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Date of Release: 07 January 2020 Reference No. 2020-084


Total volume of corn production in the MIMAROPA Region was estimated at about 12,532 metric tons in July - September 2019. The region ranked fifteenth among 16 corn producing regions in the country.

Figure 1. Volume of Corn Production by Region: July-September 2019

II 748,186 X 484,922 XII 438,143 ARMM 434,502 VI 125,172 IX 97,179 V 78,983

XI 71,834 CAR 68,159 VII 54,130

Region III 30,399 XIII 28,532 IV-A 22,428 VIII 19,023 MIMAROPA 12,532 = 2,723,109 MT I 8,983

Volume of Production (in Metric Tons)

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Corn Production Survey

 MIMAROPA’s corn production of 12,532 metric tons in the third quarter of 2019 contributed 0.5 percent to the overall corn production in the country.

Figure 2. Volume of Corn Production and Percentage Share by Region, Philippines: July-September 2019 (Production in Metric Tons)


0-100,000 MT Region I 100.001-200,000 MT 8,983 MT Region II 0.3% 200,001-300,000 MT

748,187 MT CAR 27.5% 300,001-400,000 MT

68,159 MT 400,001-500,000 MT

2.5% 500,001 MT and above Region IV-A Region III 22,428 MT 30,399 MT 0.8% 1.1% Region V 78,983 MT MIMAROPA REGION 2.9%

12,532 MT Region VIII 0.5% 19,023 MT 0.7%

Region VI 125,172 MT 4.6% Region XIII 28,532 MT Region VII 1.0%

54,130 MT Region X 2.0% 484,922 MT 17.8% Region IX 97,179 MT ARMM 3.6% Region XI 434,502 MT Region XII 71,834 MT 16.0% 438,143 MT 2.6% 16.1%

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Corn Production Survey

Among provinces in MIMAROPA, got the largest share of 56.7 percent on the production of corn for the third quarter of 2019. This translates to 7,110 metric tons of corn. Occidental followed with 4,139 metric tons or 33.0 percent of the total corn production in the region. , and lagged behind with a combined share of 10.2 percent or a total of 1,283 metric tons of corn.

Figure 3. Volume of Production and Percentage Share by Province: July-September 2019 (Production in Metric Tons)

56.7% 33.0% 6.2 % 3.0% 1.1%

7,110 MT 4,139 MT 772 MT 376 MT 135 MT

Palawan Occidental Oriental Romblon Marinduque Mindoro Mindoro

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Corn Production Survey

Corn produced in the MIMAROPA Region were predominantly yellow during third quarter of 2019, which was 65.6 percent of the total volume of corn production in the region or 8,216 metric tons were yellow corn. Among provinces in the region, corn s produced in , Oriental Mindoro, and Palawan were predominantly yellow with corresponding share of 53.5 percent, 82.0 percent, and 74.6 percent to the total corn production in their respective province. Meanwhile, corns produced in Marinduque and Romblon were predominantly white with 74.8 percent and 92.0 percent share to the corn production in thei r respective province.

Figure 4: Percentage Share and Volume of Production by Type of Corn and by Province: July-September 2019: (Production in Metric Tons)

Romblon 41.5 58.5

Palawan 76.2 23.8

Oriental Mindoro 82.0 18.0 Predominantly

Yellow Corn Province Predominantly Occidental Mindoro 53.5 46.5 White Corn

Marinduque 25.2 74.8

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Corn Production Survey Volume of corn production decreases by 39.5 percent Total corn production in the region of 12,532 metric tons in the third quarter of 2019 went down by 39.5 percent or about 8,170 metric tons from 20,702 metric tons during the same quarter in 2018. The decline in corn production was led by Occidental Mindoro with a cutback of 6,258 metric tons or 60.2 percent lower that its production of 10,397 metric tons in July-September 2018. Corn production in the provinces of Oriental Mindoro, Palawan, and Rom blon went down by 967 metric tons (55.6%), 703 metric tons (9.0%), and 338 metric tons (47.3%), respectively.

