NSmen and Employers Reaffirm Commitment to Defence

02 Jul 2018

Minister for Defence Dr (centre) joined the Operationally Ready National Servicemen (NSmen), employers and senior SAF commanders in reaffirming their commitment to the defence of , as they recited the SAF Pledge earlier this morning at the first of four rededication ceremonies..

More than 983 Operationally Ready National Servicemen (NSmen) from 407 companies and their employers gathered for the (SAF) Day Combined Rededication Ceremonies held at four locations around Singapore this morning to reaffirm their commitment to the defence of Singapore.


Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen officiated at the rededication ceremony held at the Trade Association Hub, where he delivered the SAF Day message to remind of the importance of a strong and capable SAF to protect the nation's sovereignty and our way of life. Citing the successful contribution of the SAF in protecting Singapore against external threats at the recent DPRK-USA Singapore Summit, he said, "Singaporeans can take pride in that, year after year, our steady investments into building a defence capability have paid off… Today, we have that confidence that the SAF, if needed, can be called upon to defend Singapore and keep Singaporeans safe. That confidence arises not only because of modern armaments and platforms, but most importantly because SAF soldiers, mainly NSmen, are ready and prepared to defend our peace and way of life." Dr Ng added, "This SAF Day, I ask all Singaporeans to continue in their unwavering resolve and support to build a strong defence for Singapore… I thank all SAF men and women for your contributions to our country's defence. For every generation, the SAF is the ultimate guarantor of our security and independence."

Minister for Education Mr , Minister for Manpower and Second Minister for Home Affairs Mrs , Minister for Social and Family Development and Second Minister for National Development Mr Desmond Lee, and officiated at the other three rededication ceremonies held at Temasek Polytechnic, Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Centre, Singapore Institute of Technology@Dover respectively.


Minister for Education Mr Ong Ye Kung (fourth from right) singing the national anthem with NSmen, employers and senior SAF commanders at one of the the Combined Rededication Ceremonies held at Temasek Polytechnic.

Minister for Manpower and Second Minister for Home Affairs Mrs Josephine Teo (first row, fourth from right) reciting the SAF Pledge with NSmen, employers and senior SAF commanders in reaffirming their commitment to the nation's defence at the Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Centre


Minister for Social and Family Development and Second Minister for National Development Mr Desmond Lee (front row, centre) reciting the SAF Pledge with NSmen, employers and senior SAF commanders in reaffirming their commitment to the nation's defence at the Singapore Institute of Technology@Dover.

Fact Sheet:

- Fact Sheet: SAF Day 2018 Combined Rededication Ceremonies (MINDEF_20180702001_1.pdf)