Lake St. Clair water level rising By Jim Stlckford "lilffWflter last summer was a cool one, said Love, pen come the sprIng, said Love ThiS \\,

WEEI< AHEAD Thursday, Feb. 13 Roney & Co. The GroSIle Pointe War Memorial Veteran's Club conducts lts monthly meet. ing at 7:30 p.m m the Alger House, 32 Lakeshore, Groese moves office Pomte Farms. The free meet- Ing 18 co-ed. Friday, Feb. 14 St. Valentine's Day. Don't to the Punch forget that special someone in your life. By Amy Andreou Miller foundmg by Wilham Chapoton SlaffWrJler Roney Sr m a small office Just The Roney & Co Will move a few blocks away from the cur- Sunday, Feb. 16 from one locatIOn on the HilI to rent headquarters m the Roney The Grosse Pointe another March I, doublIng the bUIldmg In downtown Community Network hosts sIze of ItS office Family member and Grosse its second open house from 1 For 11 years, the stockbro- POInter Jack Roney further to 4 p m. at the Grosse kers have been located m the bUilt up the Grosse POInte Pointe WoodB Commumty tWIn-peaked Thdor-style bUIld- clIentele WIthin the past 50 Center, 20025 Mack Plaza. mg located at 73 Kercheval years Admission is free and The move may be unnotIced The Grosse POinte office refreshments will be served. by some people smce the bro began With four stockbrokers kerage finn did not replace the In June 1986, It has grown to Monday, Feb. 17 Bridge tourney Roney & Co SIgn on the out- 14 stockbrokers and 11 support Side of the bUlldll1g sll1ce staff Pres1dent's Day - observ- Participating in the Neighborhood Club •• sixth annual Wblffted S. Malchie Memo- Ing the bll'thday's of George repaintmg It last year 'We are hterally crammed In rial Bridie Tournament on Feb. 6 are, from left. "Peachy" Sheldon. Pam. McClei. But WIthIn the next two here The Grosse Pomte Roney Washington (Feb. 22) and land. Frances McDoDDeUaDd Emlly Turner. The tournament rai_ about $1,100 Abraham Lincoln (Feb 12). weeks, they Will relocate to & Co office has grown dramat- 8..lUlua1ly to enhance the bridge program. at the Neighborhood Club. The late mterlOr deSIgner D J Kennedy Ically," smd Greg Miller, a WiDif:red.S. Malcbie taught maay Grone Polnten how to play the game and helped & Co's former office locatIon on prmcIpal of the firm, and the The Grosse Pointe Woods organize the flrat fUDclraJaillg tounuuneDt. City Council meets at 7.90 the first floor of the Punch & Grosse Pomte branch manager pm m thE"mUnIcIpal offices Judy bUlldmg at 15 Kercheval Throughout the past decade at 20025 Mack Plaza. And the stockbrokers It Increased Its need for office G.P. Library begins ambitious promise the new location WIll space from 1,000 square feet to Tuesday, Feb. 18 not only be qUIte noticeable, 3,900 square feet at Its current The Vlllage of Groase but mVItll1g locatIOn under the Tudor roofs Pointe Shores COWICl1meets task of defining library of future "D J Kennedy has great Now there's no more room to at 7 p m m the mumClpal taste, we were able to keep the expand By Shirley A. McShane Central and the Woods and offices at 795 Lakeshore. puter lines" fireplace m the foyer, and In the Punch & Judy buIld- Slaff Wnter Park faCIlIties - play three LIbrary admmIstrators also many of the other speCIal mg, Roney & Co WIll have Thursday, Feb. 20 In a rare Saturday seSSIOn, promment roles they proVIde noted what Bruce saId mIght touches he added," saId Roney 7,000 square feet - mostly on the Grosse POInte lIbrary board popular fiction and non-fiction, be ObVIOUS- that the lIbrarIes & Co stockbroker Jeffrey the first floor, with a few offices The Grosse Pointe and administratIOn dISCUSSed chIldren's books and materIals, lhstoncal Society presents a are always m use and that traf- Taylor on the thIrd floor In-depth where the publIc and answer reference ques- fic ISheaVIest on the weekends, Kennedy. WIth the help of Several profeSSIOnals have program on Greenmead, lIbrary IS today .lnd where It bons In the hours ImmedIately after developer ChrIstopher Blake, approached Saga Communi- with Sue Daniel, chairman of needs to go for the future "All three faCIlities are the LI.vonia Hlstoncal school and m the early renovated the HIll buIldmg at catIOns, the owners of the A formal summary of the accessed proportIOnately hIgh evenIng CommissIOn, and Marion the corner of Kercheval and Tudor-style bUlldmgs to four-hour sessIOn on Feb. 8 was m the area of fictIOn, non-fic- Books on tape and CD.ROM Hall Place and now houses hIS InqUire about rentmg the first Renaud, program supervisor not compiled at press time, but bon and children's matenals," for Greenmead - whlch is collectIOns are grOWIng at all busmess there floor space Roney & Co WIll lIbrary board preSIdent John he saId "Our statistICS IndIcate the branches and contInue to Moreover, Roney & Co vacate, SaId MarCia Lobalto, Livonia's Histoncal Village, Bruce offered some hIghhghts that the Central LIbrary gets at 7:30 p.m, in the receptIon be popular with patrons, he stockbrokers emphasized they VIce preSIdent of Saga The first step was to deter- 65,000 to 70,000 reference saId WIll stock theIr new office WIth CommunIcatIOns Inc room of the Grosse Pointe mme and dISCUSSwhat the questloll8 a year and perhaps War Memonal, 32 "We talked about the pros state-of-the-art computers to lIbrary has today m terms of 45 to 50 percent of them are and cons of the paperless or stay on top of the multI-mIllIon Lobalto saId Saga's offices Lakeshore, Grosse Pointe space, what the SIze of the col- over the phone Farms. virtual lIbrary," he s81d "What dollar mvestments they han- comprIse the entIre second lectlon IS, how the library IS "That led us to a dISCUSSIon WlIl the future bnng m terms dle floor of the Thdor-style buIld- staffed and how each of the on what computers mean to the of computers vs the traditIOnal Roney & CO IS one of Ings branches IS used future of the lIbrary Is thIS a lIbrary?" MIchIgan's oldest and largest She explamed that Saga INSIDE Bruce s81d the board learned precursor of the kInds of thmgs brokerage firms as well as the puchased the bUlldmg for use that all threE' branches - that might be done over com- See LmRARY, page 2A state's longest-standmg mem- as Its headquarters It IS a Opmion 6A ber of the New York Stock publIc company, traded on Exchange AMEX, that owns 34 teleVISIon Obltuaries 15A Founded in DetrOIt In 1925, and radIO statIOns around the Schooh 16A It IS a full service mvestment country Senwrs 18A securities firm. stili headquar "We're not In the bu,ml' "of tered In DetrOIt, but also oper- beIng landlords, thIS I~ our Autos 22A atmg from 27 branch offices headquarters," Lobalto Said Busmess 24A through MIchIgan, OhIO and "So naturally, we WIll be look- Enrenzun~nt 7B Indiana mg for people lIke Roney & Co ThIS year marks the 72nd to rent the space," she said Sports lC anniversary of Roney & Co 's Classified ads 5C See RONEY, page 2A POINTER OF INTEREST Sherrill Jordan Zimmer Home: City of Grosse Pomte Age: 38 Family: Husband, Chmtopher, daughter, Alexandra, son, Pnce Occupation: MuseologIst and executIve director of PIto


,. -.;.... -=;-..... : "";--~'~<,•• - ., ~'. COIlNaAftomal. , R04 (" ~(]m lIe n , ",nq now M~48f10, 1\1/11'1 091A SEQlJENCE IAool W,R lo~o 10<,111119770)] SCOTT ROlliNSON ".mn omq Ittrr .. (()m p (>~ rif"nl ••• IOMAL O .. tCl. o 91~ R()ohln,> ~ JJ(, ')~') • • • i ( ("..,~HMPn MI4041/ 101o) Aoo AI/II fn, 10101 R.I e COnSIderedf'" the fOI CORRECTIONS AND ADJUSTMENTS In accordance ~l,h ~e ..1LOn g 4 of 1he' Harper Wood ...ell} Charter OrtilnalOl.l,. No 97 I I~being to find out what could happen IoWIng week s popel Responslbe m t>y3 no responsibrlrty 01 the same after pm Monday for thol week s paper [nuoduced and hr;1 Re.adlng JanU.lf)' 20 19'96 the first Insernon But It's not tIme to pamcJust that he was not too womed Secotld Readmg .and AdopllOn Februar) l 19Q7 The Grosse Pomle News reserves ~yet, sllld Love WhIle a large about lake levels In 1986, the The Grosse POinte News wll try to get Publl!loh Februm ~'[997 011tems Inlo the pope, 'het o'e turned Effeccl\e Dafe Februar. ~ 1 I ~7 ~':~r.~~t ~~':'~8~~POlnle ~snowpack around Lake city had to put up some sand- In t>V ut sometrnes $poe e News adve rtlslng representatrves :. Superior means more water doesn f allow It Frank J Palazzolo, have no authonty to bmd IhlS bag walls m the WmdmIlI M:l)or MIckey D Todd. :: flows down to Lakes MIChigan Any Questions? cor the news deport 01)1 Cieri newspaper and only pUbltcal,on of Pomte area, but the CIty has an adverttsement shall constrtute ment ot 682-

A Free Homeowner'~ C1leckmg account from Standard Stop by any Standard Federal Bankmg Center today to get Federalllank ha~many advantages to offer There IS no a Prepaid Calling Card WIthyour new Free Homeowner's monthly selYKe charge No muumum balance requrre- C1leckmg account ment No per-check fees to pay, no matter how many And even If you don't own a home, there are other checks) ou wnte Youll start saVIngmoney the day you ways to aVOidpaymg a monthly seTVlcecharge and open your account And now you get even more other fees on a Standard Federal checkmg account, plus Well give you a Standard Federal Prepaid Calling receive 30 rrunute

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I I • • ,~ 0 • • & Q February 13, 1997 Grosse Pointe News News Richner receives Farms applies for grant to improve • Mack, provide services for elderly commIttee posts By Amy Andreou Miller Farms Will get more bang for and referrals to llllk semOTh StaffWnter Its buck thIS year By JJm Stlckford WIth needed servIces, meals at gIve legIslators great Influence A team of city administra- That's because m prevIous StaffWriter home, dnd coordmatlOn of a over legIslation m the commit. tors from Grosse Pomte Farms years the Farms has used some pro~am for serVlcm~ the .\ndrew RIchner, fcc<-Htly let: ~ jun~lctlon Belore a bill IS requesting $97,000 trom the 01 <';ommumty Development nutntlOnal and nursing needs elected to the state House of may be voted on by the full federal government VIa Wayne Block Grant money to help ofsemors RepresentatIves for the first house, a majority of committee County m order to prOVIde fund PAATS - Pomte Area The ~1O,500 sum would be dIstrict whIch covers the members must vote to send the some serVIces for area elderly, Assisted TransportatIOn pro- spilt mto $7,500 to cover the Grosse POlntes, recently bill to the floor for a vote A and pay for some landscapmg gram above-stated needs, and $3,000 received hIS commIttee asSIgn- majonty of bills never make It Improvements along Mack Last October, however, 10 prOVide assistance from a ments for the leglslatlve year out of commIttee Avenue PAATS reCeived a $47,000 SOCIalworker andlor registered Richner wIll serve on the When Richner was runmng TheIr lengthy Commumty grant obtamed through nurse to abused and/or neglect- Commerce, JudIcIary, for office, he saId he would like Development Block Grant SMART ed area semor cItizens Oversight and EthIcs, and to serve on the tax polIcy, judl. r (CDBG) apphcatlOn was unan. The PAATS program, begun The city leaders maln focus Regulatory MalI'S panels Clary, conservatIOn and enVI. Andrew Richner Imously approved by the m 1989 m the Pomtes and for use of the grant funds 18 for CommIttee assIgnments are ronment committees At the Grosse Pomte Farms City Harper Woods, prOVIdes trans- streetscape Improvements consIdered Important because time, he Said It was Important proposal was approved by Council m February. portatIOn to area semor CIti- along Mack Avenue About before leg'lSlatlOn may be sent the POlntes' unusual mUniCipal Michigan voters last The Farms has participated zens, as well as phySIcally $77,500 IS expected to be allo- to the floor of the house for a court system be maintained November In the CnBG program offered andlor mentally challenged cated vote, committees hold heanngs Richner also expressed an As a member of the regulato. through the Housmg and area reSidents of any age In particular. mstalling on the proposals. mterest m promotmg a lower ry affalrs and oversight com. Urban Development depart- Last year, the SIXcommuni- handIcap-accessible ramping Each committee hasjunsdlc, tax burden to promote econom- mlttee, as well as the ethIcs ment smce the late 1970s. 1b ties prOVided 10,000 tripS, curbs along Mack, startmg at tlon over a different set of IC growth, and he expressed commIttee, Richner wIll lIkely date, the Farms has receIVed Reeslde Said FIsher, and heading north issues WhIle a bill IS before a doubts as to whether casmo have a vote on casinO gamblmg $1.5 nnllIon total, Said Farms Of the $97,500 requested In toward Calvlll, Reeslde said commIttee, It can be rewrItten gamblIng was the economic Issues. City clerk Shane Reeslde Commumty Development Mack Avenue has been the or amendments may be panacea that ItS proponents The $97,000 for whIch the Block Grant funds thIS year, focus of block grant funds attached to It have claimed It would be The The regulatory aff8lI'S com- group submitted an apphca- Farms cIty leaders sald they receIved by the Farms since So if a legislator wanted to commerce committee's agenda mittee has jurisdIction over tlOn for the fISCal year 1997. would allocate $10,500 for 1993 when a Master Plan was pass a court reform law, the Includes a range of bUSiness such ISSUes as lIquor control, 1998 IS consIstent with SerVIces for Older CItizens developed, mcludmg bill would fIrst go before the issues horse tracks, and the lIcensmg amounts requested In past (BOC), which IS a non-profit streetscape and medIan JudICiary commIttee, where Richner Said that he would of profeSSIOnals, such as doc- applIcatiOns, Reeslde S81d. orgaruzatlon that was created Improvements, by landscape that bill could undergo alter. not support any pro.gamblIng tors, pharmacISts and barbers, However, If HUD awards to help older cItizens mamtaln archItect John Gnsslm atlOns by committee members legislatIOn Without voter as well as other regulatory con. that amount - and a decision thekindependence Some $9,000 would be need- So committee assIgnments approval A stateWide ballot cerns. IS expected by July - the SOC prOVides mformatlOn ed for arommstratlOn costs School board OKs lease agreement with sac on Barnes property By Shirley A. MCShane board on Feb. 10 approved Ian. mentary school in the mid- Parcells Middle School and of publIc opposition when com- school system exercises its Staff Wnter guage for a 30-year {;Tound 1980s, but remains open as a poSSible future dlstnct-Wlde munity forums were held to optIOn to buy the bwldmg, It SerVIceS for Older CItizens lease commumty faCility housmg enrollment Increases, the explam SOC's proposal IS could eaSily convert It Into (SOC) IS one step closer to The action paves the way for such functions as the comrnu- school system has opted not to reflective of Grosse Pomte's classrooms, the school system achIeving its goal of building a SOC to bwld a proposed 4,800- mty education program, offices renew SOC's lease of three and Harper Woods' support of shall be reqUired to meet and permanent facility. square-foot permanent facility for the Grosse POInte Barnell classrooms the program that helps seDlor consult WIth architects, and After months of planning a<>d_Il"""""~~ of Grosse Pointe were thIs process " that the mtenor deSIgn of the among more than 100 buudmg must be constructed ~. .~.~~- AM MicbJgan members Board members Sald the lack m such a manner so that If the __ who helped celebrate the 75th anniversary of AM Travel Agency on board the Inspiration, one of carnival's newest superliners. The Yanceys won their Frank H. Boos Gallery free trip as part of a drawing promoting AAA AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISERS Michigan's 75 years in the travel business. The AUCTIONfealunng Art glass, antique and reproduction furOilure marble holy waler font. weeklong Caribbean Onentalla, books and paper, including Items relating 10 Silent screen novels early automotive cruiee in December railroads, trade cards postcards, valentines. and much more, a 17th century Japanese katana an included stops at San autographed ManlynMonroe pholograph needlework samplers sculplure by B'ssell. Skoog and Juan, St. Thomas, St. Barbedlenne, paintings by Daublgny Romare Bearden, Eugene Gallen.Laloue DaVid Barr, Maarten, Dominica, Bar- Hoskins, J Daumler, Arnegger Nierman Nesbit etc, graphiC art by John Sloan, R Bearden bados and Martinlque, Motherwell,Corol Icart, Man Ray, Rembrandt etc, a large collection of Lincolnmemorabilia a AM Travel Agency is pair of Bretby slatues camera eqUipment, antique maps, Jewelry,Silver, porcelam and pottery, the state's largest includinganllque Staffordshire,decorallve Itemsand much more leisure travel agency, IIeJ'ViDg Michigan travel. PREVIEW AUCTION ers since 1921. Fnday February 21st- Noon to 8 p rn Wedne~day. rebruan 26th 6 P rn Monday. Februaf) 24th - Noon to 8 p rn Thur,day FebruJr) 27th - 6 P rn Tue~day February 25th - 10 a m to 5 p m

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The CD that maximizes Locabon' Grosse Pamte War MemonaJ 32 Lake Shore Dnve your investment Grosse POinte Farms Times: February 5 - 10'00 AM February 12 - 1000 AM February 19 - 10'00 AM r;---.:FIRST FEDERAL ~ OF MICHIGAN Refreshments Willbe served at the mformatlOnal meetmgs ReservatIOns are recommended FDIC Ask Us We Can Do It"" Call (ROO) 810 WllJ for reservations or to schedulE'.'ahome appomtment No cost or obhgatJOn Insured Rr.nrh o(fir.... Ihmn~honl metropol,t.n o,.lroU ~------~------~-~ Ot"',o .... Iam.. "" 0"""0 thorand (h ..... nJn~ and Ok"", ... The M CARESemorPlan IS a productof M CARE,a HealthMaintenanceOrgamzatlOn(HMO)Witha Medicarecontract AnyoneWIth

Fttrndpd honr' ...... kda" and (nll ... nIrP 'atnrda,< al m""t hranrh ... Medicaremay apply,' Includmgthoseunder age b'i enotJedto MedICareon the basiS ofSoClalSecuntvDlsabllltyBenefitsMembersmust contmuepaYingMedIcarepremIUmsSlomorPlanmembersmustuse M CARE PlanPro~ldersanrlconlractedphannacles An M CARE The minimum balance to open an account and obtain the Annual Percent SalesRepresentative",11 be presenlat the mformatlOnalmeetmgsand proVIdemore mformahonand apphcabonforms 'Personsrecelv age Y,eld (APYI IS $25 000 Substantra' penalty may be Imposed for early mg MedIcarebenefitsfor End StageRenal DIsease(ESRD)or HospIceCare are not ehgJblefor Ihe M CARE SlomorPlan wUhdrawai Oller SUbJe<.1 to change Wllhout notIce Busl ness or llrol<8I'ed aCCOlJrns not eligible APY accurate as of January 8 t997 <)702'i SM

- - • f!! - ---...... ---:1----. r---'

.... , l p A A 0 I p, February 13, 1997 Grosse Pointe News 5A ~ VILLAGE FOOD

HOME OF THE BELL RINGER SPECIALSl VILLAGE 18328 Mack Avenue ~ Grosse Pointe Farms • 882-2530 ~ Fax 884-8392 fOOD "mr II'lARKET Open Monday through Saturday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Fine Wines and Liquor • Prices in effect February 13, 14, 15, 17, 18 and 19 - fRESU GROUND COffEE SPECIALS

HAZELNUT CREAM $669 1rUlJLflA~WQ ') 1?f:r;/;1Q RECULAR LB. (() l' /1..;; fll!I f) !.{iY~ r- Vl HAZELNUT CREAM$799 VUUlIUV r=- '~ DECAFFEINATED ~ trh'UlIflj LB. .,' ~14fl! ALLCOKEPRODUCTS --~ 12 PACK CALIFORNIALARGE '. ". 00 ,- % CANS 2 $500 NAVEL ORANCES 5 FOR $1 ~ F F I F' he H IA+dep. FOR ICEBERG ~~€t~~~, rom 0 ev IS 0.0 00 ,-UP PRO TS HEAD LETTUCE 2 FOR $1 _ the Docksof New Bedford e 2 Liters BABVPEELED $1295 9g • dep. CARRETTES 88e PKG. LOBSTER TAILS 8 oz. Ave. LB. PEPSI PRODUCTS SUPERSTAR'S $1799 2 LITER SWEET ONIONS 48e LB. CRAB LECS :2 LB BOX BOX e et ~.~~JOU PEARS 78 LB. ~U:~f~;.~~~~.~ $1495LB. 9 9 • dep. FRESHSOUEEZED $ 99 88 ORANCE JUICE $2 1/2 GAL. ORANCE ROUCHY...... 4 LB. 99 SALMON FILLETS $6 LB.

YOUR CHOICE 2 FOR $400 • l I WHOLE $ 99 BEEF TENDERLOINS LB. EXTRA VIRCIN ;,,0.a~ ~ 3 O~~~:~~~ IMPORTED $199 NEW YORK $558 CARLIC PRESERVES 13 oz. STRIP STEAKS...... LB. BREADSTICK THOMAS BRAND COOK'SHICKORY SMOKED $ $6~~z ENCLISH MUFFIN HAM STEAKS ...... •...... 329 LB. Buy 1 OIlV~ 011. Regular. Sour Dough 6 pack aet1 package 'W' $119 BROADWAY $197 Breadstlck FREE .-~- CORNED BEEF BRiSKET...... LB. r~ .~.. PREMIUM $ 99 ~s CLASSICO. VEAL CHOPS 7 LB. RAISIN CINNAMON SWIRL ITALIAN PASTA SAUCE FROM ROUND OR CINNAMON SWIRL • italian sausage $ 0 $229 1 lb. loaf $....29 .OllvelMushroom CR UND BEEF...... •••... LB. YOURCHOICE • loaf. sp Red Pepper 1 • Rst Pep.lOnlon 79FRESH STORE MADE 99 HILLS BROS. : ~~:o1:estIlPma:o C~6Ho081:C'E ITALIAN, BELCIAN SAUSACE .... LB • • ZUcehln arm $1 -- ~~R~Ot:BACS $149 ~'-=ii""'~=~--;;-i :..-==="'-- 25 ct. Quart Size iU""""""'!' (~) $299 DEER VALLEY NATURAL Sge DOMESTIC SWISS CHEESE...... LB. 59 1.5 LITER 3.Y~i:s~\EID99~loaf :A~~; ~lter THIN & TRIM TURKEy •••...... ••• $4 LB. 49 Chardonnay, Cabernet $10 I PROCRESSO PIZZl:LLE ~ $489 ------and Merlot SAVE$3.50 CANNED ITALIAN STYLE COOKIES • ,',' CORN BEEF ••••••••••••• LB. WhlteZlnfandel $799 TOMATO $ $459 1.5 Liter SAVE$2.00 ~If~~~;nd 79~ 1995 -r~. ROASTED HAM ...... LB. MOUTON CADET 28 oz. Flavors ~ FRENCH BORDEAUX YO R CHOICE SAFIE SPECIALTY • Red and White $... 99 TlllDIDLF FllBlDU CO. PRODUCTS. ~ - SAVE$3.00 I NEWATVILLAGEFOODS.$ 89 DEMONSTRATION FRESU FROM OUR. Choice Seasoned 4 SATURDAY o/a£entine iJay Speciol ;~~":~:~~r:;o~entucky GIRARD'S CUEESE COUNTER SALAD DRESSING DOMAINE STE. MICHELLE ORECON FARM All VarietIes $239 Extra Dry, Blanc de Blanc FROZEN DESSERT 12 oz. and Brute SAVE $4.00 ~~~cac::~,$1 QUELLE QUICHE 99 Apple Dumpling 89 It $ NEWI CABOT VERMONT $ 89 $ In frozen section pkg es ~::;,e:s 1 CHEDDAR 5 VARIETIES LB. 7 YOURCHOICE . In Frozen section 99 6 ST. FRANCIS BORDEN'S 8 ct. pkg. NEWI MONTEREY JACK $ 99 SONOMA WINERY SKIM MILK bo~n CHEESE PESTO,SALSA,JALAPENO 3 LB. Chardonnay $799 61'$ -,89gallon I)Jk.-' 750 ml. COLONIAL INN .ttI. CHEESE SAVE $3.00 BROTH'S carJICIH"".~. $229 n J_ r_ . :_r Light In DaIrY S«tIon FRESH 'vmenttne iJay Specuu Chicken, 2 9ge VOURCHOICE pkg. FROM OUR Cermack CalifOrnia ~~~R CHOICE for ,~~ 96 oz. TROPICANA NATURAL $959 ... ORANCE JUICE \. IN-STORE I 'A H 3 Ib bag ~. DANNON - -- Pure Prem., " . ~ YOGURT Pur. Prem $3 -A'5 BAKERY t~. F It --- It Homestyle 59 " . RpEEESE'S 189-- VStR cr..OiCi'°a'"o~ • YOUR CHOICE 39 ANUT BUTTER $ ~ 2 9g4t _ POTATO BREAD $1 LOAF IIcUP 6 Pack ''!J for • ~ , e BREAKSTONE 1602 COOL WHIP ~ MINI DANISH ...... •.•...... • 3 FOR 9g COTTAGE CHEESE $139 ~ All varieties 99~ FAT FREE COOKIES Reg., Lite, No Fat YOUR 1!1:&' YOURCHOICE All varieties $169 SAVE YOURCHOICI CHOICE 8 oz. YOURCHOICE k . $1.00 BROWNIES 49~EACH

- __ 7.1_•• i--•••• ?_~_:::.....~_._----~ -----"{1 . ..-.--'"...... "...... =fe~n""" I ,. e~ Sogooow MI 4860? I ... ISI7) m0914 SEQUENCE IROOl96814S6 (0' 1\17)791 24?1 f"l'T'o.' r1mq I@n s (om ••• tOtI.U 0fIftCII 9/~ Robhn, Su'.252 Glond Hn.....n MI4:9417 1(16) Rd68n6 10' 1(16) 847 <'>747 federal spendmg for that purpose. GOP cool to The governors fear that such a cap ,..,., woulo shIft more responsIbIlIty to the . . states which, the governors claIm, education, I _ __-n 11 1' ...... already pay 42 percent of MedIcaId co~t-" n natIOnWIde f"ndinlUll II ~ plan V ... In hiS budget, the preSIdent also IS ask- ""P...... mg Congress to restore food stamps and nour VIew, President Chnton dehv- dlsablhty benefits for some legal ImmI- ered one of hIs best speeches m his grants who lose such assIstance under IState of the Umon address to the only about publIc charter schools, not an mcrease m the capital gams tax exclu- the new welfare law Jomt houses of Congress and, VIa breakIng the constltutlOnal ban on publIc sIon on home sales. States WIth large ImmIgrant popula- teleVISIOn, to the AmerIcan people on 8ld to parochial and private schools as He reIterated that he would propose tions, such as CalIforma, New York, Feb 5 the GOP prefers to do ) ~uttmg about $100 bllhon 0\ cr five )ears IIhn01'l and FlOrIda all hllVf' 'lOught such But the Gap Congress reacted "frostI- The preSIdent saId he was proposmg "a from Medicare WIth most of the saVIngs relief WIth the governors now trymg to ly," as the New York TImes put It, to hIS new kmd of government - not to solve coming from health care providers meet such demands by calling for help for education plans as well as hIS fundmg all our problems for us, but to give our The preSident also asked for restora- legal ImmIgrants who are too old or dIS- plans for his balanced budget people, all our people, the tools they need tlOn of more than $16 bIllIon in welfare abled to become U.S CItIzens Chnton did identify educatIOn as his to make the most of thetr own hves." fund cuts made last year, and proposed In the pre-New De I days, the states "No 1 pnonty as preSIdent over the next He conceded he faced a dtfficult job m lIuutmg MedIcaid costs to $210 bl1llOn in said they were too bru ,e to help anyone four years" selhng thiS kind of a program to the GOP part by cappIng recipients' spendIng but were WIlling and eager to accept fed- In only one area dId we find ourselves Congress and the people when he SaId. However, Clinton's fundmg proposals eral help for that purpose m sharp dtsagreement WIth the presi- ''We face no Immment threat, but we do did not appear to have much chance in dent Thday many states have been clauning have an enemy. The enemy of our time is the GOP-dommated Congress even that they have huge surpluses from thetr We do not beheve the federal govern- inactIon" before he spoke. own internal reforms. If so, why not ment or the states should make any fur- In his balanced budget, he also called Sen Trent Lott, the Senate mllJority spend some of that flood of funds to help ther investment m charter schools, until for tax cuts of almost $100 billion over a leader, saId he was opposed to the presi- the poor? experts have studied them and told us five-year-penod, which would be offset in dent's plan to set firm lirmts on federal We fear some states, mcluding how well they are actually performing in part by about $80 bIllion m revenue-rais- Medicaid spendmg MIchigan and elsewhere. mg measures. MIchigan, simply want It both ways. In domg so, he supported the NatIOnal They want to help fashIOn the programs, (However, the president was taIkmg The proposed tax cuts would Include a Governors AssOCiation which also had control costs, and still get major contri- $1,500 tax credit for college tuition, and come out agamst puttmg any lImit on butions from federal funds.

EDITORIAL CLASSIFIED - 882-6900 DISPLAY ADVERTISING PRODUCTION 88200294 Barbara Y.ubehmi. Gore Peter I Bukner; Adver1J$lJlg Representahve " Founder and Publlsher Manager Ceo'lle F l.alhrop, Copy Editor D.vid Hugh .. Art~=~~~ca~01l5 (313) 343-5590 Aa.y Andreou Mill.~ Staff Wnter 343-5595 MeLtrue Mahoney l.1ndsoy I Kachel, • (194()..1979) SblrIey McShan<, S!aff Wntet 343-5591 IulleTOO", Advertising Repre.enlahve Kathleen M Slev~E\o James M Sbckionl, Staff Wnter. 343-5592 Fran V.lndo =~=Mark Bamows The> L Walker, Phol0gt3pher Advert1Slng Represenlallve 'Grosse Pointe N~ws l'ubluh« Wft'i:,by Betty Brosse.u, Proofreader ORCULATION 343-5577 Mary Ellen V.nDuJen. TECHNICAL OPERATIONS Valerie ~~~~ DWle MorelL D'bonIh SlIv... Manager Advertis!J1g Represenla~ve C ..... Pointe F...... MI

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aD 0 & Q doesn't stand to gam or lose JUbt when we thought the bpeculatlOn on what the FIrst How low somethmg from ItS outcome, du,t from the Ndncy Kerrigan Lady will wear to the inaugur- care anymore? Axewe lured by Tonya Hardmg debade had al ball, who ....111be the next out-of-breath reporters cuttmg bettled, what would become the ',uper model of the year," can we go? mto our regularly scheduled OJ baga Ignited WIth the all every detail of the gestatIOn of programmmg? Axe we hooked Where were vou on the ",,,,hI channeb-partlClpatlOn In the MIchael Jackbon's chlld, of y of Tuesday, Feb 4? Were you L Lne tlreakmg news" mfamous "low-speed Bronco- Mad()nna'~pregnancy, bIrthing urgency, tnckmg us mto thmk- II pursUIt" And we watched, glued to your teleVISIOnset for SalT experience and PObtpregnancy mg we are the select recIpients three hours, watchmg the J either be<.ause we wdnted to hfe,t) Ie Here's my personal of hot mformatlOn? jrmy of npws reporters chit- know the outcollle, or becau~e faVOrite Madonna, the master chattmg the tIme away until Maybe m the begmrung we It wa~ so rldKulou" we thought of reInventmg the wheel, has all couldn't help but be faSCI- Shirley A. McShane the 0 J Simpson cIVlltnal ver- It had to be SOlllekInd of elabo tran,formed the natural dIct was announced? Or were nated by the case Some 2 1/2 rate hoax prow,s of breast feedmg her years later, It all JUbt seems long day I'm tIred AlII want to though they have started up you watchmg President Bill Whether we hkp It or not, the baby Into something cuttmg- hke a nasty Imgermg smus do IS curl up on the couch and the vehIcle We see a puff of Chnton's state of the umon OJ case ha" been rammed edgl' mfectIon blank out 10 front of the televl- exhaust coming from the tall o(lnrp~~? cno" But ne::l'rl) ['\ c:j tt"un 1,:, down our throat~ everv dav Anyone who has ever had b p ....,tJl.r y...... -::J Y'-L> Fun",::,., thL ....cJ.f Ao:. But. ,.ul U!h I dUllJUUg 1t:d.Ub W In preempted blnce More than two year~ of I'll bet more people tuned the chance to observe a tnal m gear and now easmg down one POint I thmk most of us, to watch the sp<.ond-blggest- the driveway We are now spec- every stInking detaIl of hlb life, knows It IS not hke the tense As I skipped from channel to what "hoeb he wore, whdt wa, through ObmOSlbor lack of trial of-the-century's verdict dramas you see on teleVISionor channel, I began to get angry ulatmg that 0 J Simpbon ISIn time, know more about TV rather than hear what their hiS vehicle and qUIte poSSibly m hl~ garbage can and bOforth the movies Repeat after me Reporters were btandmg by, ThiS latest cabe ha" reached ItS chdfdcterb, athleteb and mOVIe second-term president had to Bormg waIting for something to hap- on hiSway to the Santa Momca stdrb than we do about our own say courthouse We see a flashmg conclUSIOn,but I fear that It Yetthe medIUmofteleVlslOn pen, yet nothing wa~ and so we has paved the way down a dark frlendb dnd famIlies We revel Draw your own conclUSIOnsforce feeds us updates we get who chose to watch were held orange hght What? Folks, 0 J In the JUIcyhttle details of the on that has actIVated hiS right-turn and seedy road strmght to an court room sketch artIst ren- 10 abeyance Then, things open sewer already frothIng hV(>,of total strdngers We talk I chose to boycott teleVISIOndermgs of the proceedings, we reached overload on the SIgnal and qUIte poSSibly Will about celebrities as If they be turmng hIS vehIcle right" With all the garbage spewed for the evenmg Not because I get Court-TV reenactments absurd-O-meter A TV news from daytIme TV talk ~howb were a part of our CIrcle When make It a habit of sklppmg I'm now waltmg for the entire 2 hebcopter hovered over 0 J 's As soon d~ I saw thIS And It\ not just 0 J for they bleed, we put on a ban- "state of' speeches, although I 1/2 year saga to be turned mto estate and a reporter gave us "drama" unfoldmg on live tele- breakfast anymore Rather dage In sympathy When they procreate, we send them baby have made It a habit of avold- a documentary, sort of bke the the play-by-play VISIon,I fled from the room I than gIVeus In-depth mforma- mg dally coverage of 0 J gifts CIVIl War senes that ran for "It appears that two people, was haVIng a flashback It was tlOn about what's gOing on m Simpson 800 hours on PBS several one of them pOSSIbly 0 J June 1994 Our hves as we our own back yards as well as When they are no longer Does anyone whoIsn't direct. years ago. SImpson, are gettmg Into a knew them would never be the around the globe, more and With us, wdl we have lives of Iy mvolved In thiS case, who Back to Feb 4 I worked a vehicle OK Now It looks as same more of what TV offers us IS our own?

Grosse Pointe News February 13, 1997, Page 7A The Op-Ed Page. .Y-!f · _ Sweet mystery lots ofreasons to feel ",arm and some mnards and the unfortu They're Jason McKean, fuzzy about Grosse Pomte, nate soul ISnever seen agam In class of '95, son of Robert and of love such as any recogmzable form Chris McKean, and • Ladles who shop In fur FYI had to rub hIS eyes, "We can't see them over the Samantha Sommer, class of coats and tenms shoes blmk tWIce,and then go home hood," says Carl, "and when '97, daughter of Michael and • The polite booth atten- to get the binoculars What we're concentratmg on smooth- Margaret Sommer of the dants at our mumclpal parlung was that new spot of color on mg the Icewe can't be watchmg Woods lots out for people ., the eastern roofSIde of the • The httle Leonard Will eke memOrial Sounds hke a good hme to Sit post office In paVIlion m the Park's a spell and crack open that Scenery at back of Patterson Park? thermos of cocoa, I'd say Cavanagh's m the beanery You have to stand Just m the P S A barber shop rumor the Village has It that the secondhand Was It FYI's ImagmatlOn, or right place and look at a cer- • The pub. tam angle to see It, but there It Zambom hmls from the old Red wab there an unusual number hc herb gar- Wmgs Olvmpla StadIUm and of attractIve women around the IS, Just In time for Valentine's den at the harks bdck to the tImes of Coffee Grinder on Kercheval Day - what looks like an 8- or Academy, Gordie Howe and other week before last? Every 10 9-mch WIdered-enameled cast shaped like a Detroit hockey greats minute'! or so, another stun- Iron heart WItha CupId's arrow giant stamed glass wmdow mng blond, brunette or red- through It, screwed securely Not qUIte,accordmgto recre- • Sunnse out over the lake atIOn director Terry Solomon head walked by the front door onto the copper flashing of the • The smell of wood smoke - and the sllver-hlllred lawes roof about 12 feet up "We bought It along WIth the on winter evemngb and week- dIdn't look so bad, eIther The message? Bob & Leisa refrIgeratIOn eqUIpment from ends 1987. the New CIty Rmk m down- Of cours!' The Javatonum's • All the money you find town DetrOIt," she says on the floor below one of the Who created the substantial around the parkmg meters work of art or how It got up "Sometimes the Red Wmgs do Hill's many trendy hoorsalons, after a big thaw practice there - and the first where beautiful Pomte people there 15 a mystery, but the • Dogs who wear Jackets person who drove It on our Ice meet to stay that way whole production is obVIouslya when It'Smppy outSIde labor of love was the Woods' Ai Sabotka, The free samples at Robert, you're qUite a guy who does drive one at The Joe .. Wheatland Bread Co (espe- Bunny business CIally those great peanut but- North High's Our own Mark Barrows A Valentine ter cookiepieces) swears he saw thIS m the Park • The Iceshanty town out by double scoop last week, on Jefferson near to the Pointes Farms Pier Must be somethmg m the Barrington Speaking of love, we've got • Morns on Roller Blades water at North - two different "It was a cat dragging a rab- WIth Jogging strollers and cel- ewtors-m-chlef of the school bit along the ground that was lular phones paper, North Pomte, have been • All the paIrs of stone hons bIgger than the cat was," says .Here's to Valentine's Day from U-M accepted at the prestIgious Mark guarding people's front doors McdIll School of Journalism at No bIg surprise there That The Umverslty of MIchigan But when the relatIOnshIp to the pIece Everett catego- • Those gentlemen m little Northwestern Umverslty In offers these Valentme's Day mvolves two people of different rizes Beatles' love songs as Jeeps who brush the snow off close to Detroit, the cats are all ChIcago really tough facts and information for our f81ths, going In head-first may usually soft, slow,expressive of the SIdewalks readers to ponder be the better optIon "It's hard, strong feelings and smgle- • The used books for sale at Chocolate is a because people falI In love first, VOIced the mam library Valentine 'mood food' regardless off81th," says Susan Everett recommends several • Three dIfferent colors of King, former mlmster at V-M's love songs wntten by Paul sqUIrrels, for those who like GIVIngchocolate to a special GwldHouse McCartney "And I love her," "I vanety m everythmg mclud- person on Valentme's Day may Kmg says a lOVIngrelatIOn- Will," and "O'Darhng" for mg arboreal rodents be more than a fnendly ges- slup between two people of wf- Valentine's Day giVIng He also • February Ice sculptures on ture U-M hOUSing nutntlon ferent rebglous backgrounds IS says the 1977 reIssued album Village street corners SpeclallSt Paula Herzog says often problematic She "Love songs" IS a collection of • The heart-shaped guest chocolate contams a chemIcal expl81ns that "f81th, an essen. the Beatles' romantic melodies card punches left over from that stimulates serotm, a hor- tlal uncompromlseable part of from throughout their record- Wmdmlll Pomte's MemOrial mone that makes us feel mel- the couples'llfe, may create wf- mg career Park low ficultles for mter-falth rela- • A Christmas decoratIOn "It's a mood food," Herzog tIOnships Is the end of love season that extends all the says "Chocolate does make "It ISmuch harder to be m a way to the day before people feel more relaxed, and It relatIOnshIp WIthsomeone of a hiding in the rose? Valentme's Day can be part of a healthy diet" radIcally different rehglon Most people buy roses on She POints out that m additIOn because oftentimes support Valentme's Day Without reallz- Be nicer to comfort, chocolate proVIdes structures are lackmg," says mg that the flowers of romance energy Kmg "It can put Immense have a tie to Greek mythology to the icer Herzog says Its smell, tex- strams on the relatIOnshIp" SImply move the E ahead of Yep, that's a real Zamholll ture and flavor make chocolate Kmg adds that many couples she R, and you have Eros, the bemg used to keep the surface appealing and satlsfymg are able to combme each god of love at Patterson Park's ne", However, she says that some other's religion and honor all The rose remams somewhat Hutton Ice Rink smooth as candy bars are unhealthy hohdays and practIces "It of an obseSSIon for romantics a sheet of Ice, and the park's because the chocolate coating depends upon the intensity of - from Inspmng poetIC verse maintenance director, Carl to, as myth has It, casting a dIsguIses the sugar and fat belief In a faith," she says Penszynski, and hiS crew are base She also POints out that spell happy that the skaters love despite Its name, white choco- Beatles' love songs for DaVid MIchener, a~"lstant the results late IS not true chocolate curator of the U-M Botamcal Carl has Just one httle prob- because It mostly contams the Valentine Gardens, says one of the best lem, and that's the guys who sugar, cocoa butter, milk solld~ When choosmg songs for source~ on the hIStory of the zoom around nght In the path and vamlla your loved ones, Beatles'tunes rose IS"Pageant of the Rose," a of the massIve machine while As a Valentme's present, may steal your heart, says U-M book by Jean Gordon It'S out dOingIts Job expensIVebrands may do more School of MUSIC Professor "It's not usually the kids, than Impress the reCipIent Walter Everett Beatles' love In ancient times, Egypt either," "av'>Carl "Mo~tof the Less expensIve chocolate may songs, he says, have thelr own served as the world's rO'lesup- little ones "It on the SIdeline" contain wax, while cocoabutter chansma plier, shlppmg ro~s as far as out of reach while we're In the better brands ennch tex- "I thmk what makes theIr Rome Gordon POints out that groommg the Ice -- 11''l the love songs stand the test of no one knows what methods ture and flavor adults who fly out In front of time IS that they demonstrate the EgyptIans used to keep the me' a harmOniC tWIst," says blooms fresh durmg a voyage Interfaith relationships: Apparently the daredE'vlls Everett He CItesthe 1960s hit, that could take up to three aren't aware of the generally Is love enough? "Something," written by months In adverse weather accepted fact, obvlOu" to me When It comes to love, con- George Hamson That song Michener speculates that the thE'first time I 'law one, that It ventIOnalWIsdomsays that the changes keys and harmony to roses were grown In pots and Zambom IScapable of sucking heart falls first, then the head add 8 dIfferent tone and mood shipped mtact to Rome an unwary skater Into Its fear

." 1_.t.¥.j.,.-:.;.--!!#i!!."llSi"HS Hom I'on - Sagmow M! 41860, SEQUENCE ",. 1\17)79?09~4 ".I .. IROOI 968 ~~5<\ '0' 1517) 79] 24/1 emo~l dmq IOrrl~ CO""

• I .. OIIA L 0Pl'ICIr 916 ~obbnl '>",t.252 Grond ~tl1Yfi'n MI 049.17 16161 R468n6 100 161618416747 • • February 13, 1997 SA o InIon Grosse Pointe News r-,..-----O-j-ff-e-re-n-t -st-ro-k-e-s------, Valentine's Day - what is love? I have just returned from the West Coast IS not a judgment tall, just a fact The first By Victor Bloom, MD and secure ThiS mternahza- uncondltlOnal love such as con. where my tUning, for once, was spedacular ty,o Items on a blrthdav Wish hst often are SpeCial Writer tlOn of the "good mother' jugal love, which may last for a As I arrIved at our daughter's house to d membl.rshlp 1lI Ii health club or a top-of- On Valentme's Day y,e cele- becomes the core of the perSOll hfellme It IS the baSIS of com I begIn the baby W8Jtand watch, the expec the hne \eggH' fnllt automatIc jUicer A brate Love, but what IS Love? ahty and the re~erVOlr of mltment, responslblhty and : tant parents greeted me at the door, bUlt- frIend told me that her af'roblcs mstructor It IS one word, but It means so "baSICtrust," which I~ the pre- devotIOn, for havlllg the capac- cases In hand, her water haVIng broken 10 y,ouidn't punha<;e 'egelables or frUit from many different thlllgs 'I here IS requIsIte of a 10\ lng, car'ng, Ity to endure the pam and mInutes before my arrival To be brief, all the EIl"t, beldu<;e thev \\ ere neIther fresh mother lo,e, father love, God's senSItive and empathIC person struggle and complex problems I went beautlfullv and the V(lUn~couple ha,e nor orl!'1nlCdlh f.'TOy,nThl'> '>(lm!' ~Al '>tA.rt'> love fihal lovl' brothl'rlv loYl' WhAt mterfpTl'<;Wlth thl'> Idpal of "dult hfe It 1<;the ba"l<; fOT a healthy new baby boy, who IS thoroughl) her dd\ WIth a <;hotof wheat gras~, conSid- and "Love-Thy NeIghbor' IS exc( <;sof frustratIOn, trauma the sohd, endurmg marriages worshIpped by hIS parents and bIg sIster ered to bt, the ultimate complete protem There IS romantic love and pla- and negled A happy baby IS we admIre and respect_ tOniClove And we sav "I love smlimg and outgOlllg, an On the other hand, there are ThIS bemg my longest period of time m When one stops for a beverage It ISmost Ice-cream" (or choc~late or unhappy one IS largely fussy the "broken homes" of dIvorce Cahforma, I learned a few things about how often a Powerholl<;efruit drmk composed of musIc or tlavellng or galO but and whlllY or downcast and PsychIatriC experIence shows the Inhabitants bve theIr bes and how dif- a vanety of fresh IIIgredlents and guaran- what are we really talkmg Withdrawn The latter sItua- that patients WIth emotional ferent their routInes are from ours FIrst let teed to put Zip 1lI every step My daughter about when we use that word? tIOn IS the baSIS for later problems come from famlbes of me state that I have yet to find anyone who was once dsked t{)stop by a Tea Garden for The greetmg card store con depres~lon and low belf dIvorce Also, from dysfunc- doesn't love the San FranCISco area, myself a tomc, that she sald tasted hke somethmg tams hundreds of chOIces to e<;teem honal famlhes that stay mcluded However, certam adjustments from a farm, but was a necessity for c1eans- pick from to expreSb our ~entl- The well cared for baby Ibthe together Children are dam- must be made to accommodate the environ- llIg the liver after a rough mght (Don't tell ment~ to grandparents, prerequIsite for mature love aged by hVlllg WIth parents ment me they actualh consume alcohohc bever- nephews, meces, husbands, later on III hfe Mature love age~l) I also noticed a few potato chIps m wIves and, well, bweethearts llIcludes characterI~tlcs of See BLOOM, page llA ConsIder the fact that we have not had to grocery carts, confirmmg my SUspiCions The stores are full of red deal WIth the threat of earthquakes There that Cahformdns

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BLOOMFIELD CUSTOM KITCHENS, now In it's 4th decade, has the HESS HSE'led~ reputation of being one of the most prestigious and highly regarded n-'ARDO""'I\,,,,, 7')0 ml .$9.99 designers and bUilders of outstanding kitchens, baths and entertainment MERIDIAN centers In Michigan (H ....~rx)"\M ~)rm •• .... $8.99 PEDRONCELlI In additIon to our superior deSign staff, Withalmost 50 years of combined lj"f",r-..[)t i'JOml $9.99 experience, we have added another assocIate. GIL DAUPHINAIS, a top CHANDON ~l""\( m\llRii.tlRLT JOM $9.89 kitchentbath deSigner and expert In all types of remodeling. J LOHR "7 OAKS" ("fillr ....ll ~I\l\t( \() .... GIL, who, IS now serving our Grosse POintechents, was the owner of a , " $9.99 I LOHR "RIVERSTONE" successful remodeling company In the area for almost 40 years and has an lHA,"DO ...... '" extensive local client referral Itst OM\. • $9.99 GUENOC "estale" If you are thinking about a remodehng proJect,we offer it aU . from Idea (ABER'H~"'l\l(""O'" )}"~I •• $9.99 to move In. innOvative, attractive and functional deSigns, premium custom STONE LAKE II., fRlOT p ....rlT '\,lOR , \1 •• .. $9.99 cabinetry from (4) exclUSIve manufacturers, highest grade matenals and Whrlellsh $399 BUENA VISTA workmanship, competItive prrces, work done per schedule and completed on FillETS ".... LB. (H"~rx)'...,,,,'r )(] \1[. $8.99 time and a complete showroom 35 mrnutes away BORDEN $199 C, h I ....or 'O~ ...u $9.99 I "', 2% MILK GAL. aIdS $449 CITRA BORDEN FILLETS ...... "...... LB. ~",,\,((l\!q ) v $4.99 AVOID THE HIGH COST OF INFERrOR DESIGN AND CHEAP 29 BOGLE I tORANGE Salmon CONSTRUCTION .. call "THE PROFESSIONALS" for a no obllgatlon $1 $649 \1f101 JT W $7.99 aJUICE 1/2 Coli.. FillETS...... LB. ALBERICI consultatIOn' ""'.....( ~"! "'Il, $5.99 ~~~rI~E CHEESE~9~'60~ STL'FFED $189 KfNWOOD - HAAGEN-DAZS SOLE ;Oz .... "...... EACH " ...i....( t ~ 5.99 99 99 t;:..;1 ~~~.fSREAM S1 BAY SCALLOPS $3 LB. ~p $3~ BLGDMfIELD _ SHERBET 89( Le. CRAB CAKES..... lB.

@'J;ltlJlJ!AD MUEN~TER fGG SALADS2 99lb '~I\~r.CHEESE S189 B PANAMA BOUQUET $ FRfSH GRfEN Bl4N AlMONDINf S2 99lb L • Top GradE' (E'ntral 499 HAVARTI $299 n 18 .~~~ LA BATT'S BLUE CHEESE...... LB. ~ 24 Pack Cans GROSSE POINTE • (JIJ) J]I-7119 99 99 ~t~~~k $7 .DEP ~~~~ICAN..... ".SP9LB HIGHutil0 .DEP

".1-- ~-~ 'r ....I I {r ... I t ' .A o •Pr • • • Q February 13, 1997 Grosse Pointe News News 11A NOAA Weather Radio Awareness Week in Michigan ! The NatIOnal Weather concernIng ImmInent threats fies the locatIOn and type of distance from the tran.,mltter, beyond 40 11lIIcs Those hvmg tebted In the locatIOn where It! Servlce (NWS), In Michigan, IS to life and property A special emergency SAME IS the prl- local terrdln and the quahty In cities <,urrounded by large will be u<,t.'

1997 SILHOUETTE 3-DOOR Autotrans w/OD aircond antllockbrakes AMFM stereo 1997 CUTLASS cassette. foglamps 7 pass seating PW pwr locks & Auto w/OD air, ABS CD& cass fog lamps PW PL pwr Ilghtmgsystem w/multlfunctlonalarm alum wheels mirrors keyless entry 3100 V6 & much much more passenger seat storagedrawer,towingpackage engineoil Stk #172441 coolerand muchmore ~\-, f Stk #172395 ~

NEW '97 EIGHTY-EiGHT SE.DAN NEW '97 SUPREME CPE. NEW '97 AURORA ,11M FM stereo cassette w/pwr antenna 3800 VB, 16. aluminum wheels crUise control power Dual6-waypowerheatedseats w/powerlumbarsupport F & R carpeted mats, stainless exhaust system wmdows power locks tIlt, pulse wipers stereo AMFM stereo cassette/CD PW PL w/remoteentry Ale PW Pl crUise pulse wipers tilt str wheel 6- cassette and more Stk #172223 a,armw/pass key leathertrim 40 AuroraV8 tilt lIo8ypwr dnyer seat dual air bags and muchmore cruise pulsewIpersan.. T E:.t" D C :l. ~ 5 7 V8 leather glass running EXT l~R f' U SIERRA P/U 1995 8LAlER l S 2 door V6 PW PL lOilded only 4x4 5 7 V8 loaded only boards sharp and on sale 5 7 VBS,lve'adopackageloadedo~ly AirV6PSPBcas,ette cleanon) 4\4 4 door oaded IO~ 1'1 e' S?I"eno~ a' c", '" "'l C,1 L1 ,.~. i "1.4.Q95 • . GRATIOT ez>BILL LEE<&> .IIOOCSl1l11 'iOFJt~~RD. Oldsmobile. -AUII<-A I 791-3000 1-800-LEE-O_L__D__._S_ ...... ~~~:--X:~, ..... 12......