Figure 5. Volume of Production by Province: July-September 2019 and July-September 2018

12,000 10,397 10,000 7,813 8,000 7,110

6,000 Jul-Sep 2019 4,139

4,000 Jul-Sep 2018 (in Metric Tons) 1,739

Volume of Production 2,000 714 772 135 39 376 0 Marinduque Romblon Oriental Occidental Palawan Mindoro Mindoro Province Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Corn Production Survey

In terms of the total volume of production within MIMAROPA by type of corn, the production of yellow corn decreased to 8,216 metric tons or 47.6 percent in July-September 2019 from 15,681 metric tons in 2018 of the same quarter. While the production of white corn at 4,316 metric tons were 14.0 percent lower compared to its production in the same period last year.

Figure 6. Volume of Production by Type of Corn, MIMAROPA: July-September 2019 and July-September 2018

12,532 All Corns 20,702

8,216 Yellow Corns Jul-Sep 2019 15,681 Jul-Sep 2018

4,316 White Corns 5,021

0 3,000 6,000 9,000 12,000 15,000 18,000 21,000 Volume of Production (in Metric Tons)

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Corn Production Survey

Total corn area harvested decreases by 32.0 percent

In MIMAROPA, the total area harvested for all types of corn during the third quarter of 2019 decreased to 4,086 hectares, which was 1,919 hectares or around 32.0 percent lower than 6,005 hectares during the quarter of 2018. Palawan posted the highest total area harvested with 2,049 hectares. Occidental Mindoro, Oriental Mindoro, and Romblon followed with the total harvested area of 1,393 hectares, 336 hectares, and 237 hectares, respectively. Marinduque’s harvested area of 71 hectares posted an increase of 37 hectares or 108.8 percent higher than the harvested area of 34 hectares in July - September 2018.

Figure 7. Area Harvested by Province, MIMAROPA: July-September 2019 and July-September 2018

6,005 6,000

4,086 4,000 2,971

2,049 2,154 Jul-Sep 2019 2,000 1,393 Jul-Sep 2018

505 Area (in Hectares) 341 336 71 34 237 0 Marinduque Romblon Oriental Occidental Palawan MIMAROPA Mindoro Mindoro Province Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Corn Production Survey

Area harvested for yellow corn in July - September 2019 shrank to 2,055 hectares. This was 46.1 percent lower than the total area harvested of 3,813 hectares in the same period last year. Similarly, white corn’s total area harvested of 2,031 hectares in the third quarter of 2019 posted a 7.3 percent decrease from 2,192 hectares in the same period last year.

Figure 8. Area Harvested by Type of Corn, MIMAROPA: July-September 2019 and July-September 2018

All Corn 4,086 6,005

Yellow Corn 2,055 Jul-Sep 2019 3,813 Jul-Sep 2018

White Corn 2,031 2,192

0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 Area (in Hectares)

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Corn Production Survey Corn yield per hectare decreases by 11.0 percent

During the third quarter of 2019, the average corn yield in the MIMAROPA Region was posted at 3.07 metric tons per hectare. This was 11.0 percent lower than the yield of 3.45 metric tons per hectare in the third quarter of the previous year.

Figure 9. Corn Yield by Province, MIMAROPA: July-September 2019

Palawan 3.47 MT/Ha 4.3%

Occidental Mindoro ` 2.97 MT/Ha 15.1%

Oriental Mindoro ` 2.30 MT/Ha 33.3%

` Marinduque 1.90 MT/Ha 65.8% ` Romblon 1.59 MT/Ha 24.2% ` MIMAROPA 3.07 MT/Ha 11.0%

LEGEND: = 1 metric ton per hectare

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Corn Production Survey

Palawan posted the highest corn yield in the region with 3.47 metric tons per hectare. It was the only province whose yield exceeded the regional average yield. Only the province of Marinduque showed an increase in yield by 65.8 percent from 1.15 metric tons per hectare during third quarter of 2018 to 1.90 metric tons per hectare of the same period in 2019. Meanwhile, the decline on the average corn yield was evident in Occidental Mindoro (15.1 percent), Oriental Mindoro (33.1 percent) and Romblon (24.2 percent).

