Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} BRAVE 10 Vol. 1 by Kairi Shimotsuki Brave 10 Shimotsuki Kairi изображения. Some content is for members only, please sign up to see all content. Brave 10. Original character design by Shimotsuki Kairi character design by Ban Yukiko.

Brave 10 (ブレイブ・テン BRAVE10?) is a manga series by Kairi Shimotsuki, serialized in 's Comic Flapper from 2007 to 2010. The series was resumed on June 15, 2011 and retitled Brave 10 S (ブレイブ・テン・スパイラル), serialized in Monthly Comic Gene. An anime adaption by Studio Sakimakura and TMS Entertainment began airing on January 8, 2012. The original manga series is licensed by Tokyopop, though no volumes have been released as of 2012. The series is based on the legendary Sanada Ten Braves, a group of that assisted warlord during the of Japan. Plot : "A year before the that ended the Sengoku Period, the ninja Kirigakure Saizou meets the miko Isanami as she's attacked by assassins. Her shrine was destroyed by Ieyasu Tokugawa for siding with Sanada Yukimura. Meanwhile, Sanada has been gathering ten warriors known as Sanada's Brave 10, who have the power to change history. As they gather one by one, Isanami's own mysterious power awakens." Brave 10 Vol 1 Review. Brave 10 is a manga series I’ve already heard about once or twice before in the past, but I’ve never really taken the time to read or learn more about it. At the time the series didn’t spark any interest in me, so I had overlooked it and didn’t think twice of reading it until now. Brave 10 seems to take place during the Sengoku period, where Japan was separated into territories that warred against each other in order to gain as much land and power as possible. For those who are unfamiliar with this era in Japanese history, perhaps you’ve already heard of Nobunaga and Tokugawa, two Lords who worked in reunifying Japan? These historical figures have been used in many manga and video games and it’s rather rare to not see their names if you watch recently released anime these days. The story begins with our heroine priestess named Izanami (*wink* Japanese mythology reference *wink*) being chased by a group of shady men who want her for unknown reasons. Before they get to her, Izanami literally falls into the arms of a taciturn-looking ninja that goes by the name of Saizo. To save Izanami from further trouble, Saizo makes it his mission to bring Izanami to Yukimura Sanada, the only man who can keep her from danger. …And that’s pretty much the resume of the first volume. Since I haven’t read the other volumes — but do know what will happen next without going into details — I can’t say much about what awaits the two main characters except for the fact that Saizo will join the Brave 10, a group of powerful warriors formed by Yukimura and that they will face a many perils alongside other known warriors of the Sengoku period. For a first volume, I believe Brave 10 did a decent job introducing the most important characters so far – Saizo and Izanami — and giving out little tidbits of information on them. However, I can’t help but find it frustrating and bizarre that the volume didn’t end with Yukimura proposing Saizo to join the Brave 10. Usually, the first volume of a manga series presents or indirectly explains the main plot, but the knowledge we were given for the moment isn’t enough for us to make a clear idea on what to expect in this story apart from protecting Izanami. Speaking of dear Izanami, I admit I haven’t warmed up to her in this volume and I see her as more annoying and demanding than intriguing. Of course, I am curious to know what’s her background and the reason behind why she was chased by shady men, but I can’t say I appreciate her. As for Saizo, my thoughts regarding him went from how much he reminded me of Naruto ’s Sasuke (with the hair, the attitude, the…euh…fighting spirit) to how…bland he is. I’ve seen his cool techniques in battle, his humor, and his soft side whenever he shares a touching moment with Izanami, but his character in general unimpressed me just like the heroine’s. And I don’t know if it’s me being difficult or the main characters’ fault. I wish I could have also talked about the other characters (Anatasia, Sarutobi, or Yukimura), but I believe there isn’t much to comment on them, unless you know your world history lessons and wanted to make the comparison between the real people and their manga counterparts. Ah, Brave 10 ’s artwork was truly a delight for my eyes. Most of the time. There were admittedly times when I had to take a closer look at the characters to recognize them due to how different they were drawn sometimes. Easy examples of the problem I had is the difference between Izanami on the cover and in the manga, or the image of Saizo unpleased by Yukimura’s comment below. Brave 10 seems to promise many great twists and turns, especially since it takes place during the bloody Sengoku period and the characters will, for our pleasure, take part in it. However , once we push aside this fact, the manga doesn’t seem as interesting to read anymore (or this is just me thinking this because of the main characters). For someone who wishes to start a new shounen series and at the same time wants to take a break from the usual action stories, I wouldn’t advise reading Brave 10 . BiblioNyan. A space for all things pertaining to books, Asian cinema, otaku culture, and self-care. Brave 10 by Kairi Shimotsuki – Manga Review (Seinen)