_... - -- ~ ( COlIN.Aft Offal. ,. ROod <:, Homillon "loqmow M 4860:1 1. 1~ll) 70/0014 SEQUENCE IAOO)96A 14'6 10' 1'1/) 7922471 ,.mo rlmql@Cfs,om .... OIlAL OHlClo 'lit. ~ohh n~ l\utte 2~" (~onc1 H(1vpn MI ...9417 161~1 A~6 A176 10' 1616 A476M7 February 13, 1997 12A News Grosse Pointe News Pointer- Park officials commend citizens for getting involved By JIm Stlckford nearby porch tody Secours for treatment and wab 15900 block of Mack Secor was From page 4A Staff Writer The bike was recovered, and Even though a search of the released two w<->ekslater not on hand Monday to receIVe AddItIonally, at CCS, In these cymcal times It Ib the suspect, who hdd btolen purse revealed the wallet was • Michael McIlroy for help hIs award Zimmer worked 8b an mtenm espeually Important to recog- several other bicycles, was mlbbmg, It was later discovered 109 to solve a theft The incident ended traglcal- Asblstant Dlrl'<:tor of nll.C the efforts made by people placed 10 the custody of Juve- near where the suspect wab On May 3, 1996, McIlroy, ly when the suspect pomted Ius Fundralsmg, overseemg corpo on behalf of their fellow man, mle authorltleb confronted by Wilson witnessed an adult take a weapon at police Careth said rate, foundatIOn and annual and that's Just what the Grosse Brian Brumme dnd The bUSpect had no preVIous package from the porch of a Secor supphed the only source gWJng campaIgns, marketmg Pomte Park City Council did Francine Wilson for helpmg to crlmmal hiStory, the pohce rec- Balfour home McIlroy called of InfOrmatlOn that alerted ami "pe<.lUl "v"uL" lillU die :'luHJd) lll",ht ""i'LIl el",ht <.ILI "vlve Ii pUI <>C "lIau.hmg ommended probatIOn requlrmg 9.1.1, giving police a debCrlp- police w the threat PObe<1 by departmental computerizatIOn zens where awarded depart. On Dec 29, 1996, Brumme the suspect to btay away from hon of the suspect and dlree the man with the gun In addItIOn to volunteer ment of pubhc safety commen and Wilson witnessed a man on the people who urged him to tlOn m which he was travehng Mayor Palmer Heenan saId work at MaIre, ZImmer also ddtlons for such actIOns a bike steal a purse from a 74- comImt the theft Police were able to located every person who received an volunteers for the American The commendations were year-old woman In the area of • Mrs Sharon Keelan for her the suspect The package the award deserved the applause AsSOCIation of Umverslty presented to the follOWing peo the 15500 block of Mack efforts to save a man suffering suspect had In hiS possessIOn and gratitude of the council Women, and the Marine CIty pIe by Park director of public Brumme used hiS cellular tele- from a heart attack was a valuable sliver "ervmg Hlstonc District Restoration safety Richard Carettl phone to call police On Oct 28, 1996, she Wlt- piece scheduled for dehvery to ''We often quebtIon the moral CommIttee • <;tudents Katie Abel and Wilson followed the suspect nessed a man collapse Keelan, the Balfour home from a local fiber of thIS country,» said 1b Jom the efforts to credte a AliCIa CecchinI for helpmg to m her car, "admomshmg" him, along WIth the WIfe of the col. department store The suspect, Heenan "I think thIS shows "world-class, hands-on, mter- catch a bike thIef and cuttmg him off With her lapsed man, Initiated CPR who had an extensIve crlmmal tbat there are people out there actIVe Children's museum," Abel and CecChIni, while car She told the suspect, a 25- Dr KeVin Embach, on staff hiStory of commlttmg sImIlar who want to get Involved. It's call the MCM office at (313) riding theIr bIkes Sept 9, 1996, year-old man With dIsabilities, at Bon Secours, was driVing by, crimes, was charged With lar. IIlce of you people who have 885-3131 followed a person suspected of to return the purse, which he and stopped to help ceny turned up at tOlllght's meetmg The Grosse POinte News stealing a bike dId Later, Park emergency med- • MIlton Secor who reported to honor these fine cItIzens 1 encourages you to follow Its They contacted a Park pub. By the tIme the suspect Ical techmclans arnved at the a man Wleldmg a shotgun thmk It would be terrible if no future coverage of Zimmer and hc safety officer and POlllted returned to the scene of the scene and were able to reVlve On Aug 14, 1996, Secor one showed up to recognize the bUilding of the out the suspect, who by then Crime, pohce called by the man uSing an automatIc called pohce, reportmg a man what they dId to help theIr fel. Metropolltan ChIldren's had abandoned the bIke and Brumme, were on the scene external defibrillator The covered 111 blood carrying a low cltllens They all deserve Museum of Detroit was attemptlllg to lude on a and took the suspect lllto cus- patIent was taken to Bon shotgun around a home In the our gratItude"

....~ ".£ ....~

..Bi,'ds of (l }leat/)el~ @ THE GROSs[ POIHn I«'Ws -.....-----"""'F~'-'------96 KlRCHEV"L "VENUE ANTIQUES & MORE GROSSE POINTE FARMS, MI 48236

~' Advertising a business? "Buy American!" Cr~ating a corporate logo? Designing a newsletter? Areas largest outlet for Weare Americana and folk art. I ,~II.. ;t)PUBLISHING IN A 15227 Kercheval • Grosse Pointe Park BIGWaY (313) 331-1666 For more Information, call us anytime, BUSiness Hours Design & Production 4» The Grosse Pointe Hew> Wed Sat 11 am 5 p m Phone: (313) 343-5570 • Fax: (313) 343-5571

""/ hoUJ to SOt; :'Ti OIno" for - (iounnd ~ \ (llerltIIl.e'S (1<.1\ t$>~f, CfOp.k 21300 HARPER AVE ~eliciau. (lift. for ~ ST CLAIR SHORES, MI 48080 ~"".Um.~ (NDrth Of 8 Mile Roadl ot capelli spo ~ II...... "...... ,...... 810/445-7740 Ample free Parkrng ThIS \ a"nI''''' s Da, gll' IoU' SUf"""al'l ,'g,f/,hal "111,,,,/ rr 0,f"rgullf • Fine Collecllbles & Glassware 10 greal hair d~ fahulous dulse Strub or an flair"" h()d~ po!l{b )OUcan cuslonlt:ea Free dch\cry the Grosse Pomte area layaway!. Allo .....NJ • HOT' 300 All New SWim SUits ""II ,I apt'l'la"1 'WI I "/rltrll )I;""/al "'hmg ~'fl' • New Consignees Welcome The Gounnet Gift Shoppe IS under ("fl I rr/lfrcal(' mal'" UJrdfr, /'" moO) Ii'" Pa,lta~., I apdll olfm ou, "A FABULOUS CoNSIGNMENT SHOPPE & MORE" t>"lIml pm"",,1 ,a" p",durI, 'mrr,"",,,h,, fnm, III< ( apd/r &,ul""" renovation but open for phone orders 15029 East Jefferson' Grosse Pointe Park gift CenlfiCJlel from $I~ Jnd up ~ AFABULOUS-FOX COUPON OFFER Capelh CJr and hmOUllnl 'film ~(/ ~ • --- Mi-lf 810 m '~1~ (~ tett~ 50% OFF Any Item Kf d 1939 ~ Teltj~raph Rd Bloomfltld I!JIII SPA With A RJ-ldDot (1) (Hundreds ot KED DOT Itf'm, ,Iorf'wldrl : ldJlJstment"" marie al regl 1 . ~S95 $8 60 Piece Party Tray ~, ~ STEAK SANDWICH SHRIMP DINNER 20% OFF EACH DOX Iwoloufl Mer SiJ!P roo sI'ee~ !Iov' WQ1e; r (1<" \Icy ' '€a 01 orxJ so" I 95 95 BEER. II I"'E • POP ~ $4 $6 I :LLU DOli"H • S. R'" (HEtSt ' En -\ CHEESE' 8dL~ 0, 1\ ES Choose From A Large Variety • OPEN 7 DAYS. Of Color~ & Sizes. ~yIO(~.m q')Jpn T"'rll,Sa",r:av~JO.m 91'()pm "-"d" II Cllhm H~pm 22205 MACK (between 8 (;. 9 Mile Roads) 72 KERCrlEVALON-THE HILL t:- St Claw Stton:s GP-OSSEPOINTEFArwS (313) 882.6880 ~~~- (rilrkln~ IT1 R('.u u<;.(' lront C'ntr" "-=" ~ ~ - •• )l ~ •••,, ...... ~" ,

, "r I I A Ie D Pres (10. Q February 13, 1997 •• Grosse Pointe News I 13A


r< I 'lr~1 I 1 ' ~)ri: ; J U~SP WAJ"EilBfDS ~ I ( \ .@J\...,\- \, - . ( ~i ',~ , ' ",4: i \ J ALL JEWELRY IN STOCK•. WATERBEDS STARTING FROM I l WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION 50% Ift{'dll ~ of t COMMUNION DRESSES EASTER DRESSES • Furniture l Veils • Slips • Gloves and Accessories I • Bunk Beds : BOYS COMMUNION & EASTER SUITS • Mattresses , Huskies • Slims • Regular • Box Springs • Futons I · Largest Independent children's store In the area • AcceSSOries J • School Uniform speCialists • GirlS 'nfanl . Size 16 COINS. ESTATES • Softslde i•Stride Rile Shoes • Boys Infant. 20, Huskies & Slrms Waterbeds • Free Alterations on Boy's Pants WANTEDTOBur • Sheets 771-0440 Com Collcetlons & Comfortors (STMC) & Estates I 771-8416 We pay excellent '- .trld. rite pnces! ~ 23200 Greater Mack • St. Clair Shores ) ,$. • r') 810777.8020 -- -- - ~~ HE-kq 88 Kercheval Ave. 1J ' Grosse Pointe Farms c..,~

W IIIsurpnse your daughter or son, Ienttne with a co pllmentary gift I Anyone you'd like 49~?cOUPlr to remember on February 14th, rvations Earlyl Valentine's Do Special fr::::~::::~... _.::::::::: 'il ~uvetS~ G • r II ~ ii H H H ~, ;: 'I'III~ I:I~.L\I.~_rIJI~r!.~ H 1''n4 ~ .. 1qq7 CHRY~.tTf; UPf'IIS • ( ,f' ~; There are severaJ man-made gems that try to Imitate ! (-.Ie ~t4"""-) P " Leatfter 'aCed seats rr fOllI1nllbench WllldrlSh 4-speec! automatic 2 S '-lI7~ :: diamond's brillIant beauty You might fool others ~, ~:;"~~H~::rV:nll~'l't~e:olrl~~f:~ntrMIF~cm:s=~ controls, & spiers ~= 100 wan amp a In b locatlOns, drIver s.lIe a-way power :: but you can't fool yourself :: 15" dIfOmed a Iwnlnum WIIMIS vehIcle tfteft alarm Pasta • Subs • Desserts Y H I ~ :: Wouldn't you really rather have a dlamondl :. PLUS MUCH MOREl , MSRP $21,600 Beer • Wine • Cocktails S H , .. Just Arrived - New Shipment of , ~!l',* .. , 51 ~ ,...,~ .. beautiful diamond engagement rmgs and sets /6 AI THISPRlgl ~__ > 1 1I .It C"-- ) CJU~:ttPIl6 " --Corry Out Avollable- ",. H OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK. 11 00 a m " ..,.~ :; ~s HO':" IIU: l'If:!:;.f'f.51~1.__ 15016 Mack • GroS$! Pointe Park ~., APPRAIS...US 63 Kercheval on-the-Hill 25800 GRATIOT ROSEVILLE . Plu, In lIse l 0..1. Doc F.. 'ncl,,,,, "bolt 1/2 ~.~,:S OF I 696 BfT 1(J ,..~I & I 696 Mp1'wWw.tivt~'~~~up"'rsror~scom (313) 822.1141 " (313) 885-5755 ...... Jo..... • ...... ~:IE~:_~~~S'AMrom, (8101772.0800 -}$ ...~...... ----,,-,..-.-, --, , -, '1"'" WHENlrSAUTORELATEO I'~f~i2i~''''''''''- ~ 't.. 'Ol 'f • --"~Cl _ ;v-_ .'.. ';I• c1i ;. 1\ !.- WEoorAW o~ ...... * I : ~ i ' GRO<;Sf POf>,'TES aNI Y ~ .. i S FlTl I ~f RVCF GARAGE .. .. b ~ ~ r £ r j i 151031ercheval • IN THE PARK ~~, ,.'. 'I ~ ... " PI( k ( P & [R/l f'''' I "'In 1(", 1Iarl(lb/~ TO TOP , ~ ~ 822-3003 .:IE ' / ) \ ~ ' a ',,- OPEN: IIIIon•• Fn. 7:30 • 6:30 r ..... I L I 0 \ (I l ... , • .' / , , ,~ L : OP£N EVER' SATURDAV 8 A.M, • 3 P.M. ~ IT OF~ THE ~ Something Special .\pecZI1!tZl1l/7 111 FOURTH Fznc Uscd Fm mturt', A1JtZqUCf, ;;- I -r:------, I ,V OIL, LU E & FILTER ' , SIDE'S FREE. Potta,v, J)ml1llf Room .\cts, J I MORE TMAN JUST N OIL CHANGE COMPlETE II , I ~ II SEIM & INSPeCTION I Bedroom .\ctf f¥l .." 95 ~j Frec Local Ddll't1'l' _IU "O":I'WIorlI:_ .~FIIiIr ~I • ...... -.. •lilt to • $18CAD 1M.~~ 1,I1Wl11'l1l'f From February 3rd through March 1st, when you buy LwIooupon :.... EIlD. 3111/11 • ~ three SIdes of a frame, we'll give you the fourth SIde free MIJIldav, WCdllc5dll\ -\Iltlodln I J 00 (J 00 ----~.~ ~ ,~,--.._ That's nght And the SIde that's free IS always the longer \0. ~ .. , !I>~ .,...~ <-~ 1:',. one WhIch makes your bottom hne a smaller one ( II/red iI/frdal C \/tIZdlllf ;~ " ~('(' ~ 15302 KERCHEVAL. GROll'll' POI:-.lTt PARK dONE STOP VEHICLE SERVICE SHOP CARS. VANS, TRUCK I ,\ :, Irt J I '; i FORE KiN & DOMESTIC YOUTParlna III Framlllg' ,~ CAR SPECIALISTS • VOLVO' fONDA' TOVOTA' NISSAN ~1 20655 Mack A.. • Gross. Po,n,. Woods MI48236 • (313) M4 0'40 .MERCEDtS' RWW. VW.JAGUAR ~ ~I -JJ ,,,,. \;' ". • ',' ~. ~ po .' , "JIi

, ... --- ...... , ....__ ""'==="""i.,.,..,-=-= ------\ j C"I'OlIAft OI9lClIt ,. 804 <;. H(]ml~ton el <;'og'r"low M ..860? ,.. [III) 1970914 SEQUENCE 180019681416 1o, 1117179~ ~4n :onIlOelNlON pmcul dmq IOcns com oden. • MfOtlAL OffICII 9]6 ~ohh,", Su,'. 252 Grona Hoven MI.49.417 1/11>1 841> ~n6 '0'16'6184/1>747 I' I 14A February 13, 1997 I Grosse Pointe News


Of , -. -- .. I I ,"' t. .A IC D fl,f's • • & Q February 13, 1997 Grosse Pointe News Obituaries 15A TemrowskI Sons Funeral & her frIend Ann HarrIes Home In Warren for former DetrOit and graduated from Mr Pischea, 84, wab born In Interment IS at Mount City of Grosse POinte reSIdent Brown UmvelOlty In 1953 He Grosse POInte and retlred from MOrIah Cemetery In Kansas Evelyn T, Voorwerk, who dIed served In the U S Army and the R P Scherer Co In Detroit CIty Funeral arrangements m her daughter's home m was a stockbroker at First of In 1971 He was a member of were handled by the Chas Warren on Thursday, Feb 6, MlChIgan m Grosse POinte the Semor Men's Club. Verheyden Funeral Home m 1997 An aVId boater, Mr Fordon Mr Plschea IS ,>urvlved by Grosse Po1Ote Park was a former member of the Mrs Voorwerk, 87, 18 sur- hIS WIfe, Marlon, two ,>ons, VIVed by her daughters, Sharon DetrOIt Boat Club and the Charles and Gregory, two blS. Long and FranCIne Stevens, Violante E. Wollesen Grosse POinte CJub He also ters, Ehzabeth Ash and SIbter five grandchildren, and one A funeral service was held In enjoyed IlIbtory and gardemng M OctaVia Plsthea, five grand great-grandchIld dL" Kl1ul Fun~rlll l10me m ~: .. rUJJuu i::t::,W VIVt:O by ru::, 1I1110ren, and b!X gredt-grand. Interment wIll be at WhIte Clmton TownshIp on Thesday, Wife, Kathryn Gould Fordon, ehJldren Chapel Cemetery Memorial Feb ll, for former Cottage three daughters, Susan Interment IS at Forest Lawn contrIbutIons may be made to Hospital registered nurse McGreevy, Sally Honor and Cemetery Funeral arrange- the Hospice of Southeast VIOlante E Wollesen, who died Nancy Shells, a step-son, ments were handled by the MichIgan on Sunday, Feb 9, 1997, In St DaVid J Connolly, a brother, A H Peters Funeral Home In John Hospital In DetrOIt FrederIck Fordon, and SIX Grosse POInte Woods Charles]. Goering Mrs Wollesen, 8-2. was born grandchildren MemorIal contributIOns may In UtIca, NY, and worked at Interment IS at Forest Lawn A funeral sel"Vlce was held on be made to Mother House ChristiDa Amenda Cottage Hospital for 19 years Cemetery Saturday, Feb 8, In the Chas Eater Porter I H M , 610 West Elm Street, before retIrIng to Grand Monroe, Mlch , 48162 Verheyden Funeral Home m Christina Amenda receIved her master's degree In Haven Charles B. Pischea Grosse Pomte Park for former A memonal sel"Vlce wlil be French from the UniversIty of Mrs Wollesen IS sUl"Vlved by Grosse POInte Farms reSident A memorIal Mass WIll be cel- Arthur C. Walker held on Saturday, Feb 15, In MIchIgan two daughters, DIane Wollesen Charles J Goenng, who dIed of ebrated In Our Lady Queen of A memorIal service WIll be Chnst Church Grosse Pomte Before teachmg m the and Suzanne KIester, a son, Peace Cathohc Church m a heart attaek 10 hIS home m held at a later date for former at 1 p m for Grosse POInte Grosse POInte school system Ted, SIX grandchildren, and RIchmond, Va, on Monday, Harper Woods on Monday, CIty of Grosse Pomte reSident Farms resIdent ChrIstma for 33 years, MISS Porter two great-grandchIldren She Feb 3, 1997 March 3, for former Grosse Arthur C Walker, who died In Amenda, who dIed In Bon taught French and German for was predeceased by her hus- Mr GoerIng, 61, was known POinte Woods reSIdent Charles hIS home III Dearborn on Secours HOSpItal In the CIty of two years In Dearborn, and for band. Theodore B Plschea. who dIed on as Bnck and was born In Tuesday, Feb 4, 1997 Grosse POinte on Sunday, Feb five years she was a Cl'ltIc MemOrIal contrIbutions may DetroIt He graduated from the Monday, Feb 3, 1997 In the Mr Walker, 84, \\a~ born In 9,1997. teacher In French at the be made to the Hospice of UnIVerSIty of MIchigan In Bortz Nursmg Home III Born In a German Vlllage Uruverslty High School m Ann Southeastern MichIgan Warren See OBITUARIES, page 18A 1957, and worked for General near Dusseldorf, Mrs Amenda, Arbor Motors In market research In 75, came to the Umted States MISS Porter taught French, the GM Tech Center umtl hIS In 1952, and settled in Detroit German and Sparush m Grosse retIrement. He eruoyed garden- where she worked for Shell Oil. Pomte for a whIle, but then ing In 1953, she mamed BIll SWItched to teachmg French Mr. Goering SUl'VIved by Amenda, an illustrator for The is only She studIed In France and his WIfe, Suzanne Picard DetrOIt News headed the lugh school foreIgn Goenng; and a brothel', Dr J An actIve member of the language department for five Wilham Goenng communIty, Mrs Amenda was years before returnIng to Interment is at Holy known for her knowledge of teaclung Sepulchre Cemetery Memonal antique furniture and sliver, An actIve member of the contnbutIons may be made to and she worked for several commumty. MISS Porter the CapuchIn Soup KItchen, or auction gallerIes around enjoyed travelmg across the Amencan Heart Detroit. She also belonged to Canada, the Umted States and Association several art and culture clubs, MeXICO, as well as takmg pIC- includIng the Qwdlers travel tures She was one of the club Her travel stones regu- Ester E. Porter founders of the Grosse Pomte larly appeared In German A memonal sel"Vlce will be CInema League m 1955 newspapers held on Saturday, March I, at 2 MISS Porter belonged to Mrs Amenda IS survIved by p m In Grosse Pointe Grosse POInte Memonal her daughter, HeidI Marshall, Memonal Church 1n Grosse Church, where she worked as a and a grandson, She was pre- POInte Farms for former volunteer receptlOlllst for the deceased by her husband, Grosse Pointe publIc school past 15 years She also was Wllham. teacher Estel' E Porter, who involved in the Ecumemcal Memonal contnbutlOns may died In the Bon Secours MInister Program, and was a Post Fordon be made to the AmerIcan NurSIng Care Center m St member of the Alhance A funeral sel"Vlce was held Cancel' SOCIety, 1205 East Clwr Shores on Monday, Feb FrancaIse, as well as a sponsor In the A H Peters Funeral Saginaw, LanSIng, MICh, 3, 1997 of Friends of Music at Grosse Home m Grosse POInte Woods 48906. MISS Porter, 87, was born ill Pomte Memonal Church She on Monday, Feb 10, for Grosse Evelyn T. Voorwerk Kansas CIty, Mo , and received was also a member of PhI Beta Pomte Woods reSident Post 19344 Kelly Rd. • Harper Woods her BA from the UnIVersIty of KIlppa Fordon, who died 10 hiS home A funeral sel"Vlce was held on Kansas, where she majored in Miss Porter IS surVIVed by on friday, Feb 7, 1997 Saturday, Feb 8, m the D S foreign languages She her cousin, Ann Ogden, and Mr Fordon, 65, was born In (313) 839-7336 ...~ ~j SUMMARY OF THE MINUTES

c,lyorQg;rllSSeJninte Jlfarms JIIlchlgan FEBRUARY 3,1997 The Meeting was called to order at 7 30 p m Presenl on Roll Call Mayor Danaher. Councllmembers WaldmClf, Wllberdmg II. Kae" Gandelol Knel~er and Gaffney Those Ab'iCni Were None Also Presenl Messr~ Burgess. CIty Auorney, Solak. Cay Thr~eways of Manager Recslde, CIty CJerk, Nash, Cay COnlroller DeFoe, D,rcctor of Pubhc Sen Ice Ferber, Director of Publrc Safety, MackenZIe, MUniCipal Court Administrator Mayor Danaher pre~lded al Ihe Meetmg The Mmutes of the Regular Meetmg held on January 13, J997. were approved a~ submmed proving we try The Mmules of the Closed Ses"on held on January J3, 1997. were approved as mbmlUed The Councd, actmg a, a ZOning Board of Appeal" approved the Mmute~ of the Publrc Heanng held on January 13. 1997. as submitted. granted the appeal of Kurt Clcsz"ow~kl, III Cloverly. to pro\ Ide complete 11\Ing quarter~ on the ~econd noor over an exmmg Carnage Hou~e al the rear of hiS property. subJecl to a little harde~ speCIfIC cond,tiO", granted the appeal of 11m Pendohno, 264 Slephen., to cnlarge hll auached garage on the Side of hiS eXlslIng T H E d",elllng, granled the appeal of Clune Walsh, 165 Hillcrest, to ~ 4.tne!"ICd • construci an addition to the rear of hIS eXlstmg dwellrng - -ect-----_rI?_Uii~ The CounCIl approved the purchase of a new computer system to Savi~ Flrsf~ate be In conjunction With the four courts of Grosse Pomte Park. CIty NlANAGEMFNr and Shores who would share the networked system, dellgned by If you thought all banks were fI I~ F the State of M1Chtgan\ Office of Systems Managemem the same, we've got the people and CHECKING N D The Council approved the proposed proJect~ for Ihe Communily the products that will help you We re also trYing harder Why would you settle for sec- Development Block Grant Program for Fl~cal Year 1997-1998 as change your mind by offering accounts like Cash ond best when you can have the follows First of America Connections Management Checking F,rstRate FundI Streellcape Imprm ement . Mack Avenue $77 500 Savings gives you high rate savings You'll get higher rnterest on It has high rates tied to the Sen Icel for Older Cltlzem $10500 when you have at least one other 91-Day Treasury Bill It s also fully Administration $9,000 higher balances As well as unlimit- account With us ed check writing liqUid WhICh gives you easy access Tot,ll $97,000 to your money when you need rt If you currently have a If you currently have a Cash The Council appointed Richard G Solak, Clly Manager as If you currently have a Connections Savings account we'll Management Checking account, altemale rcpresentatlve 10 the Gro~~e Pomtes/Chnton Refuse F,rstRate Fund account we II give Dllpolal AUlhonly give you thiS bonus rale when we II give you a bonus rate" on the you thiS bonus rate when you make you make an additional depoSll portion of your balance over The Council approved the low hid of Troelsen Exca\atmg to an additional depoSIt of $5 000 and of $1,000 and bring In a copy of $5 000 when you make an add,- perform waler malO ImprO\ement' on Moross Road In the amount bnng In a copy of thiS ad of 520 6~0 and on Manor Road In the amount of SI64 050 this ad tronal deposrt of $S 000 and bring If your new balance IS $10 000 In a copy of thiS ad Thc CounCil adopted a re~oluHon appro\lng the 3'k ooal "'elt rates or more we II give you thiS speCial mcrea'iC for the 1998 ooat wcll ~ealon a~ recommended by Ihe Parkl & Harbor Committee rate on your entire balance A relolutlOn "'a, adopted that Immedlalely follOWIng lemporary adjournment of Ihe Regular Meeting a Cloled C;e~~lonIhall be held for Ihc purpose of dl~CU~~mgthe sale or purchase of real property A re~olutlOn wa~ adopted thatlhc Regular Meeting be reconvened The CounCil appro,ed the purchasc of the property locatcd 439 Moro~~ Road m an amount nol to e,ceed S17~ 000 and further, appro\cd the purchalc of Ihc property located at 44~ Moros~ Road 4.00~ SI,OOO Minimum 4.50~ 8a1ann" of $25,000 ....-mon, 5.00~ In an amount nol to excced "134 000 $10,000 Minimum Upon proper motion made lupported and earned, the Meelmg adjourned at 9 00 P m At First of AmerICa Bank we're trYing harder to make banking easier for you So THF NFXT RFGUI AR \11 FTING OF THF CITY COUNCIL to open an account by mall call 1 BOO 222-4FOA Or VISit our rlearest offICe today Will BI- IfH D 1"Ii (Ol NCII CH>\MBI-RC; 90 KI:RBY ROAD, ON 'vlONDAY, MAR( II 10 1997 AT 710 PM

John E Danaher, Shane L Reeslde, Mayor C1cr" I '"

. . • II!! •• 1!11 .... :r:!"::'" .... + .. ~ ....:.w" ~"'~N. • -.;...w ...... r----"i-' ---....- C_POIIAn 0fftCU. ,. e, A04 tj Hom lIon 'og now MI 4B~0? (~17) 19) 0914 SEQUENCE .... 1~()()196B 14~6 1m (\17) In 7A?1 pmol~ dmq I ftrr,~ .om ... IOfUL OI'.ICI> 9ft> Rohh ns c,. _Ie2S1 (,ronn HClYPr1 M 49417 I~I~I BA~ Rn~ 10' (616) RA16747

i"mt1IIriM,..,?~ IVr. I I February 13, 1997 I 16A Schools Grosse Pointe News ~Fieldof dreams' pitched for Defer grounds

By Shirley A. McShane water, which makes It hard to $50,000 toward the proJect, at Defer, Trombly and those Staff Writer play after a storm" DmdofTertold the board Maire students who hve In the A worn, trusty old baseball Park glove may be a good thmg, but The overall plan calls for Most of the Park's LIttle Dmdoffer said the plan has the same doesn't hold true for a installatIOn of dugouts for each League games are played at received strong commumty ball field of the ball dlamonds, Improve. Defer More than 330 boys and support Decldmg that Defer ments to the field Itself and the glrls partiCipate In the pro- Elementary School's field of """"======"'" It has been reviewed by the m\lflov rllt" nE'M" to bE' l1efpr flomml"trfltlOn IInd con- changed mto a field of dreanIs, tinues to be reVIewedand dIs- the Grosse Pomte Park LIttle 'The lack of dugouts exposes players and cussed by the Grosse Pomte League has drawn plans call- Park city adminIstratIOn mg for an eshmated $125,000 coaches to rain . . . the hot sun . . . and . m Improvements to the The "Field of Dreams" com- grounds at Nottmgham and .. to foul balls.' mIttee made no request to the Vernor Frederick J. Dindoffer board on Feb. 3 president, Grosse Pointe Park Little League The proposed Improvement The field belund Defer school plan could be brought to the IS home each sprIng and sum. board at a later date once the mer to the Grosse Pomte Park schoolsystem has a clearer pIC- LIttle League It has four ball constructlon of a storage/rest gram each year, representmg a ture of Its budget for the next dIamonds whIch, after decades room/concessIOnfaclhty Sizable percentage of students fiscal year of use by the league, are out- dated, shabby and worn, s81d ''The Little League would FrederIck J DmdofTer, Park Ilke to donate dugouts to the ,Musical guests Little League preSident ball dlamonds for the sprmg," Gros&e Pointe South High School senior David Dmdoffer told the board at Its University Liggett School Grant, top left. and University of Michigan senior "The lack of dugouts exposes Feb 3 meeting On behalf of Amy Anderson, right. who is majoring In music edu- players and coaches to ram the LIttle League, he present- caUon, visited the fourth. and fifth-grade choir stu- durmg delays as they W81tout ed a gIft. of $32,000 to the dents at Kerby Elementary School last week to talk storms, to the hot sun on days board to pay for the dugouts A Middle School about their music education experiences. Anderson when heat IS oppressIve and to fa a Grouc Pointe schools alumna (her father ill foul balls," DindofTer saId The rest of the plan was pre- school board vice president Carl Anderson). Grant "ChIldren chmb the fences sented to the board, With cost lrQll VISITORS' DAY attended Kerby, is a member of the choir at South instead of usmg the entrances, breakdowns and a request for and plans to pursue a career in opera. Both visitOR the deterIOrated plaYIng fields the schooldlstrlct, If It has the were treated to a pizza and pop party, performed make play dlfficult and the money budgeted, to contnbute Friday, February 21, 1997 classical pieces or mu.ic and then listened to the Improper slope of the fields $20,000 The Grosse Pomte Kerby Choir sing "Dona Nobis Pacem." contnbutes to the puddlmg of Park Foundahon has pledged 8:15 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. For students currentljl in grades 5or 6. tea on Wednesday, March 19, Accolades from 9 to 11 30 a m at the The ULSmiddle school IS natlonally-recogruzed for its Grosse Pointe South High 'I. Grosse Pointe Woods mnovatlve programs and canng approach to educaung School art students captured " SCHOOL NEWS PresbyterIan Church, 19950 98 awards, more than any Mack at Torrey In Grosse the whole child. Challengmg acadelTIlcs, outdoor other school m Wayne and PomteWoods Oakland countles, at the 70th ProfesSIOnal artiStS and unl' DeVIneat (313) 886-3400. educatIOn expenences, the arts, mterscholastic annual Southeastern MIclugan verslty-Ievel art professors made up the panel ofJUrists Sunny Days IS an inter- athleucs, small classes. talented faculty, archaeologtcal RegIOnalScholastICArt Awards Events denommatlOnal Chnstlan pro- compehtlOn South students The Kerby Elementary gram that meets from 9 to dig, class outings and more' Meghan Bershback and Sarah Reunions School PTO WIllhold a Kerby 11 30 a m on Monday, Dykstra were among five recIp- The Western High School- KaleIdoscope (open house) Wednesday and Friday Call Call the ULSadmissions office at Ients of "Best of Show" honors. Detroit 55th class reumon IS and dedicatIOn of the Nancy S (313) 886.4301 for more mfor- (313) 884-4444 to make a reservation A show of the students' work scheduled for Sunday, Oct 19 Salam as Memonal LIbrary on matlon. opens Sunday, Feb 9, and runs For detaJls, call Simon 'fuesday, Feb. 18, at 6.30 p.m. or to get more infonnation. through Sunday, Feb 23, at Haclugian at (313) 565-4997 in the school on 285 Kerby in The Regina High School the SummIt Place Mall m Grosse Pomte Farms Mothers GuJld is seeklng I nl/ ,rs/li lllili'l/ School adm.'s sll/denls" llhout regard to race (.olor se\ rehgwrr ethmc Of natIOnal ongm Waterford TownshIp More Refreshments will be served artISts to dIsplay Items at the than 1,000 pIeceSof artwork - The Austin Catholic 21st annual art fair on everythmg from OIl paintings Preparatory School class of The Sunny Days Christian Saturday, Oct 25 For more UNIVERSI1Y LIGGETI SCHOOL to Jewelry - WJ1lbe dIsplayed 1977 reumon IS scheduled for Co-Op for 3. and 4-year-olds mformation, call (B10) 778- 1045 COOK ROAD • GROSSE POI'1'E WOODS, MI 48236 In the exlublt of 4,500 Items Saturday, May 3 Call AI hosts an open house and spnng 4318 or (810) 776-9652

EVERYTHING IS ON SALE! Save up to 70% Off Retail Prices! ~~ Enter to Win FREE SKIING at Sugar Loaf Resort! .- Schummer's Ski Shop 20778 Mack Avenue Store Hours . LJrosse POInte Woods Weekdays 10-9 Downhill, Cross-Country and Ca1l313/881-4363 Sat. 10-6 • Sun. 12-5 Snowboard Headquarters

"d- ( .---~"",_::!------_...... , I l ' A February 13, 1997 Grosse Pointe News Schools 17A - The Grosse POinte New8 recel/)ed a number of letters from Pan:elllJ Middle School students, 1W doubt as part of a class assLgTIment. Here IS a sample School board OKs Schoolvearround? teachers' 4-year contract To the Ed1tor: to Are American k.uiB spending enough time In school? In the final step seal the EducatIOn AsSOCIatIOn,and the Lawmakers m Lansmg don't thInk 80 They exanuned test agreement between the Grosse Gro%e Pomte school board scores from students mother countnes and discovered that Pomte school board and the reached tentative agreement students m the Uruted States have lower test scores. Grosse Pomte teachers' umon, on Jan 10 - more than four Leg1slators are proposmg that students spend more time m the board voted on Feb 10 to months after the teachers' con- sclJool wlli liCe coll3ldenng sendIng cJuldren to school year- rl-1tlf) th", fvw )t.~.u ....uUtfti-..t ti "C~ "xplreU round. The SIXboard members pre- The membershIp of the I agree With year-round school, students will attend class- sent voted unammously to GPEA then ratified the con. es dunng the summer but will get frequent breaks that will approve the agreement, which tract on Jan 27 The contract last longer. I prefer tlus because people would be able to vaca- features an almost two percent expires on Aug 31, 2000 tion more ell81ly.Iftlus llChedule IS hard on workmg parents, pay mcrease for the first three Board secretary Jack Ryan there's always a kIds' club or latchkey for cIuldren. years and an apprOlumately saId the pact reflects the value Some children may be concerned that teachers will alllugn three-percent Increase for the and respect the dlstf1Ct hab for too much homework dunng these breaks Well, every teacher fourth year Trustee Sears Its teachers as well as demon- has a heart and ISn't gomg to assign a report every tune Taylor was absent from the strateb that the board mem- there's a break meetmg bers are good stewards of the IfAmericans want to prepare cluldren today for the world Teams for the Grosse Pomte system's tax dollars market of tomorrow, they need to be able to give them an out- Math winners EducatIOn AsSOCIation, local The board also ratified a standmg eduC8tlon. affihate of the Michigan four-year agreement WIth the Seventh and eighth graders at Brownell competed Andrew RideUa Education Grosse Pomte Secretarial 011 Jan. 28 againat the staff iD a MathCounts compe. Grosse Pointe Woods Assocla t lon/N a tlonal AsSOCiation titlon - and WOD. The event DaJTOwedthe field to determine final competitors for the regJonals on Sat- So, that's the problem! urday, Feb. 15 at the University of Michigan.Dear- To the Editor: born. The MathCounts students have been meeting After readIng many artIcles for school and for pleasure, I every week .iDce the begiDniDg of the .chool year to ~~1'~-~ ~?" have Just one question Why are newspapers 80 big? Why prepare for the match. can't they be smaller and easier to handle? Newspspers are a bttle too big for most people to hold com- Your PRESCHOOLER can! fortably. If the 5lZeof the newspaper were decreased by sev- Even jf you can't! eral inches, rm sure it would be much easier to read. Character ed. catching on Many of the larger city newspapers are half the size of the Enroll now for 4 week summer classes Teaclung values and charac- tncts With a formal program papers we have in our area. A good example of a small news- ter educatIOn IS catching on In have been teaclung It for five Our Program paper is the Sunday Journal. Tlus newspaper 18 smaller and easier to handle Michigan pubhc schools years or more But for most, It's • Incorporates techniques for all learning styles (One of my peers, Kristina Seago) told me she likes to read been In effect less than five A study conducted by the years • Begins when the "learning Window. ISWide open newspapers and finds them interesting but thinks they are MIchigan AssoClatlOn of School • Joyfully Ignites the lifelong love of languages too bIg to hold when opened (they keep folding over) Some of Boards (MASB) shows 20 per- AccordIng to four out of five • Is a dally InfUSion of French culture & language my other friends told me they think If papers were smaller, cent of the pubhc school dIs. newspaper comp8nles would save money and could even sell districts teachIng character tncts responding do have a • Introduces awareness of "Global Village. more editions In conclusion, most of the people I interviewed education, the cumculum IS "formal curnculum" for charac- part of their school Improve. • Class size ONLY 12 students liked the Idea of smaller papers because they would be more ter education ment plan convement and easier to handle. Lindsay LaGrasao Nearly half the schools Expect even more schools to eatt~ Grosse Pointe Shores teachmg character education, offer formal instructIOn In for Information and class schedule 48 percent, have programs at character educatIOn Wlthm the Are sixth graders out? all levels across the dlstnct, next two years, predicts To the Editor: not Just m a few classrooms MASB More than 20 percent 313881-7522 Why aren't there going to be any sixth graders at Parcells SIXty-five percent, or 338, of of the boards of education plan next year? Well, Parcells is 80 Jam-packed With students, and MichIgan's K-12 dIStrIcts to dlScuSbIt thiS year, and It'S a BABAR'S HOUSE Barnes 18 open, the (Grosse Pomte llChooDboard may decide responded to the MASB survey board Issue "under conSIdera- Where FRENCH IS FUNI to Bend all fifth-graders this year to Barnes next year. tIon" m another 18 percent of I decided to ask the teachers at Parcells what they thought Tlurty-elght percent of dIs- dlstncts Since 1987 of tlus SItuatIon. This is what they Bald: SIXth-grade teacher Scott Cooper said the good thing is that the students will ~ on their own. The bad thing 18 they will not be able to partiC- ipate m the clubs at Parcells. . English teacher Patricia Liverance Bald the sixth-graders 'Take a tnp to tfie south of 'hallce, '{/emce, Soutfi amenca need to be part of the middle school atmosphere. 'Ibdd Manns, also an English teacher, said Parcells is too crowded but there and llever leave 9rosse rpomte ha to be a better proposal than sending'the llixth.graders to Nurse~ Barnes Michael Manzella, a math teacher, said separating Ki s .... the sixth-graders willl80late them from a real nuddle school ~uras Come view our beautiful oil paintings ... ..'" education I K SnJFF • Museum Frames • Gorgeous & Affordable -. The sixth-graders this year want next year's slXth.graders Hundreds to choose from! .." around, of course, because "we need someone to push I &)881-~38 0(.. around." Best Quality • Free Art Consultation : Leanne Elliott -... Gl"088e Pointe Woods C.CHAUNDY Mon Sat IniernatlOnal Fme Art lOam 5pm .. ..4 121 Kercheval on the Hill, .-.. • Grosse Pointe Farms. (313) 640-1850 .. ..JIj M58JARl(!3T .. ..• ON THE CAMPUS Fax 882.0220 ..~ 355 FISHER RD. WE DELIVER 882.5100 ..... OPEN 8 to 5 30 pm DAILY Wed 'tll Noon - Closed Sunday ..... UPS PICK-UP DAILY SALE PRICES GOOD FEB. 13TH - FEB. 19TH .. ~.."" Our Famous Alaskan Sockeye Marinated Tender Lean ... BEEFOR CHICKEN SALMON lONDON BROIL BABY BACK .. FILLETS KABOBS RIBS :.. STIR FRY -- 99 29 99 49 $4 LB. $6 LB $4 LB, $3 LB. .. Stuffed CornIsh Pprdue Boneless, Skmless Lean Ollr Famolls ReCIpe Introducing the ,.- GAME HENS CHICKEN BREAST PORK HAM ..... w/Wh'le&WildRlCe& ~ TENDERLOINS LOAF Grosse Pointe CommunityNETWORK ~ ~'" ApncotGlaz. .\ $2 •.. 99 /II 99 99 99 ..... 7U~$3 LB. ~ lB. $4 LB $2 lB. ~ Sunday, February '6, of LEAN GROUND ROUND $1.99 LB. "'7 ..:: , - 4 p.m. .... Carr's Danish Land 0' Lakes _va~~;;J;/iG\.. ... TABLEWATER HAVARTI CHEESE BUTTER OLD FASHIONED Gross. Point. Woods .' CRACKERS Plam or Dill - > 79 lIfiCHOCOLATES .. $1 ... 19 99 lB $749 ... $1 BOX $2 L8 QUARTERS LB. Community Center .-... Kraft Stewarts All C bell's This new community based organization, dedicated '"...-.! MACARONI & CHEESE PRIVATE BLEND COKE PRODUCTS amp "... to the preservation and promotion of the many ,.... "The COFFEE. $299. v-a JUICE positive aspects of the Grosse Pointes and Harper . Chee~leH" $459 ~0 +DEP $199 Woods, has proved to be a dynamic addition to the 4t local community. Join us and find out who we are 99 BOX CAN'~ 12 PACK CANS 460Z CAN I and how you can become a member! ZUCCHINI Bumble Bee S&W Babv Porta Bella TUNA '. SLICED ALBERTA MUSHROOMS SQUASH ,,,,II ITfR '. PEACHES ~ $ ~ ~ Brine- your Family! 29 $1 39 $1 801 ~89~u &01 :A~~~ ...Admission. R8fr8.hm8nt. and Cello Select Fresh Ripe .. Ent.rtainm.nt is Fr•• ! CARROTS BAKING R~[~~~~~~~l~RCANTALOUPES ~ 2 BAGS/69~ P~!AT20E5s~ $199 ~}. ,$119 , ~;;a .....~\. lB TRAY \.ti.l ~ EA j

-_...... l 2_----- c"lOOIIa" OffICII. e, 804 <;; H"m.t?on ~og now M A8601 1~171 /910914 SEQUENCE .... 1800) 968 3A\6 lox 1\ 171191 ~A71 t"fI'lol C'imql(llirrls,("om ... IOfIALO'neII 97{-' ~obh n~ SUIte :/52 (,((](>d t10Vf"n MI A9.0417 (b161 8A6 S/?6 lox 1616) 8~ M~1 February 13, 1997 Seniors Grosse Pointe News . void Michigan's railroad tracks while having winter fun cRallroad tracks can be a dan. Ing on rllliroad property IStres. high prlOnty for MOL The "Everyone needs to remem. tracks at marked crossings,' hc educatIOn and an Informa- rous place for Winter sports passmg as well as dangerous Michigan Railroads ber that railroad property IS says Michigan RaJlroads tlOn program designed to tnd recreation enthUSiasts 'We want to remind every- AsSOCiatIOnbegan a publIc,edu- not a playground and IS a dan- AssociatIOn preSIdent Bob reduce the number of cra~hes, ~ile out hlkmg, hunting, one etIJoymg Michigan's out- cation program m 1994 that gerous shortcut For your own Chaprnka Operation Lifesaver mJunes and death~ at raIl -eountry skJlng or snow. doors of the dangers of gettmg contmues today With the safety, plea~e only cross the IS a nationwIde, nonprofit pub- crossmg<; obiling, many MichIgan reSI- too close to the tracks Last theme, "Know the Facts, AVOld ents and Vlsltors nsk their year, nearly 1,000 Amencans the Tracks " 'Senl.Or SpOtll"ght'offers useful travel tips ~ IVesby trespassing on rllliroad were blled or serIOusly ItlJured MOL has been mvolved m property while trespassmg along rail- numerous efforts In the past Plannmg a trip? You mIght Experts m the travel mdus- DeFranco, presldent of Winter 18 a great time to road tracks Please stay away two years to try and reduce want to attend AM Ivhcnlgan b try Willprebem llliOllIl!lUUIl 011 COll-lu.ULe ['<1,d S"••• ,i),", el\loy M1crugan's beautlful out. from the tracks We want to trespassing ThiS Includes the "Semor Spotlight," an evenmg several travel-related Issues Cindy Ventura and the K-9 doors For many, that means keep your Michigan winter ongoing productIOn of four pub. full of travel tips from the trav- such as travel safety, how to umt from DetroIt Metropohtan snowmobilmg, h1lung, hunting adventures safe and fun," says hc seJ'Vlce announcements as el profeSSionals The event read travel ads and brochures, AIrport, and JackIe Owsmek, or C1'068-COuntryskJlng Wlule IWbert A Welke, chlllrperson part of the "Don't Wreck Your takes place Tuesday, Feb 25, tips on how air fares are estab- certified travel counselor from out, always remember to stay for Michigan OperatIOn Life" campaign, radiO feeds, at 6 pm at the Auto Club's hshed and how to obtam the AAA Seatmg IS lImited Make well away from rllllroad tracks Lifesaver (MOL) news releases, presentations to Southgate Branch, 15150 Fort best poSSible pnce your reservatIOns by Feb 21 at along the way WaJk.Jngor nd- Trespasser prevention IS a schools and other efforts (south of Eureka) Guest speakers mclude Joe (313) 284 0800 Grosse Pointer and ambassador remembered by former First Lady It is a long way from Grosse treaties, and the Rambow commemorate the 10th He also served as former TImes and 1996 Pulitzer Pnze member of my White House Pointe Farms to Iceland. but Shlppmg Treaty, With the gov. anniversary of ReykJaVik PreSident Richard Nixon's willner Robert Semple Jr, and staff, and I shall always be for the late L Nicholas Ruwe, ernment of Iceland Summit that the 5,000 people chief of staff from 1980-1985 Buslllessweek Editor Emeritus grateful to her for her creativI- the journey was the lOgical Many of the ambassador's who Vlslted Iceland durmg the The terrace was dedicated to and publIsher John Patten ty and spmt " result of years of hard work fnends and colleagues were at summit where the eqUivalent the Ruwes In recognItion of Mrs Ruwe served as the Pnme Milllster Oddsson said and dedIcated seJ'Vlce the November dedicatIOn, of 250,000 people commg to the their seJ'Vlceto the nahon W1ute House SOCialsecretary of Mrs Ruwe, "NIck Ruwe was Ruwe, who died In 1990, was including Mrs Reagan, former United States It ISadJacent to a piece of the to PreSident and Mrs Ford blessed With a most ImpreSSive born and brought up III Grosse Secretary of State George "Ambassador Ruwe faced Berlm Wall, which symbohzes Betty Ford paId tnbute to her WifeWith a great sense of style Pomte Farms and was honored Schultz, as well as Mr and almost Insurmountable prob. the end of the Cold War, and at the dedICation, saymg who loved and honored her last November when former Mrs Lawrence Buhl III, Mr lems With only a few days overlooks a beautiful vista "Nancy was an mvaluable husband very much" First Lady Nancy Reagan DaVid Buhl, Mr and Mrs notIce and played the key encompassmg a Vlew of moun- unveiled the Nancy and Peter Carney, Mr Henry C role m ItS successful opera- tains, valleys and the PaCific Nicholas Ruwe 'Thrrace at the Cashen II, Mr and Mrs Keith tlon," sllld Oddsson Ocean Ronald Reagan PreSidential Cram, Mr IWbert Cudhp, Mr "lWnald Reagan once gave Mrs Ruwe s81d at the dedI. "BIG SAVINGS ON YOUR WINTER Library and Mrs Wilham Cudhp, Mr me a tie that I wear durmg catIOn that the terrace Will Ruwe served as the ambas- and Mra Bradford Elrldge, election pen ods, and It has on hnk forever Nick's memory sador to Iceland under Mr and Mrs Fred J Fisher, It the words 'Democracy IS not With PreSident Reagan's hIS' RUG CLEANING." PreSident IWnald Reagan Mr and Mrs Harry Fruehauf a Spectator Sport' I trunk tonc achievements for genera. ReykjaVIk was the site of the III, Mr and Mrs Robert NIck Ruwe must have been the tlOns to come famous 1986 summIt meeting Herman, Mr Mark Higbie, Mr InSplrat10n for that tie because Also contnbutmg tributes to between President Reagan and and Mrs Wilham K he practiced democracy - both the dedicatIOn were Cahforllla Soviet leader Mikhal Howenstem; Mr Wilham K In the sense of being achve In Gov Peter Wllson, three for. FREE* Gorbachev. In 1988, the Howenstem Jr., Mrs Wilber camplllgns and afterward m mer Secretanes of State, Oriental & embassy was named one of the Mack, Mrs Wilham G Mitsch; the responsibilIties of gover. Henry KIssmger, James Baker five best managed embassies in and Mr and Mrs Sander nance" and Wilham Rogers, the Area Rug Cleaning the world Vanocur In addition to hiS tenure as Honorable Walter Annenberg, on cash & carry orders only. While serving as the Iceland's Pnme Minister ambassador to Iceland, Ruwe former Ambassador to the Pay for the largest rug Amencan ambassador to DaVld Oddsson sllld at the pre. served as the assistant chief of Court of St James, plulan- and we Will clean your Iceland, Ruwe successfully dedication conference spon- protocol for the State throplsts Richard Bass, asSOCI- second rug FREE. negotiated two whaling sored by the Reagan Library to Department from 1969-1976 ate editor of The New York Save 25% on Single rug orders Ask about our pick-Up & delivery sObituaries Offer expires 31'15/97 From page 1M Bridge Industn al Park Beaver Underwnters, retIrmg Mr Walker was also a mem- Interment IS at the St Telegraph & Eight Mile Roads Evansville, Ind, and attended in 1993 ber of St Michael's Episcopal Michael's Episcopal Church 'Some restnctlons apply Church m Grosse Pomte cemetery Funeral arrange- Miami Ulllversity In Oxford, Mr Walker was an achve Oluo. member of the commumty, and Woods, where he was a senior ments were handled by the warden A H Peters Funeral Home m He Joined the Travelers belonged to the Burmng Tree Golf & Country Club, as well as Mr Walker is stIrVived by rus Grosse Pomte Woods Insurance Group wlule IlVlng The Players, where he was a Wife, Mary; two daughters, Memonal contnbutlOns may in '!bledo, and was transferred We member and past presI- Cynthia Ballard and Linda be made to the American to Mlclugan ill 1953 In 1966 dent He el'loyed playmg pool Walker, four grandchildren, Cancer Society or the Henry he became agency manager for at the Henry Ford Village and three great.grandchildren. Ford Village Hospice

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:-~.. -----~------1 ...._----_..r ..... t. A o • • • Q , February 13, 1997 Grosse Pointe News , News 19A

the getaway car near Lakepomte The vehIcle was PUBLIC SAFETY REPORTS stopped at Mack and Alter and Drunk driving In December, the woman had officers found property stolen asked for a new card betause from the grocery store hers was wearmg out By mld- The suspect confessed to arrest in Shores three SImilar smash and-grabs A Hazel Park man was January, she received a bill robberies m the Pal ~ He IS charged Feb 9, Sunday, With more than $1,400 In goods charged to her card at the bemg held pendmg hIS arraIgn around 115 a m with operat- ment at whICh tIme thl' Park Ll\ O:1l:l "tore 1II15' Ii uu UIIJ~I LIll: Intluence 01 mumclpal Judge may set bond alcohol Jacobson's confirmed that A Grosse POinte Shores pUb- the signatures on the purchase - U.S.D A Select Beef, Whole hc safety officer spotted the receipts were not the rightful Fanning the = Untrimmed 12 To 14.Lb Average, Lip-On man driving erratIcally on owner's Her card apparently Lakeshore In his 1985 Pontiac was stolen In the mall flames 6000 The officer stopped the Detectives <.Ontmue to mvestl- Park firefighters were called gate to a home m the 1200 block of BONELESS man In the 1100 block of Lakeshore. YorkshIre at about 1 41 a m on Found m hIs car were SIX Monday, Feb 10, In response to Where's the a report of smoke wmlng from RIB EYE Miller Lite beer cans The man the basement POUND passed two, but falied one of beef? Firefighters traced the the field sobnety tests admm- An employee at a btore m the Istered to lurn HIs prehmmary smoke to a rag stuffed In a Ceil- Village Will be charged and Ing fan that had Ignited when breath test regIstered a 0 17, arrested With retail fraud legally drunk IS 0 10 the fan was turned on pendmg receipt of a warrant Apparently the rag was used The man was released on from Wayne County's prosecu- $100 bond, around 11 a m that to keep out the cold au and had tor's office sought by City of been forgotten There was mornmg HIs court date ISFeb Grosse POinte publtc safety 20 damage to the fan, but the fire officers was caught In time to prevent The employee was observed further damage to the house Sunday, Feb 9, around 7 20 Cellular phone p m removing from the store more than $300 worth of meat Woods window stolen in Farms and other grocery Items, and is kicked in All Varieties A woman reported to Grosse hiding them In the alley behmd Grosse POInte Woods polIce Pomte Farms pubhc safety offi- the store for retrieval at a later on Saturday, Feb 8, at about time cers Feb 4 that her cellular 5 50 am, while on patrol, COCA COLA phone, worth about $250, was noticed that a wmdow of a stolen from her workplace She Abominable retall store In the 20400 block 12.PACK ~ 6.PACK told officers she beheved the of Mack was smashed 12-0Z CANS ~ 20-01 BTLS theft occurred between 7 30 snowed man The owner of the store was a rn and 2.30 pm City of Grosse POinte pubhc called and was escorted by PLUS DEPOSIT safety officers found a teenage pohce through the store to Hill store boy Saturday, Feb 8, around 1 Identify anythmg that might am, at rest behmd the wheel have been stolen burgled of hiS car m the 700-block of The owner told officers that Tlueves broke mto a store on Washmgton, where he had dn- nothmg appeared to be mIss- the Hill, steahng one cash Yenoff the street, across some- Ing EVIdence was found mdl- drawer, on Saturday, Feb 8 one's front lawn, and crashed catmg that someone kIcked the around 3 a.m through a snow fort that area wmdowm To gam entry to the bulld- children had constructed mg, the perpetrators broke one Pohce report tire track damage Stolen car pane of glass, and apparently to the lawn eXIted the front door Pohce The 17 year-old reSIdent of recovered responded to the store's alarm, the CIty of Grosse Pomte will While on patrol on Fnday, and found the store's front door be charged WIth operatmg a Feb 7, at about 535 am, a unlocked car under the mfluence of alco- Woods officer clocked a car Pobce also found what the hol, as well as mahclOUs heading south on Mack gOing Michigan frustrated thieves left behind destructIon of property He 65 m p h When the officer mIscellaneous receipts was released from polIce cus- pulled the car over, he notIced tody at 7 am that the car's IgnItion appeared beloniPng to the store In the RUSSET alley behmd It, and the cash - Amy Andreou MIller to have been hotWlred drawer thrown on the front A check of the vehIcle lawn of a home in the 100 block Smasher revealed that It had been POTATOES of Flsher stolen from an automobIle EACH The thieves took $8 In grabbed repaIr shop m the area of Alter change from the cash drawer A smash-and-grab thief had and CharlevoIX Farms pohce detectives contin- a bad day on Sunday, Feb 9, The driver was charged With ue to investigate when at about 11 40 pm, he receiving stolen property worth smashed In a Window of a gro- more than $100 He IS free on Credit card fraud cery store m the 800 block of $1,000 personal bond, pendIng Beaconsfield hIS exam In CIrcUltcourt A woman reSiding on The mCldent was wItnessed - Jim Stlckford McMillan reported Feb 5 to by CitIzens, who Immediately Grosse POinte Farms public called the pohce, gIvmg them a Crime Stoppers Inc offers safety officers, as well as to descrtptlOn of the suspect and rewards of up to $1,000 for personnel at Jacobson's Grosse the car he fled to mformatlOn leadmg to an POinte store, that purchases A nearby patrol umt went to arrest of persons responsible for she dld not make were charged the scene and observed a vehi- cnmes Call (810) 445-5227 or to her account cle matchmg the deSCrtptIon of 1-800-831-3111 Assorted Colors LONG STEM ROSE BOUQUE 3 Good Reasons DOZEN To AD&NBank Home nity Credit Line No dosing costs • No annual fees Flexible l1nterestonly' payment option ~ Fresh Skinless HOlne Equity Credit Line Apply Today! ~~ . - BON'ELESS Call or ViSityour nearest :,~~.~~ ~ CHICKEN BREAST '~ POUN:> D&N Bank office Or 6:1l U'

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(7 ond HoW'o MI49417 16161 A~~ 81)6 '~~/',~ ~~1'l747 February 13, 1997 2LA News Grosse Pointe News Council reappoints 3 women to serve on Farms election board By Amy Andreou Miller turn, they oversee many others Stamtzke have served two- They Inspect the precmcts and results by 1030 pm Thesday, Jan 25, 1996 to reduce the Staff Writer workIng the polls on the day of year terms on the ElectIOns make sure electIOn laws are Nov 5, 1996, Instead of 5 or 6 number of elechon precIncts Even though Super Tuesday electIOns CommissIOn smce 1977, beIng followed, and the precmcts are a m the next day, which usu- from seven to five m order to ISJust a memory now, and the The next electIOn for whIch repeatedly reappoInted properly supplied ally wa" the case save money and make tabulat- Grosse Pomte Farms' City theIr senlce<; wIll be needed IS Imesch has served two-year Farms city clerk Shane However, Reeslde saId It Ing electIOn results easier and counctl IS nevertheless pre- the Nov 4, 1997 cIty electIOn term<; SInce 1992 Reeslde prdlsed the "ervlce and may have a;Jpeared that the qUicker pared, they reappointed mem The Farm,,' ma) or John Bartoszewlsz and Stamtzke's commltmer t of the ElectIOn new system was not tlme-effi- For years there have been bers of the city's electIOn com- Danaher'" term expIres, as do years of servICe are among CommissIOn members, and clent, but that's because Wayne only five locatIOns to vote, how- mISSIon In accordance With council members Gall Kaes<;, 'orne of the longest for the var- VI as pleased they were reap- County had one of the longest ever, Richard Elementary state law T"9 G1nrl,,10' "l'rl Frl" ~~rl 10'1~ c['rn'1"~oJ[)I'O 0'1 \\hlClj p::nntcd J.,dliub III lh" WUUll) Ou ""II- &11<101«IIU BlUwndl MIUUJ" Aopomted unammously at Wllberdlng II Some or all ma} Farms Citizens serve age, each voter was takmg 20 School each contained two the January council meeting seek re-electIOn Bemg a member of the elec- mmutes to make hiS or her precincts, bnnglng the total to were Farms' reSidents Joan In additIOn to the Elections tlOn commiSSIOn for the 1996 chOIces for candidates and vote seven precmcts Now, RIchard BartoszeWlSz, Donna Imesch, A pnmary electIOn mdY have CommissIOn, the Farms has electIOns may have been partlc- yes or no on the many propos- and Brownell are host to one and Manlyn Stamtzke to be held Aug 5 If the number about a dozen commiSSIOnsand ularly difficult because of the als, he "aid precinct each The three women compr'se of candidates surpasses more adVisory groups, including change In the voting process In fact, long walts at the Concern was that the the complete Farms ElectIOn than tWice the number of some that encourage beautlfi- The used votmg booths were polls were prevalent across the reduced number of precmcts CommIssion They are not com- offices open cation of reSidential and com- replaced lllstead With state may mean haVIng fewer dele- pensated for their work In Both Bartoszewlsz and merclal property, some that machines that electronically "It was a difficult electIOn for gates at the county conventIOn prOVide feedback on Farms' records votes marked by pen- voters because It was such a 1'he formula for determmlng ordmances, evaluate the recre- cil or markIng pen long ballot But we're gettmg the number of delegates takes Forms can be faxed atlOnal faclhtles and needs of ''There were some people use to the new equipment and Into consideratIOn the number the community, and encourage who loved those bIg, cumber- \\,e're very happy WIth how It of precincts, as well as anum- Secretary of State Candice S reque"t mformatIOn or an preservation of local history some votmg machines," Sighed performed," he said ber of other factors Miller IS remmdmg MIchigan mventory list from FOD residents that they can easily The ElectIOn CommIssIOn Reeslde ''But the new way IS Also new at the recently-held Fortunately, the representa- 1 From a Touch-Tone tele- members oversee the printIng ultimately more productIve" electIOns was the reduced num- hon numbers at the county access forms and mformatlOn phone, call (517) 335-4FAX of the ballot for cIty electIOns, Reeslde said the Farms was ber of votmg precmcts, the level were Increased Instead of from the secretary of state's 2 LIsten to the recorded and approve the final product able to report ItS electIon Farms city council approved decreased, Reeslde smd office through the department's message convement Fax-on-Demand 3 Enter the appropriate service (FOD) document numbers, or request FOD allows customers to an mventory hst of documents obtaIn forms and informatIOn available by FOD from the department by fax, 24 4 Enter the receiVIng fax hours a day, seven days a week machine's telephone number, All the customer needs IS a With area code If needed The Touch-Tone telephone and forms and mformahon Will be access to a fax machIne faxed ImmedIately anywhere "We are offermg our cus- In the Umted States F 0 D tomers convenIent access to offers more than 25 forms informatIon Without haVIng to Some of the forms avaIlable by VISit a branch office We also fax, listed With theIr document want to make mformatIOn number, mclude available when people need It • GUide to applYing for and, often trmes, that IS when Michigan dnver hcense, 100 the branch offices are closed," • Great Lakes Splendor says Miller license plate order form, 104. Each form proVided by FOD • Handicapper parkIng per- has Its own document number Inlt apphcatlOn, 150 to make ordenng easy. A listIng • How to title, regIster a of avaIlable forms can be motor velucle, 200 obtained by calhng FOD at All FOD informatIOn, along (517) 335-4FAX The hst WIll WIth other Department of be faxed Immedtately to the State services and publica- BEST BUY IN e.l.c.'s deSignated fax machine. tions, can be found on the By followmg these baSIC department's web site at InstructIOns a customer can www sos state ml us $699. $1295 ARGOSY • AUDINA AUTHORIZED • BERNAFON BEST LABS • DANAVOX ELECTONE • FrNETONE • GMI LORI • MAleO • OMNI ~. PHILLIPS • QUALITONE REXTON • SIEMENS :: ~. - SONOTONE.STARKEY-TELEX ...M UNITRON • WIDEX .. Totally ..~ Free LIST PRICES UP TO $2,000. COME IN AND SAVE $! FITTINGS AVAILABLE UP TO 80 D.B. LOSS WITH OF'TIONS. 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0 1-----1--- -- f- ...... , A February 13, 1997 Grosse Pointe News Automotive 21A Autorama: Valentine for lovers Grab your sunglasses, and 8zkola appreciates the fact have to spend some time With Chevy m black WIth silver seal- maybe some earplugs, and get that Corvette owners are these enthUSiasts to appreciate lops ready for a VISitto tlus year's "funny" They, like other enthu. their work In all there Will be over 800 Autoworks DetrOit Autorama Slasts, have therr punsts as ThiS year's Autorama exlublts of hot rods, custom The annual spectacle of custom well as owners who Willtry Just Includes Eagle One's cars, trucks and motorcycles _ cars begins rumblmg Fnday, about anvthlng ro peTMnahzE' Cavalcade of Kustoms ana.. m..ludmg Ii CIi"lllg bJkll owned Fllb 14, lit 5 pm, and runs thelI'vehlcles edition of 20 vehicles that rep- by eastslder Jim Ramsey through Sunday evening at And, he S8ld, he likes the resent beloved customer cars of Cobo Center new '97 Corvette that made Its the 1950s. They Willbe Jomed by media debut earher this year at Cobo Among them WIllbe a 1958 Thl8 IS the 45th go.round for and sports stars and celebntles Autos Autorama, one of the oldest Center chopped-top Cadillac Coupe from the ghtzy world of custom Seemg 18 behevlng - you DeVille and a 1957 2.door and biggest custom car shows car-dom By Jenny King In the country It's kmd of a harbmger of spnng here In the Motor City, an early taste of the many auto shows and gatherings that mark our summertime weekends. The Sights and sounds WIlldelight Ed Szkola, a hfelong Corvette enthUSiast from 8t CIaII' Shores, WIll be showmg hiS gleaming black '92 Corvette convertible It has extenor styling plus- es from John Greenwood, a former race dnver and cus- tomuer out of Flonda, and special wheels and tires Szkola showed this vehicle at Autorama last year He had hoped to bnng both tlus and his '84 Corvette coupe to Cobo m 1997, but when he learned he would have to split hIS dls. play, he decided to leave the '84 behind "I own three Corvettes _ the third is a '78, wluch I don't show because fm still workmg on It," 8zkola said "I don't know which IS worse, collecting cars or boats," he mused, referring to the time, energy and money Maybe a cellular phone isn't they require. "I've done both." as romantic as a box of chocolates on Valentine's Day.

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Grosse Pomte Park reSIdent Richard Lintvedt, a chem- IStry professor at Wayne State UniversIty, recently was appointed mtenm associate VIce preSIdent for research and assocJate dean of the Graduate School Llntvedt Jomed Wayne State as an assistant professor m 1966, was appointed professor In 1976, and was named , department chmrman m 1983 He also was mtenm dIrector of the Center for Molecular BIOlogy In 1986-87 He has served ~ on numerous university committees ~ Llntvedt earned a bachelor's degree from Lawrence : Umverslty In Appleton, WIS, and a doctoral degree 10 mor- ~, gamc chenllstry from the Umverslty of Nebraska In Lmcoln • ..'" Evan S. Eatherly, son of Ann and •p Kenneth Eatherly of Grosse POinte Park, recently was promoted to Bankmg Officer , at the Huntington NatIOnal Bank In , Columbus, OhiO where he hves As a per- . sonal finanCial counselor for the . HuntIngton's CapItol Square Bankmg Office, he IS responSible for offenng finan- Cial adVIce to a portfolio of the bank's most Important clients Eatherly earned a bachelor's degree In Eatherly educatIOn from Miami Umverslty, In OhIO Our Home EqUity Line of Credit lets you save while you borrow With a great HIS communIty actIVItIes Include shanng rate and more Yourdreams may have grown but you can stlll afford them Michigan Natlonal hiS martial arts tralnmg and dlsclplme With students at the Ballet Met of Columbus makes It happen WIthEqw Money - our Home EqUityL,ne of CredIt Look at these great features . • Ready cash for maJor purchases 7 25% I : The Grosse POlnte News fS happy to pllblz'th, {ree of charge, 'A low mtroductory mterest rate ~ o~ buslnes~ promotions and bUSiness related awards recewed by 'Interest IS usually tax deductIble

reSidents of one of the five Grosse POlnte~,former reSidents of Combine EqUlMoney WithRatePLUS v Banking and you IIsave even more RatePLUS IS a the Grosse POlntes, or for those IndwIduals who work In tlu! checkmg and savings package WIthone of the best liqUidsavmgs rates around And we II Grosse POlntes waIve the annual fee on EqUiMoney every year when you have RatePLUS Youcan also TIu! Grosse POinte News wtll also pubhsh a photo With the get the peace of mind of overdraft protectIon for your RatePLUS check,ng and the announcement Photos Will not be returned unies~ you send a ~elf convenience of on(>combmed statement Save time too and apply by phone Realize addressed, stamped envelope, and mark that you Wish for It to your dreams today Only at Mlchlgarl Natronal Solid Thinking Smart Ideas be returned For information call, For consuferatlOn, send In wrltlng a statement contalnmg your ruzTTU!,address, phone number, current Job title and bnef 1-aOO-CALL- MNB descnptlOn of Job, as well as informatIOn pertaining to the Job, promotion, or award obtained to Amy Andreou Miller. Buslne~s Editor of tlu! Grosse Pomte New~, 96 Kercheval. ~ M('m~ FDC Grosse POinte Farms, Ml48236 Or fax It to (313) 882-1585 The deadhne for submitting matenalls the Fnday before the newspaper zs publUJhed TIu! Grosse POInte News IS pub- 8.75%10 1 O.25~o APR Reg.JarRate 1'" I U01,I", ,,,, I """,01, "" I" ~"" In'''''' \ (I r'm,,,, ",on I '''' F'~ ~rUF~' 11". Ihn l' .. I'" '" rr'l nrnr1t' hc-\nnJPC' ('nl ..c-RJlr 11rtkl. 'N 'rr(''1< ~ fr r'\(' f rC'1lof~~OfiO( ... \nO()O~~\tl;rlrk,(lr'~\h")('()<).NQ99 lished every Thurtlday Inl" ,,,~ ... , (" j ....)

