WW JT^ F A O X T W C L V a Etmtbio Vcndi^ THURSDAY. JANUARY 8, Ittt Th* Holy Nam* Soetoty o t 8 t Metnbere.of tha flwedleb Oon- club and was a member o t th* com- Bridc*t'a churcli will meet toalfht gregetlonel church era reminded of SONOFDEPim r^ mltta* which held ana of th* most € : ABOUT TOWN la St. Bridget'* hall aad perfected the annual busbiees 'mae^ng to­ L o{m I Man Wins His Bet; Buccaadful daocaa the club has ever arraagemeate for t ^ ret^vlag of morrow evening et 7:S0. bad at tha Waverly Inn te Cheshire HALE'S in ’, and Mrs. Fred W. Moor* and coaummloo la a /body at the 9 RESUMES O S R (A )IE $ oa Dec.. 3Sth. ta addition to aU other Mr. end Hr*. Hubert C. Mete* of -a': baby eon who have recently moved o'clock maes oa Suaday. /Then Again He Doesn*t acUvlUes Thomas has been nanaad SELF SERVE (CtesaUled Advertlsteg an Page U ) MANCHESTER. CONN„ FRIDAY. JANUARY 6,1939 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE rURBB CENTH to a new home at 10 Jean road, held Doane atreet ere guest* et the Ho­ to the Deafl’s Honoi Roll for "dis­ ^ TO L. LVnL, NO. 82 open bouse for their friends early Patroaa of the Rockrllle-Hartford tel Commodpre, New York City. Thonaa E. Dnnnaher Is Jnnior tinguished acholarablp'" for tht Brat 2:30 to 5:30 this week. buB Uae who have beea eajo^ag the A t > o’clock this mernteg tbarak drive la. gat th* paper aad b* back At Niagara University; His qiiartar o t th* currant ‘scholastic FRIDAY SPEOALS ___ ! uae of a abw and modem bus found The Young People'* aodety of was a amaU group gathered et a aad plao* it oe oa* of th* oouaters year. the Concordia Lutheran church will Activities There^ Scene of Allesred Parties Th* annual birthday party supper j it necesa*ry to travel by one of the local bowling alley. There was a la 35 mlnutea The bat waa placed ■\ o t the Women's Auxiliary of at. j eld buses this morning when one of hold Its monthly busineaa meetteg •ad away raced tha aiaa aiafcteg Green Stamps Given UmvitTOW evening at 8 o'clock, question aa to which horse wo^ a *»- Mary's church has been planned tor j the three new buses used pn the tha bet la^taas than tha 38 mlit Thomas/'E. Dannaher, eon ot SEEK TO EARMARK With Cash Sale& Friday. January 13 at 6:30 p. m. in Rofkvllle line went out of commls- when annual report! will be eub- certain race at a certain track. No­ utes be was hack. Tha door was iieZECIIS USE BIG GUNS 'mltted by the officers and hlstort- body waa sure. One of thoae Inter­ Deputy .Judge and Mr*. Thom** J. %: the parish house, It was announced l alon. locked aad ha could not get laslde today. Reservations may be made sn. Miss Louise Heller will lead the ested made the statement that the to Uy the paper where h* said be Dannaher of Bigelow street, return­ OIMIRSL U lLIC TR IC by phoning Mrs. Harold Dougan. of The first sitting In the North End devotions. A week from Saturday, way to get the result waa to drive would bav* It la 38 aiiautaa. Beta ed to Niagara Falla, N. Y., yesterday ■ C ' the 14th, the society will entertain FUTURE SPENDING to Hartford, go to Union Station were called off aad h* was given Rite Crackers Newman street. Setback tournament waa played last to resume hla studies aa a junior in the Waterbury Luther League et e and buy a paper carrying the rac­ back bU 83. WASHERS night. Only nine of the 10 teams th* Niagara University School of IN BAHLE ON BORDER Monday night, January !), at 7.4b scheduled to start played Cope's Liwllng match and fellowship hour. ing results. He bet $3 that be could He had th* paper. .Miss Fre<Is Roth and Mrs. Edna 17c p k g . ; p. m. the Mens Friendship club of Curbstones won first place with a Busteaas. Thomas is a graduate ot ONE CONTROL WRINGER i f the South Methodist church will score of 213. , Other teams and Kulplnaky will be In charge. the Manchester High school, class ON^WPA PROGRAM meet tn hear James F. Leonard ot their scores were: Count's Barbers. of 19S8A. While at High school he General Welfare Center wUI hold Hartford speaa on "Fads; Fashions 201; ravla, 199. Community Lunch. i ANNUAL CHURCH MEET was very much Interested te dra­ $ 4 6 *S 0 Its regular meeting Friday evening H o r m e t :m HOLDUP .MAN ARMED and Facts". Mr. Leonard has made 195; Stars, 182; Aces,' 177; Orlols. POUCECOURT matics and track. He has continued WITH HUNGARY ARMY at 8 o'clock at the School street ONLY WITH m s PIPK a study of trends and changes In 151; Wing.s, 150; Jokers, 146. The thee* tenreata in college, , being ' Ale n a te Committee Agrees On I Recreation Center. New officers ARRANGED FOR JAN. 22 In town court last night William various fields, and an interesting next sitting will be played at the manager of tha track team and a TlM COM S p a m Philadelphia, Jan. 6.