Minutes of the 5th Meeting of the Vetting Committee Eastern District Council

Date : 11 October 2016 (Tuesday) Time : 2:30 pm Venue: Eastern District Council (EDC) Conference Room

Present Time of Arrival Time of Departure (pm) (pm) Mr TING Kong-ho, Eddie 2:30 4:00 Mr WONG Chi-chung, Dominic 2:30 end of meeting Mr WONG Chun-sing, Patrick 2:30 5:06 Mr KU Kwai-yiu 2:30 5:00 Mr LAM Sum-lim 2:30 end of meeting Mr HUNG Lin-cham 3:15 end of meeting Mr CHUI Chi-kin 2:30 5:06 Mr CHEUNG Kwok-cheong, Howard 2:38 5:06 Mr LEUNG Siu-sun, Patrick 2:30 end of meeting Ms LEUNG Wing-man, Bonnie 2:30 5:07 Mr MAK Tak-ching 2:40 5:06 Mr WONG Kin-pan, BBS, MH, JP 2:30 end of meeting Mr YEUNG Sze-chun 2:30 end of meeting Mr CHIU Ka-yin, Andrew 2:45 5:06 Mr CHIU Chi-keung 2:30 end of meeting Mr CHENG Chi-sing 2:30 end of meeting Mr LAI Chi-keong, Joseph 3:00 5:06 Mr NGAN Chun-lim, MH 4:00 end of meeting Mr LO Wing-kwan, Frankie, MH (Chairman) 2:30 end of meeting Mr NG Kwan-yuk (Co-opted Member) 2:30 end of meeting Mr FAN Hai-tai (Co-opted Member) 2:30 end of meeting

Absent with Apologies

Mr LEUNG Kwok-hung, David Mr HUI Lam-hing (Vice-chairman) (absent with consent) Mr LAU Hing-yeung Mr CHENG Tat-hung

In Regular Attendance (Government Representatives)

Ms AU Tsz-kwan, Fiona Assistant District Officer (Eastern), Eastern District Office Mr LAU Wai-lun, Eddie Senior Liaison Officer (1), Eastern District Office Miss WAH Pui-yee, Vivian Senior Executive Officer (District Council), Eastern District Office Miss HAU Tsun-tsun, Kenix Executive Officer I (District Council)1, (Secretary) Eastern District Office


In Attendance by Invitation (Representatives from the Government and Organizations)

Ms Joyce KO Manager ( East) Marketing, Programme and District Activities, Leisure and Cultural Services Department

Opening Remarks

The Chairman welcomed all Members and government representatives to the meeting.

I. Confirmation of the Draft Minutes of the 4th Meeting of Vetting Committee (VC)

2. The VC confirmed the minutes without amendment.

II. Discussion on How to Handle Cases Which Do Not Meet the Criteria for Reimbursement of Expenses (VC Paper No. 36/16)

3. The Secretary briefed the meeting on Paper No. 36/16.

4. The Chairman asked Members to declare their interests.

(a) Cases Where the Position and/or Font Size of the Line “Sponsored by the Eastern District Council” Shown on Publicity Materials Failed to Meet the Guidelines

“Happy and Healthy Camp” by “The Endeavourers HK Bert James Young Neighbourhood Elderly Centre” (Application No.: 160025)

5. After discussion, the VC decided not to reimburse the expenses of $63 for publicity materials of the activity that violated the provisions of the Guidelines, but agreed to reimburse other expenses of the activity, totalling $3,505.2, and send a reminder to the organization.

(b) Cases Where Certain Publicity Materials Did Not Bear the Line “Sponsored by the Eastern District Council”

Songs in Celebration of Parents’ Love” by “Rainbow Hin” (Application No.: 160044)

6. After discussion, the VC decided not to reimburse the expenses of $250 for publicity materials of the activity which did not bear the line “Sponsored by the Eastern District Council”, but agreed to reimburse other expenses of the activity, totalling $9,640, and send a reminder to the organization.

2 Action (c) Cases Where the “Comparison of the Actual and Expected Number of Participants” of the Activity Was Assessed as “Unsatisfactory” with Other Comments in the Duty Member’s Report

“Healthy Song and Dance All for You” of the “Eastern Residents Association” (Application No.: 160063)

7. The views of 12 Members about the case are summarised as follows:

(a) Mr KU Kwai-yiu said that according to the explanation letter of the organization, a health talk had been held at 3:58 pm on the date of the activity, but the activity photo(s) submitted by the organization did not show whether the talk had been held. In addition, he said that the duty member’s comments on the quality of performance should be respected, and emphasised that the activity supervision mechanism was to ensure proper use of public money. He commented that the organization’s reply in respect of the performance quality showed that the organization had not carried out a proper review and had not accepted the view that there was room for the activity to improve.

