Muhammad Yusuf Zaidan; Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin Faculty of Humanities, Airlangga University, Surabaya

*Corresponding Author: Muhammad Yusuf Zaidan Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Airlangga Jl. Dharmawangsa Dalam Selatan, Kampus B, Surabaya, 60286 [email protected]


Verbal harassment has become a major scourge of racism against people of Asian descent around the world during the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the national Stop AAPI Hate data, verbal harassment is the most common type of racism among Asian citizens. This behavior takes various forms: scolding, insulting, berating, expelling, yelling, forcing, threatening, and accusing. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze why Non-Asians do not tolerate verbal harassment of people of Asian descent which tends to increase during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to provide information and solutions to the problem of xenophobia during the Covid-19 pandemic against non-Asians which led to acts of racism in the form of verbal harassment of citizens of Asian descent, as well as providing information about the history of racism against Asians, especially in the which has been going on for a long time. The method used in this study is a literature review technique from library sources for the last three years with the keywords verbal harassment, racism, and anti- Asian using a constructivism approach. The findings of the study is that the Covid-19 pandemic has built an understanding that non-Asian people have a higher rate than Asian descent who is accused of being the main source of the spread of the pandemic, resulting in inequality in society. simply because they are of a different race. The significance of this research focuses on the main causes of the emergence of a superior understanding of race as seen from the Constructivism approach. Where the bad view of the race of Asian descent is constructed through the influence of the surrounding environment which leads to acts of racism in the form of verbal harassment.

Keywords: verbal harassment, covid-19, racism, asian-citizens, constructivism


The COVID-19 widespread has spread worldwide since it began with showed up in

China in December 2019. This infection has ended up a significant wellbeing issue that influences nearly all perspectives of an individual's life (1). Since the beginning of the pandemic, 30% of Americans and 60% of report faulting Asians as the most cause of this widespread Besides, 58% of Asian-Americans say that bigotry behavior towards anti-Asian estimation has ended up more common since the COVID-19 pandemic started (2). The Covid-19 widespread has presently driven to an increment in Sinophobic activities and appearances and partiality, xenophobia, segregation, savagery, and prejudice against individuals of East Asian and Southeast Asian plunge and build around the world. It is further exacerbated by United States officials' attitude of calling the Coronavirus with The

China Virus and renaming it kungflu, which refers to Chinese martial arts, kungfu (3).

Therefore, it takes a study to determine the leading cause of the bad stigma attached to citizens of Asian descent, which leads to racist behavior in the form of verbal harassment, especially since the pandemic.

According to the Center for Hate and Extremism Research, hate crimes against Asians in the United States in 2020 increased by 149 per cent in 16 major cities, compared to 2019

(4). Stop AAPI Hate, an organization that tracks hatred and discrimination against Asian-

Americans and Pacific Islanders, recorded at least 3,795 incidents from March 19, 2020, to

February 28, 2021. Based on the data, verbal harassment ranks first in the most common types of racism among people of Asian descent. This is evidenced by the number of incoming reports as many as 1930 times (68.1%) than any other type of racism.

Verbal harassment is a speech made to a person who intends to demean, disrespect, insult, intimidating, racist, sexist, homophobic, ageism, or blasphemy. This action is also included in making sarcastic statements, using demeaning tones, or using excessive and unwanted familiarity (5). In addition, What can also do verbal harassment through speech, namely yelling, yelling, insulting, mocking yelling, slandering, ranting, and humiliating someone in public with harsh words (6). Typical forms of verbal violence include scolding, insulting scolding, expelling, yelling, coercing, threatening, and accusing. Most verbal violence is compared to others, rebuking, scolding, smirking, taunting, and demeaning (7). From this form, one must have a strong desire to commit acts of verbal harassment that lead to racism.

Racism could be an organic characteristic that can be portrayed as diverse social convictions and recognitions by many individuals having shared acquired characteristics and various intrinsic capacities and shown through variations of social behavior compared to their physical appearance or natural contrasts (8).

