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This Week at Tomoka UMC May 20, 2021

Dear Tomoka UMC Family,

This week ends the part of the Christian Church calendar known as “The Savior Jesus’ Part of the Year.” , , Epiphany, , and have all been about Jesus: His prophesied coming as the Messiah, his birth, the beginning of his ministry for the salvation of the world, his journey to death on the cross, and his resurrection and post-resurrection appearances and teachings. Jesus’ part of the year ends with the coming of the Holy Spirit empowering the disciples as they gathered during the beginning of the festival of .

This coming Sunday, Pentecost Sunday, begins what is called “The Church’s Part of the Year.” Red is the color used to symbolize the fiery tongues of flame of the Holy Spirit empowering the disciples to speak and share about Jesus, his message, and resurrection. They spoke miraculously in languages they had not learned but were understood by the various foreigners gathered to celebrate the Hebrew Feast of Pentecost in Jerusalem. The season of Pentecost has come to be known as Kingdomtide with emphasis on growing the Kingdom of God throughout the earth. Green is used to symbolize the growth of the church as the body of Christ ministering and sharing the love of Jesus throughout the world.

What are some of your hopes for Tomoka and the United Methodist Church as a whole? We of the “Interim Kingdom Preaching Team” would like to hear from you. As we prepare for Pastor John Gill’s coming and wind up our turns of preaching, we will be focusing on being the church…and enjoying being in worship together safely as we follow the revised CDC pandemic guidelines.

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Blessings of hope,

Pastor Pam

Pastoral Care Please let us know if you or someone you know is ill or hospitalized, has a prayer concern, or just needs a phone call. Contact one of our Interim Pastors:

Rev. Sharon Dey 386-341-4885 [email protected] Rev. Pam Stewart 386-852-6604 [email protected]

Sunday Worship Service We are now able to have up to 100 persons in worship each Sunday. Therefore, we are suspending the requirement to sign up ahead of time. Wearing a mask and social distancing are still required; we will need you to sign in each week and provide your name, phone, or email. When our attendance reaches 100, we will reassess the situation.

Our weekly church services are also live-streamed. Go to our website or Facebook page to join our service and invite your friends to join us also. Please leave any comments or questions in the comments section and let us know if we can help you in any way.

The May - June 2021 Upper Room issue is available at the church. Please stop by during office hours to pick up your copy.

Church Vital Signs Attendance for Sunday, May 16: 65 Offering for Sunday, May 16: $2,563.75 Month to Date: $17,166.77 Monthly Need: $16,950

Thank you for your continued support which makes our ministry possible! You may mail your offering to the church, drop it by the church office, give online on our website, or use the app

In observance of Memorial Day, the office will be closed, Monday, May 31.

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Fifth Sunday Offering for the Children’s Home May 30 is the 5th Sunday of the month, and we will collect a special offering for the Florida United Methodist Church Children’s Home. Please mail or stop by the office to make your donations at any time during the month.

The TUMC card ministry, Paper Angels, meets every Thursday, at 10:30am in Bleekman Hall. This ministry creates cards as an outreach to our community. In the past, we have created Mother’s Day cards for Family Renew, honored our veterans, distributed cards to local nursing homes, and sent cards to our high school graduates. Most recently, we created Easter cards for the children in our church and we have a good time! Please join us for a fun and creative morning! No experience necessary! For more information, please contact Marcia Bobbitt at 386-671-0836 or [email protected].

Sympathy Please keep in your prayers Emil Schwart’s family, his wife Catheryn, daughter Nancy, and son Eric during this time of grief. Emil Schwarts passed away May 17, 2021.

Prayer Group Our Prayer Group meets each Wednesday from 11:00 am-12:00 noon on Zoom. If you would like to be part of this group or have a prayer concern to share, please contact Joan Monte at [email protected].

Altar flowers This Sunday’s Altar Flowers are donated by Raymond Saltmarsh in memory of Donna Maria O’Connell.

May Anniversaries

07 Jack & Karen Spottiswood 10 Brenda & Ralph Williams 21 Joe & Priscilla March 23 Christian & Olivia Gibbs 31 Kenneth & Gail Irvine

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May Birthdays

03 Joan Monte 13 Linda McGuire 03 Linda Pingrey 16 Patricia Perrelli 03 Maxine Burk 16 Sam Popper 04 Kim Monroe 17 Ralph Williams 06 Ginny Longden 17 Peyton Blay 06 Jordon Payne 18 Brody Armstrong 07 Gabriella Stinson 23 Brooklyn Sherriff 09 Skylar Brown 24 Taylor Axelsen 09 Paul Masse 25 Donna Jones 10 Elizabeth Flynn 25 Christa Evers 10 Barbie LaBanca 26 Don Ressler 11 Judy Garrett 28 Erik Axelsen 12 Amy Monroe 12 Janell Verkaden

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