WEDNESDAY Entertainment JANUARY 17, 2018 McMinnville, Tennessee 4C ® by Jimmy Johnson SENSE AND SENSITIVITY By Mother struggles with eye problem FRANK & ERNEST® by Bob Thaves DEAR HARRIETTE: I begged her to stop. Believe it or received gift cards from my not, her doctor didn't even family for Christmas. That was require that she stop, even perfect, because now that I am though he knew she had this a young adult, my taste is dif- condition. How can I help my ferent from that of my mother mother? or other family members. For -- Going Blind, New Orleans years, I would either just stuff the clothing in my bottom DEAR GOING BLIND: It drawer or ask if I could take it may be a relief to you to know back. I know that probably hurt that macular degeneration people's feelings sometimes, does not necessarily lead to but I can't help it if we don't complete blindness, even like the same things. though it does lead to signifi- ® I appreciate that my family cant loss of vision. Indeed, in THE GRIZZWELLS by Bill Schorr finally gave me something that the early stages of the disease, I can use. Should I show them many people continue to drive what I buy with the money during the day without inci- they gave me, or is saying dent. Talk to your mother's thank you enough? doctor about her condition so -- Best Gift Ever, Norfolk, that you can be clear about Virginia what she is facing. Ask for suggestions for how she can DEAR BEST GIFT EVER: care for herself. Start by thanking your family Ask for the signs that she members -- from your mother may no longer be able to live on down -- for the gift cards. alone. When that time comes, Tell them how much you you will have to address it appreciate the fact that they with her and figure out how ® realize that the best gift is to her Social Security and your BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce let you buy what you want. support will be able to take Ask your mother if she would care of her. like to see what you bought For more information about with the money or gift cards. living with macular degenera- If it would interest her, show tion, go to her. Otherwise, just say thank about-md/coping-skills/. you and let that be enough. If she is willing, you can also have her learn how to live DEAR HARRIETTE: I just as a blind or partially blind learned that my mother is person. There are many going blind. She has macular resources available to support degeneration. She says she can- her, including the American not read well and generally she Foundation for the Blind. Visit sees fuzzy. I am so scared for her. She lives by herself and sion-loss/2 to get started. by Jack and Carole Bender has been independent forever. I have invited her to come and (Harriette Cole is a lifestylist live with me and my family, and founder of DREAMLEAPERS, but she said no. I am afraid for an initiative to help people access her to live by herself much lon- and activate their dreams. You can ger, and we cannot afford to send questions to askharriette@ hire full-time care. or c/o Andrews This is such a big shift. She McMeel Syndication, 1130 stopped driving only last year, Walnut St., Kansas City, MO because we -- her children -- 64106.)


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