Lake St. Clair water level rising By Jim Stlckford "lilffWflter last summer was a cool one, said Love, pen come the sprIng, said Love ThiS \\, <llherconditIOns in 1'I'll; rn"l,n •• _ which meant that less lake water evapo- should t;lve the proper authOrItIes tIme to - ~- ..... AIoof-"V';:'- idLed hi. for lake levels around MIchIgan develop emergency management plan!> 10 "WhIle we are not forecastmg record lev- !l ludm,; Lake 8t ClaIr, to reach record case of a wet SprIng •• ,Ill 1997 els Just yet," Love saId, "We are forecast- 'What happens next depends on where I hn Love of the Army Corps of 109 water levels well above average RIght we are at the end of February and the now we are at the mercy of Mother I "llllU, whIch mOnItors lake levels begmnmg of March," SaId Love '"rhe snow Nature" yoc 10 i1.1 1 h,I t 1996 was an unusually wet yea; that had on the ground January has To that end, corps of engineer stafT 10 1\ It I 'lght of the 12 months recelvm~ already melted ofTand IS the lake 'lys- members hdve met With state and county 1(" lHrage levels of rain In additIon, offiCial"to Inform them of what could hap See LAKE, page 2A WEEI< AHEAD Thursday, Feb. 13 Roney & Co. The GroSIle Pointe War Memorial Veteran's Club conducts lts monthly meet. ing at 7:30 p.m m the Alger House, 32 Lakeshore, Groese moves office Pomte Farms. The free meet- Ing 18 co-ed. Friday, Feb. 14 St. Valentine's Day. Don't to the Punch forget that special someone in your life. By Amy Andreou Miller foundmg by Wilham Chapoton SlaffWrJler Roney Sr m a small office Just The Roney & Co Will move a few blocks away from the cur- Sunday, Feb. 16 from one locatIOn on the HilI to rent headquarters m the Roney The Grosse Pointe another March I, doublIng the bUIldmg In downtown DetrOit Community Network hosts sIze of ItS office Family member and Grosse its second open house from 1 For 11 years, the stockbro- POInter Jack Roney further to 4 p m. at the Grosse kers have been located m the bUilt up the Grosse POInte Pointe WoodB Commumty tWIn-peaked Thdor-style bUIld- clIentele WIthin the past 50 Center, 20025 Mack Plaza. mg located at 73 Kercheval years Admission is free and The move may be unnotIced The Grosse POinte office refreshments will be served. by some people smce the bro began With four stockbrokers kerage finn did not replace the In June 1986, It has grown to Monday, Feb. 17 Bridge tourney Roney & Co SIgn on the out- 14 stockbrokers and 11 support Side of the bUlldll1g sll1ce staff Pres1dent's Day - observ- Participating in the Neighborhood Club •• sixth annual Wblffted S. Malchie Memo- Ing the bll'thday's of George repaintmg It last year 'We are hterally crammed In rial Bridie Tournament on Feb. 6 are, from left. "Peachy" Sheldon. Pam. McClei. But WIthIn the next two here The Grosse Pomte Roney Washington (Feb. 22) and land. Frances McDoDDeUaDd Emlly Turner. The tournament rai_ about $1,100 Abraham Lincoln (Feb 12). weeks, they Will relocate to & Co office has grown dramat- 8..lUlua1ly to enhance the bridge program. at the Neighborhood Club. The late mterlOr deSIgner D J Kennedy Ically," smd Greg Miller, a WiDif:red.S. Malcbie taught maay Grone Polnten how to play the game and helped & Co's former office locatIon on prmcIpal of the firm, and the The Grosse Pointe Woods organize the flrat fUDclraJaillg tounuuneDt. City Council meets at 7.90 the first floor of the Punch & Grosse Pomte branch manager pm m thE"mUnIcIpal offices Judy bUlldmg at 15 Kercheval Throughout the past decade at 20025 Mack Plaza. And the stockbrokers It Increased Its need for office G.P. Library begins ambitious promise the new location WIll space from 1,000 square feet to Tuesday, Feb. 18 not only be qUIte noticeable, 3,900 square feet at Its current The Vlllage of Groase but mVItll1g locatIOn under the Tudor roofs Pointe Shores COWICl1meets task of defining library of future "D J Kennedy has great Now there's no more room to at 7 p m m the mumClpal taste, we were able to keep the expand By Shirley A. McShane Central and the Woods and offices at 795 Lakeshore. puter lines" fireplace m the foyer, and In the Punch & Judy buIld- Slaff Wnter Park faCIlIties - play three LIbrary admmIstrators also many of the other speCIal mg, Roney & Co WIll have Thursday, Feb. 20 In a rare Saturday seSSIOn, promment roles they proVIde noted what Bruce saId mIght touches he added," saId Roney 7,000 square feet - mostly on the Grosse POInte lIbrary board popular fiction and non-fiction, be ObVIOUS- that the lIbrarIes & Co stockbroker Jeffrey the first floor, with a few offices The Grosse Pointe and administratIOn dISCUSSed chIldren's