- _,- r < • -r -t -i * ' -:, ¦ ¦ ¦ Z' tyZ X :;.:i . ;: ":* : ' i. -.i '-i ¦ ; WESaXS Qr-- DP OB^ THE. HAND COM .. i y^S^^ i ' ' THE "IRISHMAN " NEWSPAPEfl. ¦ "'" \ 7" . . "<.£&NT. A public meeting was held on Monday evening, July 1st XO THS MUD MEMBERS IN PARTICUL/B, , at the Farringdon Hall, Farringdon-street - ASD TO THE" "WORKING CLASSES by the, friends of the " Irishman " newspaper, to GENERALLY. consider , the best means of re-establishing it on a permanent footing, and to give stability to its ¦ ¦ circulation. • Mt Fbiesds,— ... ! As much anxiety has be» JotaraBy- ielt The chair was taken at eight o'clock, by G. Juliak Habnbv, who expressed his satisfaction vrith respect to the winding up of the Land at seeing Englishmen and Irishmen going hand-in- Company, I beg to inform the members that r ; hand together for the most glorious of all causes— steps are now, being taken .to ¦ ihe requisite that of fraternal liberty, by the march of intellect , which I havethe greatest , affect that obiect m !^ MM l^ i^ iiS^ ^ i^fe whicb would ultimately break down every, barrier interest Perhaps : the people will nave ' In ' - that retarded human progress. . The chairman con/ which ¦ already learned tbedifficulties i against ¦ ' ^ eluded by calling on the meeting to support tbeir M. DU P. 663; ¦ "-. ' hWO ¦ ¦ ¦ I - " " - ¦ ¦ f . ¦ fr iJi. l., i;. lM• , , ^tzZ^^iS¦ ^S^. , . ¦' .;¦ ¦ • I have had tb contend—not'legal difficultiesa ' —' ,, .,. , , - S^iLm.-. free and untrammeled journal , and not allow such a ¦ ' ' or Parliamentary difficulties only, but class be measured by state necessity and nationa ! the necessary arrangements had . been made • .. . CHARTIST MEETING AT LIMBHpUSE. nd, with the aid of tracts, feffeet muoh" glorious organ of the people's rights to fall to the 1 1 ¦ go ¦ pd for the opposition, upon which those legal and .Par- the fact which will take place on Thurs- Democratic cause; (Loud 'cheers.)•";' ¦' ' Z: ground. The chairman called on Mr. Joyce, the requirement; and now.to prove , from for this affair, r ; liamentary difficulties are based ; because the John-street Instigation, '. A cvoT?defl meeting.was held in the large" hall of :Mr; Matthias also ably and briefly supported the secretary, to address the meeting. the one instance furnished by the. Chrbnicle^-if day, July 21th, at the tUei Phosnix.iTavern, . Ratcliffe whichf was then classes must' understand, that the Cross, bh Mbridtty resolution^ put;'and oarrled una- Mr. yce said, it was rather an unusual thing working Sir Robert Peel's father employed fifteen -~-The Weekly Meetings at John-street.—-It was evening lasti fiLri-BaooKBsv having 1 been called r to nimousl Jo ; y. .After the usual honours to the¦ chairman, to see a man of his humble station in life presenting term law is a merefarce as regardsitheir class, thousand hands; and made a profit of only. one resolved '.—" That the Institution be taken for the chair, entreated a hearing.fbr those who might the meeting separated: ft - .. . .> -. :; ' -- • ¦ the House of Commons is a mere differ, himself before a public meeting, on a platform, but I and that shilling a week,up on the labour of eachi that six weeks, commencing Tuesday eveningV.July in Opinion with them, and introduced Mr.¦ 'John¦ , Shiiw,, latel i ¦ • • '• / ¦ r in the absence of a worth friend to liberty—namely, ** Show Box" where tricksters perform to would amount .to seven hundred arid fift y I6th; and'that no meeting be held on'Tuesday y/liberated from Newgate: ' ; - ; y : • tMr. John jHAw—who was;hailed with a • tri Mr. Clancey,. the responsibility fell on him, but their own advantage, and not to the advantage pounds a week, or thirty-ninethousand pounds evening next,- in consequence of the 'Ernest ple LITERAltY AND SCIENTIFIC ilfsTITtrTION, round ofr applause-r-moved the followingresolufion": JOHlf-STEEET, T0TTMHAM-Cp.CR^ROAD. the day had arrived when a man should not shrink of those whose interests they profess to serve. a year, and I put the profit down at less than Jones': festival,f'on the succeeding Thursday ' "T hat tbis meeting is of opinion that the happiness from any responsibility that the cause of liberty , or 1: . Let me give you the clearest definition one third the real amount. Well, then, had evening, Delegate Council.