arXiv:1809.10680v2 [cs.LG] 9 Oct 2018 n hnw ple tt C otlt ikpeito and prediction risk mortality supe meth ICU conventional this other to methods. of over NMF it superiority effectiveness applied its us the demonstrated we We verify procedure. then an to optimization framework and data alternating NMF simulation an the the with into the it integrating function solved by loss One algorithm pro regression this SANMF data. predicti with logistic supervised poor deal patient a To its nature. proposed the is unsupervised we its method analyze t to SANMF due adopted to original ability provide we the backbone to Therefore, of the data limitation well. series features as the time approach interpret to to applied (SANMF) path successfully recentl Factorization been but Matrix interpretability, has Nonnegative the Augmented of problems.graph ca lack accuracy prediction methods and feature mortalit interpretability existing good effective the the hand, prevent to to the other actions correspond data timely the identify temporal take on clinicians complex to help easily; the difficult them to is interpret due hand, it one collected, On task. portant rsin uevsdlann,Rpeetto,IUmorta ICU Representation, learning, Supervised gression, enegSho fMedicine of School Feinberg hsmkspeitv oeigo h otlt ikan risk mortality the of decision modeling death. correct problem. and predictive important patient makes timely is makes usually make ICU data to This ICU difficult in the clinicians event of the continuou nature key the complex One (especially the However, data). types complicated variable series and in diverse time abundant generated the are clinicians data to (ICU) help due The Unit and Care decisions. Intensive data accurate di the the and can in timely models hidden make These patterns institutions. latent clinical dat cover possible and medical available hospitals becomes increasingly in the modeling with combining predictive when automated mining, enegSho fMedicine of School Feinberg [email protected] [email protected] ne Terms Index Abstract ihtefs eeomn fmcielann n data and learning machine of development fast the With otwsenUniversity Northwestern otwsenUniversity Northwestern uevsdNneaieMti atrzto to Factorization Matrix Nonnegative Supervised hcg,U.S Chicago, uqn Chao Guoqing hcg,U.S Chicago, unLuo Yuan IUmraiyrs rdcini og e im- yet tough a is prediction risk mortality —ICU Nneaiemti atrzto,Lgsi re- Logistic factorization, matrix —Nonnegative .I I. NTRODUCTION rdc C otlt Risk Mortality ICU Predict [email protected] enegSho fMedicine of School Feinberg otwsenUniversity Northwestern hnsegMao Chengsheng hcg,U.S Chicago, .These y. iyrisk lity Sub- y and s rvised blem, Most od, his on ed s- s. n d a a s iegne hc samc oegnrlls ihboth with loss general more much a Bregman by is case measured the which the is to loss NMF divergence, discussed approximation further extended also [8] matrix [6] the They [7]. when rows. in NMF and of co-clustering [5]. variants columns perform various purpose matrix can clustering both that approach on data t-NMF for a developed used between NMF equivalence claimed be thus some and can is clustering there K-means/spectral that and NMF showed [4] [3]. they paper aspects. their and in solution, algorithm the stationary multiplicative of a convergence a the obtain developed prove they to and NMF algorithm problem constraints, updates convex nonnegativity a from the image not of face is the Because reconstruct part bases. to ha with were matrix those basis we other the image if coefficients and of one faces, the set that human the found of as representation they based interpreted