacinta D’Souza, Former Principal, School a endeared her to students, alumni, staff, officials, of Social Work (1999 -2011) and Former friends, relatives and the DHM family. An admirable Provincial, Daughters of the Heart of Mary) In Loving and grateful Memory of a Noble Founder Principal, a person of Intellect, Heart and Soul…..

“Dr. Olinda Pereira, a renowned community leader and mind, a humanitarian who reached out to with a charisma was ever loved and admired by all persons in need and an intellectual who completed those who came in contact with her irrespective of her doctoral studies in Clinical Psychology at a time age, nationality, religion or education. She was a when such opportunities were rare for women. The daring and enterprising woman who pioneered to uniqueness of Dr. Pereira was embedded in her introduce Master of Social Work programme and ability to treat everyone according to their pace also Bachelor of Arts programme in Criminology and potentials, in her attitude of gratitude, in her in , an Educator with analytical wonderful blend of assertiveness and flexibility in excellence, an administrator with qualities of heart day to day interactions and leadership. All these

 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20 qualities had brought her world-wide laurels and recognitions, some of them being, Mahatma entrusted with the responsibilities of processing Gandhi Peace Award from McMaster University the foundation process of affiliation to Mysore in Hamilton, Canada, Karavali Gaurava Prashasti, University in 1967. Abbakka Rani Award, Women Achiever Award from St. Agnes College, Sandesha Award for I personally have admired Dr. Olinda Pereira as Outstanding Social Worker and Outstanding one who persevered through the birth pangs of Community Leader Award by the International institutionalizing School of Social Work, Roshni Institute for Public Policy (IIPP). Nilaya. Her humane attitude and approach has made everyone comfortable in her presence. School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya is grateful Her concern for the ‘other’ irrespective of their to Almighty God and proud of being blessed with perspectives as well as her own economic, social a noble person of intellect, heart and soul as the and physical constraints, her love for social work Founder Principal of the grant-in-aid College. At profession and her International and National this juncture, we also gratefully remember Ms. network were remarkable. She is a woman achiever Arlene A’Hearn who was the first Principal for the with a difference, a perosn of compassion, Diploma programmes of the Institute of Social commitment and courage. Service in 1960. However, Ms. Arlene A’Hearn had S to discontinue, after which, Dr. Olinda Pereira was Dr. Juliet C. J., Principal, School Of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya i The one who implemented the Concept of ‘Campus to Community’ in 1960’s …. f It was in the year 1996, that I met Dr. Olinda Pereira, as a novice in . She was very loving, kind, cheerful, simple and a compassionate person. I had casual conversations with her. In 1998, I started pursuing my higher studies in social work at Mangalore. It was here that I realized a the magnitude of her great personality. Listening to her leaves you with a sense of wisdom and learning as she was a Visionary. r Observing her has left an inspiration in so many souls as she was very passionate about her mission and calling. In the year 2010, When I was appointed as an Assistant Professor in School of Social Work, Roshni a Nilaya getting acquainted with the roles, responsibilities and functioning of the Institution, I realized that Dr. Olinda Pereira was not only an Academician, but was also taking the Campus to the Community, the College to the Village by providing a hands-on-experience to the learners about grass root realities. Dr. Jenis Mary, Vice Principal

‘We can never say goodbye to you!’

Dearest Aunty Linda, one feeling that keeps resonating in my heart and On 31 May you said “good bye” to your life here in my mind: ‘we can never say goodbye to you!’ on earth and to us, your loved ones; the next day 1 Strange as it seems, that is the plain truth! June, your mortal remains were interred. As I look On the day you died, I wrote a spontaneous tribute back these days since your departure, there is just to you; in that I highlighted three qualities which

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have bequeathed to us that faith, fortitude and epitomised you : Compassion, that remarkable foresight means ‘we can never say goodbye to gift which you had to reach out in love, to one and you!’ all- particularly to the lost, the last and the least; The following year in a tribute to you, I recalled Courage, that special gift you had to walk the that immortal song of yesteryears by Nat King unbeaten path, to go where none others dared to Cole, ‘You will never grow old!’ Among many other go, to be a pioneer, in a world where ‘mission’ is things I said in that tribute is “You will never grow often relegated to a comfortable act; Charismatic, old!” Is a sentiment that will be shared by many radiating and exemplifying those gifts which truly of your companions, colleagues, family and others come from the Holy Spirit. Just basking in these whether you were in Mangalore or in ; in exceptional qualities means ‘we can never say France or in Kenya- you always made friends and goodbye to you!’ reached out to them in very personal and specific You celebrated your golden jubilee of your religious ways. You have always been able to communicate profession in the Congregation of the Daughters of a spiritual depth, a great intellectual calibre and S the Heart of Mary on 15 August 2012. It was also a loving warmth which has endeared you to them. your 87th birthday; the Feast of the Assumption For many you are and will always be a priceless and the 65th anniversary of the independence of treasure”. Since you will always be that priceless i our country. In my homily on that day, I used an treasure there is no doubt that ‘we can never say acronym, ‘OLINDA’ for Mary, the Mother of God, goodbye to you!’ f saying at the end, “Olinda as a Daughter of the From the moment people heard that you were Heart of Mary, has in more ways than one, tried to ‘no more’, inspite of the restrictions because of imitate Mary, her model in Ownership, Leadership, a the pandemic, many at great risk, came to pay Interiority, Nurturing, Dedication and Availability. homage to your mortal remains. There have been Through her exemplary life, we all know, she has r hundreds of messages and calls from everywhere. meant so much too so many people all these years Condolence messages also carry tributes to what from the time she made her first profession in the you meant to people. Social media and well- a wake of Vatican II exactly fifty years ago”. A known online portals have been carrying glowing clear indicator that ‘we can never say goodbye tributes and even poems of what you meant to to you!’ people across the years. There is one underlying In 2015, you completed ninety years on this earth: message in all that people say: that is, ‘we can no small achievement, besides you were physically never say goodbye to you!’ rather agile and your memory phenomenal. In a tribute to you in his homily at the funeral rite, That day, I compared you with Sarah, the wife the Bishop of Mangalore Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha of Abraham- who received an extraordinary said, “our beloved Sr Olinda has done so much for blessing from God at the age of ninety saying, “in so many people in the field of education, geriatric a world which is plagued with all kinds of ills and care, helping those who are struggling and problems, a woman like Olinda Pereira comes like suffering in life, in training and in social work. We a breath of fresh air: ninety years young with deep should follow her as our role model. Everybody faith, tremendous fortitude and great foresight! has a good word about her; she was a person who Ninety is the beginning of new life!” Since you mixed with people irrespective of caste or creed.

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She has accomplished her mission on Earth, and she will now continue her work in heaven. Thank of how a scholarship you helped him get was the you Sr Olinda for all that you have done for our turning point in his life. People from all walks of life people and our city”. say that to them you were a friend, a companion, Sr Philomena D’Sa, the Provincial (South) of your a teacher, a philosopher, a counsellor, a guide, a Congregation in her eulogy said, “As a faithful mentor, an inspirer, a light, an angel, a saint. Daughter of the Heart of Mary Olinda lived the The profound words and the metaphors used by charism of our religious Society by being flexible them to describe the impact you had on their lives and available to respond to the needs of the time easily run into several pages. For us in the family, and place, either by living in the community or out you were our lodestar, our guiding light, someone of the community, in the midst of the people as we could confide in, a ‘mother-figure’ particularly the mission demands of us.” And in an emotional after Cynthia, your sister and our mother, left for address to you she added, “Dear Olinda by your her eternal reward in November 2010. The world simple, humble selfless and unassuming service to recognized your talents and services too: you have S humanity, you have inspired us”. True, ‘we can received awards and other accolades whilst on never say goodbye to you!’ earth. For you, those did not matter. You have run In the last couple of years, you were ‘convinced’ the race and that final reward is deservedly yours. i that your grand-uncle, the Servant of God In essence though ‘we can never say goodbye to Msgr. Raymond Mascarenhas, the founder of the you!’ f Bethany Congregation, was already canonized a Dr. Olinda Pereira in her lifetime epitomised Saint. You would vividly ‘describe’ how the process and radiated 9 C’s of leadership for social a took place since this Pope had no doubt about development, namely, Compassion, Confidence, the holiness of your granduncle. No arguments to Competency, Communication, Creativity, r the contrary could change your convictions; that Collaboration, Conscientiousnes, Courage and however, no longer matters now: we are sure you commitment. The world needs to learn much from a are with him now in that communion of saints, her today. blessing the Congregation he founded and all of There much more to say dearest Aunty. I will stop us too .Sr Rose Celine the Superior General of here; when one’s heart is full, words really do not the Bethany Sisters writes about you, “She was easily flow. In writing this, I needed to emphasize an embodiment of compassion to the poor and that your warmth, your compassion, your selfless the neglected especially women. She committed service, your humility, your simplicity, your ability herself for women empowerment. She had great to reach out, will always be etched in the hearts trust in Bethany and appreciation for us”. Need we and memory of all! You will live forever! Yes Aunty say why, ‘we can never say goodbye to you!’ that is why ‘we can never say goodbye to you!’. What you have achieved in this life on earth is Intercede for us from above. simply amazing: you were the visionary and the Rev. Fr. Cedric Prakash S.J., builder of some of the finest institutions in the Dr. Olinda Pereira’s Nephew country. You were able to help people when they were in dire straits: someone writes from Canada

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My Personal Experiences with Dr Olinda Pereira...

It was an evening in June, 1966 when I reached Pereira never let me feel that I am far away Mangalore from Chennai. I drove to a lodge in from my home. She used to offer coffee as soon Hampanakatta and stayed in a room. Next day, I as I came out of the class room. phoned – up the Institute of Social Service, Dr. Ms. The Govt. of Karnataka started giving grants for O. Pereira received and asked about my journey the college in the year 1970. I have seen many and stay at the hotel. She sent two well-wishers staff leaving after 1 year or two years of service of the Institute to shift me from the hotel room but, I continued in ROSHNI, at the instance of to the guest room of the Syndicate bank, When I request of Dr. Miss. Pereira. The college had a reached the Institute, I met a simple lady at the few staff, and students around, it was not easy to reception hall. run the college due to staff leaving suddenly for I introduced my- self and thanked her for providing better future near their homes. a nice room to stay. Then, I returned to the guest Particularly, the ladies who came from Chennai, room and took rest. The next day, I reached the after I Joined, were not at all stable. But, as the S Institute around She came up with the years rolled on, our own old students began to papers I may have to teach. I agreed and started send their friends, brothers, sisters to Roshni. Dr. O. Pereira used to call me the next day whenever i the job next day. Miss. O. Pereira was very particular in addressing a staff resigns abruptly. She would ask me, “Can me as Mr. Selvaraj all the time. No one called me you handle this paper from today?” because a f with ‘Mr.’ prefix so far. Every time she called, I felt staff, mostly a lady, resigned due to marriage or proud internally, but didn’t show it explicitly. maternity leave. a The years rolled on. I had an opportunity to join I used to accept unwillingly. But, when I sit and read the Central Intelligence Bureau, Govt. of India. the books and journals related to that subject, a But she asked me to stay on, as I was the only spring of enthusiasm slowly appeared in my mind. r staff with Master’s degree in Social work. The Like that I taught Sarvodaya, others had either diploma or Master’s degree in Community Organisation, Urban a other subject. It is mandatory that a staff must have Development, Social Master’s degree in social work to teach M.S.W. Legislation and History and Philosophy of Social students. Then, the University provided affiliation Work. But, I held firmly one subject titled “Social to the Institute of Social Service the name “School Welfare Administration” all those years (1966 to of Social Work “was registered in the UNIVERSITY 2000). of MYSORE. Dr. O. Pereira gave me the official permission to go The University provided affiliation in 1967. We to W. Germany in 1968, when an organization felt so happy we are teaching degree holders selected me. She also sent my name on time for H.S. Prakash, Mohan Rao, Aithappa Shetty and promotion. I became the first staff along with the Abdullha were the initial men and rest of them new Principal, (Dr. P. D. D’Souza) a reader. Then, I were nuns and two girls were there. I was happy was promoted again as Professor. to see men in the class. Most of the time I looked All was well when you work with an understanding at them while explaining the subject. Principal. She never refused leave for me. But, I The batches obtained degree and they found jobs asked only when it was absolutely required. I never suitable for them. Years rolled very fast. Miss. used to avail leave often. Because, 50 students come daily expecting to improve themselves by

12 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20 listening to staff. Their time should not be waste. Not only that, their parent’s efforts in educating I salute her optimistic attitude in appointing, them for future roles should not be wasted when a promoting and enabling me to live as a citizen staff wanted leave for his/her personal work. of Mangalore for 34 years. She let me do Law Miss. O Pereira always obliged and bought Degree. Many were hypocrites in modern days. books/journals whenever I suggested them for But, when it came to Dr. O. Pereira, it was the other library. I never said ‘No’ whenever she asked me way. She kept up her promises invariably. She was to take up new responsibilities like NSS Office friendly to my daughter and wife too. Work, or leading the students for study tour/camp I can in return only pray for her soul to rest in etc. Often, she used to send me to the meetings at peace. LONG LIVE Dr. O. PEREIRA. the , as she had to be in the Prof. K. A. Selva Raj, Former Professor College. She also permitted me to attend several conferences, and seminars all over the country. Dr. Olinda Pereira - An Era of Social Work, An Era by herself… “Dr. Olinda at Roshni is an era by herself. She has thousands of students, colleagues and co-workers S in social work profession who admire her very deeply. Let her be an inspiration and a model for the coming generation of social workers. Her soul will rest in peace for she loved an extraordinary and i simple life with authentic living.” Dr. G. R. Krishna, Former Professor f A Tearful Adieu to Dr. (Ms) Olinda Pereira a Strange are the ways of the world; and knowing instrument of Divine Will. And one such noble soul this, we walk this earth as if it belongs to us, or was Dr. (Ms) Olinda Pereira, the Founder-Principal we belong to it, neither of which is true! We are of School of Social Work -- a pioneering, premier r but passersby, and we come uninvited (may be Institute of Social Work in Karnataka, Mangalore, our parents desired us, not knowing what is in whose campus is aptly named – ROSHNI NILAYA a store for either of us!) and leave when the call – An Abode of Light -- who peacefully left this comes, willingly or unwillingly. In between, there world on the wee hours of Sunday, the Thirty-first is a sojourn during which we cry, we laugh, we of May, 2020 but the Lamp she lighted continues play, we curse, we bless, we make a family either to shed its light of Love, Knowledge, and Service the real one, or an extended one of which we unabated. think we are a part, or both, we make plans – big There is no death to the kind of Ms. Pereira; she and small, we fight, we rejoice, we surrender, we lives in our minds and hearts forever. Do I grieve protest, we share, we bear, we rear -- all in such her death? No! I consider it a Celebration of Life-in- a manner as if we are in control, and there is no Death! The tears I shed are my emotional farewell end to it all! In such an insane situation sans logic, to dear Ms. Pereira, not because I am upset and quite contrary to the beaten track trodden by sad, but they are the respectful acknowledgement the vast majority of people inhabiting this earth, of the blessings and love I and my family received there are a few blessed souls who go through it from Ms. Pereira in abundance, and for the richly all with such passion, devotion, dedication, and deserving selfless life she lived and loved. an equally stoic detachment, that they willingly Dr. Laxminarayana Bhatt P., Former Professor and wholeheartedly submit themselves to be an

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“Love and respect for your matchless contributions to the Empowerment of Women… We, the Council of Catholic Women of India are extremely saddened on the passing away of our beloved founder Member. Love and respect to you dear Dr Olinda Pereira for your matchless contribution to the empowerment of women. May your blessings always be upon us. Deeply missed and lovingly remembered. May your soul rest in peace. Juliet Ramamurthy, National President, Council of Catholic Women of India Dr. Olinda Pereira - A Community Stalwart….

“Mangalore has lost a great “Community Stalwart” is not appropriate for her to be burdened with this of our time. Dr. Olinda was known to us for a long project, and instead she should take care of herself. time. She was truly a Community Activist, always Dr. Olinda Pereira lived a good life, dedicating wanted to do something for Mangalore. One of herself towards the cause of many others. She S her deep desire was to create a Senior Citizen was very proud of Roshni Nilaya. She was active Home for the elderly. She had “big” plans for throughout her life. May Dr. Olinda rest in peace, the aging society of Mangalore, and she already while Mangalore has lost a good leader.” i created blue prints for the project to go forward. We suggested to Dr. Olinda Pereira that the time Max and Jessie Rasquinha, Mangalore, f Houston/Dallas, Texas, U.S.A Dr. Olinda Pereira - A teacher who individualized, listened, a sensed and saw beyond …. Ours was the first batch to comprise a Semester sessions, my understanding of the subject and r System in the Post- Graduate Course which was the difficulties and challenges I faced. I honestly affiliated to Mysore University. We had four confided in her, that I was unable to comprehend a semesters, and it was new to the teachers as well her lectures and also was also finding it difficult to the students. The Course was well-designed and to understand the new subject, particularly, the very practical in nature. Carl Rogers’s theory. She gave me a few tips and Dr. Olinda Pereira handled one paper by name pointers. All of a sudden she said, “Let us go to of Human Development. She used to lecture the Library”. I can never ever forget the way she exceedingly less but believed more in interactive held my hand and took me to the Library, spoke sessions. Students like me were not getting a grip to Ms. Flavia D’Souza, the then Librarian to help on the subject, as it was a new topic, completely me write an Assignment on Human Development alien for a science student. Soon, the First test was in the forthcoming week which was for another 10 conducted. She gave three questions and needed marks as per the Semester Scheme. Now and then to write two questions for five marks each. I had she used to enquire with me about my studies. I did scored very less marks. One day after the class get good marks in the second test, assignment and she advised me to meet her in the evening in her finally passed in the paper too. chamber. Initially, I was a bit scared. I did meet Our First Semester Examination was held in a hall, her in the evening, she inquired about her lecture she entered and saw me in the first row, those days

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I did not have a wrist watch on me. She called Ms. wife and children have met her and very much Bessy (Office Assistant who was close to most of liked her smiling face. I have accompanied her to the Students of Roshni Nilaya) and advised her to many Government offices in Bangalore many a place a tiny clock on my table while I was writing times since the year 2010, related to the work of my Exam papers for that entire semester. She Vishwas Trust which she was running, the sanctioning granted me a loan as well as a scholarship, after of funds and so on. I used to talk to her once in a the 2nd Semester, without my having asked for it. month or two and I felt it pleasant to hear her clear It was very helpful for me and I was able to repay voice. My last meeting with her was in November my loan after having started my career. 2019. I had met her at Vishwas Trust along with my I brought my Mother from Bhadravathi to Roshni Wife, Classmate Mr. M. Mohan and his Wife. Nilaya during the summer vacation of 1977. Dr. I did speak to her a day prior to her surgery and Olinda Pereira came out of her Chamber and two days later, which was my last conversation. We held the hand of my Mother and took her inside do fondly remember our visit to Vishwas Trust on her Chamber, which was the most memorable and 15th August 2015, the day of her 90th Birthday. happiest moment for me and to my Mother. Two of my Seniors, H.N Somashekarappa and S.N. After completion of my M.S.W. Course in 1978, Gopinath along with our respective spouses. We S I was in touch with her regularly and whenever do miss Dr. Olinda Pereira a lot, but very sweet I visited Mangalore, my meeting with her was a and nostalgic memories are with us. She lived a i must. Most of my Family Members including my full life; practised and lived truly with the Motto of Roshni Nilaya “Love is made Fruitful in Service”. Mr. Bhima Rao, Alumni f Dr. Olinda Pereira - A Principal with a difference…. a “I first met Dr. Pereira when I started my master’s that accompanied each, occasionally pondering degree in social work at the Roshni Nilaya School whether I had those psychopathic symptoms myself, r of Social Work in Mangaluru (also spelled as during her lectures. Mangalore in the anglicized phonetics and Roshni Born in Falnir, Mangalur, she turns 90 in 2015 on the Nilaya means house of light) in 1975. Unlike a typical nuns with distinctive garments as a mark of day of India’s independence. She made her First their congregational identity, the Daughters of the Profession, an expression for, becoming a DHM Heart of Mary (DHM), an international religious nun, in 1962 and was a pioneer to establish the society that was founded in France in 1790 during DHM Society in India along with Paiva Couceiro. the French Revolution, the religious society that Dr. As a result of her tireless work—mobilizing the Pereira belonged to, wore sarees that blended support of the helpful bureaucrats, academic and with the traditional attire of the women in India. community leaders and her supporters in the DHM, My first impressions of her were, that she was kind, she jumped through bureaucratic hurdles, raised friendly, full of joy, and easy to approach. She, funds, and set up a number of community outreach instantaneously made one feel at ease. Dr. Pereira service agencies such as the Urban Community was a professor and the principal of the Roshni Development Centre, the Fibre Centre, School for Nilaya School of Social Work, affiliated to the the Blind, Home Science Institute, Family Service University of Mysore at that time. I was a student in Agency, and Nav Jeevan Marg, Ullal, a Rural her classes where she taught Abnormal Psychology. Community Development Centrer which later Dr. Pereira was the first one to Introduce me to became an Anganwadi Workers’ training Centre. various types of mental illnesses and the symptoms Over the years, these agencies have served thousands of poor and needy. Besides offering

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tend for themselves without any social support or assisted living facilities as in many developed B.A. degrees in a number of disciplines, Roshni countries. Recognizing the plight of the elderly, Dr. Nilaya offers Bachelor’s degree in Social Work, Pereira founded the Vishwas Trust in 1999, to train Master’s in Social Work, Counseling, Criminology caregivers for the elderly and setting up a 24- and Forensic Science. The doctoral degree in hour helpline and developing comprehensive care social work was introduced in 1983. The National giving facilities. This, indeed is an indispensable Assessment and Accreditation Council of India service to the people of Mangaluru, a city that has accredited Roshni Nilaya with ‘A’ grade. The was ranked 13th in elder abuse based on a survey social workers who graduated from the School, by Help age, India in 2013. are serving all over India and around the world. After 20 years as a principal, Dr. Pereira retired The Mangaluru community has expressed its in 1984, but she did not stop working. The plight appreciation to Dr. Pereira’s long service, by of the elderly in Mangalur drew her attention. conferring her the prestigious Abbakka award by With the changing family structure—two-child the Veerarani Abbakka Utsava Samitiin January families, erosion of the traditional way of taking 2011. The International Institute for Public Policy care of the elderly by children who stayed in the (IIPP) recognized her as the Outstanding Community S parental home, has exacerbated the problems Leader for the 2013-1014 year. elderly face. Marriage and jobs result in children moving away leaving the elderly parents to Mr. Henry J. D’Souza, Alumni i “We will do at least a small part of what you did....” f A great personality. Pioneer in many fields- Education, social work, women’s empowerment and care of the elderly. An inspiration for people of many generations....she was at ease with both building individuals and Institutions. a A great fighter..,.. fighting all the way...... till 95 years... She had to fight with everyone and everything!!! We will do at least a small part of what you did.... That is the way to pay her back for what she r did to so many of us .. poor , rural students who joined Roshni Nilaya.. Even today we see a total transformation of students who join Roshni. That credit definetly goes to Ms. will always be remembered by us...... as a great soul who changed our life and personality. a Mr. Uma Shankar Periodi, Alumni O-wnership, L-eadership, I-nteriority, N- urturing, D-edication and A-vailability (OLINDA!)

“Gone Is The Face We Loved So Dear, Silent Is D-edication and A-vailability (OLINDA!). Through The Voice We Loved To Hear; Too Far Away For her exemplary life, we all know, she has meant Thoughts To Reach, Sweet To Remember Her Who so much to so many people all these years from Was Here, Who, Gone Away Is Just As Dear. Dr the time she made her first profession in the wake Olinda-You were a very special woman. Your of Vatican II exactly fifty seven years ago. As we qualities, capabilities and your infectious laugh always celebrate the beauty and significance of have shown many to be strong persons with a 15 August, we would have all thanked the Lord warm, kind and loving heart. Dr Olinda, You as in a very special way for giving us three Golden a Daughter of the Heart of Mary, has in more GIRLS in our life: Mother Mary, Bharat Mata and ways than one, tried to imitate Mary- her model in Dr Olinda Pereira. But unfortunately, Dr Olinda O-wnership, L-eadership, I-nteriority, N- urturing, who would have celebrated her 95th Birthday on

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15 August 2020, will be Sadly Missed… roses, a note pad and a gold colour Parker pen The last time I met Her was on my birthday, 18 which I have saved them as a souvenir- and that March 2020, when she invited me to Vishwas Trust was the last interaction with Dr Olinda before she saying she had a birthday gift – and I went there passed away today.” she hugged me and handed over a couple of Mr. Alfie D’Souza, Team Mangalorean, Dr. Olinda Pereira - A Great Conversationalist, Project Executive “I worked with her on my very first job after M.Phil. at the Institute of Social Service, Prabhatara, New Delhi where she appointed me as a counselor cum research coordinator. She was this amazing woman, phenomenally strong lady who oversaw the construction of the very beautiful huge building in Delhi. She applied for and executed so many projects and worked tirelessly to allow this institution to grow in stature… Working with this pioneer was a reward in itself. I remember her sharp memory and her visioning as well as the ability for hard work and passion. She was a great conversationalist, had sharp wit and a very keen sense of humor…” Dr. Kalpana Sarathy, Professor and Deputy Director, S Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Guwahati i You are our Inspiration…. In Salutation to Dr. Prof. Ms. Olinda Pereira f

On this day, 31st May 2020 a A saintly soul asleep in peace bid adieu, Left us orphaned, shocked and blue! r This great Daughter who in faith had pleased the Lord With her sincerity, Was welcomed most heartily a Into the Lord’s Fraternity. Life began for Ms. Pereira on 15th August 1925 In a holy home at Kankanady, now, Prajna’s site Brilliant in school, she stood brave and tall, Both as a student and at her teacher’s call. Armed with a doctorate Dr. Pereira built up a college The School of Social Work saw the light of day She battled hard, but won her way. Dr. Olinda flew to the U.S and Philippines Garnered knowledge, ideas to build on her dreams; Proved as the founder principal of the college Went from home to home to enroll students and the less privileged!

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As a worthy Daughter of the Heart of Mary She lived her magnificat with service, caring; Alert, attentive to the needs of the times, Her vision surpassed ordinary humankind’s! I met Ms. Pereira when I was sixteen It was she who found in me, a leader green; Her encouragement and “do well” call Built me, healed me, lifted me despite my fall! At every stage of her life, she reached a Milestone; At Roshni Nilaya, Prabhatara, in Africa and Vishwas, back home; They are incredible reminders of her service and struggle Staff and students did learn to multitask and juggle. What can’t we emulate from a life so fine? What can’t we learn from one so humane, Divine? S Steadfastness in service to the needy with daring; To move beyond walls, with commitment and caring. To attempt the impossible, to rise after a fall; i To seek, strive and stay faithful to a call! Ms. Pereira taught us to smile even in pain, f The efforts sincere, can never go in vain! Though in stature small, Ms. Pereira was Indefatigable! a This mighty visionary with her projects Unbeatable! Ms. Pereira, you went home only after completing your mission You bent humbly, before the good Lord’s Decision! r Dear Miss Pereira you as our Amma, leaving us a legacy, To remain fixed to our goal in all constancy! a How you survived your struggles, will remain a mystery, You are a legend, you have created history! We salute you, for all you have daringly done. You have run your race, life’s war you’ve won! You will forever, our dear Ms. Pereira be Until we join you in heaven’s fraternity. This is in celebration of your valued life, Spanning ninety five years of joy and strife; Studded with Institution building and missionary ventures In India and abroad, crafted with perfection You live in these icons of excellence! And we love you! Prof. Phyllis D’Costa, Former Professor and Director, U-Excel We, the Management, Principal, Staff, Students and Alumni of School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya ever remain grateful to the Almighty for the gift of our Founder Principal, Dr. Olinda Pereira. May she receive the reward for every goodness shared with her family, friends, the Church, the congregation, staff, students and civil society.


School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

Cherishing memories

Ms Colin D’Souza joined service as a lecturer in greeting and acknowledging July 1999, the exact month and year, when I joined guests, well-wishers and giving the College too. She workedin the Department of each one their due recognition, Social Work (UG) till June 2002. Thereafter, she a humble human being indeed. served as lecturer and headed the Department I’ve also noticed her do chores of Rural Development from July 2002 to June in the Community, unmindful 2013. As a colleague, I vividly recall her softly of people around. She led by uttered, almost melodious ‘Good morning Sandra’ example and she truly valued greetings each day and a wide infectious smile the dignity of work. that opened your heart to her instantaneously. She C. S Lewis’ quote comes to my mind while I write was and has remained affable, approachable, these words for dear Ms Colin – ‘Humility is not exuding warmth and compassion with a mild thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself exterior. She is gentle and soft spoken. less’.She almost lived the Biblical verse Matthew S As a teacher, she emotionally connected with her 20:26 ‘Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to students. I can say that while few of her students become great among you, must be your servant’. may have forgotten what she taught in class, I am Ms Colin served the Institute as its head for 6 years i sure that many will never forget how she made with love and dedication and her tenure ended them feel- she accepted them whole heartedly. in December 2019. While she takes on a new f She won over the hearts of her students. assignment, along with all my colleagues, I wish her the very best in her mission. May the Almighty Ms. Colin served as President of the Institute of a Social Service from June 2013. In her, I’ve noticed God bless her as she embarks on a new journey an affiliative leader who built stronger emotional towards His Mighty plan. r bonds and believed that ‘people come first’. Sandra Sunitha Lobo During several programmes, I’ve noticed Ms Colin Associate Prof. breaking protocol andmoving towards others, Head, Department of Psychology a

Professor Shobhana N, A friend ……... A Teacher A Teacher competent in ……... A Guide ……. Whom students as well classroom instruction, creative as her colleagues knew they can go with any and innovative, blessed problems or concerns. And if you are wondering with the gift of the gab she what is special about her…She is one of those non- would transport her students judgmental persons you would otherwise rarely to fantasy land filled with find. A good bridge between the older generation mysticism and Philosophical and the current one made her the most sought ideas. Although she taught after teacher and friend.Her active listening along English literature, language with the warmth of a mother,to many she had a was never a barrier for her. And it amazed many shoulder to cry on. of us how she taught English in Kannada and Tulu. But then she was gifted!

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And she practiced what she strongly felt. A true An epitome of Indian beauty is what we all thought woman of power who voiced out her mind. She her to be.She displayed it in the way she dressed gave voice to the voiceless. So she was not just up (well, she was popular of how she could just trying to empower the students within the four walls match anything which would look a mis match but of the classroom, but her voice would reach across... on her it was the perfect match; again an art very Definitely a social activist from her heart, soul and few can match up to!). And she definitely took action. She is a part of many organisations who this to the stage when she directed the plays too. fight for the social cause of women and children. Adapting classic English literature plays and giving “Iwasn’t born to Just teach. I was born to inspire it the Indian look and context was something only others, To change people, And to never give she could think of and execute. No wonder the up., Even when faced with challenges that seem entire college waited eagerly to watch the plays impossible”. That was ever charming, bold and the she directed for Annual College days. She truly is beautiful Shobhana! an example of the best of the two worlds – the And she did go ahead making the impossible Eastand the West. possible in almost all circumstances…. That is the S And thus she is aptly called Roshni’s Girish Karnad. former Dean and Head, department of English, And she lived up to it with her superb script writing Professor Shobhana N. It’s never going to be easy i and directing skills. ‘RangaSagara’, The theatre for anyone to fit into the shoes of this multi-faceted Group, is her brain child and her long cherished personality! The classrooms, the staff room and the dream which she gifted to all the art lovers which stage is going to miss you! f finally gave a platform to the Actors, directors and Script writers of our very own Roshni. Ms Cecilia F. Goveas a She carried on the mantle of ‘Lit Fest’ an Associate Professor & Head Intercollegiate competition under new banner r ‘Expressions’ which is an annual fest of Roshni. a

20 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20 Annual Report 2019

At the very beginning of the presentation of and Centre for International Partnerships this Annual Report 2019, I wish to thank God organised the International Seminar on Human Almighty for all the blessings showered upon our Trafficking: Challenges and Responses on 10th college. I thank the management for their constant December 2019. Mr Srinivas Gowda IPS, Assistant support, the Governing Body for their guidance, Superintendent of Police was the chief guest for our faculty and staff for their dedicated service the same. Ms Mungreiphy Shimray from Caritas and commitment, our students for their enthusiasm India, New Delhi, Mr Emmanuel Angelo from and creativity, our field work agencies for their Sanctuary-Training and Development Initiative, guidance and placement, our alumni for their Vellore and Dr A J Christopher, Rtd. Professor from professional direction and love for their alma Tirupattur conducted the sessions. A majority of mater and parents for their collaboration. the participants of the seminar were social work May all of us continue to be a team of deeper students both from India and abroad. S connections to strengthen and support not just Faculty Enrichment Programme ourselves, but also all those whom we serve. i A Faculty Enrichment Programme regarding NAAC INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE CELL (IQAC) criteria was organised by IQAC on the 6th and Associate Professor Joselyn T. Lobo, Coordinator 17th December 2019. The resource persons were f The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the Dr. Seshagiri from Bengaluru and Dr. Andrew a college coordinated the following activities for the from Chennai. All faculty members attended the year: programme and interacted with the resource persons. r Autonomy Review Visit SUPERANNUATION The Expert Committee of the UGC visited the a college on 17thand 18th January 2019 to review the We place on record the services of autonomous status of the college which was due for F Ms Rita Peris (ministerial staff) served revision. The Committee was headed by Professor the institute for 8 years and reached I S Chauhan and the other members included superannuation on 31st December 2018. Dr. Nalini R., Dr. Janet Vasantha Kumari and Dr. S. Salil. The team members interacted with IQAC F Dr Laxminarayana Bhat P, Head, Department members and all other departments of the college. of Secretarial Practice, officiated as Registrar They also had separate sessions with faculty, non- (Evaluation) since 2007, served the institute teaching staff and students. As a result of the visit, for 39 years and reached superannuation we are glad to report that autonomous status is on 31st January 2019. extended to 2023-24. We also appreciate the services of the following International Seminar on Human Trafficking staff who left for better prospects: The IQAC in association with the BSW Department F Ms Savitha D’Souza, City Coordinator Childline

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The College has been recognised for sensitising F Ms Joan Rita O’Brien, Department of 10,000 students from 41 Educational Institutions Sociology in Ullal from February to April 2019 by Ullal F Ms Ramona Lavita Misquith, Department of city Municipal council. Criminology ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS F Ms Bhavyashree Rai, Department of Result Analysis: BA April/May 2019 Criminology and Forensic Science Examinations NEW RECRUITS II SEMESTER IV SEMESTER VI SEMESTER While we bid adieu to those who have left the Appeared 74 59 49 college, we also extend a warm welcome to the Passed 51 49 45 staff and faculty who have become a part of the Absent 23 10 04 Roshni family from this year: Failed NIL NIL NIL Pass F Mr Balaji Narayan P, Department of Percentage 68.92% 83.05% 91.84% S Criminology and Forensic Science Result Analysis: BSW April/May 2019 F Ms Lavita D’Souza, City Coordinator i Examinations Childline II SEMESTER III SEMESTER V SEMESTER F Dr Kiran Prasad, Department of Sociology f Appeared 36 31 33 F Mr Amitesh Shetty, Department of Passed 31 28 31 Criminology and Forensic Science Absent 5 3 2 a Failed NIL NIL NIL F Ms Amritha G Shetty, Department of Pass Criminology Percentage 81.11% 90.32% 93.94% r F Ms Shyline Andrews, Ministerial staff Result Analysis: BA October/November 2019 F a Ms Liyanna Mary Joseph, Department of Examinations Social Work (PG) III SEMESTER V SEMESTER STUDENT ENROLMENT Appeared 71 58 Passed 41 55 Details are as follows: Absent 30 3 BA : 230 Failed NIL NIL BSW : 108 Pass Percentage 57.75% 94.83% MSW : 115 Result Analysis: BSW October/November 2019 MSc Counselling : 39 Examinations MSc (CFS) : 41 III SEMESTER V SEMESTER PhD : 03 Appeared 34 30 Evening PG Diploma Courses : 61 Passed 30 28 Absent 4 2 Computer Courses : 10 Failed NIL NIL Total : 607 Pass Percentage 88.24% 93.33%

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STUDENTS’ COUNCIL The Students’ council is an active body of the F Twenty four students participated in Art college under the guidance of the Student Beat – Avante Garde 2019, a National level Inter Collegiate Fest organised by St. Welfare Officer, Ms Sarik Ankitha. The following Aloysius College (Autonomous), Mangaluru students were elected to the students’ council for on 7th and 8th February 2019 and won first the academic year 2019–2020: place in treasure hunt as well as fashion F PRESIDENT Aysha Meyza show and the second place in debate and photography. F GENERAL SECRETARY Merula Joy Pinto F Ms. Shibili Suhanah (III BA) participated in the F ACADEMIC SECRETARY Nashma Khatija National level Intercollegiate Fest “ASTITVA- th th F ENTERTAINMENT SECRETARY Swathi 2K19” held on February 8 and 9 2019 at St. Aloysius College, Mangaluru and won the F SPORTS SECRETARY Sowjanya first place in Ms.Astitva event. Class Representatives S F Ten students participated in the National Level III BA Ashmita A Rao Fest -Arts Xuberence Cosmos organised by III BSW Vikram M M i the Department of Humanities, Alva’s College, II BA Roveena Preema D’Silva Moodbidri on 15th and 16th March 2019 and II BSW Diana D’Souza won second place in the debate and quiz f I BA Hansel Chris Rodrigues competitions. I BSW Pinto Shalika Gerald a INTER-COLLEGIATE COMPETITIONS F Twelve students participated in District Youth Parliament programme conducted by United Our students participated in several inter- Nation Development Programme and Ministry r collegiate events. Details are as follows: of Youth Affairs and Sports, Govt of India held F Sixteen students participated in National at Netravati Sabhanagaba Zilla Panchayat, a level Inter-Collegiate Fest “Semesta Mangaluru on 15th and 16th July 2019. 2019”organised by St. Agnes College F (Autonomous), Mangaluru on 10th January Eighteen students participated in the Inter- 2019. collegiate Fest "Rendezvous 2K19" organised by Sarosh Institute of Hotel Management, F Eight students participated in Sangeeth Suvalo Mangaluru on 4th September 2019. Students - National level Konkani Cultural Fest 2019 won first place in photography, cooking and , organised by the Department of Konkani St. variety competitions. They also bagged Aloysius College (Autonomous), Mangaluru on Overall Runners up trophy. 18th January 2019. F Eight students participated in Pookalam 2K19 F Twenty students participated in the National Fest on 4th September 2019 organised by Level Cultural Fest–SDM JHENKAAR 2019 Srinivas College of Hotel Management and organised by SDM PG Center, Ujire on 23rd Srinivas College of Tourism. and 24th January 2019. The team won the second place in the event- youth on ramp.

