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Joy Aip Sm.Pdf Supplement of Foss. Rec., 23, 83–93, 2020 © Author(s) 2020. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Supplement of An alternative interpretation of Peltochelys duchastelii as a paracryptodire Walter G. Joyce and Yann Rollot Correspondence to: Walter G. Joyce ([email protected]) • fr-23-83-2020-supplement-title-page.pdf • Gaffney et al. 2007 + Peltochelys.nex • Joyce 2007 + Peltochelys.nex • Lyson and Joyce 2019 + Peltochelys.nex The copyright of individual parts of the supplement might differ from the CC BY 4.0 License. #NEXUS [written Tue Oct 22 11:53:48 CEST 2019 by Mesquite version 3.51 (build 898) at] BEGIN TAXA; TITLE Taxa; DIMENSIONS NTAX=30; TAXLABELS 'Synapsida/Diapsida' Proganochelys Australochelys Palaeochersis Proterochersis Megapleurodira Kayentachelys Kallokibotion Mongolochelys Compsemys Peltochelys Pleurosternidae Baenidae Xinjiangchelys Solnhofia Plesiochelyidae Meiolania Ninjemys Niolamia Chubutemys Sinemys Otwayemys Hangaiemys Dracochelys Ordosemys Judithemys Chelydridae Chelonioidea Trionychoidea Testudinoidea ; END; BEGIN CHARACTERS; TITLE 'Matrix in file "Gaffney_compsemys1.nex"'; DIMENSIONS NCHAR=111; FORMAT DATATYPE = STANDARD GAP = - MISSING = ? SYMBOLS = " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6"; CHARSTATELABELS 1 'NA, nasals' / present absent, 2 'NA, size' / 'small,_absent' very_large, 3 'NA, nares divided' / yes no, 4 'NA, nasomaxillary sinus' / absent present, 5 'LA, lacrimal bone' / present absent, 6 'LA, lacrimal foramen' / present absent, 7 'PF, meet on midline' / 'no,_separated_by_na-fr_contact' yes, 8 'PF, pf-po contact' / present 'absent_(fr_to_orbit)', 9 'PF, pf-vo contact' / absent present, 10 'PA, processus inferior parietalis' / small_to_absent large, 11 'PA, pa-sq contact' / present absent, 12 'PA, temporal emargination' / fully_roofed_skull shallow_emargination deep_emargination, 13 'ST, supratemporal' / present absent, 14 'JU, cheek emargination' / 'absent,_shallow,_large_Ju' 'absent,_shallow,_large_Qj' moderate_to_deep, 15 'SQ, meet on midline' / no yes, 16 'SQ, posterolateral process' / no yes, 17 'SQ, sq-so contact' / absent present, 18 'SQ, broad sq-qj contact' / 'absent,_narrow' broad_contact_below_cavum_tympani, 19 'PO, length' / short long, 20 'PO, po-sq contact' / present absent, 21 'PM, premaxillary hook' / absent present, 22 'MX, accessory ridge on triturating surface' / absent present, 23 'MX, length of facial region' / 'shorter,_equal_to_orbit_length' longer_than_orbit, 24 'VO, vomer' / double single, 25 'VO, teeth' / present absent, 26 'PAL, teeth' / present absent, 27 'PAL, foramen palatinum posterius large' / 'small-moderate' very_large, 28 'PT, vertical flange on proc pter ext' / absent present, 29 'PT, interpterygoid vacuity' / 'widely,_slightly_open' completely_closed_by_medial_extension_of_pt, 30 'PT, canalis caroticus internus, posterior to foramen basisphenoidale' / absent 'at_least_partially_covered_by_bs-pt' covered_by_prootic, 31 'PT, canalis caroticus internus at least partially formed by pt' / no 'yes,_distal_to_foramen_basisphenoidale', 32 'PT, canalis caroticus lateralis vs canalis caroticus internus' / 'lateralis_equal_to,_larger_than_internus' lateralis_smaller_than_internus, 33 'PT, foramen posterius canalis carotici interni' / not_formed_by_bs_and_pt 'formed_by_bs_and_pt,_and_located_midway_along_bs', 34 'PT, middle ear with ossified floor formed by postero-medial pterygoid process' / process_absent present, 35 'PT, pt-bo contact' / absent present, 36 'PT, deep concavity on qu ramus' / absent present, 37 'PT, bs-pt space' / interpterygoid_vacuity_widely_open 'distinct_space,_perhaps_a_foramen_posterius_caroticum_laterale,_present' 'closed_pt- bs_suture,_foramen_basisphenoidale_possibly_present', 38 'PT, intrapterygoid slit' / 'absent,_small' 'extensive,_completely_covering_foramen_basisphenoidale', 39 'QU, posterior pocket for stapes' / present absent, 40 'QU, cavum tympani' / absent present, 41 'QU, middle ear with complete lateral wall' / not_complete complete, 42 'QU, cavum tympani curved dorsally' / absent present, 43 'QU, acute posterior margin' / no yes, 44 'QU, incisura columellae auris' / separated_from_eustachian_tube with_eust_tube, 45 'QU, antrum postoticum' / absent present, 46 'QU, covers OP laterally' / no yes, 47 'QU, cranioquadrate space' / relatively_open a_well_defined_canal, 48 'OP, processus paroccipitalis' / loosely_articulated tightly_fused, 49 'OP, fenestra perilymphatica' / relativly_large relatively_small, 50 'PR, anterior surface otic chamber' / faces_more_anterodorsally 