-— and; prosperity, —Metropolitan of nations depend coiofl^npon 'tbe On Tuesday evening a^crdwded meeting was held his country, called on him to fulfil. He concluded between the position of one who devotes his it not been for this advantage Sir Robert Mr.; AntiH to ascertain . it his perfection of their social as well as their ' political in the above ^ . ,. attended / institution/ convened by the vExecutivo by reading a letter of excuse from Mr. Or. W. M. time to tiieservice of thepoor, and of him who Peel havebeen still living, and working fistj,''compromising[ members,1 would be institutions ;;it desires, therefore, deliberately 'and Committee, of the National Charter Association.1 ' may 1 thirty Reynolds, for not being able to attend, and another devotes his time to his own services. I have at his loom or on the land; and what this solemnly/to express its conviction of the nselessiiess Mn T.; Brown .wa8.ca|Iedit64hevobairi[and said , 'does permitted to return a member to the.Metropo- ; from Mr. Fulham , the proprietor the Irishman'? power to get a of merely:nolitical chanees or reforms 'Zexeetit in the business of the evening would be to discuss the of " fried every legal means in my prove? Why, that there are thousands—nay, litan Delegare. 'Council, -which will hold its first so . far as these tend to sustain thb law of progress? following newspaper, intimating to them successfully resolution, which he had no doubt would that tbe paper plan legalised that would have hundreds of thousands*—now in the same con- sitting at the City Chartist Hall, Golden-lane^ aiid to ameliorate and exalt the social condition of ' would appear early in Jul X ' meet with their entire approbation , y, which was enthusias- country, . :— ''• That - look- developed the resources of the and dition that he was when a child, and who, if on Sunday, afternoon 'nj^^j iXilhripoo'oiock.— the people!" -He said he rejoiced to' see' such hYg;to the recent debate'- ani'dmaion on the ques- tically received. wonld have successfully destroyed pauperism, their parents had the power of educating them He was ,answered iuftbe^affiifmative. The large and enthusiastic Chartist meetings, as they tion of the foreign policy of ministers, this meeting Mr. Broom moved tbe. first resolution as foi : e the lie to their insi ' iwvertv.anta gonism, and crime. In the lan- as Sir Robert's father had, would be as well Committee-adjourned until: even- fav. dious foeB. ' (Loud Cheers.) is of opinion that ; a" change must speedily take lows :— " That Mr. B, Fulham,. the proprietor of We: dhesd^y; 'he chaplain magistrates, and others had united in place, and that it rests: with the f of the Chaplain of the House ot Com- qualified to fiU the omce of Statesmanor Prime ing, July loth. , f . [ ': [ "Z [Z.[ > r, \ '. ' * mass of the people ithe "Irishman " : newspaper, is entitled to the guage , . telling him, during ' his imprisonment, that Guar- whetherj.t shall be one of progress or.reaotion—this would have united and knitted RL00M6BTJEV.—A meeting ' isympathy of the Irish people, and of. every true mons—"It Minister. . v . .; of . the'frien ds tiara iW.a8 _dead--(laugriter)--andstrenuouslyad vised meetihg.pherefdre calls , on >tbe . people of . .these togetherthe hearts of all within these realms."- The reader must on no account imagine and supporters of the People's Charter con- nijnio, stiok.to Jua business, and makenoattempt to realms fo'bo up and stirrin'irin the work of jlovet of liberty, and that the friends of democracy: ^ area? (are Bat the House does not follow that maxim. that theso comments are intended to cast any vened by Mr. Cottle, was held "at-'the Glpba resuscitate it ; then guess his surprise at finding nisationj with a view to thefurtherance of political , in duty bound, to do everything within their) .1 such-large and highly respectable meetings1 ' Spower to re-establish that powerful organ of: Well, I have done my utmost to secure legal reflection .except tbat of greatness upon father Coffee-house, Red Lion-street, Holborn, on as'that and Bocial rights; as .put ^drwara by. the National he vjitne8sed at John-street, and the one now before Charter Association. 'To give success to liberty. _ Mr. Broom said, as an Englishman, he; protectionfer your funds, while eveigr opposi- , as I have, much greater- respect for Monday evening, July 1st. Mr -7EIliot was F " that re> '' or son . ¦him. , It gave him-, the utmost pride and pleasure solution, tbey.must attend . to the instructions it ;never would shrink from vindicating ri ht against Tarliamentary, and party—has elevates himself industry cailetLto the chair and briefl ' g tion—legal; the man who by aud , y opeheid the.pro^ tpfrenew.nis feallyito the oause, and move that re-' contained, and organise; and supply the Executive, 'wrong, and that the people were d,, And now to prove ¦ -^-Z !t :: , in duty boun been thrown in my way. talent, than I have for the tinselled, brainless ceedings, by pointing to the gr^at extent of solution. o fLoudfjieers.). : f <:; Z V •' Z' - with fundsjjin order that. they ' might inundate the tb support the liberty of the press. He dwelt at; tiie maxim that '« One man may steal a horse niacompoop, who is; born an hereditary legis- the Bloomsbury district;, the quantitiest of k( Mr> ^Uii^H^B^ioN', a lieensed victuallerthe , baihe country, with tracts.