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F Participated in the Mangalore University Inter-Collegiate Table Tennis Tournament F Eight students participated in the National (Men’s and Women’s section) held at SDM level Intercollegiate Fest "Excelso-2019-20" College, Ujire on 12th and 13th March 2019. organised by Milagres College, Mangaluru. Both the teams secured the sixth position. Nashma Khatija (III BA) won the second place in English Extempore competition. F Organised “Sports Gourav’’sports felicitation INTER-COLLEGIATE SPORTS EVENTS ceremony held in Maria Paiva Hall, College campus on 20th March 2019. Our students participated in various tournaments F The College received a trophy for being under the guidance of Mr Sandeep U, Physical one of the top five outstanding colleges of Education Director. Mangalore University in sports achievements F New volley ball and kabaddi courts were for the year 2019. inaugurated by Dr. Flossy Rayappan, Retd. F Participated in the Independence cup and Physical Education Director and Dr L.N. Bhat S Inter-Collegiate football Tournament held in Retd. Registrar (Evaluation). Nehru Maidan, Mangaluru and St Philomena F th th i Participated in the Mangalore University Inter- College, Puttur respectively from 6 to 9 Collegiate power lifting competition held at August 2019 and from 23rd to 25th September SRSMN Government First Grade College, 2019. f on 30th and 31th January 2019. F Participated in the Mangalore University Inter F Loreen Noronha (I BA) represented Mangalore a -Collegiate Table Tennis Tournament (Men’s University South Zone Inter-University Cricket and Women’s section) held at Bhandarkar’s women’s team. She is the first woman cricket College, on 21st and 22nd August r player of the College. 2019. F Participated in the Mangalore University Inter F Participated in the Mangalore University Inter a Collegiate Wrestling Competition held at Sri Collegiate Shuttle Badminton Tournament Gokarnatheshwara College, Mangalore, on (Men’s and Women’s section) held at Dr.G 2nd and 3rd February 2019. The women’s Shankar Government Women’s First Grade team secured the seventh position and Fiona College, , from 28th to 30thAugust 2019. A. Miranda (III BA) secured the fourth place. The men’s team secured the fourth place. F Participated in the Inter-Collegiate Volleyball F Participated in the Mangalore University Inter Tournament held at Mangalore University Collegiate Wrestling Tournament (Men’s and campus, Konaje, Mangaluru from 4th to 6th Women’s section) held at Government First February 2019. Grade College, Carstreet, Mangaluru on th th F Participated in the Mangalore University Inter 26 and 27 August 2019. The team secured Collegiate Cricket Tournament (Women’s) the fifth position. Owin Lancy D’Souza (II BA) held at St. Aloysius College, Mangalore on secured the silver medal. 2nd and 3rd March 2019. The women’s team F Participated in the Mangalore University secured the seventh position.

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Inter Collegiate Aquatics Tournament held at Government First Grade College, Vittalon COLLEGE PROGRAMMES 30th and 31st August 2019. The women’s F expressions 2019 team secured the third place. Merula Joy A National Level Inter-Collegiate Talent Hunt Pinto (III BA), Adeline Pearl Fernandes (I “EXPRESSIONS” – 2019 was organised for two MSW), Carol S. Fernandes (II BA) Rose Hormis days, on 20th and 21st of September 2019. The Tharakan (II BA) and Anushka R. Bhagath (II theme of the fest was “ANIMAC”- ‘Evoke your inner BA) bagged one gold, eight silver and two child’. Mr. Vivek Alva, Managing Trustee, Alva’s bronze medals. Education Foundation inaugurated the event. The F Participated in the Mangalore University Chief Guest of the Valedictory ceremony was Inter-Collegiate Basketball Tournament (men’s Mr. Pruthvi Ambar, a famous actor in the Kannada section) held at Dr. N.S.A.M College, NITTE and Tulu Film Industry and guest of honour was Karkala on 6th and 7th September, 2019. The Mr. Sandesh Raj Bangera, Movie Producer. Thirteen women’s team attained the seventh position. events pertaining to the theme were conducted. S F Participated in the Mangalore University Inter Nineteen teams from under graduate colleges Collegiate chess competition held at P.P.C participated in the fest. The overall championship College, Udupi from 20th to 22nd September trophy was bagged by St. Aloysius College, i 2019. The men’s team attained the eleventh Mangaluru and MGM College, Udupi were the position. runners up. f F F Participated in the Mangalore University Inter- A session marking the 125th Anniversary of Collegiate Kabaddi women’s tournament Swami Vivekananda’s Chicago Address was a held at Government First Grade College, organised for students of BA and BSW by Karkala on 23rd and 24th September 2019. Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, r Mangaluru on 11th January 2019. F Participated in the Mangalore University F Inter-Collegiate Athletics competition held at Career guidance and family life education a Alva’s College, Moodbidri from 25th to 27th was organised for the final year students on th September 2019. 28 February 2019. F F Participated in the Inter Collegiate Shuttle Students’ day was organised on 5th March Badminton NITK Diamond Jubilee Cup 2019 2019 in the college auditorium. The (Men’s and Women’s section) held at NITK, programme began with a prayer service on 6th October 2019. Both the by teachers, followed by a tug of war teams secured the first runner up position. match between faculty and students. Group games and activities were organised by F Owin Lancy D’Souza (II BA) secured silver Professor Joselyn Lobo. Students and faculty medal in the Mangalore University Inter- participated in the cultural programme. Collegiate best physique competition held F at G.F.G.C Haleangadi, Mangalore on 9th Campus recruitment programme drive was October 2019. organised by Goan Institute International Consociation of Education for the final year

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Joselyn Lobo and Professor Shobhana N., Dean of B.A. students on 18th March 2019 in the College F Freshers’ day was celebrated with the theme Auditorium. “New Beginnings, Endless Possibilities” on F Skill and Personality development programme 23rd July, 2019 in the College Auditorium. was organised by Vijay Karnataka for the Ms. Philomena D’sa, Provincial and other final year students on 19th March 2019. dignitaries addressed the gathering. It F A two day induction programme was included the investiture ceremony and the arranged for the freshers of under graduate newly elected members of the Students’ programmes on 17th and 18th June 2019. Rev. Council were vested with responsibilities K.M.Devan, Programme Advisor, Concordia and conferred with badges. Various cultural programmes such as dances, skit, musical play University gave a bird’s eye view about and singing marked the celebration. twinning programme with Concordia S University. Parent resource group (PRG) was F ECA day was organised for the students on formed. A session by Narcotics Anonymous, 31st July 2019. The event was compered by Nashma Khatija, Student Academic Secretary. i Mangaluru and a session by Dr. Audrey S. Pinto, Retd. Head of the Department of The chief guest, Dr. Jacinta D’Souza, Principal Counseling was organised on 18th June 2019 Dr. Juliet C.J., student welfare officer f for the students. Ms. Sarik Ankitha declared the day open by freeing the balloons. Various competitions F A workshop on Social Entrepreneurship was a like sixty seconds to fame, cooking without organised for final year students of BA /BSW fire, group dance, fashion show, photography, on 14th July 2019 in the auditorium. r face painting, make up, pictionary, dots and F A session on Montessori Course by Florida boxes and best buddy were conducted for Montessori Centre (Montessori teacher the students. a Training Institute) Kanachur Education Trust, F A session on "Job Opportunity in Aviation and Kankanady, Mangaluru was organised for Hospitality" was conducted on 3rd September th second and third year BA students on 24 2019 at 3:30 p.m. in the college auditorium July 2019. by Mr Sushanth Kumar. F The Inaugural ceremony of Fora activities for F Teachers' day was celebrated on 5th 2019-2020 was held on 30th July 2019. A September 2019 with the theme for the day Prayer Song, skit and the oath taking by the as ‘retro’. The teachers and students came Presidents and Secretaries of various Fora together in their stunning nostalgic attire. marked the ceremony. The Chief Guest was Students showed their limitless love and Dr. Flossy Rayappan, Retd. Physical director, gratitude to their teachers in the form of School of Social Work. The oath taking by dance, song, poetry etc. The entire programme the Presidents and Secretaries of various Fora was managed by students without the usage was directed by the Dean of B.S.W, Professor of plastics.

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Retreat The programme was entirely participatory in The annual retreat was organised on 2nd and 3rd nature and covered self-awareness and self- July 2019. The retreat was led by Mrs. Corrine discovery, group building, transition from school to Rasquinha, Bro. Raghu and Mr Sanjay Rodrigues. college and goal setting. The students were enlightened on the history Centre for International Partnerships of Salvation. References were given about the The Centre for International Partnership of the following parables – the Lost sheep, the Lost Coin School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya is actively and the Lost Son. BroRaghu and Ms Corrine shared engaged in coordinating field placement of their testimonies. Satan’s meeting via a power- international students, organising field work point presentation, Eucharistic celebrations by seminars and facilitating interactions with visiting Rev. Fr. Vijay Prabhu and Rev. Fr. Kenneth Crasta, foreign delegates and students. Professor Joselyn praise and worship and action songs helped in T. Lobo, the Dean of BSW Department, is presently the prayerful atmosphere of the retreat. the Coordinator of the Centre. The following are S Reflection the activities and events for the year 2019. International Collaborations The two- day reflection session was conducted by Dr. i Robert Clive from Crossland College, , At present we have partnership with Universities Dr. Ajith D’Souza and Mrs. Renita D’Souza, the co- from five countries: founders of Asha Jyothi, an NGO and Counselling f F Centre. Students learned about facing challenges Volda University College (VUC), Norway in their lives, the possible obstacles they would F University College of Leuven Limburg (UCLL), a have to face and how to overcome them.Games, Belgium activities and meditative sessions were held for the F Flinders University, Australia r students to inculcate a positive attitude, proactive F Concordia University, New York, USA thinking and leadership skills. F Utsunomiya University, Japan a Grid Orientation Programme for Freshers US Degree from Concordia University A two-day unique Orientation Programme for freshers of BA/BSW was held on 26th and 27th Ms. Simona Che Mohan has successfully completed June 2019. The programme was designed and her graduation from Concordia University, New facilitated by Professor Joselyn Lobo. The co- York, USA. She is the first student from ourc ollege facilitators were Ms. Luella Shanthi Lobo, Ms. Ratna to secure a US degree under the ‘transfer model’. Pinto and Ms. Manisha Vasant of GRID (Group for Concordia University, founded in 1881, is a liberal Institution Development). The main objectives of arts college located close to Manhattan. As per the programme were: the MoU with Concordia, BA and BSW students of F To appreciate the basics of building sound Roshni Nilaya can opt for pursuing their degrees interpersonal relationships among the new in US after completing two years in the college batch of students. and the remaining two or three semesters in New F To enable students to look at college education York. with self-confidence.

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members of the faculty namely Ms. Gerd Skjong and Ms. Lene Hovde from Norway visited the Interaction with Concordia Ambassador campus and the agencies. th On 29 January 2019, Ms. Leina Braga from Visit of Japanese Students Concordia University, USA visited the college and interacted with undergraduate students. Ms. A group of seven students from Utsunomiya Leina works as an International Ambassador for University in Japan visited the college from 28th Concordia in India and encourages prospective February to 4th March 2019. The students were students to take up the life-changing opportunity part of a Resource Network group of the university of studying at Concordia College, New York. and are majoring in International Studies. It may be recalled that on 15th February 2018 The Centre for International Partnerships organised our college renewed the Memorandum of their visit to NGOs, namely, St. Joseph’s Prashanth Understanding (MoU) with Concordia University, Nivas, an institution for destitute persons and KRIPA New York, USA for American undergraduate De-addiction Centre, a rehabilitation for victims of substance abuse. S degrees. Meeting with Belgium Delegates A visit to Kalaangan, the Konkani Heritage Centre; Heritage village at Pilikula; thousand-pillar temple i A discussion meeting was held on 24th July at Moodabidri and the Gommateshwara statue of 2019 with Prakash Goossens and Marianna Elan Lord Bahubali at Karkala were also part of the f regarding further collaboration with University itinerary. In the campus the Japanese students had College of Leuven Limburg, Belgium. It was an interactive session with Youth Quake members. decided that social work students from Roshni may a LIBRARY DEPARTMENT be sent on block placement to Belgium and more students from Belgium to be encouraged for field The College library has been registered with r placements in India. a) INFLIBNET for online full text access to E- Fieldwork Placements from Volda University, Journals and E-books under N-List Programme a Norway b) National Digital Library This year we have a record number of 11 Total Books : 37,226 students from Volda University College, Norway Journals : 106 whose period of internship is from September to December 2019. The students were placed in the Dailies : 11 following agencies: E-Journals : 18 F LINK De-addiction Centre International Journals : 23 F SAANIDHYA Residential School of Differently- E- Books : 114 abled children CD : 165 F SNEHALAYA Psycho-social Rehabilitation Centre in Manjeshwar, Kerala F Ms. Shanthi Rebello (Library staff) attended F VISHWAS Trust of Elderly one day State level programme SWAYAM/ NPTEL online courses at St. Agnes College, During the course of the fieldwork placement, two Mangaluru on 14th August 2019.

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F Ms. Printa Maria Fernandes (Office Assistant) attended a two days State level workshop on a) To provide financial assistance to 6 deserving PG EAT module of Public Financial Management students. System under the support of Ministry b) To start a certificate course in Communicative of Finance, Department of Expenditure, English Controller General of Accounts, New Delhi c) Annual picnic of RAA committee. held at SDM College, Ujire on 17th and 18th September 2019. F The Post Graduate Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) designed by the EVENING COURSES Alumni Association, Mangalore in partnership F Post-graduate diploma in human resource with Bangalore and Mysore wings was management (PGDHRM) launched on 7thJanuary 2019. The first F Post-graduate diploma in counselling batch of 6 students had company visits to (PGDC) BASF and MCF on 6thMay 2019. An outing to Pilikula Park was organised on 11th May F Post-graduate diploma in social 2019. Internship programme of 40 hours S entrepreneurship was arranged in BASF, Syngene and MRPL, F Diploma in human resource management Mangalore in the months of June and July i (DHRM) 2019. The Viva-voce was held on 6th July F Certificate course in child rights and child 2019. Graduation of the first batch of CSR f protection course was held on 25th July 2019 and all the 6 students completed the course successfully. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION a F RAA-Ayana 2019 - Home coming was held Roshni Alumni Association (RAA) Managing on 13th January 2019 and 126 alumni Committee conducted eleven meetings between participated in the event held at Mangalore r April 2018 to March 2019. The Annual General Club. The felicitation of alumni for their Body meeting of the Association was held on outstanding contribution to the profession a 14th August 2019 at Eden Club. The 23 member in categories of a) ‘Arts, culture and Public managing committee of RAA, Mangalore held its meeting on 9th November 2019 and selected the Service’, b) social work education and following members for the Executive body for the Practice and c) social service and community period of 2019-2020 and 2020-2021. work as well as cultural events marked the annual event. Those selected for felicitation The newly elected office bearers are under various categories included President - Mr Dheeraj Shetty F Mr. Janardhan Kesargadde of 1994 batch in Vice President - Ms. Ratna Pinto area of Art, Culture and Public service. Secretary - Ms. Emilynne Pais F Mr. Umesh Chandra, of 1980 batch in area Joint Secretary - Ms. Doreen of Social work Education and Practice. Treasurer - Ms. Evelyn Benis F Mr. Vasanth Kammila, of 1991 batch in area The other key agenda discussed included of Social work education and Practice.

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in diverse business models by H.N. Somashekarappa (1972 batch) F Mr. Sheena Shetty of 1984 batch in area of F Social service and community work. Current Scenarios of HR and needs of revising syllabus of HR and Social work Education by F Mr. Krishna Moolya of 1984 batch in area of Ravichandra Bekal (1980 batch) Social service and community work. F Natural calamity and the issues regarding F Ms. Sunitha Krishnan of 1994 batch in area flood relief from HR and CSR perspectives by of Social Service and community work. Chongtham Odessey Singh (1994 batch). F Roshni Alumni Association (Bengaluru chapter) EXTENSION SERVICES contributed a generous amount of Three lakh Through its Extension Services - Family Service Rupees towards financial assistance and Agency, Family Counselling Centre, Janatha mi-day meal scheme. Kendra- an Urban Community development F The admission data of digitised UG and PG Centre, Nav Jeevan Marg- a training centre for S students have been digitised and soft copy Anganwadi workers, the College has partnered of the digitised directory data was handed with Ullal City Municipal Council (CMC), other i over to the Principal on the Home coming day autonomous Colleges and Civil Societies to of RAA, Mangalore, held on 14th August at bring about social transformation through Eden Club, Mangalore. Neighbourhood Committees and Freedom and f F The Association in collaboration with National Fraternity Committees. Institute of Personal Management (NIPM) A model was initiated in Sundaribagh, a a Mangalore Chapter and HRM Forum of neighbourhood in ‘Abbakka nagara-ward 24 the College jointly organised a National for zero waste management with community r conference on 'People Management; Issues participation since December 2018. The and Concerns’ on 21st September 2019 Sundaribagh Swatchatha samithi (SSS) has a at Maria Paiva Hall, Roshni Nilaya. Prof. been taking up community based initiatives in Yadapadithaya, Hon. Vice Chancellor, identifying the high health risk areas and taking Mangalore University was the Chief Guest actions to address water and sanitation issues by and Dr. Juliet C J, Principal presided over the themselves. inaugural ceremony. The following papers were presented by the alumni The major focus of Extension Services (ESC) in Ullal City Municipal Council under Solid Waste F Challenges of HR in people and Discipline Management (SWM) in 2019 has been on Management by S N. Gopinath, Ex building citizens participation in a sustainable Chairperson of NIPM Karnataka Chapter, waste management initiative called ‘Zero Waste Bangalore(1978 batch) management in Ullal by 2020. The challenge was F Specialist HR functions to meet the challenges to bring in a desired behavioural change among its in diverse business models by Bhima Rao citizens (approximately 10,000+HH and 1500+ (1974 batch) commercial establishments’) to segregate bio- F Management of people at work challenges degradable and non-bio degradable waste at

30 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20 its source in a sustainable manner with community support. ESC joined hands with an NGO Jana Women and Child Welfare department and Shikshana Trust to initiate the sensitisation the NGO’s, youth clubs of the area together programme for students and teachers and four with local children and public actively local schools have taken up the initiative. participated and issues related to the elders, Anganwadi building, road, transport and Twenty three field work students designed an garbage disposal were discussed. activity based module and conducted a series of workshops at class room level in 42 educational F Awareness on ‘CHILDLINE’ was given in more institutions from January to April 2019 and than hundred schools where the information sensitised students on waste segregation.The related to services of CHILDLINE and its Education department extended full co-operation functioning,training on POCSO Act and 1098 in this innovative programme. A meeting with all connectivity were disseminated. 243 teachers working in Ullal CMC jurisdiction to F CHILD LINE Mass awareness programmes were sensitise them about their role in ZWM programme conducted on issues related to importance of of Ullal was conducted on 23rd February 2019. Child Helpline-1098 and child trafficking S through Jatha, Bicycle rally and street plays. Responsibility was taken to collect information on environmental and socio-economic characteristics F Outreach programmes are done on a daily i for Coastal Islands of Karnataka (Seven Islands basis by the CHILDLINE team members. namely, Bellari Gudda, Magtodev, Netrani or Nearly 300 places of Dakshina Kannada f Pigeon, Hog Island Jallikund Gudda, Bala Island, have been covered this year. Night Outreach Coconut Island and North Island) for the database programme is organised on a monthly basis. a purpose. Experienced interpreters were deputed F Conducted CHILDLINE Se Dosti (CSD) week nd th to assist the field study from 22 to 28 February th th from 14 November to 20 November, 2019 r 2019. Upon the request of the Health Department with the following programmes: and CMC Ullal, Roshni field work students carried F Press meet in Padi Hall on 13th November, out dengue survey and larvae detection drive in a 2019. August 2019. CHILDLINE F Inauguration of CSD week on 14th November, 2019. It was inaugurated by District Child Ms. Lavita D’Souza, Nodal Co-ordinator Protection officer Mr. Kumar and CHILDLINE School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya has been the Nodal Director Dr. Juliet C.J. Nodal Agency of CHILDLINE for the past eighteen F Mass awareness programme on Child labour years and PADI/VALORED as Collab Agency since and beggary organised in Bundar and Dakke 2011. areas on 15th November, 2019. F Open house programmes were conducted in F CHILDLINE team and NGO representatives Mangaluru and other Taluks. The Corporator created an awareness on the prevalence of of the specific area, government officials of child abuse on November 16th 2019. The District Child Protection Unit, members of the responsibility of the public towards protection Police department, Education department,

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successfully completed Karnataka State Eligibility Test for Assistant Professorship in of children from abuse and the functioning of English in 2018. CHILDLINE was made known to the public. STUDENTS’ACHIEVEMENTS F A programme was initiated on November 18th 2019 to sensitize the public, various F Nayomi Moras (III BSW) won the first Prize for department officials, stakeholders and Best Student Paper Presentation on the topic students standing against child abuse and to ‘Young Minds and Community Development’ stand for child protection. This was pictorially at the National Seminar Alva’s Reach 2019, established by clicking photographs with at Alva’s College, Moodabidri on 18th and a ‘photo frame’. Teachers, students and 19th January 2019. officials from WCD, DCPU, CWC, NGO’s F Mohammad Sinan (II BSW) and Inayathullah (II participated. BSW) won the fourth place in Quiz Competition F An awareness programme was organised on organised by SVEEP at Intercollegiate Fest at S 19th November 2019 at Bundar Urdhu higher St. Aloysius College on 25th January 2019. Primary school for students and teachers on F BSW students won the First Prize for Radio i online safety and effects of drug abuse. Drama Competition on 12th March 2019. F The concluding programme of Childline se F K. Ramnaryana Holla (III BA) was adjudged f Dosti week was organised at Lion’s special the best paper presenter for the empirical school in Surathkal on 20th November, 2019. paper titled ‘Risk taking and self-harm a Mr. Vishwanatha Shetty, Lion’s school director, behaviours among school children’ during the Assistant director Mr. Ramesh Kumar, Treasurer National Conference on “Promotion of School Mr. Jeevan Belliyappa, Mr. Zakhir Hussain r Mental Health Programme: Current Scenario – President of Resource Center Federation, and Future Directions” (CRE Accredited (RCI)) Dakshina Kannada were the dignitaries for from July 12 - 14, 2019 organised by the a the programme. Department of Clinical Psychology, Amrita The total number of calls CHILDLINE received from Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS), Kochi and January 2019 to December 2019 were 877. Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists (Kerala Region) in Amrita Institute of Medical FACULTY ACHIEVEMENTS Sciences (AIMS), Kochi. F Ms. Saritha D’Souza, Head, Department F Shravya M.H (III BA) bagged the first place of Criminology and Forensic Science was in paper presentation titled 'Understanding awarded Ph.D degree for the thesis ‘Working Devotion through the writings of Rabindranath conditions, job satisfaction and social life of Tagore' at the Intercollegiate Lit Fest 'Gitanjali' civil police constables of Dakshina Kannada organised by St. Agnes Degree College, district, Karnataka: a sociological study’ Mangaluru to commemorate 157 years under the guidance of Dr Jogan Shankar, Vice of Rabindranath Tagore on 6th September Chancellor, Kuvempu University, Shivamogga. 2019. F Ms Anshifa Sony, Department of English,

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F NSS volunteer Chinthana I. D has been awarded the Best NSS Volunteer at the F Resource person for “Social work: University level for the year 2017-2018. Opportunities and Challenges” in Kristu nd Dr. Juliet C. J. Jayanthi College, Bengaluru on 22 August Principal 2019. F Director of Childline Nodal Agency from F Resource person for ‘Psycho-Emotional Well- June 2018. being’ at the Foundation Course I MBBS students at Fr. Muller’s Medical College in F Chief Guest during the celebration of World August 2019. Elderly Abuse Day on June 15th 2019 organised by Vishwas Trust, Mangaluru. F Presented a paper titled ‘Therapeutic F Chief Guest at the felicitation of CBSE Intervention in Building Human Strengths th Toppers 2019 at Cambridge School on 24th in Social Work’ at 25 Asia-Pacific Joint June 2019. Regional Social Work Conference-2019 at NIMHANS, Bengaluru from 18th to 20th Dr P. Jenis Mary September 2019. S Vice Principal and Secretary-Institute of Social F Conducted a symposium on Organ donation Service i ‘Life begins at the end’ and an International F Resource person during two-day Seminar on “Future Generations: Responses and Conference on “Impact of Globalization in f Responsibilities” organised by Satya Nilayam India and Europe” in 2019. Research Institute, Tamil Nadu on 14th and BSW DEPARTMENT 15th December 2018. a Associate Professor Vineetha K F Undertaken research project “Socio-Economic Registrar (Evaluation) Status of the People in Mangalore Diocese”. r Positions held F Mary, J. (2019). Causes and Effects of NSS Coordinator, Mangalore University Corporal Punishment on Children” in “Nurturing a Environment for Children” Indian Institute, New F Nodal officer, Youth Red Cross, Mangalore Delhi. ISBN 978-81-89762-71-1. University F Offered 120 hours of Certificate Course on F Member of Advisory team, Smart City Project, “Statistical Package for Social Sciences”. Mangaluru. F Chair Person and Member for the State F Member of TB Prevention and Rehabilitation Level Consultation on Disability Social Work, team, Dakshina Kannada. organised by the Department of Social Work F Assumed Office as Registrar (Evaluation), and CBM, Kristu Jayanthi College, Bengaluru School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya on 1st on 21st August 2019. February 2019. F Resource Person for “Inner Healing for F Participated in a National Level Workshop Personal Effectiveness” during the workshop on Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) at for young women from 21st to 26th August St. Agnes College, Mangaluru on 28th June 2019. 2019.

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at St. Aloysius College, Mangalore on 17th F Resource person at various Institutions/ September 2019 and attended by students, Communities on Waste Management, Study faculty and the public. Habits, NSS, Environment, Dengue/Malaria F Invited as Chief Guest on 9th June 2019 awareness, Menstrual Hygiene, Women for the foundation stone laying ceremony Empowerment, Community Organisation and for new Anganwadi Building at Bagambilla Development and Parenting Skills. Community, , Mangaluru. F Participated in Swachh Bharat Abhiyan F Appointed as teacher nominee for the activities at various places in and around the Governing Body of School of Social Work, City Roshni Nilaya and attended the Governing th F Actively involved in the Vanamahotsava Body meeting on 26 July 2019. programmes in Mangaluru City. Guest Lectures and Presentations F Participated in the Flood Relief Work for F Guest Lecture on “Human Relations: Key to S the residents of Bailu, Pachanadi, Success” organised by MSW Department of Mangaluru Yenepoya University, Mangalore on March i F Felicitated by Mata Amritanandamayi Math, 28, 2019 Mangaluru for contribution towards Swachh F Presentation on Effective Communication for f Bharat Abhiyan. BHEL Project at Yelanka, Bangalore on 1 June Associate Professor Joselyn T. Lobo 2019. a Dean- BSW F Presentation and Workshop on “Participatory F Invited to be the Board Member of Service Teaching Methodologies for Sociology” organised by DK District Pre-University r Society, Bangalore. The Registered Society founded by Dr. Ruth Manorama, Right to College Principals and Lecturers Association Livelihood Award winner and other prominent at Government PU College, , a social workers, incorporates the activities Mangalore on August 8, 2019. of Women’s Voice, Slum Development and F Presentation on “Participatory Teaching Unorganised labour. In this connection, he Methodologies” as part of Faculty attended the AGM of Service Society on Development Programme for Science 23rd February 2019 in Bangalore. Teachers of St. Aloysius College, Mangalore F Invited as a Subject Expert as part of on 14 November 2019. Affiliation Inquiry Committee (AIC) of Goa Trainings and Workshops facilitated University for renewing the affiliation of BSW F February 2, 2019: Half-day Workshop on and MSW courses of Don Bosco College, Effective Communication for Final BSc and Goa. B.Com students of Carmel College, Goa. F Convenor of Fr. Claude D’Souza and Fr. F February 22, 2019: One-day Workshop on Ambrose Pinto Memorial Lecture on “Rights Personal Growth for Karnataka Domestic based Approach to Social Movements” by Ms Workers Movement, Bengaluru. Aruna Roy, RTI Activist. The lecture was held

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F February 27 and 28, 2019: Two-day Training Programme on Soft Skills for Enhancing F Co-presented a paper on “A Study on Productivity for National Dairy Development the Work Life Balance among the Degree Board, Bengaluru. Teachers” in the 7th International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the F July 2 and 3, 2019: Sessions on Self- Workplace organised by Shri awareness, Self-motivation and Goal setting Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management as part of PRAGATHI 2019 for First Year Development, Mysuru on December 14th and Students of St. Aloysius College, Mangaluru. 15th 2018. F September 19, 2019: Session on Self- F Goveas, C.F., Veena, B.K. and Shenoy, A. awareness for Fr. Muller’s Para-Medical (2018). “A Study on the Role of Government students. Programmes in relation to the Health Status F November 25, 2019: Half-day Workshop of the Pregnant Women” in the book titled ‘Indira Gandhi- A Visionary Revisiting Her on Leadership and Team Building for II MSW Policies and Their Impact’, pp.35-39.ISBN S students of Bangalore North University in 978-81-930869-5-7. Kolar. F Participated in a National level seminar on i Seminars/Conferences Attended “Current Challenges and Emerging Trends: F One-day National Level Seminar on “Insights The Future of Social Work Profession” at f on CBCS and MOOC in Higher Education Alva’s College, Moodbidri on 18th and 19th System” on June 28, 2019 at St. Agnes January 2019. a College, Mangaluru. F Participated in one-Day Workshop on F One-day Conference on “New Education ‘Research Methodology and Data Analysis’ r Policy” on July 29, 2019 at SDM College, at Srinivas University, Mukka on 12th July Ujire 2019. F a Faculty Development Programme on F Participated in one-Day workshop on ‘Art “Innovative Pedagogy” on October 18, 2019 of Thesis Writing’ by Rehoboth Academic organised by MSNM Besant Institute of PG Services at Rosario College, Mangaluru on Studies, Mangaluru. 3rd August 2019. F One-day Self-transformation Workshop F Jury for Idea Presentations at Idea Conclave titled “Heal Your Life” organised by Potter’s for Better Mangaluru at St. Aloysius College, Wheel, Bangalore on November 24, 2019 Mangaluru on 5th September 2019. and held at Ashirvad, Bengaluru. F Attended a workshop on ‘Understanding Ms. Veena B. K. SPSS, Data entry and Data Analysis’at Assistant Professor Srinivas University, Pandeshwar from 14th and 21st September 2019. F BOE member in Social Work at St. Aloysius College, Mangaluru. F Participated and co-presented a paper titled

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Programmes in relation to the Health Status ‘A Qualitative study on the significance of of the Pregnant Women” in the book titled self-defense training among teenage girls’ at ‘Indira Gandhi- A Visionary Revisiting Her Policies and Their Impact’, pp.35-39.ISBN 25th Asia-Pacific Joint Regional Social Work 978-81-930869-5-7. Conference-2019 at NIMHANS, Bengaluru from 18th to 20th September 2019. F Participated in a National level Seminar on “Current Challenges and Emerging Trends: F Co-presented a paper on ‘A qualitative The Future of Social Work Profession” at study on Wage Discrimination for equal Work Alva’s College, Moodbidri on 18th and 19th among Women Agricultural Labourers’ at January 2019. National Conference on “Mobility, Stability and Sustainability: Challenges for Social F Delivered a resource talk on ‘Safe and Sciences, Management, IT and Education” at Unsafe Touches’ at Government Hr. Pry. th Srinivas University, Mangaluru on 5th October School, Pandeshwar on 30 August 2019. 2019. F Participated in a one-Day Workshop on S F Participated in a faculty development ‘Research Methodology and Data Analysis’ at Srinivas University, Mukka on 12th July programme on Innovative Pedagogy at i 2019. Manel Srinivas Nayak Memorial Besant Institute of Post Graduate Studies, on F Participated in a one day workshop on ‘Art f 18th October 2019. of Thesis Writing’ by Rehoboth Academic Services at Rosario College, Mangaluru on F Attended Annual NSS camp at Loretto Matha a 3rd August 2019. Church, Bantwal on 8th and 9th November 2019. F Delivered a talk on Parents responsibilities in r healthy child rearing at St. Francis Xavier Hr. Ms Anusuya Shenoy Pry. School, on 30th August 2019. Assistant Professor a F Attended a National level workshop on F Delivered a talk on topic Safe and Unsafe ‘Mentoring Mentors’ organised by Mangalore Touch at Srinivasa Patashala Hr. Pry. School, Alumni Association at MAPS College, Carstreet on 25thJanuary 2019. Mangaluru on 9th September 2019. F Co-presented a paper on “A Study on F Attended a workshop on ‘Understanding the Work Life Balance among the Degree SPSS, Data entry and Data Analysis’ at Teachers” in the 7th International Conference Srinivas University, Pandeshwar from 14th and on Managing Human Resources at the 21st September 2019. Workplace organised by Shri Dharmasthala F Participated and co- presented a paper Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management titled ‘A Qualitative study on the significance Development, Mysuru on December 14th and of self-defence training among teenage girls’ 15th, 2018. at 25th Asia-Pacific Joint Regional Social Work F Goveas, C.F., Veena, B.K and Shenoy, A. Conference-2019 at NIMHANS, Bengaluru (2018). “A Study on the Role of Government from 18th to 20th September 2019.

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F Co-presented a paper on ‘A qualitative study on Wage Discrimination for equal Work by an early batch of students through funds from among Women Agricultural Labourers’ at UNESCO. The Nagarika Seva Samithi and the National Conference on “Mobility, Stability people of Bagambilla recalled the contributions and Sustainability: Challenges for Social made by BSW students during their field Sciences, Management, IT and Education” at placement. th Srinivas University, Mangaluru on 5 October Workshop on Film Appreciation 2019. A half-day Workshop on Film Appreciation was F Participated in a Faculty Development organised for final Year BSW students on 18th Programme on Innovative Pedagogy at March 2019 and held in St. Aloysius College. The Manel Srinivas Nayak Memorial Besant workshop was facilitated by Fr. Melwin and Mr. Institute of Post Graduate Studies, Bondel on Vishal of the Mass Communication Department th 18 October 2019. and the history of cinema through the earliest movies was presented. The students were exposed F Judged Cooking without fire and Rangoli S competitions on the occasion of Mother’s Day to intricacies of film production by having hands- Celebration at Babyland School, Babugudda, on experience in handling cameras inside the film i Mangaluru on 19th October 2019. studio. F Attended Annual NSS camp at Loretto Matha Workshop on Public Speaking and Presentation f Church, Bantwal on 8th and 9th November Skills 2019. A one-day participative Workshop on Public a DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITIES Speaking and Presentation Skills was organised Sahayog Forum for first Year BSW students on 19th March 2019. Campus Placement The facilitator of the training was Professor r Krishnamurthy, a qualified Jaycee Trainer and Careworks Foundation, an NGO from Bengaluru a visited the college on 2nd March 2019 for Principal of SDM Pre-University Residential campus recruitment of BSW students. Twelve final College, Ujire. year students attended the orientation, faced the Session on Development Induced Displacement interview and two were shortlisted for the next Social activist Ms. Vidya Dinkar was invited to round. deliver a lecture and presentation on Development New Anganwadi Building at Bagambilla induced Displacement on 9th September 2019. The Community session was attended by Final Year BSW students Professor Joselyn T. Lobo was the Chief Guest for and Rural Development students. She highlighted the Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of the through documentaries local displacement issues proposed new Anganwadi Building in Bagambilla affecting people on the outskirts of Mangalore. community on 9th June 2019. It may be mentioned Seminars/Workshops/Conferences: that BSW students have been placed for field F work in Bagambilla for over three decades and Fourteen BSW Students participated in various competitions during the National Level the earlier building construction was facilitated

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Medical Academy, Deralakatte, Mangaluru th Seminar Alva’s Reach 2019 at Alva’s College, on 9 October 2019. Moodabidri on 18th and 19th January 2019. Guest Lectures: F A one day Regional Conference on F Organised a field work orientation for Final sustainable development for various degree Year BSW students by Mr. Kishore Attavar, college students in association with Swami Extension Programme Officer, School of Social Vivekananda Institute for Leadership Work, Roshni Nilaya on 15th June 2019. th Development, Mysuru was organised on 9 F A resource talk by Dr. Anusuya Devi on February 2019. female health problems and home remedies F Ms. Nayomi Riona Moras (III BSW) and Ms. for second year BSW students was organised Leona Priya D’costa (II BSW) successfully on 27th September 2019. completed the training on Research Exposure Visit/Study Tour: Methodology and SPSS in May 2019 organised at School of Social Work, Roshni F Study Tour to Kodagu and Mysuru S Nilaya, Mangaluru. Thirty two second year BSW students accompanied F Second and final year B.S.W. students by Ms. Veena B. K and Ms. Anusuya Shenoy i participated in a rally and sang an awareness participated in a study tour to Mysuru from 27th st song during the Child Labour Prohibition Day November to 1 December 2019. They visited f Programme at Town Hall, Mangaluru on 12th the following Non-Government organisations and June 2019. Welfare Centres: F Swastha, Centre for Special Education and a F On 11th September 2019 SAHAYOG Forum Rehabilitation of BSW Department organised Onam celebration for UG students in the College F Sneha Kiran of Mysore Spastic Society r Auditorium. Pookalam Competition, the F Ranga Rao Memorial School for Disabled traditional dance form ‘Thiruvathera’ and F Chiguru Jana Seva Trust ® Shelter for a malayalam songs marked the celebration. Mentally ill Women F Twelve BSW students attended a one F Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement. day workshop on National Tobacco Apart from social work organisations, the students Control Programme at University College, had an opportunity to visit the historical and , Mangaluru on 21st September sightseeing spots like , Chamundi 2019. Hills, St. Philomena Church, Tippu Summer Palace, F Second and first BSW students Mrinalini, Nimishambha Devi Temple, bird watching point Ruth, Jeslin and Prakrithi attended a two and KRS Dam. days National Seminar Samprathi 2019 at F First BSW students accompanied by Professor Aloysius College, Mangaluru on 26th and 27th Vineetha K. visited Children’s Grama Sabha September 2019. at Badakabellur Panchayath and Tapovana F Second year BSW students attended a Service Projects and Snehasadan (NGO) on workshop on First Aid Training at KS Hegde 30th November 2019.