'faces_more_anteriorly,_anteroventrally_(processus_trochlearis_oticum)', 51 'PR, otic chamber thickness' / anterior_wall_thin anterior_wall_thick, 52 'SO, crista supraoccipitalis' / low_to_absent distinct_sagittal_plate, 53 'SO, wide occipital plate' / wide_occipital_plate_with_depressions absent, 54 'SO, supraoccipital with horizontal plate' / no yes, 55 'EX, recessus scalae tympani' / not_formed_in_bone formed_in_bone_with_fenestra_perilymphatica, 56 'BS, basipterygoid articulation' / open_articulation sutured_joint, 57 'BS, foramen anterius canalis carotici interni' / widely_separated close_together, 58 'BS, foramen basisphenoidale' / 'formed_by_bs,_equals_fpcci' 'formed_by_bs+pt,_equals_fpcci' 'formed_by_bs+pt,_more_posterior_fpcci_present' absent_due_to_prootic_forming_fpcci absent_due_to_solid_pterygoid_covering, 59 'BS, foramen posterius canalis carotici interni' / equals_foramen__basisphenoidale formed_in_part_by_bs formed_entirely_by_pt formed_by_prootic, 60 'BS, paired pits' / absent present, 61 'BS, ventral BS/BO tubercle' / single paired absent, 62 'CA, columella auris' / 'thick,_without_distinct_footplate' 'thin,_with_distinct_wide_footplate', 63 'JW, splenial' / present absent, 64 'CE, proportions' / as_high_as_wide wider_than_high_for_posterior_cervicals, 65 'CE, central articulations' / unformed formed, 66 'CE, anterior end of eighth cervical' / unformed cotyle condyle, 67 'CE, ribs' / present absent, 68 'CE, transverse processes' / middle_of_centrum anterior_edge_of_centrum, 69 'CE, doubled transverse processes' / present_on_any_cervical absent_on_all, 70 'CE, fourth cervical articulation' / amphicoelous biconvex opisthocoelous, 71 'CE, double articulation between 5 and 6' / absent present, 72 'CE, double articulation between 6th and 7th' / absent present, 73 'CE, double articulation between 7 and 8' / absent present, 74 'CE, strong ventral process' / absent_on_all_centra present_on_posterior_centra, 75 'CE, neural spine on 8th cervical' / high low, 76 'CE, eighth cervical centrum' / amphicoelous procoelous biconvex, 77 'CAU, tail rings' / absent present, 78 'CAU, tail club' / absent present, 79 'CAU, biconcave caudal near base of tail' / absent present, 80 'CAU, central articulations' / posterior_not_procoelous all_centra_procoelous, 81 'CAU, chevrons' / well_developed_and_present_on_nearly_all_caudals small_or_present_on_only_a_few_caudals, 82 'SH, coracoid foramen' / present absent, 83 'SH, coracoid columnar' / 'no,_flat_plate' yes, 84 'POSTC, paddles formed by limbs' / absent present, 85 'PEL, pelvis sutured to shell' / not_sutured_to_shell sutured_to_shell, 86 'PEL, pelvis narrow' / pelvis_widely_placed ilia_close_to_midline, 87 'CAR, first thoracic rib' / 'extends,_nearly_extends_to_peripherals' extends_less_than_halfway_across_costal, 88 'CAR, anterior articulation of first thoracic centrum' / faces_anteriorly_to_slightly_anteroventrally faces_strongly_anteroventrally, 89 'CAR, knob on ventral surface of nuchal that articulates with 8th cervical' / absent present, 90 'CAR, tenth thoracic rib' / reaches_8th_costal free_from_costal, 91 'CAR, sacrum with dorsal 10' / no yes, 92 'CAR, ninth costal bone' / present absent, 93 'CAR, Suprapygal' / nearly_equally_subdivided_into_two first_suprapygal_much_smaller_than_second only_one_suprapygal second_suprapygal_absent_or_much_smaller_than_first second_suprapygal_divided_by_first no_suprapygal three_suprapygals, 94 'CAR, supramaginal scales' / 12 3 none, 95 'PLA, plastral fontanelles surrounded by hyo-hypoplastra' / absent retained_in_adult, 96 'PLA, carapace-plastron attachment' / sutured ligamentous, 97 'PLA, plastral buttresses' / reaching_peripherals reaching_costals, 98 'PLA, entoplastron separating epiplastra' / yes no, 99 'PLA, dorsal process on epiplastron' / '_large,_reaches_carapace' smaller_than_length_of_epiplastron absent, 100 'PLA, epiplastron' / broad narrow, 101 'PLA, epiplastral beak' / absent present, 102 'PLA, bridge of plastron' / broad narrow, 103 'PLA, mesoplastra' / present absent, 104 'PLA, xiphiplastron' / moderately_broad narrow, 105 'PLA, xiph median notch' / absent present, 106 'PLA, gular scales' / 2_pair 1_pair, 107 'PLA, inframarginals' / '3-4_pair' '0-2_pair_(ax,_ing)', 108 'PLA, abdominal scute relative to midline' / meets_on_midline withdrawn_from_midline, 109 'PLA, pectoral scute' / not_on_epiplastron on_epiplastron, 110 'PLA, femoral-anal sulcus' / not_reaching_hypoplastron reaching_hypoplastron, 111 'PLA, midline sulcus sinuous' / no yes ; MATRIX 'Synapsida/Diapsida'00000000000000000000??00000? 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000????????????0???????????? 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