books and materIals, lhstoncal Society presents a are always m use and that traf- Taylor on the thIrd floor In-depth where the publIc and answer reference ques- fic ISheaVIest on the weekends, Kennedy. WIth the help of Several profeSSIOnals have program on Greenmead, lIbrary IS today .lnd where It bons In the hours ImmedIately after developer ChrIstopher Blake, approached Saga Communi- with Sue Daniel, chairman of needs to go for the future "All three faCIlities are the LI.vonia Hlstoncal school and m the early renovated the HIll buIldmg at catIOns, the owners of the A formal summary of the accessed proportIOnately hIgh evenIng CommissIOn, and Marion the corner of Kercheval and Tudor-style bUlldmgs to four-hour sessIOn on Feb. 8 was m the area of fictIOn, non-fic- Books on tape and CD.ROM Hall Place and now houses hIS InqUire about rentmg the first Renaud, program supervisor not compiled at press time, but bon and children's matenals," for Greenmead - whlch is collectIOns are grOWIng at all busmess there floor space Roney & Co WIll lIbrary board preSIdent John he saId "Our statistICS IndIcate the branches and contInue to Moreover, Roney & Co vacate, SaId MarCia Lobalto, Livonia's Histoncal Village, Bruce offered some hIghhghts that the Central LIbrary gets at 7:30 p.m, in the receptIon be popular with patrons, he stockbrokers emphasized they VIce preSIdent of Saga The first step was to deter- 65,000 to 70,000 reference saId WIll stock theIr new office WIth CommunIcatIOns Inc room of the Grosse Pointe mme and dISCUSSwhat the questloll8 a year and perhaps War Memonal, 32 "We talked about the pros state-of-the-art computers to lIbrary has today m terms of 45 to 50 percent of them are and cons of the paperless or stay on top of the multI-mIllIon Lobalto saId Saga's offices Lakeshore, Grosse Pointe space, what the SIze of the col- over the phone Farms. virtual lIbrary," he s81d "What dollar mvestments they han- comprIse the entIre second lectlon IS, how the library IS "That led us to a dISCUSSIon WlIl the future bnng m terms dle floor of the Thdor-style buIld- staffed and how each of the on what computers mean to the of computers vs the traditIOnal Roney & CO IS one of Ings branches IS used future of the lIbrary Is thIS a lIbrary?" MIchIgan's oldest and largest She explamed that Saga INSIDE Bruce s81d the board learned precursor of the kInds of thmgs brokerage firms as well as the puchased the bUlldmg for use that all threE' branches - that might be done over com- See LmRARY, page 2A state's longest-standmg mem- as Its headquarters It IS a Opmion 6A ber of the New York Stock publIc company, traded on Exchange AMEX, that owns 34 teleVISIon Obltuaries 15A Founded in DetrOIt In 1925, and radIO statIOns around the Schooh 16A It IS a full service mvestment country Senwrs 18A securities firm. stili headquar "We're not In the bu,ml' "of tered In DetrOIt, but also oper- beIng landlords, thIS I~ our Autos 22A atmg from 27 branch offices headquarters," Lobalto Said Busmess 24A through MIchIgan, OhIO and "So naturally, we WIll be look- Enrenzun~nt 7B Indiana mg for people lIke Roney & Co ThIS year marks the 72nd to rent the space," she said Sports lC anniversary of Roney & Co 's Classified ads 5C See RONEY, page 2A POINTER OF INTEREST Sherrill Jordan Zimmer Home: City of Grosse Pomte Age: 38 Family: Husband, Chmtopher, daughter, Alexandra, son, Pnce Occupation: MuseologIst and executIve director of PIto<o by Thea L W.lker the proposed MetropolI- tan ChIldren's Museum of Stamp of approval Detroit, to open m 200 I IDobeervance or Trombly Elementary School's 70th anniversary, parent Kenneth Dziuba. far right, deaigDed a cancellation stamp featurtng tbe lChool's weather Quote: "Detroit I~ the ftDe (wlJJcb depicta a teacher aDd three pupUs at their deaks) aDd arrauged to have la'lt major metropohtan U.S. Pe-tal Service worken at the Grone PoiDte Park school on Feb. 5 to CaDceI cIty to have a hand'l-Qn man. The event was quite popular .. man from around the COUDtry as well .. from mU'<eumJust for chldren " studenta, from left, ADne Marte Yeakey, 9, David Haberkorn, 9, Juatbl McMUIaD. 10. arrtved to be canceled by poetaJ cJerk Victoria Strlck1aDd. See story, page 4A 111ItI1l,I\I'ss'.II'<I1 ."111'--"'1" \1)\11,11',01\,(. ss~.;~ilil • (I \ ....'.0111111 .......~I,qilll • (11~(11 \llll\, ;1; ,,' • l'I~llllllll()\, ...,,'1<\'''1 ,. -.;.... -=;-..... : "";--~'~<,•• - ., ~'. COIlNaAftomal. , R04 (" ~(]m lIe n , ",nq now M~48f10, 1\1/11'1 091A SEQlJENCE IAool W,R lo~o 10<,111119770)] SCOTT ROlliNSON ".mn omq Ittrr .
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