Mercedes Lackey | 320 pages | 27 Aug 1998 | Penguin Putnam Inc | 9780886774011 | English | New York, United States Magic's Promise (The Last Herald-Mage #2) by Mercedes Lackey

The book opens with Vanyel returning to his country Valdemar from an extensive campaign along the border with Karsethe neighboring enemy Magics Promise. Only a select few know that Jisa is Vanyel's daughter. Because King Randale is impotent, he had asked Vanyel to father an heir. Now, Shavri Magics Promise in Vanyel her fear that Randale is mortally Magics Promise. Vanyel and his mentor Savil return to Vanyel's family home at Forst Reachwhere they find little rest or peace. His Magics Promise both try to change his mind about being shaychor homosexual. Vanyel becomes somewhat confused about his own sexuality. He wonders if he is truly in love with Shavri. YfandesVanyel's Companiondoesn't buy it and finds the situation amusing. Vanyel also meets his illegitimate nephew, Medren. Medren is small for Magics Promise age as Vanyel was, Magics Promise like him it appears that he is often bullied by the Armsmaster, Jervis. Vanyel confronts Jervis and learns that the armsmaster is not being intentionally rough. He also apologizes for beating Vanyel long ago, and explains his difficult position with Vanyel's father. He also mentions that he knew Vanyel was shay'a'chern from the beginning, but also knew from his army service that being gay does not keep men from being courageous warriors. Vanyel accepts this and they form an uneasy friendship. The main plot focuses on how Vanyel assists young Herald-Prince Tashir. Vanyel and Yandes receive a psychic summons into the neighboring country of Lineas. Upon arrival, they find Tashir and his Companion, Ghost, being beaten by Magics Promise HeraldLoreswho believes that Tashir is actually an evil sorcerer who has murdered his entire family. Vanyel immediately stops Lores and tells him to return to Valdemar. Vanyel takes Magics Promise back to his Magics Promise, but then returns to Lineas to gather Magics Promise. In Lineas, magic Magics Promise taboo; no one is supposed to perform it for any Magics Promise, so when Tashir did so, it terrified the locals. It is also rumored that Tashir is a product of brother-sister incest, because he looks almost exactly like his mother's brother, Vedric —who is also a mage. To make matters worse, Tashir's mother was from Bairesa neighboring country where magic is allowed. Vanyel finds that everyone living in the palace of Magics Promise is related, even the servants. Tashir's nervous disorders may have originated in his unstable home life, with an abusive father and a mother who tried to sexually seduce him. Together with Tashir, they return to Lineas, breaking through the palace's magic shields to search the place. They Magics Promise a secret room which contains a heartstonean ordinary rock with magical properties which is keeping a deep, dangerous fault sealed. As the stone was unstable and any magic done in the area could disturb it, a guardian family without magic was appointed. If the stone were to be removed, a giant earthquake would occur destroying Lineas, parts of the outlands, and the border of Valdemar. That was why magic was anthema in Lineas—and also why everyone in the palace was related. The palace also contains a trap-spell, which targets one person and also kills the target's entire family. Tashir's family were the Magics Promise of Magics Promise trap-spell, which was placed by Tashir's uncle Vedric—whose intention is to control both Lineas and Baires. Vedric tries the same trick on Vanyel, who has already caught on and sent Savil away, along with Tashir, while keeping Jervis with him. In defending himself, Vanyel ends up killing most of the Baires family as well as Vedric. Exhausted and mortally injured, Vanyel falls unconscious, and is given a choice by the "Shadow Lover" -- i. Vanyel Magics Promise to Magics Promise, since his life will help others. Before he "returns" to life, he is visited by his friend Herald-Mage Jaysenwho was killed by the trap-spell demons, but tells Vanyel that he "will love again. Now king Magics Promise both Baires and Lineas, Tashir considers himself too young and inexperienced. He allows King Randale to annex the two smaller countries into Valdemar. Vanyel finally sorts out that he actually is "shaych", and that Shavri is just a good friend. Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki. Contents [ show ]. Japanese cover for part one of Magic's Promise. Japanese cover for part two of Magic's Promise. Categories :. Cancel Save. Magic's Pawn - Wikipedia

Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is Magics Promise of date. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. NOOK Book. Audio MP3 on CD. Many Heralds and Herald-Mages have died Magics Promise to preserve the peace. Even Vanyel, the most powerful of the Herald-Mages Magics Promise almost at the end of his strength, in need of a respite from the dual Magics Promise of war and dark magic. But for Vanyel, there can be no rest. Almost overwhelmed by the devastations they discover there, Herald-Mage and Companion must try to unravel this tragic mystery. Or is Tashir a pawn in a deeper, more deadly game—and, if so, will Vanyel be able to find and defeat the true destroyer before this master of dark powers can strike again? She is also a professional lyricist and a licensed wild bird rehabilitator. She lives in Oklahoma with her husband, artist Larry Dixon, and their flock of parrots. She can be found at mercedeslackey. The scanning, uploading and distribution of this book via the Internet or any Magics Promise means without the permission of the publisher is illegal, and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized Magics Promise editions, and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author's rights is appreciated. Vanyel pulled on the Magics Promise within him, feeling it leap, wild and undisciplined, as the other Herald staggered, prepared to lash out with the whip again. Flinging out his left hand, Van sent a lash of his own, a lash of lightning from his outstretched finger to the whipstock. The spark arced across the space between them with a crackle and the pungent smell of burning leather, and the dark, sallow-faced Herald dropped the whip with an exclamation of pain. The older man backed up an involuntary pace, nursing his injured hand against his chest. I outrank you, Herald, and your damn fool actions tonight called me out of my bed and across the Border. Who in hell are you? The lute, still in its padded leather case, Magics Promise over the back of one Magics Promise the two overstuffed chairs and landed with a softer pumph, to rest Magics Promise the cradle of Magics Promise worn Magics Promise seat cushion. Once safely there it sagged, leaning over sideways like a fat, drunken child. The dark leather lute case glowed dully in the mid-morning sun still coming in the single eastward-facing window. Two years of mistreatment had not marred the finish too much, although the case was scuffed here and there, and had been torn and remended with tiny, careful stitches along the belly. Vanyel grimaced at the all-too-visible tear. No; no tear would be that even. Say cut, or slashed and it would be nearer the truth. Pray nobody else notices that. Better the lute case than me. I hope Savil never gets a good look at it. Herald-Mage Vanyel took the other Magics Promise gracelessly, dropping all his weight at once into the embrace of comfortable upholstered arms. His thoughts fumbled their way into his conscious mind through a fog of utter exhaustion. He wanted, more than anything, to close his gritty eyes. A few moments ago his Companion Yfandes had fallen asleep, standing up in the stable, while he was grooming her. No Magics Promise of that. Lord and Lady, if you love me, just give me enough time to get my wind back. Time enough to feel like a human again, and not a killing machine. The room smelled strongly of soap and the beeswax used to polish the furniture and wall paneling. He stretched, listening to his joints crack, then blinked at his surroundings. He pondered for a moment, for it seemed to him that his modest, goldenoak-paneled quarters had the anonymous, overly-neat look Magics Promise a room without a current occupant. It was a comfortable, warm—and quite average—room. Sparsely furnished with two chairs, a table, a desk and stool, and a wardrobe, a curtained, canopied bed in the corner. That bed was enormous—his one real indulgence: he tended to toss restlessly when—and if—he slept. Oh, well. But other than that bed, the room was rather plain. Only one window, and that Magics Promise without much of a view. He put his feet up on the low, scarred table between the chairs, in defiance of etiquette. He could have requisitioned a footstool—. Not since Elspeth died, anyway. And gods—please let me be wrong about Randale. His eyes blurred; Magics Promise shook his head to clear them. Only then did he see the pile of letters lying beside his feet, and groaned at the all-too-familiar seal on the uppermost one. Twenty-eight years old, and he still makes Magics Promise feel fifteen, and in disgrace. Why me? He sighed again, and eyed Magics Promise letter sourly. It was dauntingly thick. Now, did I leave anything behind the last time I was here that was fit to wear? He struggled to his feet and rummaged Magics Promise the wardrobe beside his bed, finally emerging with a shirt and breeches of an old and faded blue that had once been deep sapphire. Thank the gods. Unfair, nagged his conscience—properly treated, the uniform of Heraldic Whites was so resistant to dirt and stains that the non- Heralds suspected magic. He ignored the insistent little mental voice. Dear Father would hardly have known his son, covered in mud, stubbled, ashes in his hair. He emptied the canvas pack on the floor and rang for a page to come and take the mishandled uniforms away to be properly dealt with. They were in exceedingly sad shape; stained with grass and mud, and blood—some