^ Let theyfpeoplo, but do -their length on,the on * v^' foheers) to-second i. gr^at wrongs inflicted , and : ¦white another dares not look over tiie wall,'' lator with a golden spoon in his mouth ; but J wealtb-prbducojsi thai-',resided?ih *it£ aud the •rof^d,^idB^ui Wsbltf-' duty, and then it .would notmatterto.thenxwhether ) ¦ tibn,iand.expre8sed^fpteasure jn so doing, 1 it the ministry went reminded the meeting of- thai 'glorious spirit, iye ah instance. . ..¦/ " . - fo prove the state to which am0uht;ofwea1th\thbsesons of^toil must an- as outor stopped in.. .(gear. hear.) let meg you use the argument, . wehtr 'for something; more thatf mere 'polities ; it As regarded theVmajority, Emmet, whose epitaph would never be written ' presented a petition to the ' : ' 1 bti the division in ques; • Last week 1 unwilling paupers, now piningvin ^ bastiles, nually send forth—(loud cheers)—then, how boldly alluded 4o social rights ; and if these were tion; he conceived it perfectl insi until his country was free. He concluded by Hyatt, a most y gnificant, espe- Houseof Commons from a Mr. may be elevated, if our representative system necessary it was that they should, be up , and broached and fairly discussed^ by the time they got cially when'they remembered how many voted, not reading the resolution, and sat down amidst great respectableperson : it complained of gross and our Government was based upon industry doing, in conjunction with the other portions the Charter they would knoW how to use them. from principle, but expediency, to keep out a Pro- applause. aid fraudulent acts practised by Mr. Fox- ' instead of idleness luxury, of . Messrs. D.'O'Connor Lerio^ and ;The people : had . discovered that if they wanted tectionist ministry, vain ; and I aba trust, that, if itis net com- I would not allow them to suck contrary, offer them opposition ; as by doing ying this great evil, he laborious and dangerous nature of the employment me is that but their social rights, not a single being would be had joined the ' Democratic Propagandist plied with, the shareholders will grumble at ont of their so 'we think we should attach an im- Society, of miners TEN THOUSAND POUNDS foun d miserable, wretched and unhappy, but all and trusted that every one in that meeting would , and also considering tbei r situation in the themselves, and not at me—as a few pence portance to them , which dupes, and to"die on the platform with their , to our opinion, they within the British territories would he rendered become propagandists,, and cause their principles caverns of the earth , shut out from the light of day, fromeach will supply the necessary means. hearts in their hand. do not possess ; but that we employ our comfortable, contented, and happy, and this, too, to become known from the Land's End to John that eight hours labour is amply suffici ent for any for the very minimum amount of As it is always my wish to do justice to the I have tbe honour to remain, means, intelligence, and energies for the ex- labour. He called O'Groat's. (Hear, hear.) When he reflected on man to work in mines." upon them to form a good locality of the National the present anomalous state of <* dead, as well as to keep the national mind Men of Glasgow and of Paisley, clusive support of our own Association, our society it reminded That a petition to the Houses of Parliament be Charter Association, to organise, and then they him of Goldsmith's words :— drawn up b o , and generally fixed upon the great and important question Tour Faithful and Uncompromising Friend purpose being to spread a knowledge of politi- could instruct themselves, and have y ur agents signed the aid of Princes and lords way by tbe miners of Labour and its profits, I will now offer a and Advocate of your Principles, cal and social rights among the masses, and to clever men to instruct them in a know- nourish or may f ade, , praying for the enactment of an A breath can make them as a breath has made, Eight Hours Bill , for tbe working and regulating word or two by way of comment, npon the Feabous O'Connor. elevate our own class mentally, morally, and ledge of their social rights. (Cheers.) The Times But a bold seasantvy, tbeir country's pride, • the mines and collieries of Great Britain." melancholy death of poor Sir Boberi Peel. physically." told them that in Ireland there were 500 persons When once destroyed, can never be supplied. to be found with only seven shivts " That tbis meeting is of opinion tbat tbe only I do this for two purposes : East Marylebone. evening, amongst them ; —On Sunday whilst in Manchester thero were mills that in one (Loud cheers.) It was for them to say how much safe and efficient way by wbich miners can protect Firstl —To define the antagonism against national fiautr gomydny longer they were y, June 30th, a meeting was held at the King week could produce calico sufficient to find shirts inclined to remain slaves—how their y uniting with each other in one for having aban- much longer the green fields should labour is b which he had to contend, and Queen, Foley-street, for the purpose of for the whole of Ireland. . (Loud cheers.) The pub- exist, but not holy bond of brotherhood for mutual protection ; exploded Plymouth.