-- I ~ 1 o • • & i Business 25A orne common questions regarding the business of taxes ether you're worlung for a Aho, your company may still tlOn, a LLP protecll> Its owners pany, runnmg your own w~h ll,,;,oclaled With Job hunt '" wn;ldered buslllel>" - not have Its own substantlatlOn from perl>onal liabIlity for the mu"t have been e"tdbh"hed b) "mess or even loolung for a mg, you mU"1 haY(' been ;,eek. re,ldentlaJ - properly 'I he thresholds company's debts But, a LLP I; DC'<.,H. 1996 In dddition you , you can 1ll1prOVe your bot- mg d po<,ltlOn III your Lurrent Pdrt of your gdln that I" allo(a Q. I've heard I may be able to taxed like a partnershIp, which 8ve taxes by structurmg my means that LLP owner" report InbutJOn" to an IRA up until l>ome tax.saV1ngs opportum- Q. For the pal>l 10 years, I quallfy for the tax deferred new busmess as d LimIted mcome on their per"onal th, due ddte of your return, s hdve deducted expen;e" relat. I; LIabilIty Partner"hlp (LLP) roJIover and taxable> e\dudmg exten,lOn" Keep In The MIChIgan Association of returns dnd pay tax at lhelr L'of rough ldle that freq ....ently !-.ou, undlagn()sed IS a dcf( ctlve h ,read! caill ...ter purge sYl\t~rn ThlS nmponent of the eml!:lSlOn controls .,,\..,tpm 15 covered b) the fLve "l I" 'So 000 mile ....arranly A dt f( ctl\ e purge va[vf' on those ,utnmobl)es eqUlppt"'d ....Ith th('m can (' IU..,(' 'In overly nch fUE» mixture It C' .... n (Vln rf"sult m the d1schaTge of lllCk smoke from the tall pipe In In\ ra ...e 1t pa'ts for car owners 10 fi mrmb£>r that any time tne1T C3T!:l t rlh1n£>S do not Tun proprrly ::I riI1~tlO"'t1C check lq called for \\hpn de;thng With ~trang(' sf>unds commg- from )our car don t worr) tbll It lIgurmg- It out yourself - get tht (xpert help that can mak(> vour Ilf, e"'.r At R1NKF T(>YOTA " • ..,t 11d out 'lmong automotlVf' ""hops I llh( of our ('(r""le1encv accurate hflOC::;(><; and flr<;t quaht) worK \ hit makf>"- 3 d1fferencf' In our HI ImDtl\-(> ~hopq l"i thf' drdlcatlOn to «X{i III nee that you II fmd tH'r£> You 1n reach U~ al 7-1!1 2000 or ~Iop In lld .."( u'" "l.t ll)42tl \"l.n D\ kf' \\t d n t ...... 1...1f> \-our limp or your mOOt \.

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COlI'OIA" 0 .. 1CI1. , Fl0A <) f om I or "lnq now M <1At:.O) I ~ I' ') I 09'"1d SEQIIENCE AOO] Y~R 1A \~ 10.1' II I9IIAI1 , I rlmq t/)( \ rom I.GIOMAL o"ln. It,t ~ hh'l\ '), tr IS, • • a i ( 11 j H 1'.''''1 MI 494 I 11'1 HAl> An~ t ,. I~I~I AePomte store agreed to be mteTVlewed about Park shared a blmtlar mdlf As Valentme's Day 1997 Valentine's Day approaches, one thought IS ferent attltude toward the "I hke Valent me's Day, I really do," hohday racing through the minds of saId Conme "I wnte to my grand- men everywhere, "Oh my "Valentine's Day? It'b thiS chtldren and 1get cards for them My month? Isn't that the hoh- God, 1 hay£, to get to the husband ISa very busy man, but he flonst and card shop" day where the Wifegets me would never forget to get me a card" bomethmg and I don't get Vanna DeDona of the Conme's daughter Rita also Carousel Card and Gift her anythmg?" said one beheves that Valentme's DdY Ib a man Shoppe In Grosse Pomte special event She said that she real- HI" lunch companion SBld Park saId that It'S amazmg ly enJoys giving and receiVIng gifts the number of people who he has three chIldren and "It's a day of endearment," Rita doesn't do that btuff any- walt until the last minute smd "I usually fIx a special candle- to make their Valentme's more HIS Wife gets card .. for hght dmner and get a mce bottle of the children, however Day purchases vmo I thmk It'S a bpeclal hohday "I'll be busy the day But not all men are heart- and that It ISa way of letting some- less cymcs and not all before, the dav of and the one know that you care about him" day after Valent me's Day," women are hopeless roman- Conme's hUbband doebn't qUIte ttCb DeDona said "The people have the enthUSiasm for the hohday who come In, 1 guess they One couple, Hal and that hiS Wifedoes On the other hand Joyce, was intervIewed whIle remember that they better (to mIXa hohday metaphor) he's no get somethmg or they'll be purchasmg Valentme's Day Scrooge etther cards at J P's Hallmark m In trouble ThiS apphes "I think It'S a mce observance, par- more to men than to the Village They have been hcularly for married couples," said married for 50 years women The men seemed to be wor- most non-card Valentine purchases VA "It's a hme to reflect on how (,rsplllC 11Iu~trallOn by Mark Barrows VA's attitude SL"emstYPiCalof They Willgo out to dinner ned about not takmg care of busI- - candles, heart-shaped ceramiCS, much the couple mean to each other" ness n many of the men mteTVlewed Most to celebrate the hohday, Hal said party banners and other novelty VA admits he wouldn't be all that didn't want to be mteTVlewed, and Paula, a bartender at a Grosse DeDona says It'S not that Impor- Items - are purchased by women broken up If hiS Wifedidn't get him tant for most men to receive some- "Men are usually mime to buy a those who did asked that their Pomte bar, has a different VIewof anythmg for the hohday, but he does the hohday thmg on Valentme's Day, but most card before we close on Valentine's names not be used beheve hiS Wife would be hurt If he "I don't know why we have to have men realize It'S Important for them Day," Burkll sald didn't get her anythmg Two lunchtime diners at the to give a gift or card to their Valentine's Day or Sweetest Day," nearest and dearest Paula S31d "I personally don't Duane Alhson of Kmg's beheve m It If you love some- one, treat him or her fight all Flowers In the Park said that History of a romantic holiday whJ1e some people telephone m It's a hohday celebrated by many, espe- the retgn of ClaudIUS ters Signed "From your Valentine" year long Love IS supposed to be spontaneoub, not somethmg orders for flowers several days clally the stockholders of Hallmark, but The emperor needed soldiers for hiS As time went on the feast day became ruled by a calender In advance, most come to his not many people actually know where wars, but met opposItion from married a time for exchangmg love letters Later "If my boyfriend wants to shop in the last couple of days the traditIOns of the hohday came from men who did not want to leave thelT poets hke Shakespeare and Charles, the take me out to dmner and to a before the hohday - httle cherubs shooting arrows at peo- wIves Duke of Orleans, wrote poems about the "Generally, flowers are pie, I mean really ClaudIUS declared that no more mar- hohday show, he shouldn't have to Walt untt! Feb 14 to do so " bought by men," Alhson said Some experts beheve the holtday got flages would be performed Valentme One Valentine made durmg the 15th DeDona thinks It'S a good "Some people buy flowers Its start m ancient Rome A feast was thought thIS was unfair to young lovers, century showed a drawmg of a kmght hohday Given the breakdown because they have to, and held m honor of the god Lupercus whose and wed several couples In secret and a lady, With Cupid sending an arrow some buy flowers because they Job It was to protect the cIty of Rome from ThiS led to hiS being thrown mto Into the kmght's heart of the nuclear family, It'S a way want to We do get lots of last the hungry wolves outside ItS gates prison, where he died HIS fflends recov- for people to acknowledge each other, she s31d minute shoppers who walk In ered hIS body, which was bUfled III a Medieval and Renaissance works of art "I thmk we've taught men to to buy flowers the day before When Chflstlalllty came to the fore- churchyard m Rome He dIed on Feb 14, often had claSSIcal themes, and CupId, be hard With their emotIOns," Valentine's Day" front, the pagan hohday was 269 the son of the Goddess of Love, was DeDona said 'We all need to Eleanor Burkh of J P Chrlstlamzed There were about eight In 496 Pope GelaslUs set aSide thiS known to shoot arrows of love to make nurture the softer emotIOns, Hallmark In the Village agrees Valentines m the Christian world, but date to honor him A legend says that mortals fall m love ThIS claSSical motif both m men and m women A that men seem to come m on the one most aSSOCIatedWith the holIday whtle m pTlson, Valentme fell m love became assoc13ted With Valentme's Day httle pOSItIVeremforcement IS the la<;tday to make their pur- was Valentme, who was a priest durmg WIth the Jailer's daughter, and wrote let- chases On the other hand, - JIm Stlck{ord good for everyone"


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Onehmf> Set»l" (''1nn,\hcr()m~nr>dw'nanvo'l1'" 0"0 N(ll\ 11 t t' \<;y

Plcho:>f'c1mf'r hon(j<;( (If' (">)( '0sM'1r "1 lQq V,r10.'ollr1 r ( ')ny S \'l!'1w •• tC __)1(1 28

., - • 7::"" ( COltPOtlA"0","1. , I FlOIS ~ 11tn l10n ~) \oqmow MI AAt,O:l A I~I ~I 'Y)0Ql~ SEQUENCE IRr,u19Io8 1A \~ ", In> 1,'/I19? IAn SCOTT ROlliNSON ,.mo I dmg I@( 1\ (()m P rs rl"nl a.GIONAL O"IC .. o <;)r, RnhhrH <;lItI"7S:i • • & Q (7 nnr1 HoW'n MI49411 I' III AA~ A111 10' I~I~ AM MA 1 ""...... J ..L-_"lA.. 28 Weddin February 13, 1997 s Grosse Pointe News ( hupel T--- Groom"men were the lilt' He\ John J Mech officl- With the Covey LeadershIp Patncla Hdllll!n of the ( It, or Groomsmen were thl Q groom'~ brother, John Le~hd of Center , 11 •t I" HI I 26 l l.!b; or (h"rlou, "I lillO, 2'14 07(,0 J, The Single Way 11w "1ngl!' \\1,11 I group of 111« rd, nomm itlfJlldl (hfl~tldn 1 'In~lp ddult_ wIll ,pon,or d tfIP to Port Huron to ,«' thl' i Por! lJu ron !lord!'r ("t- Ilr inlford h", k< I g 1m" on ~ nd l\ ~,h 11 I", n- dnd kid, dr~ ",(liu~m(' I hp WOllp v,ill Ill' I t for rar p(H,lmg It (, pm 11£'" to th" 776-5510 '!'dkholh" 111 Ih, ,hopplIlg Ed Maliszewski r!'nt!'r dl t hp rorn, r of 12 M ,I" ,md (,rdtlo! In Ho,,,"III!' ,,'or 21435 Mack Ave. mOf( mform,ilu)()


J • A o • • & ~ February 13, 1997 Grosse Pointe News Faces & n1aces 38 'Evening of Hope' dinner dance will benefit LRL L,uk'm" """."h L,r. Inc will hold Ib 16th ~nnu~1 I p;f [. '""" ~• "Evening of Hope" dinner • I I dance on Saturday, Mdrch I, , .'11'11 at Laurel Manor In Llvoma More than 1 000 guest;, are _ Cl.p",-k.J tv Ilelp rdlbe more than $75,000, whIch Will fund programs to ehmlnate child hood cancers through research at Children's Hospital of Michigan Masters of ceremony WIll mclude Deni.!>e Dador of WXYZ-TY, Rich Fisher of WJBK-TV and Lila Orbach of WDIV-TV Honorary chair- man I;' Terry Mills of the DetrOit Pistons Honored guests Will be Brian Finity of the DetrOIt Rockers and Grosse POinter Rich Mayk, a longtIme sup- porter of LRL The benefit, •Reaching for the Stars," Will fedture dinner, Children's Home danCing to the musIC of NIghts Creed, a rame and a Silent auction of sports memorabIlia, of Detroit travel and entertamment packages The Cbildren's Home of Detroit officers for 1997 TIckets to "Reaching for the The Michigan chapter of the Leukemia Society of America recently sold 1.000 raffle are from left: Ann Cooper, corresponding secretBJy: Stars" dInner dance are $55 a tickets (at $100 eacb) for a silver 1997 Porscbe Boxster car donated by Porscbe Cars Bob Wbeylng, first vice president: Jane Kay Nugent, person For tickets, call Nortb America. president; Ben Chapman, treasurer: and Carole Tib. Eileen Surma at (313) 581- bitts, second vice president. 5647 From left, are Karen Pyle of Grosse Pointe Woods. executive director of tbe Leukemia Society of America; Rodman Myers, LSA National trustee: Robert Carlson, GM Com- munications of Porscbe Cars. North America: Leon Mandel of Grosse Pointe Farms, Not shown is Thumper Haggarty, recording secre. Beer & pizza: The vice president and publisher of AutoWeek magazine: and Robbie Buhl of Grosse Pointe tBJy. Foundation for ExceptIOnal Farms. Children, a prIvately funded "Tbe $100.000 raised through this fundraiser will go a long way in helping us f"md a day care program for chIldren cure for leukemia and related diseases," Pyle said. triCks, followmg mstructlOns, With specIal needs, will hold addres~ and phone number solVIng problems, or Just act- Its 20th annual beer and pIzza and tapes become the property 3 pm Ing IncredIbly brilliant benefit from 8 p m to 1 a m Participants are asked to get agency m southwest DetrOIt of the MHS Anyone who pledges for the Amencan "We're encouragmg people to Friday, March 7, at Barnster Casa Mana Family SerVIces drops off a tape at Pet Dance for Heart: Heart AsSOCiatIOn be creatIve In shOWing off Gardens Banquet Hall, 21801 offers after-school and summer Supphes "Plus" will get February IS Heart Awareness For information, call (810) their pets' talents," ~ald Gary Harper In St Clair Shores programs for workmg parents money-saVlng coupons The top Month The American Heart 779-6111 TIscorma, executIve dIrector of The evemng will inclUde who otherwIse would have to three winners WIll appear on AsSOCiation's annual "Dance the MIchIgan Humane SocIety food, musICal entertamment leave theIr children unsuper- the MHS's PETelethon, a for Heart" fundralser Will help 'The Idea of the contest IS for by Steve Kmg and the Dlttlles, Valentine Fiesta: Cdsa Vlsed at home fund raIser which Will run from finance research Into the caus- people and pets to have fun a Silent auchon, a rame and Marla Family SerVIces will For tickets, call (313) 962- noon to 4 p m Sunday, March es and preventIOn of heart diS- hold ItS annual benefit, while drawmg attentIOn to the door pnzes ease 4230 2, on UPN TV50 "Valentme FIesta," on PETelethon fundralser" Proceeds from the event will For more informatIOn, call AssumptIOn Cultural Saturda~Feb 15,at Entries must be labeled aId the state-licensed founda. The (313) 721-2109 Center's exerCIse program, Smart pet tricks? WIth the pet owner's name, tlOn, whIch prOVIdes educa- AssumptIOn Cultural Center, MIchIgan Humane Society -Margie ReinS Smith Kalosomatlcs, will help raise 21800 Marter In St Clmr honal, recreatIonal, therapeu- inVItes dog and cat owners to money by holdIng "Dance for Shores ,., tIc and SOCIalactIVItIes for Heart Day" from 8 30 to 9 30 en ter theIr pets m the first children With phYSICal and The c\ cnlng W.ll! "u""~llJe d Smdrtest Pet m DetrOIt" con- a m Saturday, Feb 15, at the silent auctIOn, gamblIng, raf. mental Impairments It IS the center test ." only program of Its k:J.nd m fles, food, d cash bar and Latin Owners must submIt a short The exercIse sessIOn will be love tunes from OJ Tony southeastern MIChIgan (two minutes or less) VHS ,.---w~ 05-- .." followed by a short lecture by Valdez TICkets are $25 a person, tape that shows why your dog Optical StudIos Nancy Kennedy on healthy Proceeds from the fundrals- $200 for a table of 10 For hfe~tyles dnd how to reduce or cat IS smart Drop the tape tickets or informatIOn, call er Will prOVIde educational, 01T at any DetrOIt area Pet DistinctIVe Eyewear nsk~ of chromc dIseases, recreatIOnal and counseling (313) 885.8660 Monday Includmg heart disease Supplies "Plus" store before through Friday, from 9 a m to programs for hundreds of chil- Sunday, Feb 23 For Your IndIVIdual Image Refreshments Will be served dren served by the non-profit Tapes can show a pet dOing Eye l'xammatlOns $48

Gro"e Pomle Wood, 19599 Mack A\c Wesl flIoomfi.ld Bloomfield HilL, Ski Club (810)81' 1122 (,P) 882 9711 (Flel \loro'Ss.t. \ c:rruer) (810) 647 1166

The Grosse Pointe Ski Club recently sponsored a ~_....•...... _. __ __ _~ ski weekend at Boyne High- lands. The leader of the • group was John Byrne. Par- 'J:::,'tape7.lej, !By Pat i ticipants gathered for a group photo at the lodge. • The next clUb-sponsored • trip will be to Snowmass, • Colo.. from March 1-8. • Reservations are still avail- • able. Call Sharon Nelson at • (313) 884-3817. • The next general meeting • • & of tbe club will be on • Custom Draperies, Sheers, Bedspreads Blinds Wednesday. Marcb 12, and • • _~~~R'.JARY '~>II will include a wine tasting • ~ ~ 50% off' -e party and nominations for • next year's officers. • m-"'IOc" ...hecr t .Ibm & boll end ... For Information about • membership. can John at : 75% off (810) 293-6779. :I ..,ll.llJc... : Call for an appointment or ~lop in our showroom • (810) 778-2584 • ~: 22224..__ GraliotA~e'_._Eastpointe (Bet\\een_.__81/2 & _9..Mile__Roads).._~: J3£-£-chwood c/l!(ano'r

c!fiiii[a{ ~~;Zi07. ..til"riIZ9 \\HERE ALL PERSO:\, U :\'EEDS illCO:\'SlDFRFD:

• 24 lIour <"111'< r\ ",,'n • \""I.trll~ \\i1h \lllhe.lIIOn • I'n\ ..ll' 1l1lh 1.1<. i1111~' • 1 m~f >Oll1e \ ( tli Btillon, • lIol1llh~, \llll'''phlrl • \Ie.d, IItHI"'~<.lrlJ1~ ,I.

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( all for mor~ 1l~1.1I1, 810/773.5950 24600 Greater Mack

\ C"POIAn 0fftCI1. ,. 804 <; Hnm lIon <'oq n(]w M,.4 8607 1'171 '910914 SEQUENCE {ROO, QI>R 14'1> In' 1\1711911411 on "INION f'fT'"O I nmq l ttn ~(om ~n •••• OIlAL 0fInn. Q')tJ Rohh ns Sllll' ,57 r'lOnd Hl1Vpn M .d9417 II> 1>1 S41> Silo In. (1)11>1R47 0 '47 February 13 1997 48 Churches Grosse Pointe News The Pastor's Corner First English Lutheran The challenge of Lent plans Lenten series By the Rev. Barton L. Beebe First English Ev Lutheran Church First Enghsh Lutheran Wednesday, Feb 26, "ThiS IS HdvlOg !lved In Michigan mObt of my hfe, I am u~ed to Church Will hold a serIes of the Kmg of the Jews" and Holy the changtng of ,easons But a dlffert'nt kind of change Lenten programs, "At the CommunIon on Sunday, March take" place thlb Neek a" Ash Wednesday (Feb 12) marks Cross," which mclude" two "er- 2, "GamblIng for hiS the begmnmg of Lent vices each Wednesday untIl Garment,," on Wednesday, SvnjLtllnt..~ I "vuJel \-\-lit-dlet ",ut..h 111t'd~ u,:,. LcUL are Holy Week Mardi .J, S~Ye YVUI "elf Ull outdated 10 our modern bOCwty In the mld"t of our high One hour worship services Sunday, March 9, wI'ruly ThiS tech, lOstant communicatIOn hfe.,tyle, It IS almost poSSible Will be held at 10 30 a m and was the Son of God" on to proceed as If any particular day were exactly hke every 7 30 p m The morning servIces Wednesday, March 12, "Laid In other day Will be followed by a sandWich the Tomb" and Holy Trymg to set abide time for a special purpose seems buffet, evenmg services Will be CommUnIon on Sunday, March nearly ImpossIble, unless you're talkmg about a sportmg preceded by a supper at 6 p m 16, and "Guard the Tomb" on event (such as basketball's "March Madness") or a highly On Sundays, the tOPiC of the WednesddY, March 19 pubhcl.l:ed local traditIOn (paczkI day) day Will be discussed at 830 It would certamly be ellbler, and more appeahng to and 11 a m worship servIces First Enghsh Lutheran some, If the Christian community did away With the sea- 'fuPICS will mclude "I Wash Church IS located at 800 son of Lent My Hands" and Holy VernIer m Grosse POInte But, of course, we won't Lent, that perIOd of 40 days Communion on Sunday, Feb Woods The semor pastor IS the ~etween A;,h Wednesday and Ea"ter, I" the season of 16, "Crown of Thorns" on Rev Walter Schmidt, associate mtentlOnal preparation for the celebratIOn of the resurrec- Wednesday, Feb 19, ''Take Up pastor IS the Rev Bart Beebe tion of Jesus Your Cross" on Sunday, Feb The commumty IS mVlted to all (Sundays are not counted as part of the Lenten season 23, 'Weep For Yourselves" on semces because every Sunday I" seen as a "Little Easter ") Particular traditIOns of Lent may vary from one commu- nity to another and from one era to another But because Eastside Ministry to Singles It was necessary for Jesus to first die In order to be raIsed from the dead, many Lenten customs deal With the expen- plans two-day workshop ence of sacrifice and the call of people to repentance as preparatIOn for the celebratIOn of the Easter JOY The EastSide Mmlstry to 9 30 pm, Saturday's workshop The hturgy for Ash Wednesday currently used In many Smgles wJ!1 sponsor a work- Will be from 9 a m to 4 30 pm Lutheran congregations speaks of repentance, fasting, shop, "Where Do I Go From The cost IS $20. prayer and works of love as bemg the dlsclphne of Lent Here?" for newly smgle adults Eastside Ministry to SIngles The hteral translatIOn of the scriptural term "to repent" Tour Greece and England to help them adjust to hfe's tra- prOVIdes SOCial and learmng IS ''to turn around" Repentance, Simply put, IS the act of VaIls opportunItIes for smgles turmng away from sm and returnmg to God ThiS act The Rev. Demetrios Kavadas, pastor of Assumption The workshop Will be held on Workshop leader DICk Bont IS most often IS preceded and enabled by an mVltatlOn from Greek Orthodox Church, will lead a tour through FrIday and Saturday, Feb 28 associated With Smgle Pomt God to repent, for It IS only on the strength of God's love Greece and England June 26 through July 10. and March 1, at Grosse Pomte MmlstrIes In Llvoma that we can turn our lives around Kavadas is shown above on last year's trip, examin. BaptIst Church, 21336 Mack m Fastmg IS the abstentIOn from some or all food for a pre- ing the ruins of an altar table inside the Byzantine Grosse Pomte Woods Fnday's For mformatIon about the SCrIbed perIod of time ThIS anCient practIce has taken Church at the site of ancient Olympia. semmar Will be from 7 30 to program, call (313) 881-3343 many forms In dIfferent re!JglOns throughout Iustory, and IS Intended to draw one closer to oneself, to other people Travel information and details of the trip will be and to God outlined at a meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 5, Christ Church Grosse Pointe While fastmg seems strange to many ChnstIans, even at the center. 21800 Marter in St. Clair here m America the people of Islam fast durmg Ramadan Shores/Grosse Pointe Woods. The community is For the modern ChrIstian, fastIng can take many forms invited. plans Taize service Feb. 16 and can be as Simple as not eatmg meat on Friday The Nearly 2,500 people have joined Assumption's A service of meditatIOn, Boulevard oft-mentIOned custom of glVmg somethmg up for Lent IS annual odyssey to the cradle of Western civilization prayer and chant m the style of an outgrowth of the practice of fastmg over the lut 34 years. TaIze Will be held at Chnst The qUiet, candlehght ser- Prayer can be a very IndiVIdual experIence, but can also Church Grosse Pomte begIn- VIce orIgmated In the take the form of corporate worship The practice of many This year's sites will include a cruise to the Aegean mng at 7 pm Sunday, Feb 16, monastery of Talze, a small congregatIOns IS to add speCIal semces to their worship Islands, visits to Macedonia anel Olympia anel the at the church, 61 Grosse POinte commumty near Lyon, France schedule durmg Lent, usually on Wednesdays ThiS IS an clties of Rhodes, AthenJIand Delphi. example of Lenten dlsclp!Jne Certainly works of love are an approprIate part of the The tour begins in London with excursfonJI to ChrIstian lifestyle throughout the year But Lent can be a Trafalgar Square, Admiralty Arch, the Houses of Par- SLOWER time to reassess one's commitment to volunteer actIVIties, Your support keeps lifesaving liament, Westminster Abbey, Windsor Castle and TRAFFIC to charitable g1Vmg and to intentIOnal expressIOns of care Buckingham Palace. research In the fast lane. for other people m the midst of our dally actiVIties For more details about the trip. caD (810) 779- KEEP Now what do you thmk? Is the diSCipline of Lent, so 6111. RIGHT brIefly explaIned here, outdated? Would we be better off m ~ .. Muscular Dystrophy As.soc::lallon 1-800-572 1717 our fast-paced world to discard thIS season as a remnant of tImes past? Please don't misunderstand me I am glad that the Grosse Pomte Unltartan Church stilI holds to the season of Lent and not because Church I'm comfortable WIth the tradItion Just the OPPOSite, I "A Tale of Two J find myself qUlte challenged dUrIng thiS time of year Roses" ~ WORSHIP SERVICES But sometlung tells me I need some time to be chal- lenged I need to be challenged by the One who took up 1030 a m Service & Church SChool St. James Lutheran Church 17150 MAUMEE the cross and dIed for me so that, by the grace of God, I 170 McMillan Rd near Kercheval ~ GRACE UNITED can be raIsed to new life - even before I die 881-0420 Redeemer United Grosse POinte Fanns' 884 0511 1;;1 & CHURCH OF CHRIST First English Ev. Lutheran Church 1015 a m Worship & Hal, Euchanst ~I Kcrcheval at I aleJlOlnic Methodist Church Volunteers are needed at DIA Vernier Rd at Wedgey.ood Dr 9{1()am ChnstJan Education for all ages Gro"e POInie Parl 822 3823 20571 Vernier jU\1 W of I 94 Gro,," POlO Ie Wood, tIled d r. '" h Sunday Wo",hlp 1030 a m Harper Woods Volunteers are needed at the assist the staff 88~ 5(}.l0 '" nes ay u:n!/!n "ors lp' Tue'hop Will be from IIJ I' J m Church School ro II) J m (hnrJll:.ul..h ..m ...1 530 to 9 30 p m Friday, March ALLARE WELCOME..... ~~ GrossePoll1te ~ ~ariners' l"Jur'tT\ A\.J.IIJhIeJ 7, and from 8 30 a m to 4 30 .:,:" CHRIST;'( ,1.11~ WOODS QIlyurcly p m Saturday, March 8, at the NURSING HOME EPISCOPAL '~-:. II: PRESBYTERIAN center, 9400 Courville In Grosse Pointe 8045 f,.\~T JEFFERSON ~ Church )In\.-(' IX4:2 DetrOIt Df fROIT, \nCH UNITED CHURCH 19950 Mac, (berween Moross & Vem"", AIJ~//( 011 fllt!f'J)t'ndl nt For more mformatlOn, call ~ A HOIlS~ m PRAYFR FOR ALL P~OPL~ (313) 882-4853 821-3525 METHODIST Saltlnlay 900 a m Worship Q~AUTY NURSING CARE CHURCH 5JOp m HoilEuchanst 10 00 a m The Forum Ir---,., - - - -I '\ Incnlllj Church for All Age, Sunday Gary Anderson ~UNDAY ,I 2" ~oros~ Rd. 800 a m HolyEuchanst ProdUClOgi ArtIstIC X "'0 I III Uol) (ommunlon Gro~<;ePointe Farms 10 I~ Adult 11,010 \Iud} I The Alma College 915 am HolyEu;:hanst Dlfector, It 00 Hol) (omrnumon 886-2363 ( hUf\.h\und .....~ch{)ol md '\Iur"l.-ry 10 20 a m Adult Forum Plowshares. on TUURSI>AY I Choir in Concert 9 00 &. II l'i a m Worlhlp ]020 a m ChurchSchool Mncan-Amencan 12 10 m tinh (nmmunwn r r I[) I ~ ol m Sunda) School 1115a m Ho!\ Euchamt Playwnghts \fa"nrr"f; on l1art Plaza 1215p III CdfeeHour 11 00 a m Worship at the Tu"nel Fnday, February 21, 1997 .If-THE UNITED fr('(' "u.curfOd/~aTA.lfIR. ford (Jllrogl' 700Pm TalZe Sem~ Nu'sery Services Available f n(a at noodM ard & Jt'ffl'T'ion , 7.30 P m. Th. R" RIchard \\ IORall, ~I METHODIST CHURCH 900am 123Dpm Supemsed Nurserv dunng Worship Rl"rlor Memonal Pre~bytenan Church f\('nM1h I ''''t''rlman, \ ~nPHf'" MINI~TRY" 61 Gro ••• Point. Blvd. 88eA301 Or,aam",t ami ( hOlrma~l("r 16 Lake<;hore Dnve and' OGOo, Cong~allon _ (3131885-4841 U"t 'I '-259.220(; Gro<;~e POinte, MIchIgan The Grosse Pointe Memorial Church Gl"oS'S'e POinte 8aptlS't Chul"ch VOl TH SUJ'l.DAY -4 ChrlJt Centered, Caring Church Mark ( onrad, Ablne Roberts &. GreR 'Khulte, prea('hm~ Commdted 10 yo utit and Commund~

<) ()O Wor\hlP "ie" I

f ,... --~ .1 ...., .. I J t I A 1 .. 0 Pro February 13, 1997 Grosse Pointe News Health 58 Marijuana awareness In city or suburb - growing up is hard to do By Jeff and Debra Jay When most people thmk or common With their urbdn peers or 16 and 19, 25 percent or by: Special Writers drug and alcohol abube, VIO- - growmg up Ibn't ed~y reported Cdseb or gonorrhed • Modplmg the kmd or FebnJary launches MarIjuana Awareness Month In lenLe and nsky behdvlOr", they Some or the more common OLcur In adole~cent ..., 70 per MIchIgan and we are dedIcating today's column to the mdm often dSboclate these problems pltrdlls of dd()le~cence Indude cent or cabes or pelvlL mOarn behaVIOrthey expeLt rrom thelr chlldren For example, don't Issues and concerns about thIS drug Take a look at some wlth hre In the cIty dlcohol and drug dbube, rJbky mdtory dl~ease occur In women facts about marijuana But Dr Valerie Hudson, a behaVIOrs (hke drmkmg and undpr the age of 25, teendgerb tell your chlldren about the d...1r, Lr., )f ,::>lIiU1..Hib onJ 'l.AI.- ...... =. • :\Idl'JUtllllt I" Lhe IIJObL wIdely used IllicIt drug m the "V"'-ldlJ"L111 IIIter/ldl medlLlne drlvlng, tdttoO~dnd body pICrL- dcwunt tor 25 percent 01 adolescents, 25 per ~lvely yourselr Some statistics: • Keepmg d hne or communi- 12th grade students In 1995, nearly one m 20 12th "For too long, people have • Alcohol ISthe most WIdely cent of people age 15 to 25 have tried to convince themselves catIOn open between them- graders used marijuana dally Use has doubled among 12- used drug In the Dmled States eIther had a tattoo or body to 17-year olds smce 1990 that bad thmgs only happen to plercmg, and With no rederdl ~elve~ and thelr chIldren Nmety percent or adolescents Young people need to know • Marijuana ISconSidered a "gateway drug" to cocame, kIds from poor and broken have used alcohol by the age or regulations to gO\ern tdttOO crack and herom homes, research IS telhng us and piercing shopb, adoleswnt~ that tht-y can rely on theIr par- 18, monthly use IS the hlghebt ents for honest and rellable • Mal1Juana IS fre- otherwIse," Hudson Said among hIgh school semors (60 run the risk of hepatl tIS quently mIXed wIth other She "dId that whJle adoles- • DepreSSIOn-A 1989 study mrormatlOn about hfe and percent) health drugs to Increase potency cents III the cIty mdYface more bho....ed that 61 percent or ado • Drug use IS up The per- • Makmg an appomtment and mlXlng drugs can be VIOlencem the home and the cent of eIghth-graders who le~cents felt sad and hopele~s, dangerous neIghborhood, young people m 36 percent felt they had noth ror theIr son or daughter to used marIjuana m the past 12 have a yearly phY~lcal exam • Greater suppheb of the suburbs are conrrontmg months tripled from 6 percent 109 to look rorward to more potent strainS of psychologICal stresses that can • SUICIdeISthe third leadmg Many health problem~ can be In 1991 to 18 percent, smoking aVOldedby early deteLtlOn and be equally devastatmg to theIr cau~e of death In 15- to 19- marijuana are aVailable cIgarettes IS up 10 percent interventIOn today than 10 years ago, ht-alth and well-bemg year-olds In the past 30 yearb, among eighth- and 10th- Fmally, Hudson adVIses par- presentmg a greater nsk Whether hvmg up to the the teen SUICIde rate ha~ graders smce 1994, 34 percent ents to remember whdt It was Involved WIth the use of hIgh expectatIOns or parents, Increased by 300 percent of 17- to 18 year-olds are smok hke to be a kid thIS drug HIgher doses of gammg acceptance Into the col- ers "The same fears and con- THC can trigger acute lege of theIr chOIce, or achIev- RIsky behavlOrb Parents can help to cerns parent::. had as teenagers aruoety and paranoIa Ing the same level of success as AutomobJle aCCIdents account are just a~ real to today's young • Marijuana hurts faml- parents and peers, suburban ease an adolescent's for 50 percent of deaths In people," she said hes Teens who use It find adolescents share one thmg m young people between the ages pain of growing up themselves betraying the trust of theIr parents, and parents are hurt and con- Babies fused by their ch1ldren's drug use Conor David Griffith Troy and Max La Valley of the CIty or Grosse POinte are Mussey TownshIp, formerly of Jeff and Debra Jay The current perception Royal Oak the parents or a son, KeVIn IS that marlJuana IS a rel- DaVId and DIane Gnffith of the CIty or Grosse POinte MIChael Dowdall, born Jan 20, atively harmless drug A Grosse POinte Woods are the Maternal grandparents are Mr great deal of controversy has been breWIng recently over parents of a son, Conor DaVId Leigh Anna 1997 Maternal grandmother IS and Mrs Rudolph Palomblt or Barb Alexander of Burton former pot-smokmg parents who faIl to confront the prob- Griffith, born Aug 25, 1996 Farquhar Grosse Pomte Farms Maternal grandparents are Paternal grandparents are lem WIth theIr teenage cluldren Many of these parents Elame and JIm Farquhar or say they are uncomfortable telling theIr chJldren not to do John and Loraine Peters of Joseph and ShIrley Dowdall of Gros»e Pomte Woods Paternal Grosse Pomte Farms have Traverse CIty, formerly or Michael Lee Fitch and something that they themselves did as teens wIthout adopted a daughter, LeIgh apparent consequences They conclude, "It didn't really grandparents are Cletus and Grosse Pomte Farms Ryan Mengden Fitch PatricIa Griffith of Kewadm Anna Farquhar, born Dee 18, hurt me, and It probably won't hurt my kid " 1996 Maternal grandparents Mary and Jim FItch of RIver One explanatIOn for this VIewpoint ISthat parents are ShIrley and Warren Chalhs Aubrey Claire Platt Forest, Ill, are the parents or remember the good feelings assoclated WIth the drug use, Devon Elaine tWIn boys, MIChael Lee FItch of Sterlmg HeIghts Paternal Bemadette M and WIlham but forget, minImIZe or weren't ever aware of the negatIve grandparents are Doreen and and Ryan Mengden FItch, born La Valley T Platt III of Grosse Pomte consequences of Its use These ratlOnahzatlons can be dan- JIm Farquhar of Grosse POinte Jan 17,1997 Maternal grand- gerous when It comes to our chJldren Pot ISmuch more Mark and Chrlstme La Pdrk are the parents or a IS parents are Joseph Mengden of Valley of Grosbe POinte Wood~ Farms Great-grandmother daughter, Aubrey ClaIre Platt, potent today, and consequences can happen much more Dorothea Schroeder of Grosse the Clty of Grosse Pomte and are the parents of a daughter, born Dec 9, 1996 Maternal qUIckly Pomte Woods the late Suzanne Mmer Devon Elame La Valley, born grandparents are Mr and Mrs Take a look at some of the negatIve consequences caused Mengden Paternal grandpar- Oct 7, 1996 Maternal grand- Thomas Garfield Gallagher of by manjuana use ents are Mrs Gal! Douglas parents are Jack and Eve Kevin Michael Grosse Pomte Woods Paternal • There are more than 400 chemIcals present In marl- FItch of Boca Raton, Fla , and ChIlds of Troy Paternal grand- Dowdall grandparents are Mr and Mrs See AWARENESS, page 6B parents are Dons Brown of the late Gall Douglas FItch Mike and Cmdy Dowdall of W Theodore Platt Jr of

THE C_~NE YC>U L<_~VE " ~'b &/dC'CSL _lii_ ROYALVELVIT

TOWELS and RUGS ErRlSC \\ 'fREASLRES Safe starts Sunday, February 16th '- -~ An&nlln.turf'$ and bslpIS glt'f' gold a ",how IU'W look. pat SC0(£5j jewelers MANUFACTURER'S SPECIAL SALE Buy one set (bath towel hand towel washcloth/ of 19495 Mack. Grosse POinte Woods famous RoyalVelve~ towels at sale price and get a second 3 I 3-881-5882 set at y, off Large thick and thirsty All cotton Great Hours lues & Wed 106 ThuTs108 Ffl & Sat 106 colors SpeCialsavings on other towel sizesas well ~------~ Sale Second Set Bath Towel 14.95 11.99 5 99 WE HAVE THE SPECIAL GIFT Hand Towel 10.95 8.99 4 49 FOR YOCR SWEETHEART Washcloth 5.95 4.99 1.49 Total 31.85 25.97 12,97 O~ VALE:\TTINES DAY Coordinating Royal Velvet" bath rugs Buy one rug at sale price • \ \ IIHlI(' IIlC-Pooll and get the second rug of equal or lesser value at 1/2 off ~ Sal~ Second Rug' • Horn(lIlll( \1\1..,IC 17x24 19.95 '5.99 7 99 8< ( dlHlcl.., 24x36 24.95 19.99 I) 99 • I~(,dr.., • PIII()w~ 27x48 39.95 35.99 l7 99 Contour 24.95 19.99 9 99 • 1()\\l'1.., Lid Cover 12.95 10.99 5 49 • B('dl11l1( l~rlj)I<''' *of equal or lesser value • [)( ( mcltl\ (' HlIhhcr "'lcHllp" ,/-::\\\\I~~ • / ...... \: d, O~ K~ /,")QJ"'u~ y I-"*...~~...&~-- ...'*~ bed, bath & window fashions f,1j!" , ( h 1 R') 1\('[( Iv \ ell • (,m",,! I'(l1T1I( I eln11" • HH4-.j.422 16906 Kercheval • In The VIllage 881-9890 q7 "I II 1]( \ II • ('[11...... 1 1'1111111 I .lflll"- • HHh-.j. l.j. J


C"POII." 0fIfICUI 80.4 <) HomllPon log now M 4860~ I~17' 7910934 SEQUENCE 1800196814~0 101 I~17) 79~ 14~1 con IIOIIINION fl",m dmq IOn s (om 'slc1ent ••• fOUL OnolClo 9?tJ Rohbm~ )tJ"~ 252 ('~rof1d HOYl"'n MI.49417 1016) 8468776 In' (616) 8476747 ,.~ Am" ?&nn..onr...... "'..... February 13, 1997 68 Health Grosse Pointe News Awareness Cottage Hospital focuses From page 5B on youth, substance abuse Juana smoke Some of these are kno,,"n cancer causmg Lhermcab One study shows that smokmg marrJuana The ups and downs of our ment and treatment of chIl- ImpaIrs the lung» even more than smokmg cIgarettes chIldren's hves - peer pres dren and adolescents for more • AI1Imalstudies show thanges m the structure of the ourI' "<'hoolotrp~~ homp anxi than 15 ~ears and as the tJrlllll lelh alter re~lar lllarIJualla u:.e :'utJtle and lasting ety - can work together to mother of three, IS acquamted change:. In human brain functIOn ma, result from heaV)' entIce children and adoles- With the challengeb of raiSIng dnd continUOUSmarrJuana use cents to experIment WIth sub- children m an environment • MarIJuana can cause difficult, spealung, hstenmg stance abuse "Substance which sometimes eludes effectively, thmkmg retamlng knowledge, problem sol\mg Abuse Wlthm Our Youth" WIll parental control and formmg concepts be the topiC of a free, commu- McPeak WIll be JOllled by • People who smoke marrJuana heaVlly over long perr- nIty program at Henry Ford LInda KaIser, who WIll lead a ods may become dull, slow moving and inattentive, even Cottage Hospital from 7 to follow-up dISCUSSIOn of the when not currently under the mnuence of the drug ThIS 8 30 p m Monday, Feb 17, III process of recovery, mcludmg IS assocIated with a "don't care" attItude These users are Theatre Arts Club the hospItal boardrooms on the mformatlOn on the blOloglcal rarely aware of the change:. m themselves lower level effects of substance abuse on • MarrJuana has a negative effect on the growmg up The Theatre Arts Club will present "Suppressed Charlene McPeak, a specIal- the body and treatment Issues process of young people LIke other drugs, It mterferes Desires." a one-act play, on Friday, Feb, 21, at the ISt III chIld and adolescent psy- for both the parent and the wIth theIr psycholOgIcal, emotIOnal and socIal develop Players Theatre. 3321 East Jefferson, chiatry, WIll explore the cur. chIld who abuses substances ment, hmdermg young people from becommg mature, Also performing: Kelly Boczek, a Wayne State Uni. rent statIstICS on substance Kaiser mamtams a pnvate IIldependent and responsIble versity student who will present two monologues. a abuse In our own communIty practice locally and has been • Contrary to popular behef, marijuana ISaddIctive few songs and a swing dance, with Oliver C. Ervin • Her diSCUSSIOnWill explaIn Involved In both mpatlent and Withdrawal symptoms Include dIfficulty sleepmg, ner- Bookrum. why chIldren turn to mtoXlcat- outpatient care of chlldren and 'ousness and a qUIck temper "Suppressed Desires" cast members are shown. mg substances, the physlOlogI.- adolescents for more than 15 MarrJuana ISnow recogmzed as addICtIve, both psycho- from left: Jean Hawkins, Irene Blatchford and Shirley cal effects on a young person's years She currently IS com- lOgIcallyand phySIcally Al> wIth many substances, not Worthman. body, and the properties of the pletlllg a Ph D III clInIcal psy. e'eryone who uses marijuana wIll become addIcted to It, The performance will begin at 1 p,m. Luncheon will maJor abUSIVeagents chology Just as not e~eryone who drrnks becomes an alcoholIc be served at 12:15 p.m. Members are encouraged to As chmcal manager of the For free reservatIOns to But no one can predict who WIllor wIll not become addict- bring guests. For more information, call (313) 885- mental health program at "Substance Abuse W1tmn Our ed And serrous consequences can happen to a child who 2872, Cottage, McPeak has been Youth," call Sandra Shmer ISstIll m the experImentaVabuslllg stage actIvely mvolved m assess- Roach at (313) 640 2244 We hope parents WIlltalk to theIr children about the consequences assocIated With manJuana use and encour- Cottage Hospital offers age them to experIence the real excItement of lIfe through ~obrrety MDA sponsors contest You can order free parent and youth matenals on man- cardiopulmonary rehabilitation Juana by requestmg a MarrJuana Awareness Month If even the slIghtest exerclSe, CampaIgn materIal order form WrIte to MCR, III W Ity of theIr hves They feel to promote oral health lIke walkmg up st81rs or dOlllg Edgewood Blvd, SUite 11, Lansmg, 48911 or fax your more energetIc through proper household chores, leaves you d1et, exerClSe and stress reduc- February IS NatIOnal 1b receive a copy of the color- request to (517) 882-7778 The matenals are avallabll' for Children's Dental Health mg contest pIcture, contact a lImIted tIme breathless and tIred, you could tion, and are less fearful of car- be a canilldate for carillopul. dIac and pulmonary dIseases Month and the MIchIgan your local partlclpatmg Dental AsSOCIatIonIS sponsor- MichIgan Dental AsSOCIation Jeff Jay, a natwe of Grosse POinte, IS director of pro monary rehablhtatlon. Learn when armed WIth knowledge gram development for Bnghton Hospital and the preSident more about It at a free, com- and understandmg of the ills- mg a colOrIng contest to show dentist There 1S no purchase of the McGovern Family FoundatIOn m Washmgton, DC mUlllty program, "Introducmg ease process lads that oral health can be necessary to part1clpate Debra Enckson Jay dIrects a campaign that donates "Take CardIopulmonary Included III the free commu- fun Encourage your cmld to be Charge'," a program Instructing famllzes on helpmg an RehablhtatlOn," at Henry Ford nity program IS a tour of the The contest IS open to cml- creatIve With crayons, penCIls, alcohol or drug abuser, to lzbranes and churches through Cottage Hospital on Thursday, Cottage CardIopulmonary deen m kmdergarten through markers, beads, P81nt any- sIXth grade PartIal funillng for thmg they can thInk of to out the country "Take Charge'" IS available at all Grosse Feb 13, from 2 30 to 4 pm Rehab area PartICIpants also Pomte churches and the PubliC Library Send questIOns to Pat Coppola, cardIOpul- WIll be offered a free blood the contest IS proVlded by make the1r picture colorful Bnghton Hospital, Dept GF, 12851 East Grand Rwer, monary rehab coordmator, and pressure screemng and body Procter & Gamble PIctures must be receIved by Bnghton, 48116, (810) 227 1211 MOllica Pagels, exercIse spe- fat composItIon analysIs Every ehgI.ble chIld who Monday, March 3 Winners WIll CialIst, WIll outlIne the pro- Cottage HospItal IS located sends III a completed p1cture be notified by March 31 gram, wmch consists of heart at 159 Kercheval III Grosse WIll receive a postcard from For an entry form, call mon.lo. mg, SUIl"'1 \ l!lt:d exer. 1ulllte Farms Free parkmg m the contest mascot There wlll StephanIe at the MichIgan Clseand educatIOnal lectures the deck WIll be prOVIded be one grand prIze and four Dental Assoclatlon at (517) CardIopulmonary rehabIlIta- Brmg your tIcket WIth you to first prIze WInners m each of 372-9070, ext 417, or wnte to tIon benefits the mllld and the program for valIdatIOn For the following categories Colormg Contest Request, Pride of the Pointes body PartIcIpants develop a free reservatIons for thiS or Kmdergarten, first and second M1cmgan Dental Assoc18t1on, more poslbve outlook by any Henry Ford Cottage grades, thIrd and fourth 230 N. WashIngton Square, Thomas Caulfield of UnIVers1ty of MIchIgan Law understandmg that they have HospItal Commulllty Program, grddes, and fifth and Sixth SUIte 208, Lansmg. 48933- Grosse Pomte Park was named School the abIlIty to Improve the qual- call (313) 640-2425 grades 1392 to the dean's hst for the fall term at Johnson & Wales Jennifer L, Reeves, a .. Umverslty Caulfield IS maJor- selllor maJormg III mathemat- . .. mg m hotel-restaurant man- ICS and busmess admlmstra- rr::.:======;.:::;"1 4 Fcature Glamorou'i, I agrec, but how cl'ie can you [ell p.lrtner agement tIon/management, was named who ha'i a very line hand that you're on top .Ind cooperallng Even to the dean's hst for the fall HAVE A PLEASANT TRY AT PERFECTION Ihough ynu rc flat your hand may play 'il.lm oppo'lie rever,e II', Heather Brown, daughter semester at AdrIan College_ BRIDGE BY WOODY BOYD torLlng and ,ho\\,.1 hold 109 01 th,., type of Mr and Mrs Charles Brown She IS the daughter of Herbert . +,... +AK6 .J102 .J95 +9873 of the CIty of Grosse Pomte, and Kathleen Reeves of Grosse .. .: Ob\lOu,l) }OU hJlen'1 .I 'p.lde 'UII .I, )OU would h.lve bId .1 mer was named to the dean's hst PomteWoods one diamond for the fall semester at Hope Wh.ll .1,1\ lLe " gl\ en rollm.\Lng .I \\fellhed re'iult .I' 'he card t,lble ( ollege Among the Grosse Pomters ,hould rJrel) be 'J~en.l'i JUdILIOU~ ~ SphOlcr A 'Inglelon In ,upport of panner , IwO c1uh hid Two named as honor students for \l.1n) hJ\ e diIILLUlt) determmmg 'hc me.lnmg of perplcxmg bid, hearl' would have becn a reler,c '0 Ihe unu~ual Jump ,how, Ihl'i Tr) thl, 4uII .Ind ,ce It II help, YOU .Ind )our p.lrtner uur.l,el the Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class the fall semester at MIchIgan ~Ind of hJnd Jnd n.lturall) I' forclllg William J. Quinn m, son of State UniversIty were Kelly turmOIl'ed h, ,uch 'Oph""l.lled Jl lion South, 1.1,1bid m CJch +KQ10 .J .AKJ98 +AJ104 Janis L QUllln of Grosse Bakewell, Adrianne Beckel', 01 Ihe,e ,e4uLncc, " ellher ,UII, rCJture or 'phnter Select "'hlch 111 Pomte Woods, recently David Blair, Mark Dely, your 0plmon "Ihc LorreL' one 6 SphOler A \InglelOn 111 ~uppon of p.lnner ~ opcOlng bid Grc.l1 'ihape hUI le~'i Ihan limit HCP (9 J J) Your holdmg l'i 'omethmg returned from a sIx-month Jeffrey Edmonds, Richard ~ .E Ii W deployment aboard the gUIded Gokenbach, Robert Gray, lJ~e thl' 1. mls~lle destroyer USS Russell Rebecca McCurdy, 2+ +1087542 \07 .A865 +K10 He IS a 1991 graduate of Christopher Nelson, Daniel 2. 4+ ? 2+ 3. ? t'ooot h~el) you II go down 111 lour 'pJdc, .Ind If pJrlncr h.l' Ihc ngh' Gro:.~e Pomte South High Okeefe, Benjamin Rabaut, c.lrd, ,lam I' po"lblc School Jeremy Vanhof and Gregory 1. 4 1+ 1NT 7 A much dclayed ,plJnler In ,uppor! 01 parlller, deL tded Washington. 1NT 3\0 ? 2'1' 2+ ? Tristan Guevara of Grosse prefercnce tor hl'i 'UII Your holdmg +AQJ75 .Q9 .AK642 +8 Pomte Woods has been Others are Lisa Mullen, 1+ (:, 1+ 4\0 ? appomted student representa- David Applegate, Holly 2+ 3. ? Thl\ hand playcd 'iucle"fulI} 111 hean ,101m Partner\ l.lrd, "'ere a, tIve of the American Academy Boyer, Anne Bruch, advcnt,cd of FamIly PhYSICIans' Timothy Dalby, Eric 1\0 1+ 8 1+ 2'1' + 10 • A" 10 7642 • Q + A 6 32 CommISSIOn on MembershIp Damore, Matthew Diponio, 2'1' 3. 2NT 3. ? and Member ServIces Michael Fashoway, Dawn 8 SUil You h.l,e a ,uperh hJnd 0ppo\lle pMlner\ opcmng bId 3\0 (,uevara IS a medICal student Frontera. Angela Grassi, 5+ ? Your holding ,hould be ,omethlllg h~e 'ht, Emily Grenzke, Katherine 1NT 2+ 10 1+ +K6 .AKQJ10 .AQ74 +95 Sarah J. Peters, daughter Grenzke. Matthew " 2'1' 3. ? 1+ )f fom and Lee Peters of Hambright, Paul Henning, 3. ? 9 SUII Ilkcly but mayoe Ju,t a fea'ure Necdle" 10 'iay II', forung nro~,p POinte Farm~, earned a Jennifer Kean. Kelly .Ind you rc dc,erlDmg ) our l.lrd, In hope, of I mdlllg more Ihan J ~rJ!IIILf \ 'lII~iLlon 111 '"ppon of nonh , 1,"1 01(12. II' high I) g.lme ) our holdmg - 'l1Inglelon m ,upport ot panner ,bid 'Il.llurall) f()rung rn~tltutp of Arts and at WDET- md 'h'1\\' Ih" ~lOd of hJnd Jnd ) our holding look, hkc Ih" MickIash, Joshua Nesi, .AQJ976 \OAKJ54 .7 +A FM, Detrolt'~ publIc radIO sta- Elizabeth Norris, Jessica ... .A10543 \OKQ.5 +AoI1062 tIOn Ogrady, Brian Parthum, ... Erin Peters, Mary Leigh Adam J, Bente, son of Ronan, Nelson Ropke, George Wand Beatrice A Renee Rossmann, Timothy " Bpnt(' of Gro~~e POinte Woods, SchlJ1idt. Matthew LAKK~HORE PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES wa~ rpr('ntl, promoted to the Schneider. Michael Sloan, rank of ~('rg('ant while ~ervmg Steven Smith, Mariateresa 22811'tACK AH"IU. Slln: L-3 DR. ANDREA ABESSINIO With MarIne Flghter Attack Tersigni, Suzanne lnicny, loiT. Ct \IR SHORf},. Ml 48080 Squadron 314 Naval AIr Sarah Vandenbussche. • StallOn MIramar In San Diego Christian Vanfarowe, ANNOUNCES THE OPENINC OF HER NEW OFFICE Matthew Winstanley, LPS 1\ plca~cd to announce the followmg SPECIALIZINC IN OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY Sharon Gates of Gros~e Marsha Zeller and Sean pWtholhcrapy group' hegmnmg m March AT I'm,,!. \\ood~ waduatNi from Ziegenhagen. ( IE an College, ~umma cum • A",.iet)' DI'iOrders Group • Deprc~sion Group 20861 MAC I< AVENUE SUITE S laudp, With a bachelor's degree • Eatrn~ Di~ordeN Group • InterpeNOnal Growth Group In bll~lne~~admInI~tratlon Thomas C. Franzinger. CROSSE POINTE WOODS MI48236 ~on of Mr and MN Rohert J • Male ~exual Dy~function Group FranzllIger of Grosse Pomte fm (ulIl/( rill/ollila/lOll alld appOlIII/1lellH plea~e call Anna Francis, daughter of Park, was named to the dean's (810) 777.0470 Bill and Su~an FranCIS of hst for the fall semester at TELEPHONE (313)884-8989 Groq~p Pomt(' Park, earned a John Carroll Ulllver~lty StaH Judy A McCown Ph 0 Robert A PapazIan Psy 0 JUrI~ doctor degree from the John A Ryan Ph D

.r ...... I 1 I • I' A o • • • Q February 13, 1997 Grosse Pointe News Entertainment 78 Auchincloss offers tuJo more literary charmers "The Man Behind the erary essays, that each, at one the autobIOgraphical pages of happy souls who realIzed to mg the SOCiallandscape of However, m 1927, Oscar Book: Literary Proffies" pomt or another of my hfe, 'Agnes Grey,' IS the ImpreSSIOn the fullest all of his potential which he IS so fd.mllIar Oscar Fairfax, already a member of By LoUIS Auchmcloss has meant a great deal to me of her strength of character Not by any means the greatest Fairfax ISthe SCIOnof a hlb father's prestigIOus law Houghton Mlfflm 208 as a reader and writer" Far from bemg meek, she was of diplomats or parhamentan- wealthy and established faml firm, l'l sent abroad to estab- pages $2295 The author's first subject, qwte the equal of Charlotte, ans, and not the finest of Iy m New York Auchmclosb hsh a Panslan base Cyrll Thumeur (1580-1626), IS and she was even stronger Enghsh bIOgraphers or hlstorl bkillfully lay" down the settmg "Like mv father, I had never "The Education of Oscar a playwright who ISpartlcu- than Emlly, m that she could ans he nonetheless made when he has .!"alrlax descrIb. adopted the European view Fairfax" cope readily With the outside hIS dlstmctlve and dlstm- mg "Sargent's portrait of my that America had vulgarized By LoUIS Auchmdoss world she learned to gUlshed mark m each field of father - pamted when I was the world We had Simply been Houghton Mlfflm 225 BIBLIO- FILE endure the snobbish treatment hIS endeavors" 10 m 1905- stIll hangmg m the first VIctImof the 20th pG8es. $22 95 of her employers and the rude- Auchmcloss also exammes the great hall of the Colomal century cultural ViruS that has ness of their servants Without three promment American Art Gallery, of which he was smce bwept the globe It was ThIS patnclan man-of-let- comproIlliSmg her dlgrnty or playwnghts Maxwell for so many years a trustee, all very well for KJplmg to say ters, Lows Auchmcloss, con- her mdependence She also Anderson, S N Behrman, and might be the Image of an of the East and the Webt that tmues to amaze us With hIS learned to observe and record Robert E Sherwood He feels American aristocrat of hiS era never the twaIn shall meet, prodUctlVlty Full of years and the domgs of lugh LIfeWith an that Anderson "tended to see - If there had been any" but go to the Onent today and WISdom,he has recently pro- eye that missed notlung and a hiStory m slmphstlc terms as ThiS opemng sentence you'll find every city remInIS- duced two more fine books, pen that spared no one" the struggle of the free soul qUickly reveals the author's cent of Newark, New Jersey" both worthy additions to Ius agamst tyranny." use of Irony and satire m the Auchmcloss has a magic lengtherung blbhography By Elizabeth P. Walker A commanding personalIty As for Behrman, he consld. dIsclosure of character touch m the depictIOn of char- Although an active attorney, was Lord Bryce, the Bntlsh ers rum "our wittIest play- Although for the most part, he acter For an example, he tells he has, somehow, managed to larly known for Ius over- ambassador dunng PreSident wnght SInce Oscar Wilde", and understands hiS characters, of Oscar Fairfax's encounter fmd hme to devote to Ius LIter- wrought and horrendous Theodore Roosevelt's tenure, Sherwood, ''for all Ius love of the author IS shrewd enough With the guard1an of the ary endeavors, which seldom, drama, 'The Revenger's and "he prC'bably knew more drama, however, he was late to pomt out their mmor flaws young woman who has caught if ever, fall to charm hIS loyal Tragedy," a very dark play of about the natIOn to wluch he m becommg a profeSSIOnal and lapses In Judgment, true hiS son's admlnng notice. readers man's cruelty to man had been accredited than any playwright" to hIS natural milIeu, he "MISSMalvern was unIversally Auchincloss hves m New 'Ibumeur, as a young sold1er envoy in Waslungton before or remams a suffiCiently Cited as the last great uphold. York City, the VIbrant arena of dunng the Jacobean wars, suf- since" Auchmcloss speaks of Poets come under detached observer, an Impor. er of the high though vanish- many of hIS stones and essays fered temble experiences, and "his classiC work, 'The AuchIncloss' scrutmy Amy tant trait that Informs hiS mg standards of yesteryear wluch are replete WIth Ius Aucluncloss asks, "What Amencan Commonwealth,' Lowell and ElInor Wy he work But If her slIm white-topped urbane observations of a brought on In 'Ibumeur such a fIrst publIShed m 1888, had receive appr81sals, and a good Whlle attendmg Yale, and white-clad figure, spotted bygone age as well as the pre- loatlung of man? He had been reISSued agam and agaIn number of Amencan and F81rfax toys WIth a wntmg every Sunday m her front pew sent. As an acknowledged served In the Low Countnes on both Sides of the AtlantiC, BntIsh wnters receive their career "WntIng, msofar as It m the Episcopal church and master of hterature, he IS a and must have seen the car- and It was taught m schools cntIcal and appreciatIve due entailed dOIngbttle stones for afterward at her umbrella member of the American nage of war and the fnghtful and colleges here until It was Auchmcloss accords each of the magaZIne, was an accept- table at the club for her SIngle Academy of Arts and Letters atrocitIes of rellgIous persecu- finally out of date " hIS subjects an apprecIative able, even an applauded slde- glass of white wme, symbol- 'The Man Belund the Book" tlOn, but these are not the hor- eye and places each bter8Ij' lme for an undergraduate, IZed the order and ntual of an is a debghtful collectIon of lit- rors that excite hIID It IS cor- In d1scussmg another bter- personage In the proper place sometlung to add to one's 'b1O' earher day, It was also the erary sketches of 23 personalJ- ruptIon at court that appalls ary pobtlclan, the EnglIshman Wltlun the lIterary Parthenon m the class yearbook, or even Image of the effiCient board ties, some well known and oth- hmt the lust for gold and Harold Nicolson, Aucluncloss With hIS impeccable taste and to look back upon WIth a chief of a summer camp for ers of lesser fame. Again women" calls Ium "a pnme example of flawless Judgment, pleasant nostalgia from one's dehnquent cluldren whose Aucluncloss reveals hIS skill m Anne Bronte (1820-1849) IS a busy and fruitful hfe m the AuchIncloss displays his mfal- ultImate desk m Wall Street. misdemeanors she faced with- bnef portr81ture by wluch he drawn out from the shadows 'great world' that was entIrely hble eye And It would never, of course, out flmchmg and whose psy- illummates certaIn character- cast by her better known SIS- compatIble WIth the quantity have occurred to my mother or chlatnc rehabIlitation she paid IstlCSof hIS subjects, all of ters, Charlotte and Emily. (35 volumes) and rugh quality 'The EducatIon of Oscar even, I daresay, to my more for from her own pocket which are interesting, enter- Aucluncloss admIres her nov- of hIS LIterary output I do Fwrfax" IS the latest of Imaginative father, that they "MISSMalvern may have troning, and mformatIve HIS els, "Agnes Grey" and 'The not belIeve that he would have Auclunc!oss' novels of manners might have to warn their belIeved that the world had mtroductory note explains Tennant of Wild fell Hall," and written any better had he In high socIety He specialIzes seemIngly conformist son gone to the dogs, but she had that "the wnters discussed remarks. ''What particularly given up on his pubhc life and m the portrayal of the ag81nst the sirens combIng grrded her lOins for the POSSI- have little In common except, emerges from a close study of devoted himself exclUSivelyto Amencan upper class dunng their golden hair on the bly lost struggle to redeem It " as In most compllatIons of lIt- her fictIon, and especially from letters He was one of those our century as well as deplct- treacherous reefs of art " All five Grosse Pointes Lyric support local Arts Council Chamber By Carol LaChlusa-DISanto the gourmet food and supply performance of "Beast On the l;Special Wnter stores are what makes Grosse Moon" WIllbe one of three to Ensemble The Grosse Pomte Arts POinte uruque be screened for the National l CouncIl is racmg on all eylm- Tom Mayshark, owner of the FestIval In LIncoln, Neb, trus The Lyric Chamber Ensem- ble will present MDear '\~ ders. Ambleside Gallery, will spon- summer • We have presented our- sor a speaker on "Teaching Art In the Mlcrugan School Johannes," a tribute to com- selves before the fIve City by the Waldorf Method" m the Band and Orchestra poser Johannes Brahms, at counc1ls and have received spnng As a bUSInessman, Association competition 13 3:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 16, A resolutlons of support from Mayshark continues to give ULS students received fIrst in the Grone Pointe War . ~: them all back to the commuruty by diVISionmedal ratings and 13 Memorial Ballroom. ; : Allen DickInson, the second diVISionratmgs. They The concert will highlight Instrumental and vocal POlntes' representative to the Included Jacob Bondy, Brad 300th annIversary of Detroit Grosse Pointe Arts Council Bonng, C R Moultry, Paul music and will feature Fedo- comnuttee, ISour h81son from Rossen, Nicole Young, Justm ra Horowitz on piano; Valerie Yova, soprano; Geoffrey the Woods counc1l. Young, Mike Elanges, Apnl Applegate, vioUn; Grosse LISa Gandelot, a longtlIDe SarIford, KIm Wattnck, Gl1han member and officer of the Yee, JIm Fortune, Sarah Ktm Pointer Marcy Cbanteaux (at Grosse Pomte lbstoncal and Michelle McGoey the right) on cello; Theodore Oien, clarinet; and Corbin Society, has graCIOuslyvolun- Wouldn't It be wonderful to Wagner, French homo teered to be the Farms coun- watch these students perform ; w's h81son on our local TV channel? Grosse Pointer John Guinn, ;.: We have scheduled a round The Jazz Forum, orgaruzed music crlUc and biatorian. , : table discussion at 7.30 p.m by JlIDand Trenna Ruffner, will talk about the life of Brahms in a pre-concert lec- Thursday, Feh 20, at the has another superb hne-up of Grosse Pointe War Memorial talent for Its 1997 spnng con. ture at 3 p.m. : RepresentatIves from all cuI- sponsonng seminars on art cert series to be held at the TIcketli for the concert are . tural and governmental unIts lustory He also recently host. Grosse Pomte Umtanan $18 for adults; $15 for stu- dents and seniors; $5 for will chscuss our dIrectIon for ed an exhibitIon of local Church Tlus ISclassical Jazz the commg year These are artiSts More on these develop- at Its finest We appreciate the children 16 and under. TIck- . questlons to be answered. ments at a later date lugh caliber ofJazz the etll are available in advance . • Would a unJfied calendar Plullip Moss, University Ruffners bnng to the east side or at the door, can (810) of arts events be helpful? LIggett School's CreatIve and of town 357-1111. Many commUDltIes dlStnbute Performmg Arts ch8ll1llan, The senes of four concerts one yearly pamphlet WIth all and an advocate of better cov- are $33. IndiVIdual tlckets are local activities listed under erage of performing arts stu- $10 In advance, $12 at the one cover, mcludmg school dents by the press, reported door. 'Ib order tIckets, call concerts that he had the pnVIlege of (313) 885-0232 • Should we expand our workIng WIth some of the most Just a remmder see that Topic of talk local TV coverage to Include talented students ever to per- wonderful mystery, "The outstand1ng high school stu- form on the ULS stage UnmVlted," set on the misty will be 'Natural dents m the perfornllng arts? At the State Theater moors of England, offered by This way we would pubhcly Festival recently held In the Grosse POInte Theatre at Weight Loss' Celebrate Valentme's Day with the DSO recognIze their accompbsh- Comstock, Mlch , MelanIe the War Memonal on March ments before the total commu- Brookms, Larry Lees, Shenna 12.16 and 19-22 The actmg, Dr DaVIdJantz WIllspeak at ~nda, .•• brua" 14 104~ am ruty The local televlSlon medl. Sharpe and Leonard Sulhvan settmgs and costumIng by the a free semInar on "Natural • "d." t.bru." 14 800 pm um could also be used to pro- combmed to sweep first place theater have won national Weight Loss" at 7 30 P m <;.turd.,_ F.bru." IS 8 '0 pm Tuesday, Feb 18, at the Grosse mote our members In all three mUSical categones awards OFTROIT S' \IPHO'" • Do we need a larger cul- Lees and SullIvan brought We are Justly proud of the POInte Woods CommunIty ORCHE<;TR\ tural faclhty to handle the home two of the three state Impre88lve groups we repre- Center For more InformatIOn, l L...L1F B Ol ....WR conduct .. mynad groups that need theater scholarships Their sent call (313) 884-6258 l R<;l l \ OPP. " ..., "'.... space? Exactly what are these needs? Bf RlI07 R"man Carn/laf • What can we do to help O,erture our busmess communIty? We Grosse PointE's NeM?St Seatbod Grin "''''C, I FTO" HI.flAnn:rrt \107 \RT P,.no Conc.rto 14 see busInesses come and go "0 In f -ftar \laJoT ... +19 Surely, we need them as much !31Ul: ~~ ----- \Il ...... 0 RC."'''' '/R \\ f I as they need us The art gal- Moo-Sat, r,crurK 81 an ~,hlbl'lon lenes, the antiques dealers, llam-28m Sunday, In Qm 'Sf) &n~ Ipm-8pm In rm .. \ R f1rd",r ( "lm"l _-~~-~!~~~~l,HILt,i 'ftrlt" '{'('''Ion'',''' H QRffl FIJ JO( I NOW AVAILABLE: .:. ... ' Stcwting Alaskan King Crab LegS ; Sunday, Feb. 2 Features lib. $19.99 • &12 p.m. Deadline? Fresh Maine Lobster l Do the Blues 1~ lb. $15,99 at the Blue Marlin 3 p.m. Friday Cbedt out our daily spedaIs • FoIl menu IvaDabie as Take-out --- 17501 Mack (comer of Mack & Neff) 313-881.3600


