Dynamics AX

Microsoft Dynamics AX Factsheet


Microsoft | 1 AX

Emerging tends 44% 84+16+V35% in finance of the U.S. workforce will be Percent of finance executives By the numbers Millennials in 2025.1 who said they would increase investment in business intelligence and analytics in the next 12 months.2

14 million billion 44+56U Number of companies 20.8 $3.8 heading offshore 5

Projected number of Internet The average cost of a data connected objects by 2020.3 breach in 2015.4 84+16+V16%

U.S. CFOs assigned a 16% probability that a recession

6 -

will occur within 12 months. 2011 1997 1983 1995 1996 1998 1999 2001 2010 2012 2013 1994 2014 2007 2000 2002 2005 2006 2008 2009 2004

48.1% Sources: The fall of the COO 1. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2014 has led to the rise of the CFO 7 44.9% 2. CFO Research, Global Business and 44.0% Spending Monitor 2015, 2015 42.3% 41.6% 3. Gartner, Inc., Forecast: The Internet of 41.5% Things, Worldwide, November 2015 39.4% 4. IBM, 2015 Cost of Data Breach Study, 2015 35.2% 5. Congressional Research Service; Bloomberg, 2014 6. Duke Fuqua School of Business, Duke CFO Global Business Outlook, 2015 7. Crist | Kolder, Volatility Report 2013, 2013

2000 Z 2003 Z 2006 Z 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 18+15+14+13+12+11+9+51+0+0+1+0+3+2+3+5+4+4+6+6+1+0+4+8+9+2+2+9+7+14Microsoft | 2 Microsoft Dynamics AX

Microsoft Dynamics AX Factsheet



Empowering Finance A look at the data Driving performance Core product deep dive Microsoft Dynamics AX Why Microsoft?

Microsoft | 3 Microsoft Dynamics AX

Driving performance through intelligent insights As a modern finance leader you need to monitor the pulse of your business with a holistic view of all important in- formation in a single place. You need to collect data from across various sources like Excel spreadsheets, web analytics, , and CRM systems and bring that data to life in seconds through personalized dashboards, workspaces and reports that can help you make the right data-driven decisions. Microsoft Dynamics AX combined with business intelligence tools, like Microsoft Power BI, Azure Machine learning and Cortana Analytics help you not only get deeper business insights but also ability to an- ticipate business needs moving finance professionals from controllership to stewardship.

Microsoft | 4 Microsoft Dynamics AX

Minimize risks with self-service tools that reach all Drive corporate performance employees. Use technology to securely automate processes within with real-time access to your finance department and across the company. Ad- organizational and market data dress operational risks that could adversely affect your business with the productivity tools that people know and trust. Enforce corporate policies through collabora- Monitor the pulse of your business with real-time access to tion tools that empower you to communicate best prac- business intelligence tices across the organization. Drive corporate performance with familiar data visu- alization tools that allow your workforce to dive into Drive corporate strategy and growth through business agility insights and collaborate. Manage your business processes with a connected Build a true digital, data-driven enterprise by connecting ERP solution. everything across their organization – people, processes, Simple to learn and use, this gives you the agility to ex- data, and systems. Then give your people familiar data pand business opportunities and modify processes. Con- visualization tools that allow them to dive into insights nect your people, operations, and partners with a single and collaborate to drive business impact. unified solution to help you manage global complexity and make the most of new opportunities. With a flexible Grow your business by predicting, evaluating, and re- and interoperable architecture you can take advantage sponding to market opportunities in real-time. of existing investments and get fast time to value while, Use machine learning to anticipate market trends and lowering the total cost of ownership (TCO). predict areas of focus. Evaluate market opportunities in real-time by taking your own internal data and combin- Innovate around new business models. ing it with external data in seconds. Get insights from mil- The low up-front costs and capabilities of a hyper-scale lions of rows of data without any technical expertise and cloud provider enable finance executives to grow the use it to share compelling information. Drive business im- business and rapidly implement new business models pact and make faster decisions with secure, instant access and sources of . Rely on the most trustworthy to visual data on any device. cloud platform with the most secure, transparent, private cloud services in the industry to protect your business Assess and manage risk through operational leadership and grow it into the future. Gain increased visibility to organizational risks with a single view into your business. Connect subsidiaries and partners quickly. Risks come in all shapes and sizes. From controllership Growth in business is happening around the world, from risks to external risks, technology tools can help you acquisitions and mergers to the launch of new subsid- identify potential issues that can then be assessed and iaries and partners. Each of these organizations often remediated. Quickly, easily, and securely migrate your brings their own set of tools and systems which need to unique public and private data into the cloud to create a be carefully incorporated into a centrally managed sys- single, integrated view into the organization. tem to support a unified view across the business. From local deployments to large international rollouts, compa- nies around the world are linking their own ERP systems, like SAP, to Microsoft Dynamics CRM and AX to provide their finance teams with 360-degree views of customers and the business any time and any place. Microsoft gives you the flexibility to scale with a cloud solution that offers global availability and flexibility to fit the way you work.