—At a meeting of Land mem- for them. Tlie holy doctrine of fraternity had been doned the worn-out policy based upon forming a locality of the National Charter lic were robbed of some three hundred millions per therefore, this meeting pledges itsel f to cling to, and bers, held on Sunday evening last, the follow- y means of preached- by the few, from the days of Jesus ignorance ; and Association f orthe district. Mr. Marsden was annum, b public and private indebted- support the Miners' National Association , and we ing resolution was unanimously passed :— ness, insurance offices , &c, &c, i down to tho present time, and he trusted the time , Secondly,—Toprove the means by which he called, to the chair. Messrs. Arnott and to say noth ng at had arrived when they will endeavour to persuade our fellow workmen " The Directors ofthe Land Company having . present of docks, mines, railways, waterworks, were determined that to became wealthy. Milne attended from the Executive Committee. Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, should no do likewise. stated some time since the fact of their being gas works, ifcc, &c, and these things—the profits longer " And, though I love to see a man elevate The necessary preliminary proceedings having of which would have paid off the National Debt be mere by-words, but that they would all unito in After the public meeting, a delegate meeting was elected hy a Conference, rendered a Conference hastening on the himself from the ranks of the people to been it was unanimousl iong since—were.hnnded down from generation adven t of the Goddess Liberfcv . held at the Golden Cup Inn, New-street, and im- necessary for their discharge, we are of opinion gone.through, y agreed (Great cheering.) the dignified position of statesman, I do hot that a locality to be called " The Washington to generation, and that too to. a lot of portant business transacted. The cause of union that a small Conference should be called for fellows " who toil not, neither do they spin." He M. J. J. BEZER. amidst mneh nlinnrinr r nnmn begins to look promising love the system which enables the specula- Locality of Democratic and Social Reformers forward and said, as regards ministers here, that purpose, and the winding up of the Com- had not time to toll them how the land became the and their tor to jump from his clogs into Spanish leather of the National Charter Association" be now foreign policy he thought tbey cared more f or pany as speedily as possible.'* property of the present holders. Hero Mr, O'Brien boots, and from the dung-cart to the carriage formed. Most of tbe friends present enrolled related how tbe land on which the town of Hudders- people that were far away than they did for those Guard or Trains in Transit.—A lady was burnt ChaRTERVILLB. A meeting was held m the at home. He held —if his elevation is based upou the depen- — their names as members,, A Committee was field stood was given by tho merry monarch ton in his hand The Young American, to death on the Lyons line of railway lately, while Scnool-room on the 24th ult., when the follow- a Republican paper, which paper was the the train was in transit, and her husband in vain dency, the, slavery} and non-representation elected. Four shillings and fourpence was re- fascinating lady, and which now produced a rental advocate ing resolution was adopted :—" That the last of seventy-six thousand pounds of Social righ.ts. Mr. Bezer then read several ex- shouting to the " guards " for help. The writer of of those out of whose sweat he. coins his ceived for which was handed over to per annum ; such a Conference having heen adjourned until the cards, was (Jiie way in which much of the land become pri- tr cts, showing that poverty and pauperism pre- a letter to the Gazette des Tribunaux, while pointing gold, and becomes a millionaire as if by magic. Mr. Arnott Chairman stated that vailed in the States—that even attention to this fact, recommends that " a cord decision of the Court of Queen's Bench, rela- ; and the vate property. Mr. O'Brien concluded a very argu- the Republican , "When Pj eel represented the black-slugsand would be,able to institutions were not completo if confined to mere should be attached to an alarm bell, as in Germany, istration of the said Company, he had no doubt tbat they mentative speech by again enforcing them to form a bigots of tbe Universityof Oxford, in defiance tive to the reg locality of the National Charter Association, and politics, and shewed the necessity for social rights, or some other means should be established to enable iven enrol fifty members within a month. such