ICOn .. INION PresIdent ."'ONAL omea. 970 Rohb ns S"te 252 Grand Hoven MI49417 (I> 1>1 ~40 Bnl> 10'16'1>1 B47~747 ..rntWI""'n')~ ...... "...- February 13. 1997 88 Famil features by Madeleine Socia Grosse Pointe News

fairy tale fun $1 for cluldren, DIA members of 8 to ellJoy a dehclOus lunch a m to 5 P m Admission IS sents Dmosclence, a spectacu- Era WIthThe MagiCSchool Bus (, 1 o~se Pomte Children's enter free Call (313) 833 7900 and hve productIOn of Mark $1250 for adults, $11 50 for lar travelmg exhIbit from Dinosaurs computer program J hl'atre will stage a charmmg Twain's claSSIC Huckleberry semors age 62 and above and Research Castmg AdmiSSIon IS $6 75 for adults dl

TO PLACE YOUR FREE AD, CALL TO RESPOND ADS, CAll 1.800.731.7887 24 hours 0 day For a .. ,.lence from an In~aduetlon. representar~ call Monday mday 80m 11pm Sunday lOam 6 pm W.II help yoo wr,te )'Ou' FREE30 word ad and 9"'" l"'" ",,1ruct1on1 on Iiow Ie 'eco,d and ",I" ... l""" "''''''9'' 1<>, FREE 11'0lO.y and funl ntroductiond 101,,,1 I Meehng someone 'l*'ol,uol got CoIlTodayt Grosse Pointe N~ws

SEEKING UNOERSTAHO,NQ MAN C.... TIVE MUIlCO.N IIElKINQ FIRST MATE LOOKIHO TO IHARlE \\()\\I',\ F"'ENDSHI' OuIgOO"llSWM.53 It _ .trow SWF 41 lull ~urod ""rays """". GOOd'ook og SWM 23 0_ F..".,.,futl""''''''''''''''tm .. 1cr SI'I hl,\(, .\11''\ SWPF 3S 5 10311» enJOYS b0wl- Ing flSM ~ baHbll eou~lry gree" unlqu' rom."tiC optn tJtrrybklt'ld:l'l81r~ISll\Cll»e two 'IWl* WId lU"l'Imer gNwI)'I Ing VO eyball blC)'CJI rIClng lTlU$1C seeks nonesl SWt.4 Cupidls Calling... cotnmu"rcstve athletic dNn~ _1O""booli"ll_"ll_ A joy. of m.-.:: film Jlterlture n s.ek no 1'100'1"" can~ SWPM IIEIKI"G 39-"6 lorln.... "o firs, _. NCU11 who o-tlSlWantS ehtI4r1I'l deep-th nil; ng songwriIer/tln.lmm. dll' gooc:l-lOOk ng SWF 40-60 ' 1fIdiI'" O'NPM 43 GP tOt NIS wttt1 nICe persot1akty tor a PlELATlONSHIP LTA tr32il6{O'll2l'SI fneodIhip posse.. relabOn- SIll< "ll ",OIly ...... ",..""" ".., MlF lor LTR " OWF 38 55- no __ $hI' "4~'''l'3I2S) spontaneous .weet SWF 1&-32 -...1 "'."e,lS"I' "00832 4S6S(""P2I291 wt10 lItO IOV. mlAle. ttS, 40 ~ hBlrl~ good 1q.Jr_ fN'JOY' LOOKING loxp3I6) FOI!EJQN BO~N should IpP3I2Ol SIlKS MClCEUIlANQ!~nI"I thln.gll INkS 31~ FOA_ClAL So many lJoNlHt.4 .R.EYOU FlUOY_ 45 d8l1l:h8Il'mBd..."total1l'\elgtlt I am .. l'Ib/'ld female tnrO'i fIat'llt'lQ LovI"!8deas)'gO- "thlOte_""'Y_ anml" c tlonde l.'1oqut IlO"'IIm""IlAPI'OI'T __ HandSome 8tM1tte MOf1esl SIll< ng """"""" ._ coring spec-II lady to st'11W tun .~ 3NC """"'II LT~ ""2510"ll SWF 18-30 lOo' fnend,MOP pOU __ v- 'Omvte !l1r"Qtt SWM 24 6 """'" ""YWF~ lor_ ment I(~ eandlljgt11 dln~ WIth lem f1 n. ant ty wf'ICl can dartl: nllr mUSl(: W'()l1tlf'1g 2:2", Dler~~ tt5'4.3(8XI)3/2O Ifyou're Inthe marketforlove,you've come to the rrghtplace et'l/OYl en1y fr1~lp/1"~CWllhlp 1hatwll l'1ot l~ b1lA1 ~ 'It more rtvHl .. ene, WTItlOU1 ~Ittfl .. out tllY"I) PUf'l S.... I m anrac 'MIl Y"" tt4S1910"ll2J20) 32ll7ro"1$ MISSINg8OMI!0f01_Cl." seEKINQ $WF ~ r1""OlMer-(lI-Ql'llt t"10)'1 S'NM ,24 WI'" a coo Pt''''Sor I r1y Har-.Qa.ome 'om6f\tl(: athllbc. DIg- FItlENOSHIP 1.900.860.1310 ,_ITALIAN M'NY MIRlE ST8 Oo"i'\&n C cl "'''81'' Of\Qwa.~S nth. iE"nlOY' rid r"lQ Du1doc:no '"'OI.Jr"1taJn t1N11ed SWM .2:3 5" ~ etMn

    t>t (lOOks HIlf\l1Som. SSM 26 hor;esl dar'o: hllr SMk. ,..... iIebW P8~ aar's romanliC Iv.,., r'IQ' bll!:(lg: SHk'"lg S 1""1 a"l acl .... n~ '10 8yOlili cey(:. rl(lIl'lQ , 8O~, v~ al1raew. ~urtt1 'I efI~lIe h&&'tl'1y .... , aIT .c $.eeks SWM 2'&35 ...... 0 r$ "1()t'1fl. WF who. ~ ~1Oe Wld WI S4Mll r~ ~0t1..,1 c&n"Q SWPM ..... '1 ltl'1iebC SWF 20 28 r-8 "IQ nt, '.g.r1 so d-bu Id s..,ng Irve s m-mtdJum buill SF 26-CO 8"'d ~ ~ speQ.el Il'l and 0l..rtQ0t~ s n'.... romanlIC. "f"JC¥e ana )lour eu'C a ~""'l'Id 39-45 101' mlt'l<:lsl'1 () fI"l pou~. an actlW ~rte SiCF 21. Who" m""lJ'Igfl..drel"l()n'~ P 'It htr le Agel l,ItllMp(lt1ant '8'451? jQl' LTR tr46761e:q>.2t?O) '0' L" R tt3266rexp2l29) swNthIlM '11'5 '2 .ll:~'21" IntroductwfM ~~earted 1t4833[exp.3/6) 4570~.llp2?9) 1'''ll2J2O) MAIL OR FAX YOUR FREE PERSONAL AD TODAY! NAME FREE HEADLINE



    (,'o"r ('OlOl!' !\in\' IntrodlllllOll'- 1)6 I\lTchC\ ,II CATEGORIES: (;1<'''<' !'Illllle. M I .~X.?

    .\hhrt\llfl""" \ \ltl, f 1'1\1], '. I i, ~ '\ \1 Ie I I I I "11 tIll. ------~\ \"11 '- "'ll1,J, 1'1', fll j 111,1\ I III, t 11111 Iltft '\ ...... II'rutlktr

    f , - 1 o • • • i February 13, 1997 Grosse Point.~ News Metro calendar 98 by Madeleine Socia Saturday, F.... 15 Feb 19 Motorcoach trans- Art II, Thursday, Feb 20 through Sunddy, Day gift of love bdllddb on Michigan premiere portatIOn WIll leave the War Art fair through May 15, from 10 am Feb 23 Performdnw., WIll be Saturdav, Feb 15, at 2 dnd 8 '1h\- J hedtre ( ompdllY of the Memonal at 8 a m and return Grosse Pomte South HIgh to 12 15 p m The fee IS $90 for "taged Tue,ddy through pm 'I':t<-kets .Ire $25 for adulh Ul1lver~lty of [)ptrOlt will rdlSe at 1030 pm The fee IS $27 School, 11 Grobse Pomte adults, $85 for DIA members, ThurbddY at 8 pm, Sdturddy and $23 for studenh dnd the wrtaln on the MKlllgdn Call (313) 881-7511 Boulevard m Grosse POInte semors and students at 2 pm and Sunday at 2 and <;emor;, JOIn In a free premlCre of Home Fire." a Farms, will showcase the tal- African American history PreregistratIOn IS requIred 730 P m Tlcket~ rdnge from CelebratIOn of Afncan- heartfelt look at the JOY" dnd Make your own PUppetb during ents of Its artlstl>;: students Bdrnes & Noble Book Store, $19 to $36 Cdll (810) 645 AmenLan Ddn<-e and MU"K, ,orrow, of family lIfe In a Jexab dUring a premier JurlPd Art 19221 Mack m Gros"e POinte a Drop-In Workshop on 6666 pre~ented by the Marvgrove hn ~r(hn(7 r,flllt:f rlqrlnr., Wnrlrl l"alr on Saturday, Feb 15, from Woods, will mark African bdturday, I"eb 15, trom 11 a m Valentine's cabaret Dance EnbembJe on War II, at the McAuley I'hedtre 10 a m to 5 pm Thlb event Amencan History Month WIth to 1 30 pm, then attend a 2 The Lake St Clair Wednesday, Feb 19, from noon all I hUrbddY, Peb 1J and run. wIll also feature a raffle a free lecture by Guerin C pm performance by the Huber Symphony Orchestra will turn to 1 pm Country gredt Wdylon mng through SUndd), March 2 AdmiSSIOn IS $2 and proceeds Montlous, Ph D, professor of Marionettes All Drop-In the Parddlbo Banquet Hall, Jennings and speual guest Performdnceb WIll be oITered benefit the school's athletIc Anthropology at Wayne State Workshops are covered by the 37601 S GratIOt m Clmton Jes.,w Colter WIll appear on Thur,day through Saturday at programs and scholarshIp UniversIty, on Wednesday, Feb suggested museum adrnlsslOn Townbhlp, Into a Valentme'.; Saturday, Feb 22, at 4 and 8 8 p m and Sundav at 2 p m fund Call (313) 343-2133 19, at 7 pm Call (313) 884- of $4 for adults and $2 for chll Day Cabaret for lovers on pm TIckets are $25 for adults I'lcket" are $10 for adults and Outdoor outings 5220 dren No preregistratIOn IS Friday, Feb 14, at 6 p m '1 he and $23 for students and $8 for "tudents, dlumm and reqUired The Detroit Institute The Edsel & Eleanor Ford pvemng begins With dinner at semors The New York CIty ,emors The McAuley Theatre Thu Feb. 20 of Artb IS located at 5200 House, 1100 Lakeshore In 7 pm, followed by a perfor- Operd WIll bring PUCCIni';, trdg Ib located on the becond Ooor of Historical perspective Woodward, m DetrOIt Call Grosse POinte Shores, IS oITer- mance by the Amadeus String ICLa Boheme to hfe on Sunday, the Ar<-hltecture Bulldmg on Examme metropolitan (313) 833-4249 QUdrtet and dance mUSIc from Feb 23, at 7 pm Tickets are the Campu., of the UniversIty mg a pair of mformatlVe out- DetrOIt's museums and lustorl- Historic celebration The Lakeslders Tlcketb are $29 for adults and $26 for stu. of DetrOIt, .It McNichols and door outmgs and programs for cal societies WIth a lecture on nature lovers BIrd watchers The DetrOIt Institute of Arts $25 ReservatIOns are recom- dentb and <;emors Call (81Oi Llvernolb, In DetrOIt C .Ill (313) NorthVille's MIll Race VIllage 286-2222 won't want to mIss a BIrd Walk IS celebrating Black History mended Call (810)775-8138 993 1130 during the second program of month With a series of educa DSO notes lead by representatives from the Grosse Pomte HIstorical Batter up Sheik show tlonal events A free Gallery '1 he DetrOit Symphony WIld BIrds Unlimited on Society's 1997 Dr Frank Broadway's faVOrite baseball Stdgecrafters celebrates DISCUSSIOn entitled HoudinI, Orchestra contmues Itb Saturday, Feb 15, from 8 to 10 BIcknell EducatIOnal, Four. mUSical, Damn Yankee", btar Valentine's Day WIth d <;howmg featuring the work of contem- InterndtlOnal Seabon m a m AdmiSSion IS $5 On that Program Mm1-Serles on ring Jerry LeWIS, IS now play. of Rudolph Valentmo'~ 1926 porary Afrlcan-Amencan artIst Orchestra Hall, 3711 same date, from 11 a m to Thursday, Feb 20, at 7 30 pm, mg at the FIsher Theatre Silent cla"slc The Son of the Ellen Gallagher, will be pre- through Sunday, March 2 Woodward m DetrOIt The noon, botamst, author and con- at the Grosse POinte War SheIk on FrIday, Feb 14 and sented at 2 pm, on Saturday, DSO's ReSIdent Conductor servatiOnIst Frederick W Case, MemOrial Call (313) 884- Performdnces WIll be offered Saturday, Feb 15, at 8 pm, m Feb 15 African art speclabst Leshe B Dunner WIll enhance Jr WIll present an Illustrated 7010 Tuesday through Friday at 8 the historiC Baldwm Theatre, EriC Robertson WIll present d pm, Saturday at 2 and 8 p m Valentine's Day weekend WIth lecture on Wmter WlldJ10wers Mellow notes 415 S Lafayette m Royal Oak AdmISSion IS $5 ProfeSSIOnal lecture entitled Collecting and Sunday at 2 and 7 30 p m classlcdl, romantIc and con TIckets .Ire $10 Call (810) 541- horticultural photographer Smger/songwrlter MIchael African Art Past, Present and TIckets range from $30 to $65 tempordry selectIOns 6430 Stephens Will bring hIS mellow, Steve NJ.klula Will oITer shut- Future, on Sunday, Feb 16, at The Fisher Theatre IS located Performances are scheduled Dramatic truth pop sounds to The Dally Gnnd 2 p m AdmiSSIOn IS free for Friday, Fcb 14, at 10 45 terbugs tips on photographmg InsIde the FIsher Bwldlng at ExpeTlence a grlppmg, true Coffeehouse, 20962 Mack In MUSICIan Wynton Marsalis Will a m and 8 p m and Saturday, the great outdoors dUring a 3011 W Grand Boulevard, In case study of mhumamty, Grosse Pomte Woods, on narrate the free VIdeo presen- Feb 15, dt 830 pm A Pre tour of the Ford House grounds DetrOit Call (313) 872-1000 based on the 1968 MemphIS Thursday, Feb 20, at 8 p m tatIOn Romare Bearden Concert ConversatIOn Will be on Saturday, Feb 22, from 9 Brahms salute sanitatIOn worker" strike, as AdmISSIon IS free Call (313) VIsualize Jazz on Saturday, a m to 1 P m ThIs class WIll be Dear Johannes A Salute To offered on Friday, at 7 pm Meadow Brook Theatre pre. 417-0020 Feb 22, at 2 pm Tenor saxo- Jazz up your calendar WIth the followed by a SImilar sessIOn on Brahms, IS the title of a pro- sents "I Am A Man" through phoUlSt and composer Donald sounds of the legendary Count Saturday, March 1, at 9 am Mark your gram featurmg the LYriC Sunday, March 9. Walden Will offer a free lec- Basle Orchestra during speCial AdmiSSIOn is $15 ReservatIons Chamber Ensemble on Sunday, Performances are slated for calendar. ture/recItal on Sunday, Feb 23, performances on Thursday, are recommended for each pro- Feb 16, at 3 pm, m the fuesday and Thursday at 8 Brew bash at 2 p m Call (313) 833-4249 gram Call (313) 884-4222. Grosse POinte War MemOrial Feb 20 at 8 pm, Friday, Feb pm, Wednesday at 2 and 8 TIckets are now on sale for 21 at 8 30 pm, Saturday, Feb Extra! extra! Artists apply TIckets are $18 for adults, $15 pm, Friday at 8 pm, the Friends of the War 22 at 8 30 p m and Sunday, If you have always thought ArtISts apphcatlOns are now for students and seniors and $5 Saturday at 2, 6 and 8 p m MemOrial's second annual A Feb 23, at 3 p m TIckets for that you ought to be m pIC- beIng accepted for a triO of area for chlldren age 16 and under and Sunday at 2 and 630 p m Taste of the Hops beer tasting both concerts range from $16 tures, don your Sunday best art faIrs For more mformatlOn Call (810) 357 1111 Tlcket~ range from $18 to $32 party, featuring more than 50 to $58 Call (313) 833-3700 and get on over to the on the AsSIstance League to Fifties fun Meadow Brook Theatre IS brews from around the globe the Northeast GUidance Annunclatton Church, 1265 Grease brmgs all the musIc Benefit concert located on the campus of on Fnday, Feb 28, from 6 30 to Center's 14th annual Art On Parkvlew m DetrOit, on and fun of the 1950s to the Fox Great Lakes balladeer Lee Oakland Umverslty, Just off 9 p.rn, at the Grosse Pomte The POinte, call (313) 882- Saturday, Feb 15, at 9 a m Theater, 2211 Woodward m Murdock WIll lend hiS talents the 1-75 UniversIty Road eXIt, War MemOrial TIckets are $20 3220 For detaLls regardmg the You could be one of 200 lucky DetrOIt, Tuesday, Feb 18 to a concert benefiting Belle m Roche,ter Call (810) 377- and patrons must be 21-years- city of Warren's 17th annual local extras to partake In a through Sunday, Feb 23 Isle's Dossln Great Lakes 3300 old or over (313) 881-7511 Art In the Park, call (810) 574- scene from a mllJor motion pIC- Performances WIll be offered Museum on Sunday, Feb 23, at 1332 'Ib find out how to par- exhibits & Sal_ ture entitled The Omegan, now Live & Learn 'fuesJay through Friday at 8 1 pm, m the Henry Ford take m the Michigan Gutld of G. P.Gallery bemg shot m metropolitan Fascinating fibers pm, Saturday at 2 and 8 p m Centenmal Library, 16301 Artists and Artisans' The stIlI-bfe 011 pamtlngs of DetroIt. Call (810) 674-7540. Discover the many uses of and Sunday at 1 and 5 30 p m MIchIgan In Dearborn TIckets Greektown Art Fair, call (313) Cape Cod artist Kathenne Ann ancIent natural fibers dUring a TIckets range from $17 50 to are $5 Call (313) 584-6100 Monday. F.... 17 662-3382 Hartley are currently on dIs- free lecture and demonstratlOn $3950 Call (313) 433-1515 Heavy-metal Southern exposure Ukrainian eggs play at The Grosse POinte entitled SIlk & Lmen present- Strings & keys The heavy-metal super Take a triP south of the bor- The AssumptIOn Cultural Gallery, 19869 Mack, m Grosse ed by the Grosse POinte VlOhnist Joseph Sllverstem group Metalhca, WIth speCIal der WIthout leaVlng town when Center, 21800 Marter m St POinte Woods Gallery hours Chapter of the NatIonal and pIanist DaVId Breltman guebt CorrosIOn of Conformity, the Grosse Pomte Cmema Clair Shores, InVltes you to are Monday through Saturday, Audubon SocIety on Monday, WIll headhne the Chamber WIll rock the stage of The League offers a 35 mm slide bnghten up your Easter basket from 10 a m to 6 p m Call Feb 24, at 7 30 pm, In the MUSIC SOCIety of DetrOIt's clas- Palace of Auburn HIlls, 2 presentation entitled Colorful by learning the traditIOnal (313) 884-0100 Neighborhood Club, 17150 SICal concert on Sunday, Feb ChampIOnshIp Dnve In Costa fuca on Monday, Feb 17, method of preparing colorful Michigan views Waterloo In Grosse Pomte. Call 16, at 3 pm, In Orchestra Auburn HIlls, on Sunday, Feb at 8 p m m the Fries Ukrainian Eggs dunng a work- The Ashley-ChriS Gallery, (313) 881-1288 Hall, 3711 Woodward m 23, at 8 p m TIckets are $2550 AudItorIUm of the Grosse shop on Monday, Feb 17 and 15126 Kercheval In Grosse Shape up DetrOIt The concert WIll be and $3550 Call (810) 645- POinte War MemOrial, 32 Feb 24, from 7 to 9 P m The 6666 POinte Park, presents an exhi- The Lake Shore preceded at 1 p m by a Forum Lakeshore In Grosse Pomte fee IS $15 plus $8 for supplies bition of watercolOrist pho- Presbyterian Church, 27801 dISCUSSIon of the great Vlolm- Comedic coupling Farms Admission IS $4 for Call (810) 779-6111 tographs featuring VleWb of Jefferson In St Clair Shores, IS l"tS of the TwentICth Century Get tWIce the laughs WIth nonmembers Call (313) 881- Harsens Island, the Clinton offering a class m Low Impact Undenwaterodyssey hosted by WJR radIO personal- two compamon comedIes, 7511 River and the Port Huron to AerobICS each Monday and Ghost ShipS, dIVIng tips and Ity Karl Haas and Joseph Laundry and Bourbon and MackInac race by Keith Wedn ..... y. F.... Wednesday, year-round, from more WIll be on the program Sllverstem Tickets for the Lone Star, at the Broadway Sadlocha Limited editIOn pho- 10 a m to 11 a m AdmiSSIon IS when the Ford Motor Forum are $15 for adults and On stage Theatre, 21517 Kelly, 1. tographIC prints of Joseph R $1 per sessIOn Call (810) 777- Company's Seahorses SCUBA $5 for students Concert tIckets In EastpOInte, through Lucky junket O'Brien's city scenes wIll also 8533 DIVIng Club hosts ItS 20th range from $6 to $36 Call Saturday, Feb 22 Test your luck on a Grosse be available through Friday, Art of learning annual Great Lakes ShIpwreck (313) 833-3700 Performances WIll be held on Pomte War MemorIal spon- Festival, Saturday, Feb 22, FrIday and Saturday at 8 p m Feb 28 Gallery hours are The DetroIt InstItute of Arts Drama & romance sored Junket to the Las Vegas- from noon to 9.30 pm, at Ford and select Sundays at 2 p m Tuesday through FrIday from oITers a vanety of entertamlng The CruCIble, Arthur MIller's style Soanng Eagle CasinO In Motor Company World TIckets are $12 50 Call (810) noon to 6 p m and Saturday and infOrmatIve programs allegory set amIdst the Salem Mt Pleasant on Wednesday, Headquarters, on the 771-6333 from 11 a m to 4 p m Call Experience a Survey of World WItch trials, IS on stage at the Amencan Road m Dearborn (313) 824-0700 Hllberry Theatre, 4743 Cass m Alternative screen AdmiSSion for the mam pro- Working the rails p DetrOIt, through Saturday, The DetrOit FIlm Theatre In ~]; c S "s e ...S K gram IS $15 m advance and $18 Iron Men, Steel R3I1 Track COM"." lTO April 26 Performances WIll be The DetrOIt InstItute of Arts ~T~~~ ERER C at the door AddItional work- Labor and the Art of Mark l " >I held on Tuesdays at 10 am, offers a schedule of mterestmg '>lG shops range from $7 to $75 Priest, now on dIsplay at ~'llj~~~ Feb 18 and Feb 25, March 18, alternatIves to commerCial Last week's .,~~SUM AD veA Call (313) 769-2458 Wayne State UniversIty's March 25 and April 8, films The Whole Wide World, a ~~~~ B"G G I L'" Walter Reuther LIbrary of NOM" o J"A AeN On S & Thursdays at 8 pm, Feb 13, romantIc drama deplctmg the Labor and Urban Affairs, cap- puzzle solved DB POS TED March 20 and April 24, Fridays hfe of eccentric author Robert .~ ... = TED YO U So n tures hfe on the railroad as H I F I GAOAB OUT at 8 pm, Feb 14, March 28 E Howard, 'Vlll be featured experienced by laborers ETA E 'DOL SHE Nostalgic comedy and April 25 and Saturdays at Friday, Feb 14 through ..000 HE S OF" Viewing hour~ are MonddY and The Grosse Pomte War 8 pm, Feb 15 and at 2 and 8 Sunday, Feb 16 Screenings Tuesdav from 8 30 a m to 7 ACROSS Memonal bnngs back the gold- pm on April 12 and Apnl 26 are scheduled for FrIday at 7 p m a~d Wednesday through I Morrungs en age of teleVlslOn comedy TIckets for each show range and 9 30 pm, Saturday at 4. 7 Ibbr WIth a triO of claSSIC epI'lOdes of Friday from 8 30 a m to 5 p m 4 Moonbeam from $C).50 to $1650 Also at and 9 30 p m and Sunday at 4 the Jack Benny Show at 7 pm, The Walter Reuther Library 10. vessel' the Hllberry for a hmlted and 7 p m On Monday, Feb 17, located on the campus of 7 Rom around on FrIday, Feb 14, Wednesday, engagement wlll be A R at 7 pm, delve Into economic Wa)ne State Umverslty Call 12"Nanna-" Feb 19 and Thursday, Feb 27 Gurney's touchingly romantic CTISISon a famIly farm In Iowa 13 UNguay.n'. TIckets are $350 Call (313) (3131577-4024 yea, hfe s talp for two, Love Letter~ dUrIng the documentary whIch 14 DWIght. 881-7511 Performance~ WIll bp offered on took the Grand Jury Prl7C and oppo!lClll Lots of laughs Sunday Fpb 23, at 2 and 7 Audwnce Ay, ard at the 1996 Pulp viSions 15 Calendar [)('trOlt Underground Pulp Ibbr The Second CIty-DetrOIt p m and Friday, Feb 28, at 8 Sundance FIlm FestIval, 16 Some poople Comedy Theatre, 2305 p m Ticket~ range from $10 to Troublesome Creek A Vlslon<; and Icon", an exhlbl never gel Woodward m Detrolt, premiers $50 and proceeds benefit Midwestern Tlcket~ for all tlOn of Detrolt'<; underground over1hem ~mall preq", runs through 18ExIs! Its ninth reVlew of hve, cuttmg- Wayne Statp Umverslty's performances are $5 50 for 19 Mooqu"o edge comedy, Ambassador Department of Theatre'" adults and $4 50 for ~turlent~. Fnda~, Feb 21 In the Detro\t attacks Bndge Party on Thursday, Feb Endowment Fund ('all (313) ~emors and OrA Foundpr~ Art\~h Markd SUlt(' 1650 of 20 G,lvaruzong ~OClPty Members Call (31.11 ,300 RI\N PiaU' In D('lrOlt For stuff 13, at 830 P m Performance~ 5772972 2280m WIll run Wednesday through Music & more 833-2323 hour~, call (313i 39.1-1770 21 One oflhe 56 Sunday at 8 p m WIth addl' The Macomb Center for thc Th"", BealS tlOnal shows on Frida) and 27 Cooperstown'. Perform In" Arts, 44.575 54 Gra'ully 10 H .. ,1M: 36 Nlghlc1ub Saturday at 1030 pm The Mel ~5 Gettysburg whe~w"hal • nickname Garfield In Clmton Town~hlp, ---, cast performs an ImprOVisa- r------29 Myth'cal Address II Teny..,IOlh 37 Snad '" ,he welcome" a "c1"Ct IOn of exclt monste' 1Id.crt> """king «n1lS tIOnal comedy set after each Illg entI'rtalnment The 11 Actress Wonger 56 Rehab chmc 17 RequlSlle • DOYOU 40 f)orl1lnlCan performance on Sunda), 14 Panleu I... Department of Theatrp of ••• gOlngs-oo 21 lIke "He<: Haw" RepublIc. Wednesday and Thur"day and want to be in the metro calendar? • 1~ Funny ,n In \7 Gehd humor IlClghbor Macomb Commumty ('olle"p after the 10 30 p m bhow~ on Then fill out thiS form send It to 96 Kercheval Grosse POinte odd wlY 58 Rann' 10 go 23o.fealS 42 TIbetan moo'" and the Macomh Pla~er~ Will • 37 -lJ1llume' • DOWN K.. parov Farms 48236, or fax to (313) 882 1585 by 3 P m Fnday 41 Refl«.,,,,, Fnday and Saturday Tlcket~ Jom force" to prpsent the dra I ","Ier I Ball'. partner 24 Census da,um 44 Nonh Dakoci are $12 on Sunday and Event _ _ 38 The Inside 2 NOllve New 2~ Oft ,a"ooed city matlc tale of urban love BClrut • Wednesday, $14 on Thursday, I '/(',y' :UolandeT word 45 Chlron 5 "Ve, on f'ndav, Feb 14 and ll)'- beheve ,n $1750 on Fnday and $19 50 on Date----- 3 l'

    •• .,ONAL OffICII 9)6 iabb n. Su". 2~2 Grand Hovpn MI4:9 .. '7 16 6) 8~6 8776 In' (616) 84.:" 1>7~7 108 February 13, 1997 Grosse Pointe News

    Pointe CollDlter PCCl))iJl1lb Bkathleen stevenson

    Elegance for sIzes grosse pointe Jacobsons 14-26 "There's always something florists, inc. happcnin' at Jacob::.ou'.!>" Grnw~rs (:if Fine c-'Q.\ers

    Wmter Clearance Sale contmue" at A Dining Institution •.. Tomorrow being Valent me's Day one CLEARANCE-FURTHER LIsa's • 75% OFF all WInter REDUCTIONS, ADDITIONAL 25% should thmk of somethmg spe- Items .. P S As you're crUlsmg by servzng the finest (fresh) seafood, OFF ALREADY REDUCED clal for theIr Valentme 'Ib peek at our wmdows to see our new Angus steaks, bandwlches, lzquorb and MERCHANDISE wznes Try our Sunday Brunch 11 00 \'M'It brighten up theIr day, a beau- lme of nautIcal wear LIsa's, ele- tIful bouquet of fresh spring gance for SIzes 14-26 .at 19583 Mack a.m to 2'30 p m Perfect for prwate For your Valentil"e - Free Roses partleb, meetzngs or any SpeCIal nowers WIll cheer any heart. . at 174 Avenue, Grosse Pomte Woods, (313) Kerby Road, Grosse Pomte Farms, wIth mmlmum $75 fragrance 882-3130 OccasIOn FREE SHUTTLE TO ALL purchase RED WINGS GAMES wIth our (313) 885.3000 Cosmetics kItchen open after the games Call for znformatzon (813) 822-8000 at 100 St. Fastest Rising Star this Side of ClaIr on-the-Rwer Hollywood. LIP BRIO, lastmgly bnlliant hp lacquer SIX shades, inspIred by the dIvas of the silver screen. Rouge Lauren, BeIge Manlyn, A Rose Audrey, Brun Ava, VIOlet KIm ' and Rouge CandIce ----_""'ew ~islons d "-vu_ Cosmetics, Lancome .JOSEF~S TRESSES Hair Studio Guess who 1S comIng to We are happy to announce that Futurist Age.Resisting Make town .. Jeffrey Bruce. One day FRENCH PASTRIES Janet is now a member of our staff. Up. Futunst IS the age-resisting only Mark your calendar for FrIday, SPECIAL $5.95 regular $6.45 . She IS offermg an introductory make up by Estee Lauder, with a March 7th at 6.00 pm See a complete "Old Fashion Boston Cream Pie" from promotion. Schedule a shampoo, SPF 15 that re-firms, re-mOIstUrIZes make-over done before your February 18 - 23. Golden yellow cake, haircut and style for yourself and and revltahzes skm for a VIsIble "hft." eyes ... "New ConversatIOns" by Jeffrey custard cream fIlled, topped wIth bring a frIend for the same service _ Come m for a free consultatIOn Bruce ThIS tIme we're puttzng Jeffrey mouth-watering chocolate fudge. "En- your shampoo, haIrcut and style IS Cosmetics to work. Call (313) 884-0330 for your glish Muffin Bread" . special for the FREE (Only WIth mention of thIS ad) reservatlOns .. GIft CertIfIcates are month - pick up a loaf and try It February Special Offer' Schedule a Good Health is Everything. avazlable and th,s always makes a toasted .at 21150 Mack, Grosse faCIal with Pam and receive a Think of NUtrItIOUS as health food for perfect glft for any occasIOn. at Pomte Woods (313) 881-5710 complimentary gift from our make- the skin. Only Estee Lauder could 21028 Mack, Grosse POinte Woods. up dIsplay. Call for your appointment improve upon mIlk, nature's most today - (313) 881.4500 .. at 16914 perfect food .. and create this Kercheval Avenue, in-the- Village, mstantly-absorbing, dehcious-feehng Grosse Pomte. liqUId creme. NutritIOus Bio.Protem moisture complex. Cosmetics

    Calvin Klein offer. WIth your purchase of either Calvin Klein Jeans, five pocket easy fit or the boot cut, receIve a free Calvin Klem T-shirt WhIle supphes last. CheBella We .....dCuhl~ all you last minute Edwin Paul salon is pleased shoppers to be sure and stop by for to announce the return of Kathy Celebrate the Moment. The third somethmg speCIal for your Valentme. annual petals, porcelains and pas- Marrs and Mary Kay KIrtley Valentine's Day IS tomorrow .. for It's not too late ..try eIther one of our tnes BrIdal Event Sample cakes, from matermty leave. Come VISIt your SpeCIal Valentme you'll find a locations ... 21142 Mack Avenue, them at the Pomte's best View floral arrangements and table Grosse Pointe Woods or 9830 Conner settings and enter a rame drawmg m large selectIOn of fine colognes, cards, salon ... at 20327 Mack Avenue, perfumes, dehclOus Russell Stover Road Or, if you prefer, Just give us a the Store for the Home Saturday, Grosse Pointe Woods. (313) 885- Valentine chocolates, and aIsles of gift call (313) 881-5550. February 22, 11.30 a.m. to 200 pm. 9001. Ideas at the NOTRE DAME BrIdal Show, in the BrIdal Salon, 11:00 am PHARMACY 16926 Kercheval in- the-Village, (313) 885-2154. Bridal Salon CDWln, PAUL Too Busy To Shop? Let our Personal Shoppers do the work for 20327 Mack Ave •• Grosse Pointe Woods you. In your home, place of business or our store Let our experts help you with all your shopping needs Just phone (313) 882-7000, or come m and ask for a Personal Shopper The ultimate gIft, a "Day of All You Can Eat Buffet Dinner Glamour" mcludes' Massage, faCIal, Adults, $10 95, Chl1dren, (under 10) Coloseum IS eXCIted to announce pedicure, manIcure, arch, hairstyle, the additIOn of theIr hair color $5.95. Every Thursday, 4:30 to 7 30 color analysis, make-up and hght St. Clair Room department to theIr already excltmg lunch. GIft certificates available full-service salon Also, we are iM\ Other services avaIlable: lash tmtmg, welcommg DIane BuzewskI, a superb ~ THE FRUIT TREE hall' removal and tanning. at 17912 hall' color speCIalIst who has been Mack, (313) 886-4130 tramed by some of the finest hall' coloflsts m the U S and Canada. There are so many reasons to send Call today to make your FREE a glft basket Valentznes Day, consultation. at Coloseum bIrthdays, get wells, thank yous, or InternatIOnal, 75 Kercheval on-the- slmply to say hello The next tIme you HIll, (313) 881-7252 VISA/ need tD send somethmg, remember MasterCard accepted The FrUIt Tree. We have wonderful gourmet foods, wznes, frUIt, bagels, Your Kitchen Store OtIS Spunkmeyer cookIes, and edmund t. AHEE chocolate!> Stop by todayl It's not too Jom Us and Learn New ReCIpes early to order YDur Valentzne's Day jewelry co. glft basket .. at 20129 Mack Avenue, Grosse Poznte Woods, (313) 886-2352. Roasting and Braising ..• Give your Jewelry a fresh look - Monday, February 17 from 6'30 p m edmund t AHEE Jewelers has a full - 830 p m wIth Chef Gerald staff of deSIgners to assist you m I remountmg and updatmg your fine Classic Dishes... Wednesday, Jewelry All the work IS done TIght on II All fall and wmter merchandisE' 12':10 m - 2'30 February 19 from p the premises VISIt them today 50ll( - 75ifr OFF at 23022 Mack p.m wIth Elazne Caulfield at .20139 Mack Avenue at Oxford Avenue (across from S C S Post (between 7 & 8 MIle Roads) Grosse I Office - parkmg m back) (810) 774- Italian Dinner... Thursday, POInte Woods Hours' Mondav - 1850 February 20 from 6 30 p m - 8 30 Saturday 10'00 a m. - 600 p -m , P m with Lorz Selena except Thursday 10 00 a m - 8 00 pm, (313) 886-4600. All recipes and tastmgs are mcluded .For regIstratIOn, prIces KISKA JEWELERS and more InformatIOn call (313) 885- 4028 at 88 Kercheval on-the-Hlll Wonderzng what to get your favonte Valentzne Stop by K1ska Jewelers and choose from a vanety of fashIOn Jewelry - beautIful heart pendants I and earrrngs - Dr choose from Dur large selection of dIamond heart pOINTE Jewelry WIth a przce range to SlUt FIT\ESS & TR~[\[\G everyone:" budget at 6.'3 Kercheval on-the-Hlll, (313) 885-5755 CENTEB Update your home With a new A Valentine gift for that speCIal mantel, stair rail, crown molding, person - "GIft Certificate" avaIlable CELEBRATING OUR 2ND YEAR! I French doors, bookcases, a recreatIOn for a "Day at France"ro's" or for any 1 FREE MONTH room, paneled hbrary, new kitchen or servIce at 17007 Kercheval m-the- WIth 1 year Sign-up AerobiCS mcluded Windows Fmlshed carpentry spe- Village, (313) 882-2550 6 Months Also AvaIlable CIalIst (313) 881-4663 To advertise In this column call (313) 885-3600 (313) 882.3500 by 2:00 p.m, Fridays

    ._~ -" .. ~ -.yo .~ •• " e"N."" 0fIPICU. , I 80.4 .... Horr.llon 'og now M I 4860? 1"111"\ 70_ 0914 SEQUENCE 180019t 814\6 I" 1\ 11) 19? ?4?1 ICOIT.-INION pmo I rlmq ICtn ~ i()m Prl!"!.ldenr ... 'O .... L O.PICII o 9'){j Ji'ohbU1\ ~lltp ') 52 .0& Q ('rn(l~ Hnvpn MI 49 .. 17 It 161~4~ Bn~ I", 161(1 !!:~!MA7 .'-'iF • Section Prep basketball 3C February 13, 1997 NeIghborhood Club 4C Sports Classified 5C Gros~ Pointe News

    ~.~ ••••• II!I•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• " ••••••• iIIII•••••• ~ •••••• $III..ellit•••• I.... M;_.1Ill ...8.•~:',J,r...LlIe=•• lilll5i11WlJlWMtHM North wrestlers rule MAC's White Division By Chuck Klonke . He's a kId who gIVes you his real qUlckly m hIs match, but 119, Kevin Brandon, a fall Sophomore Rltk Pesta came bad match" Sports Editor all every tllne he goes on the fought off his back and when against Vmce Kalem In 131 at m seeded fifth at 130 and won Freshmen ChriS KOSCinski Art Roberts left no doubt mat he got the pm he was leadmg 125, EddIe Wright, who pmned hiS first two matches He post- (103) and Matt Kellett (112) about what last week meant to "Cooper's the same way, he 155 ' Mark Mikhail m 1 49 at 140, ed a 7-4 declslOn over Samlr each took fourth place, as dld hIS wresthng program at ne\er gives up When he WinS, North's other WinS came Jeff Kalkhoff, who posted an 8- Alashmaly of East DetrOIt and Hlrt at 135 Grosse POinte North It ~ because he wears his oppo- from Derek Phillips, a 17-0 2 declslOn over Ed Nemer. beat Center Line's Matt Holt, nent, down He got thrown decI"lOn mer Ben Joseph at Kaiser at 145, Gary Bordato, the top seed In the weIght "Koscmslu finished ahead of '-rhat's as good a week as who pmned Scott Kraft In 1 02 class, 5-3 Pesta lost 5 0 m the two kids who beat him earlier North wrestling has ever had," at 152, and Ed Ball, ",ho deel- final to Nathaniel Masyn of thiS year and Kellett was 2-2," Roberts saId slOned ChriS AlYlan 13-7 at Fraser Roberts said "Hlrt came In 171 seeded fifth and fimshed The reason for hIS enthUSI- 'Holt pmned RIcky In our fourth Wlnmng hiS first match asm was a 38-29 VIctOryover Phillips, Brandon and dual meet WIth Center Line," (6-2 over Center Line's Mike Sterling HeIghts that chnched Wright were the Norsemen's Roberts saId "He had an out. Johnston) really helped him." the dual meet champIOnshIp In individual champIOns In the standing tournament" the Macomb Area Conference diVISIOntournament "A lot of the kIds were dlsap- WhIte DIVISIOn for the Bordato pmned Marty pomted that they didn't do bet- Norsemen '"rhey're our three captains," Spadalmkas of EIsenhower in ter, but I remmded them that Roberts saId 1 00 and got a 33-second fall Iowa won the NCAA tItle last And two days later, North Phillips pmned East agamst Kraft of Sterling year and had only one indiVId- was a runaway wmner In the DetrOIt's Bruce Ealy In 243 In HeIghts, but East DetrOit's ual champIOn and SIXguys who dIVISIOntournament at East the tItle bout at 119 Earher, he MIke Klein pmned Bordato at finished second," Roberts saId DetroIt pmned Fraser's John 3 23 of the tItle match at 152 RodrIguez In 101 and Center ''We had 11 of our 14 ThiS was the Norsemen's Line's Brad Merle In 53 sec- "Gary went for the pin but wrestlers place and the ones fIrst year In the tougher MAC onds Klein rolled through It and put who dIdn't still gave the team Wlnte dlV1Slonand they were hIm on hiS back," Roberts sald 20 POInts None of our three bIg somethmg of an unknown Brandon took the 125-pound guys placed In the dIVISIOn quantity tItle WIth a 7-0 decISIon over Joe Brennan beat Fraser's meet, but they had some bIg SterlIng HeIghts' Pacltto In TIm Gereblcs 11-0 In hiS first WInSm the dual meets" ''I knew we'd be In contentIOn hiS first two matches, he match, then won by an injury because I knew we had a good pinned UtIca's Darren Patel In default against Matlo Marsh of Roberts sald he liked gomg team," Roberts said "But I 44 seconds and MIke Malloy of SterlIng Heights before lOSing never dreamed we'd Win the mto state competItIOn thIS L'Anse Creuse In 1 40 17-2 to Dave Sanders-Masch of week With hISteam a bIt dIsap- whole thmg In the dual meets Center Line In the final at 160 POinted and In the league champi- WrIght won all three of hIS onships, a lot of Iuds stepped It 140-pound bouts With pms He Ball pmned hIS first two 171- up" "I lIke theIr attitude," he won the htle With a fall In 4 20 pound opponents He took care saId '-rhey want to be champI- against Center Line's Mike of EIsenhower's Larry DaVISIn ons and they tlunk they WIll North won eIght of the 14 Spencer WrIght's other pms 1 25 and pInned Sterling The whole team IS focused matches agalnst the Stallions, were agamst Jeff Owen of Heights' AlYlan In 341, but lost They have a Job to do and who came Into the meet L'Anse Creuse In 100 and Tod 11-5to RIley Grant of Fraser In they're determined to do It unbeaten In the MAC White Saad of Fraser In 59 seconds the htle match They know they have a chance to do well m the state thIS year Two of the key Vlctones came "EddIe wrestled a real smart Jeff Kalkhoff lost hIS first It's like they're on a mission" from DaVid Hlrt at 135 pounds match In the final," Roberts Pholo by K P Baja •• match at 145 to Eisenhower's and Chad Cooper at 189 Hlrt saId "He dIdn't try to force Btlan Hasse, but came back That ffilSSlOnstarts tomght, beat NIck PiZZUti 9-0 and Not quite enough thmgs and was up 3-0 when he and won the next three, includ- Feb 13, when North hosts Cooper pInned Btlan got the Pin" Ing a 9-4 VictOryover Hasse In LakeVIew and Lake Shore In Verbaeeke In 4 55 This layup by Bryan Wisk wasn't quite enough to the consolatIOn final the dual meet district, begm- help University Liggett School beat Lutheran East Four other Norsemen nlng at 6 pm "I thought Hut's match last week in a Metro Conference basketball game. See reached the finals and were "He came back well after los- Saturday, the Nor~emen would be a lot closer, but hp complete details on page 3C. runners-up m their weight mg 6-4 In that first match," travel to Algonac for the indI- dOmlIl.1ted It Robt.rt... ..,.lId classes Roberts saId "He Just had a Vidual dlstnet cornpetltlOn


    1997 CADILLAC CATEQA Leather seats, cast alum mum wheels, traction control, dual zone climate control, 3 0 L 24 valve V-6 200 H P engine $39 9;~~$f3~5P92•.

    GM~C SmMI ..... 3IJ months , "I p.""e" re'und'bil' ... ourrly depoS" $450 plus dOlm poymeot 0' S9!l9 pI&le Md trans'''' I~ d

    - .~ rillllL ...... -- eMPOIA" O"'CII. , R(M 'l Ii 1m~trn t "Jnq r.." ..... tV -1k60? , ""0,9 ill SEQlJENCE IROOI 'I~R i41~ Indl II 'On'11 SCOTT ROBINSON N'10~ 1mQ16( S 0m P f'\ rlf'f'1 1 •• 'OIiAL O"ICI. '11ft Rnhh n, S If' ,'i:t mrl H(JI,If'n MI 49.41/ I~ I J R~~ RI?~ fn' 161~1 R416'Al ...... ",J A ...... ')A...~ ~ -.. 2C February 13, 1997 Sorts Grosse Pointe News Mitchell's last-second goal lifts Knights past Powers By Chuck Klonke dnd ~,e the Kmght'i d 43 non lo!>tour composure, we'd have Sports Editor dt 3 23 of the first penod, but Wulfmeler tIed the gdmp at gOdb On the first, Cram ft'tthe gamp They had !>even Chns Mitchell couldn t have I'oIIPr!> Po"'er,' Nick FlIldten tied the 3 3 WIth 4 23 rem a III III g 111mm the !>lotdred dnd he hft power pl..!y opportumtles, but /Same at 551 Waited any longer to wmplett. It Wd~ d very mce ,\ 10," Stdcheckl ~hot from the pomt, ed a 11Igh ,hot over the our mdn down UllltS did d Nllk 'Ihomas gd\e the but Power,' gOdhe nldde the' YellowJdckeh' goalJe On the hi!> hdt tnck for Unl\er~lt, tOdlh John Fo....ler 'did gredt job all game" Chdrger» a 2 1 ledd at 341 of o;ewnd, he ,cored on a back Liggett Sthool's hocke) tedIll PO\\pr' ",h ranked !>Ixth III !> The rebound went to ULS got one of Its rare the "lcond penod, but ULS Blrgbauer, who o;hd the putk h'lIld ~hot dunng a 2-on 1 Mitchell ,cored hh third go..!1 the ~tdtP .:Ind thev Iud beaten power play chances m the pulled baLk mto d tll' on across the cred"e to 'Vulfmeler bredk With Cram of the gdme with one 'ewnd Port Huron North game with 38 second!>remam 1"'pIT'''l''''ln",,; 1.... t~c ~h..TJ Pl..uuJ Mltl h..1I'" ,('< nnel cYn,l ",' h P,"l !-JlI(>r.nnr rl ....,)n..l Cr'ln" "n"''f "r, If"",n~C'r ~udl 1\t.. ;"l- pl 'l1UJ \.-UJJljJOobUJ e Ul d IlIg when the Kmghts' K (' last Saturda) to bredk d tie 8 32 left III the perIOd Powers !>trong game m gOdl for ULS hdd two a...'I't!>, while MItchell, 'en ruggpd gdme If we had Crdm dehvered a hard check regamed the lead In the !>eesaw makmg 37 Sd\e, Watt, Blrgbauer, Kurt Nlenu, on Powers' top defense man bdttll:' when Matt Landaal Blrgbauer assIsted on all Ja"on Cooper and Jeff KenZie who retahated with a punch to scored on d rebound at 838 four ULS goals Watt, Thurber, added one apIece Bulldogs put Pointes Cram's helmet and was sent ofT after the Klllghts commItted a for roughmg Stacheckl dnd WulfmeIer edLh '1 he mce thmg was, all three tOstlv turnover collected one dSSlst of our hnes figured III the Scor TIme wa!>runnmg out when uis took two penaltll'!> early Edrher, the Kmghts blankt'econdperIod, while about 30 'ieconds But game rebounded after two one-goal AsSOCiatIOnon the map recent te<.lmmate» JJ.eger ,md Ritter Ell Wulfmeler, who fired a shot Wulfmeler, FlIles and Ian Watt Charhe Eldndge played well on goal The Chargers' goahe IO'>'iesto Umverslty School of Iy t,l1hed In the thIrd penod dId a good job of keepmg m goal, tummg away 28 shot, Milwaukee the prevIOus week- "A couple of the Canddlan Duffield ",pOlled O'BrIen's made a stick save, but the PO\\ers off the scoreboard to record the shutout end rebound came to Mitchell on coaches came up to nw "Cler ,hulout bId With 20 seconds '1'hey did a good job of tymg After a scoreless first period, ''We were angry for puttmg we'd beaten one of their team» remallllng the left sIde and he poked It up the power-play umt, gettmg ULS scored four times m the ourselves III a pO<;ltlonto lose and asked '",here I!> that Addm Dought), JImmy mto the net wIth one second m the passmg lanes dnd clear left second Blrgbauer started the those two games," Fowler said GrossJe POlntw'l ' <;ald Denner, RItter and Chapman mg the puck out of our end," outburst at 1 09 then FlIles tal 'We knew their goahe had a 'It's hard to play catch-up Bulldogs manager Thom collected assIsts for the Fo",ler Sdld hed tWIce - at 3 09 and at agamst a good team We McPharlm .I guess they know Bulldogs weakness m allowmg rebounds Rami Zayat, A J StacheckI, 4 05 Stacheckl scored on a and Mitchell saw an opemng retooled and had good practices now" rhlrd-perlod goals by Barton Blrgbauer, MItchell, JImmy rebound With 4 22 left m the on Monday and Tuesday and The Bulldogs "'on the MId- dnd RItter snapped all tie and pounced on the loose Wood and C T Thurber al"o !>econdperiod puck," Fowler s8ld carned them over mto the Winter ClaSSIChocke) touma- and gave Grosse Pomte ItS sec- dId d good Job of kIllmg off the Wood completed the 'iWrlng Mitchell opened the sconng game agamst Country Day on ment m Buffalo, NY, beatmg ond VIctOryWith a 3-1 wm over Klllghb' penaltw' With a p!llr of third perlOrl Wedneo;dav" Humber Valley (Ontano) 5-4 m Humber Valley two overtImes m the champl- Humber Valley scored the onshlp game only goal of the first period, Humber Valley opened the whIle Mallon countered for the scormg III the early mmutes of Bulldogs m the second penod, the first penod, but the assisted by Ryan Ward Bulldogs tied the game at I-I Mason, McCrunmon and on a goal by Joey Baratta from Baratta also had assists for the Donny Jaeger and Bobby Bulldogs, while Andy Ritter Scarf one's play was mstrumen- Humber Valley scored three tal m gettmg Grosse Pomte's times m the second perIOd, wmnmg goal willIe Grosse Pomte countered Prescott Murphy dId a good WIth a goal by Gene Casazza job m goal for the Bulldogs, from PJ Mallon blanking Humber Valley after Bulldogs goahe Stratton the first penod O'Bnen blanked the CanadIan Grosse Pomte reached the team III the third period while champIOnshIp game With a 4.3 Grosse Pomte got goals from VICtoryover West Seneca futter and Jason McCnmmon Denner converted a pass McCnmmon scored the equal- from Ward With SIXseconds left Izer ofT JefT Barton's rebound In the first perIOd to give the With time runnmg out Bulldq,"S a 1-0 lead Jonathan McPharhn also Gros'ie Pomte stretched Its aSSisted Alex Chapman set up lead to 4-1 after two perIOds on futter's goal goals by RItter, Casazza and The Grosse Pointe Hockey Association Bantam A Bull- Both goalies dominated the Matt Jarboe Barton, Jarboe dogs WODthe champioDship in the Mid-Winter Classic in from left, are manager Thom McPharlln. Adam Doughty, first overtIme, but the second and Mallon had assists Jason McCrimmon, head coach Donald Jaeger. Chns extra penod ended wlthm see Buffalo. N.Y.In the front row, from left. are P.J. Mallon, Joey Baratta and Jonathan McPharlin. In the middle row. Mason. Ryan Ward. coach Dick ScarfODe,Jimmy Denner, onds as Mallon knocked In The Bulldogs' head coach IS from left. are Stratton O'Brien, Alex Chapman, Andy Bobby Ritter. Matt Jarboe. team captain Donny Jaeger Casazza's rebound for the Win Don Jaeger, who IS also a part- and coach Steve Doughty_ rung goal ScarfODe.Gene Casazza and Prescott Murphy. In back. ner In team sponsor Tech The Bulldogs began tourna- Sales RIchard Scarf one and ment play WIth a 3 1 VICtOry Steve Doughty are also on the Ta~~sSAVlNGS~ over Duffield, Ontano Chns coaching stafT ~~A~nca • .BONDS '?!!:?!J LEARN 1bSKr'~,., 1#li!;IIJ."lj.!;'.tJlilB '!'M.IMiI~'-OliO!.];!"". '., \\

    Join Grosse Pointe Soccer A'lSociation for the Spring 1997 Season LEARN SNOWBO RD .\ I / l\li liT H\ To Walk-in registrations \'111 be at Barnes School from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 20th and The~da), februar) 25th. You can al~o mail the form belo" With the registration fee by March 1, 1997 to the address listed. Grosse Pointe Soccer Association Spring 1997 Season Registration Form For: Fun! It~ Easy! House and Metro Travel Leagues ~1IIIlt~' Ex, hog compo!/>en"", crd """"""'" ... 1997 PIIoae NO (313) lIll6-6790 ,w, 900 loom To S~ crd Snowboa", $en .. ,de.ogned b be oiIordabIe lnena'Yood fun Sbp B, My 8non Viloge Sb & Go.! Shop ru.- det:> I, Send To GPSA New Player _ ~l..._--- ...... -- PO Box 361-56 ~PIa= __ --' - G P Farms M, 48236

