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Connecticut Daily Campus 78' o Connecticut Daily Campus "Ic: Serving Storrs Since 1896 (si STOURS, CONNECTICUT I VOL. CXVI. NO. «6 WK I)N ESDAY, J AN L A RA 3. 1 963 APO Book Exchange Leadership Conference Begins February 4 Sets New Precedent The Alpha Phi Omega book change yet. exchange, which is held at the In addition, to avoid the time Approximately 60 student Lecturers And Problem* cooperation on the part of the beginning of every semester, will consuming search for a book, leaders from 15 organizations on During the three day confer- faculty and students. Cake place during the week of which may. or may not be on the the Uconn campus will attend a ence, the students will be given Pi-esident Babbidge also tee Is February 4 to February 8. It will shelves ,a list of all books which Leadership Conference sponsored lecturers in parliamentary pro- that a meeting of this type bring- be held in the HUB lobby Mon- are available will be kept. by the board of Governors from cedure, speech, and communica- ing all the student leaders to- day through Friday from 1 to 5 Nll.-.-.-ssfill If Jan. 22-24. The purpose of this tions. President Homer D. Bab- gether to work in conjunction has daily with one additional day. This book exchange will be meeting, the first of its kind in bidge will also present the stu- been needed for a long time the history of the school, is to dent group with certain problems Monday, February 11th, for pick- successful only if it is patron- Registration bring all the student leaders to- to be solved. In older to aid them big up books or money. ized by the student body. Last Registration for the conference gether to work as a group in in the solving of these problems, is scheduled for 4 p.m. on Tues- For anyone not acquainted with semester, over 500 books were older to discuss with the faculty two lectures in the Problem Sol- day. Jan. 22nd. It will be followed Ihe exchange, it is run by Delta handled, and this semester, with Sigma chapter of Alpha Phi Ome- pertinent issues before the Uni- ving Process will also be present- by greetings from President Bab- the likelihood that most of die versity and the student body. ed.The student solution to the bidge at 5 p.m. ga, a national service fraternity. books which were used last se-1 Any profit which may result from problems will be presented by Al To conclude the conference, mester will be used again, a goal! Medieros, spokesman of the stu- this exchange is given to charily. faculty members plan to Invite of 1,000 books has been set. This! dents, at a luncheon on the last student leaders to their homes for Besides giving to charity, indi- is an ambitious figure; but with Election Returns day of the conference. supper. viduals are also saving consider- approximatlv 9,000 students on' Areas DtMWMd Organization* Represeiiti-d ably on the purchase, or sale of The USA has made a clean this campus, each one of whom sweep in the Senior Class elec- The particular areas to lie dis- The organizations to be repre- books. had about 5 courses last semes- tions, and has taken three of the cussed are to lie announced by sented at the Leadership Conter- Fee Charged ter, it can be achieved. If only Junior Class positions as this! President Babbidge at the confer- ence are; the Board of Governors, A nominal fee is charged for one-quarter of the students sell storv is going to press. The onlv|ence The Board of Governors re- the Student Senate, the various handling, and for the first time, only 1 book apiece, our goal will j ISO" candidate who has been 'ports that the Uconn president house councils. WSGC. ISO. ISA, these charges have been made be doubled. The only limitation toi elected as of vet is James Ga- anxious to see the meeting suc- IFC, the Pan-Hellenic Council, Variable. The usual charge of 15c the success of the sale is the num- darowsky, defeating his oppon- ceed and that Dr A r w o o d S. Photopool. ihe Conn. I>ai|y < aiii- Is made if the sale is over Sl.'If ber of students that participate. | ent. Michael Levy by an unoffi- Northby, Dean of Students, has pu.s. the Nutmeg, WHl'S. the the sale is less than 51. only 10c Everyone is urged to check over | oial tabulation of 271 to 174. been very helpful in its planning North Campus Presidents Coun- is charged; and the biggest im- their old books, and bring to the hTe number voting yesterday stages. The BOG also reports cil, the Mortar board, and the provement is that if the book is sale those which they don't want was considerably smaller than that there has been tremendous Archons. not sold, the fee will l>e only 5c. It any longer; and then before pur- the previous election. There wasn Is hoped that these improvements chasing new books, look through a grand total nl 1.406 (plus or fn the handling charges will re- the selections available — you mimie five i. and may be brokenl\HUB Dance, Light Film Series sult in the most successful ex- could save quite a bit of money. down as follows: Freshmen. 