District Census Handbook, Allgarh, Part XIII-B, Series-22, Uttar

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District Census Handbook, Allgarh, Part XIII-B, Series-22, Uttar CENSUS 1981 '~li( XIII-it ffi"~/SER'ES .. 22 "StT~q~ ~~f(1Jfii' ...... \i~ s{q'W ffl~ UTTAR PRADESH Part XIII .. 8 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT f~~l ;f"¥IGlitl ~~~~ DIsrrRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK ~CI'f;t Tfrcf, '" +rr~a.')lI' srm«f.r'fi' ~ ('f~~. ;;;j.fTfUTiiT qfrqrw.:r, «1'. n~ ! 1. >R=m,FiT i-Ii 2. !:l'r'fcfi~<T 'I-vi 3 fq~ cpT l1Ti1f~", 4 11 ~cG!'i(uT 31tcr.~ ix-x 5 \-'l?!T ~FilTur·n ~-:a~rH1CfiT 'fiT qt<:'<f<r Xl-XIlI 6 fi5f~T $[T~fl1cti i5fi1lTlJj;:rT~H lJffl'F'l:T i5fil~~i:fr U-19 7 • ~~f'<{~ :~nf?i~l ~ f~\t >l'iqf,,~ \Sfil''I'<r,'mm:: 20-27 8 ari~f~cr 'iFj Gl Tf{'[7.[l ~ f"fQ; 5TT~fl1cti G1'<llTlJ1rt'Tl1T<: 28-35 9 mfl'ITJj'/.:r1T~T<I 5fT~flj''ti Gf~~rrml<: (a~~f~T ~ lATfI'l Cf~T 'fll'\T ~ qTi ~ 31'}}H\) 33-346 1. ~h Cf~~l;;;r (i) (,,~I1T~ +fT'ff~'!l (il) lATllt 'fiT q1llTiijilj' ~'9T 38-40 (i il) lAllj'~11ll srT~f'l1Cfi ~rrll'1ll;;mT,\ 44-67 (iv) 'lWflT r.Tiq-fl1'fi G1''f'l'Uf'fmT\ (,h i'flTt ~?f) (,,) ~-.: ;:rlT\ IR:;; CfiT q;'\f!iTli2: 70-71 (\.i) 'liT (\ <I 5flq-fl1cti '3f'flT1lliff1:IH (GlcT<:r ;:flT'\ ~:;;) 72-73 ( vIi) i5feP'"! illT~ ~:;; CfiT qll:f~6c 75 (i) ~~tl1;:;,[ l1i'l'f'<{?\' (Ii) lAFii Cfir qCJT:;Pf,fI' ~'9T 78-81 (iIi) lAp:ftTf 5fT~ ffl'''fi '3f'1 lTcr'lF1T\ 86-115 (iv) ;:< iTip;r 5TTq-f;jCfi i5fi'flT rr;:rmn: (ap:;fl1T1l illl' \qTf~'1iT ) 116-119 (v) 3T~ilT'f ::r:r<q(7f'f.f ctir 'i:\fqc~ 12e-141 ( VI) '1lT"<I $n<:rffl'9'i Gf.:rlfurrr'l1;<: (cp.fo9'lf~<: qfGj'\ ~1\3'.g Cfiro:rtrt'r '3f<llTURT 'flT,) 142-145 (vii) Efirt-;qfl'~ qr ~'\ i[T'3'~ Cfirz;rt;:rr Gf;:r'TaFfT 'flT<: ctiT qf<;fl[J;:; 1016 .. 147 ( viii) ;:FT<;f<:f m~ffl'91 '3fi1lTT1lilTm<: (Uj'<?mr ifl'!"'<: P.t:;;) 148-149 (ix) -if~l~r <!IT<: ~'if 'fiT qf<;fl[tc 150-151 (x) 'fiT'T<:f >rf"1fl1cti '3f;:rlTURmT'\ (~'\~3Tr;f'3f <!IT'\ ~"f) 152-153 (XI) ~<:~a:rT.ri5f ;:rin P.~'if 1f>r q:~f~t?: 155 Ii 3. tiT\it~ o&~1\i ~ d~lil (i) <:f~~T~ +fT'1f'tf"'i' (ii) m+fT <fiT c:rurri_!l'Oll ~'tfT 158-159 (iii) ID+fTUf 5I'T~fl:tcf> Gf;:mIJ]'1HIT~ 16l"179 (iv) r{lfUlt 5I'T~fl1<fi Gl''1iJUfilmn: (~~H illf~ fl.';.: 189-181 (v) ~lT~Hf illT~ &l~ <fiT qftf~~ 183 (vi) il rrftlt srT~fl1<il Gl'illf1Jfr{T~n: (~ ~ ~~) 184 .. 185 (vii) ~gGft ;:rfT~ ~~ 'liT qf~~ 186 4. &T~~~ o&~T~ (i) a~U'r~ iff'1f'tf"'i' (h) ~rliT <#r Gfurri_!l'Ol1 ~'tfr 188 .. 191 (iii) ll'TlfTUf 5I'T~fl1<fi ;;{;:r;fO'fr{TlJT~ 196 .. 227 (iv) illf-.:."'tlt srT~f1:rCfi ;;{'l'lur;:rT~n: (~T~~~ i'{ff~qTf~T) 228-229 (v) ~T~~~ ~H.'1Tf~<fiT <fiT qf~f~G 231 .. 