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    U-08 - S60 00 (Aug I 1988 Jllh 31 1990) l'\ ll'lo.J~..." \~r\l {\n.4t'x>aJil.l. If1R1-....'trill"lll\v1 ,'r;.;,~"_VV_ll'ljl----.Rt 'Rlrm,"~h,m ~1O(,4.l~9~O Melro Travel U-12 - $6500 (Aug I 1984 - JuIv 31, 1986) fRA\!l tilT ]1 n nl( rn\r !lllf r U-IO - $6~ 00 (Aug J, 1986 - Jul) 31 1988) m,'n Tlkn mrh j1hi'O.. l~ 'm..:l f '''l'f 1)...., nl m.ll. ~elro Travel. U.14. $6~ 00(Aug. I, 1982-July 31,1984) , , 11 1'1 In nlJ.\ k.\l ~ ~'r ...... n H ~pa..'t tx , m ~ :::: ., -.. • hurnlnglon ffllrliii RIO "~"l H':;R:~ ~ - ,..): (l [i I ;"t R j l~ \11i I /. A ~ 00 per player r.e IS ,adlldtd for lloe ale of Grosse POlIte lidds IS req1Dred by .. G P ,..odd Usace Committee , • \It ( Icm.m ~H1.u.1 \1>20 Take Your I' r \ I I I \lIt" I I~ \1 It • ( r rnmf(" ~] \ 8S'i.O'\OO hi J hl<1 1(,l1f1d J<.nth, ~lt.J ;l1.<.uTlT Best Shot... I .J '\1 ~ -\\\ IU " )1 \, r \ "l'pm rm Tht',.,. m',,'l\ II 'hl \R( (, "--'1#,-- • Inn Irhor 11197\ 9140 ~~~"~~,r,"l n'lJnd n"...~ jll~<;ll \ tun II;. ~ mmi! RCO!lJ)mn...... ,~ I \\ \ n .....v,. \ II I , ' li.lul f... h IJrc-rl Ii:CI "< 1.nd rJ\H ... , rr I~rt ~ l~h I I'MOIO IWIIPnAJcu I. (' r 1 fl ref I Ie WIt j xm nje n Ix I md I1Xn I r • ~d'i lan"n~ ~1~ 117 %% \" t!V"I\' III }h Id( 01\.' II d I pll\" I r Irlt HI \\l\{,f \\l ITl nm,1" 1...."'Jnll.,lt \01 lntrO'C,I thc(,J. lorrnt \l..m .. r "nw,,~ lr rlt: .. r! I'" I:.' n \\ I -\hl'1 I Irrr rr It I 1nr ) ur I l \\ ilf hl rLlllrrlul, \OU lfttr lhl "L I..on Ix un ~FliiiFILM • J)c.rhorn ""~h" II 1 ~~2~,(>O I It n I \\ I'l.. rlf ( I mh 0" 'I, ",11R ., \ fir or \. R Clr1n , Ill! t lOt ~1 'r j R I I I \1 \\ I Tl >..11m rl l • Hn' ~IO 7\2 ~,(>O I : ~ fI~nr..1 n \'1\j 110.. i: 11'1 ( 'Tl (" J. / \1 f.'..... rr "'1'1,\ \h Grosse POlnll: Socar AsSOCIll\lOll offers schoIanlups 10 those ctuldren onneed ',. -(,rand RapId, 61~ 4~2 1199 \ I n (' l'r ""h ~ht flr r II I J> ;" ("I ,.\ I If ~00 need OSSISl8r¥:e onIIus area please COI1l8l:t US aI J 13-886-6 790 tx ....r j m H' rr,. r n ul n \. "I fI I n fl. n {. k,;J 1m ,(\( (, II (mrl r \H Ir 'n tl'I q hr" I.~ n • '"~ar I nar R.-orl ~1("22~-#>700 thl " nw " 1 r n Irr It n r1 ru \ I I . y, ., \1 " 1 " liWe heretr. certlf) dla1 the mfonnanon C

    ''''rmal r~gl'tralton ~nd, \farch I, 1997 04?IDj~JkOl'_""" 11"111 'mrtl..~ ~"'X1~ .....~ tw- "' ...... , ...... ~-...... I al~ r~gl'trdllon "11I1w oJX'n from \fan'h 2 Ihrou~h \larch 12, 1997. j. r'lnh:«rof

    • .( . 'f --; " j(~ • ..... I J .' A 0 •p • • • Q February 13, 1997 - Snortsr 3C South recovers from first defeat By Chuck Klonke Petrouleab &ald "It was the the BIg Red&for first plaw m dnd foned a ,hot, Petruuledb Sports Editor &ame thmg agambt Chippewa the MACRed Buth 1< am...have Mike Gotfred&on wasn't ...dld '"Ihen we got another ;,top Valley when he held (Dave) 8 I league record5 and forced a shot agdJn So gOing to let Gros&e Pomte CrobbOn,who hdd been dverag '"Ihe 10b~wab dn emot.wnal South'b basketball team lose m&teddof ~uttlng the lead to mg 26, to 10 pomb letdown - like the dlr gOing one pomt, we let them get the two gdmeb m a row "The work MIke dId durmg out of our bdlloon,"Petrouleas "HI' jl1<;t took ov('r 1'1 'hp back Eventualh, the b PU) 1nb Jni .:"),uu '\t.. (.dlKl."ti U!)uut OUUUl we hdd to foul t.hem and they fourth quarter," coach George dends He dId a lot of lIftmg mg back and not lettmg It be Petrouleas said after the semor made 11of 12free throwb down and It made him stronger phys- more than one game I thmk the stretch guard scored 16 of hIS24 pomts IcaUyThat's why he still has so the loss mll;ht have affected us m the final quarter last Friday "We had a ~hance to take much left at the end of a game the first part of the Ford gdme, control, but we didn't put thp to rally the Blue DeVllsto a 56- If he hadn't done that work, he but 1 never felt that we were 54 Vlctorv at Ford II that kept ball In the hole Then they wouldn't be as successful lout of It - even when we were regamed control They re a South tied for first place m the hope our younger players see down by 11" Mawmb Area Conference Red good team and they played what. MIke's hard work did for South, which shot only 30 "'ell ' DIVISion him" percent from the field, made But Gotfredson wasn't Hov.;,on led South With 16 Howson fimshed WIth 15 one run at Cluppewd Valley, pomh and &even rebounds, entirely happy With hiS perfor- pomts and blocked two shots, but couldn't hit the basket to mance de~plte hdvlng diZZy spells whl1e Adam Hess added 10 get over the hump dunng the game Gotfred~on "Mer the game he came to pomts and eight rebounds The Blue Devils trdlled by 11 me and s8ld, 'I'm dlsappomted fimbhed"'Ith 11POints 'Those three carTled us," pomts at halftime and by 18 The spht gave the Blue wlth my assist totals,'" Petrouleas said ''We have to early m the third qUdrter, but Petrouleas s81d "1told him not Devlls d 13-1 overall record have the other kids step up hke South ralhed to cut the lead to South VISItS EIsenhower to worry about It We won the they did earher m the season" five pomts With about 5 1/2 game and we wouldn't have Fnday, then host;, Romeo on The loss to ChIppewa Valley mmutes left m the game 'fuesday, Feb 18 done It Without hIm .. dropped South mto a tie WIth "We got a stop, came down Or Without Steve Howson, who hit two free throws With one second remammg to break a 54-54 tie North plays well in loss South, which suffered ItS first loss of the season to By Chuck Klonke North Josh Graveb, who had coach Stavak said ''We were Sports Editor Photo bv K P B alaya Chippewa Valley 62-44 last been scoreless m the first half, patlCnt on offense and on CharUe Strong tries to get a grip on a rebound during 'fuesday, tralled the Falcons by Grosse Pomte North's bas- had eight pomts durmg the defense They beat us because University Liggett School's game last week with Luther- 11 pomts gomg mto the fourth ketball team didn't wm ltS run of a coupleof turnovers an East. quarter rematch With L'Anse Creuse "We made a few mistakes," ''We're dlsappomted m the ''We made a few changes m North last Fnday, but coach coach Stavale said, "and It outcome because we came here our defenSive pressure at the Dave Stavale had nothmg but seemed hke they capltahzed on to WIn,but I couldn't be hapPI start of the fourth quarter and praise for hiS team's effort all of them We know Josh ISa er With the effort 1 thmk our Knights going back did a few different things WIth "I told them I didn't want to good shooter and he Just got players found out some thmgs our actIon on offense," see anybody walkmg out of hot .. about themselves and It has to Petrouleas said here With hIS head down," LCN's lead reached 36-24 give them confidence playmg Stavale said after the to the drawing board All of a sudden, the momen- early In the second half, but a WIthout Steve and even after tum began to sWingm the Blue Crusaders posted a 45-41 VIcto- three-pOinter by Stavale tng- he's back" ry to create a VIrtual three-way By Chuck Klonke pomts and 12 rebounds, while Devlls' favor and Gotfredson gered a comeback by the Sports Editor Moultry had eight pomts and tied the game Ford regamed tie for first place m the Norsemen Hermann led North WIth 16 It's back to the drawmg eIght rebounds the lead, but Gotfredson agam Macomb Area Conference North went on an 11 2 run to pomts, whIle the 5-foot-ll White DIVlsion boards for the UnIversity Joel Parrott scored 10 pomts got the equalizer WIthless than cut the Crusaders' advantage HarrIS collected 13 pomts and 'ThIS IS somethmg we have Liggett School basketball for the Knights and teammate 10 seconds remammg to 42.40 after a layup by 11 rebounds, despite gOing team Brian Bruenton added nme The Falcons made a bid for to bUild on We lost, but we Hermann With 29 seconds left agamst the Crusaders' 6-8 made a big step up I believe m "We haven't been sharp the East held a 33 8 edge at the the tYing basket but the Ford Leonard Harns had seven of CraIg Sobczmskl and 6-5 last couple of weeks," said free-throw Ime player was called for a foul these guys and I hope they those 11pomts, all of them m a LUglnskl coach Bruce Pelto after the after releaSing the ball, send- believe m themselves, too It 66-second span Free throws were also a was a great effort by both Knights dropped a pair of decldmg fdctor m the loss to mg Howson to the free throw After Hermann'b bdsket Graves and John Manolis teams It was two good teams Metro Conference games to Northwest as the Crusaders Ime He made both attempts brought North wlthm two each had 13 pomts for LCN batthng nght to the end" Lutheran Northwest (68.62) made 24 of 30 attempts from and tllne expIred before the POints, the Norsemen sent Sobc7mskl had eIght POints and Lutheran East (67-48) the lme Falcons could get a shot off It was the first league game Graves to the free throw line and seven rebounds LUgIn~1u North played Without semor "We have to get back to fun- ''We didn't shoot that well and he lut the first of two pulled down 10 rebounds "They played extremely well Steve Champme, who leads the damentals We have to keep It and we didn't have a good agam, but we hung m and bat- Hermann grabbed the rebound Norsemen In scormg and Simple and execute better game," Pelto s8ld "I thought tled on defense except for the after the miss and North had a North's other game last week asslbts Champine has a good look at a three-pOint We're not domg the little we were III trouble when they third quarter," Petrouleas said agamst Port Huron Northern thmgq that wm b""kctball spramed ankle, but ISexpected attempt but It was Just off was postponed because the won the opt."nlng tlp and went Gotfredson contmues to play to return next week games They've all added up m right m for a basket The game well on both ends of the court Craig ZIOlkowski got the Huskies' bus was grounded "He's our floor leader and we the games we lost and we have was two seconds old and we "He held Ford's top scorer, rebound, was fouled and hIt because of bad weather The to correct them But I'm confi- were behmd already" who had been averagIng 20 missed him," Stavale said one of the two free throws to contest v.1I1be made up on dent we'll come back" Northwest held a 33-25 edge pomts a game, to nme pomts "But the other lads all stepped made It 43-41 WIth5 3 seconds Thursday, Feb 27 ULS dug a hole early m the m reboundmg and the and only two field goals," up and did a good Job Nick rem8lmng (Aubrey) and Dave (Stavale) Lutheran East game, fallmg Crusaders beat ULS 23-14 on LCN's J T LUgInskl was behmd 24-8 m the first quar- the defenSiveboards Hoops program had to take over the ball-han- fouled on the rebound of ter The Knights got wlthm dhng and did well WIth the ZIOlkowski'smiss He mlssed "Reboundmg has been one of added respomilblhty" nme pomts m the second half, our strengths thiS year," Pelto is taking the free throw on the front end The game all boiled down to but couldn't get any closer. said ''When we've been outre- of the bonus, but got hiS own "When we got It to nme we registrations a four-mmute stretch m the rebound and fed Sabron bounded, It was never by more thlTd quarter when LCN went took a bad shot, then we made than four before that game" Bndges, who was fouled WIth on a 16-0 run The Norsemen a bad pass and we didn't get Parrott and Bruenton scored Players m grades four 1 4 seconds to go Bndges hit USED CARS through 12 can Signup now for started the second half WIth a back on defense," Pelto s81d 16 POints apiece to lead the both free throws to c1mchthe the North Amencan Youth three-pOint play by Dave Vlctory 1990 TEMPO CL "Pretty soon they were back up Knights Bruenton, whoshot 7- 4 door, auto. aIr by 16 Basketball program Hermann to take a 22-16 lead 'The thmg I liked best about for-l0 from the field, also But the Crusaders scored the "We're a young team and If grabbed seven rebounds Each partiCipant IS guaran- our effort was the way we kept $4.588 teed 24 games Teams WIllplay next 16 pomts, several of them we don't get off to a good start ULS had good performances our poise and stuck to what we III three regIonal tournaments commg after turnovers by we start pressmg We forget off the bench m each game had worked on m practice," 1993 LASER that you score one, two or three and the natIOnal tournament low mIles, won't last from Bryan Wlsk and Will All squads are ehglble for the pomts at a bme We're trymg Watson r------.., natIOnal event There are five $6.995 to score five, seven or nme The Knights fell to 7-5 m the games guaranteed m each pomts WIthevery shot" Metro Conference and 8-8 over- ell} of \1,ehll:an reglonal tournament and a Oirasse 111ainb~ao~s, 1993 GRAND PRIX LE ULS had strong games from all U18 hopes to get back on Mint OF 15 post players Charlie Strong track Fnday when the Knights minImum of nme m the natlon- NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING NOlIee hereby given that the CIlY al tournament CounCil of the Cuy of Grosse Pomle Woods, m acrordance "'lh SecMn 4 1'i $8.995 and C R Moultry m the loss to host Harper Woods m a league 7 of !he 1975 City Code, Will hold a pubhc hearmg m the Counc,1 Room of lhe the Eagles Strong had eight game There are no tryouts for the teams Every player who SignS MuniCipal BUlldmg 20025 Mack PI37.A, on Monday February 24 1997 1t 1991 CROWN VIC up ISplaced on a team 730 pm, to hear the appeal of John lamia. 1845 F!cct"ood Grosse POInte leather, sharp Anyone Interested should Woods, Michigan, who 15 appealmg !he demal of the BUlldmg lmpcclor 10 $6.488 ULS' tennis success contact Metro DetrOit area Issue a Busmcss License (0 operate a beauty salon at t9653 Mack A"cnu~ Grosse Po,nte Wood' The c1asslficauons fOTbeauty salons wlthm lite C,ly of director Mike Trudeau at (810) 1992 TAURUS WACON LX 4694242 Grosse Pomle Woods has reached Its m.,,,mum allowable !tmlt therefor" the Compare at The NAYBhas paId coachmg apphcalLon was demed A hardslup vanance IS IhcrefoTe re"lulred All mlcre'! ed par [I es arc: m vlled to allcnd rubs off on spikers POSitIOnSavailable Interested $6.995 By Chuck Klonke coaches should also contact lOUISE S. WARNKE said Trudeau G PN 02/1V97 ('In CI LRK Sports Edrtor Nadine Hank played a Umverslty LIggett School's 1992 BRONCO XLT strong game III the back row, Loaded. Real Sharp tenms success ISrubbmg off on makmg several good saves the school's volleyball team Crenshaw wa~ agam btrong up $14.995 "SIXof our 12 players have front, whIle Roehl had elght played t.enms and I think that's pomts on ~erves P • 0 Due l' I~ abOllt 1994 EXPLORER SPORT 4x4, row miles one of the reasons we've been Last weekend, ULS • nft GIiOUt ,"0,,,," Itt"WS ~ ••• such a goodservmg team," saId advanced to the con...olatlOn •• ",,", .. , AV'MUI ~r"'t' $15.488 KnIghts coach Ken Klenk round of thf' Wayne State InVltatlOnal 1995 CHEROKEE LTD 'The approach to serving In ~...... ",.... ,...... ~Advertising your business? v.s tenms and volleyball 1<;a httle The Knights were 3 3 III pool $21.995 different, but the arm sWing IS play, beatmg Dearborn HClghts slmJlar In many respects " Annapolis two straIght to ~ Designing a corporate logo? 1995 E-1S0 CARGO advance to the next round Auto air In U18' 15 11, 16-14 VlctO!)' ULS ~pllt two game~ With over Metro Conference nval Grosse POInte North and lost €-I Producing a newsletter? $13,995 Hamtramck la~t y,eek, the tWIceto Southfield Chn<;tlan Krllghts' Brooke Wnght - an 1991 AEROSTAR XL "We were one of eight teams Whatever your needs: Brochures, Flyers, Annual Reports, Catalogs, Direct Mail, lOW, low miles AII.State tenm~ player to come out of pool play," Klenk served 11 of her team'~ 31 said 'That's alway s one of our our experts can create a unique print product for you. $7.995 POints goals In a toumament ' Develop your look and win your audience! , Southfield ehmlnated the Emily Crenshaw was ULS' KnIghts In two straight games leader In kills, whIle Stephame In the second round of the tour- ~ PUBLISHING IN A Roehl was the top blocker nament Roehl was the standout for The Kmghts then treated a U18 In the tournampnt Fan ApprecIatIOn mght crowd "Brooke Wnght r('JnJured to a 15-7, 4.15, 15-10 VIctory her thumb, 'lO Stephame had to BIGWaY over Sacred Heart Academy take over as the "Ctter and she For more information, call us anytime. played a bIg part m our wm- hslsn & Production. The Grosse Pointe News: (313) 343.5570 "It was mce to have a good mnl; tho~e two I;ame~ agaln<;t crowd cheenng for U"', Klenk Annapoh<;,"Klenk .,ald ~.x:,(31~)~~3,.~ p~' ~~t~" e

    ....._------_...... C"POlan OffICI .. ------_ flOod ~ H(lm~l!on O;oq now M .4860? ... 1'1711910914 SEQUENCE 1800196814S6 • lox 1\'7) 1922421 ""mo~ dmq l(tn So rom l.etotlAL 0PftCII 9/t ~ohh", Su'. 252 Grand ~1(1Vl"'nMI 49417 I~ 6) 8'687/6 loy 1616) 847 M41 4C February 13, 1997 s orts Grosse Pointe News VLS swimmers having best season Netghborlmd Highlights C l U B UniversIty Liggett School'b Both ttmes were state qualI- Cntehell, a frebhman, WOb 200 and 100 freestyle races sWImming team has had fYing tImes and season bests fourth 10 the 500 freestyle In SmIth said she "has been Here dre some more results unprecedented success under for Shelden 531 76 It was the hlghest fin lmpressed WIth the team's com Ronme DICiCCO were offeru.)ve .st and new coach Sandy Smlth from gdmes In the outs The good all around play or Ene The Knlghtb' 200 medley Ish for a female sWImmer In mltment, work ethIC, leader Nelghborhood Club co rec Jenkm., Nathan Masserang Elizabeth The Knights posted theIr relay team of KatIe CrItehell, the meet shtp and SPirit Captams Ann mhne hmkey leal,'1lE.' Rewalt RIchard Sharon and best fimsh ever at the Ene- ErlCa Stock, Shelden and Freshman Adrienne Cldrk, Dave TIdwell, Logan LRADES 4&5 Chn.topher SIewert contnbuted to the Mason InVItatIOnal last week- Logon Oney finIshed fourth team ~ SUCClSS Fragatos was 12th In the 100 Oney and Betsy Greene have Vzn,. PhYMcaJ Therapy 4, end, scoring 132 POints to take WIth a school record 1 57 3 backstroke WIth a personal been exceptIonal role models Oakland Bladers 3 CanadJ.ellJi players Teddy Bartley, fourth place m thE' ,*,VE'n-tl'Rm I\ ...~\ ~ ...... 1....., :'Ll..I~d.~1 H~IIIUvu.h 1'''" 200 frf'~st;.!e rei:!;. tc:!m hLbt tlnh.. uf 1 16 93 :J.!'d l{'sdl'''s for the te:lm » IJ 1\-10 ~"~hQll ~••:or~ the tlrbt 01 hl~ held four gOdl In tht ...ecvnd perIOd to break Alexander Hunt Maxwell HLlfit, Alex of Shelden, CrItchell, Oney and Stock and Paul Rossen, both ULS has a 3-3 record WIth Kreber, Chn.topher KudlallS Bnan ULS, which scored tWice ab a ""on It. "" llP l ZnI~ Physlla] Therapy DaVId TIdwell was fourth wtth dual-meet VIctorIes over Lockhart, Chrlshan Schlega and freshmen, were seventh and touk d ,) 1 lead only to ha\e the many POints as It dId a year a season's best 1 42 93 clock- 10th, respecttvely m the 100 Country Day, DetrOit Cass Bladu ....tlt~ the gdme before WaMn NIcholas Navetta Jeamed about floor ago, finished ahead of DetrOIt hockey teamwork and sportsmanahlp Ing ULS was SIxth In the 400 breaststroke wlth hOles of Tech and Cranbrook noll hl>\R), 3, 1997 Blunden and Aaron CJSCO the team es IS$40 The cost for all others protected Its sJde well Matthew IS $45 Partlclpants must also 1lkr1.UrJ.I(II\( lln~ nlt"tlu \.\1 I r .rdt.r~\\'I\lrF-rm~J P:lIJI/1. 11 ;IlP\1 B1unden KImberly Coughlm and have a club membershIp RQll Llli \11('U Irx fh ....It pl"t"",m lli)IJJ.1:>~ tllil.J)

    I TlrUU\l .lprr \I •• 1n 11< Ih n nut, fth Rt dlr(! (' un \1 < n"htlI JJOU,J.r\ ~( ~~(96)QjG)G)~Qj6}Qj I'N' lnJ lllrlh rm rl r U\l;tn till ,he n nUll ., ht l.xJI (lilltl (. mpc.n-..all n (mnll r '1< I nl hllJ J H U... \ I 10.}" rhe- m nul I ht I mn nt. ( mml""~lln '1u'l~nf' ~ It! J In If\ ~ IliLl .in I In rl n lit l t Ih1.. H -* 1 1 Tru"tl.-n I mrll~ 1.. Rdlru"Thrl \\ II \1 I n hd!J II Ir l "J DON'T LEAVE ~ GROSSE POINTE FARMS-CITY-PARK ~ Tl h 1I'..J I hi 1/ In; r- \ l I Y. ., t I r n tht rmp. t I rt I \ Tl 1nr'J' lid mm nl th ....J ( n m n \ l>t. \ I' Ipm l HI ...~ ( .tot J r .. 1m j flo< ...... j HOlVlE WITHOUT US! BABE RUTH LEAGUE BASEBALL ~ \ I T I II r 'he ~ 1 J II I 'I n n tm II rhl pr n r \.( I" 1on III \d t j ( t\ ( J. j t> rh Ih \1.1 T1 nul ..-*I.,.l\ rl n II In II.. h\ 1hl I ~ .. I Otll t'r" ( m!""-n I ." n n I n In addItIOn to all those text books you'll be readIng, no fh,J,rIh, .. I th I II r (II .. ( n II mt till,. 1'1 WI: ~ en ld II r-. n thl: nul n!-- educatIOn lS really complete WIthout reading your ~ 19971'> PLAH_R REGISTRATION 111997 ~ to r h\ ;oj, L.m I'" h,p, home town newspaper

    AGES 13-15 ~ l \ppi \tlhtlll \In n h ( IItn -\ tnl I \prol Ih \ ltrl Illlt>1 htm/- td tlr(ht 1..\ nkt, i'l~ LI' I-+~ r II h I 1\( f ~ll" Ihm!l\j()\I~ And now you can take a lIttle pIece of home WIth you {l\ \I nJ.".. nl( I ( rltr Ih, ml !urlh J.lh I rh \f .. r nd( \ (krl.. h l-n (-1 ~e 0/1 7/3//97 H l.£lH~ueA ~e) Ih I ..rlftL ~ \rr I r 10m 11 n!n n ml d ~ I "..,l .10 \n I '0( 0 I ~ I 10\\l lrl<..~ by takmg advantage of aUI' SpeCIal back to school In f r Ihl ( Ion \ (In I "urr mlnl \\ 'od \\. It r " 110r It! \If { (3r SUbSCI'lptlon offer - 9 months foI' $15 \d Nt II P/il\erl M/HI PrOl/deBlrlh Cell/fila!e ~ ~ 1 h f"l'" III 'ht II~(I I \(Intrl P...I tan .. p( Itt. th(" 11,K)f,{ n r('l('" kerl C' I'r 1ft'...I .n1,h(" h e IhP. ror, I l \prl \1 p,'nm III n h~ m unl 11 ~~ .P<.I11 "',

    (11H1t\ I.: \1, nil 1Il1 T \ \nll> I) n 1 r II lpd m Ir Jr t mtnl r I Th ... \.(f" I'k I BACK-TO-SCBOOL SUBSCB!PTIOll OPPBB I II nnp, n.b- ("null<. nt nl In hUt I Iht r'tr l<1\lptl,mtx-r l r------~ ~ Mrur ~ 1QW.!(I'\H,nh.. :l) IX -+ 'rrr I rl\ n llll~ I) nl r"J.I~( 1t<1 \'11 \o\.d(" \t ur 1\ lr n ...... 11 n r ro n r I "I" nl III r n f"'- rT 1 I Ihe OJ nlh '\l \t"mhc I Just $15 00 for the entire school year' I

    P\ Nr IGHBORHoon Cll B P\ "" 1l \rrr r I ....r lInl q ~ 1, It r \. T ( or ""1111( mp 1m II r Pr j..fl"" I Name______: \d (171)OWO\TfR100) \.d l.l\nK'nI' f, t Ilk ....'i 1,\ ""I re I \~ 1\1 n I ( It ~I III 1 r ... I ~ n~ n 1 'I P n () j n n ... (,I 1nl II d \n ()r In 10 I.' r I \mrn I (en II I \ 'I 1 Hurer 1,\ "",I II n nl- 0 r n nu'" ~(~ 1 ( 10.11 J " .. lht. ( r} I Nameof SchooL______I \d g ~ Hll"""l(""r\\ ""I I \ mmlo.l ("H i e I mlllirl \1 \pt. I'rrr 11 nR I P n 1 (J I t rll I r(" I he (It r I ~ I pll"-h h n I litH "..1 nJn..e n..}(. ..-.rdLIlu." ... h(ll\(l' f1 I lln P\ WFD ...~"\nA) & fHI RqlAY .~ 'rrr (h (i-e (hie... BJ n Iln 1" 1h} ndP Ht' PI\m('"nr : Student Address____ ~_-======II \d f-FflRI ARY 19m & 20m \.d , (\ Ill' n hr n un I ~l 0 1 I t I 1 I (emull (om['Jn\ In Ill' 1ht l~ Please start my ( n..r (' k'r I ("1"')\ I 1n ~ FRO\! 7 00 TO 9 00 PM ~ \rrrl \ I r I" !> Hll I!> II rJ' \, " rl I n III I thl:' ( '1\ "mnu I j 1 n H1 : subSCrIptIonon (Date) I .In un IS 1 ~ <, II '('"j en hni- r ... rn ~'l.l I 9I1( m I) <. "\()1 I r ", I' \('".1 ("n n} I>c- ("m~ IN P\ ~ ~t P\ T rq t p '" tlrl\ nr I I~ )jlt ~'>lh~"\ r I".mlrhr( \(In I 0 Enclosed IS my payme~;; ~~$-1-5-0-0-I r .. I r nm Ir ~ 11('" 1110. IOfl Ir, ( nrc.n'illCn(lmml" n t n Irnl ""lit'! L \d _ S7) 00 for F \.d \.( r ron ~ .J 1 I Ih ( ,,('" ) ~n n 7~ , II n 1 1\, 111\ ,,(' In r I lih r r { II II II n~ Ih(' r1 1\ I I II~ I I III .....r nq! I I rl I'. r h \ I II ( ,(' pi \ (' n III ------.J \d ,\,'QI ~AmO'l\It CALL Dol(; 8~RR) \T 881.9031 ~ frank I Pala170lo '!lcke' Il Todd Grosse Pointe News \1 .. r ( Ih ( r r~ Q})Q)QjQj~~Q)6)Qj~Qj PI hi h" j ( f' '1h, ( Irl('" I fet j 1\ 1\ 1;'1 C~ "'I ( W S , .. ,. r II s t •r

    ..., I I .; A Thursday, February 13, 1997 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection

    DEADLINES I 6,3 Parts ana $l¥Y(.f REALESTATEFORSALE& Cj~3 Sn- ~ rl d :J'l'js. ANNOUNCEMENTS MERCHAND[~E a..., ~ ~"J 3 ~, S '1 1 RESOURCE 55-lBooSI""Je~ RMI t'mH H)R~~F :1'4 -";, ~d ;; "" ( .. ~.,; lJ lIIdo::.", ... o1:€"pd. &S7 MoIorcyde, ~.Jf1I"t€'d~"JC .. rro€'E:ll'J:' SrJ. j J:,,'9 TI1Clf ~3 "lrJ~"o<:D f, SPECIALSERVlCES hJ 1...smJth %} RE' "'r'atUfs.:. ..,e 409~Y_Sales G,os5-€'POO!er OCA AW1d~ P.a ;'~9 J1;>pa c.p TI€-ti '\ 9od? Il-,~une ~ ~.. CashCheck 1118~SeM:e 41O_Sales -14) MrOf~"/iCe 91" R€-'T')()- "~ rl~W_ 9"'J;l Au ~'T v:X Rer..... 943 Te"'S<:IY...e ADSTYLES 109Ern",,"",,,, 8 :A6 MO'(.ng.St ~ 91;. R ....Jl~S€r" ...... 4" Jewefy 101~f"ts'OlJple,- 91~ ~1,,)5PrliCE' :/.)/)-'v ~~, WordAds 12WOlds$950 Ie EnaooSer<", 4 2 MIse Artdes De1rOftllalarty :KJ7 Bas.o?r"'.etll 'lid !.'r~ 00 ~ I" HappyMs 413Mw:aJ_~ addtlOnalWOlds65ceac~ 702 ~f"l>!JupIe,- 9(.13 Bath rutl A':'j s~.o:::l FAX or MAIL FORM . 112He.111&N""",, AbbreViallOns!!Q! accepted "4 OIt'OIJplel- Brd<~"" //(.<\ • "5PMy~ I 912&Jdtll].R.-nJd ... 'l9 BorderAds S1950 per 116Se< Woods 915Cacpe'C'''''''l • I:LH551FIEO nOVERTl51NG 119TI~to"w'Tri111t! 504 mu~weekscheduledadvertls >mane Sooebes lCli De1rOJnIy 916 ~-peIl'lSM a!lt'.Jl • 120TutomgEdl.<:atm 96 Kercheval. Grosse POinte Farms MI 48236 Ing Withprepaymentorcredll 505 lOSl and four!oInS"'* f", Aeru 1123 UYts-rtt1iOf>Ser.-1C.€' .eW... Clencal IiII2 f",~ ~ 712Galagffi.!n, S1ClageW~ 92' oew""lSffi"" • PHONE - WORDS __ TOTAL COST PER WEEK--_ aduOOer~silWIDpna eheaWMteW.. etooso fle'Hal 925 Dects.PaJOS • 204 He\> WanIeJ>I sher"WIVes !henghtlo 714l...-g awn", 10 Shale 911i000fs : .11 Wk_ -_.J2WkS __ .13Wks __ .J4Wks __ .1_ Wks__ 205He\>W....ed legal 605 F,,"'iI" 0010' rejedadcopySli>m ne1for IiIIIi Joop$ .. _ '15>.1«orHome'iforflenl 9Z7Drape-r,es 106He\>WIJII>ef", f", Reo! 928Dr~AIl"t"'" <01He\>WlWltedsa.os 507.\ri'" CORR.COONS& AOJUSTIIENTS 717~oaJWlWlted m Dry", • SIGNATURE - EXP DATE _ 106Emp/oymof11~ 5lI6 PaI1SiTreSlAIaims Res;>oost>1!IyI",class42 G,'J'S • • 51275 513411 51405

    100 rE~SONAlS 101 rums 112 HEALTH l NUTIlITION 117 SECRETA~IAl SERVICES 119 TR.lNSrOIlTATlON/T~AV£l 200 HElP WANTED GENE~Al 200 HELr WANTED GENEIlI 200 HUr WANTED GENERAL CALLIGRAPHY: Elegant PRAYER OF THE GIVE THE GIFT hand lettering for wed- AN exciting opportunity BLESSED VIRGIN of BUSINESS AND CHILD care center seeks FITNESS Instructor Bon dings parties certlfl awaits you al the Oh most beautiful flower of HEALTH TECHNICAL SERVICES + rnfanti toddler leacher Secours of Michigan IS cates, etc Call 313 521- Grosse POinte Hunl Mt Carmel, frUitful vine Certified Theapeutlc Est 1983 Arrport or Personal BAiBS In child develop seeking quallfred candl 261q Club We are seeking splendor of Heaven MASSAGE !>ecrttanal War!. Lou The Chauffeur Call ment preferred plus 3 dates to fill our current Blessed Molher of the Computer TlPmg highly motivated people years experience Tran "FRIENDS" ElecfrolYSIS By Chene 313881-55271 24 hours Fitness Instructor open Son of God, Immaculate Resumes to fill lhe POSitions for scnpt reqUired Medleal Permanent Hair Remov By Appointment only Good ratesr Ings ResponSlbllilieS In Virgin, assist me In my BUSlnlCj,~ • lu.hnll.JI waltstalf and busper- dental Insurance annul al Alice Brennan Reg- (313)882 6463 elude e1ass preparatIOn necessity- Oh Star of A"d'nllC sons Apply In person at ty plan Paid holidays Isfered Electrologist Gift Certificates 3 MARKETEERS regIstration and leading The Sea, help me & ll.tkrs • Rlport(j 655 Cook Road Grosse and vacation Send re "Friends" Hair with Sar- Available Airport Shuttle classes We prefer na show me herein you are hlr~ W,d, Srrl,d,nlll, POinte Woods sume to Kldspace 600 ah 17877 Mack Ave In Home Servrce Personal Shoppmg 110nalquallf,ca110ns If In my Mother Oh Mary Carhonk" ~"rnls Randolph DetrOIt MI Grosse Pornfe Woods Errands & Apporntments ATTENTIONIII Unlimited teresled send resume Mother of God, Queen 48226 Attention T 313-886-2503 MASSAGE therapy by Tl\t • $CA'\$ • (,r'plll, COMPARE OUR PRICES Income opportunity In- to Human Resources of Heaven and Earth I Betsy Breckels 11 Zaydel 468 Cadieux Rd Grosse e JliiSlUl TranKnptloll Call Us Today ternational cosmetrc f,nn LOVING personal care humbly beseech you years experience And Relax Tomorrowll expanding No experl POinte MI 48230 Fax Small dogs only No tm from the bottom of my House calls available Rl pumH. I Lttc..rS CITY OF GROSSE l-mdop" • LJblh 313-526-4998 ence necessary many (313)343 1327 EO E klers Refe"ences $81 heart to succor me rn (313)821-0509 POINTE WOODS Mallmg 1 L50ls~IJll1tU1Jnl.l. openings (810)777 3831 day (313)839-1385 my necessity (request -Seeking mght watchman FULL or part lime carpen REFLEXOLOGYI HoliStiC Dls\l.rtJtLons. rum PJPc.p; here) There are none ATTENTION Start a busl to work 10pm 6am shift ter assistants FleXible health alternative Shir- PHOTOGRAPH V- Spe thaI can wllhstand your Rtsuml,.s • VltJl ness of your own Be 24 40 hours! week schedule must have clallzmg In Weddmgs & ley SWitzer LaRlcca ._-~ mornings available power Oh Mary con ( oHr Il nUll. "-rrlJlJUon .. your own boss No door Includes weekends and CertifIed In Ingham AnnIversaries Black! celved Without Sin, Pray to door seiling needed holidays $6 $8 I hour Starts at $7 00 hour method 882.6035 (,crlljwJ Professlo,,,JI white & color Reasona for us who have re- Remme \friar Avon Products For Job opemng lor school Only experienced need ble Bernard (313)885- course to thee Holy SWEDISH massage gen ~ .elephone 445-0171 more information call crossing guards apply 313884-7433 8928 Rose 810 2948151 Temporaryl seasonal work ------Mary I place thiS prayer tie and soothing, for (313) 822-4800 GENERAL MaIntenance In your hands Say thiS 3 your emolronal well be BAHAMA CRUISE $6 391 hour to start VIP Secunty Protection 12 (800) 644-1122 BANQUET Servers need- pari tIme Please apply times 3 days Publish It 109 $45 per hour 313- 5 daysl 4 nights Three hours max 1 day years experience Plain IfE \fliER ed part time No ex perl at 20000 Harper Avenue It Will be granted 10 you 873-1021 Underbooked Must sell I For addrllonal Information clothes escorts Ilmou • 'JtrOIUJ oUs(XJJtlon ot ence neccessary Apply VB $2991 couple please contact GROSSE POinte Frrm re Sl ne se rVlce Special ~el..ruanJI ~nh..n at Harper Woods Com- 114 MUSIC EDUCATION • ProfU\IOnal~~o'..IJtI()noj Limited trckets ASSistant City qUires expenenced up events casinos For Ide- munity Center 19748 THANK you St JUde, Sa RCSUnll. \Vmt.1'l 1-800935-9999 X 4711 Administrator holsterer for part time al protection avoid dan Harper Ave Harper cred Heart for favors re PIANO Learning Cenler at313 343 2446 ger be smartr Terry positron 313886 1880 celved DON Children s group elasses 120 TUTO~ING EDUCATION Woods (Between 7 & 8 or apply", person at Feys (313)839 2178 Mile Rd) HIRING experienced man now forming Pllvate 113 TAX S£AVICE 20025 Mack Plaza ICUrlSt! nail tech Guar WINSTED'S Custom '07 COMrUTE~ SERVICE lessons also Pre school DON'T know what to do BOOKKEEPER. Part! full .EOE anteed salaryl commlS Framing Framing mat- adults Beginners ad- ANTHONY BUSINESS WIth your computer? time New Center area ------__ WEB Site, pages bUilt for sian 313881 4500 ling Quality work Rea. vanced 810.774-9966 SERVICE Consultation training (guarded) Resume to COOK Senior Citizen you Complete selVlce 3138244258 sonable rates Margaref Taxes #26 Human Resources home WIll train apply In HIRING full time assistant Cybemetmed Com Call 117 SEWTARl.ll SERVICES Accounting 25~0 W Grand Blvd person Monday thru Fn 313331 2378 GROSSE POINTE for busy salon Call 313 810-9781096 Payroll Delrolt MI 48208 day 24600 Greater LEARNING CENTER 881 4500 ADMINISTRATIVE Serv Prlvale Confidential Mack St Clatr Shores 109 ENffRTAINMENT • Tutonng All Sublects (313)896 1600 Semors welcome Ices Plus ProfeSSional Servrng You Since 1968 HOUSEKEEPER Grosse • K Adult word precessing! typing 467 Cloverly CAFE Manager Restau- POinte Farms home ALTERNATIVE BAND. • Counselrng services for professlo rant experlencp neces- COUNTER help full & part Two days! week clean (under 18) Interested rn Grosse POinte Farms nals and students 313 • Dlagnostrc Testrng sary BOOkkeeping ex time all shifts Apply rng laundry Call 313 playing In coffee houses (near Mack) 824-7713 • Learning DISilb,l,lles perlence a plus Com • With", 24317 Jefferson 961 2500 days or small gatherings 313-882-6860 • School Readiness petatlve wages Send St Clair Shores Reasonable. dependa • PubliC Speaking IMMEDIATE openrngs for EXPERIENCED CPA resume to 24317 Jeffer ble 313886-2937, be- • StUdy Skills DIRECT care workers snow removal driVing 8/1 kiln Pbotort;l nphy ava,lable tor tax and ac son SI Clair Shores MI fore 10 pm Jeff or Shar Serving The Educational needed for group home shoveling Sub contrclcl counting serv,ces 48080 (810)779-9662 on Commumty For 20 Vears Benefits after 90 days Ing snow plow drivers Elizabeth A Luberto 131 Kercheval On The HIli CANDLES. Light up your Call 810 468-0241 3138823676 CLASSICAL mUSICfor any CPA (313)8851857 343-0836 343-0836 life earning extra money 101 rums occasion Solo duo tno INSIDEI outSide malnte ------JOin In the success of DRIVERS wanted for foed qUintet gUitar WInds -TA-X-P-re-p-a-r-a-t,-o-n-a-n-d-F-,READING tutor needed for nance Petrree OH Holy St Jude Apostle Paltyllte demonstrating delivery service aver vOIce 810-661-2241 nanclal Planning Rea 9 year old bo\ 313 885 Dreferred Painting car and Martyr great In Vir- high quality candles & age $10/ hour (810)774 son able rates Anthony 1034 pentry Marchi Aprll. tue and nch In miracles accessories No Invest 3663 DINKY THE CLOWN Own Iransportatlon H B"nbryer CPA 313 REALEStaie Pre L,cens ment fulll part time near kinsman of Jesus Face painting balloons (313)8391385 Christ f3lthful materces- and magic ProfeSSional 822-4569 Ing Course Fundamen Nancy 810 773 7526 EXPERIENCED waltper ------son! busperson full & SOr of all who Invoke maglc,an also available tals of Real Estate to CAREER POSITJONS INSURANCE- Grosse ) 11 HArry ADS 111 Harry ADS part time days Full time your special palronage (313)5217416 prepare you for the AVAILABLE POlnle State Farm day ba nende r Call In time of need To you I State Exam Classes Experienced people need office seeks expe" MAGIC of J R McAtee Paul Heather Monday have recourse from the now fornllng Fee In ed for 10ng and shari enced property! Featured In Delrolt Friday' 930am 430pm depths of my heart and eludes textbook and all term assIgnments Tem casualty salesl service Monthly s BEST OF DE- Dunlevy z River Place humbly beg to who God -~"1 materials Call 399 8233 porary to permanent representative Call TROIT 810-286-2728 1313)259 0909 has given such great r , -1!~.,..~~ ,$- to register Coldwell Legal & Executive (313)8863060 power to come to my as PIANO entertainment for \ # \;J.'; Banker School of Real Secretaries slstance Help me In my Estate all occasions MUSIC of og~ .-. £.:J~'" Word Processors 200 HElP WANTED GEN£UI 200 HElr WANTED GENEUl present urgent petltron ~ your life Includes SPANISH Tutor native Data Enlry Clerks In return I promise to ~V--.,.", ~~r -- GershWin Porter Clas Madrid Sparn Chrldren Receplron sts 45 wpm make youl name known SICS 3138856215 or adults your home or Pleasant Working and calise you to be In I ToJanet W R Sweetie Pie 1997 mine Atler 4 pm 810 Atmosphere voked Say 3 Our Fa- VOLUNTEER SERVICES 112 HEALTH l NUT~1lI0N I m at a place 4453722 RUTH PARADISE TEMPS thers 3 Hall Mary sand In my good life 964-0640 LI<\ISON 1 Glory Be s Publication CERTIFIED Deep Muscle When assets counted are TUTOR. certified teacher musl be prorrllsed St massage Reduce reading malar All sub CHILD care center sel'ks PART-TIME Jude pray for us and lor stress pain Increase I ve run the race lects K 8 Harper expenenced rare givers Part time schedules all who Invoke your aid energy level Rebecca Woods reSide nt 311 \\'l .Ir" ....urrC:lllh "to C,,"lIl,.:': t i.. Lndld.ltl~ In (, Good 'hlngs are life avo,lable Co Pay medl Amen Thl~ Novena has 810-445-;427 417 2435 our \oltlnlu.r "'U"llC" Tnl' plr,nn mu ....t lx' I m proud I ve come so for cat and dental neve r been known to l pt.n~e[K (,1\ 11trllll ~md I "llt """Hll T I hl' la,1 ThiS Novena must NEED COUNSELING? WHEELS of Ll'qrnlng Tu "'~lIrance paid vaca But swee,le pie J'l( ....lIlOn rcql1lrl ....("'Xll fltlnn 11I. nmlllllnll ilion .In 1 DIAL 1-800- THERAPIST tOrlng Centers The pro Ilon~ and holidays Send be said for 9 consecu on~~mll.lllnnLl ....~III ..... Irvl'days PQ M Confldenllal referrals to Ii Of treasures mine gram Ihat makes a dlf re5ume to Kldspace censed psychothera You are the greatest sure ference Grades K 600 Randolph DetrOIt \UlLl ...... hJI ... lndu.J Ife \\111 ....lIlir ..lhldule ..... THANK you St Jude for PIStS expenenced With adult EastpOinte Ala MI 48226 Attention T lJl.lllll un \Olllnlc('r rn..[er r('l nil! Ill! mien 1('\\ prayers answe red No stock prrce high 7764214 Clrnton Twp Zaydel your problem Call us n, \\ \ nlimtc,'r ,tilt (.lIldrd Lll "ill m«'t \llih HCD we can help No gold so fine 810 ??8 4722 - - LOOKING for a \ lrlnu .. (kp H1mcnh tn In 11\ Il 'hl..IT nu~d ... md , Can match your love so pure malLh \ 01unh.xr ...10 lhch(' Illld .. 200 Hur WANTED GENERAL new career? 100 mSONAlS / 100'E1\ONAlS ine JOy you give Call and sel' II you Qual,fy The peace you bring CAR parkers needed P3" 10earn $50 000 We 1 hi .....rn ..l1lOrl I .. r 1rt 11m\.. \"lIh 111 I\t, r I!!L nl ~o hn Jr.. f1l...r\he. ~ \\l, nlfl T 1\\ l.!l r In l from Counts more than any money tIme days n.ghts 81 0 have thl' systems 2nd 751 5689 the schooling 10 make ,,~ OO/hr 10" I 0 OOlhr dqx I1d1llg n" l \ 1'1I1II I" I want to lIVe your dreams rome true Plc~l'c "l nd fC'\UIll(' to FRAMING & sales 30 40 BOOK EDITOR I want to sing Call J P Fountain at Ken Eatherly per wl'ek rnclurl nq Sat 313-886-5800 Gro"'e Pointe '1e\\, How much I love you honey' BU \\orclNct Fclitorial H22-4091 urrla{s Malibu Gallery Caldwell Banker P.O. Box 8480 ask for Anne or Trm 810 Srhwelt7er 774 ?787 Gro"l' Po,nte Farms (;ro""e Pointt>,\11.

    ...... ,.IiII...... W.... , C"I'OIlAn 0fIlICU1 ,.. 80~ <) Hom,hon ~ogmo .. MI 48607 1')171791091.4 SEQUENCE 18001968 J4 \6 fo' 1')17) 792 ~4?l con IlOIINION pmn I dmq Ocr ... com sdenl ••• ,ONAL Of'na. 916 Robbm, 5, ".252 G,and Hoven Mt .49417 1616) 8'68116 f(1~-.!.6~1 ~tl747 Thursday, February 13, 1997 Grosse POinte News I The Connection

    200 HEl~ WANTED GENERAL I200 HELP WANJED GENlRAL 200 HHP WANTED GINERAl 200 HEl~ WANTED GENERAL 201 HElP WANTED 203 HElP WANHD UIVSITTEIt 202 HEl~ WANTED ClUICAl 20S H£l~ WANTED LEGAL LIMOUSINE DlIVels NOW ACCEPTING DENTAL/MEDICal PROFESSIONAL WAITRESSES needed Days moslly part time APPLICATIONS LOVING, experienced OUTGOING & friendly Must be experienced MEDICAL ASSOCiates LEGAL secretaryl legal positions available must FOR EXPERIENCED PERSONS Nanny to care for our sales secretary needed assIstant for DetrOit de Mr Lou s Mack Ave wanted JOin our grow have good driving re LINE COOKS PREP who would like two adorable young chi for busy manufacturers (313)8829700 Ing offiCE' team Expand fense litigation law Ilrm cord be courteau s & dren ages 1 1/2 and 4 AND PANTRY a nice Income ------rep firm Monday Frrday Iflg Dermatology office With two attorneys professional Apply at ~ PERSONNEL working from home, WAITSTAFF needed One Musl drive nonsmoker 8 30 1 30 With fleXIble seeks part! full time As Must be expenenced In 20920 Harper Harper APPLY IN PERSON 30 year old full time one part lime 2 1/2 to 4 days per hours available 313 885 soclates for pDSt,ons In Word Perfect and pas WOOds between Vernier BETWEEN 2 4PM Easl Side legItImate Daytime Call between 3 week 313 BB2 7227 1057 both medical receptIon sess excellent tYPIng & 8 M,le ---- - ANDIAMO 5pm Monday Fnday ~ and medical asslstlngl and organozatlonal skills bUSiness needs your MATURE Person needed OWNER 01 established LAKEFRONT BISTRO Grosse POinte Farms nursing Experience pre Knowledge of oHlce bIll L1TILE Italy s Pizza needs help Will tram to care for young girl firm needs Admlnlstra. 24026 E JEFFERSON 3138829555 ferred Direct resumes Ing and admonlstratlve phone person pizza Great opportumty With specral needs In her t,ve Asslsstanl Take ST CLAIR SHORES and Inquiries to East procedures helpfUl Sal makers del,very drivers call Mr Todd for details WANTED. family horr e Kelly, Bl0 charge type IndiVidual Call 810 469 2935 313 313886 1763 5449354 Side Dermatology ary commensurate With OFFICEJ ACCOUNTING COOK PORTER and All skills reqUired B10- 1814 A M"r~ AvpnllE' expenence H""llh n 5212 03IJC SECRETARIAL po~ltlon POSlllon lor automated & ,vAIl STAFF Grosse Pomte Farms surance and parking (full time) at Second CIty NANNY ;;ffinted2 days a LOOKING for experienced computerized company RECEPTIONIST M, 48236 or call us a, prOVIded Send resume Theatre CandIdate Applyal week Wednesdays and haordresser Green Full I,me poslton for POSITION (313)884 7459 lor fu, and references to Law musl possess effective 1585 Franklin at Orleans Fridays 10 hours a day house Salon 117 Ker qualilled person Expen Mid s,ze prest glous down ther Information Otf,ces 645 GriSWOld communication adm,n East of Ren Cen 2 4pm non smoker and dog cheval 313881 6833 enced In Accounts Pay town DetrOit Law Firm SUite 3660 DetrOit MI Istrallve organizational r- lover Grosse Poonte able & receivable gen seek~ a profeSSIonal RESIDENT Aid Senior 48226 skills typing WordProc- area please call after 6 MAMA Rosa s Pizzeria eral ledger QUIck Ad self motIvated depend C,llzen home Will trarn esslng & computer (313)6403969 needs phone help vancement Apply at able Individual for recep benefits aval'able apply 20i HELP WANTED cooks waltstaff pIzza 20920 Harper Harper skIlls Theatre know! rn person Monday thru PART time babYSitter t,onlst POSition workmg 'UT TIME makers & delivery pea Woods between Vernier edge & background a Frrday 24600 Greater Profit up lo $1200 lhru $1 i\OO 8 30 A M to 5 30 PM pie Apply after 4 plus Send resume to needed for 3 children Mack SI Clair SI)ores CASHIER POSition for & 8 Mile or fax at I month 15 an PrevIous experience a Second City BT 2301 ages 6 month 3 & 5 Grosse POinte parkrng pm 15134 Mack 313-885-1172 IIldeptndent Contraclor must COmpetltlVe salary Woodward Detroll MI (313)371-8665 system, part. time .Motor routes are a'aUahlt 111 and benefits Fax re 204 HEl~ WANTED DOMESTIC MODELS wanted be 48201 Tuesday 4 7pm Thurs EA.ST DE'l'ROrr sume and salary re tween the age of 7 23 Classified Lme Busy? GROSSE POINTE day 4 10pm Fnday 4 SECRETARYI Reception CALL qUlrements to Human to model casual and for- COO KSIWAITSTA FF lOpm, Saturday 730am 1St Part time Hams Fu 1.313.222-5155 FAX (313)343-5569 Resources EMPLOYMENT mal wear dUring thiS FUll or Part Time 7pm Must have trans years 1997 DetrOit pag neral Home 15251 or 1.800-603.6017 Administrator (313)963 DAY & NIGHT-TIME (~lr V&Illc1t Reqwred) AGENCY portatlOn Must be re eants No experience Harper Delrol! Call 202 HEl~ WANTED ClERICAL 7B82 Apply wlthm, Village Gnll FAw.u.OrPOllTlJ'fftn~ 885-4576 sonslble Senous indl necessary Call 1 800 Monday Fllday 9 a m 60 years reliable service on vlduals only 313-640 16930 Kercheval ACCOUNTS recelvablel RECEPTIONISTI Clencal 858-6003 ext 1062 to 4 p m 313-521 3132 ASSistant Downtown need of expe fie nced 2550 201 HELl' WANHD general office (TYPing PAINTERS. 5 years expe SECURITY Guards After- law tlrm has an Immedl Cooks Nannoes Maids U.HITTER orders collection calls FITNESS INSTRUCTORS MR C'S DELI nence ReSIdential Ben- noons & mldmghts Car answermg phones) 1 to ale openong for a re Housekeepers Garden- No e~penence necessary AerobiC, step and water efits 8107914811 phone & valid driver s li- BABYSITTER needed sponslble and well or ers Butlers Couples Cashiers cooks clerks 2 years experience mstructors needed Monday Friday for my ganlzed part t,me re Nurse s AIdes Compan slock help Must be at cense $51 up to start Send resume to box Expenence Preferred cepllonlsV clerical a~JlS- Ions and Day Workers least 16 Starting pay up PART TIME OR Must be reliable Call for Infanl Would prefer one 04029 cia Grosse Instructor mcentlve tant Duties Include an for pnvate homes to $S 50 bas ed on expe n SEMI RETIRED appOintment, 313881 on one Please call 313 POlnle News & Connec- program 1200 886 1593 swenng phones frllng 18514 Mack Avenue ence Apply at Mr C s Harper Woods Family tIon, 96 Kercheval Two SIX hours per week and light typing Ofl,ce Grosse Poonte Farms De II 18660 Mack Grosse BUSiness (Est 1968) Grosse Poonte Farm~ Many locations Pornte Farms Mack at E THE GROSSE POINTE CHILDCARE needed for and computer expen Seeking dependable MI48236 HOUSEKEEPING POSitIOn FItness Factory Warren 881 7392 ask lor PUblic School System 15 month & 4 year old 8 ence a must preferably pe rsons With good open apply WIthin 810-353 2885 John Or 20915 Mack Counselors for Summer hours per week Must be WordPerfect 5 1 Flexi phorle skills Oversee CLERICAL help needed Parkcrest Inn 20000 1 Boo-285 6968 Grosse POinte Woods Camp O'Fun '97 lOVing safe ble hours Fax or send between 8 & 9 Mile our order dept 5p m - Looking for Elementary Ed parI lime for eastSide Harper Avenue Harper environment 313886 resume to 1550 Buhl LAUNDROMAT attendant 884-3880 ask for Debbie 9 30 p m dallyl 9a m - 3 majors and college stu. medical cliniC Call Woods MI 48225 6016 Bu,ldlng 535 Griswold part time days Apply pm Saturday Very dents With expenence rn (810)4453070 EXPERIENCED CARE. Street Detroit, M148266. Within, 22430 Greater generous pay plan recreation curroculum Call 882.6900 NAIL Tech wanted rental GIVE NEEDED FOR 2 DETROIT Law offrce 3602 Alln Pam Fax Mack St Clair Shores Leave message- Mr gymnastics Tae Kwon to Charge your space or commission CHILDREN 40 45 needs part lime secre (313l961-O090 Roy 313-886-1763 Do, sWimming (current ClaSSified Ad Call Sunklssed 810773 hours, Monday- Friday taryl recepllonlst 20 to 203 HHP WANHD MANAGER, helpers and Iofe guard certificate re VIsa! MC Accepted 8200 313-884-9872 30 hours per week, two DENTAL/MEDICAL bunnies wanted for Eas- PART-TIME route drivers qUlred) tenniS, sports or Fax 343-5569 rleeded for East Side ca Or th ree full days or ter phOlo operation at lo- NANNIES NEEDED musIc drama, scrence GRANDMA Iype loca~ DENTAL HyglenlsV ASSIS- Include Ad Copy Name terrng company $101 mornings or afternoons cal mall Must enloy Expenenced In child care projects cooking etc for Infant on my St ClaIr tant & Recertlonlsllo fill Address Phone Number hour Monday Friday dulles Include answerong children work well With Top salaryl benefits All $6601 hour 6-7 hours Shores home Tuesday temporary & permanent SIgnature ViSa! MC 10 30am- 12 30pm telephones filing use of public Will tra,n Call 1 areas Live In/live out a day and Thursday 8 30am posItrons In vanous den Number & Explratron Date Must have own trans computers Telephone 800 969 2440 Ext 725 CALL NOW! Director of Latchkey to 5 30pm pOSSibly taloNlces Call 810-566 portallon (810)419 (313)9630144 to ar Monday- Fnday Ba 5p THE NANNY NETWORK Program Sundays Call 810774 7687 20S HEl~ WANTED LEGAL range for an rntervlew 9766 Requrred 60 hours college 0386 Tracy 810-739.2100 PART time help wanted at credit 12 of these hours HYGIENIST, Outgoing EXPERIENCED lagal sec- POSITION available part LOOKING for a lOVing de LEGAL secretary small speCIalty basket shop NEEDED. 40 people to In early education ele personality & team play retary for downtown law or full time minimum pendable nanny to care downtown film FleXIble schedule Own keep resolution Lose mentary education or er For suburban cos- firm Part lime Fax re wage Good for for our 2 children 730 WordPerfect salary transportalJon 313-B86 Welghtl Earn Moneyr phYSical ed ucatlon metic practice Good sume to 313.963-0972 students Medrcal aSSIS- commensurate WIth ex 2352 Angela 810-790-6744 $10501 hour 6 hours to 5 Monday through people skills reqUired tanl 313-8B5-2230 penence Call Nancy LEGAL secretary mini- per day spilt shift Must Frrday Salary plus paid B10771 1990 NETWORK Marketers vacation 313-884 0635 (313)237-0850 mum 3 years "lrgatlon bnng cOllege transcrrpt ThiS opportunity makes PREP- Cook needed Full experrence Work Per- GHD-OREER Latchkey Care Givers LOOKING for home care NURSE part-time Help up for all the ones that time fleXible hours NATIONALLY known tect 6 0 Salary com- and Substitutes for 2 1/2 and 5 month conducting hearrng tests drdn t Not MLM VIrtual Benefit package avalal- company needs mature mensurate With expen Hours 715am.835 old Monday- Friday and olher duties at Mira- Iy free long distance ble & chance for ad data entry clerk Good ence Contacl Arlene mv:!ffi a m andl or 3 00 P m Prefer on house care cle Ear Heanng Cenler prepaId phone cards vancement Apply In typing handwrrtlng and Roberts 313 961 4920 IN FHE CLASSIIIEDS 6 15 P m Experience but negotIable Please Eastland Mall Training Recorded message, 1 person at The Grosse secretarial s'KllIs plUS with children grades prOVided 313372-8926 800 219 9960 (SCAN) POinte War Memonal call after 6pm 313885- good phone vOIce K 5 a plus 200 HEl~ WANTED GENEltAl 200 HElP WANTID GENERAL 32 Lakeshore Dr 1144 daytrme 313451. Send resume to The Apply In person at 5167 WORK FOR YOURSELF Grosse Pomte Farms Bresser Co 684 W Classified Ads NOT BY YOURSELF 389 St CIBIr Ave, Grosse Baltrmore DetrOit 48202 Save yourself time DEADLINE: PRODUCT MANAGERIMARKETING This Is exactly what you WANTED. early morning POinte, 2 blocks E of or Fax to 313-874- when It comes to do WIth Real Estate One paper route drivers Cadieux off Jefferson 3510 alln Palll Tuesday 12 Noon FOR DISTINGUISHED AND GROWING COMPANY Illhng or finding Jobs Company support and $140 $150 per week Office hours 8 4 I'VJlhover' 00 vears of leadelShrp onthe SpeCified Inon See Us First! traIning WIll prepare you No collectmg Eastside 200 HELP WANTED GlN£RAl commodltyl Llghlmg ("lure Industry The K,,"n Company TRAVEL AGENT needed Grosse POinte News 200 HELP WANUD G£NERAl for success Call our 24 Grosse POinte area seeks an expellenced techn cal Product Man.ger wllh MInimum 2 years expen- & hour career hotline Must have good trans experl Sf' In technical writing salesmanship product and ence Sabre trained The Connection for InformaMn portalIOn 313-8842430 prOject management oral communICations teamworK Fax resumes to 810- Classlfleds MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE lime managemenl PC use and desktop publIShing 1 8OD-475-EARN 4am 6am 7259299 882-6900 John HanC'oc~ 1"1 (.um:ntly condllcllnc InILr\Ic.'"" and hlnng Iprelerredl Send resume10 \c}Clt lndl\ Iduah for InL P(l,>ll11mof MJr~dlOg'Cnl ..ul\C IdcJl LJndld.t1t...... l!! ro...... t...... d reU ..DI collc£!L d~,grt"c In Bu<,m('", Chairman of the Board 200 HELP WANTED GENEUl 200 HEl~ WANTED GlNElUl 202 HEl~ WANTED ClUICAl 202 HEll' WANTED (L£RICAl hnJnu. nr M lrlLtmg The KIrlin Campan) Th ....procrdm prn ...ldl. ...lht. foIlO\....Ill~ hendlh 3401 E Jefferson Ave DetrOit. MI. 48207-4232 .. Lnmprchr..n\IH p..1lJ trJlnlng pro_r.Jm RECEPTIONIST WORDPROCESSING SECRETARIES .. (omf>Llltl\t. Llln1pt.-n'.thon .. full ocndll p•.lI..~.J<'(. mduJ n.! JXn •.t m anJ 40 11\ Rrpubhc Bank IS seekmgthe nght person to ans"er • MSW With Windows. Word PerfectS 1/60 Send Tv,umt. 10 MORTGAGE PROCESSOR phones and greet customers In our Grosse POinte office R<:puhhcBan!.." looking (or a person as a mortgagc The nght person ,,111hone a profesSIOnal speakmg 'DICC, • Excel' Powerpomt • Pagemaker • Lotus 1,2,3 processor for our Gross(: POinte:office: Must be: able:to I light "oro proussmg and be customer Sn'\1CC onent.d TOP PAY FOR TOP LEVEL SKILLS handI. 35 45 files, be accurate, be a tcam play... and If ,au are thIS ('('rson, please-send ,our cover letter and stme for execIlene< Expen lU!PUBLIC BANK \\~n~;h~Miii John Hanco<:k f IRdnClal Sen Ices PIC'asc sc n d \ our (0\ c:r letter a nd resume: to Centnl Haman ResoW',. .. ~ \lu u.. I c In f4IKf ( mp •.m ....TkI .. fll ..II Ll "'>lllp.J"1le ~ EOELAA~~ _ or FAX 517-351-4342 Ot Call1ia 517.251-0578. Equo Opponu n 'Y Employer h<,.,. n \1-\1 I "f'Ot 'VI D I ' l~ EOEjAA ~ ====TELLERS==== Credit Union Family Service Centers, I PERSONAL BANKER-GROSSE POINTE Rcpubilc Bank IS looking for a person ",th cxpenc:ne< has 1mmedia Ie opt'nmgo;. for PART TIME TELLERS $$$$ $$$$ You mllsr h.."c e",cdlenl CU'lilomt"T ~l'nlle ~kltl", good as a banking prot"S1onal WIll cross .. II products, open mathe-mallcal apiliude pre"IOU\ la ..h handlIng II .lnd close-accounts open loans, promote the branch EARN EXTRA CASH cxpenC'nce prdcrTeJ \\Ie uffer a lOmptrltl\e ..alar) poUd sen1Cts and pro\1de ('(c(]lent customer sen1ce Hourh hohda)s paid ...acatlon and fUlflon a ....I\fance Job , I salan~ mccnn'C'.\ for sellmg and .a (omplc'tc BY mcludt'S ~)rnt" evenlO~ and ~aturd ..n.. Posltlono;; .aV3II.abre al compcns.ahon plan Plcatoc:..end \our cover lener and DELIVERINC JUST ONCE A WEEK I resume to - Sf Cia" Shore> (13 />1,le and H.rper) AND • Detroll Ea...lolilde (Gt'itIIOi and OUfC'f On\(") I REPUBLIC BANK • M.d1SOll ~'" 04 />1,le RoaJ and Umpbell NO COLLECTINC INVOLVED Cffittr) Centnl Human Resovrc •• .. Waterford (MS9 and Cf"e'(,(enl Lale Rn\RGO'Al T RF'LOt \TIO'..,f R\lCf'i • NKBA K.1c11en • Tools • Gardeners • Payoff your credit cords and Bath • State Certified v. \ U) Jnl "lmnl!' lnd In H l"ld h,,, nl' ..' lI...!l\ll\ hl' lr('1lcd • Aoonng • Earn extra pocket cosh tax free With t,ps 't tlrtIlH1\..." t r '(''oCT'll flll\ltI0n, 'rrr1l'..11 Rl"'I('\\~r-. RC!cX1flOn DesIgners Destgners • Window and mIleage ( l~Or Ilrallr ... fo(c II f "["Ic Hrol..('f M IT~('1 ReI"" <1nd 1\1'11(' • Mlllwor1l • HortlCUltlJ nstsl Treatments • Fast pace and great working otmosphere Rr(l~l r Rl [1('"' \iff Immechate opening available for Sj>ecIal1sts Nurserypersons • BUIlding • Nightly avg 20 to 30 runs $35 $50 "pS ()I 11 tiel <.J'H1HIIU\ mil ...' r''-'''l'' nlnlrnum fl\L ... per rI gh,l rll)o,.li n mdllrrll C'\!llc'"'rx-rrnl nmpuhrrrofil<."n{.'\. 1nl indiVidual With sales skills In • Painters - Hardware Matenals REQUIREMENTS l' nCT'l \H II '1 n j or.i1 u mn nl It m '" 1"- newspaper advertiSing • Carpet Experts - Recetvers • Lumber () I lltlcl In I -t III ...h t Id 'l n j r 11\ ,h('lf rc'- Ime .. .Jlml,!. Must have winning personality and • Caslll~rs (all s/'rfts) • CDL DnYers • Lotpersons • Dependabollty good running car ',.\,!lh \tl.cU\ nil! f(,l11f'nh II • Great personalIty/great smole presentat,on skills IlllAT IIElTI 'Top W.. -hid Y8OIIIoM • Must like 10 work With people "r~onaut Relocation \(on I~ Both salary & commlslon, health \flrnllon ""famnR 04011t .Stock PIftIlaM PIIn 'PIiCI licit ". • Must ~ave sharp mind '0 'eod map5 for Insurance .Ho.,talllllon ...... I ...... "- Itreel laconons 4~C; \\ 'fll"auk("(' \\(" \10,1 ( 00< 4112 \0/, 6<~ Send resume to We Want to Talk to You' Apply In person Call John for Interview (810) 375.5022 1><1Nl1I \11 ~~202 1IoII.~ SIt.=-12 NooIl to\ I II \1 «6 'W~ The Gro ....e Pointe New ..1 The Connection King's Pizza Est. 1978 101 2030D ICIly ReI., \n,' IN;I I r \ n/ I nIT 1~/(nh"I( m1f"Uf\ lurrd 96 Kercheval Quail You Can Toste Guaranteed HIrper WoodI, Ml48225 I ( II / 1\1 't In I J~J \(/ f Ifl ( '1' ,1/ II Pointe, - -- Grosse MI48236 .. ~EIM-F/,


