King County Bar Association’s Annual Awards Celebration

Thank you for Making a Difference in our community.

Kaustuv M. Das John McKay KCBA President 2021-22 KCBA President 2020-21

June 17, 2021

KCBA Annual Awards Celebration


WELCOME Dua M. Abudiab, Executive Director King County Bar Association

OPENING REMARKS John McKay, KCBA President Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

Outstanding New Lawyer Award Paul Heer Foster Garvey PC

Pro Bono Award Kimberly E. Loges Port Gardner Law Group

Helen M. Geisness Award W. Eugene Barton (Ret .) Karr Tuttle Campbell

Outstanding Judge Award Honorable Ricardo S. Martinez U.S. District Court, Western District of Washington

Outstanding Lawyer Award Victoria L. Vreeland Vreeland Law PLLC

PASSING OF THE GAVEL John McKay, KCBA President, 2020-2021 Kaustuv M. Das, KCBA President, 2021-2022

CLOSING REMARKS Kaustuv M. Das, KCBA President Intellectual Ventures Legal Services LLC


KCBA Annual Awards Celebration


The King County Bar Association expresses its deep gratitude to our sponsors for their generous and substantial commitment to our mission.





OUTSTANDING NEW LAWYER AWARD recognizes substantial contributions by a new lawyer to the legal profession, the bar and the community

Paul Heer, Foster Garvey PC

Determined to score a touchdown, Paul Heer didn’t drop the ball even when he ran full speed into the goal post. “I understood for the first time that the phrase ‘seeing stars’ was a literal reference,” he said. Since then, the only stars he has been seeing are the ones surrounding his name.

The NFL Rookie of the Year equivalent for attorneys in the first five years of practice is the King County Bar Association’s Outstanding New Lawyer Award. It is presented to an attorney who demonstrates excellence in legal practice, makes exceptional contributions to the legal profession, and is a recognized leader in the community. As the 2020-21 award recipient, Paul is being recognized for his legal skills, leadership, and hard work.

A respected associate in Foster Garvey’s Investment Management group, Paul is described by practice co-chair and managing partner Rafael V. Stone as a “highly talented and gifted attorney.” Testaments to the strength of his legal aptitude include being nominated by the general counsel of a large company to the National Association of Public Pension Attorneys in 2020. Paul’s raw, natural talent is enhanced by what Foster Garvey Investment Management co-chair Bob Perez calls a strong “can do” attitude. “He is not afraid of any challenge and has a very positive work ethic where he will just roll up his sleeves and get the job done; if he hits an obstacle, he will figure out how to work his way through it and not be discouraged.”

In addition to determination and grit, Paul is also known for his leadership in the equity and inclusion space. Serving as the co-chair of the firm’s Opportunity and Progress Council, Paul helps spearhead the firm’s strategic diversity initiatives. This leadership is personal to Paul, who believes that “only with true representation of diversity in thought and experience can we work through the most difficult conversations and have full faith and confidence in the outcomes produced, whether that is creating, abolishing, or reshaping the law and all its iterations.”

This belief crosses over to his dedication to pro bono work. Perez noted that “Paul cares very much about people, especially those who may be less fortunate and not able to provide for their own legal assistance.” Unsurprisingly, Paul was named the firm’s Pro Bono Attorney of the Year in 2017 and again in 2019. In 2019, Paul logged an incredible 300 pro bono hours, which is nearly ten times the aspirational number of hours under Washington’s Rules of Professional Conduct.

Paul’s pro bono history includes creating important precedent. In 2020, Paul secured a first in state history — a unanimous recommendation for commutation of a non-three strikes life sentence on behalf of his client. His petition is used as a model for the Clemency Project. He is also co-authoring a handbook about representing juvenile lifers and the underlying legal issues that arise in such matters. Among other pro bono efforts, Paul is currently representing a deserving juvenile lifer before a recently established Parole Board in hopes that he can continue to play “an incremental role in mending these systems,” he said. He is also mentoring seven attorneys on their pending clemency matters.

Somehow, amidst his tireless pro bono efforts, Paul also finds time to sit on five boards including the South Asian Bar Association, Seattle University Law Alumni, and the Seattle Clemency’s Board of Directors. He credits his compassion for community and his willingness to give back to his upbringing and family.

“I would be a shadow of the person I am today if it wasn’t for the sacrifices of my father who afforded me every opportunity he was never extended, and an older sister who was somehow able to juggle the rest of the world while being my mentor and best friend,” he said. “With the grace of so many others along the way, I was shown the value of community. What continues to drive me is the need to show respect for such sacrifice, love and care, and the need to pass on the goodwill of which I have been the beneficiary.”

His passion for equity and justice, as well as his commitment to topnotch legal work, permeates everything Paul does. He leads by example in service to his clients, to the legal and the broader community, while inspiring, encouraging, and supporting others to do the same. In other words, Paul is the definition of an outstanding new lawyer, and the KCBA couldn’t have chosen a better recipient of this award.