Anti-Asian racism has existed since Chinese workers came to the United States. in 19

Advertisement in the look of gold. The more significant part of These Chinese workers are regularly criticized and scorned within the United States, denounced for eating bugs, and locks in occasionally related agnostic (Confucian) devout hones. They are related to feces and disorders and are constrained to live in swarmed places (Chinatown in industrial/poor zones), where illness is wild. This occurrence of prejudice proceeds and crests once more when the

COVID-19 outbreak hit, particularly within the United States.

In analyzing this issue, the author uses Constructivism as its primary paradigm.

Constructivism is one of the profoundly traditional approaches to Philosophy of Science; this perspective is closely related to the idea or concept of human creation. Constructivism believes that almost every aspect of the international world is something that humans can build. People think or feel something that is constantly built into the mind so that people believe it is true.

Based on the context of the issue raised earlier, the questions in this study are: How does the history of anti-Asian racism travel, particularly in the United States?; What causes verbal harassment to be the most common type of racism against people of Asian descent, in the view of Constructivism?; How is the solution to curbing anti-Asian racism?. METHOD

This research uses the literature review method. Literature Review is a qualitative literature study that reviews and reviews knowledge, ideas, and findings critically and defining hypothetical and methodological commitments to a specific subject (9).

The approach of this investigation is a descriptive-qualitative examination, to be specific normal decay of information that has been gotten by investigating everyday objects, at that point given understanding and clarification to be more effortlessly understood by readers. Meanwhile, the data collection technique used by the authors in this study is observation and documentation in the form of historical data from several relevant journals


The library resources used are from 1 Book published in 2020, 15 Journals in 2019-

2021, 3 News Articles in 2020 and 2021. The primary data of 15 journals obtained reliable sources such as El SEVIER, Taylor & Francis Group, SAGE, YUPA, The New Journal Of

Medicine, ArXiv, Google Scholar, Yaa Bunayya, Audience Journal, and Bilingual Publishing

Co. While for news articles, authors take from and People's Minds website.

As additional data, the authors also attached a national report on the discrimination of citizens of Asian descent from March 19, 2020 – to February 28 2021, from Stop AAPI Hate.

This organization tracks occurrences of scorn and segregation against Asian-Americans and the Pacific Islands. Author uses literature, ''verbal harassment '', ''racism'', ''anti-Asian'', as the keyword. RESULT

The author uses a journal article used to come from 2019 as much as 1 article (5.6%),

2020 as many as 9 articles, 2021 as many as 5 articles (24%), and 2 news articles in 2020 as many as articles 2 (10.2%), 2021 as much as 1 article (5.6%), as well as national data STOP

AAPI HATE (March 19, 2020 – February 28, 2021) as much as 1 article (5.6%) about the anti-Asia case report that occurred as well as 1 book issued 2018 and 2020 1 book each


The sources and data are the result of previous studies that are relevant to this research topic. Therefore, the source and data are used as a reference in this study. In addition, the author uses connections because the results and discussions of journal articles and websites contain materials and materials used to analyze this research topic.

Overall, the results of the analysis of data from the literature review, the author presented the results of a study that showed the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic around the world that affects all aspects of life and creates a lousy view of people of Asian descent who are accused of being the leading cause of the spread of the Covid-19 infection which is further exacerbated by the statement of American officials who say the virus as kungflu—led to increasing racism against people of Asian descent, with the most types of racism in verbal harassment. When viewed with a view of Constructivism, the thinking of the Asian Race is constructed in such away. Thus, building an understanding where the Non-Asians have a higher level than the descendants of Asia. As a result of racism that has been embedded and constructed in every Non-Asian society, there is a gap in the community simply because it has a different race.

When we see at history, racism against Asians, mainly ethnic Chinese within the

United States, has been going on for a long time. This is because Asian plummet has lived inside the United States for more than 160 a long time and have long been extremists. This proves the argument of Constructivism that initiates that the suppression of norms by existing institutions has a strong influence on one's attitude in acting. For example, suppose the surrounding environment has a poor view of the Asian Race, especially since allegations of Asian Race are the leading causes in the Covid-19 pandemic. In that case, the consequences are ingrained racism and discrimination that leads to increased verbal harassment that includes acts of scolding, insulting, scolding, expelling, yelling, coercing, threatening, accusing, and xenophobia that leads to acts of racism.


