.;;•„': .» i • I • "H.. ;"•!—', LXIX. No. 6. 'ORANFORD, NEW JKRSKY, WKDNKS&AY. FEBRUARY 21, 1062. At CfallfWd, TEN CENTS .I: .Trnrtnti -,.ITB , •'?•: , •' ii'•';•' . ! Gutierrez^Heads School Board,Seek Larger Turnout in 2nd ^ ! "K -President of 80* Went JSnd plant* was elei'ted A, fJutluft'^, bftflnnlny Ills ord UnitedFund at tfte organisation of the bojni of third: year a« a member'.of. "the Monday n Ighi. lie w'$ leel , ilttJied yesterday1,, , ., week flMitTly 2,410 or 17 pw? , preflldent b^tho KhHt) ti HppfoyfniBte HiiftnaL. sav* cent of Cfanford'g 14,120 olJgl- eitib.tt'subdivision of of ii 0,000 t At H HpeefflJ meeting Iflfll Wed-- John Ii. SrertHMn* Mri, J, V. 1Q6U tiiitl was appointed to fill a u Mil M " h -WalnuWl t 1 H ne^fjHy nigltt, the s(/]iool 'inibteeH tfeoj'a^ W. Trumporei Wlllittm H vaoHTioy' \mi OelobBi ,- WSB seated Hie Hpu(!§ we"W6ulfl gain formerly II venue •structure Urn bgen cow ouolipied by the coal bins, ° pleted.arm lite stock of ii4,000 voted to reiuibrflU thft-budgel"Iteww for; a two-year.unftxplr 1 H M Meyer', • IjHeitertl "Ji AHaersen and •It is true, ! Mr. LHWBOIJ een- bfiokw has beeii etaeked on (he without oitHng«. The ^mount to lie ' ^ieoi'geW. gutter was raised by Owen for current1 wipnue tltuied, I'lhftt"the State Department new, but t)m * terms on the bliaiNsf ed for hlwAYth year at).-boarji eulin i li'wvvee not tiwiareduulHred ththe obnriing in the new building ltfl« \u VlMU/m while ttte rhtiitiilotit" Hel.-^e SubuVban.fru^t, the Union l*y Itemtotttl^ $U7,fi00, -y • . lioTtr^Bergtuv Hubert , but, jwmpfot Jhe ^n ttdvaneed from n««t Monday i (Uiilinty TruMti wul'-tlie' Cranford condition of hiJ]MJ«MHf Ji h uttcem t Maroli 5, It wm wpt>i'tett this ' M«tY)bef« of-the i 'fA';g qi'ftne, WiHlHmJ; yopperlMrbtt 8, The whlte*H-ftf-^MTth/AfrlGttfat'ee thth e illlemma .of eiideftvoi'lneiideftvoilngg to 0 tlons and CrtinHwi 'I'mehm a'tion mid Cleveland schooler our lAnur- find hheo»«^jii«»tftl^!hH- ^Ht t Will enablable t'hern'tt'h'to Mhinre'theirh'thi , hei'ttaflhtt e witih by Mr*, tenth V, Nmidlh, fioniallwis are ' c*i#pfliKnltig Taylor and Qeorge H- White.;. «7or i k limitedllhitd, brary dlreular. ; -. • ^thei'^MIeeri elected by the the Affit! iilHbnt any ilan«e4' of losing It, J, P. tJinnlny of Gape W«* haVe SO adaption of the budget white m Mrs! HaddlH jaid.the ttelay mu (GHL IW S) voted to continue 4'mvti, Sotitti.Afrluit,-tehj i«(*re'th.an 180 Rotariarfii fHi»i'l4 Hotary flubs heat- due to the ffiot'tlfat eleotrluol work pj^ p «f|#r 30 HoffniHnn, first vlee-preskle»it| Miv tneetlngtt at (I p.m< Mbnday.-noftn at.an lnter«clty Hoifljy meeting In Randolph Hull of Crtm'" hftdswet been""mnp\«ti§& In tfte oir the tlilid Tuesday and to uou* yf;b"f service ..and- the' hl^li now buildlti^ She mild that in- vUrehnW, seeentl. «chorilJji|rner« were replied, after "'"'' "wlwlow nteetlngs" foi- the H ttitjinber of tlm sta I lla tleiT>iff Mnw' sWsWll tej tejff boxeB Mrs, WlUtem W« .-MMtf <&'were* 1ft years, '•--.•. . i'«i-- on the planning committee of ito* u had nut mm flompl«tt«r>»ul th^t Yoiitlt•" of eai*K month, • _ ionfilj reported oh "ThW is f/nly a part of a ";long 1 ••/ the book ele^fltfli from the* bflte- : proifraifl to Improve the ttje It wai-*jJHioMiwed tluit the board Iftany ' :i"Pi»rtl«tt»i> m>t- netey peidwii .CoHen, Os/ik The t^halm^n pointed out that iiiy of pronwtlntf'p6lll1eal tampon- feutoc^or the b«nd m l%iton Robtrtfta.;:;^i,..,- ^ Twlrlerr of >wMrt^ i^primitive' peoples ^ave ttlblllty," Mrs. MuflhtiH sultl, Baritone^ Uoris BofiJ *HeHawt jfetir/markii the/ first i ^ have an' eppoftunlty to display very (Oorwpendable eiuait- Ho tftm tlirueior M;ik«ii ehalnnttrt'of tiw drive will arow ntid IMwaid CHeaHtik; b tHelif-«kWI at a eontenttb be eon- Mr,- -DiiRrtny Ha^ <%ul it K,ep?(tfhHi»9ri;}psriiUBWh &d «)Ueted by Chapter m, National Mrs..Harold Seymmi^ flO4 Orcn By w«ek-imd y bd manifestly unfair, to est« ard Htreet, asnlHt^d by: Mra, Karl itBrrio; Walter ^ Baton Twlrlljyj Atwielution, at the : pleased;with pecttlW\vhlte«itoshare tbelrher- Shea, 121 Thorjrt'as i will JlncludflL- "Tho lriger a»i JbHi* 8iIHm«n. Ameiloan; teflon Caalao on.Satur- itnge with them wlUiout my eon- M'h" ir'^Hi " > itfty, Maroh 3.; ' ' > '. 'f'fili e soulal i uetlon committee of :ln the^datieft. band ftlderaUoR liclng given to widely $aiin/ ;lC««rfoi d_ ltigh isehbol on CranfortT Methofllst.• ii : wep There will be a »peelBl tllvUlon differing wttyw ofllfo unti IOVOIH of light* fjbm t'S&iml of i "Mawih S. for tfnlon County twlrl' OlrlOlrla be opopemtlng with the feflguu. Link JJlaketoy, : uullifriU devulopnwnt." Rod raeriititltii ''Wushlng Sle«fVl«d, -r from "all over -the state •W k Anyjtroup wishing to a«Hlst may speaker miltt ho 1M indit't Wn ehalj-mtin," the New" Jptttoy/ Mrs. Seymour or Mrs. that "(llHvrimlnatlon bauetl Slioa. .' AIMO, Hoarlek utid Jm'k Ooylv; llll of theoe w» wiir ranged'-by Glenn a .conteat for Union County * '° tlflwl,tlfl " but suVjely this doeaXnot meet at tlio liomtpof Anthony Nodtpe]; drumn, Dona nit'itn that We Nhoutd b« Mind to Jiimes oatiH Wo Mapch, $« | j Klrlntf Ibawi, William "" 'The tlM"lnt UiiaWhion ww.a« woit JIunter, 18a Ouk 1 P.\». 11 the dlffot'enocH at euUur©,'«nd ,t!ti«\- "Doe'p Purple^ JPet»r iDe Uojw esc- l««t^yMi yes^i byb . girls from Ualvway Tho longuo iyM jmnipUed Inror- eorpts from "My>fairjM/' L«F Birthday' «fik'« Hl«lr^l»ool, torn, of habit and, behavior, oi «>- d In (Jio bidge*. ilgloii ntitl attitikte of ml net that nmtlon ffhdotH, contitltilng datir on: n«r-Lpowc. ' ' i " Tiiflh ew^tiiiaott!! wjji bo residence r«qttlrt5nient« and partktlpatlng werei thtinked fo exist Iwtween diflrarent peoplon, , j AIJIO fenturud will Jo tho'fpllow?' ecordh^g to Itgos and "paat con- Nhlp eibrkV offleo HoiirH, lrig4toldatT5n» by a turned blind:-' Taking pact 1ft romotion >i, In aoeklnu the mennti of ; tent: \vtttnlnaw, occovding- for tlm will boavallablo at vurJoutJ publio will be A. M. ; $i T wo musi^-ittlte-etti'e- ! "Tea -for Two,," VincenVincentt You-Yo . jU yW , « i'Uler.of tho: ^lSyA. Seme of tho plaoos In town. '"....;. ./ J tbro, artiettu, j* e j eral ehMh-mnn for thty. fuutj drlv* thttt, Vtltkouglr thotiu Hlgniiluant wfaim; "Now 1 tlj« Mottff M. )K«I- division!) are: Tkiy tots, bt'Blnwor The township..clerks office iit han; "Muck th f|urfT| t Wel1l, ovi lo«l>Uation anfl cw>. in Cranf'd NOIO, dlffel'tfiikHfti between, uian rtjid mnn Hdvantwl two batons, 1 the Mimlolpnl Dul|djnjf _2ilrN((>rth sUltftattj) the Uftit«uiy\ \ p 8 oxlst, evefy, nwin shall have 'the. 4 i'Mlwty," Errol «arnrtfrr "YeltOw ttaft «olo, trios, military avpmip, east, .Is opefT(laliy for rog- Bird,11 Noi-jnJttn Uiboffi "Song Of, Drlye-In Cluunurti, •m Ute^ fce^l »tplur oi < of ihte UUnion .County H«art opportinmy .to bo what God In- H fancy"^ ^tti ahd lotrntlou from 0 aim. U» fl p.m. and India," nimaky-Korimftifiy, - ~y mrtfoVtJ SnvJ AHkeetetton, feiwhstfed /thte" VVO«»>B teams. • ...-;• tended tybtv- n hijpipyj , and Loan Aimoclalltwi for a second % UIHO will bo optop M on'Mnroli R,, a, Mcmboro oftHp Roctfeutv tlon, Dob'n Hd peoplo thttt%«fltoi tjMueh us thejw CerUHod NDTA ttintt'it, utfefu ond respectfid mem- 7 and J»,until D p.m. The deadline arc: Flutes,' rtoger Ktnguriln and term at "a mooting of th,« director* Would Dvent^aUy. miiiy. in" the Judges •wj]l ; Judges •wj]l_«fflcl«ter ^ A« spuelal, of the c6n»mtml|y in which he for registering to^vote In' the April MtchaeJ Jones; E...... Monday evening. • f prewntion •anar-cur*; Qt. mnny "Mlsa"M . ifnlof n -Couijty" trophy will Shop, CCoHttfthwT ofZpW 2) primaries Is ^ ) Mint Shop, Jn fofms ot h«ttvfc disuse. "He; Added fib meSt'iUtxJ to tho'winner of'tlio Terry* Johnson; tfytiO&r Hltii-Bfirnr Other officers for tht> cnsulngj Uyth- bl Cente nk», schook- municipal that iTs&jreh ct\»\duet«>d Under tho Union Coiuttj^. twirloff, atld . and'-jpleojpfio White;,B flat^ year, also),' roeleoted,'' tlofial j etorlnotj}, Zyguipn(l Bork,. Philip ui of \h AwoiietAii m it will be crowned by last year's PfOH|dQntfl, P. J. Grnlll liiid John 'K, 8eu- • ftl of "*"-'""• ' " l!dwnrd_jC0e Auguiit Association \y)Jl directly wffect^htr w\\ M'isH'.AIie« Kennedy of ommunity Concert MMbeir v H." McCtlntock; treasurer, John A. g: Storp, ShipltWs-Do- tjlndeh. Dr. J/PwOulTU^erj-rffty ir; secretary,' Charles J. nt\Storo, Sportsman\'« Shop, ltvos of this iftncrftUoft and out- or.FredlTuaton, Joel Kauf-: of the, future. . "' >"Thb officers of tho "chapter, ^ assistant secretary and as- , Town© Shopp«i flrtd Tru- Charles 'Stamnfov and*bwh? hVF'ded tind Seed i 8 a.hv t^|$tim. tor eoh wln*eh iy aponsort'd by Cranford to Be Held Next Week sistant trciiHurcr, -Lillian M. Hln- venlenc« tot box holtlim and stoinp Post 31JI, American Legion, rtre: nld|Whellao. TJio Affiliated Community Concei t Association will hold Its Jtcjdcyj nnd -rnnnnftlr-Sniwr; and. ivrl No Aiioiiyiiioug Commander and "cDntesl director, annual a|«o rl#rln«t, T.wwvorw;ft rtf 7oy •*vvl Jdei. Murv...,-K,nko, ge'uretai 'iwc vpuk, It.waa announced byMrsnTT^Wltcholl, Pnco; tbass clarinet, Kenneth In- Kcrvlck. efit;:news editor.rif th© Mrs, Khrln Blood and Mfrti. Jean memberHhlp chalrniim f«5r/Cranfordj The prfrpoHo of th^j cimnpalgn Is to gram; nlto «ixdph<5iH3ii>fctnfc Bhikev CltlKch and Chronicle,. 1» conVlncd/ nnonynious nual fiharchoJdcrB' mooting last Letter to the editodi r mupt Uyons, treasurer.N^trs. Botty Invite renewal hi&noorshlpH from ley and. Warren ^Sochrlstj-.tenolr to her home this week withi Hiixophonoti, F. L, Arnold iin'd*£c%4>: week wewt Roy H. MacJDcan, Mr. Injury flusiained. last woe r>d,;iBrt9 tetters will be c •Jean Bubb,- present subscKl^r.i and to enroll fished with.the writer's G of C Holding IH Turner; French horns, Chorles Grail «nd Mr. Manger* while .skiing^ Now England. rwr newA momhefs Second Annual scries ofctonceuts tp bo given / Week's WeatKe-•Ar auditoriums of; /Oranford I)ate Announcecl, School and. Arthur L. Johnson :v Dmher ^ Regional High School, Clark. ' Meteorological Station If even half of what 1 observe^JLprinclple of .lodSl control oVer, the ^uJii«; children. HAROLD DUrtOCQ, MlU«r*l«(l«l More -than fyo mcinbcrs and The Affiliate4:£k|mm"UnUy Con- Rnd listened to was being accorti- content and administration of\cd- s?<;o«dary schools, community leaders expected cert Association is a non-profito , ucation, but It could provide giifcf; pllshcd, It should . btrif mut|,e.r of only a good thcorct- Pront will be. held on Friday, June to attend the second annual dinner rtinjf institution, nncc."., . , . ' flnd but also eyperl- Nearly inched of snow foil- ___, dues and The- local resident uaid there ap< practical production work.' .,. _ jnctttliuj of; the'Prom -tommluce thiis weeki In Cronford- as. the -Of the Cranford .Chamber of Com- t|y at the homeb* Mrs* William O. Tromettev of 2,Makatom drive, merce jtt 6:15 p.m. Monday nt thi> membership enUtJesTmi pears W bo' a continuing and c " law applies to higher, schools ' ••••'? '= us' ranged from a High W all the concerts of the association, These were among comiiijlcnts of lectivc interest in the quality, general chairman. ':>*•' '•/•'• Scotch Plains CountryVlub, It was also. Purpose Is to have no divid- 43 degrees on Saturday to a low of as, well as up tq 15 additional con- Mrs. Charles Redden of :|Qr;Col- well as the quantity of cdu^flflon ing line jsetween , physical and Wprkihlj, with Mrs. 'Trometter 18 degrees on Friday. 4 nnnoi^iu'e'd ye.sf*ojday'*by President certs In neighboring towns with unjbin avoni|e, vice-president of 'it- •* • na student uoivernl chairman s provided for Russian chljrffcn. mental labor, she «aid. Youn ©armg the week, "197 degree EdwyrtEdrt'' M . LV^LVw|If s. •' V\- whom reciprocity agreements have the Union County Vocational and is Knthlecn, Bride. Other chairmen ' Ru.tsfnns believe thin a hobby JujijhJdjh a by the course material : ays were recorded to bring the U. S. Senator ClifTordW. Case been concluded. * Technical Schools Board of Ed- In the field of Bcjgpfe,-technology which she saw -at thhe exhibithb . Mrs. «»»•«: Finance-Mrs. Eugene Zobel; totnl/for February to ,71ft and for will be guest speaker arm. there Mrs. Mtchell points out that no ucation, after attending an exhibit I (- Mrs, Willinw IT, Weber and WIN thQ or mechanics Jip/Tho flrtt. step inpRidllen said Soviet students must season. which will be Rreetinus box-office admissions t*.indivldual*jj£j.Cntly of Soviet children's tech creating a Interest in these M 8«Hs dinner, Mrs. Robert r spend many more hourrf apd^cora Sept inber J ST. L«Corte, concerts ure sold, because- artists nlcnl work, tttttdols, sculpture and areas, pdden explained. To- 'cipitatiin during the week studying the baxjc, Hubjccf's of llt- Poik'p Frederick P. Andersen who appear in the scries are select- art at the Brpoklyn .Museum. ward t , end, nearlyy every Soviei t oratwrj?, foreign languages, his f, V. thte ^ Young Carol' -rrta ed .40 Inches, which brought toastmaster. v RcptibHcaws 6tiCWnford,•:•: inc., ed according to the number of Mrs. Redden said that "perhaps school [has its hobby circles which tory and- geography than Qtir stu- .. . • Also, decorations, Burton Long- the total for February to K47. , Invoention ^Xvill memberships obtained during the we, ns o nation,-should' have Home vunninu for W^ I^ Unloit tnbach, Mrs. ^urtvner Sv>ectscf. it not interfere with regular dents, and all starting at'an earlier The weed's temperature record? the Re'v. Dr. Robert Q, -drive.. Thercforo, the drive is limit- kind, of committee, copiposed studies. Toavhcrs or parents who Ct Cu Mrs. Paul Poiivennc, Eileen Gill , Degree. oge level. • '• ' .'"• pastor of the rFli-i»t ed to one week, and no further" concerned people on fljl are cngincerH, tcchnologitits or Present otHhc exhibit were-dc,. ^wthttgynakngyvnimindd ClairCli e Hnl Max. Mln. Days Church, and a welcome membership: arc accepted uftcr bur society, to act as a skilled mechanics .conduct the Solodkaya. director j}t I;' Icnbcck tor the I tnblci»; _iiubllcltyf Tluu'Mday ..- • 38 31 -30 extended by Dr. Gcldon Hlndn\ the close. Mrs. George A. Rublhe/aud Stef. body that would kcc per- work of the clubs on a voluntary cntionai and technical schools of Friday SB 18 3» i-hairinan of the dinncr-tommlttoe. So fur this current' season, Strra- formance of our basis; .'••".. -. f onle Kot^, and prognujiis. educa- Moscow, nnd Dr,' Zoya Malkovo-, t Valeric Saturday 43 '27 30 Among those tq be honored dut- muo Endrichi Mctropollton Opcrn tional system examination, The sartic type of cxtra-curriciiT of the II offices httvo contested Qcigor, 1 Sundiiy . j-esearch worker at the Academy : 40 23 33 ing. the evening will be Norman soprano; Jot go Bolet, plnni-st, and report- perlodljMftly"on rgaina and lar approach apparently is used sjate*. • ''..<".'. ,••,••,,-.•. .;, • ' "vT of Pedagogical Sciences. Dr., S0- f thers _prescnti&»at the meeUn« Mo.nday SO 27 3.1 Rodcu, recipient of the Dlstin- the Robprt Joffrcy Ulillet huvc q Oe ^performance, and, In connection' with cultural; en- lodkaya fs head of a delegation of I -The local contestants «tr« Peter i Mrs.. Ed^vavd M. Coe, PTA Tuesday. 36 28 Johnson^ for chairman; John t liuislica Service Award of th'u been prescn led. Tho New York above jVf Itself tho guardian deavors such; as music, drama, Russian- educators now in this' -I nt; Roy^SAktls und Mfts Readings based on observations Cranford-Kenllworth JliyCccs, and Concert Trio will appenr nt Crun- tfda'rds of excellence, The astfrer; Mir.""' " Morton, class, advisers, qhd of dancing/art and literature,. Mrs. country In connection with the oi- taken every ii hours ending at'5 the Cranford First Aid ,SquUdt of ford on Sum qy, March 4, at 9 p.m. y of such a group need not be nk Zlmincrmin prinial Redden observed. . hiblt, part 6f a cultural cxchan«o' (Continued on Paoc 2) "(Cohtii ucd on Vaoo 2) n infringement on tho traditional The Soviets, ,»hc .said, passed" a project......

^^ :>,)• -

•^--H:;^-.. <. •>


••> iii»v p(4w.i(»llJ! " - - . • • HIP X'lmitiilp fart- Ui« •• fw> *WW i V Ift tl.iM fttt'P nC ft widi'ii rii-tiu«n l/ilf cliliw: '( .''All ef.''.in'j«il' ,5 |ia«fl/ljl« ^il.ii»'il«. An " I(I* H(IO I'' cut #')N$ft< OPJ/.|, • Woolfl^lil, UAituI |itfi/i»l Mm I ii liPPfi Yolliriwl In ^»-vMi»i|i'jiiij Term l'.^ (i I 'Mia*»»«'»- rtHWrfJpH .1" Men •' •fi'lv lif'l'ii l''(L(l'lil".l '.lilt' fMlllflr l»i Wfiitielltl'ili tm fji!i *• •/.

f»..|..jyi| •:.., ''-•• \ kilto-\to!l UjJiit* Op-. lull TTI.Hol lVllMl-.l|l'h>li||flflf| I||»M I'l'V i'flPlq H»KI hi ptHVittP p JI F (!(•"> t '//^l!vfl lf|i>ll>'llf.t( «lll|l ''Mill lilllltl t!>¥th'ftt~i'/\it>. tirtlttllM Tlri-s i* "ttvMt«ijH.t'M.»i fiii; l/y ttt 6f l ni k IM U lo' iff i(i».v *•». iM»\ in (^iifV/'flOM witii *tf»p l (tf|cf 'II,„ iii'fvc •.'.•III "/Hli II k|«-l» floy iJiif lluii of I be builtjef, in if l:^.-.:i^i^.ft:=j; tit >»(-« Uittlj \n (•t If tf-"R fjl( Wlf' it vMn»w|«.lj/irrf indcw of OILIPC .i|i!lif*iioii(i io lip ft(ifllc«i)t 'flj^ j t\iv Ui pw'il^ti (iu vtiiwiH liTip^M 1 1 J l Vf( toufiw . Una Of the fefJlK'rtUKli ( i>f("llv iilnl rt '.•ftOil-- ilii(l''C^ Wl t"V ' ''f ll'f liHtiM"! np tliP.V WSFM tjoniil ii*ifl t)t!P(i . U. ,l*hjl«( hi l««l i. a vvao tt 'Miif, .((Tec ^ iM "At. tlVitf, (if tithitinUuu, yefttp»tln.V felit- * . I. •;,. . i "ike triv ^i ifi«»'>P»|«/»ftHMHl.V Kf- fill Wrti,

•; ''> • mwiJ *in0t*tM-lM*- of fiifii :, tilfi/1 JWI.T. M, i)Mi: Met!i;eiiti'.v M!.tt4ipll ft/v for -Ole • eideiiiyi ri higli^ limit fov \ -rise to i $ N. "J;:/J^eiteHitirjiH v . -V -I!®* pu | ^ovifiiijf wiiii yuii-iiivd other" #e> "f He tnfyluintffr ^ Mftii Mt*,: . iibleinMfAilWtt of tjoveHHWeMC ow fey lief ;^ =2; 3:!= £-4 »"l=r^:/^; dHqdsyY1 • •• •- iiey n elawmed with iiie t OfM , eoinmit Hixi^nNyrttsOH: . .-.•; ;•••' OF t^pei^ive wbiii ill1 _ . without lfelt olie' thji.nVewfciUt-40 Kttiiiy -tlte •MepflBFd ^«ywn, Mysi.Kd^ i &i i m wily Vifo 81'ifth'eeHj Mffi: Hefti'y riMinie, SwHwStv* ilftts of the issues»?«'nd- the te«= i! ID fee^i4)Ol.ivtMdt o the iJ HeiMi'd Molt)••Mfii Moel fl ^ • I ,.v I---1 f I! •iiioy toitii ElWt 'l '6|ldr gl an y liHki, »)ptwetm W : the word? •iL w Oil! "! Union feount^ .%»««*•-MJ^T' " e( ,jwhere she esiti MVs, B^iHOiidlir -v-=tr". mum fatin4- mewhepe in the eo • I AllJO MI'S: it! Mrs. tiw.yei' flrtefit s«i HeviP the liouNe IN out of H, fk-MnMrAi VrAnderMi, We Were one rif .Hir-ee.' fjewis. itJflii'd,' w^ Wiliiflffl OH i WH Maiui* meeting witu p i;-- bl «w , it ln^vy ^iRhkiifg i it(e busy t r in sa I • -i—

which '.t lineii $ jp whl^it ptl the willi fiWrt|'ri »tf lNl fjl'.lMli. ' wilt-be Uuiy^ hdHl W"

, -j- , "•;>..,..._. i . | • ^ -; * —r •- • cacaas**! ' ' T. I ... • • ~jJ- • «:' . • ; I , I • •: • At Li =s — ^s as ^s ss '«. f.- •— ^ jiil ' I— ttv pdses ;•« •it.^s.: =ia.-j of the friends' of IS : ^i,\~\v .,;•?•'--« Befl|0M:t^Bi4tlL|tol l ftver»i#i pliflfi fov iRe tepff hts wintt|iftti)ft f it* tiie euiletfe tfawpus wwe sltowfi iffllfcWiftl. lie-fl total WscmJhe n«ti1^-= telli OT ipMloW §mith Af ftMd deseHbevd by M €!HH !,)fl{tpy tir ^y.thHt they MHflfloi"ni «iih#;eet! iiJdi nd v fhe'.theme'pv.the. pinntintt leif fellow •*).».»= ^^d|hi fl&i' w\ , • ••» m on i bulWittH wa w(ffib Delft Vmu H»oHey buys nio^ HI Ihiw 1 *'we" five fitov^^itnd tlmt'H thv tiutht fefind Mi , Je the l IIMII pople 1 find if we eV# tweHo. etip;teUhi fli - r. • I' ;i> - V fcii .a..

•*•> t"believe we mi 1))en"w&'lMB lii l^l bat'tet td •tite--i"4et|hi«8S;Or1 V« i»ldi V ^pH^^tt^ «'• i u ttf'-«eRlee ID MiitT wut Wl *st #owldx.|i»Vje..d0Be . iij, |l "I plKxtfig sIliiHikiii in whit'h ^' ROAST Ni'ui'flelveflrflnd'i'h&i to ^lia the weettMa «Q« t to do It." the invitfltiert ef;Mtsi wf -thatthe mid Fi'wwh. -_-. NEWPORT ROAST sew will}/ the uhHftiiel which US ye •beeii'-tHutei'WBy "foi1 '§ 10-lneh Mnch Ihgtlih Cuts muellw; M» iiys ill Afritis but that tile Uvid. Robetfi ., .ins and •^o!^^^^^^-Nrt^^^tf^rf^^l^»r^^Tn^^^^^tliffrrv^^^ '•^"rr**- it5r T - •tf * -iT-A7- 'irTfri'*T .qr---^*trs! y^t~ *iTl » ' ir *T"1' * *" r>f- ed,' • "rmsuiiw t« ^IBJ! l HMM 4O0 »\}iiiibh of i, Mti*, / /i.i ; In Nome fl*rybftv beat num Lee, tvfiM, 4W'd teitrtlli^; to OV^i'lllpW Hi >fti mimbevs into the )ri teneeouil, tflte«, t dtv not know what'" you WHITI ftOSi • Also •IVfrtti Norton, hive doive for t1t@ eultni'ttl, eiliiefl- W|Ui«i« MttyE"MVB.""iWm'e. itH)noin|ea) artd willtieB Whit* M§«it Tuna nto of your Ikd/thdlttn ftobevfe SlmcfHt Mrs, Itenvy SIHU*bin, If nt«y sre still m StaniSKOO hi Mrx, H,. Li Mhefl, "Mrs, i'rtthjt §•*»> Wwy. ustkiti) bo and you ORIIN BEANS . 39e rt'i'ww, Mr», Bi'iie^ Van finbhtUk, ty foun.d yourselves sow- r«, 'ttUi'old ^Ottel, Mrs, flay A, ivtth 400 inllHoiiM of them, i Wttk'OU Mild 1 1 1 flfei now you .would fe#l about CHOPMD-,' •" J'^-' ; ' ii pit* 'Hleh of vvar {usrv_«djnd_j SPINACH•iT^vSOe- i)t Vrittvement and 'tfetf *, V «Utmdlnir* WBS untl*»f Hit* Joint RtispUjtW off tlt^ CranforC'ranfordd WTtT 0, : .Syi/I . Wouhtfttnatd« MotHry Clubs" Htui •-• ' M Golla^ o«n xw4*i PresldentM tt-R D, UOIIHH of CrftU- JIIICI ;.,'.;..;. A 4S« tt00 to the ltmttm\ n the tftg •T • • v .V:"J- ' PlietuW wftw iiitroducod by the ewihlj) Suott of Blhnibsttf, H. till* HIft. Dues -ftw 1 ofla mny diftttlct tfoveinor, Arthur Uurdltt • -. i sent to MY%~4fttdBKlric StAUh, i>f OflHford WHH In dhtu'i^ of «!•«. .i New .member* will b» to Jjotu ttt Oto Mm-clfB pe- MUSHROOMS . 59e i Dfrlvter>T"

•••>••'.; ML.. with drunHen ,'dvlvtjmi. nwm . priuU'd Cobo«w> of ?13 t?»»ive'jlwet RllS!Ub«*i'h, w^ft^lntHt Mvmbtr M/L 8«rvio« : ru"'jj lES v 3-lb. ««i lt\T Municipal Court. Moiu ^ OFPICEl BH 0-6031 jahW' He «i.to putd $'J for } HOMEi BR 8-aSSO f »<«*« AMUK bis o»r rrnt»triitloh in N.BX. 2= By MARIE R. DEACONc |tli nrth \vt»a nrreNtwt Fi^N«wtons Vy ? bfc Patwlmen' Tlobert tfyoii,'nUNNPcl rofid- OPEN ALL DAY THUftS., . Hni^nntl /niTKl V. OrldtoWjikl, • Inn MI'N. Maldolm 33c who jj|t>t»oT««H4 they spotted- him Mnckonrlo'o br<iv by SHtt Louis L. Kct out your paper tlueirtln ttilU^ t«au" It-,-, t Unit YN htiw nil foel jihdjtt

6-0*92 Will your security jsuveft. <*oiUlnuo If your. Jn- & HAUUNO itomo NtopN? A.«Jk tw nbout HnrtfonJ'H Aoclrtont Si ATTICS. .CELLARS, •';••/ Uonlth,policy. KI !NC M M»lnt«n»»H Ki't w »r l tW'vii.- ^ Clwck with Mv'Kt rUH ihith .mid vtiftip'oot for ytfursoli. : ,,"X/ ... !. 'k'- i^' .;. ! v..' M A \ t. J. J. Wills Notwi1 Uctore puttlnji on. your bootY * i Klip plustlt' bnu« oyar your your sued* ithoen •W .;',;:•- ;••>/•.••.*•''•, •.•.-;•:•. •••<•'••••. >- •."•'.''•'";' Adv. , /•- : '. ^ .' • ' ': .'•-'• • .' • ~-'\ • ..... '• • •7 .• •;rt- % ;•••• - •• • '.'' .—~——At) —i—.-W-

: . ^ . •. i j ' ' ' '* I' .' ' • L ^ T •• * ' .. ' A • # ' '. inl i\ J -:• "••'••». \

T • /" ..3 .« •••»'- '

.^EpSBN* f5ill?bNIW)IU.WKi)NE«J)AV. FIBMUAHV 21, "' -• r 'Vtf. WJlllimi ftlk'kU*. utui frilf, who UlffJ jJ4ofMiHy at ( /•; 78 Scout% Ekpforers ,, „.. U of r " VII, and 1711 * wudtfed hi Get Awards With Tr0op-47g',*«' niitf .eon- vUtyuUri ui.hlN Ui.vHMiiit Ti.„..-.«i v«*JII i ,....i,,,!o• ,.„I'MI, ."....i ,y.>•"- . •...• ">^ ^ • I ductedIthiuucwimiH!i flt'lo^ltiiJcficiiKuiici/iitifl(10o 3 tifl ('(.|(.||i(inlciJ iitid; ll"(|' »'«*Jd«Mt;of CrimfordV > /IUIMI I H ,.M(|.KKI,|»,W I'OBt 78 .|,lutl,ltHM,Hl il.« i,i,,|»rW« * r.t.rU „• w •ilnuw- IHNI Thu,T.^rMl«ht ut iW.Crimwoofi l«m«i/. - • of Awiml W, Hmllh of Cn.n'ford cirri by H'cout Tmap «0 *,. thti ioi'flr Post-flfli «onarMti»lHt«tlV(TtTi?rt Ruiiwh Mf««r their crowning j%kins -nnd Jiu^VrfTp^iheJifttf".. (Hlniy.^W't'OiKl i.'iiino;, «...... , •--r- -••°' Onlo.frCoun«i| of u»y 'Satnrd.uy . fflON COUNfy'S FINEST AN© .night Bt the Wiiifl«h|f«it.ntt Hot*l, ISIIxiibBtil, ^ M-fc Hc'o'uli CKIZWIIHIIU) i,L__1...iii Utrwt. u/rfVilrpninriMfifp" uiul <-<|t.lOT XCLUSlVr BEAUTY fhht i'p' h.f.ii,nn4.'4jamgti_KBHy. r:-^- »: wm Mini MONEY SAVERS Wlllldin LBCrv'tp, 'f.lfM Hiont, clt , who wt»ro 'duoort* l/uiiiihl|> hi {'(immunity, - • ^ : >« Kvimn «h(l- t)onnlr. «n(f Mr*, fJeortf« Explo 1 First' AujjiwlH w('ro""in(rdtt i^rNo to thp Itovo Provon To Bo, ^^ Vmbrittvin ( leuieli of Ilil^iak lone, w«r» >t(!oiit« of Troo'p l7B.\8i 0utmu»t<»if h^ runrw-up fo*i|jftfeii WH« TOWIWI klntf tincl (juwn «t the Howard Hnjlth pr«Benlf*d, trr John MIHH Suwin Stanley of Westflelcl, mmiHl lCkplor«r. FpnnHl Tlnll of c, mt'at, K pljjqtw, denoting him OH OUR $25.00 PERMANENT who>HflW«cbrted b Willi Bl Union Cpunfill, IJSA( SKiturjdsy' 80. iam Bilil. •he (jtiout wlu^advanced the nffltst nltfht at th» Uo(ol wimfeld %oft, diirlrigtth'f pnHt. yeor, . CuljmoHtwr VVHIGH lued rtmoHH the Judsen ww» VAND STYLE CUT jyy-yoyi DIWJS JW AliiUa STORB RIJKubeth., Doth ore junior^, ^t the Judsen Kehhort of Pack 7VIHI ' imwnlml •Mr; on