(b) Mr MAK Tak-ching asked whether the organization had told the duty member the rundown of the activity. He commented that the name of the activity was a misrepresentation of its content; for example, only one health talk for 35 minutes had been held and not many dance elements had been included in the activity. He said that the VC should take the duty member’s comments in the report into account when vetting the case, and opined that apart from the number of participants, the duty member could comment on whether the nature and content of the activity could meet the requirements of the Guidelines. Besides, regarding the point that different people might have different comments on the quality of the activity, he pointed out that the organization could be requested to further respond to the Member’s comments in the report.

(c) Mr Howard CHEUNG enquired about the reasons why there had not been many participants in the first half of the activity and thought that it might be necessary to check the authenticity of the photo(s) submitted by the organization.

(d) Mr Patrick LEUNG said that the Guidelines did not lay down any requirements for duty members to monitor activities from beginning to end. As the duty member for the said activity, he had the responsibility to reflect the actual situation of the activity to the VC. He remarked that the organization had only told him the time and venue concerned before the activity, but had not provided him with the information about the activity details, number of participants and so on during his monitoring of the activity. He said that only Cantonese opera performances had been given at that time with less than 100 participants at the venue and suggested checking whether the photo(s) submitted by the organization had been taken at the activity. Furthermore, he said that singing fees were usually paid for general singing activities, but performance fee was applied for in this case, the


Action organization should submit relevant documentary proof for the fees for vetting.

(e) Mr CHUI Chi-kin said that the admission tickets of the activity were printed with “No admission will be allowed when the hall is full or after 1 pm and this ticket will be rendered invalid”, but the duty member could not see the number of participants shown on the photo(s) something after 1 pm; he asked whether such arrangement met the requirements of the Guidelines. On top of that, he enquired about the duty member’s assessment on the item “effective use of the fund” in the report and the measures that could be adopted by the VC if the organization could not provide convincing explanation for the duty member’s comments. Moreover, he pointed out that except the first two and the last pop songs performed, other singing performances were related to Cantonese opera, he queried whether the content of the activity was appropriately arranged.

(f) Mr WONG Kin-pan enquired about the activity time, and asked whether the Guidelines provided that certain number of participants should be maintained during the activity and whether the organization had clearly briefed the duty member on the activity details such as the rundown, ceremony and so on. He said that unless it was stated in the Guidelines, the number of participants in individual sessions of the activity such as the ceremony should also be counted as the participants of the activity. However, he thought that the organization had to give a clear account of the arrangements and content of the activity to the duty member, so that the duty member could grasp the activity details to facilitate monitoring. In addition, he remarked that the arrangement for duty members to monitor activities aimed at monitoring the use of government resources. There were occasions where the VC had not made reimbursement due to organizations’ non-compliance with the requirements of the Guidelines; this showed that the existing arrangements could serve the purpose of monitoring.

(g) Mr CHIU Chi-keung opined that having regard to the duty member’s observation and the organization’s explanation about the number of participants, he considered that the VC should take into account all information carefully when considering applications for reimbursement. The activity had lasted for more than 7 hours, if no reimbursement would be made just because the number of participants during a session of the activity did not tally with the reported number of participants while no relevant requirements were set out in the Guidelines, impact might be made on the arrangements for future reimbursement applications.

(h) Ms Bonnie LEUNG asked, in response to Members’ debate over the duty member’s report, whether there was any need to require duty members to observe activities from beginning to end for monitoring purpose.

(i) Mr NG Kwan-yuk remarked that the duty member had only stayed at


Action the venue for about 1 hour, so he might not be able to make a comprehensive assessment of the activity, and that performance quality also involved personal impressions.

(j) Mr Dominic WONG considered that the case should be handled according to the existing Guidelines.

(k) Mr LAM Sum-lim was of the view that the organization and duty member pointed out in their reports the number of participants during different time sessions. He commented that if the organization had not clearly explained the rundown of the activity to the duty member, thus affecting the duty member’s assessment, a warning letter should be issued to the organization.

