F A O X T W C L V a Etmtbio Vcndi^ THURSDAY. JANUARY 8, Ittt

Th* Holy Nam* Soetoty o t 8 t Metnbere.of tha flwedleb Oon- club and was a member o t th* com- Bridc*t'a churcli will meet toalfht gregetlonel church era reminded of SONOFDEPim r^ mltta* which held ana of th* most € : ABOUT TOWN la St. Bridget'* hall aad perfected the annual busbiees 'mae^ng to­ L o{m I Man Wins His Bet; Buccaadful daocaa the club has ever arraagemeate for t ^ ret^vlag of morrow evening et 7:S0. bad at tha Waverly Inn te Cheshire HALE'S in ’, and Mrs. Fred W. Moor* and coaummloo la a /body at the 9 RESUMES O S R (A )IE $ oa Dec.. 3Sth. ta addition to aU other Mr. end Hr*. Hubert C. Mete* of -a': baby eon who have recently moved o'clock maes oa Suaday. /Then Again He Doesn*t acUvlUes Thomas has been nanaad SELF SERVE (CtesaUled Advertlsteg an Page U ) MANCHESTER. CONN„ FRIDAY. JANUARY 6,1939 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE rURBB CENTH to a new home at 10 Jean road, held Doane atreet ere guest* et the Ho­ to the Deafl’s Honoi Roll for "dis­ ^ TO L. LVnL, NO. 82 open bouse for their friends early Patroaa of the Rockrllle-Hartford tel Commodpre, New York City. . Thonaa E. Dnnnaher Is Jnnior tinguished acholarablp'" for tht Brat 2:30 to 5:30 this week. buB Uae who have beea eajo^ag the A t > o’clock this mernteg tbarak drive la. gat th* paper aad b* back At Niagara University; His qiiartar o t th* currant ‘scholastic FRIDAY SPEOALS ___ ! uae of a abw and modem bus found The Young People'* aodety of was a amaU group gathered et a aad plao* it oe oa* of th* oouaters year. the Concordia Lutheran church will Activities There^ Scene of Allesred Parties Th* annual birthday party supper j it necesa*ry to travel by one of the local bowling alley. There was a la 35 mlnutea The bat waa placed ■\ o t the Women's Auxiliary of at. j eld buses this morning when one of hold Its monthly busineaa meetteg •ad away raced tha aiaa aiafcteg Green Stamps Given UmvitTOW evening at 8 o'clock, question aa to which horse wo^ a *»- Mary's church has been planned tor j the three new buses used pn the tha bet la^taas than tha 38 mlit Thomas/'E. Dannaher, eon ot SEEK TO EARMARK With Cash Sale& Friday. January 13 at 6:30 p. m. in Rofkvllle line went out of commls- when annual report! will be eub- certain race at a certain track. No­ utes be was hack. Tha door was iieZECIIS USE BIG GUNS 'mltted by the officers and hlstort- body waa sure. One of thoae Inter­ Deputy .Judge and Mr*. Thom** J. %: the parish house, It was announced l alon. locked aad ha could not get laslde today. Reservations may be made sn. Miss Louise Heller will lead the ested made the statement that the to Uy the paper where h* said be Dannaher of Bigelow street, return­ OIMIRSL U lLIC TR IC by phoning Mrs. Harold Dougan. of The first sitting In the North End devotions. A week from Saturday, way to get the result waa to drive would bav* It la 38 aiiautaa. Beta ed to Niagara Falla, N. Y., yesterday ■ C ' the 14th, the society will entertain FUTURE SPENDING to Hartford, go to Union Station were called off aad h* was given Rite Crackers Newman street. Setback tournament waa played last to resume hla studies aa a junior in the Waterbury Luther League et e and buy a paper carrying the rac­ back bU 83. WASHERS night. Only nine of the 10 teams th* Niagara University School of IN BAHLE ON BORDER Monday night, January !), at 7.4b scheduled to start played Cope's Liwllng match and fellowship hour. ing results. He bet $3 that be could He had th* paper. .Miss Fre ed. "I think we can work out a as J. Fleming, superintendent of jector. Bostim. while on their honeymoon » 1 2 - 7 5 Ji sUce Department bad undertaken Ijhited StatM ptopoaal tor aatUa- It rapestad tour Wts an f able to work for over a month aa napolls. I simple formula that adll guarantee streets, water and sawera and one of Bo m Oalnw Oa trip North Mr. Keith and hla bride, n iN ■\ each state Its just share and I see an Investigation of alleged vlolatlona Waahington, Jaa. 4—(A P ) —The Described As Demoentk meat of aeoM JaivMh refogw th* otty. which wi the raault of a wrist Injury Is Im­ th* former Mlaa Beatrice Perrett. CASH Naxla baa* the* clalind to this proving. But he will not be back to no res pan why It shouldn't be put in court reorganlxaUon Issue may be 22 defendants te the Watermury vast section of tbe cxmtteant on > tb* Ethiopia. award o f 4Jtl% agM n Mlaa Peggy Larkin whose dancing I will make their home In Ware. Delivered. of the criminal statutes by Narii. Vk !«.• • gt ttV*hl_ I YUt MCUOn Og I Catehoatevak taRttsty m work for a week or two. classes have been omitted during Range and Fuel O il the emergency bUl.” Communists, and certain other 'or revived In Senate hearingc on Feiix million dollar fraud trial, eoUapaed Ponticiins; Nunes W n - Uontmuoa that mlnortUea They Indicated JewUh ooloalaatlaa Maas. ' * 1 ItaaiA las mil A#m aaMi Hungary by ttallamOafama the holidays will resume teaching In May FWlow Highway Formula ganixallons In this country. Frankfurter's nomlnatiam to the te a (Borrldor of the.courthouse bare live te all tU aaetten^ and that tb*M of mnaa ragtona of ttaUaa Bi 24 HOUR SERVICE Oarmans must ba glVsn tha right to ttenat Vlmma last Nov. 2- ;j*i* Annq Ward, of Marble street Tinker hall, Saturday at 10 a. m. ! Senator Clark (D-Mo) said com- The President told a preaa con­ Supreme court. * a today shortly after oppoateg coun­ Afrte* WM anoog pvanoaali hi (Vigtm rapivtsof what Mlnntonomoh Trifce. No. 58. I. O. Although moat senatora axpraaoad raeognlaa Hitler aa tbalr Isadar aad V-t left thli morning for Miami. She la Thoae desiring further Information R. M., will hoM its regular meeting Telephone 3873 aslttao mambera may follow th* ference Attorney General Murphy sel had agreed* on tha last of 12 held By FedenI Attoney memoranduBi from PreHflMt ftttpa* ' « M P M M a s a driving to Florida. Next week she shout the new term should cnli Man­ LT.Wood Co. formula, with soma chisiigea, by bad Informed him to thla effect by hearty support a t th*. liberal Har- Mva M do O af velt whldi AmkaaHdar WUUaai In Tinker hall Monday evening at 8 81 Blaaell HL Tel. 44M TEXACO CRYSTAI.ITE RANGE OIL terd law p rot tm or , sevaiMI jftwUctad jOfOra tin ilB r tha evtdaMia.' bcawirtatba WUI be Joined in that place by her chester, 5026. o'clock. A large turn out of mem­ ' wWeS Paderal MgSanti aw l l i iw s lattor.’ ----- •— ' , lUMt. / * Phinipa ScttviHd te P r a lM Mas- The lattor waa not mad* puMIe ba would b* aakad for bis Flaitehat\tdpMed over daring s re- M in d thla/kanda th* ftaguant- aud* to Pisffn*. . Look *4 < brother. Rev. Paul Ward of New bers Is hoped for as Important dlstHbutad for yean. Hds formuU New York. Jan. (AP) Six aoltel last Tnaaday. WM aserlbM to poor -eo(| York city. Rev. George 3. Brookes, pastor into account th* highway but Mr. Rooasvalt said the alleged views on tb* Roosevelt cdurt MU, called■■ ■ by BoperiorBaperi( Court Judge ly rapMtad Naal dsatra to have ao- business will be discussed. vlolatlona were submitted to . the rejected by the Senate te 1987. Ernest A- umHa to permit further prominent (jonnacttcat raaldents. esM tp raw matartala of tb* rich Muawitol. they aald. abowad an UsMt ----- but a-n^.— tha -O miHTMtos of the Union Congregational church M ORIARTY BROS. mllaage, pepulaUon and area, wbare- 'eoooaragteg atUtuda’* OOnmQCtWm Ernest Lundln, who has been In ^ Department by the Dies Oommtttee PYankfurter, a White House ad­ oonferences. • proposed alternate three of them deacrlbed as Demo- Bovlat RuaMan tJktate*. of Rockville, will lie th< guer.t Danny Shea of the United State* aa a rellrf formula might substitute I b the employ of Cheney Brothers for | 301.315 Center St.; Cor. Broad St.* tevestigatteg un-Amerlran sctivl- viser since the inception of the New juror plan to guard against any pos- eratle pollttclana. have been aub- Diffaraht plana tor eensaasias- The Paaetet Oraad Onmefl * al­ speaker nt the annual meeting- of Armv, atatloned at Fort S'oeum, N. Re-Upholsterinir haed for. mUaagS- Deal, was appointed yesterday by ready hM provided S way tor thla. Mimlnfn itwi over s r years, waa Injured while d ark aald also b* would propose tlea. ‘ aible mistrial te event of the death poeoaed for questioning te th* Fad' tlon of,thee* daateM ar* dtaeuasad • '^ ' the Second Congregational church. Y.. formerly a correspondent for EOllAI. TO NEW The chief executive would not Mr. Roosevelt to succeed the lata or Illness of any of tb* jurors. bare i^ten. On*, ta which Poland having annoimeed oa OoL T that 800 mUM eorthMst e t working early last week. Hla fore­ Thursday evening. Jamiar\ 12. He closer cooperation between relief I The Herald from Company K, has AND UP comment on reports that be opposed justice Ctardoxo. He ia ncit upected era) Investigation into the mulUpl* would ahara—and Hitler w m ba- Had to a aMlagto roglaato thal arm was caught In a machine and a.iAQ >us4u lm a ■paclfloally to A phyaiclaa and a priest, ware a n ti-S ^ U e raatrteUens **dld sot will dlaciisa the lositlon nf the been re’leved of hla duties aa Com 32.00 •E-4^>VERII agendas. a**klTig to join the court unUl th* Elenata summoned. phases of tha McKesson aad Rob- Uavad to .have fait bis way oa tb* eaclude .MaalbUity o f ermredlng patblan mbuBUlM whan ,v he was thrown, resulting In a fur­ pan” Cerk, and Is now in charge of UMtad Stataa church in the conrmunily. A aiip- YOUR 8-riECE HUITE marge th* aaparats (tkmttaoad am Pagt Iha.) oonflrma hla nomination. The corridor te orhieh Fleming Mns aeandal, Inrteg R. Kaufnutn, matter yastarday—would aaak to eontroUed Immigratloo o f Jaws Into Slovak. Mungartoa, Rui ther injury to his shoulder. He haa |>er at 6 o'clock will precede the the Post Library. Danny will have Bmploymant tkrvic* with the social assistant U. B. attorney, aald today. UMXcellad Workmanahlp! WHAT SHE THINKS OF JOHNS-MANVIllE Some western aenatora txpreaaed collapsed la off the court room wber* give Pound dlract and Oarmany soiM Bone of Ethiopia, evM daSeet- not been working since the accident. meeting. three aas-sltanta working for him. security setup. regret that a man from their aection shortly before Clarence Belaiegel, He withheld tbalr names, but Mid tedlraet rule over an autonomoua Two hundred mllM to (ha and will be In complete charge of ell Congreaa, meanwhUa, asked WPA tha others, besides the pollttclana, tes auch endgraUona Atom Palaa- Let O w Cradit Mao Arrange DINE AND DANCE had not been chosen, since the west Wondbridga dairy farmer, was Ukraine, including that part of tb* te.” m Sovlat Vhralaa. work connected with the library. Terms To Holt Your ROCK WOOL HOME INSULATION to show why it wants a sum aa Is not now represented on the court. cboSen as tbe twelfth ^ rso n to oc- war* two lawyers and tha son of * (T b * frontlar botwemi LOYALISTS TAKE tew aoforeement offiear. A t tha flteat Oal Ool Maseh 18 CoavealeMe. Every Thunday, SaHirday Night larga^aa 387$,000,000 to operate Senator Thomas (D., Utah), said af- cOpy the jury box. aa Paga Twa.) vakia aad Hungasy .hM e It is inexcusable to live in a cold draftp until July 1. ta; a viait to the White House, bow- Net th* UnMad Opened t howder Clam*. Barcekma, wUcb for .two days hka Spuridi Territory Now. 3 Cash Prizea! AdnL 25c. A Night At the / Jan. (A P ) — The GtoanvaO. Jaa. 4— (A P )—Eight State* turns from good-naigbboili- Corn ___ pint SSe That’a why Old Codqwny’a 8:20 OTLOCK HMtda marked progreoa. The datond- to antagonism toerard tba to- BUTTER FISH ______lb. 21e uaetta ArUtratloo Board araona wars tajorad. ooe of them Anthracite ia more econom- another affoct today to as era war* waakaaad, bowaVer, by the critically today la a eoIUaloa tevolv- tahtartan statm,” tba* AaabI i Steak Cod icaL It's harder, more con­ HOTEL SHERIDAN teas yaotarday and Wadaaaday of Umdon, Jaa. 0.— (A P I— Prim* 2 No. 2 cons BoUIng Cod than 5.000 atrUdag track drlv- teg a track aad taro automoMlaa on *Tt Is to b* feared that friction centrated. two hay poEnto, Borjaa H ancaa aad Mars Will Famish Shout tween Japen and tba Unltod Statos Mteloter Chamberlain waa under- POLLOCK n>. mje DINE AND DANCE . badi to woric, aa empiayan « th* MMdlatowB-OoaiarsIl highway. ■stood to'* bav* told Ms mtelatars at TOMORROW NIG nrsaaid fear of heavy loaa fn Arteaa Da Begra. Chief fTiartar A. Aadaraoa of tb* wlU bacoms m en and m an aeuta." 25c Salmon Halibut It ddivert more beat. Every Thnrs. and Sstontey Night mod anoUaga. Has Advepe ted a apaetal meatteg today that te MlddletowB poSce aald tb* truck would aak Premier -Muosoltel to T rad i Una oparator* adtadulad a Bwaeplag beyond tbaa* pamta, th* mtortag the highway from a aide For Astronomers in July Tba AaabI la a eompantivaly Hb- '' dkfoaUfanycN./ Tony O’Brigbt and Bis eenftrance of tbalr owa half aa aral paper and haa advoeatad wttbdraw Italian troops from Spate FOWL — Fricassee F A I T H E . S t. Jameses ’School Hall tasurganta had caoqaarad vital porta road, WM atraefc Iw aa automoMle awl to Improve Prencb-Itallan ie- lb. 31c Hotel Shtridan Orcbeutra boar bafWa a BtaU Houas ssadon o ' tho govoraaaont'o olobocht* da driven by Harry D. Pack. 41,,of Ameilean-JapanaM friendridp /ngtdra JVOW ahowt iBtlOOS. *■ ^resh Sparc Ribs, 22e lb. PARS STREET •irttb unteh laaden and Ocn. Charlaa faooe ayitem bat had oot yot one MldiPatcwa. aad than a car drivm Jaa. S^(A P)—Maia.f DIarupUaa at talagrapU and tala- Tba Foreign Offic* Fresh Genuine Calves’ Liver. tapooM FOOD AMD mUNHa Tb* meatteg w m attended by eeaeaaeaa.. SFILLAME AMiHaAcni suettaw EL Ool*. ArMtntlcn Board ^air- 'coadod in disorgaalatag the dafahd- by Alaxaadar Hallaby af Mlddla- which Sgurad ta tb* Mg radio phona asrvtce aad abort w av* radio dd tba govarnaMnt WM atudylng TO CONFBB MONOAX ...... 9c lb., 3 lbs. 25c IOUWMD4T Of A CLAM BT fHBMSlCLVESI Fendgn Bacratary Vloeouat Hali­ ■aa. ' Maahwhtle, th* Glebe m tegtoi towa ctaahad tato the rear of of 188S. ta nxihtac rapidly todaouto Bksly wtn eoma (U later' tha I7nlted States not* o f Doc. 81, Hartford. Jaa. S—(AP)' SCHOOL OF DANCING S t James’s Charch Bs-Baildliig BansBt daalteg with the affects o f Japan’* fax. wbo has had talks during ' the 3ov. Lieverctt Saltonatall might The Sa* i xtmdo aouthward from Pack’s machine . The aeddent bap- toarard tha earth and will fiMteta vals, due to aim spota aad solar Mr Baldwin. trHIciMd Registrationa StiB Open ' Gt'E. W ILLIS a SON. IN a personal effort for peace if Bategoer. la kaiown m -th* Siat Una araptloos. Th* aurora boroalis may oooqunU on Amerleaa ~ treaty oast two days with tte French and peaad aboat SiSO a.m. one of th* astronomical abowa of Oarmaa amteaaadorx. and by Chan- Slal* WPA AdwMatoa Caal. Lumber. 9faae«*‘ SappUea, •tber sttampta tailed. of Dartoloaa detoaaaa”, and held b * vialhia m many statas-at tlmm. righto ta China. Ha could not m J. SuIMvaJi far.teamrks to AD Types of Dancing Tanght PRiBt The truck driver, ChariM DaaMa, tha BOW TMT. wbatbar Japan would rsiSy. I f oallor of tte Bxebequar Sir JOhn . Jclm M. IW Uvaa, praaldent, of Lo- firm tor two walks aftm th* tnaur* 48, o f Portlaad, w m the most aeri- T fo w 178.000,000 milM diatant. But the 11-year aun a ^ eyd* hM augural T e L 6066 n l 28 of th* International Brather- gm ganaral off-Briv* b a g ^ Dec. 28. paaaad Ita maximum and magnetic ~ that tba Tokyo goveranMW Simon and Colonial Secretary Mal­ tended to LIMA BEANS - ^ box 23c GAMES ooaly tejorad. AttaDdaats at the Mara. wfU atoproach wUhln WSfiOO^- MW no aliiilSeano* ta tka Sfashlng^ colm MacDonald. Member of D. BL of A. and lood of Teamstars, Chauffaura and The Iowa of Borjaa Blaitrwa, Middlesex boapttal ta Mlddletowa (WO rntlM of tha earth next July stoRM on tbs aarth arill be l*M fre­ Serve thcM unmmer-fresb Lima Bean* NOW at a Mimmer. th* soiAbani aad of th* atrteg ton annoancamant that UBttad Chamberlain waa aald to have ax- Conn. AiBUated Chib, N o. 18. THE SOLID FUEL & B^ipara (A . F. L .), aald 32 employ- aald be auffmad a poasihta fractured 37.” i>r. ykadarick R. Saaraa, as- quent than te th* past two yean. tha r*niptemt and Hme price. 2 oa had atgaad ccatiacts to pay $40 torts making np the aO-mUa J Statos Ambaaeadoe Joaapb C Grew Ined that—at France’* request— FOR SOLID COMFORT NOW!- aptM aad w m ta -critlcar eoodi- afstant dUractor of th*' Oaniagi* In- One O f Panr BeOpam VMbto fxwtor with the Wf OTHER BIRDS EYE ITEMS: sragas for a 40-boer wsah. Dnia WM In the haado af nanwaSaS Four acMpaM, two > of tbs mi would go bonw on vaeacraeanou ahortly. would not attempt to madiat* Tba gavMnar tteo. aUtuttoa's Mount Wllooa Oboarva- th* Prench-ltaUan dispute BreecoU, 23c. Strawberrie*. 27c. Scallops, t t c. 10 of Them Grocery Orders, xoiitag 800 ditvan to ^ Fraadaeo Frnaeo’s traopai Ahoot tory, said today. aad two of tbs son. a n on the 1880 reply five BrilM to tha north tLa -rinagi ot Othata admit tad to tha hospital Other aiAboritatlva Prench MadtUrronean poosessiotts. Chopped Steak, 35c. Raapberrlee, Peaa Lobeter aad Crab .M—t. ladadad Pack, soffartag from ealaadar. but on^ ana win ba vtalbl* YOTOX S tartin g" Kalph H. Gaboaot, eoonaal fbr tho raportod a n t 'w m tbmi aanaar 80 ttmM la tba Uaitad Stataa. A solar edtpaa Icstod bowaver, that Amartcan- Leaves F m Italy Tnwfay . btokM lag aad aeatp laoaratiac bflghtM than eom r JapansM retettona. tnehidfaiff tba wm Not R ani tho Mont Delkato * Vv ffotor FValght Canlara. said hcar- tho win ba aan nmet Aprn 18 frw Tb* prtm* ratel^ WlD m a HKETB AT A OLANCS CHEESE SPECIALS ■vtr. ha h « s ^ tha la d stancs of fcrt JaasM Mariao, 17, of CtomwcU. who M an next July 83 wffi ba Tn op- faraoutt M tb* Msxlesa ba poSHMUty o t a reply to tb* Dae. 81 the week-awl et Chequer* a ^ ^ J^New Tarfc. Jan. •—(A p L* OcMteae Imported Swlae Cheeee___ Fabrics New Trc^nre Chest Special bo 400 oaraara was unbrohan, Hig of BqcJM WM ridlag oa th* track, lacaratloas h tbo aim. that ' “ Tbs oMtor of Its path win Sa n return to London Monday. H* will Blorbs lllghar: ...... H lb. sea o f th* body, aad two pa Mange re te wOl ba dlraetly oppoaHa tha fWOb) White .or Orange Square Cheeea ... TBYITTODAT! m in t ampteyara* apokaanacn

MANCHEETER e v e n in g h e r a l d . MANCHESTER. CONN. FBIDAT. JANUARY 6. 19St ItrAOTTW O > UAKCHE8TER EVENTHO REBALD, HANCRESTEB, OOI9N. FBIDAT. JANUABT 6. IM f aeveral departments of our state | | | V | | in m CTA'/'C CTAD rived while tba odmlnlstmtioa has i 0 «l Comfoillnf RaNaf ho andsrstood tbo request where It is definitely established J U V E n U X a ln U ls 01 n i l been drafting a vast progmm of t CZECHS USE N G 0116 Hero^ Reward WM to bo for only ISOOAXLOOa ISULUVAN AVERS that'such cooperation Is needed and’ LINDY FURNISHES plane construction. Upwards o t ' CHPREN HURT w ftam . Mfeo hsa tMSB wortdng on GRAND OFFICERS desired. 10,006 aircraft for the Anny ore ox-1 R U lW V DUCE SniDYING now fom nla far fsliaf «atribii- HlllER TAKES He added, however, that "In view AT HARIFOm STATE M te d to ba advocated 1^ President ' IN B A T m ON BORDER BALDWIN WRONG of the conalatent lack of cooper­ REPORT ON NAZIS RooaevalV to hto defense message to ; HEAD 6 :09—Burr •uppar in tli* CommRtsS togsthsr to ation by sponaors, aa attested by the Congress next weak.. C 0L08I ^ INAUTOCRASH baaqu«Nt|«U. “ AMERICAN PLAN stble rsoommsndaUona. Bs said bs ANOTHER STEP TO INSTALLED HERE failure of the Forestry DeparimCnt Jane \llther6 To Appear In • • TMlil Pol tOOM VldU 1 each nosira and aaUMMl I C:SO>7:S(^Center Bprihfa baakct- WITH HUNGARY TROOPS was preparing data to support his to make available Ita sponaor con­ Person For Six Daya Begin­ eontentton that some regions have NXXT. malt a spooBtifl of baU period. >N tribution, I am forced to demand ning Tomorrow. bowl of hotUng war— *- 7;8<^Burr Nuraary' niaatlhg In not received their fair share of W PA State WPA Head Asks Gof- that the condltiona of the project Confidential Document On (C froM Png* Ova) FOR nCEES funds. TO DOMINATIONV igsmeated vapota fc— o-i - i..— tlia flrat floor aoclal room. ‘Expect SobordiDate K. BALDWIN WORKING This toosens iililagm ohd faithsr None Badly Iniore^ Two The Senate-and the House recese- proposals oe lived up to"' America's number ona Juyenilo 7:80-a 30 — Tlfara bukatbW Munkaca waa brokdti and It waa be. (UeattoMfl froai’ raga Om .) «d over the week-end after bearing (Oaimasafl from Pngn O w .) Sullivan said If the state deport­ character actress Is Jane Withers, period. ernor For Report On Aid ments "do not require further serv- . Air Strength Received By SIT ■■■Tldl6..rUb t . , tlcvad that tbe dty'a dvll admlnU> tha Presldcnt’a budget and relief Lodges To Be Rep­ Tbe picture shown to yesterday's who comrs to the stage ot the State chest, and bock ap Us I Cart Collide Near Greeo 7:8)[^Raflnlablng claaa wlUi Ulas ion authorities wmild consider mak­ Ive from the W PA" it would enable ON STATE BUDGET tratlon would be replaced by mili­ messogea yeaterdey. Legialatora Ukraine now In Poland and nlho the Herald (mptloned "Tbe Old Goalee Theater, Hartford, to person, for six double action can to -. Tinker. tary hi|e. ing exceptions in individual eases. were busy, however, getting oettled Russian Ukraine. Needed By Departments. ' Ala agency to extend its work pro­ days beginning tomorrow heading a United States Officials. Ilcm the nuary tC 7:80— IH club meeting. Homestead S Judge Inglls told thq tentative A & P, First National raealved medical attention at the the automobile In which he was patience thet/YJIhuanla has not d- Q. Oox of Manchester; Grand Vlce- "Rasrals■’ and exciting gypsy story has been conferring with Officials the Hartford <3lty club, where Bud and her daughter Svsnhilde, Joyfully kiu Captain Clifton S m i^ o f cuaa authoritarian atataa of maaac- draft of the agreement had been In which .-he displayed her dancing PRESCRIPTIONS PILLED Memorial boipltal. The Miller car starting for the meeting placo was ready hendco back Memel, and the Oiancellor, Rev. (Seorge B. Brookes Of Operating Accounts In of the department ot finance for Rainey of SUtton WTIC will give Ared on by machine-gunners and he ths America-France freighter Schodaek, because he rescued them Ing paaca ‘in tha avsats which led prepared by the opposing attorneys ability; "The Holy Terror” where We knve a selecUon of tka aawaat waa badly amaahed on Ita light aide. and the crew from the foundering Norwegian freighter Smsragd. up to Munich, but failed to give and himaeir during tbe conference Llthuanlail government recenUy of Rockville; Grand Prelate, Elmer Store Business Changes. I several weeka. otyla frauMa. a short talk after the dlnpar at was slightly wounded In one arm. made Mveral concessions to German L,. Launsbury of Hartford; Grand Jane was east aa a sleuth: "Angel's When tha budget meoaage la com- 6:15. Tbe regular -monthly techni­ Hungarians said the battle still Commanded by their husband end father, It sank in an Atlantie Premier MuasoUnl any credit for tha and that tbe lawyers were to study Reckless Manner. Holiday"; "Hello Hollywood", an In­ huriicane-^. solution which avotiM war.” it overnight and report their opin­ TtsU m it (jf Meaael. Keeper of Records and Beal. Edward I plated, Baldwin said be would go cal session win be held at tba was In progress In the afternoon land's concern la with Nad in- B. Aapenoll of PlalnvIIIe; Grand side story of movleland where Jane to work of a special message to the OewpMnmntary Sdjaat— 1*» Hartford Gas Company's audito­ and that four Hungarian oncers Tba sdltorial eltad Sovlat Russia, ions of It today. With the filing today of two store did some famous Impersonations and Tbe cotmael were understood to UoDB In the BalUe and the ' Matrter of Exchequer. Francis E. leglalature outltotog tha status of rium at 8 o'clock. The spesksr will and five soldiers hoil been killed. | Msxtoo, Franca, and Spain la coo Wheeling, W. Va., Jan. 6.— (A P ) leases by two of the lending cbalns many new ones. In “46 Fathers" CaoMtlato Line af •' M tandtng that attacks on rdligloa hava discussed such subjects as tbe „kralne. She to leee Interested In Kom of Durham'. Gron(i Master of I tha state tnatltuUonal progmm. OBITUARY be La N. Kohl, of the Republic ('sechoslovsk casualties were —The Fidelity Investment Assocla- Jane Withers played the little girl HnnalHaa • Wnttkaai • Omaa HEAYY RAIN REPORTED 'JAP PAPER SEES cams from sources opposed to number of preemptory cbslleng^ aouthem Europe, where Nad Influ­ Anno, Frank E. Laraon of Bethel; operating in this town, it appears to " I want to do all I can to carry Steel Company's metallurgical de­ placed at live men. One Csecho- i ence 1# being exerted through trade Grand Inner Guard, Harold Cooper who got into untold misebisf wUh Wnlekaa partment. Slovak armofcd car was reported democracy. to bo allowed In the selection of. al­ tlon, a nation-wide organisation be oaaured that, to offer fsclIiUrs I out the building program through to and political prestige. of Bridgeport; Grand Outer Guard, all the Explorers' Club as fathers. seised. I The papar aald any Inference that ternates and whether altertiate with 60,000 purchaaers of toveat- noted to one of tbe agreemente, a In "Cbeckere". Jane had/plenty of oompletlan os soon aa pooiible;'* he' THROUGHOirr STATE FRICTION INCREASE Juror# should he segregate*^ from John Weanergren of Manchester; Msijor Xeilnath F. Cramer of The Budapest version said hostll- totalitarian atataa wanted to at­ Ashed About Fraaoe aad Italy opportunit.v to show her ^ d ln g aald. Natlapany Kaawa 1 the regular jurymen. Poet Grand (Jhaacellor, Morris L. ment contract certificates and new block will be erected at 717-733 Ha Indloatad. howovar, ha would Watharafleld, state central commit­ Itloa were started at .1:40 a m. tack America waa “falsa and im­ Hiller wae eald In informed q iw - bonds, waa summoned to United Main street. Just north of ths Inter­ skill. In tbe countless otlier pto- Mra. .Angnato WUkie It was reported that Hbat of the ters to have aaked Beck what ReMn of Waterbury. not raeommand any buildtog addi­ ELECTRIC WALL CLOCKS The funeral of Mra. AuguaU tee man from this district will be the 10:40 p. m. Thursday, e. s. t.l by Bjs....AJUI04’«A 'n :D I’KE'iS (LiODHnqed from IMge One) pudent.” ' laManag Staff States District Court today to de­ section of BIssell street. This struc­ turea tn which she appeared, Jane Colonel Undbergh guest speaker at tbe Monday noon Csechoelovak regulars and Irregu- I lawyers maintained al^rnate Jurors land, as an ally of France, would do Withers, as the only other Impor­ tional to that authortoad by tha pra- 12.95 OR ■ •' BfUkla of 81 Ptba atreet, who died Hut for a ron..idcrablc rise In Tunisian Reoolutioa Pobllahod should be separated from the regu­ Tbe foUowtng membere of tbe In­ fend Its management. ture, It bos been estimated, will coat meeting of the Manchester Klwanls lara at Oroisveg and by "Ukrain- I note, were considered among the In case France and Italy became #e- Judge William E. Baker ordered the new chief executive to And out in the nelghixwhood of $25,000. tant star In the cast, mads the nlc- aasumed here that Lindbergh sub­ Tloua admtnlotration. Tkuraday afternoon, will be held temperature, Connecticut might Ths Fascist preaa today published lar Jurors during i^sceases and other riously Involved in the Mediter­ stalling atoff who ore Post Grand mitted It voluntarily. club,/Monday at 13:1S at the Y. M. Ian terrorists.” , have been cleaning up today after foremost prohlsmi to be tackM by the hearing In United States Dis­ "immediately" If various state de­ ture a hilt, solely on her own merlU. Bunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at a resolution by Italians In Tunisia court Interruptli ranean area. Cboncelloia of the State of Connec­ To occupy tha new building.' The Tbe famous aviator still retains C. A- HIS subject will be "National Coamter Measures Talceo. a olseable snowfall. the new government of Baron ticut will taka port: trict Court on a petition filed by partments still wanted W PA aid. Orest Atlantic and Pacific Tea com­ her Into home. Rdv. Dr. Earl W. Defsnse.” Judge Harold Oariity denouncing "outrages of recent Favor Addl|H'*osl Chsllengea. What Beck replied waa not ascer­ hla commUsloo In the United States Story of thaSouth.Hetliodlat church However, the precipitation of Kllchlro Hlraniima. which took Supreme (Hiancellor, Frederick C nine Pennsylvania Investors wdto In a letter to the governor the pany has entered Into a lease agree­ frill furnish the attendance prirr. The Hungarians announced olTlce laat night. days” sad pledging "full and abso­ Most lawjrpra favored, It waa fur­ tained. That the question was put Army Air Corps Reserve despite bis win officiate. The burial will be in piVimpt counter-measures ware tak­ near eloudbtir.t pnifKirtlon. that ther reported, that state and de­ indicated to observers, however, that Mmgraff; Sunreme Vice-Chancellor accused tbe company of operating WPA admtolstmtor said Baldwin's ment. recorded todav at the office of D s s l tot M b MNWR y s R - The new premier has inalatcd that lute devotion" to King Vittorio inaugural address "mentioned this mOLlEYMEN VOTE three-yesr residence In Elurope. He the Eaat oematary. en. drenched the state last night and fense, eodn of which waa allowed Hitler wanted to know how elocely L. Erwin Jacobs; Supreme Prelate accounts "recklessly, (arelessly and the ITown Oerk. with the Hartford President Herbert B. Houee of the his government would follow tbe Emenuele and Premier Mussolini. Thomas H. Troland; Supreme Keeper wrongfully." J'ederal agency and by Inference, accepted a flve-yrar renewal of the Manchester Klwanls club and Rev. (The region where the fighting early today came In the form of 176 cl^dlenges for the selection of Poland felt beraelf allied to Franco National Bank and Trust comnany, commission In the fall of 1937. fundamental (Thlna policy laid down n Popolo Dl Roma said the reso­ at Records and Seal, John F. Hun- The Peimsylvantons, residents of at least, reflected some degree of trustee under agreement for Elisa­ Mra. Frank Bronkle Earl E. Story plan to altsnd the occurred wae formerly part of Ruth- ralt) willch appeared well on Its gular panel, be given 44 addi­ In the new European letup, either os Lindbergh has visited Gcrraaiijr— way to causing a serle. of minor by Us predecessor, but authoritative lution was signed by repreaente- derlack; Supreme Master of Ehr- the Philadelphia dlatrtct, filed their discredit upon the Works Progreaa beth C. Greer, whereby tba premises IN WAGE DISPUTE ••• ^Tifuiomat FUBaral aarvlcaa for Mra. Ldfelle New England District Klwanls con­ enla-Carpatho-Ukralne. There had tivea of Italian osnoclatlona and In- tional challenges in selecting alter- a guide should Poland turn agdnst as well as other European nations— ^Hatton) Bronkla, wife oT.'Frank floods until It slackened o(T shortly quatteni expre.seed belief that the chequer, Emanuel Cave; Supreme petition last Dec. 31, asking that Admlnlatratloo." may ba used.by the grocery firm for ference In Boston tomorrow. been numerous border difficulties atltutea of Tunisia,' French African -two for each defendant. In him or to determine how far he / at various tiroes to study avlatlQO Racraw l|w caak Braikla, ware bMd this aftaraoon since the September crisis.) aftsr daylight. new regime might be more out addition, any of th'e ortgtnal 176 could support Italian demands w Master of Arms, Arthur F. Mitchell; tbe Association be thrown into re­ Sullivan repeatec* two quotations ■ term ot five -eare from April 1, spoken protectorate. In behalf of the ItqJ Supreme Inner Guard, PhlHp W. ceivership. from tbe Inaugural. They were: facilities. He left Berlin Dec. 33 to at > o’clock at bar borne on Foley Hungarian military authorities Weather Bureau experts...... ^ figure ... *n rejecting other power#' cbollangcs remaining when tbe France for on African colonial ad­ 1989, with option to renew for oae spend the winter to Paris with hla sjrjsLtruiig atreet. Rev. William T., Wallace of an Inch of rain la the equivalen't of ! fbfbplalnta concerning Japan's new Ian population. It was pnaontoi/to HeiTlman; Supreme ()uter (3uord, PetHloa For Injiractloa “The hurricane last fall wrought year at the end of that period. BaOot On Qnestion Of Ac­ to maka fagnlor toy- announcod Ibis afternoon that a the consul general at Tu n is/^th 13tta Juror Is picked could be used. justment. family. the North Mathodlat cHurch.'which NAZIS PIN HIGH HOPES Csechoelovak Unk, a mine catapult W tfter O. Shutter. The recelverabip suit wrhicb At­ havoc with our state parka oo the manta la aSitM to n approximately 10 Inches of mow ; r f'''o f dominance Tn CThlna the request that It b« transmitted Of the new panel which reported Other queatlona reported under The financial orrangemente were Ha had gone to the German cap­ Mm attandad, ooadue^ the 'aandca. and a heavy mscblne-gun bad been Just to make It seem more likeIlk to tha court yoatorday—tha fifth discussion were treatment of the Many guesU from |:e other New torney Cheater P. O'Hara said the seashore. The cost of restoring not stated In the lease agreement ptraanal laan.