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Student Paper Presentation / Prizes: F Papers presented during the National F Second year BSW students conducted a Seminar Alva’s Reach 2019, at Alva’s College, survey on spot identification for planting the Moodabidri on 18th and 19th January saplings in the area of Jeppu Bappal on 14th 2019. June 2019. F Ms. Nayomi Moras (III BSW)won the first F Final year BSW students conducted a survey Prize for Best Student Paper Presentation on plastic usage in petty shops at Kadri Park, on the topic ‘Young Minds and Community Mangaluruon 14th June 2019. Development’. F First and second year BSW students conducted F Adisri Aakanksha Seelam(III BSW) presented a survey on Malaria/Dengue control in a paper on ‘Challenges faced by Transgenders Gujjarakere and Mahakalipadpu areas in in India’. association with Mangaluru City Corporation, th F Alphonsa Jacob (III BSW) presented a paper Mangaluru on 20 June 2019. on ‘A Qualitative Study on Impact of Early F BSW students organised Vanamahotsava Intervention in Down Syndrome’. programme in various field work communities S F Merin Abraham (III BS) presented a paper on and school agencies for environmental ‘Power of Social Media Drifts People Apart’. sustainability in June 2019. i F Tejaswini Musunuri (II BSW) and Carol F BSW students Shereen Angel, Anima Minz and Sidrah Ali Khan organised a session on Manisha Pinto (III BSW) co-presented a paper f on ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan: Social Worker’s Prevention of Child Abuse for the students of class V of Rosario Higher Primary School Step towards Clean India’. along with classes III, IV and V of St. Ursula a F Mohammad Sinan (II BSW) and Inayathullah Kannada Medium School on 16th September (II BSW) won fourth Place in the Quiz 2019. The resource person was Ms. Vani r Competition organised by SVEEP at Inter Nayak, Programme Coordinator of Inchara Collegiate Fest at St. Aloysius College on Foundation. 25th January 2019. F Mohammad Sinan Naufal (III BSW) and Leema a F BSW students won the First Prize for Radio (III BSW) conducted a dengue awareness Drama Competition on 12th March 2019. programme at Hazrath English medium th Best Practice: School, Ullal on 18 September 2019. th F Low cost Nutritive cooking classes for first F On 19 September 2019, Harsha Joseph year BSW students every Monday from from A.J. Hospital conducted a session on awareness of hygiene at K R School, Kadri. 3:30pm-4:30pm. F Final year BSW students conducted “Swachha Extension Activities: Bharath Campaign” in various field work F Second and final year BSW students communities to create a clean society. conducted Swacha Gelathi Programme on F Final year BSW students conducted nutritional Menstrual Hygiene on fourth Saturdays every camps in various field work Community month at various Government Higher Primary Anganwadis in prevention of illness as well as Schools in Mangaluru from December 2018 the promotion of health and well-being of the to February 2019. people.

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F Resource Person at the National seminar DEPARTMENT OF SECRETARIAL PRACTICE on “Cyber Crimes Against Women - A Ms. Karkera Yogita Keshav Rising Concern” on the topic “Cyber Crime Assistant Professor and Head Against Women” organised by Department of Home Science and Centre for Research, F Delivered a guest lecture on the topic ‘Advance St.Teresa's College (Autonomous), Ernakulam Excel’ to the students of Secretarial Practice on 30th July 2019. on 31st January 2019 at Besant Women’s College, Mangaluru. F Guest faculty for UG students of St. Agnes College on the topic ‘Forensic Science, F Participated in a One-day Workshop titled Fingerprints, Questioned Documents, Hair and ‘Research Methodology ‘on 28th July 2019 at Cybercrime’ from August to September 2019 University College, Mangaluru. in St. Agnes College, Mangaluru. F Addressed the students on the topic ‘Use, but F don’t abuse cell phones’of Gujarathu Mahajan Guest faculty for PG students of School S English Medium School, Alake, Mangaluru on of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya for Open 7th September 2019. Elective paper ‘Fields of Forensic Science’ and ‘Procedure of Police investigation’ from i DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINOLOGY January to November 2019 in the College. Ms. Sarik Ankitha F Resource person for a session on “Drug Abuse f Assistant Professor and Head and its effects” for the students Govt P.U F Presented a paper titled ‘‘Role of social College Building, Car Street, Mangaluru on workers in rehabilitation of offenders’ a at 10th July 2019 organised by Economic and the National Social Worker’s Conference Narcotic Crime Police Station, Pandeshwar, ‘Spandana 2019-Responding to realities’ r Mangaluru. ‘Revisiting and contextualising social work profession in contemporary India” held on F Resource person for an awareness session on a 14th and 15th February, 2019 at School of “Drug Abuse and its effects” for the students Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, Mangaluru. Badriya First Grade College, Mangalore on 11th July 2019 organised by Economic and F Participated in a three day workshop on Faculty Orientation Programme for “Student Narcotic Crime Police Station, Pandeshwar, Induction” organised by UGC, South regional Mangaluru office, Bengaluru in Satish Dhawan Auditorium, F Resource person at an awareness session on National Science Seminar Complex (NSSC), ‘‘Drug Abuse and its effects and Ragging and Indian Institute of Science, Bengalurufrom 30th its consequences’’ for the students of Vittal May to 1st June 2019. Government College on 27th July 2019. F Participated in a one day International F Resource person at an awareness session for Conference on “Impact of globalization on one thousand two hundred students of St. India and Europe-with specific focus on Social Aloysius Pre University College Mangaluru on Work” organised by School of Social Work, “Cyber Crime and its Prevention” on 12th, 19th Mangaluru on 24th July 2019. and 26th November 2019.

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F Ankitha, S. (2019). Correctional Education and Training Programme in Prisons” published the Crime Prevention Programme organised in the International Journal of Emerging by NSS Unit of Bharthi College, Vivekananda Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume Road, Padavu, Mangaluru in collaboration 6, Issue 6. with Economic and Narcotic Crime Police Ms. Amritha G Shetty Station, Pandeshwar, Mangaluru on 28th January 2019. Assistant Professor F Organised a Forensic Science Exhibition F Participated in a one-day National for undergraduate students of St. Agnes Conference on ‘Evidence- Res Ipsa Loquitur- College, Mangaluru on 31st January 2019. The Thing Speaks for Itself ’ organised by Department Of Forensic Science, College Of F Organised an interactive session with legal Allied Health Sciences in collaboration with expert Advocate Shubha Baliga on “Victim Department Of Forensic Medicine, Srinivas compensation” for final year BA students on 1st February 2019. Institute of Medical Science and Research S Centre on 3rd December, 2019 in Srinivas F On the occasion of 30th National Road Safety University, Mukka, Mangaluru. Week ‘Sadak Suraksha Jeevan Raksha’ i DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITIES students participated in the Walkathon organised by the Mangaluru City Police, jointly CRIMINO–VISION organised by District administration and Road f F Organised a practical demonstration on Transport Authority from Hampankatta circle th usage of computers and internet for the final to Police Sabha Bhavan Pandeshwar on 4 a year BA students by Ms. Namratha Suvarna February 2019. Students performed street th plays at various locations of Mangaluru. in the computer laboratory on 4 January r 2019. F Ten under graduate students participated and volunteered in Road Safety Pluck Card F Organised a guest lecture on ‘Counselling a show organised by Chetana School of Child Skills’ for the second year BA students by Ms. Development Centre, V.T Road, Mangaluru on Mariam Shafeena on 5th January 2019. 8th February 2019. F Organised a guest lecture on “Forensic F Final year students accompanied by Ms. Sarik Thanathology” for the second year BA students Ankitha went on a study tour to Goa. Apna by Associate Professor Hareesh Gouda on Ghar, State Forensic Science Laboratory, 10th January 2019. Indian Reserve Battalion, Dog Squad and F Organised practical demonstration classes on INS Hansa Indian naval air station were the examination of hair for 15 undergraduate places visited from 10th to 13th February students of St. Agnes College, Mangaluru on 2019. th 12 January 2019. F Organised a visit to Regional Forensic Science F Students of BA participated and had put up Laboratory, Kuntikana Mangaluru for second a skit on awareness of various crimes during year BA students to get practical exposure of biology department on 7th March 2019.

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F Organised a Capacity Building Workshop conducted by Centre of health (CHD) Group F During the college celebration of International team members on “Save 400 - A Mission on Women’s Day, Mr. Ananth Prabhu G, Cyber Road Safety" to first BA students held on 22nd Crime Trainer, Karnataka Police Academy, June, 2019 to bring about social consciousness spoke about cyber crimes against women on road safety. and distributed the book titled "Beti Ko Bachao Cyber Crime Se", authored by him F The International Day against Drug Abuse th and Vivek Shetty on March 8th 2019. and Illicit Trafficking was observed on 26 June 2019 in the college. The relevance of the F Smt. Uma Prashant, Deputy Commissioner day was highlighted and video clip about of Police, Crime and Traffic, Mangaluru awareness of drug abuse was screened. City was felicitated on 8th March 2019 in the college for her commendable services F Students of final year BA participated in in Mangaluru City as a Woman Deputy the International Day against Drug Abuse Commissioner of Police with a commitment and Illicit Trafficking programme conducted S th towards prevention and control of crime and by Mangaluru city Police on 26 June 2019 in traffic related offences. Town hall, Hampankatta, Mangaluru. Students i of final and second year performed a creative F Organised a programme in association with skit depicting the real-life implications of Parivarthan Charitable Trust and Inner Wheel drug use which created a lasting impression f th Club Mangalore North on 12 March 2019. on the gathering. Chief Guest, Ms. Naaz Joshi (Miss World a Diversity 2018, Miss Trans queen India Classic F Final and second year students of criminology 2018 and first Indian Transsexual Model) put up an awareness programme on drug abuse for parents and students which was r presided over the function. organised by Brilliant PU College, Kodailbail, F Organised sports day for prison officials in Mangaluru in collaboration with Economic and a collaboration with District Prison, Mangaluru Narcotic Crime Police Station, Pandeshwar, th and ISIRI Healthy India Mission on 17 March Mangaluru on 13thJuly 2019. 2019. F Final year BA Criminology students F Three Ethiopian Forensic Residents were accompanied by the faculty visited Mangaluru posted in the department from 15th to 17th South Police Station, Pandeshwar Mangaluru of May 2019 as a part of advance training on 16th July 2019. program. The Residents were exposed to different sections of Forensic Science F Mufeeda Sultana (III BA) gave an awareness Laboratory. As part of field exposure, talk on “Effects of Drug Abuse” to the students they were taken to Barke Police Station to of B.E.M PU College, Car Street Mangaluru understand the functions of Police Station on 17th July 2019. and they also visited Mangaluru district F Students of second year BA participated prison. They also had an interaction with the in Workshop techniques in Crime Scene Superintendent of Prison and were exposed Investigation organised by PG Department to the functioning of the prison.

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of Criminology and Forensic Science, School of Social work in fond memory of Late. Dr. B.Ashoka on 29thJuly 2019 in Maria Paiva two faculty of Volda University on 21st October Hall. 2019. They were exposed to different sections of Forensic Science such as Ballistics, F Twenty II BA Criminology students participated Questioned document, Foot Prints, Finger and performed a skit on awareness of “Cyber Prints, Hair, Cyber Crime, Forensic Medicine, Crime Against Women”during the National Tool marks, Toxicology, Anthropology and seminar on Cyber Crimes Against Women - Entomology. Practical demonstration on A Rising Concern organised by Department fingerprints was shown to them. of Home Science And Centre For Research St.Teresa’s College (Autonomous), Ernakulam F Organised an exposure visit to Mangaluru on 29th and 30th July 2019. South Police Station, Pandeshwar, Mangaluru for open elective students of M.S.W and F Organised an awareness session on “Effects M.Sc. Counselling on 22nd October 2019. of Drug Abuse” in collaboration with Kripa Students were explained functioning of the S Foundation on 27th of August 2019.Mr. Elias Police Station, anti-ragging laws, POSCO Quadros and Mr. Guru, counsellors at Kripa and NDPS Act. foundation were the resource persons for the i session. F On the occasion of Police Martyrs' Day, second year students of Criminology put up f F Organised an awareness session on “Drug street plays in different places of Mangaluru Abuse” in collaboration with All India South Police Station limits on 21st October Association of Narcotics Anonymous on 7th of a 2019 depicting the role of the Police and September 2019 in the college auditorium Army Officers who laid their lives while on which was conducted by a non profit r duty. organisation that helps recovering addicts. F Students of Criminology participated in Mr. Benjamin, Mr. Diago, Mr.Gopal and a Mr.Ramesh were the speakers of the session. a Driving License Awareness Programme organised by Mangaluru South police Station, F Organised a Forensic Science Exhibition Pandeshwar, Mangaluru in collaboration with for students of Norway on 12th September Road Transport Department, Mangaluru on 2019. 30th November 2019. F Organised an exposure visit to the City Arms F Department of Criminology in collaboration Reserve for III BA students who were exposed with Kripa Foundation organised a street to armoury unit and explained about play in different locations of Mangaluru on the different weapons and explosives. They were occasion of World AIDS Day on 1st December also taken to the dog squad where they were 2019. Students caught the attention of the showed a demonstration of how dogs are used public and sparked a sense of awareness for the purpose of investigation, especially in about HIV/AIDS, it’s causes, effects and homicide and narcotic cases. myths. F Organised a Forensic Science Exhibition for

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College of Nursing to be sensitive towards environment protection through clean and DEPARTMENT OF KANNADA green initiatives during Swachata Pakhwada: Mr. Obanatha M.P. National programme on 1st August 2019. Assistant Professor and Head F Shobhana, N. (2019). To Forge Inclusivity F Participated in a One Day National level through the Sacred- An Introspection of the seminar on Yakshagaana at Sri Dhavala Play ‘Final Solutions’ by Mahesh Dattani, College, Moodabidri on 19th January 2019. IJELLH (International Journal of English F Participated in One Day National level Language, Literature in Humanities), ISSN seminar on “Insights On CBCS And MOOC 2321-7065. Volume 7, Issue 8. in Higher Education” at St Agnes College F Chief Guest at Canara Higher Primary School, (Autonomous), Mangaluru on 28th June Dongerkeri on the occasion of Teachers Day 2019. celebration on September 5th 2019. F Participated in One-Day Programme on S F Attended a lecture on ‘Rights Based Approach “Matte Kalyana” at Sri Kudmul Rangarao rd to Social Movements’ BY Social Activist Aruna Townhall Mangaluru on 3 August 2019. th i Roy and Nikhil Dey on 17 September F Participated in a Three Day National level 2019. seminar on “Kannada Grantha Sampadane” f Ms Rachitha Poornima Cabral at Kannada Study Centre, Mangalore Assistant Professor University, Konaje from 6th to 8th August a 2019. F Editor of School of Social Work Official College Website. F Delivered a talk on “Aatida Acharanelu”(Tulu) r at Kapikad Thokkottua on 11th August 2019. F Member of the Editorial Committee of Sifara, College Magazine of School of Social Work, F Delivered a talk on “Parinamakari Roshni Nilaya. a Samvahana” (Effective communication) at International Journal Publications: Loretto Church, Bantwal (NSS Annual camp, SSW Roshni Nilaya) on 12th November F Published a research article on the topic 2019. ‘Technology and English Language Learning’ in the book ‘Futuristic Innovative Trends in DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITIES English Language and Literature – A Global Kannada Sangha Perspective. ISBN: 978-93-89264-12-8. F Second year BA/BSW students visited Central F Published a research article entitled th Library, Bavutagudde, Mangaluru on 29 Plagiarism and Intellectual Copy Rights in the July 2019. International Journal of English Language, DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH Literature in Humanities, Volume 7, Issue 3, Ms Shobhana N. March 2019. Assistant Professor and Head F Published a research article on the topic F Addressed the students of K. Pandyaraja Ballal “Correctional Education and Training

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Programme in Prisons” published in the International Journal JETIR (Journal of F Chief guest during the prize distribution day Emerging Technologies and Innovative at Little Rock Indian School, Brahmavar on Research, Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2019. 14th March 2019. F Published a research article on the topic DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITIES “Blurring Gender lines in Toni Morrison’s LIT MEET Beloved in the online International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities, F A documentary Filmmaking workshop for ten Volume 7, issue 7, July 2019. days was organised in January 2019. The resource person was Mr. Natesh Ullal. – Online News portal Publications: F Students accompanied by Assistant Professor F Published an article titled “Where’s God in Rachitha Cabral engaged in an extension all of this?” on August 18th 2019. programme with a visit to CSI Boys Boarding Home at Puttur on August 25, 2019. F Published an article titled “18 till we die” on S 21st October 2019. F Annual MOU Orientation programme F Published a short story (fiction) titled “The and selection of student volunteers was i Balloon Sellers” on October 21st 2019. organised by the Department of English in F Published an article titled “Kudos to all collaboration with U and I Organisation for f teachers who build the future- One Child at a students interested in volunteering to teach Time” on October 17th 2019. underprivileged children for the year 2019- a F Published a short story (Fiction) titled “Killed 2020 on 12th July, 2019. by a Card” on November 9th 2019. F Students participated in an Intercollegiate r F Published an article titled “You can’t change Lit fest ‘Gitanjali’ organised by St. Agnes your DP after you die on 15th November Degree College, Mangaluru to commemorate a 2019. 157 years of Rabindranath Tagore on F Attended ‘Art of Thesis writing workshop 6th September 2019. Shravya M.H(III BA) conducted by Rehoboth Acdemic Services bagged the first place in paper presentation at Rosario College of Management Studies, Mangaluru on August 3rd 2019. titled ‘Understanding Devotion Through the Writings of Rabindranath Tagore’. Carol Ms Anshifa Sony Fernandez (II BA) won the second place in Assistant Professor recitation. F Successfully completed Karnataka State Eligibility Test for Assistant Professorship in F Five students along with Assistant Professor English in 2018. Anshifa Sony attended ‘SMART ART’ an F Resource person for a session on Effective International Level Workshop on Professional means of Business Communication at Crossland Writing Skills at St. Agnes College on College, Udupi on 31st July 2019. 29th November 2019.

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F Recording the minutes taker of College F Organised a workshop on Group Dynamics faculty meetings. and Social Skill Development for II BSW F Member of VIHAS Mangalore (Mangalore students on August 7th 2019. It culminated in University Hindi Lecturers Association). a group presentation and Poster Making on F Member of Dakshina Kannada Rovers and Rangers. Global Warming and Child Labour. F Member of CAMCO. F B.A. and B.S.W .students created a Street Play F Member of Rubber Board. and a Drama and took part in the audition of F Member of Tulu Sahithya Sangh. ‘Thespo Drama Festival’ in Mumbai on 27th F Member of Okkaligara Sangh. September 2019. F Member of Mangalore Teachers Co Operative DEPARTMENT OF HINDI Society. Dr Keshava Gowda U. DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITIES S Assistant Professor and Head SATRANG Rovers Scouts Leader and Nature Nurture F Hindi diwas was celebrated on 16th i Programme Officer September 2019. Cultural performances F Appointed Rovers Scouts leader of School of marked the day’s celebration. Social Work from 2018. f F Sadbhavana day oath to maintain unity F Participated in a workshop on Mangalore in diversity was taken by the staff and University Principal and Rover Scouts Leader nd a and Ranger Leader camp on 18th February students of the College on 22 August 2019 2019 at Bharat Scouts and Guides Bhavan administered by Mohammed Sinan, President r Lalbagh, Mangaluru. of the Scout Rangers Association. F Presented a paper titled ‘19vi shadi mein F An orientation programme about the zero Hindi sahithya ki stiti’ during the two days a waste management project was organised National Hindi Seminar at University College, on August 28th 2019. Mangaluru on 22nd and 23rd March 2019. F A workshop on climate strike was organised F Delivered a guest lecture on history of Hindi th Literature to P.G students of Dakshina Bharat on 27 September 2019 in the College Hindi Prachar Sabha, Mangaluru on 24th campus. March 2019. DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY F Participated in a workshop on “Global Ms Sandra S. Lobo warming, Deforestation and Environmental Associate Professor and Head Degradation” on 25th October 2019 at Government Women’s College, Balmatta, F Election Officer for the College Students’ Mangaluru. Council of 2019-2020. F Member of the Editorial Committee of Sifara, F Member, BOS at St. Aloysius College, College Magazine of School of Social Work, Mangalore in 2019-2021. Roshni Nilaya. F Member of the Internal Complaint Committee

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of Milagres Pre University College, Mangalore for 2019-2021. on 30th July at St. Aloysius PU College, F Participated and presented a paper Mangalore. titled ‘Quality of Work life among female F Addressed teachers of Mangala College of employees- a comparative study’ in a National Paramedical Sciences, Mangaluru during the Seminar on Creating Quality Culture across teachers’ day celebration on the topic “Work, Curriculum at St. Agnes College, Mangalore de-stress and revive’ on Wednesday, August on 11th and 12th January 2019. 21st 2019. F Participated in a National Conference on F Addressed the standard X students of Enhancing Mental Health throughout the life Presidency School, Mangaluru on the topic span: Issues, Challenges and Interventions on “Mental health and its importance’ on 1st and 2nd March 2019 at Ravindra Bhavan, Wednesday, August 21st 2019. Mini theatre, Baina, Vasco, Goa organised by F Shekhar, R and Lobo S.S. (2019). Holistic Department of Psychology, MES College of wellness among the youth through preventive S Arts and Commerce, Zuarinagar, Goa. and promotive programs. Proceedings of F Delivered a lecture on ‘Understanding various National Conference on Youth in distress. i stressors and its effects, Resilience and coping pp.45–53. with emotions and stress’ to the participants of F Nayak, M., Holla, K.R. and Lobo, S.S (2019). f the Seminar on ‘Resilience with emotions and Self-harm behaviour among school children. stress’ organised by New Mangala College Proceedings of National Conference on of Nursing on 12th June 2019. a Promotion of School Mental Health Programme: F Participated in a National Conference Current scenario and future directions. ISBN: on Promotion of School Mental Health 978-93-5382-300-9. pp.114–121. r Programme: Current scenario and future F Holla, K.R., Nayak, M. and Lobo, S.S (2019). directions from 12th to 14th July 2019 at a Risk-taking and Self-harm behaviours among Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS), school children. Proceedings of National Kochi organised by Department of Clinical Conference on Promotion of School Mental Psychology, Amrita Institute of Medical Health Programme: Current scenario and Sciences (AIMS), Kochi and Indian Association future directions. ISBN: 978-93-5382-300-9. of Clinical Psychologists (Kerala Region). pp.121–127. F Delivered guest lecture on ‘Understanding F Pareek, V., Shenoy, P., M.H, Shravya and the developmental phases’ to teachers of Lobo, S.S. (2019). Gender role attitudes and higher primary and high schools from rural organizational culture among employees in and urban schools from Mangalore Diocese the government and private sectors. Ajanta. at Shanthi Kiran, Bajjodi on 19th July and 9th 8(2), 120–126. August 2019; and on 24th and 31st August F Lobo, S.S. and M. H, Shravya. (2019). 2019 in Bishop’s house, Udupi. Psychological well-being and distress in F Delivered a guest lecture on addictions midlife (2019) Ajanta. 8(1), 86–93.

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3. Ruth Quadros II B.A representative 4. Akshaya D. K. I B.A representative F Lobo, S.S. (2019). Quality of Work life among female employees- a comparative study. F The Students / public have availed the Proceedings of National Seminar on Creating counselling services at the SPARSH Counseling Quality Culture across Curriculum. pp.34–47. centre. Ms Yamini Gowda PC F Zahra Fathima (II BA) attended ‘Psycho- Assistant Professor Oncology’ Yenmind – 5 and IAPP-KB Mid- F Presented a paper titled ‘Forgiveness and term CME organised by the Department of Gratitude as mediators between Differentiation Psychiatry, Yenepoya Medical College on st of self and Resilience among Adolescents’ 21 January 2019. at a National Conference on “Enhancing F Fourteen students of Psychology namely Mental Health throughout the life span: Issues, Medhalaxmi, Meghashree, Snehal Rane, st Challenges and Interventions” held on 1 and Naseeba Banu, Richal Fernandes, Liz nd S 2 March, 2019 organised by Department Ramapuram, Arya Ashok, Tanushri Shetty, of Psychology, MES College of Arts and Nikitha D’Souza Archana Nambiar, Commerce, Zuarinagar, Goa. i Asmita Rao, Shammaizzudin, Dilna K and F Gowda, Y and V. Premanand. (2019). Divyabharathi attended a one day National Forgiveness and Gratitude as mediators Seminar titled ‘Facing challenges in Life f between Differentiation of self and Resilience. organised by Department of Psychology, St. Ajantha, 8(1) ISSN No. 2277-5730. pp. 129- Agnes College, Mangaluru on February 2, a 135. 2019. F Delivered a guest lecture on Experimental F Twelve students of Psychology namely, r Psychology, Criminal Behaviour and Bhawana Meena, Aisha Saifuddin, Carol Psychotherapy for II semester M.Sc. Fernandes, Asiya Shaniya, Dilna K., Gayatri a Criminology and Forensic Science students, Krishna, Ankita Komath, Naseeba Banu, School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya on April A. Priyadharshini, Richal Fernandes, Uchil 11, 2019. Anoosha, Meghashree, participated in F Participated in a two-day National Level “Scintilla 2019”- Mask of Souls, a psycho- workshop on “Structural Equation Modeling” educational workshop on February 9th 2019 on 12th and 13th July 2019 organised by the organised by Department of Counselling, Department of Statistics St. Agnes College, School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya. Mangaluru. F A guest lecture on “Multi-Potentiality” for DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITIES the first year students of Psychology by Ms. PSY FORUM Vimarsha Jain was organised on Thursday, February 7, 2019 in the Psychology The office bearers – Laboratory. 1. Pavithra Kamatha K President F Eight students of Psychology presented 2. Hensita D’Costa Secretary four empirical papers during ‘Spandana

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2019- Responding to Realities’, a National Conference on Revisiting and Contextualizing and March, 2019) at Anirveda- Centre for Social Work Profession in Contemporary India Psychological Well-being. organised by School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya on 14th and 15th February 2019 in F Alison J. Lobo (III BA) completed her internship the College. Raajath D. Naik and Diana S. from January to March 2019 at Arogya Bangera (III BA), Vrinda Pareek and Panchami Polyclinic, Falnir. Shenoy K (II BA), Merula J. Pinto and Ashmita F Merula Pinto successfully completed her A. Rao (II BA) as well as Aysha Meyza and internship in Clinical Psychiatry at Manaswini, Nashma Khatija (II BA) co-presented an Mangaluru from 6th to 20th May 2019. empirical paper each at the Conference. F Diya Sarah Jacob completed her internship F Eleven students participated in EPICURE from 14th to 29th May 2019 at Al Noor “Envisioning Possibilities” an Inter-Collegiate Training Centre for persons with disabilities, fest organised by the Departments of Dubai, UAE. Psychology and Clinical Psychology on S February 25, 2019 at St. Agnes Centre for F Shravya M.H. completed an internship PG Studies and Research, Mangaluru. They programme for animal assisted therapy from i won the following events : Wag-ville, Bengaluru from 16th to 31st May 2019. F First place in Quest- Discovery of Evolution f (Drama): Tiala Rego, Neha C., Meghana F Panchami Shenoy K. completed clinical posting Nayak, Pavithra Kamath K., Vivian, Rose in Kiran rehabilitation centre, Mangaluru a Tharakan, Ruth Quadros, Nash D’Souza and from 16th May to 8th June 2019. Aparna Nair F Swathi, Meghana Nayak, Panchami Shenoy r F First place in Turning the Table: Nashma K and K. Ramnarayana Holla completed Khatija th st internship training from 20 to 31 May a The team along with the PG students of Counselling 2019 at Fr Muller’s Medical College Hospital, won the Runners Up Trophy of EPICURE 2019. Mangaluru. F Shravya M.H. (II BA) presented a paper titled Students’ paper publications ‘Psychological well-being and distress in mid- F Pareek, V., Shenoy, P., M.H, Shravya and Life’ during the two-day National Conference Lobo, S.S. (2019). Gender role attitudes and on ‘Enhancing Mental health throughout the organizational culture among employees in the life span : Issues, Challenges and Interventions’ government and private sectors. Ajanta.8(2), on 1st and 2nd March 2019 at M.E.S College 120–126. of Arts and Commerce, Zuarinagar, Goa. F M. H, Shravya and Lobo, S.S (2019). F Raajath Naik (III BA) completed a month’s Psychological well-being and distress in internship in February 2019 and Ashwathy midlife (2019) Ajanta. 8(1), 86–93. (III BA), Diya (II BA) and Aparna Benoy (III BA) completed a two months’ internship (February F A field - based exposure visit to Anirvedha-

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was screened for the final year students on Center for psychological well-being, 17th July 2019. Kankanady, Mangaluru was organised by F A workshop on Mandala was organised on the Department of Psychology on 5th July Saturday, July 20, 2019. This workshop was 2019 from 1:30p.m to 4:30p.m. A total of conducted by Ms. Vimarsha Jain for eleven sixty second B.A. students visited the centre students from 1:30 pm to 6 p.m. in batches in three time slots accompanied F A guest Lecture on ‘The Power of Positive by the faculty, Associate Professor Sandra thinking’ by clinical psychologist Mr. Mahesh Sunitha Lobo, Associate Professor Yamini B.S. was organised for the final year students Gowda P. C and guest faculty Ms. Verina of Psychology on July 27th 2019. Joshna. F A half-day workshop on Promotion of F K. Ramnaryana Holla (III BA) and Meghana mental health and psychological well- Nayak (III BA) presented an empirical paper being was organised for the second year and poster respectively during the National students and other interested students of I S Conference on “Promotion of School Mental and III B.A on July 27th 2019 from 1:30 p.m. Health Programme: Current Scenario and to 4:30 p.m. conducted by Mr. Mahesh B.S., i Future Directions” (CRE Accredited (RCI)) Clinical psychologist and Assistant Professor from July 12-14, 2019 organised by the of Kasturba Medical College and hospital, f Department of Clinical Psychology, Amrita Mangalore. Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS), Kochi and F Fourteen students of III BA staged a unique Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists a presentation on addictions at St Aloysius Pre- (Kerala Region) in Amrita Institute of Medical University College, Mangalore on 30th July Sciences (AIMS), Kochi. K. Ramnaryana Holla 2019. r was adjudged the best Paper Presenter. F Pavithra Kamatha K. (III BA) completed Students’ paper publications a internship at Milestones-Early intervention F Nayak, M., Holla, K.R. and Lobo, S.S (2019). centre, Mangaluru in July and August 2019. Self-harm behaviour among school children. F Students’ paper presentations at the Proceedings of National Conference on International Mental Health Conference Promotion of School Mental Health Programme: on 10th and 11th October 2019 in Gujarat Current scenario and future directions. ISBN: University. 978-93-5382-300-9. pp.114–121. F Pavithra Kamatha K and Panchami Shenoy F Holla, K.R., Nayak, M. and Lobo, S.S (2019). K. presented a paper titled ‘Death Anxiety, Risk-taking and Self-harm behaviour among Social functioning and coping strategies school children. Proceedings of National among the middle-aged bereaved adults’. Conference on Promotion of School Mental Health Programme: Current scenario and F Merula Joy Pinto and Diya Sarah Jacob future directions. ISBN: 978-93-5382-300- presented a paper titled ‘Stigma, social 9. pp.121–127. functioning and psychological morbidity among individuals with maladaptive behaviours’. F A short film titled ‘Mumbai Varanasi Express’

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F Meghana Nayak presented a paper titled ‘Level of stress and quality of friendship perspectives on play in early child education’ among adolescents’. at the International Conference on F Aysha Meyza, Shravya M.H., Jasline Menezes, Multidisciplinary Approaches to Nurturing Hanoofa, Nashma Khatija and Fathima Children and Youth, Policy- Research- Farisha (III BA) interned at ‘MANASWINI’, Practice from 12th to 14th December 2019 Thunga Institute of Psychiatry and Counselling, at CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Mangaluru from 1st to 18th November 2019. Bengaluru organised by Department of Psychology, CHRIST (Deemed to be F Ankita Kamath (II BA) completed internship University), Bengaluru, India in association at Small Wonders Child Development Centre, with Binghamton University, New York, Drishti, th th Kannur from 4 to 14 November 2019. Headstreams, and Stepping Stones, India. F Meghana Nayak (III BA) interned at Krishna Diagnostic Centre, Karangalpady, Mangaluru DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS th th Ms Cecilia F. Goveas from 4 to 14 November 2019. S Associate Professor and Head F Ashmita Rao and Merula Joy Pinto (III BA) F Executive Committee Member of the interned in the HR Department of Mangalore i Chemicals and Fertilizers Ltd., Panambur from Mangalore University Economics Association 5th to 15th November 2019. for the academic year 2019-2020. f F Panchami Shenoy K. and K. Ramnarayan F Member of the Management Council of Holla (III BA) completed internship at Parijma Milagres Pre-University College, Mangaluru a Institute of Neurosciences from 7th to 20th 2017-2019. November, 2019. F Nodal Officer of School of Social Work, r F Twenty-nine final year students accompanied Roshni Nilaya, Mangaluru. by Associate Professor Sandra Lobo and F Member of Board of Studies in Economics, St Assistant Prof Yamini Gowda PC visited a Pavithram, Coimbatore, Anamalai Tiger Agnes College (Autonomous). Reserve, Krishna Nursing Home, Centre for F Participated in a one-Day Workshop on Medical Psychology, counselling and de- Samnidhana Odu at University College, Addiction, Coimbatore, Isha Foundation, Mangaluru on January 23, 2019. Doddabetta besides other tourist attractions in Ooty from 25th to 27th November 2019. F Participated in the One day National Seminar on “Banking before and after Nationalisation’ F Madhulika Bhansali (II BA) attended a National at St. Aloysius College, Mangaluru on July 19, Conference on Transactional Analysis titled 2019. “Spiralling Human Endeavour” organised by ICTA, Kochi from 27th November to 1st F Participated in the State-level training December 2019. programme on “Enhancing knowledge and F Valerie Ann Lobo ( I BA), Anne Viola Pinto Skills of NSS programme officers to educate (I BA) and Associate Professor Sandra Lobo Community on Prevention and control of co-presented a poster titled ‘Teachers’ common cancers” on August 19, 2019.

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F Fifteen students took part in EcoZenith F Addressed the students of Cascia Kannada 2019 organised by the PG department Medium higher primary School on time of Economics, St Philomena College, Puttur management on September 27, 2019. on March 1, 2019. The students took part in model making, debate, quiz, painting, F Goveas, C.F., Veena, B.K. and Shenoy A. product launch and theme-based dance (2018). “A Study on the Role of Government competitions. Programmes in relation to the Health Status F A skill development workshop was organised of the Pregnant Women” in the book titled on March 28, 2019. The Resource person was ‘Indira Gandhi- A Visionary Revisiting Her Mr. Preetham Rodrigues, Director Inchara Policies and Their Impact’, pp.35-39.ISBN Foundation and Founder of Project Angel. 978-81-930869-5-7. Mock interviews were conducted for the DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITIES students. SOCIOLOGY-ECONOMICS FORUM F Five students participated in the one day S F To create socio-economic-global awareness, National Seminar on’ Banking before and theme based wall magazine month was after Nationalisation’ at St. Aloysius College i observed on various themes like GST, Income on July 19, 2019. tax, social thinkers and social issues in the F On the occasion of 50 years of nationalisation f month of January 2019. of banks a debate was organised on ‘Banking F Rural Exposure to Ammunje village was from classes to banking to masses’ on July 27, a organised on February 5, 2019. The 2019. students visited the primary health centre F Organised a session on Career Opportunities at Benjanapadav, Anganvadi centre at r in Banking and Nationalised Banks as Ammunje, wood log depot and dairy depot. catalysts of change on August 3, 2019. Ms The students also had an opportunity to study Arpita and Ms Shobharani, Officers of SBI, a various agricultural activities in some of the Main branch were the resource persons. farms of the village. F A College Competition was conducted on the F The forum students put up street plays on topic "The Trends in the Growth of Population cleanliness and waste management at the in India" on August 27, 2019. Ammunje Government school and the wood depot of Ammunje on February 5th2019. F Students put up street plays on Swacch Bharath and Dengue awareness at Nandigudda F Model making on the theme ‘Urban life- circle and area on problems and solutions’ was organised on September 17, 2019. February 8, 2019. F Visited Inchara Home for Children at Shivbagh F To learn about terrorism as an emerging and donated grocery and toiletries to the social problem, students watched the movie inmates on September 21, 2019. “Mulk” on terrorism followed by a discussion and review on February 13, 2019. F Organised a study tour to Puducherry for the final year students from 24th to 29th

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November 2019. The students visited many historical places of attraction - Sri Aurobindo F Appointed as Office Superintendent for the Ashram, Sacred Heart Basilica, Our Lady of UG BA/BSW examination held in April/May Angels Church, French colony , which depicts 2019, School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya beautiful French Architecture. They also F Guest of honour and resource person on the visited Panchamukha Sri Hanuman temple, topic “Effective Parenting” during the PTA Philately exhibition on the life and work of Meet in Hira Primary School, Thokkottu on Mahatma Gandhi. The main attraction of the 28th May 2019. tour was a visit to the experimental township in Viluppuram Auro Ville, Matri mandir and F Member (Meritorious Alumna) of the Board the beautiful temples and monuments at of Studies in Secretarial Practice (UG), School Mamallapuram. of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, Mangaluru. The students visited the small scale industries F Resource person for ‘PRAGATHI’ – an Integral in the Auro ville Industrial area. Formation Programme held at St. Aloysius College (Autonomous) on the topic ‘Self- They visited Windarra Spirulina industry S Motivation’ and ‘Time Management’ on 2nd where high quality sun dried Spirulina rich and 3rd July 2019. in protein using sustainable and Eco friendly i technology is produced.They also visited Eco F Participated at the International Conference Femme industry where reusable washable on ‘Impact of Globalisation on India and f cloth pads are produced. They visited Svaram Europe – with specific focus on Social Work’ musical instruments and Research centre. on July 24, 2019 at School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, Mangaluru. a DEPARTMENT OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT Ms Anuradha Shetty F Addressed Under Graduate students on the Assistant Professor and Head topic “Women and Human Rights” organised r Incharge of Foundation Course by Human Rights Cell, Canara College, Mangaluru on July 24, 2019. a F Co-presented a paper on ‘Assessment of Waste Management Strategies in Uduma F Registered for the PhD programme under Village, Kasargod District’ and guided 5 final the Department of Humanities and Social year students to present research papers at Sciences, Srinivas University, Mangaluru “SPANDANA”, a National Seminar organised during August 2019. by the post-graduate Department of Social F Attended ‘Art of Thesis Writing’ workshop Work, School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, conducted by Rehoboth Academic Services held on February 4 and 5, 2019. at Rosario College of Management Studies, F Guest of honour and resource person on Mangaluru on August 3, 2019. the topic “Gender Sensitisation and Women F Resource person during the MCI mandated Empowerment” on the eve of International Foundation Course as part of competency Women’s Day jointly organised by Women’s Based Curriculum held in the month of August, Cell and IQAC Cell of Govt. First Grade 2019 for the 1st year MBBS students at Father College, Vittal on March 8, 2019. Muller’s Medical College, Mangaluru.