Brave 10 ( ブレイブ・テン ) is a seinen, historical fiction, fantasy manga series authored and illustrated by Kairi Shimotsuki. My first encounter with the series was back in 2014, when I watched the anime as it was simulcasting. I didn’t find it mind-blowingly brilliant but entertaining enough to read the first volume of the original source material. My journey past the initial volume halted as I became distracted with other things. However, recently, I have been craving historical manga to read and I made the decision to give this series a second chance. It still isn’t the most-fantastic serial out there, nevertheless, it was enjoyable enough to make me want to read the sequel, Brave S, which I’ll discuss at a later date. Brave 10 centres on Sanada’s Brave Ten warriors from Japan’s Sengoku Period (Warring States). In the manga, there are ten individuals from various fighting background that are brought together via one person in order to protect an incredible power—a priestess named Isanami— from falling into the hands of political leaders with malevolent and corrupt intentions. My first impressions of the manga weren’t the best, and to be blunt, most of my initial thoughts kind of stuck with me as I read through all eight volumes of the series. Some of those include the somewhat unoriginal and two-dimensional premise of the story, the average artwork, oversexualisation of the female characters, and the annoying as hell damsel-in-distress. Regardless, I enjoyed what I was reading and, in the end, that’s all that really mattered for me during my reading expedition. For the premise, it’s kind of a great-A escort adventure. There is this priestess that everyone must protect. Even though she has a mysteriously kick-arse power, she is a damsel in every sense of the word. So much of plot is about protecting Isanami and not hurting Isanami and etc., that it can feel overtly irritating. This dire need to focus on her at all times makes it difficult to connect with other characters or to learn more about them, which would have given the story some meat and bones beyond what it became. The characters themselves all vary in personality, but don’t stray too far from standard personality types (tsundere, yandere, etc.). My favourite traits about all the characters were their abilities. A few of those abilities are very cool and badass, but others are weird as fuck. While they can be disturbing or uncomfortable, I also welcomed the imaginative use of insects, for example, as what is essentially a power quirk because it added a tiny aspect of creativity. Since the manga is supremely action-packed, all of the different skills help to keep the battles from becoming too repetitive or mundane. It also makes the reading go by quickly, making it a good option for people who want to read manga but can’t invest in long-winded serials. I will openly confess that I remembered the oversexualisation of the female characters from my time watching the anime, and I think I have been in somewhat of a mood to read ridiculous and slightly perverted things. I don’t get pleasure from it like normal folks would as I’m very much asexual, but I can appreciate nakedness a hell of a lot. The beauty of the ecchi element in Brave 10 is that it’s not sensational. Yes, the women have unrealistic physiques, but their bare breasts and scenes of coitus are far and few in between the volumes. There’s a lot of flirtation and crude commentary and teasing that makes up for the lack of actual sex and nipples, but that isn’t so bad or too far-fetched given the ambiance of the setting and social camaraderie within the narrative. Personally, I found it pleasant and it helped me have fun. Another facet that I fucking adore, without apology, are arguing and bickering bishōnen buds. When you have a bunch of outrageously attractive (or what can be construed as boyishly handsome) dudes arguing in ways that will eventually lead to bromances, and that sometimes borderlines queer flirtations, I know I will be laughing and smiling. I think it’s because it reminds me so much of the friends I had when I was growing up as an adolescent, most of which were dudes. This type of behaviour or interaction