-Wa_Ha to Forrign Minister Ooun' England States will be present The Aaooclatlon would "fight to the Ut­ them has been esClmated at $400,- cepting Compromise Of­ ital to October when ha rcoeived The baarara wara/Kannath May, ON VISIT BY RUBLEE ceptured on HimgsHan territory summer, Danbury reported that the OCCUPY THItBE TUWN8 panel called since the trial began (Jermoh ■ nalnortty la Polaad/ aad which was recorded. from Field Marahal Ooering tba Or­ Ctsno. Grand Chancellor, Grand Chief, ter end.” followed a Securities, aad 000. A WPA project has been sidl­ ■ !jf • ■ bMI and Arthur Saalart, Arthur near Munkaca. Tbe Hungariane 1J18 Inches of rain that fell there Nov. 30—26 were Immediately ex­ what to do with POUah J e w who In the second document. First Na­ der of tbe German Eagle, one ot the Kcakla, Eraaat Moraa and Burton declared thia equipment waa tden- wa# accompanied by lh\inder and Shanghai. Jaji. 6.— (A P )—Japa- II Popolo Dl Roma/Sold the Its! cused by tha court for reasons of Grand Senior and Grand Junior, and Exchange Commission petition for ed for, but to date little or nothing fer Made By Company. , nese columns, flghUng in nevere cold Ian consul general had delivered a had lived In Germany. whoM poeo- ' Pool Grand' Chancellor Louis Cole, tional Stores lei sea from Pagan! country's highest decomtlona. Norton of Pl^cHlla. Berlin. Jan. (t—(A P I—An Inform­ ttfled aa belonging to a unit of tbe lightning. A house wius atnick by health or business. Of the 13 pofta Polaad tried to eonbcl. md an injunction to prohlUt practices baa been done. We should antici­ , In southwestcni Shansi province, re­ "high protest" tonbe French resi­ an from Rhode Island will be pres­ the SEC contended were In viola- Brotben the premises at 169 North Earlier in the fall he had In­ aMawMra. Na en-mak- Burial waa w tha Beat eamatary. ant in dally touch with the highest regular Csechoelovak army. lightning but little damage done. venlrernen examined, the court ex­ whom Germany sent to tha froatlar pate the posoibiUty that the state spected air fields and equipment to German offlelala said today that ported today they bad occupied three dent general a^/'Iiinls..for "Indigni ent. tkin of the Securities and Eht- will be required to restore these Main street for a period of one year New Haven. Jan. 6.— (A P )— The art. Ptampt atrtlca. The Hungarian Foreign Office an­ .Streams were running high In the cused two, the state challenged four where many atlll ora wotting. with ontlon to renew for one year Soviet Russia. Eleven Russian air­ Rato s( Intovaat 8% STOCK UF . Naal hoped of bridging the gap be- nounced that a vigorous protest vicinity of Manchester where 1.8 towns on the east bank of the yel­ ties" s iifferei]^ Italians during the and the defenee six. Donctog to Follow ebange Act. parka at great expense." Clonnecticut (fompaay's 1,000-odd visit of P ^ l e r Doladler. a. This is the only state where the terms for a four year period. The bus and trolley opemtora voted to­ men afterward accused him to a twsan the United States and tba against violation of Hungary's ter- Inches fell, but none overflowed low r iv « :,a ^ r the Chides# motto a The veniremen examined and ex­ It le estimated that olnca 1000, Tbe Federal Court at Detroit "Tbe storm did great damage to Reich center on next week's vUrit to The ppfwr sold on Italian flog Grand Lodge offlecra ore installed at agreement to effectlye as of January day on the queation of whether or statement of minlmlxlng Soviet air StiHISSliTSi Winter Suppli^l Pff^nal Notoa | dera bad been made In Prague and their banks. hasty retiMt into Shenri province cused were; Mrs. Ann H. Vance of when the WrighU first flow a h w - granted the injunction after the our state forests. Tbs stora bos 1, 1989. No terms ars disclosed to atrengtb In order to give PrinM Min­ aad t % artnikly an any Berlin of George Ruble#, the Ameri­ that the German and Italian lega­ across the river. bad burned, another flag bad New Haven; Mias Nellie E. Simona a public ceremony. After tbe tn- Fidelity Association denied all created a great fire baxard, partic­ not to accept the managamai>ra Precipitation reports from otlier ler-thon-alr-plsaa. ttiM ^ .BtoUation there will be dancing and the axteament of record. compromise offer to their demands ister Chamberlain ot Great Britain ramaladar. . can director, and other members of tion.. In Budapest had been Informed centers Included. New Haven, 1.6 Japanese artillery was said to been/torn down, windows of Italian of -Mariden; Arthur J. Palmor of 000 airplanes have been built In tha charges made by the BBC, Includ­ ularly to the eastern part of the of Nofiondlly the Intergovernmental Committee IS and shops smashed and bolt- entertainment for the members, Both of the grocery firms are set­ for wage tocreasea and other/con­ argumente for negotiating tha Mu­ / IN MEMORIAM of the Incident. Inchea; Torrlngton, 1.23; Wafer- have followed up with a heavy shell­ New Haven; Jamee Farren ot Nau­ United States. ing alleged "misrepresentations" of state. The state forester to building ting up stores to the new ,ocattons nich pact. in lerlng memery e( Everett J. on Refugees. The foreign mlnletera Italy and ing of the new Oilnese positions. / fay distribution of toys to Italian gatuck; Albert J. Schreck of New their families and friends. The mem­ the company’s ftoancial status. The fire lanes so that-a forest fire, if cessions. bury, M : Norwalk, 2.2 and Derby bers of the Uniform Rank will act oa to supplant buatoeaaea now being .Tht balloting places to tfae com­ The atatement called Ltodbargh Known SuppI ■beaer who paseee sway, January In Ndsl eyed tha decision of the Germany drew up the tiov. 3 Vienna 2. The towns reported captured were children disturbed by a "stibverslve Haven; Daniel M. Begley of Meri­ company, to accepting the Injunc- started, can ba confinea wttfato Berlin government to receive Ruble# group." Color-Guard. conducted at other addresses. The pany's five divisional headquarters "a stupid liar, a lackey and a flatter­ award by which Munkscs and other Wencheng, Kuhslen end MafsnsfM/ den; Kingsley T. I-elghtoto of North Uon, alM denied any "past derelec- some Umit. It to hoped that ao: A A P to moving from the Mont er of German Faaclsta." The flier’s and his asdoealtM Is a gesture of territory was ceded/o Hungary. | Haven; Ernest C. -Unriay of North The Buprome Lodge Knights of tlons," and declared It was a ool Federal funds can ba made avail­ at New Haven, Hartford, Stomford, for Your Ton have gene from year dear anea appaaaameiit hivolvlhg considerable On tha Central China fruBC (Chi­ Pythias friU oolabrato tholr Diamond gomary Word buildtog. and tbs First Meriden qnd Mlddlgtowa ware hosts on a subsequent London vtalt Tear sblldren. rear wife Prague, Jon. B.-y^APl—The Hun-' nese reported they recapHii^ sin- REFUSES TO COMMENT Branford; Andrew -J. Btssell of vent corporation. able." German aarrifle*. Washington. Jan- 6.— (A P )-^ JubUoe eo Ftbruory IR 1389. In National Store to moving from the opened at iTsO a. m,'and will elosa denied be had reported on JluaMta .Whoa yea wlltlacly lolled for gsrlnn charge d'-klTalrea called at ' D O aO R TO TESTIFY klong, east of Yochow^/ after four Guilford; Howard Stepp of East Walllag War State Fnads Oougblto block, a tranafsr which ol- air forces. AAodicino Asd loved as yonr life (Ruble#. Robert T. Pell o f the the Foreign OIRce today and lodged ^ President Roosevelt referred re­ Haven; Charles S. Sargent of ^ y - F R E D ^ Washington, D. C. The order at 6 p. m. Pkona So. Wo also yen thronth the weary daj-8 of flghtlng. Yochow Is 133 ipUes In reply Sullivan told tha gover­ res(ly has bean effsoted. Lindbergh la a member of tha Na­ Washington State Department aiid a protest j^hlch charged that porters to the State Department to­ mour and James Murdock of Meri­ founded tn Washington D. C., on nor first that hla agency had T b e' trolleynian’a union has de­ tleasaa ka. SB! honra up the Vangtse river from Hankow. February 19, 1864 by jW lc a Rath TINY BABY ( M GIYEN manded for the, opemtora a wage tional Advisory"C}>nuntttea on Aaro- Wa alee ywa as oikert misa son and Joseph O>tton of New York arc ex Csechoslnvak troops had invaded j IN H E A T DEATHS" CASE day when be was asked whether den. up rehabilitation projecta totaling Gibinof pected to 'make up tha delegation The CThInese also reported they Ambassador Phillips at Rome had It was predicted that another WERNER \boae. It to the only fraternal order Increaae from 87 to 80 cents an nauttes, and attended ona of ita flowsrs the region^of Munkaca. In the ter- i more than $1,090,000 to Fademi meetings here about two years ago. Baytiras or alablUma wherover we so ming from London to discuss plana killed 20<) Japanese in a battle along acted under Whits HouOe inotruc- panel would be necessary if th* al­ InstractoEln " Jn tbe country granted/S charter by -FAIR” CHANCE TO LIYE funds and that $6U,000 of thto bad HARTFORD MDSiaANS hour, two weffca vacation srith pay, M bow wo all also you so. ritory Cpechnslovakia ceded to Hun- I the Sul river, SO miles south of -ton Act of Omgreao. , pensions for long-Uma employes and His report on German avtatlon MV or Jtwlsh emigration from Ger­ gary Nbv. 3. Philadelphia, Jan. 6.— (A P ) _ A tions In revesting that Italy per­ ternate Juror plan la accepted. beep appropriated to reduce forest JUstOsBR I ,vsa ratalnolh new eur treasors Jmany with Field Marahal Hermann coroner’s ph.vsirlan who examined Klukiufi^. t Under the epcaaoiohlp of the Oon- recognition of tha union. Barth the lonely enebet keep# mit some European refugees to flro'hosarda. The State Forestry OsRgli Synp . . . . . D Wilhelm Ooering, bead of the four- C^^hoolovak officers attached to the "baked” bodies of four convicts PIANO and noctlcut Brigade Uniform Rank, Ada, Okla., Jan. 6,-:-(AP)—A TO FEEL WPA SLASH The company’s compromioe offer, And tbs annlttkt Imss to Ilnsor thc^ Joint Hungarian-Cisechoelovak make their homes In Italian Ethi­ Department had agreed to add $86,- FRAOIN*S Whore oar dearest father sleeps. year plan, and other German lead- after they were taken from eteam- opia. PICKUP Knights of Pythtoa a bus trip to b a ^ girl, weighing only one pound, announpad laat night to the Oper­ SPECIAL l^ d e r delimitation commission were heated cells at the Philadelphia BI'RK NUKSEKl \ planned for four days to take In the 14'oimcea at birth, entered her third 000 to this, be said, but to date ators to meetings at the various BRjrsr AspiriR, Mr. Roosevelt added with a smile ORGAN none of It had been forthoomtog. Hartford, Jan. 6.— (A P )—An­ WIPE AND CHIDDEBN. (Last week In London It was in- Ordered to the scene of the Incident. county prison lost August was sum­ (V Alleys) East St. Louie, 111.—H. O. Pierce events of tbe Celebretlon. day of life to an Incubator' today nouncement that 10 members of (llvtolan headquarten, included a 190^8 ...... o D ; Reports here Indicated that only a that he did not believe tbe State Studio: 152 Wm I StrMt and phyaictons gave her a “fair" He aald about $19,000 a weak Drsmstie Vahiet dicated a plan for removing 150,( moned to the murder trial of former Department vAsuld talk on this sub- reported hla automobik. bod been ^ Meitokegfei'a Part tba W PA Federal music project to wags tocraase to M canto an hour, DAILY younger Jews from Germany wo< ■mall detgehment of Csechoolovak ^ p u ty Warden Frank A. Craven to- T«LS888 Memorial'and Linns Lodgea of chance to live. waa being spent to wogee for men effective Immediately, and anoUbU' Evergreens (3) Ject. stolen. A few minutes later the engaged to forest clearing and that Hartford will be laid off Jan. 15 due VIcfc’s 2 * be dlaciisaad.) troops wraa stationed In that area. day “to tell what he found out." I A. .Mandieatetr will act aa boat to the The tiny baby, only 18 toebes rent to be added to Juna and mads Saturdtjr Only!/ Morrell .... 76 65 74—216 police telephone rang. ■ 0 far about 960 acres hod been to a. decrease to the quota o t tha LUNCHEONS VsRO Rsb ...... First vagua reports received here Assistant District Attorney John J Faulkner . "I've got ■omebody’a cor,” Frank vtoltlag toembera o t tbe Grand long, was bom at home, then ruah- Federal music project was made to- retroactiva to Jaa. 1 If eoadltkiiMi ''N / A. Boyle called the physician. Dr. I 74 78 90—380 worked over. " p fm told of a "number of brawls" In the J Cheney ... . 83 87 WlUloma told. He explained he bad -Lodge./ Melvin Ook, who to to be ed to a hoapitai. 06y 6y ^rthur N. Johnson, member ararmat The company also of­ Martin F. Crane, in an atteflipt to ' 83—333 Said Dr. Catherine T. Br3rdia, The odmtototmtor said alee t»««» fered to recognise the' union and to 35c ATTEMPT TO STEAL Munkaca region. E. W ilson...... 104 99 SEEK TO EARMARK pulled away from the curb without toatolled aa Grand (honceUor, to a of Vtocent J. Sullivan’s staff at ad- acquaint the Jury with conditions in •a 06—200 "She's doing fine It'a the the W PA had appropriated nearly fumUh opemtora' uniforms frao of Aad Up H noticing that his rear bumper had member of Memorial L o d g e ___ ao tor. mtototmtlve taeadquartem to New 9a^ I’ve ever oeen or even $440,000 for projecU spoosored by chorga. DENT BUD.APBST REPUim 886 coupled with ths front bumper of SATUROAT ONLY John Wennetgren, to be toatolled oa Haven. LlgM W olfM a former prison physician already 336 843 1008 heard of." the State Highway Departmeot Ths unlon'a atoto board will maat BODY OF SLAiN MAN Hust, Pxechoalovakla, Jan. fl.— Mmnt (3) FVnntE SPENDING ^ the cor behind him. Eight blocks Qlrand Outer Guard, to a member of Thlrtoan ara mambsm of tha r rr 1 « described as ao "damnably hot" TBE NEW ^Yinna Lodge. While a corps of nuraoa kept which conototed largely of clearing tomorrow morning and aat a date HOTEL WOOL DRESSES Q I > ' (A P )—The government of Carpa- that ''I’ll never be able to fori^et It “ V Griswold . . •3 81 later be discovered It. debris from highways and more than W PA Symphonic Band and five are 103—370 Tbe delegaUa win be wrieomed v lfll around the Incubator, the fa­ for a meeting witn Richard J. Bear Slaaa 1L44 CsM Itosskdrs Maryavllle, O., Jan. 8—(A P ) — A tho-Ukralne, autonomous dlvlgton of Dr. Frederick 8. Baldl. acting su­ L. Fortin ... 83 75 78—236 Tbe "trailer" woe Pierce's cor. $n\000 for rehabtUtation of state of the W PA String Enaemble'. The Ciechoalovakla, Issued a denial to­ ONWPAPROGI^ •by David Chambera, chairman o t ther, Walter Dickerson, remained method used to deciding what mu- nett, vice prcaideat and ganerai SHERIDAN possible attempt tb steal the body of perintendent since Craven and nine . D Jensen ...... 70 m 81—363 porks. . maoagar of the company, to dto- D8R8CiUt8d*B day of Budapest repc>rta that CIRCLE tba Board of Selectmen at the din­ on hla Job oa night watiehmon at a Bldana should go eras to.eliminate SATURDAY Clark B. Haye^ 28, slain on the eve other offlecra were aiupended In the B Nlphprdtng , w 84 80—360 Since 1463, man .has mined warehouae. On the highways projects ha ooM cuas tba outcome of tha voting. of his weddli^ was retrirted today Caeehoslovak troops hao attacked deaths, told the seven men, and live (Oiwtiweed t m a Pag* Oaa.) ■bout 41,000 toDS of ^ Id , enough ner. The arrangemanta for the din­ over $54,000 had been spent but tha toatmmenta which could best be ONLY I $ 3 . 9 8 CsRfh Sjrnip ..... ner. and tha toatallation have fallen, It waa the elxth child bom to tbe dtopenaed with, without daatroytog by Sheriir H toer Roosa. and shelled the Hungarian village women JUrors yesterday that when 331 351 843 1034 to moke a cube 41 feet along ooch A SHOW OF 8HOW8I that the Highway Deportment hod The sheriff said E. 8. Faulkner, of Orosipeg on the outskirts of he entered the cells Immediately ■pending on the nation's economy ■to tha greater part, upon Joaeph S9-year-old mother, but her flrat to the effect of tha enaemble, Mr. side. ten yean. Attendants said the btrt|> !oll^ ao for to producFony of the T1rfTfr*if partner ik on undertaking Arm Munkacs. after the bodies Were found hla con­ and tome questions wara ooked Har­ Yonr favorite Jnvonlla ao- RoUaaoo. repraaenttog Memorial 151,000 It agroed to odd to the op- Johnson aald. ' .Shruhe (3) ttou star hi/hto noad dror was about three months premature. Throst DIscr...... which h ^ the body, frightened away A communiqua aald that "Hun­ tact with the heat was like "walking B rington about the rriaUon of apand- IsJdge and Donald MePheareon, rep- propridtloD though It bad fumtohsd Into a brick wall." D yh oe...... 72 58 84—300 matte role, \ y\ TOOf about 8:80 a. m. a man who at­ garian lerrvrlsta" crossed Into Car- F. lag to the recent bustneo# recession. foaenttog linae Lodge. traasportaUofi fbr workmen. Hie CRUSHED TO DEATH Burkhardt . . 64 68 02—» 4 It to the flyat time that exerctoas - LEHMAN DCFRQVED Psrfcs>D>Ttf FOOD SALE tempted to pry open a window at palho-Ukralne during the night, at­ H. Morrell .... No DtocnaMon Of PsIMan sum ot $7,000 had bean spent on the- mortuary. . 63 84 80—337 on thto aeote have been held to Man s fst tacked Cfscboolovak border patrula rN^TwnoAnNG f i r e . Q. nee ...... RapreaentaUvo Woodrum (D., * r r o u O H the perks projecta. ba said, aiad Naw York. Jaa. 0.— (9 P )—Joseph , H H on CuMtoR SaU Jan. 7, 9 A. M. on ^Nayea' body, bound with wire and . 84 99 88—366 ebaator by the K. of P. -Oaano will New York, Jaa. 6— (AP) — (3ov. and wouniled ame soldier. The com- Va.), tha SubcommItUe ebainnan, Herbert H. Lehman, w to wae forced $400- by the speiiaor—the State Nuens,' 55, captain of tha tugboiat MARLOWTA STORE (led to a rusty, atone-Iadrn milk cun miinlipie added that the patrols chas­ Mnrshfleld, Mass., Jan. 8.,---(AP) ’ said thera wmai ao dlacuostoa o t Aarva a turfcay dtoner and reaenro- Park DepartineaL Im 8.. was crushed to dsath today was found yesterday by a diver In .383 304 880 036 to caacd a White House vtoit yes­ 1 0 ( Y s $ 1 ^ 9 Onarry-rind L.* A. Society. ed the lerrorlsta bark across the —The Board of Selectmen today Ik'Y’A ’n poUelea o t its future eouree. S M i V I Umw have been made for 800. After terday becouee of a severe cold, was "It will toteraat you to know, I whoa ba waa ptonad betwaaa tha an abandoned quarry near H>im- Roeea ( I ) border. were Invrstlgating an early morn­ He axpreeaed belief that those eub- TODAY AMD TOMORROW WMh Froak Dorro, Dick the dtoner all eeremoniea to the reported much Improved today. Un­ am sure,” 'SulUvan added, "that a aide of the tugboat , aad a railroad mersrille, where Hayes worked as a ; ing Are of undetermined origin H. Henrv . . . . 64 69 •7—330 main lodge room o t the Maaonle great deal of rehablUtatiaii work float, at Pier 3, North river. Munkaca Is In the Carpatbo- M Jecto-would be left until the W PA ParceO. Judith AltoR 7 less compUcatloos develop, the PRrtast clerk In the rmnsroods gm eerv' which did considerable smoke dam- Alexander . . 64 71 98—3 I« appropriation for the 1080-40 flaeal temple wQl be open to tbe public. h u gone forward at our aeveral store. Vkralna ter^tory ceded \o Hungary B. lanreiKe.., . 67 83 governor and Mra Lehman will at­ Cod LlTorOU. ag^to the unoccupied police station 73—313 yM r comae up. ALSO Tha principal addraaa wlU be deUv- tend the Joclmoa Day dtoner here state humaiM toatitnUona.” ' TO DISPOSE OF (HD TEEE8. Nov. 3. Huat Is the new capital of at Brant Rock, T Faulkner .. .106 89 86—3S3 A Carpatho-Ukralne. Firemen estimated In a b rief talk with Newsmen, Sred by Rev. Qoorgo Brookea of the tomorrow night. It was sold. Wanto to Caapantoa. Ptolt' 9 9 f ...... Tbe year’s new license plates the loss at 3500 The blase orig- Harrington said K’PA rolls cOn A SUrriag Tola of the ^ Union Qmgregatkmal church, Rock­ Tha administrator aald that be- Kaene, N. K , Jaa. 9— (A P ) — start appearing In the country Orst tnated In a cell. Old Weal. 383 813 337 033 tinued to erow smaller and that ville. who to to be tostaUed aa Grand The Smithsonian Institution .an­ (uae o t the natloa-wide curtail­ This city has a plan to solve the WkiUV Cod Uvw OU In the Southeast in the fall, when about 8,076,000 peraona were em­ Vice Chancellor.. _ ment of the W PA program he naed^ problem of Oiriotmaa traa dispoaal. cotton Is markrted- HOSPITAL NOTES nually . receives approximately $1,- In New YoVk- state. .Insurance It la reported after a survey that ployed on Disc. 81. “MAN’S/ The»lnetaHatlon to.' being epon 044,092 from the government and ed to know what the varloua state Hl-T chib membem will collect I Tsbtoltb JWQm RANGE and rates were generally decreased for out of 26,000.000 poaoenger cars "We expect the reduction to eon by the lodgnk of the Second $140,000 trem private endowments. departmenU. deolrad aad declared them tomorrow and bum them. In safe drivers. Approximately 00 In the United States, only an aver­ COUNTRY” he triabed to "cooperate with tbe a night boaflro a$ Kaena airport. Admitted yesterday: Stephen tlaua," ha said, adding thare hot with SACK RANDALL which .lactoflee tha two FUEL OILS Beebe. 104 Hamlin atreet per cent of the drivers fti'the atste age of 800 ore moving daily la been 8.113.000 on the rolls on Dee. pDlld*S,Tl88R«S, Alice will benefit. In some parts of the : to Maaebeater, Elm Lodge of T M-HbuB BEBVirE Breen. 100 Pine street. co«st-to-eo(ut trips on the maiw 34. Hartford, Dainon Lodga of 930*8 . ^ 2 tor . . . . . state, the reduction Is os much oa east and _weet trano-continentol Plus ■ Discharged yeateiday:' Blanche *T1m bustaaaa pick-up to unmis­ A DOUBLE SERIAL TREAT TTlUa and Enflald Lodge of Bn PHONE 6820 Peggy Larkin McCarthy,' 33 Burnell Piece; Mra. 18.4 per cent. ■ highways. takable." Harrington continued, ALL WOOL I — ON 1MB RAME gHOW I YOUTHFUL Psthfr^otoR^s j a E i Paul Barrett. 138 Birch atreet; Ed­ "aad the W PA program Is Just get­ Flaal dtiip •a tha vtolttog membem aKtar tha SNOW SUITS DANCING INSTRUCTOR gar Mohr. 360 Middle Turnpike. ting going with the recult thht it to OM o f the Fbaatoe To T o «l BEAUTY. iMedtoUw ...... “BLONDIB” -- •TIM TTLKR’R LOCK* '■ thay wqi ba met by 10 y / BOLAND RESUMES TEACHING East betadaig heavy goods tndustriee." Alia fram Maaeheatec who wfl] Birthi: A daughter, yesterday, to How to Weather the Winter Woodrum sold tba aub-commltUo Epfooda No. loe them to the of Wkito PhiBip’s MUk of SATURDAY. JANUARY 7 Mr. andd Mra. John Pecan, 167 n r k would haor Mayor l li R A T R Ipaaa ^ Maaaachuaetta General heopltal to do nb. Loa' Angelaa, Jan. A — (A P )—Ro Beattm. "Tim W76,000,eoo looks to __ perler Judge Tbomaa Ambcnae Tooth Paste ...... aS. like a higher rate of expeadltnio peomlaed a deetohm today on $ 4 . 8 7 Bingo and Dance FAVOR.6 m A N G E IN NAME than wo hove at preeent, la the wbaOtor be will great Martin (OoL o t many tndirattoea o t U ucovtat Giaq)) Snyder, ooavictad.of I's T(Md Strai^t She Hertford. Jan. 6.—(AP)—liia RaCRlar and SRoeial Gr b m ! Ixa^ aaionndltlona." told Adomn. DANaSG tompthu to murder Myrl . A ' !• ...... $ 5 . 4 7 S w M p sU k M ! State Publtctty ‘Commlaelon, la lU Tbo FrsMduit dselorad la .a opo- maa. 30. radio ptoatot. a aaw M aL Moond omtual report miada pubUe etnl moMaca TMtoedoy yaMardny that ^ i r « 7 8at«i4i j Nlflitl MiiwralOa. DOOR PRIZE! today, ograaa with suggeotleoa that ba ramdiod to " A M D ^ DAUDMIEB DO plat ...... a AH tha neme of the department be mo(LOO(>eB WVPA PA roOanOa la FbbruoiyFbbr PdR iR riB t 8atiirds3r*s Best Mwte by ekangad to "CcnhacUeut Deimlbp. aad Maihlh-wnh tha nonbor dhnta- CaL. Jaa. A —(A P I— VahMs at ■MRt Ootnmiaaiea.” Jm RHODES, PtMBptar Leca ik m 34 boura after blith. R O W N W h THE nVE SYNCOPATORS tofaM daughter been to Mra. ^ rocsBt ounray ot t h e ______VERNON GRANGE ("battoa J- OonMl. wUa of "AadjT M M ihows that tha conanmar pom I f A I J - o f tlw ladk) team o t "Aaw* V SHOE STORE Adniuiofi 25c. Aady,” d M today la. a Hottywoed iSm VwRMi CmKct. c l 8IS MrIr SDraat .; . FRADIN’S MANCHESTER EVENTNQ HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. FRIDAY. JANUARY «, IM f Talking Robot Experiencing SEEK NEW VICTIM cartoonalities By Psal Acet. HOIDEX-CONVICr MANCHESTER POPUUTION Tdll Tryout THes Slickest Skiers MOn EXPERIMENTERS • DRUG RING TRK) r Troubles of Baby Learning OF TORSO SLAYER ON-ARSON CHARGE O V E K 25,000, ESTIMATED ARE OVEN WARNINGS Manchester’s Neighbors HELD AFTER FIGHT fWIadelDtala. Jan. 6.— (A P )—Tlw|.3S saparato tones, and a thousand New York Police Press In- tbe antln Unltad Btates baby robot of sdenee, a machine i modulaUons of each. Letter To Geveland Pofice Btade for 1988. A m Am p Operators Workinr It talks if the operator learns the State Board Of Health Re* Mato —»*-»«■ On TtlcvisMB In Danfftr that talks, the first ever made, U right touch and combinaUons. The Testigatioo Of Tenement -f’After due (»aelderaUaa Ito canso Of Hiffh Voltacsa. ^..ring r in g tthe same troubles in learn- sclentiata tried It out. Indicates S h iftjn Activi­ otate dspartinant o f health la ro- Narcotics Vahed At $50,*;:: "Say MUstsslppi”, one shouted leases Its Figures; h * tog as a human baby. leaataf eetlmatee beseid on the tfl- STAFFORD from the audience. The young wom­ (treimee aa revealed by the ceaeiia at DAIRYMEN TO HOLD Mambera of ths Amsrican Radio It ean't say "U ” Its mechanical ties To Los Angeles. ? J A 5 -lt> HAVE 0 C - Blaze Taking Fonr Lives. niTE N BY SMALL DOG, Bslay I^sagus, a "ham'' organiza- an preased tbe keys, and there was a crease Of 352 Over Last 1980 compared with 1990, eanryttff 000 Cijnliscated; PoEce* ®ie A FftANCiSCAKI SPRINGS Uoa, announces through its secre­ throat Is capable of this liquid ' roar of appreciation, for tbe tmita- oa by addition tha annual Ineraaee tary, K. B. Warner of West Hart- sound, but it usually slips and says; i tion was nearly perfect „ ^ , J OROTMER./ for aaeb town aa revealad bjr tha _ JOHN C. NETTO 58TH CONVENTION Philadelphia, the next called tor, Los Anyeles. Jan. 6.—(A P )— let New York, Jsn. 6.— (A P )—Police 473, Stafford fM d that a campaign of safety is man Wounded In Battle.'/ "R ", "R W " or "WR." Year Is Indicated. two cenouata." ■. A S K S $10,000 D A M A G E was not so good. Voder stuttered ter mailed in Loa AnffrlCs and ad held a 37-year-dld ex-convict on a Tha State B(vxrd of Health, fw- being sponsored by tha league giv­ Tha nwchine ia the voder (snort dressed to Police (Thief George J. ing spec^ attention to tha mianner over tbe ”Ph.” On the name ot the charge of homicidal arson today as Ibwtag thla method, eatUnataa that The east haa baan aeleeUd for the for voice operaUon demonstrator) scientist Zworykin tbe robot did Matowitx of (Tieveland, O., identify Beckwith In charge. Over 1,200 bot­ In which tha members experiment they pressed their Investigation into According to the announcement tbe atate's population on Joly 8. Two-Day Progran Armiged New York, Jan. 6— (A P I—A bias- ;• Invented by tbe Bell Telephone well tag the sender aa Ohio's notorious tles of free milk had been dlstrlbut- prseentatlon of “Shrerybody'B Craay" with television. made by the Connecticut State 1939 wUl tie 1411.097. That Maa- C i f i it r j ResideoU loToWed Ing waterfront gun battle In whlchl’’," Labormtoriea for this year's World But "bell" it could hardly say. "torso slayer", spurred police today "(Thristmas-trec torch" tenement chester'a population will be gtroa oa II I cd during the receaa period to tin- a three act comedy to he presented The campaign Is being conducted Fairs In New York and San Fran­ That is ita most difficult word, on to search ifor a pba.-lhle victim of the Board of Health, just released, the ' (lernourlehH children. The truant because of ths electrocution of Rosa a policeman was woundsd saily t«^ j*5 fr fire which topuIatlon for cities and towns. Tbe from the Italian freighter Ida. sat Mrs. Helen Haroer, good looking I feel bad operating On those MARRIED- MARV DILLON - C n VV<] Malone asaerted ha had gone to tbe On An Makes of Sata TIm action wan the reeult of Mre. reglstratlpji of the (tockvllle Eve­ Johnson Memorial hoapital. the 1939 program aa being one of Because of the time that the ama­ each other. It takes months to Mateat release of populations from Barith being bitten by a dog owned Three others were, taken from the talepbone operator, one of 24 who is people, but science must advance", 6MPLOVED (?V CHAIViC£-V/OUGHr tenement to vlilt a girl named Ann. the Kireau reveals the fact that no ning School tar the fall at 1938 haa Ths Crystal Lake Methodist li.terest to ell dairymen In the state. teurs put in on their dally work freighter when It docked at Ho> ''''' learn to make the voder apeak In­ by Mm. Claeya It wee brought out church will be closed during the cold teaching thla voder and 11 like it to read the letter, a copy of which was AIRCRAFT' dt C. HARH=OQD and Insisted that, althotigh "partly eatimates for the population by FRANCIS BARLOW b«vn Iflf pupils with an average at­ E. G. Woodward, president of the they are likely to become careless bdken, N. J., and were brought ber6'-:^^i telligibly. i 8lahi (MrosI TaL M 9 i to court that Mm. Smith wa« worU- tendance of 136.67, making an at­ weather, according to an announce­ aaanctation, will be In charge of the and working, as they do, n1tb high get ready for Uie fairs. sent by Clilef M ato^tz to Los An­ yia'PRCS-i^ AI«flV/NAW CkUft drunk," he had (llscovered the Are states will be published beyond the iag at the home of a Coventry wom- for questioning by Assistant DIs- S. S. A. Watlclno, the man who geles police. "I shall astound the and hastened to turn In on alarm. jrear 1987 and that no aaUmatae for tendance ferord of 7S.7 per cent of ment made this week by the piuitor annual convention. voltage, are subject to accidents. She touched a white key. A deep first learned to make voder talk, M on October SS. iSST when ihe trict Attorney Paul Beldemisn, bsad i: toned, eteady whlatle sounded. She medical profession, a man with only the total reglalratlon. Thla com- Rev. J. Arthur Edwards. Bervlcet Using the Garde ballroom as the of the Brooklyn District attorney’s .'t said that after a time you forget went.ntalda to bang acme clotha paraa very favorably with other will be resumed after favorable acens of their eeaelons, the dairy­ This is ]uft one hop which (klers must negotiate In the wide open touched a black key and there was a a D. C, ] - f oa the Uae. Aa aha did, the Pekinaae spaces above TImberllne Lodge, Mount Hood, Ore. Scene of rackets burssu. click, like tbe sound of K. She what ybur Angers are doing. "What did their lives mean in towns In Connorllciit, for example, weather seta in. men will meet, flret at 10 a. m. on "You try,” he said," to imagine I iog aprang at bar and bit her on the Mgncheatsr, registration 347; aver­ America's winter Olympic Games tryouts April 1*2, tricky FoUowa Undereover Drive ‘w touched another white key and there comparison to hundreds of sick and desk sergeant osknl some routine William Liake of Furnaca avanue January 17. Preaident Woodward you are hearing tbe sound you want questions, among them her address: arm faur*"g a number of perfora* s e attandsnee 78.7 or 81 per cent. will walroma tha delegatee, after course down the rugged slopet is F74 miles long, providing aa DEPT. PRESIDENT Seldirman said the arrests fol* was a rushing sound like a huge diseased, twisted bodies? Just lab­ tkma and aemtehea. She waa treat­ committeeman of DIstiict A., and lowed an undercover drive In which' " to make, or the word or sentence oratory guinea pigs found on any ilflRD MARRIAGE Windham, 277 regiatralluii, average Scoutmaptar Thomas E. Young ot whlcj^ there will be a dlacuialon of averege drop of 1674 feet a mile. wind sighing. She pushed down on Wonts No Divorce ed at the office of Dr. Oould HIggina attendance 102.3 or 88 par cent; En- "Graae Bllage” in charge of George a squad of harbor police had aeted tha foot pedal and the aounda ran and you bear It come from the voder public atreet. No one mlased them "Oh, I live with niy busbend," a( Coventry and later by her family trooi 49 of Eaat Main atreet have without realising how you do i t ” W A B O S B ^ * ^ neld, 101 with average attendance W. DeVoe, R. E. Johnson, Raymond SEATS OmCERS aa delivery agents for narcotics. down the scale, and up as she lifted when I failed. My last case was said Vera Invanova Shuvalova Dll- phyrtcian. Dr. W. U HIggina.