-Joanna Plichta Boisen


PRO BONO AWARD is presented in recognition of the individual’s consistent and diligent representation of pro bono clients

Kimberly E. Loges, Port Gardner Law Group

The King County Bar Association is proud to recognize Kimberly Loges for the Pro Bono Award.

Kimberly has been a consistent volunteer with the KCBA Family Law Mentor Program (currently the Domestic Violence Legal Advocacy Project “DV LEAD”), representing among the most vulnerable of their clients.

Kimberly started as a mentee with the program and jumped right into a complex case involving representation of a domestic violence survivor with children in a protection order and dissolution case. The case was legally complicated and involved criminal implications and serious safety concerns. Kimberly worked with advocates and several mentor attorneys over the two years her case lasted.

Always survivor focused, Kimberly stayed on the case throughout many challenges and represented the survivor through a contested divorce trial. Kimberly helped secure strong protective final orders for the client and her children. Throughout the representation Kimberly was sensitive to the specific barriers the client was facing as a domestic violence survivor. According to her client, “Kimberly was amazing. She could see when I was ‘weak’ and she made all the difference in the world.”

Kimberly has continued to represent clients with complicated legal issues though the Mentor Program. She took on a case of a domestic violence survivor who thought she would never have custody of her children again. The opposing party in that case had obtained orders against the survivor by engaging in abusive litigation. Kimberly was able to step into a complicated case and obtain a domestic violence protection order placing the children back with the client after presenting all the relevant evidence to the court.

Kimberly also represented a client who had two different abusive ex-partners — and children with each partner. The abusive partners were banding together against the client but Kimberly was successful in protecting the children and client.

Most recently, in her private practice, Kimberly took on a pro bono case, a DV LEAD Client, and supervised her Rule 9 Intern to represent successfully a survivor obtaining a domestic violence protection order.

According to a client, “I cannot say enough about how much she gave to me. When I did not think I would make it, I got out. She made a huge difference in the lives of my kids and family. And I will never forget it.”

For her past dedication, compassion and endless spirit in advocating for our clients, the DV LEAD Project is proud to recognize Kimberly Loges for the KCBA Pro Bono Award.

-Kimberly L. Todaro


HELEN M. GEISNESS AWARD is given for exemplary distinguished service on behalf of the King County Bar Association

W. Eugene Barton (Ret.), Karr Tuttle Campbell

With a wry smile, a welcoming handshake, and an unparalleled ability to twist arms, W. Eugene “Gene” Barton, the 2021 Helen M. Geisness Award winner, was the steady hand on the helm of the King County Bar Bulletin for well over a decade.

This award recognizes a career-long dedication to the King County Bar Association. Given infrequently, it is reserved for some of the most beloved leaders of our Association. Given for exemplary distinguished service on behalf of the King County Bar Association, the Helen Geisness Award is one of the most important honors the bar can bestow. Gene Barton’s career reflects an excellence in both law as a profession and in volunteerism.

Gene served as Editor of the King County Bar Bulletin from 2006 until his retirement from Karr Tuttle Campbell in December 2019. During that time he oversaw the consistent monthly publication of the Bar Bulletin, with articles predominately produced by a network of volunteer contributors who routinely received many not so subtle nudges on what topics should be covered in articles for the upcoming edition. Following retirement Gene graciously stepped in to fill that role again on an interim basis from October 2020 – February 2021, when the Bar Bulletin was unexpectedly left without an editor.

As the Editor of the Bar Bulletin Gene shaped what it became — raising the standard of journalism at the KCBA, while keeping a cadre of volunteer journalists happy and feeling appreciated. Writing an entertaining and informative news article is not like writing a legal brief, but Gene was adept at helping the numerous contributing authors bridge the gap between law and journalism. He provided style and substantive guidance that could be intimidating to amateurs, but his approach reflected the professionalism of a seasoned journalist. His leadership and editing skills made each contribution better and made each author’s experience more rewarding.

Prior to moving to Seattle to attend law school at the University of Washington in 1993 Gene spent 15 years as a newspaper reporter and editor in Albuquerque, New Mexico and Bend, Oregon where he now lives happily in retirement.

Although Gene’s contributions to the KCBA have been outstanding, his overall excellence in the practice of law reflects his contributions to the King County Bar.

Gene attended the University of Washington School of Law, graduating in the top 10% of his class and was the Phi Alpha Delta Honor Graduate — the top student in the 1996 graduating class. He was named to the Order of the Coif scholastic honor society, served as a managing editor of the Washington Law Review for 1995–96, and was the recipient of the Judge James J. Lawless Memorial Award and the Delta Theta Phi Award for academic achievement.