    of ..... 1 I t ! A Thursday. February 13, 1997 20e HEI' WANTED Grosse POinte News I The Connection 'ART TIME 303 SITUATIONS WAtlTED 30S StTUAfiONS WANTED 400 MflCHANDISE 400 MERCHANDISE DAY (UE HOUSE ClEANING RECEPTIONIST. 30 ANflQUES ANTIQUES 40SCOMPums 407 FIREWOOD hours! week some Sat CHILDCm CULTLRAL LICENSED home day PRESIDENT'S Day Spe & ARMOIRES beds dress TOWN HALL Antiques USED COMPUTERS urdays reqUired Look care Partl full time clal The month of Feb EXrH~'('E ers mJrrors Ilghlfng Downtown Romeo Starting at IBM 386 mg for a positive ener openings (810) 777 ruary take $101 off your -.!n",ll"h \P J~lnl'"> Il\t m leaded Windows doors Michigan s largest se $200 486 $375 586 NORTHERN getlc person With a pro 4384 1st VIS,t New customers \LJPw" hJH Iq.,il \-1'),,1'. (h kl mantels much more lectlon of quality aotl $600 Free color fesslonal Image Call or only Free estimates u(\.l.!(prrltnl (PRlrJ n fj.., LOVING young mother of good stuffl Ben Wulff ques and selected col FIREWOOD send resume to Nancy Fnendly Cleamng Serv morlltor 313 882 9686 • \f1ordJhll ferlng day care In my Anllques 918 W 11 lecllbles at affordable 810 776 2949 Ever • I (X..11 ((xmJ rlJlor ')upport Ice 810 774 5400 Mile Rd Madison COMPANY home Montessoll meth pllces Spend Ihe day }wrprHJnRlJy fm, green Counseling • 1I) Up, gnJI<'OCl.ates 822.3174 bpdroom set antique Edstl,l"e ,hp~t 1\ rlh • Ltate .'>ale.l .: marble top mahogany d,nrng room lable (810) newly uphol,tered 5" II pi chair & stool • VmnllB 5ale.\ small end tables, 2 wooden des"s Dan"h • ~ppral..,a£' 771-1170 limed oak 1950 ~ bedroom set, 1920 s • '!(eference.l mahogany dresser and more PATRICIA Kat OJESKI HOUSEHOLD '\l cessor,es rnclude Walerlord corrhal, & 313 885 6604 Es TATE • MOVING -lfU'liNI q/ d'r ;~(f(i;nr.; UPERIENCED . PROfESSIONAL SERVICE ••• Friday, FeMuary 141h at 6:30 p.m. ~herbel~ sliver luster l(',1 pol ,('t 01 Ame re,l :. Saturday, February 15th at 11:00 a.m. chrna host c'l, hosle~s chair frdmed prllll, hand parnted chrna, 5 p,('ce wrought Jron SWEIITHEART Sunday, February 161h al Noon ESTATE S.\LE FREE VALET PARK/I'la ALL SALE CATES porch set Lenox costume jewplry gamp, & SUSAN HARTZ ElCI'llbftM)f'l Hours FRI., FEB. 14th & SAT., FEB. 15th 'oldoy,'-, 7111 9':10.... 5130_ Chmlmas and more GROSSE POINTE CITY 9 to r; EACH DAY _,-,,0tII-~ '-' Ith - -- 9'.309'.30...... __S.3O p.A t1artzr.ll 886-8982 ~''-'111!1 . 9':10 5.:10_ 1423 TORREY 42184 Toddmark PI., Clinton Twp. -.",...... ,.2lIl .:10 :10". ... GROSSE POINTE WOODS HOUSEHOLD SALES 81w 18 &19 Mrle Roads Tru~1your ",Ie 10u~ knowlrlg Ihot we are 'he mo~1 -", ''-' .~------._.- _.:10...... S.3O """'- 0" THF COR'I~ R OF HOIIIJ<\,' ,l1li PAIII(!NGWlDHUDAY MNIHG IXHII/T1ON (1 Block f of Garfield, North of Canal St ) BFTWED, \lACK & \fOR ....rM •..,lflt expellenced movlrlg and e~tate sole company Irl /he FealUrtr'l9 a ~nt ccl!«!1()(1 01 18th C EfI9ll$h rN~r')' & Qak; flJmlfUTe POinte Schultz Estate Complex A.rnencan 1B:!tl & 19t~ C lu:Mu e and an1l1Qve Ca~ar1 rtJ~ I om a BIoomleld Grosse area Fllt Ir(' (ontpnt, 01 hous(' In< Iuric- <;(y!t,h lOOk FOR OUR SIGNS' HIs. cole<:lor the e!i.1ille oIl(a~erme Corter SI C!II Sho es !toe fl'Slale 01 ~ranil; For Ihe pa~115 years we hove prOVided first quollty W~ Grosse POll"l1e P"M!; ~\ed llXs II'\ltT'l !he ~C1le 01 .Jvse.pi'l AcIlf. 1910 s blonde b('droom ,('lIne 'ud,ng rvpryth"l~ IS rn pXfpllpnt (Onelilloni DrewI4 p< li'l'Qnlili service '0 over 850 lO,"f,ee denl~ dlf'Frlg ro0m ,pi ana Drpxpl hparoom spl As'l F roe WO!1o:s 01 ar1 by ~ Russel Gocdww1 H~ RIChard l-e>o1' E~n Long vaOlly prefly IJlrng room dnd d('n turnllurl' ( \I r Tilt l41l0l R lion I't lIll< 1410 (hails &. I"hips Inri Imcy gJidpo Ilall"n t"bles ~~m~~~ Indudlng glas~ lofff'e tahl(' np,,!> ottlers ~~~:e~~~~~1~=I~~ fOR I r< 0\11\(., II f l\FOR'I \TlO\ ( hromp!lIH Ill' [)Ort sprvrng (.111 Walnut apsk Pic E~V'rCOf1.."r~ ...pde9:: pl.a~byT~i1I"ry~~ fIlarr-2OI't1C T~any uphol<,tered hide-a bed ,milll trultwood <.lasswMl' (rY'!al bonl (h,n,l flollrry spu:'l me1al planter 19"" C G-rman Mrldpaml.'d porce",'1 pl.1qlJtS 'X~ dining 'I"I including rhlna (ab,npt m,lplp I<:PM DaiJfl" ~ (;j!'l'l(lO gtasc; \ld~ C 190)) Gf' I'NlI1 .ottE'" a... a d ()a E'd (?podlmonIP Royal (Ofllp~ Wpq fll nd Rpo 1731 StaffOl'ctsho e '"M't VerT'oOfl lea sel c 1B u 19Tt1 C Maj04lcA rr.(Yli:p~ 0t"'T' dlrwlIl' tdhlp S. 4 c h,l r" plu, hu ndred, 01 Wing Ip,l (ufls/sau( pr, Sylv,1011 21 (olm ,. p.fcJ'lEor c)~ WfVl(E'o; ~ W~'NOOl1 B Plu .. 409 e JeNersonAve (1' 1) 961 625~ <111 ,orIs "E R~ , ....(. TIlE I'O'" 7E<,fOR /() H ~I\<, DelrOit Michigan 48?26 p 13} 963 6256 lor Infc,rmnUon 1'1,...... ( ..II (~lJ ,III' d • lxI" ra n(, d • Prul"",on ,I Across from the Ren Cpn WE WTI1. HONOR 'ITRF.ET Nt"MRFRS AT 'HlO AM R ~ 97!~)(iO or R 1() . n79-~?..HR FAX. (313) 961 8199 OUR NUMBRR.<:;wnL RF AVAD.A8I.F MaryAnn Boll F np At1s Appra sers 8. Auel oneers S "Ke 1927 RE'n('('A Nlllon FROM 9:00. IlHlO AM ~1:i.AA2.1 49!l ~13 !l22-144fi

    ...... ~IIMIIIICd' ' \ COIIPOIIAn 0fIPICUt ,.. flO .. <; Hom lion 5ag now M I ~ 8607 11171 791(,93~ 18001968 3~56 SEQUENCE la' 1117) 792 2~23 pmrrri dmq 1(tC'rl~ rom .' ••• IO .... L 0f'IIICI0 9{~ Ron" n, 5"'1.252 Grand Haven MI ..9.-17 16161 8~6 8716 10' (616) 8~7 6747 .~ ...... ?~ ... ""- Thursday, February 13, 1997 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection

    40. FUINnUIE 2 IS(HlANEOUS 602 AUTOMOTIVE AllTlms AlTlms SOI IIIDS FOI SALE 603 AUTOMOTIVE 604 AUTOMOTIVE 606 AUTOMOTIVE fOIO GENEUl MOTORS FOR sale excellent condl ANTlQUE/ Country sial Ion wagon cellenl cond,llon many extensions and pdds SIX HI~IORJ( MAN,ION miles black! tan leather cellenl condition miscellaneous manrcur splits available 810 776 Excellent condilion extras 42000 mJles chairs 6 ch na si,ver electriC moonroof CD $3200 best Call 3 I 3 Ing sluH 810 7729007 7483 after 5 p m $20001 besl (313)526, $'2 5000rOOst313 640 " , 4X4 $ I 5000 313 886 cablnel 3 servlllg table ~ 4179046 2400 4977 - --- 503 HOUSEHOLD I'm 0950 cab net 6 IV de 3 serv MEADE telescope $300 / --- .. fO~ SALE 1975 Eldorado convertIble 1993 J eep- Che rokee mg lab e cab nel 3 t 12 Casablanca ceiling lanl ~ 1993 Ford Escort lX air 1991 Pontiac Grand Pr;x red! white lealher excel Sporl 4x<: excel Ie nt wide $500 f'lelngerdtor Ilg ht $300 Nordic Wedtil5at II BEAUTIFUL M,nlalure SpeCial Toullng EdJtlon Georgia car perfect lent condition 78 000 condition 40 000 miles Kenmore 19 with auto Track $300 Bow/lex 10alllti16pII I PInschers AKC dew conditIOn 313 885 white leather miles $3995 (313)882 $1 I 900 01 be st 31 3 malic Ice maker $ 150 $200 Air hockey table SIInday at NOOII claws tall clipped vacci 6684 moon roof cassette 5320 640 1861 (313)885 1650 $100 Anllque corner ~ HARPER nated Male Female $7000 810 772 0777 -~- ---- 1991 Ford Taurus Wagon cabinet $300 TV cab I IGALLERIES 3133656624 60S AUTOMOTIVE 1993 Jimmy SLE red AI MAHOGANY - --~- excellent condilion 1990 Ponl,ac l"Man, $1CC' 3"3 S36 ~+!". )117' fOREIGN l~, ~~.:::c ~ V., ~ ~""'':::llt.o INTERIORS BORO~R L.olile sweet fe- 66 000 miles $6 100 3921 Historic great condlMn AM/FM $13.1951 best oHer 313 (Fine Furniture male pup 12 weeks 810 778 5688 1992 Honda Acord Ex 4 ladl.1 Villag. stereo aulomatlc black 88t 1839 & Antlque Shop) Shots 313884 7874 $3 200 I best 313 875 door auto green MICROWAVE, loveseat \c....:un..oJl ~tr~'\11.lJ'klllb 1987 Lmcoln Town Car 506 S Washington 5807 65 000 miles 1 owner 1990 Suzuki Samail 4 x 4 dishwasher double bed c..II!'- """- DACHSHUNi)M,nlature Signalure Musl seel Royal Oak MI $10,000 (313)884 0092 5 speed Convertible lrame anllque Garland AKC smooth black) Ian $2 499 or oHer (5 blocks North 01 696 413 MUSICAL 1988 PontJac Flrebtrd V 8 Red very dependable gas stove enlertalnment Excellent bloodlines pa 1987 HOrlda CIVIC autO Freewayall0Mile 1992 Mercury Sable lS lully loaded excellent $3800/besI810774 center 2 'WIval rockers INSTRUMENTS rentsl greal tempera Real clean $2500 C V Take Woodward I Wagon Plum ABS all COl1dltlOn $3995 Can 4308 dresser wIth mirror 1993 R Schneider ClassJ ment home raised Ac Auto (810)772 0700 Main Street eXit) bag leather power ev be seen at Village Mara (313)881 5078 cal GUitar (Kasha ceptlng depoSits Ready erythmg excellent con thon Call Jason at 1990 Jaguar XJ6 excel ----- model) BraZilian Rose- March 1 Call 810 449 Large mahogany break NORDIC Flex Gold Excel dltlon 52 000 miles (313)884-8850 lent condition non- Jeep CJ-7 wood Sides Redwood 3555 IrontSI china cabinets lent condition $600 I $7300 313881 7181 smoker garage kepi top and back $12 500 -E-N-G-l-'S-H-G-o-Id-e-n-R-et-,,-ev- FOR SALE (Beacon Hili Baker more) 1986 Pontiac Sunblrd Best offer 810 795 best 885 7356 1987 Me rcury MarqUIS Chippendale camelback 1988 Jose Ramirez er pups show quality some rust runs well 9550 810-644-5655 1986 6-cyllndcr loaded leather seats JOO~+ sofas Onental rug 10X14 NORDIC TRACK $1501 model 2A Rosewood/ champion bloodline new clutch, needs rear $1000 3138863410 1989 Mercedes 300SE mile ... '\ ..pecd mJnuJI Sels of mahogany dining best oHer 313 882 3106 Cedar $3500 1963 R Males $500 Alter 3pm Window $350 00 313 Immaculate, dark bluel AMtr1.1/CD Nc" Tlr.:, room chalfs (shield back Schneider (tradltoonal 517652-8234 1985 Mercury Capll 50 5 882-2544 model) BraZIlian Rose- Hepplewhlte style ChIp speed Ru ns great gray sunroof records & Exh.JuII H.rd Tor & pendale nbbonback with PK S woodl Cedar $2500 50S lOST AND fOUND $1500 C V Auto 1994 Red Trans Am Like new $16900 313 Bl~lnl California Car slralght legs & ball & claw TREASURES & Trash Day 313-4968445 Eve (810) 772 0700 lealher T tops loaded 884-0044 VCI) Good ConditIOn mngs 313 885-5710 leel Federal Queen 30% oH fur sale "FOUND AND SAVED" 56 000 miles gOOd 1985 Mercury Topaz two 1986 Mercedes Benz S6 8o%r be,t oller Anne more) Curo cabl 23712 Harper 1 year old handsome male condilion $14 800 BALDWIN Acrosonlc pJa- door runs well $750/ 190E 23 Allbag pow Call Charlie: 884-0076 nets complete mahogany St Clalf Shores German Shepherd Losl (810)7833518 er everylhrrlg Clean I L- .I no console Must sell best 313874 0780 or twm bedroom sets Bom (810)774-9316 for monlhs & nearly 65 000 miles $7 950 $5991 best 313 882 8104249859 1993 Saturn coupe 611 AUTOMOTIVE bay chest n ahogany din starved Very lOVing best 810 406 9656 0781 All offers consld SC2 fUlly loaa~d TRU(KS Ing room 11bles (Frrnch PAPASAN loveseat $50 gentle & lnendly Have 1991 PROBE automatic ered 36 000 Original miles Duncan Pilyie Chlppen Exerclse bike $50 2 had total Vet care of air redl Silver mtellor 1992 MltsublshJ Eclipse 1993 Ford 150 XLT Super da,e Hepp e"hlle more) shots neutered Very Extended warranty 78 000 miles 5 speed 1 cab V8 automallc school desks, $10 Cash for pianos' beauhful condlhon mSlde Mahogany De.", Lune healthy &. gaining weight $12500 or best 313 owner excellent condl loaded excellent condl each 313-881 2303 Michigan P,ano Co and outSide $2 950 console tables sofa back Must have a 5273998 tlon must sell, 54600 or lion $9500 313.881 Quality used planos 313372-0575 tables end tables coHee "good 1995 Saturn SL1 4 door best (810)777 3237 8582 PIANO Baldwin acrosonlc, boughl and sold tables more Carved home soon Am a 1993 Taurus SHO Auto aqua full power stereo pecan finish $2000 Movmg tuning rebUlldlng 1990 N,ssan MaXima GXL 1992 Ford Ranger Sport French w nged back chairs beautiful story 313 824 33K leather moon, Kenmore Xl washer casselte ABS securlly alloy wheels clean bur refinishing Estimates and JBLlCD Immaculale' 4x4 very clean cd ton & love seats TIHany type and dryer good condi- 4674 or 3138844696 system excellent condi- appraisals Garage kept $12800 gundy $4800 (810)977 neau cover newer tires floor lamp (leaded dragon tion $150 each tion $11000 313-822 Call 810 548 2200 FOUND- Cocker Spanrel (313)881-7323 8802 57500 313839 3993 fly shade) 1930 s lall (810)777 5048 0291 anytime I lemale beautllul Avalla alabaster 1I00rlamp Gov 1994 Toyota Corolla, 4 1986 Suburban Silverado ble for adopllon 313 1992 Taurus Wagon LX ernor Winthrop secretary 1983 Sunblrd 2 door door auto all, cassette power locks Windows GUITARS, ban/os and 881-2832 313-577- Completely loaded ex desks executIve desk 3 low miles Warranty PK'S mandolinS ukes 3776 cellent condition 93 000 61 000 miles all. auto cruise second owner 1/2X5 1/2 (burled oak) $8900 Rrrlke Toyota TREASURES & TRASH wanled CollectOr 886- miles $6 gOO 313881- matlc $2250 af 16820 104K pOSI- fraction Executive 3X5 Bridal & formal wear 4522 FOUND Beaconsfleldl 2214 KerCheval 810 758-2000 Days (313)881 8931 (mahogany) 4 posler resale Cornwall Gray & white Evenings (313)331 1994 Thunderbird SC 1994 Toyota Landcrulser mahogany beds 23712 Harper HAMMOND organ two cat (313)8859626 LESABRE 1990 LTD 6637 25 500 miles power ev- CD moon roof low (twin k ng sIzes) St Clair Shores manuals drawbars pre- mint 38K power Ongl THE Grosse Pomte Anrmal erything alarm mint mrles Like newl Warran 1996 Toyota Tacoma ex Too many tems to list (810)7749316 sets rhythm leslie nal owner Must seel CliniC has a cute Cocka- ty $29 950 Rinke Toyo tended cab LS air great condilion $850 condition $14 900 / $7195 (810)777-1507 810-545-4110 poo male tan also a ta 810-7582000 12000 miles cassette PRECIOUS Momenls Fig- (810)598-1807 besl 810 949 3931 small 30 Ib Sheppard perlect' $13880 Rmke MATCHING rust arm urrnes miscellaneous 1994 Towncar Opal gray, 1994 Toyota Camry LE 4 type mix female and a Toyota 810 758 2000 chairs $11000 ma pIeces Retired Sus- TOP dollar paid for qualIty gray Intenor Loaded door aulo air power chocolate lemale poodle RINKE hogany library lable pended & Members only used pianos Immedlale 19 000 FlOrida highway wrrldows and locks 612 AUTOMOTIVE With a blue collar Call $20000 antique green from 1990 & earller profeSSional pick up PONTIAC GMC 32 000 m,les like new' VANS 3138225707 miles Keyless entry With stereo cabInet $50 00 Green book pllce only Cash pald 810 997- toyota certified warranty alarm Non smoker 1996 Astro LT All wheel silver tray S50 00 21m (810)776-7483 after 5 0032 rrlcluded to 100 000 YOUNG male cats shots Warranty Garage kept dnve loaded low miles dream baby 313 886- & fixed and 1 caliCO Spotless like new miles I $13 950 Rrrlke SEWING machine $25 $21300 (313)882-1761 8614 USED PIANOS 313521 3669 Molhers car $21,500 Toyota 8107582000 Porch chairs bench and Used Spinets Consoles (313)885 0654 1985 Chevy 14 It step SOFA bed colfee tables 60 I AUTOMOTIVE ~ 1993 Toyota Te rcel table $30 Doll collection van Aulo, runs great end tables lamp elec Upnghts & Grands CHRYSLER 603 AUTOMOTIVE '93 GMC JIMMY SLE 32,000 miles 1 year and display case $500 -- Needs tiles odds! ends ABBEY PIANO CO warranty one owner Ironrc org~n mlSC Upholstered chair $20 2 GENEUL MOTORS 4 ROYAL OAK 610 5416116 1995 Chrysler Concorde t~~~~1~~~~. greal shape' $4450 $950 C V Auto Items (810)7764049 table lamps $15 each 1 yr wart'Mllty ------PIANOS WANTED low miles Loaded ex- 1994 BUick leSabre Full $13,750 Rinke Toyota 810 758 (810)772-0700 THREE piece sectional Small sofa bed $200 cellent condilion power keyless entry TOP CASH PAID 2000 1988 Chrysler Grand Car Early 50 s custom pecan (313)372-4609 $14500 3138846367 49k miles SHARPI '94 CHEVY BLAZER LS .. door, 4.x4, full power, avan good shape dlnmg room set excel -----~----- $11 900 313-881-8743 1991 Toyota Camry 4 41 S WANTED TO IUY 1994 Chrysler LHS 58k red, 1 yr WlU'r"n ly door, air, stereo greal $1900 3133718605 lent condition mlscella "" blackl tan leather cd 1994 BUlCk Park Avenue $15,250 neous furmture 810 463- shape' $4750 Rinke 1988 Dodge custom van BUYING china (complete moonroof new tires power loaded mrrlt 5274 '95 GMC JIMMY SLS Toyota 810-758.2000 Auto $1995 C V Auto LADIES apparel, SizeS 12- or partial sels) Call Jan mint $12800 313881- Warranty' 33 000 mlles (810)7720700 WHITE wicker day bed 14, many designer 810-731-8139 after 6 1134 $18200 313824-4040 Wo&d:::'J;"~'''=~' 1990 Toyota Corolla Wag $18,500 camelback deSign great bUSiness SUitS, skirts -B-U-y-j N-G--o-'d-f-u-r-n-,t-u-re- on 5 speed, AC 90000 1986 Dodge Van cargo 1994 DOdge SPllll 4 door 1992 BUick leSabre good lor guest room $250 slacks, etc hardly '95 CHEVY BLAZER LT miles New tires brakes With extras $2 800 or worn Call alter 4pm, glassware chma and auto all stereo Excel- condition bu rg u ndy 3138858579 exhaust Excellent con- best (810)4450370 leave message other mterestmg Items lent condltFon $69751 126000 miles new ct~h:~g~~'~e;~~r~dItion $4200 (313)882- (313)8853171 tiles well maintained $19,400 C()'I~ 1 Ol R OLR (810)293-5559 _J_O_h_n_3_13_-_88_2_-_56_4_2__ besl Central Leasmg & 1417 14 ROOM Sales 313 885-8300 $7 000 Evenings 313 1995 GMC Starcralt con GUITARS, bani os. mando 3138394462 evenrngs 8851445 Daytime 313 1995 Toyota 4 runner 11m HI~101Ul IHANSIOJI< WASHING machine dryer, hns and ukes wanted 810497.7699 verSIon raised top low 2837006 Ited leather CD player mileage extended war baker cabinet Dlnmg Collector 886-4522 1988 Dodge Shadow 4 Van Dyke & 696 moonroof, 28000 miles' ranty fully loaded must ~I room chairS Kitchen ta- door Hatchback auto 1990 BUJck Park Avenue Toyola certlfted' Toyota sell (810)2939817 \~II ble & chairS 313-886- JAPANESE Samurai air new Illes new 4 door cloth Interior JIMMY 92 SLS 4x4 four warranty to 100 000 0892 swords from WWII struts more No rust $1900 (313)821-4136 door loaded red trailer 1993 Grand Voyager lE miles mcluded' $22 950 II lied hi' Silt. I Safety check Excellent package 62 OOOk I wanted Collector 1989 BUick Century Rinke Toyota 810-758 V6 loaded power ev WEDDING dress Stun- condition 80 000 mlles alarm $11 850 I best I 10am til6pm I (810)4783437 147000 highway miles 2000 erythmg highway miles Sunday at NOOI ning lull length Ivory $2475 313372 1003 (313)8853849 new brakes and tiles excellent condition Very slimming sJze 11- LOVESEAT, 60" max ear 1992 Volvo 940 Turbo HARPER Have all records good neeos nothmg $95751 12 Beaded $250 810- Iy amellcan plaId 810 1986 Dodge Aries 4 door wagon 19 100 miles GALLERIES condition InSide and out Best Central LeaSing & 777 1379 778-4174 auto baSIC transporta $ 17 ,500 M r Bentley 844:; I- Jdfer.on Sales 313 885 8300 tlon $500 C V Auto $2400 or best (810)771- 810471 2220 Historic 839 4462 evenings WEIGHT set VictOry 320 OLD wooden duc~ hunting (810)7720700 4526 Iidial Village 1991 Volvo 740 Turbo 300 pounds curve bar decoys and flshmg 613 AUTOMOTIVE \n.:'w-c (ltl \lnTt f'-l.o~ 1981 Dodge Ram excel 1986 BUICK Somerset Redl blege leather and bench Pllce mcel equipment wanted WANTED TO IUY lent COndition owned by runs good good body (313)885-3982 Cash paid 810774 '94 SEDAN DEVILLE 92 000 miles automatic mechaniC $1 200 I best 120000 miles $1 000 leather low miles, warranty ALL autos wanted Top $ 8799 sunroof healed seats 3138852439 (313)885 0783 $17,900 or paid Running or not 410 HOUSEHOLD SALES WESlO dual action exer excellent condition $336 mo !\ease $5000 lOps 810 779- PAYING CASH 1985 BUick Park Avenue $9800 (313)8862424 cise blke $60 or best of 1993 Ouster white auto 5110 MOVING Sale 1091 Tor For Jewelry Walches Fully loaded Four doorl '94 SEVILLE STS fer 810-778-4174 all 45K $5 1001 best Northstar e- CO moc>nroaf 606 AUTOMOTIVE rey 3 yr old washe rl Diamonds Antique Jewelry silver $2600 313 882 (810)773 5437 $20,800 or JmS/4-WHEH ALL cars wantedl The dryer new cherry dress WICKER doll buggies An,rthlng Made of Gold 0594 $321 moJIease good' The badl The 1990 Imperial white load- 1995 Blazer 4 door all Ing table walnut dining HOOSier stack bookcas or Silver ugly' Top dollar paldl table maple bedroom ed new brakes good 1994 Cavalier RS 4 door '94 SEVILLE SLS power optrons 4WD es old metal toys hope Will travel lor transactions leal!ler Northstar low milts $50 $5 000 Seven set black lacqJer hutch CO'ldltlon $3 900 I best a uto at( lull power warranty $20 500 Call chesl Vlctonan lamps In excess of $ 1000 $20,500 or days 810447 2745 3138817104 stereo casselle excel Mark 313881 9020 antique loveseat and porcelain kitchen lable $325 moJ1ease lenl condItion $6 975/ eX1112 mucr more Saturday The Gold Shoppe ALL lunk cars wanted set sofa table small 1989 Omnl High miles best Central leaSing & '95 ELDORADO ani, 8arr lpm 22121 GratIot Top dollar paid Serving secretary odd tables runs good Well main Sales 313 885-8300 lealhet' cI1rome wIleols, low miles 1988 Bronco II clean new 412 MI5a 32 000 mIles $18 000 won f ru<;1 run<; hkfl' new Fre!' 1 800 2 t 8 9000 ronrJ'! on Pr ce negot'il formation brochure gr"enl beige Int 75 000 VIKING 1978 43 DCMY gle type male Call or besl ofler 810773 ma, nten,mce rero rd' t. y' A 'iAnl lor CI rc ~l DI" 8 I 0 778 9775 ~ I r 0 <; 11 oon hr";1 T l')n Rr ,to I cond,lloll (8 I 0)773 8955 (3 I 3)822 5707 3836 I 'lings $8000 3138858247 3118A?171O $109000 313881 UllJ2

    t i I *' -ft. 184 •• a 'f ...., I I l, A l D • • • Q Thursday, February 13, 1997 Grosse Pomte News I The Connection 651 10ATS AND ~OIORS 701 APlS/fLATS/DUPLEX 70 I UTS/flATS/DUPlEX 702 A'TS/flATS/DUPLfX DETROIT/WAYNE COUNTY 707 HOUSES fOI lENT / DETIOIT /WAYNE COUNTY S.U/MACOM. COUNTY ~ 1990 Oday 24, 8H PO S, 876 Trombley SpacIous LARGE! Park 2 bedroom S.C.S/MACOM~ COUNTY trallor sleeps lour en tudor 3 bedroom 2 bath sunroom living dlmng BACKS up to Grosse SUNNY, bright two bed ~ HOUSE for Rent Mary POinte Park Nice qUiet room flat on a qUiet tree WARREN spacIous two closed head Sink stove upper applPances Fife Eat In kitchen Appllan. Boaters. land Gr05se POinte and cooler New cruIsing --place 2 car garage No ces hardwood floors neighborhood 2 bed lined street Just blocks bedroom house with ga Park NeWly remodeled room liVing room dining from Grosse POinte Sun rage S500 00 a month spinnaker Knot and pets 1 year lease Full basement Prrvate Lakefront appl ances Included two depth Many extras $1 2001 month Call Sal drrve $585 313 881 l kilchen bath recenlly porch fireplace laundry Please call 313 331 bf'dlOOm5 hardwood Roomy sate sturdy Iy Coe Coldwell Banker 2294 updated Separate utillt facilities well main Paradise 8200 flools driJeway parking boat Excellent Schweitzer 313 885 les $450 month 313 talned heat Included no pets SG75 a month 70. TOWNHOUSES/CONDOS condition $11 995 313 2000 LOVELY, qUiet furnJshed 886-34'0 $630 per month 313 331.6309 ~ plus one month depOSit fOllENT 886 3707 773 271 upper one bedroom m BEDFORD. 2 bedroom Lakev el/ apartment home water Included Avalla 899 Neff 2 bedroom Farms for one person 7775 GROSSE POINTE duplex 653 10ATS PAilS AND UDPer f"eolacf> <; In I€al rp<) or ,alp h~rr()n,l ble March 1" nn\~~" ~pal'"'''''''C .....1 o.PpuuH""'l3'.:> Ui"li,tI. InCluaea :1>525 tv 0:... I Mf.J~llJ)l,llIlcHt:HY SEIVICE room porch garage UPPER flat 1 bedroom 1 overIOO''"9 beaull, 7138 carpehng laundry fa~11i 3138851513 2 000 square feet 3 basement Nlcel $525 bath No smoking No LaKe SI Clair MARINE WOODWORK ties Carport No pets IF you like sunsets and the bedrooms 2 1/2 baths MARYLAND! St Paul 4 plus utilities 313 331 pets $550 lncl udlng Custom designed & bUilt $625 monthly (313)881 water you II love thiS Allached garage lire 1864 unit burldmg 2 bedroo'Yl 9509 evenrngs heat Super nice 313 Cabmetry RepairS, dry rot quamt sland COllage ad place 8104129000 appliances laundry 8840066 22 Years Experience CADIEUX! Mack one bed ClUb boats dock n9 jacent Grosse POinte AFFORDABLE town hardWOOd $565 313 HARPER near MasoniC Have Port1olro room liVing room kitch- WARREN! Chatsworth 2 and clubhouse laclllI es Park 2 bedroom 1 bath house liVing rn Grosse 8860657 Condo upper No pets & References en redecorated appll bedroom upper flat boat welt and canoe POinte WOOds Mehcu No smoking $495 In (810)435-6048 NEFF 8 room upper All ances $3751 month stove refrigerator Yeararound re,ort /" 109 available $850 a month lously mamtalned 2 & 3 cludes heat 8t 0 882 appliances Garage 810.651-2021 $400 month 313 533 on LJke 51 Cia" plus security (313)881 654 10AT STOUGE/DOCKING bedroom uMs Includes 9775 Water, snow removal In 0665 HARBOR CLUB NORTH t377 full basement prrvate CHATSWORTH 2 bed Apartments and \acht Harbor entrances new kitchen cluded No pets $925 LUXURY 3 bedroom 2 1/2 LUXURY boat SliPS, 40 I room lower, $350 plus 702 APTS/flATS/DUPLEX ROSLYN Rd Grosse l 810.7785671 810. 469.2628 bath townhouse nestled St Clalr Prrvatel Stor & appliances cen Iral arr securrty (313)8824245 S.U/MACOMI COUNTY Pomte Woods 2 bed near Windmill POInte agel barbeque $1800 cable ready reserved NEWLY decorated one or (313)465.4028 CLEAN three bedroom 37500 Jefferson room gas heat central 810-3293464 near 16 mile Drive DIstinctIve fea parking No pets Call Iwo bedroom aparl. natural fireplace $775 air appliances garage tor appointment, 810 ments Hardwood lloors DUPLEX, 2 bedroom, 1 plus 1 1/2 mo secu"ty Close to Mackl I 94 tures Include 2200 sq 657 MOTORCYClES 848-1150 appltances 313824 bath, dlrllrlg room lIVIng 3134172015 between Rentals Rentals Rentals Available now $675 ft finished basement room, basement, 1 1/2 5 8pm Go Go Go plus security & lease arr conditioning $1475 1993 Harley Da~dson BEACONSFIELD 2 bed- 3849,313.331-5646 car garage like new In the C lasslfl eds 8 t 0 598 4848 after 3 per month lease re FlHTC ClaSSIC, 11,000 room lower large clos ONE bedroom upper $500 a month plus se EASTPOINTE- 91 Gratlol Call pm qUlled 313884 6500 or miles excellent condl' ets Garage Washer, 1353 Wayburn Base- currty, no pets, adults SpacIOus 1 bedroom 313882.6900 3138246330 tlon black, $17 500 dryer Storage $650 ment, all appliances preferred, reterences townhouse style apart 706 HOUSES FOI IIENT (313'884-4119 810.247.4544 $350 plus utlhtles 313 and credit check rnents With basement 70S HOUSES fOR lENT DEltOn /WAYNE COUNTY TWO bedroom condo 1 1/2 baths St Clair BEACONSFIELD, very _8_8_6-_5_8_04 _ (313)886-9760 neWly decorated arr ap POINHS/HARPEI WOODS 14674 Rochelle two bed 659 SNOWMOIILES Shores 810 778 6404 plrances Included Con room full basement nice two bedroom, appli. ONE bedroom no pets 1424 Vernier 3 bedroom ask for Joe or Sharon EAST English Village 2 venlent location I $485 $350 I $350 Immediate 1991 Phaser 2, electriC ances, mlnr blinds, sep References, secunty de newly decorated, appll bedroom upper hard month Call 313-885 occupancy Secured 714 LIVING aUAlTUS start stUdded DG Pipe arate basements park POSit Private parking ances Central air $975 wood floors, private 8300 ext 204 313371 8607 2000 miles With cover mg, qUiet bUlldrng no $625 313-640-1853 313885.4934 TO SHAlE porch, appliances, ga- LARGE 1 bedroom arr $2400 (810'296'5881 pets 313-331-4503 PARK: 2 bedroom upper rage $475 month $64 7 mllel Kelly 3 bedroom 1 HOUSE to share Respon- month heat $475 secur Newly decorated East -B-A-R-R-'N-G-T-O-N--$-1-2-00-1 112 baths garage fm Sible workmg Aeferen ARCTIC CAT, Jag, twm BEACONSFIELD- 3 bed near Jefferson, every Ity depOSit References pornte $450 month 2 bedroom brick Ished basement $625 ces 3138846950 cylinder 2 cycle, com room lower sunroom thmg new Appliances carpet appliances full $600 plus utilities reqUired 313881.4509 appliances (810)468 Ranch completely fur Credit check 3 T 3-882 pletely reconditioned 1693 NONSMOKING, petless basement, parkrng (313)8855222 nlshed Owner pays 4132 black! green trrm $750 EAST Outer Drive lower- profess lonal to share (313)372-1003 $650 No pets or smok- RIVARD- nice two bed- two bedroom Immediate NAUTICAL Mile Apart. most utilities 2 month DETROIT 3 bedroom brick waterfront home com- security depOSit Tappan bungalow 1 1/2 baths 700 APTS/FUTS/DUPl£X Ing 313331 7578 room lower, garage occupancy (810)765 ments, 101 Jefferson pletely furnished, start & ASSOCiates 313 884. Finished basement POINTES/HAllPER WOODS BEAUTlFUllower flat one basement appliances 0927 One bedroom heat and Ing March 810 777- block from Village 682 Heat Included $700 water Included newly 6200 $625 Renlal Pros 810. 4448 1004 Waybum, 2 bedroom EXCELLENT area of De- remodeled $495 Neff $850 Greal bar- 3133430402 BUNGALOW Grosse 773 RE_N_T _ lower, great condition trolt, Moross near St (810)7784422 PROFESSIONAL or se" l kitchen appliances, ga. garn" Available now SIX room lower flat, walk John Hospital Very _ POinte Schools 3 bed HARBOR Island Water ous student to share rage Year lease $525 313.922-1990 rng distance to the VII- clean & spacIous 2 bed ONE bedroom upper flat room 2 bath NeWly re front 4 bedroom boat large three bedroom up plus utllilles 1 1/2 CARRIAGE house on lage, air garage wash- room duplex modern all appliances central modeled $900313.884 well available 15 ml per flat In good area of month depOSit no pets, lakeshore Dr erl dryer, March occu- kitchen carpeted air, separate utilities 6683 nutes from downtown Grosse POinte Park 313.886 2925 lakeView NeWly remod pancy, $800 I month throughout full base wrndow treatments Short term lease Must be cat friendly eled QUiet, no pets plus security depOSit ment garage $625 $435 Includes heat CHARMING Grosse $1100 313823.1437 $350 plus half utilities POinte Farms 3 bed 1105 lakepomte, lower 2 nonsmoker $16001 313824.2231 Eastside Management (810)677'2733 plus security depOSit room Colomal 409 Loth KEllY! MOROSS- 2 bed bedroom plus den Ap (313)4170952 month 313-884 5374 SOMERSET- large three rop Hardwood floors room applIances ga pi lances Just painted Co (313)884-4887 ST Clair Shores 2 bed fireplace wood deck rage clean $500 Credit Immediate occupancy CLEAN, qUiet two bed- bedroom lower, mcludes GREAT area of DetrOJl AI rooms 1 1/2 baths full RESPONSIBLE female kitchen apphances for $1 450 per month Se check 3138599650 $525 month 313 885 room on lakepomte ter Rd south of Jeffer. kitchen arr conditioned roommate needed to 5139 $650 No Smokrng no mal dm Ing room ga rage son Very spacIous carport, $680 313-884 CUrity depOSit With refer MORROSSI 1-94 area share two bedroom flat pets 313- 821 -0856 parking Non-smokers newly redecorated 2 0735 ences 313881-8990 four bedroom brick colo Jackie 313-331 1107 1336 Maryland- Totally $750 I month plus se. FARMS, three bedroom bedroom lower New FARMS, LIVing dlnlrlg nlal completely remod. 7160fFICE/COMMEICIAl renovated 3 bedrooms cunty 313417-9742 colonial, frreplace cetral carpet throughout Sep. St Clair Shores- spacIous rooms kitchen 3 bed eled th rou ghout With FOI lENT excellent condition arate basement wilh half one bedroom apar1ment rooms 3 car garage new Windows arid air, two car garage SPACIOUS 3 bedroom 1200 sq It In fabulous Hardwood floors upper off-street parking, bath central air, garage available Immedlalely $950 plus one month carpet $450 I 1'T'0nth throughout Ceiling fans $1 100 Page 810316. Kimberly Korner bUilding no pets $7001 month $600 EastSide Manage Located near St Joan of depOSit (313)8847171 Many other homes for $700 Available No 3756 or call 313-886 on Mack & Lochmoor 0269 313-331 2807 ment Company 313 Arc Church COin laun rent Call 810 7556710 pets Nonsmoker 313 Ava11able at $1060 sq 884 4887 dry and storage m base GROSSE POInte CIty No 609.8207 313-343 SPACIOUS !lrst tloor one NEAR 51 Johrls B"ck ft t"ple net Call John GROSSE POinte Park, GUILFORD- basement et- men! 5585 Includes Ire Dame near Kerchev- 0322 1445 lakepolnte Bnght bedroom condo In three bedroom two slone & Johnstone 313 flclency apartment All water Additional one al Charming 2 bedroom 8840600 attracllve, neWly deco- Grosse POinte, off street story home 1 1/2 bath 414 Neff Road 4 utlilhes Included $350 bedroom apartments house Natural fireplace rated 2 bedroom lower, parking $575 per new kllchen With applt month, $500 securrty avaIlable In St Clair Modem kItchen With ap 2000 Square teet off,cel bedroom 2 1/2 bath, 2 kitchen upgraded, car month mcl udes heat ances llrllshed base car garage arr Ready and water, no pets 313- Shores and Harper pllances 1 car garage commerCial space peted, appliances, ga- 3138844180 Woods $495 $525 $700 EastSide Manage ment $450 I monlh soon I $1,100 Crane Re. Available Immediately rage no pets, $575, 8856208 ADC section 8 okay alty 313.884.6451 GUILFORD- newly remOd The Blake Company ment Co 313 884-4887 Facmg east JeHerson In (313)885-9468 8107556710 TROMBLEY Road spa eled 1 bedroom upper (3'3)881 6100 Grosse POI nte Pa rk Heat & some appliances GROSSE POinte Farms. 3 497 Neff 2 bedroom GROSSE POinte Park, 2 CIOUS1 500 square feet TWO bedroom home Contact Ford Pnnce 313- Included, garage bedroom 2 baths din lower Newly decorated bedroom upper, laundry three bedroom, heat In. IF.!:'E~~~~~~~ 5722 GUilford $450 per 822-0011 cluded, $1 500 No pets parking $425 month Ing room hardwood Large kitchen Natural hardwood floors, appli- SENIORS ONLY month NeWly 313-881 3829 700 sq It bUlldmg ClOse fireplace and Flonda ances, freshly parnted $600 security 313-884 APTS basemenl $950 rental decorated 884-5721 to Grosse POinte Month room No pets $825 $510 a month plus se- _ 4180 • Pros 810 773-RENT 707 HOUSES FOI lENT / plus security (313)886' to month rent Office cunty, no pets (810}772- UPPER Income 3 bed- MORANG- deluxe, 1 bed- ~ GROSSE POinte Farms S.C.S/MACOMI COUNTY 8666 space shop area With 0041 room, stovel ;i _ -. newer 4 bedroom Cola- room apartment In- nral 3 balhs all amenl ROSEVILLE. 2 bedroom overhead garage door rn refrigerator, carpeted cludes heat water & ap- (off 11 Mile) Totally re rear (313)884 0961 556 Neff, Beautiful 3 bed GROSSE POINTE- 1 & 2 separate basement room lower flat In plrances Completely re- GRANT ties $2200 per month mOdeled No pets $625 bedrooms Includes ap $700 313882.1833 decorated With newer 885-1350, evenrngs COMMERCIAL! RETAil Grosse Pomte Garage pllances, private First months & month B 1 Pnme 8 1/2 mile frreplace, central arr dry parking most utilities, 701 APTS/FlATS/DUPlEX carpeting $395 313- MANOR GROSSE POinte Farms 1/2 security 810 573 at 21444 Harper basement With washer, cOin laundry From DETROIT/WAYNE COUNTY 884 1657 171 IO Nme Mile Morossl Lakeshore 5 0924 45x85 open With high dryer 6 or 12 month $435 (313)886-2920 Edstpomte bedroom 3 fulll 2 half 3934 Devonshire, 2 bed- ROSEVILLE- 3 Bedrocm ceilings Front and rear lease Available Immedi- NEWLY decorated spa- 810.771-3374 baths library updated KINGSVILLE, one bed room lower East War- CIOUS lower 1 bedroom kitchen 3,630 sq II brick ranch Futl base entrance 3825 square ately $1295 810594- renl Outer Dr area ment Available March feet lease at $10 50 1984 room, applJBnces, mini apartment liVing, • Malnr,n"n" Fro< L" Ing Maids quarters $35001 blrnds, $450 plus secur- $375 securrty After 7 dlnmg, kitchen With ap- • Tran'p"rtallOn month D&H Properties 1st $1501 month 313 per sq It With $2 00 per pm 810-296.0924 8840066 782 Harcourt 2 bedroom ty deposlte 810-594- pllances large walk rn • Ac"""c, (810)7374002 square foot trrple net 7433 closet Includes shared Near 194 POSSible fu upper livmg room With ALTER! CharleVOIX SPACIOUS three bed use of basement and ------GROSSE POinte Woods ture co ownerShip frreplace drnrng room Grosse Pomte Side 1 room 2 bath ranch At LAKEPOINTE- Immediate garage $375/ month In ~ Roslyn near Morning 8107723500 kitchen With eating bedroom $295 Includes tached garage great occupancy Immaculate cludes heat and water ~ SIde Sharp 3 bedroom space Flonda room heat appliances 313 newly decorated 2 bed- no pets Excellent area 1 1/2 bath colonral mOd area $1 1001 month DELUXE office 11 XIS NeWly decorated No 8850031 rooms Washer dryer Please call (810)775- ern kitchen With bUilt plus securJty depOSit Immediate occupancy petsl Available mid Feb- Call Sandy (313)331 central air off slreet APARTMENT 1 bedroom 7164 12n 9pm inS natural fireplace Includes utilitIes Harperl ruary $850 (313)884 0330 8 Mile StIeber Realty parking oak woodwork Whlttlerl Harper Credit family room sunporch 6904 l 8107754900 A Gem No smokmg no check $325 313-882 TWO bedroom upper central a" large deck ST Clalf Shores 3 bed $400 Includes heat With hot tub 2 car at 806 Neff 2 bedroom pets $650 313 886 4132 room 2 baths f,nished 1821 Available March 1st ' tached garage $1 300 EASTPOINTE 1 200 sq ft lower LIVing room With basement 2 car garage A" Retail or office 810 BEDFORD. Clean qUiet 2 Call 3138240028 after .' EastSide Management frreplace DIning room $850 Rental Pros 810 LAKE POINTE spotless 5 bedroom lower stove 8791964 or 810 949 kitchen With eatrng 5pm CI#j~iiil!"-3 Co (313)8844887 773 RENT room lower One bed refrigerator Absolutely H_' 4813 Lease space Den Central air room sunroom applian no pets, nonsmokers 702 APTS/flATS/DUPLEX 702 APTS/FLATS/DUPLEX no pets Available mid 702 APTS/FLATS/DUPlEX 702 APTS/flATS/IIUPtEX ces 011street parking Secu"ty depOSit $480 S.CS/MACOMI COUNTY S.CS/MACOMI COUIITY 702 APTS/FUTS/DUPLU March $895 313.881 ttS/MACOM. COUNTY QUiet bUIlding no pets References 810 469 S.C.S/MACOMI CotnITY i,U/MACOM. COUNTY 9726 $525 882-0340 4807 702 APTS/FLUS/DUPlEX 702 APTS/F1ATS/DUPLEX 702 APTS/FlATS/DUPlfX Live where the 1un 15 four seasons long 1 S C S/MACOMI COUNTY S.c. S/MACOM I COUNTY S.C.S/MACOMI COUNTY $elect your home 'rom Our execu1lve one.and two-bedroom ranch apartmentllomes or our spacious lwo-bedroom lotlapartmeots fVearJlroun6 Pa~ yourself WII" indiVidual climate control air G E kitchen, wall-to.wall plush carpeting sound.condltlonlng ga,ages and you, own LAKEVIEW PATIO OR BALCONY EnjOy you, PRIVATELAKEFRONT CLUB HOUSE BOAT HARBOR and BOATING ASSOCIATION CLUB BOATS deaorl ,civi1lJJ on all sports Lake 31 Cia" Resort Itvlnq at your doorstep'

    - Private Basement - Close to Shopping and - Central Air Fine Restaurants Conditioning - SWimming Pool & - Carports Clubhouse , Available


    ----- •• rr.__ .~~... CM ... IAft 0ffICIIt B04 'I Hamnor <'09 now M 48607 \1',19/00,4 SEQUENCE IAOOl96A 34\6 1m 15171'9,2421 SCOTT .. INION t'mml rlmqlCiPcrsC'om PresOenI .... OIlAL O'ftal 9,6 Rooh" Sut. 252 (, aod HO\lf"n MI.49.(IJ 1616/ A46 A7I6 '0' I~l~) A,,!!6747 Thursday, February 13, 1997 Grosse POinte News I The Connection