(l) Mr Joseph LAI opined that the activity name was comprised of three elements, i.e., “health”, “good songs” and “marvellous dancing”, but the programme arrangements and the weight of each session did not match the name. He pointed out that a duty member might have his / her own opinions when assessing the quality of an activity, but the duty member would also observe the reaction of the audience to give objective assessment. He also raised a point that a duty member might attend more than one event within one day, so the member could not stay until the number of participants had met the target.

8. The Chairman said that according to the organization’s explanation letter, some guest performers had sung and danced on the stage to enhance the atmosphere, which could match the “marvellous dancing” element in the activity name. Moreover, there were no provisions in the Guidelines which required that the relevant talk should be arranged as the first programme if the name of the activity started with the word “healthy”. If the duty member found any irregularities of the activity, he could make immediate enquiries to the organization. On top of that, according to the activity report and statement of income and expenditure submitted by the organization, the performance fee was $3,000 and the organization should also submit documentary proof for the fee. He reiterated that the organization should provide the duty member with clear information about the programme schedule and arrangements of the activity, including information about the ceremony, time and so on, for monitoring purpose. In response to the enquiries of some Members, the Secretariat added that the duty member assessed the performance in “effective use of the fund” as “acceptable” in the report.

9. After discussion, the VC approved reimbursement of the activity expenses, but the actual reimbursable expenses for the approved item of the activity would be reduced according to the actual number of participants shown on the report submitted; therefore, the reimbursable expenses for souvenirs would be reduced to $1,328.4 according to the number of participants and $6,352.4 would be reimbursed for the whole activity. In addition, the VC decided to issue a warning letter to the organization and request the organization to explain activity rundown to duty members clearly and provide them with sufficient activity information such as programme schedules, participants’ data and so on for reference and monitoring purpose when implementing community involvement activities. The organization should also increase the time or sessions for dancing performances


Action and health programmes so as to match the activity name and should pay attention to the performance quality and admission arrangements. Besides, the VC agreed to continue adopting the existing monitoring mechanism without requiring duty members to monitor activities from beginning to end.

(d) Cases Where the District Council Was Not Notified of an Amendment in the Name or Date of the Activity and Publicity Materials Contained Full Names of the Advisors of Organizations

“One-day Local Tour” by “Hing Fung Friendship Organization” (Application No.: 160077)

10. The views of 2 Members about the case are summarised as follows:

(a) Mr KU Kwai-yiu enquired about the differences between reminders and warning letters.

(b) Mr WONG Kin-pan said that the VC would take into account the seriousness of organizations’ violation of the Guidelines when handling cases not meeting the criteria for reimbursement applications and then consider issuing reminders or warning letters to organizations, not to reimburse part or all of the expenses of activities, not to entertain funding applications from the relevant organizations within the coming year, or any other options.

11. The Chairman said that if non-compliance was serious, the VC would consider issuing warning letters while reminders were applicable to relatively minor non-compliance cases. If subsidised organizations violated the Guidelines repeatedly, more severe handling methods could be further considered.

12. After discussion, the VC decided to reimburse the activity expenses, but a warning letter would be issued to the organization.

III. Report on the 3rd Meeting of Vetting Working Group (VC Paper No. 37/16)

13. Mr Dominic WONG, Chairman of the Vetting Working Group (VWG) briefed the meeting on Paper No. 37/16.

14. The Chairman asked Members to declare their interests.

15. After discussion, the VC noted the report on the 3rd meeting of the VWG and approved the eligibility of “Fei Fan Tai Chi Association HK” and “Hong Kong Fujian Women Association Limited” to apply for District Council funds.

IV. Vetting of Funding Applications Regarding Special Fund for “Arts and Cultural Activities” (VC Paper No. 38/16)

16. The Chairman welcomed Ms Joyce KO, Manager (Hong Kong East)


Action Marketing, Programme and District Activities of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) to the meeting to join the discussion.

17. The Secretary briefed the meeting on Paper No. 38/16.

18. The Secretary added that, when briefing the meeting on Paper No. 38/16, the VC had been allocated $200,000 special fund for “arts and cultural activities” this financial year and $100,695 had been approved at last meeting for implementing two activities. The total funding amount of these two current applications was $107,125, which exceeded the remaining amount allocated to VC by $7,820 and the VC might consider whether to reduce the funding for some items under the two funding applications. The Secretary continued to add that an application for $4,125 administration fee was made for “The 3rd Eastern District Traditional Lion Dance and Qilin Martial Arts Performance” by the “Fei Fan Tai Chi Association HK” (Application No.: 160365) and the item was not a standard subsidised item. Furthermore, the venue rental fee and performance fee applied for by Rainbow Hin for “Rainbow Cantonese Opera Show” were higher than the amount of last year.