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Ethics Committee (FMIEC) with effect from F Participated in a one-day workshop on 16th October 2019. Research Methodology facilitated by Dr. • Appointed as Chief Superintendent for the Amithab Anand, SKEMA Business School, UG BA/BSW examination held in October/ France organised by Srinivas University on November 2019, School of Social Work, August 10, 2019. Roshni Nilaya. F Participated in the International Conference DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITIES on “Emerging Trends in Management, RURAL DEVELOPMENT FORUM Information Technology and Education” F An exposure visit was organised to AYUSH Srinivas University on August 17, 2019. Department, Wenlock Hospital, Mangaluru F Participated in the training programme on to orient students on the aims, objectives and ‘New Clinical Trial Regulations of 2019’ functions of the department on January 11, conducted by FMIEC and FMMCIEC on August 2019. Students gained an understanding S 24, 2019. and significance of Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, F Addressed Pre-University students of K Siddha and Homeopathy system of medicine. i Pandyaraj Ballal Pre-University College on They also witnessed a demonstration session the topic “Adolescence Reproductive Sexual of cupping treatment which is an alternative Health Rights” on August 30, 2019. form of medicine. f F Shetty A. and Habeeb, A. (2019). ‘An F An educational visit to Kannur Gram Panchayat was organised by the first year a Assessment of Waste Management Strategies in Uduma Village, Kasaragod District’. rural development students on January Adelaide Journal of Social Work, ISSN 2349- 19, 2019 to understand the concepts and r 4123. significance of local governance in Panchayat Raj system. Students availed first-hand F Shetty, A. and D’Mello, L. (2019). ‘Opinion a information about the various schemes and of Teenagers on the Impact of Divorce on projects channelised through Gram Panchayat. families in Mangaluru’. Published in the Students administered a checklist of questions Proceeding Book of National Conference that they planned during their class. While a on Research in Higher Education, Learning few students were administering the checklist, and Administration, Srinivas Institute of a few students documented the discussion. Management Studies, Mangalore. ISBN No.: Students had a very fruitful experiential 978-81-941751-0-0 learning. F Participated in the training programme on F Second batch of four students underwent ‘Review of Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Internship Programme in Namma Bhoomi Studies’, Conducted by FMMCIEC on (An NGO and a fit Institution for children in September 7, 2019. need of care and protection), Kundapur in • Appointed as Chairperson and Member February 2019. Students conducted various (Social Scientist) of Father Muller Institutional sessions and activities for the inmates related

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to behaviour modification and handling emotions effectively. gained understanding on the issues of farmers F Five final year students presented research as well as the importance of agriculture and papers at “SPANDANA”, a National Seminar allied activities. organised by the post-graduate department F The Department organised an exposure visit of Social Work, School of Social Work, Roshni to Dakshina Kannada Co-operative Milk Nilaya, Mangaluru on February 5, 2019. Producers Union Ltd, Kulshekar, Mangalur F Students visited Jana Shikshana Trust, an on September 6, 2019 for the final year NGO, Mudipu, Mangaluru on February 9, students. The purpose was to facilitate the 2019 to understand the aims, objectives, experiential learning on the concepts of co- organisational structure, functions and various operation, unions, structure and functions, activities and programmes conducted by the etc. organisation. Jana Shikshana Trust works F Students from the Department of Rural on Sustainable environment, training rural Development planted trees in Krishi Vignan S communities, education, etc. Kendra in collaboration with Indian Farmers Fertilisers Co-operative (IFFCO) and F A guest lecture by Mr. Venkatesh Moodkeri, i Senior Programme Manager, FSL- India Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilisers Ltd (MCF) (Field Services and Inter-Cultural Learning on September 17, 2019. This process was done under the Mega Plantation Programme f –India), an NGO, Kundapur on March 7, initiated by the Central Government. 2019. Students learnt basic understanding on the aims/objectives, projects and various F Organised a Youth Exchange Programme for a activities conducted by the organisation. rural development students with the German and Japanese Interns in FSL (Field Services F An orientation programme was organised r and Intercultural Learning), Kundapur on for the final year students by Ms. Greeshma September 25, 2019. The programme a Yajnapal, Research Associate, Adelaide coordinators briefed students about the Research and Publication Centre, School of various programmes and activities by the Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, Mangaluru, on organisation such as sustainable agriculture, July 18, 2019. youth exchange, preservation of endangered F A Guest lecture on ‘NABARD’ by Dr. P Selvaraj, species of Sea Turtles, waste management, General Manager, NABARD Kerala Regional etc. The topics discussed during the exchange Office, Thiruvanathapuram, was organised on were on Education system, Culture and July 27, 2019. Students gained knowledge waste management in India, Germany and about banking for the development of the Japan. During the second half of the day, rural poor. the team proceeded for an exposure visit to Namma Bhoomi (a fit institution for children F A session on the functions of Krishi Vignan in need of care and protection) and Namma Kendra (Farm Science Centre) and a practical Nalanda Vidyapeeta facilitated by The session on planting paddy saplings was Concerned for Working Children (CWC), an organised in KVK on August 6, 2019. Students NGO. Students gained hands on experience

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and Women Teams in Government First on poultry, animal husbandry, water Grade College, Vamdapav, Mangaluru. harvesting techniques, organic farming, etc YOUTH QUAKE in Namma Bhoomi. They were introduced to Appropriate Education Techniques based Professor Joselyn Lobo, Staff Advisor on Montessori Education methods adopted TheYouth Quake has been in active existence for in Namma Nalanda Vidyapeeta. They more than two decades in the college. The year’s also visited Namma Angadi where rural activities were initiated with a common inaugural handicrafts are marketed to support rural of forum activities. The office-bearers for the year artisans. 2019-20 are: F Mohammed Naseer (III BA) interned with President: Ms. Manaswi K S (III BSW) Public Health Department, NITTE University. He Secretary: Ms. Rashmi Shenoy (II BA) was involved with the research project titled Treasurer: Mr. Anthony Paul (I BA) ‘Spatial analysis and nutritional assessment S among under 5 children with acute diarrheal A one-day Educational tour to nature spots of disease in Udupi District’ during 2019. Bantwal Taluk of Dakshina Kannada district was organised by the Youth Quake club of Roshni i F Priya R. Gatty (III BA) interned with Public Nilaya on 10thSeptember 2019. The group Health Department, NITTE University. She was consisted of 40 students including 11 students from f involved in data processing for the project Norway who are on internship in Roshni Nilaya. titled ‘Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA) Baseline The group visited Narahari Parvatha and then Rani Household Survey” during November 2019. a Abbaka Museum, a treasure house of artefacts F Ms. Vaishali M. L. (II BA) interned with of Tulunadu painstakingly collected by Professor Tukaram Poojary and Professor Ashlatha Suvarna. r Sarvachethana Trust (R), H D Kote, from 20th May to 3rd July 2019 and in Surabhi The museum, that houses objects connecting the history of and culture, Ujwala Centre (Ujwala Yojane under the also includes an art gallery on the life of Rani a Department of Women and Child), Shimoga, th th Abbaka, the valiant queen of Ullal who fought from 6 November to 15 November 2019. the Portuguese. She rendered her service by involving in individual, group and family counselling. The tour’s final destination was Shree Karinjeshwara Temple where the trek to the top and the view of SPORTS the hills below is a refreshing experience. Situated Mr Sandeep U. at a height of about 1000 feet from sea level in the Physical Education Director midst of lush green Kodyamale hills, Karinjeshwara F Selection Committee Member for Mangalore is a popular pilgrimage centre. University, South Zone Inter University Cricket NATIONAL SERVICE SCHEME (NSS) (men and women) teams, 2019. Associate Professor Cecilia F. Goveas, NSS F Selection Committee Member for All India Programme Officer Inter University soft ball (men) team, 2019. Mr Sandeep U, Assistant NSS Programme Officer F Men’s conducted Softball Coaching for Men F Rajkishan G.S (II BA) participated in the

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Republic day Parade in Bengaluru on January 26, 2019. University and NSS University College at F Celebrated Republic day on January 26, University College on March 9, 2019. 2019. Ms. Beulah Immanuel, Professor of Sociology and Social work at the Academy F Chinthana I. D has been awarded the Best of Prisoners and Correctional administration NSS volunteer at the University level for the was the Chief Guest. year 2017-2018. F Twenty NSS students volunteered at the F Observed International Yoga day on June 21, Snehalaya Charitable trust on January 26, 2019. Ms. Deviprada R.Hegde and Ms. Mala 2019 on the occasion of the inauguration G Bhat, KMC Bejai Navachaithanya Yoga of Snehalaya Psycho- Social Rehabilitation members conducted an hour yoga session for Asylum for Women. the students and staff of the college. F Two students participated in the inter- F Thirty volunteers participated in planting Collegiate Quiz Programme at Divyas Centre saplings in Mannagudda area as part of on January 26,2019. “Green Mangalore drive” organised by S Mangalore South Vidhana Sabha Kshethra F Half a day Shramadhan ‘Clean College Campus’was organised on January 28th and on June 29, 2019. i 29th 2019. F A buzz session was organised for the Second year NSS volunteers to plan out various F Twelve students participated in the Kanaka f activities for the year on July 1, 2019. Keerthana Programme at University College, Mangaluru on February 9, 2019. F Vikram M.M. and Kavya Gonsalves a participated in the Mangalore University F Five students participated in the Programme Annual NSS selection camp at University on Narayana Guru’s principles at Townhall College, Konaje from 10th to 16th July 2019. r organised by Mangalore University on F Abhishek Naik and D’Souza Donna February 14, 2019. a participated in the Leadership programme F On the occasion of International Women’s during the NSS University Annual camp at day, JCI Mangaluru Samrat, Region F, Zone XV, University College, Konaje from July 10th JCI India and Swastika Consultancy Services to16th July 2019.Rajkishan was a volunteer in association with NSS Mangalore University at the NSS University Annual camp. and NSS unit of the College organised a one-day workshop on the theme “Power of F Twenty students participated in the Jatha to Women” on 7th March, 2019 in the College celebrate World Environment day on July 12, campus. CI Sen. Dr. Raghavendra Holla N 2019. and JC Rajeshwari D. Shetty, Zone trainer, F An orientation to NSS and its functioning for JCI India were the resource persons for the the I BA/BSW students was held on 13th July, workshop. 2019. F Four students participated in District Youth F Second year NSS volunteers participated in Conference organised by NSS Mangalore the drug awareness rally on July 18, 2019.

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by the Prime Minister of India on August 29, F As a part of dengue awareness programme, 2019. NSS volunteers addressed the children of F College competition on various social issues schools in Mangaluru on 22 July 2019. was organised on 3rd September, 2019. F Sixty volunteers participated in the F Six volunteers participated in the Beach dengue awareness survey in Mangaluru cleaning programme organised by Mangalore in collaboration with Mangalore City University, NSS unit at Someshwara on Corporation on July 26, 2019. September 8, 2019. F Inaugural Programme of NSS activities for the F As part of Poshan Abhiyan drive, health Academic year 2019-20 was held on 27 July awareness programme on eating disorders, 2019. Mr. M. Shekhar Pujari, President, Lions malnutrition, obesity, impact of fast food Club Mangalore inaugurated the programme. and importance of balances diet was The programme was presided by the Principal organised on 12th September, 2019. Ms. S Ms. Juliet C.J., NSS programme Coordinator Anitha Lakshmi, Dietician and Nutritionist, of Mangalore University and Vice Principal Yenepoya Medical College, Derlakatte was Dr. P. Jenis Mary were the Guests. the resource person. i F NSS unit in association with Lions Club F Half a day Shramadhan ‘Clean College Mangalore celebrated Vanamahotsava by Campus’ was organised for the NSS volunteers f planting a mango sapling near the Reflection on 14th September, 2019 from 2.00 p.m to park on 27 July 2019. 4.45 p.m. a F Ten volunteers participated in the “Mathe F Twelve students participated in the leadership Kalyana” programme at Town hall on 3, camp at Vijaya College, Mulki on 16th r August 2019. September, 2019. F Half-a-day Shramadhan ‘Clean College F The Golden Jubilee of NSS was celebrated on a Campus’ was organised for the NSS volunteers NSS day, 24th September, 2019. Professor on 3rd August 2019 from 2.00 p.m to 4.45 Rita M. Noronha, Retired Professor of MSW, p.m. School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya and the First NSS Officer of the College was the Chief F Celebrated Independence Day on 15th Guest. She inaugurated the programme. August 2019. Mr. Max Rasquinha, Founder Former Principals of the College, Founder International Orientation Centre was the Principal Dr. Olinda Pereira, Miss Philomena Chief Guest. Serrao, Dr. Jacinta D’Souza and Provincial F Ms. Donna D’Souza participated in the of the Daughters of the Heart of Mary Ms. Republic day selection camp at Mangalore Philomena D’sa were the Guests of honour University on 17th August 2019. who felicitated the NSS officers who served the NSS unit since 1975. NSS volunteers F NSS volunteers along with other students of Deekska K. recipient of Indira Gandhi the college took a pledge on Fit India on the National Award for the best Volunteer 2010- occasion of the Launch of Fit India Movement 2011, Ms. Chinthana, best NSS Volunteer

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University Level 2017-2018, Rajkishan G.S; Participant, RD Parade at Bengaluru were and a session on various agricultural felicitated. methods, issues and challenges was conducted F Sessions on handling Crisis, building self- by an agriculturist Sri Avil Menezes. esteem and improving leadership skills for the Ms. Evelyn Benis, Secretary of the Institute of NSS volunteers was organised in collaboration Social Service and Dean of M.S.W. presided over with the Department of Counselling on 24th the valedictory function. Rev. Fr. Elias D’Souza, Sri September, 2019. Anthony Sequeira, member of the Rotary Club, Associate Professor Joselyn Lobo, Dean of B.S.W., F NSS Annual camp was held at Our lady of Sri Dheeraj Shetty, President of Mangalore, Roshni th Loretto Church, Loretto, Bantwal from 8 to Alumni were the guests. 14th November 2019. Rev. Fr. Elias D’ Souza, Parish Priest of our Lady of Loretto Church ALL INDIA CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY FEDERATION inaugurated the camp. (AICUF) Principal Ms. Juliet C. J. presided over the Ms. Anshifa Sony – Animator S function. Sri Padmaraj Ballal, President of F AICUFers have taken the initiative to organise Rotary Club, Bantwal Loretto hulls, Smt. Shruthi the Eucharistic Celebration on the First Madtha, Secretary of Rotary Club, Sri Suresh Wednesday of every month. i Shetty, Sri Arun Madtha, members of the Rotary F 15 AICUF members accompanied by the Club, Sri Richard Menezes, Vice President of the Animator Ms. Ramona Lavita Misquith f Parish Council of our Lady of Loretto Church and participated in MAGIS 2019 a Jesuit youth Sr. Dulcine Rodrigues, Headmistress of Loretto convention, gathering all the youth and a Kannada Medium Higher Primary School were animators from across South Asia from the guests. NSS Programme Officer Associate 10th to 15th January 2019. The theme was Professor Ms. Cecilia Goveas welcomed the r ‘Celebrate democracy, uphold constitution’. gathering and Assistant Programme Officer Various activities were conducted and the Mr. Sandeep Ullal delivered the vote of thanks. members were put into different groups. It a Seventy three students participated in the camp also involved celebration of the Holy Eucharist, and took active part in various service activities examination of conscience and Magis circle. like levelling Loretto playground, cleanliness of Loretto grama from Loretto to Sornad as a part F On 30th July 2019, AICUF 2019 was of Swacch Bharath programme, plastic awareness inaugurated in the college. Jatha from Loretto to Panjikallu, street play F On 4th September, 2019 AICUF organised programme for Loretto grama people and for the a campus mass followed by Novena on children of Loretto aided kannada medium higher the occasion of Nativity of Mary in the primary school on the occasion of Children’s Day. college chapel. Each AICUF student actively Educational programme on various participated and offered flowers at the end topics like drug awareness, personality of every novena. development, leadership, law for common F Six AICUFers interned in the Centre for people, health awareness was organised. Research, School of Social Work, Roshni The students visited an agricultural farm

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Dilna visited Anganavadi and Old age home Nilaya, from 4th to 25th November 2019. and completed her Seva project at Udma Village, Kasaragod. F Six AICUFers participated in the Youth March for Christ organised by Youth Commission, INTER DEPARTMENTAL/FORA PROGRAMMES Mangalore Diocese, in collaboration with F A joint initiative was undertaken by the White Doves, Mangalore under the theme Departments of Social Work (UG), Kannada, "Christ our life and light’ on 1st Sunday, Economics and Sociology to conduct tutorial December 2019. classes for twelve II PUC repeaters from Government PU College for Women, F Three AICUF students, Kavya Maria Gonsalves Balmatta. –President AICUF, Jasmine Martis and Pearl Carolyn attended the AICUF Rural Camp F On 22nd June 2019, Youth Red Cross and that will be held in Raichur, Manvi from 4th the NSS unit, in collaboration with Blood December to 9th December 2019. bank unit of Father Muller’s Charitable Hospital, Mangaluru and Red is Blood Kerala YOUTH RED CROSS (YRC) S Charitable Society organised blood donation Ms Anusuya Shenoy, Staff Advisor camp in the College campus. Staff and i F YRC volunteers participated in International students enthusiastically participated in the Youth Day programme at Town Hall, camp and donated 18 units of blood. f Mangalore on 12th January 2019. F First and second year students of B.A./B.S.W. F The Youth Red Cross unit organised Three watched “ARTICLE 15” on 13th July 2019. Days of In-House Camp for its volunteers This was jointly organised by Crimino- Vision, a at Seminar Hall on the topic of Disaster Lit Meet and Sociology-Economics Forum. management and First Aid from 12th to 14th F A trek to Edapadav was organised jointly by r March, 2019. the English Lit-meet and Sociology-Economics F On 4th September 2019, eight YRC volunteers Forum on 25th August 2019. 58 students a visited St. Antony Old age Home, did participated in this trek. their Seva project and interacted with the F Lit-Meet and Sociology-Economics Forum inmates. in association with the Inner wheel Club of F On 28th September 2019, eight YRC volunteers Mangalore North organised a Seminar on visited Jeevadaan, Rehabilitation Centre and the theme ‘Community Participation towards Sneha Sadan, Gurupura, Mangaluru, did Orphan Free India’ on Saturday 31st August their Seva project and interacted with the 2019 from 1.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. at Maria inmates. Paiva Hall. Around one hundred and fifty participants attended the Seminar. The F In the month of September 2019, YRC volunteer President of Inner Wheel Club of Mangalore Ms.Sarina Kami completed her Seva project North, Mrs. Asha Naik welcomed the at Inchara Foundation, Shivbhag, Mangaluru gathering. Convener of the Seminar Professor and helped the children to prepare for their Shobhana N. gave the curtain raiser. The exams. Seminar was symbolically inaugurated by F On 7th October 2019, YRC volunteer Ms. unfurling a Painting of mother and child by

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the Principal of the College Professor Juliet C.J. Smt. Kavitha Shashtri, former Governor, F Rangasagara- Theatre Group of the Lions Club International District was the key Departments of English and Kannada trained note speaker and highlighted on the role the B.A. and B.S.W. students who presented a of community in the care of orphans and street play titled ‘The Abuse and the Abused’ called all social work organisations to during the National Seminar Samprathi 2019 come together and work on issues such as in St. Aloysius College on 26th September adoption. Smt. Rathna Alva gave a gist of 2019. The theme of the Street Play was the area of work that she alongside other Drug Addiction. While the Street Play was volunteers was engaged in Bagini Samaja, for a Platform Performance, the other team a home for destitutes for the past three with 14 participants was a full length play decades. Sharing of experiences by adoptive titled ‘The Waiting Room’. mothers and an orphaned adolescent made a lasting impression on the audience. CONCLUSION F We, at School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya shall The NSS volunteers in association with S Sociology-Economics Forum put up a street continue to keep moving in response to the need play on Swacch Bharath and dengue of the time in all our future endeavors. We rely on awareness at Nandigudda circle and His Providence and seek continuous support of all i Mangaladevi temple area on September stakeholders as we gear towards the improvement 17, 2019. of quality education and seek re-accreditation f F NSS volunteers in association with the from the National Assessment and Accreditation Sociology Economics forum students visited Council (NAAC) in 2020. a Inchara Home for Children at Shivbagh on Thank you. 21st September, 2019 and donated groceries r and toiletries to the inmates. Dr. Juliet C.J. Assoc. Prof. Sandra S. Lobo Principal Rapporteur a

Take up one idea, make that one idea your life. Think of it, dream of it, Live on that idea let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.” Swami Vivekananda

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I am a first year criminology student and I love ANTHONY my course. My interest in criminology grew whilst I B.A. I started reading crime novels and watching ‘How To Get Away From Murder’. I particularly loved to gain an understanding of the motivations and the subject and wanted to learn more about it in patterns of criminals in India. detail. Criminology is a subject in which all the practicals Everytime I attend a criminology lecture, I always that are done give a real experience and get look forward to learning something new because us prepared for any upcoming task. These I get to learn about the various explanations experiences have made my communication and of crime and ways different races or influences writing the main key skills, because that would give experience the criminal justice system. classes me the ability to convey my ideas or message to a are taken both theoretically and practically. We varied audience. S also get to read Case studies and analyse them. At first when I started, I was quite nervous because I have gained so much information that links, I thought I wouldn’t fit in. But I need not have analyses, describes, explains crime and criminal worried because the department of criminology i behaviour, from learning how police work is made me feel instantly welcomed. I’m really conducted for the investigation of crimes to proud and glad to have chosen criminology as a f justice system issues from handling of evidence to subject in a College that is itself very welcoming. It processings to confessions, Cyber crime, juvenile has changed my whole outlook on what I wanted crime, homicide, murder. I have also learnt how to do with my life and has changed my whole a to trace a finger, a tire mark, check forging of perspective of thinking. documents, how to write a first information report, What other reasons can I give to study this r Inspection of a crime scene, photography of indoor degree? and outdoor crime scenes, handling and packing of evidence, recording interrogation and claiming a of composition by the victim. Criminology itself is a really wide subject it covers different areas in a criminal activity. This subject allows me to specialize in a wide area such as criminal behaviour, white collar crimes and corporate crimes. It gives me a unique opportunity


School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20


Yeh corona you have made the world a cemetery without the knowledge of anybody you made your entry who gave the permission to come to our country? You thought you will rule us through your authority? Jayanti Lakra Because of you life has become miserable II Bsw with all the doubts, anxiety, fear terrible fear has become our daily channel Hoping that God will take away this virus as soon as possible The churches, mosques, temples have become vacant Without the presence of anyone they are silent The atmosphere in the vicinity has turned violent At all level the Head officers are vigilant S Corona where to find your destiny? As all people are in pain and agony i will you disappear from so many? Without disturbing our life journey f People have become the victim of hunger Facing life has become a danger This plague has scattered everywhere stronger a O God! ocean of mercy save us through your divine nature! r

a An Idyll Clouds below the sun, as if they have agreed To make each other’s presence glorious The mist thick, as if hiding something that’s freed Ah, the esoteric world makes me curious Why is it that it looks so beautiful even in chaos? Dhrithi Bangera Be it flowers, with their pleasant presence I Ba Or the grass, the faint breeze and the rocks Each breath is a moment to reminisce.

The sky and the land are both a blessing To the eager eyes and the ever so zestful soul The very time spent here is soothing And every treasuring moment is only loved more.

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Tell me, how you fell down and broke your arm learning a bicycle Manisha and why you hated your fancy pink bicycle. I BA Tell me your chilhood memories, how you got that scar on your knee, Tell me why you hated your maths teacher and why you liked your english sir, Tell me the nightmares you had or tell me if you ever felt alone. Tell me why you love apples over mangoes, Or why you drink 4 cups of coffee a day. Explain to me your love for the ocean, and your fascination with pretty blue and yellow skies, Or why you fear heights, spiders and cats. Talk to me about that beautiful dream you dreamt last week, S where flute has taken all over the world, its okay u can tell me. You can tell me about your first favourite actor, i Your first love or heartbreak, Or if you like the mole on your chest more than the one on your finger, Because I am love with the art that you are. f And I admire you so much, that everything that you have and you say sounds like a poetry to me. a Tell me, and maybe, just maybe You’ll see yourself Its simply not possible to not fall in love with you. r Because I am with you forever. #thoughts # a

Cool breeze across your face While on the fresh moist grass you lay Feeling a beautiful warm embrace Though there’s not even a fly to sway.

Melody of the flowing river The sense of Vastness above; All these combined together peace Makes you feel at peace somehow.

But to forever be at peace, You’ll know satisfying it won’t be ‘Cause just like after hardship there’s ease Hebah Fathima Peace too, requires to survive, its antonym. I BA

64 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

Think before you defame

We are the kind of individuals who cross check a million times before we buy any product online, we read the ingredients Nashma Khatija on the back of a food product (III BA) once again to re-assure it is halaal, at times we also re- calculate the bill at a restaurant As per the IPC section 500, “Whoever defames or supermarket to re-ensure another shall be punished with simple imprisonment that the man on the cash for a term which may extend to two years, or with counter hasn’t made a mistake. fine, or with both.” In India, defamation in public is Why do we do it? Because both civil and criminal offence. we are privileged to have the So next time we post anything, let’s make sure that best of the brains in the animal we do our part by checking the facts just like how S kingdom and we make the best we do it everyday in the local grocery store. It use of it. Humans are wise. But when it comes to should be very easy, isn’t it? i social media, Where does all that smartness and obsession to re-check facts go? Some of us today Most importantly, let us set fire on those victim blindly accept and share anything that is available cards, they aren’t taking you no where but to hell. f on the internet. When we do this, remember it could On a side note, a study by Jason Riley et al (2019), involve false accusations and serious defamation. found out that Facebook users believe more than a This could damage the reputation, character half of fake news is true. or integrity of that person, and she/he may not So unless it is about Elon Musk and SpaceX, don’t r be able to be a part of society again. Who is believe everything you see on the internet. responsible? You know the answer, you just have to think harder. a

One in a million

A friend is like a star that twinkles and glows Or maybe like the ocean that gently flows. A friend is like gold that you should treasure And take care of forever and ever. A friend is like an angel that is there to guide you. A friend is someone you can trust out of a few. A friend is more than one in a million. They are one in a ca-zillion, And you, my friend, are very special and so it is official. Mahalaxmi I BA

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Friends are the family we choose. We can’t imagine our life without them. They are the ones who add on to our happiness. ANJALI Friends are people we love to spend time with. I BA They give us company when we are lonely, support us unconditionally and accept us despite our We shouldn’t be too judgmental or expect too shortcomings. They make celebrations fun, and much from anyone. If we keep expecting much, they help us be ourselves. we will always feel like that person is not making Not just that, friends also help us grow at a spiritual any effort to strengthen the relationship that you level. Each soul is on a journey. Friends are guides have. Another important aspect of friendship is the who come into our lives, play their roles and move understanding that we all grow and change. Since on. Don’t we all have friends who we were very we continue to grow, we continue to evolve. Hence, close to at one point, but with whom we are no it is important that you don’t judge people by their S longer in touch with now? Sometimes because of past actions. some misunderstandings, they drift apart. Most of In any relationship, and especially in friendship, us think that we are not at fault , we are perfect , i it is important to communicate clearly what you we let our ego win the game. What friends do for are feeling. Honest communication leads to the us cannot be described in words. It is important for right expectations. Make sure you do your best to f us to have friends but many of us find it difficult nurture the friendship. to strike up a friendship and that’s how it ends. Sometimes we become too judgmental and that’s a how it leads to a fight. r a World is beautiful

The universe has given me a million flowers Just for me to see and smell and adore Perhaps there were many more That is something I am truly grateful for.

I enjoyed thousands of friendship hours Lovely, touching my heart and my soul’s core Perhaps there were many more That is something I am truly grateful for. Oh my God in this big universe In love and beauty, we are immersed. All we have to do is open our heart and mind Beauty, love and friendship for all of humankind. Rachel Pais I BA

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Downpour Dark clouds hovering above A sky filled with darkness Mind a mess Thoughts spiraling around Just like the storm yet to come. Unsaid words Held within Rhea Tauro Waiting to pour out like the rain I BA Strong winds blow and a tear drop falls Lightning strikes The clouds thunder And then she breaks Everything held within is let out The thoughts, the words, the memories. All come out in the form of tears and unending sobs S In tune with the pitter patter of the raindrops against the window Eyes overflowing with tears and rain pouring unending The last tear drop falls i The storm clouds pass by, A gentle breeze is felt f One that brings comfort The sun comes out from hiding for so long The sun’s rays fall on her tear-stained face a Encompassing her in warmth She now has a smile on her face Ready to face another day r After letting out all that was withheld She is filled with lightness Now in harmony with the brightness outside a To bring light in other people’s life Just as the sun brought in hers.

There is something so called as smile that can inspire and reach more than mile Smile can destroy the dark with its own bright glowing light Smile tends to conquer our heart which is similar to an art. Smile and let the world smile. least once in a while.

SMI L E It will never leave you behind Kadeeja Afreen Instead it will stay in your mind I B.A.

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Find the time MOULD Hina I BA Rachel Pais I B.A. Ever felt cheated on? Got slapped on your blind trust? And it’s completely fine right? when? how? they confront with truths! But what’s when they stab at your back with the same trust you’ve given them. I’m happy I’m sad The time to read S I’m stuck I’m mobile The time to write I’m hell lot of things in a go The time to smell flowers i And that’s okay that’s completely fine !! to enjoy the beauty of life; Now that I understand to have a coffee with a friend that it’s okay to be too much in a while f and it’s okay to be too little too to take a surprise cake to learn about people I learned to be my own home I’m my own refugee to go to a place with someone special a My own happy place. to dream And sometimes to do nothing at all for a while r a Do not go gentle into that good night

Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Ajith Because their words had forked no lighting they I BA Do not go gentle into that good night. Good men, the last wave by crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way Do not go gentle into that good night.

68 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

Serializing Serial Killers

Robert Ressler, an FBI investigator, coined the term “serial killer”. The National Institute of Justice (in the United States) defined serial murder, in 1988, as “a series of 2 or more murders, committed as Ruth A. Quadros separate events, usually, but not always, by one II B.A. offender acting alone”. Serial murder, also called serial killing, is the Based on the crimes they commit, they are placed unlawful homicide of at least two people carried into four main categories:- out by the same person (or persons) in separate a. Thrill-seekers, b. Mission-Oriented, events occurring at different times. c. Visionary Killers and/or d. Power/Control Criminologist Eric Hickey states that most researches Seekers done on serial killers and serial murders define 1. Thrill-seekers are killers who find outsmarting S the individuals as having killed three or four the law incredibly amusing. They enjoy being victims, but he also includes, in his database, the pursued by the police and the attention they individuals who have killed two or three people receive through the media by the general i but are suspected of having killed or having the public. Distinguishable features of these killers intention of killing more people. are that they keep detailed records of their f The issue with using a definition in which a serial killings and send (encrypted) notes to others, killer is only one who kills three or more people the police or the general public. Therefore, is that it omits those who have killed twice, with logically, we could classify thrill-seekers as a a pattern of obsessive qualities and would be organised serial killers but sometimes they do expected to kill again. Such people would be tried not plan everything out in advance which may r in court and granted a lesser sentence because make them seem as unorganised killers. Thrill- they do not fit the textbook definition of serial seekers generally drag out the murder of their murderers. victim by either torturing or sexually assaulting a them, eventually killing and hiding their body. Depending on the nature of the crime, a serial killer They move on to the next victim if they are not can be classified as organised or disorganised. caught. Organised serial killers are rather intelligent, their IQ scores ranging from 105 to 120. The killer takes precaution to avoid leaving evidence linked to them on the crime scene. It is not unheard of, and is quite common, for organised serail killers to stalk their victim for days before they kill them. Disorganised killers, on the other hand, have a low IQ, ranging from 80 to 95. Their actions are unplanned, they make mistakes, their killings are random. Their victims are often people who were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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serial killers based on their M.O. and nature of the crimes they’ve committed. 2. Mission-Oriented killers are those who feel they are helping the society by “getting rid of” “Black Widow” is a title given to female serial sections of society which they consider to be killers, because a black widow spider is known pests. These sections of the society include (but to kill and digest its mate after laying her eggs. are not limited to) young women, prostitutes, “Spree Killers” are those who kill a person people of colour, homosexuals, transgenders, immediately after killing someone else. “Lust people who are generally considered outcasts. Killers” are those who harm the victims for sexual These killers are generally not psychotic and arousal. People who form groups and kill for see themselves as people who are trying to sacrifice and acceptance into the group are called make a positive change in society. These killers “Group Killers” but are more often referred to as are organised as they only target specific “cults”. “Mass Murderers” are serial killers who groups of people, which makes them easy to kill large groups of people at a time, having no track as their M.O. stays the same. specific target but committing the crime just for the sake of their pleasure. 3. Visionary Serial Killers are people who S occasionally suffer psychotic breaks from Often, serial killers keep items that they have society. They may feel as if they were taken from their victims, for keepsake. Robert i compelled by some higher entities such as God Keppel, a retired American Detective, classified or the Devil or they feel as if they are another these collections into two: Souvenirs and Trophies. person. The most common visionary serial killers Personal items which allow the killer to enjoy their f subdivisions are those of Demon-Mandated memories of the crimes they’ve committed are and God-Mandated. Eg: David Berkowitz was termed Souveniers. These can be jewellery, body a a serial killer who believed that a demon had parts, etc… Trophies are objects that killers use to given him orders to kill his neighbour’s dog. make a shrine. They are generally the same type Since visionary killers tend to be extremely of article taken from each of their victims. r unorganised, it makes it easy to track them There have been many instances wherein a down as they leave a lot of clues behind. serial killer has undergone rehabilitation but has a 4. Power and Control oriented serial killers relapsed and gone back to commit murders only are usually the most brutal of them all. They to be caught again. enjoy inflicting pain onto their victims to see Links used for reference: the terror in their eyes, their suffering and their screams. These killers are incredibly organised law/crime-and-law-enforcement/serial-killers and can be very intellectual which makes it hard to catch them as they tend not to leave what-is-the-profile-of-a-serial-killer-1/what-are-the-differ- any clues behind. These killers usually have a ent-types-of-serial-killers history of childhood trauma or abuse which left them feeling inadequate or powerless as adults. Many of these killers sexually assault killer-arrested-age-8/ their victims but not because they are driven by lust but because to them, rape is just another form of forcing control over another person. investigator-who-coined-the-term-serial-killer#:~:text=The %20FBI%20Investigator%20Who%20Coined%20The%2 Other than the above-listed categories, there are 0Term%20’Serial%20Killer’%20Robert,that%20were%2 many subcategories that are unique to different 0tough%20to%20 understand.

