WEDNESDAY Entertainment MARCH 7, 2018 McMinnville, Tennessee 4C ® by Jimmy Johnson SENSE AND SENSITIVITY By New graduate feels patronized FRANK & ERNEST® by Bob Thaves DEAR HARRIETTE: I started a family and for family events. I don't new job after graduating from col- mind him inviting his friends, but lege. I work alongside four other the status of these relationships is women. Everyone on my team confusing. He doesn't introduce knows that I just graduated from each young lady as his "girlfriend," college and this is a new position but the way they interact makes for me. For the first few weeks, my family assume they are together. boss had a habit of taking time to I want my son to stay open and tell the clients and other colleagues have him tell me about his dating that I am young, and she refers to life, but bringing around his casual me as "the baby." It bothers me, so I dates is beginning to get complicat- tried to ignore her and represent ed. How do I tell him to bring only myself as the young adult I am. But the girls he's serious about around occasionally she will still call me a instead of bringing a different one ® baby and pat me on the back. to every family event? THE GRIZZWELLS by Bill Schorr I want to be taken seriously in my -- Revolving Door Dates, career and start it off without every- Minneapolis one judging me on my age rather than on my skill set. Would you DEAR REVOLVING DOOR suggest sitting down with my boss DATES: This is a tricky situation. and telling her how I feel about On one hand, it is great that your being called "the baby"? son feels comfortable enough to -- Not a Baby, San Mateo, bring any of his dates around the California family. He is not interested in hid- ing his dating activity, which is DEAR NOT A BABY: The next commendable. On the other hand, time that you and your boss have a the confusion that multiple girl- one-on-one conversation, tell her friends on his arm can bring is how much you like your job and real. Keeping track of who's who ® what you are learning. Point out can create moments when young BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce positives about your experience, ladies are called the wrong name including how you are transition- or family members can get ing from school to the workplace. attached to one, only to find that Thank her for her support. Then she's long gone. tell her you would like to make a Talk to your son about his inten- request of her -- this should get her tions. Find out what he wants for full attention. Tell her that it makes his life in the near future and you uncomfortable when she calls down the line. Tell him that you you the baby. Make it clear that appreciate that he feels at ease you are a professional and you bringing his dates around, but also want to be taken seriously in this point out that it is confusing for job. Ask her to stop referring to the family. I wouldn't tell him to you in that manner as it doesn't stop bringing his dates to the help you to stand fully in your role house, but you might suggest that in the company. Chances are she he bring only serious girlfriends to by Jack and Carole Bender has been thinking that her nick- big family gatherings like holi- name for you is a term of endear- days or family reunions. ment. Your clarification may help her to see that you don't share her (Harriette Cole is a lifestylist and view. founder of DREAMLEAPERS, an ini- tiative to help people access and activate DEAR HARRIETTE: My son just their dreams. You can send questions to started dating. I am happy for him, [email protected] or c/o but the problem is that he brings all Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 the girls that he is dating around Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.)


THE BORN LOSER™ by Art & Chip Sansom

HERMAN® by Jim Unger REALITY CHECK® by Dave Whamond