^na. on*She 71.91 or 71.7 per cent; Putnam, 66 been appointed to tha committee in Tuesday from a two weeks visit with The three captured after the bar foot There la nothing new in voder successful. I know now the feeling MAY BE SUCCESS ana Laurel. The divorce Is off. (id* work charge of the annuel merit badge D e ^ and Paul CIcavaland. baa been able to do no outaide with 30.46 averagt attendance, 63.6 Following a noon receaa. Dr. S. J. relatives in Nsw York. fight were broked ae Salvatore Throe ‘Hlada ot Sounde except hla keys. All tbe other parts of Pasteur Thoreau and other pio­ will tell the judge that I want no di­ • ■ ^ «r«d exposition of the Eastern Connecti­ atnoe tbo aeeldent, aad haa pu' cent; Hartford, 3486, with avor- Brownell of the New York State George Matthews of South WIIl- Lutsi, 22. a waiter, Luigi Esposito, It is that simple. Voder makes are things used daily ih telephoning. neers. Right now I have a volun­ vorce; I want only my Stan.” from a narvoua ahock aad otiMr Ir- cut council. Boy Sooule of America FRANKFURTER He was designed, to ritow the prog­ age attendance of 1636 or 61.8 per College Of Agriculture will apeak on Ington announces the engagement 43, bar and griU operator, and-- fust three Kinds o f sound, elec­ teer who will prove my theories. Laurel grinned and nodded. He to be bald In WUUmantlo in . tbs' Mrs. Beatrice Manning Offi­ ress which the science of communl cent. Tha average pareantaga of at­ Artiflclal Ineemlnatinn". A i>an(iquet of hla elster. Miss Bareh Mathews Frank Vlsclano, 49, longshoreman, trically produced from "tubes” that They call me mad and a butcher, kissed her resoundingly as she was '*^t!taM ay Tbomaa Birmingham of near future. It la axpected that Ui* cations has made, snd tbs poasibll- but the truth will come out. Illiana Decides To Tell Judge tendance for ell the evening achooli will be held in the evening« with...... the to Jack M. Thompson of Wllliman- all of Brooklyn. They were chsjrged' look lUte elongated light bulbs. But led away to her ceU. Ha was back HartSard regri w y Mm. Bmitb in the State comparable to eura la four troops In Stafford wilt bavFan chief MAY BE ASKED with smuggling and poaseastoc o f^ '^ ‘ iUes. He has not present practical Prevents SoSerlng and Attaanagp m n k B. DuSy repm- m aker being O. E. Reed. Ue. ciates At Exercises Of when all the keys are called on, and when the seven hours expired and 66.4 per cent end for the large aahlblt. / chief. Bureau of Detr^ Industry, opium. tha foot pedal used, tbe voder makes value other than educational. I feel It la my duty to dispose Today She Doesn’t Want aaoted Urn defendant Mrs. Arthur Mpl they left arm ta arm. cItIcB with a full tlibe director, it is Waahington, D. C. leer and Mrs. Seldermsn said 380 pounds o f ' of the bodies aa I do. It Is God's "It's the real thing thla time," TfnaMaa Reelaetod 69 8 per cent. Emma Crandall attiended a luncheon will not to let them suffer.” Attamey CharM* Fkalpa haa been Annuel reports, together with STANHN BILL Nary C. Keeney Tent opium were conflscatad. ----- said Laurel. liaave for Waehlngtoii and bridft party Tuesday afternoon The letter was signed "X." Divorce From Laurel. reeieeted pragdent of the George election of officers and diractoro They flrat were married at Yuma, Welter Barthold and Frank Jan- w a p p in g from Hartford, Middlesex, New at the home of Mies Margaret Mor­ (OontlniMd from Fag* Oim ) (Thief Matowitx said the only the­ Arts., a year ago lost Jan. 1. a sec­ Bykee Bchool Truatea. Other oSicem ton, mambert of the Maple Grove ris la Sprtngfleid, Maae. ory Cleveland police had been able 1x21 hMh Hama Btnpe. are vice prealdaat, Colonel Prancia MRS. w. w, ANT Haven, New London and Windham Departmsnt Preaideat Mrs. Bea>- MOONEY WILL TRY Oifemight News ond time Feb. 38 and a third tima, Bowling teem will compete In the Counttea, will take place on the Mies Elate Layton has returned be held. They began a study at tka to develop waa that a crazed killer, Hollywood. Jan. 6 — (API — It Beg. 2 tor 28e. New. i fo l ^ t . MaaerelU aacmtary, pavid A- eighth annua] United States Sweep- 880919, Manxescater tries Manning of Maple street in- with a flair for surgery, U at large. with Russian rites, lost April 26. WhtHotn/neJ triml ■jrkM idant of building second moinlng. followed by a talk her work of religious teaching in sppointss's past uttsrances In an stslled tbs new. officers of Mary SIX PROMINENT looked today like that third mar­ atikea to be rolled on Saturday at on "Milk Secretion" by Dr. W. E. tha town eohooli after spending the Of Connecticut Tbe bodies, minus heads, have 91.29 Irenhig Beard, with « at aeemtagy, Howard 1. effort to ascertain bis sttituds to­ C, Keeney TenW Daughters of Vet- TO FREE BHUNGS riage of Stan Laurel, the frozen /treaaurer, the Bockvtlle Wasblngion, O. C, on the Conven­ l i l t 8nuth W^dser Firs depart Petersen, of the University of holiday season at her home In Great ward ths court reorganisation plan. been found at varioua intervals dur­ There ore two types of ’‘oontact" d aad eever ...... ^ A n y 2 p l e e e e Wood;. tion Hell alleys. The two men left erana at tha State Armory last of tbe Hartford-Conncctlcut ment will bold their next meeting .Mlnnesot.i. Villege, Nova Scotia. Senator King (D-utah) and Con­ By A8S4X)LATBD PRESS ing the post tour years. (TIeveland faced film funster, with his third lenses. Ground lenses ere Identlfled Rockville thla noon w d will leave night. Mrs. David Armstrong CONN. CITIZENS police estimated they have spent in 9148 Goroga Visa wMh f The afternoon program for Janu­ Mr. and Mrs. Hsrold Sloat at nolly (D-Tex) said that while wife, Uliana, the buxom Ruasian by recognised numbere and ore Company. Washington on the retiiriT trip on neturday svVnIng, January 14 at served .as Installing guide. The InatellailiB Toalaht ary 18 follows: "Bang's Disease prssent are staying with his parents. Frankfurter had made no definite officers follow; excess of $100,000 in running down dancer, last April ■ 36 worked a produced by glaae-blowers and are 2M-IB. Jaws. Open 2 V i* ..^ Ciinday noon. eight p. at the South Windsor (Control by Vaccination", Dr. L. J. « 1 Deflate life Te Work New Britainr—The New Britain poasible ctaes. Oniy a few of the ''The Vernon Orange w iU ^ ta ll Ita Dr. snd Mrs. Horacs B. Sloat In statement on the program there PresldenL Mias Beatrice Arm­ High school football team, return­ charm, after all. fitted by trial imtil the proper leas /new efDeem at the meeting tonight Town h ^ . Tompkins, Sheffield Farms Co.; South Willlngtun. were Indications he bad opposed IL strong; senior vice president, Mrs. TO BE QUIZZED victims have been Identlfled. In Uliana's divorce suit, in which Is found, usually by accldenL Sink ffanesto. ChroenS B "Some Observations on Bang's Dis­ ing from Baton Rouge, La ., where es(ta case, the bodies were nude, al­ in the G r a i^ Hall with a team Jark/Herttege. eon of Mr. and Mr. and Mra. Steve Pokomy of Another subcommittee member. Nellie Hagedorn; junior vice presi­ II K OUos Rdaia Him it was defeated Dec. 81 by the Du she charged Laurel with cruelty, platod hroea. Bog. 9149.. N from the Ptbneer Peat Maatem Aa- Mre. .Thomas J, Heritage of Wap- ease, Based on Records collected (Peatinned from Page though clothing waa found near the over-imbibing and letting bia two Marrow, spent Sunday with her Senator "McCarran (D-Nev), said dent, Mrs. Floroncs Trask; clvap- Pont Moauri high school team of torso. eociatVm la charge of the Inatalla' TOLLAND PlnsK was taken to the Hartford during the past 16 Years", Dr. parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Cuah- that "In all probability Professor laluL' Mrs. Minnia Weeder; treaaur- ex-wives annoy her waa set for irilevm 9149 Bleyala THw ■ d Warns L. Plaatrldge, Experiment Louisville, Ky., was groeted at the Upn. Attorney Saul Pelzer la MRS. JOHN H. STEELE hospital last Tuesday afternoon, man in Ea.it Wlllington. Frankfurter will be asked about hla SL'Mrs. Bcatrlcs Manning; patriotic Jr., to diacuas weaknesses in (vr- From Prites Temerrow. hearing t(xlay, but tbe oometlmes Station, Stores; "Pennsylvania Plan rent auditing methods and means at railroad atstioa by 6,000 Ipcsl fans, 28xlVi” eenent type...... S maater.eleet and will aucceed Mm. 839-4, Rockville Where he underwent an operation Charles N. Alien of South wui- views on the court propoaal.” King, wtructor, Mrs. Lulu Cowles; ssc- Hartford—Results ot/ the first loving, Bometimea quarreling dancer COLDS, Qladya Webater. Tor aeute appendicitis. for tha Eradication of Bang's DIS' tstary, Mrs. Grace Ames; guide, overcoming them. SAYS CONSCIENCE FUND and com(xllan declared yesterday ease," E. R. Dlfnock: Report of Ington observed his 96th birthday Connelly and MgCarran all opposed, certified public accountant audit of Fever nnd 8- nece Box-and Wrench d The ether offteem to be Inatalled Rev. Daniel 1. Streeter, pastor of Tuesday. Hla son, Dr. Harry Alien the plan. ,/ Mrs. Etta Lovtiand; guard, Mra. Price, Waterhouse, it was shown San Quentin, Ctollf., Jan. 6.— there would be no divorce. The Tolland Fire Department hgid Committee on proposed legislation at yesterday's SBC bearing, roesiv-’ ' the Republican State Central com­ 'Set. Regnlariy 91-«» ... ^ are aa foUowa: Ovemeer, Arthur the Wlndsorvllle Methodist church and Mrs. Allen of Hertford called AssUa Hampton; assistant guard Tbe scene was the Beverly Hills Hendnchen Ouamaa; lecturer, Fraacia Lyman; for Bang's Disease, W. B. Temple­ Hearinge On Three Others/' ed 81.000.000 over a lO-yaar period"* - . (APlv-Thomas J. Mooney, appar­ mittee flnancial records, made pub­ WOULD MEET SHORTAGE a dance Thureday evening a t . the has Invited flfly young people from on him New Year’s Mr. Allen had Mrs. Mabel Strickland; musician, jaU. Uliana bad been convicted of iSeaie. TaSleia. Am to IMde ataward, Herbert Nladerwerfer; ae- ton. Hearings also were scheduled on for examinaUon df the McKeaaon ently assured of a pardon tomor­ lic at stats headquarters, showed •alve, neae IHepo Oeveron Fleer Palnl. 4 Tolland Town hall. Buchmi^tsr'a Windsor to attend a community a ahock several years ago snd is In Mrs. Mauds Shearer: council mem­ accounts for the period from Aug. 3 reckless driving, lost an appeal and atataat ateward, Irving Sweet; chap­ hight service in tha church next three other nominations Mr. Roose­ bers, Mrs. Mabel Strickland, Miss and Robblna books. row when be appears, before Gov. Washington Jan. 6— (A P )—Rep­ paid a 8100 fine; She waa ready to 9 Ony enlyt 1 gnerle . . . * lain. Mm. Clara Lathrop; treaaiimr, orcheetra fumlebed tha m ^ e and care of a nurse and has a house­ velt sent to the Senate yertbrday— to pec. 30 to be in order. Trr "llaa.IIz.Tfaal’' Sunday evening. Since Mr. Streeter, Edith Maxwell, Mrs. Ehnma Swan- Culbert L> Olson at Sacramento, resentative Taber (R., N.T.), pro- serve a seven-hour jail term. Tbe Ualom Homer Walta; gatekeeper, Walleoe Jamea Rhodes did the prompting for keeper also. thoie of former Senator/^pe (U- FRIENDLY WITH OFFICER Greenwich—Fraacia Webb, 27- the old fashioned numbers There haa been pastor of ths church ha has son; color bearers. Hiss Edith Max­ turned today to plans for his life Msed a political "conadenca fund” 91.19 Oesl Iren, DenMa 6 IBrall, Jr.; Came, Dalle Worceeter: Mr. and Mrs: Mike Cavar of Mar­ Idaho) to ba a TVA director, Harry well, Mra. Muriel Davis, Mrs. Helen New Haven, Jan. 6— (A P )—Ths' mitslde Diison wsUs. year old negro of New York City, oday to meet the current shortage l-fia ca was plenty of entertainment for the created considerable interaat among WILLINGTON was arrested. Detective Joseph J. ftdUat Fryer. Sarol ; . . . ^ Pomona, Valma Wobb; Flora, Bar- the members. The weekly Commun­ row were guests on the holiday of Hopkins to be sccretaiy of com­ Hsnry, Mra. Emma-Swanson; press Nsw Haven Register revealed today - "rm going to d ^ c a te the rest in W PA reUef funds. large crowd that attended. MISS JENNIE H. CHURCH Teuffel said, after he bad broken w b SwI , bara- Tlirall; member of axecuUvo ity NIghta have attracted many. his parents In the Hill section. merce, and Frank Murphy to be at­ correspondent, Mrs. David Arm­ that George Husica, one ot ths ia-‘ o f my life, if necessary," said Mbo- Taber, senior minority member of 9149 Balleen BIha Tiro, 6 eeannlttao for^term of three yearn, • Mr. and Mrs. FHink< VVilliama Cllmsx Chapter, Order of East­ into the house of Assistsnt Post­ were at their Tolland home for a Mrs. O. Stephen Potwin entertain­ A very enjoyable occoaton waa torney general. strong; social committee, Mrs. Bea dieted officials of the McKeasoq and .'f.b.': asy, "to winning freedom for War- the House Appropriations Commlt- /. 9- yly tabria. 99aflW . . . . 1 Hermaa Cola; noember of eaacutiva ern Star, held a meeting Wednesday Senate erttlca of the TVA prompt­ trice Manning, chairman; floral Robbins drug Arm, had been friends n il BUUnjPt too/* master Joseph W. Delaney. Ha waa , Mid that if the DenMxratlc Na­ eemmlttee for term of one year, N. weekend returning to West Hart­ ed the Literary Club of the Parent- the New Year's party held by the evening. charged with attsmptsd burglary Teacher aaMK'latlon at home on ly challenged Pope's nomination oa committee, Mra. David Armstrong,, for the past eight years with oiw jf!,,- MoBocy and BtlUnga ware con- tional committee would refund to Mevgan Btrong; lady aaaUtant ataw­ ford Tuesday, where they have taken In a Central Connecticut League and possessing burglar tools.' 9149 Wax B ApfBro Bot^ d rooms for the Winter, Mr. Williams Wedneaday afternoonT D, A. Sokpl. The/minstrel ahow and the ground tbgt no vacancy axURa. chairman. Connecticut’s top ranking law aa-^triv rictod of murder and sentenced to the treasury an the W PA funds ard, Grace Rlaley; member of the game Friday night at East Hart­ The charter was draped in mem' Ufq imprisonment in the 1916 San Putnam—(Sento Maadlllo, 84 of spent “tor political purpoaee,” he Vi-gnUen at Wards W a x .. ^ being employed In Hartford. Mra. Josephine G. Foster waa dance waa plapned and directed by Senator Brlifgea (R-NH) asserted forcemeat officers — Stan Police hoard of dtrectom for Sva yearn, ford the Wlllington Townera were ory of the late Mra. Minnia Ivers Lieut. Frank VirelU of BridgeporL -.^^y FVanclaco Preparedness Day pS' Webster, Maas., waa fatally Injured would vote to reappropriate that X>rep feraed earhon s i t a a l Pwry Lathrop; Alternate delegate Mra Cartnldc Gaffney and daugh­ taken to the Hartford hospital for the pianist, Danny Hatgh and wtte, that Hr. Roosevelt had acted Dost Mop B OH F fin ltaN W | defeated by the Hartford Ooaleri,: ‘Illegally" in ousting Arthur B. Morlarty. ' The officer, deputy fin marahsl rads bombing in which 10 persona la SterllQg when be was struck by sum to the relief agency. to atata Grange; Mm. Qladya ter Shirley/if Hartford were Riinilay treatment on Wednesday aftarnoon. a truck on a highway project of 4w ■Star wkh 8 1 Mrs. Vera Korner Halgb of Stafford 36 to 37. Morgan M T'VA chairman last ysar. for the State P o U ^ DepartnwaL were killed and 4() injured. The de­ "That would be plenty to cairy Wehatar; manager of degree teem. guests of Tolland relative^. Mlsa Margaret Wheeler, daughter which he was foreman. He died in Mlsa Shirley Hanion who waa Springs and waa a great succses. Pope was named to Morgan's un- was quoted by the iuglstar as say- fendants claimed they were ac­ W PA through," he added. Perry Lathrop. of Mr. and Mra. Frank Wheeler of The six end men, Louis Zaicek, STATE REGENT PRESENT cused falsely because of their repu' a bospltal here. Tbe truck was Ohlehea Fryer B gkfitol. J • O m iRi leenee Statement slightly injiirecl In an automobile ac- Windaorvllle, and Frank Kwaaek of cxplred term. Morgan now la con­ Ing be knew M.uslba only by the EM UP/ clilenV. Is fiillv recovered. Louis Pivorka, Tommy Young, Otto testing bia removal In a court pro­ name of George Dietrich and, as fog - u i. tations aa "direct action" labor driven by Fsbien Gauthier of Dan­ VAGARIES OF WEATHER C QoeWty east iron ...... * df Tolland County YMCA OecreUry Broad Brook, ton of Mr. and Mrs. unlonlsto, aad that they were con- ielson. WiDlnm r . Tyler iaaued the follow- Lethrop West Of Ellington .re­ George Kwaaek. were married at Vonaaek, Emil Adaroee and EmU MARLBOROUGH ceeding: hla true IdenUty, "I can't bsUsve It - ii-n Zalgek kept the audience in an up­ I AT'D. A. R, LUNCHEON rictod on perjured testimony. Norwich—Motor Vehlcls (tommls- Milwaukee—It’a an odd winter ta M storO M I lag atatement on Thureday In re- ceived the I'Bst Master's Jewel from the home of the bride lost Sunday MRS. HOWARD LORD , Senator NorrU (Ind-Neb), who now." • 'Tolland Grange at the meeting Tues­ roar with their jokes and artlone. 834-3, East Hampton On Dec. when warrants were BeMeves Mooaey In an i^t aloner Michael A. Connor, one of the Wisconsin, what with the Flora and to the hoya who are aollcltlng afternoon. New Year's. Day, by aie fathered the TVA act In Congress, Ooroinor Olson, newly-seated the ^ u n a cutting such didoa: WEEK-END 91s an. ••apaaae nmda la the name of the YMCA: day evening. Mr. West served aa Rev. Daniel' I, Streeter, pa.xlor -of Uttla Marlene rtycbling of Itast Issued for the arrests of Musica aad - ' judges, announced that Norwich, by defended Pope's right to ths ssat Mrs. Frederick P. .Latimer DemoCratlo executive, alrea^ t virtue of Its street deoeratlona, had Atatae-inch angleworm was dis­ "I have been tnfurmed that cerr Master of Tolland Grange at tcverai the Wlndsorvllle Methodlat church. Wllington presented two tap dance Local schools opened Tueedq^ his two bothers, F, Donald Coster-'/t' ' and said tJM appointment could have Makes Informai Addrem At oidd be believes Mooney InnocenL again been named tbe "Christmas covered crawling across a sidewalk SPECIALS bon of the community have different period# of the Orange his­ Miss Wheeler waa attended by Miss numbers which were loudly applaud­ morning for the winter term after no sflcet on tbs pending court ac­ Musica and Georgo Vsrnard-MuMoa, IL-*- LUetlaie qaallty to pranto Oroli^ In aaaMt tory. ed. Richard Vie of Qurleyvllle, the Meeting Of Local Chapter. aad has declared be would announce city of CbnnecticuL" New Haven oa Mata street ta Oshkosh after a I calling upon buiintM and pTo- Margaret Zinsser, and John Kwaaek ten days vacation. tion. George, DleUlch-Musiea qiutoiaua- two-day rata. For araterleas coehtail INK FnroFiaaiylvalal feealonal men saking for eootjibu- The regular meeting of IVilland wee hie brother's beat man. Follow­ little boy with ths great big voice, Chapter. his derision Immod'ately after the was second aad Stamford third. •leta with cover. 3.qt. Ba Bl la ^ Fadoral TaiO The local volunteer' fire company ,Btidgea alao eriticlssd ths aom- ed tO/TJeutenant Vlrslli a half In--' pardon bearing. No oppoelUon to A white iliac bush ta Mrs. Thom­ 91491 tlone to buy baaketball auite tb the Grange was held at the Community, ing a recepUon at the bride's home Bang two selactlona and also receiv­ held Its monthly business mseting Inatlon of MurpHy snd Hopkins in tcrest in a cottage at MyrUa Beachi " name of the YMCA. It should be House last Tuesday evening with M they left for a wedding trip to New Mooney'S application was expected. as Haddican's yard at Cudahy, MU- ed a big hand. Mrs. Ullian Vie, Rich­ tha first of the week. the Senate yesterday. Senators Oon- Orford Parish Chapter, Daugh Milford, ths Register said. '^55''' waukee suburb, was ta bud. S l . l f lawCdnsdf dleUnctly undemtood that bo boyi present. I'dventry. Vernon and York, trpon their return they will ard a mother, gave a specialty num­ ters of the American Revolution, • M oon^ aald yesterday tha| as WELDON DRUG CO. Mra. Samuel KeriHaw epd son nally anif Wagner (D.. N.Y.,», Vlrelll said be and Musics original--''- SPONGE FISHERS WILL A mosquito was killed ta a Mil­ ■arqo Roltor, bsnvy 1 ^* CnSoe D iylw l have been given the priyiUga of HItlstown Granges were repre-ented. reside at tha bride's home. ber and Mias Ann Kuryon, the song­ and gueata to the number of 20 en- toon as he is trio, hs would go to Paul.of New Britain epent Sunday promptly came to Hcmklns' supporL ijr purchased the cottage in partner- Folsom from Sacramento to talk waukee home. PrcaeriptkNi PhnnHseints aoUciting funde for any purpoM Retiorts were read of the work done bird from EaglcviUe, entertained de­ Connally charged BridgcB was try­ Joyed a luncheon meeting at the atrope. Beg. 91.19...... Moimr and nnanclal standing of the Grange with her daughter Mre, Ilenry Mund Bhlp. each paying 8 ^ . It was bad----.'; with BUllngs. Tbe latter, because And to top it off, Warren Ander­ d03 Main Street Dial 6321 We Deliver \/hataoever in the name of the lightfully with two aolos. Lest but and family. / ' ing to "smear Mr. Hopk\na without Y. M. C. A. yesterday. Under the DIVE FOR G O U CROSS I 4 Toung Men’s ChrlelUn Aaaoclatlon. showing pleasing results. Ths of. ly damaged In the September bu^ ; of a prior felony conviction la In- son end Joe Osborne, both 18, Ice- Reg. 91.19 Ctow Hemnier. not least, the eight "Sokol Steppers”, Miss Jennie E. Stirk of Lyme, a giving him a fair bearing.* direction of Mlsa Marion 'nnker, and any boys so doing are uilng the fleers for the ensuing year were In­ general secretary, members of the ricane, ba said, and neither of Uw sUglbla for a panlon unless it ia skated 34 miles on an Icy highway Alyce Adamcc, Catherine Vonaaek, former teaeher here visited friends Appointment Approved mefeory handle Mae XVi name of the YMCA without permia- atalled by these memliera of. the GILEAD Women's Division served a delicious owners hqfi the ready' cash FlUi"^-i".. rocommended by the state Supreme between Spirit Falls end Toma­ Theresa and Helen NavratU. Orlta In this place on Monday. A majority of the subcommittee which to repair the damage. hawk. Fitch Shampoo CiOBe** Pioneer Past Masters’ AsKCH'iatlon considering Murphy's nomination chlcksa patty menu. The tables OouiL Thrpon Springs, Fla., Jon. 6. Gleae Dtoaar Set, 94-ps. Datlu Day aa/yf Makss dallci" 19asanoltffine ... Incmaaa la Receipts Installing team: Ira Wilcox of Tol­ Hebron Grange held Neighbors' and Bertha Jarkovics, 'Helen Zieka The Miseee Mildred end Ethel Mooney, awaiting his departure (A P )—Agile membera of tbe Greek 4-W hy OM drip.t>pe coffee. Holds 9 ovary qrorti Fa and Mildred Dovda, dreaaed In pret­ aatd they approved Ue appointment wers most attractively deybrated Rtog, 9149, ...... Poatmaeter George Forater haa land Grange, general slate ciepuly, night with a total attendance of Boeske of Providence, R. L., were and arranged In tbs banquet hall WON’T DISCUSS CASH mo-rt from the prison at 7:30 a. m „'to- sponge flahtag colony gathered at CaL S/rup Flfirs cwM. Decorattd chioa boat; ty blue pleated i akirts and white week end guests of their aunt Mrs. but that be would be questioned re­ Cold Tablets aaaownesd tlmt them waa an in­ Installing master: Perry I-nthrop, 91 OuesU were present from Nor- garding his handling of sit-down After luncheon a busIndM meet­ Waterbury, Jan. 6.— (A P I—At- ■;/rT noorrow, waa alnvost boyishly bsp- Spring Bayou here to ^ y to dive for blouaea. danced, two group numbers. WlllUim Zerver and Mr. Zerver. Whietilag Tim Ksttla, pel crease of fl4 l0 In the rccelpte of Past Master of Vernon Grange wkli. Last Hampton, Franklin, Cov- strikes when be was governor of ing waa held in the main floor so­ torney Benjamin Slade of New Ha­ py- a emaU gold crooe which they ■ 2 for 15c SI .19 S119 the Rockv^le Poat office in 1938 mnrihal; Gerald Tomlinson, I'asljfplry. Maiuiftfld iStnrral, Watt The New Year was ushered in with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Larson, Rsv. Michigan. cial room. ven said today that he ropreeetited "Why," said hei *T haye fewer win reward ita recoverer with a Baume Bengrue noise makers and popping of bal­ \ ever the pmvloua year. The bualneae Master Good Will Grange, regalia Hartford and-Audover'Granges. The and Mra. Elmer T. Tbienes, Mr. and Appointment of Frankfurter was Among the guests were Mre. the late F. Donald Costcr-Muslca an.;;,t4 hours to wait now than the yean year of good fortune. TYPEWRITERS 9 tor 1^9* during the year 1938 totaled 133.- bearer: Louis Hlghter, Ilist Mn.sier following program waa preeented: loons and everyone wore a paper hat Mrs. E. Allan Blish, Mrs. Clayton the third which President Roosevelt Frederick P. Latimer; state regent counsel but that It was customaix e^- r rro strrodl* Tbe (firing ceremony is a part of A L L M A K E S j s i i i i u SOTJ2 while the buslneaa during Coventry Orange, emblem bearer; piano solo played by Frances Hill, and sang "Auld Long'Syne" with S. Bollea aniVHenry J. Blaksslse at­ \ bos made to the nine-man Supremt and Mist Mary Welch, state vice tc him not to discuss cases m. which the oboerronea ot tha Feast ot tha SOLD - REPAIRED 200 Squlbbli Aspirin e • • • d ,59c 1987 waa fSl,846.89. At the Chrtat- pianist, Sylvia Smith. Coventry Coventry: talk, New York World’# breheatra accompaniment. tended the Inter Faith Service at (curt. Four of the present justices regent both ^ Hartford, who made he acted In a legal capacity. -VSJO Epiphany by tbe Greek (Orthodox r maa aaaaon there waa an tacrcaee in Orange: vtollnlst-. Thomas McKin­ Fair by Prof. Charles Wfaeelgr. Mias Helen Rollinion returned Buahnell Memorial Sunday .evening —Brandels, McReynoIds. Butler and remarks Iff .regard to the work of Slade is a defenos attorney*in that >t 1 PHYSIdANSDESPAIR church. RENTED — EXCHANGED Urn. numby of carda and lettara, ney. Coventrv’ Grange. Officers In- Mansfleld: piano accordion aolo by Chief Justice Hughes—are post:'70, the national and state departments Waterbury fraud ease. with 96,000 being cancered in 1937 italle full pay of 820,000 a year. Hartford testlflcd voluntarity jres- ly attracts thousands ot spectators. tala. 2-Ught same price. School Board Report Morganaon; ateward, E, Raymond Eunice Stott of Norwich; reading, It was believed that Hughes, 78, ' Oaorge Arnold of the BuUdlng Jacobs, Jr : assistant steward, Ivan ",Ma and the Auto" by Gladya Alden New Use for*Old Ash Can Lid terday before Attorney General Am- Tha Rt. Rav. Atbonagoras ot Scotfs. Emulsion, lar^e aad BuUtr, 73. bmvs given no DID YOU KNOW T H A T - Nashrilla, Tena., Jan. (A P ) ai^ Supply Committee reports that West: chaplain, Mary Broailbent: of East Hampton; aong. “ Aa We fyrr-. -.a;-. * ♦ broae V. UcCeil In New Torh ettx^v; Bootoh, blsbop of Ntw En^and, was SI .19 thought 'to retirement and plan to that Slade bad advised him that — PhyMeiaaa despaired today for cboaen to throw the.cross tato the a” of the furniture and eijuipmcnt treasurer. Rer.iice Hayden: secre­ Go Fortp to Labor," all; talk and More than 04 per cent of the chll- floik- remain on the bench as Icng as t h ^ Slade, had informaUon from undla-ii adJ tha life Ot 10-year-old Gladya Aver- bayou sometime after noon ae be have not been transferred again to tary. Rev. Valentine S.'Alison: Gate exhibit of "Hobhlaa" by Elmer health permits. dren la London, England, Council IrraDiated Yeast (250) 9-lpch SoMoth Floaa. I closed "otlehts'' that aonw SlS,000,e child to whom scores of bleeaee the watore from which the tha Old Building which has now new Keeper, Frank Mehr. Jr.: Ceres, Mil- Clark of Coventry; piano accordion •/ Tbs view was expreosed la some Schools are said to be well nour- i-ttM lights, formerly in the auditorium Of dred (\jok; Pomona, Edith Cran­ solo played by Arland Meade of lahad. 000 In the aaeeta ot UcKeoeoo aod;^ ;1caa Legiooiiatrei gave their spongere e4un their UveUboo(L 91.19 -...... quartars that Brandeis might dsclds ' that she might lire untH Pepsodent Tooth Paste • e.• 4 . this school, a new atalrway between dall: Flora. Doris Ryan; lady aastat- kfanatlold, reading, "Say It With to quit earfiar than he woulA have Man can breed dogs almost to or­ Robbins. Inc., drug firm of wblchi ' The dhrer ta whoee hapde (he the two top floors, new a’slka to the ant atew-ard, Hejk-n Pardiis; execu­ Music" by Viola Caby of hforwlch.- lions If a new justice more coimerva- der as to siae and atape. but he can Coster was presidenL did not eoUM.' eroee reappears will swim to the Horth and South entrancca of the tive member of commlltce for three Mr. and Mrs. William Cwen as do UtUs with cats, ekeept to change Slade would hot eay when Uw n^Xil ^ m aplastic aaaml^ raft on which tha btohop stands and Bog. 91.«9 ppaaaad9*a9 tlve than Frankfurter ha<4 been sUmsBt la wbldi blood tormfag FnU 12 qk alsa. Brighc. boaiw tbo two tem floom, new walks to the years, John R. Edwards delegates and Miss Florence M. Uw texture and color of thdr fur laUonehlp ot counsel and dw ntl- ns thero receiro ths hleaaing ot tha Wampole’s Preparation Dollar Dor aalril Beastifal named. power ot iite bone marrow Is defeo-' atraamlioad daeigni ChfooM tlnptatel AH laalda.aaaato aat» North and Souht antrancra of the Mr. and Mra. Jamea Burke 1 "T* started between himself and Uoatar-'-T/Tcq church. S b m M Wnakly or Mtsiihly ' Klidle Oar. Their opinions on governmental Tbo ouB’s Mwrgy received by each ttvs, tbs little girl has been in "W dcradOa*. StoakopafTOl huUdlBg, and has baen mpalnted on Mr. and Mrs. Altred LudwH; atlrnd-I "•’ «hd the Connecticut State Musica but did asoert that ho bod -svu Tony Houtilee, It , recovered the Bag. 91.19 ■#•••••••••••# plate on hr eta. 2-calL 9ava now. and economic questions sra cloealy square foot of tbe sartb'a surface in coma alaea Hat Tuesday at a hospi­ - PayaMBts Witt Pareiiasd ' Squibb’s Mineral Oil, qt. the inside aacept for the corridom. ed the Governor’s Ball at Hartford i convention held In Bridge- parallel. Before Brandeis went on a year. If uasd In a perfect solar en­ known the drug company bead * o r * ® ;« which will be flbiihed in thU month Wednesday evening. P®*'* January 10, U. 13. M tal ban. Aay MaekiBcl hy the WPA. It is suggeated that the Bench, they were associated In gine, would hoist a 100-ton weight "three or four ytors.” ' Five days before Chrlstaias when Ivan Wilcox of ManaBeld waa In Howard Tryon of Bucking- ■ome Utlgatlon. to a height >ot almost a mils. writ - tha building needs paint on the out- town Wedneaday on a bualnraa pro- 1 *■ »pwidlng eeveral days at •r:i*a>I Msahvllla World War veterans aad QUAKE BOeXa BALUOMIBTAN SERVK^: Dr. Lyon’s Powder (Med.) aide aa far as the wtadow casinga. It alao was suggested in some Tbs average duration of a flash city fireman antpllsd blood for nu- Ject coocernlng the > Federated ' y*® *•••' fxiher, Elton W drclss that Brandeis might bs BDBBEB ON MULE Boon aad tha trimming around the church- Bill'll. of Hgbtning la about flve-milUonths amrous -traaAaioas.'Qladya said: TYPEWRITER CO. tempted to retire during the RMaa* of a asoond and it averages 25,000,- Lahore. India, Jon. 8.— (A P )—An Miilding are eoneerned, and Mr. Mrs, Harrj- Bartlett of Tolland Mr. and Mre. William Stlehl and HopkhwvUlc, Ky.