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Firstly, we would like to thank our criminology teacher Ms. Sarik Ankita for giving us this opportunity to conduct this internship in Hyderabad crime branch. We first approached Srinadh’s Bonthu Srinadh & Manish uncle DSP Telangana secretariat (N.Trinadh) as I BA this was our first time and had no clue what to do. Through his help we were appointed to meet Anjani of everything that was discussed and were strictly Kumar’s (IPS) office. P.s you can only visit the IPS told other than recording audio we were not officer during visiting hours. With his permission allowed to use the phone for anything else while and recommendation we went to SIT AND CRIME talking to the officers at their respective areas. BRANCH office to meet officer SHIKHA GOEL and Towards the end of our internship we had spent she gave us permission to visit the Crime Branch time with the SHE TEAMS AND BAROSA. A team to meet Mr. M. BHARI (addl. DSP). After 2 days of designated female officers appointed for the S of going around requesting permission he had safety of women in Hyderabad. given us a schedule for the next 15 days. The 15 day schedule was divided in a such a way that Overall, it was a very nice experience and we i we could visit and spend time with all the teams. hope to do it again in the near future. In the robbery team the officers showed us cases f that they worked on and also told us how they caught the perpetrator. In the clues team, they TOMORROW showed us a crime scene and they explained how a While the breeze caresses your soul they would mark and secure the evidences as well The feeling of hope fills your heart entering and exiting (yes there is a way for this not The day falls out to pave the way r depicted like in the movies) the crime scene and For the night to ascend its throne they explained various forensic kits they use while While sky paints the twilight to come evaluating and examining evidences. We then a The ocean engulfs the gleaming prince visited the fingerprint lab and photo lab and they Descending his throne thus soars the night showed us how they would analyze the evidences. With its darkness that harbours fear After that we visited the cybercrime lab and The prince of night shines his luminous station. While we were waiting in the waiting room Moonlight as a ray of hope we had seen at least 10 cases in 5-6 minutes. It With his twinkling star sky of merriment was sad to see people getting scammed by saying We live through the night with the they would be given various job opportunities and Dream of hope that is to attain other lies. A Tomorrow. *Very important note* while entering the crime branch it is a must to deposit your phone to the reception and you can’t randomly enter the building like it’s your home. Through extreme Aishwarya pleading we were allowed to bring out phones IBA inside the building because we couldn’t make notes

71 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20 CHUTKI

I heard some say my nerves burst. Yet some more say my lungs gave up. But the ones who looked over me with the warm feeling that I could not Shravya. M. H comprehend cried thinking they were derelict; that III BA they couldn’t stop the allergies from conquering my body and bringing an end to me. more than that. My body started itching. I cried. I breathed the earth for two hundred and eleven In a moment’s notice, I saw all the three faces in sunsets. I breathed my last when the new sun was front of me, looking at me in horror. I saw coloured reborn. I sensed the pain, I sensed the burn. My circles on my hands. It was the same colour as the cries were heard but not my words. I wished I could liquid that was on me when I was pulled out of the go back to the womb where it felt safe. womb. I began to wonder, amidst the pain, if it It wasn’t a few days ago when I felt the ear of was time for me to go back to the womb. someone on my chest and I could see lips and The sun began to drown and my body began S fingers make gestures that imitated the music that heating up. I was carried by the one who fed me. something inside my chest made. That ‘someone’ I saw the dark screens above which I hadn’t seen i was smaller than there stand was always around before. I saw the moon which seemed serene like me. The face resembled that of the one who fed nothing could bother it; the twinkling stars which me. intensified the beauty of the darkness. I wondered f When the screen above me that holds the sun if that beauty was a mockery to the terrible turned dark, I would see another face. I would see uneasiness that I felt. a it again when the sun came back. The face always I arrived at a place where I could see many more said, “Say ‘Papa’!” I wonder what it meant and I faces. They were clothed in the colour of the moon. wish I could utter those words to that face. One of them approached us. I saw the one who r The one who fed me had sparkling eyes and each visited me every sunset and sunrise have glistening time I cried, I would see glistening water in those water in the eyes and joined hands in front of him and said, “Save her!”. What did that mean? a eyes and after a moment, the face would hold a smile. My worries and fears would come to rest The one who fed me had the glistening water when I saw it. I felt warm again and felt that running down the cheeks to the chin and then nothing on earth could harm me when that smile is disappearing. I sensed fear. As I continued to cry, in front of me. my chest began hurting. My throat felt like it was All these faces would always say, “Chutki” and burning. After some time, I couldn’t hear myself. I nod when they saw me. I never understood that could feel a prick on my hand and immediately but would turn towards them each time they said something running through my body. My vision it. They would blink several times bending over me, became blurry and I went into a deep sleep. The shake my hands and legs, tap my nose and scare voices faded away. me. Some of them made weird faces which scared I could see the sunlight again. Nothing else but me even more. I wonder what they were trying to light. I could feel the pain and yet feel relieved of do. everything. Eventually, I felt no pain. I heard voices On the two hundred and seventh day of my no more; no more “Chutki”. It was the same feeling journey on earth, I began feeling unusually uneasy. that I felt two hundred and eleven sunsets ago. It wasn’t the same discomfort that I felt when my Where am I now? Have I returned back to the back was wet; no rancid smell either. It was much womb?

72 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

Illusion of love His proposal was denied Through this denial he threw acid on the girls face A few words the girl had to convey the man Fine you threw acid upon me, Now tell me what was my fault? You expressed I denied the proposal Aaradhana Alva You blew my face.... I BA Maybe it was my mistake That I couldn’t recognize your love You loved me so much.. That I could not understand Now I admit my mistake. Now would you accept me? Will you make me your own now? Would be able to face me? With all those blisters and burnts... S . Will you look into my eyes which has sunk in now? i Whose eyelashes are burnt Will you run your fingers on my cheeks? On which the blisters now release puss f Yes? Maybe you will ...

Was your love true? a Fine! Tell me one thing Where did this idea of ‘Acid’ come from..? Did anyone tell you? r Or did this idea pop up within your mind? How do you feel now... After you torched me? Proud? a Or are you feeling more manly? You know what It’s only my face which is burnt My body is still left Can I give you some advice... . You build an acid pond Then let me jump in it When I’m burning completely Then maybe your love in me will be deep and true. . I’ll pray that In the next life I’ll be your daughter And I find a lover who is like you Maybe then you’ll understand by your act how my family and I have suffered so much pain... You ruined my whole life completely.....

73 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20


Feel the gentle, free breeze’s embrace; it makes me feel refreshed, liberated and loved. It fills all lives with life. It supports sail of the boats to propel for the best. Aisha Rahat How warm, reinvigorating and uplifting is the I BA sunshine, peeking and shining through, dispelling darkness, diseases and lifelessness. Its golden rays Ever walk by the shore feeling the water caressing make everything so pretty and luminous. Buds and tickling your feet that sink in the silky sands, bloom in its presence. Life blossoms at its touch. It they amaze me at their graceful strength, mighty beams rainbows when meeting water. power yet gentleness. Take in all the dazzling heavenly bodies up in the The waters never attach themselves to anything; sky, guiding, lighting everyone’s lives. The vast wherever they go they bring repose, life, revival, S glorious stretch of sky above with the fluffiest purity and get on with their greatest purpose of radiant clouds, they make me want to fly to attain serving for betterment, they leave with honour; my best self. Admire the ethereal glow of the i they keep flowing regardless of the rough crevices, galaxies, adoration and sunshine in the deep, hollows in their way. They are a source of power dark chocolatey, pure, rich eyes of your treasure. and love. They adapt, they change for the better. You’ll be mesmerised by the blazing honey like f When the external factors are rigid, they can fill brilliance and goodness in them.They make me want to always strive to be a nicer human being any space so beautifully. a and emulate their marvellous qualities throughout Can you imagine quenching your thirst with any my life. liquid; nothing can satisfy you like water. Wherever See the trees, plants, leaves sway elegantly in they touch, they only bring freshness. In their r the wind, they make me want to dance to my own absence, their precious presence is missed. They rhythm. Trees grow tall but are always grounded; reflect of the glorious sunlight magically, sparkling and dancing, in different scintillating shades of a they give shade, fruits and homes for many. They tower but also humble themselves to reach out to colours. There is so much more to them than meets others. They take nutrients but also share them with the eye. Still waters run deep and their depths, all creation. They bring crispness, glory and vigour. zeal, strength and wisdom can know no bounds. The air is so much fresher all thanks to them. Yes Within them, thrive wondrous creations of all sizes. they branch out but they always stay down to earth They can submerge entire worlds, rejuvenate all and give so lovingly in all ways, small or big. Look creation. They can be the deepest, most vibrant, at them, with time they only become kinder, wiser most serene, most alive, most selfless, most giving and more selfless. The grass beneath the soles of and most flowing. feet course goodness within. The earth, soils induce health and fertility for every creation, relieving creations of negativity. See the lovely intricate designs on the vibrant flowers; they fill me with awe of their grandeur and softness. They only bring goodness, sweet scents and velvety feels. See the gorgeous butterflies fluttering and birds soaring, they make me want to push myself for better.

74 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

A COOL BREEZE BLEW Ruffling a bunch of golden leaves Brushing against my skin Walking me from my slumber.

The blades of the green grass shone Wet diamonds scattered light ANUSHEETHA The yellow orb had woken up I BA Surprisingly giving birth To the mellow voices of the birds.

I got up for a walk The beautiful nature, I wanted to stalk. I picked up a pebble, and tossed it into the lake That increased its heartbeat, some of it lapping against my bare feet The Zephyr blew again, ushering in the aroma of the floral decor S Surrounding the small kingdom around me , enticing me And there I stood, i My heart filled with pleasure Dumbstruck by the charm of nature. f


Asoni a I BA I would not have known the value of the sun If l had not experienced the darkness of the night l would not have known the joy of success If l had not experienced the pain constant effort l would not have known the blessedness of having friends If l had not experienced the lonesome hours of life l would not have known the strength of good health If l had not experienced the weakness of sickness l would not have known the importance of water If l had not experienced the dryness of the throat l would not have known the need for GOD If l had not experienced the challenges of life.... Yes, the two sides of life have a purpose.....

75 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

Girl Child

Small I was, Senseless were my thoughts Benita Mom said, I BA “Quite you should be! You should hide from the world Then why is it so? Because you are a girl Why do I have to mourn? A Girl Child I always heard that Daddy hated me A girl is a curse Mummy ingored me I say a girl Why was it so? Is a boon I never knew A pride, not just a bride Days flew away I grew An Indian slogan says S Children went to school “Save the girl child, save girl child Their parents encouraging them I say i I wanted to go to school ‘Girl saved, girl saved’ Their parents encouraging them Truly I say I wanted to go too. India is saved from getting ashamed f I asked my mom Ashamed in the Olympics “why is it so? Yes. It is because of two girls a Why don’t you let me go?” Therefore I am proud today My dad yelled and said To say It’s because you’re a girl, ‘I am a girl, r A girl child… A girl child’. I was titled a A GIRL CHILD Yes! A child Who was not allowed to go to school Who was made to shut her mouth Though she was true Sometimes I thought, I questioned I questioned myself and my god. “Am I not a human? Am I not God’s creation?’ I know, I know it is not my fault Nor God’s It is mankind Who does it all Aren’t I, a girl child Born from human? From mankind’s flesh!

76 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

This is my scar

Where lies friendship, There lies communication. However, with communication gone, Cassandra Correa Friendship disappears along with it. I Ba I first thought that we were friends. Now, perhaps, I know that we aren’t. As awkward as dumbo the elephant. Our relationship was drained to few or no words. We were once inseparable. We once had a fire bond that would never break. But that has all vanished, Yet I do not know why. We used to say no one could break us. But you did. S You let me down for someone else, Thinking you were doing good to yourself. i With or maybe without intentions, You stabbed me in the back. f Thank you for twisting the knife around and leaving a scar, That would remind me of this broken friendship. a



Friendship is a budding rose with sweetness running through it in each fold. Precious gifts of love so rare amidst the thorns are moments . Roots tie the knot of friendship a smile, a laugh or a friendly thought. take time to smell the rose where blossoms rarely fade. The stems of courage hope and care grow along through nurture Friendship so pure. Delilah Goveas Is always to stay. I BA

77 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20


THE BEGINNING Gauthami “Some moments become more vivid with the I BA passage of time. Many encounters and farewells existed for this moment. A moment that made me THE CONCLUSION believe no matter which alley, which crossroad I “If we can rewind time, where should we go back walk through, it’ll lead to this place in the end. to? Once we reach that place, can we correct all THE ElUCIDATION the errors and mistakes, and can we then become “The sound of cicadas that chirred like showers happy?” ends in an instant. In the abrupt silence, I realise “There are places that can’t be reached no matter how beautiful the world is. Just the fact that you how many seasons repeat. In the end, what we are in it makes all the difference. Even if all of have to face is breaking through yet another storm. these moments are just a lie, I still want to remain Loving without fear. Hesitancy and farewell. Living S here.” as who I am.” “Why is it that the happiest moments suddenly “Maybe I made a mistake yesterday, but i usher in great fear?” yesterday’s me is still me. I am who I am today, THE TWIST with all my faults. Tomorrow I might be a tiny bit wiser, and that’s me, too. These faults and mistakes “Looking back, I already knew it. That underneath f are what I am, making up the brightest stars in the sparkling world before my eyes lay my the constellation of my life. I have come to love deception. That everything was a dream to be myself for who I was, who I am, and who I hope a crumbled away with a breath of wind. I turned to become.” away, eluded, closed my eyes. I was scared, scared LOVE YOURSELF. r of not being loved for who I am.” a Threatened by the diseases, I see people run, Trying to save themselves and their beloved. Pause your In the run, the rich takes shelter under money, The poor take shelter under God. Run... Live But what at the end, it is life’s rule, Rich or poor have to share the same fate. Death My dear live when you can, pause not at the distresses of life. My dear live when you can, fall not in the pit of greed. My dear live when you can, cause there is only one life. Once we live, once we die. So, pause your run and live for a while before you die

Manuel Sugesh 1st bsw

78 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

Don’t – A poem on suicide

Life is not going to be easy, it was never meant to be Everyone will have problems and everyone will have pain It will be, at times dark and desolate, but Manisha Riya Baretto What’s a rainbow without a little rain? Killing yourself is taking the easy way out I BA You’ll leave your difficulties and hardships far away But did it never occur that you’re leaving them too? The ones who loved you unconditionally each and every day Dying never ceases the pain neither does it chase worries away It just starts the suffering of the people around you It leaves them to drown in regret and guilt And it leaves broken hearts that no tailor can see Your life is not only about you and your fights That death will kill your family too. Don’t be a coward, a selfish one at that S Don’t be a naive fool to think suicide frees you You’ve one life to live, make it large i Fight your problems without one single inhibition Live without looking back and live without regrets Make sure your demons land their retribution. f When times get too hard ,don’t give up, don’t bow down you’ve your friends ,ask for help to extend a hand Nothing is too hard, nothing is untouchable and nothing is forever a Never lose hope because disasters are like desert sand So before you decide to head heavenward And before you decide to take your last breath, r Remember that you are the bravest warrior out there And remember to get those weapons out and fight death. a

LIFE IS A PINK-TINTED GLASS The life that we have seen since our childhood has always been a pink- tinted glass. It looked glossy and bright just like the cherry blossoms in spring; When a toddler sees a teenager, They imagine that they can grow up and be a free bird. When the teenager looks at an adult, they too want to hurry up and gain the freedom they see in the adult. But when they become an adult, They realise that life is not as sparkling and glittery as it looks. The freedom, joy, happiness that they see is nothing but a mask that conceals the fear, sadness and hardships of life. The different shades of tints are to cover up the bruises of the glass. The pink tint is to hide the old stained glass of life! Melissa C.Nazareth I BA

79 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

WHO ARE YOU IN THE DARK? Many can’t see in the dark or find their way out of their own heads. Fear controls their minds creating phobias of all kinds. Namratha It’s not the darkness I’m scared of, I BA it’s the things that are hiding in the darkness. When the day has ended and darkness falls Achluophobia makes its call. Achluophobia the fear of darkness to never stand under the moon and stars. You say, “calm down” but that doesn’t help My heartbeat sounds S like drums in my ears My eyes strain to hold back the tears. i Lo and behold the fear in the eyes Lo and behold, its distant cries f Stand firm and let it face you stark Lo and behold the child hidden in the dark. a r HER HANDS Her hands held me gently from the day I took my first breath a Her hands helped to guide me as I took my first step Her hands held me close when tears would start to fall Her hands were quick to show me that she would take care of it all. Her hands were there to brush my hair, or straighten a wayward bow. Her hands were often there to comfort the hurts that didn’t always show. Her hands helped hold the stars in place, and encouraged me to reach. Her hands would clap and cheer and praise when I captured them at length. Her hands would also push me, Though not down or in harms way Her Hands would punctuate the words, just do what I say. Her hands sometimes had to discipline, to help bend this young tree. Her hands would shape and mould me into all she knew I could be. Her hands are now twisting with age, and years of work, Her hands now needs my gentle touch, to rub away the hurt. Her hands are more beautiful than any thing can be. Nisa HER HANDS are the reason I BA “I AM ME”.

80 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20


Rohit I BA

The gods are cruel and sublime,They took my beauty to be a crime, From my youngest memories, I draw forth cruel recollection, “thine skin be silk, thine eyes be rubies, Thine hair like the golden fleece of Hermes.” S I wanted not to be possessed, For I am not this hair, nor this skin, But that which dwells within. i

For men are cruel and sublime, They took my beauty and left me to die. f Many a suitor I rejected, For in their eyes I was merely a possession, Till one took without asking, took honour, took virginity, took will to live. a I cried out to Athena, in my desperation, For mercy for salvation, for divine intervention, And in her casual cruelty, She cursed me Gorgon. Man sought to possess my beauty before, They seek to possess the glory of killing the gorgon now. r Nothing has changed. First my beauty was a cage, now its legend fear and hate. a Another suitor with sword and shield approaches, And we will dance, bodies intertwined, till one remains.

For I am cruel and sublime, You took my beauty now I take your life.

They come in droves, their spirits eager. Somehow they feel that they will be the one to take me down. Their bodies so weak so tender, fragile, so easy to slay. To stay alive or to slay. Which hurts me more I cannot say. Here approaches another, Perseus, my bridegroom. No! no more life will I take. I welcome the sword, welcome death like a brother.

For the gods may be cruel and sublime. But not I, now I rest, I sleep.

81 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

Sana I BA

People should conserve energy. Turn off electronics and lights when you are not in the room. Consider what small changes can lead to big energy savings. Use energy efficient devices. It is also essential ENVIRONMENTAL to understand the concept of reduce, Reuse and S Recycle. Try to buy used items whenever possible. POLLUTION Choose products with minimal packaging. Buy i reusable items. Remember that almost everything Environmental pollution occurs when pollutants that you purchase can be recycled. contaminate the natural surroundings. Pollution Conserve water as much as possible. Dispose of f disturbs the balance of our ecosystems, affect our toxic waste properly. Do not use herbicides and normal lifestyles and gives rise to human illnesses pesticides. Use natural, environmentally friendly a and global warming. Pollution has reached its chemicals for your everyday chores. peak due to the development and modernisation in our lives. With the development of science and In conclusion, Environmental pollution is one of r technology, there has been a huge growth of the biggest problems caused by human activities human potentials. People have become prisoners that we should overcome to see a tomorrow and of their own creations. guarantee our descendants a healthy life. There a are many environmental concerns for communities Environmental pollution has negatively affected around the world to address. We should always the life of both animals and human-beings. The remember that pollution problems affect us all only way to control current environmental issues so each of us has to do his or her best to help is to implement conservation methods and create restore ecological balance to this beautiful place sustainable development strategies. We should we call home. Learn about the major polluters find some effective solutions in order to restore our in your area to protect the air and water where ecological balance. you live. Encourage people to stop pollution, tell First of all, we should make sustainable them everything you know about this problem, and transportation choices. We should take advantage protest local polluters together. The masses should of public transportation, walk or ride bikes be educated on the danger of different types of whenever possible, consolidate our trips, and pollution. People should know everything about consider purchasing an electric car. It is very all consequences of the environmental pollution in important to make sustainable food choices. Choose order to prevent the worst from happening. Let`s local food whenever possible; buy organically protect the water we drink, the air we breathe, grown vegetables and fruits or grow your own. and the soil we use to grow our food.

82 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20


In the dark of the night, in army gear, I fight for the country, I hold so dear, I fear not pain, I fear not death, I will fight until my last breath. My days are lonely, my nights are cold, Shresta To brave Siachen, one has to be bold, I BA Frostbite, Hypothermia, you name it. It is a part of my job to face it. But illnesses are least of my worries It is the alien enemy, I want to bury Terrorists, smugglers, traitors and thieves, In forgiveness, I do not believe! S Though I miss my wife and children, Though in my heart, solitude is a burden , i I care and love my country more, It is more orecious than heaven’s door. f I’II come victorious or not at all Among the winds, my tricolor will stand tall. a Let the enemy ambush me in a crowd, Betrayal is worse than the dead man’s shroud. I fear not pain, I fear not death r I will fight until my last breath. I am a soldier from the Idian Army a I am invincible, nothing scares me.

I will sail through the storms Hope that never fades Fight the demons that come along. Even if I had to survive with a loaf of bread, And cross the wide oceans that come ahead, To save the relationship that is shattered in bits, I will collect and join the pieces and shape it back to still. I will battle against the beasts disguised as angels For I shall try my best to not give up On the ones my soul belong to And my heart truly loves. I will try my best till I take my last breath. Zainab Mukthar 1st BA

83 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20


Was a wonderful day Until you arrived the expected and that which we called upon ourselves so with a wide smile will I receive you, cause that which could have avoid you was nothing but humanity. S Though I feel that all my hope is drained away i I still will gather them to hold on until the last, after all f A weapon to change the world Humanity should have saved itself from the a To start your day in a perfect way, hands of it’s brutal A smile is always the best owners, human itself. r To move your life ahead the day, A smile can beat the rest Manuel Sugesh a For life is hard! Too hard to move, I BSW But a smile can Change it all.

A charm for you to have mirth, Even in your sorrow, Here & Now But now be sure after your birth, A smile indeed to borrow The sun will rise again tomorrow, For life is hard! Too hard to move, And I shall have to ride into the But a smile can change it all. battlefield once more. But for tonight let sweet darkness cradle me in the folds of her gown And tomorrow I will rise-whole, healed, anew.

Zulaikha Jaseera Varsha Bhat I BA I BA

84 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

Cosmic Connections Dhrithi Bangera I B.A. Hansel Rodrigues I B.A. Hansel Rodrigues

Mandala is a Sanskrit word, meaning “circle” and person’s thoughts are unconsciously manifested represents the universe. They generally have one in the mandala as symbols. It could be said that S identifiable centre point from which emanates an the mandala mirrors one’s inner thoughts and array of symbols, shapes and forms. The patterns this aspect of the mandala helps us to discover i within the mandala are usually balanced and and have a better understanding of ourselves. A harmonised, symbolizing we are all connected completed mandala gives off a certain level of f and part of the wider universe. They can contain energy that is pleasing to the mind. One can even both geometric and organic form. When creating spend time meditating on completed mandalas or a mandala, the person is free to add any pattern pictures of completed mandalas, letting the colours a of his or her desire. They can also be made with and shapes speak to the heart. recognizable images that carry meaning to the References: r person. Each mandala has a unique meaning. It can be used to express feelings such as anger, love or gratitude and so on. It is a means to a centering one’s thoughts and emotions in a calming manner. Designing your own mandala can be inspirational and therapeutic. One experiences a mandalas-what-are-they.html sense of calmness as they solely focus on creating (A workshop on “Mandala” was organised on 20th the mandala. The mind becomes clearer as the July, 2019 by Department of Psychology) auro I B.A. Rhea T Rohit Rodrigo I B.A. Rodrigo Rohit

85 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20


Ms. Shravya M.H. III B.A. I always told my friends I liked the Bengaluru traffic and today, I realised I like traffic no matter where. I miss feeling the tension and panic that I would feel each time I was in a hurry but was stuck in traffic and could do nothing about it. I miss feeling I was nine years old when I started commuting by quite at ease amidst the heat and constant honking bus. I hated it. I was too small to notice and would while listening to music. I miss being grateful for often get sandwiched between a lot of people. S the traffic because of which I could catch my bus There were often times when I nearly fell off a if I ever happen to run late. Traffic would fetch moving bus. There was also a time when I did me some more time to admire the attractive man i actually fall off a bus and got injured. I can also in the bus. It would bless me with more time to cry not miss out the times I almost got into a heated about how beautiful the sunset is. argument with an aunty and when a few men took f advantage of me. Staying calm when the buses Traffic taught me what danger is. Traffic taught me raced each other was truly a challenge because what courage is. Traffic helped me learn a song or watch an episode or two of my favourite series. a my heart would race faster than the bus. I would get really annoyed and at the same time feel helpless Music and traffic together helped me memorize when people stamped my feet. Eventually, I got and map a few places so I wouldn’t get lost. r immune to all of this. I barely feel any pain when It felt like a part of me. And now, I miss that part people stamp my feet now. It taught me patience. of me. I miss myself. a

EASY AND DIFFICULT Easy to set ruler, Easy to enjoy the life, Difficult to follow them. Difficult to understand its real value. Easy to pray every night, Easy to criticize others, Difficult to find God in prayers. Difficult to improve oneself. Easy to accept victory, Easy to make mistakes, Difficult to accept defeat. But difficult to learn from them. Easy to promise something to someone, Difficult to fulfill that promise. Easy to say I love, Jumila Lakra Difficult to show it everyday. I BSW

86 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

College Life

Everyone has mixed feelings about college. It’s the time when we are no longer children nor adults yet. Its one of the most crucial stages of life. Its Rhea Tanya Tauro when we truly build ourselves, our foundation. I B.A. Its an opportunity for us to become the kind of person we want to be. We shed our old skin and as find people of similar interests and encourage grow a new one some might be filled with curiosity each other. or maybe with fear. Finding your place and trying to fit in can initially be A new environment with many new faces and a few a struggle, especially if you’re an introvert. After known ones. It might be intimidating but its also a a lot of thinking you finally approach someone, chance for us to widen our social circle, to step out talk a bit and either find similarities or move on of our comfort zones, to interact with new people to another person. When this keeps repeating it of different cultures, views and personalities. We becomes exhausting. But this does not mean you S can discover our talents and work on them as well stop trying to open up. Its alright. Give yourself time to recharge. And i try again. Eventually you will be comfortable with the people around you. Give yourself time. Time to grow and build yourself. Use each day as an f opportunity to improve yourself and come out of your comfort zone. Slowly but eventually, Take it one day at a time and you’ll be surprised to see a how much you grow. r

Beautiful and Serene a

The nature around us is priceless. I was caught up staring, sensing and experiencing the sounds and various smell of nature. I then came across a Khadija Ansa thought in my mind, the thought was of a wonderful I BA painting. I saw few days back. I then started wondering, who is behind this piece of art. Yes, I art. There is a greater artist than the artist of the know there is someone really creative behind that painting. The artist of nature that we admire day and night, is one and only, God of the universe, Praise be to Him. The nature around us is serene. The creator of the nature is our creator as well. He had created us beautiful inside and out.

87 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

World I live In

The world we are living in has changed Kadeeja Afreen so much. Once it was I B.A. a beautiful earth but today there is no day thing, in the name of religion, politics and many without tragic news. The more. Women are not safe especially in some humans have turned parts of India. Regardless of age, religion, social into beasts. Everyday background, women are getting raped. Women we wake up with bad are living in fear. They are afraid to travel freely news. There are thousands and millions of children in the night. I still believe there is a goodness left who are not privileged to have education. There in human hearts. I wish everything changes for the are children who wake up with sound of bomb not better. Let the youth do their best for a better S with the chirping of birds. There are thousands of tomorrow. refugess. Murdering people has become a common i f Thoughts that keep me up at night a Sometimes I wonder (most times to be honest) what is the purpose of life? What are dreams r really? Does it have to do with your subconscious Thea megan Mathias in some other realm? What’s beyond the earth? I B.A. a The fact that we are just a tiny speck in a universe that is impossible to fathom. That the milky way a possible collision deep in space that could have is comparatively tiny. How insignificant we are. its trajectory directed right at us. We would never And yet people like to think that we matter and see it coming. And in a second billions of years of what we do here matters. Does it really? After we evolution and life will be gone. Is oxygen really are gone, we’ are just memories alive in people’s helping us breathe or could it be a poison that brains and soon will be gone forever. We cease takes about 70 years to kill? What goes on the to exist. These thoughts keep me up at night. There media is almost always manipulated. are so many unanswered questions and so many Are we being watched? Are we a part of some mysteries. experiment? Is life actually a simulation and we’re We are here now and in a few years we’re gone. just test subjects for an experiment? What happens I get really curious about stuff like this and almost after we die? Where do we go? What is time? No always have an existential crisis. We’ll never know, answers! we’ll ever know if there is a comet or debris after

88 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

Life of a kind of rebel

Shaina Saldanha I B.A.

like to the point of this essay is, strict I suppose. As the teenage years began, came the sense of individuality. And along with it came the realization that my parents were more controlling I was born in a typical Indian family. By ‘typical’ than I thought. Many people tell me that they are I mean strict, kind of superstitious and scare the just being protective but I feel like there is a line children to death kind of family. So honestly being which separates protective and controlling. After a kid I didn’t really find any problem but later on this tiny realization, I knew I could speak upto them as I grew up to be a teenager, things started to get but apparently that’s disrespectful. So I do what I S want to (sometimes). i

f Are we grateful? Books a Hina Abdul Khader r Suhaila I B.A. I BA a “When you are greatful you will gain peace and A room filled with books, happiness and what you need” Is like heaven on earth Every one has their own mindsets whether they They make our life bloom, see it in a positive or negative way. We should Like flowers make sure that we are grateful whether if its bad They also make my day brighter, or good. We should be thankful because if we Even more than the sun are not then we will be unhappy and depressed. A book with amazing words Gratitude is a tool for happiness and peace of mind. Lastly be grateful for what ever you have. Can make our sorrows disappear Sometimes thank yourself… Books are to be cherished As they are the only extension of our memory.

89 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

The Journey Tried.., but I missed.., Now, have to wait for 1 hour to catch the next train…, it’s freezing, feel like my hands and legs have frozen, from time Yoshik V. Shetty to time looking at my watch-wondering if I can I B.A. fast forward the time… Uh…, Oh!!, I see a light shining at for end of the railway, coming toward Me – What?? (*Is this even a question to ask*) me, wishing it’s the train that helps to reach my Person – Did you not listen to me? destination… Uh??, Yes! Yes, it is, finally, found Me- well, yes, I did but… one…, Oh wait what’s this:… The cabinet seems Person – Don’t you have a answer? empty, wait.., there is a person by the window at the end of his cabinet, * (I slowly walk towards Me- Well, my answer would be “No” that person and occupy the seat opposite him)* Person – (laughs)… He looks tired and hurt on his forehead, -silence- Me- What are you laughing at? S should I start the conversation?? Uh… it feels Person – Your answer! really awkward to sit silent, I guess, I should, start Me- That’s just my opinion, every person is the conversation then. i different. Me- Hi, sir,… where are travelling to? Person – Do you want a bottle of water? Person – Place far.. far from the earth.. f Me- Yes, Please Me- …… I received that bottle (well I was thirsty).. I opened Person – Oh! Sorry, I am travelling to my the cap of the bottle, and was drinking water with a hometown closed eyes, but… wait!!… where did the person Me- Oh! Great! Even me…, so…. disappear, r Person – “Do you believe in ghosts?” Wait was it…. Him… was he really a Ghost?? Do ‘Ghosts’ really exit…? a But I reached home safe, but, no one believes me, was it my hallucination was it the truth. -narrated by a patient from mental asylum (the patient who says he saw a ghost)

90 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

My beautiful mind My beautiful mind has created personalities to cope with Adeeba M.Z. Life’s dilemma. I B.A. The first alter is an adult who tries to do everything with perfection and tries to satisfy everyone The second alter is a child It exists only when who only cries around family. with pain It exists only The host is a teenager when alone. who tries to be happy S and also wants to be If the personalities change a good person around wrong people i It exists only when There is chaos! around friends. f

I want a Pedigree! a

r Hansel Rodrigues I B.A. a

not his best friend, but a type of social status. What they don’t realise is that a number of them being There are changes throughout all fields in india. abandoned 3 years in the service of animals, I One of them is in the field of animals. Animal have seen countless number of them, in pathetic trade is one very common “business” in modern conditions from skin infection cancer. The more day India. they are brought, the more they are abandoned. One of the most common and sad thing about The sad look in their eyes, their pain, the “owners” people is that they have a justification to almost never learn. Fortunately, recent movements everything. Most people in India go to breeders to promote adoption of local animals. “buy” them despite the dogs not being suitable for While getting a pet, it is necessary, not just to think the weather. The way they have been advertised, of a status but of the living condition to look after the pedigree and the paraiah. A dog, for such is them and let your pet also have a happy life.

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B. Srinadh I B.A.

If you love nature you can see many beautiful things in this world. Rachel Diara Fernandes, IBA When you feel alone you can take a little walk beside the ocean when you feel Fresh air and sounds of the waves. Did you know, your smile it makes my day, And your eyes, they make my pain go away It speaks to you and you can hear a You make, my heart skip a beat S little voice from the water. Cause without you I am incomplete When the water touches your feet and When you smile my world lights up Says “Hi” to you i When you laugh its more than enough But don’t feel alone Cause I know that you’ll be there, Beauty on the outside to catch me when I’m falling f Comes from the inside! Im falling Im falling a hard for you!

Love Did you know, your the only one I see r when am low Larisa you make my pain go away a I BA And when you are with me, I don’t see nothinh else Love is infinite you simply cannot choose when it begins And I know you are always there for me! and when it ends. Love creates meaning in every corner Cause when you smile my world lights up of your beautiful life. When you laugh its more than enough The first meet made me feel like there Cause I know that you’ll be there is no one else to catch me when am falling. Just you and me, I’m falling Under the blue skies. I’m falling I’m falling hard for you! I think of you and the water feels I’m falling as if its pouring over the mountains Sitting next to you is like taking a sip I’m falling of eternity, hard... for... you... the sun, the stars, the sky never felt so good.

92 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

Life is confusing Confusion

Nisa Naaz I B.A.

there is no Degree in Home Science and the only Degree College in Home Science was in Mumbai and my Parents are so protective that they won’t allow me to go alone and stay there. I am still confused whether I have taken the right course or I am a girl who is very confused as to what would not. But I think I have a come to Roshni for some I have to take after my P.U. I wanted to take purpose I hope whatever subjects I have taken are up Science i.e. is Home Science. I hate Physics, good and I hope to to well. S Chemestry. So I didn’t have any other option the only stream I had to take was Arts. In Mangalore i


If I were not here today a

My Simple life... r If I were not here today... I would probably be Melisa Christina Nazareth having my breakfast at home and my mother I B.A. a would surely be nagging me for waking up late and after my breakfast I would be helping my mom with the house chores. Once I am done with net. In the afternoon I would sit on the laptop or my chores I would probably be surfing on the desktop watching any series or going through my messages on WhatsApp. Then I would go out to take some fresh air or play with my dog lassie. Once its evening I would go out with my parents for a drive, spend some time with my parents come home and pray have dinner and then its time to go to bed. This is how I usually spend my day I enjoy it in my own way. Well some people say my life is boring for me it is fun. I thank God for giving me this life which is so wonderful.

93 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

“A goodbye” I never got to say

I grew up with an amazing childhood. I always got what I wanted. The youngest in my family and pampered the most. I was always kept in Suman S. Attavar a protective bubble. I had the best friend in the I B.A. world. I loved him so much and he was my Rakhi brother and a little older to me. he was my best cope up with that guilt. The guilt of not being there friend always guiding, fighting, annoying and for you my best friend when he was depressed to testing my patience but at the end of the day, he an extent where he killed himself. Can you believe was the one I would always go too. I didn’t mourn or cry for him for almost 6 months. I moved back to Mangalore after vacation but we Maybe I was selfish because I wanted him to like were always in touch for almost 2 years but after a world where he wasn’t respected. At the end of a year we completely lost touch and I couldn’t the day I felt alone as I didn’t have my best friend. S back go mumbai. I tried my maxium to contact Now I have accepted the truth and I have become him but I wasn’t successful. After a month his friend more conscious about people around me who are calls me to tell me news which broke me. I wasn’t depressed. Everything has made me stronger but i sad or upset or depressed but I was angry and only one thing I regret that I didnt get to see him even guilty. I became numb. I didn’t know how to and bid him goodbye. f a Life is as beautiful as a blue sea, Life r Which is the vast and never ending It has waves and tides Ishika Menon I BA a that are ups and downs of our life You can get exhausted, but you need to go on like the river flows. There would be tornados and storms that would help you to form Life can never be easy until you try to make it.

Have a try, and you would fly Not everyone needs wings, to make their dreams come true Have faith and have determination, that would make a way out through every suggestion Ending your life is not the solution, but facing them can make you an exception Life can be beautiful we the sea, if only you can see.

94 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20


Hebah Believe You can I B.A. As I lay my head upon your chest, I hear a In a world where we can be anything heartbeat so strong. It is rather depressing But with all the smoke you breathe a day I know That for souls we limit your lungs are almost gone. Only a ‘some-thing’. And you sip away your fears tonight with the The levels of possibility glass you won’t put down. Reach infinity Even if you try to scream you’ll barely make a And yet, sound. All we wish to be is that ‘some-thing’. Now you’re standing at the edge, ready for a Wishing to be some thing fall. S Is beautiful and nice And you realize they were right. You aren’t that strong after all. But wanting to be more than that i Will definitely be blissful. - Anonymous It will be hard and exhausting And some might just give up f But just as they say A delicious meal is never made with only a an ingredient. Hidden

Haneena r I B.A. a Soul “Hiding in the home but inside want to explore Crying inside but want to be happy Rain stopped but my tears never did Looking for someone who catches my hand Athif Tightly and never leaves” I BA “Body is upside down Dislocated bones indicate my power You must think that I’m heartless of weakness. You must think that I’m cold Love to sing but never dare to I’m just protecting my innocence Waiting for a person who cannot live I’m just protecting my soul. without me”. Never gonna get too close to you “Being alone with a lot of people in a room Even though I mean the most to you Each day is like lifting a mountain Cause everytime I open up it hurts Day never changes, we the one Even though you mean the most to me should make change In case you go and leave me in the dirt. Success comes to the one who learns to be happy even on sad days”

95 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

Mother Reminiscence

Valerie Lobo A.Z. Adeeba I BA I B.A.

Mother - A title just above queen It feels like yesterday Her selfless love, her relentless efforts that we were together, O Mother I owe thee so much Fighting over petty reasons My sadness brings thee tears Ordering me to do your chores My success makes you proud And me weeping Thy presence gives sparkle to Not wanting to do them. my life. Will it all change Sometimes I wonder, how do Now that we’re grown up? S you get that energy to do It feels like yesterday all things so beautifully that we were kids i Tear eyed yet a smile on your And now you have face to let up the shadows home a kid of your own. your love has never fallen short f your my only support And for that everything I say a ‘Love you’. Roses are dying r Manish R. I B.A. a People are crying I chose this path Which leads to extreme loneliness. I did it because I can do it, I can take it without pain, without sacrifice we are nothing But we ought to do something This is my pain, my story Which becomes my gain, my glory.