Microsoft | 5 Microsoft Dynamics AX

Core product deep dive

Financial Provide a fast and efficient way to register financial trans- actions, manage relationships between subsidiaries and the parent organization, manage internal cost , currency translation, and reports in any supported curren- cy. Gain financial insight, help control expenditures, and support the enforcement of accounting policies and rules.

Project management and accounting Help project managers gain increased visibility into and control over schedules, resources, time and , as well as funding and billing arrangements across both in- ternal cost and external revenue projects. Leverage built- in integration with other Microsoft Dynamics AX domains, including general , sales, service, procurement, and production to address a wide range of business processes and models.

Microsoft | 6 Microsoft Dynamics AX

Financial management

Workspaces planning and control

New with activity-based Workspaces with flexible Manage your organization’s budget, provide finance professionals with configuration options for setup and including flexible configuration op- task specific experience, including a maintenance of general ledger. Share tions, instant calculation of available new user task guide, and integration data such as or cur- budget funds, pooling of , with O365 productivity and collabo- rency exchange rates across multiple and budget workflows for review ration applications. legal entities. Flexible journal entry and approval. Configurable budget for all account types. Gain insight and planning supporting a flexible chart reduce data entry errors by using un- of accounts and dimensions, cus- limited financial dimensions, self-bal- tom-defined process configurations, ancing dimensions, and advanced workflows, and the use of Micro- account structures and rules. Support soft Excel to estimate costs, create of period-end allocation, elimination, scenarios and create a budget plan and consolidation. worksheet for using the wizard in Microsoft Dynamics AX. Automatically route the budget plans together with worksheets, justifica- tions, and attachments for reviews and approvals. Enforce legal appro- priation compliance and simultane- ously allow lower-level departmental budgets with multiple, variable, and hierarchical level budgetary controls. Business intelligence and bank management Offer summary/total dimensions when you analyze and update bud- get plans by using multiple scenarios. The new Microsoft Dynamics AX en- Manage and easily obtain the finan- ables you to visualize and get im- cial information required to track mediate insights from your data by bank accounts. Track payments and seamless integration with Power BI. deposits efficiently with electronic It enables you to find, sort, visualize, payment files and support for pay- and use information easily with an in- ment types, including checks, bills of tuitive user interface and in the con- exchange, promissory notes, letters text of your work. of guarantee, and letter of credit. Rec- oncile recorded transactions to the company’s bank statement. Enable review process controls to ensure ac- curacy and control of processes.

Microsoft | 7 Microsoft Dynamics AX

Financial management

Inter-company accounting and Accounts payable Fixed shared services support

Manage vendors; record, match, and Manage the full accounting lifecycle Book transactions across subsidiaries pay invoices; allocate charges; pay of assets from acquisition to depreci- and the parent company. Consolidate , commissions, and salaries. ation and transfer/disposition. Easily financial records. Support shared ser- Automatically create payment pro- set up, maintain, and track the valu- vices in organizations with multiple posals or record vendor prepayments. ation of fixed assets. Track multiple legal entities by using centralized Support for electronic payment files valuations for the same fixed by processing of customer and vendor or check printing. Use policies, work- using different methods payments. flow, and budget controls to ensure and conventions. Record forecast in accuracy and control of processes. a fixed budget journal. Use workflow Offer vendors access to relevant in- and budget controls to ensure accu- formation through the vendor portal. racy and control of the process.

