WHO/EDM/QSM/2004.4 ENGLISH ONLY WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTE INDEX OF PHARMACOPOEIAS The data presented in this list have been provided by national pharmacopoeia commissions. The list is provided for reference purposes only and does not pretend to be complete. In order to bring this list up to date we would appreciate any additional data you may have. Please address your observations to Quality Assurance & Safety: Medicines, Essential Drugs and other Medicines, World Health Organization, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland, Fax: (0041 22) 791 47 30, or e-mail:
[email protected]. Index of pharmacopoeias © World Health Organization 2004 All rights reserved. WHO/EDM/QSM/2004.4 page 2 1. NATIONAL COUNTRY TITLE 1. PHARMACOPOEIA COMMISSIONS EDITION YEAR LANGUAGE 2. PUBLISHER/DISTRIBUTOR _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Argentina 1. & 2. Farmacopea Argentina 6th Edition 1978 Spanish Av. Caseros 2161, (1264) Capital Federal Buenos Aires, Argentina _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Austria 1. Arzneibuch Kommission, Bundesministerium für Gesundheit und Konsumenten Schutz Sektion Gesundheitswesen Radetzky Strasse 2, A-1031 Wien Österreichisches Arzneibuch 2. Verlag der Österreichischen Staatsdruckerei, Official Edition 1990 German Rennweg 12a, A-1030 Wien Addendum 1 1990 German Addendum 2 1991 German _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Brazil 1. Comissão Permanente de Revisão de Farmacopéia Brasileira Prédio 21 – Sala 5013 Caixa Postal 5083 CEP 97111-970 Santa Maria RS Farmacopéia Brasileira 2. Atheneu Editora - São Paolo Ltda. 4th Edition Part 1 1988 Portuguese 4th Edition Part 2, vol.1 1996 Portuguese 4th Edition Part 2, vol.2 2000 Portuguese 4th Edition Part 2, vol.3 2002 Portuguese 1. see above Brazilian Homeopathic 2. Organizações Andrei Editora S.A.