takes me back to the good ol’ days of my youth and that nostalgia is brilliant. The artwork is pretty average across the board. Some panels are far more beautiful than others, usually where the scenery is concerned, and the rest can be so jam-packed with details that it’s slightly disorienting or befuddling to decipher what the hell is going on. Being partially blind (yay, eyeglasses) doesn’t help with that bit either, and that’s all relative to the reader really. My one specific nit-pick is that occasionally during the action sequences, the majority of the characters look so similar to one another that it can be a challenge to differentiate between them. All in all, Brave 10 isn’t a masterpiece. It isn’t unique or remarkably imaginative, and the characters are rather simple and flat. If you want to feel inspired with the illustrations, you may not get that either. Nonetheless, it’s a historical romp through the Sengoku that can be entertaining and jovial, and a nice choice for folks who are in the market for something less serious than usual. Sequential Ink. Welcome to another midweek manga review! This week will see an end to Kairi Shimotsuki’s Brave 10 , but before we get to that have some news! Viz Editor, Hope Donovan, recently down with the comics site Panels to answer 10 questions. And now onto this weeks review of Brave 10, Vols. 7 + 8 ! Brave 10, Vol. 7 + 8 by Kairi Shimotsuki DMP/ Rating: Young Adults (16 +) After 8 volumes Kairi Shomotsuki brings the Brave 10 to an end. After protecting Isanami and her mysterious power from a number of different warlords, Sanada has finally assembled all 10 of his warriors only to be faced with a betrayal from within. This betrayal was merely a prelude to an all out assault from the Iga Grotesque Five, an elite group of ninja led by Hattori Hanzo with designs on capturing Isanami and using her power to change the fate of the world. It all hangs in the balance with this final two volumes full of blood, action and battles! This series has been a really odd and uneven ride, but these two volumes really pick up and delivers a rather explosive and action packed climax. Sure, the introduction of Hanzo’s ninja squad feels a little random and unexpected, but Kairi Shimotsuki manages to weave some interesting threads and plots despite this sudden and dramatic development. Revelations about the Brave 10 come hard and fast as nearly each member is forced to push themselves to their limits and in some cases confront insecurities and tragedies from their past if they hope to survive the onslaught. Throughout the series it’s been clear that Shimotsuki favors certain characters over others and that’s no different in these final two volumes. For example, while Sekei, Benimaru and Jinpachi each get standout moments in these two volumes during their individual fights, Kamanosuke’s duel takes up a huge chunk of the story, encompassing several chapters complete with a fantasy/dream sequence and brutal fight scene. Likewise when it comes time for Saizo to face off against Hattori Hanzo towards the end, despite all ten of the Braves being present, the fate of Isanami is ultimately left in the hands of these two to the point where Sanada orders the rest of the group to stand down and let them handle it. While this all well and good if you’re interested in these specific characters, it does leave the rest of the group feeling a bit shallow and woefully underdeveloped. Kamanosuke enjoying a shower in their foes blood. The visuals continue to be something of a mixed bag. Incredibly gorgeous and elaborate costume designs make for some cluttered panels and sequences, but they look absolutely gorgeous on the covers, during splash pages and in the chapter breaks. While the ninja women have generally been of the femme fatale brand, none of them had costumes that came close to being as ridiculous as Kaiyo. Seriously, she’s nearing Hideyuki Kikuchi levels of ridiculousness in both costume and demeanor. Her costume is completely lacking in any sort of bottom, meaning she’s basically fighting with her naughty bits exposed. This is a good thing seeing as half the time she’s on the page she’s reaching between her legs and commenting on her state of arousal, so I suppose in that sense the costume is practical…? At any rate, she’s just ridiculously over the top and stands out as one of the most memorable members of the Iga Grotesque Five thanks in part to her designs and her blush inducing levels of lewdness. Brave 10 has been a wildly uneven read, alternating between interesting, boring, and wonderfully over the top. The last two volumes definitely aren’t boring and thanks to the costume designs, and non-stop fight scenes they’re definitely fun and over the top. Unfortunately nothing is really or truly resolved despite these being the final two volumes