matrices, such vectors be two factorizing can intensity of matrix After product pixel the images. of nonnegative into facial a matrix set human form the from they where stretched concatenating [2], by become work matrix has the problem since The prod- popular matrices. the nonnegative as several matrix of nonnegative uct a approximating on problems eis[]so infiatpromneipoeet from improvements performance baselines. significant multiple patien show for [1] simultaneousl features physiologica series effective and patient on form Applications patients, prediction. to outcome for trends types temporal group feature dimensiona different reduces identification Moreov of representation. group graph latent fe into supervised higher-order higher-order data of converting the mining by and the tures atomic automate We predicti of jointly. exploration performs features the that by algorithm modeling (NMF) factorization trix ic hnpol aebe okn nNFfo various from NMF on working been have people then Since of set the to refers (NMF) Factorization Matrix Nonnegative nti ae,w ecieasprie ongtv ma- nonnegative supervised a describe we paper, this In [email protected] el onl Medicine Cornell Weill onl University Cornell e ok U.S York, New e Wang Fei I R II. LTDWORK ELATED [email protected] enegSho fMedicine of School Feinberg otwsenUniversity Northwestern hcg,U.S Chicago, unZhao Yuan time l lity er, ve a- y s t Frobenius norm and KL divergence that was introduced in [3] III. METHODS as its special cases. On the solution procedure aspect, multi- A. NMF and Logistic Regression plicative updates has been recognized for its slow convergence and poor quality. [9] reviewed the general algorithms before NMF [2] is a popular representation learning technique. n×m 2007, three classes of algorithms are categorized. The first Assume that we have data matrix X ∈ R and its corre- n class is multiplicative updates, the second class is gradient sponding label y ∈ R . NMF aims to learn two nonnegative n×r r×m based methods such as [10], [11], [12], the third class is the matrices U ∈ R and V ∈ R to approximate a n×m alternating least squares (ALS) algorithm [13], [14], [15]. Also nonnegative matrix X ∈ R , each row of which contains in 2007, [16] proposed an efficient projected gradient approach m features of one of the n samples. Then NMF can be for NMF, which adopted Taylor expansion strategy to reduce formulated in matrix form X = UV , and at the same time the cost. [17] also proposed an active set type of method U and V are constrained to be nonnegative. Therefore, NMF called principal block pivoting to solve the NMF problem. is formulated as the following optimization problem. [18] adopted the alternating direction method of multipliers 2 minkX − UV kF (ADMM) to solve the NMF with beta-divergence. Hsieh and U,V (1) Dhillon [19] designed a fast coordinate descent method to s.t.U  0, V  0, accelerate the FastHals [20]. 2 where k·kF indicates squared frobenius norm and U  0, V  U V Apart from basic NMF method introduced above, there 0 mean that and are both entry-wise nonnegative. r rows V U are also many variants. They can be grouped into three of are considered as new bases while r columns of are groups. The first group enforced some constraints into basic viewed as the coefficients with which the original samples can NMF to obtain certain desirable charateristics, such as sparse be represented with a linear combination of bases. U can be X NMF [10], [21], [22], orthogonal NMF [23], [24], [25], considered as a low-dimensional representation of since discrininant NMF [26], [27] and manifold NMF [28], [29]. The generally r

