SCOUTS-L ---------- EUROFAX Date: Thu, 3 Nov 1994 15:06:58 +0100 From: Ray Saunders <
[email protected]> Subject: Eurofax No 26 (November 1994) Eurofax is the monthly newsletter produced by the European Scout Office and faxed to the national headquarters of all Scout associations and Guide associations in Europe. It is then normally photocopied for distribution within each association. This text-only version is provided for information to members of the "scouting-europe" mailing list and to the "rec.scouting" newsgroup. New Office inaugurated The new offices at 299 Avenue Moli=E8re were officially inaugurated at a special ceremony on Friday, 28 October, arranged to coincide with the meetings of the European Committees. Guests, including representatives from a number of national member associations, European institutions and the International Fellowship of Former Scouts and Guides, were welcomed jointly to the occasion by Elspeth Henderson, Chairman of the Europe Committee WAGGGS and Thijs Stoffer, Chairman of the European Scout Committee. In March 1994, an "Agreement on the establishment, on a trial basis, of a European Guide and Scout Office" was signed in Geneva and London with the full support of the European Committees. The signatories to that agreement, Jan Holt, Director, World Bureau WAGGGS and Jacques Moreillon, Secretary General of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, were both delighted to be present at the official inauguration of the new premises which now house the Europe Office WAGGGS and the European Scout Office under a single common roof: the "European Guide and Scout Office". They both spoke warmly of their respective organization's continuing support for the European Committees during this experimental period as they endeavour together to achieve the goals which were envisaged in the recommendations adopted during the Helsingborg Conferences in 1992.