This culturalservices consulting agreement is dated as of June 12, 2013, and is between the Confederated Trlbes of the Umatilla lndian Reservation, a federally recognized lndian tribe acting through its Cultural Resources Protection Program (the "CONSULTANT"), and Port of Benton (the "COMPANY'),

1, Ag¡e€ment 3,1 Professìonãl Work. The CONSULTANT shall perforrn Servlces ln a professional, thorough, and skillful manner 1.1 Scope ofwork, The CoNSULTANT agrees to pËrform the consistènt wlth thelr profession's standa¡.ds ¡n the Paciflc servlces ("9ervlces") detailed in schedule A. Northwest rêgion.

1.2 Psyment. The COMPANY aßreec to pãythe 3i2 Compliance with Laws. Thé CONSULTANT 5hÉll comply CONSULTANT: with äll ãppltcable tribä|, stBte. local ¿ind fèderål laws.

[ ] A flat fee of Provided, 3.3 Safety. Thê CONSULTANT shall perform all work in a however, that any work requested by COMPANY that ls mannet, not coritalned in schedule A, or add¡tìonãl costs incurred due to a delay caused by CoMPANY, shall bê ieimbursed 3.4 lflformatlon Necessary for Timely Pêrformance, To on a time ônd mate¡ials basis beyond the amount written permìt CONSULTANT to renderthe Servlces, COMFANY above. shall, at ¡ts expênsê and ln a tlmelv mânnerr

[X ] ln accordance wÌth the terms ¡n Schsdufê B. Payment 3.4,1 Provid€ hformatlon concernf ng the Services as forservlces shall not exceed$9,000,00. Provlded, CONSULTANT may r€qúire from tlmê to tìme to enable however, that any work requested by COMpANY thãt ls CONSULTANT to coñplete the Sen icês; not contalned ln SchedulE A, or additlonal costs lncurred due to a delay caused by COMPANY, shall be refmbursed 3;4,2 Promptly lnform CONULTANT ofany pending or on a tìme ¡nd ñatÊrials basis regsrdl€ss of the 'holto conflrmed changes in the Servìces; exceed" amouilt wrltten above, 3.4.3 Promptly reviÈw äll doÇuments and materìËls 1,3 fetm, Thls agreement cornmences on the däte wr¡tten submltted to COMPANY by CONSULTANT for C0MPANY'5 above and tetmlnates on Decenlber 3t/ 2013 unless comrîlenttó âvoìd unreasonable deläys ln the progress of otherwlse termlnated earller, the Servlces; ¡nd

3,4,4 promply nótity coNSULTANT of äny fàult or defect 1.4 Designðhed contact. The representative for the ¡n the Services provided. COMPAIIY ls Marv Kh,þy. The represe ntãtlve for the CONSULTANT i5 cãrey L. M¡ìler. 3.5 Nö Other Wâftanl¡es. CONSULTANT provides n0 waíanty, representatloo, or certification whether expressed 2, lndependent cóntràctor. or lmplied othêr thân thosë speclfically $ated in sectlon 3 of this Agr€ement 2.1 lndepêndent Contractor. The CONSULTANT ð8rees to emplöy, ât its own ètpense, äll personnel reasonâblV 4. MUTUAT INDTMNIFICATIO¡I necessäry to pêrform the Services, These per5onnel are fiot employees ofthe coMPANY, The CONSULTANTShaIÌ ensure 4.1 li,DËMNrFtc^ïoN, EAclt pARrY sHAu oËfENù, HolD l{AÂMtË55, that all personnel engaged ln performln8 seNlces Êre lully ANO INDEMNIFY THE OI}IER PARTY AND THEIR OFFICEßS, EMPLOYEE5, quðltfled to undertake the work tn accordance wlth euo acrrurs (rxr AoAtt'lst¡u tos¡¡s, applîæble trlbal, st6te, or federal laws' The CONSULTANT iS "¡¡qggg¡gq ¡a¡9") I.IA8IUTIES, CTAIMS' OÀMAGEs,f,OsTs OR EXPENSES} INCTUDING ôn lndependent contractor. The CONSULTANÏ ls not an R6Asot{ABr,ÉAÍonNEr/s rEEs ÁND ExPENsts (couecrv¡w, agent oremployee of the coMPANY, The CONSULTANT and fHÀf ARË 6Rougltl AGAtNst'rHE.INoEMNIFIEÞ ?ARIY lhe COMPANY are not engaged ln ¿ ioint vënture or "9@") ÀRISING oufoF oR RETATTD IO (1I ANY PEflSONAT II{JURY, DEATH OR pãrtnership. Neithet party can represent or blnd the other, PROPETTY DAMAGE CAUSED BYAilY ACr, Ot\¡ll55lON, ERRORT tAulr, ¡nlsÏAft bn ¡¡seuc¡Nc¡ oF THE tNoEMNlfYlNG PABTY oRlls 2.2 Subcontfactors. ln addlt¡on to personnel employed SMPTOYÉE5, ÀGtNrs, Oß SUBCONIRAçÍOß5 ñËrAfED lO ÏI{ls dlrectly by CoNSULTANT, CONSULTANT hasthe ri8htto lerunrrtr, (?)atfACIOROMISSION 8Y THE INDEMNItYING PÄRTY engage such subcontractors as it mðy deem necessary to tltlf co¡slrrurÊs A HoH-rntvtru- (rnowr THE PERsPÉcTlvt oF përfotm the Servlces. REAsoNÀBtE f EasoN {N THE PoslrloN oF'lIlE lNo¡MNlFlE0 PARwI BREACH Ot rHrS AGRETMËNT lNCtUtttN6. Wlfllouf uMlTATloN, ÂNY 3, Representatlons, Wqrantles, and Dutlês MrsREpßEstNTATtoN oR BßEAcH ot wlìftl¡¡w, on(3lrx¡ INFRTNGEMENÎOF ÀNY PÂTEl'¡r, COt¡ÍRlGHl, IRADE STCRET OR OTIIER