Following his graduation from the University of Washington School of Law in 1996, Gene joined the Litigation Department of the law of firm of Karr Tuttle Campbell, focusing on commercial and securities litigation, toxic torts (asbestos), appellate law, personal injury, and insurance defense and coverage work.

He was counsel of record for the prevailing party in more than 10 cases before the Washington Court of Appeals and the Washington Supreme Court, including seven published decisions: Humleker v. Gallagher Bassett Servs., Inc., 159 Wn. App. 667 (2011); Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s London v. Valiant Ins. Co., 155 Wn. App. 469 (2010); Herring v. Texaco, 161 Wn.2d 189 (2007); Gorman v. Lockheed Shipbuilding Co., 155 Wn.2d 198 (2005); Hines v. Todd Shipyards Corp., 127 Wn. App. 356 (2005); Auto Sox USA Inc. v. Zurich N. Am., 121 Wn. App. 422 (2004); and Breda v. B.P.O. Elks Lake City, 120 Wn. App. 351 (2004). He was also among prevailing counsel of record in Cell Therapeutics, Inc. v. Lash Grp. Inc., 586 F.3d 1204 (9th Cir. 2009).

Gene brought the skills of an excellent attorney and seasoned journalist to the King County Bar Association as the Editor of the Bar Bulletin for well over a decade. His commitment to excellence reflected in each publication set the standard for the Bar Bulletin and that of the KCBA. Because of his efforts the KCBA is a much better organization.

-Kinnion W. Williams


OUTSTANDING JUDGE AWARD honors distinguished service to the legal profession, the judiciary and the public in a profession-related activity

Honorable Ricardo S. Martinez, U.S. District Court, Western District of Washington The recipient of the KCBA 2020–2021 Outstanding Judge Award was a clear choice: Ricardo Martinez, Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington. Although King County has many fine jurists, one star shined brightest in the last year. Judge Martinez served as Chief Judge during one of the most fraught times in this District’s history. As of 2020, out of the seven judicial positions in the Western District, five judges had transitioned to senior status. As if that situation was not difficult enough, the COVID-19 pandemic hit. With the cooperation of his fellow district court judges, Judge Martinez found ways to keep the wheels of justice moving. Before discussing how Judge Martinez accomplished the improbable, it is worth understanding who Judge Martinez is and why he was the right person at the right time.

Judge Martinez was born in 1951 in Mercedes, Texas. He was born into a family of migrant farmworkers. During the first five years of his life, Judge Martinez lived in migrant farming camps in Texas. When he was five, his family migrated from Texas to Whatcom County to pick berries and beans. It was Judge Martinez’s mother who pushed his father to stay in Washington so that their kids could get an education. After the summer was over, the Martinez family stayed in Lynden, Washington, where Judge Martinez went to first grade. When Judge Martinez started school he did not speak any English. He was the only person of color in his school from first through eighth grade.

After graduating high school, Judge Martinez attended the University of Washington. He was the first person in his family to attend college. Following graduation he enrolled at the University of Washington School of Law. After graduating from law school, he became a prosecutor at the King County Prosecutor’s office, which was then run by Norm Maleng. Maleng recognized Judge Martinez’s talent and he quickly rose through the ranks during his ten-year career as a prosecutor.

In 1990, Judge Martinez was appointed to the King County bench by Governor Booth Gardner, which represented another first. Judge Martinez was the first Hispanic judge in the history of Washington State. In 2003, he was nominated by President George W. Bush as a United States District Court Judge, the first Hispanic judge in the District.

From being born into poverty, starting school in a foreign language and breaking through many glass ceilings, Judge Martinez is no stranger to adversity. His unique background prepared him to be Chief Judge during this turbulent time. Instead of allowing justice to stop, he rolled up his sleeves and led a Court that continued its important work for our justice system.

Judge Martinez worked with all stakeholders — his fellow judges, civil lawyers, prosecutors, defense attorneys, the Federal Detention Center, and the United States Marshals Service — to find ways to dispense justice. Judge Martinez was able to accomplish this heroic task only because he had such trusting relationships with all involved. The acting United States Attorney Tessa Gorman states, “all of the stakeholders view Judge Martinez as deeply dedicated to this District and whose only goal is to bring people together in good faith to solve problems.” She emphasizes that he also listens carefully to everyone’s perspectives and honors all points of view.

One of the many ways the Court continued to operate this past year was by trying cases virtually. Under Judge Martinez’s leadership, the Western District became the first district in the country to do Zoom jury trials. When those trials were successful, courts from around the country looked to the Western District to learn how to perform Zoom jury trials.

Judge Martinez’s mettle, toughness, and grit are responsible for his leading this District in a most trying time. For this work, he deserves KCBA’s highest honor for judges; this year he is KCBA’s Outstanding Judge.