T ∇wL = −α(U ⊙ Y ⊘ D) ∗ en + βw. (6) IV. EXPERIMENTS Before applying the proposed method SNMF to the ICU T mortality risk prediction problem, we verify the effectiveness ∇bL = −αen ∗ y ⊘ 1+ exp(Uw + b) ⊙ y  + βb. (7)  of SNMF on the simulation data. where ⊘ indicates element-wise division and ⊙ indicates element-wise multiplication. D is obtained by repeating the A. Simulation study column vector (1 + exp(Uw + ben)) ⊙ y r times to form the To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed supervised matrix of size n × r. Y is obtained with the same operator to NMF method, we generate a simulation data to verify it. The vector y. data generating process includes three steps: Firstly, the coef- The update formulation of these four variables are given ficient matrix U is generated with two Gaussian distributions below: to indicate the true latent representation, the mean vectors and

t+1 t t t t t t covariance matrices of the two Gaussian distributions are µ1 = U = P+[U − ηU ∇U L(U , V , w ,b )] (8) (1, 1, 1, 1, 1), Σ1 = diag(1, 1, 1, 1, 1) and µ2 = (3, 3, 1, 1, 1), Σ2 = diag(1, 1, 1, 1, 1), respectively. 250 points are generated 250×5 250×5 for each group, so that U1 ∈ R and U2 ∈ R t+1 t t t+1 t t t V = P+[V − ηV ∇V L(U , V , w ,b )] (9) indicate the coefficient matrices corresponding to two groups of data. In order to guarantee U nonnegative, all the negative SNMF, because FNMF learned the new representation with the entries are set to zero. Here, we use vector y to indicate which help of the label information while NMF doesn’t. Compared Gaussian distribution the point is from and form the labels of with SNMF, FNMF just guarantees the data points within the the generated data. Secondly, the basis matrix V ∈ R5×10 is same class close and those in different classes far away in the generated with the Uniform distribution in (0, 1) and set all new representation but it still doesn’t use the label information the negative entries to zero to make sure V is nonnegative. directly to approach the final goal classification, so SNMF is Thirdly, the noise e is generated using a Gaussian distribution more effective. With increasing the noise level, we can see all with the same mean and covariance matrix with U ∗ V and the methods’ performance degrade, but SNMF outperforms then added into the matrix U ∗ V , see Eq. (13). all the other methods all the time. During all the comparisons, NMF performs worse than SNMF is because when it learned the 2 dimensional new representation, it maybe not exploit X = U ∗ V + η ∗ e (13) the distinguished dimensional information sufficiently because of its unsupervised property, but for SNMF, it makes full Σ where e is the noise from the Gaussian distribution N (µ, ) use of that distinguished dimensional information due to the Σ and µ and indicate the mean and covariance matrix of data classification loss item in the Eq. (3). matrix U ∗ V , η indicates the noise level. Final data X is R500×10. It should be noted that all the negative entries of B. ICU Mortality Risk Prediction X are set to zero to obtain the nonnegative matrix X. y 1) Data Processing: The data we adopted to predict ICU takes values 0 or 1 to indicate the label. If the data point mortality risk is processed as in Paper [1]. To make the data is generated from the first Gaussian distribution, its label will processing clearly, a schematic of the data processing work- be 0 otherwise 1. flow is illustrated in Figure 1. The time series data from the We split the obtained data matrix X and corresponding second half of the first day after patients’ admissions to ICU labels y into training and test sets with the ratio half to are the original data we need to process. To address the issues half, and then we compared the representation obtained from of and irregular sampling interval, we performed unsupervised NMF with our proposed SNMF. In addition, linear interpolation and resampling at regularly spaced time another supervised NMF method FNMF [27] is also added to intervals on the original time series to discretize in the time compare. For the generated coefficient matrix U, we know axis. Although a more complex imputation algorithm may be there are 2 distinguished dimensions, to make sure these more plausible [40], [41], we follow the SANMF approach to methods can capture this distinguished information, for all the enable fair comparison. Note that the time interval 2 hours are four methods, we set the dimension of the new representation determined by 5-fold cross validation over choices of 1, 2, 4, as 2. For our proposed SNMF, the range of parameters α,β,γ or 6 hour intervals. For detailed processing information, the are from {0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1}. It should be noted that when authors can refer to Paper [1]. all of α,β,γ take value 0, SNMF degenerates to NMF, and in our experimental results we adopt this as unsupervised NMF. To tune parameters efficiently, the parameters α,β,γ are set to α/p, β/r and γ/(n × r) where p is the number of the features of data matrix X, r is the number of the features of the latent representation matrix U and n is the number of the samples of data matrix X. To further explore how these methods perform on the data with different noise level, we conduct the experimental comparison on the simulation data with three noise level 0, 0.2, and 0.5. The metric we adopt is the area under ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve (AUC). All the experimental results are demonstrated in Table I, the best result is shown in bold font for each case. Fig. 1. Schematic of the time series data processing.