The Concept of Racism

The race is a classification system that clarifies populations based on references to physical attributes such as skin colour and other biological differences. Race can also be referred to as social promiscuity (a subgroup of people), whose nature is a physical characteristic, genetic inheritance, or a combination of these factors; these social traits make it easier for us to distinguish them from other groups (11).

Racism is a view that humanity is divided into races and members of a race are considered inferior (12). Traditionally, racism was understood as harmful and unfair treatment of certain groups based on race or ethnicity (13). The concept of racism represents the idea that ideology claims that people are superior to race or Race. Because of this ideology, every Race or ethnicity has a high attitude towards racism (11).

Anti-Asian racism During the Covid 19 Pandemic

Inside the current Covid-19 far-reaching, we see an increase in supremacist and xenophobic acts, tallying bias, separation, and violence inside the United States and worldwide, especially against people of East Asian and Southeast Asian dive and appearance

(8). Incidents of racism against people of Asian descent include boycotting Asian eateries, bullying Asian-American school children, and verbal and physical assaults on Asian

Americans in open places (14). The incidence of racism against citizens of Asian descent has increased since shooters killing six and two Asian women at a spa in , Georgia, on

March 16, 2021, continues for two Indonesian citizens in , USA, reportedly victims of harassment five unidentified people. This incident led to a national called

#StopAsianHate (15). The campaign aims to call for this act of violence against the backdrop of racism to be stopped immediately.

In the United States, Asian-Americans are in a disheartening environment, where they cannot claim white benefit. Still, they are too not reliably or seen as individuals of colour, and some of the time, they have no right to have a voice and join a discussion. A few within the community accept that it is common for Asian-American plunge to stay isolated and uninvolved. They are utilized to being undetectable, which ineptitude frequently feels secure


The History of Anti-Asian Racism In the United States

When we see at history, racism against Asians, mainly ethnic Chinese within the

United States, has been going on for a long time. Individuals of Asian plummet have lived within the United States for more than 160 a long time and have long been radicals targets.

Here may be a see of the viciousness and extremism that Asian and Asian-American nonnatives have stood up to since the Civil War until presently (19).

Starting with People vs. Hall (1854), Chinese foreigners began arriving in the United

States in significant numbers within the 1850s, for the most part to California and other

Western states to work in mining and railroad development. There's a tall request for these low-wage hazardous occupations, and Chinese migrants are willing to meet them. Right away, nearly a bigot moral story of "Asians arrive to take white employments" was born. At that point in 1854, the California Incomparable Court overhauled prejudice against Asian workers in People v Hall, who ruled that individuals of Asian plunge were incapable of affirming against white individuals in court.

Chinese massacre in (1871): On October 24, 1871, after who slaughtered a white man in a shootout between match Chinese bunches, more than 500 white and

Hispanic hooligans encompassed and persecuted the Chinese community in Los Angeles, based within the popular ruddy light area Evaluated 17 Chinese men and boys were hanged, counting a well-known nearby specialist. Who turned them in a few places within the city centre, where agitators may discover a put to tie ropes. Eight hooligans were sentenced to kill inevitably, but their sentences were lifted, and no one was sentenced.

Page Act (1875): Planned to deny ladies who have "obscene and immoral purposes" from entering the United States, the Page Act is to a great extent forced on Chinese women, who seek to connect Chinese men working within the nation.

China Prohibition Act (1882): Financial burdens within the 1870s fueled another anti-

Asian prejudice and obscurity surge. In 1882, Congress passed the China Prohibition Act, which prohibited Chinese movement for 20 years.

Rock Springs slaughter (1885): In Rock Springs, Wyoming, a longstanding antagonistic vibe against Chinese diggers exploded in September 1885, when 100 to 150 people included and attacked Chinese mine labourers, butchering 28 people and burning 79 homes. Discrimination of the Supreme Court's Regulation on Naturalization (1922-1923In isolated cases in 1922 and 1923, the Preeminent Court ruled that Japanese-born men and

Indian-born men were not white and were ineligible naturalization.

