April 2021 jesseApter aM, Te Whanganui-a-Tara, Aotearoa Wellington, New Zealand Issues Paper | He Puka Kaupapa 46 Review of Succession Law: Rights to a person’s property on death He arotake i te āheinga ki ngā rawa a te tangata ka mate ana Te Aka Matua o te Ture | Law Commission is an independent, publicly funded, central advisory body established by statute to undertake the systematic review, reform and development of the law of Aotearoa New Zealand. Its purpose is to help achieve law that is just, principled and accessible and that reflects the values and aspirations of the people of Aotearoa New Zealand. Te Aka Matua in the Commission’s Māori name refers to the parent vine that Tāwhaki used to climb up to the heavens. At the foot of the ascent he and his brother, Karihi, find their grandmother, Whaitiri, who guards the vines that form the pathway into the sky. Karihi tries to climb the vines first, but makes the error of climbing up the aka taepa, or hanging vine. He is blown violently around by the winds of heaven, and falls to his death. Following Whaitiri’s advice Tāwhaki climbs the aka matua, or parent vine and reaches the heavens and receives the three baskets of knowledge. Kia whanake ngā ture o Aotearoa mā te arotake motuhake Better law for Aotearoa New Zealand through independent review The Commissioners are: Amokura Kawharu – Tumu Whakarae | President Helen McQueen – Tumu Whakarae Tuarua | Deputy President Donna Buckingham – Kaikōmihana | Commissioner Te Aka Matua o te Ture | Law Commission is located at: Level 9, Solnet House, 70 The Terrace, Wellington 6011 Postal address: PO Box 2590, Wellington 6140, Aotearoa New Zealand Document Exchange Number: SP 23534 Telephone: 04 473 3453 Email:
[email protected] Internet: www.lawcom.govt.nz The Māori language version of this Issues Paper’s title was developed for Te Aka Matua o te Ture | Law Commission by Kiwa Hammond and Maakere Edwards, of Aatea Solutions Limited.