Accounts receivable Environmental sustainability

Manage customers and invoicing; Record, track, and analyze costs as- Book transactions across subsidiaries track invoices, terms, and discounts. sociated with products or activities. and the parent company. Consolidate Support for a variety of payment and Evaluate inventory by standard cost financial records. Support shared ser- credit notes needs, including cred- or actual cost, cost flow assumptions, vices in organizations with multiple it card processing using electronic weighted average, FIFO, LIFO, or legal entities by using centralized payment, processing using standard moving average. Get insight by pre- processing of customer and vendor banking formats, settlement priori- defined reports or BI-Cube contain- payments. ty for automatic settlements, flexible ing measurements and KPIs. payment terms, deposit slip integra- tion, post-dated checks, and bill of exchange processing. Manage col- lection efforts with tools that help interact with customers, document collections activities, and take action when needed such as interest notes and write-off functionality.

Microsoft | 8 Microsoft Dynamics AX

Financial management

Compliance and internal Financial reporting controls

Financial statements enable a cus- Global organizations can have com- Help ensure compliance with laws, tom reporting structure and mapping plex consolidation scenarios. Often regulations, policies, and business of ledger accounts or dimensions to legal entities that need to be con- rules. Manage the implementation the reporting structures. Financial re- solidated have different chart of ac- and execution of internal controls ports, to comply with legal require- counts and fiscal periods. The con- with the Compliance Center. Create ments and international accounting solidation process in Management documentation for processes, tasks, standards, include , Reporter, which is now part of the and activities automatically with the , and cash flow Microsoft Dynamics AX installation, build in task recorder. Ensure that statement. Financial statements are supports these scenarios without the organizational processes are consis- compatible with Extensible Business need for an elimination company. tently followed by creating policies. Reporting Language (XBRL). Workflow helps organizations to per- form more processes faster and more Create boardroom-quality financial consistently. Actively monitor data statements and reports without IT as- changes with alerts. Get approval sistance, consolidate across both Mi- information for user-defined compli- crosoft Dynamics ERP and other gen- ance control processes electronically eral , and take advantage of with electronic signatures. secure report distribution and storage Logging and Trail makes it pos- using Management Reporter. Collab- sible to track, trace, and report chang- orate on financial reports using the es to Microsoft Dynamics AX data Web-based report viewer. Manage- fields and tables that are relevant to ment Reporter is currently translated your compliance strategy. Microsoft for use in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Country-specific capabilities Dynamics AX supports segregation Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, of duties. Improve employee compli- India, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, ance awareness and training by pub- Netherlands, New Zealand, Peoples Supports multiple currencies, as well lishing practices and standard oper- Republic of China, Russia, Singapore, as country-specific capabilities to ating procedures and making them South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Unit- help organizations meet local and re- available within the organization. ed Kingdom, and United States. gional financial regulations (such as value-added tax (VAT) requirements) In addition, gain insight into the or- and market requirements (such as ganization’s financials using trans- electronic banking) in 36 countries actional reports (retrieve data from (see Product Availability Guide for the transaction processing database), more information). analytical reports (retrieve data from Microsoft SQL Server® Analysis Ser- vices cubes), and key performance indicators (KPIs). Examples of pre- defined cubes for the financial do- main are accounts payable, accounts receivable, environmental sustain- ability, and general ledger.

Microsoft | 9 Microsoft Dynamics AX

Project management and accounting

Project resource and schedule Project management Project time and expense management

Plan, create, manage, control, and Schedule tasks while finding and as- Capture project time and ex- complete projects for your organi- signing available resources by skill pense quickly and accurately. En- zation, including time and materials, set, project experience, certifica- ter timesheets through project time fixed price, and internal projects such tion, education, and other attributes management or Enterprise Portal as investment, cost, and time projects. within or across companies. Track taking advantage of automatic in- Create a project hierarchy compris- schedules, manpower utilization, and ter-company settlements for assign- ing multiple sub-projects. Easily plan cost to complete. Make better proj- ments across legal entities. Time projects, large or small, by matching ect staffing decisions with enhanced entry is supported by an approval work requirements with available re- views into resource availability, skills, process. Charge travel-related ex- sources. and costs across legal entities and penses against specific projects with divisions and take advantage of the expense management. Full integra- built-in integration to do complex tion with expense management en- planning in Microsoft Project client ables expenses to be distributed to and schedule resources visually in Mi- a single project or across multiple crosoft Dynamics AX in order to bet- projects. Additionally, with this new ter balance resources across projects/ release submit time, expense, and organizations. approvals from various mobile de- vices (Windows Phone, Windows 8, Android and iOS devices) while out of the office and on the road.