-Michael S. Wampold


OUTSTANDING LAWYER AWARD is presented to an attorney for distinguished and meritorious service to the legal profession and the public in a profession-related activity

Victoria L. Vreeland, Vreeland Law, PLLC The Outstanding Lawyer Award is presented by the King County Bar Association for distinguished and meritorious service to the legal profession and the public in a profession-related activity. This year the award goes to Vicky Vreeland. If you know her (or know of her), you’ll know why.

Vicky is recognized as one of Washington’s top employment and civil rights trial attorneys. And while this is impressive on its own, what is even more impressive is how she rose to the top of her profession.

Growing up in the 50s and 60s, women were expected to accept a traditional life: marriage, children, and no meaningful work outside the home. Vicky knew this wasn’t her, and quickly realized that if she wanted to have a voice, she must get a degree.

And once Vicky sets her mind on something, nothing will get in her way. Not being divorced, not being broke, and not being a single mother of a two-year old. In 1972, Vicky was accepted into Gonzaga Law School. In Vicky’s first-year class, she was one of six women among 250 classmates. While she can recall a large number of male students with a wife and child at home, she doesn’t recall any other female students with children. But her struggle didn’t end there. In between raising a toddler and being a full-time student, Vicky worked countless jobs to pay for diapers and rent. She recalls one banker questioning her birth control methods, fearing that she would get pregnant and be unable to repay her student loans.

After three grueling years, Vicky didn’t just graduate from law school, she graduated summa cum laude and accepted a position with the Washington State Court of Appeals, Division III, as its first female clerk. She was quickly relegated to the coffee-making schedule, accompanied by all the female secretaries, but unaccompanied by any male employees. To combat this sexism, Vicky did what no one else had done before her: she bought a Mr. Coffee machine and showed her male colleagues how to use it. It was a small step, but one that allowed her to spend less time brewing coffee and more time writing briefs.

Vicky moved on to the Attorney General’s office, where she was instrumental in getting the Crime Victims Bill of Rights passed. Her work didn’t start there. In 1976, she started as a Volunteer Advocate for King County Rape Relief — which eventually became King County Sexual Assault Resource Center (KCSARC). She’s been a passionate advocate of the organization ever since and was its President in 1979.

Vicky went on to work at Gordon Thomas Honeywell LLP, where she secured the largest state federal jury verdict for a single employee against a corporate conglomerate in a gender discrimination/retaliation case in 1997 ($11.7 million). She also secured a $19.3 million federal jury verdict against four defendants for criminal profiteering, civil conspiracy, unfair trade practices, misrepresentation and fraud, plus an award of more than $2 million for fees and costs.

In 2007, Vicky was awarded Trial Lawyer of the Year by the Washington State Association for Justice, and the Myra Bradwell Award, a Gonzaga University School of Law award presented to those who have helped advance the rights of women. In 2011, Vicky opened up her own law firm: Vreeland Law, PLLC, where she continues to practice plaintiff’s employment and civil rights litigation.

Vicky is a tireless advocate for her clients, but somehow manages to find that sweet spot of making the most out of work and her personal life. When her sons were younger, she never missed their ball games and homeroom meetings. Now, you will find her cheering on the Mariners at T-Mobile Park.

What makes Vicky standout — and be deserving of this award — is her unwavering commitment to her clients, to her causes, and to her family. Truly, Vicky is an outstanding lawyer.