19. The Chairman asked Members to declare their interests.

(i) Funding Amount, Organizations’ Eligibility for Application and Overall Recommendation

20. The views of 3 Members about the funding applications are summarised as follows:

(a) Mr KU Kwai-yiu enquired whether the VC would consider an application where an organization used a public rental housing (PRH) flat under the Hong Kong Housing Authority as its registered address. Also, he suggested that applicant organizations should provide the details of the items in budgetary statements as far as possible in the future.

(b) Mr Joseph LAI said that the VC had held detailed discussion about the use of PRH flats as registered addresses by applicant organizations in past meetings. In addition, he suggested considering introduction of arrangements to ensure that organizations which were not first-time applicants for District Council funds would submit sufficient information for Members’ vetting when filing applications.

(c) Mr WONG Kin-pan agreed that the funding for some items under the two funding applications should be reduced having regard to the special fund for “arts and cultural activities” allocated to the VC this financial year. Besides, he said that if the information submitted by organizations was insufficient, the VC could ask organizations to submit supplementary information. Members’ recommendations about the Guidelines could be discussed during their review in the coming year.

21. The Chairman responded that the registered addresses of the above two organizations were not PRH flats. He also said that the VC had carried out in-depth discussion about the matter in the past and agreed that organizations


Action should submit documentary proof for Members’ reference during vetting if they used PRH flats as registered addresses in their future applications.

(ii) “The 3rd Eastern District Traditional Lion Dance and Qilin Martial Arts Performance” by the “Fei Fan Tai Chi Association HK” (Application No. 160365)

22. The views of 2 Members about the case are summarised as follows:

(a) Mr Andrew CHIU asked about the reasons why the venue rental fee applied for by the organization for the activity was higher than the fees applied for organizing same type of activities in the past two years, and enquired about the details of performance fee and whether the quantity of printed programme schedules could be reduced.

(b) Mr CHUI Chi-kin opined that the quantity of printed programme schedules could be reduced so as not to waste resources.

23. The Secretariat added that the venue rental fee applied for by and approved for the organization to organize same type of activities in the past was $2,832 and the actual expenses shown on the receipt submitted were $7,080. In accordance with the Guidelines, if the actual expenses for subsidised items of an activity were less than the amount approved, the subsidised amount of the expenses for other subsidised items could be adjusted up to 20% of approved unit cost/quantity/amount of money, but the total amount after adjustment would not exceed the total amount originally approved. Therefore, the actual venue rental fee reimbursed for the same type of activities organized by the organization last year was $3,398.4.

24. After discussion, the VC approved the two applications for the special fund for “arts and cultural activities” and agreed to deduct the administration fee of $4,125 applied for by the “Fei Fan Tai Chi Association HK” for “The 3rd Eastern District Traditional Lion Dance and Qilin Martial Arts Performance” (Application No.: 160365) and the venue rental fee of $3,000 and performance fee of $695 applied for by Rainbow Hin for the “Rainbow Cantonese Opera Show” (Application No. : 160366), so the total amount approved for the activities was $99,305. Details are set out at Annex I.

V. Vetting of Funding Applications Regarding Projects from “Mutual Aid Committees, Owners’ Committees and Owners’ Corporations” under the “Eastern District Community Involvement Project Subsidy Scheme” (VC Paper No. 39/16)

25. The Secretary briefed the meeting on Paper No. 39/16.

26. The Chairman asked Members to declare their interests.

(i) “Winter Tour” by the “Mutual Aid Committee of Block D, Ming Wah Dai Ha” (Application No.: 160453)


Action 27. Mr Andrew CHIU asked why the registered address of the committee was different from the address for reimbursement.

28. The Chairman said that the committee would be requested to submit supplementary information in response to the Member’s enquiry.

(ii) Size of Publicity Banners

29. Mr Andrew CHIU suggested that applicant organizations should state the sizes of publicity banners in the future to facilitate Members in deciding whether their unit costs were reasonable.

30. The Chairman said in response that if budget was too high in individual cases, the VC could request the organizations concerned to provide the sizes of the publicity banners for their activities as necessary for Members’ reference.

