Optimal recovery of missing values for non-negative matrix factorization: A probabilistic error bound

Rebecca Chen 1 Lav R. Varshney 1 2

Abstract can discover cell groups and lower-dimensional manifolds (latent factors) describing gene count ratios for different cell Missing values imputation is often evaluated on types. However, due to channel noise, incomplete survey some similarity measure between actual and im- data, or biological limitations, data matrices are usually puted data. However, it may be more meaningful incomplete and matrix imputation is often needed before to evaluate downstream algorithm performance further analysis (Li & Ngom, 2013). In particular, “newer after imputation than the imputation itself. We de- MF algorithms that model are essential for scribe a straightforward unsupervised imputation [single-cell RNA] data” (Stein-O’Brien et al., 2018). algorithm, a minimax approach based on optimal recovery, and derive probabilistic error bounds We took up this challenge using optimal recovery (Golomb on downstream non-negative matrix factorization & Weinberger, 1959; Micchelli & Rivlin, 1976; 1985), an (NMF). We also comment on fair imputation. estimation-theoretic approach used for signal and image in- terpolation (Donoho, 1994; Muresan & Parks, 2004; Shenoy & Parks, 1992). We previously found a tight worst-case 1. Introduction bound on NMF error following our minimax imputation, and experiments showed competitive performance with The performance of missing values imputation is typically more complicated imputation techniques (Chen & Varsh- measured by how similar imputed data is to original data, ney, 2019). In this paper, we find several probabilistic error but Tuikkala et al.(2008) claim it is more meaningful to mea- bounds, which would better characterize experimental re- sure the accuracy of downstream analysis (e.g. clustering sults and serve as useful benchmarks for algorithms. We accuracy) after imputation. Several groups have evaluated made no assumptions on the missingness pattern for the the effects of different imputation methods on clustering and worst-case bound (Little & Rubin, 2002), but we assume classification accuracy (Chiu et al., 2013; de Souto et al., samples are missing completely at random (MCAR) for our 2015). We (2019) extended this to quantify non-negative probabilistic bounds. Finally, we discuss how our minimax matrix factorization (NMF) accuracy after imputation, and approach aligns with certain notions of fairness. introduced a new imputation technique. In this paper, we find a probabilistic bound for NMF error. 2. Related Work NMF is a popular clustering algorithm used by scientists 2.1. Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) because of its identifiability, or model uniqueness, and its interpretability, with resulting latent factors being intuitive When used to perform cluster analysis, NMF outputs latent (Li & Ngom, 2013; Qi et al., 2009). NMF has been used factors that characterize the clusters. Donoho & Stodden for speech and audio separation, community detection, and (2004) interpret NMF as the problem of finding cones in topic modeling. In biology, NMF of gene count matrices the positive orthant which contain clouds of data points.

1 Liu & Tan(2017) show that a rank-one NMF gives a good Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Uni- description of near-separable data and provide an upper versity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, USA. 2Salesforce Research, Palo Alto, CA, USA bound on the relative reconstruction error. Given certain This work was supported by Air Force STTR Grant FA8650-16- biological data is often linearly separable on some manifold- M-1819 and grant number 2018-182794 from the Chan Zuckerberg or high-dimensional space (Clarke et al., 2008), the bound Initiative DAF, an advised fund of the Silicon Valley Commu- given by rank-one NMF is valid. We describe this conical nity Foundation.. Correspondence to: Lav R. Varshney . Liu & Tan, 2017). Presented at the first Workshop on the Art of Learning with Missing Let V ∈ F ×N be a matrix of N sample points with F Values (Artemiss) hosted by the 37 th International Conference on R+ Machine Learning (ICML). Copyright 2020 by the author(s). non-negative observations. Suppose the columns in V are A probabilistic error bound for NMF with missing values

F ×K generated from K clusters. There exist W ∈ R+ and K×N H ∈ R+ such that V = WH. This is the NMF of V (Lee & Seung, 1999). Suppose the N data points originate from K cones. We define a circular cone C(u, α) by a direction vector u and Figure 1. Feasible set of estimators. an angle α:

  and we use the subscripted vector (·)po to denote partially- F x · u C(u, α) := x ∈ R \{0} : ≥ cos α . (1) observed data points. We use a subscripted matrix (·)fo kxk2 or (·)po to denote the set of all fully-observed or partially- We truncate the circular cones to be in the non-negative observed data columns in the matrix. orthant P. All x’s belonging to Ck can be considered as We can impute a partially-observed vector vpo by see- noisy versions of uk, where k = 1,...,K. We call the ing where its observed samples intersect with the clusters angle between cones βij := arccos(ui · uj). Assume that C1, ..., Ck, as shown in Fig.1. Let the missing values plane F min βij > max {max{αi + 3αj, 3αi + αj}}. be the restriction set over that satisfies the constraints i,j∈[K],i6=j i,j∈[K],i6=j R (2) on the observed values of vpo. We call this intersection the This is a common assumption used to guarantee cluster- feasible set W : ing performance (Bu et al., 2017; Liu & Tan, 2017; Ng K [ et al., 2001). We can then partition V into k sets, denoted W = {vˆpo ∈ Ck : PΩ(ˆvpo) = PΩ(vpo)}. (3) Vk := {vn ∈ Ck ∩ P }, and rewrite Vk as the sum of k=1 a rank-one matrix Ak (parallel to uk) and a perturbation matrix Ek (orthogonal to uk). For any vector z ∈ Vk, For some norm or error function, k · k, the optimal recov- z = kzk (cos β)u + y, where kyk = kzk (sin β) ≤ ∗ 2 k 2 2 ery estimator vˆpo minimizes the maximum error over the kzk2(sin αk). This rank-one approximation is used to find feasible set of estimates: error bounds (Liu & Tan, 2017). ∗ vˆpo = arg min max kvˆpo − vk. (4) v∈Ck 2.2. Optimal recovery imputation vˆpo∈Ck When there are missing values in clustered data, local impu- If W contains estimators belonging to more than one Ck, tation approaches, or those based on local patterns (such as W can be partitioned into disjoint sets Wk. Feasible clusters cluster membership or closest neighboring points), can be are those for which Wk is not empty. used to impute values. Popular algorithms that utilize local If the columns in V come from K circular cones defined as ∗ F ×K ∗ structure include k-nearest neighbors, local least squares, (1), there is a pair of factor matrices W ∈ R+ , H ∈ and bicluster Bayesian component analysis (Hastie et al., K×N R+ , such that 1999; Kim et al., 2005; Meng et al., 2014). ∗ ∗ kV − W H kF Optimal recovery imputation minimizes NMF error under ≤ max {sin αk}. (5) kVk k∈[K] certain geometric assumptions on data and enables error F bound derivation (Chen & Varshney, 2019). Suppose we ∗ are given an unknown signal v that lies in some signal class The optimal recovery estimator vˆpo would minimize αk in (1), which is equivalent to: Ck. The optimal recovery estimate vˆ minimizes the maxi- mum error between vˆ and all signals in the feasible signal ∗ 2 2 vˆpo = arg max{(ˆvpo · uk) − (ˆvpo · vˆpo) cos (αk)}. (6) class. Given well-clustered non-negative data V, we impute vˆpo∈Ck missing samples in V so the maximum error is minimized over feasible clusters, regardless of the missingness pattern. If the geometric assumption (2) holds, a greedy clustering Suppose there are missing values in V. Let Ω ∈ {0, 1}F ×N algorithm (Alg. 1) returns correct clustering of partially be a matrix of observed values indicators with Ωij = 1 if observed data under certain conditions, and error is bounded as vij is observed and 0 otherwise. We define the projection ∗ ∗ kV − WpoHpokF operator of a matrix Y onto an index set Ω by ≤ max {sin 2αk}, (7) kVkF k∈[K]  Y if Ω = 1 [P (Y)] = ij ij . where W∗ and H∗ are found by Alg. 2. Experiments show Ω ij 0 if Ω = 0 po po ij that this algorithm performs well on biological and imaging We use the subscripted vector (·)fo to denote fully-observed data in comparison to more complex methods (Chen & data points (columns), or data points with no missing values, Varshney, 2019). A probabilistic error bound for NMF with missing values