-Lori W. Hurl


KCBA Annual Awards Celebration

KCBA Past Presidents

The following is a list of recent past presidents. Anne M. Daly 2013 – 2014 Steven R. Rovig 2014 – 2015 William H. Gates 1969 – 1970 Kim M. Tran 2015 – 2016 Bradley T. Jones 1970 – 1971 Kathryn M. Battuello 2016 – 2017 Jack P. Scholfield 1971 – 1972 Andrew W. Maron 2017 – 2018 Betty B. Fletcher 1972 – 1973 Harry H. Schneider, Jr 2018 – 2019 Burroughs B. Anderson 1973 – 1974 Jennifer J. Payseno 2019 – 2020 William Wesselhoeft 1974 – 1975 Robert R. Beezer 1975 – 1976 KCBF Past Presidents Murray B. Guterson 1976 – 1977 F. Lee Campbell 1977 – 1978 Stephen DeForest 1979 – 1980 William Helsell 1978 – 1979 Harold Vhugen 1980 – 1981 William L. Dwyer 1979 – 1980 Nancy Gibbs 1981 – 1982 Paul C. Gibbs 1980 – 1981 Stew Cogan 1982 – 1984 Stephen E. DeForest 1981 – 1982 Fred R. Butterworth 1984 – 1985 Harold F. Vhugen 1982 – 1983 Peter Greenfield 1985 – 1986 James S. Turner 1983 – 1984 Stephen DeForest 1986 – 1987 Bruce M. Pym 1984 – 1985 Harold Vhugen 1987 – 1988 Nancy P. Gibbs 1985 – 1986 Mary Alice Theiler 1988 – 1989 Thomas S. Zilly 1986 – 1987 Ronald Cox 1989 – 1991 M. Wayne Blair 1987 – 1988 J. Richard Manning 1991 – 1993 Fred R. Butterworth 1988 – 1989 Daniel Gandara 1993 – 1995 Stew Cogan 1989 – 1990 Diana K. Carey 1995 – 1996 Matt Sayre 1990 – 1991 Sarah B. Eitelbach 1996 – 1997 Peter Greenfield 1991 – 1992 Lawrence B. Ransom 1997 – 1998 Geoff Revelle 1992 – 1993 Marc Boman 1998 – 1999 Mary Alice Theiler 1993 – 1994 Marilee Erickson 1999 – 2000 Mary H. Wechsler 1994 – 1995 Michael Wrenn 2000 – 2001 J. Richard Manning 1995 – 1996 Steven Rovig 2001 – 2002 Scott A. Smith 1996 – 1997 JoAnne Tompkins 2002 – 2003 Daniel S. Gottlieb 1997 – 1998 Daniel Gandara 2003 – 2004 Linda J. Strout 1998 – 1999 Fredric Tausend 2004 – 2005 Lucy P. Isaki 1999 – 2000 Geoffrey G. Revelle 2005 – 2006 Frederick L. Noland 2000 – 2001 Charles S. Burdell, Jr. 2006 – 2007 Ralph Maimon 2001 – 2002 M. Colleen Kinerk 2007 – 2008 Caroline D. Davis 2002 – 2003 Marcella Fleming Reed 2008 – 2009 Thomas E. Kelly 2003 – 2004 Stephen C. Ellis 2009 – 2010 John M. Cary 2004 – 2005 Kathryn M. Battuello 2010 – 2011 Gary A. Maehara 2005 – 2006 James L. Austin, Jr. 2011 – 2012 John R. Ruhl 2006 – 2007 Harry H. Schneider, Jr. 2012 – 2013 Eileen M. Concannon 2007 – 2008 Mary Jo Newhouse 2013 – 2014 Daniel Gandara 2008 – 2009 Derek D. Crick 2014 – 2015 James Andrus 2009 – 2010 Donald B. Scaramastra 2015 – 2016 Mark T. Fordham 2010 – 2011 Kathleen T. Petrich 2016 – 2017 Joseph E. Bringman 2011 – 2012 Eric P. Gillett 2017 – 2018 Richard E. Mitchell 2012 – 2013 Todd R. Bowers 2018 – 2019 David A. Zaplosky 2019 – 2020


KCBA Annual Awards Celebration

Past KCBA Awards and Recipients

OUTSTANDING LAWYER: Given for distinguished and meritorious service to the legal profession and public in a profession- related activity.

Prior recipients: Lila J. Silverstein, Michele E. Storms, Nancy Willliams, Lembhard G. Howell, Llewelyn G. Pritchard, Geoffrey G. Revelle, Carl E. Forsberg, Theresa A. Allman, Thomas E. Kelly, Jr.; John M. Davis; Christopher Bayley; William D. Marler; Perkins Coie Guantánamo Bay Defense Team; Daniel Gandara; Thomas Hillier II; Prosecution and Defense Teams in the Ridgeway Case; Jeff Robinson; Howard Pruzan; Dave Boerner, Lish Whitson, Mary Wechsler, Patrick McIntyre, Bill Kinzel, Fred Betts, Anthony Savage, Constance Proctor, Rebecca Roe, Margaret McKeown, Fred Tausend, Seattle Japanese-American Citizens League, William Helsell, Charles Z. Smith, Ronald Gould & Robin Anderson, Charles Goldmark, Frederick Paul, Murray Guterson, and Kenneth MacDonald.

FRIEND OF THE LEGAL PROFESSION: Awarded for distinguished and meritorious service to the legal profession and justice system.

Prior recipients: Innocence Project Northwest, Honorable Karen A. Overstreet, Noah G. Purcell, Jorge L. Barón & Northwest Immigrant Rights Project, Honorable Jay Inslee, Honorable Edward Murray and Honorable Jamie Pedersen, Protection Order Advocacy Program, King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office; Dean Kellye Testy, Seattle University; M. Janice Michels, Washington State Bar Association; KCBA Family Law Section; Barbara C. Clark, Legal Foundation of Washington; Ada Shen-Jaffe, Columbia Legal Services; Northwest Women’s Law Center; CASA Volunteers; Dean Roland Hjorth and the University of Washington School of Law, Bob Boruchowitz, Chief Norm Stamper, , Ruth Walsh, Lucy Berliner, Sandra Madrid, and Kathleen Taylor.

HELEN M. GEISNESS OUTSTANDING LAWYER OR NON-LAWYER: Given for exemplary distinguished service on behalf of the King County Bar Association.

