Check Register Attachments 110811

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Check Register Attachments 110811 City of Lancaster Check Register ! From Check No.: 7348369 - To Check No.: 7348699 Printed: 10/25/2011 10:41 From Check Date: 10/06/2011 - To Check Date: 10/21/2011 , Supplier Name Invoice Description Invoice Amt I Charge Code i 7348369 05991 CALPERS PERS CONTRIBUTION-PP20 128,514.68 101 2162000 132,822.25 101 4310121 (0.15) i 101 4545122 (4,307.42) 128,514.68 128,514.68 I 7348370 C2352 SMITH,' RONALD 0 RS-PR OM-SAN DIEGO-10/12-14/11 17750 101 4100201 177.50 , 7348371 C9512 AT&i1 09/11-LONG DISTANCE SERVICE 164.93 101 4315651 164.93 7348372 00595 AT & t 10/11- TELEPHONE SERVICE 574.73 101 4315651 574.73 ! 7348373 02721 AT & 11 ADVERTISING SOLUTIONS 08/11- YELLOW PAGE ADS 9.64 402 4650205 9.64 I 7348374 C0077 AVE K 2067 1/4H8-CPCTY FS-2012040002 6,028.00 227 11TR003924 6,028.00 ¡ 7348375 00107 A V PRESS 09/11-LEGAL ADVERTISING 720.80 101 4520263 289.34 ! 101 4520263 295.12 938 4542263 136.34 720.80 720.80 I 7348376 00107 A V PRFSS 09/11-SHOWCASE ADS 2,234.15 402 4650205 2,234.15 ! 7348377 00919 CA BUI!LDING STANDARDS JUL-SEP ii-GREEN BLDG FEE 501.00 251 2170000 557.00 251 3201120 (56.00) 501.00 501.00 ! 7348378 02820 CA DEfT OF FISH & GAME APP-STRMBD AL TRTN AGMT-AMRGSA 224.00 484 4743301 224.00 i 7348379 A2675 CA REIDEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION LEGAL DEFENSE FUND ASSESSMT #2 3,750.00 901 4540303 1,875.00 938 4542303 1,875.00 3,750.00 3,750.00 I 7348380 5062 DEPT (jF CNSRVTN-ADMIN SRV ACGT JUL-SEP ii-STRONG MOTION FEE 1,507.47 101 2172000 1,586.81 101 3588100 (79.34) , 1,507.47 1,507.47 7348381 00617 FEDE~AL EXPRESS CORPORATION EXPRESS MAILINGS 170.60 101 4310212 17.31 402 4650212 70.01 I 483 4725212 45.77 938 4542212 37.51 170.60 170.60 ! 7348382 02108 FRANiHISE TAX BOARD TAX WITHHOLDING ORDER 16.71 101 2159000 16.71 7348383 02108 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD TAX WITHHOLDING ORDER 30.00 101 2159000 30.00 ! 7348384 02108 FRANiHISETAX BOARD TAX WITHHOLDING ORDER 50.00 101 2159000 50.00 7348385 02108 FRANqHISE TAX BOARD TAX WITHHOLDING ORDER 100.00 101 2159000 100.00 Page 1 of23 City of Lancast~r Check Register From Check No.: 7348369 - To Check No.: 7348699 Printed: 10/25/2011 10:41 From Check Date: 10/06/2011 - To Check Date: 10/21/2011 Supplier Name I Invoice Description I InvoiceAmt I Charge Code 7348386 A8868 IBM CbRPORATION 09/11-08/12-SUPPORT RENEWAL 3,379.16 101 4820301 3,379.16 7348387 02381 INTERLL REVENUE SERVICE LEVY PROCEEDS 150.00 101 2159000 150.00 i 7348388 02652 L A col REGISTRAR-RECORDER AFF OF ACCEPTANCE-CUP 08-10 21.00 101 4520361 21.00 i 7348389 02652 L A co! REGISTRAR-RECORDER AFF OF ACCEPTANCE-CUP 11-03 21.00 101 4520361 21.00 ! 7348390 02652 L A co! REGISTRAR-RECORDER AFF OF ACCEPTANCE-CUP 11-05 21.00 101 4520361 21.00 ! 7348391 02652 L A CO! REGISTRAR-RECORDER AFF OF ACCEPTANCE-CUP 11-06 21.00 101 4520361 21.00 , 7348392 05422 L A CO! SHERIFF'S DEPT CASE NO: 02C02770 125.00 101 2159000 125.00 ! 7348393 1215 LA COiWATERWORKS 07/18-10104/11-WATER SERVICE 3,417.37 203 4740654 2,468.11 363 4542790 366.67 482 4747654 465.70 920 3102824 34.66 920 3602824 82.23 3,417.37 3,417.37 7348394 C9827 MICHIGAN ST DISBURSEMENT UNIT CASE NO: 9170003833,2000004818 263.61 101 2159000 263.61 i i 7348395 C1913 NEXTSL COMMUNICATIONS 08/26-09/25/11-WIRELESS SRVC 217.36 101 4720455 217.36 7348396 A7221 PER J LONG TERM CARE PROGRAM 1011-RETIREES LNG TRM CRE PRM 848.52 109 4330136 848.52 i 7348397 04361 PROTE¡CTION ONE LMS-10/11-ELEVATOR MONITORING 25.20 101 4632402 25.20 7348398 04361 PROTJCTION ONE LMS-10/11-ALARM MONITORING 33.02 101 4632402 33.02 I 7348399 04361 PROTECTION ONE PK&S-10/11-ALARM MONITORING 44.84 101 4651402 44.84 I 7348400 1705 QUARirZ HILL WATER DISTRICT 09/01-10/06/11-WATER SERVICE 893.28 363 4542790 177.13 ! 