FAGE 1 OF 3 PROFESSIONAL $ERVIcES AGREEMEIIIT pRoPRtflArY EGHI AR|StNG FROM DEtlvERI, UsÉ, Or ?thtohMAucÊ ldentlfy¡ng the location of ãny and all archaeologlcðl sltes OF THE SEM/rcES, THI5 PUTY II{CU,DEs COSTS INCUñßEO óY THE lniludhg iûforírBtlon relatêd to the study be¡ng conducted. INDEMNIHËO PÂñTY IN À55UMING THÈIR OWN DETENSE, THE CONSULTANT'S oEr.rGATfoN uN0ËR 1Hl5 sEcfloN sl{At tNoT 5,6 Dlsclosurê to Employees. COMPANY 5hall r€strlct access ErÉfiD ToANYcTAtM PfitMAñtrv CAUTED tY{1) lHË flÊGu6ENf oR to the Conlidênllal lnformatìôn provÌded to it onlv to |NTENÍTOilAL MrscóNDuc'roFAN INDËMNltlÉo PARrv, oR(¿l fl É employ€es of the COMPANY who clearly need Juch äccess ln coMPANYS M0ÞlflcÀTloN oF 6000s 0ßsÍßvlcts wtrno(nlHE order to oblalft any and oll necessary permits and CONSULÍAÀIT,S APÞROVATAND IN A MANNTR IiICON5ISTENf WIIH authorlzatlons from aôy state or federal góvernmental entÌty fHE PUIIPOsËAND PNOPËR USE OITHOS€ GOOD' Oñ SËRt/ICËs. for the operâtion of the prolect provlded the employee has been ìnsÍuct€d to comply wilh the terms of thls agreement, 4.2WnfiEN Arf¡roflltÂt¡oN, ANY GqA[ c0ul{5Et f'ußPORflN€ TO NËPßESEIfI THE IIffÊÉËSIS OFAN fNDÉMNITIED PÀTfisHAtL FIRsT 5,7 DlscoverV. lf COMPANY r€relves a dlscovery request to OBTAIH WRIfiEN AUI}IORÍ¿ATION FROMIITE INDEMNIFIEO PAßTY. dlsclose confldent¡al I nformätlon, COMPANY shall TI{E I¡IDEMiJIIIEO PAÉÍY MAYÄSSTJME Îf{ËIR OWN OÊËüN'E AT ANY lmmediately notlfy cONSULTANT, ln the event of a dlscovery l]ME WHEN II DETERMINEs IN IISSOIE DISCßEÍION TITAT(1) reguest COMPANY shall work wlth CONSULTANI to pr€vent pftoposED couNsErls Pß01{l8lfÉo FRoM THE PARrcUlÁß d¡sclosure, whêther by agreement wìth thlrd partles or bv RËpRESEl{tATlON COI{rf MPtAfÉDi (2} COUN9E['s REPRÍSENTAÍ lOt{ 15 seekinB a court proteçtlve order. on the ground that the TNADEqUAÍEì [3] rMPQßfÀNr PAAW lNTfft[sTs AnE^T srAl(E; Oñ (4) Confldentläl lnformat¡on is a trade secret of coNSULTANT fT I' IN THË 8Ë5T INÍTREsT OT THT INDEMNI}IEO PAP{ÍT. and contãiñs sensltlve cultural resource lnformatlon,

