Ohio State University Sustainability Plan Volume III - Technical Detail

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Ohio State University Sustainability Plan Volume III - Technical Detail The Ohio State University Sustainability Plan Volume III - Technical Detail May, 2011 Volume I Executive Summary Volume II Climate Action Plan Volume III - Technical Detail 1 Introduction 5 2 Sustainability Plan Process 13 3 Ohio State Education, Research & Outreach 17 4 Ohio State Energy / Carbon / Transportation 27 5 Ohio State Water 39 6 Ohio State Ecological Function 57 7 Ohio State Food 69 8 Ohio State Purchasing 81 9 Ohio State Waste 91 10 Appendices 101 Volume IV Implementation Volume V Benchmarking Toward a sustainable OSU / The Ohio State University / Sustainability Plan 3 People Planet Prosperity 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview This volume of The Ohio State University Sustainability Plan provides the technical detail to support Volume I - Execuve Summary. The study purpose, process, scope, and concurrent planning efforts are also described in more detail. Technical Detail - Introduction / The Ohio State University / Sustainability Plan 5 1.2 Sustainability at Ohio State Sustainability efforts at The Ohio State University deliberate overall goals. With limited resources, are well-established and have been in place a university-wide, coordinated effort is crical for a number of years. These efforts have and requires a hierarchy of acons that is based been iniated at the grass roots level, from on: the President’s Office, across divisions and by • A solid understanding of the baseline faculty, staff and students. One of the most • Clear goals and metrics that, in the end, difficult challenges is understanding the scope support the university mission of the many efforts happening throughout • Policies, strategies, acons and pracces that the university and coordinang pracces and support the goals policies that push the university forward toward • Effecve tracking systems • Organizaonal structure to oversee and support implementaon OSU Olentangy Scioto Downtown Columbus Image: Google 6 The Ohio State University / Sustainability Plan / Technical Detail - Introduction 1.4 Sustainability Efforts and 1.3 Sustainability Plan Purpose Policies As part of the “One University” plan, this plan Over the course of the last several years, the is intended to help the university establish university has developed mulple policies comprehensive university-wide sustainability that relate to campus land use, buildings, goals. This requires focus on a range of topic infrastructure, purchasing and waste. A range areas that relate to the physical campus of iniaves have been put in place through environment, campus operaons and the core the below list of plans and policies, developed university acvies. This Sustainability Plan to support the university’s future growth and sets a specific course toward climate neutrality operaons: supporng the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment (ACUPCC - • Energy Services and Sustainability Program signed by President Gee in 2008), helping to Plan 2007/08 (10/06) posion The Ohio State University as a leader • Design Values for Campus Development among its peers, and increasing Ohio State’s (12/06) contribuon to naonal and internaonal efforts • 2009 - 2014 Capital Plan (Sept. 07) that address climate change. • Principles & Practices for a Sustainable Ohio State University (2/08) The focus of this plan is to create a holisc set • Purchasing Policy #2.21 (10/08) of university-wide goals for all the topic areas. • Interim Green Build and Energy Policy This is established through a comprehensive #3.10 (12/08) understanding of current condions, and • FOD Five-Year Business Plan (4/09) supported by a hierarchy of acons and policies • PCS - Short and Long Term Goals (4/09) that e to the overall goals. This plan builds • OSU Blueprint for Waste Reduction (8/09) upon established policies for sustainability and concurrent planning studies. In addion a range of successes have helped to build a solid foundaon for sustainability at Ohio State. The Presidents’ Council for Sustainability developed a list of the following successes in the spring of 2009: Successes to Celebrate • Recruited and retained world-class faculty in the fields of energy, agriculture, climate, and environment. Established leading research centers on sustainability, including (but not limited to) the Instute of Energy Technical Detail - Introduction / The Ohio State University / Sustainability Plan 7 and Environment; Center for Energy, cooking oil as bio-diesel fuel. Sustainability, and Environment; Center for • Established sustainability coordinators for Resilience; and Center for Auto Research. residence halls. • Eliminated trays in dining halls, reducing 70% • Switched all campus buses to bio-diesel. of food waste while saving water and energy. • Installed