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WAYNE NJ MARCH 19 68 Filmed by Microfilming Corporation of America Strikes TV Blew Against 'Revolting' Group By JOAN WIESSMANN neither inspirational nor ‘cool’. Everything about it ! A lively bundle of charged dynamite was petite Jo stinks!” Ann Traynor, 16, a junior at Wayne Valley High School, On the video screen, she was shown telling Alap when she was viewed with Alan Burke on his TV show Burke, “ 1 hate the group!” To which Zapim retorted, ♦ Saturday night, denouncing the “obscene” lyrics and “ When you grow up, you might like it!” “gross” actions of a group named “ Mothers of Invention,” The spirited daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Tray whom she described as “revolting,” “disgusting,” “fil nor, is currently rehearsing for the all-school production thy,” “grubby” end “ smelly.” of “ Gypsy,” slated for presentation this coming week end and the next — which she quickly pointed out to An attractive, slim blonde with flashing green eyes, Burke. who measures 5 feet 3 in height, she provoked “boos” as “ I am not a prude,” she flashed back at him. “ And well as applause in her determined tirade which prompt I love music. I have* always enjoyed every other group, ed Allen Burke to say, “You sound like a prude!” such as the Beatles and the Beach boys. At her 47 Brandon Ave. home yesterday, Jo Ann pre But she “ detests” two groups, “ The Fugs” and the sented a graphic picture of Frank Zappa, leader of the “ Mothers of Invention.” The latter are the worst, ac “ Mothers of Invention” — with whom, she had verbal tilts cording to the local high school student.
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