— lAFI— I* " I don’t want Santa Claus to earthquake ot conaklerahle tatenai- 199 TroaiknM OL Hartford, Ooao. r Vapex Alka Selixer, large . . .49 % veil administration so that ths 000 honepower. % Arnold faaU that the W PA should now wintering in Hartford called on children who Were residenta of the btoawdgdrid M a g BM aaythiag thla year a Prssidsnt could appoint a "tiberal” ' Baton ths days of are welding. It mulq-ridlng burglary i ty today roehad parts at Britton Inhalers - ha snowed to eoatlnue work until Tolland friends Wedneaday. Hopedale eectlon but moved to by authorities for a restaurant rob- aapt aomathlag to make me wsU.' Bahichiatan, northweatorn India. No *TfEM pS*‘ tha buUdlag Is completely in good as hla successor. required about 600 tons of rivfU to >'A"B-D"0 Capsules, Mra. Edgar Stoughton of Wap- Penn.vlvania last year have re­ bsry bare. Offlcora sidd nmlo m en s ^ Box bad on (Thriatmaa day Was damage or loro at Ufa was reported. oonditimi. turned and moved into the. Gris­ fastsB togetlwr a 9600-too ship. m 49c 9LS9 o rri Wars 99241. .991.99 9149( ping made a buaineas trip to Tolland STRKABfLININa QPMBS indicated Uw' burglar rods to Uw pOad high vftth doUa aad toya 100*8...... $1.69. - la the Old -High School building a Wednesday and called on friend... wold houee near Gilead street. Mr. Only a few hundrad years ago, radiator nraa mpiaoed in the Stlehl la employed as draughtsman EVEN TO CABUCMI people betisved in Uw earistsnee of resUuranL bitched the anfwal to « The Tolland Grange will iponiior gasoline pump while he tooted thU 'f 8 > rog, 91948 ...... I Spatial Oaaa room on the third a public card parly at the com­ at the' Connecticut Btets College such animals as a "aaa oatyr.* UTS FASCIST THREAT Boer aad aaom heat haa been pro­ at Storrs. Cheyenne, Wyo.— (A P )— With About -400,000,000 pounds of place anu then rods away on tlw 9-Browr. rag. 911-U munity house this evening. streamliners a reality, ths railroads vided in tbs lunch room. Celling The all-day sewing meeting of the frankfurtsca are eensumod amuwlly mult again. LETS MEET AT OUR NEWlX)CATION iLiquor Specials^ lights have bsaa ordsrsd for the Church Uatoo Mi-talonary Society now think it about Urns to rebuild in Uw Unltad Staten. KNOWN n AMERICA V aA That Warn BoMad WoTro llavto(g a Gog-BognalnM Bala! ri auditorium, which, as sooo as (he NEW FIRE B(HtB cabooaes. was held in the eoclal rooms of the IS EXTR.\ UtiHr Orsat Britaia’a record orw day ROM. CU8TOMEU • r-r, windows nrs screened and the floum church Thursday The work is be­ The ..Union Pacifle is' spending MENV LEATHER SOLES RUBBER HKET^.HEELS. 25c ion — AO Mosat rainfgu ecciiirsd Juno 8i, 891?. frt Jaa. « — (A P )— Tbs Saady Gor* SL Croix * Q 4* A ISyaant 911 - 8L8tOm 9 1 4 9 O VW marked ouL can ha used aa a com- ing sent the flrat four months to the 84,000 a month modernising the cara Button. flomstnoL More than 9tti ■------■ - '.cJ4 London— (A P I—Anothar poaoiDta Halifax—(A P ) t Hero than Salt- party organ, Pravda, ««__L don Seoteh 'ion grnipaaiuni and auditorium, Deaconeae Home at Kali River. The that tail-end freight traina on ths incheeof n in gran recorded. ^ Rabbdt Lifts $ 2 3 9 RBM.5til .. 9 1 . 0 9 1999-99. Onar- ■g, fsg. 748 * 5 providing for tbs boys and War Horror waa revealed by A. K. of Halifax*a bedttogglng rjotnV - aald today that Preolflaat Roose­ LADIES’ LEATHER SOLES last four months sewing .wfll be Sldnsy, Nsb., to Ogdsn, Utah dl- M fc a Xdn 9Yye, of OOlette. Wyo.. o r lal (Baah.1 9149 09T gills B this distriet something sent to the Brldgeman Hospital at Astburjr, -"ARP* technical advteer vision. Similar projects a n under­ were not saUsfled with adUag hquor^-jif velt’s maanga to Congreaa ’Mows 59e S-Ysar agnlTatant to what thsy-now have of the Homs office. ' ' found n geld nugget worth gl.9fl in but had to "roll* their eustotoiro aq Johannesburg, South Africa. Mra. way on other dlviaians. a chloksn sbo bought ter SO cents. jtbat tha throat of Fasdat ogg Ldsthdr Lifts .t..'.15c I street. He told a saeetlng of a new ahd well. Inspector E. R. Tracey fit Uw; LADIES* RUBBER HEELS t Beverly Rya, Brldgeman is well known .in town Moot Important change, railroad m ordsr to heap abreast, of prog- 'sloa Is waO aadsratood In Amertoa.' The N u ^ mpoetd 4S7 children highly potent Incendiary bomb ao Nova ScoUa Uqixir OomahaKaa ji" 25c Qnnrt ..... and visits Tolland friends when on a men say. is that ot dlscardlag Uw ,i«an, n total o f SflfOJMOJMO has " It aHe eceatitutaa Sa oekaowi- $ 1 . 3 9 $ 1 . 9 9 ' IIS wnie T per cent light - tM esie agrplanc can carry testUtod In a U^uor-ealllng 'pnwaeiK rwq^ie furlough to the United Sutes. old, smelly hsrosMW lampa twSd m bean spent by Uw steel industry for adgmaat n o t wars waged by Fas­ wow tadarwelgfet. sad 66 were 8,000. cist aggrssioii a n aimed dirsetty Nathmal Shoe Repair & Shoe Shinq Shop M iH it^om orv W eiril Uw cabooaes for 60 years. They a n SMT- M ulpnM t UMI COIMtnWtftOQ JB .ptf cant or more aheve nocnai Aooordlng I at, fjar. rasH at. to ths records . o f It Is knows aa tha "XUo-EM- being replaced by karoasna awnUa r iho pant tour ysera. agiH et the tetarseU of ths ao-caliad Dsys BsnBay 9ro I FLEISHMAMN’S GIN, qt ...... 8 U 9 - — -ISP gtiw to ti flaaact tren" bemh. and eos (args flombsr flaaact cowmantss, only about 38 lampa that uUUat a brt^t- ■urince has weetod n ptiptt MkL TEL. 5191 IS talks were gtwm, 4 enelnded ptr cant ot the autnmomlss bduglit could drop 10 to >0 at a ttsM. "The Hart's bow to haws tm with the cover of your ixtd asb ten— «o not' tX4"8$81IAnf manUs Ihstead of tha I Itonint ototoo In honor of a of tlwlr vieUma. m the United States arwpald for in bombs sprsofl ast .oo tbs^ fan," saM p to v tM ywi jt**_«»9io to Y oj Brttt NatiMwl T u k Is ChUtasta ------Astboiy. wkk. Tha aaor oaaa I with n reeerfl ou^ut of milk, OM Mho oMhig sows o Bseuntafa stda load Ifl yearn. i r S L i " MANCREffTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN FRTOAT. JANUARY 6.1989 PAGE • 1. • • . *

MAMUUESTEB EVENING BEEALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. FRIDAY. JA^UART 6.198f > A G B 8 i y when he attempted to halt Its strators wlten thay^pafusad to dls- oil firm must pay the realdenta la f v ; BRITISH AGENT SLAIN march today on the palace of the perae, British reported, and killed alttas. JDMHIR T. F. W. UNIT Manchester txvo at them. grwn. gave Wm on Men. The YOUNG BOY SLAIN NEUTRALITY CASE KaJah of Ranpur. BiBay p a c ^ craBp, let’a apand it on changt o f heart PoUtteiBBB te was that no man evar pooad alone f t Ao Indian officer xvas Injured se­ For tha pui^oaa the tows a;M In that town and a te rr print was Idea grew to Its present dimenriaas A m r l| f R t f r tha praaent Dtvlalon. Anyhow, Parla are ao much Ilka poUtIclana IS NOW BEWG FORMED TRYING TO HALT MOB riously. ’The trouble folloxved the divided Into 33 drURhf Mqekfl wRR- pock-marked with gatW ln g Ro- NEW TAXES AWAIT . In five brief yeans- Date Book HERE’S WHY McALLBN . from 37 to 41 acrar bi aaeh MocK. most of ua who gro nuta are prob­ anywhere elaa that the onI> way to taiiana or proteating farm delega- j|i NEW YORK ON TRIAL MONDAY arrest of several members oi PraJ IN POLICE TRAP Mandal, banned political organisa­ IS FABT-GKUWINQ prrY If oU la found te a Mock aO p ro ^ ably driven that way by trying t« tell them from Amerle«n pollU- Uons. Tonight • \ EtmiitiQ %fr«Uk And that ta the ganeral appear­ Anderson-Shea Post To Drill n Cuttack. India, Jan. 6.— (A P )— tion, which demanded Increased arty ownera In that ' Hook taaakyS keep tmek of the number of people ciana Is by their funny beards. MARCH RECEIPTS Jan. 8.—M. H. S.-West Hartford participation by. the peopi In the McAllen, Olds— (A P )—ThareX)# royaltteo. Two oil fimia bxaa apai t PUBLaMCb BT TUB ance of tha capltol. The place la Youngsters And Conduct baaketball game at State’ Armory. A mob carrying staves teat to death M U > PKlNTUiO POMPANT, Dfa already getting their living 1^ par­ B r O BORI^ ROSS ; Broadway doesn't bold the na­ QuotaW ons— MaJ. Reginald Louis Baxalgette. government. a city ordlnaaca bare that proxddea mors than $390,000 drUltna la airiB llUored with drawings of ancient New York. — Broadway doesn’t tional asonopoly on aophtottcatloo. Summer Training Camp. Six Companies And Eight In- .Next Week II BImmII ■ira.t ticipating In the "government" of plowA aworda," piatoR, printing Hdtorcd Umrittht Dipe Of poUtlcal agent of Oriaas province. Baaalgette fired upon tha demon­ If oU la found within the city tha 'maar tha city llmlta. lUaaBMiar, Om b . GO IT, U N C L E ! know much about Jorome H. Car- The moot modest hamlet to the Jon. 11 — Skating maaquorade ^ caoMAB rERuuaoH thla state. prcaoes. loaves, cotton gins, flowers, A Junior VFW unit to now being l^onghton Says Co w b Um gUL Yat ba handleo more thaatrlcal Mndertond now demands swift pace, M t's kind of Ukc a sbsdder. party at Center Springs-pond, aus­ OcMiBt Apparently former Oovemor arrows and trasa. fashionable elptbes and tott that formed 1^ Anderson-Shea Post, dhridnak Charged By Got- pices of local Sports CJlub. BMaBaB OM*k*r 1. m t One artlot drew a pirtura of the matter per year than the SdiubertA .■ Bertke Marie Sybert, tke "boooc- EitiHlioiiiil Who Sought Cross Isn't, for the moment, ac­ Bam H. Hanias and Max Gordon hasn't Mbernated in a musfy Joe VTW at the post home, Manchester Coming Events SORRY THEY SPOKE? Grand Oaayon of the Colorado on Ing bed" girl. describing a I B«M7 ■VMlBC cepting the good-time status that riH W aiitT a combined. MUtor Joke hook. Green. The members of the new unit Jan. 17.—Hartford CJoncert or­ t B oiluf A BaMrcd « i and aatisfaetton In provincial , Uon was aeccaonry, Waloh home after placing a UPON OPERATION Paraguay. elecUnn campaign refrained fr*jm Those who suffer from large As a showman. CargiU probaMy pageantry than la the Rialto. dummy package In a milk bottle on i Other defendants In the 14 Indict MRMBEli AODIT BOREAH OP wonderful kick out of awallowlng amounts of gas are usually those mors dtotingulsbed Americans 1 1 1 1 1 # waa when thto unk|ue tan- ments voted by a Federal grand CMMiDtATlOHB.______attacking the McLevy candidacy — m e b b e b o , m e b b e s o the porch. Motion Filed To Invalidate pinn and little bits of broken glaoa who are having trouble in digesting w6rfclng for him than any New presaiio reaped a hanraet from Boy Beat Over Bottles jury Dec, 21, 1937, are; YEAR and the very much less (mlUe way The CJurtlas Aeroplane and Motors Tba HaralB Priotini Compan. Inc., and sticking pins ihrotigh folds of starch, as starches are favorable to York rival. For hto octora ara re­ sbowdem In *he Times Square belt, SanU Monica. Calif.—Giacomo The detective said the boy walked aaaaiaaa ao Baanrial raananalbllllT as the manager of numerous star Co.. Inc.. Curtlss-Wiight Export LING in twhlch that candidacy was treat­ llcsh In his arms. He has been a the fermentatl e process which cruited from the columns of Who's A. Bantoro to about to become his up to the porch and bent over the BeBeYes There Most Be Core Indictments Against 28 Baa Ippaarapblcal arrora apnaarina In causes the liberation of large Who, thp Directory of Directors attractions. That waa up to the Ixittles. Corporation, the American Arms L A M B L E G S aBaartlaamania In ih#' Manch»«ifr ed by the Democrats, particularly long time in some other w-irld, but depraaston year when a pall of brother’s father-in-law and atopfa- n.ent Corporation, Aircraft Hhtport •aanlas BaralA amounts of gA aM the Social Register from here "Stop where you. are," Flood said In the large cities where heavy 8o- It was fun to him while hs lasted. gloom fall over the atreat ther to hto daughter-ln-law. The fu­ For Cancer Threatenhi Corporation, Ralph S. Damon, John Persons In WPA Case. Anyone who Is bothered In tbia to Ban Franciseo a ^ he boosts that ture Mrs. Bantoro will become her he shouted. The boy ran. The detec­ cisllst Inroads Into the Democratic he hasn't had a temperamental Easy money from Wall Street £. Allard, Clarence W. Webster, ' nU D AT. JANUARY « way- must use special precaution daughter’s sister-ln-law end her tive aasertou he flr ^ a warning ehot MILK vote was feared- with good reason. clash with ona of them. for new extravasanaas waa no long­ over Dsvld’a head, and another at Clifford K. TtaxrU, Miranda Broth when eating starch to' make sure It er to be bad and the ridewalks were son-in-law's stepmother. Yoong Daughter’s Life. era, Inc., Alfred J. Miranda, Jr„ FED The Democrats atid lots of A MIS-CREDIT He says that this enllatment of his feet, the second charge striking Santo Fe. N M.. Jan. 8.— (A P )— AT THE WRONG END is entirely digested before reaching crowded with headliners (many of Santoro, 40, obtained a Ucenas to Igr.acto I. Miranda, Freeman Hlg V E A L L E G S Important folk In Ms presenta­ the boy in the back. U. 8. District Attorney Everett M. things about Mcl-evy and his party Bays our scholarly neighbor the the large Intestine. This la chiefly tions accounts for the current them CoigUTe clients) who were “at Marry DoU Albright, 47. and hto gins and Hugh I. Wells. brother, John, 27, was licensed to Finding an otberotoe unaccount- Tha report, thia morning. >f that ware not exactly nice -not Hartford Ooiirant, editorially com­ done hy oliaervtng the two follow­ wave of eoetety singers apd actress­ Uberty." ad-for dijM In the boy's pocket, po­ New York. Jan. 6.— (A P ) Anna Sale ProMbIted Giantbam was charged with "om- ing rules: ---- marry Ura. Albright's daughUr. aghthig of an actually military foreseeing any llluIlhcKMl of the menting on the Presldent'a message es In tha night etube, theater and To escape the melancholy atmos­ lice theorized the real extortlomst cheap clock ticked away on the Sale of arms to Bollxda or Para clal misconduct" In motions on fils First, ba sura to chew starch well phere of Broadxvmy, ba tourneyed to Almtre Dorothy Albright, 23, guay xvas prohibited by President dMracter, with tanks and artillery, Senate altuatlun of 1939 repeating on the state of the nation: "He talklea Maybe he's rfght. We liad feared on ambush and bribed mantle In a aombre Brooklyn flat, In U. 8. district court here toda'y to FRESH HO that It ia thoroughly mixed with won’t take any credit axsray from a suburb for a weekend and there Bo John’s mother-in-law win be David to get Mm the milk bottle. Roosevelt on May 28, 1934, under hatastaii Hungarian and Caachoeln- Itoclf. But it did re[>eat Itself and •|V)ke freely, If vaguely, of employ­ the Bullva. Much of the succeoa of ha ah amateur show la pror hto atoter-ln-law. ai.o a graying, haggard man eyed authority of a Jrtnt Oongresalonal Invalidate Indictments against 28 S H O U L D E R S Mm. They declared the note was the vaktaa troops at the towm of Mun- It would have been very comfort­ ing other means—and mjt futile starch digeatlon depends upon this One of CarglU'a theories to that work of an adult. Officers alao trac­ It fearfully. resolution wMch proxdded Ones of persons charged with fraud and con­ $10,000 and maximum Imjirlsonment kaas tai territory recently cadad to ing, when tha benate rctiirna were words—to compel aggressive na­ mixture, as the first step la tha dl mecaoeful municipal or charlt- ed a Uireatenlng telephone call to "Look at It, ticking and ticking spiracy to xiolate WPA laws in New gestloD of atareby foods takes place lie ritow depends wholly upon Mlaa WoJrti os having come from a of two years. Mexico. RIB HBBgmry by tha broken republic, all In, If tbs Democrats could have tions to heed 'the opinions of man­ and ticking,'' he c ii^ . " —Ticking CJurtlBs Wright etellenged '.he when the etarches are mixed with Chairman Doughton tiM quality of the material. drugstore. ‘The druggist said the call ■way that year." The action, latest in the bitter la diffleult to erahiate. Prom the gona to tba McLievyUea and oald, constitutionality of a previous In­ ROAST kind,* a phraae ilgnlflcantly bor­ the mouth secretion. When this ad Bo be goaa out for tha beet that had been placed by a tall, dark-com­ At the end of that year, doctors legal fight SRSlnst wholesale grand P O R K Uat at eaaualtlea reported, bow- "Ain't we the pals!" rowed from Woodrow Wlloon.” mixture Is thorough, the starch be can obtain In tba market. Some plexioned man. dictment and the Supreme co-jrt Jury Indictments returned last af hunt for more taxes unlaM- the say, William Lewis' gold-nalred, ruled In faxror of the government in ev«r, it woutd seem that the num­ Uajrbe ths sllnga and Arrows of IJke liorrowing the phrase, "An­ may continue to digest even after it President sent a special reqjcat, of the eriitars who are on hto pay* someone will save $81 dimpled eight-yexr-old daughter will October against 73 persona, came rcachea the stomach, providing the roll Include George 8. Kaufman, 1937. After the rfillng, Ehringhaus unexpectedly. ber at troops iBTDlved must have that campaign didn't hava a thing gels and mliiUtcrs of grace defend perhaps euggeatlng some aourcea of die of a cancer spreading olowly up and Francis H. Horan ot New York stomach does not contain too much revenue. But Mr. Roosevelt does Win Irwin, Tr., Kendall Burgess, ’The motlonp clixrged Grantham baM BBMlI and from the aiiddra- In tha world to do with what hap­ lie." significantly or not, from the Norman Zeno, Newman Devy, Just one person in MaiKhester can save fSl.OO her leg. were appointed to prosecute a new acid. If you eat only starchy foods, not expect to make taxes the lub- RAISING There's a one-ln-20 rtiance that It series of cases and 14 Indictments with "official misconduct and acting BBflB wHh wdilch tba Incident occur­ pened In the Senate rhamber this late Kdwin Booth. or starches with vegetablea, the acid Jeet of a nicasoge. Arthur Paaraon and Marjorie Field­ xrhen she aeleeta her Modem Bedroom. Here contrary to law In aoxrlatng tba FANCY FOWL ing, a literary ceterle to strike envy the leg were amputated, she srould followed. red it may vary amll bo that It waa week. Hayba. We don't really believe the Cour- of tba stomach is not encouraged t« Would Pore Appropriationa Uve. But those long odds are like a 'The government contends ths de grand Jury" before the IndlctmanU / tha result of mere bitterness of flow and will allox. the digeatlon of Various committee members also In the heart of any story editor In at Watkins J^th era we have just one of these A FAMILY were letumed. Affidavits of three unt would make the latter attribu­ HoUyweod. By Olive Roberts Bsrton nightmare bauptlng Lewis—a WPA fendants acted together In shipping fealiag between grmtpe of soldiers the starch to continue for some said It'might not be a bad Idea to groups, remaining from a previous shipment. carpenter, father of four and a planes, machine guns and aerial grand Jurora asserted the jury did tion, however, because we ore sure pure down by 4 per cent the 110. His directorn (for Cargill can't CAR INSPECTION time. widower of alx montlia—so that he bombs to BoUxrla. not xrote on lnd.xrldual defendanta, and without Important political slg- the Couraiit knows Its Blinkes|ieara. 000. uoo.ooo of appropriations get eon- around to oil these far-flung And it’s a complete group with four large pieces! The second rule Is to avoid using We Iiave left far behind that liatea to risk the operation. Ehringhaus said the planes were but that a conspiracy-felony Indict­ nUeaace. Oovamor Baldwin’s flat daclnra- templatcd for the year starting July enterprises himself) are drawn Full size bed, dresser, chest and vanity. If you CHUCK ROAST with Htsreh. foods which will tcx> But did it get Its enidltlofi an re­ fnNB the ranks of Broadway’s melodrama In wliich the stony­ Tertared By Indeetsloa stripped of. thelr.armoraents Itefore ment waa voted against 47 dafen' Mowovar,'there ara pretty aura to Uon that the atata aulomohlle In­ greatly aUmulate the odd secretion 1. that would taka ears at tha tax leaxring thla country to discourage dents aa a group. motely from the little red school- inerraaa which tha Prarident pro- top-fMght men. He argues that an like real good, lasting Modern . . this is the hearted father Jerked open tba door A few weeks ago he was resolved be abaervere of the European a< ene spection ayslem Miould be aholl.ih- on the part of the atomach. When to a night of wind and snow, and suspicion of their destination. The ’This blanket Indictment Included liounv tliat it never rcoil even the |xined. amateur actor eon be wMpped Into bedroom for you. For this is a Streamlined against it. Now be Is tortured by who wtu ragrat that If tits Caechs ed Is stire to atinmiate anew the you eat cheese, meat or other pro- shape for a decent performance. If bade hla prodigal daughter and her doubt and Indecloion. ormamenta, five machine guna to relatives of U,. 8. Senator Dennis first paragra|>h of the Declaration tsin fooord Lovus next June and July unless renewed. foundatloa of forgixreneM. And who smiling Into tte room on her crutch- Readers of this aewrspaper prob­ It la unlljli^ly, however, that tliera Another rule which Is wall worth ore ths boring recitations of dxic ■poUlghf from the Supreme court of Bralthlnaqiiate or some such Cxingress has been renewing some Htould forglxre first If not a parent? as. lUta plajred happily under the juatICM last night at the IVhlte ably aottcod, within a day or two, wroiild have ever arisen anything observing while you are attempting of them for years. vlrtus by a etubxvoman draped tn a It is going a little far to suggest MURPHY IS W RUNG cheerful' Cbrlatmaa tree with tte H o u m Judiciary reception, but he place who lately survsyrd tha city 10 cut down on the tcmlency to form Secretary Wallace and oavcral capocloua American flag. that a mothar or father say, "Wbatr a Berlin dispatch tellliig of a short­ like such general and vigorous pro­ of L/indon and regretted that the dolls that Kate Smith and Bddla nearly waa lata for the cabinet’# L A M B F O R large snimintH of pas. Is the nile of ovar mistake you make la aO right age of coal, with fuel jrkrds closInK test sgnlnst the lnapectk>n reguln- Nazis hniln't bondied the place members of the House Agriculture Cantor sent Isar. formal entrance. TO TELL ABOUT STRIKE not using starches and augara to­ Committoe have advocated the use with ua." There is a world of dlf- Waata VMt From Stem Ha arrived Just aa tha red-coated down because they had no coal to tlnii if It had not always been a level In u apojt or two eo the town gether. While Htarch los in bread) of procenslng taxes to help finance feronca between deUterato commls- " I wish they'd come and see me," Marine orchestra waa atriklhg up atU. Gormany bae ptanty of coal coule built over to iH'ttcr waya and sugar, do not m llivnuielvea un­ iKl'IitionnI help for farmert. sloa and tte occooloiuU temptation matter of common knowledge tlial, And at ttmea we have thought ■ha said wistfully. Hail to the Chief,’’ ready for the *Waabtngtoo, Jan. 6.— (A P )—A t­ FREE dergo alcoholic fermentation, they torney General Murphy aald In its mines but It cannot. And after rtlj the Iroiilile to which law- it would he Just ua well II u long Doenn't Favor I’rucessing Tax that finds the boy or girl unprepar­ “Nobody,'' bar father whispered appearance of the President. I k are capable of being split up Into ed to figbL I am not speaking te xvould “welcome tha opportunity" KRAUT railroad cars to traniqiort It Obvl- Bhlstancea^ which will ferment and taxing the pr'icesslng of only a few ImmoraUty in tha sexual sense en- to tell the Senate Judiciary Com­ FRANKFUE tS country to boll down soma of Its ■ny roller akataa thank God." court, headed by Clilef Justice ouMy, such a condition reflects always large numbera of aiitomo- which are‘ productive of gas. The tlraly, but about tha thousand and mittee how te liandled rtt-down hninze statues for u.hp as bullets— commodities to provide funds for L O V E S E A T S Her older brother, who plays the Hughes, were among tha 1,100 aonMtbbig pretty close to collapse ■trlkee during hla Michigan goveri- bjlev €uj tha road which have never beginning with the city of WAsb- patient wito Is trying to obsarva tha paymento Intended to b » o* natioa- ona rules of moral conduct that guests. Murphy, appearing at hla rule of not mixing starch and sugar al benefit. trumpet, looked in—on hia way out norehip. m In the nation's transport system, been Inspected but which neverthe­ Ington. must te met In the aortal xvorld. to oam $3 at a amall danco. There flrat White Houte party, received will M d It neesaaary to stop luilng •A procrsolng tax on cotton, for Than, too, there are often tha Hla appearance before tte Com­ oao cannot but wonder how the less sro not denied, registration; As regards Its ststuary, this city two other glrla, 14 and 17. The congratulations on all aides. sugar as a flavoring for breakfoal instanoe,” h* said, "xvould mean paraonal opinions of a parent, or a ara mittee which xvUI decide whether to Nasts could possibly conduct a and many others which, though never h ^ been able to bit lu at the price of chairs! only regular Income la tba father’s recommend hla confirmation, Mur­ BONELESS CUTUP stride. Of course the city la nut ecrealA puddlnga which are largely quits a Mt In the price of a ahirt partlcnlar community, to te con- war, with all of war's strain on tinkered up, as Olpsisa used to mode from atarchy thickenings with or pair of ovaralU.’’ Mdersd. Roma may te a family, a payments from tha WPA. phy said, would give him lila firet really to hlame because every Loxre saate an a deflnite plaeo T f aomethlng happens to Doro­ URGING ROYCOn real opportunity at explanatton. transportation, when It cannot even tinker tip old boraas for tha purpose statue built to a Union general or sugar, and also to stop taking In nslthar hto annual nor lito toxvn or a great city. What pe<^e Ha axplalned ha had kept silent be­ drinks jiwerteneans a boon to tha right to axpreaa bar diaapproxral and than that one-to-30 clianca. Jexvlah Congress tegan a campaign late Colxrtn CooUOge put doxvn a Boa- roous bhiir. 'The Czechs might the Inspection on annual lns|>ec- "Would you rather have her die city's dcvrlui>mcnt there was a going any kind of dlgeative dlooom- xvtping out oU but a vasUge of the •mall living room xvhicb ,\ ■peak osrtoualy of tba danger of today to pledge tndlvlduala through ton police atrpia nearly 20 yaara have tested it with no more haaaid tlon, anyhow- if it were very cer­ than tire a cripple?" spirit of gratitude for help the Ger­ fort usually finds this particular latter, but sutboriUec have beaa lacks xvallapaca for a full such things. And to te as stem aa out the country to boycott German ago. / SALT than was Involved in tha melee at tain that they were taking part iti mans and French hole of Coimecll- draped Liberty shovera in the ehlU ture bringa theaa Ana placea 1lb.17e stands and ta admlnlsterecl Is a breeze off the Potomac. A few potatoeA French toast, and ao one, prida that waa hurt She, harsalf, B L U E BOSE cut's independent. commls.-lona and are best avoided .xsrhen any sincere to you at on|y $58. waa a sort at vtgUanto la tba town, lb. Source of much dlssatlstaotlnn and [laces further from tha White w a ASK ADOPTION A now term at awtmwSng taereha bureaus, the Roclrty for 'Urntsl House an eagle at the foot of the attempt la being mode to^ Improve aad to hava It known that her own DAILY PATTERN SUGAR / tk)vcrnor Baldwin struck a populsr the digeatlon. The coating of oil or ' child had tetrayad Iter was too tor woman wlU start T uaaday night Hjrgiene Intends to make a new Polish general, Thaddoua Koa'Ius- at -ths RacreaSlon Center opimmlng io-PoRRd aoth Bkc RICK 3 lbs. 49c note when he condemned it ko. Iwtlefully bites off the head of fat over the atarCh cells may keep OF LABOR A a CHANIXS much. I aympathise adth her and / effort to obtain the passage of s oartelaly liMd the girl to Mama, ppM. Woman are urged to teks up By CAROL DAT a stubby bronze serpent. the latter from being penetrated by Here’s tha type o t aeml-tellored bill at this session of the Qener \l the dlgetUve Juices, and the starch but It aeamed poor pMcy to tndaa- this acthrtty, not only for tha axer- PARIS MOVIE STRIKE Wariilngton, Jan. B—(A P )—Rep. ger her stiU fxirthar 1^ denying her elM but for tte safety - and enjoy- two-place draae without wUch you Assembly for the creaUon of a .'\hmpt .About Pace. will then remain In a partially un­ Just cent Rxre happily, h 'x so amart BED DEVIL-^I^ARGIE^ CAN Oeller ID., N. T.) said today be Choice of 3 styles thq Ohalter of her home. Or wliat meat ot in ter aporte for the com­ new one. Since .the society has There's a new kind of strike on All these are in the spirit of a digested state. aad so ueafuKfor elaoeroom, buM- IvoiY scared boy grateful for rescue from If you are Interested In learning again wroutd oak Oongraoi to ado ■hiountad praetleally to that ing summer at tha iKore. Laeaoaa M E D . B A B . made the energetic and able Airs. In I’arls. Recentiv the city adopj amcihdmenta to the Wolah-Hcaley wtu te aa foUowe: aeoe aad gaoaral xtraat wear. Osxrer a growling dog. bow starches should be combliied / | - P w i i TlMlr MatUM9 deteile mark Pattern 8800 aa dia- Djrta Hall MeBee of South Willing- led an amusemen' tiix, tha extent of Act which John U Lewis has placed Experience Is a bitter teacher. Tuaaday, 7:00-7:45—Boginaara. SOAP But that tone switches within a with other foods, I suggest you send ttactly new-tba gored skirt, tha ton chairman of Its leglslstlvr com- the levy on the movie theaters !«- block, for next come the bold and for my article called ‘‘HOW TO at the top of the CIO’s Isgl^ tlve Our young people are usually so fijte Tuesday 7:48-8:80—Intermadlatea. program. Thuieday 7 •’00-7:48—Advanced. high nackllna, the ought blouse at mlttee, we may be prepared for a.-j-lng almul nine per cent of their in- fearless tTnIon generals and ad- COMBINE STARCHER." The ar- aad try to do tha aultabla ahd The chongee would opmpel eoi Thxnraday 7:45-8:80—Sr. U fa Saxr- the high waist Una, Thore ara — 1 S « bunch < 1 '* ^ ' 2 Heads I S ® ' ^ f ' aad ths Bssr V U aad Winter Pat­ 4 2 S* L ^ moral, aortal or economic con- xvhigi lays the taxes—standing that the capital interior could' te painful or tingtaai the eauoaiwrRl te AhaeeM and r [ ditloo or any Indlxiduol grievance, found to Ra In a out luxation at the ten Boob—SO esate. Patten or 1^ xot may not be very great. Improxred, even with a paint-spray- Rich mood. Ind.—State PoUoaotaa hteda. aU the eoeat at Soutbam MamMiiai Taan.—^Hnlbart DentoB book afana ' 15 eeate t, t that "there ought to be e law." er. . The place was decorated te te>ne wlileb produces a prcaaure oa Kannath Marlin halted a oUgMIy fai- CfeUfarala. box a teen tninMatred M X Ind who batteeee la atriking Because that council l* elected prt- the nerveo going to the aSacted COFFEE aa4 CEUliH'^ eeeme to take the form, “ there an Ttallan •Mntxirallsf with the' toxicated motorist and orterad him troaa Uw Bm ■an o t IJghthonaaa whlla the trow M hot. For a PATTEBM a t tbia attne- DROPCAKM Large Eaase-Tyge maiily from the 2U arondiOHCtiicnia result that the. xvalla ere rrawUng hand. A Chliopractoi or Osteopath CAKES ’ L~ ought to be-h rAmmisaFm " to park. At Usat aaonieat ha re- t o t at tha Intertor. Ih X lett$r pebllMied te tha prew Uve model a n d U e la CO IN, your LATER CAKES .■lit?’ r. , into which Porto is divided—and by with butterflleo. prairie dogs, coy­ eoutd soon- teU you if thla cense Is celxwi an eanergency order te gq fo te t ■Bteitter, ha wiote:- RfAMBl ADDREU, BTTUE NUM­ j Let’s not bhvo any new oommis- the xsery people who like to go to otes. aquirreto, Usards and other present In your cose. Mnnrte, many mllas awray. BER aad nZB to TUB HERALD, i g i d o z . vermin. .«> I 4*mi or rtapirtmMt at aaaatxl hy- the movies but can't, now, co ac­ “Stay b a n unUI 1 gat kaek.'* eom- IB M lil tetflfWt iMCftUM tlMtr "1 thnak yon for a y tm dL Mext TODATR PATXEIDf BUREAU. I S e d o z . We once knew h photographer TIu box huckleberry le said to te 2 9 ®***^ ■ S '**- B that* 'm a t ha more count at thiit tsuL Whan the voters maiHlad Matka. WATKINS fiM- 1 1 weat X trahi nad X Mr- 105 lEVENTM AVENUE, NEW 6 3 9 0 who etoaned up