Prior recipients: Steven R. Rovig, Linda J. Strout, Daniel Gandara, Sharon A. Sakamoto, J. Richard Manning; Charles Burdell, Jr.; Alice Paine; Fred Noland; Karen Sutherland; Steve DeForest; Law Firm of Larson, Hart & Shepherd; Dan Gottlieb, Scott Smith, Colleen Kinerk, WLPM, Matt Sayre, Mary Alice Theiler, Caroline Davis, Peter Greenfield, Gary Maehara, Stew Cogan, Fred Butterworth, Judicial Screening Committees I & II, Helen Pulsifer, Jack Hepfer, Wayne Blair, Lowell Halverson, William Dwyer, John Rupp, and Helen Geisness.

OUTSTANDING NEW LAWYER: This award is intended to recognize substantial contributions by a new lawyer to the legal profession, the bar or the community.

Prior recipients: Debra M. Akhbari, Peter A. Talevich, Jason A. Rittereiser, Taki V. Flevaris, Joanna Plichta Boisen, Binah B. Yeung, Clayton P. Graham, Amanda M. Stock, Jamila A. Johnson, Shankar Narayan, Pallavi M. Wahi, Karolyn A. Hicks, Lisa A. Hayes, Theodore J. Angelis, Felix Gavi Luna, Cristobal Joshua Alex, Jennifer Johnson Grant, James E. Breitenbucher, Kristi L. Helgeson, Sevilla Claydon, Edsonya Charles, Millicent D. Newhouse, Janet M. Helson, J. Tate London & Stephen P. VanDerhoef, Brian Myers, Kathleen J. Hopkins, Michele Jones-Garling, Mike Larson, Michelle A. Gammer & John R. Ruhl, Rodney J. Vessels.


KCBA Annual Awards Celebration

OUTSTANDING JUDGE: Awarded to an active or retired judge of any municipal court in King County, King County District Court, King County Superior Court, Division I of the Court of Appeals, Washington State Supreme Court, U.S. District Court (Western District), Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and Bankruptcy Court, for distinguished service to the legal profession, the judiciary, and the public in a profession-related activity.

Prior recipients: Judge Dean S. Lum, Judge John P. Erlick, Judge Beth M. Andrus, Judge Ronald Kessler, Judge Ronald E. Cox, Judge Bruce W. Hilyer, Judge LeRoy McCullough, Judge Charles J. Delaurenti, II, Judge Gerry Alexander, Judge William L. Downing, Judge Robert Lasnik, Judge Richard A. Jones, Judge Wesley Saint Clair, Judge Robert Alsdorf, Judge Sharon Armstrong, Judge Helen Halpert, Judge Bobbe Bridge, Judge Ann Schindler, Justice C.Z. Smith, Judge Patricia Aitken, Justice Barbara Durham, Judge Anne Ellington, J. Carmen Otero, J. Robert F. Utter, J. Charles V. Johnson, J. Betty Fletcher, J. Gary Utigard, J. Walter McGovern, J. Solie Ringold, J. Gerard Shellan, J. Frank Howard, J. Donald Voorhees, J. Charles Stafford, and J. Charles Horowitz.

WILLIAM L. DWYER OUTSTANDING JURIST: An award recognizing a lifetime of achievement as a judge in a court with jurisdiction including King County. This award is given in special circumstances, and is not necessarily an annual award.

Prior recipients: Judge Marsha J. Pechman, Judge Thomas S. Zilly, Judge Sharon S. Armstrong, Judge Susan R. Agid; Judge Ronald Gould, US Court of Appeals - Ninth Circuit, Judge H. Joseph Coleman; Judge Betty Fletcher; Judge Robert W. Winsor, Washington State Court of Appeals; Justice Robert Utter; Judge John C. Coughenour, U.S. District Court; Judge Carolyn R. Dimmick, U.S. District Court; Judge Eugene A. Wright, U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit; Justice James Dolliver; Washington State Supreme Court; and William L. Dwyer, U.S. District Court.

FIRM PRO BONO AWARD: An award recognizing leadership and dedication by a firm to pro bono efforts.

Prior recipients: Davis Wright Tremaine LLP, Curran Law Firm; Andrew A. Guy, Stoel Rives LLP; Michael Wrenn, Heller Ehrman LLP; Julie Orr, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP; King County Prosecutor’s Office; Starbucks Coffee Company Legal Department; Perkins Coie LLP; Keller Rohrback; William Wesselhoeft; Davis Wright Tremaine LLP; Bogle & Gates; Heller, Ehrman, White & McAuliffe; Curran, Kleweno & Johnson; Karr Tuttle Campbell; Montgomery, Purdue, Blankenship & Austin; Warren, Kellogg, Barber, Dean & Fontes.

INDIVIDUAL PRO BONO AWARD: This award recognizes outstanding service by an individual to pro bono efforts.