DonaldihaonwH, jwom* >..«, •"••.•.; :;.,->N en, DOUJJUIH Hull, and" Prtinlt t, ON PREMISES Jin, hom^i rtipalrte1 . . ' lit. Jlevi MHgr, Wllham Ifc Don> , Open t., 0:*6 neHy,- pastor of St. Michael's! "Th« Cdftet Pot ryt H» Church, gave Ihe lrjiyj»cntlon, Mti.rt •*—J"iJr pveHehted U»(f troop; FREE PARKING ON PREMISES W ...IRONING id Ooorge flladlu H0r WITH THIS

• ••,••;» .. .' •...*•••••;,...... \:\-.V''.^';.v'.^"'Vi<''-'-V.V;':^*^"'\J;-W«O'.Sfef¥fWi:''*:-'Jli^ EUCTRtf ALL-FABRIC DRYER

• .#:• , . *•. L. •.'•.'• • • • • - • : •, >•• .*;• v; •;^",i''**-'*'• "••• •• » . •• •••*•

^ Jrodwick-4V>i-AnderftenV-.(iif- ^ ir[nionth rofltU former mttyor of flinford hn boon- oloctod »«cgnfl 6f Aw(urnneo Society,- nccordlhg ""^.^•j>pto»v Jf,, prosldpnt, ; nl«(r flervetl CnutCfirclViiH flnrOic , pi csl(l«rt\t ot th^ ^oiirrf' of Hoaith oncL ftjl5mij{»rV- of- tho »Pliiriniib« Honrck^Ho jtflfi boim « mombpr of thu Union iiotmty JBonrdof Chonen Pi t'oholdeirft, tjho' Irriorrminlcipnl Wntcr Cotw'rnltte'p and othar nlvlc . und philanthropic orgajilaqtlons. . .-, „ -S- Rayal^ - Undecwoods- L. C Smiths' An nlumniiH of N0.VE_lY,ovif"Ut>li t v«i sity, ho "Solnod ,T.hp> Equltablo i. • , Wonder|ul Buys,. All in Good Working. Condition. in 1027 i« ItiivNew yoriit^shhjrtri olVlco.; In 1930 he triinHffijij'ed'.tp the proMldcnt'fl stoft_ nnd, tiioii to ; t.y .99 tho luiclitortf. depnrtmttnt In 1041, 5:99 aaeH Ti'u.:y'tau'8«!»ttfttHstNtnw auditorr h.o , jn 108a, he Kf|RS L bocHino andlto?, ,of group inndr- 15.00 each ~'%M nnccs necounts• iih'd* In, 1058, ns«lHt- ONE ADDING MACHINE 15.00 each ont controlior. Ho wits elected nn- FIVE TVPEWRITERS: : 25.00 each soclnto controller lout yenr ond TWO ADDING MACHINES WASH'N WEARS cqntlnuoH Jn that position. , •• 25.00 IVfr. AnderHoh complotod tho ad- , ^ttfrccid-'mdnSngomont program ntj GROUPOfiWAC Hrtrviird Gradutrto School of Bus- SAL|S5vt., FEBRUARY iness, Administration in 1001 und .?'•• wus olectod '.pcrmnnent secretary | y>f Its 30th <6Xa6s. He has also boon • A Select Group of New and Late Model Rebuilt Typewriters and fleeted trejisuror nnd membof of "V the boarH of^ th«k:JHjir4rfti;d-_Ad-4 Adding Machines/ Fully Guaranteed, Go on Sale Thursday thru vmTCC(t~Hiipa8cmont ASaoclaflon ^ in Now York City, Sat., Feb, 22 - 24th. These are some examples; 10 Assorted Typewriters and Adding Machines Reg. 59*50 SALE PRICE $ 35.00v ~ Explorer Scouts 10 A*torted Typewriters and Adding Machines Reg. 69.50 SALE PRICE 45.00 . ; j Selling Symphony ^^aKHHMjdel Typewriters ,.;*•.•^. Reg: 14^00^ -SALE PRltE 1W.50 ^ i-. Concert Tim^ts 2 Royal KMG Model Typewriters ,n25^ SALE PRICE 9930 EExplorer Scouts of Poists 75' nnd ( 2 Underwood Model 150 Typewriters 79 nro solllnfi tlckets'for thi 1062 Reg. ^MSs.00 : SALE PR^jCE (99.50 spring concert .season of the Sub- 2 Electrjc Typewriters^ "SALE PWCE 99.50 Imagine.... tto move messy drip drying! Just turn ft urban Symphbny Society of Ncwf 1 I.B.MJ Streamline^Mpdol r 11 Jersey "as .a fund wising prbjett j ^|. 325.00^ / SALE PRICE 275*00 \ dial aijcl wash *n Avda^^brica &I>Q dried smooth and for their respective units, jt wi\s : 1 Marcnant Calculator, F|illy' Automatic Reg. 349.50 - SALE PRICE 275.00 waaV-t6%ear. DaBip flries so you can take gai'inents nnnenmced this week by iUwis^T 4\ - 2 Brand New Portable T^pewViters List 74.50 •C.^\.i|^t'iroii(i:fte^yer..flnd iron ttiem.-Regular fabrics Goldberg, symphony.president. '^ * ' ' SALE PRICE 4^.50 ah? moj^Tsmoothly too; some, you'll find,,will need Mr.' Goldberg also announced • SMITH-CORONA GALAXIES, ROYAL FUTURES/ «cmiiwu r -the guest artists who will perform . •' little OF no iroriinif at all, 3 bg^jfor sajfe'drying of sit"" the three concerts, on March QUIET-RITER, PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS;/BiRAND NEW :I every fabr'id.Handsom^/trlm^mied cabin 10, April 8 nnd May 12, to. which L_, ifesistant enamel finisfc Come in... see- the single tickets will provide nd- missioh. " ' At SAVINGS Up To 25%^ LIST new RCA. WHIRLPOOL dryer today I The Explorer Scouts -are to di- ADDING MACKINES, MANUAL A ELECTRIC, NEW & REBUILT

. U«« •< h«rf»»^ki «a «~l Wi by vide into tenms for the, ticket sell^ ''• .'• mg project, with the winning | At SAVINGS Up To 25% OFF REG. PRICE learn "to receive ii special award . ftom the "symphony. The scout Plus Many Qt^er Outstanding "OneTOf-A-Kind" Bargains at 'Savings to 50%! units will share in the proceeds X . '*— in proportion to the sales they — WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL — ,/• achieve. . i SALE STARTS, AT 9 A. :. Adviser for Posit 75 la Stunj't M. i ••'. {• Cumpbell of 2< Richmono* avenue, ;tnd A, M, Gessle/ of 448 Oithnrd Dryet 9 Dishwasher Specialists '' jffrrept- is. adviser for Post. 79. .'/"'i, 29 ALDEN ST. > When you ris^^in tJie morning, BRjdge A-2224 • CRANEORD, N. J. form a resolution to make the dny a' happy one >^o a feUowrcjpeiiUire. EASTMAN STREET (Across the Street from Cranford theatre) CRANFORD -rSydncy Smith ^-" •' -XW •—1_. 'V 'r. y-i • \

:''.")• • • o <~f .,vi I). A :' 1 im. mtrAnv 2i, 1042 ii |pr Regional Tilt

my ;"!»... • (foach H«rb fttrtsejj's rfrat- V.ranftmi Ulgh'w vMrslty en mil cmflF M/icU wiih «n- Vieri oaaily rolled to tholr third ffU-K.'l vlrtory ovnr N<»w Pro utroight Dlutrkl 0 xtoumploflv 1 wumllnjj Ilio ('oiiyurHinto Inn w.mll- •f1^?^ <nn>vl*> in tbo fl«glorflfl chumplon- ,«()«(. nit ^»i»tH/,ln.a Hft a Otflifwu Junior. varsity Hblpw. Crnnford wiH uotui ulglit di«- p I noli « |0»|ji»ln! hulftlme li»fl(1 Trfct nUmnploM to tho IU«glonaltt U) ifttt.iMWi 94 of40 HlleiHjMB, T)»ltf toy ftfictTwin tliHt title for-tho first proved''to" tin Illtt .tl'i.f.fetJ'iM'H "i(« ullri rliyfgwily ligl«j in* Dm «*WM by linn HlUn.11 filMfi^TiriiwiryTltt'41. Comi •tiwio. --• s ' ••- ';.. • "-, vluli'h #r*<*> IIII C'runfordls oh Xy undefwafitd In thu waning > Tlionuii wr»8tl«*r,. Ln^ry Dftvl/C vk'tory for ih«i (.'(MigH»«, retord by Jnlin I4.u«li")«»/ 'filjfwl ihn Coii" lit ft -|>.ni.' in (Up (wniMtyial rounjl (VfiTo? R<«BIIB Park, 6-1/ gur c^iriiiH with T,i |ioint», 11 donof (be Union <,Viiint,v Tt'iurn^ttittnt. • " ^*" ' it Ui.« frtii e throw llint*, WIIIIB llol Tiift Biitn?" wilt ,bp-r' ' *•"'--'"' ^ifift : Hi Urn )K«ivyweight (Hyltfioti pfn- linU^t Hitter Mid Dw 'flsld. v i^Sl »in led n«d At MiwhulOrt of, Clark In th«> tli»* Crrmford ww IA ueml-flnuls in 3:*fl, Davlu has now I'loneei'B Who m.'or«d in ilouldn pinto, RtiHty Ciw 10 wiUlu won ,14 Hirnlghl bouto, . f figures with II) »natkur«, will* Uni No'rls lterzlnnkjn, cI Italph Zol«*l aventfed hl« only loss of tho mutton by nipping Bill V t^jiiito. "ByTfolwV* '• BIPHI'IHI riunklng 10, Ctirinun '" nliw, ciili) Ift.Hiiii Bob Nllilo 10, Stflvenwii of Rahway 1-0 in tho t|l' mrjjln IntfTp wwond district flnulB, Zolwl, who Won hldc.U Hlioi-hy ("rHnfiyd'H Ron two '3'rlrJ COIISIII'N tl'llllmi litt'OUIjliOIII period.v |»M»y rfetUjd 17 points, ihtt Oli pound district and regidnul Us an Hfltlon oiime with two u ihv flr.ut liutf HH C'nrintMi I'IWOIO'H vi t>uoed Itohway WUli left. In the i ^U^rAmi^year^maved to the 100 • l«i booking tB.HIon l^ii N^w'•'P-i ovi(l»no0. U> n -pamW clBfls this uoapti and lost si,M ulitn B0-S4 half limp et^ and Joiviun, 10. Unhwuy ouuopf" . - > 1 only oiw trwtuji, Ho (joined tho fi- ...4• •fi,"' The first quarter, opened: with e(t_Ci'«uf«rd in the ^ound half but-

iialH by default, ••••(•• th^TlrtHwi'mJiimKlriH I>Hvttn sti'ulalil IMonMM? , ...... •»•"}•»? *hhvlrntr«lfiii»if HeuHyn. Undwr thnjffrtfatioH of Coueh Wwb rawell, the Cougnr movtid. to the finals by wax of « ;: (Miints, two ttU'h by I.ou DlPuilsl, IHlllUHiU^ A !k 0 l>\U>U»y, mj»tm«i\ HIHO «0fl|?j>llttd bflHt rwoord .BIIIIW wrefillln^ WIIH st.iirtedj»t Qmnfoi'd Ifl'gb flolwol, Shown' pin win.iwW Martin Johnson of ' • v;f* ; -Morti than 1,000 -'fajiv second 1 and L'tolp, ond on« I< > '•}' "irOoye uro; .Top row, I to r, IjUiry DJIVIM, Hi-Inn Coj>h^l^iSr "No» ds'tro»n, Illob HinJ.Hi and Tony Wtmi Ktiuux In .1:10 wlille 1 •' \ •''

>'.'• by Rich Kenler, forgod New. W 10 II 41 ... .£l"' • half nniui l),f the t^ftftfnrd High varsity t which f7i>Hiifiir«t WflW. • Middle rowrJ. to r, Mlkw.I^ndm^ lilll Todd, John 8too»ifk lind Don iS'ldd. flloltom^ow, had HIHO won by a pin*,, 0VJQM.il le»rt «ft«r yw U---4U ( n 0iiHl)lwl thtfnvfto pull wwdy from im Umt SpvlHBfield »-4l mimejc|r(l« i'ViCoHOb llm'b .Furroll, Jlriiidy NolHfjn, jtnlpli ZOIMJI und Pfll« Ocul. - Leo Nordflicom dethroned last t«Hin ttiut-«io>ivHt» « coiivlnolng iKjnfli ..v^pji ^•|-^-«7^»—*' •»-;'•«--• "^"•-"*I*JI ^= -TPVI^.W- yuar'tf 170 pound champion, Ed Aw- BorH held, oh to the HrookH, retired point lead 9tid hweant)d it ta nin» dorson of C|ark, wltti or 6*0 de*l» seho tttih«r-Tdiid in the final tnmd: JNTbrdBtrom . on H Junvpar l>ysl'lwolo 84-afi, but Bfoho Country nwJin- nine ooivieuutlvo Cfouuiir y I ^3rd Strdiptt Gaihe^ of We*t' followed, throe by.'• JBti Hlusils, two inlna pool, IH rwiintii-tttlrig in MuJi by G»stfli»V*j two' by:John (.Hwi- lnlg 4rA0pit.nl, Plfllnileld, w\\m peHort mwde H n»t« BiKiJ'two by, Hitter,; thnt on«« h» w«»» tk lIttMit wa«kk, ' County Championship WIHinm MH'l eiretHHt the scow 84-.14, Two, ._. ... By itlOH IWttKUIN . freely Jjv^lie' by Kenlur protiutrnd Tho 'Crnhford Hoqkay Club, under th«" (ifliwilon of •••Hie WPHIS "I'rtlied to n loud Ht hfilftlnut, ^iridu»ti. iho Utititn County Houkoy ?.M h by MtwinetK tied' tiu supens thi^ir j^lotoryTTHiifrt to 2,1 Without u lq«T;th!«,.pu«r - _^. liy Johiv fjUwliieta HIKI HO« fifttnp 3f)-!l«l n( ^» outHot of the now M-0 liv loop piny. ' •;' Who third quarter.'.Aftw Bob Jflttgl anil Mtwlnet/, t>xohnngad two more Garnet " "tJ'mv-io«Bl \pMolc«t«»'k « blanked ^ * •;.*; |)it>ariiil Bfid Nittel dunkpd Winning a »w.: ••'••-.•:•., llo alid flluzls, viiulit'd the ej* above of - v . Thfr Cougars also plflc«4 two leud, ir\ Howland dorr other matmvh inthe final*, Randy third Nolnon pinned OflorgS Collison in («ih,"»h-<;.jffi On fckit'dfrtby, Crfiofmcl H f Uio-vscnlrflr^Ui but rloitf to Itobert Bolle » froHh <3-flllo of Rosallo Park In the fl- w .;: •0 two mbro.gBnie« Occi lost to Dayo ; Atlei* 0 aoi I«H dlnns ,2-1 in n- return mnteh as week to. raise; their' season Mack of R«hw«y In .the finals, 194 by DIParbil let lai Krippeiidorf Hcordd tho winning record to 12«1, The young Cou- ».8»nkitwoiiolr\ti; 174 1B8 goid, Ht» nlno noored/ihe tmly gars trlpp«d nqhway'44;87. Jflst Cougar laacl, Pic ill tbt? two tewm' prvlnnt\eld 'Men'8 weolc. to Lnwroace* ltdhway; conteit eaw tho will hu'njit uji hl» to play. En- ; Llnaft. Aejiolu, 315; Pas- v,r,w. > vlffle, 1-0. . C^ugWi tftfht--.•'off Hoveroi ta\\io» Aeirc4n, aaft; SickoT" finico W. WuUort Tho junior uquad will meet hy7tho Indionfl.' Cranford jumped I W' whistle Saturday: Afternoon lour pointy in th° K. Marhowleh «pitft \yHlte UtwinetK sodtbd two ai.2 and'204,; U. Rtkora , Suinnvlt Saturdny at Wntlriunepiat I«to JoiidtJ of i6-9 after tho flr«t .to- j otYletatfiVg at t)v« Cornell«rjrlnc«- and Klttqr one. The Plbnfltn'« mado J, flHOO S n.m, and on SundW. tb« Junlom"period lind 22-13 nt tho half with C«wil»wi cij>\- En'loo Truckingk ^ 204; eiamb off ton hookey HnweftHh% doHporkto drive. to eome.'back schlnl, Krflco Tnuiklfttf, 210. . A. will play iho Suburbnn JEJUJOX, Mftrak scoring sik and Dreyer nix. •points, .three- by Kngel, 1 rink. " .•;;:'•; -:>'•• I with five H Ints, three by Totalirllanitloa. p a Leugue Ajl-Stnru at .0:40 a.m. atAfter Cho Cougarn ran up "a lead of two Oy. Doe Ctt«takW» if two by Also HuNUoll, Burn«tt'8 Ll^u, ' Totalir. OffielaUi WHUama. n»w». Keoler and two by. DlPorUI; but a 263 and. 205; Korher, Barnott'a SHAIIKKN AOBNCV tho South 'Mountain Aromi. 38-20 midway Hi tho third quarter, TUtt«r«to torg« «Uw»d *4.t will bHntf to « CCoventrt y 1149 IKS 101. Iluhwfly came surging b»ek. Vn- ; gW, fraexe andd two free Ll.quws, jfbO and 204; Gall, y lluethmian 814 .,170. idB keto by Apgj»r wul'" :off|ointinK QMQW .upannintf more 1 Harrhi ,. IEDULE Mr. P at ao H, Cymbuluk ifitft a 13-0 lead in the opening day caiviwydly ; , p- u 40 30 Nylnn pprloU' Bill Klorek" scored eight H Hal Fridayi Urtlon County. BaikjBt- of the points while John J?rcyor u three pcitVrt and two by.over as Cornell la buttllnsf«W puaJ» to»p aaraatt'a Ulnebt, Sliwia 'and Engol and 14 for 7:30 p.m.. Several years 'as well as eoachins wh,oi... 14V 1 bylUtter which produced A Slialieen Aseney 30"' SO . Total* 017 887 87H neuiorinl Wrestling.. Tourna- . V^ . By RICH fl p bj»s«t>ali and serving ain&slstnnt MeUtodlal Men'a Club 43 KchoornuitchesT:''; ,. y •'"•*.'*• ~ 40- ACACIA INSURANCE (91 • ment—Hillside Ifigh School. ; Conoh Hublf -Brown's Junior varsity bas tball team cflmo back 41-98 Cranlovd bulge, Schu*j «nd football couch. , , Pt' Dairy . at __ 43 Wl local resident,.Who has been Llnuo ••* '• 3IS 107 Hockey—Crnnford vs. HatTlcld lth a rftrorig seeoW^ijalf showing to wh BonislAxyskI jnt&rvuptod the apuvt lie \beaan ' offielatlnjf hockfty .37 •' 87 100 j |SprlrigJlold; to the Oeet municipal clerks-hero for more Spader , 100 170830 . Englos, Valley Porgc, Pa., 5:45 the Union County JJ^purnament^tMS, Thursdjay after- flamos ih 1035 and has skated in than two; , also,is one of DelOandlo *, 178 107 171 PnaqUnlo 180 103100... • p.m, ; " ' CJOMUar points (ollowod, live by Mead / IS* 183 -noon -^p^cstflelrt Hlghi Dimmutiv»/]Booney Maziella. pjay*d # almost eyvsry coneilate »ice rink tho top colk>Klnto football officials 8»ym „.. 148 1411 183 Kalrchlld. ...•,.««;.-.;.-.;- 100 1B4" Freshman Basketball — Witter, four by Utwinel*: and two in tho easij^ij^ s welell l hs most public T Koetoh ^ 148 sparkling contest both.von. offense inid defense "as lA Miwed in Vt the East and serves ns seero- Suif^fcn:":; ,iS2 !et~)iS j 894 ford VH. Hillside, Cranford each 6» ' and for a tee rlnfts in northern Now Jersey IM. ... 001 (1U1 bft and held-Springfield'hldSifild' s hihhigh / ^^^ h tary-treasurer of the New Jersey Manhall, Sr...... 168 908 IM ERRICO TRUCKINO (i) r High School, 10 a.m, BiispbijU Umpires' Association. He tV>lfll» v.utr «8» 840848 A', aioko „. aia 304 in scorer Stove Arnold ta threa.poli this spurt with six polflt« jwlth . 0nco LOU'S MAIIKW (1) •:- ^ irirncli 180 140 173 Mondays Gold Ball League—-? 1-otifeiTti-om basketball offieJnting D'AlMundrts 170 17»144 in tho second half., The locnhrribw MazitsUa, and Richie IBrdtnann get- "(the

at U 149 laa18.1 ttr Molfcen ...'. 183 171 103 scoring four for Springfield. 3 10 Kretur 0 3 IS '"Martin's, Cougars will face the Other high gnmea were posted Koury |J3 10a188 'J; Zamorakl', 180 178 183 fo/ Union County. N a 8 Arnold ' 8 Grlcko«*kI 177 17a 88 The pepped up Cougars onrnc 6 Ronco 0v .*. winner 'of the Wefit Side -,' Sum- by: EdiUrEpsteii^Er , 172; Elhel Mit- t 103 Handicap 34 as 1 3 « 9 II BOaUItwak) It Totals 7» 707888 Totala 778 809 out -in the second half and turned 9 Uei 0 « mit game in the opening round «f tltlemnnm . 165165; AAlml u KrihKrichtAnnA 16, 1622, SHOE STORE 001 (0) gloqum '' 3 Mlnlrtian ' .3 • 140 187 tho'gamo into a runaway by tally-'* 3 AndDnton 4 9 Section 2. Grorip in. nnd, Mnrioiv Kent, 160. — 188 BARNETTS LIQUOI13 (3) 0911110) ly 180 Thunton 0 0 0 181 148 Holll 168 181 108/ Fodorko 113 101 130 ing 15 pointq to Springfield's-two ,Koenls 0 Tarry . ..„ 188 300 188 '0 Soa* 0 0 0 ^ A40tal of 138 schools is entered Team stancjingsirfe: ITS' 183 Ortnkernoff 130 170 13* dull at the outset of the third stanza. 0 0 0 hich wiU.de- 180 Ml Drapluk : 1U1 14a isa Hl.poll >... 160 160 143 n Leiter 0 177 JtuMaU 303 J74/305. Ttetta 171 188 160 Mazzella dunked l ,ol the points Boyle 31 31- 31, parwhial and four pub- SB Korner .-, aoo tot m '' Hundloip 703 while Jim Downing hod three, and Total* aa 34 70 Totals l»/7 48 Totalit/ 88) 060 833 • TotaU 8S» 78$ Rusty Cree two, as'.the Cougars Oanfbrd 14. U 34 18-^-70 CQANFOnp HOTHL iO)/ •IND'S PHARMACY (3) Si 10 10 4 .-•••15—48 \ championship «im«s In ail but the Qucdnisiv ...... -I \3Jt- \BS\ IS4 — u^. Sropuk ... jumped intoTr43-28 advantage. I C group will t»> held Duckworth"' UI8 100 137 D. Manhall ... Uflnoll ./114 180 14B It. Hroughton Tho Cougars ripped off; nine •When with people be a listener h 19 and 1? at the Delaware •Meyer ,.....,....jr 1«Y- IM J34 • -. J.. Van Brunt aucceulve points following a « largo part of- the time, —Oren- Garden in MaUiga ...,.....Z


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.';•• " ., llou tl(Kj's), WJJJIMT Mat» h'ittK M l. «*.M-it'« worn p-iKJvU byj Urvuvv, 442. Drrlp Wlllln III* All#| M l^ M/ rl|

tea TJ.4* vtetory over li by «j!r»f wNftfiH at ihH.Ui/ut l then roMifwtl .tu/«

••winner With-IH wltllo TOP GRADE - U,$. GOV'T. IN5MCTIP t<\v the Ifiiti w«yk by

. TheJebleii took M pair fiom wa** d m \\\m to ih» MitvkH by Vlokle tut-nid 1H ih> o i Slzw IBto 22lbi. Slzei 8 to 14 Ibi, •1(18 «t»atiSf. ,V ••' .- Nonfat Dry Milk lh 400" B#ries Wte BiifeVfer

8««i Well with ,, 41flf Argoods tripped Hwooorw, 400: Will* Cranberry Sauce. i 40y»; SfuffinflMIx ; ami Bveiyn Thundoy, F«bruory 22nd e ,i{wj|Jil|'if*#||*||| ' (PdrliSheiiliitri) 35 Smoked Toftgues RtbStoaki Partlay Flakes Beef It v tj -IHI KHV;-vatm Mihk», 'iat Ground B*«f Fresh Codfish Steaks 39f flutdu liaeidff ted; tin* wlii wn\> the Naiti wltfi and f

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••••—.•... ••'>.- H,, IHIslBlKti' naeed the Sports ptty»weep-.wf( Facial TIMUM VACttUM Kb. UiJ»,wwlt in ihoPrti'k Vil PACKED


v ,:••-|'>»>">w>i«>>i»iiwMMi(H«>» 8; 4 e PAWCAKl 21b., Blended Syrup 2 : 53 Aunt Jomima bom • -Vti1- ' 1||HHJJWi'ii»mi.im»»M««*"Mm«ii«jitin»Mii1ML..'iw 8« 8 LlquW DoUrgent BREAKFAST COCKTAIL • ^«i,||we : ^ . • ^ " 31b, i Pr«n0«iApr|eo»tr«ndadJule« ean £9 IHIOII PfllHiiS Peai&Oarrotf OutOolden Oorn "-.:.,•»•,;••. ,,...;.>i.vi-r«.>. ' ' "s-w bB^r Thin Sal tines FrenohFrlei ^AtM^ With (••ifI OMdhi 10 o*. ¥ •••••••& ^*'w*'' Biirry%Oortlii 59° Keebler Cookleic Kraft Deluxi Margarine Qorn( 2OaeMI FrliiMMantt Jfir-W Nfwoa»«InNesoafelnitantCoflet e ' ti •»Ki\.w«i<,%,«,mm)«>,w,l)llll,, \ % Fried Seallbpi Sfir-KlitTuna hunk Slyl» 6'/j oi, VE^ vWhite Roie t «$ iwt Comet Clean$er 1 Breaded Shrimp White Tuna^^'tir ^''"^ DIS0UIIS (InDafcyCai.) « I4k Clams new In the bantam 4 Mareat Toilet Ti Klwanlis viptHi, .".. •/.'• ; .. ,. Albert Barte^l lUd the only WlWwaro Brand ^00 gawm of. the fifty in *he -Junior Spic&Span loop. HUth series In thb Junior division included: John Rtnhof«r, s Gr 404; Bob Doufiloii, 480, and Wftyiie Large Eggs Brown, 480. All* Iramt Gain Cage Vhtoi TVam standl: _ 1 Mihll ty.O. i O'CLOCK ...... 3S\4i WVt ~3>rt--v 'Sim Romano Cheese ^"w«w Mh oft Sunday, ..1 st an r«orer for §t Mich»eV« was w.,^^,.^.....:; 9?\* aSu Camera §hop ^^,41 9» Hint Cheese -"—OdiKiMHe tricll* Claw with 10 points, fot~ _ , \\\ ru»V Company at !»— Fancy Oomtitle kkwc^l^y Carol vyoUf Kathy W*lsh tueiirbtn Trutt Company 84 ia ' Mi i«^int CttnatrucUoh Company 114 30. IHilwJtt^ wttli 8, 4,uiah1* .....: «„ as- si. Untrtu C6imli- Trvut Company 13 . SI > Mild • StUlMePs U-alHHfi HMT at tho H. Unen Uulldor* i IB , 3» estyte OonuH aind lMft,,4j ^8 end of the Sliced Natural S«t^Cheese »>( ci :: Rais!ti4>o0ndCiil(e cur third quarter* then scored t succes- Orantonl H*t*hey .,; 31 aa Oxydol Detergent \\ sive' points byy PaWcl* Clare j American Vjcotpn AUK. -. 31 J9 jkli»y« et up by Kathy WWs o. o. >. „..,.;.... 38 . SB For your laundry Apple Raisin Horn " it) set up by Kathy WWsh and -•• -:...... an aa ll0 TANO M 1 Ctrol WblfFWblf.'Fini e defensivdfei U WinKeld - atv* Store Cheese & .«,:JflGOROUS AMD WINEV W*. !tl>ovvn by M»ry Jean McClnt V.r.W. A -so Potato Bread "TIX1UUD"«. tOA*«P - CranfordDruas,. : pig. ' i. •' «» Vfotery Cream Cheese. ttohmerlt Florlit- ..:.i.... M r 30 '?•: Dotty .Which.hh. tn*to)et*to)ed 1 w StS .M Michael'i s team t o score HtH« up- Brown * 8 * 10 31 Jaalsr Lvaga* • '.' White House T liistant SI t»t victory^, ' Miss Cl&rt and iMlss^Wplf will: . . W t ftiprt aunlwr W...... T. M to w»>r«Mtent ». -Michael's, in the an* , MS * lnauHMW* 33 il. uper fvjarkets !. Optlclant 33 U Soap Powder Dry Milk Solids SAUE ENDS SATURDAY, F|BRUA«Y 24|h ktual Union County CYO All-^tor AMIRKA i OlflNCfiaH IUOD MUCnANI 1IH(( IDS') Game to be played at St. Mary's ENJOY FLAVOR ?»AT«a ,,?,.....'.'.'.'w.'.'.'.'!.".'.^".'. a?" »» Mb. 9-3/5 oi.«kA«> 2lb.6- GOFi^EnraiLt gym, Elliabelh, Qn Sunday, Mnrch DiftyawKys S3- 31 pig. La Bravla Pnces effective through Saturday> February 24th 9 m p«c!ia)• LesAult on Columbia - \ Education makes a people cany Fencing Team io lead, but difficult to drive; easy 103 MILN ST. (Opposite Post Office) CRANFORD ,: -y» AuH of S3 Muns«*e drive it to. govern, but Impossible to en '" Broufhaim. fcv.i on* e{ tow New Jttmy boyt who : '' ' ; ' '