as the have the train stopped in case of of their unchristian prejudice, he granted which decision has now been g , we are of discuss the question of social and .political rights. nationalization of land, Ac, quoting passengers to many great authors in accident." now suoh a system jorks in Germany Emancipation to the Catholic people—a mea- opinion that it is expedient that the Confe- (Immense cheering.) favour of equality of rights. RELEASE OF MR. FUSSELL FROM Mr. Bezer having appealed to them not to need we do not know, but the American mode of free although of no benefit to that rence should immediately re-assemble, in order Mr. T. E. Bowkett said a few words in support sure wbich, TOTHILL-FIELDS PRISON. of the resolution mere names, but to stand by principles, sat down access to guards through or along tho carriages is gmatised bim as an infidel in to bring the affairs of tiie Company to an , as did also Mr. D. Bhown, when preferable, and the perpetual occur- order, sti the resolution was put, and carried unanimously, loudly applauded. certainly far the eyes of those who lived, revelled, equitable adjustment. " Mr. John odaw said, in. supporting that resolu- reuces of accidents of a very varied description, in On Wednesday morning an order was dis- amidst loud cheers. country as well as luxuriated, and fattened upon the de- Bradford.—A meeting of the members was Mr. Prbeck, a member of the Tower Hamlets tion, he was desirous of correcting a misconception this abroad, most urgently de- held on Sunday, June 30th, at the room, patched from the Home-office to Lieut. Tracey, branch of the Parliamentary and Heform Associa- that had gone abroad. When ho attended there mands the adoption of some suoh mode ot guarding gradation of the Catholic people. "When last week, he had then said Hope-street when the letter of the Ashton the governor of the House of Correction, Tot- tion, camo forward, amidst applause, to move the , " the Whigs had been against them. The office of a " guard " attached to he carried that measure, he lost the confidence * graciously pleased to release him a train is a cdropleto mockery members of the Land Companv was read. hill-fieids, Westminster, intimating that her second resolution as follows :—" That with a view from prison three . An accident of fre- of ithe bigotted slugs ; and subsequently, when to secure to the people of these months beforo the expiration of his sentence, and quent occurrence happened near Montrose last week The meeting was of the same opinion as the Majesty had been pleased to remit the unex- realms permanent he carried Free Trade—from which he antici- and equitable social arrangements this meeting had made him a present of £50 ;" now all be meant in the fall ofa child from a carriage door while the respecting Mr. O'Connor pired term (rather more than three months) of , pated greater benefit than accrued—he lost Ashton members, emphatically' declares the enactment ofthe People s to convey by that was, that they had let him out train was running at the rate of twenty-five miles the sentence pronounced at the Old Bailey in ' that much before bis the wmfidence of Protectionist landlords and calling a Conference, to take into considera- Charter, absolutely essential, as a perfectly legal time expired, and simply re- an hour. " Tlie guard being far back among the car- Company. It is our wish 1848, upon Mr. Fusseil, who with others, was and adequate means of obtaining mitted the fine the jud ge had imposed on him. riages, the cry of the passengers was not heard for clodpoles. Peel never attempted to elevate tion the state of the so desirable an When he had heard that the Land Plan should be carried OUt, as convicted of sedition. The term of impri son- end, and further pledges, itself to uso every means of the false impression abroad, some minutes, during whicb time the train had pro- his family or his relations by Government pa- in its power for the he had felt a desire to correct it, for poor as ceeded to the Collision station." So it is in hun- we are sure that aa machinery has supplanted ment to which Ernest Jones was sentenced accomplishment of the same." he tronage. His policy, whether rightor wrong, Mr. Preece said, a was, God forbid that be should ever stain his dreds of cases. The guard is one of the most useless thrown a redundant popu- will expire on the 11th inst.—Times. th t as . a member of the Parlia- wasbased upon principle, and to carry it out manual labour, and ¦ mentary Reform Association, fingers with a bribe from the Whigs.—No, no.