920 2002822 716.15 893.28 893.28 7348401 03154 SO CAIEDISON 09/01-10/01/11-ELECTRIC SRVC 385.97 483 4725660 385.97 7348402 03154 SO CA!EDISON 09/01-10107/11-ELECTRIC SRVC 4,973.70 101 4631652 1,572.03 101 11DROO1924 2,051.93 227 11 GS004924 66.36 363 4542790 43.81 482 4747652 140.21 483 4725652 47.37 483 4725660 757.83 920 1302822 14.60 920 1402822 61.74 920 1402824 1.32 920 3102819 51.48 Page 2 of23 City of Lancaster Check Register From Check No.: 7348369 - To Check No.: 7348699 Printed: 10/25/2011 10:41 From Check Date: 10/06/2011 - To Check Date: 10/21/2011 Invoice Description InvoiceAmt GLAmount I I Check No I Supplier I Supplier Name I I I Charge Code I 920 3102822 81.74 920 3102824 15.64 930 9906819 67.64 4,973.70 4,973.70 7348403 03154 SO CAl EDISON 08/03-1 0102/11-ELECTRIC SRVC 6,918.54 203 4740652 1,002.62 ! 482 4747652 5,494.15 484 4743652 421.77 I 6,918.54 6,918.54 7348404 03154 SO CAIEDISON 08/03-1 0102/11-ELECTRIC SRVC 7,068.12 483 4725652 7,024.62 483 4725660 43.50 7,068.12 7,068.12 ! i 7348405 1907 SO CA!GAS COMPANY 07/25-08/23/11-GAS SERVICE 9.70 920 3102822 9.70 , ! 7348406 C2555 TIME WARNER CABLE 09/26-1 0/25/11-WIRELESS ROUTER 4.95 402 4650257 4.95 i 7348407 00311 TIME WARNER CABLE PAC-ADVERTISING-E BORTNICK 300.00 402 4650205 300.00 i 7348408 C2555 TIME VYARNER CABLE 1 0108-11/07l1-BCE 2.0M EPL 342.21 101 4820651 342.21 , 7348409 00311 TIME V\ARNER CABLE PAC-ADVERTISING-E BORTNICK 420.00 402 4650205 420.00 7348410 00311 TIME ~ARNER CABLE PAC-ADVERTISING-BENISE 469.00 402 4650205 469.00 , 7348411 C2555 TIME WARNER CABLE 10/11 BCF FIBER METRO E/INET 3,830.21 101 4315651 3,830.21 ! 7348412 C8046 US DElPT OF EDUCATION DEBT SRVC COLLECTION 255.19 101 2159000 255.19 i 7348413 01712 VERIZ0N CALIFORNIA 09/28-10/27/11- TELEPHONE SRVC 53.82 101 4315651 53.82 i 7348414 2400 XEROX CORPORATION 09/11-COPI ER LEASE-WEY -678662 2,322.03 101 4310254 2,322.03 ! 7348415 04553 A A E~UIPMENT CO NSC-THATCHING BLADES FOR MOWER 838.31 101 4635207 838.31 7348416 5105 A V D9MESTIC VIOLENCE COUNCIL HPRP-08/11-EMPLEE/OPER EXPENSE 5,327.67 364 4542306 1,398.69 364 4542770 i 3,928.98 5,327.67 5,327.67 I 7348417 01445 A V PARTNERS FOR HEALTH 09/11-RENEW GRANT 1,47216 399 4200770 1,472.16 7348418 01058 A V TRbpHY & UNIFORM CO PLAQUES(5)-IDA KETCHUM 66.16 101 4100205 66.16 i A V WEB DESIGNS SOL-1011-MONTHLY HOSTNG CHRGS 99.95 101 4684222 99.95 7348419 06294 i i 7348420 05445 ADELMAN BROADCASTING, INC 09/11-KGBB ADS-SHANGILA CHNSE 1,000.00 402 4650205 1,000.00 i 7348421 05956 ADVANCED PRINTING & GRAPHICS SOL-BADGES 45.17 101 4684222 45.17 7348422 00127 ALL GLASS & PLASTICS NSC-OFFICE DOOR REPAIRS 145.00 101 4635402 145.00 ! 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    EMERGENCY PROCEDURES EMERGENCY NUMBERS ALARM SIGNAL CAMPUS SeCURITY (on-campus phones) .........4444 Evacuate building: Proceed to the designated CAMPUS SeCURITY (on-campus pay phones) ....*80 parking lot for your building. Keep walkways MeDICAL, FIRE, POLICE .............................................. 911 clear for emergency vehicles. Refer to the Area Evacuation Map to determine your designated POISON CONTROL ................................1(800) 876-4766 parking lot. Remember that security personnel may order an event-specific change in evacu- NON-EMERGENCY NUMBERS ation route and destination in order to avoid a CAMPUS SeCURITY ...........................................722-6399 hazard. FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE ...722-6300, ext. 6480 DO NOT RETURN TO THE BUILDING UNTIL AVC OPERATOR ................................................................... 0 TOLD TO DO SO. YOU ARE IN BUILDING: _______________ ROOM: ______________ FIRE 1. Know the location of fire extinguishers in your area and know how to use them. 2. Drop and roll if you and /or your clothes catch on fire. 3. Immediately call campus security at ext. 4444 or 6399 or use a campus pay phone and dial *80 or use a cell phone and dial (661) 722-6399. Give your name and describe the location and size of the fire. 4. If necessary, or if directed to do so by campus security personnel, activate the building alarm. 5. On large fires that are not immediately controllable, or after using the fire extinguisher, close all doors to confine the fire and reduce oxygen—but do not lock them. 6. Proceed to the designated parking lot for your building. Keep walkways clear for emergency vehicles. Refer to the Area Evacuation Map to determine your designated parking lot.
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