Moultonborough Recreation Department
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THE MOULTONBORO NEWS THE SANDWICH NEWS THE CENTER HARBOR NEWS VOL. 130 NO. 1 MEREDITH, N.H., THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 2013 603-279-4516 75 CENTS Childs Park dedication, protection of Waukewan among top Meredith stories BY ERIN PLUMMER Park. Choiniere on what could be [email protected] Town officials, representa- done to improve the condition MEREDITH — The dedi- tives from local organizations, of the park. The improvement cation of the newly improved and several members of the of the park was delayed by a few Childs Park was a top story in community came out to the decades, the main concerns in- Meredith for 2012, as well as ef- park in Meredith Center to volving possible work on the forts to protect Lake Wauke- dedicate the recent renovation Meredith Center Road inter- wan. efforts that were 25 years in the section by the state. A few years After two decades of effort making. Meredith Center resi- ago the Friends of Meredith and community volunteerism, a dent Tami Carpentiere had Parks and Recreation was dedication ceremony was held been working with Parks and formed to begin efforts toward for the renovations of Childs Recreation Director Vint park improvement. The group and the town contacted the state, and was told there were no immediate plans to do work Playground Drive approval, at that intersection. Plans were drawn up that factored differ- new police chief among the ent possible state projects with the park not effected by any of them. top stories in Moultonborough Work started last year and was finished up by 2012. BY ERIN PLUMMER mit is estimated at $10,000, sig- [email protected] Choiniere said around 150 dif- nificantly more than what was ferent individuals, agencies, MOULTONBOROUGH initially anticipated. Town offi- and civic groups were involved — After several years of con- cials researched aerial photos in the project. Almost every troversy, voters this year ap- for the field and Terenzini dis- town department was also in- proved repair of the fields at cussed mitigation options with FILE PHOTO volved, including Parks and Tami Carpentiere and Selectman Miller unveil the sign at the newly renovated Childs Park. Playground Drive. the selectmen. recreation, Water and Sewer, In March, voters approved In July, a mitigation plan was Public Works, and other. Lou helped unveiled a stone dedi- rant articles for around $85,000 parking area at the park. the repair of the Playground drawn up and Terenzini pre- Kahn donated $30,000 effort in cating the playground to his late towards the project. Money was “I’m pleased to see how this Drive fields in lieu of building a sented the selectmen with an memory of his late wife Bar- wife. also found from the parking lot all turned out,” Kahn said. “I new field on the Lion’s Club amendment to the task order bara “Bobby” Smyth. Kahn The voters approved war- expendable trust fund for the SEE MEREDITH PAGE A5 property. for the Playground Drive field In 2011, the Blue Ribbon project. Terenzini said the DES Commission recommended ruled such a permit was not that the Playground Drive field needed. The town would have Several structures refurbished in Sandwich during 2012 be repaired and renovated as to do a wetlands impact plan BY ERIN PLUMMER requirements for voting in that [email protected] opposed to building new fields with mitigation, which Teren- area. A sprinkler system will al- on the Lion’s Club property on zini said will factor into the cost SANDWICH — A number so be installed, a requirement Old Route 109. As the board of of the project. The selectmen of old structures saw new life in by the state Fire Marshall’s of- selectmen went forward with were given a task order amend- Sandwich in 2012. fice for that area to be used as discussing the issue, residents ment of $27,390, which they The Town Hall Building community space. raised the concern that voters approved. Committee unveiled the pro- Changes to the first floor in- were under the impression the In May the town swore in a posed renovation plan that is clude the new vault, lift, and Playground Drive field would new police chief. Leonard the third phase of a two-and-a- ceiling adjustment. The Select- be done after a field was con- Wetherbee was hired following half year project to address men’s room will be adjusted structed at the Lion’s Club. a several month search process space and building needs. The with a new wall as well as re- The selectmen voted to have following the resignation of Po- proposed project, estimated to moving columns and adding a the article reviewed by the town lice Chief Tom Dawson. A cost around $660,000, would beam. Additional electrical out- attorney. In late 2011, the board screening panel consisting put address structural and code is- lets and data ports will be in- proposed to offer both projects together a pool of candidates sues and create more space for stalled and there will also be so the voters could decide which that was reviewed by the Police storage and functions. new floor finishes in the office. they preferred. Department and the Board of A structural engineering Additional work will include re- At the town’s 2012 warrant Selectmen. Wetherbee was study was done by H.E. Berg- pairing roof trusses, providing article and budget hearing, the hired for the job by the board eron Engineers and the com- FILE PHOTO ventilation in the crawl space, board said it was putting its sup- of selectmen. mittee consulted with experts Niobe Statue restored to its rightful place in Sandwich insulation work. On the second port behind the Playground Wetherbee previously to review various aspects of the floor, a new bathroom will be Drive project and was opposed served as the Police Chief of building. Structural issues were rated for residential load re- structural repairs, other work is installed as well as a new stor- to the project at the Lion’s Club. Carlisle, Mass. found in the building during quirements. Additionally the proposed for the town vault as age room and a lift. Article 22 voted to amend The Moultonborough the review. H.E. Bergeron auditorium trusses also require well as making the upstairs Committee members Peter the town meeting vote of 2009 School District has a new su- found the beams require rein- reinforcement with steel chan- room and stage area more us- Wobber and Catherine Gra- raising and appropriating perintendent. In 2011, Super- forcing for the floors upstairs. nels. able. A lift will be installed for ham said maintaining the $199,500 and restricting any intendent Mike Lancor an- The beams are currently only In addition to the needed better access as well as to meet SEE SANDWICH PAGE A7 further expenditures of funds to nounced he would retire at the the amendment of the Play- end of the 2012 school year. ground Drive field. The article The school district put to- was created in response to con- gether a superintendent search Center Harbor votes to expand municipal building in 2012 cerns raised over the 2009 war- committee, which worked with BY ERIN PLUMMER ter two failed votes, Center through expanding the munici- mittee consisting of the board rant article voting to construct the New Hampshire School [email protected] Harbor voters approved a space pal building. of selectmen and volunteers fields on Old Route 109 on the Boards Association to find a CENTER HARBOR — Af- for the police department Throughout 2011, the com- have discussed options for po- Lion’s Club property first and new superintendent. The com- lice department space after then do work on the Play- mittee also took public com- warrant articles for police sta- ground Drive Fields. ment as part of the search tions were defeated two years Selectmen said since the process. in a row. 2009 town meeting, it became In March, the Moultonboro In 2012, the Building Advi- apparent the Lion’s Club prop- School District announced that sory Committee working with erty would not be ideal as a lo- Susan Noyes, who worked as an architect Gary Goudreau and cation for new fields and it was administrator in the Concord project manager Keith McBey best to repair the current fields. School District for the 12 years, came up with a proposal to ex- At town meeting, a number had been chosen as the next su- pand municipal building. The of residents raised concern that perintendent to replace Lancor. expansion would accommodate voters did initially give their ap- At the end of the 2012 both the police department and proval to the Lion’s Club proj- School District Meeting, the space needs of the town of- ect. A number of residents, School Board Chair Mark Bor- fices. however, said this plan was long rin showed appreciation to The project would increase overdue. In the end, voters Lancor on behalf of the board. the town’s space from 1,800 overwhelmingly approved the Lancor said it was an honor and square feet to 2,350 square feet article. a privilege to serve the district. and the police from 420 square After the field was approved, Voters rejected a warrant ar- feet in the fire department issues arose regarding wetland ticle to create a commission to space to $2,450 square feet, mitigation for the repair of the study the feasibility of a town leaving the 420 feet back to the fields. As no permit could be charter. The article was put for- fire department.