Work breakdown structures

Take advantage of work breakdown structure (WBS) templates to quick- ly and easily plan common types of projects. Create your own hierarchical WBS for more detailed control. Add specific information to these activ- ities, including schedule, require- ments, estimated cost and revenue, and worker attributes.

Microsoft | 10 Microsoft Dynamics AX

Project management and accounting

Project budgeting and cost Project accounting and invoicing Project quotations control

Enter and itemize project costs, em- Work breakdown templates enable Manage projects with forecast (hour, ployee hours, materials used, and you to quickly build accurate project expense, item, fee, on-account) and fees incurred. Streamline billing of quotations. And project quotation budgets. Project budgets are work- projects by creating and editing in- profitability analysis helps you select flow-enabled for approval of origi- voice proposals for hours, expenses, the right opportunities to pursue. nal budgets and revisions. Maintain items, sales orders, fees, subscrip- Gain visibility into project initiation project cost control by summarizing tions, advance and deduction pay- with quotation approval workflows. actual cost, committed cost, and re- ments, or milestones. Split billing Interconnect teams with the integra- maining budget to discover total ex- enables shared project costs between tion of Microsoft Dynamics CRM and pected cost, and compare with the multiple customers or internal or- AX for synchronized costing, pricing, original budget. Measure utilization ganizations. Retention terms can be and delivery team visibility. rates by comparing actual hours to specified on customer invoices and budgeted hours. Compare the status vendor payments. Approval workflow of invoiced and chargeable transac- ensures accurate project invoices be- tions of a project or contract with the fore they are sent to the customer. project quotation. Schedule payments to project ven- dors when you receive payments from customers (pay when paid). Retain part of payment to a vendor. Funding limits enforce contractual caps on project costs. and work- Grant management in-progress (WIP)

Manage project and grant fund- Recognize actual costs to avoid po- ing by associating multiple funding tential cost overruns. Post and ac- sources with a project or grant, op- crue revenue for fixed-price projects tionally linking any transaction to a based on completion percentage or specific funding source, prioritizing completed contract. Accrue revenue funding sources, and restricting fund- or capitalize costs for time-and-ma- ing sources to exclusive activities or terial projects to recognize gross classes of expenditures. margin. Handle WIP for investment projects during the project before fi- nal elimination of the WIP value to a upon completion.

Microsoft | 11 Microsoft Dynamics AX

Project management and accounting

Interoperability with Microsoft Reporting Project

Projects can be integrated with the Gain insight in project management scheduling and resource manage- performance with predefined KPIs in ment capabilities of Microsoft Project the project accounting cube. Access Server to streamline project manage- standard reports including reports for ment for any size of project. Take ad- profit and loss, consumed costs, pay- vantage of bidirectional interoperabil- roll allocation, invoice on-account, ity with Microsoft Project for projects, actual versus budgeted costs, and activities, tasks, and resource alloca- cash flow. Project control gives you a tion. Synchronize project information real-time snapshot of project perfor- into Microsoft Office 365 for broad- mance. Utilization control gives you er team collaboration and sharing. a real-time snapshot of project per- formance. Enhance business insights accelerate decisions with role-specific project plan, cost, and effort tracking views. Improve views into project and portfolio status with new Power BI data and project management KPIs (such as planned versus actual costs and earned value).

One Microsoft

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Build. Deploy. Operate.

Microsoft | 12 Microsoft Dynamics AX

Microsoft Dynamics AX What’s new?


Financial management

Account structures Many customers have requested the ability to export account structures to Excel for easier enhancements filtering. In this new release, we’ve made enhancements to this feature and now You can now select an account structure and export it to Excel.