Japanese Internment (1942-1945): By the 1940s, tens of thousands of Japanese vagrants and Japanese-Americans had built lives inside the Joined together States. After the

Japanese assaulted Pearl Harbor and the Joined together States entered World War II, the United States. The government suspected that they might offer help to the enemy amid the war, at that point, the United States. Therefore, the government obliged them to enter internment camps. Conditions inside the camp are exceptional, with especially sweltering summers and solidifying winters. When they were released, various returned and found their homes and businesses crushed or seized.

Kill of Vincent Chin (1982): happened though Vincent Chin was out of town. On

June 19, 1982, a 27-year-old Chinese American hitched in and celebrated with companions. Two white men fight in a bar a while later, faulting Chin for "Japanese" taking their car industry occupations. Outside the bar, these people beat up Chin with a baseball bat.

He passed on a few days a short time later. The guilty parties were sentenced to a tender sentence that irritated the Asian-American community and energized the Asian-American community, making a distinction connect them over ethnic lines and working for charitable rights. Shooting at Sinkh Temple (2012): After the terrorist assaults on September 11, 2001, racial violations against Muslims and those considered Muslim counting South Asian plummet taken off. However, at slightest seven individuals have passed on in a shooting at a

Sikh sanctuary within the Oak Rivulet zone of Wisconsin, United States. Four people were shot inside the Wisconsin Sikh Temple in suburban . Three more people were shot outside, including a gunman who was killed by police. The shooting occurred while the shrine was conducting a religious event.

Most recently, the spike in anti-Asian racial crime that occurred in the past year

(2020-2021) is widely associated with anti-Asian rhetoric during the coronavirus pandemic.

As seen from the killing of a gunman who killed 6 Asian men and 2 women at a spa in

Atlanta, Georgia, this incident continues on March 16, 2021. In addition, two Indonesian citizens in Philadelphia were reportedly victims of harassment by five unidentified people.

Analysis of Causes of Verbal Harassment Behavior In Anti-Asian Racism Graph 1. Percentage of Types of Racism That Occur To People of Asian Descent

According to Graph 1 of the 3,795 data entered on reports of this type of anti-Asian racism. Verbal harassment ranked first (68.1%) as the most common type of discrimination with 1930 reports, followed by the expulsion of 581 reports (20.5%), Physical attacks as many as 315 reports (11.1%), Others as many as 244 reports (8.6%), Coughing and Spitting as many as 204 reports (7.2 %), Online as many as 193 reports (6.8%), Workplace discrimination as many as 127 reports (4.5%), Prohibition in conducting activities as many as

88 reports (3.1%), Vandalism as many as 79 reports (2.8%), and Prohibition of public transportation as many as 34 reports (1.2%).

The majority of reports recorded 68% of the types of racism committed were verbal harassment, racial slurs, nicknames, and swearing (20). Finally, we will provide some examples of verbal harassment often suffered by citizens of Asian descent, most of whom are obtained from the first-person point of view:

Insult to citizens of Asian (Thai) descent to go to , which is considered as the city where COVID-19 originated:

Supremacist comments "presently this Wuhan line, and welcome the Wuhan line "were made by people over and over once more whereas looking at my family and me. My family and I utilized to be Chinese on the walkway, and my family and I coordinated it. (Queens, NY)

Two middle-aged white men, who had been my neighbours for more than fifteen a long time, drawn nearer me menacingly within the road, pulled a corner of their eye and said, "Go back to Wuhan, bitch and take the infection with you!" As I called them vile, they called me "Thai wh*re" and threatened to beat up my husband. (West , Canada)

Insults when seeing people of Asian (Chinese) descent wearing masks: I (wearing a mask) was holding up to choose up nourishment from the eatery, and a gather of individuals strolling down the road (without veils) begun yelling and chiding me, saying it was I who brought the infection to the United States (, PA)

I strolled into the lift (wearing a mask), so I might get my letter from the campaign. The lift opened on the 4th floor, and this white lady, without a pretence, yelled "Gracious HELL NO" when she saw me. The lift entryway opened on the 1st floor, and he has overseen to urge me out of the lift and know at me from beat to foot and say, "Fuck you Chinese, you're not going to get away with this, we're going to get you." (Portland, OR)

