Miscellaneous Surveys
_,. -- -~--1 -_-~~<:::_~,:.:·-f.:J_"'~--:\.:~~-~~:~::..:~!..1--· ----- -- ··- -- --- ..) _:,, _·) ,,.,~ a2.ter info:rrr,ation o·btained from CIP, Curre<"lt fatalog, etc.? j....-fl,G. I '-1. -:_,_·.s yo;r entire collection cataloge~ (except for _jo\lrnals)'?_, 'f<'ha.t is.~o>? -) ;jC--' -l.r0o--:. )~o~~- ~, ~ t.t.-v...J:..t.' <f'tQJ<-~- ~~- t •1Ld~lM7 c:· /' wrt3.t type of catalog do you have (dictionary, e-cc. ) ? fuc_, fi OY')Q$ j 6. How do you obtain catalog cards? .)L fU- Cl4 VV~.tNY'-U'~~ '7 l. How are cards prepared (typed, one typed and others xeroxed, etc.)? 8. flow much of b'.ldget spent on cataloging activities (including your or assj stant s' time.- specify %of person's time),. , if possible? 9. How many books are cataloged per year? (DO 10.- Are the majority of books purchased at one time or at regular intervals (quarterly, etc.) ? ~ t;J.. a~ K.u4i!... 1 ' _..~ ... How __ much original cataloging do you do? 16 ~~ 1t ~ ci:J~&J-- Ho~ many books do you have in your collection? 4i 00 0 P~_ease include a typical card and bring this questionnaire to the nerl meetinr: or rrail to M. Gibbs. Please :Lnclude any other pertinent remarks on back. 51 19'7'"( \... - roes:I:BL!t ~~ FOO CON$Pft'I'ItJM MON'"l'riLY MZETINGS I, ' ' . f:·,' Please rate tiM following topi<:!s in order of your interest. (ex. n•. ::of:.t interested • Hl) If you have no interest in having such e. r)rogre.m at. a ~eting, l.esYi! box blank.
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