96 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

Life and Suicide

Life... is considered as a great gift by some people who really have so many goals to achieve in their life.... Krupali T.J. And some who are totally depressed, I B.A. are blank about what next? and also try to end their lives... I feel some times rich people who are into drug addiction and are are usually into this one... Farmer’s suicide can be really trying to come out of it but are an exception.... not able to... are of the kind who try to end up this precious life. Attempt All I wants to say is life is all about us... So let’s live to suicide was considered as a crime it for our sake. We need not care what people think before but now its not a crime... what about us... Just take it in a positive sense... Think I say is suicide or ending one’s life is that we are the stars and people who actually not just a solution for all our problems. speak about us are our FANS! Because when they S Problem should actually make us speak about us we are the centre of their world stronger and we should just face so chill man!!! i them. When so many people who are Live the life you Love...! disabled live their life with a spark in f them and people who have everything Love the life you Live...!

a for those who survive are only the fittest therefore your work cannot be something r Life i cherish that is not your best On your way, through the course of life, you will find all kinds of people, but a Akshaya D Kini you must always put yourself first, so I B.A. that you do not get carried away by waves that will pull you back into the sea My understanding of life is that, with the support those who are in need of it you enjoy it when you are happy and guide those who want it Do what you think is right But at all times remember that and be firm about your decisions at the end, you must also be happy, for life is too short for uncertainty and doubt positive and active in order to support If you make mistakes, do not worry, or guide anyone because you are a human being, Take care, very good care of yourself make those mistakes and learn from them cause if you do not who will There will be some who will be there to Life is a mixture of events, situations, stimuli and responses validate your how you want your life to be whether actions but pay no heed to such redundance something that you do not like or exactly what If you are sad, feel the emotion as much as you desire it to be, is completely up to you. you can, but do not let it affect you,

97 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20 d£ÀªÀiÁ£À¸ÀzÀ°è G½zÀ PÁ£ÁðqÀgÀÄ

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School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

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99 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20


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103 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20


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105 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20


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107 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

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112 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

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113 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

LA STAR AVEC SA PROPRE NUIT Ciel plein d’étoiles, Brille dans tes yeux. Sentiments scéniques, Faites sourire votre cœur. Sécurisé avec sécurité, Brillez comme la sérénité. Rendez votre étincelle spéciale, Tout simplement spectaculaire. Blottissez-vous avec sincérité, Comme un diamant dans le ciel. Satisfaire le sel de la terre, et acquérir le son du silence. S Ressentez la douce timidité, Du monde autour. i Et renforce la lumière à l’intérieur, Tout comme la star est avec sa propre nuit. f Panchami Shenoy Panchami THE STAR WITH HIS OWN NIGHT a Sky full of stars, Sparkle in your eyes. r Scenic feelings, Make your heart smile. a Secure with security, Shine like serenity. Make your spark special, Simply spectacular. Snuggle up with sincerity, Like a diamond in the sky. Satisfy the salt of the earth, and acquire the sound of silence. Feel the sweet shyness, Of the world around. And strengthen the light inside, Just like the star is with her own night.

Sidrah Ali Khan I BSW

114 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

Cuisine Française – UnMonde à Part

Pour des millions de personnes dans le monde, il n’y a tout simplement rien de mieux que la Cassandra Correa cuisine française. La cuisine française est l’un des plats les plus populaires de nos jours et est connue dans le monde entier pour sa qualité. Les apéritifs font partie intégrante de Qu’est-ce qui rend la cuisine française si célèbre? l’alimentation française comme les escargots De nombreux dirigeants ont conquis la région à la Bourguignonne, les calamars farcis à la française au cours des 2000 dernières années. provençale, la tapenade aux olives noires, le Ainsi, chaque fois qu’un nouveau dirigeant tartare de filet de boeuf, les œufs farcis au crabe, a conquis la France, de nouvelles idées et les panisses etbeaucoup plus. techniques ont été introduites dans la cuisine Les apéritifs et les digestifs réservent S française. généralement les dîners français. L’apéritif comme En France, la nourriture est sacrée. Pendant le vermouth; Champagne; pastis; Gin; rakı; le i le repas, les gens rangent leur téléphone et fino, l’amontillado ou d’autres styles de sherry sec, le vin blanc léger sont consommés au tout personne ne regarde l’horloge. Manger est une f célébration à la fois de la nourriture devant vous début du repas. des boissons alcoolisées et non et de la société qui vous entoure. c’est cette alcoolisées sont servies avec de petits apéritifs, vénération pour la nourriture que de nombreux comme des noix ou des olives, pour stimuler a amateurs de cuisine française apprécient autant votre appétit. En revanche, le digestif se produit que la nourriture elle-même. à la toute fin du repas. les clients sont servis des r boissons à fort pourcentage d’alcool, comme du Haute cuisine signifie cuisine gastronomique. whisky, du bourbon ou une liqueur, du cognac, Il utilise toujours des ingrédients de première a de l’armagnac, du calvados ou de toute eau de qualité. Les Français n’hésitent pas à critiquer un vie pour faciliter la digestion. mauvais repas. Il n’est pas considéré comme très irrespectueux de dire au cuisinier que vous n’avez La France est également bien connue pour ses pas aimé le repas. les Français sont différents des vins et son champagne, et le vin est quelque chose autres dans presque tout ce qu’ils font, y compris qui ne peut jamais être séparé de la France. Krug comment ils agissent et comment ils cuisinent. est l’une des marques de Champagne les plus respectées en France. Certains des champagnes La structure d’un dîner français de base a tendance célèbres en France sont Krug NV Grande Cuvée à être invariable. Un repas de quatre plats est Brut, Alfred Gratien Cuvée Paradis Brut, Antech servi comme suit: entrée (l’apéritif), plat (plat), Blanquette de Limoux Grande Réserve 2003. fromage (fromage) et dessert. Parfois il y a aussi certains des vins les plus connus en France sont un plat de salade, qui suivrait le plat principal. la Grande Rue, la Bourgogne ou la Bourgogne, le Si à la fois du poisson et un plat de viande sont Bordeaux, le Chardonnay. La Chartreuse est l’une servis, le poisson viendra avant la viande. des liqueurs françaises les plus anciennes et les

115 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

l’appelle «baguette» - qui signifie littéralement «bâton» - et c’est en effet le type de pain le plus plus appréciées. populaire en France, notamment dans les villes. Le fromage est un autre produit exclusif. Il La pâte feuilletée et les pâtisseries de type strudel existe environ 1 600 types distincts de fromages sont courantes. du glaçage et de nombreuses français, ils sont regroupés en huit catégories, garnitures au sucre sont ajoutés au pain pour en «les huit familles de fromage». il peut y avoir faire un dessert dans de nombreuses régions de de nombreuses variétés dans chaque type de France. fromage, ce qui conduit certains à revendiquer Il existe de nombreux plats rares ou exclusifs plus de 1 000 types de fromages français. Le aux Français comme la Ratatouille, le Boeuf fromage du Cantal a obtenu la certification bourguignon, le Cassoulet, le Coq au vin, la Soupe Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée en 1956.l’un à l’oignon. des plus anciens fromages de France, le Cantal remonte à l’époque des Gaulois. Le Brie est le la France est également réputée pour ses fromage le plus vendu de toute la France. C’est délicieux desserts et pâtisseries. En fait, nous S un fromage crémeux très doux qui devrait plaire n’aurions pas le mot dessert si ce n’était le mot à tous ceux qui n’aiment pas un fromage au goût français desservir, qui signifie «ne pas servir les i prononcé. Fromage normand, le camembert est principaux composants du repas». il ne fallut pas peut-être le fromage français le plus connu, connu longtemps avant que le dessert devienne une fin essentielle et décadente à chaque dînercrème f et imité dans le monde entier. Le roquefort, le bleu d’Auvergne, le fromage suisse et le fromage brûlée, Soufflé, Macarons, Crêpe Éclair au allemand sont également réputés. chocolat, L’escargot chocolat pistache, Tarte Tatin a aux Pommes, Crème au Caramel, Meringues sont Le pain est extrêmement populaire en France et il les desserts les plus connus des Français. existe de nombreuses spécialités. Pain tellement r important pour le peuple français, qu’au moment La culture culinaire française, selon l’UNESCO, de la Révolution française à la fin des années est importante pour `` rassembler les gens pour a 1700. le «bâton français», le long pain fin et profiter de l’art de bien manger et boire ‘’et croustillant, est peut-être l’une des icônes les pour créer `` la convivialité, le plaisir du goût et plus connues de la vie française. en France, on l’équilibre entre l’être humain et les produits dela nature’.

French cuisine – a world apart

For millions of people around the globe, there’s food that makes it so celebrated? Is it really so simply nothing better than French cuisine. The mind-blowingly delicious?There were many dif- French Cuisine is one of the most popular types ferent countries and groups of people who con- of food around these days and is known world- quered the French region throughout the past wide for its quality. What is it about French 2000 years. So each time a new ruler conquered

116 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20 them new ideas and techniques were introduced to the French cuisine. In France, food is sacred. During the meal, people put away their phones twisted and very popular. Puff pastry and strudel and no one watches the clock. Eating is a celebra- type pastries are common. Icing and many sugar tion of both the food before youand the compa- toppings are added to bread to make it a dessert ny around you. It is this reverence for food that in many parts of France. many lovers of French cuisine value as much as There are many dishes that are either rare or the food itself. exclusive to the French people like the Oys- France’s cuisine is very popular, and at the same ters (Huîtres) ,Herb Buttered Snails (Escargots time very expensive. Haute Cuisine was created au BeurrePersillé),Charente Mouclade (Mou- which means Gourmet cooking. It always uses cladeCharentaise) ,Bouillabaisse ,Ratatouille premium ingredients and no one ever complains ,Boeuf Bourguignon Veal Blanquette (Blanquette about it never tasting bad. But the French are de Veau) ,Pot au Feu is A dish of simmered meats S quick to critique a bad meal. It is not considered and vegetables. Meats used in France are simi- lar to the sauces. Ducks and Geese are common very disrespectful to tell the cook you did not like i the meal. The French are different than every- ingredients in meals unlike most parts of the world. one else in almost everything they do, including f how they act and how they cook. The structure Apéritifs and digestifs usually bookend French of a basic French dinner tends to be unvarying. A dinners. The apéritif occurs at the very start of a four-course meal is served as follows: entrée (the the meal. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are appetizer), plat (main course), fromage (cheese) served along with small appetizers, such as nuts r and dessert. Sometimes there is also a salad or olives, to stimulate your appetite. By contrast, course, which would follow the main course. If the digestif happens at the very end of the meal. a both fish and a meat course are being served, the Guests are served drinks with a high alcohol per- fish would come before the meat. centage, such as whiskey, bourbon or a liqueur, Cheese is another exclusive product. Swiss to aid digestion. Cheese and German cheese are often imitated France is Also well known for its wines, and wine and popular in France. Bread is extremely pop- is something that can never be separated from ular in France and there are many specialties. France. Chartreuse is one of the oldest and most A baguette is a long thin piece of bread that is popular French liqueurs.

117 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

Workshop on Segregation of Waste at Source For UG Students by: Asst Prof. Anuradha Shetty & Mr. Kishore Attavar

Background:  Preparatory work to preparing waste sample The extension service by the department of kit prior to the workshop. School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya based on its  The programme was co-ordinated by Mr.Kishore experience of working with waste management Attavar, Director Extension service and Asst. in Ullal CMC since 2017 organised a one day Prof. Anuradha Shetty. workshop on segregation of waste at source for the UG students in partnership with student’s Tools: council of Roshni Nilaya on 22nd Feb 2020. Waste sample kits prepared by respective UG S Objectives: class representatives with 25 waste samples for classification of a) wet, b) dry and c) hazardous  To train UG and PG students of Social work wastes. The Class representatives and student i on segregation of waste at source; council members involved in doing so. Details of  To motivate students to practice segregation the preparatory work and guidelines prior to the f of waste in college campus andin their workshop were provided. homes. Findings and students suggestions: a Methodology:  Students are aware of the need for segregation  Activity based exercise of 45 minutes of waste. However, there were misconceptions r introduced by trained students and concepts of about the concept of ‘dry waste’ and ‘wet biodegradable and non biodegradable waste waste’ vis-a-vis biodegradable and non a were dealt. biodegradable wastes.  There were queries about classification of wastes such as; lithium, silicon, carbon fibre and chewing gums, disposal of old shoes and chappals, glass bottles and human Hair?  Students are aware of the catastrophe of the landfill site of Mangalore city Corporation at Pachanady.  Clean campus day can be held on every Saturday and attractive IEC methods such as; flash mob, loud music etc; could be used to attract students.

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 Provide two separate bins to segregate dry and wet waste in our canteen. This practice is also followed in the hostel too. Suggestions for follow-up action:  Follow-up meeting with student council representatives for practicing segregation of S waste at Campus and at homes.  Require coordination with Student Council, i Student welfare officer and College admin representatives for a sustainable waste f management in the campus.  Arrange field visit to waste processing site of a MCC at Vamanjoor to sensitize students.  Showing videos of plastic shredding would r have been effective. Field work and Outreach: a A total of 100 UG students were sensitised by facilitators and assistant facilitators. In a group of 25/30 each. Student council assigned responsibility of organising the workshop. Milestones: Sensitisation of UG students by PG’s in cascade mode for achieving the goal of ‘Swatch campus’. Future Plan: The Extension Service Officers of PG & UG section to operationalise ‘Swatch campus’ action plan.

119 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

Kaleidoscope of Kavya III BSW Kavya Young Minds Athif, I BA S i f a r Delicia, I BA a


Rhea Tauro, I BA SUMAN, I BA Kavya III BSW

120 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20 Post Graduate Departments Master of Social Work MSc. -Counselling Post Graduate Degree courses offered by M.Sc. Counselling is an intensive two year school of Social work include Master of post graduate degree programme aimed at providing core counselling skills and theory Social work, MSc. Counselling, MSc. to deal with a wide range of psychological Criminology and Forensic Science. The and developmental issues. Currently we Social Work block has a well equipped have the 14th batch of students enrolled for library computer laboratory, spacious the course. The department consist of four auditorium, audio visual centre, video full time faculty facilitating the curriculum conferencing, sports and gynmasium and the student welfare activities facilities. Family service Agency, Family S Counselling Centre and Childline are other Msc.-Criminology & extension services within the campus. Forensic Science i Adelaide Centre for Research and f Publications focuses on the Teaching The main highlights of MSc Criminology and Forensic Science department is the Learning Evaluation and Research. The study of Questioned Documents, Forensic a Research Department helps students to Psychology, Cyber Crime, Police Admi analyze important questions and go beyond nistration,Victimology, Security System, r what is taught in the classrooms to become Vigilance, medico-legal studies, teaching life-long learners different techniques of scientific detection. a The course aims to prepare the students to acquire academic and research knowledge in the area of Criminology and Forensic Science.

121 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20


122 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20




f Various projects and programmes were was completed during this academic year. successfully undertaken at the research Three other projects that were locally funded a centre. A few collaborations with reputed include Socio Economic Report of St. Vincent organisations were initiated to promote Ferrar, Valencia church, Socio Economic Report r research culture in the social work field. To of St. Francis Xavier Church, Bejai and Socio enhance the internal research standards there Economic Report of our Lady of Miracles, a were various research programmes conducted Milagres were the other ongoing projects The for faculty and students. Field work being Principal Investigator for all these projects was an important part of the student curriculum, Dr. Jenis Mary, Vice Principal, and Faculty, students are placed in the research centre and MSW department. are trained to conduct research individually Training of Trainee Programme and as a team. Students are a huge part of the research Research Projects family and all are encouraged to undertake The Research Department had undertaken at least one research project. The students had number of research projects in the year 2019- participated in data coding and tabulation of 20. To name a few, Socio-Economic Status the above mentioned minor projects. It helped and Pastoral Survey - Diocese of Mangalore the students to be trained in various aspects

123 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

an International University - Flinders University. of the research field such as Data Collection, Consultancy services were provided to various Data Interpretation and Analysis, Preparation organisation. of Secondary Data, Data Entry, Coding and Publications by Students and Faculty also they are trained to work on SPSS. These The research centre also encourages students are encouraged to train other students publications of articles by both students and too. staff members. Collaboration Activities The staff and students are regularly The biggest funding agency for the Research encouraged to publish articles in journals. We Centre is Universities Grant Commission (UGC) have our in-house journal which is published and Centre for Potential Excellence (CPE). every year. Besides these there are other organisations Volume 6, Issue 1, 2019, Research Adelaide S with which the research centre has collaborated Journal of Social Work, edited by Dr.Sebastian namely Vishwas Trust for Elders, Diocese of K.V. i Mangalore, NGO-Advant Age, Velankani Ward, Fr Mullers Charitable Hospital, Kripa The Research Department is also equipped with f Foundation De Addiction Centre, Prajnya a library that can be utilized by the students De Addiction Centre and the Diocese of and the faculty membes staff. a Mangalore.We have also collaborated with a Research Publications public sector unit namely KIOCL and also with 1. Total number of books Published-1 r a

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Reminiscence - a Tribute to Dr. Olinda Pereira Dr. Meena Monteiro, Dean, PG Department mentioned that late Dr. Olinda Pereira was a very welcomed all the participants who had joined warm and could blend with any age group; she the Zoom meet and wished everyone on the 74th put her whole heart and soul in the work she was Independence Day and made aware of Dr. Olinda involved in; and that made her different from the Pereira’s 95th birthday and highlighted her social rest. services that she rendered. Dr. Meena invited Prof. Prof. Evelyn Benis, Secretary, Institute of Philomena D’sa (Provincial DHM, India South) for Social Service expressed her feelings and her the opening speech. In her opening speech she experiences she had encountered with Late Dr. thanked the members of the committee for giving Olinda Pereira. her the opportunity to attend the meeting Dr. Meena Monteiro invited the senior Alumni and whole heartedly working together members of School of Social Work, Roshni towards the committee. Prof. Philomena Nilaya to take over and share their D’sa paid her tribute and honoured memories with everyone present at the her presence from above and shared meet and pay their tributes to late S a few thoughts of late Dr. Olinda Dr. Olinda Pereira. The senior alumni Pereira. She cherished her memories members cherished the memories, the i of being warmly welcomed with a warmth and individual care that she had smile and making her feel at home to offer to each student. They mentioned in the institute. The simplicity and her about her confidence and smile that she f trait of connecting with people of late acquired within her. Dr. Olinda Pereira was beautifully shared Mr. S. N. Gopinath- batch of 1974, by Prof. Philomena D’sa. She shared that late a Dr. Olinda Pereira had a heart for the poor and Mr. Bhima Rao – batch of 1978, her caring motherly love for all, including playing Mr. Ravichandra Bekkal, Dr. Nelson D’souza a vital role in the life of a child to that of an adult – batch of 1988, had joined from Australia. r individual having mental health issues. She ended Dr. Rita Noronha, Former Professor, Department of Social Work, Prof. Phyllis D’costa, former Professor her tribute speech by stating that she was grateful a to each and every member present at the zoom Department of English, School of Social Work, meeting and thanking the organising committee Roshni Nilya, Mangalore. Prof. Selvarj, former for having her. Professor, Department of Social Work, Mr. Dheeraj Shetty,President Roshni Alumni, Mangalore. Various Dr. Jacinta D’souza former Principal and Provincial other professors from the Roshni community paid DHM, India South also shared her memories about their tributes and cherished their memories of Dr. Late Dr Olinda Pereira and paid her a very heart Olinda Pereira. touching tribute. Each and every individual spoke about her warm Dr. Jenis Mary (Vice Principal, School of Social heart and her love for the children, adolescents, Work) also addressed the gathering. adults and especially the elderly. Late Dr. Olinda Dr. Jenis Mary paid her tribute to Dr. Olinda Pereira Pereira believed in humour and a good laugh. and shared wonderful memories of meeting her Prof. Evelyn Benis (Faculty MSW Department) for the first time back in 1995 and got to introduce proposed the vote of thanks. She expressed each other. In 1998 in Mangalore she met her and her gratitude to each and every individual who began to be inspired by her for her commendable worked together for successfully planning and services that she offered to the community. She executing this meet.

125 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

Forum for Sustainable Development

Exposure Visit Visit to Zilla Panchayath at Kottara Chowki


i f a r

The members of Forum for Sustainable Development a A visited the Zila panchayat at Kortara Chowki, Mangalore, on 2nd August 2019 as part of our academic study to learn and understand the Structure and function of the various Government departments and projects undertaken by the zila Panchayat. segregated under various categories. The wet Visit to Vandse and Varamballi waste is converted into compost while dry waste is segregated and sold. The main aim of SLRM is On 25th November 2019 the members of Forum to make the garbage free society and turning the for Sustainable Development (FSD) visited Vandse waste into wealth. The members understood the and Varamballi villages in Udupi district. These concept of zero waste management. two Gram Panchayaths work towards ‘Solid Liquid Resource Management’ (SLRM) from past few years. On 26th November 2019, the members of Forum Under the SLRM, the waste is broadly segregated for Sustainable Development along with their field into dry and wet waste. Later, they are further supervisor visited Blue Line Foods (India) Pvt.

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purpose. The crops are available for sale at nominal cost.

The important objectives of this Centre are to identify and develop suitable cashew varieties, to appropriate crop production and protection technology, large-scale multiplication of elite clones of cashew for supply to the farmers. The Ltd. at Kotepura, Ullal. Here the fish meal, fish oil members learnt about various cashew and pepper and fish soluble are produced and exported. The crops, its diseases and protection. quality of the product and the cleanliness of the place are well maintained. The trainee learnt the process of making the above fish products.




a Contributions made towards Flood Relief collection drive r The members of Forum for Sustainable A Development (FSD) Contributed the articles worth a Rs.2000 towards the flood relief collection drive of Roshni Nilaya to help people who were affected by the recent flooods in North Karnataka. Study Tour The members of Forum for Sustainable Development (FSD) accompanied by their faculty had visited The second visit was to the Agricultural and gone on a study tour and also for relief work at Horticultural Research Station, Kapikad, Ullal. Mudhol Taluk, Bagalkot from 1st to 7th September The centre produces the varieties of high yielding 2019, in collaboration with Ashadeep Community Cashew and Pepper Crops. It has contributed Development Project Mudhol. The members helped cashew varieties like ULLAL 1,2,3,4, Bhaskara, to distribute the ration and other material for flood Priyanka and bush and vine varieties of pepper. affected families. The 35 acres of land has been utilized for this As part of our support we conducted assessment

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survey, life skill training as well as the focus group discussion with children, youth, women and Elder’s in the following villages - Gulgaljambigi, Yadahalli Jaliberi and Kulali. Intimate Interactive Theatre show was performed in the villages and schools on social issues of the rural life like child marriage, bonded labor, cleanliness, open defecation and dengue awareness. The trainees got an opportunity to know the reality of rural life and struggles of people affected Interaction with Youth by floods. It was inspiring and an awaking experience.


i f a r Interaction with Women a Glimpse of devastation

Interaction with Men

Interaction with children

128 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20



out for a survey f


Life skill Training r Session organized on NET Examination The members of Forum for Sustainable Development a organized a session on preparing for UGC NET exam, on 24th September. All the students from PG department were present for this Personal and Professional development Programme. The purpose of the programme was to make the participants aware of the scope, the procedures

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Session organized on unorganized sector On 25th September, the Forum organized a session on Organized and Unorganized sector for the first year MSW students and the students of Sustinable Development Forum at our own Institution. The Resource person Mr. Swamy. a Social Activist spoke on the difference between organized and unorganized sector, characteristics, laws and legislations and benefits. to be followed, mock test, preparation for the NET exam etc….

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130 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

Family Cosmos Forum

The Orientation Programme for II MPSW students The performed a role play depicting the problems were conducted on July 9, 2019. The resource hildren face in their academic as well as social person was Dr. Jayaram, Psychiatric Social Worker, life. Dept. of Psychiatry, Yenepoya Medical College Study Tour -(October 24th - 27th 2019) and Hospital, Deralakatte - Mangalore. Day 1 - Visit to Spastics Society The topics covered were: The Spastics Society of Karnataka is a Non- s Psychiatric Social Work Government Organization (NGO) which is s Emergence of Psychiatric Social Work dedicated for the welfare of the people living with Neuro-Muscular and Developmental Disabilities. s History of Psychiatric Social Work The Society provides a Comprehensive Package An Orientation programme was conducted on of Diagnostic and Intervention Services to persons Childline services as well as Child rights and with Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Mental Retardation, S schemes available for children by Ms. Lavita Multiple Disabilities and Learning Disabilities. D’souza, The Co-ordinator of Childline on 10th July The students were made to understand the i 2019. The rights of children were highlighted and difficulties faced by the persons affected by these made known, as they are unaware of the basic life threatening crises and how to help them cope rights. Children are misused by their own people f with the situation in an empathetic and professional as well as strangers. manner. They were explained about the therapies a On July 11th 2019 the MPSW Students attended and skills used in the children and young adults who a program on World Population Day at Ravindra live through learning disabilities; Chidren having Kalabhavan University College, Hampankatta, disabilities are helped to adapt to the skills and r Mangalore. slowly learn to follow until they are able to grasp Second year MPSW Students visited Ave Maria knowledge rather slowly but gradually. a Centre for Palliative Care Vamanjoor - Mangalore Day 2- Visit to Richmond Fellowship on the 13th of July 2019.Dr. Laveena Noronha, Richmond fellowship in India is a halfway house the Director and Alumnus of School of Social focused on being built as a homely environment Work. She gave a brief orientation to the students for the recovery of a patient. It is the only national on Understanding Palliative Care as well as its level non-governmental organization working in importance and functioning. the areas of psycho-social rehabilitation for those Students of second year specializing in Medical suffering from chronic mental illness. Richmond & Psychiatric Social Work conducted a Thematic Fellowship Society (RFS) is also a “non profitable” Presentation on Memory Improvisation Techniques organization and registered under the societies on 19 July 2019 for the entire P.G. students. registration act 1860. This Institution is a halfway The II MPSW Students conducted a Suicide home “A halfway house is a home for various kinds Prevention Programme on 25th September at of people who are suffering in their own ways Delhi Public School for the high School students. and can stay there for a limited period of time in

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Neurology and Rehabilitation conducted a session order to get used to the life lived outside. one can on the psycho social issues faced by patients having understand from this that an individual is taught neurosurgical conditions and the Intervention to psychosocial skills and gaining confidence. The be undertaken. A Psychiatric Social worker needs importance and experiences of working in these to understand that neuro-surgeries could lead to homes were highlighted and expressed by the possible lifelong damages and problems; like person in charge. that of problems with speech, balance, vision, Day 3 & 4 Visit to NIMHANS, Bangalore coordination of the body, mind and nerves, stroke, coma, infections and swelling of the brain. Session 1: These problems could be long or short term; but Dr. P. P. Nirmala gave an Introduction on The Role it’s the duty of the social worker to understand of Social Worker in the Neurology Department. these possible problems and must be aware in Mr. Arun from the Department of Neuro Social order to make the patient or the family aware. Work addressed the students on Neurological At this moment a social worker must be able to Disorders S and explained the difference between proceed with a series of psychotherapy and impairment and disability. He went ahead and personal interventions with the family members or explained the procedure of case history and with the patient alone to understand any fears or i admission of a patient in the Neuro Rehabilitation uncomfortability that has occurred during the due Centre. The roles a social worker plays is crucial course of time. f and requires a lot of patience and observations; Session 3: there are chances when the therapies learnt The Trainees participated in the workshop at a theoretically don’t work in these situations but the social worker must always think of a way to figure NIMHANS HOSPITAL on 26th October 2019, out a breakthrough in the problems faced during based on the topic - Social Work in Disaster r the interactions as there are patients who do not Management. The trainees attended the session want to believe the fact that they are facing a at 12pm which was conducted by Mr. Lithin a certain situation. There is always a stigma and fear Zechcharias, A PhD. Scholar at NIMHANS.It began attached towards neurological problems; it could with few general questions to understand what be referred to as defects and diagnosed as major the students express about disaster and what life changing problems, hence, making it a task for are the common disasters. It was explained as, the social worker to always think and then react. “a sudden accident or a natural catastrophe that He concluded the session by telling the students causes great damage or loss of life.” It is an event to keep their eyes and mind sturdy and sharp for or fact that has unfortunate consequences. He also any slight observations could be a crucial point of explained the three types of disaster: Natural, intervention. Man-made and Hybrid. A Session 2: The main highlights of the workshop were: Key Psychiatric Social Work Practice- With Persons face of Disaster Management like: s having Neuro-Surgical Condition and Psycho Pre-disaster phase s Social Issues. During a disaster phase s Immediate post disaster reaction The Social worker from the department of

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After which he went ahead and explained about the need for psychosocial care and also explained the techniques that can be used to help disaster Added to this he highlighted the National Mental victims. Some of the techniques are ventilation, Health Programme, 1982 and also the District empathy, externalizing of interest, spirituality, Mental Health Programmes. active listening, social support and relaxation Paper Presentations recreation. In a situation like this it’s very important  Olivia and Evin (II MPSW) presented papers for a social worker to let an individual who survived at SPANDANA; An International Conference a disaster to vent out their feelings as it could be on Climate Change and Impact on Children on bubbled up if not let to do so. He concluded the session by stating “be understanding in order to the 23rd January 2020. understand”.  Ashwathi Nair & Joby Joseph (II MPSW) Session 4: presented a paper on the impact of climate change on mosquito transmitted disease at Psychiatric Social Work in Working With SPANDANA - An International Conference on Community in Treating Mentally Ill Persons S Climate Change and Impact on Children on The session was taken by Dr. E. Aravind Raj. The the 23rd January 2020. session was on Community Mental Health. He i spoke about the age old behaviours and reactions  Arunimma (II MPSW) presented a paper on of the community towards mental health and how Climate Change and Health at SPANDANA f the members were treated, they termed these - An International Conference on Climate disabilities inhuman, possessed by the witches Change and Impact on Children on the 23rd a and spirits and these individuals were treated January 2020. inhumanely and in a manner they did not deserve  Ashish (II MPSW) presented a paper on - A worse than that of any animal or similar to that of r Study Assessing Psychological Needs During a criminal. Images of the older harsh treatments Disastrous Event at The National Conference were displayed - like that of an ill person chained a by the neck to the walls of a dark room. Also the on Disaster Management and Mental Health age of treatment of drill a hole onto the skull in on 14th February 2020 at Bharathiar order to release the problematic spirit or omen University, S Trichy causing the problem in a person.  Rena D’souza, Rishika and Rashmitha Veigas The speaker then introduced the first psychiatric participated in the International Conference hospital and long prolonged history behind it on Impact of Globalization on India & Europe especially in the Arab countries like Baghdad, with specific focus on Social Work organised Iraq in 705A.D. and then in the US and UK and by School of Social Work, Roshni Nialya, finally in India after the British rule. He said, “the Mangalore. Campus Placement stigma of mental health still prevails because of  which individuals hide the fact and don’t accept swathy Mohan (II MPSW) was selected that it’s a normal process of every mankind; yet as a trainee/coordinator for Azim Premji people are so different.” Foundation. Her placement ws at Chattisgarh.

133 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20


Mr. Dheeraj Shetty (GM-HR & Admin JBF) face any challenge is the key to become successful addressed the HR students on 8th July 2019, HR. about success and failure stories that become Sexual harassment of women at workplace an important part in everyone’s life. Taking hard ways rather than making things simple and easy, The students of II MSW specializing in Personal thinking out of the box, being more creative helps Management and Industrial Relations conducted a in facing challenges and adjust with the prevailing theme based presentation on the 22nd October situation. Each one is born unique and is built with 2019, in order to build Personal and Professional strengths to face challenges. He also bought out Development of Students. The topic they presented success and failure stories of great personalities was sexual harassment of women at workplace around the world which included Jack Ma, Nikola (prevention, prohibition and redressal) Act, Tesla, J. K. Rowling Etc. He also advised the students 2013. All the post-graduation students of various S to prepare well for their upcoming interviews. departments were present for this session. The students of PM& IR explained about the POSH Visit to BASF Ltd. Mangalore i Act, history behind the Act, Preamble of the Act, HR students visited BASF Ltd Mangalore on 11 July understanding the basic concepts such as sexual 2019. Mr Santhosh Pai (HR) addressed the students f harassment, workplace and aggrieved women, on the companies HR policies, Corporate social prevention and prohibition and the employers responsibilities, facilities provided to employees, suitors and responsibilities, then a short role a employee engagement activities, chemical treatment play was performed by the students a brief and chemical waste management, training and explanation of ICC and LCC was explained, r development, environment management system redressal of complaint mechanism was elaborated followed in the organisation. and discussed. Setting up a factory in green Tuning Personality a field projects and land acquisitions and other Mr. Nagraj B Kotian (HR R .L Fine chem Pvt. Ltd formalities. Bangalore) addressed the students on 20 July Setting Up a Factory In Green Field Project and 2019 at 11.00 a.m. Mr. Kotian spoke on the topic Land Acquisitions and Other Formalities. Tuning Personality. He addressed on how students On 12 October, 2019 the Human Resource need to build themselves to face the corporate Mangement forum invited Mr. Chidanad Bhargav world. Students were explained about the core Bharadwaj, Sr. Engineer, JBF petrochemicals functions and decisions taken in the HR department Mr. Dheeraj shetty, General Manager, JBF with examples. Developing right personality was petrochemicals to address the students about an important to face the corporate world. Students industries perspective in a single window and it’s were also briefed on initial stages in forming a reality, MOU and agreements, green field projects company and its legal requirements. Different and brown field projects, supply and disposal forms to be submitted during the formation of agreements with relevant examples. the company were also briefed to the students. Development of skills, personality, and attitude to

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Employee provident fund, employee state insurance scheme, Gratuity: Indian Navy relies on BEL for official communication On 18 September 2019, Mr. Dheeraj Shetty, in the workplace. General Manager, JBF petrochemical Ltd, The Modern Warfare is all about electronics Mr.Vishnu Bhatt, junior HR, JBF petrochemicals and BEL offers ideal products to army and Navy Ltd addressed the II MSW students specializing operations delivering Hi-Tech performance in in PMIR, on salary, wages, Employee provident modern electronics.” fund, employee state insurance scheme, Gratuity, Further, Mr. Kavilan M, Senior Deputy General CTC (cost to company ) and how to calculate take Manager briefed the students about the company’s home salary .The session was very informative and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities, interactive. HR policies and business segments. Inside the STUDY TOUR: Bangalore unit, there are 10 strategic business On the first day one batch of students specializing units located. All the units of BEL are certified in Personal Management and Industrial Relations by ISO 14001 in 2004 and ISO 9001 in 2008 visited Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) Bengaluru (i.e. family of Standard related to environmental S 560045. The objectives of the study tour was: management and minimize negative effect on the environment) 50% of the workplace at BEL are s to know about the organization, its core i engaged in Research search and Development. business, HR policies, procedures, statutory The statutory compliances of Factories Act, 1948 compliances. I. E. a canteen facility, crèche, first aid, restrooms, f s to visit the various blocks of the industry. safety of work man, recreational facility, transport Bharat Electronics Limited, an Aerospace and quarters and Housing facility are provided to a defence company manufacturing advanced the employees.BEL, Bangalore has constructed electronic products for the Indian armed forces. 10 classrooms for Government Higher Primary r BEL is one of the private sector undertaking sunder School at Nelamangala at a cost of rupees 50 the Ministry of Defence of India granted with lacs as a part of its CSR project. 627 trade unions ‘Navaratna; status by the Government of India. are present of which only one trade union is a a BEL designs, develops and manufactures wide negotiator. This Trade Union acts as a bargaining range of Defence Electronics such as Electronic agent and legal representative for the unit of Voting Machines: employees. Traffic signals and Radars such as: The recruitment at BEL, takes place through inviting candidates through advertisements in newspapers. I) weapon locating Radar Thus, the students were familiarized with the II) Battlefield surveillance Radar industry, products, revenue and ownership of BEL. III) samyukta electronic Warfare System The students had an exposure to the entire IV) 3D Tactical Control Radar, Missiles, Sonar organization of the Bangalore unit. The students witnessed the ability of the organization to Mr. Srinivas Rao, Assistant General Manager maintain high standards, satisfying the needs and oriented the students on various defense systems requirements of Indian Army Navy and Air force manufactured through models. While addressing with the new technology and innovation. the students, he mentioned that, “India and the

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Speaking about CSR, Titan company has conducted On the second day the students visited Titan free eye check up camps in the nearby rural areas Company Limited (Titan Eye+), Bangalore. The of Chickballapur, constructed roads to facilitate objective of this visit were: sound transportation around the locality. Thus, the i students were familiar with the functions of the  to understand the HR Functions of the organization. Organization The student trainees got to know about the s To have a Practical Exposure towards product manufacturing of lens, frames and contact lens. manufacturing. The trainees also became familiar with the raw The students visited Titan Company Limited, a materials at the manufacturing unit and the quality leading manufacturer, supplier and trader of eye control standards in use. care products (optical, lens) ball watch, Bluetooth THE 38TH NIPM CONFERENCE NATCOM 2019 watch, women watch etc. The unit at Chickballapur, Bangalore manufactures eyeglasses, sunglasses India’s Changing Paradigm: Skills And and contact lenses. Mr. Nayak, Factory Manager, Entrepreneurship For Global Competitiveness- 25th S briefed the students about the overview of Titan – 27th September, Gkvk College of Agriculture Company. Titan Company Limited, a joint venture Bengaluru. i between the TATA Group and the Tamilnadu About NIPM: Industrial Development Corporation (TIDCO) NIPM is one of the largest of all Indian bodies commenced its operations in 1984 and the name f of professional managers engaged in Human Titan watches Limited. Titan is widely known for Resource management, industrial relation, labor transforming the watch and jewellery industry welfare and training development in the country. a in India and venturing into eye care by making It came into existence on 15th March 1980 as a a need assessment study in the villages of India. result of merger of two professional institutions The Titan today evokes superior craftsmanship, r namely Indian Institute of Personnel Management innovative technology and trustworthy product (IIPM) and National Institute of Labor Management quality. Further, Mr. Aloysius Kiran, HR Manager a (NILM). NIPM is a not-for-profit organization our alumni,oriented the students about the dedicated to building professional excellence in manufacturing of frames, lenses and contact the field of Human Resource Management through lenses. At the manufacturing unit, in a day 10 regular activities ranging from evening lectures to million volumes of lens is manufactured through People Process Quality Certifications. semi automatic machines which makes manual th intervention minimum. The dispatch of the lens is On 25 -27 September 2019 students along with done within 2 hours of the order placed. There is their faculty attended the NATCON Conference at no hierarchy system followed in the organization, GKVK College of Agriculture, Bengaluru. hence there is no transparency and no union About NATCON 2019: interference. The annual National Conference NATCON is one Individual ownership plays an important role in of the greatest events in the country. the organization, job rotation is very high and The objective of this conference is to enhance the each person performs his job there is no strict job journey of Human development through focused description to be followed by the employees. skill and efforts and talent nurturing.