. llANCSnSffrER EVENTKd HERALD. MANCHEtflEK. CONN. FRIDAT. YANUART 9,1W» MAMCBISri»BVI!tfNOJIEML&MANC!RBRBLOORN. ntIDAT.YAmJAXr«. XN» ■.■■■■ JL ^ V A G I AFRICAN LEADERS CURB QUOTATIONS LARGE TAX mCOME DAILY RADIO PR0(^RAM Recreation InjUfs PRIOAV. JANUARY 6 (Caatral-Eaatarn Standard Tlme;;-P.M.J. TOLD OF DEFENSE N. Y. Stocks Too Uatt to tnoorporeto) njkeiiiPia Sa UMtaa* n«« *• ketww* Csn-vettou By ASSOCIATEO PiSSB ' MaMi AH nroarams ta k«r end basic chains or aroups thsraot nalaat apad- Centerltems Resolutions For 1039! FOR CONCERT HERE Ark Nat Ou ...... REPORTS FOR YEAR SeS; eeeit to eeeat (a to a) dadanationa Ipcluds aU avallabla auUona ' / ■* V - ^ ■ Aaad Gas and El A ...< ...... Nae-WIAF (RIO) NfTWORK wmmm w]no webs wpar wipAa wcoa EAST SIDE Adams Exp . • i «• • • • Am Sup Pow ....J.. SASIC — Satti waar wnac wUc wjar wrva walm wrdw wApl wdbo 1st, To continue offering quality foodstuffs at substantial savings.—2nd, Never to sacri- Air Reduc ...... wetb krw wfbr wre wjrr^vban MIDWBST — wmbd wUa wIjW kfh )aladier Confers With MiB- Today; a u S s r v ...... wkbb w tAq wkbh woea wabt kM] wnax Alaska JuB ...... iccaa wtana wwj cbm wda(; Mldwaati - The Junior boy’s room will be open ce quality for price.-—3rd, To continue our established policy of courteous, friendly and Clta Serv., pfd ...... - Ontstandiiig Sant Dm Nnch had arpaad who wow wdaf wlra Katp: woe whib kale kdak wada armta from 6 to 9 o'clock. Orchestn Of 40 Pieces To AUeghaoy ...... EU Bond and Share...... Mauntaiei k**. kdjrl; aeutlii wmbe w.b MOUNT.—kTor Kram kli kol) kil kfro Am Can ...... ^ b wldx kpm wire, Faelfla: kfbb tary And Gvfl Heads Of The small gym wUI be open for prompt service.— 4th, Never (as far as we can govern ourselves) regardless of concU- NIeg Hud Pow ...... ^ COAST—knx kola kfpr kvl kata' ko, handball from 5 to 7 a'olecK. Am Home Prod . . . . Penn Road ...... Rednced; Totil To Be hfl kaw koroo ahq kpo I karm kbbe liabm Wro fcaar tionay permit anyone to undersell us on quality m erchandise Phy At Hish Sdiool HaO Am Rad St B ...... OPTIONAL OTATIONSJop«rata tn- The small gym la reserved for Segal Lock ...... Sndthw REDorBLUE C.nL B «L ColoniesAfter Tour. boxtng from 7 to 9 o’clock. Am Smalt . — SSunpSSa)M?Hrti w'bra weol ^aa wlw--- 4:0(k- SlOO—Nan Wynn Song Prootom Unit Gaa ...... 4:1b— 0:14—March ef Oamaa Proaram The bowling alleys are reserved Am Tel and Tel . . . . Unit Lt and Pow A ...... Paid In Yet k $151354. wore wclor waal waan cbf cbl wad; Od January 17. Am Tob B ...... Cantral! well wtroj wlba wd«r kabx 4;S0— 6:30—Tha Man Bahind the Stan from 8 to 10:30 for Mr. Palmar. SELF SERVI RKET bus kalo Into wbow wood wabc wabt 4:46— 6:46—Chlldran'4 Circus Sarlal^ Algiers, Jan. 6— (A P ) —Premier The East Side Jra. will practice Am..i8rat ^fka •.••• «a i aiyr. koam: Seuthi wajo wla. wiar aaat: Sanaa Net aa Lena Aoe—waat Anaconda ...... wptf wia Wlax wfla-wiun wl<,d wipe IKia— 6:00—Nawa: Manhat. iaranada Daladier arrived here aboard the basketball from 6 to 5:43. According to Information givsn wtbe wwDO wese wars wim k.oo wkr 6:16- 0:16—Hcwla WIna B Aviation The women’s plunge period will bo PlaM are now completed tor Uie Armour 0 1 ...... 6:30- ailO—Bab Traut About "Today" crulMr Foch today to confer w(th Eyorybody Saves At out today by Tax Collector Samusl wfaa wbap woal ktha ktdm inko kr^ from 7 to 8 o'clock. pieeenUtlon on Tueedey, January Atchison ...... SELECT C0MMI1TEES krls ktok ktsm wala wro! ktba kark 6i46— 0:46—Barry Wood Bona—wabc: mlllUry and clvU leadwa of ATlatlon O orp...... Nelson. Jr., Dseember eolleetlons Mountain! katr kah! ktar kob Saphia Tucktr’a Shaw—natwork 17, of the Hartford Concert Or- OiOtP- 7:00—"County Saat," Dramatis France’s north African colonies. WEST SIDE Baldwin CT ...... for all town and special tax ac­ S h f Mde kpTa kial ktti: Pielflc! kfbk t:16— 7t16—Lum-Abnar SkaUh—basic ehcitra, unit of the WPA Tederal 5% kml k.rn kau km.1 Today: Balt and O h io ...... FOR BIRTHDAY BALL counts totaled $lA,797.18, conaidered FREE DELIVERY! The Thrift Centar of Manchaatar! PHONE 3920! OitO— ri30—Jtek Haley a Tad Plants Freeh from a three-day tour of JJuaic Project, which will come to Bendlx ...... Cant. aaat. TiOa— iiO^FIrat NIahttr'Play—to o ■trategic Tunisia, v^ject of Italian The junior beaketball teams will aa being exceptionally good for tha 4!ia— 4:M—Jack Arm.lrona — aasti 7:3^ Si30—Burns and Allan—c to a practice In the gyut from 6 to 7. Hanebeeter. eponsored jointly by Beth Steel ...... holiday period. Old age aaaletance MORE PARKING SPACE! SHOP AT TRE GIANT TIGEB WHERE TOC CAI^ET MORE QUAUTT FOOD POl 0:00- t:00—Orson Wallaa Play—to e Everybody's Market! Ts a# Annauntad—wait From 7 to 8 o'clock the Maroons the Educational club and the Uan- Beth Steel T. pfd .. tax payments are averaging SO a A(4a— a:4S—Llttl. Orphan Annis — ■ :0O—10d)P—Orans Cantral. Oramatia cheater Teachers' club The or­ LESSHONEYI CUT YOUR ECDGET— SHOP WITH 081/ SASt' Sdward Oavlta Sanaa—waat t:30—10:3»-Jaek Bareh a Mia Muile will play the All Stars. Borden ...... day, although tbia 1 ^ la not diia 0:46—10:46—a/lawpointa of Amarleana chestra, conaistlnK of to pieces, in­ Can Pac ...... Mrs. Mae Holden Announces SiS^ t!0l>—OrCh.ttra, Cherut—waat: 8 to 9 o'clock there will be until February 1. Tha Dacamber Xylsplwna Proaram—natwork 10:0^11 lO^Nawa; Danes Or. (3 bra.) matches In the junior ping pong (365 Days A Year, Too!) cludes many of the musicians who Case (J. I.) ...... aita- a!lt- M.teolm Clalra-natwwk NSC-WJZ (B LU t) NETWORK appeared in the concert Vast season tax collections reduce to I151SM.64 B!$a- Siia—Prsaa-Padla Nawi Pariod tournament PREEDEUVERY RHONE 5721 Cerro Oe P a a ...... the total amoimt of outstanding BASIC — Saati Wis Wbs-Wbsa wbal and were so favorably received by Ches and Ohio . . . . Aides Who Wfll Make Ar­ alia^ a i» —Oao. a. Holmaa, Canunanl wham kdka wxyi wjtn wspf wmat wfll The four bowling alleys will be taxes due the town. Nelson raportad. a:4a_ a!44—"Fathsr, and Son." Sarlal reserved from 8 o'clock for the PRICES GO INTO EFFECT AS SOON AS HERALD IS OUT! townspeople at that time. In ad- Chiysler ...... a:to- THIO—Amoa 'n' Andy - sail: waby wabr cfcf wllk wmff w.pd waan ^ tlo n . Mias Biruta Ramoska, well When tha audit was mads of tha CHOICE Tha Marin tlatara In Voaala-w.«t wice wlau: MIdwaati wtnr wl. Iiwk knil Lebanon group. Coca Cola ...... tax hooka after the retiramant of- wren wmt kao wowo kina weta wall Wown Hartford soprano, who has Col Gas and El . . . . rangements For Affair. ana- Tiia-jimmy PIdlar, Msilywtod wfdl wibm wjtm. aouthi wrtd wmpa alao'appeared In concerts In .Vew tha last collector, there was. <» tha —T-, a Solaanini Orehas.—waat wJbo wdtu waga waan kxys: MaunUlni Tree Rtpaaafl, 8 waal, M ay 1 tadton River, Large, Sweat Coml Inv T r ...... boolu as due, the sum of $535,000 in tiaa- nm—Tha Ravalara Ouartat— kfo kvod kute; Paelflci kfo kafd ktma 1 DELICIOUS PEACHES 1 PEANUT RUTTER I Tork,^!eveland and Chicago, \vUl ComI Sole ...... cursor I aaat: J. M.-anard Orah—natwom k4x ksa ksca k]r FLORIDA ORANGM 1 TANGERINES be fuestSipIolst. Mrs. E. Mae Holden, chairman of uncollected accounts. This sum |;4a- ri44—Hanry Suato's Orahsatra ANDREWS DISAVOWS Cons Edison ...... was suhacquently largaly swelled ftOa- StOlh-Luallla Mannara—e to cat NOTB: 844 WBAP.NBC for opilanal 19c d088R 1 2 doxen 29e 1 8 No. 8 t i cans S5c 1 8-poond Jar ^ | Geb^nl Committse. Cons Oil ...... tha 5th annual President's Birthday S!f»- tiOO—WaltRins by Aba Lyman list of Btatlons. Mlaa Mary'.McAdama and Mlsa Balt today announced the committee by the aaeessmanta o< 1036 and S!a>> Siaa-Osath Vallay Days. Play CanL BaaL Cent Can ...... 1037, but In spite of this, CoUaetnr HARD-BOILED” ROLE Mary Roach. wHp Mlsa Maty Mc­ Corn Prod ...... organization which will conduct the lb. Siao—lOiOO—Oiiy Lombardo Ora.—to e 4i30— 3:30—Don WInalaw sf Navy— F ' '1 Guire and Mrs. Edion Bailey, preal- Nelson, hy August 15. last, when Rib Roast 19 t!Sa—lOim—Unela Ctrt'a ak.tah—to e salt: Landt Trio In Vocals—wait ball this year for the benefit of the Del Lack and West the flscal year began, had reduced Siaa—10:4a—Casar Saarehinsar—basic: 4:46— 6:44—Tna Tern Mil Sarlal—aaat the Manchester Teachers’ Douglas Aircraft ... Natlooal Foundation for Infantile JImmJImmIs PIdlar OMtip wmt rapaat 6i0a— 6:00—Nawti Clautlar Orahsatra Waahlngton, Jan. 6— (A P )—Elmar and_EducatJonal -club respec- the Immense flgurea to ,a point letSi—ii!iX>—J. Maasnar Oreh.—aaat: 6:06- ti06—Alma KItchall'a Proaram 1 JACK FROST SUGAR 10-pound cloth bag 39c Du P o n t...... Paralysis Ino.' A mestlng of the Amaa 'n' Andy—waat rapaat Slip- 6:16—Osrothy Reehtlls, Sanaa F. Andrews disavows tha role af a are In charge of-, arrange- where all tax moneys dua tha town "hard-boUed” administrator of the With Pnrehan o f |2.00 or Moro la Oar Grocery Dopartpont. d ec Auto L i t e ...... committee will be held this evening amounted to only 3106,700.16. Wiia-11iia—Otnelna Music (1% hrs.) t;6»- a:4»-Tha aaranaOars - aaatt ' menta. Otharf aetvlng onH»ie geri Gen dee ...... at 7:30 In the Municipal building to Marlows B Lysn—other stations wage-hour taw. era! hoamlttee are: 'x Since that date be has taken In CBS-WABC NSTWORK 0:46— 0:46—Lawall Thamaa — aaatt He told reporters yesterday that Gen Fooda ...... make plans for the annual event at $45,000 of the outstanding total Tom Mix’s Bkateh-waat rapaat BPBOIAL HEALTH JUIOBt I 8PB0IAL HEALTH FOOD! Albert Pearron, Thomas Bentlw. Gen M otora...... the state ermoiy. BASIC - Bart: waba woko weao waal 0:00- 7:aa-Artla Shaw B Orehaatra his lawyers have, sifted aome 600 Mrs E. C. Hlgglna. Mrs. E J MuK The 1033. or precent tax pay­ war wkbw wkre wjr wJr wdra weau wlai 0:39— 7:39—Tima for tha Trio TImo GUlatU ...... The oommlttee as announced by st complaints of employer violatloea of iy, Mrs. Arlyns Osirlty. Mrs ments, ara not dua until AprU. lbs. W M trfbl wlsT1 wgar;'Midwgar; Mid watt! wbbmwbbi 0:46— 7:46—Bart Lytall. Drama—wjs; Heeker Prod ...... Mrs. Holden is: Harry Radding, co- wfbm kmbe kroex wbaa kfab krat Oscar Shumaky, Vltlln—natwork the act and have not found a case POMERANG-Orange and Grape-1 ORANGE AND GRAPEFRUIT ssel Gess. Miss Madellns Brown. As the year ends, anothar achlave- BAST—waM wbnt wpa whp whse wore 7:09—.a;09-wtrdtn LSwoA Oramatia they want to “crack down" on In InVHarv ...... chairman; Robert H. Smith, treea- mant of Collector Nalaon la raraaled gMiss Marcella Kallay. Mrs. BerniceInt Nick ...... Pork Chops 2 atrb ekao arlbx wmaa wata wkbn wblo 7:39—'■;39-Chleaao NBC Jamhoraa court fruit Juice ' No. 5can25e| "SECTIONS" 2No.2caiw25e urer; Mrs. Mary Brosnan. secretary; by tha standing of tha tax aeeoimta Wfbl wbrS wnbx wade wnbf wgan S:09— 3:00—Plantallan Party—to e Maher. Miss Mary Taylor. Mlsa tnt Tatvsnil Tel — "Wa don’t cars to Oct just to ap­ Mat Madeline Jacquemin. Mias Marlon Jack Saneon, music and entertain- of tha old 0th school district. This PIXIB — wfst wife wqam wdod klra 8:30— 0:39—HorSa and Susay Days Kenneoon...... rnsnt; J. Raymond Shea, decora- wrao wise wwl wtoc krld ktrh kUa ' t:09—10:00—Apoitolll - Conn Flaht— pear hard-boiled," be said. Caaev, Miss Gwendolyn Prescott. Lehigh Val Jld ...... district was abollahad on the eon- WSM koma wbt wdaa wbla wdbj wwva The trouble In flnding a teat eaaa. Oat A Lavely Glaaa Fbaa wmh Miss'Ethel Robb. Miss R. Johnson. Uoos; Harry C. Smith, Archie Kil­ ar lldatlon of achoola under a town- WBja wmbr ktol weoa wdne wnox kwkb 10:0^11:00—Nawai Danalna <3 hra.) Premier Daladier be explained, la that smployara U gg and M m s B ...... patrick, publicity; Mra Margaret Mrs. BeUe Johnson. Miss May Boyle. LoeWa . . . , . X ...... wide siipervltion, but at the tlma named la complaints have bean lb. 21c I StHctly Fraah. Large. LaaaL I Mlaa Olga Enrico, Mias Jaanna low, Brannlck. refreahmenta; Jay Rubi- of dissolution of the district In 1083, claims, Daladier talked for an hour EVERYBODY'S COFFEE Lorillard ...... l l :80—^Tommy Doraay's Orchestra founi. to be complying with the lavr Graoni ar EaoBt IFa DaRaknal m im Esther Anderson, Miss Eliza­ Mont W a rd ...... now, program; Edwin Adams, unpsid taxes In targe numbers re­ and a half with the governor gen­ by tba time the field InvasUgators EGGS mained on tha books, and an audit 13:00—Aba Lymsn'a Orehaatra eral of this, colony, and the Army. beth Bcnnet. Mlsa Baatrtos Cough- Nash K e l r ...... X ...... checking; A. H. IlUng, Mrs. Edson cLugbt up with them. Wn, Mrs. Nellie Warren and Miss Bailey, co-chairmen "March of made la 1087 showed that tome AM. Air and Naval commanders. Nat Blac ...... WTIC 12:30—Gaoiga Hamilton's Orchestra Isabelle Worth. Nat Cash R e g ...... Dimes." $15,000 waa outstanding. The job LEGS OF 8FRINO Officiala aald Daladier, who la na­ HERE WE ARE AGAIN! Orco EYory Month! Thooo DoUdeao, Swoot, Tmdar The concert wtu be held In the Nat Dairy ...... Change In Plane of rollertlon was turned over to Travwlaya Broadeaattag Swvtee. tional dcfeiue minister aa well aa High School assembly ball. Nelson, who, aa of this date, has Tonsorrowto Program premier, reviewed plana for Tun­ MEMPHIS DETERMINED Nat DlsUll ...... A change In the plans for the dis­ Hartford, Ooaa. AM. N T Cantral ...... taken in all but $1,055.33 of the 36,060 W. 1040 K. O. 30.3 M. isia's defense la case Italian de- PURITY PEAS . 2lar9eNo.2cans25e position of money received from the former delinquency. 7:00—Shoppers Bpaclal manda should result In Conflict NT NH and H ...... IH^ Blrthdey Balls for the Prssldant Easton Staadard Time 7:55 — Esso Heporter — Nawa, The premier waa given Bn elabor­ TO HAVE TVA POWER! Buy Yooroolf EnoRth To Last To tho Ftrot of Nozt MonUi! ______North Am ...... 234 h u been made this yea)', with 50 Weather Packard ...... 4H ate welcome when be ateppedx|abore peVomt of the recelpu ellotted to LAMB 19: m dag, Jaanary 6 8:00— Shoppers Special afUr his 16-bour vo y^ e Jrom PACm e COAST LOOKS Memphis, Tsnn., Jan. 6.— (A P )— I Local Stocks Param Piet ...... lS4i the National Foundation and 50 per 9:00—Ooneole (Contrasts with Dave Blaerte, Tunisia. Homoro Bordoa*B or CBmotlOR Land OXakw • I« w r State I CREAM (F WHEAT! Penn ...... 38 cent t^l>e credited to a County FRESH KILLBD-MILK-FED Along the winding streeU of the Memphis moved toward eltywlds | Phelps D o ^ ...... 434 I ; S —Baokatage-Wlfe Bacal a TVA power on two frento today, MILK BUTTER ■ w h e a t b i a i board to ha formed with l|fUlard D. FOR BETTER WEATHER 4:lS->Stalla DsUaa 9:15—Montana SUm water front 13,000 troops presented SPAM 25c HALtTONi ^ 1 1 Pete ...... 4284 Rogers as County Chairman. Each F resh P ork fpeedug construction of Its oi m nisbed by Pataan sad Ce. Pub Serv K J ...... 88 4:30—Vie and Sada 9:35—Nawa ServlOs arms and crowds estimated that BoROlaoo ChIckOB. town or city B^I commutes will bs 100,000 shouted "Long Live Dala- electric distribution system and pra-1 6 Central Raw Radio ...... 74 Ban Frandaeo, Jan. 6— (A P I — 4:43—G M Alone 9:30— Fiddler’s Fancy largo CBR Me 4 cons 25c 2 lb t.4 1 c 22c Igc. box Hartford, Conn. rsprasented on the County board for 10:00—NaUonal HiUbUly Champlcna dler! Long Live France!" paHns to reopen negoUattons^ for Reading ...... 174 Tha Pacifle coast looked for clear­ 0:00—"THck Tracy" p u rch ^ of Memphis Power A Light Telepbon 5-4IBI dtapositloo of one-half of the accru­ FOWL 9:10—"Your Family and Mina” 10:30—Four Corners Theater Rem R u d ...... 194 ing waatbsr today following a storm OompalM prbpertlaa. I 1:00 p. m. Qoetattoiis ing funds from tbs'various dances Shoulders 3:8(1—"Jack Armstrong" 11:00—ClDclnnatl Conservatory of BIORE SENEGALESE SAIL Kepublle Steal ...... 244 In each county. that caused at least one death and Marseille, France, Jaa. 6— (A P )— Paul H iSawyar, praatdaat of Na- { PHANKrURTERSI Rey Tob B ...... 444 untold property daraags. 3:43—"UtUs Orphan Anal*” Muato WALNUT MEATS 1 pound 23c tneoranoa Stocks A new feature of the Annual cam­ 0:00—Nawa and Waathar 13:00 Noon—Kata Smith High Army and Naval officials re­ Uonal Foiirai A Light Oompaay. MDfCBDBAM! Safeway Stores ...... SOt* From tha Columbia river mouth bolding colnpany parent of Uia I Bid Sehenlay D ie ...... 164 paign for funds for fIghtW infan- 0:13—Sports* Roundup with Eddie P.M. viewed 800 Senegalese sharpshoot­ B0L0aX4l t Aetna Casualty . . . . . 112 to Bouthera Callfonila tha storm ers boarding a steamer today for MemiAla utility, la achedulad to ar­ pound 25c Sears Roshiiek ...... 74 tila paralysis la tbs "March of brought rain and snow and heavy OftMy 12:13—Ad Liner — Strictly Swing COCONUT (Bokcr^t, ccllophono) ; Aetna Fire ...... 47 H Shell Union ...... 144 Dimes," -cards for Insertion ten Round Shoulder Clod S:SO—WrlghtvUla Clarioa CJlub wUb' GlI Bayak Djibouti, French port on the Gulf of rive, next Monday to reauma pur-] 2 pounds 29e saaa. Aden. This was the second con­ Aetna L ife ...... 37 Socony Vae ...... 134 dlmea by school ebUdrsn which ^11 A group of woman alghtaeers on Smoked g W ) . S:4B—Xtowell thomaa 1:00 — Eaao Reporter —- News. ehaha negotlatlooS. BAKING c h o c o l a t e ^ i pound 10c tingent sent to reinforce the little Automobile ...... 85 South Pac ...... 204 be sent to Wanhington. A refimd oic T:00—Amoa 'a' Andy Weather Bids were raoalvad yastarday tor] Conn. General...... 25 fthe beach at Seaside. Ore., fled 4oo colony within a week. South Rwy ...... 214 one-half of the receipts of tha late from a giant wave. Tha oom- or TOP 7:15—Jliuny Fiddler 1:03—All Hands on Deck ovsrhaad distribution Unas tor the] 39c •ooMMiaitavn Hartford F ir e ...... 72 . St Brands ...... 74 March of Dimes cards will ha mads T:30—Inalde e f Sports with Jack city systam. Apparent low bidder | 100-FOOT CLOTHESLINE Hartford Steam Boiler 52 bar builad a four-foot lag onto tha Shoulders - U T 1:30—Lynn Murray Preaento St Gas and El ...... 34 to the rsspectlvs county committees groilp. Mrs. Martha McCoUay s n u L o m lb. ^ 3 * Btavana 3:00—Men Against Death WANT FURTHER INQUIRY waa tha Howard P. Pemr Cb., Balti­ Puckqgo Choqso National Fire ...... 59 St Oil Cal ...... 284 following a checkup In the National T:4B—Seranadan with Peg La Can more. with a $343,70941 Md. APRICOTS ^ , j M v n d 1 | ! o •.Phoenix ...... 77 suffer44 aavaral brokan bonaa but St on N J ...... 53 Foundation headquartera. bar conApanlons ascapad. tra Washington, Jan. 6 — (A P ) — - Travelers ...... 440 Tux Corp ...... 47 S;00—UiMUa Mannara with Fraah 2pkjgp.29c Public Utilities At San'Francisco waves gnawed ReprasentoUvea W lggiesw ^a (R. BPF ATTntfTC BUIODni MIXED FRUIT 2 pounds 33d Timken Roll B e a r...... 81'i According to estimates, there are away long 'airetcbes of tha ooaan L E A N S M O K E D 4 U BW Btoek’a Orchestra Conn. Lt. and Pow. .. 52 P i e s F E E T 7 . | W tKlO—Walts Tima taa) and Connary (O-MaaS) an­ Trans Am erica...... 74 1S0.0(X> pharmsclsu in the United bea^ along tm graat highway. Part nounced to|toy they would introduoa •Conn. Pow...... 44 H Union Carbide ...... 09 Sutes. 0:30—Death VaUey Days Geneva, Jan.’ 3—(A P )—VtrglBlaJ PRUNES 2-pound box ISc 1 LA S gi EdX CEAXI ' Haitford Elec. L t ... dlH of tha highway 4raa closed. RADIO laglalatlon^ for an Inquiry of the Rata CapL Italian-boni daaoar haldl Utaloo Pac ...... 96 lOKIO—Guy Lombardo's orehaatra ILApGBBOXMAMflNIt ' Itlumlnaung Shs. . ... SSH BUTTS lb. SAUERKRAI)T 9* JO'JO—Thtela Eara'a Radio Button ------Day Federal Oommunlcations Commis­ bare aa taadar of aa lataraatlonal 2-pound box 14c Unit Aircraft ...... 384 SALTINES Hartford Gas ...... 81 sion and of allagsd monopolistic Unit Corp . / ...... 84 X-K-R*A> Eastern Btaadatd Ttpaa spy ring, was aald by poltoa to bav« ' So. New Eng. Tel. Co. 144 Unit Gas Imp ...... 13 10:43—"Story Bahind tha Head practices by tha r a ^ Industry. Con­ attamptod suldda la her prison oal) MILK 0* Gr a h a m CRACKERS 2-pound box 23c Both for 25c , Western Mars...... 29H U B Rubber...... 51 FRESHLY GROUND LAND 01JLKB8 CREAMERY ROLL Unas”—Caaar Saarcblngar nery aald the recent Invcsugatlon today by slashing her .arrlsta wtth Industrlsls U 8 S m elt...... 644 UKK>—News and Waathar New York, Jan. 3—Both tha Ra- by the Commission itself "bsa prov­ broksn glaaa. Doetora rspoftad j JAMS, PURE 2-pound |dr 25c . Aems Wire ...... 20 U B S teel...... 604 TIP TOP MARKET 11:13—Johnny Mearaer’s orehaatra pubUean prasldential and vloa praal- ed nothing." ■ha was "Improvlag." Am. Hardware...... 30 11:30—M a l ^ Strings — Moriie Vick Chem ...... 40 Hamburg , 2 »»■ 2 S * BUTTER S D t a dentlal oandldatea of 1936 ara to HERSHEY SYRUP : 3 lofgocunt25c CAKE FLOUR Arrow H and H. Com. 89 Faraaov, dlraetor, Joyce Allmaad Western Union ...... 334 Corner Oak and Cottage Streets Telephone S929 broadcast' this month. ■Ulings and Spencer. 8% West, El and Mfg ...... 1174 and Larry Huard. vocallsta Bristol Brass ...... 84 Woolw-orth ...... 80 Free Delivery! IIKX)—Richard Himber's orehaatra <>>L Frank 'Knox, tba vice orasl- moNIlrch mince meat / 2 largo pkgt; ISc 25c Igo. box Colt's Pat. Firearms. 90 Elec Bond and Share (Curb).. 13 FARMER BROWN STRICTLY FRESH aUET nOEB BOMB MADE-aONlTAET wnUffTO MUE 13:30—Lea Brown’s orehaatra denttal nbmln«e, speaks first on nekt B a ^ Lock ...... 14H U;39—News 'Ikursday night at 10:80 vta WJZ- Bearings ---- 100 1K)0 a. m.—Silent NBC from a RapubUeaa rally at Gray Tel. Pay SUUon 10 13 EGGp doz. 35e aatotohM^to ■> Pierre. 8. D. &N0REN Ha-oTOotf , 2lgo.boxot 19c Solmon toll 1-pound cun 10c Han and Cooley ... 150 ROOMERSEXONERATED 25e Sale for Saturday BREAD TadBaarawto Pragnaa Alfred M. Landon's fareadaaat la MEATS, GROCERIES. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Hendey Mach.. B. ... 6 4 sat for 9:30 p. m. January 31 on EXTRA LARGE SIZE! nmODUCTORT OFFER!; a. m. WEAF-NBC. from a dinner of tba ^Olivos (lorgo 12c iixo) ^ 2 for 19c Kofehup 14^. bbftio 10c Landers, Frary A Clk. 26 S:0O—RavaiUa with Jake aad Ctorl Phone 4076 Froe DellTery 361C«Btor8t. New Brit. Mach., Com 244 IN PROVIDENCE MURDER Oven or Pot Roost Beef ...... lb. 25c $fT-TVDlS , campbEllh I^naas Pressa Association at SDNEttE tlJCEP' NOBWBGIAN S:S0—"Sunrlaa Bpaclal" Topeka. ROYAL SCARLET STORE do., pfd...... 95 TKD—Morning Watch Chorflot (largo 12c tixo) 2 for 19c DillPicklot quart |ur 10c North and Judd . . . . . 24 Premium Legrs o f Lam b ...... lb. 25c DESSERTS Tomato Soup PEACHES SARDINES S:00—Natra and Waathar Jm Peck. Stow A Wilcox 7 Providence. R. 1, Jan. 6 —( A P I - S:15—Bradley Ktacaid Howia Wing, tha aviatiaa aarttl ROYAL SCARLET BRAND |U>YAL BOARLBT Molotsot * 2 cons 19c Tupioco Pudding ./10c Russell .Mfg. Co. . . 38 Even,- person qiiesUoned so far In Premium Rib Lamb Chops . ... lb. 25c 840—Radio Basaar . on WABC-CB8, la going to taka thO BcoviU Mfg. Co...... 24 air In aainest. Bo far alt of its OrapafiuU Joloa, No. the rtclous milk-bottle murder of 3 for 20c’ 0:03—Musical Interlude Faaeaika BjnwR M aa. pAg. quorf for19c Mustard l4 -w ]a r1 0 c Silex C o ...... : 1 V 4c pkg: 3 for 19c 9c ton can la bean from tba 1 oaoB, 3 f o r ...... Quality Hamburg:...... lb. 25c 0:03—‘The Wise Man” c Pancake Syrup, 10 oe. pfcg. Stanley W ork s...... 43 72-year-old Mrs. Anne Baks> at a nirOETEO’—OUVE OIL studio, butut for.for the programprogram of Janu- 15 Pine street, boarding bouse here 0:13—Food Nawa Royal Anne Cbeirlaa do. pfd. . ^ Grote & Weigrel F^rankfurta .. lb. 25c FANCY THROWN ORiCN HOT CHERRY ary 30 membara of the cast tolU do large eea ...... Honoy, Puro 16-oxa for 19c Bocon, Importodg loon pound 29c Torrliigton ...... 34 Wednesday rooming baa been elim­ BIwGMM so RsBt RegpepnBEg 0:33—Muslo InUnatlonale 25c 0:43—Ward and-Muaay, Piano Duo their stuff from a plana la flight 25c Veeder Root ...... 41 inated aa a suspect, (Commander over the vicinity of the Newark, N. 2 for 19c Hum, Polish stylo pound 49c Thomas F Rsttlgan announced to­ Center Cut Potk Roast ...... lb. 25c OLIVES PEPPERS MILK 10:00—W PA Band , Mrge een 29c Ookito New I'orh Benks / ' C^KE fIoUR airport A largr paagangar ship Mrune Jnloe, 1040—Chariotaars / Bank of New York day. will be used. The single tangible clue which po- Smoked Shoulders ...... 2 lbs. 25c 10:43— Florence Hala'a Radio Q L bottle c BED LINE BHAMD Wyundoffo 2for19c Porik Roily Roth's 43d Bankers Trust .... Small or Large. 17 Central Hanover .. Uce havi -a stl<^ finger print In Lge. size 25c 15c quart .Ooluam . —•••;—■...... Fniant Butter. 5c tollman 21cbox Programs tonight: blood on one of the hundreds of 1140— Batty Moors, presenting 16 ee. J a r...... c Dofot 2 pounds 19c Sousogos ; pou|m 25c Cbaae ...... ______19 pleoea of the absttared bottl< Salt Pork~...... 3 lbs. 25c y ^ 1 Ulks on Interior Daeonung Middleweight flgbt —WJZ-NBC Toesato Oatanp, Id aia. O fk- Chemical ...... 10, Fred ApoatoU va. BUI- Conn. City ...... axonarated every roomer • HUBm heInz U:13—No School Today 3 tor M a r C Xhooso, K ra ft. \: 2-|i^itd box^45c grilled by detectives. Swift’s Premium Leaf Lard, 11:43—Eastman School of Musle Talks—W E A F -N D C 7:43, Rm . Vlaegar (CMar Or « COntlhantal ...... Hamilton Flab on Tha New Deal's Eerly June SSU^^.OOIDfXDBBEF AIfbCABBAeE, ! Corn Exchange .... PORK & BEANS BABY FOOD ' 13:00 noon HI B ^ W itto) qt. bottta i O C l«rd, package 2 for 17c 1340 p. m—rCall to Youth Armament prtxram"; WABC-CB8 f ceM . e.k e e e • e 0 dPAGHETn AND MEAT EALL8I rt^CBRB dCyC First National .... 2 I'lb . pkfTS. • hTe e o'aTe'.eTS’ e a Dm Pleklea, 01 13:43r-Along Gypm Tralla 10:48, Bishop Ivan of Omaha and Guaranty Trust ... Father Bbaeny of CatboUe U. from QL Jar ..... a IC Irving Trust ___ MARINERS WARNED ^IIR 24I-Ib. bag 59e 140—Nawa, WMthar, Market Ro­ Orah Meat (Am Pickled Mushrooms ...... 25c 3 cans 20c _ Rib Da Jaiialro. OUR FRUIT AND VEGVTA8LB DEPARTMENT IS TRE MOST COMPLETE IN THE STATE! Manufact Trust .. pack) can . YDUMA BBBAD Regnlariy Ste Jar. X l : r - JAgricultural BuUatla W E A F -N B O —8 LudUa iChimara Manhattan ...... OF STRONG WINDS oonoart; 0 W alts Hm a; 0:80 Death m ik N T Trust ...... BUNRIZB LAEGEOOOZE HEINZ ^ (Oho^lala) I Regrular Italian Quality Spagrbetti VaUap days; Guy Lombardo; 1040 e e e Ola 0 e* Title Guarantee ... Sovoi Bleach BpaghoMorMi NO. 1 NATIVE POTATOES CUT BEETS - Uncle Eara. WHh Um PidiMB af IL0> Bg.Msw lB Per VBSBtaiiifl PEpSHmoRt! t J A Public National ... or Macaroni ...... :.. 4 lbs. 25e BROOMS KETCHUP W ABC-CB8—7:80 Jack Halav; 8 1 Ik. ton - wniA U. 8. Trust .. ... Washington. Jaa. 6— (A P ) —The Pork aad Bean Weather Bureau advtaed amaU craft First HlBbtar; 8:30 Burns and AttaB; 15c gallon WDRC laiga eaa. 8 off New England to be earaful today 6 Cans Tomato Paste .. . .25c 0 Orson Wallas play, "OounsaUor at Kmt, Toor Ohelea af Several Braade. Lgot. can 9c NO ZUEEUIuiEI Wtm Dag. 23c L4vr"; 11 Danes aauale, 3 beun. Beef Btawj LEMONS ...... 8 for lOe CARROTS! ‘ BEETS! 1 O ID N^ HAVE TO HITCB and aald treeh to atrong aouthaaat 15clge.btl. ' m Haitford. Cana. Stringiset Bsofiq TO GET FREE SaiEB winds were beaded for the area from W JZ-NB(>—Artla Shew orchaa- Z Cana •••^7 ,•/ APPLES ONIONS...... 8 Iba. lOe SOUP BUNCHES! Block Island, R. I., to Eastport, Me. 6 lbs. Blue Rose Rice 25c tra: 3 Warden L s w m dranm: 3:80 PAB8N1PS .....S Iba. 18c Laramie, Yyo.— (A P )—Sponsored It Issued this warning; / 1 SEAL or MEmu-eUOED FANCY AIX GOLD Chicago Jamhoraa; 0 Plantation pjk. by Um .Chamber of Commerce, Lara­ "Advisory 0:80 a m. Warnlnga 6 Large Bars Octagon Washing Soap 25c party- ____ 4qts.25c 711m. 25c TURNIPS...... 8 Iba. lOe Sceoch changed to small craft 0:30 a m.. '4:03—Eton Boya . mie's flrat Christmas boUday hitch- 1 Pineapple No. 2 i can 15c 4:13—Burton Cornwall, bazltcna bike for homeward-bound college Block Island. R. I., to Boston, Mass. 6 pkgs. Birdseye Matches...... 25c APRICOTS No. 2i con 14c What to axpact Saturday: MnbJaB tor A f lga Small craft warning tndieatad north 443—Those Happy Oilmans WABC-CBB, WJZ-NBC, WOR- iBweel, JUof, AWraai atttdaota was a ancceaa. 4:43—Harry Cool with Jtto Kanaa 25c 1 CEURT HEARTS....lie MIXED NUTS l»e of Boston to Eastport. Us., and 6 Boxes o f S a l t ...... s •fVT«‘'aTtfVa « e*o'i MPn fl p. m. Mrs. Rooaavalt i at The chamber set up a "(lata' nu- FANCY SNOW WHITE- at ^ Organ Tirae Etpaoai raau" to bring traveUng men and warnlnga down south of Block Is­ arNLNaeti DemocraUe aroman'a Jaekaori Day WALNUTS...... lb. 88c a a * e a ' s 3:03—Add Unar—Dance program L R T ^ ....'..8 for lie Students together after It received land to Bandy Hook. N. J. Saebnd- .6 lbs. Pea Beans . .r. .r. j jgfljtragc] WEAW^ffBC — U :80 4. m. Califorala ary dlsturbaqca cantral near Sandy 8:30—Man Bahind the Stan Mllaatooaa la musle; 143 p. m. 93c $145 E eat X number of .-equesta from students MUSHROOM5 1b.19c ORANGES dos.S8e GRAPEFRUIT Rook moving nerthsastward In cen- Q0IVORYSIIAP 8:48—T ia M lgh^ Show Matropolitan Opera "Dar Roaaaka- for informatioo about buslnaasmen 4 Rolls Silk Tissue ...... 25c 35c PEAS.... 8 gta. Sic Sfor28e juneUon with a atrong area of high 1A06 aheata aaeh. S:00 — ESao Raportar — Nawa, B KBidargartaa. WABC- MUSHROOMS.... lb. 88c who might be traveling out of pressure over Maine and Nova 8c large bar Waathar CBR—11 a. m. Ruaatea Christmas b j u o h t w o o u p r o d u c t s RAIWSHES .. I. .8 baa.‘ te Pink GRAPEFRUIT, iiL 8e 8 fo r2 5 e " Laninia about the time of the Scotia Will be attended by fresh to asi licit; 3 N ew tlma tor Man > 8 fwlW f McIntosh Apples a « • • a a • • a 51bs.25e S4Sr-MaahatUn Sarenadara 1 Chrlstmae hoUdaya. Requests were strong eoutheaat winds today Block S:U —Boaria Wing Against Death; 4 Opahtag^flrst lag from atudants who wars Mwrt- of Island to Eastport.'’ , TURNIP5 lb. 1c of Loa Angelaa aqueduct. WJZ-NBC a 25c S40—T o d a y" with Bob Trout money and wanted a free ride home G o ^ Quality Cooking Apples : . 7 lbs. 25c —13:30 Four-H oub program: 4:80 0:43—Weather RaporU for Winter eeaaeoeaeeaaae tat Cbriatmas vacation. SWEET FLORIDA topftSp Ubraxy of OongTsaa m aalo ala- fUSmStt peck bskt. 45c Many travMlng man votuntaered PRorassoHs ritfou 5 lbs. Gold Medal F lou r ...... 25e ORANGES! SwiM Cheofo n>-29* T40—“County Seat" sttrilag Ray It I eeaegey I f tee raBSavakwIartBal o r o o iX e < » OHoaERTHA .... c 1 to give Btndcnta "a lift" wbea they ' OoUtaa Boms waak-and abort waves: For 45 heard of the plan.. 6 lbs. Genuine Sweet Potatoes ...... 25c ^ FANCY LARGE ETBt BY THE CUT! ORANGES " doz. 10c Saturday—GO 08C OBD GBR OSL New Orteana—(AP)— Up front T*1B TiIith and Abner R S l 5CE*BeeBl Tba bureau kept maiqr studenu T:S0-aa£k Haley—Ted Flortto'a LoadcmMuale HaD; 3RO Roma 7:30 ESSEX PEAS ...... S eBRB . QoBit'jsr...... MO] att of the highways where they In tha Tulane univeralty aymphony Texas Onions ...... 7 lbs. 25c FIRM~RIPE.aARGI SIZE Chainhar music: OSC OW G A orebastra are tiro deans and a soo- Orelieatra STRING REANS C8$m ^ 8 caa8. m Bin....S L IC E D P; would bavo “thumbed” ridee, cham­ tK)0—*Tlrst Nlshtec'* — Barbaim Loadoa 0:30 Rugby Englanil vs. tha ber o f commerce omdais said. loglat aawlng away on their flddiea CUP CAKES 4 UUNc rasL For Bunday* -HATA Bndapaat ’‘ ' " 18c ' " 35c C O E N cBiM 8 CBRB- - . . . . r . . . . P E U I X 8. Dr. Martin tan Hoor, daac of tkk Handy Sugar Cured Bacon ...... lb. 25c - LodAr ahd Laa 'framayna (E g Plaea.) BANANAS doz. 10c 8 p. m. C2iamhar orehastsa; PCJ kaa. .. 2 9 c MIXED VEGETABLES ...... ,8 cbrb ^hl^ S CBBOi N®» 8 . . • . •m.Qooo f « - . . •« . .1 coUaga of arts and adancaa and Dr. JELLY DOUGHNUTS | 3:36—Buraa aad AUen—Ray No- Etodhovan 7:18 program tor Waat- ble'e OrclMetra - LIMA BEANS ..•..•..•..*....•.8 cbrb T hhrB ...... OCTAGON PAROOHKD BT DAVIES Predertek Bard, dean of tha Naw- Grieen Mountain (local grown) CHOICE OUALRT^IMS CROP STB Haafllaphara; 2RO Roma 7:30 oomb Mdlage tor women, a n first CRULLERS dox. 1 U X 040—GhmpbaU pUyhous»—OrsoO Opera: CTO OSB 08L London 1043 IT* . 35c SUCCOTASH ...... 8 oaas' 9 bara«KIR1IMAN*S Wallas Columbus. Jaa. S-:-(AP)— vIoUnlaU. Dr. William T. Penfound, Potatoes ...... Peck 25c Hands aqroas tba saa. APPLESAUCE .8 cbrb 8 phgB. WhoBt Kgbpiii^ 8 Oat 10:00—Oraad Oantrsl Stalioa XVaa R. Knit. Ohio Wgliway dlnctor aasiatant proftaaor ef seotogy goes RING. DOUGHNUTS MIXED NUTS lb.17e 4 Ha. 29c A P R IC O T S ...... 8 c a jw 8 CBRB...... IBOBvletad of violating civil aarvhis to town on his viola. .... 1043—Barry Wood TIm ~SObStttlrtlOII Ci tte P IN E A P P L E J U IC E .8 cbrb 1^ soarittng a tM employaa for ' Both daana majorad in muste. Dr. Fsn Lias of Fresh FraHs sad yegstshlsa 10:43—Amsrteaa Vlawpointo HawaUan to tha SaadwM **3 -7-V.V;....'25c Ipe: ticaa to th6 unsuccessful tan Hoor at tha Univaratty of 2 doEsn.for25c U 4 0 — Bbbo Raportar — Naara took plaeoBraduallyi) HawaU la tka CHILI SAUCE...... 8 bottloo . eampaiga of Gov. Martin gaa. Dr. Bard at tha pwvarmty of ItaUaa aad Aauiieaa Groesrios aad Tabls---- ASSORTED DINNER ROLLS Waathar name ef the larfiat talaad af tha SILVER FLOSS SAUERKRAUT.. .8 caaB i n d m .-GddO UlCS PIE ■ Davey, raeai'^ a tuU pardon the Sonth. Sawaaas. Tana. Dr. Pw - U43-M ota Straat-HartfOrd group, and gtvaa Ita wama lo tba “TiTT"...... 25c nom Davay tadajr.> Oavay'a term found atudM a year at tha OberUn Pleass Phoos Toar Ordor Baily w t B E s n v B THB noH T TO L o o r Q U A im m s . r a n D iu n o n r! U 4 3 -L H g h to e Noblato Ordiaatta whole. jfxyiraa Mat M oAm . ooDago rnnaarratuij of muMe.