Algorithm 1 Greedy Clustering with Missing Values using Alg.1. After obtaining the clusters, we compute F ×N F ×N the minimum covering sphere (MCS) on the points in each Input V ∈ R+ ,K ∈ N, Ω ∈ {0, 1} N K F ×K cluster (Hopp & Reeve, 1996). This gives us K balls with Output J ∈ {0, 1, ..., K} ; α ∈ (0, π/2) ; u ∈ R+ Nk points in each ball. 1: Partition columns in V into subsets Vfo and Vpo, P where Vfo contains data columns for which i rij = Now suppose we have partially observed entries in our data. F , and Vpo contains remaining columns. Let the missingness of a point be a Bernoulli(γ) random 2: Normalize Vfo so that all columns have unit `2-norm. variable. That is, x is fully observed with probability γ and 0 Let Vfo be the normalized matrix partially observed with probability 1−γ. There is now some 0 3: Cluster items in Vfo using greedy clustering (See Alg. uncertainty about the position of partially observed data 1 from (Liu & Tan, 2017)) to obtain cluster indices J points, so we find the MCS for only the fully observed points. ∗ and obtain minimax centers u1, ..., uk from W . This is analogous to step 3 in Alg. 2. By calculating the 4: for vpo ∈ Vpo do expected change in the radius of the MCS, we can calculate 5: Let Ωj correspond to observed entries of vpo. Find the expected change in its corresponding cone.   k = arg max cos−1 PΩ(zj )·PΩ(v) . If this Theorem 1 (Probabilistic bound on NMF error). Given the j∈[K] kPΩ(zj )kkPΩ(v)k condition is maximized by more than one k, choose setting described above, and assuming that the N points are drawn uniformly at random from the K balls. Suppose one at random. Add the index of vpo to Jk. 6: end for the points are randomly distributed along the radius of the 7: for k ∈ [K] do F -ball and we pick points to be partially observed uniformly at random. Then after imputing with Alg. 1, we can tighten −1  PΩ(vpo)·PΩ(uk)  8: αk = maxv cos po kPΩ(vpo)kkPΩ(uk)k the bound in (7) to 9: end for ∗ ∗ kV − WpoHpokF 10: Return cone indices J, u, α ≤ max {sin αk}. (8) kVkF k∈[K] Algorithm 2 Rank-1 NMF with Missing Values Proof. If the N points are drawn uniformly at random from F ×N F ×N Input V ∈ R+ , Ω ∈ {0, 1} ,K ∈ N the K balls, then E[Nk] = N/k, and the expected num- ˆ ∗ F ×K ˆ ∗ K×N Output W ∈ R+ and H ∈ R+ ber of fully observed and partially observed points in each 1: Cluster data using Alg. 1 cluster is E[|Xk,fo|] = γNk and E[|Xk,po|] = (1 − γ)Nk. 2: Impute data using (4) Clearly, the volume of the MCS can only decrease as |Xk,fo| 3: Perform rank-1 NMF on imputed data using Alg. 2 decreases. Let Rmax be the radius of MCS if there were from (Liu & Tan, 2017) no missing values, and let Rˆ be the radius of the MCS of only the fully observed points. Then Rˆ < Rmax only if any x ∈ X originally lay on the surface of MCS . 3. Probabilistic error po k,fo Let We now make some probabilistic assumptions on our data Npo = d(1 − γ)Ne. (9) and missingness patterns to calculate the expected maximum Assume x are i.i.d. and uniformly distributed (without loss error of optimal recovery imputation. First, consider a cone i of generality) on [0, 1]. This matches the assumption in C in an F -dimensional space defined by u and α. Let us the probabilistic analysis in (Liu & Tan, 2017) that the ignore the length of the vectors in C and preserve only angles are drawn uniformly at random on [0, α] (see Fig.2). the angles of the vectors from u. We can then represent Assuming a continuous distribution, almost surely no two vectors of an F -dimensional cone as points in an (F − 1)- points have exactly the same radius, and the probability of dimensional ball. For example, a 3-dimensional cone can picking the ` outermost points is be represented as points in a circle.  N − `  N  Let there be N points {x , . . . , x } ∈ F , drawn uni- (`) = , where ` = 0, 1, ..., N . 1 N R P N − ` N po formly at random from KF -dimensional balls, labeled po po (10) B ,...,B . Let d(x , x ) be the Euclidean distance be- 1 K i j This gives us tween xi and xj. We assume there is at least one data point Npo Npo in each ball, and that X 1 X  N − `  [`] = ` · [`] = ` · E P N  (11) Npo − ` max d(xi, xj) < min d(xi, xj), for all k = 1,...,K. `=1 Npo `=1 i,j∈Bk i∈Bk,j∈ /Bk N−1 N(N + 1) = Npo−1 , This is equivalent to the geometric assumption in (2), and N  (12) (N − Npo + 1)(N − Npo + 2) we can correctly cluster any points drawn from such balls Npo A probabilistic error bound for NMF with missing values

If we assume vn ∈ V are MCAR, the statistical mean of Vfo is the same as that of V. Since vn are uniformly distributed, the range of vn remains centered on the mean, so the expected center of the MCS does not change. Thus the maximum difference between a point v ∈ Ck and its imputed point vˆ is sin αk, and the theorem follows.

Figure 2. Assumption that points are uniformly random on the radius. Theorem 2 (Probabilistic bound on NMF error with differ- ent assumption). If instead we assume points are uniformly distributed in the volume of the ball, we can find the corre- sponding change in radius. The expected NMF error is