5. Oôcumên!Ownelshlp 6. lnsufancê

5,1 Ownership. The coMPANY shall ôwn all reports provlded 6.1 Gênerâlly. cONSULTÄNT shall ftalntaln the following It pursuant to th¡s âBreement. All informåtlon contained ìnsurdnce: within any such report thåt pefta¡ to lnformatlon concernlng tfie locallon of ärchaeologlcäl sttes or oblects (a) ConliÌerc¡al General Llabllity lnsurance ln the shall be kept confldential as a trsde secfet ol coNSULTANT amount of oile mllllon dollars eðch occulrencë ônd ("confldantlal lnformetlonùl,,qfl tther lntelleûual property, two mllllon dollars aggfegate. including but not llmlted to work product, shall be the property of the CONSULTANT' (bl Commerclal Automoblle LJablllty hsurancë ln an amount equal to one mlllion dollars for allvehides 5,2 Author¡ty to Pubtlsh, CONSULTANT has unfeslrlcted used ln performance ofthe SeNices. âuthority to publlsh, disclose, dlstllbute, and othen¡vise use, ln whole or panr anY reports, datð, plans. or any other (c) Worke/r Compensation lnsurance as r€quired bY materlal prepared bY cONSULTANT. appllcable iaw,

5.3 Trade secret. Some lnformat¡on and technology of the 7. TeÍnlnat¡on CONSULTANT ls conf¡dentlå1, p¡oprietary' or othenvlse a pañy trade secret, includlng but not llmited to reports produced 7.1 For Convenlencê, Eithef ma\/ termìñat6 thls pafty prior under thls agreement, informàtlön concernin€ tho location agreemênt by BìvinB to thÊ othër 10 days' written of archaeologlcal sltes or objects, other cultural rÈsouÍces, notice. The notlce shall speclfY the effectlve date of pâyment or oral hlstorles of CoNSULTANT'S members, and compllatlons termlnstìon. Têrminatlon will not atter terms of ¡nformation not generãlly known or reasonably grve rlse to any eqult¿ble claím for re¡mbursement, âscertalnable to the public, ?.2 Breâch of Agre€ment. Either party maY immediatelY by notice following a 5,4 cONSULTANÍ'5 Wlth holdlngof lnformatlon. Any termlnåte this a8reemènt wrltten party. lnformat¡on may be wlthheld by the CoNSULTANT ll h thelÍ mat€rlal breach by the other sole dlscretlon, lhey believe it may bê sub,lect to publlc dlsclorure under the publlc dlsclosure act(s) of COMPANY, lf 8, GenêfaÍTerms any, notwlthstanding the consequences of withholdlng the laws ofthe StatÊ in which the informatlon. 8.:, Cholce of Law, The SeÌvices are beinB performed Shall govern thls agreement. 5.5 cOMPANY'5 Non-disclosure of lnformatlon' lf appllcable, provisïon ofthls agreement held to be the CoMPANY shallwlthhold from publ¡c dlsclosure any ãnd 8,2 Severôb¡lltv, Any will not affect the enforceab¡lity of any other all informatlon oblalned from lhe CONSULTANT that ls unenforceable pfovlsion. subjectto an exclusion under thé coMPANY'S state or federal public disclosure act(s)' 5peclflcally, all orðl hlrtorles, The words and stôfles, archetlogicål or cultural resource lnformatlon 8,3 Temlnology, "lnclude," "lncludes," read as wêrê followed bylhe pertaln¡ngto sPeclflc sites or objects, and ãny other "includlng" arê to be lfthey phrase llmltãtion to"' The word is nol information that ls not g€n€rallY known or ascerteìnable, "without "or'' excluslve. tfeadings ale provlded for convenlence and do not shafl be considered trado secrets of lhe T¡lbes as that term ¡s meaning. Any reference to a tlme of dãy ¡s to the tlme defined ln the Unlform Trade Secrets Acl, ãnd the CoMPANY affeci oregon' shåll âssert that as a basis for exemption ln 3 ny request for ln Pendleton, lnformatlon. ln addlt¡on, thê cOMPÂNY shall withhold from 8.4 Notlces. Notices must be ln wrìting, Delivery occurs publlc disclosure all records, mËp5 or other lnfolrñatlon when the other party teceives notice through certlf¡ed mall