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ullfi VH-P -f»f Vtnitpr'- o»,••win ' uui\ MrV WnlfPli VAlij^ CM .|(»l(t( 1(1. Willie Hi iJfllloft, . In. Man Nf'M!'. nfifl Mis, Mf>f» Mr fio't-. C-ftitittolti JP?il(ll»li A' Mi Amu y y Ml htty.lltift Of Him^Miiil litfM HI uf' Ml ft. ^ I U tSNlUOl) 'Kif. nod Mi-'i •l/mil$*#»tiifii nf • J from n lw»« W) .MMllBWk (il'IVP PlriPllBlhWi III fur Ml-. nMil M+ft. MWM um\ mmuH iil iVIr. «»id Mrs. DAYS! t l|O f fi tenrSTili -•--«-- •it f^fiiKi-, 18 pii in n\wi (if jnoum Any Mrs Wllll«/« (tf. HIM.lo (h t way do to by L'slflHjt MM. Is, M^'htid Mfft. ' Bfiy^h y? Cornell *oilli fofr j^ieps and iFiiM^.of A Ml vdiioim - -,- , MOW'dJ^t'tOI' O MP: s -wan hpirtv^t'teiilly. 1^ TlW HettL HIWtiRft Will be 9 e §0»iia«]He(« Of NfW«|fe; hl! wilt H•.••.•••/ :•-•"••. \ ui'VAti Qn.lt- •lHllf,":.M> -Sllti:-Mrt, 'Ularyii 1 § the iiuwte will MHI UU 14 fc^hoilte^ei* foy tlte at Hf §;4 Tli fiti k? in jtfHiiif ot •-•^•x-fV i IHSTWIH be Mrs. ifaek'Titowu BlHl'6 BUHMRT MHI AltHltt :r; •V ' "!i •-. f :' ;ett»lli and Mr* John JJaytoia. ui •••the. ,_,,.__.... - „.....£ .(rf W,'and M^ t'.: gdviflH imus-of 118 Hei'HiHH aveHuttwiiil«Hvt< by |.iliwe fr-kifiy. i^»-: -Aiisiitur -Uhs, i|f j wbei* uh& will •Hlftrtd'1 he-.'Milts t j .,.._._.. flvtutue 1MV9 .... and wb .|a'fy'-flal'L«i tlfem^ia.iJMtitUtj*, af ~a' two-Wetik 'luit* the engiwhMni of Uieh Wednwday HS tbfe''MHigl'-fif- fed .^.liefe they h«l JwifeheivMirfe lie^a ,«ot>ho or Mr moi'e tttllhe iMg ^ IN \\W am of ftiH Of ©lrite of 4M film /* Tft« uroweellve tufcte is d Hie'p

litg. WiiBtilnuiUjft >seyf« Mmi of Nupfei Hfeflil .,., t. , .-..-,

!(• : U '••"' • • - 8UW'l' LAt/NMEIttNJ SALE! 1, Summit 'I'liftothy: O'MiHey^wHV-^( f .-Mpr Jf tfi llBOOHV^I K IHtiltJ H»d Mrs. rfwsepli V, p JVfail0 of-U of HWfBieiy^hHWifl:'1 iotivities." mi IH, geiieraii'ificludingHh§ pole t, Phi mm of ftumtei^o^fftlow-liU'ivil ite- h.s Hhi!!.!. biHlffl ^tibg rintl the iiHiiOFtanY'B of tj^if ttl« gaesis InWyde p eoouewtiftif witlv tUe ptijiee HIUI t a.lea mil, WllliHfir f aU{Jo»i,MSiiiit!f \w\mm i&3mmmM l tio*-: llW iil aven idwaM fllSO Will fe»pl«iH IIW I eiUi^day, afiewKibiii ffhw( wei^- mm, the AHWit'ttfi ftfidiOf;:Se•.._ ., ..„ t^i Vr-aiite fiarila, M4y. witlimtt y- and A|i#jlft; at H awl radio aftfrpatora will' ^tilyt»• H ell TB~| U\% t; Wolfoid of ijai &&>'• atloit or radio use by ii^fe- 'fti .johy Mtifittwai irtnbia avwu'i'ie II Fecp •••jfe»l»,.••••••••.•:< * •.. -: •• s. mid Mm fojlrtwiflg « fmM ops ': : iiliei'B -ft esptW* ift -J f«r*|i#i tlj^tyarid; Mm **t • field., 'V "-'•••' JL'!i<. '"':;"; ?, tei Ryijiiu* potifett ai tlie tea ' - X. ' lWERNATlONAL ^V ''••:-•-:• ••- ( pleats) -? . e|nbew ii ilraduteif •* SWiATIRS i .p iW lea tiamMiltee and: ili.e itunM• .wef^fft.->#d th& ; ; •••."•: -••:. ,:•• d«y anotveiwy -fflMtiy with a &i% Tortttp IH the twmkv U\m p«My fw IIIB fiientlit, Mt1, and Mrn. rolLevteitvdaughter of Mi, HIH!Otowo will ^nlei'talH «t:'« funnily • 2 CHAIRS «; tleiwy• W,- ttovett of flbCornel l *.7S idi.. 'J*h(? patfei'Ottl pAiutp^ttU ptn/ty in hip libnot* •SiiiKtey, • 5 CUSHIONS i :;".'• • •—0—• • .' • ' . . • B/AjLUUMhilli ' tM»vHndiMi 8i rank Ki^Piuiof 1 1 REE Gl {lUIUIMMmtWtlUHIWUUU. ,'Mi'B. Ifefold Glovlei of Utt Col of Ittao Spmjjflelct av«Hut)i. •' iirttbl| avenue' enteriai«&l itt WB WAVE A ,: w«a bttotiaed Sutulwy l| l ONCE-A EVENT Til In, St. Miohflfel'Jt bi;id«e ^y fop Mt«. J. by pwny were M\%' ,Jl M.'Kehnitf. Mt'H, K, CIGARETTE LIGHTER . ..f. lU »1, 1111., tttid Pfe> Ms; A,. IL. Mi'j». Karl •wait tfohi'i C3i Lttv^tt olf C«nu) i*ehtllel» FOR lylBlRYONi WHO/VISlfS Calif. A "lltijfttly ,(!«?l«bvtttion .•- et\v *»f ail-Colby: y SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24th ij<»l» IttothvrluxUl Talk at « f«»rtlly liiSHy-Stttui'tlHy: in ase jm^4*^^>* iMtnoc or the 7tHh blrthduy H(i»»{- wi will bp the veiiiBi'y' of MfB. ' Mt»iit(tt»iint!vy'(« - ~-^~ f or the prke of f thwr, Mrs. Anthony .?. y (t. the of lKtnbetK l tiuul BIh IhoHulwhoHulwH l M)M)1. V^[E ALSO WILt, GIVE A : Yes! Hiiyc its many rugst'loancd as you WJK U'tml ami' .Mi*- Jfkiytt 8h»n'lef 'mid Mr. tt'vltlv l M ^ «C at'2 /or 1 prices! We charge only for $k Wrger, : speak on i'i Mr. STIAIf KNIFE ^ j of the twoj Minimum order — $0, ".. 4" v:/ - M\A Mi'». tint! r If. Aik Sale«l«dy... Routermn ».. Calf for Detail* 1 Mw.' Atlple» r^ilkait : With Every Order-Of •Mv«.. of 35H, North If. Example: SALg 9.72 (2 *9xt2 Rugs, reV:10.44)--iJ,. «M )uM\ort.lcbvt(tum \v«ft rtlno hjirlOH J. .CIIVIMHIUI W i Mvcnuc will ontflrlMin lit lorje ittF.lwiMP of Mrs, A. l"?. (Jtikpi «>t Unlay for Min,' Harry »<».^ .»*•«*« HOME DELIVER! •Mil».'xl?|i«il,«tM IHOWI of Crimfbrd DON'T F^HGKT OUR Mi'M, Sctm Mnclitty I \\1Jto MfiK. H. n, J»cHil)uM, Mrs, '> jlnip tHwi'tw of OPEN HOUSE ' , ptaet ««Utns luelurtoi tea> son, Miss %MU\ •sTivt^loiifw M|ixi», FHdiiYrPfcb., 23, from 6 to 15 p.m. •.** Mr. mid Mrn. WllJIimt-VVntt of K«i(«»ulad fork V itnd Mrs. L, U. W11- IP Oiicldii And Our Tlumks H^r You I eo.v> m:d«y ,OVIMIIIIK for^fr, rtiirlMrs , yw Mnkiiig"*rrii.is Movu lUssi Uo Open Thursday Evenings CRANFORD Mrs-.. Both Clay, iorm$r .a&otiato, will be hoce to sbrve you 'Thursday evenings from 6 Jo 9 p.m. DRIVE-IN CLEANERS I? tfortfc Uatan Atcnup Cld N J' FREE PARKING ON PREMISES! . FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY f 44 North Avo., Ea*t, Cranford Mrs. Scarbrougfi's 7 a.m.Jo 7 p.m. • After-Hoori Delivery • 4 Wctt Jersey St., Elizabeth t i« VLAINFIELD . • 104 North Ave,, E. "" " ' For Appoirtfm^iti — Call Bftldge 6^1471 ,101 NORT^^ AVE. ^ BR ^.0333 f

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r"i-r .1 • •:/•-.'• ^v-U-^--- .•..•jfe':- '.-,•.•'• ^->.•'..-' p*ncm*nJiUt:*.« 21 ..i:v-!L:' •'i'.''!':'!,'1""' ': \"»•-•-••''••••• • V--iK.

.,. .-; •',Jyir^i..im

'tr of fii JfiirlJwIiifKWi I;,OIK1, ii f-icpfiiiKiH' -nnii j-odiiy mid VrM |j. ti.i\}tibiit!i' dlflpliiy«Hl tin* pl»(Jiit'dtti) y.liilf'- f.^nlU'l .fJninrliip V 'if : IT •(•ll«»l'M01t1n|jf •(.'loli/ttii?iMb*1»'B- iit'thi'lr Hireling Monduy •'vr^ilnif In 1' M. J< tc, Men. fitiuvtiQ Zobid P-lpi-liitf f.iy+-rff3»i MIIPI'I ))fi« oticd not only for M lijtt'k-;•;••-•' "..-%• i'f/ifl OMIIP •Ifli'.at-'f'i'P.uljry.tufinTj fluirrh, •. • llJllv'riXfiy. NOW "ItaVPII, tOHB;/ plttds^f'l l'i Ai|ili(.t XrJJf for the rmrtfilnif'ppr- around but AM two of ,tl|" pli'UH'Wji^.^. ii)/"tft'* I'lilv'T'illy" of . .Joyce 'lyifilw, NIJW-VO|1(•t.'fi»lt|r>jI IU'IIRI nii(t• »./liorroin''fplirr.' 1 1 Mre, .1, •tJJ'ow, ()|p \ti-tt\ f|oww unlunUvM.'iita • rti UiilvwHty J^btts,- 6Rfoj'd. fclilir; \Vliflic pit* IR a 'f 1 . 7*V '" • ..." Miff M/i.fliir K t. l«| f ji'iS t jjii'ti ' U/ll*. • . • -. • j" • • «i i ntfl$Mi '•• •' I—^ • •1 ":•• • I' • •; Hi OM/(1IIIII IIHIH'^ -wll/t # V coi'iiiiiJ.ttp<' wr'tp Dfpiiiond 7). Mn*-- ran, nrnw.1 «iiun.ius, »"•»•. "" vVfcri' |^llf(!Cd III Blldl.tt WM.V tlllll. I' ll.iiMj IW^M, Men,- John Mliupppr1-, •: •• , • « '" Thiu 4lft=paflp'bMok Is ilit? flMt . 'l'lihj»l!i,v M Itn.y *y*.*«»»^» I '"" r«|ilrir/iil|o»i; fin' fill*' |ifogifipp MHIMUJ, fh/ilioiVni, PIII!.^ jfitl.w/M'd . . , -'.„ . flltij1 / llllftH .ifllwM Mill Vl'lfiflb llflll ill »?t;ll;ji.'SiI tpHl of k%tli1\HH Uifflii 1 Mi-n. IJ«II Mwloloo «rod M.rp>, (I, Ar- ^* ""^z , "'" ."•*"•••" *""•;(„ Mild Mm •I?itl|ili I *' vcB'iif. HIM inn/»h>ikl, Mi* MIHV UMIIIVVIO, y'H\,jjiopii»V ailfl tiaifttaUpnN, In* ji'riq II»'HH ndiiiuf [Hoi^tUtiH'JJO atth«Hn unV I'lliho fyfi".'iCtliPl M fllil'li nMd ICdwuHf (•hiipcroiiPM fof HIP aflprnooh cltih iiictnl^i, (VfrA, f, J. l*liittiif»r'«^' -,l?l fiIT thu niovl(Jf*il..l»y irnrfoiuwtti*1" will .b»« Mt'o. M'"'v. IWfrwi Wiilt'Oll PKplainpd1 to ,Ul'^ ilillwliuilpffertjftf iri " '• l Wind. . ° • - i nlly tUwov^ted -' l Hpnld I'OMIPI llHIIrliiK PrpRlrtm'i! llnrrilrt W. ICiiKslroiij, :M.(P....A« l>. 14tuiiM«'M/B7lnt» ifrf>t*i«i th(< teullHlciu^ft; f»f bollj^^ 'riu'lr It" Ahh, Mfyinhiii', ,li , iipttulntpd lioijtdd i*tl**y was boftt; lii 1 Mi", d'ditlon to llir. iniioicMl 1 'S/tlt'* iHiiV'itt Mi llm dnrK'nrti'. forichidl'iiij iiiimbi'i , |jt»iB, Mi», VVriltPi' Htinin' nod IVJuti,'t ti«Pd wliwi "f'.tilfit|ita- wK'ijf>f OH I''«'|irimf7-H til Tilslcr KiodPi'n I)iii4w •t.^-srrf—sitUiLu.^^ JficB, liiitt(ih<'itp.'), .dulNUfs nhd tvPtftf/,,.', ,T - ^lied if yiri' iHttuti^urlpC arid jif lil M«ni|.ijiiti PltcPl, « jifiil lto.o|tllnl 'I'liP.v tloti |ilii(!HHM w'lio 10 7 I M tmil( ( (*Hldw»'ll f'olli^P fur VVIIIUHII, WOP n. MHICI'I 'und I #»*llilli?Hin'iin of 4 Wlieelsr'* foi; potion to DIP Htjjleut iHtroduiJtloii to the twt," ln« IMIOI lo HIP pvcNgp • Or, :G.i'MHip v'flon of JVtoVMnd Miu nu In. oti llm f WOO/J |»!l»«| > CHI I'i.lHr.V l.t MNHnt I'iiijli'lit1 llMUfliiiMM wnn WPI- with jPloweiV pfp» Autitittt dlmit>i' undilfljiwe of thtiHt f M. , IMiilnflPld, «!iit«?d by 1{OIJPH (!, Cr- fiMBllfe Ci^Ufiiu €*H ?«B Linden plautJ, the 1 (oiiipd to iiipiiilipiuhlp by Ml«, 'tt.*»f tH« flCHMJl 'I'llUOitl riui'ilWi f'lllll Wfiliilr 1 kmw in Briglfliid working oit a if DIP The. ftiii 'oihpi I'lVlldrpii Nonnrtii H IJnibiiltpr, first vlw- 1 A>th.Mi\ 4 Wl Jjook' foi Vale tjiilvei'Hity, He wMI (UPMldPllt, . t'ovef Ute period uf Jamea li in H Plans f'-«" HIP iiiiniittl dancp on t^(ho o»u|t w»V C^ .ItfrtBir entitled "POMHW W AttaliM f«p l,4iniipy will A ion, IJoiighD Itohpfl, witi liofn Mny 4 WP.I'P. aini(/uiit!.t>d by rMi'fl, W Iw : QyeAta. iinifiidwj Uf, and 'of Urn ((.HIIIIIB f|V« lo Mr, Mf id Mtw, Kolfpit M, llntdKli liobt'i't t.I, Heavy for- l\w dmicp tiiid fi'rtm^' .. Mftihuftl GtitUml 4t( PelUm M •,'r • '• -V' 1 . ' If. •'•' : : : : J: "••*-^*^4« '•••'•--••• ^•"'"' - ' of .815 IPH« Chilli! which, t\ of 'JV(ii.iiWHti(1tt<.Hi V:i on .January ,- Mio, Wrwm'd H, CHI .' Mi%\ij II, Wflleeit and Mff^.fcV-'N; V,, formerly of Cwiifofd, 1 roll, (tliHliiiiMh, i' will .|)i'c thi^ wullwf M I'llI'll, H'lisy IIHVJP Iwo ijthei mmt, • ''' ^lJL 1 c«?d** tht<. dHhftthu H II'S 'CiiV Loeal (lillttrw wlU linv JW«roh. I«=«B, will Huoll ami I. t)f, Hiid .Mi *,- MOi'tunlty to ««« M fl.hti lik l lt| j T ii, C, tf >M«»iw tfveh'tiepin nn trip mn, g, mid will )>P (ivdlldljlp Htt t tlltl i about HIP dHlltflitftil ui wot'td jujlirVMw. Kuih ••WshiseL. UHrolluti, kt^iliink Ft It' of« nl»ie-y««i'4>l i,v who BMd. WHHliliitftuiA, .Miwa Marc'l/ inoethitJ, 1 rr : -tftwyti'Hi^i'i WJFIII.UI'JVI id at tht uMifiij y,a?ih ' of Mr, wiid Mi's, J«h«i Mtu- tl I'llllott. Ilimif, -ehHlrmHii MJ'H. J^*Wv«?ii«e *Wutk(.ln«Oiircr Mre. Mr. «H<1 Mj'flfWtlfi'pd A, of the ttijfiioigruMp find loan WIJI= ii&lp to rinse fundu for U# Mlfuijiy of.J;P flttltntoct* parkway, Bontild dullirle and Mm ?!'• F. ton, .fi., itf h Rtiitlon Jit ool W'A, ITT. . • -•-...'•. x If! H TftifllllHall Ml till? liOttijItyUlll, fer Iwvi* Hiiiitiiiiiodd (lit* bll'lli of ei m»rir -"flip firjtio Wgi; 1 V uttti i ruiirlli. dt4U8ht<*i', MIIWHII LyitfiP, on In BPi'« .ofj)! . 'JV will by Shown in PpUi'UHi'y IB< Mr, aud 'Miu- Mi.ii'= th«' ni.'hoiil auditorium 4w1 iti H,I»I, . : «nd l!8() fliiVi; an a waysiiiid nifanfi MlHVJtHBBl,, ton of 4M North Wilton ttyeiuip. aii? ; •e« .wet*ka wiiiJM|M Mi's.- \W, Can' Nnwuian of t8IJ to the/dPHiiV* JiaL-fll eii»ri«^M^I*ftyT^iwHTnHTT7 HBLINILLIOTT by •Mw»,-.'J8. •fowai'H Kri^ 3-S»*#d Blaetriti C, CoV the fii'si M M ICdl V,"-~Vonrl.i^|i, MiT«, -Mi1, mid Mm, Itoimld A Wil- BiWjlH, Mi'fl, rf. Will let: tioffew «nd M*H, -liftrt V, Ouy 1 ot ma M. t. di'lv4', 'I'o inN :-i:<-\ Mi , Mis, Itiutfflim §, SfobtiJ of Wlvw, hiiVP aiuioiMiued the b'lifh r-tliAIr third t'ltlld; l'tdyinuiid.'Ar> r, --lior.il f«b»'utepy Ifl at I'ohit aeatft J^S|JU«J, JVJW- WyilHinn i fi MI l Ann of Me" and HHl.^ttlufV-V. Ma'lufrt of 74f Wal- 250 for 9flc c«f (14- Alan ^^ liawy S5ekoLI. «f a I nut lo tlu> dtjitfi'ti liMt at o tfir Wtfit r ' 'of the C/ttiifui'd fiemwiffltlo C.lnb TeHt'liHi't) OolfeHH, (tev ; N, -V,, HiliiUil.U at f maetliitf Monday nlgltt at ;m wtiera.^liD. Is jHVli(^; ri-M^e, Jdspph If, BowWIM of tin* •afl exhibition #im»nlt of Aiblft- At.iwf ii^••'.nil la«het e. gently «!««,• > -.- lliti blrl It of a eoiKflmbtJi^ ; ^ 4i at Molt ' Mtifl C -fleoeelfli'y, Mmr Atiii M, 1 lii i'hreti ©I'flnlfbifd M'lsh: 'UToii^r •. *. .:.1 .••••••I HFadiiutep ly* ;en. .tli« tim't Jfa t^cHfi IIpgHf^ ••.:'*•• *t;tVdai> .-.Gfwt ewi^*?;AilMfittivyii. | ^;v^E/;;;tv;^^Tr'20c' j;(i|i T|I^ ^.v^M|tjijto^ii,Lttii8eij, f t iu*iM, Joidwn- Pile^{ i ...... 1 w^Stt ? O«|t nine, a .BO»IO»>- mm OfIndrod; lfJd.wtira W. 'Tvli ti>«m wtd Loalle JP. OHok." )?••*.•• • , SAB

'"• ' ...' •' 'X'

• ' * |M^i< •'.•:.'••

• (•• I" :•*;•• X,\ li»-''-^----.- •••••'•• r .••<..•.•:.••'• ' •;'•• "^" ',',.;'.;^>:; Oor belief In Cranford'* deilre for good ichoojls has led each of uf to plan a teaching fe>;. ^w career in this coitimunity. On the average, •?. J'v we have been members of the Cranford High- ST. ;-:; i" ; School faculty ft^:fi|i(^i^ : 1 '••' •',',; .•:•: v;: . .: :• • '.:.' A •"•' As a result of the February 13th school .>>'•—j—•—••-,• One Day Only election, we are concerned at the apparent

I-;'! " lack of public interest in next year's school / budget. ';. —' -• ... ;' : - • - \ •••"'.•;vfc • . y^...._ >•• Spoj*-«nd Drewy I So that we may more clearly evaluate

IT DOES your feelings about education, we now urge ' • *'•. •' wm j •wi*''^--' ill every eligible citizen of Cranford to VOTE IISTWITH SHOE BILEE SPECIALS FO« THE SCHOOL BUDGET on February 27th. . i, r'A' Afk your n*iohbArr /"If you wtnt*d to ittll your ; Support our Cranford as a com- Jbomt, with wKow would you Hit Iff MEN'S CHILbREN'S DRESS SHOES SHOES munity pledged to provide good schools for $6J6 its young people. _ ••._!•

K.1 .. *•. ^"<. 1,000 CRANFORD RESIDENTS Albert E.Ballinger Stanley Grayson Isaac M^Russo .•••••.•.•„.»•..'• .. ••* *-v ..•. .. «». ^*? .'••-• • • TEENAGER PETER GUNN'S i Edward A. Boyle Lloyd H. Jacobs 4 Thomas Scutro • ^.77 Courtland JL Daley , James Lenney . Paul W. Selby v ;r

-*• | RoyG. Paniels Lawrence 0. Liftman George Toenes 1 John E. Drabble^ Burton W. Lo^flenbach Elmer M. Wtber A«k ut t^HJI-y**i whyjt doas makt a difference ^ Herbert fa. Farrell William H. Martin Seymour Weiss Michael Glennon —Norman Onntfoin Oliver L. West Siuart S, Goldblatt Edward A. OHo Michael Yanuzzi Josef Goodman Frank E. Etamsey im

In The * •-.:'. •• ••...:*:•••• ' .> "^ " . ' • • .' » ••'":"'••• . ' '9*M fr* bg the Above Listed Utmbivsf •I the Cnhibrdlfioh Sdhool Faculty, 13 Roselfe Shopping Center - t i. J», S»K •:•

—«l. A-!., L ,..»<>•• -, ;; V: ; r' „>':,:- -,- '••••• •• '•)'••* •'• 'r,^.'T_^'",: ,' '"

iZ-Vv-:' •• •«...,••;.•• •„•••/ ,„• #3 j V-.:-< ;•; V •-..* )•• ---Tif -•••-•—

i^l^ste^H. -j!v~ *•!£.. ,j,.wi»i'r»rn^ y PRISH KILLED

A if/iUvf.nf M'w'/f()!< My • Hi (,/MI'IH fur #tt ';•»•«•>• ; fit; •Afitf fit Oil'' t'HiKtlT'liHHfJT 'liflH1!- •li.lv. tt>'-< y .''•• «• '•'iin(.(iiifit/:'ilil nf ttl ; ., (,|f. hit. lie H.n>»f. ' ' ,,fl,| ||.<• »Mi!ilv Y'ifi/'ij n.f-|'tilfll/-ntfs!_ i'/f(ifl«i rif(> f^flfiJtt.U'fiM ii (•(•/(•i • Mir M'tiM HUH ll'in/t(- Iff lldv I Ml" > AlilTT/ifty. fl«fii"('l, fit , '•/: Ail KH(. / .If' ; Itlf) ,.tfi»il-lii-f*: M | W' Writ I, "#•# W., fif H.«liK'nv. I'.'/f |>i ) Mif. wifiifr'tiiftl' ;• "» uitiii (ji" f f t (•VH(^I; (if '' >illel H; tit;- f'H-s'f r*-t-fHv»t.H»<* l IIIH.I « 'M^'j-'-s'ihll l-lifn|iftl«'i " ': fill' Hi- l!i""f»ll. ' HHUltfv: Ifliltl IllH . W Allit'fl , Af-iiiiii .w. ^Iin-n Mill.- *•*• Vt«»l ftfi. II /If-':.) llClllclffllf-l M-lfh i/:- mii(i-riTiiiii.i<';iff fin •'^^^""t^'tU !l.'diiiiii. WIA< v • H'l.ll .l«l» - ^•fpfiiviiffl'iliT te'fiMl OVIN-ftlDI '••'•II ii, f.»(- fJ-flfl M'b!i//;lf Illl I ffflftl lf(i' ;Mfl"»f If it'-Vllllf- ,'lllfl 1 f. Mlllrtf fit Uftlflf't; j' jt., i«r Wi-vl iiiHl ,( "iWiHftf. 'i Vlld I Mill fw/ tfliti ll")l-fi Mi Hi CHUCK STBAKS / lto»«'v>ii;, liinl

hfa" will H ] L8HIB fi: 'WB!«BII -Bill uf ? m Sirataw (Hdii.v - : lH»P» l(U'lit"Wilt to III ': Mir; WtyHftl Wtt| tJflFII. Ht dtfMl

.)liii:HI. rflf rt' IliilW. IYI WOUND ROAIT , , Ib. 89e . iMi lif ill §1r<: ... LWI WtJWftBWto 'f ^of Am- fiW 3#iiW will ii« looffy (inn iiiifitii'- : r torn I.Ui ij tlfid / UH0|J:li*, wiJUFftiiirMW-

(** l:Jtmt!J«ifi wliu mM S 111 jy

Hi'M H|HUUUt-J.li. t Insurance HC Will itlt H

Hlf Din iVlfp, M 1UUll tiMlti' hilltiHim, HHti tl ai CADILLAC

i WlUt ftt lilt lionu> rtM»«f ft ll

1 j he V mu HIM H

yuu up-io

\\H \\ms wui - ton tuut flit-- tt\'\ f'lilHlilS ^ PlH, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY

Ihk fnuHli^itj IHI8 mt Hvwti in HiivaRHis' httm i W^^euld be plea^d ins Uf. t'»rt»wirt CINTKR CUT PORK CHOPS Ib. 69c i H ltin? «*> ft sir If ft MALf PORK ROAST , Ib- 39c LOIN HAIP PORK ROAST ., Ib. 49c Hedenberg-MacBean FRESH HAM SLICES ...... Ib. 69c i)i it4«* itoljV Ninth' Snti«t;y t

••If,--.! IN LAMB CHOPS,.... Ib. 89c v\ .--——^-n I Ib. CALF LIVER, or g|i|(INtiifIICLt) AVICNtii 'Hb. BACON ...

• '•'••'& ' v* , (\\W\: 9 Uma (II • •? -f c I GROUND BEEF > t '• • l< fnnvrui homi 3%U8«i \'*, LEAN ;.' * . 1 lb.TV. 'I . you I'M ' ^ J1 "• '' •• '' '• ) GROUND ROUND STEAK • . '. ' * Of-TVllV" \ st, cofivcfiiwit 1 i:' t'lunvh, Npntid, 'V • *' ( t»i • '?• ; 'I* i •••'• So

K«ninth I'.IIMMt l Ofttc* L G, h UH *X*t HHOAO - of the rioi IVoshy IM ELM 8TWKET will Y»). AD a-0130 v MM\(«ojj tontovroxv' (»t 11 p.nv «« ttiVv.Momoitiil, la Sp»li\Ki»oKI i SI'KINUHKM) AVKNHK p Friday fill 9 P.M. ! win. rj».'oi «i.\'Ki>Hl«sh tJ*rt it ttM • w )\« \ Woekday* — 8 to 6 P.M.. CLOSED MOND I Moiwta,v'. .. *'...- .11 WALNOt AVB. ^ , r T:' J _i»lv:n«v«l^wjU be

•!:, 1 . T^—-\,~: ^^^^ ^ ! Even 7*jtJ

, , A. ^ si; the Gtitifiitm. in tJir wi«)f of 4t'V Van. §iuki«. Wliltehewl

flit'ttlshtoa the tempts

KS^ivhHi lo Honor c«SolttliHtTpl ii avinie will be..it' mertlji -Jfw (eowB^Ueifiof ti f^ite wJui Nubile 'H

V FREE «m«t Ud>l#iuitoj lolld wajtle, with 2 dauoou* uiwi.limih


extou«loii table, tix nJgk*biek 5*po. Bronze auite} extbnsiotitable, 4 beau

TOMORROW! Kooa cuts five best-seller dinettes to one incredible S99l ,. .. - - . : -r - rs! (And if you'd Tike to add a smart decorator touch; moatwaple piece* y Dinettes that actually sold for as much us 159.91)!• Just take your pick! Choose a 5-picciv suite in solid maple with round or rectangular table.v Qr are available inJa red, green, blue or mustard lacquer finish • • • for just lft% a charming maple-suite with harvest table and two doacoir's benches! Choose. extra!) How-can Kbos possibly sell suites like these for so little? Thank !' I. -; BR 60080 the glamorous Daystrom dinette ... finished hi ru-ti bronze •. . with bright the giant buying power, of Jersey's biggest nhopping center for homes. * , ». o text. Boat Won? — w* that lets us scoop up barg/iin»-by-the««:arload! • And remembjer, $10 down ;q*t you th "brass'* back-chairs.-'lQr the 7-piccc family-size iTTitc . « , made by famous ~: paystrom in bronze-itflilack. JMp matter which suite you choose, y,ou'll save sale al Koos-Rttlrtvay ... good rcprcaentatioiwat Koos' branch stores).


..( '•'•'• ""."•• ., , •'.:••;. v >•

; '..,•!,:-:.-i-r',.•;...>'•_ ••" -^. ..'

l 1 1 : : 1 V; >;l : Vv ^ iilS:'.:':''v^\ -' '.I-:'-' -". -.•'•' '.i'-'-r^'i: . /" •••'.••'. :*'v •• '^'^'l;'^'..-'--^'.;:'''''.''':.—_^__^-^—; ";,.';--: •:>•••;".•;-'.^ V'-'": ^. ,•'.'..• '•"•7."';™ •;-•'.••"•'• '?/•.''j • •.- ••"...' •• '•^•:'- - •'••• -*^ . *'; -•••• ••:•'• '::: ,V*i

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, ••• • ' * ii^ j •.-T-'*^' v : JJ^ILJ •.. ••• '. ••*'\' •; ...''-•' J,:..;.....: •.'....._ ...y,- •• • -•A*—*-—••--+- < 11 ••- •" i . jV : . ..^ . ,. /•" • :• •'•'.• -': •••" :. '"'..i*1*: s' , '/ ' • V:: • ••••." ••"• "' • •"• V-/ •J-

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Bin of

r titohk winiUi IIMVM bt^n in valfi. "• i<» tf fllfllWl lM ; Hlii) IM tiff* (,'MliWW v^ ....' 11* "i'lip NUi't'ss.'* of Hi _ ! it tti# Pfltt ifattw, ii

lOM l(» Jlfttw' " 'P " Hi. ' fM tf»ii« af l/i# «#*ihi* W«irt ' i Jim*. Hi Bftidg§ « (li«>iii wild u v •.' ^ will flip 'it fe H-S <.'HI»!P»« > . Wlpp»tt Mi* pftltfttt «f lllelf ed titmhi of tklui'Miuii-U) Mi'/-- • •¥••*> Bl'td^, If, J, iQAM in . »lo fiww iwui'li y^d for r^Wwit of td 06«8p,.As*«. wan n gifts whiehr|iav§ 0iH ymti t!^»jw find \mk Wfie, i moi4§ than flS-iiiillioti doIJa^ Into mmrVlmwtml •. n Me; §*w#aditepWt tismdlg . But ih0 jjisiie eaita of the two -:" V 1 * ii Wdfliifl

fill *•••"••*.'•'• *

^-•a^fiitiiriM^^ ^bi^feiiand^^ast'^ clear. WIM WI« #i«W r re j J^ulilie Libi-ary • yftf wwiAtiid term at .... *_"" " :J!™*'-"P•• ^wjj^'^^isteit.^^*ee;Jfld: . •ii#.^a#to^t ege^ies-te^#e>~ aw itotf of ; end minm^Jute' MM, M; A, Grain, will) ^w*»v«.^^^l?l^fi9Wp mmy wd Urn ejifw»y. ^he

mush ;irt^^^g^ewr ••: ^ - •? • •., • y™< of Urn tit ft small t^f oil iiw>o/il.Wit teleHt"••(ft.pi •'•*>-•,•• nintiisintiis." * ° •vek^iiwar sHould d« - valipm eft If youfit the orttw statement to ite fim~ &t a to by -•i',-: lolurtin. ..{SwfeB "Sf dtei'iJfMfterts OH feedw-

lues 1144. fl |MH« to idjpi^veftt tiM

ih* eliy- Unlen avenuejhfew^k^thJi ^r to fa^fa.iMmr' 1 J0#!wri Ago . f(ujpe Heeds let1 flddltleiial dw^ ^ Jft j^tttt tdwii'diflse (he SfftM with '™"*^""—" "^rrr:^"•.!ST™^:r^ ^ieifW,•••0e«i'«f:.§';:^^i»»»ii;fti4i!f:"lMi»w- vVMmii,MA FHflew~feW jBhd dldkHovv, jstimntea •; it wwi mmmm^^^;"•«;,••••••••• ••.•.'•!;••;•> ;--y;>'-V:'-^!ti>.j-'fifK-; r'*%jt-'Kf:i;:S.>-.^.. raay «o this too. t Is quite lsfge •*» has a bPlifht breast Is mere •».:r ..^' "• -any .6 i.i-...,;.- --••!

t*_.,_•.;..•;. .. 1 »n to piek hiJ team out immediately fran^ a the others that wem assomblod, since she, y 'Urns -tjiJblwtf tft the tfli'la.AM. hau ^aam iti *irni the ; to UVfr/v;^ [|rontofth6m_._ Ini/flt^H'hAI* in liisi • • ™^w^l• .W* iw^pwiwtiye-half 1 w«

; thlt otwy way. She stood ?«w ptfa }#w haa had:M tueh. and nnf nnlv w^tv) thft Avaa li«fdw dawn rtde irt tfie _ ihj J*nd of the water, take ' "f(th|i,.'auncl;cfei.«!e'. •fit. Many live aletii the I ionor*itu3ei\ts*; tvvir tettJ. tettms^in the aid to1 chawct*!4 dovelopmont iiLtho Held hiaVily id«n- M^mto M^n^t^ school ^aras. their ""•SL#^f" "S^Srtrts!& ieargiM^om^ery asap* M,- I 1 1 1 1 to l ri1 hM "I qANNOT .jmf 4 ~^ f. ,, .,.,„,„ „..,.._ .,,. ' how to"work,tofiew as a teaiii, P" ,'' "" ^. fJN» ' ' >...-; + I^P1^?^^?^^^^ *»*« with>ch other, h«lp oacn "SSufcM5S?^^-uil*-°? IT WITH MONEY Ale # # ing to mentally fordedt-:-dU|dNii;by other, knowing tliat a tenni is only as K wSuimmm ^embers of Chapter 875 of-lite NBTAm good as the weakest mombor an it I You nkHy to ^ tius wiow : i'' ^wwn»« V**i. Md^ai^^^of,twr?WT~»nW' -;rwi*- •2^V«?^ t"-iC' I r"/fhpy^eveioj)akqenj»ridovM"J«,*r-'Ha|-will.MI UIC atflUUl >MHnotonlO IOWyH ffT^^Jt^h^rK therapyior^^c^hindi?^^^tifints in several .hospitals in laosjtott,^ . they repwsent (especially tfth e townre- ^" yM! mo»ln, Pftlatlaf inytwemmmity OortoNt:ti!hti$ *t a Kftw to .twir|iiig than meets the eyX and We •ad Cmr M*Ufal*Lg 11 r/ York< State