 ∗ ∗  kV − W H kF  ˆ  E ∗ ∗ = sin E[R] · α . (17) kW H kF

Proof. See Appendix A in supplemental materials. Figure 3. Example of E[Rˆ] with N = 9 and ` = 3. Theorem 3 (Probabilistic bound on NMF error with normal- ized data). If the data is normalized such that each vector where Npo is dependent on γ, as defined in (9). has an L2 norm of 1, The radius of the resulting MCS is dependent on the dis-  ∗ ∗  tribution of points along the radius. We can determine Rˆ kV − W H kF po E ∗ ∗ = sin (E[α ]) . (18) using order . If we assume uniform distribution kW H kF between 0 and 1, and order the points x1, . . . , xn so that x1 is closest to the center of the sphere and xn is farthest, the Proof. See Appendix B in supplemental materials. radius of the nth point, Rn, is given by the beta distribution n Rn ∼ B(n, 1), and E[Rn] = n+1 . Thus if ` of the outermost points are chosen to be missing, 4. Discussion   We gave a probabilistic error analysis of a clustering algo- ˆ N − ` E[R] = Rmax − (`/N)Rmax = Rmax . (13) rithm after minimax imputation. This analysis style can be N extended to other clustering and imputation algorithms; var- We illustrate with an example in Fig.3. We can substitute ious applications may require different model assumptions. E[`] for `, and since E[`] is a function of γ, we have derived We now discuss the minimax approach and its implications the expected radius of the MCS as a function of missingness: on fairness. Missingness patterns themselves may carry   information (Ghorbani & Zou, 2018), and statistics-based ˆ N − E[`] imputation methods may introduce unfairness (Martinez- E[R] = Rmax . (14) N Plumed et al., 2019). In certain social contexts, biases in algorithms can lead to unfair policy-making (Williams et al., Now we reverse the arrow in Fig.2. Due to the random 2018). Researchers attempt to mitigate some of these biases distribution of points in the sphere, removing the ` outermost using multiple imputation (Azur et al., 2011) or weighted points does not change the expected center u of the MCS. estimators (Chen et al., 2019). Philosopher John Rawls Transitioning from spheres back to cones, we get argues that in an effort to provide all individuals with equal opportunities, inequalities should only exist if they result in   N − E[`] the worst off being better off (Rawls, 1971). In a scenario E[ˆα] = α . (15) N where one’s place in society is chosen at random (including social status and other assets), one would prefer to land in a E[`] Thus α − E[ˆα] = N · α, and the normalized Frobenius society that plays by a minimax rule, where the disadvantage ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ distance between WfoHfo and W H for a single cone of the worst off is minimized. is: Future work aims to study how minimax imputation impacts ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗   kWfoHfo − W H kF E[`] fairness in decision-making and clustering (Chierichetti ∗ ∗ ≤ sin · α . (16) kW H kF N et al., 2017). A probabilistic error bound for NMF with missing values

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Rebecca Chen Lav R. Varshney

Appendix A Appendix B Theorem: Probabilistic bound on NMF error with dif- Theorem: Probabilistic bound on NMF error with nor- ferent assumption malized data

If instead we assume points are uniformly distributed in the If the data is normalized such that each vector has an L2 volume of the ball, we find the change in radius as follows. norm of 1, the expected NMF error is  ∗ ∗  kV − W H kF po  ∗ ∗  E ∗ ∗ = sin (E[α ]) . (6) kV − W H kF  ˆ  kW H kF E ∗ ∗ = sin E[R] · α . (1) kW H kF Proof. If the data is normalized such that each vector has Proof. If points are uniformly distributed in the volume an L2 norm of 1, all the points will fall on the surface F of the ball, we find the change in radius as follows. First, of a sphere. Let there be N points {x1, . . . , xN } ∈ R , calculate the volume of a F -dimensional ball of radius R = drawn at random from KF -dimensional spherical caps of 1: a radius RF -ball, labeled C1,...,CK . Let d(xi, xj) be πF/2 some distance between x and x . Assume there is at least V (R) = RF . (2) i j F Γ(F/2 + 1) one data point in each spherical cap, and that our geometric assumption holds. Then we calculate radius Rˆ of an F -dimensional ball as: The area of an F -dimensional spherical cap is 1/F ˆ ˆ Γ(F/2 + 1) ˆ 1/F RF (V ) = √ V , (3)   π 1 F −1 2 F − 1 1 A(R, h) = A R I 2 /r , , (7) 2 F 2rh−h 2 2 ˆ 1−`  where volume V = N VF (1). n/2 where 0 ≤ h ≤ R,An = 2π /Γ[n/2] is the area of V (Rˆ) The probability that a point x is in MCSpo is . V (Rmax) the unit n-ball, h is the height of the cap, which can be calculated as a function of the angle α between the center Thus the expected radius given a missing parameter γ is and the edge of the cap, and I (a, b) is the regularized given by x incomplete beta function. Using the same style of analysis   1 − E[`] from the previous section, we can find the expected angle [Rˆ] = Rˆ V (1) , (4) po E F N F E[α ] given a parameter γ for partially observed points. Thus, where [`] is a function of γ, and the expected NMF error E kV − W∗H∗k  is F = sin ( [αpo]) . (8)  ∗ ∗  E ∗ ∗ E kV − W H kF  ˆ  kW H kF E ∗ ∗ = sin E[R] · α . (5) kW H kF