Character Descriptions and Cutdowns


Ash returns as the blowhard heroic monster fighter now struggling with the limitations of his middle-aged self. It was over 30 years ago, while vacationing in the woods with friends, he encountered creatures of unspeakable evil. Ash survived the battle, but it cost him his hand and his sense of security. He is now America’s oldest one-handed stock boy. Responsibility and ambition are not part of his limited vocabulary. Since that fateful night in the woods, Ash has been looking over his shoulder, afraid that one day the would return for him. Keeping a low profile, he has successfully avoided them…. until he makes one very stupid mistake.


A seductive and reclusive figure well steeped in the ancient mythology surrounding . She has determined that Ash was the sole survivor and the cause of the supernatural massacre that murdered her family over 30 years ago. Now suddenly, the evil has resurfaced. After all these years, Ruby is finally closing in on Ash.


Pablo is Ash’s coworker and loyal friend. He recognizes that fate has put Ash in the center of a battle of good vs. evil. Pablo feels that his destiny is to fight alongside Ash. Originally trained to follow in his uncle’s footsteps to become a Brujo, a Honduran shaman, Pablo has left his legacy behind to pursue the American Dream. He dreams of romance with his comrade in arms, Kelly, but he suffers as his love remains unrequited. Pablo is the only one who believes in Ash even when Ash doubts himself.


Kelly was once a sweet girl, but has become hardened and cynical by the cards life has dealt her. Now she only desires payback for what the Deadites have done to those close to her. Unwilling to let go of her rage she won’t let others get too close. With her family destroyed, she turns to Ash and Pablo, the only ones who have ever stood by her. She will not stop until the last evil Deadite is destroyed.


Amanda is a respected Michigan State Police Detective. She finds her career on the line following the bizarre and grisly murder of her partner for which she is blamed. She knows that whoever or whatever killed him must be stopped. Her investigations lead to Ash as the likely suspect. To clear her name, she must find Ash and quickly bring him to justice even if it means killing him.