•/.V-''1:.'"",®^ •.|;^|/::^:;::;v.v;^ v,^.^,,;^.;,:,r:-y>:••:•„,.,. .v>,;;:::^-:h:;^;^ji ••Cfc*-::C'ri:'^-:? 3 •"/.••• -%i.L- : *• . !'/" . '••'•• J:-^.; J^»:^_L •', -,*-, ^ i .,' ^:l,i_ •.•_.'•:•'"•• •"f^T~•"••••' .'^TI^^^Lil'^v'"^ ••'; •.,•, ••(-•' V- . "•-. t • '••"•'.",•'''..• •I • . 1 «". " .. • • •' _j .'.. •'. :, .,,.:-^!Ll;-...-V"''•'.'".:.:•:•• • .. •"•.'• i. *• : ; r >•••—•--• . ..»„ •• . • .._.^ ;'••;-•"• " '••''•'". •**'."''"r.'- *'"";''"''?'•! • *"'' ~~"' ~~':' '~.'^i-. '''"'' -4————-r—— -*;— "' ' • : / .t-'f -o •fti •'

;.'»•• n, 1 Arthur Krlirnldt, pr»'BU1ont, -end With M mural ti UllU Cranford Public School Newt t»l .Dtp. .K0 i (Jrudo ft #':••.<•- fl N«.»tO*f( :• wf lmx«s,^lB di£tpi.ii^(n the by. "",»»o* twji pW*,- fttiigrowthfi of.' •..•'•1 *it my ,'K the ,". tfexintfini iil>'d '..Mteljm*!...:. i4- 'Atyhitom Lin l',iit'hi'i- , lifls )y, py ta the- - "boy's Htid- •III .iT ff>i-in glloiiftfi fur •"A»rf'lgo.fjo,V at by M«Mfi i ^^d 'H» rt fcn'w. .trim; i U; whyy i )Htitmi anda « « Mrown. Tli« btiiyB ttelid In ifuijti »• ; , Thpy iir»i now ready tw Qt , 1 8^- ihoclwl yf M^iueoi «i fv rfrlmpRr-/tti(ilt1 iHtt^H PttVktV (,'hHmtlnn Kpti/UT f)l«,v Million, tlt'iiy -Jirln|»ot;|iofr, WrHMJil Mt'litnlrtf/ Uafift yttnl*** «ludy of fcl Jl Avenue Sehoot hre . a prtigrtirH With Laryitftu lowing tmftifjpf'B iiii.ht't- HUlJh holt, (in'd. .liiy lUtttuvkPt, •' 'i'hwii l S>>47>Wbf t Ctt|hpHii(>,M,eij'ln, Mini l.,i>rt Mllltrh. t Gradv 3 tee inenftbefr readlrig en wi Itliig M «ltIf e:}jfi(.'Ol'lll,tlg tH J Tht«vtOlloWltig /linililt.nlB rif IIJIB I'lte boyw and glrlfl In Mra, ISIdd HpHt-tttn life, C , Adok? I'Hittii* i»Mlt|led (i- y. Wild JHpli ttofcc" hfld l Wlri of SJWwftSJW ' 'tttlrd gradg e »re dfudyH g ^ Hyiim." rfcdn "iniiiln vn4efollfu tjueen Jlfllhipl •An\y tltd\i\i\\w, Vh'Hin f Kiotip MB fWHilng kwie. «oene, „ - 1 C.vnihlH Moiimhlt, Cheryl M HP Worthy, lloberl Lu llJ "flip |j ol Wk Ctmt'hUilt, Jajti('f) little), «fC?i ej*pei'lmoni on tli\«i»llty of wnd to Cltj'ltitlMfl KUM\Wt_Wiffl HI|P: r winu done by eiMidlfiTiebi y «Hfl a I itifUwg; Otmald Ifhl The boy« miimfn tnMta A butlelttt \ "Otii *\ Kid UttuuMUi,. tii\& U\vH* KpJ»riVi w r.!.WHf -V- OrmM J«tt|iiparler, A llftli group, «n hH^'H klHde#He0 'h«v« it of 'w nay Mm. CJ > ;tJ/iry of. air; i^anoy ila'rri tuttry, u havtti l».i?»WwUzwI» i|j)t) WHH uiifidticled by big' ttwi/iriHi Mid iinltitj u i« vld Talrjott, anti^VlrgirJlH mid 't'lti' flnw .'I'hwBw.wuiklng on a. Ittble s ojyft. They rtoilffldd ivitfdp a Iwi' ijJ NMttiitHV'tiiili In '••the Ir ultitly, ,rfr»7 fffiyiioid Bevlntmy,' t^ 'H of tii? T'Hid. Olhein wtu» ittadw (!«i d» weft*! bav.ld OlHen. glv^o My Uuili Wltdl^y, p ll(p»ih((in, l^iljftlt Pflljjjlewltiii i\m" and °3 to well krtowit by the Kttlhy tSolari, ^usun ^ ettery aiid -prouN jtdV the It WiH i lutipltiluB, , t^ftJ; «Hd flWte wfftyi" 1 MMrk 'WttWqm , $i)m\ , a tntM'p.l .of. Ml. VernnB Mtky , •.(Hiwuri, Mwlntoo, : 0«» lley (iarldon, «H0< btidks with jik'Uu^w and KeiiNti'tli Avt'l'yt MibliH«*l floyle, with Htirj'ouudlug ' HardetiH ^n'd U iii ttAlihit tWUdt, ThttttlBH and fjHuj-mum,w .Johtwiiihf. about dJiitwauj'tf, Don ftwvHiitl, tfltiittiy (Uiodtmh, H cardboard hortei a Cm\ LUftlW))4 AtJelePu^iil, Ju '**(».€» olBMfl has been divided into La»rgfi'tjt wh&ihave *&Ad tiro dJm^pefflt,iM[«ty AteH* )*it\ 11 M feutfe'i aw'y Nfe wtiHfd t, Mi pine 'ireflu, end a big «l,entl/i^ utslng empty iiillkflif" \ PC) Mfli'k amtth, Itfitii'gara fl«li for five .tfi'oiipH ti> work tin aitproj.. of boaiu'are tiet- Karen S^moti. I^ Cblu, Men!se Craiti. «{;!«. Threti^'oups have lakwti a ilifiiiJrpt("«Qoo'd' Martha ° M«yw, .Mk, HHt'bsia Kempt, Gr«d«O , region of Swli/wjand for JtiHtntil, Wendy Mupi'fly.iJeftl NofHtf, Urn nvtnal depiiiling the Tliose wotfdng oy- thtrAlp^ region Ka^n Nell mfc .SusftH 'Swlriu/n, c'Si»/vteii «mlth, Ltndtt Lu^theld, tly •WiiMljw, #lteii^ i 1 IN by MM, Oud Schmidt! fillKabelH' Mayer, {M Ink, Wijvld Goysoti Md let ' J Ht^d atop Mt, Mlnlluky; and \Mm M and bisea IH tiddllloii to M^y lteynoldM,' It-y n .3m Mmmqtty, wtlltwii and Utivid how Iwjji ftmUii l^ry I'lill Ol wid Her«, the Uie tiranferd fil- or boxef inwbleK to Carl Itttt1m«r, Gkryl-VLv& l»hrle«, Mlni6 ^^JJhi pupils in Mm- JjJdlth pwpai'eiii oatbon dlantid© and Bng^fom, Slmlley die'* «>lttaij are ritudyhig tht f Austin, ¥udd (JltH atjHtfdit ahowwl haw to were made by Hobert Kley, ld P 'Me SolteHiBl, l^ula <2lark, Torn- (ram, 1MB West is bum fiid BW e»f traiiMpuHatlori with - WiiM^f^ ey drew fjepi'w of Newark fitite CoU • In studying aiwlefit Eg/fil, the my Mliei'alls, Chip Town,' Apollo lit: hit) • • vl d^l'tetd i ^y ahtVMttfk JiurgiileimHtli him, TTJast' wflflk tfle ».....-» oliiWf.....,,..l ..„„ ss e tin Iwagbiary trip to New Vorki WBflabrotdbooks about (n^t frotn the depliiH of ooeaji Is ; Llneotrt and WftHhihgton. 'i'lie p iVWftldon. the oreHtlon of Will Kan d gj glw bought liokntuliukntft,, ana«d;tlyd ,v v «ler and Wobert y'elii;.' ' • boy >fe WobeH Kllldtt, -Mlolwel look turn* being the * . - has lea'C'ribd H 'bunle-lllte #ng about Mt.: DaWd ifloreiiuie,, and ei% tluknt Unooln, aivd Hiilietiette Mdm of Oall {tauten and l . Hitl M rt Hiiti WaHhlHiKtoii have been berg drew Ifeianes eiiroiiie to t , jjlantt i.«iippert, Kiaren The <y (|)l'«ped in^i'esl In ... i^fl orbit;, Bifflifttyy and auHtth Pollnui broitglit ^Htife tt by JOavltl lliafVlH and FIRST AUNIVEfiSARY irookn about Bgaee,,,. ^ -^c Gregory Stow. Laurij S*in«r and- Lynn Keattt' aro working on Uen« x pei'8 Have beefi tfotik^Aiuii FRIDAY, KB. JS - 5 PJW. h» LAM. if) and Pat MiHk'tbi.-efUNUiigi tlH. while tila»*&»!ftmy^.ttttd. Karen -I ftank ItadlelikteU, ••••"Wttteln• g ttlt Wll tviaku .Uielr Mtpdl ':ki Keith ehnmberlHlu anttKuviit IJ of Aylntnilte, Artemis "Odddtiss of u: i, feedlitg turUesr " the hunt, will be the work ot Mon- Ciil 3 ultt Evdei and Kdwai-d Mni'kowlch, of lieng Ago" win In uhafge of'dtislp HHd back LOI SANDWICHIS «lby tlilt'df gr ground.'were Vwttty Mlih^ who tiymoft and Itobert moral ^t of liave produoed' a i^ WanhlH«ton aiid Abi'Hbam o background ot H6H,,nlty and In playnreiimWd, "'t'lji lay Whomountain,—:—-—^— '-*-r—- ttild Not ^H » fattt1*-t^ d "Abe's Mfivy-4 Faiible flnuounetid ^tlie Sdtool plays and WJHIam. SugalBbl* eon- 2 ntd;la l! Steven The children In Miss s Heeoriitgrtide live Btitdy- lfi WaulUngfon; KtjnntlK/l^ilsUH, books about •thti ^Awlle. Nancy. Mfi1. -WflNldngUMi. 'i'hif «iipiiovllf»|[ *" ' «n, /Kjgrry 'K«atio«- Paul uUBl watt Hobtii't toaltf, Hfii'i'y Lee, ;-. jblane .Jnnorituin, Lynn U.$p\ik Kriateller, and i<«- Mark Vnu- fi^/Watpr, llfti'iy Os- ; boi'iie,- MaPSr Heni'ieh, Nlfholas thy JohijHon brought booku to litltittH tim1 Wiiirtan Hutfulsld. , All tho tlilUltjei^ure maktng OaMtonStat* . i*fttty MKnlelt wag gfouit l Illtiattttted booltfeliir; 7 4 '.v fop ohoi'Hl kl The ^following •«hfitlt%'H' hnve I.VIHV- NHSIHfT Cleeige W tvtitde IIUiMtrfitlout) of UHklmo life with vpec(8l by Ctury Pin- whioh ,are on the bulletin board: Joseph ttpbbltii Diuiitt Jngorm«nK •Peter Vtidifltb, Juno Win'gheld, Paul Suhtulo, Paul Lltvvaek, Map- Hn UehkleWlozi Kerry Kwmd a'nd Ilrtnri Wfiller. ' '. \ Wolfgang . -Boehnii/. Deborah CttVr, .Jiiiln KrlHitiUor,' Antonina -8finluu'e,,John T«b«r, Carol-Mucu- \.,:.. lltc, nnd 'Lynn Khitnlo inudti plu- UII'OM of KHICIIHO t'lVIUIron" wbiirlint pjirktiH, now on wxhlbltu * . Ditvld ' BllHby IH feuding the atovy of "Mr,. VXtm'H Mixed-Up i"v..Ui:JHfi.; Jlwsw.. M«rtin: |ton« klc\vlc/.V brought ti wtory about Lincoln wltlni picture of tiheolh ihut ho had coloredt He story tt» the oli»«».. • COMPLETELY ..... DlMluhtile brought her bell organ und playud .Noverul

Grade 4 AUTOMATIC! Tht* children in Mm, Rhodn Wolsky's fourth urndc nro nvvult- l»g the return of their eernmle plccos from th.o kiln, The cwrnmlo AMD COSTS \york wnH'dono In corrolotion with thoiv Ho'olal. sludlt'M unit on Control Amorich, • FoFn oodnl studieu project at liis time each child is compiling ^6I tnble of contents, nnd 0 simple you hiki» with oil. Ifg bibliography. . •...." ..,*,.- *©mpl«t#lyoyWwaMe - Y»t For n science project Konnoth 'itlli -y#; kit* Pnprpckl brought in a bell, a push button, njtd 0 dry cfell, which ho ', • > lurtit cltan ami hot^ h^d to enabhiri:hc~tocttT~ .•••41 :.-•;-•,'••.••;• to rin#. Alnn Mnlor brought an t»l» buy In «6»owo»le IM.'; • .• V1 ,' • ltt Te had mode. tV'V"- You cdn't avoid it, but you cab' affor&itfOiie cut; of wmy three families will-be hit by illness aeridua •V. %. LobiUri, Bhrlmp. Cfib enough to require< hospitalissation this year -— and that' i Coolnd Heiifer To 8«rv« may mean someone ih yourjEamily. When it happens.- it means expenses ... an(Tthe best way to hancfie them with the least financial'strain is through P. a Box 4201 4 Newark t. New Blue Cross-Blue Shield protection. You. owe it to*# 1 Addfest; Op«n from 0 A.M. Until 8 P.M. 1 On TueutUyl WMIptwlay, Thuraday, loktamon Av«. at LVfilt 1 , VtttUy.and city, 1 '-:-• 4bn«. i•'.,V Bltls tns;:^..'. V . \

ii--fr.tr ?V;\'*'^1^t;r^^^»^»W^»^^U14l#*l««W J«:±l*&'i*:&iMiMii«*Jri>r^^ • .•v- • • < •' • • ,''i -••••••'Mr; -.••• • /.u^ • v •*»•" ..'.•. . ^— 1' • A/- • . -. 'v

•'^ __ '•-• •' j —*- t' • .• •/:•

/'•• • Y •

1 q,.--"r.;:;.-.-.y.-;,--rr't^'i ,;r,;i-|.-rir.-j-.v "r-.-;;*i ••-•.•, l: ~;.:'re.,;""^,- - "•'T.-yii^ayji .',-;.!--•;:" •• .' j-.. -•v;7-',-j_yi^.a_^1r^J^,.^_.jJi.|-.^..' P=^ to Speak ift^if^efe ti i Boys To Honor ^ ."Wby.Jie (.J«odyi( wili'lj* ibi?' ehuaii, We»wi«(d/ will be wrni speaker Counetfmeh l.!*«H O; lrf»OKnk«r «f b»»«h tl»? . th# I.IPII" f, -Albw;t tJ, tJt»sewj» piis-- Safety in the I&me Vlvt> Mlttiift• VMii\n>Vtt lit, Hid ix1nyJir llip ^iiul l^fub^leritfii' t'liiittb. 'I'.lie »:8(i/fiefviftf will^lit*^. I.- ••• • tjf flip /O(i(n?«liiii., ^MMl^t^iimi Chiijfli CouiH'il «t Calvary.-li/uth". the Wt>«tmi»ster Choif, Mifldi* up of oenlor liigti y*nin« txxiple, ejng +)<« A(lnry IIIIIJ.^ l5*My, the t>hrwv- Mi, ' I'oitirtjrtoity. a« -kuMy ttfit^l Choir; finder jiirw holds or mifcly oo Hie ei'Mr and Vmttwvr ofClniDllnii Hurt ««>v H»id Ibe «ei'vk'«* 'of :feivenitjtj >*i-##.vt*i- hi Mdlth tit uhiiii'b' ft(>b'(i(i).fot'..yotiiiit pwijjle HIIN, iimny Ni'leiii'tf, Wrlli'M in "Ni'lt'iici* iiotf , f l h. uf iti (iohduutjtfd. hi, ibf clitHt'ti p^i'h llttU; Study of Paul firiMiiiilOiitt JJeallh with \UM t'lforls li* vnMm Ihe i, wt«» Tlfe , Mt>h\ur Vmiih Ifr'rikrWfthip . will f/.ik*w fevh -BHUiHiHy h;»m 4 tub t».io=- IlltltllOWII III (lOll, (W llllllllil'lfll Wd U To Cti . • IHIIlildT of OlUhlJtlN III (III' IKHIII', witl m'^et «t V^JHTufwiei'the IfijwtK In Ibe Mt'rant^iit' is!, ftbuolttliMii IN tbw yotuiti^i- i'biWf-Wi if " iiiit»l"-:lflei ' ; '.. '•' aHtaii d Aii'liitcclii ifinl hoildwn H of. Mi', and. Mt-s,- Jfj)io t TThkiih. Offeriur will wilfi \M\HH\ I»«NI« otlu'lipf iuui ntiiitt - /!(/toit'll) littiVifitihtil Joti At /y fjM fl*Ml tii ( f. l wild |li« olio Mfnd, In wdw lo fiw It, W^tltHiiNfill,J^Hfl Vi wilt be y» guri'^y m(>j;f!.ii!« Nf IV MJII. inuN« ft|»ft'itii liHiid fuilit, iiiid ('lill)iflP Illi* llllliOH Of ('IlKlK'C l» find Woiittlit•Coi'l, till it Ififl Tin* (iliiiiiti(H>tH«tfti< < | i flHUfl»HHdn wm be the ew MO il vybw •.*«.t •uhl'f(be mm*b (iliiit Hv«.iti(fiti|iii'««iiti Kill Ihf fii'Miii'i' «.i'iin*' of (lod's HIM will havo th^lr of MAU]HH(* fc'hurtfh/ wiir tflllll^lltlllllllll hllfcly Hlfvit'MN IIIIII lllMII^ to be VtH6 |.aei«.'.fiiith mi will. ... whlth will by the «eee»ui iri/ u.-M^ieu^^t..- ym'nt lit* IIKt M I dlr^otor 'of th« mw pmitibhU ferib "Tlie Will A)teak to The. wny l(»/|iinvi»nl Mini tn (lod'N mid the United., ehureh In •>.r.-ita "iiHunt mmti m*m& i 1 ...'. Oirl 8wut •'..«.„ „. I, Uil l«Jo iitl ' Vui(ii'e fili'illt, DIIIMI'IV,iiiid i if butldiHtf, f he ..tteltue will feeUHt5ii bf • e fatKt' «ttnip Mtt (lip I of JeadeVehip^of Mis, 3, Uie. jl a'olwik. ^Si "flie biek aHrt lha lr at &tlg P/ Tf|»Mwijhlfiil. "These (|iirtlilli)« of dm\* bK HP wbi;NhJ|j ;^rvlee" .llid/wi'il^.': IhrrtrtrttKaftmW«i«e «(!(tr«n,auttiallv vitumI'oiiii'i i iinn •""'•' aifd Mh, 3, B,'""" ld,•""for Wwld•i: lllf* Iiltiil«lll« l ! f b wilt meet iu-tTfe His iiMb^et wtll U "th^ Ma« O<** of tb« ai' will Individual's '.ftceiwiit i'iiiiviu* llll'V Ml'* 4 of :s« unique op* foomJt.liiSO i*,m, EMHloi'er Pest _. 1 © |UQ^SII'?:' : ot tbf lillllN t'tlTlCPI'lllHg (lo(i llflll IIIHili l(dcitlr T illl In 1 vtiM b* ttte ^T%ie direction of WllJisw lle HH AJlH llU'W HMll Ollifl (limlltlfit IIS , iuui only jhj Tpi^eist' i« i,v '»ibl# feeJioor nr «*J90 Will . ••is .••;•, will' mSwllfta build- M^ lild wi(b wrffly nee iii'ito . H> h( Ihe hue K f, will nmi at ?)8Jf ifcW, In the the jrtefttlHji e«rvit'«, ; l HI. 0i i dit'fe«t«?ti"Sffflprr o^w'?. ];.v •••;••"•" -—•••••• • 0 >t MifUl flVt* llHltDIII'flhlc fl;OIII Ililll. ' iliSijasiiadrirjj will/ m*tt ffl ];;.. ' •-.'.!fhe Itev. fjkitfcne Bbet i, Mlui until Horn. iii lHftiu'eu d wlirtoftll e«eitj 'flit* onia ttie«tiHg«. held III flp.m.,]),m, (ii ith Ihe iHjfiMoHary rootfi tb§ will ,tMl^ f i>«t i}i:^t»y(Bi lair bf lite f.i.'l lititl mum Hit? Miilt plvety b,V' Jwyftieijf] Wo o'ltrftfy f ho/riefi of; the All other Youth ;,refJ6weJilj? mil jmiiricHiiil IHtwiMh of (ioil, ^orvt-ti on the g^y^Wiiog body find 4 t ^.HHbwttyi will be.-thfe wnt?fti ^ of ; tlon wtttietotivew. leBlghi mupfi will meel fit 0-s4lJ< • ' .•!» "." " •••• •• IlillllU ^hooi eunelay; Will be 1 wj titi tii tli« TwHdH-•.wTjiTwill liieet m iwni l Hi y will, lit* ltl HOH Imilitf ft o«iy une en "the et(ilf-^.tt-,^wii}loii Tlife presraw is tuider ,...,v B^ved iii the Mgthogist etehtee ObH t'liiii'ub on Nyn jM'(>k»«li)d,. iuui nlIl liy I made kyjh#, Gkrgy; the»n«el.vei» in, Of "Hie ) p,io< tlie I'l'nyep hoiintdj(!«|iino wln«i'e dlyiiisb 1 r 1 it- Limit to §puce Travel?" Iliou httsfmiult* Ibb e l.oi'rtlr, twlilo llh h tjcifiuliiliiliiwiii , Anil , Mi , Kn-' rouif will rneet i/i the Juuioi room. iw my i'i'fni|e,f : Ih I ; *O»i Monday the bos^hrf truntetifl l«i no Miteite oc h «•* in, w* ehBlmao at t>fodi)etloti , £ti»ig«kei'r iehdei', has, iiYvitM wil) meet tttsB.p.m, The flahetv, while lllUh llil Hie .hbiiie wliet'o.lTiei'e is a and aistrtUutlofl of Ltithei-an yil b of the t^n«^n(ioii to «t» .meii'B aifliit», wlli havi! t'ftftr&j of' a ; MethotliM t'HHHeyl t'liolc ^ill deifiitii.MWiii'Mir-NN of (lod'r,lev« . i i| BL u lT|io6 |Jv B ; Ifte aiH'vtoaB at oeoii ? jtieoiiBftfH r^ / i ^ . f|^Wviu' «e «at t rinthee goodwill - Ki*flflu© v fi«, iis de , liftolii'.im>«jt . A ,;^Ulftlei&t Ift thdllhe-efftirah••thtf-'-'eliui't'li-- «!tiVHl4Si• fl{4&. AAt^isl T!8flr^}^rr 1t**t ' : "rMe sewed as W660VM i arid, a wyetilwg; tfie-Vby&rd of eiti'i?. |f ll GiH ' JBoy Scout-'Trooii n. will imel in will S will lekvPMM pflfftiTot tit ffcjffcH ltifttt'ii'y r. IJ<) Jfiiiiylil Ihiil Iht'i't) in H (ll^ne-lttW of s«feiy fi<, Itfei»ft8,. end wa^ ww, of-.tivethe nymtmhim'.. Hnf\ i\w ... , _ .dflf tfiJd-weefe.•- ' N«IJ—iihe ! CT b:£i^ y ; lllOII«illfllhH'«M ' movhiy, forueg In ttifr production Post In.the juiiiiii' Uala Hlvw inim it i«fua(<'fi oii» stody. and prayer fWeetljia-vi ^^feffS^ •*"«ih§ feti?«Hl will be \\M at ' will be :'.'f hwt' of. evwy ktiid. It ,wiiw lht ? In .^QwmanyQw findd tilliiti i Mj 1 :prf«; the held, nm w^drjwday k 7»: i ty Itlllll llll(b!l«»IIIUllHllll(b!l'«»IIIUllH« iilf HliN IllM/ iniiy,, hhii BttHil liiiiii Iltsf, thht th world of lhlh% . eondiiet^d % tfo; -aehe|lki),ed ftif Mek, MMdiiyd . *«yM)i; Hi, "Know ya ttiettoii jjlc whichhihmlle• imiililedd : I'HHI'HII ftuvslop^ftuvslop^ 1 iL th the iimiM^faom^M r*»«rwJR^IelV ili#;r|fHfl you jMwws'ft urivep "fAm\ft- Luther. ! ' . - 'mwlvk\n\h& 1 v;fill?! WfeHtmliisi^i' &\Q{Y A 1 S-..^ "^*:* ;Kf effewiihli) will have &B .lli|lip.<.(ei4Q ihe imjfc loft, Ami II N if 10 II ife huh pi'odticed iiinf othei t: 1 ; •••(•-• ,-v'l sBl,v frM. p>tVi.i «ttini«i> 1'tt t jih*«--+-- - •;••; :•]• .friiiiifl , Bhlrlluiit l , mid thai nlithliiH (tan ItiH filimjiere and_ln Ji the fflom, The Ontbu>fl<1fly.of ihfe week ^th*. il ^llbi iaiiao,o to iblHUft'lyl you of this b'tii'flrtp id- "'i'he ^dife Riaff Marga|W Ore«n«?Amni of "The arul' ti'ONiiu.NH on I.five." Anil ; HhtticiiiUuiHPNi i)w jup siii, hold an eKecullve board 1-,-itim !ihrij§ ti\ks have IjjJ'PiW. In the flurry the )t/nior room with Mrs, In (HIP coitllih'nco lltiill wwd iiii v ? III dll in TTruth mill ttlt? tllNtliiotidiv, iintiHtial anipim ... -..J friaj&r.divMoH krrimit* filltiiijje? rJresideHt>;t?r#«ld M Seoul: tvo#4Jl>t.a.tieit|t#Hle y|itiiir4i-pro(:lufjg(j' films, of having ao ill t thhhh Love, jiiiiii'N of S§«#H will also fleHverie atj»,m, Thuifeday the . _.,....„ |;ao will iio I'luriildiht wifely in ex(eii(fed theamiifilfiifwon-tyrottiA' o.hi, Vwjder.tH«frmfw.iead«irehiri« Qmait Aumkt\6n' will serve'-«? " at mm MIL way atui on -telev|0ii ••••••'••"-•liiliiA- ediiflfltien, M>#Win,, Malublm ffOliy dlunw t«; ihe'flon«re«tttion: . iatuniay i iHttH*hiJlrt*"t»» nre (iim' I off- divindii e TTJh l( u of Pri ihgl^»ff , «t§WflPdsblp,«r«w.rO»rfUi.i« . « "^ fit v4»ieu;thrt»;thft youth-of thei;' lioiiiB fl^illH«t Ilia HOll L0V4i Hllll 1 I tMiref no auillop i^f^iehareB /hoUJI^ij^ehelbV.ef ni'i/liu (lunmulii f nA if.wilf pmtiai.a on* act pJay,f "•""**• 8 ^ Bsy-Apai't' Of iiiliUtthlliJMH rit?- tltjtfre&\ f r A will m^et st the i)()me .•-.-Tiw «iay ce In ill tt ili iSiliJJW y|»Ji»e of dettioV^fr Je|i d, eiBi'.k'fwirf'QU'l;tout tvou ril; fii •ht'se by Mw^ner in Mtifa end th* & detfree of doctor of law* •. J. •••• ••.' . •;"-r";::i. 5Fentif|y| Qlub ihi.wUl'of l llmt n««ldiftiil» are tlonv »nd in Niii'fl dwelling , Jh lOflOi He hai*ierved 0>,v : 4j« bttu'served aajin offiolal rpehttttlve of AtyMASAMt Luth- ? ^j ^11^8^ fs^. ^vftW|e# ieran Worlds Federation lt||^^i^!^^^;^il^Ef90 Uons, the WrtnuH ^ •pfil tiujf,1 mid at trhfr(t(onv«rii|oii» of the OMrPflillfejll; World teouiHill of Chutehtss and! A tionftUoii of y' tlie diuitiuh'Sflhoel ot , the NiitloBat ejimwll of.( f tiUthw'ti Steiiiiiai), piiiinh. worker of iof iShrlst In the U,'S, AilJeln a ihe tuthet'mt Who. has been eo«autfioi\of the books, "' for thtinte lWflltfioii8iHtlltfious^i..Market)" and "Mr. l'mteutant,"\.w f*<>;. -t K|.-: Uf. und In the pmo Jutlflment''* (1 when Mian: 8t .3ia\i p.m., ChUd- Gor. 1), .;•*•' ' V choir; f.p,.tnj.,.VpjUth One o( thu uorrelatlv« oltutloha will••W* imod to be read from ''Science and : 1 i i i i ^Sv'^-.^'';:::;"'/'.'•Ovv^-ji^w^.jiy'";'-'"'• •••, ; : ' *y:o' t ^i, ii'^^-^jjjj v the wbi'k ftli (JllltlWTlAN Hbtilth with Key tijithe Botlpturen" by .Mury i)uk«ir Eddy tt ;:i : : : ^•i'"'"'' •:•'"• ••>••• •.:^ '•.••;•;":•:. ;/-;v'i?--v '; ;;' ..'- '• •.•.•.••'l ;^i;':,'.^c ' ^•:--V'':^BH «oH>lfirweek ;mVi i|oil lap. Science tiluiroh eyefi Qo(l, tho whoiti furrtJly of man eoxir'^p Sunday, woultt lie brethwn;Uttd ;with~ prjo 04i 8 p.m.,',Adult choir; i HuUiulloim, . In Uhu Mhul 111UI that God, or gopA, tho 0:80 n.in,,j;att)tjh«ttt «l n eiititlect "Mlrnt"- will buotlieihood of man would conwlst 1 |i.m.,,)Vjli?rwrtl Mrs. Club rnni include thU udvltte of Putil: "Now of Jt»ove mid Truth, and have unity III'HU tHmuii' '•".?••. •! :•'•*• I beseech, you, brethren, by theOf Principle) und ttpLrltuul-. power ' % we ftiNmtini^sss'li pw skyllttieia, woilern : 10, DuSO ami 1| mum? of out'. Lord J«AUM Chrlut, Unit which coriHtltuto (llvlne; Solonce," wovihpBMvKe. ThTheieimorte " ; nil Hit* mime thlnji,' imd "StuiPvetl •pretlenUolt?," 0(80 «ndthut there btvim. tltvlMlonir. ft...... A'•lif.e .Mpont worthily »hpukl ,l l.Ua;m,, Suiuifty School; 0:30 11,111,, you*, but "that" ycc bo __porfocl)y' rifia.aHurod ' b y ddti lt cltiNNl i 11 a,i)V> , bubyHiUliijbbtU? TI in ' " touellwr in th« anm'o wind 1'Uchard uu""v die church hou«« for chlltlren un- eHmitmtliifi «*ul builtHntf new, t- V P>rrt'" InfarinwM* itU< Luther Umgue inmlneits mu«t« und film, "Dutv with Revolu- tion," m »tqvy of T&hflnnyiku, , • T««5!(dhy»rr'.7j4fl p.rn., United Lu- thertiti Church Men wilt visit the ntnv Public Sefvlce-uetifii'iitinji «li\- tlon hf Linden; -9:1B:pirrt&ftfot.Miit* i»lonof,ne\y ^ ••'"'"•• V' g of the ULGW -vCrilh lW^m V better Mew Jersey, nnd the KoVi'; Whiter ** "i '•'.', •• * to olfev its minti You can save, literally hundreds of dollars CHURCH #?-:-fi/ rrasT FAMILY GROWING? -by reconditioning yjur heating plant to BCB^ItlST. new efficiency insteagV of jputting in an wip«y. n AM: NEED MORE ROOM SPACE? y , Sunday SohooJ, II expensive new 'installation. ° , - *••. TXSTIMONY MWtTlNO- Then why not plai? adding WvdnudJiy, MilS P.M. 's jniothfi*' way-we RCADINQ ROOM— . 11B N, Union Avenut a room or two to your Qhoam\ tjj pnbltely recognizes, our Won.