,.-i Ji.'.-. j :-/.!/ jjf. T'; % , MANCHESTER EVENTNG HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. FRIDAY, JANUARY 6.199 ^jUiiTiai MAUCHtSto svibfmo IDBlULa: FBIDAT. JANUABT <. UM ' . quests U. Please enclose a large', aetf- welL being tired and weak. Have la dou ^ Moore said. Dlee, said that evtdenca before many tiroes a day should a person OiSCOVSttEO IN G - L o A I A ^ O U H G 6 L < iK > p RED ANO OTHER his committee “clearly shewed that eat salad 7" tlrednass is due to this cause. 1 ' womb, a u i W a«K>ctatM ea the (OeaMeoed from Page Oaa.) BY ADELAIDE HUMPHRIES New York, Jan. 6—(A P I—New A S A » D ^ 5 An d the Communist party of tha United Answer: The' best general rule to eroiild Buggeet that you thas'e the emUSTMAM CAPBES re»iijMfm«.i aeal committee, suggest York’s tAxlca^ drivera'returned to *fc»e tboee who heve mUlaV* or for* PHoreKKUPHeWs M«oeL, - States is an agent of the Commu- follow Is to use one large salad each teeth extracted. nl4d Third International, which baa the aoutbweaterh Pxmt, % Be gotten the C^itlstniaa wela during GROU^BEGUN pulsed. CAST OF CH.\R.\CTEBS. ! Sally gasped, Dan, coming to Los Angeles—Detective Capt. J. to ths holiday rush, look them up and Its headquariera In Moaoew." NAIXV BL-4IB— heroine. She ' meet them, to rescue them. Dan size salad with tha evening meal. IRON rilODUCTION JliMFB strike, following elections, last n lg ^ R. tCdwards -has asked some SS Los Tbs evidence alee indicated, hla Gain Firm FOothoU Si-Iads provide one of the ways to „.,iretum them, or pay for them. A (Oaetikart ftens Page Om ) Psnatratlon of the Borjas Blan- had everything that popularity ' who must have braved this storm ters Made From Cfippings to pick a bargaining agent ^ to meet Angelfo rqsidcntiy Including several a f ths JuMfses to « L complete lilt U >-.cpt of every name letter added, that oertaln "front” or- could win her, except t for their saKea, fearing they would get the green leafy vegetabloe into movie personages, to turn over to coa-Balaguer line—which govern­ Buffalo, N. Y.. Jan. 6—(AP) — with their employers. FraahfMrtsr, «t o M B6»-|i Xf| to which Chrlitmae aeals were a requaat by Chairman Diaa (D., ganlsationa of the Oommunlat party DAN BEYNOLDS— berp. He ' be lost in It. b the diet, which vegetables are pro­ the city certain of thetr Christmsii were agents of that party. He spe­ ment oommandere ..consider tha Buffalo area pig Iron production was John O. Moore, of the Slat* La­ yean ysuagn thsa \ mailed and the numher sent In this Tax.), of the committee for an addi­ iqinctpal defense against the Insur­ might have had Salty but While hr | His face wa.s crimson from the Sent Philadelphia Man. tective to health. presents. cifically named the league for peace at Its highest level tn mpre than a bor Roanl. who supervised,the poll­ ■sniaBda M. Ctoto _ way the committee la able to .ac- tional 1150,000 to carry on its In­ gent drive on Barcelona—gava i^-as king on skis cold, hla lashes frozen, but hlx eyei . The preesals—raanhole eovst* and democracy, the International COREY PORTER nas king of were grave and steady and bis blue year today with the lighting of a ing, announced the Transport Work­ • count for every aeal. and they must quiry. The Committee l>ae exhaust­ Frpnco'a forces a firm foothold In ^ (Teeth) ers Union tCIO) was , choeea bar­ (Pranksters "lifted" them, wrapped he accounted for before a complete ed Its $25,000 original fund. labor defenee, and the dvU Ubertlee thei seHal whirl. So... . But go lips parted In a smile as be came second blast furnace at the Kanna rraslilsiit NooseVilth the Urgel tableland about 70 m llM Philadelphia, Jan. 6— (A P )— Two Question; Murray ‘ G. writes gaining agent for six lit the 28 oom- them In transparent piHMr, delivered report Can he made. Reports Fregreee On Defease union. on with the story. up to them. "Are you all right? Furnace Corporation plant. Sixty- pelBtesE the youogast ••■( west of the capital. lettem, crudely fashioned with " » » ''* had X-rays of my teeth and four per cent of the bloat furnace paales Involvrtl Hi tli'e tiallotlng. In them aa Yule flfts^ have haan pregm sMvEy b IC'-' The Prudent, la response to Dies said other evidence Indicated be aaked.a He spoke to both of There stlU remained, however, a them. But hU look was just for farlUtles In the area were In opera­ other rompanlrk, uhaffillated unlona ties H i| ^ Wacik. M s Brat Chapman Court, Order of Ama­ other Inquiries, reported progress In that the German-ABieiican Bund strong series of secondary fortifled Ymterday; SeHng Dan only con- printed words cUpped from news-! there y e stero l bw formulating details of tha emer­ represented Germahy’e Nasi party. vlnocn Solly that ohe atlll Imna him. Sally. "I was afraid I'd never abscesses and some of the teeth nave tion, comparcil with a low of 28 per were svlceted. There are ■pprolhamtoto 4SS Is a t sod Jtotles BtBBlqr ranth, will Install Its 1939 otflcers poeltlons in the northeastern por­ papers and threatening Mrs. George , to come out Do not seem to feel cent last August. Results of three elections still re- quarries In the ♦Me evening In the Masonic Tem­ gency defense program at a confer­ Advised of the preeldent'e dls- Later that day Sally and Don looe find 'you, darling-” he laid. DoMlalokte Owtod* second. Is 64. tion of the .tableland. Into these With a IltUe cry, forgetting Meyers and her husband, a chief ple, at a semi-public Installation In ence yeaterday with a dosen offi­ cloeure. Dies said the Justice De­ rugged battlefields the withdraw­ their trail In a atorm. cials from the State, War and Navy partment Investigation waa a ‘‘rec­ CHAPTER XXIV Corey, forgetting the storm, for­ witnaaa in an tnveetlgatlon of a the main lodge hall at 8 o'clock. S hS« MAiiF CHSROVtSE ing mllltlsmen retired. getting everything. Sally fell Into The regular business meeting, of WOlAN BuTTlOBO OF Departments. ognition of the fact that they are In the norihem sectors, Fra£^ they had missed the trail they three-atate "poison ring," wera Asked to comment on Rear-Ad­ now taking oertouely what they hts arms. She buried her face the court will come to order at 7:45 BeiNO fSBMiNoeo o f rr. columns continued to move aoT it, wtth one misstep, plunge against hts strong chest. She was studied )>y postal authorities today In the small lodge room. A number miral Arthur J. Hepburn's report prevlouely have tried to laugh off.” down from the strategic town' jower tile side of the can von, 5000 recommending 25 additional ship no longer weary, ready to drop for a clue to the sender. of the Masonic affiliates from here Some administration leaders. In­ Artesa, deploying In fiank forma- Ce*t In depth. Sally ’ •hlvered. from exhaustion, weak with fear. and elsewhere are expected. and air leasea for the Navy, the cluding Mr. Roossvelt, have criti­ tiona to clean out government "What else can we do?" she asited ‘‘Usten George." said a letter ad­ Dan had come for her- He had dressed to Meyers, “etay out of the Haleys President merely said this was a At cised activttiee of Dies’ committee. stragglers. Artesa Is about IS Corey. She easily could have report requested by Congress. come back to her. He had called courthouse and you and your wife Hiss Barbara Lundherg. ilaugb- ‘They thought they would ridicule miles northeast of Balaguer. given up. too: her every breath her "darling” , he held her now, ter of Dr. and Mrs. George Lund- A newsman Inquired about pros­ our committee and our Investiga­ Government troops In the Bala­ with an agony to her lungs, her get out of Philadelphia by Lion. though he would never let her go, Jan. 9. or we will get the 3 of you. berg of Elast Center rtrect, has re­ pective special messages on subjects tion,'' Diee oontlntiad, "but now it Is guer sector, in danger of beia4| hands and feet were heavy cakes as though their own special world not already covered In hta three proved by their own acts that they caught between the northern AAbA , lee. "Wo can't etay here all You have been warned." Self Serve sumed her rtudle.'i at Sntltb Col- i had been found for them again. lega. after the Christmas vacation. messages to Congreae so far. Mr. are finally recognising the public southern armies, foimd all b u M P F gilt. We’d freeze to death, (To Be Conclnded) 7'he second lettor, to Mrs. Mey- The Oitginal Ib New ! Roosevelt replied that he had not sentiment against tha situatioas highway to the east closed. ley'd dig us out In the spring— cautloned; "Advise hus)>and to .> \1 decided whether to set forth hts brought out by our bearlnga" waa a 'secondary road from Linna and we wouldn’t be a pretty sight'" stay out of court or death 4 two." Group 6 of Center church wom­ views on an expanded social secur­ en. Mrs Robert M. Alexander, lead­ £ riJ O V « Cu m BinO DIM suggested that, with the to' Cervera,. following the tablelaad "Shut up!" Corey snapped. "I Both bore Philadelphia post­ and MOUNTAINS IN *«OULVW»0O ity program by mesaags or by lat­ CommlttM's testimony and evidence to the junction of Lerlda, Barcelona mean—don't talk that way. Even marks. er, will be In charge of the supper ter to Congressional committees. T h e P o c lS Column 4«ULS> before It, tha JuMoe Department and Tarragona provinces. in fun.” He knew a person could Aided In Tracking Members preceding the annual meeting of He noted that Congress already Center Congregational church. should proceed Immediately to ob­ Border military observers pre­ easily die or exposure on such a had received the report of a special night. He prided himself on being REPENTANCB The agents said Meyers had os- Health Markat Wednesday evening. January 18. tain an Indictment against the Com­ dicted a temporary slowing down of Do not reproach youreelf for wrong slstsd them In tracking members of committee proposing railroad re­ the swift Insurgent advance of the a good sport, hut this was a bit Hr*. Otto Vlertel wUl serve aa habilitation legtalatlon,. adding that munist party for not registering as that you have donor- a ring they acouoe of poisoning vle- diairman of the supper committee. an agent of ths Communist Third past three days, pointing out that too thick for him. the report of another committee on "I'm going on." Sally said flatly.. 'Tls that way madness lies; tims to oolldbt Insumnoe. Approxi­ Rale’e QnaHty Charles Ubert aill be In IntehiaUonal. field commanders must now con­ Say rittber. "With the coming, of to­ mately $50,000 worth of policy pay­ ■oelal security would go to the eap- solidate posiUona. ‘ "You-'cao come with me. or not — charga of the dining room; Mrs. Itol accompanied either by messa^ suit yourself." She plunged blind­ morrow’s sun ments in Pennsylvania, New York Sidney Wheaton and Mrs. Jamea C. Lew Ayres, whoM perf(— --— - aa.^ttilB Bearr la "Rteh Man. Peer Otrl”. I shall the stronger rise: Red Bag Coffee Lb. Lamb Legs or letter. eemlag ea top of his workw la *^oIfday” von him a loas-tena oeatraet si ly ahead, using the tiny wheel of and. New Jersey have been reported RoMnaon will see to the dlatrlbu- The Justice Department began Mstro-Onldwya-Mayer.rer. AyreeA; aai bsea ■snnonneod to appoar In a aarlaa HOW TO FIND OUT eac)» sM pole to feel her way and Remembering my aln I will more b y Insurance companies for Inveetl- Green Stompe tkm of tickets and arrange for the SEEKING s o u r n o N Ahraya Freeh! Its Investigation after Sumner of pletaree based u DOB the HaiTBrBiia “"Dr. Klldara” atorles. Ula lataat ' lend support. Inching along, floun- gentle be ;atioa. heatesses. ossIgaaMals are |a Folltei" a a d'Broadway ^ Serooade.!!.. W HAT A CHURCH OWkM Welles, acting secretary of state, ' derlnW and groping. With him who does me wrong. Police nald Mevere reported he HaWa Given A t II, ftHSHApOOLSS IN And. mindful of the mercy Rib Roost Pork forwarded to former Attorney Gen­ OF TRUCK STRIKE Oklahoma City, Okla.— (A P )— Walt for me!" Corey once was offered $500 to MU one of Ttte monthly meeting of the dt- 'fiePOChrSO SNOAOBP lO RUDV *MAftCO POLO"An O. eral Cummings a request from panted, a few feet behind her. abides with me. tha men later Aiind to have been raptors of the Red Men's Building ping firms here reported today that The Oklahoman, dally newspaper, My weakness shall grow Lb. With Cosh Soles VAu.SS.'HS 0SNIB5 rr BuT-tHPY *GOa>WYNFOu.(SS; Chairman Dlea. Dies asked a Fed­ sent cards to Oklahoma C3ty pas­ TTio snow, waa ao heavy now that poisoned. The bodies o f two men Orange Pekoe Teo A^aeoiatlon, Inc., will take place (OoBflSBSd tram Fags One) there waa virtually no traffic bie- And If tomorrow, too, roy ‘a r b o f t b n seen lo o e T H E fi*. eral Investigation to determine tors seeking to determine the total a few' steps took one almost out ■ad a boy have been exhumed, and y rooming at 10 o'clock In whether the Communist party, the tweeii thla section and Boston where A Thought feet shall stray, Fresh Shoulders L h . dubrooms. mortgaged IndebtedneM of cburcbM of sight. They dayed not. become the coroner reported all showed evi­ Anaowr*e Star Sngar Oarad Flate Flavor German-Amerlcan bund and other called for a I I per weak tnersase truck drivers are out on strike. separated for even a few eeconds. Aa they too oftsn oo. dence of a ntow polsenlag. Free Delivery On organisations had violated Federal this year and $1 additional next Loada bound to Uita city from And wiMa they were coma Into In the city. Results were negligible. With steadfast heart T eUIl win bout St. Mary's Ladlaa Oulld re-elected Members of Company K. 169th Cadet George Johnson, who li Then the newapaper published a * Sally waited, but ahe could not Three pereone Including the H a m **** **®*"'** AYura*# Inf. CJf.d., wUl assemble at the been spending the Christmas holi­ laws by falling to register ae agents year. Boston and trucks headed to Boston the boose, they saw tha young oMId help a flight fg^lng of contempt. my upwrard wpy All Orders For its officcra veaterdav afternoon at report that an Oklahoma oil man And keep my purpose true. step-mother of the boy and the wife 25c stats armory. Skmday morning at day's at the home of his parents. of foreign principals. With 400 extra Boston poltcs at from this area have been'tied up, with Mary hie mother, and fell Corey should have - been. the one of one of the men—are under arrest. tha annual meetlag, at which the 10:30 for the issuaiiCe of new'equip­ Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson of Officials of the department said terminals and wharves, and with they aald: down, and worshiped him: and when was connidering paying off all tha to have led the why, to'Have lent Then with tbe/^wn of each new PotRooih. rector. Rev. J. 8. I.elU presided. Re­ Indebtedness. The editor reports that 1 Hjmrt Shank, Sugar Ourad $1.00 ond More ment. This assembly will be classed 47 Bigelow street, has returned to they bad directed J. Edgar Hoo­ drivers under union orders to keep The Adley Ehtpresa, Conaolldated they had opened their treasures, her courage.. • . day, aua will seek ports were submitted for the year ministers “came a running, a tele­ To right Uie wrong I do. Largs aa a regular drill. the Volley Forge Military Academy ver, to have G-men Investigate Dies' peace, almost no violence marked Motor Lines. Malkin Motor Freight they presented unto him gifts; gold, She thought of Dan. • I f only jnst paaMd. and a aodal period phoning—and every mail brings To stay the steps that falter where In Wayne. Pennsylvania. charges. Hoover's Federal Bureau the strike's first day, although many and the McCarthy Freight Sirstem and frankincense , and myrrh.— they had 'taken his advice. Dan Smoked Shoulders Lb. wtth refreshmenU followed the of Inveatigatlon, they recalled, al­ more carda.” who knew these mountahis so • nwr own were weak. 4-8 Pnnnda Averag* Free Forking .Officer Rudolph Wirtslla of the Inbound trucks were turned back by reported a total of more than 30 Matthew S:1L Roasting Chkhons see. The officers ate* Preal- Members of the local committee ready has made a nation-wide In­ well, who would not hgve missed And, thus my strength-renefir; g MENUS Hra. Clarence Johnson; vlce- Jfancbcater police department who pickets. loads affected by the strike. Apfl when my day* is dime, as svs- arranging for the testimonial dinner quiry into the Bund'a activltlea in In Cambridge, however, eight First worship God: ha that for­ the trail. Fdr Sally ha^ Mapix) Host Bagar Cored, KIndleee In the Reor -of S-e Be— i« preHdeit, Hra. Robert Johnston; baa one of the day aaalgnmenta this this country. The survey was com­ There was no indication, however, Henry Cavendish, great Eng- nlng shades grow long A Week’s Supplj^ to be given next week to Senator men were arreated on Idleness gets to pray, bida not himself good- that Dan had been .stayldg at Cake r, Mra. John Darling and month, la suffering from a cold and William J. Shea, are busy checking pleted last summer and was turned that the strike Itself would spread lirii scuntlat of the 18th century, Placid for several months. Instruct-/ And comes deatBts silent night, was not on duty today. David Gal- charges after a driver complained to Connecticut. morrow or good-day.—T. Randolph. waa so bashful and shy that hla Good Health Store for Hole's treasurer, Mrs. Charlotte Ootberg. today on applications for tickets. over to Dice' committee. Officials Ing, guiding parties, getting In fortn V y heart shall hoM no unrspsntod Bacon Lb. 27c James Kilpatrick continues as Ugan of the night force Is substltut- The demand Is such that the com­ Indicated that It failed to dlacloae be was dragged from bis cab. female servants were not allowed sin, no wrimg ing for him. for the mMt. Recoin ui ended Fowl I Srst directress and Mrs. Frank Ut- mittee may find It necessary to sufficient evidence to warrant court Best qualltiM of velvet may coat Tha duckbill of Australia and to see him. He wrote out all their But there was. no use thinking I have not tried to right and Houte't 63e VIBTUAIXT NO TBAFKIO New Zealand la the only poiaon- orders and left them - on a hall Then If, with all its sod mistahee, By Dr. Prank McCoy Hale*a QaaUty ! tis la the new second directress. close reservations at Its meeting to­ action. aa much aa $100 a yard, aince vel­ of Dan now, she told herserf grim­ SIdt* 8lw<,Tw Bm W w o n . The meeting of the Holy Name night. Brlen McMahon, assistant attor- New Haven, Jan. 6.— (A P )—Shlp- vet varies In value. oue mammal known to man ta^e. ly. Dan, whom she might never my soul shall rise CuBtomerB The Manchester Otrl Booiit Coim- Bodety of St. Bridget's church will J- ______sec again. Who had asked her To greet the gates of light DAn-V MENUS M ILK BREAD 2 loaves 9c I cO will meet Thutsday afternoon of be held In St. Bridget's hall tonight not to go up into mountains ru make no plea to enter In, save that my eyes Ylw Beet Loaf la Towal BUood or UasHeod. Bt. Lawreooo ■at week at the Y. M: C. A. at 8 o'clock. On Sunday the .mcm- today. Dr. McCoy’s menus suggested for GOLDEN BANTAM bera of the aoclety will receive' com­ "It’s hopeless, y We can’t go on Were ever toward the right.' the week beginning Sunday, Jaa- S J I 1 S A 1 U 9 Major Atkinson" of Bigelow munion In a body. m .this storm,’’/<3orcy said. His uary 8, 1939: Wbichell Smith’s 1M% Ifoet who has been confined to his voice broke i^s he spoke. THESE ARE THE BRtAVB SUNDAY CORN (home sinee last July following a "W e m u^ go on," Sally/returned I love the kind of courage that BreakfOot—-Eight ounce Btoaa er| Rain that started early last eve­ drives an Autumn leaf A ll Wheat Bread Loaf 10c r heart attack, was able yesterday to ning continued through the night. through jlps that were stiff and orange juice thirty minutes before I make a surprise visit on hts biotb- almost bUte. She had fallen down To paint Itself with color and hide breakfast; poached egg on Melba 3cans25c Homburg'or .. It was exceptionally heavy between away its grief lar, William J. Atkinson of 125 Cen- 4 and 6 a. m. It was the first hard twice,/'wce she bad struck a tree. toast; stowed ralsine. > ter street who has been suffering The Manchester Public Market Kvtll her heavy wooMm parka and Because its hour of pageant must be rain since the hurricane and showed ao very brief. Lunch—Baited sweet potatoea, Jelly Doughnuts, Crullers or I from a se vere cold. up leaks In different hiiUdIngi, re­ t h i » ski knickers did not keep out string beans: salad of shredded raw 89c dozen Sausage Mflot eold. Joy cannot last forever, the heart sulting In demands for masons and muet eometlmea cry cabtMge and eelery. I St. ifargaret'a Circle. Daughters carpenters to report for repair / Dan would never have given Dinner—^Tomato and celery soup; Dos. (o f lagbella, baa been Invited by As Always . . • Qualify With Economy! Before the shock of aorrow, but Dbughnute 15c Boti Olasyh work. np, ehe thought Not until there ■teak; spinach; earroU, lettuce GOLDEN BANTAM. I Children of Mary to attend a was absolutely no hope. She had that's no reason why ire. 3 Om tls 1 Saturday Good Food News We have to tell our troublee to salad; gelatin with whipped cream, lecture Sunday at 3 o'clock at St. resolved she would not think of Lb. James's ball, by Dean Rosa of St. members of the Tall Cedars Pare Lard, Pairmont Better Native, Strictly Fresh J&n*t him. yet It was this thought that every passerby. ~ MONDAY Give me the sort of people who are Breakfast—French omelet, toast-1 3-Lb. Cm CORN Joseph's>'s College, Hartford. The plan to take the trip to Mooaiip 2 pounds .. Butter, 2 lb s.___ Extra Large, made her atruggla on, against all Grisco ~ 49c Lima Beans 9 9 d regular meeting of the circle will Mtmda4 ' 'day - are requested to meet at 19c 61c hope as It seemed. Once In a not afraid to go od earoal Mscutth stewed pears. dozen Serenely op their journey and make be held Tuesday evening at eight Masonic Temple at 6 o'clock on 40c while the storm lifted for a sec­ Lunch— Baked ground beets: QM SM a) 10c can M*tOaal lOitof'hlNssA ^ ^ d o ck In the K. of C. dubrooms. Monday evening. CHEESE Armour’s Corned ond, then she could see 10 or 12 a gallant show. asparagus; ripa oUvs* Home Dressed Pork Sage, With painted bannera fiytng, to n * study club n-lll meet with Mrs. feeb ahead, the tapglcd under­ Dinasr—Meat' balls cooked la I Beef, 2 cans.. U .. 35c Carnation M ilk, cheer this worid below. Flour 5-Lb. Bag Mae Holden. The heeteasea will The town Recreation committee From C. M. Pinney of Bolton. Any Cut You May Desire. Ib...... brush weighted down wtth Its white tomato juice; eookod grssas; salad | $1.09 dozen Carrots 3* he Miss Margaret Zonkls and Ulaa 3 tall cans...... burden, the tall pines bent with the of raw cslery; bakod appi* i______met last night to approve paymcDi MiM. mOUTAOE Larga Paohafo BojK-a-IHai Mary Octinety. of btlla Wheaties, , wind's wild fury. TVEBOAV Ib...... She struggled on, panting, suck­ When someone else shall pluck Sort Ohtoyh N* 6 Native Pork to Roaat, Rib or O Forequarters of Lamb, boned and rolled 2 packages H.-0. OATS SPECIAL>> Breakfast-^ Wboto-wheat musii | Strong, ing great draftA of Icy air, auto­ rosea, wtUi cream; stewed raisins. Coke Flour lA>in, lb...... X 9 C if you wish, Ib. 2 packages H.-0. Oat matically etriking out. foretng her And mxrk my daisies, drenched with Luach—Eight ounce glass of i Ib...... Todd^, two aching limbs onward. Ck>rey dew, Succotash Beets Native Fresh Shoulders, Whole or _ ...... 15c 1 packai^ Farina, 1 hope tbeyni love the eheriahed orange juice. lArfO Fachaga Espio Half, lb...... JLUC HONOR BRAND Va cans .... groped and lunged on beside her, Dinner—Roast perk; mashsa tur»] 25c AU ...... now behind her. blocaoms os once I used to do. ’•H Native Fresh Bacon (unsmoked), — FANCY FRESH KILLED POULTRY FROSTED FOODS When someone eUn ehall aeek the nips; green pees; ^alad of ehreddod 10c can "I ten you we can’t go on," he lottueo sad endive; eteared' apricots. Pancake Flour lb...... ON SALE Old Fashion yelled at her once more, and Sally . shelter Nation-Wide Stores A r c Strawberries, 2 ! Peter sat Batter, Of trees I've loved and called my WEDNESDAY Native Fresh Ham (boneless), A A — Buckwheat Flour, stopped to look at him. Poor i f * S Oaa Burt Ohmy's Sauerkraut3 23c Capons, extra fMcy, 5 to 6 ^ C . fancy Corey, he couldn’t take It, after own Braidtfast—Oiddled eggs; Melba | $1.09>dozen BSt; stowed figs. COFFEE SAIl E BUTTER SALE lb...... A 7 C pounds each, Ib.'...... 49 v t Raspberries, . '9 1 4 lbs, 2 for . Oil. For all hla smug pride, his 1-hope they'll catch the quiet whis­ tS-OUMSl 19c per of comfort I have known L«aoh— French fried parsnips; | Dos. MAXWCIX HOI SE O C LAND O' LAKES. Native Sparc Ribs, 20c Chickens for Roasting, medium O Q , Ib. 4^P4S arrogance and superiority, he lacked Applesauce 3 25c M * t Oaa B t I aw m es Beetle Ib. can ...... m OC 2 llw...... Dan's drive, resourcefulness. She When eomeono else takes up my I eookod lottueo: otuffed celery. OOLDBN OUT WAX ’ 65c size, each ...... V O t Peas, 16*ounce A i Kre-mel Desserts, assorted /BER^H-NUT COFFEE duty Dbuior —BiHlod tongue; bakod | N a t i o n -w i d e . a a •aw him with crystal clearness In Ketchup NATION-WIDE. Native Pork Liver, 20e package ...... 49 * flavors, this blinding moment. She knew To keep my dear home clean aadl eggplant: string beans (eanaod); les| N * X Oaa Mello Btpe lb. red bag ...... m m C S Ibo...... Fresh Cut Up Fowl foi* a nice A O i p t i p or Regular Grind 63c chicken soup, each ...... W l r t Limas, 12-onnce A | 3 pkgs. . 10c then that she never' could have fair I cream. C^n BEANS Pigs’ Heads, Whole or Half, l O C bMkagc ...... A S i ;LpouiMi 28c really loved Corey. She never I hope the house wW give them THVEBDAV Dos. y 2 for S1.35. leeeesseei eould have married him, though blessing that once X used to Breakfatd-;-Crtsp waine, smaU| Pears 10c $1.09 Broccoli, 16-ounce A j Tree Sweet Orange Butter^ 3cans25c Bon Ami Powder can 12c 1-ponnd she wars his ring. ■hare; /- auee of breilod ham; applesauce. Native Pork Butts (boneless),’ ^5c FOR A NICE MEAT LOAF package ...... <9^ Cut-Rite Waxed "W#ni have to find the traU, ,^jS4^ , I would leave seme com; beets; eelery | N * E Oaa I / Spinach, 16-ounce A | Corey," she said. "W e’l) have to Freshly Ground Hamburg, Paper, 40-tL roU 89c dogeii Johnson^s Glo-Coot pint con 55c Our Home Made Pork Sausage Meat— package ...... A a keep on—until we drop,' Wnaar-Oraam of spinach soup; I 25c Ib. 2 pounds ...... Tree Sweet Ldmon ----- She .was so weary now it reaDy Grapefruit Juice 3 Cans 25c from Native Pork, 20c lb, Napkins, Colored or ™ beauty for thOM eaasoroto o f mutton, five-ndnuto rah-l Chuck Beef Ground, Juice, 2 cans , . ^ did dot matter whether they kept who follow me. | ^ chopped beets, eelery \ Dozen Cana 89c B t Imwrenes Evaporated Milk 4 fall cans 25c White, 80 in pkg. ... on or noL It would have been CUT GREEN REVTOEE FRESH Ib. much easier to have given up. VICTORY I " ^ ’•*Hag beans; pineapple wWp; N * Y Oaa Bpaay taaa Orami i Strictly Fresh Pork to Roast— (Western). Sanerhrant, JRoyal Rib Cut, laower Round Ground, nsT Grapefruit Jnicc, much simpler. But something conquest is not a calmness after I ■_ ___ i \ Scott’s Tivius. I Maple Syrup, Fancy, Bt within Bally Blair would not let storm, a dim serenity of peace, I . Etekltf—4—Potatad 4 ffa, tielba 1 lb. * •. •. »«oaSsn4 No. 2 Can, Plums 2 ^ D ob. BEANS 3 rolls . . . . ^ . i Hi-Te»t, H Q cans liar do that. She had been- bom But that sure strength, which meetsl « > • «: Mowed prune* _ $1.25 i targe Fkgx. 15c 2 for .... I. a fighter. She would have to keep the stress of life I Lunch—Cooked carrots and peas; 12 oz. bottle 1 9 c A Fresh Shipment of Small And walks srtth certainty and ease, I ykw celery. 1 Beets or Carrots Oaliitc, \ PRIME BEEF aa, R. S. R o ^ AhRc, oa fightlag to the end. N * S Oaa Sugar Haart 3 cans25c Pkg...... Jumbo Shrimp, Stewing Oysters, pint...... Orange Juice, What was that she heard above as one who, knoudng .battle, j Dinner—B a k ^ sea bass: splaaca: Boneless Rolled Chuck for Oven or Pot 37c the storm, the angry walling of the Has no fear but moves undaunted parsnips; shredded cabbage salad; b jb Large Frying Oysters, 12-oz. can. 3 cans Nation-Wide,, \Roast, cut to any size, 25c 25c wladT Bhe lifted her head, tlmiw- In the fight . / ' I gelatin. Peaches 2 ^ 25c ■..$1:45 89c dozen. Pancake Flour, large can .... IOC pint ...... i... Because he sees bqfond the dark- Cobbogo Ih, ..a.,...,...,.,,,,,,,,,. tag back ths hood of bor parka to BATCEDAY Nation-Wide. Orange Marmalade, 29c Bond-ost Cheese, Prune Jf ice, Usten. She .heard It again, a long, ness here to . some Breakfast—Whole-wheat muaias;| j high call—could someone else be Source of Light. > . 1MI Cm Faasg " M BnosS* N * B Omi a t 2 pkgs. lb...... quart bottie . peanut butter; stewed pears. /■/ ■ BWEET OB TBLBPHOF Ivanhoe, O O Boneless Rolled Veal to Roast, SUGAR CURED CORNED BEpP 45c 17c [lost In the storm, too? Lunch—Baked potato, sstvsd with I Freeh, Extra-Largs, ( 1 lb. jar .... ^ ^ C WnMU-'' Cleansing Tissue all lean meat, Ib...... ON SALE ' Corey thought he heard it too. INVIOLATE I buttor: salsdiof chopped eolory, peso | Salmon i Com Flakes, aj 29c Soda Crackers, N.BX. Excel!...... 2-Ib. box 15c They listened together. Again It 0 bring ao Bota of dull tagtei and raw cabbage. 19e Seda, 2 Iwxm . causa our parting has baea set, { PEAS Celery HjMrfi Kellogg’s, pkg / C Lean Rib Comsd Beef, ...... 12 Uneeda Biscuits...... 3 packages 13c eame. —It was a human voice! And Dinner—Salisbury stoak, bal LIVER AND BACON SPECIAL I t had Bounded nearer. But lM)vs our sbesf of days to me, Chocolate Syrup, 17c ground beets; salad o f cold cooked I Ivory Salt, a g Tender Calves’ Liver, Western, A | Chudt Pieces of. Corned Beef, Vita Rice Puff^ cellophane package...... 5e They tried to yell In response, untouched. Inviolate, and free asparagus; mbieed prunes la gelatia [ 3 cons25c 'PMU^ Orem Hershey’s, can .. 2 2-lb. boxea .. .< i O C bat the Wind tore the cry from From BMddling hands that would lb, 4 sU-lean meat, lb. «« ^In jI CarapbelTs Soupa, most kinds...... 3 for 25c tbelr . Ups, smotholng' It. They appraise the value at wtth wMp^ eraam. PinkSalmon . Can 11c Bacon Squares, sugar cured. A I Salt Spare Riba, ^ j 1W wfcjto MSP Whole Kernel Com, Golden Bantam, No. 2 can . .2 for 25c waited a moment, then tried again. bered days; / *(?asseroto o f Mutton: -PurchaseI String Beans L b K Nattf»n-W Ide .AD-l^rpoacL mutton as for stow and reaiova os 7-Oaaee CM 'Ugkt Mrat . 89c dozen Ib...... for whiter "Yoohbe! Yoohoo..,...here we These are my own, each vital hour Diced Carrots, R. S„ No. 2 can ...... 2 for 15c ora! HL there!” Hope gave them Is'part of me; and quick with sslita of ths fa t Plaes to Flour Fancy Bacon, sugar cured. A | S a h i ^ ’ H od(% ...... a casaerolo with tbs desired amount M * t Can Bart Otaey’e 244 lbs. 69c wnhtf Cnt Bect^ R. S., largest o u i...... 2 for 19c fresh' Im'petuB. ' They plunged on power TunoFish * - 14e TENDER t m t m machine sliced. Ib...... 494 3 for agsln. psusuig every now and then To lift my heart, or ptold my will, to o f carrOta and a Uttls chopped pars­ Baldwin Apples I P 0 still ts m .! Pure Gnipe Jelly, R. S...... 2-lb. jar 25e to lift tbrir-voieea, to rail out, to change my eeuree of action ley, adding a cup or asora of boiling Jell-0 package 5c Pure Grape Jelly, R. S...... 1-Ib. Jar ISe listen for that answering esU that Min; wster. Bake until tender, and Just I All flavin. AP 11c PEAS seemed to be drawing neyer and T ls I, whose love'Is'breathing yet I before from ths oven mix to I Cor. 5 c BIvto, Sweet fnley TRY OUR HOME MADE BAKERY GOODS nearer. ' must pity you wbo can forget I | about a o f small gramr pao* Kipper Snacks if Your Child Balks At Milk . . . , IVhen It’s Clorox Clean—It's Disinfected! "There’s a snowshoe track!" H ie remaining liquid la the casserole MEAT VALUES f r e s h f r u it s a n d 11ccon Home Baked Beans, q Rye Kuud, Ptuin or Seeds, Oorey cried. Ha pointed at the FOE m tE E TAU. TONS nmy be thickened with dextrlalsod | Oranges VEGETABLES Then Make It Into RENNHT-CUSTARD8 ground with trembling fingers, 1 kxdi upon you, tldaa taU sons, to­ ,4-' Lamb Legs, Oenalae 0 *7 quart I loaf CLOROX flour, which Is prsporad Wf brown PRElfJO 000 llsere on the driven whiteness was day and wonder much if Ing white flour tn k dry pan. $1.19 dozen Spring, Ib...... 4 i / C LarSR M e y , Sweet raaey Carroto, « o Real Danish Pastiy with Nats With “JUNKET* Brand A m A _ a wide, web-llke prlnL "Whoever memory bolds true. IN (aSHPRUlS M * Y Cm Bt Lwirana Daley Hama, Tender, O B _ t b u n eb m ...... l o C Coffee Rings, sugar frosted. 4H or Pure Jam, dozen...... RENNET POWDER ...A Pkgs. l Y C Pint btl. 11c Qt.btl.20c It is nuist have crooaed here a sitort I f opce I led your stumbling steps at QUESnONB AJn> ANSWIEttH 2 ig«* pRgs* 37c S w e e t IK ...... o O C Florida Orange* lorga,- while ago, for no track eould last. play, protecting the sweet help-' wsm FANCY PACK 15c each, 2 f o r ...... A Grapefruit Wo’U turn here,” . Sally dUreetod. IcssasoB of yoa; CRnok Boaata, Prime ^ Poppyassd Bans, iWma*a Exsrrtsi List) "Try to follow them." There was I f I were that adoring, eager girl Question: JosapMas asks: "Couldl S teer Beef, Ib. M-e-SSi.... ^ -----21c25c Swedish CoffM Rings, M doasn FRUITS AND FRESH VEGETABLES a curve of tracks, fresher end deep- TOMATOES each Mvlslily to give ten ms how to go about gettlag ChipsD i r 39c Sqaash, Pampkln, MinM or - er, though some - were alraa^ ht UM e f sxareiass? I want tbosal 29c ^ 33c 21c * . bfuiTed. SsUy raised her voice to Mony- OHicr O eto y. m Coatard Piss, s a ^ ...... Who made your need the ceatsr at which may ha nasd by the ordiasiy| Fresh Green Peas, well flOed, Califomla Jake Oranges, can agala.— her world, and wrapped 'you . 3cons25c Eaatera Perk, Bpeny and - Detoto elalk ...... l U C Cream PnffB,.fined with pure cream, person who Is not aa adobat." ■I Try Oar Hosm Mads Milk Bread, Z qugrts kUT8|8 dS8p d098B eeeennesaee' They flouadered -on, 400 yards with a ahliilhg clo4to at prayer; Native Potatoes, ^ o o c a ^ Answitr: I shall be pisassd/to sand I Thriyo Dog Food 3 - Cgoe lie Fresk ITT... 20c'24c U IK p « * ...... l o a f ...... ar so, through the thick tlber. It For BOW a csrtala shyness grips my MC Taiigerinss, extra large sixe, OI mi ■esmed to tally that the storm was mind lest I, with pattens ' of you a list sfTthrdsss to taka, 89c dozen FaacY Layer Cakes. Try Oar Home Made Fruit Bread, Frsuh Groen B c a ^ - tbaas era mustnted la aueh a wayl S quarts ...... draen ...... i . . ', . . A l V i lifting a hit. There was a braak the paM, Intrude PATRONIZE THESE NATION-WTOE STORES: eaCk oasnsnssnnnDD*.. s«e ess DelMoaBt Loaf eaaaaeea# Hea a e n 'tb a leaden sky, a tiny patch of To Under la what you book to that you wtn know exactly how to| Fresh BroeeoH . Nice White Caulillower ahte smiling through. Tta saow- find of trntti, e f besaty, KITTEL*S MARKET I W. HARRY ENGLAND Puwy CaHfomia Camto, ITi iiwiils Sprouts ' WcO BleachedjCdei7 irons were larger, they did not fall itofiitlsl good remember to hagla Mswiy, or yoal 3 iU 21e 18 niMsP Bt. TsL MSB | Mssshsstsr Oiesn TM. t i n l A be arieerahle for a Sew days with I Z Imndiea f o r ...... Niro Ripe Tomatoes a fast. T o astahHOh aad adora what ■ BUBSACK BROS. .Phono Service Until 8:30 P. M. 4 LiniM A t Your Serv­ "Look!" SsUy gasped. Coaring you do; but whoa you^ su sofUMos and attflhass of tbs mus-l Itoaes, BtoE ar Uaaamf WMs waa* B tsdii at Msw Bsshmi . 4 P0aild8 neeseeeen.ee. eseeeaa ' aascaent was famlHsr, ralsliif aa. Bar you i ■ you wfll to east to aaynss who writes to ] Motor Oil Q n r t • MANCHIStlR. CONH*. ina to wave to theas. _ "R ’a’Doa!" Uttls so si am to ca n ae IMS I 1