A man was kicked out of a shop for allegedly having Asian ancestry:

Two women approached my husband, and one woman came to her face and yelled at her to "get out of America soon". (Timonium, MD)

From here, we can see that there has grown xenophobia against those of Asian descent. The term "xenophobia" refers to a negative attitude towards what is perceived as alienation and fear associated with strangers (21). This, when we associate with anti-Asian racism, can be defined as fear and hatred towards foreigners or foreigners or anything strange or foreign the majority of non-Asians tend to generalize that all citizens of Asian descent are considered "Chinese" (18), which is further exacerbated by allegations that China deliberately spread the COVID-19 virus to the world (17).

The correlation between the above cases of anti-Asian racism and Constructivism is how Non-Asian society building an understanding where non-Asians have a higher level than those of Asian descent. As a result of racism that has been embedded and constructed in every Non-Asian society, there is a gap in the community simply because it has a different race. This proves the argument of Constructivism that initiates that the suppression of norms by existing institutions has a strong influence on one's attitude in acting (10). For example, suppose the surrounding environment has a lousy view of citizens of Asian descent. In that case, the result is that ingrained bad stigma can lead to verbal harassment behavior when meeting with citizens of Asian descent because it is considered a wrong view in society that ultimately shows racism. CONCLUSION

Anti-Asian racism is increasingly spreading when the Covid-19 pandemic strikes.

However, when we look at history, racism against Asians, mainly ethnic Chinese in the

United States, has been going on for a long time. This is because people of Asian descent have lived in the United States for more than 160 years and have long been the target of bigotry. Starting with People vs. Hall (1854), The Chinese Massacre in Los Angeles (1871),

China Prohibition Act (1882), the Rock Springs Slaughter (1885): Discrimination of the

Supreme Court's Regulations on Naturalization (1922-1923), Japanese Internment (1942-

1945), Murder Vincent Chin (1982), Sikh Temple Shooting (2012), and the latest is the rise in anti-Asian racial crimes that have occurred in the last two years are widely associated with anti-Asian rhetoric during the coronavirus pandemic such as the shootings that occurred in

Atlanta and the attacks on Indonesian citizens in Philadelphia (2020-2021).

The spike in anti-Asian racial crime in the last two years is widely attributed to anti-

Asian rhetoric during the coronavirus pandemic causing xenophobia against citizens of Asian descent worldwide. As a result, they get poor treatment, one of which is verbal harassment.

According to data reported by STOP AAPI HATE, verbal harassment ranks first in the type of racism that occurs most to citizens of Asian descent.

From this, who can conclude that the cause of high verbal harassment behavior in anti-Asian racism, when associated with Constructivism, shows that the thinking about race is constructed in such a way. Thus, building an understanding where the Non-Asians have a higher level than the descendants of Asia. As a result of racism that has been embedded and constructed in every Non-Asian society, there is a gap in the community simply because it has a different race. This proves the argument of Constructivism that initiates that the suppression of norms by existing institutions has a strong influence on one's attitude in acting. Suppose the surrounding environment has a poor view of the Asian Race because allegations of Asian Race are the leading causes in the Covid-19 pandemic. In that case, the consequences are ingrained racism and discrimination, leading to increased verbal harassment that leads to racism.

The solution to curbing this anti-Asian racism is to educate ourselves and our surroundings that do not look down on people just by looking at their race just because of a problem. The actual implementation as our effort in combating and identifying anti-Asian citizens are not guilty of spreading this pandemic is to promote #StopAsianHate campaigns in various mediums such as videos, images, posters, and educational videos about preventing anti-Asian racism on social media channels.

This research is inseparable from several limitations known through observation in the course of study. The weaknesses felt by researchers need to be expressed for the sake of the perfection of subsequent analysis in the same language. As such, discussions on anti-

Asian history are focused solely on what is happening in the United States; the author of this article highly recommends to the next author who wants to discuss the same topic to investigate better the history of anti-Asian racism occasions from around the world.


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