: v : ; ; •-••:•> .•••>:•):•.•;•,;•:: • •• •';.-• ' ••••••••"•: ; ^^.'----''^^S^^^^^ ••^••-,v;^^;v;." ., .,; /„. • :...-iV.,.: •, -:; •••••-.vv^^. ;' v .-^./ '' s^^' :vt^^-J:* -v ^)\ 1 1 _*__ ,. ..,:•• ;. v,,,-.,,-.. .•;;>;• ..-••.._• .•;• ,• -.•"-. •••,'.,.„••• -•• «•;•/* •. • z..: *. •• •' .. -•.•••.•• . TT — •TT-., •.••'. '*>•(',' •••'.•• • ,.' .'.••'•• •*:•''" :'•: '"• •;'••« ;' ^J .... • ••'.'•"('')•;

r ( ..;..^-.!l--' '^^t..,;::i>,;7f^;j;v.-_^.j..;i;'.;.,.^.;,-v,,,,>vi, •''/.;.••.-. •.•;•?• '• .;• .'. • ' ' v 7 ' -f-'. -r -.' •':;•'•: •:' ".->;• .••••.'.•••.',• •••.•:;••.• \ •••. • •'•<•,•••. •••• ••:• • '-,,•( Ji. .'/'"•-.-.' ' •. ' •'' •• ' —•—~-_: . .'•• ••'.• '.'.. ". '. ' '.•''••••"• '••,••• "•'t*-j-"-».fii»«iu««.i1. I. ••: I'T' > • •-'• Y" •,•...'•>. m

W-m-; • -*tf fjjf)1»(».S«fnji{iMiy>iiiid( iV.» t/nliiti n,! If i i v u ! 1 : r '. )' ;j;""S:"i4u»i.. -';.'^«;j;:;L!v;^ ' 'l' ' '"i Minn imiti-'mfy. ;t j'Jwin/l"fd t 1 . ..^*-- J^ISU ujij MIBM KvtlyM OoyriMi of Vw - ! WllO Will «««lwl tilt* »*l> ^; t| »l« w 'ij iuiliihi.l|i:f.M'jv|ll 'IIIIIIIM'II (l,n;'«:«ri'itijij| i J^i M' TI'K mmv iv w^Vhwob/ *f tlifli r(ilri|piii|(j|t row In in)?f fi'iiuln-f/Jr 1 hi* T>iiv|(l O of•«luMr?b who „ /jflt'iil't ._ ... u I'iirrpnily, '•'PlMriry Hrliriiil will 'HIMg Jtordhtirit, nt mi »j>lw?iiUv* «m (uin'v Ju l.ir Itii'vilni,! mi llt«<. Iliiliin i I-H.MII* ,'J'hey, tfftff HobwKobwt )J,-KIHIIHI)J/iYwliitiiP* or Jllntu U' f'K'iifonl hi the Nt'lViWl fflmiird y room';' IJ? plaut*. -David *\ iUmvh »i|t» II»TI> . , lit Uli- ColumiJlH (ivr'iiiH', Him'it, Endeftvor lie Ri'limil pii,yf*'m, M*ttt^Wrwlll "conduct. i lc"; •wihii riled, curii.iMiily. .{PV'lii'iiiiry, tiV,, fllOl, wirfa'JM»«.II of i . • . U^li, ,h,, vt 4aV Ndilli UMIDI Tln» llw, Vt'ht\U,M . MtiKil, yM* '.AH fn'iiloip Di)V.u6 Mllif .WiDf fo ralwr-"fi'HdH lo m>0fi<>. , ot Kdl ,l. Matey n.f ;i t/iit>»fi .Tiiiiltu : live" nf liMJ'I'PtlB mr (Ijlli'i'll, will fi|jti|ilt Ml Hie 11 iltn, i WuliiitiuttMii i'oui'1 HiKTMHT tlm Ait B t* J, HMMC of rl Clittdipi-liunu tlH.lWll ((III HP I A (irnllflr wrllru. f.'ritl. n't vlt't'.fllllldM.V on "'KwrMm A^i>'i of rf of .A liltt.h fnl :llif tttH'_n|fi(t-ii»ii«iil. nf',-wn» llm iiiillini nf n rtiiinllil.v mi 'IfH fori.'lirlMti" • In dilvi-lti Ifl uf I'lin WH. llu ' rmllvp plftnl. , Hrnn'tiMiiy • htis line . <;'ilii«i?i " wliU'li Hiipt'ii'^d' Id Tilt' ol'hHi'Vlilll'i; will niMrk Hit' in wint'li • and umeHtiv* t'oiltii'll, lli»y IWVM voltiii- n't>» (II'HI«IK'(I l>y I'ruf Inn A .Jvlpw ,fn|tniy ^l>tlly )?> ii'tirliiiMK. f'Mirtli will pool t luu^lt'fll lalenttt, lill'tf nf lilt' tJnlvt'l-i'lty fl»'t- UlfJ p| In. ii>rnpi>iilul- iiilHft(i)H»iry f lijo(il»«('- r it I'l n I II M, . *. j\^i," • J^ [ ~II ti T't Jit ^' f: the Ito-fieheet nnlnlMil liM f('i, of 11 Hurt |)l'c|fill'lliM » Vi.ilillDf oiT HIP ylt'lilrlH lht< chincli l/i r(Hii|il''|ri Bcvdriil PlttO of New i/rirsey, . r . (IMIJCCIP HIIII fui'iti (IIOIIM fur thii lost i I Into'l fcXK >t ul«iif Jfumti Ini.Nt'vv Jpiwy, -Hi^vlMB.nft HIP fl^tri-rVnlnlriii nJVii» nth lii_ii»gu(1l in n «tw46Ufl» Conclave "A tiHllVti plHill Hijili'tuiiry till tlrp itriiti'p Wiih Mr.'-(Irtwlny nm MIBB , ~ .HtrfrofiliiiiPti'lii"' will. Ijp I'MltflillB Wllft Hlii'ljMj'W OHIU. (it "WimifMtl, jyii'Pt Hi lh« icoiiiilii.iloii of t|)u tii/tmiii of Miufi V'tiUUm," u. by HIP ,y«iimu tmopiit; iy wM^iriKlTiTt^Joiiiv of ii;ii/«i>i«iii( M of HIIM •) Units ii. Htflil,"' ft li.'iT'iViiiijt rtlil Hifirfip >d tutvw Mini. be m»Bi»led lit the UliiH ti'lbiiin lij ona wlifiHt' tHhoiv Mtillitlilti lil'y WHS .'.lilt* B'tttfM-IIIld ftllllWH (if «Uiu(\mu!d from I'tifiv 4) 14 us tiie liilwi1, Hit' HOMKhM'.t:U wild nwtn'1 of Hip tttiilp Uwmivt xMnd 1«« 1 tdUltnwut DlHti'lut, tJttidHn t'lly, tJHdtiw.Hof (iiniiHifi, ",'• s "-..• ' irf iiiiliirMliufw dt KldWHlfJi* «»r tVtdiituliili, Kilwlli I'; •ThWidoi'H J, M«ttt»^lni9« 1; g '.'fhank :ypy.'i by fiii t8 tuwHi'd IHF^«HJI Coiiti'iljutlOMM nmy bt» H0nt.tr) Me, f Ft •peeiHi vuinmitiiro wan, tortneu ttietluftcheoii end «m nlitee for th« iHkt!, Ji ,, oCioii 'ftioHdwuy.X'i '• f Why nol t try It nt>xl timer Ntiv J*rioy 0#ll . , 'I, '.• - xludy nmt evaluate the vwt of »tti(ild.\ .-.;•• ut-H and pro --. ,^t ...i. j.^..» ...•.„-,. J:,—-.j.;;^^,.^.. ., ...... , .,-1-,•„,„ ...... y....^.^^.^- '-.,.^ tr.-^.t.-j -.-•.-.j.ni.;a«i.w.l>:.ME>»v jiigu^i ^- •;- ,-'r-.-. -t •,:- u- t*'^" JT. mp- ••ijy^.t.»jwia;iB*) JXiMaiaitWMaiii riMai>T ia 1 '"••-* '"'••'. • - ' ' •' ' ' * ' . ' , mprtP ••'•.•'•' . ',••.•. . • • " " " 1 e«rtalH nidi 6t:^lay< at: ilw , jneatliifi wei * ;. .j . _,, •| —_

tjf alt units IH coUiwUiv.',:;^' <• ?.':• V,. ^^.v: :fc--; ••'' • |S»bru»»iy luncheon ti&mmlt- aKiv l>w»tf Htyhj im ttlsa all of NHW KiittlHiid, Ntivf? Vork **1 "iMlteai'" I

Jll.lllHfl find WHN (Mini, l^fr;; ^WSrW etl In-'IHSfc Jti* (A «om= >v;: BHfler etVT0iC1AMt3) KH «t 1 w»vji KJlHtBi , , •;:. ; All Acitio Markdti Op«n Reguldr Store Hour* Thur«v Feb. 22 afe In elylllHii lift) he Is pHjptMrtl t"n« , "\** — l^^wlth VoiiUir Wheato G^it),, ••i'fo M^ iw Yovk, fMftmedrta ttm foi'iiiuii ISH Adu Uejn^'OHljy of Noi'foljf, FEATURING ,. Jiiijttt CttljJMibeiily i^ilw Wlfiw ;$»« 'Wlimv' yj£ 'fjlL^,' >^>.. fc*' I- j '• l".' B< Batbayh Ami, IV; 8@p£$> Hd CHUCK LANCASTER »•

: BRAND mitK» BHI .• fe*W' •Men of ;y«V WV1VUV0 iat|Uetat Aid Heart Fund iy aritt' .woifi »ii:Jutt|6r...eoli«i ;''"K- „ the ttnnUBl Gvtfiiioi.^ ib;g5«- isiii^v^W alflii. of the UiiloH- County ^mm,

1 •Ulou emblem j'j' "- •'.iii' to agdlflk 1 Ktiptm l'til,

H \.:::;! Del Monto Sweot Peas 5 ! «»tti ieia Thetfl; phi 8ia dwt- Arid^maAlphdin. numM ; l m ^i ^?^^"''# :''2M#^S!M t-W.'i;';: ;••'','•• ;>'.'V biiiiljUi« mKKStLW«jhKIj4a.'AA'IAt4UHM "<&MJMU*& &1«Gr&tUttW444iiAlHV. ,...;.7fc<^v«^ BM — Jv$'Mi 1hw>«addltlotviwm eUihi bulldirtf pennlU ap '- UinetWiw M«il 12-oz. 1 Green Beans 2' 29c

Mnmlltee. They w«r«; Ku< ••*<-<• Eaiiel,.So Hlllemt avenue . eww •V.

••.'•• •'•V;' Kame iitmt, ifl.UOO, and Jo

1 ^wttaeiko, 887 South Vnlor "'••• .> • • »* .':• i-'.iiiVii-i IO approved wwi a pfcwwit •* R6bln8o«», 18 Nofth fROZENfOODS

,fi»OtiO, arid pertnita ^v r !-)i.*..V-i _. were Issued to Laiwy. Buxin $ North averiuo, welt, ;$IOO; mv- Long Grata ./ C

";• r--~r ••' y«st, :$80Q, and Fomkost Dairies Pits ^29 ? 1W Wilwut av«m», ^J-

.!..•••:• [^ ^j2^^^lis^ Com AAotfins 2 ^-49^ IMwyflalt**•»lltMbarry . '^-~ ..>• ;.•; k ••;.;..^i Kl *•<- —X- Muffin! 2" «' S9c . ON ALL MUSIC FdUOlinriSHEfeT MUSIC! liibtl cans ALL i.! .^._ - -.-. Um on'i Blrrfway Spwciali i phtrjy Sfreu««l or Music for All Instruments: <' ORW eww «•;''• Good liiefc -2e O« LaW i.oo CHEWWY j^lES 2 »1 "•••!•'./• toW INSURANCE FRUIT STptlEN':.** . uAMerk«'$ FavorMa* H-g, •'• v.-, :'* i KNOWN WHITE BREAD — 2 £:^:V'V> ••••.?/. TO MAN I Iissue 10;^89<

•'.•-.• • • «i • ••b • LIFE INSURANC • Scotch BrM r 2 D 35< to Savina RCAL ESTATE CHEESE CHASES. V • i

.^ ;'•'•• .. • ''•••— • Colon k>»". W#

YEAKE 1 rS5w5i>imi^ EfilJSSSJHSSSSSMS!" ^^f^w^^^jM»M'MgB»«>|^»li>» «»•••• . M

FRKI 100 MH 1 .;•« 4«:Miin si. 'VM miiiiod In uddlttoHio yA wkd pvrckaM of ajtf voluiif . •*." •:*;i« dlno MuW MM md O^ J; s. im a $10 I»UK|HM» W

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• . t Mil 11 uian, Warren Iti- -Andrewm,., Vbe pm>U« who Speaker to Tell School News «f#fh and Alh ht.ve;; (.'Oihplewd, or Jtfc u/orklnif _ My fhmr PrHurt, f'atil it&itr* Hudfty, 7,C>»«« AiU#e»wiw$i M. ttiflfiy liy W,•'rt.'lliiiily/ Ho<-jj..the J^'ftitr ilo'f" will li/mrde* iV>ifui:k, -Frank IIP' nn-'!iv«!t»>d. In- ;i follow m«fiy to. Mex,l(,"J kermi'lh "Roet, P Phylllw Levlne, .Will. I'm (Hoi.'l|(snii|l I»,V IJ1 Jlilln H... •mid- has iriwiiy b^HiiJilfijJ RQd_ln-- Utiilh'tt VtHiorku, Murclu HHU K».»«i|M(i, (lltrtHfif tit Il'ir Hi'l'llinJ of 1er«Btlrtjj Hjtteleb urid' fllirw «if : > : 'Ainontf li'iiKw.' j b Holwsrl • ;" . Hm-m mite i)n\\u> t«j j vj'• \ ••••• -.>^ •••-••'•••.-!V;W -^ of J Mr, jit Me»Hni, Artiong the artlelei In aterr Karen Zlolko, • •;; vide local.buaidn with tiViflMivv ttf iey"•• lo#i.iT>W«W*li» • ivmilv- »ti«ii fiti Waller -thiy, ^l dldpiuy. wwti JuJe and Karen Htihrelber, Joan HuckJnoff, ~ leim'M nwklttci'w'and .bone ftl HatfelHl , DoutflBDBl CJCJwbflb , £n nTTHjoiit 3e»7 2;i,'' * '»»T IIII "New j I .nt iiyliir, TheCluwHrooiii dlfitilay previous? White; 1 M ty p ., inil-'tii * rtnifiidewii with riniNh fl Unuaii«l I H'Vt'iMj.iiii.'i rllilll'llt'MUIMI! *lf WdV, (ill .Illlllllll V |*»'1»Yii.M;Jru't«',. f 'I'lHii/H, Ly, arranged J>y thh r chtldrerhtldi . .foi'inatloitby (10 tiHaVdwj -'" Ml H»> UltM'it., ID, Ilifll) In Inn ri"W |t'mlllr.iii tin..Hiiivlii, .lolli. VxitciioHr Mndu t'lemented Mr. Feldmah'N dlwplay, Shvrmnn Junior Sehotd utii'ct'Piiw Wlll.Miil. I). Aluiv" Mrhfiiit'i" Mini l.ulw.- The folJowliig rhlldicfi brriiijiht J nrtliflt?»; UH tlxii u I'u/to, Debra "M'w. K t fur ftriuJnVf v/r>n the Hhermanii Laird'" Junios r Hohool 'Joho. Her.aid, Mar.r/la J Intramural o Ifller than inld* iyi C'oBtablleC'tbll T, h (i(.voiJtb l -.4)D IIIHII IJJCAIumhi -yriidn , Jo«n , tournawwnt. flil frttiill Union, If, , MUUMVPCH, j f. wa.H won In a oblaln-441.formation vfeflork<», I'eter Itndoy, mil (~(nifitl*'n Plan Etiflowment In wvlr toiiNlcnr'pec* fbyU Levlne, Jwnloe Andrews, j with Uwln"fllllet'H from any lof WO ti « i ; e/iiri|>Hlaii of Hit) Union Tilt) wtocy.. bcftati- with ,wlli.^tyw -the 4uoiilvftoHt'rt on As pa/t of the sttuiy ol ihtf solar Mflrilyri Warauckl, Pamela Cox, red,,.. by. live SJdwalloiial. ]t*U« Aluitinl A^niii')iiti(i»r will .Janice TuniHI, DmDiamonnd .Oarda, ltit i^ of Imptii'tant. 4M'- •it-ftvuHi .tvom tlip Nt»tIdiinI. fs,vHt<*«i, the students have bf|«n lPiet' iHtiiH'hOd fwi'Jyiii Mtiicli,-It .* y«'tti'>(ild who W«N pp to worklnfl on Mseflriih; reports and Patriciri a Mf , Bui'biTrBT aMfl . ....•• UVijtie Bllglbi^ to taker the IPHI, ur Jr,-(ii»rl:O.;i annOiiiiewd- turlny liy (), tll W vf(ithir.-ifi ' I to and bd ttidaptip < .•-•-•-—.• ihe ajjjiille&ni rrVust be Hflllafantofl» t<» itonijfary nrpm1)ershlp ij, who rtit *i,l flh> KK n •-" -\wa;Btddeni,'of « yi f l.w".to'h»«lp.fbi«'ni' p- really Hfhrelber, Kennethh KaitKtait,, CaroCarol «Hd New family ss / iBH^^t .:hWtntlw course of gKuiW HHooll i by, KareK n S?lolko, I>OIIINO No one knows what fw can do ;\ b# H^tlsfaotbry for tit '"" " wlclt; ISt#.rrtri Stul k, llifi*»fi1 r»f u, titndnnl «activity j jmnipniii lo .. -live ;Seuyl«i(jn• Is TIT |I|^ anjt a book ivitd f Halpem; Miv li»ti•j'(»8oi?tety tihipfjsf;iwriltttj'tp planned in an iiffort to ••«(>;>t»ol 1 Jeffrey M M' :;| pan, «lfe)i-».uttn ..M.«iwHte...r'--. ry Unrtwn «luinriiiiti of'.i/nlon ( • ~T7" ' "«:;K^^»s«ti5ji4^f^w?^ y I.evlh«, V mVtt«« on ^ll^flMi Mr.. Wt'lietltir w and fl .past |ir National lMlHll ll' ^4>hll! i'lio, Judy EdKbiian, John I'alnvdr, Ahim.i)l'aH»0(4latlon>> y ; |t At'iideniy of Helenoen," ' Mar«lWfa" TtehiliB, Ann pe, B Alden St. iw«y Merjiniifll Hospital «nrt now National pr tfll appeals lo «ll (ilumH.IL.onI vworjl tw v Patricia Cameron, Mtyhaul Hpit-. lh Ki OHIt'fwiydorOHId Cl; Clifniip B»owii,v • -. i v • • ' • •>"•; •• , is ^y •'•'•• Two••.Cft'ftiiford ,ITI«b SPIHIOI HUI* fl p "of ":': rAMtCV - ALLj'OfiTHOPEDIC WORK DONE ON PREMISES will jierform with the Now ; ATAT,, Thpe pvoHiwH n jit Tftf FP It 2 0700 _. ..rt, All'State Dane) \ylien lt a|i- l an bdttbdn In i>ro(jr«j w Opcn;paily$ ani. to 0 p.m.-.^ Fri.'lo 9 p.m. pe«'i'!» at Wttstfleld Ml«h ScljooJ- «t ond 117 telephone enBlhiier* LJvIna#ten St, 3. p.m, Sututhy; They are Kathleenn' oil parts of thfl. eoimtry hnvt? ?04 CENTENNIAL AVE. CRANFORD .....-.':.'.C-^-.-I. fll nnd Gnv£ Tubak Pr •"'•'- i clB«i(hti»r of M«\ niut 7 ; T ^'--:••..'•••• ^ •••••:, •'••••..• v-i-i : •Mrs. Raymond Cowpt'rtlnltVtif ; .•.•• ..i • 7 C^erok«fl ;n*>ad,' l» o; •^'".---..••^"•i '•;.• wul pl«,v»' lirtit cdrnpt1In jj \ ;•*'•' *U\it! 8mupt Gnry. *m o(/M»\ and MI-B. William T«b«t' of l« Shet- '.:•.( • linul drlyo,,;l.«- a" )\\nlw urn) mho LOOK! lyH eoynet. I^« hus ton iiv'tho,

y. •'. •' • lonJI Bantr for ihv^ ytiavH,^- .Tho devotion -of- tbrinjjlH .to nit hvnpB^tV.«chlov«ini>nt 'rinikoN < the eii^nt ptosfalble.. •- ;Mnry Eejdy

Gutters -Leaders

Guaranteed v ^ r ' . JOHN J. DIFABIO 8-1103 . 942 £. UNCOIN AVENUE IN THIS ISS! SUPPLEMENT


INSURE ROCK BOTTOM "Homeowners" Our* Specialty k FOR THIS -r' "i, • - • GREAT

. • ...... -. • * » '•



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, NEW JtiKrifiy* WKDNKSDAY/KiSflkUAHY 21, SECTION • *•--1.1* -• IT TrT ''' H1' J; * '"• S Methodist 'i^f, ?.'•.•'• fwa-Week MksimtHere ifrntnui,. filled li»t« t'hiiwll of -Hi.' lucllltletii In IK* hfw.on yttltiltlHy' tin M Ave tw ihf«r)lii 'and t;h|ldrwi,,w»fi ^Ht^ M A. l^niic^tfmei'viee.pre»ldent, was of H ilfrtjHij or 1it*td Iti tfofjnet'llOJi.With (ULlMO)mi ^ A aermon UOM tweeiliid MoiidHy nlKht\l»i. Harding Behttdl* He'deftwl*d WilUam ami i lg up of a uauriia of aellort m.tie followed. In .on world pt>Ht oTf COHtntUHliy as new twewbers < Conklln, l '' : . . ,liy ^Hther IVJfcOoiuieil. ""~ llititf- o'ulovk Hervlt lisieti by the The MiiBHion opened on t^ebniHry momintf. The. Methodiat. ohoir elected., to thi'ee"ywf tertns In last ( III ti htl«anBtPtl tHitil'WM under the dtret'tlon ol William ti. week'** annUilDchooj eleelJOH, Of wlfollrfQr tftirfeW violators! (Mf 4,»ind WH«4!0Hdtit!led the flint w^ek 'i'sj o^Miilfit-c'lKtlfitiHBter, will The board wade *th'» foltowlntf first..;6(fj»ttiK» -i^lflWHtf the effeHder tat women wf ihe iiatish and the the anthein "Ming Praiiie te Main r^ubpolntrnentita for the untiultttf ia jpblf <$ Iwatitjimrlfci^ Jt$v U fur the men, MMgHeNtJttti" bjt brewBlei? at both BervleeH. year: Auditor, r. J. Stefany & Co., rain wand j*^ui tlieh t'H!lln« the \\ wem heldjt' 1 anfl 8i80 fl.tn; eaeli c thexJUHlor MethedlBt Vouth Ju/vitigtotu t'ounsel, Hency O, Nul« •«* A firit aidttem« to • taVi\ttuf (MM howei 6tf waeend WHIr-be- by " Ji'ellow^hlikfor.mm(h and eighti h ton, Hillside; woretary, Mh, Helpn .,:„ j^;;./ 1;.;: . membeiii ef Bw j&fiteMfle ««=•, eglllHtfr P^VHIS to RfttofiJf. W*tyiM^Ihe «u m w!ir*j)eet Hunday evenlnB; K8N1LWORTH «: Ludwlg Ar« Arthur; and euHtodlan' of whool • .•!> uhdeMl^llatt of at hefltlqtiflri'eM of Bt; Annie's Mim) th} ifiMH will remain HI at 6J8(^ bWelt^ «Hd the otJTafiwbed wljl apjftk at fuftdi, M*"«).•fi'«HeeB;|p. Condon. t».m 'lonjomw. MfB. Mleh* the lonal h for enotlier week.Methodliit General efihiwittee weetlna« will 8 ll Bf\fl fln^ t ( for il. a.wi .'n'nid ti8l* piinj^e/viees l ael Maui'ii, rt hl to ell btKh be eontlnuad on -p® fInt Monday that the and for thti psstor,. thw student* will Sunday at the Kenllworth Gonpel •Will rt»»ultUH Juvenile Court ae- M Dlih latti'sta, Mevi John A. MiltilMeiltilee , jwhd' i*r UlnatTt evenlwfl! of ©si(fh Wdfttti and retftilar eohi Wuhtwl lasl Thur^tty Hlglu, ;; , aw Id efrarge, . Tldltet On Saturday evehlntf at. ; board meetltifls on the JMS " tleni oft thliid dffefllw >* i^fewHtit after a reeent oprtttlorl Monday eveninji of aaeh^tdnth, Bfctyn DarUeltmtlHU IH Utfe demoh- bHhe eajte to Juvenile. Court, ehalmi«iH HW Mr*. QmvA Wiiwlf o'eloek-Bsy Heout Troop fla ttlratloft wew N# and GwttbrAi a»d Mf«, .frthH.. p«ll«,.- ?'! In 'UnlverKHy^MyHttllttl,. New Yoj held lt« annual ^father and Suit "The Bong and Ntorytime Tftbdi*; Wwiiftii • JoHes, K«HH&tH ' As- a '..'tell, resortIn the event t'liy. . ;;• ., .... , • '..-..••... theohureh, hj« -w(i) b« held fflday iilty.lJ that thi yeulh pi'ptiietii ^««ttitt**w |*laHH for the eveifit were epm» Matek and ;Jt§yii\. Gto l)\$\wi at a: iweiit meeliitg of the OprHlri ahffrod, ohaJrm«H, 4IHN p,m, arid the Junior. Youth fellow, Ht*outi alW) officiated tnajor prapwtlen& hBr#t the eom» inounued 4M*L the Gommlsulwt yy mitten weommentlH a»Bl«ti;iHt?nl or Htielety liv l/he. sehool oeWtwtft, . ship will meet: at 2:30 tun, Batur- lion ef the eolbm Mi'H, JoHeiih .Mayer .wan named i HtftwardHJhfg and f Inanee will wan elected pr«ildeni of the Ken day Bt the ehapet to leave for un an otifteiii' to H WflJkinB beat be* Election Held meet at the ehu>eh on Tuesday at tthalrwaii of a npiniHatfng «om- ilworth Jtetiubli^n Club foe theindeor k'e.«Uat1n« trip', tw«m >t artdi iflitttt or 1 litlft ti.itt. mlHee whloh «to ihchules Mrti. llitiO p.m, to reietve" next year's year. Other of fleer* ajs With,a life for"j}ig>»dltt BlirudBe ot atopr^ Albert itetjal, MrH, J^lm Wolf,' \ 1 . chAirfih'w idt James ArthuYl epp^^t^UAPijWrMattwIylte thte hw»llua^uthtul> Mr«, iam*»« beifllc T»mt Mrs. Autf- mmmJBiilOHb and tkitruvdtt<*«£. The Wtend the CJhrietlan fellowihlp ' """.* A UMt Hodd. ^ Alti^bbb • .on' HOinlnaUoiw Will rkllyatUi^Ma&law^^^i^ i tit« ioeft] «eto&i system : elected iat wi BP« ^ y f o+J W 1(1 and a 8«i#ne§ Talr on m ^mih^NF^ s••flrnfiir Mrs, Peter I'huroh oltlelat« for the new new" metrtl)er« were rtohool wtatf will bt* h&td 18 will bfidtKflUflsed at a meeting of inu^ award for ski; who wtt« tiellna an Ui'eitdetil tt lit iOarwood, held B«tur» nwjHl. year whlt'h .bealmii oit_M^iy 4'< dutlnji.the meethi^, They .#.(• fl pti\, TueBday In tha ehapel the executive committee of-Jhe y itohert Marlield, day at th^ hdme orchflrlett 6rai ...The reheai'Nal schedule for' theare H&riah Bauer, dharles Wha,t- ef the &oifflU|l» ^oimtiir at thi nil Mr*. !fat«ld • study of the KplBtje, to theJonnthtin Dayton Healonai High :**. tlftttl, appointed live YeutU eriuiiel! af X%1 Myrtle avenue, adull Bi*on» tiholN IH! Menlor High ehel*, Wed* IW, Donald -Ketehewj John H#lt """" wlllbecbntlHuiid attha School H'A next Wednesday flt ©otwwaueq list OeldbevvJeltoW" W sor rtfh g»"ou|j..*; ' newlay at 7H6 H.nirr^gTTtot ehoir, iftaHti, ft. TttfHtny JflhiL tog ttit^ HI i p,m,| and Meth* Audrey Cohen,, Allea P. Gow> Mar Offbertt will, be sleeted at the ndat\*! of 6 follow*;* ^liitt-pi'^Bltlent, DatiI%l 1 ^'disl uholri ThurJidtty at B garet Selbejfl, Herman *^ itt^Hdfaniae were WaVeh 19 wfetlrii, and there" will who Hev. r«Vary, Jtil^VTeuH&hW.< Mr. Peter* HSN requested that any Joseph WalwHlii, 11'udy ThwaUp, _».«. -..^.jii.-..,. COttOiudiMK HWii? be ik Ju*i*t wfinkw, after whjeh , thofnaa dfalg, and-re interested IH eHelr .wejttber Harold' HiiiiiimfUfx aHd "Mr* «lon of the'upeelal Beryleen for the exhlbltn will Be viewed^' ift*ft|$*rij; IrehBlm^nofHie ttwHiul Ottfelift w.f )he .eh of S« » John ' " ' p . shoulud attendat' th« rehearwl J. Plitlnu, TWr, end Mti. mi^ uftildren ^/lioBeirl PI •¥hr dfltiea wjll b8 held_«t the m^tt Jehnaojv ahd ifiM-!t|lwt;tor' of netlvitip In hvtM^ub IH still of the eholr or it>6«k to (juette «nd Mr, and Mro mine TiipBe, Cfeorga Club Dlahtt,,Vnl&n, the folbwlnjif other wembera ^ Tlw: Rev. the^ |)a>i6h.; iwttwn. HfteKWHS wlthff of,: the 1 him Bfiei* ft^vloe d y „ wenlBg,-and all member* of the ttt m, Ahhej -the ^t|uallf|eti foi wemb^i'fimji will Mr, Meyer urged all tieeitlK i^anoy Plukham i&eeuUve'eomtHHUw are now sell- ibytKe- Ste^t« 8btf8 to svit»|tll&d with' a Vabblt to raise. eTiilwojth.Itepubllflflni'to attend ihg tlieWelfi.Wfrti; ©liver J. Brown, United t0h n and Mi'H, ihev ItifortHftUbn m«y be h«el u ^tf oMhe j^l .,.- Jiiaee object went to Jr,;l» ehairman for Itenliworth, »p|(S; # »l0 of iltm March 1 si the JRanch^ Houie, and Denlne Brookwell and .„ .... itltted by MN, B, «.Df«wertr M& AlbfeH WllllftwwaBa ..VTwili beheld at W.\Gv^4home Urlef bu«ine»B wenslmtd will be ffl» bent »pae« drawing to Doutfiaa United ehuH?h til's iMH, e«eh S»turdtty,- • ,:* .-V afsveo j M To lowed by enteHMlnwenti i Whittle. • - • iitftori Theadop Stumeft of Crjiivford, with lh of eMVfc;. Union emmty 4itt apftt,' »fild It IN x¥Jve K«nii L'Auxiliary s( R, L, ttelllsen tHtl Plait Alie, JJueWey, here aUo worft Hand. jB will spenndr Von Ohten* Honored ^flnel^iilff»f JU^ a parti and if party IViday M Other i(t\ .. , p^ar«d Mrs."- blinvler and Jvllw Betit will itlio i*teftorln^ thom- w«f» Mf.and fPle)\d» At t boiWltalr A Uintf*. «le dr«g» 1B neeeHNorfy.e card party May. Xo at the flrehoiue ; Wnder / William & VotrOhloft of ' a'-YwM fiieeiil'il^ it Tteketa time rtid tlarwoftd, Uti: Many, flliterent ««d !« Hlt oMIcerSntf na '. and Mrs. italph P. m. u»e tx^• Vit will j'^eive $1,900, Gaaale of Uvhigfctoii/nnd Mr. and kom MriL-Afltlrbw Bar- wlll'Ve for; tho b«new Uio plumbing Initpeoior |l,aSO, «ntt nmrnhgti Ttir« er Mr«, Vrarik Corclwie. a:legal , Merman: jphnson lr loot band, Tickets may the leoretfiry of the Boaifd o ^, Cuwte IN the form , am at Friday nlghVs ef at ot'tha w)nim!tte* In { of, HeBlth tUOO. _,. >' | Janice Von Ohlen, andmeeting were Mrs', Robert Poretta arjiahgement8 for the puriy, ••I J»(," 4wnU Doo»terH or^at th°» door. "Mr^i. -: Provrnlofi aliio l» made foi* tiful Mm. Kowiwaag In'-thp former Ml«« and Mr«, John Malone. Mm the budget- ^tu*en* last *lUH*a«y In - Clifford Qr««ne of Utb'erallu, Botiyla, a Vjadlo tfit'h- Lpren 8. Qa^lantlT^., wHyi aftd time Board of Health mir«6 ^Ue- Bartittru Arin Van Ohteh, .The Henry %Gleehan, preildent, pre- meuna chalrmttn, will Intf « paft-t)me nurse, couple h«tt-11 t sided. .«y .iVlefti'ii for_ Juntflo Aviation, ahd Miehael*feoiv Avas Aveltfewfed Hadio Servicer of; the' WiekiIff Bible Cetiftelil m ' • ^ir^ay-wU ¥ratiHlator#, wao- an unaehedided viitlLw at the Wnittid PntjiibyterlaH i.if,t „ ,„, *».. "trot •KOtra 'lHiHln . t»«Hd:fi „ aim M|8s» .Aiwa Bttldwitv \v«re/ob- eouneil rtdminations-litt~t 17 primary election will be sefesn- . OrtieUe pre«|hBd the jorinon ^Mi Lewi ti \y^» "trtvnouh^iBfl that films ot titl ut * itteetina of;:tlw GarWi»od He- mid- vlnlted each 'sundny iJeliool the annual *Oth artniversury «l B p.m. Monday at Ktroup, Hliowlntf «peui(K fttul knitted hoodH worn .In? the Bolivian mouo- Souvenir Bvlntendents* As> \W weleomtt* hom« thb hom*! of Courtelliman Henry W. > WESTFIELD'S .. itteiT World: War U l, 50i> West street. tains. He vvtarthe tt|«itioi 'the day will bt? shown at the yroujVs Mw*eh wiTT tHHWrrand Mr«. Arthur Walshe of 201 Hlekory a venue, Hafchets The Hov.jCrle S. Tougher, pan- torv will preach into Sunday on Ood •'•'Bto tho .Olory?" the • ;;'M. FIRST Cluineel .Choir, under the direction ot Hurry (jktetleln, will uliig "Judtfe Everyone Hlei'iuil, Throned In Spltfttdor," by TOm-WttE Henry Scbtu Hblland) nnd "Turn Buck, O Man," by Otistav Hoist, Tltc worsdilp-service will bo at It mm m' a.m. und tie church, school will convene nt 1D:<45 u.m, : .* The Senior. Youth Group, mooi» intf nt 7 p,m" Sunday, will dlneuss 'M«rks of Muturlty" under thu luadcrtthip bf Kathleen Toufihef. HIHGTON'S Th«i Junipers, at the same ,hour, T" • will nioet to plan a pupput show on Samuel, Jonah and Paul. Each !*.••••• group will plan a sho^ommd one JLtJKEf ^iblo figure. ..~ ' " HDAY SALE The mid-week Bible study will . A bo hold at 8 p.m. this evciiliifi and .-•S. • >..r' *v t!f»c Chnncel Choir rehearsal will, be held-a18 o'clock tomorrow night. •v Sea Scouts Plan (In CBIO of inclement Weather — Sal«wlH be held Friday and Saturday) Cruise Thursday marks * Westfield's inauguraT GARWOOD ~ Mcmbcrsi of Sen Washington's Birthday Sale! Here^ '$Mde&.. Westfield is famous for its honest values Scout Ship 70^. sponsored by Bay !ul opportunity for the whole family" fi> shop to* during itstwice-yearly-sales days. Now a new Leaf Post 0807, VPW, arc mukina gether and take advantage of the rfdiculously.:/ plnns for ^. training cruise to sales day has been added with even.greater val- Cape May this summer* in llieir low prices bding offered.-You'll find such items . ues! So bring the whole famUy inWlVesi 68*fool ,Navy-surplus boat sta- as $45.00 boys' topcoatsrlor $9.95,^4.00 *men's tioned titPerth'Anvboy . gloves for 79A $24.9a dresses for $9v00, $1.50 : for these unusual bargains --- there's something Ei>- The .group trni'ns Thursday costume jewe&y fon,!?5q, $3|.95 G.E. elctric blan- forfiveryojne. Ask for your free hatphet souvenir 1 itgtHr in Bay Lenf Memofinl Home r, - "^ nt 221 South nvenuc. Skipper Jo- ket for $11,00, mew's $8.00 shirts for 9dc*$10.00 •and see Westfield's outstanding flag display seph Kosky nnd Mates Arthur Walshc and Thomas Loehr oxa-in toy missile rbase for 99c, and a host of other sen- which has become the ^talk of the county!'— chatfic x ° • ^^- .„ " sational values. . , ' - A llecently Vvclcomcd ,.,.as new