anna Oulld,. Wadnaaday aftatnoon. .-5)’ locAL conUREnntiB January 11, at 2:S0. Mr. BricJ* OOSIER PROCEEDINIS' cornea under arranyemanta mada by CROSS ADVOCATES D eatht L o 9t N ig h t STORM WARNINGS Mm.' Harold Preston and hU aubject Wie»tinghou»e Announces BLUES DRUB SHAMROCKS FROmUPTOITALT wUl be *tAlrUnea.” FlUD n BAT STA1E M. H. S. CACXRS SET FOR WEST HARITOIO) Marion, ft "T a in r A. Hao- I_____ Tbe boateaeea win be Mm. Henry FLOOD CONmOL Miller, Mrs. Sherwood Ooalee. Mm. nauaa, BB. ImmiBor trim haM aavani / HALT AIR RACING Restoring of Wage Cut Jn State League Tonight M r. A b4 Mrm. Yiaemt BImlB Arthur lUlny, Mm. B. B. Hutebin- tractor patMts, tortnUftig tba eraarl- AND HOLD JUNIOR LEAD Boatoo, Jaa. •—(AP)—The Maae- / Of Mala Street Have Been aon, Mra. John Bchmallan. Mm. acbuaatta FadaraUoe of Taxpayaia ar caterpillar tjrpa of iviMaL APOSTOUAMSTO Bmll Miller. Mm. Paul Agai^, Hm BuAm Alras—Llaandro Da La *nM PoUab-Americans, Intent enlfhr tbatr fourth vletoty In acven Pro Football Chief Sees REDi^WHirEAT’ Awaf Since November. Says F a ^ e Of Ratification AaaoclaUona today filed ouater pro- ^ fj**^ ?***' The Jump In steel operations— 11 Harlow Wlllla, Mm. Carl Stolten- ceedinga against Education Cbm- Tom , TO, former Banator and un­ New York-Mbin Flight By WesUnglioiM liSactrlc and Maau-|poinUpotate in Attsburgh to 4S per ceni avenging an early aeaaon defeat at ■tarU for it wUl be all tba harder to feldt successful candidate for preeident of factluing Company announced to­ of capacity. 10 In"WheeUng to 77; IM Cqm Gns b ' defeat tbelr conquerors on tba small Itr. and Mrs. Vincent Bloelll of mlaaloner JamM O. Reardon and, at 40-I8I RUINS TOP HAWKS the hands of tbe St. (jaaainun, i jow-celUnged court at Terryirille. STRENGTHEN CLAM Children o t membem will be the same Umc, won temporary ra- ArgentihU in 1*33. day It was restoring a ten per cent 11 In Cleveland to 51. and 7 in Chi­ Bright Season For Sport 114% Main atrMt returned to Man- eared for during the meeting as Of Con]pact Great Disap­ Dozeo POoto Re-Sdied- travel to Terryvllle tonight to meet However, tha PA'a can't afford to m m f m i eaailtar to^jr after an extended straining orders blocking any pay­ Boston—^ . Warren King Moore- tarage cut to 5,000 of Ita 15,000 work­ cago to 00—has been without bene- uaual. head, 72, \ profeaaor-smeritus of ers because o f "Improved bualneaa llt, of any considerable amount of TriiaqilibTlHiraltrCir- JO INCREASE LEADthat toam in a return State Polish drop any more games if they xrish to Tiait with relatives In lUly. They ments undsr hurricane repair emi- League tilt. remain in the running for the .State (Thla la anoUier et a sotlea MB been gone ainoe November 12th. pointment Of Rnle. tracta let by Reardon’s dt^rtment. PhUUpa Anddver Academy and re- nled For Tonorrow. oondltkma." buying Dom three major consum- TO MIDDLE HdNORS atend to keep the eompetlUon oa a Ured curator of the achool'a archeo­ ara. d it For Fifth Straight; Terryvllle, which In four previous League UUe and will be striving writtea for Uw Aseoolatod Treat ! moremriFm Aasmva even plane.*)||^||* ^NKBrSBATIL^ While in lUly Mr. and Mrs. SATS RECKLESH DRIVEIM The ouster proceedings, Which The boost cams aa the ateal Indus­ g w e s bad been a cinch for tha twice aa haiil to return borne on the by aporta loaders). Blnellt viaUed many placea of In- ABB GBOWN-CF t'Hll.l>KK.si cloaely followed a demand by Gov. logical m'useum.X try Joined other leaders in a new This trio—ratia oils and cannariea Plan Oa i Deter Greenville, 8. \C.—Klaus Martin PA'a, came to town early this aaojoo long end of the game. Tor next season tereet In Italy and were able also Hartford, Jan. 6.—(AP)—Former Leverett Saltoostall that Reardon Miami, n*.. Jan. a.—fAP)—More year's surge of activity, with Pitts­ —usually place orders within tht and, in the fifth match between these In the preliminary tha local ara planning to vlalt Marseilles and Monte Car­ Amarillo. Tex.—(AP)— ^eat way Gov. Wilbur L. Croee, In hla first resign and Reardon's refusal to do Einstein, 0, grandAm of Dr. Albert burgh mills Increasing output more next 00 days for tbe year. In tha M irooot, Speedboyi And Anorkf-Red Wings And By JOB P. CAilB more pageantry, more eelortul unl^ than 500 light planea aoared out of rivals reversed tbe tables and came lassies «1U be out to make it two Meets Billy Coni Tonight In Praaldcat Nailooal Protaasioaai lo. The trip over and back waa to undrepe a peraon'a personality, public address since he left office ao, charged the education commis­ Einstein of ranceto!)^ University. Weat Palm Beach for Miami today than 15 per cent since tba hoUdaya. paat 60 days railroads hava placed through with a stunning 28 to 24 straight over the St. Caaimtr's girls. forma for the teams and efflctela, Q u k en m Seek 6lk Stnighlrr on the liner Oonte dl Savola. mannem and hablta la to place him Wednesday, said that one of tbe sioner with nonfeasance aM mal­ to open the annul aU-Amerlcaa air Prealdent George H. Bucher of orders for more than 420,000,000 but Falcons Are Also Yictore. Ranger»"Ctnadien8 Battle upset that left the local hoopatera They defeated Tarryvilic earlier in Footbail Uogiw entertainment of varloua ktelte/ for •otfe are wen known locally aa greatest disappointments of his ad- feasance In offtes. / many millions more than this art Ten^Ronnd Clash At Gar­ the Intermission between hnlvas and behind a steering wheel, says J. L,. maneuvers, but bad weather forced WesUnghouse said all employes re­ expected, especially If aome plan for dated and speechless. Ever since the aeaaon 11 to 9 for their only vic­ Triiapk Aid Fevtk k ^ epeiatora of the Armory Tavern. Duflot, psychology teacher at West mtnlstration waa that the flood con­ In Buffplfr county Superi^ court. postponement of tbe speed dash of ceiving 4125 monthly or leas would that game the Amsrks have been un­ tory In six'starts and hope to gain ODiumbus, O,, Jan. 8.—(AP)—^The the hottest football games in the trol compact drafted by executives Judge A. E. Pinanski iasuM 11 tem­ a dozen pilots from New York. financial assistance la- advanced the To Ice Deadlocks. 1938 national profooslonal football land. Texas State College. CONNOR REPORTS have their pay returned to tbe level roads. Royal Bluet gave another able to come beck to their earlier their second victory tn leven ataria den And Is Heavy Choice "The man who drivee recklesaly of the New England states waa not porary restraining oi^ra on the The New York-Mlami race, named of last June 1. The company at that seaaon form and have twice more at the expense of these girls. campaign was ths moot succsoorui Rule changea wUI to few, Tha goat COL In Qnik At 1 1 *^ ‘ iURUNErTOBETOPiC —darting In and out of traffic, hoot­ ratlfled In Congress. Federation's peUUoqa against al' for Bernard MacFadden, was called time cut all ealarted employes and Expect Oapndty Operation -^ ^ ^ xicin g dUpiay of their Invlnct- met defeat at the hands of Tborop- The PA boys and girl* are urged In the league's history, from tha posts wUI stay on the gogl Una, and ing hts bom hysterically and hog' Speaking yesterday at the annual most a half million ^lla rs worth of off when storm warnlnga went up In executives 10 per cent. By Feh. 1 most tin plate mills i by trouncing the Shamrocks, By ASSOCIATED PKBSS sonvllle imd Meriden in Pollih to be at the East Side Rec by 0 p. m. AtSTolOdds. standpoints of artistry, sttendoaca passea will be aiiowH. from any $140,690 UVINGthe New York area and dirty expected to be operating at cap League tilta. thla evening In order to make aa and opeetaeular play, and I am look­ spot back of the finish line. Ws'll State AnwN7 Hertr AT G U im CATHERINC ging the highway with blinding meeting of the ConnecUcut Farm contracts and ordartti hearing on Lees than 24 hours before the an­ 40-18, tn the Thursday Junior Tlea In the National Hockey Bureau FederaUon In East Hartford, the matter Jan. weather moved In on the seaboard In 1938 their operations alumpM In tonight’s gams the PA'a wUl i early start aa posalbla for Terry- ing forwohd to on evon better season continue to play wide-open ball, with llghta~ls a grown-up child having nouncement, the company received League at tbe East Side Itoe last League, like those.that people get a temper tantnim," says the pro- Dr. Cross said; ^ It was re-Bcheduled for tomorrow. badly because of large inventories bava their hands fuU In thair quest ville. In 1939. V tbe amphaals on forwanl and lateral Tbe speedatera hope to break Jac­ a 42,733,000 controst,Jor machinery -accumulated in 1937, but these have, night for their fifth atraight triumph New York, Jan. S—(API—Fred Manchester High's eouit i ati|* John Brifnm Of Rentschler feaanr. "Some of our owm repreaentativee for Chriatmaa, never eutt anybody Apostoll expects to strengthen his Climaxed by tha "storybook" pooses and kicking, tor tha fans ilka Economies Responsible For queline Cochran's record of 4 boura, for two Navy ^tUKhlpa and a been reduced to normal or lower. ' iMthout a defeat. They atarUd off and furthermore they seem to have game In which the New York Giants to see tha ball at aU times snd warts, hMdera of five stra(|M ts | - neld To Be Guest Speaker "An automobile Juat brings hia seemed to be opposed to the com­ 4704,000 order for two giant power claim to the world middleweight pact. They wanted to get credit. It 12 minutes for the 1.170 miles, with Tbe Iron Age, which cIoMly * barrage of baakete which left a habit of coming In pairs. defeated the Gre«v,Bay Packers to don't want It hidden' under umphs In schoolboy competlticn, | A t Center Church Jan. 11. accumulative stock of habits to the ASSERI^U.S.DEBT glory, a trophy and 43,500 In cash generators at Charleston, S. C. viratchea steel conditions, said title tonight when ha meets Billy surface." seemed, for whatever flood control Record Of Motor Vehicles ^^■M bam rocka in a daaa and were With Just a game separating the Conn, the lanky Pittsburgh Irish' take the championship- the seaaon of players. for another vlcttm toni^t at prizes the reward. OonBdent of Better Bnalaeaa quuter operations of 1938 were su ^ H B i g 23 to 0 at tha half. Thera two New York teams in second and presented prsctlcolt^ everything I don't bsUsva a team wtU local State Armory whea plan went through. Now we must As the massed flight of light llclent to produce 40,000,000 tonV, SAINTS DEFEAT EAGLES man. In a 10-round tout at ModUon John Briggs, a representative of no individual atari on the third places, they both finished In ever witnessed on a grii domtnats our league - to any great HaU High of West Hartford According to a survey, 87.5 per begin all over again. We must have Informed steel sources were con- year, with few rail, oil or tin plati Square Garden. Uw American Airlines at Rentschler flood control." simousniREAT planes drones across tbe municipal Royal Bluca aa every member did stalemates last night. Attendanea extent. In 1938 Green Bay won the here to t a OCIL oaoouatar. Donsn^ Field, svill be the guest speaker at cent of U. 8. homes serve tea reg / DepL h hist Two Years. airport, a group on the ground waa fldent business In 1939 will be better orders. It forecast operaiiotaa ^ at Not that Conn< who will be mak­ KesofuUon On Oeutrol than last year. Prlcaa were flimer hla Bhara although Taggart’a all- The Americana were overhauled ing hi* debut In Manhattan, oa a The fans, responding to tiv* hard western division tltl* with sight vto- WUl Clarke’s triple ehamps, out to the nMCtlng of Center Church Worn- ularly. ready to unveil a plaqu to Amelia least a similar rate in the first by a delegation of Detroit rookies repeat their grand item of tost aaa^- Earbart, tUm young woman pilot than they have been In months. quarter of 1939. around play waa worth mentioning. A SECOND TIME, 22-14 middleweight. Hs comes,closer to fought and spectacular play tortea and thraa defeats, white New Resolution* passed by the convan Labor aeemed aetUad (the smaller Moorhouae fnd Packard wart tba and finished In a 6 to 6 deadlock ed tha parks in such numbara York’s Giants lost two and tteo ona son. ara heavily favorad.to lapal t h ^ tion Included: To aak the Army Hartford, Jan. «.-:-(AP)-^A aav- who took off from here oo an Employment in steel this month is being a light-heavy. But ha lacent' (duiMtt Sees Load At Men­ concerns buying raw steal and sail­ only Shamrock playara who showed while tho Rangers and Montreal the attendanea waa more than in 11 oonteste- Invaders. ' ^ ’ engineers studying flood "control ti ing of 1140.090.77 was effectsd by around-the-world flight from which expected to exceed the 450,000 who ty aoortif a decisive victory over Maneboater hw airaadf she never returned. ing finished products have been worked In November and were paid any basketball. Canadians finished 2 to 2. Solly Krieg'er, recognlaed by tha 1(X>,(XX). on Increast of 18 per eenf' The league teams tossed R.OSU Connecticut to Inspect the tfl^ the Stats Department of Motor ./ The Speedboya noted out tne This gave the Boston Bruins an over 1937. The championship was passes during the season, and oom- RoMtvilte, Brtetel. Bate aaitfURCi taries of the Thames river to^e- Two races were scheduled for the squeezed by prices and at least twp’ 401,054,000. Last October's payroll Defending Champs Toppled WES FERRELL SAYS National Boxing Association as mid- ace To Constitotional Vehiclea In the paat two yeara, have obtained wage conceasiohs), / Hetghta in the aecond game, 22 to opportunity to Increase their first witnessed by 48,130 a now single piMed 834 for a 40J1 pat oantege- Moridan and yiddtetowa to that Btef SERVE A GRAND DINNER termlne how to prevent their ^otM- afternoon. Both are for commercial v.-aa 486,176.000. diewelght king. / Iter, wMis West Hartford ImMi Commls.sloner Michael A. Connor or "stock model" airplanes. One of and Inventories are normal or low. 21. Thla waa a well playeo garaa place mar^n by stopping the Chica­ Apostoll Is recognlaed by the New game high mark for tha playoff. Tha ten taanu t ^ a d 1484 start year Uat wltli these summer-fresh Plnehnmt Vegeta- Ing again; to aak the Legislature with Mohr, OaiU and Copeland Idad- go Blackhawla, 2 to 1. Yo 4tk U se Is Y s«u.r Records galore were broken, os GayneU TInaley of tea (Thtaago Oar- torloa over Moridan and Ihc AEar~" Uaa . , . la mld-wtnter . . . Just look at these summer-time for funds to analyse agrieultural Form Of Goyemment said today In hla biennial report to the two waa for women, over a 28- Orders are Increasing after a De­ Woodchucka make very interest­ AILING ARM FIXEDYork and California athto oommis- and has bean boatea by B r i c ^ the governor. mile course. cember lull. ing pets Sind are easily cared for. Ing the attack for tha Bpeadboya, In a sense the latter game waa a olona os tha 100-pound champ oa was to bef expected. The cream of dinate caught n paa* froai Doug debts resulting from flood/and hur­ moral triumph for the Hawks' brain Mlddiatown. TfMte the ato Dial tISI . . . Plnehorst Phone Service Until 8:00 Tonight. while Lojeskl and Roacoa ware out­ Leagne; Rockville Whips | ___ the atrength of hia knockout of tht country's gridiron crop can't b# RuasaU for a 18 yard touchdown araat flguiad to provlda morej ricane damage In order tp^etermlne The appropriation to the Depart­ standing for the Haights. trust which Major Fred McLaugh­ concentrated on a few fields with­ gain, and Don Hutson at Groan Bay whether the state should lake some Niagara Falls. N. Y„ Jan. » — ment for the flscal year 1937-38 Young Corbett Xrd here test No­ a good workout for ttm hN In the third ghma tha fast atep- lin, the owner, eatabliahed after vember. Hla admlrara have oatab- out that happening. The wide-open caught nbia touchdown passii. Ward must M raaNmbarad that/ action to reduce the (Jtbt burden of (AP) —Frank E. Gannett, Rochra- v.-aa 4882,415 of which 4830,922.32 ping Maroons trounced the Cougars, firing manager BUI Stewart. While Cuff of Naw Tork BM R aM KSr- M Slae Brnwhes . . Fresh Texas farmers. / was KjH-nL For the flscal year Highland Park By 40-27; Temperamental Righthand- llohod him a l-to-8 favorite ovtr game employed by the teams, ox- Brie Norfaldt'O/ obaigc ter, N. Y., puhllaher,. regards the 57 to 19, for their fourth victory to It waa the third defeat In as many Conn. The ddds scarcely aaem Justi­ tended use of tbe field goo) because ebeval o t Brooklyn Mohad tfvo fisid two ateMiag bglttea far The convention ^ record as sup­ 1938-39 the appropriation, amount­ taka aale poaaaaslon ot aeeond place games thU seaaon with the bruising goals each. BROCCOLI b u n c h 1 7 c porting the "truriecs and adminis­ United States national debt as ed to 4888,581. The estimated ex­ T eu cos Witt. er Expects A Good Sea­ fied, no matter bow good ApoatoU tha goal posts ars on ths goal line man last year and "one aefloua threat to the preserva­ and atay right on the heals of the Bruins, It was tha first time the IZ' Instead of ten yards back and th* BnoteTo Ba provtdiag pliaty of , 2 for 33c. tration of ConnecUcut State College pense Is 4799,382.91. Hawks scored against Boston. tion of our constitutional form of Various economies effected dur­ lawv* Is a d ^ Hoyal Bluaa. Every Conn lookz like a real oomor, and rule permitting forward passes from eSavaUnd, which and favored s p r in g leglsIaUve sup­ mimher of tbe Msroona contributed Detroit fana, doubtlaaa tired of the lost Sevan during tba aaaaon,JBnroa OwNit^: CBcnmbcra port for the ‘/Agricultural Extension government.” ing his term of office are responsi­ son With The Yanks. olMcea ora that ha will to a gaa- anywhere back ein the scrimmage CAULIFLOW ER . .2'>c to 29c each to tbs searing wito Drown leading lUdwlnga dallying In alxth place, The Eaglee’ Iiopc* for a successful Dina contender in tha llgbt-baavy< line added much to the enjoyment ot to do much better tn 1988. The nd- tending Mor ~ ' Rsd-Ripc Service and other college needs." Asserting this debt "Is being plied ble for this saving, Commtasloner New Texan up until carrying charges on the Connor aald. with 20 pointa to Hia crsdlt. Hultlna Muld gain aome aatiafactlon from defense of their YMCA Senior weight divtaion within onothar year- the fan*. ditlon of "Dutch" Clark aa laady \ Tomatoes All the federation's officers were waa beat for tba Cougara. the fact that manager Jack Adams' League honors were dealt another Several huadr^ ef hte PttUburgh •hould be a Mg help to tba elub and SPINACH ...... '/, peck 17c re-elect^, Including Preeldent 8am- debt alone are approximately *1,- The report contains recommenda­ Sarasota, Fla., Jan. S— (AP) ■*- ■o evenly balanead waa tha laagus RadUshes 000,000.000 a year," Gannett last tions by the commissioner, chief of Tba Talcona abed out a victory efforts to revive the team with severe blow last night when St. zupportera wUl watch him go to­ this year that any of tha lower the Rama arUi have ptenty of acw uel H. Graham of Buffleld. O N k V youngatara was showing resulta. Wes Ferrell, temperamental light- agate to at Fresh Green Peas night told the Niagara Falla chap­ which Is that the semi-annual mo­ over tba Mebawka IS to 21 in a eloaa John's defeated the champions for night. ' brackets, given a few brCaka, eould material for him to work wttK . Chicory I C I A VIAIRI and bard played game. “Porky" Rua- After having bean down 4 to o to hander, stm s little peeved bSeause Six feat la height, Oeaa te find- Our frtendly ralatim uMtb the iiB w m Hubbard Squash ter of the National Cbmmlttee to tor vehicle Inspection be continued the Mcond time this season in tba have emerged with tba title. Our ; WatercrcM uphold CoDSUtutlonal (Tovernment; In tbe Interest of safety. Also rec­ aaU, tba laagua’a “aaidgat" once tba Amarka, Detroit raUlad to a 6 or his unconditional release from the tng It Increasingly difficult to eomc •elective sjrstam. permitting the tow­ eoUegea wtU contlnua. Wa will sign AVNT W IU c u m GIRL to 8 lead and barely waa caught. faatura avant of the clrcuit'a tixth "What hapiiena In the next few ommended are: A motor patrol again demooatratad bin clavarntaa Washington Senators liAt mid-sea­ la under 170 pounds. He made a er berth eluba first zbanea to nego­ no players until tbelr alaas 1 ' WHITE BOILING ONIONS ...... lb. lOc; 3 lbs. 27c and Shooting ability to lead bia team Rookie Roy OleaabraiBht scored two waak of play. Tba final acore was "gsatlemaa'a ograaroent'' net to graduated, thus guaraatealng tba quite a Mt with I years will determine whether we part of the motor vehicles depart­ son, 1st It be known today that tiate with graduating ooUaga play­ Davta at f orwaida, CMm > I<—g. Iksder, Callfomls DESERTED IN LOBBY shall go the way of those luckless ment; establishment of traffic tn anotbar svtb. TltaaaraU featured of the Wings' goals. 23 to 14 aa tha Saints moved into seal# over 101 for Apeatoll, who te ers, will maintaln'that iMuanea. Tba colleges th* us* of pteysra unfit tha . WOSW'I Prices Effective Friday and Saturday for tha Mobawka. Montreal's Caaadlena, unbeaten 1939 will see him out In front f6r the •ad Muntooh aar'Mnrvay i European nations now under dlcia- courts to handle motor vehicle vio­ sn early lead and held it to the fin­ New Tork Tankeea, who took him a letettmate middleweight. selective system, now In Ita fourth last posalbla mlintte- wa don'tyun Tto Btoaoharda, CARROTS 2 bunches 15c Tbe league atanding la aa follows: since the new year started, Scored Where ApoatoU te a rough-and- torahtp, or whether we shall go for­ lations; periodic re-examlnation of ish. on. year, started showing raaults last players who ar* willing to 4 * 9 ^ OonaiiU ara also m ^ Or Texas Beets at aame price. Brookline. Mass., Jan. 0—(AP) — ward under our conatttutlnnal form all motor vehicle operators; and W. I* Pet. both their goals bafora the Rangers tumble fighter who lovea to swap season, and as Uma gKia an wtU classroom. Mrs. Lnrptta Griffin, sister of Mrs. and White—Taney Tan Burke, B. Oryzb and Sumtslsakl Ferrell Joined this baseball play' Tto praltmtaaiy •torts of government to heights unknown, changing the law so as to bring the Approved by Koyal Bliiaa ...... 5 0 1.000 got going. punches and who has a good kick Lillian Bowles, who was reported by Tins Maroons ...... 4 1 AOO set the scaring jpaoa for the victors, an' winter colony last night Ha o 'c l ^ with resllxlng our great poselbllltlcs.” operation of school buses In the Amer. Med. Aaa*n. said a recent operation to an ailing In either hand. Conn la a beautiful •bout t o'cl< lancmod PBrdcy Crisp, While, California / New York police to have left her same class aa that of public service E vap . M illir. Bbaairocka ...... S S .sou while Judd and Anderson featured boxer. Old-timefa around here oott' '■ Raps Flacal Practlcro for the loaera tn a gamo that was elbow waa entirely successful, and Mg. Grsea Peppers CELERY ...... double huiy llc five year old daughter In the lobby Criticizing administration flscsl vehicles. ■naadboya ...... 8 1 .ooo )rider him a dead ringer for Jimmy of a Gotham hotel, today was en fast and close alt the wray. predicted that he wlU be a regular Fraack Endive Genuine (Green) practices, the publisher declared : l-Ponn« Ihloona ...... 3 2 .000 Sports Roundup Slattery whan the tetter waa In his route to that city to return the child Each of tbs 24 unalnkabla steel JACK FBOST Pnekagea Helgfata ...... 2 3 .400 RookviUa's Trojans remained ■tartlng moundsman with tha prime. FURRIERS TRIP GREEN PASCAL CELERY ... .Win, I8e to Brookline. "Research proves we are not suf­ worlda champions thla aummer, Ntw Cabbage fering from over-production but motor lifeboats on the British G oiif• S u gar Oougara ...... 0 S .000 By EDDIE BBIETZ dead-locked with the Saints for first Hts victims In tha middleweight Fresh, Crisp / place in the standings by scoring a "Thsra's ao pain at all," ha said, Bwoet Potatoes Mrs. Bowles, 28, who was held for- from under-consumption, Inability liner, Queen Mary, has a capacity Mobawka ...... 0 * .ooo New York, Jan. 6.—(AP)—Those dlvteion have Included Baba Rlsko, GREYHOUND nuns GREEN BEANS ... ,/2 qts. 22c.. observation In New York, was win­ of 145 persona. promoters who are so glibly talking 40 to 27 triumph over Highland "I can mova ray urm In any pootUon Vinca Dundee, Young Corbett Srd, Mash rooms of the consumer to buy. Our plight Park but tba game waa much cloaer and it doesn't bother me. For the IN a O S E GAME, 39-33 Brussels Sprouts ../... .qt. 28c ner of a beauty conteat aeveral U not duo to any act of God. It Is Medinra Bnr Eeyal Bhiae (6S) about matching Patrick Eklward SoUy Krleger and Teddy Yaroos, yeara ago. Later she won a Holly­ c than the final count Indicates. Tbe first time In six yaara 1 can uaa my duo to our Ignorance about the eco­ I v o r y S o a p P- B. F. T. Obmlakey, the Jersey heavyweight whom he mat three tlmea. One of FOR HARNESS ME^ wood screen test offer but her 1 McCarthy, rf ...... 1 1-1 8 hope, wdth Baer or Nova, forget the Hlgblandera, bidding desperately tor normal windup, swinging my arms ■nrd Heads et California nomic system under which we op­ an upeet, rifled out a 31-19 margin thoae meetings drew 37,000 rans in mother declined to permit her to erate. 0 flawchetu. If ...... 6 8-0 11 kid ia only 18 end therefore not over my bead. For the post couple Plttaburgh. Probably fewer than follow a movie career. Blue and White No. * 1 Taggart, e ...... • • e a M 0-3 13 eligible to fight main bouts in tb|s In the first half but Rockville came of years I'va bean obliged to wind New Britain Shoots Oit Mar­ ICEBERG LETTUCE 1 0 c "The system Is not functioning Tina c back with a furious rush In the clos­ half that number will be on hand Tender—Green 8 Gcrtllcore, rg .. a a e a R 1-1 7 state .... there la a big alumni up by pulling n y arm In front of my tonight, tha avoroga New Yorker 2 for 19c. * properly but there Is nothing that S w e e t P e a s move on tha ooaat to gat Hoomrd ing perioda to win. by n dsclaive ebast Naturally that cramped my M a h ie u 's 1 Bawertek, Ig 1 t - e 8 being skeptical ef any anA oll new- cannot be corrected under our con­ y Jones a long term contract at margin. Shy, Luaa and Farr con­ style.” lin h Fittl Period; Re­ TWO WOMEN k l U B stitutional system." 183 Sprue* Street 1 Davldeon, c .... * e c • X 0-0 8 tributed heavily to the Trojans' eomare. '' FOR ANGELES OPEN i] 1 Klataschmldt, rg . . . 0 2-S 3 Southern California .... Van Mun­ Although he admitted hs didn’t ApoatoU Is datarmlnod olther to / Land 6*Lakea — lows — or ShurAne For a Quickly-Prepared. Cold Weather Meat Onrse, We Suggest go waa the only Doiiger to have hia scoring, while every member of the do so bad financially test year, be turn Game At Eist IN BLAZE AT BOSTON 0 Fuller, r f ...... 0 0-0 0 aalary alaabed .... wail, anyway losing toam tallied with Keish set­ feree Krtigar Into a ebampionshlp Land O’Lakes M. ^ 1 0 Vancour, If ...... 0-0 0 ting the pace. Is still bitter at (3ark Orlfnth for tout er to compel the N.BJt. to RED AND WHITE 11 0 Jlm i^ Foxx (don't.forget that ex­ releasing him from the Senators. BUTTER pound 33c SLAYER IS UNAWARE Butter, 2 lbs. ... O ^ C !l tra X) who wants *40,(XX) per, ain’t Mason’s Taxnoos pulled into third reeogniM hte title claim. In the Roe Smday; Locils /M Boal.in, .Ian. 0 (AP) A blaze ') 7 18 8-lt 40 Was got a cut of the Worlds Series opinion of mnny erltlea, the coast JiliiiiY ThonitM Dofindi Ti- VITAMIN “D” PURE GRAPE JAM baMtful, Is he? place oa the Bacna ditmped to cash when ha Joined the Yanks. which hrcnicn attributed to a short Native Fresh Shanarocka (IS) fourth, trimming luckless BMton by scrapper deserves to rank with Joe I ’pouad Jar 15c 2-p8imr St flt ...... ja r 25c Damage waa estimated at 43,(XX). 10:15 p m. (es.t.) unless Gov. Teller a Coleman, If .. .. 1 0-0 you the lowdown .... who Is the 1 A. Rubaeba, Ig .. 1 0-0 3 to entering tbe annual baseball play­ •vor. aV a return game with the Dark skies wMcb brought' tor- bcolu Ms OWB aflto Ammons reverse.a hla announced In­ gorgeous Monde Hank Greenberg is ers tournament in lAkaland nest TO BEITS RACKETEERS Applesauce, ibe’s Oven-Baked 4 OaOl, e ...... a 8-7 0 A. Vtneak, rg .. ..0 0-0 0 Furriers Is slated than ht tto Bast rente of rain yaaterdaJr ctearod dur­ teat aumnwr at LtaUwww. uw, w tention not to extend) executive 4 McCollum, rg . . 0 0-0 sqiUilng around the night SpotsT 1 a. Qryab, rg .. . > 3 0-1 6 month. He won tha 1SS8 tttte, played Tto athar tWo Kumai— # a ij clemency. S large can* ..... 81da Roe at 3:10 o'cloek. ing Uw aigtat and iU r waatber waa Rurql Gold Pears No. can 24c DOCUMENTARY EVSeNCE 25c 5 Mobr, Ig ...... 4 1 -a here. Paul Wanar, the Pittsburgh Ben's Racketesr* shot thair way Tha Furrian Jumped late a 10-6 fffMHIInd Mkl H ff lifMNt ~ ' Governor Ammons said he would oked Beans 2 27c Kidd Brswor, wlio put Appala- 10 2-8 33 outfielder wbeo* wlntsrr home Is also forecaat for Uw ibur days of play. Roaaltad. 18I8. b S ? No. 2! j canw 69c. Ovaltine* ^ MUaa eoQage on the football map, la to a 43 to 41 victory over tba Weat advaataga la tha first quarter before Jimmy Thomson, Shawnee, Pa., study the arguments advanced dur­ Raker’a Rrci^faat 16 a 4-11 ax Eaglee (14) hsr*. la the present champion. SIda lions loot night at tha West tho Oroea could get started but aar, aat a record for tn Potato C h ip s ...... DEUYS TESTIMONY ing a two-hour conference yesterday D*OZe CAD • * a a • • e after the baekfleld coaching Job at B. F. T. Wes' mother and father who' live who put together ' fb»>’ Masiag at laxlagtoa teat saan ....1 0 c and 29c a bag 29c Vi-LK Belchts (SI) Floiida and old Joan Q>dy probably Side Recreation buUdtng la a very Mdorbousa and Relmer found the rounde to vm a year ego. te back to with Attorney Gall Iteland. a Cath­ s-is Judd, r f ...... 3-4 8 at Gulford, N. C., are here with him. close game. Mickey Weiss and BM- 9kitip oH A 1;86RA ■Hi#, L^lfge Jumbo Pecans ...... full pound box 69c Tin / € a LoJaakL if •••••••• 8 will be amart en^gb to give it to Anderson, If ru g a la the second period and tto defend hla UUs. Taunton, Maas., Jan. ()—(AP)_ olic abbot, and throe psychlatrista, Yellow Bantam Cocoa a Horvath, If ...... 1 0- 1 0-0 4 dio Frahsr starred for the Racket­ score was doadlooksd at 18-all at ahip earns right atoag with * iu one of whom said/“it would be a him Tom Tawkey can count Server, e ...... 0-0 0 Sam Knead te out to try to better Presentation of further documen­ (3om, 18-oz. can.. Economy Brand a Roecoa, e ...... 1 8- a what is left ef/' his mlUion dollar eers wMte "Speed" Norea. Halm halftime. The rivals battled evenly bia fait of wlnnlag a s a ^ 830,000 •Kort to take tto tttte ot < horrible thing to execute a child.' 7e Pavteck, c ,.... 0-0 0 and Wtlr did best for tha Ltens. paeiag maro. ^ B A K E R Y tary evidence today delayed testi­ 1-LK a Mnron, rg ...... 1 6- Sa baseball Investment on tbe fingers MtkOIdt. Ig . . . 0-0 0 REDS NOSE OUT STARS after Intermlation with New Brit­ In a^atagle year of compeUtlvo play. mony of five chief witnesses In the C FIseher, I g ...... 1 - a of one handr-Joe Cronin, Bob Grove, Box ocorc; ain ekelng out n 20-88 edge nt Uw The White Bulphur ■pnags, W. Va., From-kte snottesa Apple Pies Muffins ’ •BP* I Circle W. Coffee, Pkgs. 1 Frasier, rg .... 0-0 0 trial of Mayor Leo E. J. Carney of Milk Crocker* 2 25c JItniay Fezh and Roger Cuunsr .... Ramlagway, rg Ban*a Bachstaera (8S) cloea of Uw UUrd qunrter. Tho "iro baa been In a alump for Uw past bound, now eiitet yeara < Cngtlsh Muffins MEAT EXC43imVB DIES' l-lb . pkg...... 2 Ib. boxes 0-0 2 F, /B . F eerenely tto traliitag' New Bedford on charges of bribe 10 T 7 - » ai Walter Hageo. sUn minus two of HUinsU, rg .. . 0-0 0 TO REGAIN 2ND PLACE Oroea falterto after that aa B*- weeks and waa oaa of a baadfni Cogee Cakes solicitation. IZ« 3 H. Frey, r f ...... /. .4 wbo braved yeeterday*a rate to get NoUUng boUwiC tto e«ea-Ma9 S8BB Fsona CoSee Cakes FROSTED LIMA BE.ANS— New London, Jan. 6 — (AP) — Betaraas, Vojack and Kovls. the three dUna be used to feature. Is kaaas, six-foot, aix-bwh eonter, *m As the third day of trial opened. Smoked Klbheh eaniim oa tha trada In tha interest 3. B. Fraher, U ...... 8 MsUgoote eooaaoted with sem ^im e- te a practice round. boroe, not even tba expealoa s t Jolly Donuts Crullers SnECIAI...... 23c Peter M.. Berry,'63, vice-president I qnaUty a 8-8 14 District Attorney William C. Cros- Herrings, 3 for.X 21c Msw sai (IT) of a ana of golf aqulpmaat .... : Score at half, 10-7, BL John'e, 3 M, Welsa, e ...... ,..4 satlenal shots to put Uw Fim sra A player who won the Lea An­ pbotivrapbern' flask bulto. Home Style Bread of P. Berry and Bona, Hartford 25c Pastry Fl0ur ProrManc* Earns S-2 Victory 3 D. Fogarty, Ig Ateo quartered at the fleaflaOto Vooma Bread Kelairs BROCCO'l.l ...... 2.1c sli-y unnounced he would call aa wholesale meat dealers, died at a 9 . ’ B. F. L a f ^itta t should ha rad not in the Referees. Busky and E. Taakowski. WoU te front Moorhousamuse and*M Miw- geles open twice and baa never been wllncasea City Treasurer Timothy Spiced Herrings, Bed and White aate next-seasonnaz with the beat year- Over SjrracBSi To Drop 3 V. Taggart, rg ...... 4 r*y wont bast for UwI O< r ^ out of Uw moasy te Uw past decade park are five of tbe ete yaailtaiB Oat Bread lliml Bolls CAI LIFLOWER ...... 'l9c hospital here taat night after a short 0 Ptseik, if ...... 6 0-1 French Bread J. Crowley and the three members 8 Bunco, If ...... a 0-0 Uhgsqusquad ia hlstoty comliig up. Eagta Into Third. , Tto Groan trnvals to Oteatoabury win be honorary chief marshal this briagteg ttw Mgbast arisaa aat at lllnesa Berry, aasoClatai) all hla quart ja r ...... 25c Sauerkraut 3 ^ 25c (M) 13 13 the Walnut HaU sad Hamovar flhoa Bread Sticks .STRAWBERRIES...... 27c of the New Bedford Board of Health life with the Orm founded by his 1 Brown, e ...... , 1 0 0-s B. r . T. f M tomorrow night to piny tto Glam aeaaon. He te MacDoaald flmlth, Drake's Cogee. Cakes before examining tbs other wlt- father, leAves hla widow, two sons, 'c Aeeto, rg ...... a 0- S Foothall eoaehaa xrbe hava baan Xenaar, i f (61) tonbury Grads aiad all ptoyaia are tba dour Scot, who averaged, cloee to farm coasigameBta. R.\SPBERR1ES ...... 23c Cane Sugar, makbig jm> goo «raa at i Bobby . 1 0- 0 " 2 ' By ABSOeXATBD FBBM F. B. F. ■bowliig the way la '‘Ctey’ nessea. four daughtars, a* brother and a 1 Toman, Ig ...... I 0-0 Puts. I f ., 0 0-0 0 •sited to awat at Uio East Wdo Bee 81,000 a touraament and 73 etroHes Crossley said he might reach 10 lb. cloth bgg.. T o m q ^ s / 2 ^ 27c CUara, IQngspert CIwi.) baekflald Tbe Provldaaoa Rsda takbtg 3 Noran, if ...... 8 8 18-hole round, a mark that will bought to 8L J. Baker for. f sister. He moved to this city from 48c 0 Butter, rg ...... 1 1- 3 Farr. If • c c .e • • e a 8 0- 10 3 at 0:68 o’elock. 