Also, FactBoxes have been added to the account structure page for easier access to important information when account structures are defined and edited.

Chart of accounts page FactBoxes have been added to the Chart of accounts page for easier access to important enhancements information when a chart of accounts is defined and assigned.

Trial balance list page An additional parameter has been added to the list page to include closing updates transactions in addition to closing period adjustments. We’ve made this addition for a more concise analysis of data and it is also required for regulatory reporting in some countries/ regions.

Microsoft | 13 Microsoft Dynamics AX

Financial management

Global journal entry The ability to enter a for any company the user has access to regardless of the company the user is logged into to improve efficiency of organizations consisting of multiple legal entities.

General journal The workspace can be accessed through the Dynamics AX dashboard. It includes different processing workspace views of general journal entries such as journals posted this period, journals posted previous period, and any unposted journals. The workspace also provides the ability to enter, post, and approve journal entries in addition to commonly used inquiries such as Trial balance.

Accounting source New inquiry that provides greater visibility into the source of general journal account explorer entries, making analysis and reconciliation easier for customers. Accounting source explorer is currently enabled for entries originating from expense, timesheet, and vendor invoices. Additional integration points will be added in subsequent releases.

Financial reporting in Twenty-two out-of-the-box financial reports are included in Dynamics AX to give customers Dynamics AX a jumpstart on report design. These 22 reports can be accessed from multiple menu items within the Dynamics AX. Report options have been added so that different filters can be applied to these out-of-the-box reports as well as to any custom reports. These options allow consumers of financial reports to now apply different filters for dimensions, dates, attributes, and scenarios without requiring updates to report designs.

Viewing financial reports All financial reports created in Management Reporter – report designer can be accessed in the Dynamics AX client. The user selects a report to view, and the report is displayed in the client. Due to this new feature, you can now view financial reports without having to access a different client/application.

Content pack for in this new release, we are adding a “Monitor financial performance” content pack for PowerBI PowerBI that could help you analyze financial data. By creating greater integration between Dynamics AX and Power BI, organizations can deploy a PowerBI financial performance dashboard containing Dynamics AX financial data with just a few clicks. The content can then be personalized to meet organizational needs.

Ledger budgets and The workspace can be accessed through the Dynamics AX dashboard. It includes links to forecasts workspace several new inquiry pages such as actuals vs. budget summary, Budget control statistic summary, Budget register entries, and Budget plans. This new workspace combines all budget maintenance and monitoring task in one place that is easy for budget managers or accounting managers to use.

Microsoft | 14 Microsoft Dynamics AX

Financial management

Budget plans and Due to the new enhancements you can now have the flexibility to create and edit budget forecasts enhancements plans by using both Excel and the Dynamics AX client. Templates for Excel workbooks can be generated by using the Budget plan layout setup. You can combine selected financial dimensions, user-defined columns, and other row attributes (such as comments, projects, and assets) in the layout; Users can switch the layout for the budget plan document on the fly and edit data by using any selected layout. Additionally, budget planning configuration is simplified by eliminating scenario constraints and using layouts to define which data can be viewed and edited in each budget plan document stage.

Vendor Invoice In this release we are consolidating both vendor invoice transaction reports and the detailed Transactions report due day list report into one single report. Due to this change, we are eliminating the needs enhancement of printing out two separate but related reports.

Generate regulatory In this release, we are providing with a unified experience to display reports on both digital reports enhancement and printed copy. We adding the option to generate regulatory reports directly in PDF format.

Payment file validation In this release we have made changes to the payment file generation process by adding a verification step to help verify that kana name fields contain only the right characters permitted by the JBA bank format.

Settlement process For periods that have many tax transactions, the process can be time consuming and it update might be better to run the process in the background. Due to this requirements, in this release we have added the option for the settlement process to run as a batch process. You can set this option directly on the Sales tax settlement period page and specify to run the settlement process in batch mode.

Financial period close The workspace can be accessed through the Dynamics AX dashboard. The Financial period workspace close workspace facilitates the closing process by enabling users to define, schedule and communicate close activities within or across companies. The end result is a reduction in the number of days to close.