31. After discussion, the VC approved 36 funding applications from “Mutual Aid Committees, Owners’ Committees and Owners’ Corporations” and the total funding amount was $263,990. Details are set out at Annex II.

(Post-meeting Note: According to the documentary proof submitted by the Mutual Aid Committee of Block D, Ming Wah Dai Ha (Application No.: 160453), the registered address of the committee was Block H.)

VI. Vetting of Funding Applications Regarding Projects from “Designated Organizations” under the “Eastern District Community Involvement Project Subsidy Scheme” (VC Paper No. 40/16)

32. The Secretary briefed the meeting on Paper No. 40/16.

33. The Chairman asked Members to declare their interests.

(i) “2016-17 Fight Crime Publicity Campaign in Eastern District (Winter Time)” by the “Eastern District Fight Crime Committee” (Application No.: 160394) “Optimistic View of Life-Volunteer Service” by “Eastern District Fight Crime Committee” (Application No.: 160395) ‘2016-17 Eastern District “Stand Firm! Knock Drugs Out” Basketball Competition’ by “Eastern District Fight Crime Committee” (Application No.: 160396)

34. Mr MAK Tak-ching pointed out that there were differences among the expenses for the banners of the above activities and suggested that relevant details should be obtained for record purpose.

35. The Chairman asked the Secretariat to follow up and circulate the details of the activity banners provided by the organizations to Members. 36. After discussion, the VC approved 11 funding applications from “designated


Action organizations” and the total funding amount was $514,340. Details are set out at Annex III.

(Post-meeting Note: The Secretariat sent Members the supplementary information of the activity banners submitted by the Eastern District Fight Crime Committee (Application No.: 160394-6) on 22 November 2016.)

VII. Vetting of Funding Applications Regarding Projects from “Other Non-government Organizations” under the “Eastern District Community Involvement Project Subsidy Scheme” (VC Paper No. 41/16)

37. The Secretary briefed the meeting on Paper No. 41/16.

38. The Chairman asked Members to declare their interests.

(i) “One Day Tour in Celebration of Christmas” by “Fraternity of Residents” (Application No.: 160389)

39. The views of 3 Members about the case are summarised as follows:

(a) Mr Andrew CHIU said that the fraternity sold tickets in the private housing estate and worried that the general public could not go into the premises concerned to purchase tickets. In addition, he expressed concern about how the fraternity would publicise so as to enable the public in the district to know the details of the activity. He was of the view that the VC should consider whether to approve the funding application after the fraternity had given an account of the ticket sale and publicity arrangements.

(b) Mr WONG Kin-pan said that no provisions of the existing Guidelines prescribed that tickets could not be sold in a private residential flat, and relevant discussion could be held in the future review of the Guidelines if necessary.

(c) Ms Bonnie LEUNG opined that the VC should consider whether to approve the funding application after finding out the feasibility of the ticket sale arrangement.

40. The Secretary added that according to the organization, potential participants could call the fraternity to arrange for ticket purchase at a specific time and the fraternity could send tickets to participants by mail when necessary and then arrange for fee collection. Regarding publicity channels, the fraternity said that it would mail leaflets to the addresses of its members, introduce the activity to others through its members and distribute promotional leaflets openly. The Chairman pointed out that if the activity arrangements were found to be unsatisfactory during the application for funding reimbursement, then the ways of handling could be discussed at the meeting.


Action 41. After discussion, the VC agreed to ask the fraternity to submit supplementary information of open ticket sale and publicity arrangements before considering whether to approve the funding application.

(ii) “Christmas Party for the Elderly” by “Chi Wai Women Association” (Application No.: 160380) “Happy Christmas Night” by “Ding Tak Chu Sports Association” (Application No.: 160418) “Christmas Concert” by “Chai Wai Residents’ Association” (Application No.: 160427) “One Day Tour in Winter” by “Hong Kong Elegance Society” (Application No.: 160438) “Year-end One Day Tour” by “ Community Network” (Application No.: 160450)

42. Mr MAK Tak-ching asked whether applicant organizations were allowed to sell/distribute tickets on the premises of other bodies.

43. After discussion, the VC agreed to ask the captioned organizations to submit supplementary information on ticket sale / distribution arrangements before considering whether to approve the funding applications.