••"TR members- were George Rchncy, Robert Stanbnch, .William Burbnge ond John Van Gorkon. Allen Pro- chnzka has been nnmed to the post FREE PARKING SHOP THE STORES of mate. . * ' .'. '..• Displaying The r^.- FACILITIES FOR OVER Grouildeti on Points RED, WHITE & BLUE OARWOO D — Sal Vn tore Santa- 4,000 CARS lone, 30, of 210 Cedar street, lost ... • BANNERS . YOU* lOCAt AUTHOm«0 OlDSMOilll QUA11TY OiAltft his, drWeYs license for three ALL DXY THURSDAX months, effective February D^u f Oft THE SALE BARGAINSI "dor th^JMow-Jersey Polnt^yste R^IUYOLDSMOBILE lnc.,560 North Avov E.WesHield it was announced by Acting Motor Vehicle Dircttor Ned J. Pars* •> •*' ,.-, ._.j. •.•••..••i. ' \ "" 7'""""


• ,'•••. • 'J. • •, ' '. if •

;4 Vi '.', • •' " ". ' ,•:>•. ^•.-' '•?" ;'" ; •"••••$••: ; .(• I. .• . :;*''-;,;«.. .-i-•.(•..*:-!•. •*.,V,,-!V,,Hfui tK-fiUiOHr', Cvlir i <• -t^'ht'lBfe' 1'Kpla.MfillOti o

Oil OjM!ru iMtolliiilira wh .tiitiilBl. tilitW Of NtftfHlit »U( •lpfti.pii 1 tjf MJS. L'liUrleM jiunjs. fif I)' npsoijjp' li(i"(»f)M«nfl.On--?ii fjy •MIBB .|oh» KJssai'k of lOfi Wif- iirt iAiri" A 1 It t ip tflilioHi''C'Hr','.C'Htiri'.ltl . J^ V But My ttnt ' by HP\^\••t-tHlfw y Is fsiel-Vih^ WI W - Mi;Vpim» wns pt-'t'geiitad- by p Omlillp CTHRIJPSIHPP ciHr Mnbel, AliVlpiRon's l ,„. i coir witfllPIM ftfit't* ftf iJui'lotl *po .ttlfll.' niiy imit-CaUioll fl1|lbtiflj'*((

rn tltoipi u Vk H of p&iivp.ofthP ortert te«olilijK«r,of the "f.'niuplot"j JWis.AWtiei.it'll, ui Wb jfT DOCTOR KINNBTW . HELDOVIRI iki&vHmi WVim !*ilefft bf-tfte ALMICHT aJJitillo CHtiiL'li IvJII vbe siven ht SUROfiON - CHIROPODIST t 'liJ' H|lri a iioi^drsljdes ttk*H diifim •/ilokeittinnj Taffy, AtiMtidM THe OpefliHg 0^ Mis 0 i ji.MVt.'iiolo«,lfil, •wilj ! .iifpimttii,i «i*(-'ttM a'Ubit yew slay In ttB>tt jrtb fll Uifi iltrihU'il.y l!teeHf(« CENTRAL AVC, CRANFO Mlfi^Maw anm of ih Wuii(i Collie he RelillttruHh' H'A beK Jobii Alpllo.. teldtlles nl ' will l|t> Mlven for 14 t Mortttfl.v. Ai o niRpWnflf of JH Mis. Sdiidlft Sable's $ lite mmkitmm mml 1)1 6l ttHU0U(i .' '!Hig fnvoilte ^ •" •"•i|<• Febtiiflfy at!, .' Pif jifltS W All flduito? HOh-Calhollij .^vktiok's «f per.fttfinliig ei

imtweHm * M^ a o Wesliik of 414 Noitli Mli- avenue have IHHI^ known t llttil of. tt^ti! d^iBUlei-, iiht- Ami, {& •ArituHfib'1 Guppriri tif

Of Th. lirth" Hi hetjloiirtl

is. jiHi)letv

i6cKifiUL ffihtofti^;.: Afriiisi avfan 01" MIRACLIS" KGNiLWOit AROUND LAMM A LAMPSHADES 1001 Lihd I Sk

RIILL Y 0LD5M0BlLfi eiiJBKiiy iiFM^toiei {. kfum, -—

"BACHILORIN BHWll^IS ffflFffWIW«W^Ff!?»iTffiW IIS- Keith Aviri; Jwtt Aiiwi0ifflaHli iMfiVtcS -T, WILLIAMS AM8H16AN ¥OWNB l&MJfV BAtOM I AV«i t0W^WiTH0Ut1>lf -V luppiiei «i.,..,...... -...i...i .1,1.11,1 •««>....i.i...... • • W* ftek Up Giiffttiiut MM* ft

j , Vauxltall mid fOWN*AVOW h l^ortl Line ClOOD WJLL V


f M«l6» turn Up LDVBLAND r*ud Co, Inc. Ai A '*7.'y'-'A:;^y2-!± •


GOLONV And Win** n BINDER IS On AU Malt* ea* i«*tVlCU-ACC*iiOill«i CO, #»l«ktri4OU "BACHBLOR HBNRY F», TOWNSBND - v— II M. Woien AV*. iRIdsa l»tlil ' ' ' itdiriflft Wotlb Avatf IS, and, fHiaafofe

JlSir MAftKEt RANKIN FUEL CO. l« i WfiSTFIELD CO!, INC. sh Sealed Bally : M)W.Offj IXPERT SHOE OIL HUflNMil BiHVIOi REPAIRING OUBll dUICK ItttVlCB If No Antiwar, BRidf* 890 C«iU«nH(al Av«. . vRJwtVn waaviiAUI LOUIS MONTINI ir« on t>tfacJple ii the NURSING HOME iHOB HBfAlWWO to Imitate without lot!1 LEHIOH Oil-CO.', Inc. 6W Kll ACCOUNTS /Hon Otiard * UPHOLSTERERS EXPERT OIL »W«MK!fl f ttaket-EtWy

The lonnarvw* dwhUl on our th»e ifftttttoartxi r 1» fh«lf Upholstering. Slip Cov«r# ,. « TWIN UORO AUTO CORP. power to harm us. — FUIVERAL Drttpai - Furniture fiepulri

? fluablugr —• • V«ftH AI «&• IMM

^DOOLEV FUNERAL SERVICE telephone BRidge, 64080 « LAWN 3t-South Union Avenue Phon«i ARJd0* ^ Crpnford, K. J •tl N«Hh Av«.. W.

Grayy Memorialal B AS AUTO SALES 0MUV8BV anavtoii Funewl Director* Edwanl Cfc Uddtn 4 Sail ADawt 2-2528 IS SpHufflald BRIdfe A-0002 SULLfVAN CHEVROLET wltiitoia M. J. \ U8KD CARS

J. •'•' T Alt. to Fertt'g Fujrnltur©, Inc. Pt'Trnl'A'aLfeBi 'P" v T*ath •*• Thlldrcrt early self- Cu Repair Barrle* nutuw — Apttilanew ' ' j A. that la wrongs-Mary Baker JUV.8IU rurnUura - Poraoncd ,.. « way. CFTW414 B«t|y Carriage* " ' ra UUM eujiv- -Ru«* - Umpt To AH Our Cuatomera Waatflald Av^ WowlU B-500O ' HAROLD P. BBNNER 2Moa>n 8L CITY RAPPS Autbmobll© Painting A man cannot leave- • better LltUo minds, nw tomediand.Mib- * REAL ESTATE jV to the world U>«n a well uthid FEDERAL SAVINGS PHARMACY ducd by misfortune, h\il grout f Authorized DUCO •ducated family—Thumps 111 P»jk Av^ Pltluflaia mlndg rise abovo lt.-rWnBhlnston BODYiBd PL LOOM Irving" .. , ' . v • - INSURORS lUiflaiwad Pbamaelal la SHAHEEN AGENCY. Inc. Dufux Enamel Reflhlihliig Y In! obcdlonce to the divine na- aitudaaMi«>-«|atofl ator* •Ood only .waits for manfi ceMuier to Jflha W, M«tn» at foa Welding — Truck Lctterln* !.•••••.:• •...• ture, man's individuality reflect* DAY ami MIGHT' orthlneM to enhance the mnans m M«uur« of His grace, ll 18-iy North Av#u Eu Cfaafevd I' •-.•••;•• ,"' ' ,. . """ ' " • " •' ' • •' •f*''^"'thai dlylna la-w at^M ^^-^-^ofdw of balnff llLi .""• :.T*'7r7r- land meaiure ,1-Hfi >r.^-^:^ »-iy. wotih-A^ EM c.«nMdl. iM.s^irAvii« , Jv I. i aker-lBday^ ' *•

v ; t i ; : > ^:y'b^;{y.W;%:;^.:?r:^,^:/^ '^""': -r."v •"• ^ ••••'"., »•••,'• •• • ."'•••'•. '! '"•• '>:'« :.•: •'. •••••••••• y'~^-v;v. •>••••'•••••• - ;•••••• ^^ •'•-,- :•;.. ...,,; -. ;:v>/j:^ ,,A.,,, ;,.-v -•>••./ ' .J, ^-'i ;';•':'1;.';'- :,. , - •-.'• '•'••"• •-•-••:-"••.•••:'•.••' •' .j •::•:.•• > 7 • '• _' ;. r. ••. '••;•.•'•; i • -^ •.••••'V.j : v '.•"*••-• j*>. ...-•.-!**-<-"•.•**>r.':.v'.v.'i» -. "-:v ,• '.'" y v"; ? ^^';^ '' :*^*T-^ ^^^ ^- •.- •;•.,••...-•."•,..,.••* .•..•:.... .T.-7,. -L:' < ' •.._ r.\^-- ^y« v v > : 1 L^LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWLW '.. i .-PI-,.I*.,.....' ••'•»- ••• - '".''.,"^;;r ~'. ••, .'^•..t v v»uit.(f:..,':\ii i:. fW^'li» r t

S or. MnuVitiiittsktf? wfl! '

( w Mail ApplicatUmH iil<*Hrtaii Ml. KHMNMIIIKWilly i'" '.U^ ' i NOTES FwFtmt Entries (Tin ftftrtil 'IV»^ tIJI) l.tti (»n two phfi^ uf fhe lea ttiid 'o|jeH Inffimr ftujaieto ill thw ! e J HI minwm) wtimdii'HilW) *lini b» . M. .NUltOII. uf'H and Vour JKime," the il pj «d t flic C»whfoifi iitfvfr (heir families oh kfte't tHAwtiii ih •"Adve'Mttif'injf in »J ifl'lR ^ puny at tht> tioiti* of Mm, ti piiliy ntipilMHuhs 8!S Will ei nave ima tfiih tbifbwi'm ffiflda made I»V . pud SMI, kiiN Hlitj ftlidtilt rtwniii wJriN^rs flttm U'UB-ni'eB/^PrtU'rti'Hleti^lM-i-WHtt IHHIP (j d ir and " ^ tiled* 'MhlltWl/Wik <«f l4..ti»;ifiiK(ti)|p f tiNilv vlt*w-()»PSlilPnl of Ahl- j tied* thf fruit jt

"VAs'nart Of; ilh _M«lh of. Uhi»M fwyiity wid ysvlwtit (wye

11 itlti kMi (Will;!*!1 FltttUfli-Mlmt- WHIH .W tltUlid rt along with (jt»(t.oiliei; [iity* A,tl&Mie.l3itiV: .fti

1 W 8»6W ttr! Utidi ) WWW Ct!«U m Mtow&mii (hat a ftjj^Hkeffl'' liu^aU iias i*wiur wilt ad- 'l (l(.» 10 ^rt Hit mw* m Hi" lift-AmR to DiWi•••.wte uf Hie Vatlour Liao^ht and iAt'itidei ewi 0i vifis tif^^idfill- W«Ichun^ WpVitiM ftk ft,.MMU:.%a W duty j . jHUnitMEM" efttH JB.lSBOFa, (1(8. ilHItit im ewiwuww iu

i M .»l-tlB». UMIB H«t1

of a ^ from a rtbbflH in W M He»« and ttoy ft

^ g wwl«ife»t» who Unti theiv Timmite& ^ittv^nd^d tot ao sns under « ill if! or Hwtilv N>n* Mini -v tn ttavre niwy U, am HteHty A Mmll be , ttiua, Ami \ and John

Garden (,lui»

. Km\UWimh, »\\ e 8i»denluw> AV, MAMCM 8U. ltt«9 Club at4h« J\omo af Mm, M iV i t tllB Om » hss be«ft In «) tor the, past ^' «nd demon 4 K»i>»w»m». N. Ji.. V SwilMl: UhUHV««U Will lift HK"«lV« . .sell. But there's one thing all companies Sv>i!ClllcatU»\i |t<«-v bo obtalneU at ready and fully equipped to put this expo- «ff(M> of th« H\i|>vrli\t(Miilri\t of NJ hav& jtLfommon when their sights are not lUMhva Schoo). .. lVonn*«|n »n (« tw mailed 'w ttn>m>i\«Wl op growing. That's the heed formoney . At- rience to Work for you. So get your plans FiU Your COAL Bin MOW! with W Mm. Uel M. Aliluir, ItIMtMM of WtWuo» h HW 1 State Bank,

. . i

I -I ••'. t • • lt«9 7-'i

V •' .^ •'• ' '•' i

'»• •,.':._,-.;.:.t..

•:wi*|V:iiK»iAH.' ••.''••• •"/'•' '^''i-v^y ••, • • •• v., . *• • ,•••:'-'y >_;•.• •;.•.• ^K^,;?-'-;^- '•...., •#•*..., w.*.-; v/ .:

.-- >•• A-'•»-..

•<• •• :"*•

"*''-•'-•••••••—i' 1U>U> Class If ltd Rates .WAY T 16 ill airport*; ruUwuy *uaUrti* tit pitr* l)i i; HO-Jill, CtllCHt.tno* 52581 - BRIdfl*^2M I Wp»p mnyphm Mnfrtiiti.tr Jut- .A*'

!*v* *»* *« only) Nfililliff I(H(1( tl|j»(Hl»* till* IllW .»Ulll« /M»t« Jfce J*wt»;r« iiic'ffwrMii -, .full Ciife pit Uummi^r- tow.*ni/iHy (duwt-dv^ n»W!ii CAIH Olwcki o* f«fMJH,lli|(( M(«ftl 'tlfel^H fMIMiJttMti .Jll- AVIS. Mm H H» l4H l I II In Eveirt if****.to «$' tafc#* bf \Uii HMA't; His .'Grjuidfather Wi"1 > W#4fia«.ffy« «l 16 A, NANCY P. , ooh- (if Afl«il9lHllf i ft fit! COMMUNITY Talaphen* BR!dfla 4 4000 nf **. '*..: (1(11 Hi ill Mrt.V- forttMU liKALTY Co, (IIIIIM Iflrt wei^k lit»ld b4v the M«iV- HfcAtfOM IIOMOV of lilt) tfi-uiktfB»lte>))j (;1mrles CUSTOM'BUitt MOMlfiH ftubfeHJil^JH, rtlld foil*' Mti«F .ht#ll= •/'i nlHi.v ufflt'lals ut (Im W«.vw»ihe-Soy In §t'(HII C'iitlHt'll Will*' H lotHl bt(- (WWH »IJ«?IH (»f ovec 10(1 y«ars of

ltt»ij(ft.-l|)<(t Apply wiltr •WL'Oitli.'WWk ..piO^WIrl WHN tl^l'ile A, Kiiliiifi*- ut Ul 'Gmi^m iMti^, i imi. wtwUieM 'at femu»l« fl§lh-iL hei^, wliflfiluoef JHCot1 his fathwC ft^iHe.v Ittiljjiife of 8fl*on«e,.-eHf W 1 »1(>>V V" V""""1' O|»' ' If CV» •?» Till «ji# five Uotm$frtittwH\!!i,. Opt ft 1 0«yi * W*el< from 8 i.ni. • 11 ptm,

ll.lti.f. to 1202 RARITAN RD. - 272-6690 ^ CRANPORD

iiO *t«*ild©tf IN UMI/ IfttUdM JtfBli 1141 - l«w tittle in For Boyjjfeout II Types of- Hllf WihUl HBH.HUiMHI-.l MUi ,, tu mmvmi the Ji.l« •MS /Mr. ^tfljiMe.'tt Itilliei' joJHed (He. INSURAKCE •w- lout and Founti muv^m«iit iii 1(149 «« H.

NDW A*-|«9,eO(j' CALL US POR DETAILS ON THB . J.titt } akr SHIP AHOYi ." , not ^ feftir • t lie NEW HOMEOWNER'S POLICY mm mm , AmMm uu eiicir BAOAD6& COVERAGES -LOWER HdOtt NO, .MflHV, dBJurti jtf lJfi'W«dBw6Hli 7 u mink;pikw (o oh tfe ^'o* Tuning «r tdfi'cl«fi.-ef SHAHEEK AGENCY : ' RBALTOR5 ~ INSURORS di bud* Ufa PlHIlO* WfOd kt'i NORTH AVI, B. BRIDOfi ^0777

-•:,:G ;•.•;,;,-•• »-, _ b..? • I am WIBH8WSL W wlhw fli*» to Hdp Wanted r'lWhiit is New 'rfefsey. didhig H b ti ttC" ^IkiiillHif-' I'eBiflufliJy?" vims \mimm»Mr WHH»HHI(I micvsytt ; • eiSmnnl HIUH) niti^ck timi lllnvHl l ."What JH the i;earoiiftl jjatt#f»i IM iimuiix pnstifn«fn.; mi FUEL OIL is YOUR BEST HE AT bat • jf>f«v(uuit 6FHi|! ( tieflltrtiHl^'lanHlrijsiV".. ,Wjeee me I:. .'-i-L • • R8tft>WMr'.V.' HHUM v«H» WKiny of the (]u^tlofi9. ^DleH will Healths and Insurora il b» -e*plot'ed~ttt~iRi:ir§nieF8r fit the 'LcnitiUe oif JWpftten at ti\t$%m, lit ' l^y fienten S, I;i BEST IN FUEL OIL AVJWUlt IISHJ. ; ptwjy^ unHi ? .„»,.,„ I Si Tt..;W4IAiIAMB| Of ei'flttftJHl'fl PJHr|HlHi(; Uo«f(i, If! iu..«: '': - iimmwmwAmm A!iv L«yn)Hn Igj'eglifjNttl. tfii'diitoi* oBiima "wmiifii'.'tit «m of lh» New Yofk attkd at Gttmteiibi r\ (t LOVELAND FUEL CO., INC. ill.;,ima VUMIIIVI HMii1>i I^lielwlg «Hd'A^ ^'«*^i (JonHiiJt«iit« ._...^jfyr rfW: linuf* iidily (Hid fHWi«ltats in MiWfjtei' plflitfilng .''•' fi';,''V' MAttfB R, WMAUOM Ijitiil liiminif iltUUiu fliij' BWIH HKAt ;iiud tiibttii I'en^wnl. ItiH tflplc will- be "li(e«|ofi|fl)! Plartnluu In

~ .• . > . ; ^'. -• Noitije«irW»w:j«Viey7 A discus. BIOH tjiectod. will, follow. e9niuu< .i»iui.ii .k,M »H l n MIH nui1 «fiidy/' r«ti«rtfl M^i S, ttllHlf .,i.iim,,m,(uo..imii. HH ftUBlNBBH NflthHH fttid^iWJri, rjiittlrfflttti of the ttW\T icHloHfll fitunhlng oowmlt" !««, Mwe'ht»ve fonmi Ihfti theft* m TYPISTS two major (ipproueheii to re«lt»jiHl hmtsr-JOfirmui «H lt» prhrwy ;< •: the dilution of speeiftc major Tutoring t»«W, NUUll H« tr«(l8pOI'tHtl()li, W AJdlH U> line, polltitlon had orbun fe- yopmeHt, Without '.the notm* W« SELL and SERVICE ilty to develop tiri oveffcll pltin for OIL FIRED HOT WATER HEATERS ^mAIN on Jersey the'«titlr«.«rea. The other, whloh CfRR. direct to, l« ,4h*j-StaCo W»mi'd'« mitftftwtod op. r I — W "ei'ttla" ..m...m.>4..m.m>..u »H |> ,vW.-E, Koarny Works- pruoeh, htiH uti ite (!hl«r «CHI nrdor" : Huafmifc .»....,.,.n.....o...... < Ad, 9*1 I.KAVlNtt H.MNVm.,1} OAlliV A-i* ViflU ly overall developmoin b««ed on If '"1 •' mlW ANh MAKING HTM'N A'f KANWOt)KW , iftfionid plimnlHii, Throuijjtout its BR 6-1144 - AD 3-1061 - SU 9-1127 WWMiyiKI!iyiKI,!)), tJArtWOOtt Otll, t;HANfO«», willHeii, WOSKLLB MtiSfiAHKTIt. wofk on thlwKiilijBBth^ North Avt.# 6. Cranford, N.X a-twio, hHMlttfl ontPdf Ui> jtinjAi!Ob CAM, OH AWLV Hie'dfivelopmtiflt of p(ibllt« :'MH#..JKAN mt.CWVN.MKr- Mfliidlnft of JhjLliBttkiiittl -plunt •. MtWOAV TIHIOUOII PHI»M INSTRUCTION. i O A,M, 'VO 4 I«,M. pi'OccxM and the wdvnritHjien-to b ComplotoMnltiplG Listings 'ttidnt'd therefrom." -, k, TOitpXyjisiYI ame IW» Cvnlrrtl Avi), Tho ntudy will, eonllriue through' Nxinitig Servlv* f SHAHEEN AGENCY/ Motilh Kirnrny, N. J. out jp«2 iihd Into 1003, wlvon vojit* ucimiw-of IOIIMUOW-thro.utfho.ut N' u V,N,A! l Realtors 'nwJJ l4UUilM IB Neilh Av«,, IB. J«rtio> will to tnk«n. " ial Sinl WESTERN ••*»** m 61000 and DR 6-0777 ";\ ELECTRIC Mmt t'opulttf I'hone Color* - !.,• 1H»UU» & Milt lT«l«iiHitne niraiKor.v. uourn. White imd-bqluo iiro tho moflt tliiyjUiHiUKli "K»lU»y. HiaO A.M. loJiSti MANlirACttrtltNO UNIT «P ._'..••, •..• .••.:•• " •• .1 • •. .. •"• U PQf'iilur. tole|)hon« eoloin, nfcortllnu / .„ -^ • ""> •' ' V »VKt.t"S«Uu-*lay^l) AM, to I I'.M, No tllK OKU. TKtJCIMIONE 8VHTKM ',,-,J__iu»twl|;o ttuudxyi nv holltlayi . M to tho Boll Telephone SyntoM. To- M<1&>> " .™ »» H»l»«m*n uiui tt«yaur*oltiN. MondMy ittrouuii Krl> eethuf they -nccount for nboiit. 4fl dny, il lo fl. Call UHIilfle fl.U&W hflirr „ ..„ HttJUWiR- iM**Hf«tMtitii Hit percent of nil color phoncu In- f u anted To Buy UeUti i Cwr .H >•• »>H " Hlnllerb Whltfr In the leading choice £l#anot Stfa«lfta)l4>"^.>Hil;«l>i'm!ttu for kltehon hrvd bedroom phpnnv, < SEE STORM Wit BUY HO0KI Tho NvodH of "our punlnhment whiki bctflo IH tho moHt popular JB CAI.U roit I)KT ..u Kma « . V.M. HOOK Ht(01> iiro sown ut the Hfimo. timo wo phone color. forTivln,K room«, dln-^ WINDOWS corhjnnH thto «ln. — H«««k>d ittK- rooniH,' liuiln nn'd dons. Both colors, nre n\/nlloblc l;.i Ihc rtow OMKS*MAKKH Will ila WILLOUGHBvr Without piinlMhtiWut. sin would Princcxn phono (in woll »« Mms hnUKMl uui-mrt l. Kliltlly tall Mr. ur Moi^ey Fonts More At KONCIIC Waving! BR 2-5580 mulliply. —Mury uukvr Eddy '^Tiodol phoneH*, ^ Dlvldenda Paid on AH Atnafinl* of $1 Morel c«n nmtue «-im i-to er rAST ND CounTkous HKnvicB I- . J-- IN lU L^ KSTATB «i 1NHURANCH Aluminum Prod, Jumble Store JUMI1LK STOI1K—Open Tupiulay*, W«d> CALL South Av^W, • n»»tt«,vn, Ct-Utn.vi, a»turAHK, K«nllwwth. PsrtMtutl c«r«, Jklnai \iaat ... . • v . ndirton „„.,» .....,.-.~u it. B^IMi LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING 3«bln«H • Mtpalti - AdCQUNT TOiDAYI ABOVE LISTINGS .'•• •,••-. \ •"• Picking . ' - ' 'Vour StvlngB Fedorallii Insured To $]0,000.00' ;_l_j ESTIMATES ON AWY EASY PARKING ..; IN BIG ENL-ARG-E-D AM eff«r«d UpK) «aa^b>f oBtoM IOJ Um Call Bftldo* 64899 Btflmitw TRUST CRA^rOHD HOARD OV MULTOM|> PARKING AREA! : ...^ -tobir. von. *«• won '• • • 213 So'vfh Av*., East Olv«n on Any :; HOURS:.' Mon through .Ffidny, 0 A*M. to 3 P.M.; .»:•• ROBilftt C. KRUEGER ••ivV' ,': _ ' '; . Open Mon. Nljjlit,,0:30 to 8:30 P.M. ' • IMa »M>iil Ml toMa^ |6rt^, N. J, Moving Pbl : •.•-••'•.• • •• *: ••, >• .••• :•. :.v, ].::•* ^»^ .-C •- •• -.' .•:•> ——• •


CdOrtfy of Union

hoWft> ljfl«.ij.eJu>« deg lfiMP w)inhili/lrAtJb»r /ftt»p

In ffre ftwifie fiH '6 t/h'ivt'ic(tl1y, '

iMMdlOM justniiht't* IWtilllhii I»iffii

tin ifmWi Mi

Wry l3,'Al^fi«hdi;jB, 1 oil i'fl . lftllfltii'fi, '160, Wlrt. DiH

=: 'H T IIiiii'L'ii : I ?«.,:,;>,.,..,„„,.,„;» 40,006,00 4O.00fl.O0 ^^v.^.r,.^^^. -^M^iib' iiito lit New • /';;'.V"-p-'".-.----. '. .'•'.•••• •A

i;oo iflS.Bflo^n ,|i6i),t)0O,oo »Nii,fiiiy,jy $ mnMil B: ••::••.• »*00 00 $148,006, While iH »;to 'Jj.n;±. •:., i'wthw •;-C-mm weupjen ifi.i^lifi.do || 1,7« frt/-7^ : •nisruui'duenti the fi«H Mothermm, <•\ -'ifm

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w6ooi»-.Wiss Kat OCefl of .88 f euMJi «v»nue, . uftnt] Atidul)l|tl(m •ii(uitiiiiiit

(iiiifu'l*M'**lV"*ll'"t't V ( f AfijUIW K/v ' ' "'• """""' 380,00 eorttt'lbuU«»H(»! »*•. 1 oar ,.-•,..•,. .,..•! EARNMORB 'v< x'1"- —;—-: -•-• ijiie^i:,,..,.,; .;,..;• • " 8,8^0,00 3,700,00 bfeile NhdFlefhlnir(bn, $00.00 900,00 'flOO.OO v', 213.70 1. .MlfiM 0'Den, dsU{/h(«r ol the lute . 9 Mi;. And Mtd. I'adfnltf COW, will M00i50_ 8,88170 be inarrl«?d l-Wty«lay nftornooH «t CwfWford. to-Jutfwr ft', Moffntt of . $ 10,481.00 $ 18,744.81 '* 730.40 f..iM»: nam .v ..vwi. Advanced • uinvril APPrOPnHUPIUI ' ', , • '. ••'..' ' * At Esso Research S« h«!%'SftSSl- '(™*Wta y..»i.u.'. ...<.,.99SK^48.90 •SeSiOllOiOO' IBiOQP.00 $^7i08fl,00 $843,888.80 »17,507.fll of fl4 liiifd avenue hfl» been '.'tip* itihwitmt' .„ -. ": \, ^80,148.44 flOiio^O "r". 50,102 78 5^10^70 ~ ' .- pointed (umlfitant rnan»B«i" of the -""""*"*•''« division ot Bstio Hi

<• \m 1 • •.'.>••• -'^••J__.^i....v:..i'.. .:.;:.v,^^_^...J.:.^-L^i--;.^i;».-..::v..-:.-::.-^>^^,-n-^^^;::--^ a.. "'• • • I . • •• -1 - - . ' • «.ow;eo 380,00

"I. • n»w sut* 3,000,00 In .Uu'ftV.mtt.'ttv •; 1,800,00- ii*

Sp*ct TEWllt l.OOD. Cl



$ 28,071.80 84.402.fl2 1177.818,00— $190,414.95 , (S9 ....; i

of and w, ttes^Ves -—.,,. ?rl\. — be Httlsed by.Pii.turt •••,.-. ' :. * ^ 'i uVJ. * \ $a48;69e.81, ?#it*r...... ;..;....;.. 8,080.00 INMal (Wneral J ' . v f Totht Adjured llxpeHd!- liia,168.76 * • .." ••" ^ ' • . q\IIWiMteHW : ...... $ 8S0.528.24' S8'29,9^3.72 •. ' • •••-...-.*•• .'•' ', . CUR« fMAItONJf Snrplu,s,Bnlojiet* f - •'" •' s lv OKNltllAL ATPROPUtXTIONS 1 -December 3l«t »....,.M,.$ 149,582.70 $169,64O/U (A) OVmO^U >-> '•; '•* rie W> twRSt fund 8urplu» n itl °Use nearest even. MSEcentnof?. ' / ! >.• OKNKRAL COWNMBNT f^i^JCK U 5« • '• WO8.O25.00 • In 19«8 Budnt '/ Lestf SchoolTj^jj Der«i>r«d ...... «»«»•<•••« nce December 31 Urtc* t feasts;* ••Ci«h Above . k

,Ji.'•'..' ::• .

i 1 : v 1 f Bi •in imWIitf^tf r '''• •"'"'•'i .•.•.•j:;ivfctti;,ii:.:>''»;,.'..'.. .*l.i.j'-i^';i;.l...^.i;^IiLi.':.:. J!--:i- :'.' \ ••.' .'"':';,•/ ." .''\.-. ...: "'• . :.*..i~i.~tr>i,i:Bl ; ( • . - tMj_ • ;•••..•'• ' • ' £y •• -'- '. ' • T •..•••'•• . T' • -•. • •' • ' • . '' • • • • •' • \ •••••• .•••...' ..•••• ''~ .•*. ••,•.,:«.•.'-:"••'. .••''.•'. • • ..' • •• •'• 17 •' • .-*. ••••'•.-.• • \,/ '••••'•..' .. .'• • ,....'. .-,•... •,. ' ; y. v, _;•;.. •,,,- ••»•...... ,.,4««,«* _*>;.!