Customer invoicing The workspace can be accessed through the Dynamics AX dashboard. The primary function workspace of this workspace is to facilitate the customer invoicing process. It includes different views of invoice work to be completed as well as invoice posting history. Links are provided to commonly used inquiries, reports and menu items such as customer invoices, shipped but not invoiced report and the invoice journal.

Microsoft | 15 Microsoft Dynamics AX

Financial management

Vendor invoice entry a The workspace can be accessed through the Dynamics AX dashboard. The primary workspace function of this workspace is to facilitate the entry of vendor invoices. It includes different views of purchase orders and product receipts that are ready to be invoiced as well as unposted vendor invoices. Links are provided to commonly used inquires and menu items such as open vendor invoices and the invoice journal.

Vendor payments The workspace can be accessed through the Dynamics AX dashboard. The primary function workspace of this workspace is to create vendor payments. It includes different views of invoices and payments such as invoices past due and payments not settled. Links are provided to commonly used inquires and reports such as vendors on hold and the vendor aging report.

Accrued purchases A new report has been added to provide insight into the documents that have been report received but not invoiced enabling invoicing clerks to better predict their workload. Additionally, this report can be used to aid in the reconciliation the Accounts Payable sub- ledger and the General Ledger.

Payment advice report The payment advice report is now using Print management, allowing the report to be emailed separately to each vendor or customer. In addition, you now have the ability to reprint this report after the payment has been generated but before it’s posted. The ability to reprint the report after the payments are posted has also been added for additional payment types.

Human capital management

Settlement process For periods that have many tax transactions, the process can be time consuming and it update might be better to run the process in the background. Due to this requirements, in this release we have added the option for the settlement process to run as a batch process. You can set this option directly on the Sales tax settlement period page and specify to run the settlement process in batch mode.

Participant records Upon completion of a course, a new option will be available to update a participant’s automatic update records with the new skills and certificates. Due to this new update an automatic update of employee records take place.

Quickly verify Your HR department doesn’t need to have access to multiple pages any more to verify start employment update date, manager, months in position, and compensation data. The HR corresponding person can quickly verify employment by using a workspace or the employee page.

Microsoft | 16 Microsoft Dynamics AX

Human capital management

Employee personal data Let’s employees take control of their information whether that involves updating address update or contact information, applying for a job, taking a questionnaire, or updating their image. When a workflow is enabled, information can be reviewed by an approver or automatically approved, based on your business processes. This feature is enabled, and will let employees and contractors view a wide range of personal data. Optionally, a workflow can be used when information is created, updated, or deleted.

Employee data update This new feature will allow managers to access important employee data, for them to make better decisions about resourcing, performance, and employee development. Depending on configuration settings and security, managers are empowered to view or edit employee information.

Encrypted ID numbers Encrypted employee ID numbers are critical to secure data management. In this release we are adding encryption to all employee (SSN) numbers.

Compensation This feature provides an excellent audit of the process and the outcome of the process. It processing results also provides a comprehensive view of the data before employee records are updated. update Compensation processing results can now be accessed at any point after the process has run.

Benefits processing This feature provides a comprehensive view of the data that is updated by benefit results update enrollment and cost changes. Benefits processing results can now be accessed at any point after the process has run.

“Date Effective” timeline This feature saves time when you view changes that have occurred over time to employees, changes positions, and job records. It lets you quickly compare two versions of a record, or all records, over time. This comparison tool is available for employees, positions, and jobs and it provides a comprehensive view of changes from one version of a record to another.

View employees by This feature provides a filtered view of employees that are employed in the logged-on company update company. For an unfiltered view of all employees and contractors, the worker list is still available. In Dynamics AX, the system doesn’t change company based on the employee that is selected in the list. Employee and contractor lists are automatically filtered by the company that you’re logged on to.

Course participants list This feature provides an easy way to update course participants that might have registered update by mistake. Course participants can be removed from the participants list.

Manage compensation This feature provides a simple, streamlined process for updating employee records through events updates the compensation workspace and related pages.

Microsoft | 17 Microsoft Dynamics AX

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Grow at your pace Helps your businesses grow at your pace with the choice and flexibility to modernize your business.

Transform business faster Enables businesses to simplify and speed up their busi- ness processes.