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This conference is the greatest learning platform in the country, and was attended by eminent business Kulkarni; Mr. Vishvesh Kulkarni spoke about leaders, CEO’s, delegates from different colleges entrepreneurship empowerment where he stressed across the country, top HR Managers etc. on the skills that have to be inherited by the Objectives as participating students: HR managers to be competitive and face the 1) to attend the conference with a thirst to learn challenges and demands of the current market and grow. scenario. 2) to correlate classroom learning with the current Session by Shri Ng Cher Pong (CEO of Skill HR trends. Future - Singapore) 3) to gain exposure from the eminent personalities Theme: Setting the perspective for skill in the HR business. development – Global perspective. 4) to build networking with the Alumni of the Mr. Ng Cher Pong spoke about industrial disruptions college and learn from their of experience and presented data from the World Economic Forum and expertise in the field. (2016) regarding Skill Future and development. S 5) to participate actively in all the sessions of the He emphasized on the recruiting challenges and conference. supporting the evolving needs of the same. Skill Future is a program initiated to help individuals i Inaugural session of the Conference: to make a well informed choice in education, The NATCON 2019, was inaugurated by the training and careers. It develops an integrated, f Honorable Vice President of India, Venkaiah Naidu high quality system of education and training with the H.E. Governor of Karnataka Vajubhai R that the current industries need. It also promotes a Vala, Honorable Chief Minister of Karnataka, B.S. employer recognition, career development based Yediyurappa, Honorable Minister of Chemicals on skills and mastery and thus fosters a culture and Fertilizers, GOI and chief Mentor- NATCON, that supports and celebrates lifelong learning. r Sadananda Gowda, NIPM National President, Shri The day ended with the cultural program by Shri Vishwesh Kulkarni, the Conference Chairman, Shri Vilas Nayak, a World Renowned Speed Painting a Kamal Bali and Honorable secretary Dr Pradeep Artist, who mesmerized the audience with his sheer Kumar Sahu. talent and the thoughtful explanations behind the The Honorable Vice President of India stressed on paintings. the following while addressing the gathering: On the Second Day: 1) Changing the mindset of the people is vital. Session One: Theme: Setting the perspective for 2) stressed on the importance of Skill skill development, by Shri Jayant Davar Chairman, development among the Indian population. Sandhar Group, Shri Manish Sabharwal, Chairman and Co-Founder, Teamlease moderated by Shri 3) Importance of Higher Education among the Kamal Bali, President and Managing Director, Volvo youth of today. Group, India and Conference Chairman NATCON 4) Field work curriculum and vocational based 2019. They collectively spoke about a report which services should be given prominence. said that by 2030, all cars, windows and doors Keynote address was delivered by Shri Vishvesh of the residential houses will be automated on a

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2) spirit of collaboration mass basis. The aspect of Artificial Intelligence (AI) 3) Initiative is growing at a rapid pace. This brings about a 4) Evolve question among us regarding, “Are we equipped 5) sustain and empower. with the knowledge to keep-up with the fast pace Mr. Ramaraju spoke on adapting to the current events of changing trends.” They emphasized on Pharma trends. the Emotional Quotient (EQ) to be stressed more Drug prices are all time high and thus more than Intelligence Quotient (IQ). investment is set for the R&D department in order Session Two: to survive in the market and stay competitive. Theme: India’s Imperative- Building the Skilling US is the largest pharmaceutical market. It focuses Eco System. Shri Raj Nehru, Vice Chancellor on high performance work culture through self- managerial teams. Vishwa Karma University and MD-Haryana Skill Development Mission (Govt of Haryana) and This organization recognized failures through ‘ Shri N Reguraj, Managing Director NTTF and Brave Heart Award’ which gives a message that S Conference Co-chairman NATCON 2019 was the it is okay to fail. But what matters is to rise up moderator for the session. He spoke about the stronger from the fall. i rising importance of skill development in India in Team work with supervision. order to thus meet the problem of unemployment. They don’t live with their family members. Such a f He spoke about the Five Pillars of Skill Development group has a high per person productivity that is: Their company enrolls them into skill development a 1) standard of their choice by having a tie-up withTISS. 2) Quality Results; 3) Capacity r Improvement in financial status. 4) Assessment and certification 70% of the earnings of the employees go to the 5) Placement and linkages. parent’s account and 30% to the employees. Thus a Session Three: the employees learn to manage their financial Theme: Inspiration for learning and skilling: position. Showcasing best practices by Shri Basanth Kumar They also learn interpersonal skills from classes Thakur, General Electric Multi Modal facility- allotted to the same. India, Shri Ramaraju PVS, COO and Global Head, Strides Pharma Science Ltd and Shri Aiyappa Session Four: Masagi, CEO Water Literacy Foundation, Prof K Theme: Global best practices in skill development B Akhilesh, Co- chairman Organising Committee, by Shri Frank Notz, Member of the Management President, RGIPT. Shri Basanth Kumar emphasized Board Human Resources, Festo group, Germany, on Quality Development technique. The four Shri Ashok Vasudevan Managing Director, Festo qualities he stressed on are, honesty, responsibility, Global Production centre, India, Shri. Gopal motivation, flexibility. Subramanyam (moderator) Chairman, SKF The five major vital skills required are: India, Former CEO, L&T- Komatsu. Mr. Frank spoke about Digitalization, Automation, and 1) Multitasking A Globalization cannot be stopped but can be

138 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20 shaped. We live in a world where a small idea can go viral and change everything: Mr Bhaskar Bhat spoke about the success of several 1) Complicated v/s Complex Public Sector Companies and not look down upon 2) Individualized them.’ 3) speed of digitalization There is reduction of corruption at lowest levels 4) simplicity in the railway sector. Any incidentsregarding the He then emphasized on Digitalization/Artificial same are coming to limelight and the cases are Intelligence, Robotics and E-Mobility. solved in no time. In order to bring about an awareness about the Amul is a Public Sector brand which is not replaced same, education has always been an important by any private enterprises.‘Hum Kisi Se Kum Nahi’ pillar for businesses across the globe. became the catch-phrase of the session. Mr Ashok spoke about human centricity and Session Two: focused on people skills, knowledge and training, Theme: Building a Entrepreneurship Ecosytem– adaptation to the changing human environment Agri and Social Sector by Shri Krishan Gupta, and human credibility. S Managing Director, Organic Wellness Products He said that in order to meet the problems of Private Limited, Smt Meera Shenoy, Founder, Youth unemployment, skill development has to be given for Jobs, Hyderabad, Shri Shanmukh M L, Former i Prominence on a large scale basis. Even the stake- Director-HR, BEL. holders of the organizations should come forward f and support the initiative. Mr Krishan Gupta spoke about entrepreneurial Ecosystem, venture creators, mentors/ advisors, Introduction to vocational training academy which support organisation- Legal and accounting, key a is all about learning best practices, collaborative to succeed, big vision and purpose, discipline and learning, augmented reality, infrastructure LED focus. learning, basic electronics and mechanics was also r given prominence. In detail he then touched upon organic wellness. Movie hour, yoga, health and hygiene, Smt.Meera Shenoy spoke on the extension of their a communication, team building, coping skills and services across the country and how rapidly it is various workshops are conducted along with the growing in a large scale basis. vocational training approach. Some of the people who were a part of Youth Day Three: for Jobs, are now placed in reputed organizations with two months of intensive training provided by Session 1 the organization. Theme: Setting the concept for Entrepreneurial Mr. Kshitij, explained about the steps for a Framework- CEO’s perspective. successful startup- By Shri Mukesh Kumar Surana, Chairman and 1) Identify a problem Managing Director, Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd, Shri Deepak Kumar Hota, Chairman and Managing 2) Verify the problem Director, BEML, Shri Peter Betzel, Country Head 3) Create a team IKEA India, Shri Bhaskar Bhat, Managing Director, 4) Come up with a solution Titan Industries.

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participated actively in the group discussion and they got selected for the final round. 5) Create a Minimum Value Product (MVP) and Proof of Concept In the final and last round the candidates who were selected were called for the personal interview 6) scale up. with the HR team. After the final round the results He concluded saying that sales are one skill that were announced and the candidates were given all entrepreneurs need to focus on in order to lay an offer letter from the organization. a strong foundation and prosper in the market. CAMPUS PLACEMENT REPORT NETWORKING WITH ROSHNI ALUMNI AND THE On 17/02/2020 Shahi Exports, Bangalore,visited TOP HR EXECUTIVES Our Institution for campus placement. The HR team The students of II MSW (PM&IR) interacted with members from Shahi introduced themselves A and the Alumni of our Institution.Dr. Sebastian K V their company through the PPTpresentation,told introduced the Alumni to the students. The Alumni about their work culture and the benefits provided of Roshni Nilaya has always been very generous, by the organization initially a written test S supportive in providing guidance for the students. (aptitude test. – based on the skill, interest of the The students gained a lot of information & candidates. i knowledge as they shared their experience and Successful candidates in the first round were expertise. The students spoke to them in an very selected and invited for a group discussion (GD). informal way too. f In this round the candidates were divided in 2 The students thus met a number of executives who groups and were called for the group discussion have made it big in the market today and expand alternately. All the candidates participated a their horizon of information. actively in English and Kannada. After the second CAMPUS PLACEMENT round the students who were qualified were invited r On 18/1/2020, Himatsinka Seide visited the for the final round . Institution for campus recruitment placement. In the final and last round the candidates who were a At the first session the HR team members of selected were called for the personal interview Himatsinka Seide introduced themselves Introducted with the HR team. their company through the PPTpresentation, their On 9/03/2020 the HR team from Reliable work culture and the benefits provided by their CashewIndustry Baikampady, Mangalore Organisation. They also explained about the Visited our Institution for campus placement. The process of their selection. campus recruitment was only for female MSW A written test (aptitude test – based on the skill, candidates. At first the HR gave an introduction interest of the candidates was condutced. about their company and then told the students about the work culture and why the candidate Successful candidates were invited for the second should join the organization and what benefits are round for group discussion (GD). Candidates were provided for the employees. given various topics as group discussion. They chose the topic, Importance of group discussion and its The screening process was a face to face interview. advantages and disadvantages, All the candidates Eight candidates attended the interview.

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We are grateful to our alumni from Mangalore responsibilities, facilities provided to employees, Roshni Alumni Association. Our Alumni over the employee engagement activities, chemical globe are our great networking resources treatment and chemical waste management, training & development, environment management Mr. Dheeraj Shetty (GM-HR & Admin JBF) on system followed in the organisation. 8/7/2019 addressed the HR students. The students specializing in Medical & Psychiatric Students were explained on how success and failure Social Work had visited Ave MariaPalliative Care stories become important part of everyone’s life. Centre at Vomanjoor, Mangalore. The Director& An orientation programme on child line services, alumna, Dr. Laveena Noronha oriented the students child rights and the schemes available for about the need for Palliative care and functioning childrenwas conducted for the MSW students on of her Institution. This visit was on 13 July 2019. July 10,219. The resource person for this session Mr. Dheeraj Shetty, General Manager, JBF was Ms. LavitaD’souza, Co-ordinator,Childline petrochemical Ltd conducted a session on salary, S Mr Santhosh Pai (HR) on 11/7/2019 addressed wages, Employee provident fund, employee state the students. He gave a detailed understanding insurance scheme , Gratuity , CTC (cost to company) i about the company, HR policies, Co-operate social and how to calculate take home salary.


141 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20

‘Spandana 2019 Responding to Realities’


i “Spandana 2019 – Responding to Realities” A National Conference on “Revisiting and f Contextualizing Social Work Profession in Contemporary India” was inaugurated at the a Maria Paiva Hall of School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya here on February 14. r The inaugural ceremony began with the invocation of the Lord’s blessings, lead by the college choir. The distinguished gathering was welcomed by Dr a Meena Monteiro, Dean, Post Graduation Studies, School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya.

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The conference was inaugurated by Prof Y S Siddegowda, Vice Chancellor, Tumkur University, “The conference aims at promoting a deeper discussion on the philosophical, ideological, and methodological aspects of social work among the social work educators and practitioners in India. This will enhance the effectiveness of social


work education as well as practice in the Indian i contexts and pave way for contributing to the global knowledge of social work” were her words, f justifying the theme of the conference. Prof Evelyn Benis introduced the chief guest to a the gathering. In his inaugural address, Prof Y S



along with the other dignitaries present, by lighting the lamp. Organizing Secretary Spandana 2019 Asha Lobo, introduced the theme of the conference. Speaking about the areas of broad concern for the social work profession related to the quests and struggles Siddegowda, who is also an alumnus of Roshni faced by the marginalized groups in meeting Nilaya, proudly expressed his joy and gratitude their needs. Asha Lobo spoke of the roles of, and towards the organization on the occasion. Speaking expectations from educators and practitioners from about the revolutionary change in technology, he the field of social work training and profession. spoke at length about its impact on the youth of

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social work are required to follow in order to create a free atmosphere for free ideas and thoughts to today, and how the globe has adapted easily to emerge, and in turn, increase knowledge. “A good social work institution is required to practice theory building and theory testing, simultaneously.”

it. He also spoke on how social workers can help to reform the society, saying, “Social workers ought to be a facilitator, not a helper. Every person has S

i f a r a

some potential in him; as social workers, our job is to help the person find those potentials and talents He mentioned about encouraging a practice- within him. As social work practitioners, honesty, based theory based on reality is more important good deeds, humility ought to be our religion. than a theory-based practice, where the eroded Social work ought to be a people-centric practice, value system can be restored through thorough not some evidence-based practice.” efforts and self-consciousness. “It is important Prof Y S Siddegowda elaborated on the concept to set an example in the society, than merely of converting a classroom into a structured, live following existing examples, and bring about a laboratorial environment, which the trainers of transformational change.”

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Speaking on the medium of instruction, Prof Siddegowda deliberated on the slow death of authenticate social work methods and techniques literature by reading information that is below in today’s modern and changing society. quality. He spoke about the need for integrated Eden Istacky, Student President, Post Graduation studies of social work while questioning if a mere Department delivered the vote of thanks. two years of a masters course is enough. “The last Dr P Ilango, Dean, Faculty of Arts and Member two years need to have a rigorous practice and Syndicate, Bharathidasan University, Khajamalai specialization” he was quoted saying. Prof Y S Campus, Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu, who Siddegowda concluded his inaugural address by deliberated on the upcoming trends in social thanking the Roshni family and the social work work. fraternity. Dr B Nalina, Assistant Professor, Department of In her presidential address, Juliet C J, Principal, Social Work Bharathiar University, Coimbatore; Dr School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya, expressed Olinda Pereira, Founder Principal, and Philomena her gladness in having eminent dignitaries to Serrao – Ex-Principal, School of Social Work Roshni interact with on the occasion of Spandana 2019. S Nilaya was also present among other dignitaries. She elaborated on how one can adapt and



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145 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20


Mr. Odessy C. Singh, Faculty , MSW


i f a The first meeting of the Core Committee Members Study of the Perception of residents of Pachanady of the CARE PACHANADY project was conducted ward and leaders/service providers in and on 22nd February, 2019 at St. Joseph Engineering around Pachanady” was launched and data were r College, Vamanjoor. As Core Committee Members, collected by the staff and students of St. Joseph’s Director, CEDSE, Vamanjoor; Director and Principal, Engineering College (SJEC), Vamanjoor, School of a St. Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor; Social Work (SSW), Roshni Nilaya and St. Aloysius Principal, School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya, College (SAC), Mangalore and the Centre for Mangalore; and Principal, St. Aloysius College, Development Studies and Education (CEDSE), Mangalore participated in the meeting. Out of Kudupu. many decisions, two major were 1) Nomenclation The objectives of the study are of the project as CARE PACHANADY and 2) to conduct a survey research to bring out a scientific • To find out the views of affected stakeholders report on the problem faced by the community (residents of Pachanady ward and leaders/ and the vicinity due to the waste dumping area in service providers in and around Pachanady) Pachanady. regarding the adverse effects of PMSWM site on their health and environment. As decided during the first Core Committee meeting, a survey “ Health and Environmental • To find out from the respondents their Effects of Municipal Solid Waste in Pachanady: A recommendations to alter the situation • To assess from the findings of the study

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the extent of awareness among affected stakeholders committee in the village.Several meetings were • To present the findings with recommendations to organized at the village involving the villages in the concerned public authorities for corrective the affected area. actions On 16th February, 2020 a meeting was organised • To spread awareness about the findings at ManglajyothiSchool under the guidance of among the affected people in particular Dr. Rita Noronha, M.G. Hegde, and other local and city residents in general to facilitate leaders. In the meeting, the following points participatory/collective actions were finalized: 1. All the affected religious and educational institutions would visit the MCC • to enable staff and student volunteers commissioner and submit the petitions. 2. All the engineering and professional social work affected communities’ representatives would visit colleges to acquire competencies by their the MCC commissioner and submit their petitions. involvement in practicing a particular mode 3. Meanwhile, awareness campaign would go on of people centric intervention to address an among the people. S urgent issue of common concern in partnership th with multiple stakeholders. On 8 March, 2020 a meeting was held at Devinagara under the leadership of Dr. Rita i Three hundred seventy one (371) out of Two Noronha, M.G. Hegde, Mr. Wilson and other local thousand one hundred seventeen (2117) households leaders from different villages had participated f living in various localities (proportionate sampling) including representatives of different religious depending on number of households from each of and educational institutions. The decisions taken the 6 localities of Pachanady - nearly one in every during the meeting at Manglajyothi School were a six households and one representative each from shared. The participants were also given chance these households were interviewed. Another 60 to speak up about the problems that they were r leaders/service providers were interviewed in the facing due to dumping yard. During meeting, two venue of their work or residence. representatives from each village were selected and their names and contact numbers were a After the report of the survey was developed a collected. meeting was held at St Joseph’s Engineering College on 4th October, 2019 with Dr. Rita Noronha and The report of the survey was submitted to the representatives of Care Pachanady Committee Deputy Commissioner; DK. Based on the findings members Mr. Lawrence, Mr Rakesh, Mr. Roshan and of this survey, a proposal for a model project was others. The discussion was to identify local leaders developed explaining the ways of managing the in each village who would organise meeting at solid waste and was submitted to the Mangalore village level and discuss about dumping issues and City Corporation. also about forming acommittee in each village as a Efforts of “CARE PACHANADY” is still on till date. part of Community Organisation efforts regarding The Core Committee meets regularly to spearhead the mentioned issue. On 6th October, 2019, a the effort to bring a sustainable solutionto the meeting was organized at Mangalanagara with problem mentioned though the pandemic had the people of Mangalanagara to discuss about brought a halt to the field level activities for some the effects of dumping yard and also to form a time.

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Swatcha Survekshan-2020 Students Perception About Citizens Response To Waste Management Programme By: Rajalakshmi 2nd MSW (CD)

Background: Olapete. A total of 477 citizens of Ullal casts their Minister of housing and urban affairs conducted vote. Swachh Survekshan-2020 (SS-2020). Citizen Student’s Perception about Citizens participation is a very crucial component of the Participation survey and is a platform for citizens to share their Students faced challenges in eliciting information views on the overall cleanliness of the city. The from the citizens, especially from the major Muslim students of School of Social Work - Roshni Nilaya community members due to the ongoing protest participated in the survey to facilitate citizens against CAA and NRC, NPR, issues across the participation which was held in the last week of country. The overall perception of students are S Jan-2020. presented here below: Objective: Priyanka: “Response was good”. i  to expose students to facilitate citizens Jaison: “In Suliya, people raised the question about participation in Swatcha Survekshan-2020. what might be the use of this survey?” f  to gather students’ perceptions about citizens’ Sayanth; “We should have visited all the HH response to Swachh Survekshan-2020. irrespective of their community identity biases.” a Strategy: Precilla: “We were really scared in some houses as  survey was initiated from familiar localities they refused to give any information. We should r and wards go with any local contact persons”.  Orientation to the councilors Srikant: “I was successful in taking the male member a of the family to participate in the survey, but  CMC functionaries involved in motivating surprisingly, at the verge of sharing the OTP, the citizens, commercial shops owners and HH. wife of the person intervened and simply refused  Use of the public address system. to share the pin to complete the voting process.  Information kiosks near places of worship and This was the height of mistrust the CAA and NCR in private functions and programmes. created among the common men”. Survey Process: Challenges: The SS-2020 was conducted through an  sr. Citizens mostly found to carry old handsets online method (google forms) Link: httpsH// hence, this was a challenge to complete the WWW>SWACHHSURVEKSHAN2020.ORG/ voting process. CITIZENFEEDBACK.  Day-long engagement in the voting process The wards covered include- Dharma Nagara, takes a toll on the battery backup of student’s Babbukatte, Mogaveera Patna, Ullal Hoige, and mobile phones.

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A Dream fulfilled...... Internship at BelgIum

Joby Joseph, II MPSW

Introduction promote the health prevention methods are In December 2019 was the time for learning from implemented. Preventive services shows the the land of Moving Minds. University College respect and value of life. Leuven-Limburg, Belgium. UCLL caters the promising • Mental Health caring through counselling. students with an opportunity for higer education, Dr. Guislain Museum research and community service. Inspiration is drawn from diverse Christian thought which equips It was the visionary Dr Guislain who was one of the college to provide service in the context of the first to think of mentally ill people as patients pluralistic and inter-cultural society. Moving minds with a right to humane treatment. The shame that is accepted as the guiding philosophy of the was felt at the way psychiatric patients had been institution. The foundation also shares a strong treated in the past was the impetus for founding S bond with Ku Leuven association as one of its the Dr Guislain Museum in Ghent in 1986. Dr members. Guislain Museum in Ghent aims to break down the i many prejudices that still define what is ‘mentally Methodology ill’ and what is ‘normal’. The main aim of the visit was to observe and f Psychiatry in Belgium learn the methods and tecquines used to treat the patients with psychiatric issues. In order to The Kingdom of Belgium is a high-income country a observe it was the best option to start with the first in northern Europe with an approximate area of psychiatric hospitals in Belgium. 33 000 km2 and a population of 10.5 million. The proportion of the population under the age r 1. Dr. Guislain Psychiatric Centre, Ghent, of 15 years is 17% and the proportion of the Belgium. population above the age of 60 years is 22%. Life a 2. Alexianen Psychiatric Clinic, Tienen, Belgium. expectancy at birth is 75.2 years for males and Objectives 81.5 years for females. In Belgium, as both federal • the objective of the study was to extend government and communities are in charge of Psychosocial assessment of the patients and different parts of the mental health service, there their families. Family can bring changes in is both a national mental health policy, formulated the life of the person. If the family is involved in 1988, and a community mental health policy. in the treatment part they can play a great A substance misuse policy is present which was role. initially formulated in 1921 and a national mental health programme was formulated in 1990 and • Group therapy / intervention services for updated in 1999. Belgium has a nationwide data- patients. The group therapy Gives an idea collection system or epidemiological study on how different people are affected. mental health, known as the Minimum Psychiatric • Promotive/Preventive Services. In order to Dataset. There are specific programmes for mental

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to tackle acute problems or to provide long- term care, psychosocial rehabilitation, intensive health for minorities, refugees, disaster-affected specialised residential care andspecific forms of populations, indigenous populations, the elderly assisted living. and children. About The Hospital Different organisations subsidised by public authorities exist in Wallonia, Brussels and Flanders. Both hospitals I worked belong to the Brothers of Belgium spends 6% of the total health budget Charity. I am sure that they have great involvement on mental health. There are some 69 psychiatric in the field of mental health especially in Belgium hospitals in Belgium, with 22.1 psychiatric beds with good number of hospitals. I had the per 10 000 population. There are around 18 privilege to work in the first psychiatric hospital in psychiatrists per 100 000 population. The Belgium,founded in 1842 by Brothers of Charity, primary sources of mental health financing are namely Petrus Josef Triest and Dr. Guislain. social insurance, private insurance, out-of-pocket Focus of the Hospital expenditure by the patient or family, and tax- • treatment for severe and complex mental S based revenue. The Flemish-speaking and French- health conditions speaking communities are in charge of all non- • Expert in treatment of specific target groups i hospital mental healthcares, such as sheltered housing and centres for mental health. The federal • warm and respectful approach • Caring and committed care workers f government is in charge of hospitals, location of psychiatric care and quality of hospital care. • Clear ethical vision, based on Christian values Mental health is a part of the primary healthcare • Good location a system and so the treatment of severe mental • Centrally supported, benefit of scale disorders is available at the primary care level. r There is regular training in mental health for • Financially healthy primary care professionals. Emergency facilities Mission a are geographically sectorised across the country, • As a specialised link in the health care network, which offers immediate care at low rates, through they are committed to providing expert and subsidisation by the local centres. customised psychiatric care. Patients may also use regional ambulatory centres • In service of the patient’s needs,they work both for a consultation or receive a home visit. Care with the patient and his family/primary health is offered by a multidisciplinary team able to care workers, to find the best possible course address the medical, psychiatric, psychological of treatment. and social aspects of a health problem. The remit • Hospital gives warm, open and human of mental healthcare centres is both curative and approach is what distinguishes them. preventive. • the ideas of Petrus Triest and Dr. Guislain Areas of Work inspire us to recognise a fellow human being in every person, even when they are most In both the hospitals I got ample opportunities to vulnerable. learn many things such as prevention, detection, intervention at an early stage,mobile teams Goals • to be an expert and innovator in acute and

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complex mental health care • to be a trusted partner within the field of sessions where the psychologists and social workers mental health care spend the quality time with the patients. I too was • To be financially healthy given enough opportunities to interact with the • to create a stimulating work environment, so patients .And there was lack of interference due employees are proud to be a member of the to the language barrier. Guislain-family • Therapies • to pursue social inclusion and quality of life I was exposed to the application of behavioural for people with psychiatric problems therapies which are evidence-based. I came Values across two of major therapies namely Music and • Respect art therapy which are used to treat the patients • trust suffering from addiction caused mainly by alcohol and drugs. I have seen how the patients are • transparency asked to play their favourite or interested music • Commitment as they are allowed to use the musical instruments S Target Groups according to their choice and interest. The same . people affected with psychosis method was applied in the art therapy when the i patients were asked to partake in it. The music or . Addiction to alcohol and/or medication art that was produced by the patients reflected f . Crisis care the mental state of the persons. I noticed this fact . Psycho geriatrics especially when the patient draws the picture of a . Intellectual disability and psychiatric problem; the family or of their relationships. The friction or children, teenagers, young adults, adults broken relationship was very well expressed in Focus Area the images as it revealed the image of person r standing aloof or signs of alienation. I believe that • Improving the image of our psychiatric centre they were not only exposing the mental status of a • Incorporating the patient’s perspective; patients the patient but also the same of hidden causes are co-directors of the course of treatment which might have triggered addiction in the life • Contributing to continuity of care, using the of the patient. In these approaches there is an patient’s needs - and those of his environment active participation of the patient and the patient - as a starting point himself plays a central role in the healing process. • we aim for effective, standardised and simple The self- expression of the patient has become a process window enabling the doctor and persons involved • Contemporary, welcoming infrastructure, in the healing process to get a clear picture of the adaptable to changing needs and views mental statues of the patient. • Coaching and situational leadership Lecture on “Social work in Indian context” at Intervention UCLL • Counselling Using the opportunity provided, I began my presentation by speaking on the religious pluralistic I have seen how well integrated is the counselling

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unique human dignity. In India the way the person background of India which acts as facilitator in is treated is a quite different way. Most of the promoting human dignity and supporting various time the persons with mental illness is not properly social work projects whose objective is the accepted in the family and society and they are removal social inequality and assurance of human kept aloof from the family members as the family flourishing. Since India is a developing country to consider it as disgrace to the family in the society. a large extend the problem of poverty and social So being critical about the way mental patients and inequality still remains to be a big challenge to mental dieses are treated in India I am determined overcome. From the very beginning the Catholic to organise social awareness programmes which Church has played the role as a comprehensive can enable the families to accept the patient as social worker in the process of the removal of person first so that the person oriented treatment inequality and in promoting human dignity beyond can be assured for the persons affected by mental the religious boundaries. illness. Challenges Expert with experience S • Language problem (Dutch, French, German) I highly appreciate how the cured persons • Cold Weather are enabled to act as active agents of social i Learning transformation and healing process of other • Growing in sense of sharing, looking at reality patients in the hospitals here in Belgium. This is f from socio-political and cultural perspective not much seen in India. Here the experience of the cured persons has become part of healing • Respect for life medication of other persons with similar mental a • Influence of social media among innocent status and it can boost the self esteem of the children cured persons to higher levels. I do hope that I r • Selfless service and concern for the can use this knowledge back in India so that it neglected can add up to the human flourishing in the society a • Importance of family relationship in mental and higher appreciation of the human personal health recourse utilisation. Further I do hope that it can be • Involvement of the patients in the treatment used to focus on the strength of the abilities and part is more important experience gained in the healing process by the cured persons for the sake of other. Personal CriticalReflection Involvement of the patients in the treatment Hospital going to the people Through various therapies as I have already I have experienced that in Belgium there is a great mentioned the patient- oriented approach is social awareness and acceptance of mental illness promoted here. The treatment is beginning with and of the persons affected by the mental illness complete appreciation that the patient is and what and disorders. The hospitals are ever ready to are the self expressions of the person’s mental reach out to the patients so that the attention to status. The families of the patients are also actively the persons is assured at the earliest. More than involved in the treatment through their presence treating the person as patient what I have seen and I think it is quite helpful to understand the is that the person is accepted as the person with

152 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20 family history of the person. I am sure I can think of and actualise programmes to get more family rehabilitation of people wandering in the streets, involvement in the treatment of persons affected is the realisation of a dream to become privileged by mental illness because I have seen in India that to serve the poor and the abandoned, wandering families are not much concerned and involved in in the streets, by our loving, caring and healing the treatment process. touch - to keep them smiling, having given them the Overkophuis experience of God’s tremendous love for them. Overkophuisis a scheme integrated in Belgium here we take of mental patients too. generally as part of medical concern of the respective speaking of the mental care provided in Kerala, government it is not directly related to the there is no such teamwork is yet to be initiated. mental treatment process, I would like to mention Conclusion what I have learned from my engagement with Mental health can be defined as a state of Overkophuis programme. I am sure it provides well being in which every individual realizes his or unique opportunity to the youth to come together her own potential, coping with the normal stresses for constructive interactions and exchange of life of life with productive and fruitful work, making S experience together. I have observed that the youth a contribution to his or her community. It can be are given chances to hone their unique talents as compared with the four legs of a chair, the first leg i per their interests in the education system. can be LABOUR, second can be RELAX, third can be Social security system SOCIAL DIMENSION, and the fourth one is TO BE f One of the most important positive aspects I have LOVED. Life requires social integration as at times seen here is the assurance of the social security when individuals face crises it’s important that they a system available, of which I can do very little acquire some social support and concern. When back in India since we don’t have a well organised a person feels that is being loved and the person social security system by government. Nevertheless might feel relaxed by attaining some available r I can try to create an awareness of the need of resources that he /she might able to face the crisis situations .All these factors should worktogether a holistic social security system among the people a and in the society. so that he or she will be able to live with stable mental health. In Flanders I can say that everything went on well The treatment of persons suffering from mental beyond my expectation. All those who organized illness is given due attention by the team of my Block Placement programme, have taken care psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers. the of everything perfectly. Due to the language social workers those who are involved in health problem I could not interact much with patients. care centres are given basic training in specialist All the staffs were kind enough to explain to me courses in psychotherapy so that they well equipped about what they do. It was very interesting. People in handling the patients properly. in and around my place of residence and work, In Kerala, some of health care centres run by were kind enough to help me. Certain times I could Vincentian Congregation we try to create a experience the hospitality of the people to find family atmosphere with the help of religious sisters out the way, clarifying doubts etc. I had a good and social workers along with psychologists. The stay in Belgium and enjoyed the great hospitality.

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Background:  Sea weeds also help produce algae and this can S The neighbourhood youth parliament is an interaction help clean the water. programme of the young and the stakeholder from nine  Uliya is a place where a lot of shell fish isreared i (9) neighbourhoods, residing along the backwaters of and collected. are the members of the the river ‘Netravati’ and they  Cultivation of mussels and clams from the river on ‘Save the nethravathi river campaign’. a larger scale can pave way for a very good f A The objective was to sensitise stakeholders in a market and employ people. democratic manner for resolving problems. The  Sand mining and sand business must stop near the programme is supported by Nehru Yuva Kendra (NYK) a th places where there is a huge growthof fish or any Mangalore, DK held on 27 Feb 2020; about 95 marine life. participated in the deliberations. Mr. UT Khader, the MLA reminded about issues with r Deliberations: underground drainage system of Ullal and requested Mr. Riyaz Mangalore welcomed participants; Mr. citizens to join hands in keeping the surroundings a Vasudeva Rao welcomed the chief guests, the invocation clean. was done by the students of Roshni Nilaya.. Lighting of Mr. Kishore Attavar, spoke about the importance of the lamp by the chief guests (Ashwin Kotian, Herald people based campaigns to keep Nethravathi free D’Souza, Raziya Ibrahim), the handbill about ‘save the from pollution. river campaign’ was released by Mr. Rayappa, CMC commissioner. Mr. Sundar Uliya appealed to the neighbourhood members to ensure saving the Netravati river Riyaz Mangalore highlighted issues of Nethravathi River environment to the next generation, as we have been pollution. Mr Rayappa, spoke about challenges of benefited during our childhood days. He felt that ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ in Ullal. the programme has helped all the key stakeholders Mr. Mustaq Patla, Counsellor of Patla, Ullal, spoke about to share their opinions on mitigating the environment the genesis of the use of wastematerials by human kind pollution in the true spirit of the Parliament. and how people ended up polluting the river. Mr. Lloyd delivered the vote of thanks. Mahesh Kumar, Environment dept. College of Fisheries, Field work and outreach: Spoke about the various ways in which the river can be saved. He suggested: 27 field work students of MSW were involved in planning and organising the community for this  Growing mangrove plants near the river side will programme. help clean the water.