Prior recipients: Frederick B. Rivera, BrittaLisa E. Gest, Zeshan Khan, Michael J. Cherry, Robert I. Heller, Joseph M. Gaffney, Russell M. Odell, William D. Braun, Ruth Nelson, Norma L. Ureña, Carl Palmer, Erika Lim, Melissa A. Huelsman, Harold G. Booker, David A. Leen, John Hartly Newsum, David Hiscock, David Meyer & Christine A. Crowell, Michele Earl-Hubbard, Steve Rovig & Steve Fredrickson, Rosemarie LeMoine, Mike Klein, Bergitta Trelstad, Gail Turner & Patricia Freeman, Paul Silver, Matthew Geyman, Lish Whitson & Sheila Umlauf, Stephen Pierren, Todd Maybrown & Jim Rogers, Kevin Feeman & Sally Pasette, Richard Putler, Jay White, Mark McPherson, Matt Sayre.


KCBA Annual Awards Celebration

King County Bar Association King County Bar Foundation

2020-2021 Officers & Trustees 2020-2021 Officers & Trustees

John McKay, President Kelly T. Noonan, President Kaustuv M. Das, First Vice President Jeffrey G. Frank, Vice President Carl E. Forsberg, Second Vice President Scott E. Collins, Secretary Cynthia B. Jones, Secretary/Trustee Vanessa S. Power, Treasurer Michael E. Ricketts, Treasurer David A. Zapolsky, Immediate Past President P. Stephen Dijulio Neal D. Black Barbara Duffy Gena M. Bomotti T. Ryan Durkan Derek D. Crick K. Michael Fandel Paul M. Crisalli Mark T. Fordham Jesse M. Dubow Eric P. Gillett Julie K. Fowler Curt R. Hineline Cecelia Newberg Gregson Peter S. Johnson Darcel A. Lobo J. Michael Keyes Hon. Richard F. McDermott (Ret.) Bruce E. Larson Sarica E. Parton Hon. Averil B. Rothrock David A. Perez Scott A. Smith Tahmina Watson Pallavi Mehta Wahi Louie Wu 2019-2020 Officers & Trustees 2019-2020 Officers & Trustees

Jennifer J. Payseno, President David A. Zapolsky, President John McKay, First Vice President Kelly T. Noonan, Vice President Kaustuv M. Das, Second Vice President Jeffrey G. Frank, Secretary Gena M. Bomotti, Secretary/Trustee Vanessa S. Power, Treasurer Michael E. Ricketts, Treasurer Todd R. Bowers, Immediate Past President

Neal D. Black Laurie Lootens Chyz Beth B. Bloom Scott E. Collins Derek D. Crick P. Stephen Dijulio Mark T. Fordham Jesse M. Dubow Eric P. Gillett Julie K. Fowler Hon. Bruce W. Hilyer (Ret.) Hon. Richard F. McDermott (Ret.) Curt R. Hineline Sarica E. Parton Peter S. Johnson Floyd G. Short J. Michael Keyes Lee S. Thomas R. Gregory Kipper Sidney C. Tribe Steven A. Miller Tahmina Watson Charles W. Riley Frederick B. Rivera Hon. Averil B. Rothrock Hon. John R. Ruhl Scott A. Smith Pallavi Mehta Wahi James F. Williams Louie Wu


KCBA Annual Awards Celebration

New Lawyers Division NLD Committee Chairs

2020-2021 Officers & Trustees 2020-2021

Nathan S. Benjamin, Chair Zachary Davison, Community Involvement Timothy R. Stienstraw, Vice Chair Candace Chuck, Communications and Outreach Wendy M. Feng, Secretary Wendy M. Feng, Social Events Candace Chuck, Treasurer Lisa J. Chaiet Rahman, New Lawyer Services Benjamin C. Byers, Officer at Large 2019-2020 Jovan Beattie Erin Vanderwall Carey Nicole Bogrand, Community Involvement Ian E. Brown Lisa J. Chaiet Rahman Joseph Terrenzio & Candace Chuck, Zachary Davison Communications and Outreach Kathryn Joy Alexis Knutson & Timothy R. Stienstraw, Alexis Knutson Social Events Armando Padron-Cruz Lisa J. Chaiet Rahman & Kelly Paradis, New Kelly Paradis Lawyer Services Tyler R. Quillin Jeremiah Surface ABA Delegate & Association Staff 2019-2020 Officers & Trustees 2020-2021 Larissa Y. Murakami, Chair Nathan S. Benjamin, Vice Chair Kathleen J. Hopkins, ABA Delegate Candace Chuck, Secretary Nicole Bogrand, Treasurer Jacob Kuykendall, Editor, Bar Bulletin 2020 Joseph Terrenzio, Officer at Large Gene Barton, Interim Editor, Bar Bulletin 2020-2021 Christopher L. Young, Editor, Bar Bulletin 2021 Kyle Berti Madison M. Burke Dua M. Abudiab, Executive Director 2021 Lisa J. Chaiet Rahman Anne M. Daly, Interim Executive Director 2020-21 Wendy M. Feng Kathleen A. Jensen, Associate Executive Director Grainne Griffiths John C. Hardie 2019-2020 Alexis Knutson Armando Padon-Cruz Kathleen J. Hopkins, ABA Delegate Kelly Paradis Tyler R. Quillin Gene Barton, Editor, Bar Bulletin Timothy R. Stienstraw Andrew J. Prazuch, Executive Director 2019-20 Anne M. Daly, Associate Executive Director Kathleen A. Jensen, Associate Executive Director