low-flow showerheads in RPAC, Currently developing and implemenng saving 20% in water and heang costs reusable bags and biodegradable bags, ($40,635/yr ). trays, plates, and utensils at various Dining • Encouraged use of public transportaon with Services’ locaons. CABS, van pooling, and reduced-rate COTA • Installed addional recycling containers and service. increased the percentage of waste recycled • Implemented a campus-wide policy to use on campus from 16.8% in 2004 to 21.2% in a minimum of 30% recycled computer and 2008. During football season, 47% of the copy paper. waste at Ohio Stadium is recycled. • Received numerous awards, grants, • Purchased 3.3 million kWh of green and journal and book publicaons on electricity in 2008, enough to power Hagerty sustainability research while connuing to Hall. develop new sustainability courses. • Achieved high energy efficiency (LEED • Made sustainability a part of future strategic cerficaon) for new buildings, including the planning and building. state-of-the-art Naonwide 4-H building. • Put in place an environmentally responsible Formulated Green Build and Energy Policy. purchasing policy. • Partnered to sell Dining Services’ used • Took steps to ensure that Ohio State’s print shop will be Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) cerfied by the end of 2009. • Leveraged our purchasing power to encourage sustainability by vendors. Image: OSU website 8 The Ohio State University / Sustainability Plan / Technical Detail - Introduction 1.5 Concurrent Planning Studies spirit of “One University.” The Framework Plan concepts are supported through this plan and This plan builds upon the “One Ohio State” in turn the Sustainability Plan idenfies more visioning process, the One Ohio State Framework specific sustainability strategies and iniaves for Plan, the Energy and Infrastructure Plan and the components related to the physical environment Stormwater Master Plan. such as Energy, Water and Ecosystem Funcon. The One Ohio State Framework Plan was iniated The Energy and Infrastructure Plan, led by in the summer of 2008 to arculate the overall, Affiliated Engineers, Inc., focuses on campus- long-term vision of the Columbus campus. wide emissions related to on-site combuson Focused on President Gee’s concept of “One of fossil fuels and purchased ulies. The effort University” and led by Sasaki Associates, Inc., idenfied and then concentrated on 12 selected the plan is comprised of mulple components buildings, using the informaon to extrapolate including specific plans for Academic campus-wide condions and help set priories. Facilies, Housing, the Medical Center, an Campus central plants also received special Arts District, Athlecs, the Olentangy River, focus. The plan idenfies strategies for achieving and Transportaon. The process has included climate neutrality of on-site combuson. These significant campus-wide input and resulted in strategies are summarized here and incorporated a fully integrated plan. The Sustainability Plan with more detail into the Climate Acon Plan. is partnered with the Framework Plan in the Image: Sasaki | AEI Technical Detail - Introduction / The Ohio State University / Sustainability Plan 9 The Stormwater Master Plan, led by CDM, examines current stormwater overflows, predicts future condions related to the Framework Plan and proposes specific strategies to address current and future issues. Work from the Stormwater Master Plan directly informed the stormwater element of the Sustainability Plan and in turn, the Sustainability Plan idenfies low impact strategies related to storm water management. Impervious Surfaces % Impervious Surface by Catchment <07803. #=50*(1&,(6#48(17-46114-(2597 "*,3(604 3?186(8043 !934@ !(03-(11 (78<07803. %,78<07803. #48(1 1193087032011043.(11437"496*, :,6(.,<07803.25,6:0497 %,78(2597'43, ,.,3+ :,6(.,<07803.25,6:0497 %,78(2597'43, #48(1<07803.25,6:0497 "496*,"$"(8( (78(2597 Image: Mithun, Data OSU & CDM 10 The Ohio State University / Sustainability Plan / Technical Detail - Introduction 1.6 Sustainability by Topic Areas carbon components build upon work developed through the Energy and Infrastructure Plan and With this foundaon, the plan focuses on being is presented in detail in the Volume II - Climate as comprehensive as possible with synergisc Acon Plan (CAP) document. The CAP idenfies soluons that create a more sustainable strategies and a meline for achieving carbon university consistent with its mission. This neutrality as required of the American College involves a full range of topic areas. The following and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment areas are covered: (ACUPCC) signatories. A transportaon survey conducted by Ohio State Transportaon and • Research, Curriculum and Outreach Parking provided an understanding of the • Water current mode-split and total annual vehicle • Ecological Funcon miles
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