346; Sophomores. 341: Juniors, 442; and Seniors. 257. In the fii g Scheduled As 'Tension Breakers' Sadie Hawkins Day To Feature election in October, some 3.000 To help relieve the tension of as and Athene Seyler. students went to the polls. finals, the Social Committee of Thursday. Januan. 17—t'pstair* In the Senior Class. Zucchi, the Board of Governors is spon- and Downstairs, starring Michael Debbie And Darnels At HUB fUSAi defeated his opponent. soring a series of four light films Craig, Ann Heywood. Dave Julian. 1S6 to 64. aptly called "tension breakers.*1 Debbie and The Darnels, a Union Control Desk, or at the On Friday the 18th there will In the Junior Class the closest Those movies to bo shown dur- •parkling and refreshing singing door. battle was for the position of be a tension breaker dance from Singing together for about a ■ ing finals' week will feature such; ,,;„i,, group under contract to Columbia Treasurer, with Redman winning fftMm as Tom Curtis. Peter1 °S "' t**1W '" ,he * Records, will appear at the Stu- year. Del>bie and the Darnels over Miss Nancv Miller. 233 to1 | room. This evening function will I Sellers. Tony Thomas 1 dent Union Ballroom. January 11, have appeared at many colleges in' 200 be sponsored by the Student Un- the East. Their first record, "Mr, Returns were insufficient as ' Guineas. ion Board of Governors. The Bfter the home basketball game. There will lie two showings a Accompanying this group will be Johnny Jones." was a best seller i 0f now to determine any direction music will !>e pro\ ided by the night for each featured film, with the "swinging" five-piece rock 'n throughout the country. Recent- jn which the Sophomore oi- Stariiners. I an admission charge of a quarter. loll band, the Passengers. ly they scored a hit with "Danc-| Freshman Class would go. All movies are to lie shown in the Sadie Hawkins Theme ing Around the Christmas Tree."i The Passengers, who recorded | -- IHI'B Ballroom. Shenkman To Head This program is the featured Schedule | "Night Coach" and "Roundtable." j \f {m/rfff HCllCT event of HER Day I His Economic have appeared with such popular The schedule for the film- is Husky Handbook Belief), sponsored jointly by the names as: Neil Sedaka. Dion, as follows: Board of Governors, the StudentiTj^ de,"~ttte "Five" Satins. JFC PreStdCTlt Monday. January 14—The Great Mark Shenken is to he the new Wa Editor of the Husky Handbook, Senate, Pan-hellenic Council, and.Littlo Anthony, and the Imperi-; Impostor, starring Tony Curtis. it was disclosed yesterday by «!ie Inter - Fraternity Council. als. The Chantels, Joanne Cam- Stewart Heller led the list of Edmund O'Brien. HER Day. a variation of Hie ty- Tuesday. January 15 The lady Miss Ami McGluaghlin. The an- pell, and many other recording new officers of the Interfrater- nouncement came after various pical Sadie Hawkins Day, is de- niry Council after an election Killers, starring Alec Guineas, stars. screenings by the Husky Hand- signed to give the girls an oppor- Monday night. Heller, President Peter Sellers. tunity to ask the men of their Wednesday. January 16 Make book Commit!, -o. of Alpha Zeta Omega, was elect-, Shenkman i> a third semester Choice and pay all expenses. ed to the post of President of the Maw Mink, starring I errs mom- The admission for Debbie and Dr. Van Dusen Arts and Sciences student re- IFC by acclamation. siding at Phi Epsilon Pi. He is die Darnels is fifty cents. Tickets In commenting on his election, {_JcOnn To ShatC may tie purchased at the Student presently Chairman of the Rec- To Study Trade Heller said. "If in the future - reation Committee of the Student history of Union Board of Governors. Storrs Conn., Jan. 3—Dr. Albert piled."let's hope that 1963 is til In DuPont Grants Possible Extension E. Van Dusen, associate professor Miss McGlaughlin stated that year that stands out for its pro-| Tno University of Connecticut any students willing to help out of history at the University of grass and accomplishments," is on(1 of 2- colleges and univers- with the Hat dbook should eon- For FA Magazine Connecticut, is about to embark, Elected to the postsfor the^two , ,.
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