— (A P )— (ItOMlNO ROOSTERS MAY ‘ ik evening Is foreseen by the commit-1 who will serve during the current R. Palciynakt. 30, ttf Provldenc*. member of 'The Maaquers’’, the col­ Community Luneh January 11. six monthi are: President. Alfred Formnla To Strip Admin- A "customer" approached Verr BECOME PART OP FAST Reports Of Conflict h ro lr- ^;4 tee In charce. charged with passing a atandteg lege dramaUc club. He has taken Blatter: vice-preeldent, William Board Of Emanuel Lutheran trolley car on th* wrong aide of the onica McConville, 22. cashier of a ! IHTTLER TAKES The Ladles' Aid society of" the part te aeveral of the plays in the 24e c a n ^ ^ . Oreaca, N. Y.. Jan. 4— (A P )— The Stamp Collectors' club will | Keith; treasurer. Mra. HatUe Jen­ Decides On Date To Trans­ street, entered.* plea of nolo ctei- restaurant, today and luid: "Thla QuarryvlUe Methodist church. Bol­ sen; secretary, John J. Zapadks; past two years and haa juat been istntor Of Discretion In | la a Btlckup." Crowing roosters may soon be­ ing Cannon, Tanks A i i 4 meet Monday at 8 p. m In the Hotel j act Important Business. tendre. He was asaesaed the coat* named aaelstant director. ton. will hold a food sale In Marlow'a Charles Bronson and George Janes He held hla band menactogly come a thing of the past to dis­ '■ ■i®’ Sheridan store Ssturdny morning, starting at of court The case of Russell Rich­ ANOTHER STEP were elected chairmen of publicity ards, 21, of 19 Winter street, charg­ He la president of the Connecticut tn a coat pocket. turbed residents of this village. Armored Cars Spreads 9 o'rlock. P u r e L a d A location To The. States. I The town council haa sat Fri­ Two of the recently elected Jus- j and memberahlp. reapectlvely. The aaaiial meeting of the Eman­ ed ts^Ui operating a vehicle with de­ A customer who came by to . fective headlights waa noUed oa pay hla check sAw the cashier's | day, Feb. 3, for a public hearing 5J^- Uoes of the Peace yet remain to Shenvood O. Bowers, who la de ­ uel Lutheran church will be held on TO D O m T IO N on a propoeal .to ban fowl, cows, Girl ScouU of Troop 16. Mrs. payment of costs. agitation and asked the reason Wave Of ExdtemeB qualify for the position by laxirg veloping properly on Denilng street Sunday afternoon, 'January 22, it 9c lb . p k g T Washington, Jan. 6.— (A P I — awtee, goats, sheep and other Armstrong captain, will meet to­ The caaaa of John T. McOowaU, for It. 1 the oath of office, according to the has paid for the Installation o t a Are was decided at a meeting of the animals except cats and dogs night at 6:30 o'clock at the West Id, of 28 LUley street, held for viola­ Manibers of the Senate Unemploy­ ‘This man," Miss McConville Town Clerk. hydrant near bis property. Although Board of Administration last night. from realdontlal sections. Ikroafk m tioi; Officidt' Side Rec. tion of rules of the road, and Henry ment Committee agreed Informally said, "ta holding me up." | outside of the district covered by Business to come before the meet­ n n linfonnatioB Indicates Fneh- The measure further piovtdea ' The local office of the Jt)hn Han­ D. Prior, 31. of 128 Welle street, today to attempt to earmark the The customer swung a rigfit to the Manchester Fire department the Officers will be Installed at the ing will Include the election of three charged with speeding, were order­ n . JWHAU com that no' resident can harbor cock Inaurance Company, which has the man's jaw. In ContnmoQs Conferaoe new hydrant will be handy In case regular meeting of Scandla todge. deacons and three trustees to the ed continued to Friday night's ses­ RADIO future dlatributlon'of Federal fund* rer Sounded Ont Beck R e ‘'more than two dogs except been located In the State Theater of a Are. No. 23. Order of Vasa, at Orange Board and the election of a Sunday sion.
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