(iii) “One Day Local Tour” by “Hing Fung Friendship Organization” (Application No.: 160445)

44. The views of 3 Members about the case are summarised as follows:

(a) Mr CHUI Chi-kin said that the Housing Development (HD) generally did not allow fees to be listed on the activity promotional leaflets posted in the housing estates under its purview. He worried that the ticket offices specified by the organization might not be approved by the HD. He was of the view that the VC should consider whether to endorse the funding application after the organization had submitted relevant proof of approval or fallback options for ticket sale arrangement.

(b) Mr Andrew CHIU hoped that the VC would consider approval of the funding application only after the organization had submitted fallback options for ticket sale arrangement.

(c) Mr KU Kwai-yiu said that the HD generally did not allow activity fees to be listed on the promotional leaflets posted in the housing estates under its purview.

45. The Chairman said in response that enquiries on whether the ticket sale arrangement had been approved could be made to the organization through the Secretariat.

46. After discussion, the VC agreed to request the organization to submit supplementary information on ticket sale arrangement before considering whether to approve the funding application.


Action (iv) “One Day Tour to Outlying Islands” by “Fukienese Association Limited” (Application No.: 160386) “One Day Tour to Cheung Chau” by “Hong Kong Fujian Women Association” (Application No.: 160391)

47. The views of 2 Members about the case are summarised as follows:

(a) Mr Patrick LEUNG commented that the two activities were similar in nature with only a one-week gap and worried that the target groups of the activities would overlap. In addition, he considered that reimbursement should be made according to the actual number of participants and asked about the arrangements for duty members to assess the number of participants.

(b) Mr WONG Kin-pan said that duty members could monitor activities according to actual situations; for example, to confirm the number of participants when they set off from the pier.

48. The Secretary added in response that according to the organizations, the captioned activities were open to residents in Eastern District and the two associations were not subordinate to each other. Besides, the organizations also said that the itineraries of the two activities were different, but they would encourage participants to join either one of them. The VC noted the details of the captioned activities.

(v) “One Day Tour to the ” by “Kai Yuen Street Redevelopment Concern Group” (Application No.: 160446)

49. Mr MAK Tak-ching asked whether the activity was co-organized by any organization(s).

50. The Chairman asked the Secretariat to verify the relevant information.

(vi) “Year-end One Day Tour” by “Hing Tung Community Network” (Application No.: 160450) “Tour for the Elderly” by “Dance Culture (Eastern) Ladies Club” (Application No.: 160385)

51. Mr MAK Tak-ching said that the dates, time and venues for selling the tickets of the captioned activities had not been set out in detail, he doubted whether the tickets would be sold openly, so it was difficult to further consider the applications.

52. The Chairman said in response that the Member’s suggestion could be taken into consideration, and further enquiries could be made to applicant organizations for such type of applications in the future.


Action (vii) “Chin Hang Christmas Gathering” by “Hong Kong Chin Hang Association” (Application No.: 160432)

53. Mr MAK Tak-ching said that the registered address of the organization in Chinese did not correspond with that in English.

54. In response, the Chairman asked the Secretariat to verify the information.

(viii) “Christmas Party” by “Yiu Hing Unite Association” (Application No.: 160399)

55. Mr MAK Tak-ching asked whether the organization needed to fill in the post of the responsible person of the activity.

56. The Chairman said that the Guidelines did not lay down any requirements for organizations to fill in the posts of the responsible persons of activities, and asked the Secretariat to request the organization to give further details of the post.

57. Since the existing Guidelines did not lay down any requirements for venues of ticket sale and so on, some Members suggested considering funding approval according to the current requirements and discussing the matter in detail during the coming review of the Guidelines. Some Members commented that though no relevant requirements were set out, funding should be approved only after the organizations had given sufficient explanation for Members’ doubts. They then left the conference room.

58. After discussion, the VC agreed to vet the funding applications from “other non-government organizations” after considering the information submitted by the organizations.

(Post-meeting Note: Since the organizations had to finalise the details of the activities in a short time, the Chairman agreed to convene a special meeting to vet the captioned funding applications on 20 October 2016.)