    71' orFICI/COMMERCIAl ]" OFFICI/COMMERCIAL • ]), OFFICE/COMME.CIAl ], I> OFFlCE/COMMU(IAl ]1' OFflC£jCOMME.CIAl 721 VACATION .£NTAlS 723 VACATION RENTALS 723 VACATION. ENTAlS FOR RENT FOR RENT FO. RENT FO. RENT FO. RENT flO.IDA NORTHER N MICH IGAN NORTHE.N MICHIGAN EASTPOINTE GROSSE POinte Park (,RO'>Sl POl\lll- HARPER WOODS ST Clarr Shores 200 sq WATERFRONT BAREFOOT Beach Resort GLEN Arbor Sleeping Kennedy 8u Idlng on 1500; E Jefferson at \\Oon,> TWO 12) very nice .ulte.- It profeSSional offIce CONDO Cottages Oscoda Go Bear Dunes 3 bed Vern er Road near I 94 & Wayburn Beautl'ully Each 1.600 SQ. FT lie•• I}llllll , ttLll "phl ((lr avaIl I EASY ACCESS TO Conference room oHlce RENT OR BUY" rooms 2 baths Ski 696 S ngles doubles up Ing fast 'One and two decorated 900 square 194 IAT VERNIERI Park. slatf and equi pment 1700 squa re feel boat weekend speCials, $350 to 2700 sq It Includes It. l"'t. Jllll\ lIdlldII.JUlU ..... bedroom clean knotty 'eet $600 heat Ing +- many amenities available Utilities Includ slip 2 bedroom 2 bath Sk, weeks $750 Broker utilit es Call JNry hpm ~.24"'lpt. r month Mr Robert. 313-886-2900 pme cab Irs full krtchen. Included 3138247900 ed term s negotiable Cape Coral $750 per 313881 5693 8107765440 N, SlncJalr 810-540.1000 HBO 9rills !rreplt laun lnlludt.. ... ill utalLlll" (810)7745552 week $2 100 -$2400 dry boats on beautiful HARBOR Sprongs rozy SMALL office (7x 10) \\ hnlt. -'lILll 1\ lLllbll per month Try before INDIVIDUAL offices avaLi Lake Huron s sand Condo AvaIlable holi- OFFICE ,pace available to 17901 E Warren De l ,II lorlill"l, you buy at $128 000 beach AdJacent to able Irl SI Clair Shores 12D .OOMS FOR RENT days Near slopes 313 rent St Cia r Shores trot $1101 month I Ulldll;'\' \ ...... l .... 941 598 2224 correct Ideal for therapl~ts lakewood Shores Goll 8231251 area (810)773 7720 (313)8851900 phone #941 598 2224 111-882 1010 Secretarial service avail AVAILABLE furnished Huron National Forest HARBOR Springs m-town able One minute from Grosse Pomte Neff du 722 VACATION RENTALS Ausable RIver Some 71' OHlCl/COMMUCIAl ] 11>OffiCI/COMMERCIAL ]J' OfFICE/COMME.CIAl I q4 ~ f;QFi rotpr,..h",r"'''HJo plex Cable ohone OriV weeklv s s1o1lavailable home Ski renlal Fully OUf Of sun FO•• INT FOR .ENT FO. RENT (810)445 3700 ~ lieges $80 utilities 313. for June July August remodeled 2 bedrooms 8868421 HILTON Head ocean tront 517 7391818 or 313 2 baths sleeps 6 $150f INDIVIDUAL offIces Rea condo I bedroom $325 4255025 night 810-620-1492 • Pointe East Office Center • sonable 16722 E War- 721 VACATION .ENTAIS weekly Spn ng ren & BIshop Secretan FlO.IDA (313)3439053 evenings ------HARBOR SPRINGS 3 A Medical- Professional Complex al phone copier fax BOYNE chalet 3 bedroom condo ml conference room and BEACH Resort Treasure bedroom 2 bath frre- nutes to shopping and Island Great Vlew Pool place snowmobile and skIIng Daysl Tom 313- kitchenette available ' To RESERVE YOUR spa cable kitchen JOin ou r happy group NANTUCKET sk~ reservaltons 810- 886 1000 Evenings .- Weekly 1 800 318 5632 851 7620 313885-4142 3138850840 VACATION HOME FOR THE LAKE Michigan vacaflOn LARGE executive office MARCO Island and Mara BOVNE Country 3 bed SUMMER OF 1996 home Beaullful custom, prestigious bank bUild- than Key ocean fronl room. 2 1/2 bath ranch Ing 9 and Jefferson home on Walloon lake spacIous pnvale beach condos 1 and 2 bed Call YOllr area $400 per month Available year- round room Weeklyl monthly R,mta/ Spec/a/1st at 6 Miles South of Petos $12001 week Peak sea office services available 810247-8901 key Sleeps 10 Days (810)4451190 810-986 5396 son 313-886-8996 MARCO Island FlOrida 2 Evenings 810 373 5851 OFFICE and refall space PETOSKEYI Walloon bedroom Condo on ~ • 1 .... ~ • • I , ~ Available on Kercheval ... 101hu.n Lake area 3/7 bedroom beach from $1 0001 BOYNE skiers snow- homes available Fully Grosse Pomte Sidewalk week 3 bedroom home (508) 228-1449 mobilers 3 bedroom furnished Ideal vacation and second floor loca Individual dedicated HVAC systems. pool from $1.2501 8 federal 51 chalet sleeps 11 Fire spot Great golfing Re- lIons avaIlable 1 000 to week Harborvlew Rent- Nantucket, MA 025s,i place 810-954 1720 serve now 800-754- Convenient "curb side" parking for aU suites. 2 800 sq It Mr Edgar als 1 800 377 9299 Available for immediate occupancy. (313)8866010 0222 CASEVILLE waterfront 723 VACATION .ENTAlS SHANTY Creek ski chalet. Reclpiant of several City "BeautJficatJOn Awards". NAPLES. beautiful guest cottage on Saginaw PRIME profeSSional office NO RTHE. N MICHIGAN. 3 or 5 bedrooms availa- __ ~96 freeway -I'; space for rent on the house on prlvale lake, Bay Sleeps 8 Cable AAA BOYNE Chalets Ski. ble 313-885-4217 ~0 1.1:10 HIli Two 1,000 square pool near beach shop VCR Every1hlng prOVid- call snowmobile Sleeps <;~ ping $595 per week ed but linen $8001 724 VACATION RENTALS Ii foot sUItes Available many Clean Pictures ~ ~ March 1 Contact MarCia 941 5982224 week 313-331-6989 RESORTS 810-775-7774 extras Call 810-774 Lx-+! for further information and site tour Lobalto 3138867070 CASEVILLE. pnvale lake- 10mllerd ~ " SIESTA KEY FlOrida 1 & 4048 CLARE. winter or summer front homes With firepla 2 bedroom condos complemenlln9 medical practotloners Cla",ftcd AdHrtl>lng reservations Lakefront ces Bookrng now win- as eXisting tenants Beach pool boat docks 882-6900 Classified AdvertiSing cabins or house, firepla- ter or summer 517-874- & more 1 941 349 5600 an IDEA that sells ces (810)626-4383 ' 5181 o f 018f[108Y 1;W~~. __ • •• _. ••••••••••••••••• ~i3iJift1::lA " 5f8VI[f5 !07 US£MENT 903 A~~lIANC£ .EI'AIRS 912 IUllDING/.£MODElING WAm~.OOFING 91' CARm INSTALLATION 911 CEMENT WORK 924 DECORATING SERViCE 930 maRIUl SERVICES 931 FU~NITUtr REFINISHING/U'HDlSTE_,NG EASTPOINTE THOMAS ANTHONY MINAURO S & K CARPET- A Full R.L. lET us help you create FURNITURE stnpprngl re- APPLIANCE CENTER CONSTRUCTION INC Service Carpet Compa KLEINER quality furnlture to SUll TOMA frnlshlng and repair done No Service Charge Bathrooms- Krtchens ny StressIng Quality STREMERSCH BASEMENT your personal taste alld by hand wlfh profeSSIO- With Repairs Basements- Remodeling Shop at Home Call CEMENT CONTRACTOR ELECTRIC WATERPROOFING personal needs From nal care Free Estimates Courteous ProfeSSional Owner Operated Gene 885 5730 tree standing pieces 10 BOB TOMA "DiggIng Method Cement 810-447-9708 Service On All lIcensed/Insured bUillt In Units or shelvmg LIcensed Master Driveways Malor Appliances "All New Drain Tile 81o-n3-4606 917 CElliNG/~LASH.ING Call us to fulfill your fur- Electrical Contractor UPHOLSTERY: 40 years Deal Direct With Owner Patios "llghf Weight lOA INTERIOR Renovations niture VISion' A Grosse 885.8030 of European quality and AFFORDABLE plaslerrng Brick Work craftsmanship Antiques 776-1750 slag stone & back1111 SpeCialiZing In kitchens POinte natove With over Basement Walerproofmg Reasonable Rates balhs & base enls 25 years experoence 10 years custom wood our speci ailty Free estl 90] USEMENT "Spotless Cleanup m Steps guaranty work free esll creation experience Free Estimates mates Plck-up and de. WAURPROOFING Reasonable rates I Tuck-Pomtlng .Walls Stralghlened & (313)886-5163 males Insured Lou Peler (610)545 8044 Commercial Residential livery 810-725-9480 PULCINI ConstructIon BlaCKwell 810 776-8687 No lob to amalll' New, Repairs, Renova- Braced or Replaced 943 lAND$C",.ERS/ C Jaranteed Basement Free Estimates tions, Code Violations. "Foundations Underpinned 927 D.... I'ERIES GARDENERS Vliaterprooflng licensed SHORES REMODELING Service Upgrade ANDY Squires Plastering I~~ured Free Est,males "Bnck & Concrete Work Kitchen & Both DeSign SPECIALIZING IN PREVENT storm & Drywall Stucco reparr CUSTOM DRAPERIES l J 773-3310 Kitc1)cn Rl;lrlong DRIVEWAYS & damage. Prune now!' "20 Years Experience Spray textured Ce,llngs Blinds carpet. wallpaper Formica & Solid Surface BASEMENT Treel stump removal. ------"10 Year Transferable (810).755.2054 Bedspreads. & decorative Counters WATERPROOFING 934 fENCES Senior discount. LI- Guarantee Accessones R.L. Custom Fmnt Porches Licensed censed, InBured. Free CEILING reparrs water V,S,t our Showroom at STREMERSCH "Drainage Systems Siding & Trim Griffin Fence Company estimates. 810-776. damage cracks parnl 22224 Gratiot Installed E)ltenor Face Lifts & 1104 MILLEVILLE BASEMENT Restor atlon Ing wallpaper removal 884-7139 DRAPERIES BY PAT 'All Types Of FenCing WATERPROOFING Licensed & Insured TREE Custom Add,tlons plaster texture or 919 CHIMNEY ClEANING n8-2584 'Sales WALLS REPAIRED A.l Quality All your remOdeling need~l smoolh Licensed con- 'Installation Repairs CAMBRIDGE ENGLAND CUSTOM MADE STRAIGHTENED Workmanship Just because rts nOllisted- tractor Joe 881-1085 'Senior Discount Garden Tours DRAPERIES REPLACED 810-296-3882 doesn', mean we don"" 822 3000 800 305-9859 Dr Barbara Sommerville dOli' Slip covers cornice (of Cambndge) hosts ALL WORK St Clair Shores, MI COACHLIGHT boards light upholstery. MODERN FENCE True ProfeSSIonals 5 day tours In o CHIMNEY SWEEP CO all home fashions for GUARANTEED White Cedar SpeCialiSts May June & July. 1997 911 IUllDINGj.£MODElING 35 Years Expenence State Licensed less Sallsfactlon Guar- LICENSED E & J Plastering Drywall 5154 Serving the Grosse POinte $530 $560 Includes (810)777-7799 plaster stucco 810 598 .~ anteed References since 1955 Cn mooys Cleaned Charmong bed & break1ast 884-7139 Call Gayle 29180 Gratlol Roseville NEW DESIGNS, INC 8753 3137140131 Screens accomodallons. SEFMNG COMUUNn"'Y 27 YEARS 810-949-1083 810-n6.5456 (' Oll'lpWtt tmlMll ~l,n 914 URI'ENTRY .. lIotl'or lmpt'O' InS/ailed local travel garden (u,tom f..llchon, &. Bath, PLASTER & Drywall repair Animal ~emoval 935 FlOO. SANDING/ entrance fees and tours [ II.J:n'>ed. & Insured CARPENTRY. Porches and Palnllng Grosse .a I 930 HEa.IUl SERVICES by reSident gardeners Retrr('nces Doors Decks FinIsh & CerMerJ& REfiNISHING Some Classlfactlons POinte references Call Insured For onformatlon package 1'1"""15 Ea"'t\\ ood Dm e are reqUired by law to Rough Carpentry Re FLOOR sandmg and fm- Harper \\",xl, \11 Charles Chip. Gibson COLVILLE please call (313)882'2606 be licensed Check with pairs & Small Jobs Free 3138845764 ~I Ishmg Free esl.mates (13) 884-9¥2 estimates 20 years ex ELECTRIC CO. proper State Agency ~ Terry Yerke (810)772- MAC'S TREE AND perlence 885-4609 Ranges Dryers Services 3118 to venfy license PLASTER repairs pamt- SHRUB TRIMMING ------Doorbells PROFESSIONAL cdrpen- Ing Cheap' No lob too COMPLETE WORK VIOLATIONS YORKSHIRE ter 30 years small' Call In G & G FLOOR CO Reasonable Rates SAFE FLUE FAST EMERGENCY CAPIZZO CONST. experience Doors wrn sured (810)774 2827 Quality Service BUILDING & CHIMNEY SERVICE SERVICE -BASEMENT dows decks porches Wood floors only Call Tom 81o-n6-4429 WATERPROOFING RENOVATION, INC PLASTERING, Drywall 774-9110 313-885-0257 Reasonable rales Call • (ill1'"Ch,mncv~ndue"Kn~ SUBURBAN Snow Re- - WALLS STRAIGHTENED • Additions Roger any1lme 313871 Taping & Spray Textur )lrpt 11') Floors of dlstmclton AND REPLACED • Kilchen & Botl-room 8047 mg SpeCialiZing In reo InSllII,d FIRST sInce 1964 moval 10 years experr- Remodeling pairs No lob too small • Monlf lnO ELECTRICAL CO Bob Grabowski ence Insured 810-774 • Arch leclurol Services WINTERS CARPENTRY Free Estimates Insured rhmper JOHN, Licensed Founder I PreSident 9902 .~~~~'~~ \) Avollable & REMODELING 30 years experoence RlPW Master Electncal Licensed Insured FamIly Mantels bookshelves Jim Upton 7734316 • .'\n m 11 Rrmcn "I Contractor member of The 944 GUTTERS Bus,ness Q!,JAlJTY WORK baseboard crown any ( crt I ui \~ F.!Pf S\\('{'p 810-776-1007 Better BUSiness Bureau LICENSED and all types of custom PROFESSIONAL ReSidential Commercial Free estImates INSURED Licensed & Insured TOM TREFlfR woodworking CRAFTSMAN Service Calls FAMOUS MalOtenance TONY We supply mstall sand K.tchens & Balhs Jeffrey Adams 882-5169 Doorbells Ranges Dryers Wmdow & guNer clean- 885-0612 881-3386 Slain and finish wood licensed & Insured Plaster & Drywall Senior Citizen D,scount floors new & old ong L.censed bonded CRAIG WINTERS Insured since 1943 884 '07 IASEMENT 907 IASEMENT Repair Inc 920 CHIMNEY 11£1'1.1. Specrallzlng In 3138811?g'i Speclall? ng In plaster 4300 WmRl'ROOFING WAT£R~.OOFING S & J ELECTRIC GlJtsa finish reconstrurtlon Expert J&J Resldentral Commercial 810-778-2050 91' U.I'ET INSTAllATION enced m Grosse CHIMNEY No Job Too Small GUTTERS. Installed re- POinte s finest homes Visa D~scover & parred cleaned C R S Carpet Installation 885-2930 IlA~ Licensed bUIlder SYSTEMS, INC. Mastercard accepted Screens Power wash- 11t. ~_. Sales & Installations fUlly Insured MICH LIC It 7Hl5125 Ing FREE est,mates LI ~~SEMENT' ComlTlerCial & Resloen SERVING THE KELM- Floor sanding re 'I: 810-790-9117 Chimneys repatred cellsed lnsured North- WATERPROOFING tlal 3138823221 rebUilt re-Iined GROSSE POINTES f,nlshmg old & new AI A 9us ress Bu t1 On Honesty Integr1"yB. Dependabd ty eastern Improvemenls Gas flues re lined SINCE 1965 so banosters Insured W tn Over 20 Years Expenence Serv ng Tne POlntes GARY S--carPet$ervlce SEAVER'S~meMalnte Inc 313372.2414 Cleaning Glass Block Experienced 313535 SpeCIfications' Installation restretchlng nance Plaster drywall CertIfied Insured CUSWORTH 7256 • p rN'J..~ a ou"ld en! re a ea to protff .ardscape RepairS Carpet & pad textu res parntlng 16 SEAVER'S Home Mainte- ELECTRIC INC .A. I~<; sM~utJo<;: ~eteW1lbeprotected available 810774 years In Grosse POinte 795-1711 MARBLE Restoration Sys nance Guners replaced, • Erc.a.a r hand:t.g area 01 basemenl ~al to be waterprooled Master Licensed " 7828 8820000 tems Inc Floors repaired cleaned roof 'Ha" a-"3,a "ify sand d€!)rs Insured • Rel""h.\'" f!r $1rog(j(a~ 11~ and e~ace M1t'l r'1oE"W dram 'le LOOK counters tables & morel repairs 882 0000 • S app .3"\rl WlTe br,;sM wa~ fef"'l(Mr'lg a I dirt nSlJorog a 9OC'd txxx:t ClaSSified AdvertiSing "ReSIdential Commerc,al Tile cleanIng Free estl • RI"" a ~ r'"1alOO'"fack.~WlttIl'1y:tra l,hC cerr.enl 9121U1lDING/REMODElING 912 IUllDING/.EMODEUNG 882-6900 mates 3134595712 • T 'N" ~ a-je 1" a1d 5-~ V1~ene apphed fJ wal "Fast Emergency Service 94S HANDYMAN Fax 343-5569 Mike • rl I-. S( n tJU>.Me s 10 ,nsure suttle-enl aralr\3ge elec'nc sna~e SENIOR CITIZENS t Ppje 'S f n!'f"("<;S-a"'y - P't'i1 sl ~ (' QA:,lag s,IJ"-e W1ftHl1, [')1~r'tl1e DISCOUNT 93] FUIlNACE liEI'll. / A LOCAL MAN prOVides -;::') '\..~"'''mb ill1€ a~.!W1ed all~ seam of VlSQlJe'le 924 DECORATING SfRVICE INSTALLATION quality work al a rea- -T ,,~ ~3I1c~'T1'~p'ooer~ 886-4448 ilk'Sl f>dll'1€"'", RETIRED HEATING CON. sonable cost Prompt 15215 MACK I Ti )f uq" l'Ir'Jrkrr.ansh p a"'(l-.JEan ~ TRACTOR, 40 years ex evening and weekend • S ~ I 30'\'\ "1<;(J aloo ~.ed to wall If requested petlence reasonable service Excellent MA~ONRY BASEMENT WATERPROOFING Call 882-6900 CONCRETE DECORATING Service 313881 2023 Grosse POinte referen Br o:.S"I1 S'Y'Iot Wa-<:Sla~e<'\e"'a"'o(jB.Y...€d to Charge your 0.,.,.,.,.,. Custom sewing draper ces Jo'ln 313 884. P ~~<,. .... ll'y'S WallS~1' * HI rU_N1TUIE PalfOS Classified Ad 1751 T "'"''' ;;:;ll•.ars. F;)j' ....:r-~O"lned les valances comfort- Wa" Visal MC Accepted WINISHING/U'HOlS HtlNG • -1 C':OI' WA O

    -f ..... 1 j t ' A 6& • a ~ Thursday, February 13, 1997 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection

    f4' H~UUNG 954 PAINIING/D£COAAJlNG ts7 PLUMIING r. 954 PAINTJNG/DECOUTING 973 TILE WORK All Work Guaranteed' INSTAllATION f14 VCIl JUPAI~ 911 WINDOW WASHING GHI Painting rntenor/ ex- - -~ Carpentry plumbing elec PROFESSIONAL CERAMIC kitchen coun tenor ProfeSSIonal ex DAN ROEMER AA1 CO VCR TV micro FAMOUS maintenance tflcal painting Roollng VI Painting 23 years expe ters bathrooms walls penenced relerences PLUMBING wave Home calls serving Grosse POinte nyl siding Power washing nence In Grosse POinte Iloors Water damage Free estimates Insured Repa",; remodrllng code S9 95 Nobody beat, our since 1943 Licensed Vinyl! ceramic trle Code Qual,ty & Assurance Any type LI Greg 313527 1853 work flx1ures P"CPS .':>enlor dlsrounts bonded rnsu red Wall violation repair FREE est I John 313 885 3277 censed contractor 881 --~------Water heaters Installed Licensed 810 754 3600 washrngl carpel Clean mates L,censed Insured 1085 PROFESSIONAL Wallpa Licensed and Insured Northeastern INTERIOR & exterior Ing 8844300 per hanging by f77 WAll WASHING ------Local & painting Taping spack- 7722614 Improvement 'I, Ine Denlelle 15 years expe CERAMIC and Vinyl tile GEORGE OLMIN 313.J72.2414 eltng Painting old aluml long Distance rlence References DAVE'S Sewer Cleaning installation Regroutlng J&L Wall washing by ma WINDOW CLEANING flum & Vinyl sld,ng Rea Plumbing Repatr If II s CALL SrI! for your handy Agent for available Free estl FREE Estimates LI chIne & pa Inti ng No SERVICE sonable Call Pete any- broke we II fiX It LI 40 YEARS IN THE m~n hf'lmp ~ "ff 1"'''''' :) Globel Ven lines ...... c 3":; 371 0047 mates 313 88? 7816 censed and In~ulPrl dliD No mess 810771 t,..t:rt~eu 6. IIl~ure<.l t-ree Northeastern Improve 7299 POINTE.':> pairs No lob too small QUALlTV Interrorl estimate, Senior d,s ---- ments Inc 313372 (313)882 5539 INTERIORS Extenor Pamtlng Free 810-791-0070 count 3135267100 2414 ALL Hand Washed' Walls FRANKS Handyman s BY DON & LYNN Estimates Guaranteed cellmgs Windows base MADAR Malntence for- Service SpeclalJZlng In ~ .Husband W,fe Team work Lowest prices DIRECT ments (810)7734684 merly f"emans ad "and TRAPANI Tile & Marble ' small repairs (810)791 Steve 313 5263369 PLUMBING wash Windows and eWalipaperlng Custom Installation 6684 822-4400 walls Kitchens are our epalntlng QUALITV workmansh'p & prompt servIce good .10 WINDOWS • Lorge and Sma II Jobs speciality I Free estl HANDYMAN available Parntlng plaster ca r DRAIN pllces Mike (810)643 • Plano~ (our speclolty) 8852633 mates & references pentry all home repatrs 0235 UNIQUE evenings and week 521.0726 313821-2984 ends Can do almost • Appll ances 15 years expenence WINDOW & DOOR CO J & M Painlmg Co. anything around the • Saturday Sunday Insured references ~Free Estimates Replacement Repair Speclallzmg In CLASSIFIEDS ARE house Call Mark Service Seavers Home ~Full Product Warranty Installation Vinyl Wood "'Extenor/Xlntenor Maintenance 882 0000 COOLt 313.64().3940 882-6900 (313)8223387 • Senior DIScounts ~Senlor Discount Owned & Operated ReSidential & CommerCial STEVE'S Pa,ntlng HONEST and dependable Painting /References Carpentry palnt,ng Intenor/Extenor Spec,al By John Steininger XPlastermg & Drywall ~AII Work Guaranteed plumbing and elect fica I Izrng In plastenng and 11850 E Jefferson repairs and cracks You have a problem or drywall repairs cracks MICHAEL HAGGERTY MPSC.l 19675 peelrng peeling parnt Window need any Installtng Call licensed Insured LIe Master Plumber Ron 810-5736204 pamt Wmdow glazmg glazrng caulking Also caulking paint old alummum s,d OLDER Home Speclaltst "Washing & Painting old Ing 3138741613 DISCOUNT $ Custom carpentry, tnm $ 947 HEATING AND h: S{'r\ ice,", ces quality workman- SIding All work and ma- 81().759-0457 ...... Lit"..& In .... Some Classlfact,ons GROSSE POINTE NEWS ship Call Jim 313371 tenal guaranteed Rea- ...... _~ __lhcUnfrHl't.i.!1J.: are reqUITed by law to REMOVAL OF ALL 8326 sonable Grosse POinte references be licensed Check wdh Appltances 957 PLUMIING .. BOWMAN Painting Inten- Free estimates p roper State Agency Concretel DIrt INSTALLATION or/ Extenor ReSidential 882-5038 to verIfy license. OFFICE Construction Debns 26 years experience AAAA JTP Plumbing & Garage Demolttlon Call Gary 810.790-0030 -N-U-G-E-N-T---P-a-,n-t-,n-g-, Sewer Cleaning 25% Basement Clean out sen.or discount LI Can Movel Remove BRENTWOOD Palntlngl Intenor/ exterror plaster censed & Insured 313- Anything Wallpapermg 30 years and drywall repairS, In 527-8858, pager 313 sured Moore Paints PHILIP WASSENAAR of quality & service to Free estimates 313-245- 328-2990 823-1207 POlntes Shores Harper 1817 COMPLETE ONLY $1.95 Woods Free estimates B'II 810 776-6321 or Painting! FREE PLUMBING 810-771 8014 10% off estimates reasonable SERVICE With thiS ad rates 12 years expen- MARTIN VERTREGT ence Interlorl extenor Licensed Master Plumber BRIAN'S PAINTING Quality warkl John Kar- Grosse POinte Woods Complete: I ProfeSSional painting Inte outsos 810-7789619 886-2521 nor and exterior Spe- New work repairs claIFzlng In all Iypes of PAINTING, wallpapering renovations water Street Index palntrng CaUlking win wall washing Jan 884 heaters sewer cleaning dow glaZing and plaster 8757 Judy, 810 294 code Violations repa" All work guaran- 4420 All work guaranteed teed For Free Estl Schools mates and Reasonable PAINTING- Intenor exten l S WALKER CO Rates call 872-2046 or spackling wallpaper PlumbIng Drain Cleamng Ing Window glaZing All Repairs Free FRANKS WALLPAPER Municipalities FREE estimates LI Estlmates' Reasonable' REMOVING SERVICE censed Insured North Insured 3rd generation eaSlern Improvements 810-2861799 smce 1940, stateWide Inc 3133722414 3137057568 pager Churches (313)451-1444 886-0520 FREE estimates Reason 954 PAINTING/DECORATING 9S4 PAINTING/DECORATING able rales Nick Karout sos ProfeSSional Pamt Recreation Areas er Intenorl exterior 30 I.R. COBDENS years expenence Call Fanllh Bu,mrn ~m(e 1Y2-1 8853594 and more... '\llInqlc Roof.., Flat Rooh 954 PAINTING/D£COllATlNG 'S4 PAINTING/DECORATING Rubb['r roofs n['l, SpecialiZing In InlenorlExtenor Pamting We offer and rC'pcuf If you would like one mailed the best ,n preparation before painting and uc;e only the T['ilr off~ "nesl matenals for the longest lasting results Great Westem people are quality minded and courteous ( hUll III " T('p.1lr~ to you, please send REASONABLE RATES FREE ESTIMATES' FULLY INSURED 886-5565 tilsheet QlAO.ll~ PAINTING 886-7602 $2.50 'U SEWEll (lUNING l.lllX hn"hc' • W.1I1Co~cnng' S£ItVICE II\, If RIOR, PLi\., fER RE PAIR~IE\ If RIOR 960 ROOFING SlAVICE '60 ~OOFING SERV1C£ • along with your name and "(nm" (,r ,,! Pf mlt \1'1«( /9111 ARMSTRONG Sewer It ~Im lirn (hilI, ur "(wl! lion r $4995 Sl'nlor discount 13131884.5764 Since 1936 CALL Sine," 1936 Monday Fnday Free address to: I I l n j \. I hurt j • 1 Ih \\ l i 9,,,,~'10 313-52 estlmdte Call John 313 S \ O.'1'1t\O\..t:.~ '2075 885 5103 leave mes Pol.; sage Grosse Pointe News ~oQf E. D. Foley )'1 'S4 PAINTING/DECORATING nome Improvement Co, 'S4 PAINTING/DECORATING EVANS Sl'wer JJ,- Dra n ';ervtnq -the POlntes-for over SO Y(,ilr~ Cleaning AI;,o repa" 96 Kercheval Ave. TF~R OFFS RFCOVFR'; HFAVYWflGttT ';'lIN(,1 Fo, Over 30 years expert <;IN(,lF rl Y ROOFINC, F'PFRT \\I0RI\MAN';lltr \'\(' 00 Our Own Work ence We I eqUipped D. BROWN II(rn\('d ttc In~lIr('c1 Clean bu, n('s~ track re Grosse Pointe Farms, MI PAINTING & REMODELING cord Very rpasonable INTERIOR/EXTERIOR ALL TYPES rate, 90 days written 48236 warranty Michigan I, ",pon,i..ln... "H I..,HL. \pH Up r)r H..I., ng ( HI~ l!r\ J &JROOFING ()r'lo\\ lH PI;l\lf r R{p nr ~rl( ht n, Hlfh, K '''( m( nl cense (042882) 313 (810) 445-6455 OR I 800.459.6455 8356124 R(rr()dtiln~ "tv. \'\,,,dov. .. Ooor ... [)('(k ... ffn(!, or call HOW AFFORI)ABI ~ QI,AtlH (' \, B~' Porcnf', Of '''It,n ..n. 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE 10 year wOrl

    co.""." 0ftIICU. BOA') Hnmllron Sag now 'vI14860~ 1117\ 7910934 SEQUENCE (800196814\6 la, (I 171 79~ ~4~1 pmn I cfmq 100 s com • ..,OIlAL 0fPIca. n6 Rabbm, 5"1.252 Grono Hoven MI.-9 .. 17 (61)) 846 8n~ la.(6161 847 ~747 ",-....I A-"" ...... 12C ~:ebruary 13, 1997 Grosse Pointe News

    • Descente • Helly Hanson • Alps • Columbia ~1:~ • Black Bear • Chuck Roast STOREWIDE • Sunbuster • Metropolis All Jackets, Pants, Shells, Suits, • Obermeyer • Nils Sweaters, Hats, T-Necks, .,( • Score • Meister • Fera ,; Headbands, Socks, Gloves, Mitts, if , )- • Nordica Skiwear • AFRC f, , <~Ji After Ski Boots, Underwear, • CB Sports • Nevica "'",; • Black Dot • Ice/antic ""<;~. Fleece Tops & Bottoms ~~~ • Marmot • Silvy 1 for Men, Women & Kids • Dale of Norway • DufRe All 50% Off RetaiI. • Spyder • Rainier • Mobius • Below Zero • Boulder Gear • Mountain Goat • Kaelin • Dakini • Couloir • High Seirra • Serac • Inside Edge • Passport

    INTERNATIONAL SKI & GOLF All The " .;(.~~,.r- j"'t.4jOl-, #' t.."'t Top Brands Gr'o~~e P(;1. i l~~~ ()~~""V~ ~o' Drivers, Fairway 19435 MACK AVE. Just North of Moross Woods Iron Sets, Moross Putters, Clothing & Other Bcl\anan Village SkI & ColflAxanon-. B100mheld I fli I" • Blmlmghclm • rannll1gton H Ii)" • NO\ I Accessories (,rand r~clpld" • Mt ( Icmm". Dearborn IlcIgh~ • Ll"t 1Am-.lIlg • Rmt • Trclvcn-e LIty • Sugclr [.(lilf AuMNG DAii OPEN SATURDAY 10-6 • SUNDAY 12.5 • DAILY 10.9 • VISA • MASTERCARD • DISCOVER. AMERICAN EXPRESS. DINERS CHECK US OUT!

    COll'OlAft O.P1CI•• , A 14'; Hon rto I ",r,q r ow M 4A60? 1'111 1i091~ SEQlJENCE IAnol 9681A,~ 'm ("II '917A11 SCOTT I08INION f"rno' dmq I filer ~ (lm P f'S df'n 1 ••• 0 MAL O"IC •• o '" tJ R0hh J'1~ ~ If> 'I ~') • • • i (,ondI11Vl"n MIA9AII 16 ~I ~~6 A/?6 I,. It> 61 A41M~1 ..._ ....J ..J-~">A.... -" • ---,------c-- ..-- -~--_ -- .,¥.,~t.~,.~.-- -;e~3""... lS""""W-llllko__lII-~-.,... - , '/1.";1 t1 .,...... ,....~ ...... ,., .•------"""lI...-- ... .i""'.. I ~~~... ~ Page 2 YourHome Thursday, February 13, 1997 Homeowners: Invest now to save on utility bills In a survey conducted by Bushey explains that new win- ProfeSSIOnal BUIlder magazine, dow technologies - such as low- more than two-thirds of those emissivity (low-E) coatings - polled said they were willing to block unwanted heat loss or gain, spend $2,000 extra to save $250 reducing overall energy use. Inert each year in energy costs. That gases, such as argon, can also be means today's homeowner is will- sandwiched between window ing to invest in home improve- panes for added insulation. High- ments, as long as energy efficien- performance windows made of cy is part of the bargain. wood offer additional energy effi- In fact, energy efficiency during cient benefits because wood is a winter months has become a natural insulator. For example, growing concern in today's home wood is 1,770 times as efficient an market. For instance, the annual insulator as aluminum, according operating expense for a house to the Wood Products Promotional built before 1960 is $4,384, Council. according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Even a house built in the "While energy efficiency is 1990s requires $1,874 annually. important, homeowners don't High winter utility bills are have to sacrifice other window adding to the equation. features such as beauty and dura- Today, consumers are demand- bility. Quality wood windows can ing products offering energy-sav- be painted or stained to match ing measures for the home. existing colors in any home. ''There are a few basic home Aluminum cladding on the win- Today, conswners are demanding products offering energy-saving improvements that help save on dow exterior is a popular choice measures for the home. winter utility bills. Advances in for low maintenance and durabili- window manufacturing technolo- ty. These types of features make gy, for example, decrease the the homeowner's life more com- amount of energy lost through the fortable year-round," says Bushey. Lead-based paint hazards window. In fact, the right combi- nation of windows might reduce For free literature about mak- By James S. MackIntosh those at risk. utility costs by as much as 25 to Realtor, Grosse Pointe ing window decisions call (800) 30 percent," says Patrick Bushey 847-3552, or visit Pella Corp. on 3) An opportunity for a lead- of Pella Window and Door Co. the web at The new Federal Lead-Based based paint inspection, if the Paint Law affects all houses built buyer wants it. before 1978 - the year lead-based paint was banned - and includes Early experience is that most almost every house in Grosse buyers waive this opportunity. Pointe. Liability can be serious. A seller, The law requires sellers, before landlord or agent who fails to give they sign a contract to sell their proper information can be sued house, to ensure that their buyer for triple damages and be subject gets three things: to civil and criminal penalties. 1) Disclosure of anything they However, the Seller's Disclosure 1441 Berkshire may know about lead-based paint Form can be filled out quickly and in their home - sellers who don't makes it relatively easy to stay in Tasteful Elegance ... know anything can so indicate. compliance. prevaIl" 10 thi~ brand new home ~ituated In Grosse Pomte Park! Thl" profe~lilOnallydecorated home was just built in 2) The federally mandated pam- If you have questions, concerns 1996 and offer" three bedroom.." two and one half baths, phlet "Protect Your Family From or would like a copy of the pam- g.reat famIly room WItha cozy natural fIreplace, convenient Lead in Your Home," spells out phlet, call (313) 882-5200. flr..,tfloor laundry room. formal dInmg room. kitchen wIth counter WIthcooktop, plu..,1Beautiful master bedroom with a large walk-m c1o~et,full ba...ement and a two and one half car attdched garage

    GROSSE POINTE • NEW CONSTRUCTION LI\ mg Room Ik 2 \ H 6 Dmlng Room 148x114 Klllhen l62 x 14 'i THIS MAY BE YOUR LASTOPPORTUNITYto bUild FamJ!) Room 200 x 11 1 LJundl) Room IOOx'i() your own home in Grosse Pointe on the Lake or

    within a three minute walk to the Shoreline. '-ll'l ()J)d Iloor Bedroom #1 Building sites are available and may be reserved. 1() () x 11 'i Bedroom #2 126 x II 0 Lot frontage ranges from a minimum of 90 feet Bedroom #1, 120 x ) 10 upwards. Call for more infOrmation. Suggested ~q IFl 2.100 floor plans and elevations will soon be available. Lot \I/e 60 x 171 2 'i R.G~Edgar886-60 I 0 Jim 8aros A8ency, Inc. '-h~ 114 KERCHEVAL 17108 Mack Avenue, Gro~se Pointe, MI. 48230 (313) 886.9030

    , , I ,,,,,,, !It ••••••••••••• li.l_•• L--- 1

    Thursday, February 13, 1997 YourHome Page 3 Search is under way for prettiest painted places

    America has many cities, towns and beautify it than with quality nize the most attractive concen- transparencies and background and neighborhoods that inspire paints and coatings," says John trations of architecture in the information. with their beauty and charm. But Stauffer, director of the PQI. "By United States, whether they con- A panel of judges will evaluate which are the creme de la creme? focusing on the best of our nation's stitute an entire community or all entries and select 60 finalists, We'll have a better idea later this architecture, we're hoping every- only a neighborhood," says year. 10 from each of six geographic one will come to appreciate the Stauffer. regions. Following site visits by The Rohm and Haas Paint important role paint can play in Invitations to enter the compe- the judges, 12 of the 60 finalists Quality Institute (PQI) - assist- protecting and enhancing the tition are being sent to nearly will be named the "Prettiest ed by judges from Better Homes appearance of all of our homes 7,000 tourism boards and cham- Painted Places in America." and Gardens and Architecture and buildings." bers of commerr,e in all 50 states. Regional finalists and winners magazines - is conducting an According to the sponsors, the Since some of the most deserving will be recognized in an extensive extensive search for the "Prettiest nationwide competition is open to "places" may not be on the mailing promotional program later this Painted Places in America." cities, towns, townships, neigh- list, the sponsors have also posted year. Why conduct such a competi- borhoods and districts with an nomination forms and contest For more information on the tion? abundance of painted homes and rules on the PQI web site at competition, write to the Rahm "America's architecture is one of buildings that are aesthetically The dead- and Haas PQI, P.O. Box 40119, our great national treasures, and pleasing and well-maintained. line for nominations is April 30. Philadelphia, Pa. 19106-0119 or there is no better way to protect ''We want to identify and recog- Nominations must include color call (215) 351-4221. Wood heat fires still pose serious threat to residents Although the number of fires blazes is due in part to decreased mended: • Check stoves for cracks or resulting from wood heating has reliance upon wood for home heat- • Buy only equipment approved faulty legs and hinges. been decreasing in recent years, ing during recent years. Also, con- by a recognized testing laboratory. • Keep a fire extinguisher avail- they still pose a serious threat to sumers have become more knowl- • Make certain the system is able that is suitable for wood or life and property in Michigan. In edgeable about proper equipment installed according to authorized coal blazes. 1995, four people died as a result installation and operation," says standards. I of such blazes. Lori White, communications MAle is a non-profit, public Two deaths in Michigan last director of the Michigan • Learn and follow general information organization repre- year were attributed to blazes Association of Insurance rules for operation/maintenance. senting property / casualty insur- resulting from wood stoves and Companies (MAlC). ance companies in Michigan. The fireplaces, according to a The nature of wood heating • Regularly inspect the chim- Association sponsors a number of spokesperson for the insurance fires has changed drastically. In ney and stovepipes for deficiencies consumer education and assis- industry. Another 11 persons were the late 1970s, when homeowners and creosote build-up. tance programs. injured in such fires. There were were just rediscovering wood as two more deaths and 11 injuries an energy source, improper sys- from fires originating in the chim- tem installation was a leading ney. The total cost associated with cause of these fires. Currently, Beline's Best Buys these blazes exceeded $7 million inadequate maintenance leads to last year. most wood heating accidents. Exceptional Values! Wood heating fires increased Creosote build-up is responsible steadily from the late 1970s to for many chimney fires. Dark in 15525 WINDMILL POINTE - Grosse Pointe Park 1983, when the Michigan State color and with an unpleasant $595,000. Five bedroom, three and one half bath Colonial Police fire marshal division odor, creosote is a by-product of reported 2,708 wood stove and wood burning that coats the inte- with full bedroom and bath on first floor ideal for b

    4 _.... :M' .. Q . Page 4 YourHome Thursday, February 13, 1997 LMarketing and Management of Residential Property' SNUG AND COZY - I am a a full load to be washed. He then homeowner and am always look- carries that stacker to the laundry setninar in Detroit March 8-14 ing for ways to save on energy for washing. Lottie D., New costs. Recently, I learned of a com- Orleans, La. ''Marketing and Management of managing budgets to applying Residential Property," Course 301 pany called Lasting Treasures o,n JAZZ IT UP - Th brighten up financial analysis techniques for Long Island (in New York). ThIS sponsored by the Institute of Real enhancing property value. Special children's hand-me-downs, trace Estate Management (IREM), will company sells covered hot water around cookie cutters on a bright emphasis is placed on marketing bottles. be offered March 8-14 at the skills, such as analyzing market fabric and apply to clothes with Hotel St. Regis, in Detroit. demographics and trends to iden- All I have to do is fill the bottle heat-and-bond fabric. It gives the Developed by real estate tify potential residents. with boiling hot water and place clothes a new look. Enid C., San experts and professional educa- The course is taught by the unit in its cozy fitted cover. I Diego, Calif. tors, Course 301 is designed to Certified Property Manager sleep safe and warm all night help managers of income-produc- (CPM) members of IREM, trained long. I love these units. I bought ENERGY SAVER - When my ing multifamily residential prop- and approved to serve as mem- them as Christmas gifts last year dishwasher has finished its wash- erties sharpen their problem-solv- bers of the institute's national fac- and everyone loved their practical and-rinse cycle, I stop the dry ing skills, maximize their proper- ulty. gift. Brenda R., Mineola, N.Y. cycle and open the door and let ties' performance, more success- the dishes air dry. fully meet the financial goals of They have proven experience as LAUNDRY HELP - Since I I also dry the silverware right today's sophisticated real estate both educators and successful real was diagnosed with a chronic ill- away so it doesn't spot. Gina v., owners and investors, and estate management practitioners. ness, my husband has been quite Naples, Fla. advance their careers. an innovator with household chores. The registration fee for Course LEFTOVERS - My son, who The course emphasizes practi- 301 is $925. For CPM members of has a huge appetite, is visiting me cal, hands-on techniques that IREM, registration is $290. His idea was to take the stack- and, as a result, I must keep more manager/students can immediate- Registration for CPM candidates able trays I kept in the utility food in the refrigerator and small ly put to use at their properties. is $825. A special corporate dis- room to the master bathroom to freezer compartment. count fee of $825 per student is use to sort our dirty clothes. The He suggested I place leftovers, Marketing and Management of available for firms that plan on top stacker is for white under- which are quite considerable, in Residential Property guides stu- registering five or more employees wear, one is for dark items (socks, plastic bags, then flatten them dents through every major physi- in IREM courses during 1997. etc.) and another is for towels. and pile one on top of another. cal and fiscal multifamily man- This has turned out great for agement skill. This includes For more information call (800) We can now see at a glance beans, rice and stews. Olivia W., maintenance, inspections and 837-0706. what has accumulated to make up Upland, Neb.

    Advertisement GP Market Trends ers m. Rising Market Values Century 21 Associates' Heavy buyer demand mixed Grosse Pointe Sales Statistics. with light supply in 1997 will.keep The Grosse Pomte real estate values rising. Sellers who WIsh to market is starting off 1997 in a maximize there profit still need ~o Similar fashIOn as it did in 1996. 1994 chng 1995 chng 1996 work with a REALTOR who will Units As a result, Century 21 Associates 651 75% 700 (57%) 661 help them price their home com- Avg SF ISpredictmg another year of heavy 2,033 5.7% 2,148 (13%) 2,121 petitively to create competition for Avg $/SF $ 95.88 36% demand and light supply which $ 99.28 100% $ 109.21 it. There is nothing that will net a Avg SP $194.905 may lead to an occasional head- 94% $213,216 86% $231.626 seller a high sales price faster th~n SPILP 94.8% ache for buyers, but continued ap- 95.5% 95.6% two or more buyers bidding for It. preciation for Grosse Pointe prop- Avg Days 77 (143%) 66 (21 2%) 52 The statistiCSshown here were com- erty values. Stat,sllcs are lrom a C21 ASSOCIatesstudy cl GP sll'l9le family resdenlial sales reported 10the GPBR and Pv'CAR plied by Century 21 Associates. More de- Many buyers are out early dunng the years indICated Not all sales are reported The trends stlown here are more ,mportant than the actual tailed mformatlOn for )our speCific GP sifting anXIOuslythrough the rela- numbers AvgSF 's average s

    I I ------~--~~--'--~--~e:q~I P Harrison Twp. A DREAM COME Farms. AMERICAN CLASSIC Center Shores. A HOME WITH ALL THE Woods GALLERY ENTRY welcomes TRUE' This exceptional quality cus- entrance Colomal, completely remod- EXTRAS' Cui de-.,ac location for thiS you Into thiS beautiful four bedroom tom desIgned home offers pure luxury eled The new kItchen features granite three bedroom, 2 5 bath ranch with home With formal dining room, family on the lake, with a spectacular View, counters, Thermador Island cook top beamed cerlrng In family room, mod- room, den, etc Open concept floor steel seawall, two boat hOIstS, deck, and SubZero refngerator Wonderful ern Island kItchen and bay Window In plan With lovely views at the profes- In-ground pool, etc $639,000 garden court SIde yard and extensIve breakfast area First floor laundry room, Sionally Idndscaped yard Call tor 'U' 32845 (GPN-GW-93SEA). new landscaping. $585,000. 'U' 36835 screened porch and attached garage details $314000 'If 33595 (GPN (GPN-H-49NEW) $325,')00 'If 3660') (GPN-H-l3 BAl) C.W-72BIR)

    Woods. BE A HAPPY VALENTINEI Woods. Open Sunday 1-4. 758 St. Clair Shores. Well maintained Farms. UPDATED SPACIOUS This lovely family home IS a great Woods lane. SpacIOus open ranch, Colonial situated on pnme lot over- RANCH Kitchen teatures a Subzero place to hang your heart! Three bed- updated kitchen wIth built-inS Family looking the Milk RIver. DeSigned as a and jennalre range Island, new coun- rooms, two and one-half baths, updat- room and Flonda room; formal dining four bedroom but custom built as a ters and opem to large great room ed kitchen, newer furnace, hardwood room, multiple fireplaces, newer roof, large three Large family room With With fIreplace Attached garage, new floors and new carpeting Easy to love, furnace, aluminum tnm $242,900 natural fireplace, patio overlook roof and new carpetrng $182,900 easy to live In, call soon $244,900 'U' 33375 $195,000 'U' 34385 (HD-F-75-ROB) 'U' 36565. (GPN-H-11 RID) 'U' 36985 (GPN-H-28BlA)

    Harper Woods A DOLL HOUSE! Park. BeautIful Cape Cod offenng Farms. CHARMING FARM HOUSE, Woods. QUALITY BEGINS AT THE Newer neutral decor throughout. newer tnm, gutters, thermopane wm- freshly decorated throughout. FRONT DOOR Great floor plan With Adorable eat-In kItchen wIth big bay dows, hot water heater and furnace. SpacIous kItchen, large deck that over- entrance foyer, liVing room With new window, updated bath, ceiling fans Freshly pamted neutral decor and looks a well marntalned lawn fireplace, formal dining room, new and whole house attic fan Glass refu rblshed oak floors Close to Marntenance free $159,900 'U' 34985. kitchen With eating spac.e, sun porch block windows In basement. $62,500 schools $179,900 'U' 34505 (HD-F- (HD-F-06-HIl) WIth view of perennial garden 'U' 33015 (GPN-GW-97KIN) 01-jEF) $159,900 'U' 36')95. (GPN-H-60ROS) ~ III III""\

    HarpN Woods. Open Sun. 1.4. City. l OLe'\ I KY e OLOr-.JIAL' City. Bf Alii lFUt HOMf H,Jr(h\oocl Park. \, f \\ f '\,(,[ \ \, i) (O[ ()\, 1/\1 19934 lochmoor. W('II millnl,lIfwd e hc1rnllng three hedroom home \\ Ith Iloor, \',lll1r,11 tin pl,l( l' \\ "h buill 111 !e,llurllll; 11\ lilt; (I)om \\ Ilh 111tll(.l1tl( Ihr('(' bpdroolll r,1[1

    ...... -..-.--.-----:,.If«llht ~ ...... L Grosse Pointe farms 886.5800 • Grosse Pointe Woods 886.4200 • Grosse Pointe Hill 885.2000

    .1 j------/, ---- ....c~-."":, ..-I!'"""'-~~.._. ~e 6 YourHome Thursday, February 13,1997

    Windsor chairs originally were • made for a porch or kitchen, but Q. I collect silver jewelry cas- now are at home in any room. The kets. Some are marked "B&W"on Mortgages first Windsor chair was made in the bottom. What does that stand England in the 16th century. The for? style, which was especially popu- A.Brainard & Wilson of lar in the eighth century, has Danbury, Conn., marked silver- remained a favorite for more than Purchase Construction 200 years. plated wares with those initials. The company, which was in busi- The practical design used ness from 1909 through 1922, wagon-wheel makers' technology. made many different types ofjew- FNANA Eguill First-Time Nomebuur The seat was made of easy-to- elry boxes. shape pine. The spindles were • made of hickory, white oak, ash or Q. I collect Blue Ridge china Affordable NousinlPrograms maple, because those woods did and recently found some pieces not split. The legs and arms were marked "Hand painted by the made of maple, birch or ash, as Cash family." Is it of more value Pre-_roved Conventionals they were easy to turn on a lathe. with this mark? The back was made from hickory, A. Southern Potteries in Erwin, ash, white oak or maple that could Texas, were the original makers of At Flagstar Bank, we have the products be steamed and bent. The finished Blue Ridge china. They were in chair usually was painted. business from 1917 to 1957. They and service to get the job done! There are many Windsor styles, used several different Blue Ridge including those with low backs, marks, including one with a fan backs , or hoop backs. One mountain and a pine tree. unusual type, popular in Ray and Pauline Cash opened Connecticut around 1760, was the Clinchfield Artware in Erwin in comb-back chair. It had a low back 1945. They began making pottery with an additional piece at the top with molds they purchased from of the back that slightly resem- bled a comb. Southern Potteries. They also used a Blue Ridge mark, but • added their name in some form. Q. I have a Staffordshire fig- In 1984, the Cashes sold the urine ofa Welsh lady in full native pottery, and it now makes lamp costume. Someone told me it was bases and statuary. "the legendary Jenny Jones." Who was she? Another mark that could con- fuse Blue Ridge collectors is one A Jenny Jones was a dairy- used by the Technical Porcelain maid at Pontblyddin Farm. Her and Chinaware company of EI sweetheart, Edward Morgan, was Cerrito, Calif. That company a plowman. Morgan spent 20 mark said "Blue Ridge China years with the British Navy and U.S.A.," with pine trees and hills. returned and married Jones. Technical was in business from In 1825, actor Charles James 1922 through the 1970s. Matthews met the Morgans and heard their story. He composed • the "Song of Jenny Jones and Ned NEW' For a copy of the Kovels' Morgan," which was used in a looseleaf booklet listing the record- show in 1836. The romantic ditty setting prices paid for art and was popular for the next 20 years. antlques in 1995-1996, send $2 Figurines of Jenny Jones, and a self-addressed, stamped (55 Kathleen A. Borucki Edward Morgan and the pair cents) No. 10 envelope to: Record- Kimberly A. Fuhrman 1-810-786-8376 leaning on a milestone were made Setting Prices, Kovels, P.O. Box 1-313-210-1156 in the 1840s. 22900, Beachwood, DB 44122.

    -~ SHOREWOOD REAL ESTATE, INC...... 20439 Mack Ave., Grosse Pointe 886-8710 20628 Danbury Ln Harper Woods ColOnial 4 Bdrm OPEN SUNDAY. Febru.vy 16th &.23rd.2- 4:00. Grosse POinte schools North of 8 MIle - W of Harper Hardwood Roors 21160 Beaufalt Harper Woods Ranch 2 Bdrm OPEN SUNDAY. Febru.vy 16th. 2-4:00. Grosse POinte schools fiUTllly room Skylight In lutchen Attached garage 21 119 Beaufalt Harper Woods Ranch 3 Bdrm OPEN SUNDAY, Febru.vy 16th, 2-4:00. Grosse POinte schools Newer lutchen WIth Thomas G. Speer skylight Two ca.r garage Owner anxIOUS 22308 Mylts St Oalr Shores CoIomal 4 Bdrm John E. Nelson OPEN SUNDAY, Febru.vy 16th &.23rd, Z- 1-313-376-5609 4:00. South of 12 MIle west of Jefferson 1-810-401-4691 famIly room Bath In basement Trombley Grosse f'te Pari< Condo 3 Bdrm Brand new construction Side by SIde condo Master bedroom suite on first floor Webber Place Grosse f'te Shores Tudor 8Bdrm ApprOXImately 8.000 square feet Third tit floor ballroom Three ulr garage Library. --LENDER 19251 Mack Ave family room, newer lutchen l.dncaster Harper Woods Bungalow 4 Bdrm Screened porch for the larger famIly (Pointe Plaza) Recreation room Guardian Home Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236 Warranty Super family Home'

    I ------.J------~-III..., _.~ ~i----~; c....a ..ga_~,_~.~~ Thursday, February 13. 1997 YourHome Page 7

    MMLS provides J one-stop-shop' on the Internet Michigan Multiple Listing MMLS web site, you can now fmd and government. 'Ib make it easy access. In addition, MMLS is Service (MMLS) has created a many other types ofproperties on- in locating the site, it is linked powerful real estate web site. By assisting members in preparing line. Commercial, business oppor- with all the popular search their own home pages. Both visiting on tunity, vacant land, and multi- engines. The MMLS site also the internet, anyone researching offices and individual agents can family properties have been links to member company and market their services and their information regarding real estate added, making the MMLSsite one individual Realtor home pages. will find enough to keep them listings on the internet through of only a few where this kind of their own web location. busy for hours. Home buyers will information can be found. As one of the few multiple list- find a complete listing of For people relocating from near- ing services in the country offer- dwellings available by communi- Affiliated with the Macomb by to another community, or for ing internet access directly to its County Association of Realtors, ty, price and specifics such as those moving from across the members, MMLS helps keep their square footage and number of MMLS provides multi-listing and country or around the globe, the Realtor members on the leading education services to 358 real bedrooms or bathrooms. Listings MMLS web site provides exten- edge of the internet world. also include photos. estate offices with approximately sive linked information on south- Members enjoy local phone num- 3,800 agents in Macomb County Recently added to the growing east Michigan communities, ber access and a flat monthly fee and the surrounding communi- list of features available at the including parks, shopping, schools for unlimited and unrestricted ties...... •4 ....c .-c. .~c•• •...... -...... ~C.~.4I!'~ ..~ ...... , - ""...... •...... "" --- --=- - ~ \"-.~ --=- . r ...... / ~" - - ..~C :' -: --=-=:- ~~ ~~- ~ .... 709 WESTCHESTER, GPP 23101 KATZMAN, C.P. •Move your family into thIS four bed- Nice brick Ranch wllarge kItchen, 3 • ...... room, 2.1-bath brick COlog-' ch bedrooms, family rm. wlwood burn- ... '"' • 109 fireplace, neutral decor and" - C ..... Ofler neSting, d ...... freshly pamted, 2.5-car garage .... ,.. kl ee I I s, fin et ar/nfp, ~ .. lar od deck of the back, 2-car 1180 N. RENAUD •.... garage, plusl ~ ...... Grosse Pointe Woods You've Done It Again! .. ... Cozy updated Farm Colomal w/three 1441 BERKSHIRE 7TH YEAR IN A ROW .~...... bedrooms, l.l-baths. The entire house Grose Pointe Park ~ has been renovated! New kitchen, car- 1041 BLAIRMOOR CT...... 17888 MACK, C.P. petmg, new roof, 2.5-car garage. • Grosse Pointe Woods ...."" Excellent locatIOn - perfect for Perfect starter house for the young ... Attorneys, Accountants, etc. 2- couple .~...... OffJce sUite (500 sq/ft), 2 OffIces 49016 POINT lAKEVIEW - 4 bed- ~ j~ .--;fG r '1 (I0x9) I-Office (l2xIO) Call for the , J ; J 'J' room, 4.5-bath English Tudor home details r -;0' ---;-::;-- -r- • ..J. J J.-/ J _.. :- renovated from top to bottom! FamIly ...... room, master sUite loft area and new 19943 FLEETWOOD •21215 KENMORE, H.W. - ..... bath w/Jacuzzl tub whIch overlooks LE\\TJ:S G. GAZOUL • ,...... Wonderful spacIous bnck Ranch In Crosse Pomte Schools' Sharp custom .. water. Exterior grounds 140' on the Top Salesman of The Year .~.... built Ranch w/famlly room, fin. base- a great neighborhood ," .P lake, 2-boat slips w/auto hOist (up to a Schools. Tl- as ment, attached 2-car garage, new ~ ...... quality bUIlt addItIOn for m-Iaw or 40' boat), 6-car garage, electriC guard 19946 DAMMAN, H.W.. - ... ~ • l[j co gate entrance Private appomtment Wonderful updated Bungalow fea- .. _ • other family member wlkit, 2-bed- ..... w ..... rooms, lrg liVing rm. and bath. only $1,325,000. tures new carpetmg throughout, an •• '" u kltc en, 3 bedrooms, and a updated kitchen With ceramIc coun- ~ full bath, fmlshed ba~ement, plusl LENNON, GPW - QUAINT ENGLISH 23507 TALBOT, SCS - Build your tertops/oak flOOring. ttmshed base- ~ own home! FlOe neighborhood fOt ment, 2nd floor bedroom With a ... .. ~ .. 41258 WINDMILL- LIVE OUTOF BUNCLOW In great condItion. This • home features a newer kitchen with your dream home. ThiS spacIous lot walk-m closet. extra msulatlon In ...... •• THE Hustle & Bustle of the CIty. ceramic tiled floor, liVing room With a (66 x 175) offers Lanse Creuse Schools attiC, 2.5-car garage .. ThIS home IS perfect for your family and IS pnced at $38,000. natural fireplace, central aIr conditIOn- 906-908 NEFF, GPC - Newer ~ • as It offers five bedrooms, three full Ing, Flonda room, finished basement built (986) Multi-Family. Each umt ~ • and two half baths, formal dmmg WIth bath, mce landscaped yard and offers a natural fireplace, new • room, library, family room, 1st floor wood deck. Clean as a whIstle! kitchen With built-lOS, separate tur- .. ~.. laundry and IS situated on the canal naces, central air condltlOnmg. 4- ... 22861 LAKESHORE DR., SCS - ...... - only 3-mmutes to Lahe St. Clair' car garage. ... Clean Townhouse style condo offenng 1441 BERKSHIRE, GPP -NEW a modern kItchen w/apphances, newer 1041 BLAIRMOOR, GPW - ~ • CONSTRUCTION, three bedrooms, furnace/ca, basement rec. room, two YOU'LL LOVE the updated kItchen ~ .. ... 2.5 baths, a master bedroom WIth a bedrooms With ItS' new counter/cupboards and • ...... private bath, formal dmmg room, floormg This five bedroom, 2 5-bath .. ... 854-56 NOTTINGHAM - PERFECT brick Colonial boasts of new Wln- .. .. • family room With a natural fIre- LOCATION Dead-end dows. new furnace/ca - both zoned, place full basement and a 2 5 car streetffrombly playground ThiS Two- • hardwood floors, new roof, new gut- ~ attached garage are Just a few of the family umt offers two bedrooms, for- ters/vlnyl trim and entry doors. 2- .. .. ~.. thmgs thiS beautiful home has to mal dining room, livmg room, car garage...... offer. Pnced at $259,000 kitchen and separate basements In each umt 19673 BLOSSOM LANE, GPW - .. 1180 N. RENAUD, GPW - ROOM • Lease thIS beautIful home and enJoy ... TO ROAM In thIS sprawhng the comforts It offers ThiS Cape Cod ...... • Cahforma Ranch whICh offers three home has three bedrooms, I.I-half • bedrooms, 2 5-baths, 23 x 16 family baths, formal dmmg room. screen .. ~ .. room, large attached garage, sltuat- porch. 'flnlshed basment w/nfp, wet. tIl!'.- "" •• ed on a huge pie-shaped lot (92 x bar, 2-car garage. .. .10< .. ~ ~~ ~'" • -~ .,If''~ ~ • ~' ...... {r ... •.•..~.~•..~~...... "1 ... ~ 1, .,;. ~ ...~I

    • 1U.--~ ••• ------__...... j-~~_.~~-_~ __ Page 8 YourHome Thursday, February 13, 1997 INTRODUCING

    By John Amantea with this method, you eliminate VALUE RANGE MARKETING Q. I have a room m my house the use of gravel. which is above a crawlspace. The Q. I live in a modest house room can become quite cool and that is over 40 years old. The con- damp at times. Can you tell me dition of my home is in remark- how I can insulate this space? able shape, except for the floor of A. I'm sure that the bare one bedroom. The floor is the ground below this room can make tongue and groove type and sever- the temperature In that room very al boards have a slight gap uncomfortable. The solution to between them. The gaps are less your problem has a lot to do with than 1/4-inch wide and look unat- having access to that area. If you tractive. Can you detail a way to have reasonable and safe access to correct this problem? that space, we have a cure. A. The problem you The best method is to lay down explained can be caused by the a bed of gravel, at least two to shifting of a subfloor, to warped three inches high. Try to rake and floor joists. If the settling of your spread it evenly. Next, measure floor has remained in its present the area because you are going to state for some time, you can lay a polyethylene vapor barrier repair it cosmetically. over the entire area. You should For large and wide gaps in the also overlap the perimeters of this floorboards, apply lengths of felt sheet of plastic by at least 6 inch- weather stripping with a putty es. The seams extended will com- knife. You can also purchase wood pensate for the lengths of 2x4s filler which matches the color of you should also place down on the your wood floor. Apply this prod- plastic to keep it in place. uct with a small putty knife and The other alternative and much use some sanding dust. Also mix costlier method is to pour con- in a penetrating sealer and you crete. The cement acts as sort of should get a good matching blend. an insulation barrier from the cold and dampness. However, as Send Household Help questions in the technique above, I would to John Amantea, King Features also suggest installing the sheet of Weekly Service, 235 East 45th plastic vapor barrier. Of course, Street, New York, N.Y. 10017. The Prudential Value Range Marketing runs circles around fixed-price listings. Lien procedure to be reviewed Ask us about a revolutionary listing program A step-by-step review of the assist attendees in maintaining Michigan Construction Lien Law compliance with the act. called Value Range Marketing. Where ever and the lien procedures will be presented on Wednesday, Feb. 19, The seminar will be held from 8 it's been introduced, VRM-listed houses are by the Building Industry a.m. to noon at the BIA headquar- Association of Southeastern ters, 30375 Northwestern selling at least twice as fast as the market Michigan (BIA). Highway, Suite 100, in Marty Burnstein, of the law Farmington Hills. average. And many houses have sold for more officesof Marty Burnstein in West than the owner expected. Bloomfield, will discuss protection Registration fees, including con- under the law for builders, sub- tinental breakfast, are $30 for The exclusive Prudential VRM Wheel is the contractors, suppliers and build- BIA members and $50 for non- ing trades workers. Information members. For registration infor- key to Value Range Marketing. and forms will be provided to mation, call (810) 737-4477. To find out how it can work for you, call us today at (313) 882-0087 Give Your Kitchen and Bath a Face Lift From a new countertop to a completely new deSign!

    Counter tops and cabinets Specializing in Solid Surfacing Scott's Custom Wood Work (810) 774.8546

    ------~------I111!---~------~---~I I ~I '...J =-_,.: _: U_lIIIIlt",,"~ Thursday, February 13, 1997 YourHome Page 9 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • EAL ESTATE I. GROSSE POINTE SHORES Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone No li~tings A~i1able 704 Pemberton 4-3/1.5 Large Cape Cod 1~l floor master sUite Library & family room Kathy Lenz Johnstone & Johnstone Call 313-884-0600 II. GROSSE POINTE WOODS ------716 Barrington 4/2 Open Sunday 2- 4. SpacIous Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone home, 2 bedrooms & bath Up 1976 Hawthorne 3/2 Completely rebuilt ranch plus 2 bedrooms, 1 bath down Immediate occupancy Call 313-886-6462 Tappa~ ~ Assoc. $169,900 313-884-6200 1071 N. Oll:ford 3/2.5 Open Sunday 2-4. Colomal Alex Lucido & Assoe. $258,900 313-882-1010 ------VI. DETROIT 1590 Bournemouth 3/1.5 Beautifully renovated Fam rm Updaled kitchen Kathy lenz Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone Johnstone & Johnstone $153,500 313-884-0600 -- -- - 10440 McKinney 2-3/1 Lg bnck ranch With family 2087 Stanhope 3/1 Open Sunday 2- 4. Ranch room Stieber Realty Co. $69,900 810-775-4900 Prudential G.P.R.E Michael Webb Call 313-886-3515 17206 Cornwall 2/1 Brick ranch wi fin b~mnt Sti~~er Realty Co. $59,900 810-775-4900 III. GROSSE POINTE FARMS VII. HARPER WOODS Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone 478 Cloverly 4/1.5 Br <.Olonlal Fam. rm 1,850 Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone square feet Alex Lucido & Assoc.$172,900 313-882-1010 21132 Manchester 3/1.5 Ranch With many updales 256 Merriweather 3 plus/ 1.5 Open Sunday 2- 5. EnglIsh Tudor 313,882-3330, Move- In condition Excellent conoltlon $179,000 810-777-0400 (See cia,s 800) $125,000 313-882-0064 20698 Woodmont 3/1 Open Sunday 2- 4. Well cared for bungalow With family room Jnd nIce ~ILelot Tappan & Assoc.$96,900 313-884-6200 20001 Woodmont 3/1 Open Sunday 2- 4. Remodeled IV. GROSSE POINTE CITY kllchen Open Iloor plan & more $105,000 313-884-9245 Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone 20469 Williamsburg Ct.3/ 2.5 Beauldul townhouse (ondo New kitchen Finished basement Kathy 513- 515 SI. Clair 4/2.2 Beautifully budt & mamtalned lenz Johnstone & Johnstone $92,900 313-884-0600 duplex 1,350 square feet, each Unit FIreplaces, private entrances 19397 Kingsville 2/1 Open Sunday 1- 4. Thl.'>I~a doll R.G. Edgar ~ Associates. CALL 313-886-6010 house Patt Koller. Coldwell Banker 313-886-4200, Schweitzer Real Estate. $62,500 810-704-6015 17680 E. Jefferson 4/3.5 Open Sunday 2- 4 Stunning Cotswold 1st floor master sUite 19924 Helen 3/1.5 Open House Sunda)' 1- 4 p.m. Higbi! ~axon~ Ine. $725,000 313-886-3400 Completely updated ranch on Ghe,qulere ParJ...Gro,se POlnle Schools Nel\ kitchen, rool, land~caplng V. GROSSE POINTE PARK c'Y. 2 'j garage C 1\ fireplace $154,900 313-884-1256 Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone VIII. ST. CLAIR SHORES 16500 E. Jefferson New construction II !aketronl lot~ Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price and others near Lk Sl (-'air Phone R. G. Edga~~ Assoc. Call 313-886-6010 103 Doremus 2/1 Perte(l tor d()\\n>lLlng S('nlor~ $95,500 313-881-1474 1001 Whittier 4/2.5 OpelllSunday 2-4. Greal 1034 Woodbridge 2/1 +2 Condo 1(J\\nhou~e QUlello(allOn executive slyle Colonial! Prl\ ille courlyard Kathy Lenz. Higbie Maxon, Ine. $309,900 313-886-3400 lohnstone & lohnstone Call 313-884-0600 22019 Pleasant 3/1 Open Sunday 1- 4. Beautltully renovated bung,llow I\,C\\ kllchen basement 2 (,H garage Kathy Lenz. Johnstone & Johnstone $94,900 313.884-0600

    Villi ST. ClAIR SHORES

    _ •• lIlIlZ-.....-~...... ~~- ...... ""'!.~------~i~------Page 8 YourHome Thursday, February 13, 1997 INTRODUCING

    By John Amantea with this method, you eliminate Q. I have a room in my house the use of gravel. VALUE RANGE MARKETING whIch is above a crawlspace. The Q. I live in a modest house room can become quite cool and that is over 40 years old. The con- damp at times. Can you tell me dition of my home is in remark- how I can insulate this space? able shape, except for the floor of A. I'm sure that the bare one bedroom. The floor is the ground below this room can make tongue and groove type and sever- the temperature in that room very al boards have a slight gap uncomfortable. The solutIOn to between them. The gaps are less your problem has a lot to do with than 1/4-inch wide and look unat- haVIng access to that area. If you tractive. Can you detail a way to have reasonable and safe access to correct this problem? that space, we have a cure. A. The problem you The best method is to lay down explained can be caused by the a bed of gravel, at least two to shifting of a subfloor, to warped three inches high. Try to rake and floor joists. If the settling of your spread it evenly. Next, measure floor has remained in its present the area because you are going to state for some time, you can lay a polyethylene vapor barrier repair it cosmetically. over the entire area. You should For large and wide gaps in the also overlap the perimeters of this floorboards, apply lengths of felt sheet of plastic by at least 6 inch- weather stripping with a putty es. The seams extended will com- knife. You can also purchase wood pensate for the lengths of 2x4s filler which matches the color of you should also place down on the your wood floor. Apply this prod- plastic to keep it in place. uct with a small putty knife and The other alternative and much use some sanding dust. Also mix costlier method is to pour con- in a penetrating sealer and you crete. The cement acts as sort of should get a good matching blend. an insulation barrier from the cold and dampness. However, as Send Household Help questions in the technique above, I would to John Amantea, King Features also suggest installing the sheet of Weekly Service, 235 East 45th plastic vapor barrier. Of course, Street, New York, N.¥. 10017. The Prudential Value Range Marketing runs circles around fixed-price listings. Lien procedure to be reviewed Ask us about a revolutionary listing program A step-by-step review of the assist attendees in maintaining Michigan Construction Lien Law compliance with the act. called Value Range Marketing. Where ever and the lien procedures will be presented on Wednesday, Feb. 19, The seminar will be held from 8 it's been introduced, VRM-listed houses are by the Building Industry a.m. to noon at the BIA headquar- Association of Southeastern ters, 30375 Northwestern selling at least twice as fast as the market Michigan (BIA). Highway, Suite 100, in Marty Burnstein, of the law Farmington Hills. average. And many houses have sold for more offices of Marty Burnstein in West than the owner expected. Bloomfield, will discuss protection Registration fees, including con. under the law for builders, sub- tinental breakfast, are $30 for The exclusive Prudential VRM Wheel is the contractors, suppliers and build- BIA members and $50 for non- ing trades workers. Information members. For registration infor- key to Value Range Marketing. and forms will be provided to mation, call (810) 737-4477. To find out how it can work for you, call us Give Your Kitchen and Bath a Face Lift today at (313) 882-0087 From a new countertop to a completely new design!

