2009 High School Graduates, Enrolling in Colorado Public Higher Education 2009 High School Graduates, Enrolling in Colorado Publ
As required in C.R.S. 23‐5‐127.4, every postsecondary institution in Colorado must provide each enrolled student with a unique identifier. Beginning in the academic year 2009‐2010, the state assigned student identification (SASID) was collected in SURDS. This new collection bridges the data between high school graduates and their enrollment into higher education. Enrollments include 28 Colorado public institutions and 3 private institutions that participate in ththe CllCollege OtitOpportunity FdFund (COF)(COF). IIn FllFall 20092009, 4747.6% 6% of public high schlhool gradtduates enrolled in a public higher education institution in Colorado. Of the recent high school graduates who enrolled in a public Colorado institution, approximately 65% enrolled in a four‐ year institution and 33% enrolled at a two‐year college. A summary of public college enrollment in Colorado is presented below. A breakdown of college enrollment by high school and public postsecondary institution also follows. 2009 High School Graduates, Enrolling in Colorado Public Higher Education 520 77,494 494 2‐Year Public Insts 4‐Year Public Insts Private Insts*** 14,663 #% 2009 High School Graduates 50,184 Enrolled in Fall 2009, Higher Education 23,897 47.6% Fall 2009 Enrolled,, No SASID Match* 1,220, 2.4% Fall 2009 Enrolled in College** 22,677 45.2% 2‐Year Public Insts 7,494 33.0% 4‐Year Public Insts 14,663 64.7% Private Insts*** 520 2.3% * 2009 HS Grad from CO public HS, not home schooled, enrolled in higher ed, no match or missing from HS gradd filfile ** Limited to Insts reporting to SURDS (no high school grads leaving CO or private/vocational enrollment are counted) *** Private Institutions limited to Univ.
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