VIII. Any Other Business

Declaration of Interests

59. Members declared the following interests during discussion of the meeting documents:

Name of Document Number; Application Number; and Interests in the Member Organizations Involved Frankie LO Paper No.39/16 Advisor, Owners’ Corporation of Continental 160422 Mansion Paper No.40/16 Member, West Area Committee 160413


Action Name of Document Number; Application Number; and Interests in the Member Organizations Involved Paper No.41/16 Honorary President, Dance Culture (Eastern) 160385 Ladies Club Paper No.41/16 Honorary President, Lan Fong Women 160459 Association Paper No.40/16 Public Relations, Eastern District Arts Council 160419 Limited CHENG Paper No.39/16 Chairman, Mutual Aid Committees of Hong Chi-sing 160384 Chi Court and Hong Tat Court of Healthy Village Paper No.41/16 President, District Resident’s 160403 Association Paper No.41/16 President, Hong Kong Sing Fat Workers and 160426 Merchants Association Paper No.41/16 Advisor, Lan Fong Women Association 160459 Paper No.41/16 Advisor, Hong Kong Quarry Bay Residents 160373 Association Paper No.41/16 Advisor, Trueway Chaiwan Residents’ 160427 Association Howard Paper No.41/16 Member, Eastern District Fight Crime CHEUNG 160394-160396 Committee Paper No.41/16 Member, Hong Shing Area Committee 160429-160430 Andrew CHIU Annex II of Paper No.40/16 Ex officio, Hong Shing Area Committee 160429-160430 HUNG Paper No.41/16 Member, Eastern District Fight Crime Lin-cham 160394-160396 Committee Paper No.40/16 Member, North Point West Area Committee 160413 Paper No.41/16 Honorary Advisor, Hong Kong Quarry Bay 160372-160373 Residents Association Limited Paper No.41/16 Deputy Officer, Rights Committee, Fukienese 160386 Association Limited Paper No.41/16 Honorary Advisor, Women’s 160457 Association Paper No.41/16 Advisor, Youth Vanguard Association Limited 160458 Paper No.41/16 Honorary Advisor, Lan Fong Women 160459 Association LAM Sum-lim Paper No.41/16 Vice President, Shaukiwan and Chaiwan 160440-160441 Residents Fraternal Association Paper No.41/16 Honorary Advisor, Association for the 160380 Promotion of Mutual Assistance of Housewives Paper No.41/16 Honorary President, Chai Wan Fishermen’s 160408 Recreation Club Patrick Paper No.41/16 Member, Eastern District Fight Crime LEUNG 160394-160396 Committee


Action Name of Document Number; Application Number; and Interests in the Member Organizations Involved Paper No.41/16 Member, Hong Shing Area Committee 160429-160430 NGAN Paper No.41/16 Vice President, Shaukiwan and Chaiwan Chun-lim 160440-160441 Residents Fraternal Association Eddie TING Paper No.41/16 Vice President, Hong Kong Quarry Bay 160372-160373 Residents Association Limited Paper No.41/16 Honorary Advisor, Association for the 160380 Promotion of Mutual Assistance of Housewives Paper No.41/16 Deputy Officer, Fukienese Association 160386 Limited Paper No.40/16 Member, North Point East Area Committee 160409 Dominic Paper No.41/16 Director, Fukienese Association Limited WONG 160386 Paper No.41/16 Vice President, Shaukiwan and Chaiwan 160440-160441 Residents Fraternal Association WONG Paper No.28/16 Advisor, Eastern District Recreation and Kin-pan 160267, Sports Advancement Association Ltd. 160270-271 Paper No.29/16 160307 Honorary President, Chai Wan Areas Kaifong Paper No.41/16 Welfare Association Limited 160424 Paper No.29/16 160311 Honorary President, Chai Wan Women’s Paper No.41/16 Association 160457 Paper No.29/16 160315 Honorary President, Shaukiwan and Chaiwan Paper No.41/16 Residents Fraternal Association 160440-160441 Paper No.41/16 Permanent Honorary President, Hong Kong 160372-160373 Quarry Bay Residents Association Limited Paper No.41/16 Director, Fukienese Association Limited 160386 Paper No.41/16 Advisor, Taikoo Shing Residents Fraternal 160389 Association Paper No.41/16 Honorary President, Lan Fong Women 160459 Association Paper No.41/16 Member, Hong Shing Area Committee 160429-160430 NG Kwan-yuk Paper No.41/16 Member, Hing Tung Community Network 160450-160451


Action IX. Date of Next Meeting

60. The meeting ended at 5:10 pm. The 6th meeting of the VC would be held at 2:30 pm on 13 December 2016 (Tuesday).

(Post-meeting Note: The special meeting of the VC was held at 4:45 pm on 20 October 2016 (Thursday).)

Eastern District Council Secretariat December 2016