Make smarter decisions quicker Empowers your people to make smarter decisions quick- er, so they are ready for anything.

Microsoft | 18 Microsoft Dynamics AX

Grow business at your pace

Evolve your business with the Get peace of mind with trusted Scale your business operations choice & flexibility of the cloud cloud globally

• With the same code base, data • Easily set up segregation of duty • Get the flexibility to deploy or model and technical infrastructure with minimal maintenance of user expand your business operations across deployments, you can easily accounts with a simple single sign- globally with Microsoft Azure deploy and/ or move from private on through Azure availability in 140 countries, to public cloud when your business in the cloud and federation to including China, all backed by requires you to do so. your people using an on-premises Microsoft’s $15 billion investment in deployment. global data center infrastructure. • Get the flexibility, speed and cost benefits of running your ERP • Get the peace of mind with Azure • Match your business growth by solution private cloud (on-premises) SLA for uptime, disaster recovery easily adding users and business and your development, test and DR in the cloud across both public and scenarios in a “pay as you go” in the public cloud. private cloud deployments. model.

• Keep your business running while • Get the security and compliance taking advantage of cutting edge of the Microsoft Azure cloud technology as you help your with adherence to WW security business migrate from and connect standards. with existing/ legacy systems in heterogeneous landscapes integrate with cloud through a modern integration platform.

Microsoft | 19 Microsoft Dynamics AX

Transform business faster

Improve business planning with Faster time to value from Readily available resources and predictable implementations technology investments solutions

• Support your end-to-end • Easily validate predefined and • With new added support for Visual application lifecycle through an automate deployment of business Studio on-premises or in the cloud extension of Lifecycle Services processes and data to get your your people can use their existing with new methodologies and business up and running faster. skill set to optimize processes to best practices driven toolsets for meet your business needs. implementation, updates and • Enable business analysts to support. streamline business processes and respond rapidly to changing • Support your business in the cloud business conditions. and on-premises with Microsoft Lifecycle Services (LCS). • Simplify and accelerate your updates through predefined • Reduce risk to your organization methodologies, automated testing with a flexible solution architecture and code merge while minimizing that enables incremental business disruption. implementations, changes, or updates. • Provide self-service learning and resources to your people • Use telemetry and diagnostics, to to optimize system usage and improve product usage and identify ultimately streamline business issues so you can proactively processes. minimize downtime.

Microsoft | 20 Microsoft Dynamics AX

Make smarter decisions quicker

Enable people to quickly get Empower people to work and Access your information nearly operational insights collaborate faster anywhere on any device

• Dynamics AX uses in-memory • A new guided user experience gets • A fully browser based, new html5 BI to give your people real time your people up to speed quickly client that runs across browsers, operational insights so they can with an easy-to-use, and familiar devices and platforms gives your make informed decisions. solution that looks and works like people to access their business Microsoft Office 365. application regardless of the device • Enable people to find, sort, or platform. visualize, and use information • Enable your people to be more easily with an intuitive user productive with activity-based • Give your business the capability to interface that provides contextual Workspaces to provide a task extend and build business specific insights through Power BI. specific experience, new user task mobile apps through a mobile guide), and integration with O365 SDK and make them available to • Plan and anticipate customer needs productivity and collaboration your employees through a private through the use of Azure machine applications. marketplace. learning capabilities. • Work faster, enable collaboration and get insights by seamlessly sharing information between Microsoft Dynamics AX and Dynamics. CRM, Office 365 and Power BI.

Microsoft | 21 Microsoft Dynamics AX

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Use the cloud your way Run your business and operations across mixed IT environments in a secure and trusted cloud from Microsoft.

Simplify your application lifecycle Change the of deployment, operations and support.

Reinvent your productivity with intelligence Boost productivity with broad adoption and re- al-time operational insights on nearly any device, anywhere.

