A History of the Island of Chios A. D. 70 1822

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A History of the Island of Chios A. D. 70 1822 A H I STO RY O F TH E I SL AND O F CH I OS 7 — 822 A . D . 0 1 A H I STO RY O F T H E I SL A N D O F C H I O S A D 0 — 1 8 2 2 . 7 TRANSLATED FRO M TH E SE CO ND PART O F V L A ST ’ S . O D R . A L E X A N D E R M WO RK E NTI TL E D X I A K A , “ TH E H I STO RY O F TH E I SL AN D O F CH IOS FROM TH E EARL IEST ” TIMES DOWN TO I TS D ESTRUCTION B Y TH E TURKS I N 1 8 2 2 L ON DON PR A EL Y PR N ED B Y DAV N D H E IV T I T J . Y A SONS AT T — DRYDE N PRESS 8 9 FRITH STREET SOH O SQU ARE 1 91 3 ’ T R A N S LA T O R S N O T E . ’ . V L ASTO S o en e XI AKA or The H i stor R w rk , titl d , y Of the I slan d of Chios from its earliest times down to its d es truction the s in 1 822 i s e n o tw o s. , by Turk , divid d i t part ese the s e s the s o th e s n om Of th , fir t d al with hi t ry Of i la d fr the e e mes h e A h e e f i n o s o n to t e . D . 70 t o ts c arli t ti d w y ar , dat i r p ot ati on in the Roman Empir e the secon d c omm en c es with that e and c es th e s o the s n o n to the e of its dat , arri hi t ry Of i la d d w y ar es c on the s i n 1 22 d tru ti by Turk 8 . Th e first part c on sists main ly of a n arrative of the share taken by the in habitan ts of th e i slan d i n the even ts Of th e P ersian an d e o on n es n s an d the c e on n an d om n c on e s s P l p ia War , Ma d ia R a qu t . As these even ts are fully r elated in the histories of Greece an d ome has n ot een o n ec ess to n e e th e tran sl a R , it b th ught ary u d rtak on of he o i s o e se e to the ti this part Of t w rk . But it th rwi with r gard e e n s e e i n th e secon O ese e e is n o o e c on v t r lat d d part . f th th r th r n ec ted n e no n to the n s o an d i s for ose who arrativ k w tra lat r , it th , , tho ugh desiro us of learn in g something Of the later history of the s n d o n ot ossess n o e e mo e n ee s ffic en to i la d , p a k wl dg Of d r Gr k u i t en e hem to e th e o n e s r n s on has een abl t r ad rigi al t xt , that thi t a lati b n e en u d rtak . c e for some sm m ss on s in n o ec n the con Ex pt all O i i , way aff ti g tin uit th e n e s n s o n is an n e en e n y Of arrativ , thi tra lati u abridg d r d ri g the o n e Th e s ee c e s of the o n o Of rigi al t xt . la t thr hapt r rigi al w rk e een e n o fiv e i n s n s o n e e the e s hav b divid d i t thi tra lati . N ith r vi w Of os n or the ma o m of the o n o The e s are Chi , p , f r part rigi al w rk . vi w ’ e o c on s of hose i n n c e eme s Rod ocanachi s o r pr du ti t Pri D triu w rk , “ ” u i ia — s S a 1 00 st n ni s o . r 9 J Chi y , . A I . A . P . R LL L ondon, 1 9 1 3 . T T CO N E N S . C H A P T E R I . D —1 1 71 A . 70 . PAGE Chios un der the Romans Lives in darkn ess for many cen turies Passes un der th e B yzan tin e Emp erors I s c aptured by Tzachas an d r etaken— Di sputes b etween th e — Emp eror an d th e Ven etian s Taken by th e Ven etian s an d aban don ed by them C H A P T E R I I . — A . D . 1 1 71 1 329 . — — Fourth Crusade State Of the Byzantin e Empire The Latin s take Byzan tium — Chios allotte d to P e ter J ustin ian i Chios retaken by the Byzan tin e Empero r an d l eased to — ’ Zaccaria An dron i c us d eclares war again st B en edetto s — — succ essors Exp edition to Chios Zaccaria r ej ects term s e e n on c s an d es e an n s cc ess Off r d by A dr i u , di aft r u u ful attempt on the I slan d C H A P T E R I I I . - A . D . 1 329 1 352 . The eno ese arm en -n n e s s Delfin i es i n G tw ty i hip . arriv n V i n m es to i he e e o . oso c o os es t c . G a g Ch . Tak itad l The m e em n s the s n o m he en oese E p ror d a d I la d bac k fr t G . Z vo s s i n hi s e e on to The s n d i s y fail xp diti Chios. I la besieged by th e Ven etian Pisan i (1 352) C H A P T E R I V . A D 1 3 2—1 4 1 4 . 5 . — I n stituti on Of the Maon a Th e J u stin ian is acquire the sove — reign ty of th e I slan d Po litical system Of the J u stin ian is — — Barbarou s m ethod s of pu n i shmen t Con spiracy of the — Chian s again st th e J u stinian is So vereign ty ofth e J usti n ian is — ac kn owledged by J oh n Palaeologus Fresh disturban c es in — Chios Proselytism by Mahomedan H eresiarchs CONTENTS C H A P T E R V . 41 4-1 4 A D . 1 53 . PAG E — The J u stin ianis accorded many privileges by Mah omet I The — Ve n etian s besiege Chios Wealth of th e J u stinian is — — R esourc es of th e I slan d Co in s of th e J u stinian is Chian in i n is c ustom s un der th e J u st a . C H A P T E R V I . 1 4 —1 4 A D 77 . 53 — — Fall Of Co n stan tin o pl e Th e Chian s sen d assi stan c e The — J u stin ian is submit to th e Sultan Th e Turki sh fl ee t at Chios — — Mahome t d eclar e swar agai n st th e Chian s Th e J u stin ian is — ask th e P ope for h elp Th e Papal fl eet fails i n r o usi n g th e — Chian s to r evolt The J usti n ian is h elped by Gen oa C H A P T E R V I I . — A D 1 477 1 566. — Po sition of Europe- Chio s taken by Piali Pasha C on dition — Of th e J ustin ian is after th e c apture of Chios Martyrdom of the eighteen Latin children C H A P T E R V I I I . Emin en t men of th e fifteen th an d sixteen th c en turi es C H A P T E R I X . — A D 1 566 1 65 . 7 Th e Floren tin es attac k Chi os— Privileges en j oyed by th e Chian s u n der th e Turks Emin en t orthodox Chian s ( 1 500—1 680) x C H A PT E R .
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