— appendages, and is almost sure to fail at the pinch ; On Thursday morning bail was tendered he would not agree he set all factious antagonism at defiance. lation into the labour market, there is nothing that they should stop at the point indicated by that Pray lot it bo distinctly understood , that Chartism whereas, were it his duty to traverse the train as a for us but the land to fall back on, and we and accepted, and Mi*. Fusseil liberated. Association , but that they should march onward was much, very much dearer to him now, than when watchman, on a proper footboard , or other means " De mortals nil nisi bonum." he went to prison. Oh are resolved—with Mr. O'Connor to assist us until the whole peoplo were enfranchised, and he , how gratfying was it to him of passing to and fro, provided for tho purpose, he "Ofthe dead nothing but what's good," is an did not think , that any rational being then , by attending those weekly rc-unions, to find would really merit the name ofa guard, and be or —to get the land, which is our birthright. could object that Chartism old maxim, but one to which I have not ad- THE TEN HOURS BILL. to the bix points of the People's Charter. Mr. was neither dead nor sleeping. (Loud constant use as such in ways innumerable for the cheers.) As regarded tho lato palliation and prevention of serious accidents. The hered, while others do. The has been Preece said be had much pleasure in moving the division on tho Times foreign policy question , the only regret ho had •Railway Commissioners recommended the adoption the most violent Babssley.—A meeting of delegates from resolution. (Loud cheers.) , was and brutal denouncer of. Sir €\) iixti$tIFtttelli grttf e. Mr. David to find that ono member, who might be said to be of such a precaution in preference to tho objection- each factory iu this district was holden Mobmson, lato of Swindon , eloquently tbo representative Eobeet Peel while living, but now that he is on seconded the resolution,, maintaining the necessity of the working classes, and who able system of signals without any freedom of move- dead, the same organ trumpets forth his praise, The Executive Committee met at the Saturday night, June 29th, at Mr. G. Utley's, of pressing to a speedy solution had again and again expressed his want of confi- ment for the guards. the labour dence in the ,Whi of Russia. tetis us that we ne'er Bball look upon his like Ofiice, 14 Southampton-street, Strand, on to consider the best means of forwarding the question. gs, should havo voted for tbem on Statistics —The cultivation of th that occasion. (Hear vine in tho southern provinces again, that he was the great statesman of Wednesday evening, July 3rd. Present— cause of the factory workers. A letter from Mr. Wiuusi , hear. ) But he firmly be- of Russia has been the Davis, who was greeted with loud lieved , that any beneficial change much encouraged by the government but the quan- and asks who was" ' Arnott, Brown, E. Lord Fever8ham, acknowledging the recei cheers, said, whilst that might take , age, like unto him. Must Messrs. 0. J. Harney, ptof he was a great admirer of re- place must bo made by the working classes them- tity of wine produced is still very insignificant biot oach iV-vocrisy be wounding to all gene- Mills, Stallwood, Davis, and Milne.—Mr. theBarnsiey Petition to the House of Lords, gistration soeieties, &c, ho never could join or selves. (Loud cheers. compared with what p a c e ) The resolution was then is imported frem foreign coun- ous feelir.g, nnd must it not destroy all Milne was called to the chair.—Communica- was read to the meeting. A very encouraging sup ort ny so i ty having for its object anything put, and carried unanimously. tries, and especially from Franco. In St. r confi- short of the People's Charter ; and he was Peters- Sfi enee in ibi> m»'j "o organs of Yarmouth and Todmor- letter from the secretary to the West pleased Mr. Jons Arxott in making somo announce- burgh alone the consumption of champagne amounts faction ? ^ tions were read from to learn from good authority, that the council I I will "now turn to the " Riding of ments of forthcoming meetings, intimated the to 090,500 bottles annually, alUiousu it is an expen- consideration of my den, setting forth, in reply to the " address, Central Short-Time Committee was the Parliamentary Reform Association stood a discontinuance sond top namely, the Of tho John-street meetings for a sive article. There is a kind ot sparkling wine ic, means by which men that those places wished the matter relativeto also read, which elicited a vote of thanks to very good chance of becoming HlOl'O Democratic, time, upon whicli imported itva ' ' as the statu quo from Austria, partly over Radziwilow, ia themselves. ; The AIornkg Chronicle— the National Parliamentary Reform Associa- Mr. M. Balm, and all the other gentlemen members of that body had resolved . Mr. Staiiayood roso, and took tho sense p to resign—or rather of the artly through Odessa, to the extent of 17,000 le organ of the PvXh party—tellsns that Sir tion to be an open question • from Sutton-m- who have so benevolently laboured in London, had resigned—and amongst meeting on that subject, which