Table 1. Volume of Corn Production by Region, Philippines: July-September 2019 and July-September 2018 (Production in Metric Tons)

July-September 2019 July-September 2018 REGION Percent Percent Production Production Share Share

PHILIPPINES 2,723,108.7 100.0 2,205,420.18 100.0

CAR CORDILLERA ADMINISTRATIVE REGION 68,158.9 2.5 47,530.00 2.2 I 8,983.0 0.3 8,737.00 0.4 II VALLEY 748,186.5 27.5 309,420.84 14.0 III CENTRAL 30,399.4 1.1 20,122.00 0.9 IV-A 22,428.4 0.8 22,356.37 1.0 IV-B MIMAROPA REGION 12,532.0 0.5 20,702.00 0.9 V 78,982.9 2.9 75,824.00 3.4 VI WESTERN 125,171.9 4.6 141,564.12 6.4 VII 54,130.3 2.0 68,125.00 3.1 VIII 19,023.1 0.7 19,866.05 0.9 IX 97,179.3 3.6 124,321.27 5.6 X NORTHERN 484,921.8 17.8 448,378.66 20.3 XI 71,834.4 2.6 96,994.97 4.4 XII 438,143.0 16.1 460,918.00 20.9 XIII 28,532.0 1.0 29,240.90 1.3 ARMM AUTONOMOUS REGION IN MUSLIM MINDANAO 434,502.0 16.0 311,319.00 14.1

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), Corn Production Survey Table 2. Corn Production, Area Harvested, and Average Yield per Hectare by Province, MIMAROPA, Philippines: Third Quarter 2019 and Third Quarter 2018 (Volume of Production in Metric Tons, Area Harvested in Hectares, Yield in Metric Tons per Hectare)

July - September Province/Region 2019 2018

PHILIPPINES Volume of Production 2,723,108.68 2,205,420.18 Area Harvested 874,399.80 784,933.35 Average Yield per Hectare 3.11 2.81

MIMAROPA Volume of Production 12,532 20,702 Area Harvested 4,086 6,005 Average Yield per Hectare 3.07 3.45

Marinduque Volume of Production 135 39 Area Harvested 71 34 Average Yield per Hectare 1.90 1.15

Occidental Mindoro Volume of Production 4,139 10,397 Area Harvested 1,393 2,971 Average Yield per Hectare 2.97 3.50

Oriental Mindoro Volume of Production 772 1,739 Area Harvested 336 505 Average Yield per Hectare 2.30 3.44

Palawan Volume of Production 7,110 7,813 Area Harvested 2,049 2,154 Average Yield per Hectare 3.47 3.63

Romblon Volume of Production 376 714 Area Harvested 237 341 Average Yield per Hectare 1.59 2.09

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), Corn Production Survey Table 3. Corn Production and Area Harvested by Type of Corn and Province, MIMAROPA, Philippines: July-September 2019 and July-September 2018 (Volume of Production in Metric Tons, Area Harvested in Hectares)

July - September Province/Region 2019 2018 PHILIPPINES Volume of Production 2,723,108.68 2,205,420.18 White 842,475.5 855,111.22 Yellow 1,880,633.2 1,350,308.96 Area Harvested 874,399.80 784,933.35 White 430,683.02 450,293.85 Yellow 443,716.78 334,639.50

MIMAROPA Volume of Production 12,532 20,702 White 4,316 5,021 Yellow 8,216 15,681 Area Harvested 4,086 6,005 White 2,031 2,192 Yellow 2,055 3,813

Marinduque Volume of Production 135 39 White 101 39 Yellow 34 - Area Harvested 71 34 White 62 34 Yellow 9 -

Occidental Mindoro Volume of Production 4,139 10,397 White 1,923 2,489 Yellow 2,216 7,908 Area Harvested 1,393 2,971 White 936 1,035 Yellow 457 1,936

Oriental Mindoro Volume of Production 772 1,739 White 139 218 Yellow 633 1,521 Area Harvested 336 505 White 72 100 Yellow 264 405 Continued Table 3. Concluded

July - September Province/Region 2019 2018

Palawan Volume of Production 7,110 7,813 White 1,807 1,857 Yellow 5,303 5,956 Area Harvested 2,049 2,154 White 730 742 Yellow 1,319 1,412

Romblon Volume of Production 376 714 White 346 418 Yellow 30 296 Area Harvested 237 341 White 231 281 Yellow 6 60

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), Corn Production Survey