237 (vi) illffrlt srT~f+f<fi GI'<f'lO'f'lmT~ (~g'1"r '1lf~ ah) 238.239 (vii) ~~'lT '1'1<: ~o;{ <fiT qf~flU!;~ 24(M41 (viii) r[lf~T~ srT~fl1<fi ;;{'1lfO'f;=[HrT<: (1];~~T<{ <flT<: ~o;{) 242.243 (IX) 1];<:~T'l r[lf<: ~o;{ <fiT qf<:f~,lSG 245 (x) rrlf<:T~ srr~fl1Cjl ;;{<flT!JI<fmr<: (~t r['lT~ ~"'i') .246-247 (xi) ~.. ;:rrr~ ~o;{ <fiT tff<:f~lSc 24'3 5. sto~'~T a~~T\i (1) a~~T~ l1T;:rf~ ....). (ii) ~TliT <fiT c:rurT~q ~"'r 259 .. 252 (iii) ~rl1Tur srT~flf<fi ;;{r{lfcrr;;H1T~ 2~6-.283 (iv) ;::rfT {llt srT~fl1'ti -\lfitlflJj;;I~I<: (arcr~rnT <flf~qTf~) 284..285 (v) arcr~~T ;:rrr~qTf~<fiT <fiT qf~flUlS~ 287 ..289 (vi) ;;lf~"'r~ 'S[~fl1ffi \il;;lT11[;;T~T~ ~~T (~tfia'l~) ;;lT~ ~o;{ 294M91 (vii) ~~l (~tficr'l~) ;;'1'<: ~o;{ <ilT qf<:f~lS2: 292 6. f~ifi~~T ~TC( a&.~T~ (i) cr~~T~ lflitf'tfO;{ (li) ~Tm ctiT crUfTi_!Pfill ~'tfT 294-296 (iii) ~rll1Uf, srT~fl1Cfl ;;{i1'1'ur;;mr~ 3f){I.. 3.23 (IV) ;;'1'U It 5I'T~fllCji ;;{;;'1'11[<fT'3'r~ (faCGi'~~T ~Tq ;; 'T~:qrf~<fir) 324 .. 325 ~o ~~111 (v) f~if~T ~TG( 'l~n::q'Tf~CfiT l'fiT q'f~~c 326 .. 327 (vi) <f~\<f snqfl1l'fi ;;r<fqur;:rT~T~ ('J~f~<1 ;:j~r &l'l1) 328-329 (vii) ~~~ <f'l''( pJ'l1 <ilT q'f~f~lSc 331 ( viii) <f~~Tll srr€ffl1Cfi ;;r<rlTlTfrrmT~ (<fi\f~1tT.r;;r <flT~ ~'l1) 332-333 (ix) Cj)rf~ll'11i;;r rrfT<: ~'l1 cpT q'f~fuGc 33S (x) i1~Tll ~TTqfl1<fi ;;r'l~<fmT~ (fq''<1~T<fT ;:j~ ~:;r) 336 .. 337 (Xl) fq~T;:jT ;:;fT<: ~:;r cpT q'f~f'1iTlSC: 339 (xii) <flT<:l1t 5fl€fflT<f) ;;r;:j~ITf;:rH1T~ (fG(;;rlllT~ ;:j~~ ~';f) 3-19 .. 341 (xiii) f9;;r~ <f~~ ~:;r <f)T qf-.:f'1IT lSc 343 (xiv) <f;r'\Tll sn~fl1<fi ;;ri1;rITf;mH~ (~UTllrr <fiJ''\ ~<i) 34400J.t5 (xv) ~Tll'; :m<: ~'lf '!'if q'f<:fulSc 346 ~ f;a-f{'!{ 347-354 CONTENTS Page No. 1. Foreword iii.iv 2. Preface vii-viii 3. Map of the District 4. Important Statistics 5. Introduction of District Census Handbook x7-xvii 6. Analytical Note 1-9 7. District Primary Census Abstract-General Population 12-19 8. District Primary Cen,us Abstract for Scheduled Castes 20·2,1 9. District Primary Census for Scheduled Tnbes 10. Rural/Urban Primary Census Abst~act (by Vlllage of a Tahsil/ward of a Town) 1. Khair Tahsil (i) Tahsil Map (ii) Alpnabetical List of Villages 41 ...13 (ili) Rural Primary Census Abstract 44·fj7 (iv) Urban primary Census Ab~tract (Khair T. A.) 68-69 (v) Appendix of Khair T. A. 79-11 ,vi) Urban Primc.ry Census Abs"racc datad T. A.) 72-73 ( vii) Appendix of Ja ari T. A: 1S 2. KO!1 Tahsil (i) Tahsil Map (ii) Alphabetical list of villages (iii) Rural Primary Census Abstract 86-115 (iv) Urban Primary Census Abstract~(Aligarh M. B.) 116-119 (v) Appendix of Aligarh M. B. 120..141 (vi) Urban Primary Census Abstract (Qasimpur Power House Colony C. T.) 142 .. 145 (vii) Appendix of Qasimpur Pvwer House Colony C.T. 146 .. 