was unanimous iu bottles yearly. The consumption of beer is small; ' y. the seced ing me s, oaznT father employed fifte en thousand announcing the enrolment of fifty- aud elsewhere, to obtain for women and mber were to bo found Messrs. favour of their continuance, and the result was there is but one brewery in St. Petersburgh which Ashfield, young 1'rout, Wilkinson , Gilpin , and Beggs—(loud cheers) aads iu i»:6 f-a-toxy, and states the rapidity l , le an efficient Ten Hours Bill. A vote of hailed by long continued cheering. •produces English ale and Bavarian beer, the last of . three members, and app ying for more cards peop —but the only way to induce thafc Association to A vote of ^ "" !th which ho a.tti-umulated wealth, when thanks was given to tho Chairman , and inferior quality, as there is a want of tho principal ^/^"T^ ma- &c. ; from Exeter, announcing the formation thanks was given to the Morning Herald, and become more Democratic,, w.as for tho Chartists to the meeting dispersed. cellars. ^*» ^ linery came upmi us with a hop, step, a thing necessary for its preservation—good ^tuo^-4 ^k4 and of a locality, and their entire adhesion to the tlie other portion of the newspaper press who dhere firmly to their principles. The peoplo had A voluntary subscription of £1 is prohibited, vl much tis I regret the death been kept in a 8s. was collected The impor tation of foreign beer ™ £- '&§iS\S< \fi mp ; and, of Sir National Charter Association, from Glasgow, have so kindly advocated the cause of young state of alarm d uring the greater at the doors. tho exception of porter on which a high du portion oi last wool;,, , ^.W? /#$•«- a> obeux Feel, I cannot refrain from using announcing tbat a delegate meeting, from children and women who work ia Factories. by the agitation of the minis- levied; it is paid on about 90,000 bottles annual*J yjM^ )M, terial question, but they need not bo alarmed M^/. ery argument which is illustrative and con- shops A vote of thanks was also , Lord The quantity of spirits consumed is ^mS0^- {iM and factories, had been held, and that given to Richard John wonld never go out so long as a penny loaf Law Usioss. R ^MiMi ¦niaiory ef the principles that I have invari- such Poon —A Parliamentary return has Although much of the brandy drunk '" delegate meeting had given in its unani- Oastler, Esq., and all friendp, both in and out could be got by stopping in. The Whigs bad dealt been issued (obtained the quantity »"JSof ^j l !®W* >ly propounded : *.7hich are, that the rapid mous by Sir George Peoheil, the distilled from the potato, still €fwm§,J?^,J?: adhesion to the National Charter Asso- of Parliament, who have exerted themselvesin out nothing but persecution and prosecution to the member for Brighton,) which shows that distilleries during the 'A- f machinery has intimidated the 6o- Chartists in 1849 tbe required for the P»'/WW/i. ' l crease g ciation.—Tract Committee.—A further'report favour of the Ten Hours Act. After a vote of , and it could not be expected that they sum pf £78,424 16s. 7d. was expended in the sala- 8,000 000 bushels ; yet the withdrawal ot « it could sympathise was 1 , ^m^MM^jm? Inment from legislating fairly for it—that was received, giving the assurance that tracts thanks to the chairman Mr. Wm. Norton with hem. Ho called on that ries of medical officers ,. and;£20,529 in the salaries quantity from tbe food markefc has had no , , meeting to join a locality, off. horse^^^tJ fT^^^ te reterded—nay,prevented—tiie proper cul- will be ready to be issued forthwith. nieeting organise, and as there Of schoolmasters and schoolmistresses ;-making a effect on the price of grain. The expor X£/^ fM jfi —Ernest the adjourned until next Saturday was a room and talent nt their disposal, a most total of £d3,953 deoreased in tho last twi ^— kticd ef our nationalresources , which should Janes ' Soiree I6s, I Id. under the head of Poor from Russia has greatly jmjm —The Secretary reported that night, at eight o'clock, July 6th. profitable discussion might be imweuiately raised, Law Unions in England and Wales. 1850 THE NORTH ER N STAR. J™ * - s ' [ HEALTHTTT . ' .Brother -tombChdrtitU !I "¦' ^BwidrlbfB ^#yV - iW*WoUu tif oBMSketf ?* * TBEBAntmcs.—The history of medicine is by no means I FRAMPfTON'S PILL 0b£w^ ri 1T another account the Pacha of MIDDLESEX SESSIONS It is questionable whether more is qoMM 'V". According to flattering to science. 