King County Official Local Voters' Pamphlet
August 6, 2013 Primary and Special Election King County Official Local Voters’ Pamphlet For more information call 206-296-VOTE (8683) or visit A letter from the Director, Sherril Huff Dear King County Voter: Another graduation season just passed bringing the reminder of how fast change happens. We’ve been voting by mail for four years in King County and each has been one of signifi cant change. King County voters have done a great job adjusting to change and you may appreciate knowing that your elections department has as well. With over 1.17 million voters spread out over more than 2,000 voting districts, the challenge to implement change, while protecting the integrity of each vote has been, at times, a monumental endeavor. In our quest to make elections processes more effi cient and reduce costs, the world of technology has certainly provided a range of remarkable options. However, it’s been our impatient, questioning and innovative work force that has been the strong, beating heart of the most effective, forward-thinking changes. Thanks to them, we have achieved greater effi ciency, resolved problems and improved our ability to meet expectations of King County voters. We are working to provide outstanding voter experiences, employing means that offer more choices each year. Multi-channel delivery, empowerment, simplifi ed and streamlined options, and relevancy-- this is a vocabulary that is associated today with service. We have also benefi tted from the help of many strategic partnerships, including vendors, other public agencies, and organizations. We are working together to make sure more citizens are engaged in voting with better understanding of the voting process.
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