    Counter tops and cabinets Specializing in Solid Surfacing Scott's Custom Wood Work (810) 774.8546

    ------IIII!!II-'---~------~---~J ~I ....!.itu-.. e.,~~d'----- Thursday, February 13, 1997 YourHome Page 9 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • EAL ESTATE I. GROSSE POINTE SHORES Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone No_Listings_Av~~~b~ 704 Pemberton 4.3/ 1.5 Large Cape Cod 1st floor master sUite Library & family room Kathy lenz lohnslone & Johnstone Call 313-884-0600 II. GROSSE POINTE WOODS ------~-- 716 Barrington 4/ 2 Open Sunday 2- 4. Spallou, Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone home, 2 bedrooms & bath up 1976 Hawthorne 3/2 Completely rebuilt ranth plus 2 bedrooms, 1 bath down Tappan ~ Assoc. $169,900 313-884-6200 -- - - - ~mmedlate occu~ancy Call 313-886-6462 1071 N. Odord 3/2.5 Open Sunday 2-4. Colonial Alex Lucido & Assoc. $258,900 313-882-1010 - - - - VI. DETROIT 1590 80urnemouth 3/1.5 Beautifully renovated Fam rm Updated kitchen Kathy Lenz Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone Johnstone & Johnstone $153,500 313-884-0600 - - - - 10440 McKinney 2-3/1 Lg brick ranch With famrly 2087 Stanhope 3/1 Open Sunday 2- 4. Ranch room Stieber Realty Co. $69,900 810-775.4900 Prudential G.P.R.E Michael Webb Call 313-886.3515 - - - 17206 Cornwall 2/1 Bnck ranch \\/ fin bsmnt Stieber Realty Co. $59,900 810-775-4900 III. GROSSE POINTE FARMS VII. HARPER WOODS Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone 478 Cloverly 4/1.5 Br colOnial Fam rm 1,850 Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone sq~ar~ feet Alex lUci~_o& Assoc.$172,900 313-882-1010 21132 Manchester 3/1.5 Ranch With many updates 256 Merriweather 3 plus/ 1.5 Open Sunday 2- 5. English Tudor 313'882-3330, Move- In condition Excellent condition $179,000 810'777-0400 (See class 800) $125,000 313-882-0064 20698 Woodmont 3/1 Open Sunday 2- 4. Well cared for bungalow With family room and nice size lot Tappan & Assoc.$96,900 313-884-6200 20001 Woodmont 3/1 Open Sunday 2- 4. Remodeled IV. GROSSE POINTE CITY k.ltchen Open Iloor plan 0.. more $105,000 313-884-9245 Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone 20469 Williamsburg CI.3/ 2.5 Beautiful townhouse condo Ne\\ kitchen Fml!>hedbasement Kathy 513- 515 St. Clair 4/2.2 Beautifully built & maintained duplex 1,350 ,quare feet, ('ach lenz Johnstone & Johnstone $92,900 313-884-0600 Unit Fireplaces, private entrances 19397 Kingsville 2/1 Open Sunday 1- 4. ThiS I> a doll R.G. Edgar & Associates. CAll 313-886-6010 hou,e Patt Koller. Coldwell Banker 313.886-4200, Schweitzer Real Estate. $62,500 810-704-6015 17680 E. Jefferson 4/3.5 Open Sunday 2- 4 Stunnmg Cotswold 1Sl floor master sUite 19924 Helen 3/1.5 Open House Sunda} 1- 4 p.m. Higbie Maxon, Inc. $725,000 313-886-3400 Completely updated ranch on Ghesqulen> Park Gro!>!>cPomle School, '\Ie\\ kitchen, root lanchcaplng V. GROSSE POINTE PARK " 2 S glr



    .¥lIIa.5----.~:""""'!~-_4..,..r------...i~------~ Page 10 YourHome Thursday, February 13, 1997

    [ll~~lfl(1;r\~~-''''''' .. .. II V(ITI~IN~ ...(...-:; .....

    800 HOUSES FOR SALE' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 800 HOUSES fOR SALE 800 HOUSES fOR SALE 800 HOUSES fOR SALE 1443 HAMPTON, Grosse FOR Sale By Owner 121 GROSSE Pointe Schools, HARPER Woods Town- 800 Houses for Sale 815 Out of State Property POinte Woods. English Lothrop, Grosse POinte three bedroom brick house 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 801 Commercial BUildings 816 Real Estate Exchange bungalow, 3 bedroom, 1 Farms Large 3 bed- ranch, many updates, baths. All appliances are 802 Commercial Property 817 Real Estate Wanted bath, fireplace, garage. room brick ranch be- finished basement, new including central Land Contract available. hardwood floors, two car air. Carpet throughout, 803 Condos! AptsfFlats 818 Sale or Lease tween Kercheval & 819 Cemetery Lots $139,500. 881-8321 garage, central ale, like new. A bargain at 804 Country Homes Grosse POInte Blvd. much more. Asking $67,500. Appointment 805 Farms 820 BUSinessOpportunrlles 21132 Manchester Ranch 100X240 lot. Built In the $102,000. Please page only. Call 313-886-0566 806 Flonda Property Monday Noon deadline With many updates, in- 1950's. Many Improve- John at 810-402-9033 807 Investment Property (subject to change during cluding new furnace and ments: Mutchler kitchen, HARPER Woods, 20001 holidays) Grosse Pointe Woods 808 Lake/River Homes central air, new land- redone family room- Woodmont. 3 bedroom, 809 LakelRlver Lots scaping and deck, newly oak, new cherry marble Four bedroom aluminum remodeled kitchen, open 810 LakelRiver Resorts CASH RATE: 12 words $9.50 decorated, $125,000 fireplace In living room, sided Colonial featuring floor plan. Updated elec- 811 Lots For Sale Each additional word $.65 Call for appointment new Pella thermal win- 11x19 kitchen, 1 1/2 car trical & heating system. 812 Mortgages/Land (313)882-0064. dows with a bay win- garage. $89,900. $105,000. Call 313-884- Contracts 9245 813 Northern Michigan Real Estate Resource ads, 3592 Bluehfll N of Ca- dows In living room. LEE SUBURBAN $9.25 per line Marble foyer, finished Homes dIeux W. of Mack. 2 81o-n1-3800 NEW LISTING Call (313) 882.6900 bedroom, possIbly 2 in basement, slate pool ta- GROSSE Pointe Woods 814 Northern Michigan Lots 1071 N OXFORD Fax (313) 343.5569 basement. Totally mod- ble, 2.5 car garage, 2 starter home. 2 ermzed throughout. year old asphalt drive- bedroom, move- In con- OPEN Large lot. 810-783-4999 way. paneled study, dition. new kitchen, new SUNDAY 2- 4 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE BY owner- 453 Manor, large back yard- only Windows, updated bath. Great location on this 3 Grosse POinte Farms. elm tree had 5 year In- 1 1/2 car garage. Well bedroom 2 1/2 bath col- 1187 Anita, Grosse POinte $100,000 plus area. Harp- Beautiful 3 bedroom Insulated attic & crawl onial. hardwood floors, Woods. 2 bedroom JectIOnlast spring. Base- er Woods (east of 1-94) Colonial. Completely re- space, $79,900. 2217 attached garage. Very ranch, 2 baths, open ment waterproofed 2 Sharp, 3 bedroom bnck ferblshed. Call 313-884- Roslyn. 313-886-0459 clean, $258,900. floor plan. Central air. 2 years ago with sump bungalow. $93,900. 9427 for apPointment GROSSE POinte Woods- car attached garage. system. No realtors. By 21326 Newcastle. 313- All new, rebuilt 3 bed- 478 CLOVERLY FInished basement. Ce- ST CLAIR SHORES appointment. Evenings 881-1817, by appoint- room, 2 bath ranch.. Im- Large 4 bedroom brick col- dar deck Spnnkler sys- BeautIful 3 bedroom brick 313-885-6831, days 810- mediate occupancy. Call onia', 1 1/2 baths. FamI- ment. Open Sunday. tem. Alarmed Call 313- ranch In Chapton 774-0125. 313-886-6462. ly room Nothing to do 882-8086 $156,000. By Woods Freshly painted, FORECLOSED Govern- GROSSE POinteWoods: but move in. Over 1,850 $225,000 Brick Tutor Four appointment only new carpeting. Move In ment Homes. Save up seller Willentertam square feet. All for bedroom, 25 bath. 673 condItIon. 2 car garage. 121 Mapleton Road. Large to 50% or more on re- offers, between $172,900. University Place Call Asking $105,000 liVing room With gas possessed homes. $110,000. to $130,000. 313-884-0635 for an ap- DETROIT logs, large dining room Little/No down payment. 3 bedroom brick 22462 STATLER pomtment Two large bedrooms, Sharp 2 bedroom brick Bad CredIt OK. Call RANCH, completely up- Awesome canal home. one Withskylight 1 1/2 ranch near Cadieux & l Now 1-800-400-6622 dated. OPEN SUNDAY, Completely updated. 3 1162 AnIta, Grosse Pomte baths. Enclosed back- Mack. Finished base- ext. 640 (SCAN). 2 to 4 2087 Stanhope bedroom brick colonial. Woods 2 bedroom yard With patio Many el- ment. Move In condition. GOVERNMENT Fore- PrudentIal G.P.R.E., Mi- Family room & much ranch 2 car attached egant appomtments, no Large lot, garage. Only closed homes from pen- chael Webb, 886-3515 morel Extra lot garage, central air, fire- garage Come see thiS $59,900. nies on $1.00. Delin- HARPER Woods- updated available. $237,500. place, rec room With wet lovely hamel 313-885- Stieber Realty quent Tax, Repo's, RE- 3 bedroom brrck bunga- bar full bath Immediate 7678 810-n5-4900 occupancy. $159,000 O's. Your Area. Toll low. Move in condition. LUCIDO & ASSOC. • Free 1-800-216-9000 Must see Priced to sell Open Sunda~ 2pm- c I ass i f I e d s REALTORS 4pm No agents Ext H-5803 for current Shown by appointment. wo rk for you! listings 313-882-9424 313-882.1010

    aDo HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES fOR SALE aoo HOUSES fOR SALE 800 HOUSES fOR SALE aoo HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES fOR SALE ._------. COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM "The Williamsburg" S1.Clair Shores 2606 Ormsby Perfect for downsizing Seniors Drive - One Story Floor Plan Sterling Heights - Attached Garage (~(lItt!J of ] 8 Hlle, - Two bedrooms, 1 bath fast oj Drqlll1ldre) - Walk-in Closet GARAGEAFlEA 157 x 20 - Large storage area 810-795-9622 - First Floor Laundry - 1,025 sq. ft. Beautiful 1989 Great room ranch, three bedrooms, - Condo Association Fee $80.00 mo. fireplace, two and one half baths, large kitchen with

    - Reasonably priced at $92,500 Mf'!£f'" 41 island, central air, alarm, sprinkler, cedar deck, ... " *"*Call Owner at (313) 881-1474 brick pavers. Utica schools. $199,000. No Brokers please ------_.-_------

    - =-... -" - 6.A--&m I . ~------IIl'III----"1 ' ...~.. ~ Thursday, February 13, 1997 YourHome Page 11

    800 HOUSES fOR SALE 8GO HOUSES FOR SALE 803 CONDOS/APTS/FLATS 80a LAKE/RIVER HOMES 820 BUSINESS 820 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITIES OPEN House Sunday 1- 5 ST Clair Shores- Beautiful SECOND STORY UNIT ALGONAC waterfront con- 23066 Englehardt, St 1760 sq ft custom With a View, newer carport do Boatwell, fireplace 2 Clair Shores Brick home bordenng Grosse and roof Shared base- bedroom, 2 1/2 baths. ranch, 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 POinte 3 bedroom brick ment With pnvate stor- Goosen Realty bath, family room addi- ranch, attached garage, age. Kitchen appliances Services 810-773-7138 tion, central air, finished natural fireplace, family Included. Close to 1-94, THREE bedroom year- basement, 2 1/2 car ga- room, finished basement Within walkmg distance to round updated vacation rage. (810)777-0975 With wet bar $174,900 shopping mall, work out home near LeXington Century 21 Goldmark, centers and theaters A Watervlews from 5 out OPEN SUNDAY, 12 TO 5. Roger & Vicki Elliott, very convenient area to of 6 rooms $89,000 No St. Clair Shores, 810-773-4044 live $55,900 In St ClaIr Nicest subdIvIsion, 3 be- Brokers, 313-885-9139 St. Clair Shores. Open Shores Call Richard • Stability 1''' Te IUlvea few room ranch, finished • A Proven Operating Sunday 1- 4 Meticu- and Emilie Karczewski, 809 LAKE/RIVER LOTS ,.,. distributorships basement with full bath, System lously maintained 4 bed- Century 21 AAA World Class Quality availllble servicing auto, FlOrida room. 23191 ST. Clair on the RlVer, room bnck Cape Cod, 2 771-7771 • Continuous Support truck, tractor, aviation, etc. Gladhill, 810-773-6282 North of the City 100 ft. Extensive Product Line repair shops. This is a full baths, family room, frontage 550 ft. depth • Fmancing Available rewarding opportunity for fire place, large lot, air TWO bedroom townhouse. • Generous Route Size REAL ESTATE Roiling hili overlooks nv- independence! conditioning, 2 car at- Redecorated including • Business & Sales ATTORNEY new carpet & pamt All er $375,000 with term. Training tached garage, 22300 • Traditional We also IUlvesales apphances $64,000. No Bob KIrk, 810-468-6100 Will represent you at the Martin, $176,900 Distribulorsb!p representatives positions closing of your home. (810)775-2252, Brokers please. 313-884- 819 CEMETERY LOTS requires $20-$30K to available for highly get started Attorney B.J. BELCOURE (810)329-3376 9418 qualified individuals (this is - - Starter Distributorship an apprenticeship tQ owning 313-882-2323 Fax your ads 24 hours ST. JOHN CEMETERY requires $4-$5K to get 802 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY t started your own business)! ST. CLAIR SHORES 343-5569 Fraser- property for 2 Three bedroom brick Colo- THE GOLDEN 806 FLORIDA PROPERTY plus stone For more information, call: nial With full basement CORRIDOR $850. or offer 1-800-622-8665, Ext. 17126 on a 310' lot. $92,500 M-59 near Romeo Plank, NAPLES on the Gulf. Con- 810-939-9473 11.7 acres UC terms tact Judy Rinaldi, CRS, ST. CLAIR SHORES ANTON, ZORN 820 BUSINESS GRI, CSP, Broker Completely updated 3 & ASSOCIATES OPPORTUN IT!ES Salesperson (Michigan bedroom ranch featuring (810)469-8888 UNIQUE gift basket! retail Realtor for over 20 vaulted ceillngs,great bUSiness With S.D M. li- Real Estate years) for a free maga- room, natural fireplace, cense. Located In YOUR HOME zine of fine golf course, 2 full baths, 2 1/2 car Grosse Pomte over 21 of DEADLINE: waterfront or country es- Maps garage. $99,900. FHA years Fun bUSiness to Monday 12 Noon. tates priced from under own With excellent In- Lee Rear Estate $100,000 to over 4 mil- 803 CONDOS/APTS/FLATS come and expansion po- Ask for Harvey lion. 1-800-767 -1552, tential 1-800-881-6094. 810-n1-3954 CO-OP, 2 bedroom, Mack ext. 194 After hours 1- Grosse Pointe & E. Warren $27,500 941-514-2875. Coldwell N. ROSEOAL:E ~ cash. Senous buyers Banker, McFadden & & 3 bedroom brick rancll : only 313-884-2726 Sprowls. Independently Family room : owned & operated. Harper Woods 2 car attached garag~ LAKESHORE Village, Terms $174,000 Lakeshore Drive ad- RESIDENTIAL property BlP-U8-8100 exl247"" , dress. 2 bedroom town- for sale In beautiful Vera o '" v »/'* house Recently updat- Beach For more infor- Classified Advertising ed. $64,900. Call 313- mation, call 810-772- only $1.95 an IDEA that sells! 884-7752 3223 (in office) 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE aGO HOUSES FOR SALE

    49 BELLE MEADE 1436 Somerset Complete Outstanding home in Grosse Pointe GrossePoinu Park Shores. Street Index 4 bedroom Georgian Colonial. Duplex Library, 2 1/2 car garage, finished base- Two-three Municipalities bedroom units, ment, all amenities. new carpet, 3,650 sq. ft., SEV 245K. , hardwood floors. Churches Real Estate Agents welcome, comml- many up grades, ~cr<1ralc Open House Samnl4y ,,,ul Su1Ul4y sion @ 2%. ha<;cnlcnh 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Schools Sale price $649,000. $154,900. 313-886-7222 Recreation Areas By appointment only. 313-886-0604. • For Sale By_Owner and more ... 256 MERRIWEATHER R~CltIlflE'.I by mail ($2.50): 1« (( Ill!' ,l',(,lllcI11 Iwo dll<1 Oll(' 11.111 (

    J, ',,' Lac Ste. Claire, St. Clair Shores lovely two bedroom, two and one half bath townhouse Unit In small lakefront complex $138,900

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    ~~ SlJ'Vb c:::::~. 2 • 4pm ~ ..,., 16 Sycamore lane, fJ Custom bUilt masterpiece on lakeshore Drive Grosse Pointe ":; Because thiS ISone of the great real estate with two fIrst floor sUites and a magmflcent values on the market Three bedrooms, one and lake view from most rooms Now $1,288,000 ~3~9,9?~_~ one half baths, gleaming wood floors and In a most convenient Woods location $153,500

    .. Mornrngslde Condominiums: Russell Homes' ., And relax In the beautIful park like ... A new price adJustmentl ThiS fabulous four newest luxury development rn the heart of Grosse l' In thiS charmrng three bedroom Farms garden of thiS architecturally spectacular bedroom home has a new master sUite With POlnle Wood<; there are only a few left' loch moor Boulevard home $399,000 home on a favonte <;treetnear the "HIli" JacuzzI and ISset on a qUIet court In the Woods $178,900 ~..~.l_t~~'~i~ 82 Kercheval "0n-the-Hill" Grosse Pointe Farms 884-0600

    .... --- .. a:'III!ISS._ZIIII_ftIIIIP',...... _ •• 1II"''II!2Q.... Slll!ll'i._uu... -!'IIIW_Ullllt.lIlIi._._---: ";t.. :.,:-:_"",ae;:s_-~-..,w:r- ...... """'\.~ -1 ~ "~~t;" .J'-~~~)o~ttr ....r~~'..-rYJt~<''\. ""1' ... ",,~ ...... -.....

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    THE B R I

    , , '::-=oIl_-_...... +...... - ... ~ .. QIJIr -.2.'''";_... ....__... "" "WIll I N' " Page 2 February 13, 1997 • Grosse Pointe NewslThe Connection • Bridal '97 r

    he evolution of the process groom. Upon receiving the shoe, umbrellas, awnings, and such-to which to begin, has now degener- of JOining two lIves has cre- the groom became the bride's protect them from the rain. These ated into a very bold display of T ated qUite an Interestrng set owner and master. To show his porch and door weddings were dis- wealth and ostentatious generosity, of word~ and events. Stump your acquiSition of authority, he tapped countenanced In Edward VI's (1537- so that fnends of moderate means wedding guests while they walt with the bride lightly on the head wIth 1553) reign, and Innocent III had are afraid to send anything. a pre-ceremony qUIz on your pro- the sign of power, the shoe. ordered weddings to be celebrated Mrs. John Sherwood gram or on the napkins at the recep- In the Anglo-Saxon north, nngs In the church as early as the twelfth Manners and Social Usage 1884 tion. were originally pledges given to the century. The folk sayings and beliefs The word "bndal" comes from bride, along wIth other gifts, before have been firmly maintained In tra- We have been asked to defi ne the "bride-ale," from the fact that on her the ceremony of marriage. The word dition, however, to thiS day. meaning of the word "honeymoon." wedding day the bride and her "wed" Itself IS Anglo-Saxon and In the 17th century, morning wed- It comes from the Germans, who family were permitted to sell ale means "pledge." dings were strongly deplored for the drank mead, or metheglin-a bev- especially made for the occasion Today the bride's bouquet IS often reason that the bridegroom was apt erage made of honey-for 30 days Selling the bride-ale helped defray one of Idles of the valley, white to appear "unshaven and wearing after the wedding. the cost of the festiVities and added orchids, white roses, or some other dirty or negligent attire," as the Mrs. John Sherwood to their gaiety delicate flower. Once it was a result either of early morning work Manners and Social Usage 7884 The husband must carry the bride combination of garlic, chives, rose- In the country or of a last round of over the threshold of theIr new mary, bay, and other strong and all-nrght bachelor parties in the city. Some learned authonties declare home The Romans believed that potent herbs, all carefully selected Evening weddings were also that the honeymoon IS a survival of she was most vulnerable at thiS tran- for their specIal protective power stnctly tabooed, but for another the pnmal marriage by capture, sitional POint In her life, and that the against Witches and demons. reason: the wedding party, as the when the original caveman kept hIS husband, by carrYing her over the Happy is the bnde the sun shines clergy noted with protective horror, wife In retl rement to prevent her sri I, averted any danger from on, Woe to the bride the ram rains frequently "took the bndal couple from appealing to her relatives for envIOus Witchcraft of the evil eye. on. off by sheer force to the ale house." aid. From earliest tImes the symbol of In earlIer days, weddings were Fredenck H. Martens domestic authorIty has been the celebrated at the church door or in Wedding presents have now The Book of Good Manners 7923 shoe. In Anglo-Saxon marriages, the the church porch, not the body of become almost absurdly gorgeous. father, to demonstrate transfer of the church. A wet day at such a The old fashion, which was started Information for this article was authority over his daughter from time, was a serious matter, espe- among the frugal Dutch, of gIving taken from I Thee Wed by Pat Ross himself to the groom, took a shoe off CIally since our forefathers didn't the young couple their household and The Folklore of Weddings and the bnde's foot and handed It to the have the modern contrlvances- gear and a sum of money with Marriage by Duncan Emrich.

    7~g>~- S/eJC*9ff./Y~ Includes overnight accommodations for two, champagne on arrival, romantic turndown service with rose on pillow and Breakfast for Two in Currents Dining Room.

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    _._-----~-_.- I Bridal '97 • Grosse Pointe NewslTheConnection. February 13, 1997 Page 3 ~: " Gourmet Aher Dinner Mints "Andes Chocolate Mints ~"i:WeddingFinances • Belgian Chocolate Squares ;rr? If Who pays for what? " life Savers • Breath Savers he important thing to g. Fees for additional "Pep-O-Mint life Savers remember when planning equipment. " Chocolate Roses 810.296.3506 • By Appointment ~ your wedding, be it first h. Fees for additional help. "Personalized Favor Boxes,and more ... second or ninth, is that your wed- 14. The following flowers: , 10% OFF Your custom wedding favor order Withthis ad. Our weddmg favors are elegantly ding can be a most beautiful and a. All flowers used for decorating embossed WIththe bride & groom's name and wedding date (or special message) on every memorable event -regardless of the ceremony and reception wrapper A rainbow of wrapper colors to match your wedding scheme how much money is spent. It is sites. imperative that you and your groom b. Bouquets or corsages for the , 45 % OFF Wedding Invitations Withthis ad Receive a free gift with every qualifying order. discuss openly what you hope to bridesmaids, honor attendants, , ViSit us In the Internet WWW.ALL-OCCASIONS.COM have occur and be realistic about and flower girl. the financial undertaking to get to c. Flowers or corsages foe any other Corporate pricing available. Call for information to promote your wedding day. wedding participants in addition your company's name WIth our custom packaged candies. The following list is a traditional to the wedding party. breakdown of expenses and respon- d. Corsages or flowers given to any sibilities and should only serve as a special relatives or friends who guidelme to how you chose to may have helped. divide costs. With divorced parents, e. Flowers sent to any hostess who second marriages, uneven guest lists entertained for you or for you and and long distance weddings there the groom before your wedding 19748 HARPER, ONE BLOCK NORTH OF ALLARD are no hard and fast rules. Take the day. Parties from 40 to 250 following suggestions and shuffle 15. Bride's photograph taken before Weddings • Showers • Engagements them to meet your specific the ceremony. conditions. 16. All photography and any record- Many packages to choose or we can customize a menu for you. ings or videotaping of the cere- The Bride and her family: mony or reception site. --cJOgg h'g-- 1. The engagement party, jf you host 17. All charges for transporting the it. bridal party to the wedding site Catering 2. The invitations, announcements, and from there to the reception H~ /4 Years of Servrng the Frnest Food enclosure cards, -personal sta- site. I.CM Call to Reserve .HUJIl" .!i- tionary, and thank you notes, 18. All expenses involved in parking -~"! c: 0 .!I :i j Your Date including stamps for mailing. cars, security, and traffic control.

    he Insight and expertise of renowned wedding Tauthority and consultant, 26960 Daniela Beverly Clark and her best-selling wedding planner, Planning A Warren • 810 754-7221 Wedding To Remember, are now available on state-of-the-art com- puter disc format, in both Windows We go to great and DOS versions, from THE BEV- ERLYCLARK COLLECTION. LENGTHS liThe new software program, which may be used for any special to please event, is fully Integrated package that allows for one-time input of Information that than then flows through the program, remarks Greg A Weddin8 With A View on 50autiful & Clair River Hansen, National Sales Manager for Budget Your scenic ceremony can be followed by a the company. "It combines a very View your finances by event, by casual reception on the deck or elegant brunch ~ Intuitive user-interface WIth a flex- type of service, and by month. In the St. Clair Inn style ible structure that allows for as Because thiS software IS state-of- Talk to our Wedding Consultant about an unforgettable f~~a;:c.•• back drop for your wedding where freighters and boats ) much or as little detail as desired. the-art, many of the formats are on the SI Clair River seem close enough to touch and This intUitive, flexible structure adaptable to computer-generated allow us to tell you about our .. makes the software simple enough calligraphy machrnes. This feature for small weddings, yet powerful (8-200 people) provides easy access for indiVIdual- enough for the largest most compli- Ized mvitatlons, placecards, and COMPLITE WEDDING PACKAGEC> cated weddlngs." thank you notes. • hor d'oeuvres, brunch or dInner • cake Calendar "Th is program brings love and • photography • flowers To stay on top of your plannmg romance Into the computer-age," • mimster • music • vocalists with the To Do List or Weekly remarks Nelson Clark, co-owner of • and scenery! Calendar (which includes service the company, "It offers the user more prOVider appointments and flexibility because It allows for com- reminders from the Service plete customlzatlon. You can define 0L Clair Inn 'i Module); enter your own appomt- an unlImIted number of events avail- ments and reminders or use able throughout the program. You Beverly's pre-entered remmders . can print out an essentIally unlimited .~~~. Services number of customized reports, Create an unlimIted number of giVing you the ability to use the ~ (MALDDF) service proViders (for any event or Information away from the com- serVIce), use submenus to track puter. Full screens of finely detailed WE OFFER AN appointments, and vIew Beverly's relevant informatIon allow all the hInts for any of 28 dIfferent type of wedding data to have a place In the

    services. program. II "ENGAGING" Guests Unlimited number of guests (for InformatIOn for thIS article was PROPOSITION any event); sub-menus to track mVI- taken WIth permIssion from Plannmg tatlons, responses, gifts, thank-you A Weddmg To Remember by Beverly ~ Ue dHd dekd de ~ notes. Clark 05~~~tJf« ~ Mtaf. ~tI1e fIfUt Plan Your Wedding ~~~ ~ Ue Wtt«4u" ~ On the World Wide Web ~' ~ ~/t'UU~' uydress. Order cake. Rent can preview the merchandise hall. Hire caterer. Choose 7~deka4~ online to fmd out whIch Bband. Before a bride can stores carry the Items they are ~-~~ enjoy her speCIal day, these and a looking for. tk~~~Ue~, dozen other wedding-related Advertisements featured on the chores must be completed. online shopping dIrectory gIve ~ 'It eIfe4te 4 ka«ti/«l Plannrng a wedding IS now () brldes-to-be the power to find, ~05~l«Je. !rttle ea~ler thanks to BlgYellowSM, e ompare and retneve up-to-the- an online yellow pages With the minute, detailed informatIon about JA dtamond tSforever. names, addresses and phone num- hundreds of different products and bers of more than 16 million bUSI- servICes needed for planning a nesses ndtlonwlde ThIS free, Infor- weddrng celebration ~~lMRLaDF1. mation-packed web site could be ..-~Financing the Ideal resource for everythrng a Jewelry and Gifts Available You (an find BlgYpllow, and lIs r. hrlde-to-he need<; to plan her 90 dIfferent categorle<; related to 2K525 7I,tiePS;;: (a.e 11'h ~ ;;:tUUL) dream weddmg weddmg plannmg Jnd prepara- S7. eL/I'Jif! S7I(,)~SS KlO-774-2100 Rather than ~pendlng hours tIon, al their web SIte drlvrng from shop to shop, brides www.blgyellow com • t. ~ .

    I I -~--4L-",. • Bridal '97 • Grosse Pointe NewslThe Connection. February 13, 1997 Page 5 ~;aditional Tidbits $:# If The evolution of wedding accessories

    he Bridal Gown-A symbol of The Bridal Purse- Traditionally the bride's pUrity the weddmg matching the brrdal gown, thiS useful T:gown was regarded as the out- accessory was also a part of the tradI- ward sIgn of a worthy malden Since tional "dollar dance" "BUYing" a new mamage was considered a union dance from the new bride by "secretly" between two families, It was essential sllpprng cash Into her purse helped the that the brrde be an "honor" to both her young woman acquire "Pin money" to famrly and her future husband's family start her new household As pUrity was valued above aJl else, great Bridesmaids, Dresses, Groomsmen- care was taken to present the bride as a AnCIent tImes found young women kId- protected and unsporled, valuable trea- napped and held as a prISoner until she let us sure. The white dress became her accepted her new life ThiS evolved to symbol of Innocence. The styling of the the groom being expected to capture hiS "modern" brrdal gown can be attributed Intended. The young woman would sur- to Empress Eugenle, the bride of round herself With friends for protection Napoleon III. As a leader of fashIOn, she and he would gather up hiS friends to wore what was to become a world-wide help In the abductIOn Soon stealing the style as she wed the French leader, rather bnde became a fun ritual, the bnde's than the customary wedding finery. "maids" dreSSing Identically like the The Tuxedo-Fashioned after a coat bnde to confuse the men worn by the Prrnce of Wales, The Ring-The symbols of unending GrlSwoldLorillard, a tobacco heir, In love and fidelity, tl-)e origin of the ring 1886, wore a tad-less black dinner Jacket can be traced back to the Egyptians who to an autumn ball In Tuxedo Park, New presented their brides Circlets of hemp 0r York and sent hiS contemporaries IOta a rush every year. Spin The Ring Pillow-All through history The BridalVeil- Traced back to super- ornate pi IIows have been used to present StitiOUSRoman ceremonies, the veri was crowns to royalty PlaCing the rings to you ongrnally used to confuse evrl SPiritSthat prominently on a pIllow ISthe most hon- mIght be Jealous of the new couple's ored way to present the most chenshed happiness. By covermg her face they of all gifts averted recognition of the new brrde and flowergirl's basket-To InSU re the If you're planning your Bridal Shower or although the fear no longer eXists, beau- brrde a happy and brrght life In old tiful veIls are used by many happy England, the entire bridal party would Rehearsal Dinner, don't forget to call brides walk behind a small girl tossrng flowers The Garter-In the days of srJk stock- all the way to the church Ings thiS accessory was a necessity The Guest Book-Orrglnally all guests TRATIORIA ANDIAMO ConsIdered fair sport and good luck In were conSidered witnesses to the wed- old England to steal the garter and stock- ding and would sIgn the marrrage docu- Ings before the ceremony, young unmar- ment. Today onlv two wItnesses are AND lAM 0 ITALIA Banquet Center ried gentlemen took the challenge seri- required and the guest book has become ously The throwrng of the garter evolved a way of remembering all those guests or to prevent the embarrassment of the that joined the couple as they exchanged overturned young lady. their vows ANDIAMO LAKEFRONT BISTRO. A Lucky Sixpence Our delicious food and professional catering staff can For your shoe help make your event one you will never forget. ealth and good fortune special moment, but throughout for the newlyweds is the voyage on the sea of matri- The same great menu - Wbrought to the couple if mony, or so the fable goes." a lucky sixpence worn in one of For more information on the SIX- the same great service you've come to expect! the shoes of the bride. The luck pence contact The Beverly Clark attributed to the sixpence came Wedding CollectIon, 1120 Mark about in 1551, when it was intro- Avenue, Carpenterla, CA 93013 1- Make your reservations today duced by Edward VI, of England. 800-888-6866 Later becoming a part of the wed- ding tradition for brides of the Victorian era, it is enjoying a comeback among brides of today. Last minted In England in 1970, the sixpence is an authentic sou- TRATfORIA venir of gentler times. "Once upon a tIme, long ago," relates Beverly Clark, renowned weddmg expert and author, "It was cus- ...: tomary for the bride to place a Z09~O \1ad.. A"e "Ol)(, 1'.3<;1 Fourteen \111e Road 21026 Jeflt. r<;on ,\H (,ro'"e P0111tl Wood, i!U ~() (\\e<;1 01 Van D}ke 10 Warrt:n) shiny, silver sixpence In her slipper "I ( lair "!lore' IHOHO on her wedding day. Good fortune 313.888.8833 810.288-3200 810-113-1110 would be hers, not just for one

    --, ...... I111!•• ••• s•••••••••• :.,II'------IIIII!!!!!IlI--Il!'l'.,.; "'''CIlI!-''!J¥!'I, _216.43"2111111... 11II!P"'11,,,.'..1_1II::_-_. ... ., J I --- ~r~> . r~ , Page 6 February 13.1997 • Grosse Pointe Newstrhe Connection • Bridal '97 ~Q~lticorporateCultural

    :;;f;lf If Wedding customs

    he individual nations of the the bride smash pottery at her door world have their own enchanting Accord Ing to legend, the loud nOise IS Tcustoms to celebrate the union of said to avert bad luck To be sure of &a-r-(Jha-r-m-ing q)ioto-e-ian Shapet Yeata-e-eJ •• two people In wedded bliSS Wtth a little future bliSS, the bride must sweep It up thoughtful planning any of the ancient by herself • Cathedral Ceding, Crystal Chandeliers and Flfeploce customs can be Incorporated into a modern wedding for an extra speCial Italy .'ntlmate Candlelight Ceremonies touch and salute to the unltmg of two Since Roman times, the couples have • Affordable elegance and Professional Assistance families Your local librarian can help walked through the village passmg out you find more mformatlon, but here's a cakes and sweets /52/5~ /3 (?,./(;k!7load short list with brief descriptIons to pique Y~~A:f026 your Interest. Lithuania Parents of the couple serve them sym-

    Germany InformatIon for thiS article was taken On the eve of the wedding, the friends of from Bridal GUide by Pamela Thomas Activites For Traditional Gifts Youngsters at the wedding For wedding anniversary's A ddressing the need for calm or those of you who Just .L1and composure during the F don't have a clue year to wedding ceremony, the newest year as to what to get your publication from THE BEVERLY spouse for your anniversary, CLARK COLLECTION is directed you're in luck. There's a "proper" at the children in attendance. I' A gIft, that according to tradition, Special Day For You," is an you should get your spouse on activity and coloring book to your anniversary. engage, entertain, and captivate Now this is Justa general gUide, the youngsters in attendance, it doesn't list exactly what gift to keeping their mmds and hands get, but it'll point you in the right busy, and, hopefully, out of direction. trouble. The 8-1/2" x 11" First Year - Paper coloring/activity book features 32 Second Year - Cotton fun filled pagesto color, gamesto Third Year - Leather play, and puzzles to solve, all rel- Fifth Year - Wood evant to the nuptial event. The Seventh Year - Woolens coloring pagesdepict various set- 10th Year. Tin tings leading to and from the altar, 12th Year. Linen includmg bride and groom scenes 15th Year - Crystal ring bearer and flower girl locales, 20th Year - China and more. Mazes, seek and flOd, 25th Year - Silver and connect the dots are incorpo- 30th Year - Pearl rated among the games and puz- 40th Year - Ruby zles. A box of four non-toxic 50th Year - Gold crayons, in primary colors, IS 75th Year - Diamond included. For further Information, contact Information proVided by EI/ye The Beverly Clark Collection, Howell Clover's "Dame 1120 Mark Avenue, Carpenteria, Curtsey's" Book of Novel California 93011, (805) t)66-1425 Entprtamment''j for Fvery nay of or toll-free (800) 888-6866. the Year 1907

    I I +

    Bridal '97 • Grosse Pointe Newsfrhe Connection • February 13, 1997

    ,~(iftured Pearls These ~"/"/' Thejewelry choice of brides few words truly represem

    or cen- the meaning turies, . 1 ~ of marrIage pearls F from the have been the .,) , " traditional jew- nrst day I elry for brides to L through the wear on their \ v ensuing years wedding days. What better However, few f ( people know the way to roast

    legend sur- the occasion and

    rounding the r i symbohze the bond tradition. I. '~ I Accord ing to ofmatnmony Hindu lore, the god Krishna dis- covered the pearl when he plucked one from the ocean to adorn his daughter Pandia on her wedding day. The weanng of pearls goes back very far in his- PATENT. 0336594 tory. In fact, the earl iest pearl C)laLEnte JEWELERS necklace found Brides can rely on their local professional jewelers to help Smce /934 dates back to select the right cultured pearls to match their gowns. 16849 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe • 881-4800 around 2300 B.C. White dresses of silk, satin or lace stance, to absorb, refract and reflect are perfectly accented by the natural light. These qualIties make up the radiance of cultured pearls. And, pearl's dlstmctive quality. although cultured pearls come in a Traditionally, the bridal length for variety of colors including black, a pearl necklace IS choker length, gray, rose and yellow, white is the which falls at the base of the neck. traditional and appropriate color for Princess length IS also a favored brides. chOice, which IS 18 Inches In length The color white through the ages and graces the bnde'~ collarbone. has symbolIzed purity and truth. These short styles are demure and pi \ l'£} Just A Little Bit ~~~\J~G/ White cultured pearls worn by a sophisticated. Today, muilistrand of bride symbolize the purity of her pearl necklaces and bracelets are In '~ J/'Q~~~ love for her betrothed on her wed- vogue, With two or three rows of Everything ding day. shlmmermg cultured pearls. "A Unique Gift Shop" Just like no two unions are alike, Brides can rely on their local pro- Casual YetElegant cultured pearls can vary consider- feSSional jewelers to help select the • Packaged Wedding ably in shape and color. Spherical right cultured pearls to match their Dining lnvitatu)fls pearls, ones that are perfectly round, gowns. Another excellent source of • Showers • Specialty Cards are the rarest and most valuable. mformatlon about selectmg cultured • Rehearsal Dinners Prized cultured pearls also come in pearl Jewelry, as well as jewelry • Weddings & Gatherings • Yankee Candles other symmetrical shapes enjoyed care and cleanmg, IS Jewelers of by brides, like pear, tear and oval America, the national organization For under 100 Guests • Unique Frames shapes. that proVides consumer education " An Atmosphere • Mary Englebreit Where does the value of the cul- and information about fme Jewelry. tured pearl come from? Cultured For the free brochure "What You of the Warm Feeling • Old World pearls, which are relatively rare, only Should Know About Cultured of Yesteryear" Ornaments grow in limited areas of the world's Pearls," write to Jewelers of oceans and take years to grow. Amerrca, 1185 Avenue of the 810.772.8383 810.772.0780 The worth of each individual pearl Amencas, New York, NY 10016, or romes from the unique ability of the discover IA onlme at crystalline nacre, the pearl's sub- • LOCATED IN Z •• ld VICTOkIA PLACE House of Shoppes 26717 lime Mack, St. Clair Shores 772.8383

    .,.i!lllt-: -.-III:..=------t Page 8 February 13, 1997 • Grosse Pointe NewslThe Connection. Bridal '97 Bridal Makeup Tips to avoid any potential of a makeup disaster

    ter you've Invested so After applying foundation and con- to get It on the A;much to make your cealer, use a cotton puff to touch right part of your edding day unforgettable, translucent powder all over the face face. Apply your the last thing you want IS a makeup to set the tou ndatlon and to absorb blusher to your mishap! excess oils. brush (if you've To avoid any potential of a All About Eyes put too much, makeup disaster, treat yourself to a Keep the eyes looking "natura!." swish it through consultation. Many salons offer Start oft With the brows: Use a bit of a bit of translu- makeup consultations and even Colourings Eyebrow Makeup to fill cent powder), lessons for a nominal fee In wherever the hair growth IS put the brush There are even places like The sparse Never reshape a brow with right on the Body Shop that offer a makeover color, or you might end up looking center of your servIce and lessons completely free really artIficIal. cheek, then of charge. Best of all, the makeup Apply a light shade of eye shadow lightly stroke speCialist actually will l,sten to your on the area between your brows and outward toward f needs and gIve you what you want your upper lashes, then apply a the center of the You won't have to worry about darker shade along the upper lash ear, covenng the leaving the shop looking like a line to enlarge and emphaSize the entire cheek- vIctim of the latest fad or like eye shape. Try The Body Shop's bone area. Take Tammy-Faye's tWin sister' waterproof Colourrngs Continual Eye a look In the The follOWing list of makeup tricks Color: It strokes on like a cream and mirror. If your / was created by Colourmgs makeup dries into a fine powder that lasts all attention goes speCialists at The Body Shop to day long and even through the tears. straight to your ensure that you are a VISion of love- For added defrnltlon, apply a cheeks, you liness on your speCIal day smudge of brownlblack eye liner have too much between the lower lashes. Finish off on. Your eyes Coyering All Bases WIth two coats of black/brown should always '. Start With a clean, mOisturized mascara. be the focus. A .< . , . face Go for the natural look Many little translucent you may feel overwhelmed, since people mIstake the term "natural The Blushing Bride powder can correct this problem. look" for no makeup at all, but It When blush IS properly applied, you will be dealing with so many deCISions. After alC you'll be the star actually means that you wear basic you barely notice It, yet It makes Sealed with a Kiss at your own wedding and, like all shades of makeup that maXimally your eyes brighter and your whole To get the appearance of fuller, stars, you should definitely look the enhance your best features. face come alive. USing a good brush more sensuous lips, line the lips with part. After you receive a !rttle help, The secret to natural-looking IS the key to a pICture-perfect appli- a pencil toned to your natural lip you'll be surprised to find that makeup ISwearing a foundation and cation. Once you've used a good color. With your mouth open, start choosing makeup for your wedding concealer that exactly matches your brush, you'll never want to be Imlng at the cupid's bow as close as is not too stressfuI. skin. Always test a shade on your Without It. The Ideal brush IS round, possible to your natural lip line. The goal is not to create a new you, forehead or Jawline and not on the so ItS sides can be used to blend the Close mouth to check the shape. Fill but simply to fmd a look that is back of your hand If you can't see blush. ChOOSing the nght color is In With lipstick (try The Body Shop's unmistakably you! In addition to It, then you've got the rrght one. most important. For most skin tones, Colourings Contmual lip Color, bridal consultations, Colourrngs Make sure that your makeup IS nutmeg and rose shades are great. So $9.95). Contmual Lip Color IS perfect offers a complete line of cosmetics blended Into your neck, so there IS If you can't decide, choose one of for the bride, since it is long-lasting that can meet all your makeup no line of demarcation. If one these. and won't kISS off on your groom, needs. For more information on appears, smooth it out With a Now that you selected the right guests or glass. Colourings cosmetICS, call The Body sponge, then buff. brush and shade, the only concern IS As your wedding day approaches, Shop at 1-800-BODY-SHOP. Wedding Memories Preserve them for a lifetime

    couPle's wedding day ISthe Among the special features ISa Standard features of every Lane most Important day In their secret storage area In the Cedar Chest are a lock, aroma-tight A Ives - one they'll bottom for safekeepmg of the seal that keeps the rich cedar aroma remember forever So, what better gown. There IS even a cotton In and dust and dampnesc; out, and wedding gift ,<; there than a cedar bag the gown can be neatly the exclUSIve limited $ 2,000 moth lhest the newlywed~ (iln u~e to folded and placed In before It'S warranty protection policy. 'itore and protert these memorre~ for ~ put inSide the chest a Ilfetlmel There ISalso a secret storage Lane, the world's largest cedar The wedding lasts only a couple of area behind the personalized (he'it manufacturer, offers a spec lal hours, but the memories will last a plaque, a velour-hned lift-out WeddIng Chest It''i availClble In • lifetime when stored In a Lane box for storage of the wedding three finishes and has a hana- Wedding Chest. For more informa- album and an optional frame painted front that commemorates tIon, write to The Lane Co. Inc., for safekeeping of the wedding the JOYous occasion With the wed- ding date and the couple's names. Dept. NP-2, AltaVIsta, VA 24517- inVItation. 0151.

    '. .."..-.-...... -----.u- I , ...... Bridal '97 • Grosse Pointe Newstrhe Connection • February 13, 1997 Page 9 At-Home Receptions are more popular than ever.

    OU can surround yourself guests be? Are light hors d'oeuvres your color scheme. Satin ribbons Weddings." This rnvaluable 136- with family heirlooms, enough, or will more substantial fare and bows finish the cake. Instead of page book Includes color photos of Y favorite dishes, serving be needed? the traditional cake topper, opt for cakes, receptions and weddings, pieces, crystal, silver and linells. • The menu? It must be easy to eat the Kissing Love Birds ornament recipes, checklists - even a pull-out Even if the reception is catered, and serve. Most guests are lIkely to Both it and the Candlelight Cake wedding planning guide. For more these treasured pieces can be added be standing instead of sitting. For Stand have been painted silver to information or to order the book, to those the caterer provides. example, vegetables and dip, fruit create a softened, antique look. (Be write to Wilton, 2240 W. 75th St., To ensure that your at-home recep- and cheese, pates and sliced breads, sure to separate any pamted surfaces Woodridge, IL 60517, or call (630) tIon is the best it can be, plan ahead, individual fruit tarts, and chocolate from the cake as the paint is not 963-71 DO, Ext. 320. It also can be say the experts at Wilton. truffles are easy to serve and eat food-safe.) purchased at craft, department, party • Think size. How many guests without utensils. For a step-by-step guide to plan- and speCIalty stores or wherever can your home comfortably accom- The star, of course, is the wedding ning fabulous weddings start to Wilton products are sold. Retail modate? cake. Make it one to be remem- finish, you can't be without "Wilton price is $14.99. • How about help? Will friends bered, and one that suits your per- and family help prepare, serve and sonal style. For a twist on tradition, ~(J) ~(j)(J>(J (J)" - "(i)(j)(j)(J)(i) (J(j)(J>~\,!) ())SS clean up, or do you need to hire Wilton has created Interlude, a mag- I additional help? Do you need a nificent cake cascading with hun- champagne glass stems with ribbon favorite shape, like calyx, wild rose ACRYLICS ~~ streamers. Garnish punch cup rims or daiSies. The flower centers are With a perfect strawberry. just a dot of icing - choose a color MANICURES 3)@) • What time? How hungry will or make them white, depending on

    t\) (810) 772-9007 ; I St. Clair Shores (J>IJ )~1assically Romantic ~ (J>~ ~t\)~ ~~ \JI~_ I:i'.£'t(i)~ ~(#\~~~ ~~ liil ~ {#lj 1.iI\

    . • • ...... • • 1'. • • • "Ride of a lIfetime" • • Red Carpet Service • Decorated Limousines Complimentary Champagne Transportation to ALLPoints for Your wedding Day Able to ACcomodate up to 37 People Hourly or Daily Rates G&S' LIMOUSINE SERVICE • • • Telephone: 313 372-2663 • • Pagers: 313 201-8993 • • and 313 321-6196 • ~..,~~~~:.• WE ACCEPT ..ALL MAJOR..CREDIT CARDS· ~~~t~4• •• ~ ~ 1~ ~ ~,. -~~ • ~~ v. ~, ~ TIJC /Jroom will be i 11 topform on that extra -speciaI day weaJ°;"llRafJ; Jlat;'~ 100- perccnt worsted-wool, two-button, one-to-button, dottblc-b,'casted tUXl:doJacket J~~ ~ ~~~~~~W ~ ~~l with satin shawl colla1'and satin besom pockets with matthin/lfOJomal trousers.

    -,.tll/-: .!lI::.::.::":.iI.!~ •.,I!':ll11a" ...... III... ----_.,.--- ... ;a_,at"'! "1"-.S"C.4I1l1111CIIJ!!I&!!I1I!I£~ ... gjl.!!lIlPl4'JIilMMlZI.C!IIII-_aa__ XIIlIIlIQa__ .,.." !Ill' a.SIIlSII!5lJ!tt... -- Page 10 February 13, 1997 • Grosse Pointe NewslThe Connection • Bridal '97 In The IGtchen Live happily ever after

    an two people who are used 2 cups flour to 2'3 inch thick Makes 4 dozen cookies to the space of their respec- 3 teaspoons baking THE 11.2cup flour, seasoned Do-ahead: These cookies freeze Ctive kitchens fmd true happi- powder with salt and well. Make them up to 4 weeks in ness and culmary success working 314teaspoon salt BRIDE & freshly ground advance, cover, and store in the together In one kitchen? Absolutely, 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper for dusting freezer. accordmg to wedding expert Abigail l!3cup sweet butter, GROOM'S 3 tablespoons virgin KJrSch. Kirsch has been responsIble melted olive oil 112 pound (2 sticks) sweet butter for orchestrating thousands of wed- 314cup half-and-half 3 tablespoons sweet 213 cup sugar dings and engagement partIes and 2 tablespoons finely FIRST butter 1 egg has used her knowledge and experi- chopped seamons COOKBOOK 1 small shallot, finely 1 tablespoon orange extract ences to create "The Bnde & (green part only) minced 11.2 tablespoon grated orange zest Groom's First Cookbook: Recipes 2 tablespoons 1/4cup raspberry 1213 cups flour and Menus for Cooking Together in chopped canned vinegar the '90s" (Doubleday). roasted red bell 112cup fish broth or 1. Preheat the oven to 350 F. This IS the first modern and man- pepper dam juice 2. Cream the butter and sugar In the ageable teaching cookbook for 1 cup grated extra- .il#J(~ flit.! c ft.-w,. bowl of the electric mixer until young couples whose sophisticated sharp cheddar I~'~~,tUf t:T7;{t'~/.o Garnish they're light and fluffy. Stop the cheese 4 lemon wedges tastes may outdIstance their kitchen (If 1/(" :Wi beater halfway through the beating skills and available time. With both 1. Preheat the oven to 1 bunch watercress process and scrape down the sides partners working, it's important that 450 F. ABIGAI l KIRSCH of the bowl. weeknight meals provide easy, satis- 2. Sift the flour, baking 1. Pat the fish dry and 3. Add the egg, orange extract, and fying, flavorful food. powder, salt, and dust it with the sea- zest and mix well. Add the flour, Taking nothing for granted, Kirsch cayenne into the mixing bowl. soned flour. beating on low speed just until offers basic Information, like tips for 3. Gradually add the remaining 2. Heat the oil in the saute pan over mcorporated. Do not beat the flour before one enters the kitchen, lists of ingredients, tossing with a fork until moderately high heat. Saute the fish into the mixture. Refrigerate the necessary equ Ipment, tiPS for the dough forms a light mound. Turn for 5 minutes on one side. Turn with cookie dough in the mixer bowl for serving, storing and varying recipes, the dough onto a floured surface and the spatula, lower the heat, and 20 minutes. and what to have in a well-stocked roll the dough to a thickness of 1/2 saute for about 1 to 2 minutes, 4. Pipe 1112-inch circles of the pantry. She even recommends what inch. depending on the thickness of the dough through a tipless pastry bag cookware and bakeware to request 4. Cut the dough into rounds with fish. onto an ungreased cookie sheet. (If when registermg for wedding gifts. the biscuit cutter and place them on 3. Remove the fish to a warmed you don't have a pastry bag, use a With recipes and mformation that the ungreased baking sheet. Bake for serving platter. Melt the butter in the tablespoon to form the cookies.) will be helpful through the years, 10 minutes, until the biscuits are pan and saute the shallot for 3 min- 5. Bake the cookies for about 12 "The Bride & Groom's First golden brown. Transfer to the utes, until soft. Add the raspberry minutes, until the edges are goideri. Cookbook" ISthe perfect addition to cooling rack. vinegar and broth or juice. Simmer Remove them to a rack with a metal any newlyweds' kitchen. Cook's tip: Add a few drops of for 2 minutes and pour over the spatula. Tabasco to the batter for fiery-hot snapper. Service: Serve the cookies with ice Southwestern Biscuits bIscuits. Service: Garnish the red snapper cream, poached fruit, or as a simple Preparation time: 20 minutes with watercress and lemon wedges. sweet With rich chocolate confec- Baking time: 10 minutes Sauteed Red Snapper with Cook's tip: If raspberries are in tions. Makes 12 to 74 bIscUIts Raspberry Vinegar season, use them as a garnish, too. Do-Ahead: Make the biscuits early Preparation time: 72 mmutes C00k's tip: These cookies have a In the day, cool, and store In an air- Cooking tIme: 72 minutes Orange-Butter Cookies free-form look to them. For a more tight container. Biscuits lose their Makes 4 servings Preparation time: 20 minutes formal version, before bakmg, pat fresh flavor when kept more than a Refrigeration time: 20 mir,utes the center of each cookie down with day. 4 6-ounce red sna!lper fillets, 11.2 Baking time: 12 minutes a damp hand. Creative Ideas Can make your reception even more memorable

    lttle extra creatIvity can estate, or a chalet With a sweeping, chill champagne; decorate with guests are given a large red-and- Ajturn your weddmg recep- curvmg driveway or dramatic stair- berries and blossoms to create an blue-checkered napkin in which Ion into the party of the case. unexpected Ice bucket. they are inVited to take home left- century. AppOint yourself creative • Give the guests little dolly cones • Romantic VictOrian flowers overs. dIrector of your day, and brarnstorm or baskets filled With color-coordi- include baby's breath, bachelor's • At a Greek reception, the bride about details and delicate touches to nated confetti to throw as you and buttons, carnations, chrysanthe- and groom share bItes of the same make the occasion more memorable your groom leave. mums and Iflses, among others. piece of wedding cake, slgnifyrng for you and your guests The fol- • Don't stash your bouquet away INTERNATIONAL fARE their union lowmg Ideas are courtesy of Modern after the ceremony; place It on the • An honored French custom is to • In anCient JeWIsh tradition, the Bride magazIne. cake table. drink the wedding toast from the bride did not eat her weddmg cake VICTORIAN DELIGHTS • Serve cookies in the shape of coupe de marriage, a large double- - she wore it! Grains of wheat were • If you are plannmg an outdoor weddmg cakes. ConSider servmg handled goblet or bowl. thrown at her to ensure fertility. VICtorian wedding, consider a them to your guests on handsome • Why not adopt an old • Swedish weddings aren't com- romantic spol' a garden With silver-plated trays. Armenian tradition? During the plete Without an elaborate smorgas- weeping willows, lilacs, WisterIa, or • Instead of placrng the cake orna- reception, release a pair of white bord, featuring various fish courses, a lake, fIshpond or gurgling brook. ment on top of the cake, have It doves from a cage. This symbolizes cold meats, salads, hot dishes and, • For an Indoor location, choose a adorn the table. unity and love. of course, many types of aquivat hIstone mansion or lodge, a country • Fill a ceramic planter with ice to • At German wedding receptions, (water of life). f I - ...... -.,.~4ft1"" Bridal '97 • Grosse Pointe NewslThe Connection • February 13, 1997 Page 11 Calligraphy • Can add a stroke of elegance to wedding stationery

    eddings today range from proper format for addressmg cover, The Deluxe LettershopHl small garden affairs at envelopes for weddings, since they Calligraphy ProJec.t KIt Includes a W home to grand formal are the most formal occasions, often Panache@ calligraphy fountain pen, events and almost everything In requirmg two hand-addressed engraved gilt nIbs and Ink car- between. Yet one thing holds true no envelopes. Designing invitations, trldges, plus three Elegant Wnter@ matter the style - It's your day, and place cards, thank-you notes and calligraphy markers. A spiral-bound, you want every detail to be perfect greeting cards, among other pro- softcover kit Includes three Elegant and personal. Jeets, also will be helpful as you Wnter@ calligraphy markers rn a One way to add an elegant or very entertam and complete your wed- reusable storage tray. The kitS, avall- creative look to your invitations, ding correspondence. Detachable able at art stores, craft stores and thank-you notes and cards is by practice exercises and lining guides bookstores across the country, retaIl using beautiful lettering known as will aId you in practicing and for $29.99 and $14.99, respectively. call igraphy. «* it working on projects. For more information, call 1-800- While this form of writing looks Featuring a glossy hard-bound TRY-HUNT complex, it is easy to learn. One way you will learn the Italic letter forms, ISwith The LettershopTM Calligraphy their relationship to each other and Project Kit from Hunt Manufacturing detailed Instructions on how to draw each letter. ExerCIses will make It Co. Wntten and illustrated by noted easy for you to master thl~ beautiful ~TROLLEYfor HIRE'- calligraphers Joanne Fink and Cheryl art form, so you will be able to write Adams, the kit employs a learnmg the alphabet with rhythm and process that includes a combmatlon - beauty The Nautical of classIc lettenng techniques and The kit IS project-oriented, With modern fast-track teaching methods Mile Trolley' tiPS on layout and design that WIll And, It includes all the materials prove very helpful when you begin Perteet Transportation for: you'll need, like pens, nibs, ink car- to use your new skill as part of your tridges and practice sheets. wedding planning. Calligraphic pro- • Weddings, Through a step-by-step process, Catch the Jects include the etiquette and Rehearsal Dinners SPirit on an old tIme, • PartIes, Birthdays, completely renovated trolley Customized and decorated to SUItyour Anniversaries needs A safe, convenient way to transport (~tfventurous Weddings • Any Special Event! your guests Accommodates up to 44 people Accepting bookings now for Apnl1 - October 31, 1997 ;:1'-:1/"'/1 Do some creative planning ~ For Rates and Reservations, Call (810) 779.3228 ifIIj

    rowing up, many people Resorts like those In the Caribbean, enviSion the wedding of Hawaii, the Poconos and Europe Gtheir dreams. After years of offer all-inclusive packages for the dreaming, when people fmally get wedding and honeymoon. A pop- to plan their own wedding, they ular chOice for couples IS to marry, want every aspect of the day to be shoeless, on the beach, often rn perfect. bathing SUitS.They will have to bnng The maJority of couples marry in a their own clothes, but the resort place of worship, a hotel or a wedding planner WIll take care of all catering hall; however, some are the details. People who are rnter- startmg to become a little more ested can contact the resort, itselt, or adventuresome when planning theIr the local tourism board to find out weddrngs. Since this will be one of information on required blood tests the most Important days In their and lIcensing information. lives, they want It to be exactly the Some people choose to be married way they always dreamed It would on the ground in a hot-air ballon be. Once they say "I do," they Ily away For those who have alwayc; In the balloon as their guests Wish dreamed of exchanging vows in a them well theme park, like Walt Disney Trolley cars and trams qUickly are World, the opportunity is now avarl- becoming a popular spot for cere- SERVING ALL GROSSE POINTE'S able. Many theme parks offer wed- monies to take place, as are drng packages, complete with a staff museums, parks and crUIse boats. and MICHIGAN member who works exclUSIvely on Another popular Idea IS that people planning the wedding of people's are incorporating their mutual hob- FOR OVER 25 YEARS dreams. Some couples choose to bies Into the ceremony. For spend theIr honeymoon partying example, a couple who are both Tents and Parly Canopies • Dance Floor • S'ag;ns with the friends and family mem- avid scuba divers found a judge who China • Glassware • Flatware • Silver, Gold & Copper Service bers who attended the wedding would marry them underwater. It Chafing Dishes • Trays - hotel accommodations are avail- may seem strange, but they di? able. indeed have the wedding of their Chairs • Tables (8M/room, Banquet, Outdoor) Sports enthusiasts are considering dreams. Unen & Skirting (Updated Colors & Pallems) sports arenas and stadIums as spots Whatever way couples choose to Convention &- Meeting Equipment for their nuptials. Whether it be celebrate their upcoming nuptIals, between periods at a hockey game, they should remember the most on an empty baseball diamond or important people to thmk about (810) 773.1230 dunng halftime at a football game, when planning the weddmg are many couples choose to go thIS themselves. Ideally, a weddrng is a LARGE INVENTORY • DELIVERY SERVICE route. Those interested can call up once-in-a-Ilfetlme event; people Individual stadiums to see If this should do their best to make It 22400 Harper • St. Clair Shores, MI 48080 type of wedding IS possible. everythmg they always dreamed It would be.

    -2--:'- i, - ~",","'M..... :a.. -----

    Page 12 February 13, 1997 • Grosse Pointe NewslThe Connection. Bridal '97




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