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• j- - - •— *'".'* " ' rf,.

y^jl. L'\ • ''PWi*'JSfcti-'JEB-.- l^l^iyfel'""' "iTTiifii"-]^^" • fi£-ji###**f/ iBJ»- tiluu-Bp'of. puBlltvUy; MtiftaM^fct J^ •fu. .1 ; lit' WflR Jh* -«'6m>?i'fl»ufhtfr officer "w ink. IIS "tll»! ft ,«Ut t tl p 50thh Ad pl 1 r1 plurBkmi'w C ,1'iiiin i,»vml,V " ""' ihin offers the public art ojiji&riufi i "C" wt-fh- (f. (lie )i;;«finx Tt. r, ^ ...... ,,, .i«y lo Ht{.a 1» 4 PS Hint ho I.- nl.. i Vv -;-••-•••" "f NntloiiHl. Otmrti MililPt D«y i, with H fHHtTfbei-jihlji «"r! PS LlHtH' Dilti 8 / ltP" It. lln (1r e ^ io.!nd CHvnlty «P; wlM fefllttre n. review »ti^ retreat do, we llst»irpatiently to then l.fU'flP «' - jlhe pftrhttp lit x ^jri." Sunday in the bke »»id 'wed.fi what l# naiA'l »*;&, outbidi presidBntT.f IMII* rl01t|C*|tltlHlll^ . l Hi Ihif cbinpdiiy. IjloBevirie, AVhut! Armtfry, MM*. IH Tj)lpi Kiidlmoh, .Wns.iiMitt :lftht. Wtsek'-'ilt',./"" " ' i,rnin ihl1 ifovvnM'Miti>l*Orj, t(t?p|iiiii'ntil. In . Ww w|(h y,l.j P|,^(|iflnl/.ml IIIIIPP tin- Col. fr Glh|Jtt--l"h»'k.M*'«*.01 ttiil-'filtJlli.jiiUt. Hiii-SHJIH «"'' MIM'iWi'ti »»„•...,: t'WtiltiHtidpi Wjnfl rt nw-hitnrtl 5 ,f. | A B»H(ltinlp (if ifir Cnvuliy M lit ohtil-Me (if III In., inO'ptiiihdPinpd; ; wliofiwlifi ' h.l|h.l<| look I nl FftflJUIf.-v, IKfttt, • Im lidii rp^ tl ih b l' .». ..i. I-.>II.<. <•••-' »!»i MII!' Viwnn*nii;y. aftih M « ineivtbo.r of thp NPWJ' loitnxt ihn J«i2n*l' pptiot t U' UUs de_- •>••.. ••« wns H will toiidtiul (i. tscijcp •(iffntir. fi.po NKIKJIIIII Otinid. '. ,,'' ' } |,HHUI-P for BtiKlniid" U 'rft' Hpl:l»l« 1lttl»teiVl«lkJJlH ClftWRPfi dill - The . } |,HHUI-P . for. . BtiKlniid." UP rft- Oatid bpt'tiHU1 fl ^1t(»rsp- \i'uti.iird, wllU Wi^—^esPH 'J'toop llie liitf rnimiHiy, .MtiJtjTPWiti A|JH1 # In t'tiMUnei-finl fiftlt'PB I izwl" ip'j|ifiipnt b^.fytp•-it" iiitoii^lKiut Hn< ((impnltjfis from )*i-rll«rv ppived by HIP S t'tiljpd Into oill.VP sprvicp ln'NiniiiKlid.v Iw (VptliOBlovnklft (Hid .. i ItotiiPtiudtprs tiitetPBtpd Itl Ml 1, • ' . •, i'v,()« n iiiiv)oi-44M-4l]r^->Ull!iid K(|tl(td- tbtidlii^ pliould reglslt-r nt their lo V/e sllll hud Ihp liowjW when'ton slnlf wlipirHIP wNr.pudodi Is' ttrtllher rnl •Poblio ,§ei'vit'p oitkip or by lpfl for fort rfhcksoii, B, C," Col. Mepfw wns born Hi j-'pcoeL _ ami .„,.*, rtjid Mrs?(tpin'ee W^lnb«l«.. inMlJ in in tier ti» receive tt free fr^ilekwttiv MrR;'.Ittihe U'ns jiypsieiiipd with iidirflsslHrMk'ket: There will be )i(il'«« htiUMUW' ttrtd « 'itiPi'hrtti-J"W'ny tflt!h Sehonr'ninl Wn ii t'titsiitii! imd (in plei'trit,-' peitttiit- in» ttUmiB.ai.oii WJHUHII:' « tlt'ke yptl wquAoii,? In UtoSfe' d(typ,"{p'itf,IHt/loh nl Hip tl.uie. lie Joil.ietJ ^''•••"'••- edtit'iJiltiri ill" W.U fijr oft n girt.fi'uiti the iminbpfs of hti DttyS^I+h « ^iqfr^^TWir'rttir^riilHIiiry siirVhw,.. Todity h& ; t'lHRsps ;will be, held in this;v iitl-Jiih_'H^ii'U'nl« ; HiOujlU t'lP tfietihfliifzpd vplilt'lcft t-pptnlcs bis i.ivifti. Hil'-condMlOHlH^ # EFFECTIVE SPEUIKa ttrri: in jftddititui, .tite.. won b'h f».!ltHv>; ' .....'-..• _e tfrttverMy t.if ' lireftiehfedf tt^Htr^ We're; hecc lo fil.tiy!'-i_^ • . fllrtti. --:-. . '• ,. " •••""• d tifridnvit Kllzabplli, aVl Nttl'til- Hi: ktlW |eiioa) ' :\:' ii»U'|i(j| lie/ Voiio'm r . JfowGvei.,.ri.ll til| IhclTm'jipfl were t'flo/: t».hh* I'pMti'h.Ui tliplfigtid # HUMAN titmffi-^ f L!t?ntB:. rtit' fil'1-pel' ftiepdHy •. eye:lii'HH« «l i : Ol'ljHIIi&l AllU^BWflliH ht*t- yerti/tft tijfiitip; •• Mohi? by .the tltrifj tlip«l(iaiid C'Hv- (^VHlcy as Its"titititirtohrfe*- Mi 1»0,0 '\- lt bii Mflii'h' H< iii, 80 arid M playlet, "YflW'Vedbl tti 1 # INCREASED IHOOME l t lrtifi/lptd( Itlti WMlt'lHIhtf ayel " '• by,Mr*.;0m tiies'day eveiilliHCi *

~(... ih Mttiifh.i, M, 16 nhd 88, v the -^CHHfotd'-Leftgns* (it' Womeii ; ttiti«« will fmJi&to tJi'Mitroit'1 '•'•;.. Votew.'MVs. Alfi'«d U Millei'i pre- Lj ehatwftan tw HlMlt Hi'libnl tih MHH'lt •') ft'otrt II ;• .••.••• •?- sident t,t the IJWV, pointed out this |)IH, (» ttiittutrthl Wl^H Ih^HbMl week that the leHHtie';lN nof nffi.- 'l (he Mw Seoul to Jfeti i Ml'Si Albert %>IIUUUMIII LiiHinium tinted or ttpjtouitltfiil wiltt any. u'theV ; ; (ji eiup; • . :"':•'••• '<•-..• •• '" V ' '• FRIDAY and SATURDAY ;••, ;. • M thfe tomiHatiHS eiimmltleui will httve bfuit wot kin Award # [It l(l!3 "The iNet'Ttttrdd .Award ; (Boy l . «iit I'elisieiw Vwhi'di Will be HUM Biii) •[•-.-: ;,(•• .• TO THE MUSIC OF

fcSgwe i:-4-T-.i ...t.iiL^tVK^2=i^~:.;---v .-^.-^l j! .iiiai.:1:-...-.-^. tie J«;Mai^e:dfiy«,~dt»:lH8 tlia Se HtiBpendt}d_f«r two mot r ! Hotel, A^ori., P#b, 26^8 p.m. Friday Hitthl j*wv ««f at-Tftmjto ,#Hetstiv& J^bVu^y--S,'tiudei' the New J^fsey li*ol«t 8yM*mv it.w«« ftwfiiiwi thiR week , by, Aoljfia ym hi'' Veiiifle 'Dlrettoi Ned J/ WITH A TOUCH ; at. :MI:,mi: d ! icivVtfyiTMiCtfurirwi^ ••••.••*".•. •»•••• • - . . • . • lleet, will ttbHe|ve hi*fi thr i Mil x\t\\ and will I'bt'Kr tlni

• ->'-'. •. • iliBii irMMrr AMV tmtuH ••• ••.••••.-

On ;• \ -• ^


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Ssis^£is5M^^^ m i»i-- 'vS.iW>V^v'io'^W'S^'' •sfi>^ \"*m\ •~>\ //,

tea WM a photdgraphi#chroh6logy of eome of the most famous OadillaoiM and some of thepost famous people who drove them

Ovorlte Blxty illuintriouH yeat^ Cttdilluo hutiiuado m*»tvy important our tipucfiil ftlctorial dinphiy of Cadillmm nnd . .. eanttibutioiwlo moloriMB dwjH>ndttl)lllty and plonsuro. It alao. history. A.ndtwhile you' iiro'littro', you w|H moxt. m who to httti boon tltu outst«i)diiigrichoiaj-juf ixiopfo of. uehiovcrtiont, in- «ivo tho sujiorb XWi CiidiUnt* your'most oriticul itwjfxiotio"-" iMti&k&:'%fism>:wS. eluding many of mat PrtiStdcnt«. You aro cordially invitod to and follow it with a rayolutiou drive in tho "cai* of caw."

r •: \\

wmfel At U«« AlP^t ttlttolt ptlieat tonil hil < )i.-


V^':'. ••• /


-»rt > . February 22 to March 3 ^9 a.m. to 9V mrMon., Tues,,,T.huri.; Frl. ; 9 a.m. fo 6 p.m.JAfed* and Sat. MOTOR . - A

•••••••••:••!• vi ... . ' ... , 1& ••;•.« : ••J .-

• .-..- '. ; "••'. '-N : ,'- ' .V- 1. :=>£« .fUPPLIMBNf.iro GutdM


• "".'..'••.








, .• •"*-.. •- •.• ELECTRIC Onco-A-Year Special I VAPORIZER SHOTpFF CREME EXtROftDINAIRE TOOTHBRUSH $119 1 . i I 33'«•••••••

Velue NESTLE $2.50 Value FOIL Bottle POCKET HERSHEY VACUUM CLOCK COMB Fountain Syringe ECONOMY BARS BOTTLES .69 $1.09 !c\ i 3 i'i

S.OOVolu* $1.75 REGULAR SPECIAL EVENTI SPECIAL EVENTI $3.80 3-HEAT REVLON ;^?- CHANTILLY CLECTRIC LIQUID 8KIN SACHET ...$2.80 TRAVEL Aquamarine PRY SKIN BA.TH OIL ,.,;...; $1.50 Moisture Lotion SYRINGE $ 25 $| SAil I' ALL for only . ' V


BOTH only $|.50 w• > i V 12 J5 CANDIES Both for o'


Subject to

Excise Tax "i"%;-»

•:'•;• •'!'••

V' i ; 4 REGISTERED PHARMACISTS sti Look To This Pharmacy For All Prescription Needs 17 NORTH UNION AVE. BRIDGE 6-0062

•••1 , • •.. '• 1 i.' •*• '••'•'

•..•; "./"


NESTLE V ..- & HdtWdtor VACU • ••;-. .mi CLOCK BOTTLES ^ $1.69

.00 Valu* BV8Nf I ftPECiAt BVHMTI * O-HKAT REVLON CMANTIILY . SKIN SACHET'„..,,,,,.,,.,,,,,.,118.1.,. TRAVEL DRY SKIN BATH ©ft, ,.,., , $1,88 Moliture Lotion SYRINGE 25 tOTAL „„„.K.n.....,v, n.,;..'..,,u|4i68 .v •••.. SALE*!- ALL for —'• • ^^5^ *1

FOB DRY l U.JOVolu* . SHOWER THE FINEST Gillette BATHE V GLOW ALWAYi MAALOX *; •. • ••' CAPS 79e 8121? FREE AritESHSUPPLYOF SUPER BLUE BLADES ... . with purahstft.b! RUSSELL and' LIQUID Foamy Shave Cream ft' STQVIR Both for .75 CANDIES only $1 ."50



V 4 REGISTERED PHARMACISTS Look To This Pharmacy For All Prescription Needs o ' 17 NORTH UNION AVE. ^ / BRIDGE 60062

r .

"Ni ... •« .',•; 'V'- vv I'--"

,'(... . ,• CR ANFORD W. J.) CITIZEN A CllRONICLE—WfbNE«DAY,• FEBRUARY 21, 1902 *''• Nine

WWashfngtoii'h S Birthday Week-End Sale

R«mlnfltoni. Royali <• Unde^wowl* - L. C, Smithi

103 No. Union Ave Cranford OPEN THURSDAY EVENING

.99 .J,....;;.Ill!.,;.;.-.;;;r5,99 ea. ,.,v.-,.....^....,..:.._... 15.00 ea.

,:...v,.^;...... ;.... 25.00 ea. TWO ABfSiNG MACHINES.'.;,, - ,,. 25.00 e Knits! ' : 1 THE ABOVE GROUP OF MACHINES , • Sweaters! y GOES OH SALE SATV FEB. 24th ONLY A: SELECT GROUP OFNBW AND LATE i •, •» i.*'» • TYPEWRITERS AND! ApDING MCHINE^ FULLY 7 I GUARANTEE^ GO-ON SALE T Reg. to $15! Top Quality knits in •••',:- THRU SATURP4Y, FEB. 2J/- 24. a superb selection. Ski styles, THESE ARE SOME EXAMPLES; /'_ ,. Sale bulkies... plenty to choose from! h-.: Regi Pric* . 10 Assorted Typewriters and Adding Machines', 59.50 35.00 10 Assorietl Typewriters and Adding ilachines 69.^0 45.00 Table! \ _ /^.-I^yai'^/Miwftp^ii^..--^--.^....'..'.--.'! . 145.00 109.50 >^ :lS6y8l''KS|[C>Modd T^tamtera--:.;...;..:..^,.'.'.' 125.00 99.50 amous Make DRESS SHIRTS «••••••* 2 Underwood Model j^T^pewriters <;.... 125.00 99.50 $2.38 • J Electric Tj^ewriter^/..... ;.-.^'.':...;..._.;1 . 135.00 99;5O Our v«ry famous makers ^pp shirts. Special selections 1:1.B.M. SlreamlincrBMdelv^....^.?; ;!.^".^:;..;.... 325.00 275.QO •••» specially priced. Hurry in for^-ydursl 1 MarcliantGakulatfiiifuUy Automatic 2 Brand New Portable Typewriters . .1-. 74.5(K/49.50 Smitii'Gorona Gajasoes; Royal Futuras, RemingtonOtiiet-Riter Portable Typewrors, Brand New, at savings up tp45% Off List FLANNEL SLACKS ADDING MACHINES, MANUAL AND Shea 28 to 34 \ ELECTRIC NEW AND REBUILT, AT SAVINGS UP TO 25% OFF REGULAR PRICE Speclcdl Reg. to $6.99. Polished Cotton 'lus MaWy Other Outstanding "One-ofa-Kind" and Wash V Wear toBoys ' and Men's Bargain^ At Savings To 50% Sizes. Top selections of fine quality WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL ~. slacks. Dramatic savings! Hurry AT 9A.M. in, save^during Washington's , Birthday!

Sale! Wool lined, $17.95 nn »iii iui tv. Boys' Corduroy COATS. ) jg 20 EASTMAN STREET CRANFORD (ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE CRANFORD THEATRE) Terrific value. Warmiy-wool lined. Sizes T2-14-16. Save now!

-f1- T • . •

:JSKV.-.WIV for the

BONNIE Dt)ON with g FREE GIFT for Your Thrift WARNERS SNOW SOCKS GIRDLE or PANTY Red ~* Charcoal only TWISTING Ax^mtt mjm mount OF

,'•••.•; Choke SWEATERS BLOUSES Novelty or Bhtli R $5 .9* ••••-•..•/. $!00 or WOOLGU ••«••»,;•_••» .,!,••• i WOOl SKIRTS HBATJNO MD $5 00 or more irflkpke MATCHMATES SILVER


/ ,-»

»• s EARLY AMERICAN IV..- win VII HI II A Graeioui; Warm, Eirly American Sofa .- With 100% Foam Reveriibte Cushion* -And Mtttchlng Chair; Slightly Forni* " Jizod to Add that Extra Touch or DbtJnc- tion. In Solids and Doeunientary Prlnti. SALE WMCp ""* "


COMPLETE MAPLE BEDROOM SET tARGE DRES$Eit^^SEini MIRROR t^jJtf^'^Sf^S^^^^" B CHEST and PANEL BED OUTFIT Twjij Sto», Mapl. riniihad. SALE PRICE Laddar, Guard Rail, 2 Staat Springs, 2 Inner-Spring ' Mattrosses. BOOKCASE BED Available fW Additional $10.00

Large Selections of Early American ."' ' --,1 LAMPS, MIRRORS, WALL DECORATIONS BUDGET mm KNACK SHELVES at Where A Lifa-Tlme TERMS Quality and Price ORCHID Prevail ForAltLadiet BIG DISCOUNT PRICES Thurf. - Rri. - Sat. Only FERN'S FURNITURE, Inc. EASTMAN at NORTH AVE. CRANFORD BR 6-5000




li - •'

..;':•». --•s'-.^v^ir"-.

1B518T 63c 59e~ADULT $3,00 IPANA GLVCKRINE HEATINfi PAD TOOTHPASTE Suppositories Cologne JttfiBEME

LANOLIN PLUS 39c Plastic Hair Dressing SHdWER Jiain Bonnets 69c; CAPS

m 2Sc $1.23 PINS' NOXZEMA Skin dream

It •..'• ?5c 99c Super Anahist /69c ARRID f • old Tahlol -si HI Creme


-V. and and Body Lotion GRAB BAG!



!!•::-.• 9 50c SS.00 -29c Lustre Creme BALL POINT SHAMPOn.tO9 PEN I* . •;.- $1.98 1i ! $2*69 1 PTi; Si.98 Valuer -- 69c I: ALADDIN $1.00 GILLETTE TEK HOT WATER AQUAMARINE DUHA CtAD SUPEH BLUfe BLADES .- plus Tooth Brush BOTTLE Vacuum Bottle 98c SHAVING BOMB Hand Lotion BOTH M.50 38c MM

IV • ••,




1962 PATTERNS BLENDER i All in . 29.95 4.W Make 10 CAN aSp . With Sp««d Plant IRON R«ff..4.98

I BAN-LEWIS PAINT SHOP Houtewar^s ^ Hardwar* • Gada»t$' Grfti 101 N. Union Av«. Btt 6-2540 109 NORTH UNION AVE ~ BR MStf ~ CRANPORD ,

•1 •

red mitt/dphli, etc, cooMty youi1 frulriri«i, ihnde vicinity lUetlBH f f om evirwlnioring lHt««tI. B«W growth alarm, ipr«y wlilt 8*)«lwW«»tb« ufwi and weii tiftaiiv* dar msn( iprsy. kills wtl«» »d will, bud mftllii out \mw «Hd>many elhif pj thattiHH be ccinir«ll«a b«fora th« DBODORIJCIS bud* tlari. OHK mllBn'Makei S6 gil* Ttttoi tlwtto gpwad nutft*nt'paelt«d TAKBI >tACi SAN 0 Qnii will rtiBttH«l wlthiliiih and yau'll fully «njay h b iiprirw TO* plaint mi In Iht SPECIAL 5 Ib. Bug 39c flowing efanul«» df Agrleo Own 'IRMtJ, warWd. (J|«ipt Into lit* nail by Iprintt ralnt, •Hflouragsi VIIJQHJUI w& aawldpweni and tuppllfi lh§ to ll|ht eombinatlon of flraii nurtWWf nuaiiary tor a haaltlty, baautlful AMARYLLIS BULBS 65t 3.95 - 25% OFF inah lawn, Thli full walght familiar contain! 60« oriwnle nltraian with Uwia'PafW for tonfHktWns, steady FLOWER • VEGETABLE • HERB Extra Chelet |raii faadlng. Ramewbar, Agrleo .iuiafooti »ntf any malta ipraidif GARDEN SEEDS FOR 1962 Begonia Bulbs HirfjSirtn«ra-«HHlirgt on tha bag. Should EM> Wanted Indoors NOW*

iiiuiini Hniii LIMESTONf t/ft ft. ten(Mtu r I1JM * IHHIHIIWIAHIIUI H l ( It ft GYPSUM i WILD BIRD SEED SPREADERS FEEDING STATIONS • SUET CAKES For Salt or s«t/f f No Parking Problams — DHvt^ln Agro Jig Crobgross Control Now' it thi ttm# for atfaollv* aotlon agalnit Crabgrati. An tppllcatlon of, granular AgHeo Prjagn)at, Oooiagrail, foxtail • and ilwllar naadllngt at .thay iprout. Tha dry granuhia of thla pravantiva can

.1...T b« tffiotlvaly appnad- right up to tha two. I laaf Hag* (whan Grabgraia H about' Mnoh high), go uf*~!baiM, It can f appllad en flowar end an/ub badi. In fact, It'a banaflclal to matura lawn 11 (HI8 SOUTH AVENUE grattaacgpraajiyour.todayy ttlgphoiw 27*1461 CRANFORD, N. J. ^ Oofd**i Supply Cantff S*tu?# 10M —-^

•-At. •' :•/ OHANI^OHD (>f. J>) ClTl^tcN AJDllWONlCl.i^WKDNKKUAY, rt;HH UAttY jj, i-»iMtH>rtlTlw^itoMi |---- • —jf .. V ••••: :\



V«IUMtO«0 from R*0. $59.50 to $89.-50 to $44-95

DRESS & SPORT SHIRTS *H,$•,„ $10.95 •••:} '•••?, PAMOUS BRAND SHOES...

•v. ••••• SPECIALS came, first gervt BE SOLD FOR $10 EACI TsPORf JACKETS BE SOLD FOR $10 h 4 OUTER JACKETS :;A. WILL BE SOLD FOR $10 EACH SWEATERS... SPORT JACKETS... to •:. I* Rtg^$10 to $18.95 $4.99 & $7.49 & 1^ -VTB (Include(Ild s Cordiiroy SuitsK

TOPCOATS... / :•..,.. ZIP-LINED RAINCOATS... V -: Vltea. $59.50. '$89.50^ $24-95 to $44.95 R«tf. $27.95 - $50

Salts Ptntfy&wk and Ci^t-y — No Alteration* SORRY! At th«i» prlc«* w« cannot provid* §11 of out uiual services.

..;• •>•.•-•' \9\2 — 50 Y«ars of duality — 1962

18 North Av#., W., Cranford Open Thu|». Evening

-. -Sf I «"•• ".',"

• ' .-it ;•,/". h mi eriutdn't DICKIE BBAND TWILL CHINO WORK PANT5, i MCKIEDRAN lH«I.VH»New "

~ .7...-•••'• MiN'S Sli , $1.00 :•>;•.,,.,,•.:/ ".„ 2 for $1.00 SOYS' ov '8 fyVEATiRS, VEST COAf S, •©$12.98 BOYS' PLANNELf AJAMAS, ; m.- <8 orily, fteg. $2.98 1 BOYS' FLANNEL, SPORT ot LONG SLEEVE KNIT SHIRTS, with toiler, R^. »o $3.98

BOYS'COTTON RANNBL ROBES, 0 , $3.9fl ^~ 1.00 BOYS' POLISHED CHINOS, odd loft, \"\ Slxii 440, Reg. to $4.98' ^_ BOYS' eORDUMOY Sl-ACKS, S YOU Aftl CORDIALLY INVITED Sliii:4'8enly,fc*y •«. $4.98 1.99 BOYS' mid MEN'S CORDURCJY VESTS, s R $58 i.oo to attend our YOUNG MEN'S CONTINENTAL CHINOS, jy« 19Nfi,R^$S.98 >: CHILDREN'S GLOVES and MITTENS, zl!Lj|^lL^filiaiAi6itl!ji00 r SNOW SUITS;GMPh&rJM s; 'rise If ^Sf R$.to { its MEN'S LONG SLEEVE KNIT SHIRTS, $1.97 TODOLERS\'BOYS\ ©mtS^WJNTER JACKETS, - • Odd Lot», Broken Sltsi/Reg. to $12.98 -. IRltft^rtBltOllRY 18 ^ SLEEPERS, Odd Lets, From 6 t© 10['p. Sim 14 only, Reg. $3.00; $1.09 LADIES'SHIP'N SHORE BL Special Group, Reg. $1.97 TO INSPECT OUR NEW DRYCLEAN1NG PLANT. YOU'LL CORDUROY SLACKS^PLANNEL SHIRT SETS by He«IHie)^ Slstei 2,3,6, Reg* $2.98 Tl»E FINEST IN NEW AUTOMATIC DBYCLEANING

GIRLS'QUItTED ROBES, • --;-)•.- Ul Sim, Reg. to $5.98 FACILITIES AND WE WANT YOU TO INSPECT OUR * BULKY KNIT CARDIGAN SWEATERS, Small and Medium only, Rog. $5.98 nm MODERN FUR AND APPAREL STORAGE VAULT. GIRLS' DRESSES, Odd Lots, ' j^: to $5.98 :;x INPANTS CORDUROY CRAWLERS Hefresfiments If ill Be Served and COVERALLSrReg. $2.98

LADIES'SEAMLESS NYLON STOCKINGS, —r"' Mesh or Regular, Reg. $1.00 , ..-9-PfSft $1, All Plus Many More Unadvertised Bargains ive-IfLCIeanei - - ALL SALES HNAL — EHKltilixlu'd \\)VL. •' FREE PARKING ON PREMISES • FREE PICK-l^A-DELIVERY • SHAPIRO'S DEPT, S Opon 7 a.m. to 7 p.m./ ^Liter-Hours Depository OPEN THURSDAY EVEN! 101 North, Ave^W. CSI™JL. BK 6-0333 19 N. UNION AVE. CRANFORD, N. J. ••I •

*•" •>:'


5fc. ALTERATION SALE •V': . Sandfor of Bo«ton Loaf«rs; r«flv7.99 ;,....'..;...... o. $5.90 , oddi.and end* .,..;n,....'...ii^cgf U D«b squash h««l«/ ft0> fi.4IWMMIHIIMIt $2.50 27—BLOUSES, dacron .,.„...,.....;...,...... 1%, to 8,98 1:00

.*>»'•„ —SP~TT~^ Jilt;^ « '-l •••• -4 iwff/Many turroW wldthi, h»g, 12.99

;,l...,1!i™,1i!!™:™!ijeg,JS.(l8-l?.O8 Brown filgboys4»bo«i f | WOOI M'»MtinitlniHiMiHiMtmnutl 1 ^Jo^5lx# 3VaJ^ r .,...... ,....i...... "reg. 0i984O;08

,..„..„ reg. 2B.OO«2fli.0f5 15.00 i*s Shoes •.'..'...... ».!«.„;..:.....'..,«. reg. 35,00 |8:ott • . r ' «|!*••'• i«.• f IVIMM tM i »«•••••»••• »••!••• J-V^M „.,.,....„,„„. ,.\ .„ reg. 45lO0 23.00 iT|« RAINCOATS, printed chesterfield .. reg. 17.08 Koro**al Snow WraHi«r Boot* ;AINCOATS,balma

,:,.•:••••••:•' J»rry Gordon, Prop. •".__' 2 PC SUITS Weti DRESSES ...... rig. to ,30.00^ 10.00 '%''•:;: - P"*1 Pledge: ^ , wool ».. reg. 7:98 f'.'•;-. v.-. No Salelit Complete Until The Customer , *-'te;'Campletely Satisfied. LINGERIE ^•^/J.' 8 NO. UNION AVE. -^ BR 2-5191 -^ CRANRORD "S—ROBES, cottoiiiiiillted ....;»...... reg. to 11.08 U.00 48—GOWNS, PJ'fl, JACKETS, flartnel.... reg. to 8.00 42—6OWNS, SLIPS, PETl'IS, ftylon-.... reg. 3OO4.05 1.7S-S.70 • .•(r.-:vf IT'S HERE! PANTIES, hylOn tricot reg. 2.00 I.28L- 10-rOIRDLES arid PANTIES ...... : ..reg. 3.5O-3..0S 18--dH^DLES arid PANTIES reg. 5.00-6.0^ 3.50 remoikctble new shoe 21—GIRDLESaniJ PARTIES .....;...... reg. 7i60-7.ft8 5.8$ ll—GIRDLES and PANTIES ...... >r..... reg. 8.96; Buster Brown ,0^G1RDLBS and PANTJES reg. WOO i 44-^BRAS, Odd lot,....;... <»...... t...... reg. to 3.05. ^ PRICE t <• •I- ^ ciiildreri 3 and under • * . ^ ACCESSORIES * • * id 850—pr NETTIE ROSENSTEIN HOSE.... reg. 1.85 1.00 TO AVOID $6.99 21—GLOVES, winter ,..,..;..".:...... « reg. to 2.00 ' LOO A inferniffi OF 27r~ij}LOVES, leather, lined reg.; to 8.00 .4.00 FOOT TROUBLES 14*~HATSj ^interLi..,...... >'. r«)g. to 3,08 1.00 8—SLIPPBRiS, mop ...;..,...... reg. 4.08 Now bamfooi ipeisdpm Oh© healthteat itat© for 13—HANDBA^SSjOdd^ and ends 4«g.^k^l2i08* grdwlng ie©<) within a shool- This sho«, de- 101—JEWELRY* r reg. to 5100* PRICE* 4.00* iiion«d by Pf. Simon J, WlnkJ©r,....,.....;... reg. 3.50* 2.00* leavfts th« fcgit free to oxercls© and grow nat* . 18—SCARVES, 8 fdoters _u4...... reg. to 3.98 1.00 ' utdliy durino,tho,©arly vital 88^«pf SjCldHTS, red, royal ...... / reg. 2.95^3.05 PRICE r .:;|| Fwt ar« i-;.i i':-.. LINENS and DOMESTICS couVAaHonol *" ifio*> forew OUB 14-^BEb PILLOWS, dacron filled ...... reg. 6.98 . 4.00 ihe arowlno foot into o eramptd 18—BLANKETS, 100%^ Acril&ii ...... r... reg. 14.98 11.00 .;-; V- -•, poilllon. Dr. Winkler points o\x\, J No Sale 16B-i—PACE CLOTHS, disc patterns reg. .50 4 for 1.00 Jnolehig lees-helpless and puny Is Complete 0—BATH MAT SfeTS reg. tq 5.00 3.00 without Giving them a chance Until the 14^-LUNCHEON SETS reg. to 25.00 % PRICE to attain the natural spread. Customer Is 100—CAPE CURTAINS .". reg. 2.08 : 1.00 Completely 14—TABLECLOTKMdd lot , reg. to 5.98 2:00, The^Now Busier Brovm shoe i§ Satisfied! 104--CURTAINS, odds and ends reg.-to-0.98 % PRICR ldaetKior ehlldrtn. Pknty of room for the foot to grew lato *plus tax - _" ^ •-*.; .this shoe without deforming llr ' pressures on the toss. forey Gordon, ';•-. . . —ALL SALlES FINAL— prop. - BUSTER BROWN • \ • NOHTH UNION AVE. BH 24101 CHAHFOBD, N. J. North Union Ave. — Open Thurg. Eve. — Cratiford ."•Vy'.",

,••>• -:;Vf f. RO (N. JJ ClTlZtN A f liltONltLK-WKDNKHrMVv FtBrtUARV 21. 1982 . -• —-^'••=•••-•?

30 Enitrtian St. CtmnloiA

IS WINE HEADQUARTERS Pttm Italy PALAZZO v EXCLUSIVELY VINO ROSSO WITH 08 SODA In CANS MtoW # CharJts Krog 3I • .0.01 OtUMt OtaANSISTOR ". 5 TOBB • • oflZ • Frank KITCHEN Prmk ScltDonniaker '•3*.. Sehedtimakii* _ lAKfl' , '•With Cam, Knyphnnt» _— 1989 <—- —matt tab! r BORDEAUX WINE " Batteries R«d «r White:*4 »r.iy fable 24 M. Bottled In California S|«98 WiM« .*••• 10.09 -CtKMKOf 12 forte WINES Si 8h«llflih | - -Um- GRETCHEN AfUM5itt«l $|.od 1900 Vottay Charles Krog RECORD \. MAPA VALLEY .Wlme 24«a. White PLAYERS 10.09 Wlrie oflZ Khlns ^ $ EXCLUSIVE WITH US **NO DELIVERY OF THIS ITEM ALONE ••&? HI FREE PARKING BR 61044 GENERAL-ELECMC >v PHILCO ••• . USE OUR CONVEWIEMIf ^ PORTABLE HEAR DOOH ENTflANCE For Free Delivery I Yf-\ 29 WbRTH UNION AVENUE CRANFORD il - ROLLABOUT STAND WITH ALL i PORTABLE TV'i SOLD THIS WEEK.ENDI L KITCHEN AID Washington Birthday Specials! PHILCO 4 CYCLE ' . '< •' ' ' • .c AUTOMATIC - DISH Thursday^ Friday - Saturday —WASHER WASHER J 88 Dresses Reg. $8.98 to $14.98 LAST CALL MISSY - JUNIOR 224- , and '/a Sizes . NOW '3.98 - ADMIRAL CONSOLE RCA CONSOLE '- 23in.TV QUAKER HOSE BERKSHIRE HOSE M . STEHEO- Reg. 1.25 Pr. BONUS OFFER Box of 3 Pr*. or Seamless $3.25 Buy A pn. for the Price nzz - of 3 HOOVER UPKIGHT 1 -/.- G.E: CANISTER If-' VACUUMS CLEANERS HOSE Seamless or Mesh BOX of J prS. $2*25 SPECIAL TABLE Lik© Georgo, We Cannot Tell a Lie — Thete are Real Barpalnsl ANNUAL MAGNAVOX SALE STARTS Blouses & Shirts Slacks •— Skirts WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY ^2.98 to 5.98 — BI $ S A VIN G 8. .— Now $1.00 to $3.89 -'••'-. -- WE SERVICE AU^USES TV — COLOR TV — HI-FI — I5TEREO — RADIOS Lingerie-<5owns--Slips^Pajamas CEANIORDKADIO, Inc. OFF Open Monday, Thursday, Friday Evenings Open Thurs. Till 9 -••• 26 EASTMAN ST. BRidge 6-1776 SUPPLEMENT TO -i . • * Bargaim •> Gaiowl Savings!, •V, i:-::i-: V fUANK)Kl> (N. J.) CTM/IiN A tllllONK I-K—\VI»NI'KI»A V, 1 I^HItUAItV 21, 1002 SECTION FOUR



m,> m

§<•••:•• -.