TABLE I THE AUC ON THE SIMULATION DATA (%), THE VALUE IN BOLD INDICATESTHEDIFFERENCEWITHTHERESTISSIGNIFICANT (p VALUE 2) Experiment Setting and Result: The processed subgraph <0.01). count data are split equally, stratified by mortality, into the training set and test set. There are 3932 cases in the training Noise Level Data Split NMF FNMF SNMF η = 0.5 Test 90.35 89.19 91.78 set while 3931 cases in the test set. The of the data η = 0.2 Test 93.91 94.40 95.68 are demonstrated in Table II. For our proposed SNMF, we η = 0 Test 95.23 95.96 97.15 need to learn the new representation U from the training data and then train the logistic regression on top of U to check its From Table I, we can find that on the data without any performance on the U obtained on test data. Besides parameter noise, FNMF performs better than NMF but worse than our r (the number of groups), our SNMF still have parameters α,β,γ, we will use 5-fold cross validation to identify the V. DISCUSSION parameters α,β,γ. The range of parameters α,β,γ are from −2 to 2 with exponential base 10. To tune these parameters From the classification results on the ICU data, our SNMF indeed performs better than the unsupervised NMF counterpart efficiently, the parameters α,β,γ are set to α/p, β/r and γ/(n × r), which is the sampe with that in simulation data. from the statistic significancy perspective. However, the benifit For the number of groups, we will follow the way in [1], and is not big, this maybe because the information NMF retained extend its range if the performance will still rise up to 120. has already possessed discriminative classification prediction From the subsquent Figure 2, we can find that the range for ability. number of groups are from 50 to 150 (We did not show the As for the ICU data, its original data form is time series, performance in range 10 to 40 because their performance is the processing workflow proposed in paper [1], [42] indeed worse than the current range). The metric we adopt is the area opened a feasible way to deal with the prediction problem under ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve (AUC). easily, meanwhile, some discriminative information may be All the experimental results are demonstrated in Figure 2. lost during the process, such as the interpolation and sam- pling phases may be not precise. A direct way to deal with From Figure 2, we can see that almost with each group time series data and conduct classification is interesting and number, our proposed SNMF outperforms NMF, this should promising. In addition, feature selection [43], [44] is closely because SNMF take the label information into consideration related to the present work, it can be further compared with the when learning the low-dimensional representation while NMF proposed method while working on time series data directly doesn’t. In some case NMF can perform a bit better than in future work. SNMF on the hold-out test data, because there are additional There are several different data types of ICU data, like vital 3 parameters to tune for SNMF and the distributions between sign and lab test information, they can be considered as multi- training and test data may be inconsistent and this may cause view information, and then multi-view learning methods [45], the parameters identified during cross validation not perform [46], [47], [48] can be considered to be adopted to solve this well on the hold-out test data. Figure 2 shows that the best problem. test AUC 0.8562 for SNMF occurs at 120 groups while that best test AUC 0.8508 for NMF happens at 60 groups, and the superiority of SNMF over NMF on ICU data is statistically VI. CONCLUSIONS significantly (p-value of permutation test is 0.0307). In this paper, we have proposed a supervised NMF method to learn a discriminative representation, based on which the TABLE II classification performance is improved compared with its STATISTICS OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA unsupervised NMF counterpart and other supervised NMF method. We adopted the projected gradient descent algorithm Mortality Total Cases Training Cases Test Cases ≤ 30 days 788 383(9.7%) 405(10.3 %) to solve this problem. The results on and ICU > 30 days or alive 7075 3549(90.3%) 3526(89.7 %) data verified its superiority. The learned representation with our method has better prediction ability, which can guide the clinician well in reality. Since we just explored to integrate NMF with the sim- ple classifier logistic regresssion, other advanced classifier (classification loss function) can be used to replace logistic regression. For instrance, as with the fast development of deep learning, it is promising to combine deep neural network with NMF to learn a more discriminative representation to boost the prediction performation of the ICU mortality risk further.


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1 T T ∇U LX = ∇U Tr (X − UV )(X − UV ) + γTr(UU ) 2   1 T T T T = ∇U Tr(−XV − UVX + UV V U )+ γTr(UU ) 2  1 = (−2XV T +2UV V T +2γU) 2 = −XV T + UV V T + γU (14)

1 T ∇V LX = ∇V Tr (X − UV )(X − UV ) ) 2    1 T t T T = ∇V Tr(−XV − UVX + UV V U ) 2   (15) 1 = (−2uT X +2U T UV ) 2 = −U T X + U T UV

n r exp − yi( j=1 wj uij + b) ∗ (−1) ∗ yiuij ∇wj Ly = α P r  X 1+ exp − yi( wj uij + b) i=1 Pj=1  + βwj n yiuij = −α r + βwj X 1+ exp yi( wj uij + b) i=1 Pj=1  (16)

T ∇wLy = −α(U ⊙ Y ⊘ D) ∗ en + βw (17) The denominator matrix D is obtained by repeating the column vector (1 + exp(Uw + ben)) ⊙ y r times to form the matrix of size n × r. Y is obtained with the same operator to vector y. r exp − yi( j=1 wj uij + b) ∗ (−1) ∗ yiwj ∇uij Ly = α P r  1+ exp − yi( wj uij + b) j=1  P (18) It can be written in matrix form as follows.

T ∇U Ly = −α(yw ) ⊘ D (19) The denominator matrix D is the same with that in Eq. (17). n r exp − yi( j=1 wj uij + b) ∗ (−1) ∗ yi ∇bLy = α P r  + βb X 1+ exp − yi( wj uij + b) i=1 Pj=1  n yi = −α r + βb. X 1+ exp yi( wj uij + b) i=1 Pj=1  (20) It can be written in matrix form as follows. T ∇bLy = −αen ∗ y ⊘ 1+ exp(Uw + b) ⊙ y + βb.   (21)