PASE 2 0t 3 PROFES5IONAT sERVICEs AGREEMENT or a reputable ovèrnight couflet. Representative addresses ¿re as follows: 8,7 Assigilmenf, Thls aBreement ls not sssignËbte by the CONSULTANT änd blnds any succèrsor. The CONSULTANT:

CTUIR 8.8 Sutvlval. Thê requÍrÊments of Sêct¡ons 3, 4 Énd S,survive Cultural Resources Protectlon ProBram têrminãtion of thls agreernênt. 46411 T¡mfne Way Pendleton, Oregþn 97801 8.9 No General Walver. The waiver or fallufe to enforcé, Attefltlon: Cârey L. Mflter Ínsìst uponr or coûiplywith änyterm ln th¡s aBreement does Telephong; l54tl 27 6-3447 not constltute ä general waiver or relinqulshment ofihat Facs¡mller lS 4t l 429-7 2O3 term,

8,10 No Construction Agã¡nst Drafter. Each party has The COMPANY; pãfttclpãted in negotlaflng and drafttng this agreement, lf any ämb¡gu¡ty or quèstlon of ¡ntent or htefpretãtlqn âtisês, gf Porl. tênton thls dgreement ls to be construed ¡s if the pafll6s had 3100 George Washingto¡ Way dråfted lt ralntly, as opposed to betn6 ßonstruêd ägôinst a RIchlend, WA 99352 party because it was responsible for drafting one or rnore rlttentlon: Marv Klnney provlslons of thÍs agreefnent, fèleÞhoner (5091375-3060 Facsiml le: {509) t75" 5297 8,11 Soverel8n Rights. Nothing ìn th¡s A8reemÊnl constitutÉs a wäiveÍ of CONSULTANÍS r¡ghls as ã sovereign, 8.5 Entire Agleement. This agreement supersedès all prtor or contgmporaneous oral or written agrêements between the partles,

8.6 Amendm€nts. No change, amendment or modlflcation of th¡s agreement is valid unless it :s in wr¡tlng and ex€cuted by the parties,

This agreement is signed as of the date stated in the introductory clause and may be executed in counterparts or by facsimile,


By: By: J Tovey, Jr., Executive Director Keller, Executive Director

Attachments: Schedule A, $cope of work Schedule B, Project Budget


TOHFqIJIËA 8coPEûFWORK Schodulc B: ?roJee,t Builgef


L PßBSOAINEL A. Sataries and'Wages Personnel Arohaeologïst Field Ðirectsr SUßTOTÀL

II. NON+ERSONITEL Vehíole Mileage Csmmuniegions Equipment Fee SÜBTCITÄL




This rate io bæed on thê rno$itûr working sn 8+¡ôui efay a*rd traveling baok and forth to the sito. If the rnonitor works more qr less the cssts wi ll change. This budget is valid until Deeember 3 I , 2013.

SCI'IËDIJLE E r PßOJECT B{tEGst Schedule B: Project Budget


T. PERSONNEL A, Salaries and Wages Personnel Hours Archaeologíst 1,5 Field Director 8.5 SUBTOTAL

B, Benefits Fringe Benefifs @39% SUBTOTAL

II. NON+ERSONNEL miles prlce per mile Vehícle Mìleage 70 0.565 39.55 Communieations 3.00 Per Ðiem (4 quarters @ $34.75lauarter ) 139.00 Equipment Fee 18.00 SUBTOTAL 199.55


UL INDIRECT COST Indirect Ptate @ 44% 247.28


Please note fhat the rate is based on the schedule outlined in the September 14, 2009 email. lf the contraotor works more or less, the cost will change, 'this budget is valid until Deeember 31, 2013.

II, PAYMBNT PROCEDURES. A. CONSULTANT shall submìt invoices for reimbursernent of work performed on a monthly basis to: Diahann Howard. B. Invoices must conspicuously indicate they are for: Port of Benton Tri-Cìties Research District Broadband C- Final invoices should be submitted by March 31,2t74 D. Tlie COMPANY will reirnburse the CONSULTANT for invoises within thirty-five (3.5) days of receípt.