•. . • '.- .':'•• . . • . ' ••'''..' ' Pagt A. M. BROWN'S 5c, fOe, $1 STORE >^11 • GOLDBERG'S MEN'S SHOP ^ S ALBAN-LEWIS •, \7)t>) • HARTIG PAINT SHOP ^ 8 • BARNETT'S . 4 • JAY-MAR :• -....:....,-..^Ss. / , - 10 • BARON'S DRUG STORE 7 • LESHNER'S FABRIC GENTEli 2 % BELLAS DRUG STORE 12 • NATIONAL TYPEWRITER Ca^ ..: 9 • BUSTER BROWN 3 • ROBINSON'S ,.,^:..;...;;.• „...:...... :...:L 3 2 • SEAGER'S DRUG STdRE 2 • CRANFORD DRIVE-IN CLEANERS ^6 • SHAPIRO'S DEPARTMENT STORE * 6 • CRANFORD RADIO 4 f SPORTSMAN'S SHOP 9 • CRANFORD SAVINGS ft LOAN ASS'N. 10 * STUARTS :;: :..;...;..' ...:.;.. ;..:..:..::..; n • DEB'N-HEIR , :.., .". • -.... 11 • TOWNE SHOPPE 4 • FERN'S FURNITURE 10 • TRUBENBACH'S FEED & SEED 8


!!-• J.

pW> ;'•..>••*•.- ' •'•'•••'"'•'•'. ~" "•• •' P • .i -•---;• •'...,...•' •'.••'•• ••, '• -Ni.

v•:'/•• •':-: .• •'•:•.••:•••• ••'*;


1 1 litL^.v -- '•; ••>--•. • -'--Sji v.r • '• •<

Ik! :•,•:,:• •:• • •• , ••' I.'V ' m4 ' > i .. Vol. Suctions, V ' CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1062 n • TENCENfS >w* • .••4 r * riT -"-"if ri-n''''i-*nc'f'"^'-"-1 11'iMTTI-ttmjftjBS.Wir T""""''" *"'TT1if l' -g,^< .SO 'l.v Over Budget Township Comrtiltt^etiupHday night adopted ot* tlnuV reading th« 11HJ2 mimlolpiil budijot which wlH require a tax fate-of "tttelitiy:: Um ihfih fi0,80 perr $100 of valuation/' • ' .. .•':/•'•• •:^,'.' '''•'•I*! '. •'.*''.' '<*" i ^more,tlnin 40 p8mm» w«ro at th Second Loss" ..«venue; aoked iw ni /•;.'••" one "Wnltetu^W)h«5>Mti» of- xpiatiatlon of budgiet. increaitflfl, Decision on the twice defeated Board of Education budget '.>;;!;;' fi'nence CofiiTnTlirSiiiJr" jr. Howard i« now in tho hands of tho Township Committee which will WteAteer outliri^d th« major In- wcot tonight with tho board to go over tho school budtot. • '•.-••»• . ing Into the; now municipal build" A total of 8>040 votes wore cast Tuesday in the school elec* ing and library and will boon* tion aUvhlch the Board of Education rpsubmitted the sume

• '•' -1:".; '•(;•• •' 7 budget dc/catcd on February .'• .'-•''•'•' '•«.: Blandlng, 6 Comtit The current expense item B|trt8ldfl«t ef th« Cran- Tiixpayern' A«wM)iatlon, read of 92,130,72$ was defeated by Robert M; Crane a letter blating that jili group had 827 vote* a«~iustdottt8 "ca«t present. of the crunford lid the budget and "ha« no 2,661 "no" Votes and 2,334 Camp AsHoelfltlonj at thu'Jinttual iM votes, This Item lost by dnly hdttbtlng of the camp dlreeYors Sun* twd votes in the ilrst election. - ' day «ft«rnb"en at his homo, 430, IS Meeting The capital outlay Item of $111," Kjvtirtflde drive. Ht,;v.>. .•••!..:• In New Huiltling? 800, whfth had b«en opposed by Othur oflflterH fdr the coming TiicBtlfly night'* meotirtt year, also rociectctl. a a Watchdog Association, lost by , John %. Allen, Frank io Township Gpmmitt«» r 666 votes, 2,943 td 2,007. In the p; abiy wa» the last, to b«_h§ld;irt Torn J. fiootey: and Stanley def«at= Miitkhdg thfl prtwtjtl by 87 - - s — ^6riPbfrt«l»rth^^m th« next- ine«tiH8 oh March 18 in Th# Jbudget Item*) wor« ap- library building on Miln strwJl. dlriBtitdr* thJhee- the new municlpfil building but ; l^underway yesterday' and.;' is proved by all north side polling 1 thus f or 8tiibt«))fer thti uUdltorium % * ilH d *» ak *^A> U JH LfcLA *J| &4 Itf^cLU^AS ••• ' ' ' '' I place* witK the exception of th# expected to be eempletad within 1 » few, days, weather permuting, TimVll IjOv"I/C'Vll OOJIVW* f*Q» •'•. r •' flrooksldtf diitriet whero the capl- '&^;'v'V: Municipal offices will tram- t i'- Ing 1,018 vottira, the gretitcst num« lot and will bo thBjnrntJl id onllhee old /m>inU|lpji/m>inU|pjI the devalppmisnt- of a pit...... on FRED J. DHLLEft bar, to the polls, Prior U* the wb- quartern Expireidd yesterdatd y butbt' ond jttlectlon, lite board returned p!ajw in r«»r tit North and N«*tt the township noBOtietod a o«o- the flfth,voting district to LJruJdln1 Union flvjWiieK Miln, Eastman ^Rbth exttntujbh through March. Alden straets; - v. Today(School from Walnut School ut the, r«4Ue«t of tho Watchdog* and oth-1 crlllelsms ,to offer and reeomrrteHdi er dtixetW.who olfllm«d .voters in* approvftL" He added thbt tho that da«tdct «uffwe4 hard«hi|M ' AsHoelutlon deitired to when,tho^jtftrlct was transferred tho committef atjd Fi- to Walnut Avenue School uevewil , MeAtier in ye, RHndul:l CM»tf;Charle|(e^a ' -ti iHiemJbBr, on **.ehM««.:^'< , '$Wi^-~ ' '"M l depirtment heads also rlnWrto>ni'» uliry' i« up ittd •^•tfaiirtiis * NwolUtloh r^coifdized Mr. ieiifcJlMKl»yr F. KaryteJciWas electtd fo a two« long and faithful service, New Htfinl ii wording on'^saliry seal*, y«ar uftexpl^ed term 6f William many outstanding: qualities ihoet* school ttdmtflisiiitortr. tiie yL. ^UtUe, Jr., who will move from whlbh won for him thA admiratlort property tax will be maflcd out on th6 luperlntendent'i raliii was .'CrtBfbrdi^iihortiyil.;1:. Affiliated ComwUBitjr Con- of hi« awioclateflflnd the entire uoxt week, it-wu annouweed yes* tak^n after BHlarleH and"HicreflHas Mombors ' of the. jwmiriating rt-AnsoeJatjon's annual member- ; eonifchunity, land extended Jbest tordiy by Tax Assessor JldwoYd mm irf&jltfi lor the «ame poiitlon were chooked eommltt«e -weritf Uri^Sooltiy, Pat ship drlvSwfls opened Sunday wilh«# for a long «nd happy life. P, Marlfowlch, They arc return- mm In compur^ble Hehbols In the state rick J.Orall ahd Mr. Little. ,M*yor^LaCorte pointed out that able iM or before May I. -. afternoon with a tea for work#rH 1 y iind work f toads compaFed, eom» The eight weeks' season at ther.t Knndolph Hall of Cranford Mjt ,'Dellet' had^ served as, bulldlntf • Mr. Markowieh pointed out that ploting the study for .this position, Cranford Boys' Camp, located on Methocllxt Church. Tho klck-ort ljiiti«ctor during tho Jpevlod of Chapter 51, Laws of-1080, has not is Hornry Boardman cxplninad. Mr, Silver Lake; n«ajf Hope, will open meeting began a campaign that Granford'B mos't explosive growth. been repealed, and that Chapter Hoardmah presided in the abBcnee By 1ODI8E 8 VEDMAN (Continued on Pago 8) will continue through this Sunday, Uurlng his tenure as building In- "it, t&ws of 1081, only postponed ' 1 ; of GUM Gutierrez, president, and when membership in the associa- spector^ the mayor said Mr. Dell«r the effective dato from 1062 to Iff •;L:,;tjl^iW|^.ffc.>i3;.^^.\|p^7|^^^g^iL''.v! ..;vj >i'' Bernard Litwack, vicc«pMAIdent, 1 1 iia tion will be closed for tho JB,82» ha4 issued-8,116 permits for new1083. ^lii^li^i^i^^N^ ' ^ PM*>i*«h «* ^y; Julian iileitane'p. Mr. Boardmnn declared that it Deadline 1008 season. '_. • ,.^ I , valuations with construction cost ''As tho law now stands, every Ci,^n^eo«iiuThor^d by Sara A; T^r^nibi Wnden, assistant tflrector is the duty of board' members to / In the »WancQ-pl the president; wiUmated at--$43,532,930. Of 1heperson owning tangible personal . of ,tWe Criinford/ Pubilo ajjend mdetings, •• adding that- heFew PHmary Petitioiis Charles JrMeNulty of Claric; the* permlfc Issued, 2,887 wero for one- property used in business in reV ^T~:. had called Mr. Kreger to tall him ' »he Heart Fund oamuaifin tHr. Although tfHe story Ij not in the ih«. April 17 primary elecWong is vice-president, Among those as/- fonal property as ot the listing l>tw">V Bame1)eatesory with "Poyton nex;t Thursday, which also is thosiRting wore the Cranford memr wj,;v;.-v .. dole of January l-ptflW;—"* . • - last day to register to votoor to 1 The *«tayor prnts^d Mr. Deller Thqre are thrc,qt types of tax rcBldents will have little Board Invites ] change vdtlntf address. bershlp chairman, Mcs.: Herbert i»y be turned Cronloifd LoeaVvtlSr-._ -v r. Mitchell, and ttobort Stafford, a* an aetfvo churchman, one who forms, Mr. Markowtehjexplalned* difilcuUy rccognialnfit the thinly For the eonvenienco of late reg- hid .served for mitny,years on the i BunJvoleHt Association, has tv disguised locale, .the old, inade- field representative of Columbia Form PT-1 is basTtaily the same poinWi MeCvea, Union 5 Parents to Hear istrants, Towtiship Clerk J. Walter Concerts, Ine., bf New; York.: '; Memorial pay Committee, an ac-form that was In use last year be- lished n $300 scholarship toi b« quate, but much-Ipved library on Coffee's offlco in the Municipal tivo Republican and noted tbo.t Chrt Stej each •" *v* •''Street,: iind the long up-hill Entertainment wan provided by r fore Chapter 81 was postponed. \tohnny Read' , Building will remain open until 0 Sondra Cohen' of 425 Ovohard despite his age, ho still captained This- form is to bo used by tax- aldent wh^ unroils in to provide-... Cranford with o'clock each night next week .a Heam in the Cranford Bowling a new, Jwoderrt, library eommeh- A "live" demonstration; will be street, a 0-yoar-old pianist- who is payers having tangible personal Miss Beijjttmtn stmst, .Union" through iThursday. League, n sport In whfch ho long property used in business and ex- }\ir| ve..N not «t home surnte with .the rapid growth of staged at the next window meet* 6tudyihg Avlth Dr. Edwin Hughes > ;|^;' by a Ing of the Bbnrd of Education on Locally nominations,, will be of .New York, end Lynn Loniack liairbeen an active partidpant. ceeding $25,000 at cost. youth V«lunte|(sr tailed the town. mode for two members of the vT«x Collector. Howard Cow- $ft eommitteo ineiudinljjt a member of The story involves a young girl.-[Tuesday as Btudontsv teachers and of I South avenue, Gar wood, a Form PT-1A is the- short form mail tlwtr eontrlbu (idmlnlstrators present.' "An -Over-' Township>Commltt«©.. "Perms ex- Ro'nioT student at Cranford High" perthwaltd pointed out that Mr. and is to be used by those busi- ; la' ttyrPBA, arcpresentativoofjCren- ggraduate: who, unable to_contlmie0 : bellor had served -as clerk of the i fofd High School «nd'''. «-'.'rbpre8en« \jt8w\TSI tho Reading Program- in piring arc those of Public Safety School. Miss Lomock, a soprano, nesses with tangible personal her formal education, ne'vertholem fho Public School. Systeni from Commissioner H. Rayrnond Kir- has been tcord in this area many work* for.the present high school property not exceeding '$25,000 at tattye of U^iott Juhiw ^HJ* longs for knowledge arid, discovery building ond"Towhship Treasurer fe:^ bl ?i h Kindergarten through ^gh wan and Finance Commissioner jr. times, most recently as Violetta-in cost. Form PT-1F is to be used by (fat onj^ time and may-, be ;he scholarship will that all tho'kttpwUitlgc of the world School." , -'S •.- • ^Continued on Page S) (Continued on Page 8) - • (Continued on Page 8) (Continued on Page 8) sent tj» ihe Union County Trust be reildentji oA CSwihfcIrd who at-Is bompross6d between the covers The public is.Invited, to attend Co. i»>, Cranford or to the Union tend and are ggraduated front Cran- of books. Her joysjy, , trials aand even- County Heart Association, ' 158 the meeting at 8 p.m. Tuesday ot Uitfh -SchooX or « tl as a lilibrarb y assistantitt'' Walnut' AVt'nue School. In. antic* Jefferson: street, Elizabeth, School iff .this form the nucleus of the storyy, , Selection of Cranford's Queen ipation of a large crowd, the meet- year's scholarship winner .Aimed-at the tteenage market, the ing place has-been changed from Go' to to tid lP 8) Lincoln to Walnut AvonUo School; "Everything is Go for Cranfordl

(•••.••' Mqynf Nirhnlna SL 1M Cnrit> Students in the elementary 7 schools -will, demonstrate both members of the'Chamber of Com-" group and individual reading les- merce in an outline of plans for f6ns under the supervision of their the township's future as he was teachers, The major portipn of inducted as an honorary member the program will be devoted to reading at the clcmcntory level. dinner ia the Scotch Plains' Mrs. Gwen Thuraton, eighth grade Country Club :ilouday,'night. English teacher at • Cleveland Jun- The mayor announced that faz- I ior School, Miss piano HbrtonL «ng of the old Public Library build- high s<%Doi English teacher, will tog on Miln strtSfct was scheduled discuss 'reading skills material to begin this week'as the first step . (Continued on Page 8) toward actual realization^ of the long-awaited off-street parking lot in the center of the area bounded by North' avenue, Miln street,. AI- Week's Weather den street and'North Union XJJC Meteorological Station "The nqwl parking lot" is. imml-, HABOLD mirtOCQ. MtU«NU|UI i!ijttddd nietillpt;fnr the proposed parking plaza were 1 IH 7-PHPTO.^Y BERCRN CAMERA . 1 Submitted to Township Committee UN FUND LEAOIJRS llONOftJEp-Reeolvlng citations mnd plaques at I«at\yeck'sbrganl2a- . It was: wet this 'week in Cran- in July, 1059, by the Crnnford tion nieetlng of the United l\ind, of Cranford were, left to.right, 'Howard i. Mlliiisi chairman of, the ford as precipitation totaled -2.7 Business Association, -forerunner maiorjjifts comnUttee in last fall's drive; Riphnwl 'J, ^crecV; promotion; Rode^ek W.-SnUthY'who Inches, including 1 inch Monday, of tho prcscrtt^Qhornber of Com- --retired f»"OJn the board -a/te/ r many yearsy ' WvieeWee; ; B..C. Blbldcn, who retired if tor three ypars as 70 inches Saturday,, ,38 inches merce, •.. :v^\ president; flddfluddy Bd Bdrgenh, chahwarh t of thecen recent fund[dt fund[drivei ; d-an iMdT iMTitjMj. Myjron,WW B. Belugal , hichairman' Tuesda' y and yesterday -and "i21 Mayor LaCortc also pointed out , ; j yjo ga, : vf^- .- . ••. ' fCdd on Page 8) chamber vice-president, who inducted honorary members, and Mayor Nicholas d, LriCorte. (Continued on Page 8)^,

-" : rvv-.;...:.-••••...•-,•.- • -v •...!... I. ••: I'T' > • •-'• Y" •,•...'•>. m

W-m-; • -*tf fjjf)1»(».S«fnji{iMiy>iiiid( iV.» t/nliiti n,! If i i v u ! 1 : r '. )' ;j;""S:"i4u»i.. -';.'^«;j;:;L!v;^ ' 'l' ' '"i Minn imiti-'mfy. ;t j'Jwin/l"fd t 1 . ..^*-- J^ISU ujij MIBM KvtlyM OoyriMi of Vw - ! WllO Will «««lwl tilt* »*l> ^; t| »l« w 'ij iuiliihi.l|i:f.M'jv|ll 'IIIIIIIM'II (l,n;'«:«ri'itijij| i J^i M' TI'K mmv iv w^Vhwob/ *f tlifli r(ilri|piii|(j|t row In in)?f fi'iiuln-f/Jr 1 hi* T>iiv|(l O of•«luMr?b who „ /jflt'iil't ._ ... u I'iirrpnily, '•'PlMriry Hrliriiil will 'HIMg Jtordhtirit, nt mi »j>lw?iiUv* «m (uin'v Ju l.ir Itii'vilni,! mi llt«<. Iliiliin i I-H.MII* ,'J'hey, tfftff HobwKobwt )J,-KIHIIHI)J/iYwliitiiP* or Jllntu U' f'K'iifonl hi the Nt'lViWl fflmiird y room';' IJ? plaut*. -David *\ iUmvh »i|t» II»TI> . , lit Uli- ColumiJlH (ivr'iiiH', Him'it, Endeftvor lie Ri'limil pii,yf*'m, M*ttt^Wrwlll "conduct. i lc"; •wihii riled, curii.iMiily. .{PV'lii'iiiiry, tiV,, fllOl, wirfa'JM»«.II of i . • . U^li, ,h,, vt 4aV Ndilli UMIDI Tln» llw, Vt'ht\U,M . MtiKil, yM* '.AH fn'iiloip Di)V.u6 Mllif .WiDf fo ralwr-"fi'HdH lo m>0fi<>. , ot Kdl ,l. Matey n.f ;i t/iit>»fi .Tiiiiltu : live" nf liMJ'I'PtlB mr (Ijlli'i'll, will fi|jti|ilt Ml Hie 11 iltn, i WuliiitiuttMii i'oui'1 HiKTMHT tlm Ait B t* J, HMMC of rl Clittdipi-liunu tlH.lWll ((III HP I A (irnllflr wrllru. f.'ritl. n't vlt't'.fllllldM.V on "'KwrMm A^i>'i of rf of .A liltt.h fnl :llif tttH'_n|fi(t-ii»ii«iil. nf',-wn» llm iiiillini nf n rtiiinllil.v mi 'IfH fori.'lirlMti" • In dilvi-lti Ifl uf I'lin WH. llu ' rmllvp plftnl. , Hrnn'tiMiiy • htis line . <;'ilii«i?i " wliU'li Hiipt'ii'^d' Id Tilt' ol'hHi'Vlilll'i; will niMrk Hit' in wint'li • and umeHtiv* t'oiltii'll, lli»y IWVM voltiii- n't>» (II'HI«IK'(I l>y I'ruf Inn A .Jvlpw ,fn|tniy ^l>tlly )?> ii'tirliiiMK. f'Mirtli will pool t luu^lt'fll lalenttt, lill'tf nf lilt' tJnlvt'l-i'lty fl»'t- UlfJ p| In. ii>rnpi>iilul- iiilHft(i)H»iry f lijo(il»«('- r it I'l n I II M, . *. j\^i," • J^ [ ~II ti T't Jit ^' f: the Ito-fieheet nnlnlMil liM f('i, of 11 Hurt |)l'c|fill'lliM » Vi.ilillDf oiT HIP ylt'lilrlH lht< chincli l/i r(Hii|il''|ri Bcvdriil PlttO of New i/rirsey, . r . (IMIJCCIP HIIII fui'iti (IIOIIM fur thii lost i I Into'l fcXK >t ul«iif Jfumti Ini.Nt'vv Jpiwy, -Hi^vlMB.nft HIP fl^tri-rVnlnlriii nJVii» nth lii_ii»gu(1l in n «tw46Ufl» Conclave "A tiHllVti plHill Hijili'tuiiry till tlrp itriiti'p Wiih Mr.'-(Irtwlny nm MIBB , ~ .HtrfrofiliiiiPti'lii"' will. Ijp I'MltflillB Wllft Hlii'ljMj'W OHIU. (it "WimifMtl, jyii'Pt Hi lh« icoiiiilii.iloii of t|)u tii/tmiii of Miufi V'tiUUm," u. by HIP ,y«iimu tmopiit; iy wM^iriKlTiTt^Joiiiv of ii;ii/«i>i«iii( M of HIIM •) Units ii. Htflil,"' ft li.'iT'iViiiijt rtlil Hifirfip >d tutvw Mini. be m»Bi»led lit the UliiH ti'lbiiin lij ona wlifiHt' tHhoiv Mtillitlilti lil'y WHS .'.lilt* B'tttfM-IIIld ftllllWH (if «Uiu(\mu!d from I'tifiv 4) 14 us tiie liilwi1, Hit' HOMKhM'.t:U wild nwtn'1 of Hip tttiilp Uwmivt xMnd 1«« 1 tdUltnwut DlHti'lut, tJttidHn t'lly, tJHdtiw.Hof (iiniiHifi, ",'• s "-..• ' irf iiiiliirMliufw dt KldWHlfJi* «»r tVtdiituliili, Kilwlli I'; •ThWidoi'H J, M«ttt»^lni9« 1; g '.'fhank :ypy.'i by fiii t8 tuwHi'd IHF^«HJI Coiiti'iljutlOMM nmy bt» H0nt.tr) Me, f Ft •peeiHi vuinmitiiro wan, tortneu ttietluftcheoii end «m nlitee for th« iHkt!, Ji ,, oCioii 'ftioHdwuy.X'i '• f Why nol t try It nt>xl timer Ntiv J*rioy 0#ll . , 'I, '.• - xludy nmt evaluate the vwt of »tti(ild.\ .-.;•• ut-H and pro --. ,^t ...i. j.^..» ...•.„-,. J:,—-.j.;;^^,.^.. ., ...... , .,-1-,•„,„ ...... y....^.^^.^- '-.,.^ tr.-^.t.-j -.-•.-.j.ni.;a«i.w.l>:.ME>»v jiigu^i ^- •;- ,-'r-.-. -t •,:- u- t*'^" JT. mp- ••ijy^.t.»jwia;iB*) JXiMaiaitWMaiii riMai>T ia 1 '"••-* '"'••'. • - ' ' •' ' ' * ' . ' , mprtP ••'•.•'•' . ',••.•. . • • " " " 1 e«rtalH nidi 6t:^lay< at: ilw , jneatliifi wei * ;. .j . _,, •| —_

tjf alt units IH coUiwUiv.',:;^' <• ?.':• V,. ^^.v: :fc--; ••'' • |S»bru»»iy luncheon ti&mmlt- aKiv l>w»tf Htyhj im ttlsa all of NHW KiittlHiid, Ntivf? Vork **1 "iMlteai'" I

Jll.lllHfl find WHN (Mini, l^fr;; ^WSrW etl In-'IHSfc Jti* (A «om= >v;: BHfler etVT0iC1AMt3) KH «t 1 w»vji KJlHtBi , , •;:. ; All Acitio Markdti Op«n Reguldr Store Hour* Thur«v Feb. 22 afe In elylllHii lift) he Is pHjptMrtl t"n« , "\** — l^^wlth VoiiUir Wheato G^it),, ••i'fo M^ iw Yovk, fMftmedrta ttm foi'iiiuii ISH Adu Uejn^'OHljy of Noi'foljf, FEATURING ,. Jiiijttt CttljJMibeiily i^ilw Wlfiw ;$»« 'Wlimv' yj£ 'fjlL^,' >^>.. fc*' I- j '• l".' B< Batbayh Ami, IV; 8@p£$> Hd CHUCK LANCASTER »•

: BRAND mitK» BHI .• fe*W' •Men of ;y«V WV1VUV0 iat|Uetat Aid Heart Fund iy aritt' .woifi »ii:Jutt|6r...eoli«i ;''"K- „ the ttnnUBl Gvtfiiioi.^ ib;g5«- isiii^v^W alflii. of the UiiloH- County ^mm,

1 •Ulou emblem j'j' "- •'.iii' to agdlflk 1 Ktiptm l'til,

H \.:::;! Del Monto Sweot Peas 5 ! «»tti ieia Thetfl; phi 8ia dwt- Arid^maAlphdin. numM ; l m ^i ^?^^"''# :''2M#^S!M t-W.'i;';: ;••'','•• ;>'.'V biiiiljUi« mKKStLW«jhKIj4a.'AA'IAt4UHM "<&MJMU*& &1«Gr&tUttW444iiAlHV. ,...;.7fc<^v«^ BM — Jv$'Mi 1hw>«addltlotviwm eUihi bulldirtf pennlU ap '- UinetWiw M«il 12-oz. 1 Green Beans 2' 29c

Mnmlltee. They w«r«; Ku< ••*<-<• Eaiiel,.So Hlllemt avenue . eww •V.

••.'•• •'•V;' Kame iitmt, ifl.UOO, and Jo

1 ^wttaeiko, 887 South Vnlor "'••• .> • • »* .':• i-'.iiiVii-i IO approved wwi a pfcwwit •* R6bln8o«», 18 Nofth fROZENfOODS

,fi»OtiO, arid pertnita ^v r !-)i.*..V-i _. were Issued to Laiwy. Buxin $ North averiuo, welt, ;$IOO; mv- Long Grata ./ C

";• r--~r ••' y«st, :$80Q, and Fomkost Dairies Pits ^29 ? 1W Wilwut av«m», ^J-

.!..•••:• [^ ^j2^^^lis^ Com AAotfins 2 ^-49^ IMwyflalt**•»lltMbarry . '^-~ ..>• ;.•; k ••;.;..^i Kl *•<- —X- Muffin! 2" «' S9c . ON ALL MUSIC FdUOlinriSHEfeT MUSIC! liibtl cans ALL i.! .^._ - -.-. Um on'i Blrrfway Spwciali i phtrjy Sfreu««l or Music for All Instruments: <' ORW eww «•;''• Good liiefc -2e O« LaW i.oo CHEWWY j^lES 2 »1 "•••!•'./• toW INSURANCE FRUIT STptlEN':.** . uAMerk«'$ FavorMa* H-g, •'• v.-, :'* i KNOWN WHITE BREAD — 2 £:^:V'V> ••••.?/. TO MAN I Iissue 10;^89<

•'.•-.• • • «i • ••b • LIFE INSURANC • Scotch BrM r 2 D 35< to Savina RCAL ESTATE CHEESE CHASES. V • i

.^ ;'•'•• .. • ''•••— • Colon k>»". W#

YEAKE 1 rS5w5i>imi^ EfilJSSSJHSSSSSMS!" ^^f^w^^^jM»M'MgB»«>|^»li>» «»•••• . M

FRKI 100 MH 1 .;•« 4«:Miin si. 'VM miiiiod In uddlttoHio yA wkd pvrckaM of ajtf voluiif . •*." •:*;i« dlno MuW MM md O^ J; s. im a $10 I»UK|HM» W

•;....;..- . ^

:' •taaiagi iMl AtMr««i

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• . t Mil 11 uian, Warren Iti- -Andrewm,., Vbe pm>U« who Speaker to Tell School News «f#fh and Alh ht.ve;; (.'Oihplewd, or Jtfc u/orklnif _ My fhmr PrHurt, f'atil it&itr* Hudfty, 7,C>»«« AiU#e»wiw$i M. ttiflfiy liy W,•'rt.'lliiiily/ Ho<-jj..the J^'ftitr ilo'f" will li/mrde* iV>ifui:k, -Frank IIP' nn-'!iv«!t»>d. In- ;i follow m«fiy to. Mex,l(,"J kermi'lh "Roet, P Phylllw Levlne, .Will. I'm (Hoi.'l|(snii|l I»,V IJ1 Jlilln H... •mid- has iriwiiy b^HiiJilfijJ RQd_ln-- Utiilh'tt VtHiorku, Murclu HHU K».»«i|M(i, (lltrtHfif tit Il'ir Hi'l'llinJ of 1er«Btlrtjj Hjtteleb urid' fllirw «if : > : 'Ainontf li'iiKw.' j b Holwsrl • ;" . Hm-m mite i)n\\u> t«j j vj'• \ ••••• -.>^ •••-••'•••.-!V;W -^ of J Mr, jit Me»Hni, Artiong the artlelei In aterr Karen Zlolko, • •;; vide local.buaidn with tiViflMivv ttf iey"•• lo#i.iT>W«W*li» • ivmilv- »ti«ii fiti Waller -thiy, ^l dldpiuy. wwti JuJe and Karen Htihrelber, Joan HuckJnoff, ~ leim'M nwklttci'w'and .bone ftl HatfelHl , DoutflBDBl CJCJwbflb , £n nTTHjoiit 3e»7 2;i,'' * '»»T IIII "New j I .nt iiyliir, TheCluwHrooiii dlfitilay previous? White; 1 M ty p ., inil-'tii * rtnifiidewii with riniNh fl Unuaii«l I H'Vt'iMj.iiii.'i rllilll'llt'MUIMI! *lf WdV, (ill .Illlllllll V |*»'1»Yii.M;Jru't«',. f 'I'lHii/H, Ly, arranged J>y thh r chtldrerhtldi . .foi'inatloitby (10 tiHaVdwj -'" Ml H»> UltM'it., ID, Ilifll) In Inn ri"W |t'mlllr.iii tin..Hiiivlii, .lolli. VxitciioHr Mndu t'lemented Mr. Feldmah'N dlwplay, Shvrmnn Junior Sehotd utii'ct'Piiw Wlll.Miil. I). Aluiv" Mrhfiiit'i" Mini l.ulw.- The folJowliig rhlldicfi brriiijiht J nrtliflt?»; UH tlxii u I'u/to, Debra "M'w. K t fur ftriuJnVf v/r>n the Hhermanii Laird'" Junios r Hohool 'Joho. Her.aid, Mar.r/la J Intramural o Ifller than inld* iyi C'oBtablleC'tbll T, h (i(.voiJtb l -.4)D IIIHII IJJCAIumhi -yriidn , Jo«n , tournawwnt. flil frttiill Union, If, , MUUMVPCH, j f. wa.H won In a oblaln-441.formation vfeflork<», I'eter Itndoy, mil (~(nifitl*'n Plan Etiflowment In wvlr toiiNlcnr'pec* fbyU Levlne, Jwnloe Andrews, j with Uwln"fllllet'H from any lof WO ti « i ; e/iiri|>Hlaii of Hit) Union Tilt) wtocy.. bcftati- with ,wlli.^tyw -the 4uoiilvftoHt'rt on As pa/t of the sttuiy ol ihtf solar Mflrilyri Warauckl, Pamela Cox, red,,.. by. live SJdwalloiial. ]t*U« Aluitinl A^niii')iiti(i»r will .Janice TuniHI, DmDiamonnd .Oarda, ltit i^ of Imptii'tant. 4M'- •it-ftvuHi .tvom tlip Nt»tIdiinI. fs,vHt<*«i, the students have bf|«n lPiet' iHtiiH'hOd fwi'Jyiii Mtiicli,-It .* y«'tti'>(ild who W«N pp to worklnfl on Mseflriih; reports and Patriciri a Mf , Bui'biTrBT aMfl . ....•• UVijtie Bllglbi^ to taker the IPHI, ur Jr,-(ii»rl:O.;i annOiiiiewd- turlny liy (), tll W vf(ithir.-ifi ' I to and bd ttidaptip < .•-•-•-—.• ihe ajjjiille&ni rrVust be Hflllafantofl» t<» itonijfary nrpm1)ershlp ij, who rtit *i,l flh> KK n •-" -\wa;Btddeni,'of « yi f l.w".to'h»«lp.fbi«'ni' p- really Hfhrelber, Kennethh KaitKtait,, CaroCarol «Hd New family ss / iBH^^t .:hWtntlw course of gKuiW HHooll i by, KareK n S?lolko, I>OIIINO No one knows what fw can do ;\ b# H^tlsfaotbry for tit '"" " wlclt; ISt#.rrtri Stul k, llifi*»fi1 r»f u, titndnnl «activity j jmnipniii lo .. -live ;Seuyl«i(jn• Is TIT |I|^ anjt a book ivitd f Halpem; Miv li»ti•j'(»8oi?tety tihipfjsf;iwriltttj'tp planned in an iiffort to ••«(>;>t»ol 1 Jeffrey M M' :;| pan, «lfe)i-».uttn ..M.«iwHte...r'--. ry Unrtwn «luinriiiiti of'.i/nlon ( • ~T7" ' "«:;K^^»s«ti5ji4^f^w?^ y I.evlh«, V mVtt«« on ^ll^flMi Mr.. Wt'lietltir w and fl .past |ir National lMlHll ll' ^4>hll! i'lio, Judy EdKbiian, John I'alnvdr, Ahim.i)l'aH»0(4latlon>> y ; |t At'iideniy of Helenoen," ' Mar«lWfa" TtehiliB, Ann pe, B Alden St. iw«y Merjiniifll Hospital «nrt now National pr tfll appeals lo «ll (ilumH.IL.onI vworjl tw v Patricia Cameron, Mtyhaul Hpit-. lh Ki OHIt'fwiydorOHId Cl; Clifniip B»owii,v • -. i v • • ' • •>"•; •• , is ^y •'•'•• Two••.Cft'ftiiford ,ITI«b SPIHIOI HUI* fl p "of ":': rAMtCV - ALLj'OfiTHOPEDIC WORK DONE ON PREMISES will jierform with the Now ; ATAT,, Thpe pvoHiwH n jit Tftf FP It 2 0700 _. ..rt, All'State Dane) \ylien lt a|i- l an bdttbdn In i>ro(jr«j w Opcn;paily$ ani. to 0 p.m.-.^ Fri.'lo 9 p.m. pe«'i'!» at Wttstfleld Ml«h ScljooJ- «t ond 117 telephone enBlhiier* LJvIna#ten St, 3. p.m, Sututhy; They are Kathleenn' oil parts of thfl. eoimtry hnvt? ?04 CENTENNIAL AVE. CRANFORD .....-.':.'.C-^-.-I. fll nnd Gnv£ Tubak Pr •"'•'- i clB«i(hti»r of M«\ niut 7 ; T ^'--:••..'•••• ^ •••••:, •'••••..• v-i-i : •Mrs. Raymond Cowpt'rtlnltVtif ; .•.•• ..i • 7 C^erok«fl ;n*>ad,' l» o; •^'".---..••^"•i '•;.• wul pl«,v»' lirtit cdrnpt1In jj \ ;•*'•' *U\it! 8mupt Gnry. *m o(/M»\ and MI-B. William T«b«t' of l« Shet- '.:•.( • linul drlyo,,;l.«- a" )\\nlw urn) mho LOOK! lyH eoynet. I^« hus ton iiv'tho,

y. •'. •' • lonJI Bantr for ihv^ ytiavH,^- .Tho devotion -of- tbrinjjlH .to nit hvnpB^tV.«chlov«ini>nt 'rinikoN < the eii^nt ptosfalble.. •- ;Mnry Eejdy

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