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Sl. Date and Organizing Name, Designation Topic No Department/Forum and Address 1 3rd January 2020 Ms. Ashel Mascarenhas Session on “English Department of English English Language Trainer, Language Prospects and Kochi Event Management”

2 July 27th 2019 Mr Mahesh B.S Guest lecture on “The Department of Psychology Clinical psychologist & Power of Positive Assistant Professor of thinking”. Kasturba Medical College S and hospital, Mangalore. (BA Alumnus 2007-2010 batch) i

3 July 27th 2019 Mr Mahesh B.S Half day workshop on (on website, link given below) Clinical psychologist & Assistant ‘Promotion of mental f Department of Psychology Professor of Kasturba Medical health and psychological College and hospital, Mangalore. well-being’. a (BA Alumnus 2007-2010 batch) r well-without-stress a 4 March 6, 2020 Dr. Margaret Lavina D’Souza Health Policy of India Department of Rural Research Scientist at St. Johns and National Rural Development Research Institute at St. John’s Health Mission National Academy of Health Sciences, Bangalore

Weblink: events/1189-guest-lecture-on-health-policy-of-india-and-national-rural-health-mission

5 February 26,2020 Ms. Premalatha D’Souza Courses and scope of Departments of Sociology B Ed Teacher B.Ed. in the field of and Economics teaching for the final year Sociology Economics students

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6 July 7, 2019 Ms. Lavita D’Souza, Orientation program on MSW – MPSW – Nodal officer, Childline, services of Childline, Family Cosmos Forum Mangalore Child rights and schemes 7 July 8, 2019 Mr. Dheeraj Shetty Campus to corporate – MSW – PM & IR GM-HR & Admin JBF, Failures are the pillar to HR Forum Mangalore success 8 July 11,2019 Mr Santhosh Pai HR policies, Coroperate MSW – PM & IR Sr. HR, Manager, BASF (India) social responsibility HR Forum Ltd, Mangalore 9 July 13, 2019 Dr. Laveena Noronha, Palliative Care MSW – MPSW – Director, Ave Maria Palliative Family Cosmos Forum Care, Mangalore 10 July 20,2019 Mr Nagraj B Kotian, Tuning Personality S MSW – PM & IR HR – Manager, R .L Fine HR Forum chem Pvt. Ltd Bangalore i 11 August 14,2019 Sri S.N. Gopinath, Challenges of HR in MSW – PM & IR Ex- Chairman, NIPM People and Discipline HR Forum Karnataka Chapter, Bengaluru Management f 12 August 14,2019 Sri Bhima Rao, Specialist HR Functions MSW – PM & IR HR Advisor, Bengaluru, to meet challenges in a HR Forum diverse business models 13 August 14,2019 Sri. H. N. Somshekarappa Management of People r MSW – PM & IR Director, People Excel Consulting at Work: Challenges in HR Forum Bengaluru Diverse Business Models 14 August 14,2019 Sri Ravichandra Bekal, Current Scenarios of HR a MSW – PM & IR Founder and Consultant, R.B. and needs of revising HR Forum Consultancy Services, Bengaluru syllabus of HR & Social work Education 15 September 18,2019 Mr. Dheeraj Shetty & CTC &Wages , Employee MSW – PM & IR Mr.Vishnu Bhat, provident fund, employee HR Forum General Manager- HR& Admn, state insurance scheme, & HR Officer, JBF petrochemical Gratuity Ltd , Mangalore 16 October 12,2019 Mr. Chidanad Bhargav Bharadwaj Setting up of a factory in MSW – PM & IR Mr. Dheeraj shetty green field project and HR Forum Sr. Engineer, JBF Petrochemicals land acquisitions and & General Manager HR &Admn, other formalities. JBF petrochemicals, Ltd, Mangalore

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Alumni Roshni Alumni Association, Mangalore News... students of school of Social Work, Roshni Corner… Nilaya  Commencement of a certificate Course for the Students of the college in communicative English in order to prepare them for employment.  Continuation of Post Graduate Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility  On 14th December, 2019, the Association honoured two hundred(200) permanent P. K. Antony’s Sanitation Staff, Municipal Workers, of Mangaluru City Corporation S  Home Coming Day, ‘Milana’ was organised in collaboration with Uexcel, an NGO. Hon. at Eden’s Club with presentation of Digital Deputy Commissioner, Commissioner of Directory of the Alumni of the college, Mangaluru City Corporation, environment i Ms. Philomena D’sa, Provincial and other Engineer of Mangaluru City Corporation dignitaries addressed the alumni members and other dignitaries were present at the f followed by few games and dinner. function. The Association also involved in  Eelections for the Executive Committee (RAA), Fund raising for this event, the fund raised being Rs. 3,52,000/-. Mangalore was held on August 14, 2019. a  On 23rd February, 2020 the executive Mr. Dheeraj Shetty took the baton from committee members organised a picnic to Mr. Kishore Attavar as the President, Ms. Udupi. r Lydith Pinto passing on the role of Secretary We are grateful to our Alumni India and to Ms. Emelyn Pais and Ms. Eveleen Benis Abroad for being a source of constant continuing as the Treasurer. The major support. Their selfless service has helped us a activities of the association were: strengthen our bond even more  Scholarship of Rs. 5000/- to Six (6) deserving

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M.Sc. Criminology and Forensic Science

The 8th ofJuly 2019 marked the beginning of This session consisted of an ice breaker, an a new year for the staff and second students interactive session and a few fun games; the sessions of the Post Graduate Departments ofthe school continued into the next day with a treasurehunt. of social work, Roshni Nillaya. A special prayer On the 10th of July, the faculty members had service was offered to begin the new academic organized skits on criminological significant such year with blessings from the Almighty. The students as Drug Abuse, Domestic Violence, Road Traffic were introduced to the newest faculty member Accidents issues, Child Labour and Terrorism. Mr. Amitesh Shetty. The day ended with the appointment of the Forensis Forum members as The skits involved both the juniors and the well as the new departmental in-charges. seniors working along side each other to bring these burning isues to life. The students used this The final year students and staff jubilantly welcomed opportunity to contribute their skills and knowledge the first year students to the department on the 9th on the assigned topics. The junior in-charges for S of July, 2019. An orientation session was conducted the department of CFS were also appointed by for the first years by the faculty members who the end of the day. i provided enrichment of their knowledge about the field. This session was followed by an ‘Interaction Session’organized by the second year students. f a r a

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An intradepartment quiz was conducted by the Forensic Forum on the 12th of July 2019. The quiz was organized by the second year students for both the first and second year post graduate students. The Quiz consisted of three rounds–aquestion & answer round, around of picto-words and around of charades; which tested their knowledge in various fields.The quiz was a massive success thanks to the S active participation and competitives pirit of the students. i INTRA DEPARTMENT COOKING COMPETITION science. There were 8 teams for the competition. The Forensis forum organized its annual intra f department cooking without fire contest on The students experimented with various ingredients July18th, 2019. The competition was organized and created a variety of drinks, snacks & desserts by the second year coordinators with help which added to the flavor of the competition. a from the staffand students. The judges for the The event turned out to be an entertaining and creative success. competition were Mr. Don Caeiro, Asst. Professor r and Coordinator, Department of Forensic


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i A guest lecture on cyber forensics was organized by the Department of Criminology and Forensic Science. Mr. Don Caeiro, Asst. Professor and Coordinator, Department of Forensic science, Jain University was the speaker for the session. He elucidated on the importance of Cyber Forensics and its area of f application while emphasizing on Cyber Safety. The presentation and interaction was quite effective increating a zeal for the subject among students. The session has proven to be very inspiring and a informative for the students.


An intra department mad ad competition was conducted by the Forensis Forum on the 25th ofJuly 2019.The competition was organized by the second years for both the first and second year post graduatestudents. The competition involved the students being grouped into 5 groups who were given varioustopics on which they had to create an advertisement at the time allotted to them, the skits were then judged on their creativity and how easy it was to identify the product. The judges for the contest were Mr. Balaji Narayan and Mr. Amitesh Shetty professors from the dept.of Criminology and Forensic Science.

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The students and staff of the Post Graduate Department of Criminology and Forensic Scienceattended a National Conference on the Recent Advancements In Forensic Science held at Jain University. The two day conference was held on the 26th and 27th of July 2019. There were scientific sessions conducted by four prominent S personalities in the field. Dr. Arun Sharma, Director, Directorate of Forensic Puducherry; who spoke about the advancements i Science, Himachal Pradesh, handled a session in instrumentation related to the field of Forensic Science while giving a particular focus on to the on the advancements in various fields of forensic f science in India and the future of the field in the newly developed spottests available in the market. country. Dr. Adarsh Kumar,Professor,Forensic The closing session of the national conference was a Medicine and Toxicology, In-Charge Forensic given by Dr. Vinod J. Lakappan, Assistant Director, Anthropology and Radiology, Chairman Disability Forensic Toxicology Division, FSL, Karnataka; Medical Board,Trauma Center, AIIMS, New Delhi; who bestowed the gathering with an in-depth r the second speaker on the first day,enlightened knowledge about the field of Forensic Toxicology and the advancements in the said field. Paper the students on the field of Forensic Medicine, a specifically focusing on DVI or Disaster Victim presentations were also conducted during the Identification. The opening session on the secondday seminar, in which 4 students from the department was by Dr. B. Shanmukham, OSD / Director FSL, presented their research papers.


In memory of Late Dr. B. Ashoka, Former Head ‘TECHNIQUES IN CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION’ of the Department of Criminology and Forensic on 29th July 2019 at Maria Paiva Hall of our Science (1979-2016), The Department of institution.. Criminology and Forensic Science, School of Social Dr. Mahabalesh Shetty, Professor and Head Work, Roshni Nilaya, Mangaluru incollaboration of Department of Forensic Medicine, KSHEMA, with Trinity Forensic Investigation & Analysis, Deralakatte, Mangalore-was the resource Mangaluru, has organized a workshop on person. Keen observation of scientific evidence

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with the police fraternity. found in the crime scene would reveal several Dr.Uday Kumar K. Professor of Forensic Medicine clues to identify the culprit and to reconstruct the and Medical Superintendent, Fr. Muller’s Medical crime scene effectively he said. He also stated College, Mangaluru stressed on the need of that this would be possible only if the crime scene teamwork between the doctors of Forensic is protected by barricading to be examined by Medicine, Criminology and Forensic Science the forensic experts. experts to investigate a crime scene more The Chief Guest Shri Kodandaram, Assistant effectively. Ms. Juliet C.J. Principal of the college Commissioner of Police, South Division, Mangaluru expressed that the criminology department grew City Police Commissionerate addressed the well under the guidance of Dr. Ashoka who was gathering on the importance of Crime Scene also had close contact with police and used to Investigation and the role of forensic expert in organize several collaborative programmes to criminal investigation. educate the public. Dr. Olinda Pereira, Director of the Vishwas Trust Mrs. Usha Askoka, Dr. Jenis Mary, Vice-Principal, S and founder Principal of the college was the Prof. Vineetha Rai, controller of examiner, faculty guest of honour. She shared the experience of and students of the college, Alumni, staff and i working with Dr. B. Ashoka, a simple person with students of BSc Forensic Science and Criminology great knowledge and had a good relationship of Srinivas College were presenton this occasion. f AWARENESS ON CHILD ABUSE (CAUSES AND PREVENTION) a r a

Free Mangaluru’, held on 3rd August 2019 from The Department of Criminology and Forensic 10am to 12.30 pm at Dakshina Kannada Jilla Science, School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, Panchayath Hiriya Prathamika Shale, Pandeshwar, Mangaluru in collaboration with Women Police, Mangaluru. Chief Guest of the programme Smt. Mangaluru City Police Commissionerate, had Srikala K.P. Police Sub-Inspector, Women Police organized ‘Awareness on Child Abuse” as a part Station, Mangaluru City Police Commissionerate of Extension service entitled ‘A Projecton Crime addressed stating that Children must be very

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careful while walking on the road if a stranger approaches them or offers them something to eat they must not accept instead report to‘Rani Abbakka Force’ which is launched in the city for the protection of women and children. Abusers will be in many forms among known and unknown people, if they are called to an unknown place they must deny, she said. She stressed that Police are friends of children; hence children should not get scared or hesitate to approach police at any timeincaseof any help.


The Criminal Justice System relies on scientific S evidence found in the crime scene which is not an easy task in cyber crime he said. Working on software, imaging, knowing the basic difficulties in i the Digital world we need to be more careful and safe guarding ourselves headded. f The special guest Mr Suresh Kumar B. Director,Texial Cyber Security & founder of incognito forensics a stated that in the digital era, the Texial Cyber Security works on ethical hacking and various The Post Graduate Department of Criminology issues related to cyber crimes. It also helps law r and Forensic Science, School of Social work, Roshni enforcement agencies in cyber-related cases by providing necessary facts. Nilaya, Mangaluru had organized the State Level a Workshop on ‘COMPUTER AND MOBILE FOR Dr. Juliet C.J, Principal of the college acknowledged ENSICS’ on 4th October 2019 at Maria Paiva Hall the constant support received from the police of the College. department in providing practical exposure on This day has also marked the genesis of “CRIFO”, functions of police for the students and giving an the first annual convention of the Department by opportunity to be the part of crime prevention watering the sappling (Ashoka plant) in memory of Late Dr B. Ashoka, former Head & founderof the Department. The Guest of Honor Sri. B M Laxmi Prasad, IPS, Superintendent of Police, Dakshina Kannada District inaugurated the workshop by lighting the lamp and addressed the gathering. He stressed on the importance of Locard’s principle of exchange during investigation and our dependence on modern technology.

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month and traffic safety week. Digital Forensic being the upcoming skilling field, she motivated the participants to ‘Be the change-maker sand experts in the field’. Dr. Saritha D’Souza, Head of the Department of Criminology and Forensic Science delivered the key note address stating the purpose of organizing the workshop. The purpose of the workshop is tobring together all the academicians of various disciplines to work for the common cause i.e. to prevent cyber crimes by adopting appropriate methods. principal of the college, Forensic Doctors, Faculties Mr. Don Caeiro, Cyber Forensic Expert & Asst. and students of other colleges in and around professor of Forensic Science, Kristu Jayanti Karnataka,were presenton this occasion. Hundred College, Bengaluru & Mr Fardeen Ahmed, Cyber & Fifty delegates participated in this state-level workshop. Mr. Amitesh V Shetty, Asst. Professor of S Security Analyst,Texial Cyber Security, Bengaluru were the resource person for the workshop. They Criminology and Forensic Science of the college provided both technical sessions and hands-on welcomed the gathering, Mr. Balajinarayan B. i training to the delegates. delivered the vote of thanks at the inaugural Dr. Jenis Mary, Vice-Principal, Prof. VinitaRai, session. Ms Natasha Mary Netto and Mr. Suhas f Registrar Evaluation and Dr Jacinta D’Souza, former Ragavendra were the MC’s for the day. a Child Welfare Invesigation in Chicago & United States r On the 29th of January 2020, the Post Graduate (IDCFS), an agency which provides oversight for Department of Counselling, in collaboration with Investigations, Preventive Services, Foster Care the Post Graduate Department of Criminology and Services and Congregate Services. In addition he a Forensic Science, School of Social Work, organized informed the gathering of allied services like foster a lecture as a part of the International Series of care licensing, agency and institution licensing, Lecture on the topic - ‘Child Welfare Investigation day-care licensing, agency performance teams, in Chicago & United States’. The programme was residential monitoring, quality assurance, legal conducted in the seminar hall at 3pm. services, clinical services, administrative The programme began with a welcome address by School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20 Namratha, of first M.Sc. Counselling, who introduced case review, contracts and grants, central office the speaker of the programme. Mr. Stany D’Souza of licensing, state central register, foster care is an alumnus of the college and has 30 years of recruitment, etc; and their importance. He further service in the Department of Children and Family spoke about how Child Protective Service (CPS) Services of the State of Illinois. He spoke about the workers complete the Child Endangerment Risk Child Abuse and Neglect investigations under the Assessment Protocol (CERAP) tool, which assesses Abuse and Neglect Child Reporting Act (ANCRA) the risk involved to the children in the case; and of 1969, in the USA. He also introduced the Illinois the various aspects of child welfare investigation Department of Children and Family Services and concluded with an interaction session.

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The Post Graduate Department of Criminology and Forensic Science, School of Social Work, in collaboration with Trinity Forensic Investigation, organized an Inter-Collegiate Treasure Hunt and Debate competition on the topic - ‘Does Capital Punishment Deter Rape in India’ on the 16th of January 2020. The programme was conducted in honor of late Dr. B. Ashoka, on his birth S anniversary. Students and faculty from Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) and the department of Forensic Science and Criminology at Srinivas Institute of Medical Sciences attended and participated in the event. i SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN THE PREVENTION OF RAGGING, BULLYING AND EVE-TEASING f




Ragging, Bullying and Eve-teasing are fast growing sexual Harassments against women in India. They are behaviors that are designed to hurt someone else, or make them do something that they do not want to do. Ragging is an old practice for welcoming freshers in a barbaric manner, traced back from 7th or 8th A.D. Bullying is also one of the biggest problems around the country in schools and social platforms. Eve - teasing is again a very common social problem and everyday women come across some form of eve-teasing. The latest report says there is 75% increase in Ragging, 40% increase in Bullying and nearly 70% increase in Eve-teasing in India. Although there are various punishments and necessary steps taken to prevent them from the root, we need to start from the Families and make sure people are aware about the consequences. In this context, the students of first year from the department Criminology and Forensic Science conducted a seminar on 18th February 2020 on the theme “Social Responsibility -Prevention of Ragging, Bullying and Eve-teasing.’ Students from the entire post graduate department were the participants for this, Personal and Professional develpment programme.

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M.Sc. – Counselling Desk

Workshops and Seminars Conducted: The next three days of the study tour was focused A workshop on ‘Grief Therapy’ was organised on NLP, facilitated by Fr. Kuriakose. The facilitator by the department of M.Sc. Counselling on 29th introduced NLP with a brief history and the August 2019. Dr. Lavina Noronha, the Director of process of development. The students were told Ave Maria Palliative Care; was the resource person how powerful NLP is, by which they can know how of the workshop. The focus was on sharing the vital people understand the environment through their knowledge of grief therapy and processing of dominant modalities. grief in one’s own life. The speaker also addressed Communication model was elaborated through 45 participants of the workshop on the counselling different modes of exercises students were made aspects of grief therapy followed by therapeutic to understand functions of right and left brain and exercises. the learning styles and to identify their dominant Teacher’s day celebration Preference of learning. S On 5th September 2019, Department of MSc Further the group was given information about Counselling celebrated the Teachers day in the cueing of the eyes and the role of the same in Audio-Visual room of School of Social Work communication as well the importance of it in i Roshni. The students celebrated the day very counselling. Students were given practical sessions meaningfully by playing a short video on the to understand and learn. f remarkable position that the teacher’s hold in a Moving ahead the communication model was student’s life. They conducted games and danced discussed. Distortion, beliefs, values, language, for the teachers. Class representatives facilitated generalisation filters were elaborated. Students a the teachers and wished them good luck as they were also given detailed information about continue their learning and teaching journey. blame- frame and outcome frame questions. r Study Tour (2019 – 2020) ‘Dancing on the Timeline’ technique was then A group of 35 students and 2 faculty from M.Sc. taught. All the techniques were practiced in dyads and groups which helped the students get clarity a Counselling Department went on a study tour from the 29th November to 3rd December 2019 at and confidence to practice what they learnt. The Don Bosco Institute of Counselling and Spirituality, 4 days at Don Bosco Ended with games, fun and Trivandrum. The Focus area of the study tour was dance. rd Neuro LinguisticProgramming (NLP) and Emotional On 3 December 2019 the M.Sc. Counselling Freedom Technique (EFT). group set out to enjoy and relish the beauty of On the first day of the study tour which was Trivandrum city. It was a hazy morning and the the A 29th December 2019, Fr. K.C. Thomas, journey began by visiting the “Madre de Deus The Director of the institute introduced the topic Church” in Vettukadu, which has sea in front, it was ‘Emotional Freedom Technique’ followed by history, a feast to the eyes indeed to see the beautiful techniques and its application. Practical exposure carving on the walls of the church. The group then to the technique was beneficial to the budding headed towards Kannakakunnu Palace followed counselling psychologists. by Napier Museum, SreeChitra Art Gallery, Aquarium, Zoo and Reptiles. It was reminisce for The day ended with a short clipping called ‘David’s the students; and the last destination Kovalam water phobia’. beach was the most savouring. Students made

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of leadership qualities, self-esteem and ways of memories, had good fun, laughter and learnings handling crises. And further teach them techniques to take back home. to enhance their self-esteem, strengthen their Scintilla 2020 – Play leadership skills and to teach the members ways to deal with crisis. There were about 83 NSS The Department of MSc. Counselling, School of Volunteers who benefitted from the session. Social Work, Roshni Nilaya Mangalore, organised When the PG met the KG emotions: a national level PSYCHO-EDUCATIONAL WORKSHOP- ‘SCINTILLA’ 2020 was on 8th For the first time ever in the department of M.Sc. th February 2020 at 9.30 am in the college Counselling’s history on the 27 September auditorium. The workshop was inaugurated by 2019 the II M.Sc. Counselling students facilitated Dr. T. S. Thomas, Former Sr. Programme Officer, a group session on the topic ‘EMOTIONS’ for the Colombo Plan, Srilanka. Dr. Juliet C.J., Principal, 58 students of UKG, Roshni Nilaya, Mangalore. It School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, Mangalore, was in collaboration with the Department of M.Sc. presided over the programme. Counselling and Kindergarten School. The workshop provided the participating youth a The session was led by two facilitators each chance to actively use their intellectual capabilities, simultaneously in 7 different groups. Little children S strategic mind, and physical ability thus motivating were taught to know and identify different emotions through art, craft, music and creative exercises. them to move away from electronic devices and i engage themselves in active play for Emotional, Both facilitators and learners had thorough fun Social and Cognitive Development. The youth from teaching and learning. colleges’ all over India participated in the event. The most beautiful thing you can wear is f Extension Activities of the Department confidence..!!! One Step Closer To Success – via Planning & The students of II year M.Sc. Counselling conducted a Prioritizing a group session on “Self confidence” for 46 students of 1st year nursing at K. Rukmini Shetty A session based on Planning and Prioritizing was college, Mangalore on the 9th October 2019. The r conducted for 90 II PUC students of Rosario Pre- A objective was to assess an individual’s level of University College, Mangalore by the II M.Sc. st self-confidence and to make them understand the a Counselling students on the 31 August 2019. importance and to enhance their self confidence After screening the group, a module was prepared through various techniques. and implemented which focused on teaching the meaning and the importance of Planning and The outcome of the session was to help the Prioritizing, creating an awareness about different members understand how to face any situations dimensions of life, to set SMART academic goals and to respect and attend the patients confidently. and techniques to understand prioritizing. They were also able to assess their current level of self-confidence. Becoming a masterpiece through introspection: Remember to F.L.Y. - FIRST LOVE YOURSELF! With the collaboration of the NSS unit, School of nd nd Social Work Roshni Nilaya, the second year M.Sc. On the 22 November 2019 students of 2 Year Counselling students conducted group sessions on MSc Counselling conducted a psycho educational programme on Self-Esteem based on the approach topics such as leadership, handling crises and self- st esteem on the 24th September 2019. of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for 1 year BBA students of St. Aloysius Degree College. The objectives of the sessions was to make the individuals in the group aware about their level The aim of the session was to enhance Self-Esteem

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by assessing students level of Self-Esteem, helping them understand the meaning and signs of high s 14th December 2019; “Innovative Intervention and Low Self-Esteem, Factors contributing to low strategies Fostering Positive Living Among Self-Esteem, Cognitive and Behavioural technique Adolescents, “National conference on Social to challenge the cognitive distortions and to change Entrepreneurship and Innovations in IT, the behavioural pattern. Management and Social Science; Srinivas The outcome of the session was that the members University, Mangalore. were able to identify and challenge their core Resource Person: beliefs. Members also learnt the techniques to th practice in their daily life to boost and maintain 1. November 29 2019: Conscious Parenting their Self-Esteem. for parents of an Adolescents; NITK school, Surathkal Paper Presentation 2. December 5Th Parent Child relationship for Faculty: Lecturers/Programs Conducted/ S School children; NITK school, Surathkal Participated Ms. Rosa Nimmy Mathew HOD 2019- 2020 3. Counseling Skills Training for B.ed College students of Karavali College S Research Papers Published: 4. Adolescents Emotionality: for B.ed College s Rosa Nimmy Mathew (2019). “Bullying- students at St. Ann’s College, Mangalore i Threat to child’s right to education and safety” Adelaide Journal of Social work; volume 6- 5. Board of Examiner: Department of M.Sc. issue-1- ISSN 2349-4123 Psychology; SDM College, Ujire f s Rosa Nimmy Mathew, Manjula M. Y. ( 2020)” 6. Board of Examiner: Department of psychology; Self-esteem and Hope among HIV Positive R St Joseph College, Bangalore a Adolescents” Our Heritage, vol-68-issue-30- 7. Board of Examiner; Department of Psychology; February-2020; ISSN 0474-9030 https:// St Agnes College of post graduatestudies and research, Mangalore. r article/ view/7657 Dr. Wilsy Francis Conference Attended: Workshops/conference attended – National/ a s 29th-31st October, 2019; International International/ state/regional Conference on Health Care and Technical Five day International course on ‘The Psycho- Research; Academy for Higher spiritual Approach to Life’ at Premankur, Goregaon, Education. Mumbai on 7-112919. s 14th December 2019; National Conference 29th November-2nd December 2019 - on Social Entrepreneurship and Innovations in Emotional Freedom Techniques & Neuro Linguistic IT, Management and Social Science; Srinivas Programming at Don Bosco Institute of Psychology University, Mangalore. and Spirituality, Manvila, Thiruvananthapuram. Papers Presented: Ms. Jennifer Carlo s 29th-31st October 2019; “Self-esteem Workshops/conference attended – National/ and Hope among HIV positive Adolescents” International/ state/regional International Conference on Health Care and 29th November - 2nd December 2019 - Technical Research; Manipal Academy for Emotional Freedom Techniques & Neuro Linguistic Higher Education. Programming at Don Bosco Institute of Psychology and Spirituality, Manvila, Thiruvananthapuram.

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Prof. Eveleen Benis, Course Co-ordinator GRADUATION DAY 2019-2020


i The courses were inaugurated on July 19, In the Academic year 2019-2020 we have 2019 with full admissions numbering PGDC 27, introduced two new programmes-PG Diploma f PGDHRM 18, PGDCFS 03 PGDCSR 03, DC 05, in Criminology and FORENSIC Science and Certificate course in Forensic Psychology. We DHRM 04, respectively. Certain students joined a a little late and such students were allowed to enter are proud our three students have successfully completed. the course keeping in mind the very objective for r which they were started. PG Diploma in Criminology and Forensic Science and achieved great heights in their We have the joy and privilege of having a learners of all ages from 18 years to 75 years respective fields Mr. Kumar Sanatan, Ms.Roushel and from all fields, professions, even different (in UK pursuing her MS in Forensic Psychology), Nationalities. I must say I am truly blessed to have Ms. Aishwarya - Professional law. We have the faculty who are jems and jewels adjust to the privilege and honour for having initiated first of learners in every way. Their dedication, service its kind in Mangaluru, Certificate course in Forensic mindedness and generosity humble me every Psychology with 16 learners who have completed day. The academic journey of this batch was the course. quite pleasant in every way and all together 11 The class room lectures were strengthened faculty along with the Course Co-ordinator have and supported with a lot of group discussions, case worked hand in hand to shape these 60graduates presentations, guest lectures and organisational in their academic, social, moral and professional visits. The individual growth and formulating our growth. I thank profusely our entire faculty for students as professionals has been ensured by their dedicated efforts in all spheres. various activities. I feel proud to announce that

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this batch has secured 96% results in spite of all the hurdles that we have faced in conducting the exams. Congratulations to the entire faculty for preparing our learners well and ensuring academic discipline throughout the course. A Warm Welcome to our new batch which is a very unique and innovative, courageous and ready for anything. Due to the circumstances we see them face to face today for the first time. The classes commenced on 10th August with remember with gratefulness the services offered full admissions numbering PGDC 25, PGDHRM by MS. Celine Leo in keeping the accounts, Ms. 19, DC, DHRM, respectively. Exploring the Annie Monica Ms. Namratha Suverna for the S possibilities of online classes, the efforts of our technical help. I also thank our office staff Mrs. faculty and cooperation of the learners, we have Shantha and Mrs. Reshma, Mr. Suneela and Mr. i just completed I Semester successfully with 100% Sugunfor their prompt and neat services all the results. Let us applaud them and rejoice in their time. My sincere thanks to our Provincial, Superior f success. and Community of the Daughters of the Heart of Mary, Roshni Nilaya for their continued prayerful At this juncture I would like to thank Dr. support. Thank you dear participants for putting a Juliet C.J. our Principal and Dr. Jenis Mary, Vice up with all the difficulties and inconveniences Principal for extending all the necessary help, came on your way due certain unavoidable r support, guidance and encouragement throughout circumstances. First and foremost I thank God the year. I remember with gratitude the services Almighty from whom we all receive goodness rendered by our faculty present here and those a and benevolence everyday to do his will to make have left us for good, all the generosity and good `LOVE FRUITFUL IN SERVICE`. will shown towards us, our Institute and learners. I

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Introduction: specially monitoring their studies, Family Bonding, Family Service Agency and Family Counselling parenting, importance of Education and on mental Centre focus on strengthening Familial and health. Community relations. Family Service Agency works Workshops and session conducted in different to promote and strengthen individuals, families schools on following topics: Creative and and communities in their overall development. activity based sessions were conducted, Life Skills Reach out students in conducting Aptitude and sessions (Communication, decision making, problem IQ testing, career Guidance, Discovering Human solving, critical thinking, creative thinking, empathy, Potentials, and Skill Building Programme for youth self-awareness, interpersonal relationship) were and Therapeutic intervention. Family enrichment conducted. Discipline, Resistance to Child Sexual S programme we have Counselling for children and Abuse was conducted separately for the boys and youth, Pre-marital, Marital and family counselling, girls, Teenage problems & Puberty, Taking care i Geriatric counselling, Counselling for the problem of our health. Safety measures to protect oneself, of addiction. Community development programme Connection between health and safety through we work on Child advocacy, Network with examples, Safe touch, unsafe touch and safety f community based organisation and women, youth distance. Communication (Aggressive, Submissive and child empowerment. Some of the very needy & Assertive) and Leadership. Study Method and a families are supported financially for education, the role of students in home, schools and in the medicines and nutrition. society. Personal Hygiene, on the occasion of r During this year we have registered 163 cases ‘word hand washing day’ we held programme on for Counselling from April 2019 to March 2020, “health and hygiene and hand wash explained” out of which 109 cases were settled successfully, A session on ‘Anger Management’ was conducted a 32 cases were closed and other cases have for children with disability at the Youth for Job been followed up. During this period four Sub- Training Centre. Committee Meetings were held to review the There was a one-day camp which was conducted works of FCC. Stakeholders from different fields for FSA support group members’ children. The topic like Law (Advocate), Psychologists, Psychiatrists, was on communication skills. It was a fun filled camp Social workers and other NGO Personnel’s are with activity and learning how to communicate the members of the Committee. They give their with peers as well as in social settings. Methods valuable suggestions for the effectual interventions to communicate confidently were discussed. During of the cases and to have a better outcome. Support the year five Aptitude Test was administered group formed of the beneficiary who are helped and assessed by Ms Shwethal Adyar, Counselling financially, medically or provided with nutritional Psychologist. help. On every first Thursday some activity based District level seminar was organised on input sessions were given to this group on different 06.12.2019 “Child Sexual Abuse issues. Input sessions such as upbringing of children

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Package medicine. Awareness given on newly Physical, Psychological and Legal Aspects by diagnosed hypertension and correlated diseases Institute of Social Service, Family Counselling given by nursing students of Shree Devi Nursing Centre Roshni Nilaya (Aided by the State Social College Mangalore. The participants actively Welfare Board) in collaboration with Women & participated throughout. Child development Dept, Social welfare Dept, Women Empowerment programme Educational Department and District Legal Sessions were organised every month on different Service Authority of Dakshina Kannada, for topics for FSA support group members, Women 150participants. Hostel Wardens-13, BRP-4 CRP- Self Help groups at Bolar and for other women in 19, Childline-4, NGO personal -24 Anganwadi different Anganwadi Centres. Workers-17 Supervisors-44, Educational Dept -3, Social Welfare Department-5, students-17. The topics covered were Parenting style, ‘Mobile phone a Boon or Curse for children’, ‘Functioning After the inaugural programme the resource persons of Child line- POCSO Act’ by ChildLine team, Dr. Poornima J, Gynaecologist & Obstetrician Critical Thinking & Decision, ‘Dealing with family spoke on Physical Aspects on Child Sexual Abuse, S issues’ Internet addiction among their children, Dr. Caroline D’souza, Neuro- Psychiatrist Child Mental Health, Breast Cancer, Stress Management, Sexual Abuse presented Psychological aspects Depression and other women related issues. i on Child Sexual Abuse and last session by Mr. Nikhesh Shetty, Advocate. He spoke Legal aspects Other Programmes f on Child Sexual Abuse –educated the audience With the help of Field work Students of School on POSCO Act& briefed on Bail able and Non- of Roshni Nilaya following programmes were Bail able offence. After each session time was organized. A programme on “Mental Fitness for a given to clarify the queries. The participants gave Better Tomorrow” on the occasion of Alzheimer’s good feedback in return. They expressed that the day was organized for neighbouring people r session was very relevant and informative, they of Valencia area. The resource person from the appreciated the seminar and were grateful to the programme was Ms. Liyana, Asst. Professor, School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya spoke on a organizing committee. the Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia A health check-up at in Hoige bazaar community that causes problems with memory, thinking and with collaboration with FSA, KMC hospital, behaviour. Symptoms usually develop slowly and Hoige bazaar PHC centre: get worse over time, becoming severe enough to A health camp was conducted at Hoige Bazar interfere with daily tasks. So it is necessary to be community, general health check-up and free mentally fit. drugs were dispensed to the community members. On this Occasion ACP Pandeshwar police station Main complaints among the adult’s population was present and he addressed the gathering and were related back pain and knee pain and were he spoke on My Beat My Pride in order to have treated symptomatically. All age groups were direct Contact with the people on issues affecting screened for hypertension and follow up was done the people of Valencia. for the known hypertensive. Some cases referred to higher centers for further need. Other Complaints On 08.03.2020 - Women’s Day Programme regarding vision and other surgery related cases was celebrated in Hoige Bazar Community: The referred to PHC and KMC with 5000 and 10,000 Resource person Ms. Jenis Mary, Vice Principal, School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, spoke on

172 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20 the occasion of women’s day. She mentioned, “A woman faces life with a smile on her face”. All Diyakiran Bolar, Seventy (70) members of Ten Self have to respect women not because of their gender Help groups participated in the programme. The but for their own identity. We have to accept that day resource person Ms. Liyana Charles, lecturer both men and women contribute equally to the of MSW, School of Social work, Roshni Nilaya betterment of home and society. It is the women spoke about women and her strength. Women are who bring life. Every woman is special, no matter a back-bone for the family. Love and respect her, where she works at home or in office. The resource look to her not only for comfort but strength and person boosted the confidence of women in the inspiration. Games conducted for SHG women community. Various Group activities, Rangoli Art group like Group game, Individual game and Competition and musical chair activity were musical chair. Prize and gifts were distributed to conducted. all participants. On 12.03.2020 - Women’s Day celebrated at STATISTICAL DATA OF THE BENEFICIARIES 2019-2020 S Target group covered No. of participants Self-help group / stree shakthi group members 491 i School students (up to 10th std) 641 College students (PUC &Above Level ) 48 f Teachers/ teaching faculty 39 Urban /rural Public 280 a Anganwadi workers 17 Parents, Hostel wardens, Childline staff, NGO representatives, r Supervisors, social welfare Department, Youth with disability 164 Total 1680 a Educational help for students 30 Nutritional help needy families 33 Medicine 3 Beneficiaries Type of Programme School students College students s Life Skills s Adolescence “A transition period” s “Communication skills s Child Sexual Abuse s Personal Hygiene s Importance of Education s Awareness on Coronavirus

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Self-help group / Shree Shakthi group s Parenting style members/ PARENTS/ Urban /rural Public s AWARENESS for parents on “Mobile phone a Boon or Curse for children’ s Functioning of Childline & POCSO Act s Awareness on Substance Abuse For Parents s Critical Thinking & Decision Making s AWARENESS for parents on Internet addiction among their children s Breast cancer s Mental Health s World Diabetes Day s Functioning of FCC S s Stress Management s Overcoming loneliness i s Health check up camp s Awareness on Coronavirus f s Women’s Day celebration Youth for jobs s Anger Management a Hostel Wardens, BRP CRP, Childline, s “Child Sexual Abuse – Physical, NGO personal , Anganwadi Workers Psychological and Legal Aspects Supervisors, Educational Dept, Social r Welfare Department-, students. Future plan: psycho- social problems. Awareness program a Continue with our present activities reaching the in communities helped the community members individual and family to cope up with their socio and other stakeholders to be aware of their and psychological struggle, especially focusing on social A responsibility and work towards the Women, Children and the migrant’s issues. sustainable growth of the community. The agency and the beneficiaries remain grateful to all the Reaching out to the need affected by present benefactors and well- wishers for their financial pandemic – Psycho, Social and economic assistance,and the fieldwork students for their Conclusion: selfless service rendered to the needy during their Through counselling center the agency was able field work placement. intervention. Advocacy and to reach-out to individuals and family in their networking with government and other NGOs for positive outcomes

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TECHNOLOGY AND HUMANS (THE POWER OF IMAGINATION) Education took us from thumb impression to signature; Technology took us from signature to thumb impression.

Amberina Sharon Karat I placed the words technology before humans I MSW in this article, accepting the fact that man-made technology but looking at the current world we keep scrolling and double tapping at each scenario, we can conclude that technology has passing slide. Time passes by and we remember taken us to another realm of reality. We are amidst the unfinished assignment without an actual break a pandemic in 2021- we are in the era of working or refresh for the human eye and the brain. from homes, studying from our comfortable bed Humans are so obsessed with these technologies settings, getting paid and paying through online around them that they seldom contemplate and portals, rendering our services through online over think life. On the contrary wise old men and platforms and also getting recruited through an S women who never understood this technology online site. and don’t heed to it either now, just sum up their Technology has taken mankind to another step statements saying those were the days, people of living and existing on this planet. I wouldn’t i were born to live their life to the fullest. Those be shocked with Robots pretty soon ringing the were the days when humans were in complete awe bells of ours houses and delivering our parcels or and were in love with life. f rendering their services for an institution. They speak about the sunsets and sunrises, the fresh Amidst all this technological factors are humans smell of paddy in the field, the birds chirping, bells still humane; are we still in a state of peace like a and beautiful melodies from holy places unlike the ones we deserve. Why must it be reminded the honks and throbbing painful engines. It was a for a human body to meditate and take some time time of Cycle rides and bullock carts, up hills and out for themselves? While, it is supposed to be a r down the hill they would ride and whoever came in basic necessity for mankind and our wellbeing. between was tinged with their cycle bells. Humans Think back for an instance you are working on an knew their neighbours and their well-being to the a assignment and you’re in need of a break – back point of what was cooking in each other’s houses. in the day we would stare rather blankly at a wall They would gather around by dusk and sing or or outside the window, gazing at the trees and talk about various things while they watched young greenery, admiring the rain drops on the window girls and boys run around with sticks and wheels or watch people try to get their daily chores done and cycles and fans in their hand. Life seemed or dreamingly phasing towards their houses lost more colourful while talking to them and imagining in thoughts and being completely unaware of a a life like that. watchful eye looking at them. Now I end this article while my fingers tap on the But now, we switch our gaze from the laptop keyboard and my mind in a world of trance and worksheet to our phones, placed right beside beauty and my sight focusing on the words turning us. We scroll through the pending chats and into statements one word after the other and open group messages getting lost in an entire another on a monitor. conversation. You move over to another app filled Technology has changed our thoughts into words with pictures of food, selfies, quotes and people and phrases but sometimes taking a step back and showing off their skills and being cool. Being still focusing on the world outside is the real deal. unaware yet scrolling to quench our eagerness

175 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20 ªÀiÁvÀ£ÁqÀĪÀ PÀ¯É ¥ÁªÀ£Á, 2nd MPSW

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176 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20





177 School of Social Work Annual Magazine 2019-20 statement of ownership and other particulars regarding the magazine School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya (Autonomous), Mangaluru - 575 002 Re-Accredited ‘A’ by NAAC (3rd Cycle) College with Potential for Excellence

Form IV (Rule B)

1. Place of Publication : School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya Mangaluru - 575 002 S 2. Periodicity of its Publication : Annual i 3. Printer’s Name & Address : Assisi Press f Assisi Complex, Jail Road Mangaluru - 575 003 a Nationality : Indian

4. Editor’s Name : Dr. Meena Monteiro r Ms Veena B.K.. Nationality : Indian a Address : School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya Mangaluru - 575 002

5. Name and Address : The Principal of the individual who School of Social Work owns this Magazine Roshni Nilaya Mangaluru - 575 002 I, Prof. Juliet C.J., hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

(Sd/-) Prof. Juliet C.J. Principal School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya, Mangaluru - 575 002