KCBA Annual Awards Celebration

KCBA Committee Chairs KCBA Section Chairs

2020-2021 2020-2021

Kaustuv M. Das, Awards Page Garcia, Alternative Dispute Resolution Jason M. Hanson, Continuing Legal Education Rory Cosgrove, Appellate Practice Hon. Patrick H. Oishi & Hon. Lori K. Smith, Diversity Stefanie Erickson, Aviation Law Theodore J. Angelis, Fair Campaign Practices Benjamin Ellison, Bankruptcy Law Michael E. Ricketts, Finance Kelly Lawton, Business Law Seth E. Millstein & Erin S. Norgaard, Judicial Leigh Noffsinger, Collaborative Law Candidate Evaluation Sophia Amberson, Environmental & Land Use Carl E. Forsberg, Judicial Officer Survey Melissa Rogers, Family Law Katie J. Comstock & Isham M. Reavis, Sarah Moen, Guardianship & Elder Law Judiciary & Litigation Kristy S.Ball, Lawyer Referral Service Joanne Flack, Intellectual Property Kim Tran, Leadership Development and Nominations Sara Amies, Labor & Employment Law Frances Turean, Legal Assistant Registration Jason Burnett, Real Property, Probate & Trust Law Hon. Richard A. Jones, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Emanuel Jacobowitz, Solo and Small Firms Luncheon Karen Orehoski, Public Policy 2019-2020 Peter A. Talevich, Washington Lawyers Practice Manual Page Garcia, Alternative Dispute Resolution 2019-2020 Theresa DeMonte, Appellate Practice Robert D. Spitzer, Aviation Law Kaustuv M. Das, Awards Michael M. Sperry, Bankruptcy Law Karen M. Sutherland, Bar Bulletin Radhika Prabhakar, Business Law Jason M. Hanson, Continuing Legal Education Dominik Musafia, Collaborative Law Hon. Patrick H. Oishi, Diversity Spencer Gheen, Environmental & Land Use Theodore J. Angelis, Fair Campaign Practices Betsy A. Crumb, Family Law Michael E. Ricketts, Finance Constance Locklear & Noah E. Weil, Judicial Alisson H. Wall, Guardianship & Elder Law Candidate Evaluation Jack Chang, Intellectual Property Carl E. Forsberg, Judicial Officer Survey Thomas P. Holt, Labor & Employment Law Jane A. Morrow & Isham M. Reavis, Dawn S. Spratley, Real Property, Probate & Trust Law Judiciary & Litigation Kenneth W. Dehn & Scott Semrau, Solo and Small Firms Kristy S.Ball, Lawyer Referral Service Kim Tran, Leadership Development and Nominations Frances Turean, Legal Assistant Registration Hon. Richard A. Jones & Karen W. Murray, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Luncheon Karen Orehoski, Public Policy Peter A. Talevich, Washington Lawyers Practice Manual

14 KCBA ANNUAL AWARDS CELEBRATION Bravo Microsoft applauds tonight’s award recipients for their tremendous impact on the practice of law and the administration of justice.


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16 KCBA ANNUAL AWARDS CELEBRATION Davis Wright Tremaine is proud to support KCBA‘s mission of inclusion, justice, equity, and service.


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KCBA ANNUAL AWARDS CELEBRATION 17 MAKING AN IMPACT We are proud to support King County Bar Association as it recognizes those who make a tremendous impact on the practice of law.

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18 KCBA ANNUAL AWARDS CELEBRATION We extend our congratulations to tonight’s honorees and thank them for their KCBA contributions to our Congratulations to community tonight’s KCBA award recipients for this well-deserved honor!

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The Law Offices of James S. Rogers joins with KCBA in Congratulationssaluting this year’s to all of V I C T O R I A our 2020-21honorees. honorees!

V R E E L A N D Thank you for your committment recipient of King County to the legal profession Bar Association's 2021 Outstanding Lawyer King County Bar Association


The King County Bar Association promotes and supports a diverse and collegial membership; works with the judiciary to achieve excellence, equity, and accessibility in the administration of justice; and benefits the community through public service and engagement in public policy.


Cover photo by I Candi Studios Biographies excerpted from June 2021 KCBA Bar Bulletin newspaper.