in the series. Isanami’s power is still nearly uncontrollable and represents a threat and potential weapon that could be turned against Sanada and is lusted after by other warlords. Sanada’s rivalry with the Tokugawa and Date is unresolved and the series actually wraps up on something of a cliffhanger promising bigger threats in the future. There is a spin off series, Brave 10 S currently running in Japan, but it’s unlicensed in the US, which means readers are bound to be left wanting more and wondering what happens next. Shimotsuki Kairi. Befriedigend/Good: Durchschnittlich erhaltenes Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit Gebrauchsspuren, aber vollst�ndigen Seiten. / Describes the average WORN book or dust jacket that has all the pages present. PANINI (�DITIONS), 2010. Death Edge 01. Shimotsuki, Kairi. Published by Egmont Manga (2016) Used - Softcover. Quantity available: 5. Gut/Very good: Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit wenigen Gebrauchsspuren an Einband, Schutzumschlag oder Seiten. / Describes a book or dust jacket that does show some signs of wear on either the binding, dust jacket or pages. Egmont Manga, 2016. More buying choices from other sellers on AbeBooks. Death Edge 02. Shimotsuki, Kairi. Published by Egmont Manga (2017) Used - Softcover. Quantity available: 2. Gut/Very good: Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit wenigen Gebrauchsspuren an Einband, Schutzumschlag oder Seiten. / Describes a book or dust jacket that does show some signs of wear on either the binding, dust jacket or pages. Egmont Manga, 2017. More buying choices from other sellers on AbeBooks. Brave 10 Bd. 02. Shimotsuki, Kairi. Published by Panini Verlags GmbH (2008) Used - Softcover. Quantity available: 2. Befriedigend/Good: Durchschnittlich erhaltenes Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit Gebrauchsspuren, aber vollst�ndigen Seiten. / Describes the average WORN book or dust jacket that has all the pages present. Panini Verlags GmbH, 2008. More buying choices from other sellers on AbeBooks. Brave 10 Bd. 01. Shimotsuki, Kairi. Published by Panini Verlags GmbH (2008) Used - Softcover. Quantity available: 4. Gut/Very good: Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit wenigen Gebrauchsspuren an Einband, Schutzumschlag oder Seiten. / Describes a book or dust jacket that does show some signs of wear on either the binding, dust jacket or pages. Panini Verlags GmbH, 2008. Death Edge 03. Shimotsuki, Kairi. Published by Egmont Manga (2017) Used - Softcover. Quantity available: 4. Gut/Very good: Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit wenigen Gebrauchsspuren an Einband, Schutzumschlag oder Seiten. / Describes a book or dust jacket that does show some signs of wear on either the binding, dust jacket or pages. Egmont Manga, 2017. More buying choices from other sellers on AbeBooks. Death Edge 04. Shimotsuki, Kairi. Published by Egmont Manga (2017) Used - Softcover. Quantity available: 3. Gut/Very good: Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit wenigen Gebrauchsspuren an Einband, Schutzumschlag oder Seiten. / Describes a book or dust jacket that does show some signs of wear on either the binding, dust jacket or pages. Egmont Manga, 2017. More buying choices from other sellers on AbeBooks. Madness Volume 2. Shimotsuki, Kairi. Published by TOKYOPOP, Incorporated (2010) Used - Softcover Condition: Very Good. Quantity available: 1. Ships from the UK. Former Library book. Great condition for a used book! Minimal wear. TOKYOPOP, Incorporated, 2010. Condition: Very Good. More buying choices from other sellers on AbeBooks. Madness Volume 1. Kairi Shimotsuki. Published by Tokyopop (2009) Used - Softcover Condition: Very Good. Quantity available: 1. Tokyopop, 2009. Condition: Very Good. 1617115136. More buying choices from other sellers on AbeBooks. Brave 10, Tome 2 (French Edition) SHIMOTSUKI KAIRI. Published by PANINI (�DITIONS) (2009) Used - Softcover. Quantity available: 1. Befriedigend/Good: Durchschnittlich erhaltenes Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit Gebrauchsspuren, aber vollst�ndigen Seiten. / Describes the average WORN book or dust jacket that has all the pages present. PANINI (�DITIONS), 2009. Brave 10 - tome 1. Shimotsuki ( Kairi ) Published by Panini Manga. Used - Hardcover. Quantity available: 1. 2009, format poche avec sa jaquette illustr�e - tr�s bon �tat. Panini Manga. Brave 10 - tome 2. Shimotsuki ( Kairi ) Published by Panini Manga. Used - Hardcover. Quantity available: 1. 