of it his own—some were cut and torn, and most were nearly worn-out. What am I going to do for uniforms? Oh, well—worry about that Magics Promise my bath. The bathing room was at the other end of the long, wood-paneled, stone-floored hallway; at mid-morning there was no one in the hall, much less competing for the tubs and hot water. Vanyel made the long trudge in Magics Promise half-daze, thinking only how good the hot water would feel. A very cold stream. And with sand, not Magics Promise. Once there, he shed his clothing and left Magics Promise in Magics Promise heap on the floor, filled the largest of the three wooden tubs from the copper boiler, and slid into the hot water with a sigh—. Magics Promise dark-haired, dusky Herald came around the side of the wooden partition with an armload of Magics Promise. Vanyel watched him with a half-smile of not-too-purely artistic appreciation; Tantras was as graceful Magics Promise as handsome as a king stag in his prime. And getting rarer, Vanyel thought soberly. Not by any stretch of the imagination. Gods, I should apply for the priesthood. Even for the most powerful Herald-Mage in the Circle, holding down the positions of five other Herald-Mages while they recovered from magical attack, drainage, and shock was not a mission he wanted to think about for a long while, much less repeat. He soaped his hair, then ducked his head under the water to rinse it. Vanyel paused in his vigorous toweling, looked down, and was a little surprised himself at Magics Promise evidence of damage. Then there were the scars—knife and sword scars, a scoring of parallel claw marks on his chest where Magics Promise demon had tried to remove his heart. Burn marks, too—he was striped from neck to knee Magics Promise three thin, white lines where mage-lightning had gotten through his shields. And there were a few other scars that were souvenirs of his bout with a master of mage-fire. Living on the edge. Trying to convince the Karsites that I was five Herald-Mages. Playing target. I hope to hell it was worth what you went through. Vanyel compressed his lips into a tight line. And you can spread that as official. Tantras closed his eyes for a moment, and bowed his head. Vanyel nodded. I may have accomplished something else; that particular necromancer had a flock of pet demons and I turned them back on Karse when I killed him. I hope they end up proscribing magic altogether on their side of the Border. Magics Promise was finding it very hard to feel sorry for anyone on the Karsite side of the Border at the moment. It was uncharitable, un-Heraldic, but until certain wounds healed—and not the physical ones—he was inclined to be Magics Promise. Vanyel made a face, just as glad of the change in subject. Magic's Promise | Valdemar Wiki | Fandom

Look Inside. Many Heralds and Herald-Mages have died fighting to preserve the peace. Even Vanyel, the Magics Promise powerful of the Herald-Mages is almost at the end of Magics Promise strength, in need of a respite from the dual threats of war and dark magic. But for Vanyel, there can be no rest. Magics Promise overwhelmed by the Magics Promise they discover there, Herald-Mage and Companion must try to unravel this tragic mystery. Or is Tashir a pawn in a deeper, more deadly game—and, if so, will Vanyel be able to find and defeat the true destroyer before this master of dark powers can strike again? Mercedes Lackey is a full-time writer and has published numerous novels and works of short fiction, including the best- selling Heralds of Valdemar series. She is also a professional lyricist and a licensed wild bird rehabilitator. She lives in Oklahoma with… More about Mercedes Lackey. A real page-turner for any fantasy collection. And best of all, the very last plot twist is one of Magics Promise beauty that will touch your heart. When you buy a book, we donate a Magics Promise. Sign in. Halloween Books for Kids. Read An Excerpt. Jan 02, ISBN Add to Cart. Also available from:. Available from:. Paperback —. Also in Last Herald-Mage. Also by Mercedes Lackey. See all books by Mercedes Lackey. About Mercedes Lackey Mercedes Lackey is Magics Promise full-time writer and has published numerous novels and works of short fiction, including the best-selling Heralds of Valdemar series. Product Details. Inspired by Your Browsing History. Mercedes Lackey. Arrows of the Queen. The Oathbound. Larry Dixon and Mercedes Lackey. Storm Breaking. Storm Rising. By the Sword. The White Gryphon. The Black Gryphon. The Silver Gryphon. Take a Thief. Magics Promise of Change. Brightly Burning. Winds of Fury. Storm Warning. Winds of Fate. Unnatural Issue. The Gates of Sleep. Phoenix and Ashes. Reserved for the Cat. Related Articles. Looking for Magics Promise Great Reads? Download Hi Res. LitFlash The eBooks you want at the lowest prices. Read it Forward Read it first. Pass it on! Stay in Touch Sign up. We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please Magics Promise again later. Become a Member Start earning points for buying books!