Microsoft | 22 Microsoft Dynamics AX

Use the cloud your way

Gain the choice and flexibility of Get the peace of mind with Match your business growth hybrid cloud trusted cloud with a single global solution

With the same code base, data mod- Easily set up segregation of duty with Get the flexibility to deploy or ex- el and technical infrastructure across minimal maintenance of user ac- pand your business operations glob- deployments, you can easily deploy counts with a simple single sign-on ally with Microsoft Azure availability and/ or move from private to public through Azure Active directory in the in 140 countries, including China, all cloud when your business requires cloud and federation to your people backed by Microsoft’s $15 billion in- you to do so. using an on-premises deployment. vestment in global data center infra- structure. Get the flexibility, speed and cost Get the peace of mind with Azure SLA benefits of running your ERP solution for uptime, disaster recovery in the Match your business growth by easily private cloud (on-premises) and your cloud across both public and private adding users and business scenarios development, test and DR in the pub- cloud deployments in a “pay as you go” model. lic cloud. Get the security and compliance of Keep your business running while the Microsoft Azure cloud with ad- taking advantage of cutting edge herence to WW security standards. technology as you help your busi- ness migrate from and connect with existing/ legacy systems in hetero- geneous landscapes integrate with cloud through a modern integration platform.

Microsoft | 23 Microsoft Dynamics AX

Simplify your application lifecycle

Predictable implementations Get from planning to production Lower the cost of maintaining and updates faster than ever by automating processes

Support your end-to-end applica- Easily validate predefined and auto- Simplify and accelerate your updates tion lifecycle through an extension mate deployment of business pro- through predefined methodologies, of Lifecycle Services with new meth- cesses and data to get your business automated testing and code merge odologies and best practices driven up and running faster. while minimizing business disruption. toolsets for implementation, updates and support. Enable business analysts to stream- Use telemetry and diagnostics, to im- line business processes and respond prove product usage and identify is- Support your business in the cloud rapidly to changing business condi- sues so you can proactively minimize and on-premises with Microsoft Life- tions. downtime. cycle Services (LCS). With new added support for Visual Provide self-service learning and re- Reduce risk to your organization with Studio on-premises or in the cloud sources to your people to optimize a flexible solution architecture that your people can use their existing system usage and ultimately stream- enables incremental implementa- skill set to optimize processes to line business processes. tions, changes, or updates. meet your business needs.

Microsoft | 24 Microsoft Dynamics AX

Reinvent your productivity with intelligence

Greater user adoption and Real-time access to analytics to Access to business info on collaboration drive intelligent operations nearly any device, anywhere

A new guided user experience gets Microsoft Dynamics AX uses in-mem- A fully browser based, new html5 cli- your people up to speed quickly with ory BI to give your people real time ent that runs across browsers, devic- an easy-to-use, and familiar solution operational insights so they can make es and platforms gives your people that looks and works like Microsoft informed decisions. to access their business application Office 365. regardless of the device or platform. Enable people to find, sort, visualize, Enable your people to be more pro- and use information easily with an Give your business the capability to ex- ductive with activity-based Work- intuitive user interface that provides tend and build business specific mo- spaces to provide a task specific ex- contextual insights through Power BI. bile apps through a mobile SDK and perience, new user task guide), and make them available to your employ- integration with O365 productivity Plan and anticipate customer needs ees through a private marketplace. and collaboration applications. through the use of Azure machine learning capabilities. Work faster, enable collaboration and get insights by seamlessly sharing information between Microsoft Dy- namics AX and Dynamics. CRM, Of- fice 365 and Power BI.

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Why Microsoft?

Microsoft Dynamics AX is the Microsoft’s busi- ness solution for enterprises that enables peo- ple to make smarter decisions faster with ac- cess to real-time insights and intelligence on nearly any device, anywhere. It enables busi- ness to redesign their business processes fast- er so they can innovate and get quick time to value to stay ahead of the competition. It gives businesses the flexibility to grow at their pace through the choice and flexibility of the cloud, allowing them to scale their operations global- ly to meet business needs.

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© 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This document is provided "as-is." Information and views expressed in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, may change without notice. You bear the risk of using it. Some examples are for illustration only and are fictitious. No real association is intended or inferred.

This document does not provide you with any legal rights to any intellectual property in any Microsoft product. You may copy and use this document for your internal, reference purposes.

Microsoft Dynamics AX is pre-release under development. All dates, features, and descriptions specified are preliminary, are based on current expectations, and are subject to change at any time without notice.

Microsoft | 27 Microsoft Dynamics AX Factsheet