2009, format poche avec sa jaquette illustr�e - tr�s bon �tat. Panini Manga. #03 - SENGOKU B. Shimotsuki, Kairi. Published by Sengoku Basara (2011) New - Softcover Condition: NEW. Quantity available: 20. Sengoku Basara, 2011. Condition: NEW. Sengoku Basara. Kairi Shimotsuki. Published by Edizioni BD (2011) New - Softcover Condition: NEW. Quantity available: 3. Edizioni BD, 2011. Condition: NEW. brave 10 t.4. SHIMOTSUKI KAIRI. Published by PANINI (2010) Used - Softcover Condition: Good. Quantity available: 1. Ships from the UK. Former Library book. Shows some signs of wear, and may have some markings on the inside. PANINI, 2010. Condition: Good. BRAVE 02 (COMIC) SHIMOTSUKI KAIRI. Published by Other selves (2009) New - Softcover Condition: New. Quantity available: 1. Other selves, 2009. Condition: New. BRAVE 04 (COMIC) SHIMOTSUKI KAIRI. Published by Other selves (2009) New - Softcover Condition: New. Quantity available: 4. Other selves, 2009. Condition: New. BRAVE 05 (COMIC) SHIMOTSUKI KAIRI. Published by Other selves. New - Softcover Condition: New. Quantity available: 3. Other selves. Condition: New. More buying choices from other sellers on AbeBooks. BRAVE 03 (COMIC) SHIMOTSUKI KAIRI. Published by Other selves (2009) New - Softcover Condition: New. Quantity available: 3. Other selves, 2009. Condition: New. More buying choices from other sellers on AbeBooks. BRAVE 06 (COMIC) SHIMOTSUKI KAIRI. Published by Other selves. New - Softcover Condition: New. Quantity available: 3. Other selves. Condition: New. More buying choices from other sellers on AbeBooks. Death Edge, Band: 1-4! Shimotsuki, Kairi: Published by Egmont Manga, 03.11.2016. (2016) Used - Softcover Condition: Wie neu. Quantity available: 1. 784 Seiten. Death Edge, Band: 1-4! Ungelesen. Nur minimale Lagerspuren. Altersfreigabe FSK ab 16 Jahre Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 720 17,4 x 12,2 x 1,8 cm, Taschenbuch. Egmont Manga, 03.11.2016., 2016. Condition: Wie neu. Konvolut! Band: 1-4! Auflage: 1. Naitomea ekusupuresu. 2. Kairi Shimotsuki. Published by Kodansha (2014) Used Condition: Good. Quantity available: 7. Book is in Japanese. Kodansha, 2014. Condition: Good. Brave 10 S, Vol 2 (Brave 10 S, # 2) Kairi Shimotsuki; Published by media Factory (2012) Used Condition: Good. Quantity available: 7. Book is in Japanese. media Factory, 2012. Condition: Good. Brave 10 S, Vol 3 (Brave 10 S, # 3) Kairi Shimotsuki; Published by media Factory (2012) Used Condition: Good. Quantity available: 7. Book is in Japanese. media Factory, 2012. Condition: Good. Brave 10, Bd. 6. Shimotsuki Kairi. Used - Softcover. Quantity available: 1. Zustand: in gebrauchtem, gutem Zustand, aus Privatbesitz, geringe Lese- Lagerspuren, Altersgemaesse kleinere Maengel sind nicht immer extra aufgefuehrt., Rechnung mit ausgewiesener MwSt.(ISBN 3866079354), Verlag: Panini Verlags GmbH, Ausgabe von 2010-05-25, Einband: Taschenbuch, Seiten: 192 ===== Verkauf an privat, oder Verkauf an Ausland, nur gegen Vorkasse (Bank�berweisung, Kreditkarte, PayPal) ======derzeit ist es leider nicht m�glich Fotos zu senden ===== , Gewicht 181 g. Tenchijin master-slave love Hen (Pure Full Comics) Kairi Shimotsuki. Published by Jive (2009) Used Condition: Good. Quantity available: 7. Book is in Japanese. Jive, 2009. Condition: Good. A Century of Temptation (Yaoi) Shimotsuki, Kairi. Published by Digital Manga Publishing (2014) Used - Softcover Condition: Good. Quantity available: 1. A+ Customer service! Satisfaction Guaranteed! Book is in Used-Good condition. Pages and cover are clean and intact. Used items may not include supplementary materials such as CDs or access codes. May show signs of minor shelf wear and contain limited notes and highlighting. Digital Manga Publishing, 2014. Condition: Good. More buying choices from other sellers on AbeBooks. BRAVE 5 TOMOS . SHIMOTSUKI, KAIRI / MATSUMOTO, KEIJI. Published by PANINI (2010) Used - Softcover Condition: En buen estado. Quantity available: 1. PANINI MANGA Espa�ol, Castellano Observaciones : PEQUE�AS MANCHAS DE OXIDO EN LA PARTE SUPERIOR EXTERIOR. PANINI, 2010. Tapa Blanda. Condition: En buen estado. Brave 10, Bd. 8. Shimotsuki Kairi. Published by Panini Verlags GmbH. Used - Softcover. Quantity available: 1. Zustand: in gebrauchtem, gutem Zustand, aus Privatbesitz, geringe Lese- Lagerspuren, Altersgemaesse kleinere Maengel sind nicht immer extra aufgefuehrt., Rechnung mit ausgewiesener MwSt.(ISBN 3862012018), Verlag: Panini Verlags GmbH, Ausgabe von 2011-10-11, Einband: Taschenbuch, Seiten: 192 ===== Verkauf an privat, oder Verkauf an Ausland, nur gegen Vorkasse (Bank�berweisung, Kreditkarte, PayPal) ======derzeit ist es leider nicht m�glich Fotos zu senden ===== , Gewicht 159 g. Panini Verlags GmbH. Brave. Shimotsuki, Kairi. Published by PANINI / MARVEL (2008) Used - Softcover Condition: Muy Bueno / Very Good. Quantity available: 1. PANINI / MARVEL, 2008. Condition: Muy Bueno / Very Good. Tell us what you're looking for and once a match is found, we'll inform you by e-mail. Can't remember the title or the author of a book? Our BookSleuth is specially designed for you.