Jane Austen & Adlestrop Her OtHer FAmily Victoria Huxley is an editor and publisher who has lived in Adlestrop for over twenty-five years. She is the co-author of World Heritage Sites of Great Britain and Ireland. Jane Austen & Adlestrop Her OtHer FAmily A new perspective on Jane Austen and her novels Victoria Huxley Windrush Publishing Gloucestershire To Geoffrey, who first showed me the village and introduced me to country life First published in Great Britain in 2013 by WiNDrUSH PUBLISHiNG SERViCeS Windrush House, 12 main Street Adlestrop, moreton in marsh Gloucestershire Gl56 0UN 01608 659328 Copyright © Victoria Huxley, 2013
[email protected] the moral right of Victoria Huxley to be identified as copyright holder of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 iSBN 978-0-9575150-2-4 e-book available All rights reserved A CiP catalogue record for this book is available from the British library Front cover: Portrait of Jane Austen by Cassandra Austen ©National Portrait Gallery, london and a 1831 engraving of Adlestrop Park. Back cover: Watercolour sketch by Humphry repton for the bath house in the flower garden at Adlestrop Park by permission of the Shakespeare Birthplacet rust Cover by mark-making Design maps by John taylor typeset in Sabon 10.5 by Geoffrey Smith Printed and bound in the UK by Biddles, mPG Book Group ltd, Kings lynn, UK Table of Contents List of Illustrations, Maps and Family Trees viii Introduction & Acknowledgements ix Chapter One 1 Adlestrop and the