WI LLI AM CAS HEN WILLIAM CASHEN’S MANX FOLK-LORE william cashen 1 william cashen’s manx folk-lore 2 WILLIAM CASHEN’S MANX FOLK-LORE 1 BY WILLIAM CASHEN 2 Edited by Stephen Miller Chiollagh Books 2005 This electronic edition first published in 2005 by Chiollagh Books 26 Central Drive Onchan Isle of Man British Isles IM3 1EU Contact by email only:
[email protected] Originally published in 1912 © 2005 Chiollagh Books All Rights Reserved isbn 1-898613-19-2 CONTENTS 1 Introduction i * “THAT GRAND OLD SALT BILL CASHEN” 1. Cashin: A Character Sketch (1896) 1 2. William Cashin: Died June 3rd 1912 (1912) 2 3. The Old Custodian: An Appreciation (1912) 9 * “loyalty to Peel” 4. “Madgeyn y Gliass” (“Madges of the South”) 13 5. Letter from Sophia Morrison to S.K. Broadbent (1912) 15 6. Wm. Cashen’s Manx Folk Lore (1913) 16 * CUSTOMS AND SUPERSTITIONS OF THE MANX FISHERMEN 7. Superstitions of the Manx Fishermen (1895) 21 8. Customs of the Manx Fishermen (1896) 24 * CONTENTS * william cashen’s manx folk-lore Preface 31 Introduction (by Sophia Morrison) 33 ɪ. Home Life of the Manx 39 ɪɪ. Fairies, Bugganes, Giants and Ghosts 45 ɪɪɪ. Fishing 49 ɪv. History and Legends 59 v. Songs, Sayings, and Riddles 61 1 INTRODUCTION In Easter 1913, J.R. Moore, who had emigrated from Lonan to New Zealand,1 wrote to William Cubbon: I get an occasional letter from my dear Friend Miss Morrison of Peel from whom I have received Mr J.J. Kneens Direct Method, Mr Faraghers Aesops Fables, Dr Clague’s Reminiscences in which I[’]m greatly disappointed.