147 (viii) Urban primary Cesus Abstract (Jalali T. A.) 148 .. 149 (ix) Appendix of Jalali T. A. 150-151 (x) Urban primary Census Abstract (Harduaganj T. A.) 151.-153 (xi) Appendix of Harduaganj T. A. 155 i Iglas Tahsii (i) Tahsil Map (ii) Alphabetical list of villages 160.161 '(iii) Rural Primary Census Abstract 162-179 (iv) Urban Primary Census Abstract (Iglas T. A ) 18e-181 (v) Appendix of IgJas T. A. 183 (vi) Urban Primary Census Abstract (Beswan T. A.) 1801·185 (vii)' Appendix of Beswan T. A. 186 4. Hathras Tahsil (i) Tahsil Map (ii) Alphabetical list of villages 19.2-195 (iii) Rural Primary Census Abstract 196-221 (iv~ Urban Primary Census Abstract (Hathras tv!. B:) 228-229 (v) Appendix of Hathras M. B. ,m •.237 (vi) Urban Primary Census Abstract (Sasni T. A.) 238-239 (vii) Appendix of Sasni T. A. 249 .. 241 (viii) Urban Primary Census Abstract (Mursan T. A.) 242-243 (ix) Appendix of Mursan r. A. 245 (x} Urban Primary Census Abst.ract (Mendu T. A.) (xi) Appendix of Mendu T. A. S. Atrauli Tahsil (i) Tahsil Map (ii) Alphabetical List of Villages (iii) Rural Primary Census Abstract (Iv) Urban Primary Census Abstract (A.trauH M. B.) (v) Appendix of Atrauli M. B. (vi) Urban Plimary Census Abstract (Chharra Rafatpur'T. A.) 299-291 (vii) Appehdix of Charra Rafatpur T. A. 292 6. Sikandra Rao Tahsil (i) Tahsil Map (ii) Alphabetical List of Vlllages 197-299 (iii) RurafPrimary Census Abstra~t 399..J2l Urban Primary Census Abstract (Sikandra Rao M. B.) vi PlIge No. (v) Appedix of Sikandra Rao M. B. (vi~ Urban Primary Census Abstract (Purdil T. A.) (vii) Appendix of Purdil T. A. 331 (viii) Urban Primary Census Abstract (Kauriaganj T. A.) 332-333 (Ix) Appendix of Kauriaganj T. A. 335 (x) Urban primary Census Abstract (Pilkhana T. A.) 336-337 (xi) Appendix of Pilkhana T. A. 339 -(xii) Urban Primary Census Abstract (Vijaigarh T. A.) 349-3~1 (xiii) Appendix of Vijaigarh T. A. 343 (xiv) Urban Primary Census Abstract (Hasayan T. A ..) (xv) Appendix of Hasayan T. A. Errata 347-354 ~T\Jlf m:ifiT~T ~ all"{ i3' ~ ~o'f ijHT ~Cfif~cr fl5f~T Gf;:rT(!JiIT ~~(I'~f~cr'liT. 15f'fiT~'fT ifiT ~<fi ORlFcr tl;~~ Wf.\qr.:{ ~ \ f~ 1S\"'I~I'tI'"'\\ ~~~~ <fiI" ~1:tr If'~T~l, 'SruH.l~?I'./ f%T"'Il ~~T ~i~?il ~ mT .!"'::rar} f.1ilfT I5fTCfT ~ I f'fCfT'R ~~T ~ f;:rm~. ~'fm crm ~'::r"r<r <ITGf'fTaD ~ q.:nit crqr fGrolT mmr.r i't ~mr fm l1i:1~ ~ I f:sr~T Gfilll'{!J;:n ~~cr~f~cr9iT ~T:;r ~ ~ ~ Gl'T fct; 'SfT~f+r<fi ~'fT ~R ~ art'!l~. ~rl1'h:!J ~T Ff; IDl1 fcr'{ q"{ cr~H ;:m: ~:;r 1fi qri 1fi ~~ *~(I' ~crT ~ I IDl11 o;cf omT i't ~q ~fCftTIaD ~;:qT artCfi~ anf~ tiT ~i't '~cr f;pif lTlr ~ I fGfffi <>Iil.10ill ~~cr~f~a<fiT ~~T <fiT 'SfTWl1 1951 <fiT <>1"1.1 ([Iii 1 l:r golr I ~ f~ Ff;.
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