'Tto game Ja set foe fladi. can save their stampa. The Ud quick 'advantage of a nl^t'a Idte- 3 Johnsoni, If aa a a e e e l 1 them late.today. Hartford about 10 years ago. Xuao, If a ' 0-0 13 7:80. A baag-up tilt aeoma etrtote be bard to tieat. Others are Edgar Hanover, PINK GRAPEFRUIT 3 for 33c Taney—Tork Stnte has Just about made up hla mind to ness on tha part ef other latsrna- 4 Hultmaa, e ccaosaaaa a 1 Today's larga field will to dividsd Peter Plpw, 88800; .4 38 1-8 87 Thylor, a c • • • • a a 0 1- 1 1 at tba Reo Buaday whea the Fur­ Pea Beans. Pounds do'bia running for Major Neylafid tional-Amerlcaa taegue eluba, have 1 Helm, Ig . d • 0.0 e a e a aS* 0 These are large . . usually sold at 13c each. 17c Coognia (It) Ih y, Ig a 1-3 IS riers conw ban for a.return game between the Harding and Wtlsoo $0,100, and Quaea Vtctorio; 87808. at Tenasssee . . . California writerz salvafad Mcood p lm In the east­ 3w Weir,TV MS f rg •*•##### ...... 8 0 courses for the 73 bmea. The play Tto only familiar face mimil ■d WUtn SmaD Large 0 Bueher. r f ...... 0 0-8 Lcrhadtt, Ig .... i 0-0 a and a large crowd of tea s te expect are pouring it to the New Tork Box­ ern (Bvisiaa. at teost tMaporariIjr. 0 Turtotte, I g ...... a a a s a'X 0 ers wlU changa courses tomorrow from the Seminole layout te ttot 1 Coconuts^ Qnlek ar Beg. a. Feffis, If 1 0-0 ing Commission tor not recognising After haviag loarad Into first ed to attend. RED OR WHITE •% M Oofti;' ' P k f. 8c Tin 1* 8-8 40 and Sunday the field will to reduced Ben WMte, outetaadlag flaw* 17c 3 Hultin*, e ...... a 0-0 the coming Armstrong-Arismendi pteea for aa ubrevteted apeO la 18 V' / II 8 41 Tto box seoro; to the low 100. Monday's finals will Pecan Nuts GRAPES. 2 ll)s...... erd. rg o U-1 (87) Oena. Farilera (88) harness raelag. TteitU ia la Than match aa n lightweight ehamploa- early DaciMbar. the Rhode XMand ■eora at batf, 18-18,' Uosts. Ref- be^layed by tto low 66. vlalUag hte spa. 'Glbikca, wha een 1 pound of each if you wish. dtK Ig 0 0 -0 sMp tilt (Reason, the bout Is for B. F. T. Rads stumbted through eight eon- ataa, Eari BteaaU. P B F T 'The feature threesome todM in- English Walnut.s Sweet, Juice PATTERSON’S MARKET AT MEAT MARKETS Petersoa, rf ...... 3 1-1 \0 Touada only) .... Barnay Roer Roblnseo. i t . . . . » 1-4 7 1 Melegaala rf ...... t 0 13 Uw champion Roaalted. saCuUva gaoMC without a vletory J— ‘ eludes ThemsOB,. Dick Mata, Chica­ Even' If Boaaliad bald aa rseor* FLORIDA ORANGES, gaga 101 CKNTER STREET TELEPHONE 3381 amlags, I g ...... 0 0-3 enme out of retirement last night to Backue, I f ...... a 0-0 4 and the two that they have aow 0 MoalSll. U ...... 6 0 3 go and Harold (Jug) MeSpaden, McIntosh, Delicious CABBAGE Kslsb, e ...... a METBOOIBT UtoOlIB 1 Bakanae, * .... ^...... 8 8 18 •to etui would to the queen at ttopa a Iba. lOe 1 ^ ' prassnt the prises at Eddto (teator'a 0-0 10 won in sueeesMen came Justju»v InID thewm winchester, " u d Baldwin Apples d o z e n ...... MsAC OUR GOODS ARE QUAUTT THROUGH AND THROUGH. Leon Corned Beef lb.25c 4 ' " a l-« 18 dance for the Jewish relief fund. I. Anderseo, Ig . 1 ■ 0-0 a Blek ef time. Iw way of it ABays) 3 Joyeo, i g ...... 0 0 0 aU in tbe opinion of the youageg Red Hananas 'Mtehote, rg •...' Whrte, who ratesd her from a gafl- ALLOW US TO DO OUR BEST FOR YOU. Referees, Belflore and OHucIlowsId a 0-0 4 The aaryy New Haven 0 Jarvte, I f ...... 1 6 8 Net even the Greeks bad a word cllmbad lam a tie with ths fteds No. 6 (8) 1 Don^. rf ...... 0 0 0 gUng. ailekly, unwanted flUy t o '* .Pork to Roost for that4>xhtbltioa Vines and Budge I la 1-0 37 Wednsaday night and only hy tum- KirntoU . SI 84 87— 38U 0 Dery, If ...... 0 0 NORIARTYS TO HOLD mare capable of wtealng tto BCCP GROUND BEEF |b. 25e Ib. 21c («) Hlghtend Park ai- bletonlan. ■Bad Bacmi. 83c lb. Bmxm 8 < 8 Server, If . •eeeeeeee 0 1-3 1 ing it was that old Roman, Dan rote# thsmaelvea agsln into uncon- Harrison1 ...... lo i 109 r /—014 ~ Grem B. 0. (S3) 0-0 4 Parker, who called it "ten cent ten- tMtod MOOOd 88 88 108—370 P B P T parted better. WUftoo'R Ham Ron* m. weight* .. ••••*oo*ee*oaoo D2C 1^* 3 Paictek, c •••*•••*• 8 uls" in the New Tork Mirror .... Tap Qoanty 3 Robbtea, rg •eeeeaee 8 0-0 0 (68) Provhtenca put across a couple 1 Raiawr, r t ...... 6 l 9 nnrM Ta 'tj, Brlghtw.MsI and Hampden Sausage NATIVE F O W L ...... seeeee*^ SOe IK, small and laige Beef Liver ouehl .... Frankte Strafaci, former P- B. F. T, apervy g Barnes Sausage In 1-pound tins ...... f X. ' lb.23c 0 Ruaeell, Ig •eaaeveeo 8 - 1-3 9 of goals te the first ptriod ef the 474 480 810 1438 S 8taum. • U . ^ . X 0 3 Affair Slated Toporraw Night pnhiie links ehnmpiuo, could stand 0 Modean, r * ...... 7 0-0 14 game to assume a command that N o.* (1) 0 Moorbouse, e ....^.....8, 0 10 0 Peretto, rt ...... 0 0-0 0 It no longer. He baa quit selUag 0 Katknveck. If . . . 4 A t MaDteiU'a Ib Bolton; Had m u p Of RIB I^T ROASTS . -28c, 30c, 32c. 35c lb. Lega Sprl^ LaaK. beat quality. 1-1 a was threatened Just ones, when the Robb '...... 76 ------78 0 Hodlund, ig ...... 1 0 3 autos for tbs tims bslag, paeksd Ms 1 Pwrotto, a ...... i 0-0 a Stars tied the rouat brteib la the W. Turkingtoo 80 101 3 Aataato, I g ...... 1 0 3 Fiac Season. RIB R O A S T S ...... 29c, 32c, 35c IK Lean Laab Roll*, tender ...... 24c IK Smoked or Fresh Shoulders Ib. 21c 9 xo 3-4 33 gulf dubs and headsd for tbs Florida 4 I. TaakowMO, a a 83—zr/ 0-1 a third. The abeeacc of Jock Fez. FhUUps ...... 88 110 lOOii^lU .0 Murray. I g ...... i 8 ROAST PORK lb. 24c v e a l r o a s t s ...... 25c IK Loin, Rib and Shoulder Chopa. V MlRhMrhxn) tonffiaaiants .... Barr Max Bchmsl- 0 Vittaer. ig ^ ...., a 0-0 4 who was hurt durhm tha BtarF toe­ Banks ...... 107 108 133—884 0 Kfltey. Ig a a ...... 1 1 8 Moriarty Brothers' football team BONELESS VEAL ...... 30c IK Preshly Oranndl a Martin, rf •eeeeeeoo 8 0-0 4 lag te gstttag rsady to aay a AreWvy. 4 8-0 n . . SL?.*rSSle* Wm” ’ Hamburger ' 2 lbs. 49c 3)Dupant, If 0-1 8 1 Dl Mtnloo, Ig .... ing effort at New Rteffia tha Mght C. Turktegtoa.. t l 87 88— 388 0 Tost U ...... :.0 0 0 will told Ita banquet at rix o'clock VEAL CU TLETS ...... 45e IK Cube Steaks, Porterhouae, Sirloin, ••#•••*•• X teiga” about 1888 fight fans. 1 0-0 a bafora, assinsd to handieap 8yra- 0 Gormaa, e eeancoeah X 0-0 3 Chsnsy ^ 88 86—147 1 ■haldoii. If ...... 0 0 0 tomorrow night al Mantelll'a te Bol­ F'i®*h; Hams Lresh hhouldur* HtiiAn* rikm VLAL C H O P S ...... 35c IK ^_^____^_Shortj_ShouJderj_____^ cuza. - 0 Maltea,Vv oocBCcea* 8 0-3 d r s 4-8 48 ton. An those attaadlag are asked TeOew Tag Turkeya. Brollem and Fowl. C hickens Naum FRESH SHOULDERS ...... 20e IK PETERS’ Depot Sq. Market D. HFKUHY 658 688 671 1413 15 3 U to awet at Mortertys* stotloo at 5:1A Ground Reef 28c lb. Round Ground 38c Ib. 1 Fltxgerald. Ig . : . . . . 1 7-8 9 _ BaMaataB) Tng Turkey a, Brollera and FowL SBIORED SHOULDERS ....2 1 e IK ) B WHITB 8TOBI. l a tu rn am M i m . M is . m m m Score at half. 18-10. ■o those who do not own can can to Veal Ground, 30e IK, petk addod as desired. meats and UrMeilsn W R E S lt O iG B. No. t (1) B e fC ^ OUL provided with tranaportaUoa. f r e s h h a m ^ aieifa.iMkiai^ 4 7 7*14 t l 0 B. Bkiaaor. I f ... a *“•* jy * « * l «”.* ^eom PlMhnmt Tender Beef. Lamb Leg, and A beef loaf la good.______. Otr. Osatas and UtlawnM Lnrrabaa ...... 84 78 88—348 •oaraBy Than are atill a tow playara who Bonat Beef make • nice Bnnday meat course. FRESH PORK CENTER- Tu. saes J. BROGAN Ref( BMfleic and Ohuehowakl IF AMOCIATBO 0 M. HutchlaiHB, rf 0 HOCKEY have hot turned te their itoMsrma as Plnamioel IhLasia a Warren, If i Gels ...... ■/» 87 lUO-^»8 Naw Brttaia ....lo o 10 18—39 Umb Bbomdeea...... r...... ^ CUTS ...... 28c IK FRANK HTLLKRY Bqratora. Ooon. Qua la st NigMK and they aro-asked to do ao SaMked FiOeta, Calf Lhrer, tbs freshest of tho bsra> HO, Boston, dsfaatsd Oowboy 0 MUIbouse. N ..* . I Nlcbeto ...... 103 108 108—318 .... 6 13 * CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS 29e IK froah. B eef liv e r . Flreah Briaket 29c IK NED NELSON P. F. TASHION Natoto ...... 1 1 3 . t i t i a i —837 flaturday. A. good turn-out te s m n a m i t . t e t Jos Maynard, tl7, Oklahoma Oty. ? « ...... I NATIOIMI.IjUOtJE Laist Night't F ig h ts two atsaight fCBa. posted to flnlto up one ef tto awet 1 J. Omriai, Ig * 3 C h t e ^ L prandaiaf ■imqbs la leeal foothall Ce. Rttk Haas. I to 4 Ra., 4Se IK v S S ^ m w s n , N. J. — Near York Aamtoaas 6 Datrett 8. 376 8 V 6U U84 ia a Bumtor cf yeara. Only ooa dc- Msinln, S4X. Oarnmny, ptnaad Taaai N c.S (8) 'p.hicha r jl Groce ri/ ^nc. Sw ift 0 Palsy Haas 38c IK Any of thpoo prodneta ate appetMng. ~ - New Tack Raagaia 3 Montreal X By ABMMUXBD I fact was chalked 1 9 agafaat tto C^.lahailas, PusMo, Cd.. * i : A ------833 18 lOB-388 ■yracuBa 41, Obnwn 30, of <1 4 (1 1 ^ Brotheta I 86 88-878 FREE DELIVERY, APPRECIATIVE SERVICE AND GOOD GOODS. Penn ^ WartburgSO. that to the .OiMoa. If. J ^ -«ls«s Caasy. MK 8 in 1U-80B for aekt asaaoa srlll to df TELEPHONE 338* ON 101 CENTER STREET RED & WHITE .100 87 117-816 at tto baaquat. and a go te to attoa tor aH^mj^teyeia 4r MANCHESTER EVENING REXALD. MANCHEBTER, CONN. FRIDAY, JANUARY «. IM t ' t>A VOUCt OfVYlCX. BU Y SELl../ 7;^llEMT//^v^//;r C L A S S IF IE D COACH c m v x t a ssf < £ ) m VEMfT f W • A UTTUt emOOKMD PATH! Tba visitor was walking through the village of Bmahvilla whenphen he I lava tha UtUa crooked path bo- came upon a large crowd of yokels I tween your house and mine, watching two men fighting. i R^-blddm by the locust trees and Visltor-^What’s tha fight about? clumps cf columbine. On-Looker (who was urging tha HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 IROUSES FOR RENT «S 1 love the, IltUe quiet path that two men on)—On my right, Is Jim LOST AND FOUND AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 LEGAL NCnUES brings you to my gate. Jonea who married Wl7» with tha Liquor T hatt makea me know____ God's____ rarest the evening with his best girt. Whan AUTOMOBILES FOR SA^ radio, heater, new battery. Private Control Commlaalon for a Tavarn By HAKBY SUPPLE Hasn’t Affocted Low Scoring 't—true. thoughful neighbor,- he arrived home be found his father Hermit for the sale of aleoholle liquor ■till sitting up: ly owned, one owner. 67 Elro St. SITUATIONS w a n t e d — nn the premlaaa of 472 Eaet Middle iw s PONTIAC roach, new pa^t, WANTED TO RENT 68 Boston, Jan. 6— (A P )—From flt By The AP Feature Service Bof fine shots to cop the Lot AsKeles Father—Hae ye been out wV yer FEMALE asi Turnpike, Mancheater. Conn. The , T.SLI kU.9.MT.i •XceUent Ure.s and moloi JIHl , to 50 inches of snow covered the^ New York—Our Fairway Fathers UaiUburton (at depot) — Bay. fiLffffin ? E n u m s i E iS L I WANTED —FURNISHED apart- tiu.lneaa la owned by Liula Lenll of open with a 273 score. 1932 Dodge aedan. motor overhaul- BUSINESS SERVICES .MIDPLK AGED woman I7« Harker itrcei, Mancheater. Conn., New England .winter sports area to­ ^and out as framers of the most The proa |Ust bad to accustom Inek at all thoae men over there in a Angus—Aye, Dad. Why do ye ,«eition aa hou.ckeeper, or com- -" .t and will he mnducted by Louie Lenll suc^sful dlsamuunent agreement f with their heads together. look sas worried? ad, new brakea, good tirea. »l4f> OFFERED la of 171 Parker atreet. Maneheetar, day and unleas recent frigid tem­ themselves to hitting half- . S5 Orta Motora—6463. pankm, excellent cook, knowledge ences furnished.^ Three of.Nxkxlem times—very likely to a football team going some- Father—1 was Just wondering i The Toonerville Trolley That Meets All the Trains By Fontaine Fox Write Box J, Herald. Conn., aa parmlltae. .. peratures are chased by rain the thiee-guarter-ahoU with tbs how much tbs evening cost. FOR GpMMERaAL and domeatlc of practlc.il nuralng. Write Box 1), LOUIS LENTI— best skiing 'week-end of the season thcir\verlaatlng amaxemenL cluba msiitead of teaching for 1 k to play a post-sea^ gams. ------IB 1987 NASH SEDAN: 1936 Ford refrigerator eervlce or refrigerator Herald. Dated 6th. of Jen . 197*. Tbel\l4-club limitation on links alUngton—\8^y man, that's no Angfis—No more than half a dot-. H-l-4-39. Is tn prospect. fertly distanced weapon. lar. Dad. OTTR B O A R D IN G H O U S E eoach; 1933 Chevrolet town aedan; reilnlahlnfcy call 4078. . Wayne W. arsenals xanks as one of the few Sammy Snead authored tha low­ Jfootball team. That's ]tut a bunch 1932 Chevrolet aedan; 19.32 P ly -. LEGAL NUllCES ‘nie carnival season gets under­ of Beotebmen lighting their cigar- Father—Aye, that was nac sac| I’hllllpa. 53 W LXer atreet. Liat'OR PERMIT popular orkl practical reductlon-of- est tally with his 271 at Greens­ m'')ith 4 coach. Meaaler Naah, l o ' way and the weekly snow-tralna ate. much. I UMCUE W fke RIOHT, LIVE STOCK- ftEPORT OF CONDITIOeN OF THE ROTICE o r APPLICATIOR should carry a colorfuUy garbed weapona trekUes In our day. boro, N. C.. He also had a 378 a t Angua—It was aU she had. Handaraon Road. Tel. 7258. VEHICLES 43 Manchester Trust Company of Man- Thie le to alve notice that I Francia The weary\^dleo, round-shoul­ White Sulphur Springs. Johnny Rs- ALVIM, AMD X AM TWE MAKl 'm 'M A s J o a , MILLINERY- cheater, Conn., at the dote of bust- Donohue of 11 Pearl at real, Menchei- .crowd to the northera hills tomor­ VALUES . . . To many peroons neat on the Slat day of December. ter. Conn., have tiled an application row. • dered from stnoplng under the volta's 390 a t Sacramento wi M l''' 19 FOR SA LE -O N E new Milch Jer- 193*. weight of heavy'rtigs, voiced loud cash returns as the great- aAY u w c l b THAT DD rr / KMOWdMO THAT s o M t s o K m f DRESSMAKING dated 5th of January. 1939 with tha Fair and colder weather la aU the yearia high. More tl)^ half due In life . . . They believe aey cow FranK Glode, 1701 Tolland Anumrn I.tqoiir Control Conimleilon for a huzzahs at the an^uncement late tournaments were won with U P ^ ^ AMOS “TOLD SBPLOR6RS SPEMT ALUTHBiR LADIES HAVE your material that street. IkOnni and fllarounte ,...a 73re(-laMf>n) n.3S7.ft& will he conducted hy Krancli Dono. wert(-end: The first half of the that their mouthinga w ere^at loud as happy, perhaps, as they'd ba If MAM t h a t ROPE TO MY WAierr AMD A 0 X A d A / A / f FOWL.S, ltOA.*tTF.RH, hrollcra, CriRh on hand nnd due hue of 13 Heerl atreet, Mancheater, Lebanon outing club-Dartmouth noises, for their scores h av ^t suf' the Lords of the Links clapped some Dot—Now, Joe dear. If I do all MOVING—TRUCKING from hankfl ...... «I3.I74.R3 Conn, aa permittee. fered. EVER CLIMBED CUAdBEDTHE nOPB UMVAOUMD ADVERTISEMENTS ducks and diickllng.t. Allen. 37 dual ski meet at Hanover on Sun­ sort of reduction limit on the ac­ tha cooking for a month, what w*lll STORAIIE 20 ' FRa NCIR IXtNOHUE The rounds In the BO'a were! V t cessories. MT. EVEREST, “^A M D WHBM Z ESflCMBDIHB 1CP CotiBt All Airarage worda to a IlnA. Doane atri'ct. Tel 7010. Total aaaeta ...... 9l,366.42S.tl3 Dated 6lh. of Jan.. 1939. day; the New England aled dog aa- I gat? iMlilAla. ourobera god gbbrevlatloDa LIABILITIES H-l-<-89. as common lost year aa In 19377. \ t Nowadays golfers use bags With- Joo—Tou'U gat my life Insurance TH' MkbMSST X SlMPLVSLD OOVMsI TH ! nO P S f AU8TIN A CHAMBICKS wbeo you soclatlon races at Oasipee on Sun­ Agcb count aa a word and eompoond W AITED TO BUY •econd hand Demand depoalta, except day; the second of the season's sUU held true that a player hadad the clrcuErterence of a giant oak. and your■ freedom. '/ MOUWTAIW vorda aa two worda Minimum eoci la want Uie oca* in Locni nno Long Pnited States Govern­ give par a pretty mercileaa trim­ Rtuffed into the many compart- price of thraa Itnaa. laying battery. Phone after 5:30 p. ment depoalta. public Newfotud region accumulated ala- Dtalnnce Movuig Hally h^xpresa m. Manchester 7757. ming to win a tournament mmts overshoes, an extra ahlrt and HOLDING OFFICE I^ A MORE IM TW' WORLD, tfinc rataa par day for tranaUni Hartlord, Mancbeater HocKvtUe fund* and depoalta of WEDNESDAY NIOHT LEAOVE lom races at Bristol, Sunday, and other hanka ...... f 932.549 34 (V Allcya) horse racing on ice, Saturday, at The 14-club rule wasn't a fort- sweater, waterproof trousen, two OR LESS XWLUCKY EXPER­ AM DW HEM WE Effoett^v H ar^ IT, l e t Pbon# 62«ti 68 Hoillatei atreet U’nllefl Htatea flovarn- nlgbtold before Johnny Thomson dozen balls, siin glasses and rein- IENCE. IT 18 TOO MUCH LIKE y ■ Caab Charge merit and postal savings Deny and Canaan—all in New Where Doigs Are Fed R E T U R M E D FUEL AND FEED 49 A L. T. proved last January that It didn't edies for nose bleed, earache and OmNO HOME TO LIVE WITH A t Oonaecutivacutiva ..| 7 eiai • deta a ' ■ ■ ' depoalta ...... ,971.49 Wood (1) Hampshire. WELL-TO-DO AND INDULGENT WS WAS~wv t OoDcecuUva ^aya t eta il uta Depoalta of othar banks Palmer ...... 87 91 98—371 The crowds tn the hlUs these days really matter. He turned on a kjast sleeping sickness. * Pears and Lobsters I Day ...... I Uu ctaicu, II}i etadl PAINTING^PAFKRING 21 FOR SALE-ALFALFA and aover FATHER A FEW YEARS. AND {demand and time) .... 210.91 PerklnS ...... 1 2 5 98 101—834 are good evidence of the Inaugunl CTARTED althar by volcanic ac- All o rd a ^ for Irregular ina»rtiona hay. John Kraus. Reasonable price. IMibltc funds of state, McIntosh ...... THEN GETTINO KICKED OUT. vlll be ebdrg^ at the on* ttm* rate PROPERTY OWNERS AltchUon 150 HillStowTi Road, East Hartford. munlcipalltlea, etc (de­ ,..1 1 9 132 102—353 remark of Governor Francis P. Mur­ tioD or prolonged rains, a dis­ •pec^l rataa for tong irrm evary 30 95 rrpapera room. vilmK paper­ mand and time) ...... U2.703.43 HlUlnakl ...... 103 108 119- 330 phy of New Hampshire—that recre­ Inches powder over 20 base at Top aimounced today. Other oSioera arttalng glv«ri upon ragueat. Horse trail, 3S00-foot elevation. ' Mrs. Goldreck—Do you remembsr astrous mountain slide recently ed or kalsumlned Material, labor C4'ttlfle4l Mnd offlcera* I..OW Man ... a . . . . 90 86 86 —262 ation Is the state's second largest cho:«n were Irving B. Wnght of how you used te tell me you were brought death to scorn In pic­ Terderad before the third or Afth ( herkn and dividend* Skiing good. Boston, vice-president; Percy Rogers '^irllJ be eberged onl> for ch* ac> complete Inside, uutaide painting GARDEN—FARM- unpaid ...... industry. going to lavish your wealth on me? turesque St. Lucia, tiny Island In I ■ember of ttmea cbe ad eppvar* Large savings Work guaranteed 1! 795,64 524 516 501 1540 Opening the 1939 intercollegiate .Barre—Skiing excellent; olx-inch of Exeter, N. H., secretary, and J. DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 Other Ilabtlltlea ...... 1. 193 8« . Ooldreck-rtTss, dear. the British W nt Indies. So tec Charging at the rate earned but Phone 3092 Jteaervn for loaaas and Tall Cedars (8) season next week-end, the Univer­ powder on tour frozen base; prac­ Brooks Fenno, Jr., of Boston, treaa-- Mrs. Goldrech—Well, big boy, laqd- believed to have been dis­ ■C ■tSevaoee er refunda can be made ■ecurillea depreciation I7».«6 . Heck ...... 90 _ 119^209 sity of Vermont will be host to tice Blopca well packed; l()00-foot urer. , an d a time ale atopped after the FOR SALsE TWO plga. alao lOU Totol capital account ... how about lavtsblng a dims for covered by Columbus in 1503 •ftb lay. 111.I » IBlllnfrton ...... 105 105 86—296 Dartmouth, Middlebury, Norwich sk. tow operating dally. The delegates cbciMq^ represent pair of new shoestrings? made tee headlines. buflheV large potntues. Marlin Kiiff, t Montpelier—Six uicbea powder on No **tlll forblda": diapley linea not REPAIRING 23 Millstotyn Road, Manchester. Tot.*!!, In c lu d in g ra p lta l Davis ...... 1 0 8 63 114—315 and Williams. The Vermont Down- this section at the annuaKjneetlng of But S t Luda rarely does that. X •blA ac.uuilt ...... II.166.436.SI Berry ...... 97 117 67—311 hlU championship wlU take place three frozen base. Skiing excellent. the U. S. L. T. A. were Fred Bundy WE SEEM TO BE GETTING There is no great commerce, no ac­ The Herald will not be reaponaible ROOFING AND Siding oili special­ Brattleboro — Six Inches anbw, Car acre than one incorrect Insertion Hiaio of Connecticut, County of McGonIgal . , , . . . n o 117 105-332 January 29 on the Nose Dive, ML and James Mosa of Maasachuaette; OUT OF THE MIRE. BUT THE tivity there to put il in the news­ • t any adveriUemem ordered for ty. Workmanship guaranteed rime HOUSEHOLD GINIDS 51 ll..irtrordIee. Mnncltealer. Schicldge...... — 86 ----- 89 Mansfield. This spot, says Ulrich breakable crust; eight Inches' with Herbert Corbin ol Cbnnectlcut; Wil­ 8TRA1N ON OUR BOOTSTRAPS papers. For tha most part its 66,- payments arranged. Hainung ana I. H a ro ld C. A lvord, S e c re ta ry an d light glaze at Wilmington. Mora Uiao one time Treaaurer of tha above named bank. Beutter, national tewnhiU champ liam Ingraham of Rboda Island; IS TERRIFIC. 000 inhabitants, largely Negroes, Tba Inadvertent omiaaiun of moor- carpentry A A Dion. Inc. 81 VVelis New Year's Special Nearport-Six-Inch bass and six tael publication dl advartltlns .will ba do lolomenly ,4vaar that tha above 510 518 521 1549 last year, ts one ot the outstanding Roger Brackett of Vermont; Wil­ lead a prosaic Ufa, mgaged In the rattlBedlIS i' only by cancollatton of tha street. Phone 48BU. 3 ROOMS FURNITURE etatement la true lo th e , beat of my Bryant And Chanmai, (8) racing runs In the world. He com­ powder. Perfect conditions Mem- liam Barron of New Hampahlret A woman traveling by train tn gathering and the shipment o( LSV EM = eharae made for the earvlee rendered COMPLETE ...... 3175 knowlcdae and belief/. Woods ...... 91 100 phremagog region. Open meet Sun­ Amsrela got into conversation with lIAIti'Lli r. AI.VORD 106 297 pares It to the Olympic course at Robert Verrill of Maine. bananas, sugar, copra, limes, ca­ ALVIKI - All advertleementa muet conform — IncIiKles Decorating Service Cummings ... .. 84 61 101—276 Garmlsch-PartenKlrchen. day. the man tn tha next seat She bap- cao, nutmegs and logwood. to atyla, copy and typography witb MONEY TO LOAN 3.1 Hubiicrlbed and atv'irn to before me psoed to mention that aba hoped>ed to WAUREO ragvlatlofia anforced by the puunsh- —Includes ‘.‘Blue Ribbon" Furniture tbiB 5tb day t.f J a n u a ry , 1939. Wright ...... 97 92 121—310 Time trials will be held Sunday New Hampohlre Much of the island Is unculti­ m and thty reaerva the right to Includes rugs, lamps, etc. HL'SSELL U HATHKWAT Burr ...... ,..121 127 114-382 on the ML Qreylock Thunderbolt Whltefleld—Five Inches powder ■pend a faw days In San Joae: vated, a wild beautiful garden in O U T OM ertl. feviee er rejeei ant copy eon- REFINANCE your car. Will loan —Includes Free Delivery A iltorage Notary Hubitc Skoog ...... 107 VINES BEATS BIIINX Man—You pronounce that wrong. H -I-6-19. 127 103—837 trail In the Berksbires under the over tour-inch base. Skiing gocxl R Is Ban Hosay. In California you the Caribbean. Fruits, flowers i c y T h a t o m e -.^ sMered eblactlanable money on automobile. Colonial Dis­ Here is one of the flnest 3 room auspices of the Adams Tbimderbolt open slopes; traila windblown. and countless varieties of spices eUMINO HOURS—ClaaelSed ads count Corp., 650 Main street. H art­ should pronounce all 'J's' as 'h't'. te be publlihed aeme day mull be re- outflts we have yet to offer. You re­ 500 537 545 1582 ski club. Entrants must be mem­ Caimon mountain (Tramway)— grow In abundance. Food U so V. ______cofn.j m ealeed by It o'clock noon; Saturdaye ford. IN THIRD NETMATCH Rtesn art you thinking of going ceive everything complete for the WfesT SIDF. LEAGL'E North Ends (1) bers of the U. S. Eastern Amateur Four inches new snow over 33 wind­ th sra? plentiful that the ordinarily ex­ home. Ineliuled are: complete bed­ (Rec AUeya) Kroll ...... — 120 108—323 Ski AosoclsUon. An automatic tele­ blown powder. Wemaa (thinking for a momant) pensive alligator pears and lob­ TELEPHONE YOUR HELP WANTED— room, complete living room and O Brlght ...... 98 86 184 graphic starting device will be used Lincoln—Four powder over 12 Philadelphia, Jan-. 6.-—(AP) — )—B) Rmts and Huly. sters hra fed regularly to the bouse complete kitchen outfit. We believe Newcyjmb ...... 117 113 102—332 kor the first time. Inch base. Back in tee form that made- him pats. Everything grows luihly / FEMALE 8.5 Two great matchea were rolled off WANT ADS that If you see It, you will be con­ last night In the aecond round of the Brogan ...... 105 109 92—306 Conditions: North Oonway—14 Inches, pow­ one of tee game's outstanding Wouldn’t BaaUtovani. M oaart and under the hot tropical sun of St Sum c HY SMITH They Shall Not Pass By JOHN C TERRY Ada are accapted ovar the talaphona CLEAN WHITE GIRL, Proteatant. vinced that this Is an unusual value. West Side Rec bowling league, with LaChapelle ...... 127 94 84—305 Sfoasoehnsetts der. teurs a few years back, Ellsworth tha hoya of long ago .lift an eyebrow Luda. at tba CHAROk: RATK glvaa abova for general housework. In smsil 317 50 DOWN DF.LIVER.S 1t the Manchester Electric Co. battling H. Crandall ...... 89 — 91—180 Berkshlres—Mt. Greyloclc, four Franconia Notch-Five inches Vines. smashed through to a con­ if they could aee the leaders today Castries Is the only town ot SaXCAty SMfTH HAS U N I# 5 5 I CAM OO aa a eonvqnicnce to advertlaera, but vincing straight set victory over consequence on the island. As a tha CASH HATEM will be accepted aa American family In West Hart­ We will arrange convenient budget, the Paganl's Barbers to a stand­ Inches powder at bottom to 12 In­ new over 19-Inch base. ' directing orchestra with their NEW CALEPONtA ON terms fo.- you and will give you afi still, and Renn't returning to cham­ 536 522 472 1530 ches at summit, traila packed. Fast. Laconia—10 Inches snow, dry. Don Budge in the third match of blpa? British naval station and capital FULL PATMENT It paid at tba bual- ford. Experience not necessary fur it has kmg been forUfled, is con­ L£a OEHiSEUGHT MC W AS office on or before the seventh girl willing and anxious to learn long as 18 months to pay the bal­ pionship form' to nose the Bluefields Vernon Rocketeers (t) Bellows Pipe trail very good entire PInkham Notch—29 Inches, pow­ their profeasiojuU tennis tour. r/iA U A ' ~POH e U P E f i day followiitg the Qret Inaertloa af ance, with this stipulation; no pay­ oiit In alt three games to take four Bill Barton ...... 90 — 118—203 length. Thunderbolt very good ex­ der surface. Unable to win a act from the' Read I t O r N ot— sidered one of tea best defended aaeh ad otherwise the GHAAUB Write Box O, care of Herald. lanky California redhead la match­ spots in the British West Indies, s m u . UNR&VETEP* RATS will be cuUecied. Ne reaponsl- ments In esse of sickness or unera- points for the evening. Leo ...... 101 104 115—320 cept middle one-third but fully WaterviUe valley—18 Inches, pow­ Tha only flah th a t do not Bleep are Mltty for errors In telephoned ada ployment. Pete Hansen paced the beer barons Prank B.-irton . . . . 96 99 110—305 broken. der surface. es at New York and Boston, Vines aalmon, pika, and goldflah. its harbor is landlocked, provid­ NIU ba aasume^l and their aocuracy from Cooper street with a high sin­ Goodrich ...... 109 98 107—314 Vermont Bfaioe dazzled a crowd of 7,000 a t Con­ ing exceptional and strategic fa- aaOQot be gunrN'nteed PHO.VE OR WRITE FOR A FREE vention Hall last night as be won. "COURTE.SY A UtO “ gle of 144 and a three game total of Howard Barton .. 88 100 123—311 Stowe—20 to 24 Inches In notch Augusta—Best skiing oohdltlons SINCE CERTAINTY OF ECON clUtisa for the Royal naval forces 387, while similar honors went to Norman Barton .... — 9? — 92 6-3, 6-3, 6-4. OMJC STATUS SEEMS TO BE as wall aa an im portant harbor for INDEX OF Why not take ndvantave of our Increasing to 50 and 60 near sum­ bf oeason; 4 to 6 Inches new fluffy From tee time Budge missed an Freddy McCurry of tlje' Electric Co. mit; 12-incb powder surface; condi­ snow covering base of 8 to 10 In OUT o r THE qUES'nON FOR commercial shipping. "Courtesy Auto" Service? We will Renn'a Taverh (4) easy kill at tee net tn tee very ANOHER GENERATION, WE St. Luda was created by vol­ CLASSIFICATIONS call for you. bring you to the store 484 493 568 IMS tions excellent on UI trails and moat western sections. Slopes excellent. first game of tee match. Vines w«s' EM ERC^CY Haefs ...... 117 Second Congoes (2) open slopes. MIGHT AS WELL ADJUST OUR­ canic action. Volcanoes may de­ ^Mrths jt and take you back home again. Breen ...... 101 superior. He made nine aces to SELVES TO UNCERTAINTY. stroy It agsin, but meantime life Xosasamants ...... R Please remember that you are under B. Mazzoll ...... 108 110 101—319 Rutland—Pico Peak open slope Budge's 2 and scored 37 placemsnta Narrlagea •a,fe«eee*ae«eeeee-ee O Vennart ...... 11.3 K. Kiihney ...... 80 92 79—251 eight base, four powder; skiing THURSTON HEADS TENNIS imes on there remote and imdls- Dsetha ...... u no oblig.atlon xvhatsoevcr. Nelson ...... 116 to 11 with a powerful forehand SOAP IS A VERY FINE THING turbed by the troubles ot the rest Card at Tbanka ...... K A - L B- E—R T -H W. Lalldy ...... 114 105 95—314 good. Sunset Schusa average 20 drive teat had ^ d g e ccmtinually on FOR THE BODY. IT MIGHT BE CALLS Hansen ...... 115 E. Tanner ...... 105 89 103—297 Boston, Jan. 6.—(AP)—Election of tha world. The harbor at Port la Masaorlam ...... r Main Store—Waterbury base, four powder. Skll^ go^ on tee defensive. WELL FOR US IF WE HAD SOME Castries Is shown above on a cur­ Lost sad Found ...... I F. Gregor ... ___ 79 101 96—276 mld(lle mile. Sbrewaliury area, of Joseph W. Thurston of Hartford, Vines’ match point was a biasing Aasooneementa ...... t All Stores Open Wed. A Sat. Eves.. 563 527 549 1639 Oenn., os president of tha New Eng­ BOND OF SOAP WHICH WOULD rent stamp of the island. four powder over 10 base on open ace teat whistled past Budge aa hs WORK ON THE MIND. Parseaaie ...... • lUnellelds (0) land Lawn Tennis Association woa (Copyrlgbi- teU, NEA Servica, Inc.) AatoMoblleo FOR SALE—USED WASHING ma­ Martin ...... 101 99 JOS 405 486 497 474 1407 slope, 3300-foot elevation; seven murmured: “Oh, my, oh, my." Auiomobllea for Male ...... « chines—Easy, Maytag, Blackstone. Patton ...... '106 105 95 300 Atttomobllea for Uichurig* ...... 6 POLICE 320.00 np. Fully rcconclltloned and Toscano ...... 129 109 89 327 Auto AcccaaortCB-—Tlrta ...... « guaranteed. Kemp's Inc. Phone FR] Avle Repairing—Palming ...... 7 Dwyer ...... 112 86 96 294 AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser WASHINGTON TITRBS \ Auto BchooU ...... T-A 5680/ Bengstori ---- I l l 115 115 341 B By (’rane OUT OUR WAY Ahtoa—Ship by Truck ...... • 4343 HOLD EVERYTHING i s x t Atttea»For Hire ...... » 559 514 600 1673 FLAPPER FANNY By SylviB paragee-^orvlca—dtorage ...... la SoMCir, JUMB— I MotoreyeUa—Btcyelea ...... li MACHINERY AND -eoea.iwestisswsyice.sie. t. a eta u. a mt. Wanted Autoe—Uotorcyeles II FIRE T(M)I«S 52 Electric C'o. (2) CANT 00MB OVBR / XM UP ^htelaSM aad Prwtaaalaaal dervlree SOUTH J McCaw 78 95 . 89 262 1b M r VARS IKJ HOMBIMOBK/ Bualbcae fiervicea Offered ...... 11 USED AND RECONDITIONED H. Btdwell . . aO l 94 109 304 s n l e u LATER I Household Services Offered ....ll'A tractors. Fordsun parts, used put A. Gustafson . 97 117 101 305 Bonding—ContractiQg ...... 1.4 4321 Florlita^NoraerUi ...... n Icya Dublin Tractor Company, F, ilcCutry . .140 104 121 365 Funeral Directors ...... la Wlllimantlc. A. Wilhelm . . .9 1 99 94 284 Healing—Plumbing—Roofing ... u NORTH iBauraoce ...... li klllllnery—Dreasmsklng ...... it 5432 ROOMS WITHOUT I 514 Itovlog—Tracking—Storage I\) Pagart’s Barben (*1 Fobllc Passenger Service ...... „I0-A BOARD 59 M- Schubert . ...105 119 lOV Fainting—Ps pe ri ng p. Paganl ... ..103 91 91 Frofaaafonal* laional SarvlcaaServfe !!!!!! FOR RENT—FURNISHED room R. Andlsio . . . .100 89 105 X a p a lrln s ...... AMBULANCE for one or two refined persons. 4} W. H a n d ___ Tallertna—Drains—CUanins . .119 104 105 n llat Good, and S.rvic. ___ Edmund street. Telephone 4238. . B. Schubert . . .113 102 n o - wanted—Bostnoi* Service (IM)UGAN) CdttvatleaaJ 540 505 512 Copraaa and Clsseea ...... 5630 BOARDERS WANTED 59-A Frlkate tnsirucilons *...... D w »eln# ...... (HOl.I.ORAN) ROOM WITH wOR without / hoard, M aaleal—D ram atic ...... eomfortable, pleasant anil reason- g r a n t e d DIVORCE Wantad—Inctruclona ...... 19 nhle. Inquire 218 School street or Chicago. Jan. 6 —(API—In a 10- _ FlN aarlal 3060 phone 7759. —StMka—Morta.aM ...... l i mlnute court hearing, Mrs. Con­ Paamaat Orportumtlc ...... j- (OUISH) FOR RE.NT—TWO furnished rooms, stance Talmadge Netcher, star of MoBay to Loan j| the ailent movies, was giver an tm- Malp aa, lliaanoaa well heated, with or without board. T U f TT TM Salp Waniod—Female ...... le 4340 163 Main street. Telephone 3284. contested divorce from Townsend 1MK VARLY CHRISTIANB Balp Wanted-Male ...... |« Netcher. wealthy Chiimgoaii. It was LAOCBO MARMONY. BY C8NTURY , *TX! ■alaamen Wanted ...... h . a Mrs. Netcheris third divorce. IMB U TM CBMTURY , •OMATA WAS Da - ,;.'x Halp Wanted—Male or Femele.. It HOSPITAL A catt Wanted ...... i i . ^ APARTMENTS. FLATS. SUteOE EYBTBM OF VBLOFBO AMO *114! BUoatlone Wanted—Female . .. II TENEMENTS 6a RETIRED DRUGGIST DIES RlAUr- RBAOtNO HAD rDM-IAM OPCRA ■itnationa Wanted—Male ...... i t BBPloymeni Asencir...... 40 5131 BBBN DBVIMO'' StCAMB A ' FOR I^ENT - FIVE ROOM flat, wtth Greenwich, Jan. 6.—(API—John OOMINAMT Siaeh—Reea—Hoaitrr— tvbirlra heat furnished Apply M. J. Cough­ J. Carl. 91, a retired wholesale •■r 1. ‘3B S ^ a — B Irda—P e te ...... 41 f o r m * __ U*« Stock —Vebiclea lin. 185 North Main streeL druggist, of New York City, died FOBltry and Buppilea ...... todsy at the Kent*House. Wanted— Pete— Poultry— WATER DEPT. FOR RENT -6 ROOM tenement, all F#v Sal^B^M lel^l I fill w ee * modem improvements. garage. 32 DIE IN INTENSE COLD m Artteles For Sale ...... \dults only Telephone 8301, or in­ Noatarand Acceseorlaa 3077 quire H Edterton street. Bvlldlog 'Hateiiale ...... (A fter .9 I* M.) Istanbul. Turkey. Jan. fl—(API- Olaoionda—Watches—Jewelry Intense cold and rttxxards In remote Blectrical AppMancee—Rs^:o .. aeetlons of Anatolia (Asiatic Tur­ "Dep*rtnient of Justioer . . . I think we’ve been stude 1 Fuel and Feed ...... 7868 key) have taken 32 Uvea and caused **But I don’t LIKE snooty rcHstsUrsnti. wsnts est wbtrs: S l ^ e n — F a rm — E>a!ry Prrjducts w ith • phony quuler. How do those counterfeits sound they have paper nipkins and ftve more Uoda of deMerta.' •V/' M Ouaehoid Goods ...... Read The Herald Advs. tsidespread suffering In recent days. - — *1 )1 1 1 1 1 1 ’ or •plunk’7” M achinery and Toole ...... GUAJROIAM M usical in s tru m e n ts ...'...... MANCHESTER Office and Store Equipaaut .we, •■ a clala a t th e S to res ...... WATER CO. ALLEY OOP The Old Double-Cross By HAMMK 5*srtng Apparel—Furs e ...... MYRA NOUTHy SPECIAL NURSE Where*! Glider? W an ted —To Buy ...... By THOMPSON AND (XHX Mwoi^^^Roerd™ HetelS"! Resorts vZOHf PETHA’/YbUTUMI" Reetaaranta 5974 Staom a W ithout Board ...... li HIMT/ OOM'T TOUCH THATl IMA t% OUfCHa* , A ciu*u.y| Huardan Wanted ...... ;. i »-a KMO!/THef'RE AU. JCf OOP ABOT/CUr-TOuHvliHaTlBOZ^ ^■Utay Board—Heaorta ...4 ,,,. to HBAMLY 04A S6E D Metela—Reataurante ...... gj TIFP w aated—Rooms—Board ...... di GAS CO. WITH KLSCTBtCnvaj Raal Batata Far Rent T o u r ^artm en^ Flats. Tenymenla .. %t Bufinaa LotMtlona for Rant ... 64 5075 Mouses For Rant . . . . i d %h Huburban For Rent ...... «e fmrum^T Homaa For Rent ...••• 67 MMBAAM5. Wanted to Rent ...... t i r r Real Cntute Far tala i ELECTRIC CO. t s -.aent Building for Sale •••' ft 7 M B made P ro p e rty fo r B a l e ...... t a aenxtto Land for Me ii 5181 laaea Car Sala CABPSV* fo r Bale >rt Frvparty for 9al. .. ih M ^ f o r Sals...... *SIMSO"/ ita Cor Bxehaag...... Evening Herald lUal Batato 4 ... Jaoilas iMol Mm II 5121