'Price ^t^ljer i gainst dangerous imi« ^Foreign inttlugwiw Widdin having collected a body of troop s, attacked known of diseases'; their cause; and their : cur e, at this mo- is a Medicine ! Sufferer s are earnestly cautioned a The July General Quarter Session of the Peace, time of Galen ;it ia certain that diseases THIS excellent JParr iayfiPIIiL tation8 of.th«se PiUshy voutJiful,jSelf-styIedidoctors, who peasants near that place upon the ment/ tha n at the ¦1 all disorders of t ' ' ERANCE. the insurgen t for the county of Middlesex , commenced on Tues- are quite as numerous , and inthe aggregate aa fatal. Every rfofaongJHecl'efflcacy for ^cbrreoring have :rebdn rse4o Vari6us:scKefiie«.to get money ; such for 18th nit, and after cutting down abou t 500 dispersed some newsystem of; artificial therapeu- the stomaeh and bowels, the cominonfsympto ms of which iH8ta'iice as-profes sing to cure ' complaints for 10s.to"only t day mor ning,.at the Sessions House,. %,01erfcenwell. age has pr oduced ' of appetite, sick pretending •Nothing was talke d about on Satur day hut the >It is supposed this affair Will put tics which the next age.has banished ; each has boasted in are costftenessi flatulency ) spaims, less, I advertisng in the name of a.fenlal9 ^ahd give the remainder ; , The calendar .contains the names of ;sixtyj-fiveipri- head -acKe, giddiness;>e'nse oftfiunessfifter meals, dizzi- persons irom. their writing, and what is severe check which the ministers received the day rebellion. The same accounts men- its turn ot cure s, and thev, in their turn , :;nave been con- the char acter of an end to the soners for trial , of whom sixty were committed for as failures. Medicines themselves are the subjects ness ofthe eyes, drowsiness and pains in the stomach and equally absurd , pro mising to produce hair , .whiskers, &c., by the defeat of tbeir intention to bring for- bad entered Bosnia with f elony, .. . ' f ^ demned ; fd state of the liver, ' before, tion that Out er Pacha and five for misdemeanour. of fashion . Is it not a positive proof that medicine is yet boweI»Vindy fgestfori; prbdueu ]ga tbrp hi a few weeks ; but , worst pf all,' (as it ft playing with ward the law of mayor * before the recess. The ;to crush the rebellion in A London Shabpbr. —T. Baker, a well-dressed t e principles, and a consequent inactivity of thebowel s, causing a dis- of their fellows), daring to infringe tho pro- 20,000 mehj and expected unsett led ; in fact , tha it has no stablished " in this thtf afflictions government over the municipa lities ' of Tahir Pacha (not to man, 35, was indicted for havin g stolen a £10 note, that it is little more that conjectural ? 'At this momen t,' organisation of every function of the frame, wiU, pri etors ' right by making .tmthle M assertions , -and adver ^ influence ofthe a short time. The death most excellent - preparation ,\by a little perseverance , be ' anoth er the use strenuo usly resisted hy the legitimists, who : up- the celebrated and patriotic six sovereigns, and other .monies, the property of says Mr. Pinny,' ' the opinions on the subject ( of treatme nt . tlsirig ^ a ' spurfoil s 'corri poiihd under . of is be confoun ded with are almost as numerous as the practitioners themselves. effectually femoved. Two or three doses will convince the which will assuredly bri ng annoya nce and disappointment hold the franchises of the communes, not from any is also ' announced , and it is James M'Arthur. —On the 4th of Ju ne the prosef even afflicted ofits saluta ry effects.. The stomach will speedily ex-Grand Admira l) Witne ss the mass of5 contradiction s the treatment of SUCCESS OF THE NElf that here lies cutor , a seaman , was standing in the Circus m the consumption ;^ Stroll attribu tes its fre- ree-ain its stren gth :.'a healthy action of the liver, bowels, EXTRAO RDINARY ¦ ¦ love to freedom , but because they feel added tba t his demise will facilitate the means of one diseaser namely, ' rapidly take place ; and mateadof listless- ,. ,. , .;,.,. ; ' • ¦ -:, :• . :•' • -. •--; ; was m ac- Minories , when he was accosted by a man whomi he quency to the introduction of bark. Morton consider sbark and kldneys wul ., ,.n . ; REMED IH. ' the stronghold of their own power. It tranquillis ing the land. know, but hy whom he was invited . t• . . . ¦ „ Seine-et—Marne , Seine-et-Oise , and the Rhone , as secutor put his hand in his pocket and produced a on the Bkin ,-incipient consumption , dropsy; rhe ii- ff ' 4 the Viceroy Abbas Pacha came down from Cairo , ; a proceeding which induced eruptio ns comfortable medicine hitherto pi-eparid. . £Rev.' J. Stone, HVigan: ' Send me four boxes for some of follows ;—'If the journal is published more than roll of ".flash*? notes, ¦ m'atism, gout, heartburn /nausea arid sickness during preg- -, Sold byT.iProut j 229,Strand ,iLondoB. Price lslj d and a great blessing'.' and on the following day put to sea with three that will do; that shows me ' my poor parish ioners ; they are twice a week, either on fixed days or irregularl y, the the prisoner to say " nancy, after eating, or at sea, low spirits; spasms , cramp, 2s 9d per box j and by the Venders of Medicine generally Mr. T. Parry, Ruthrin , writes : .* Send me a- 4s. 6d. box steamers for the island of Rhodes to pay his res- a respectable man ," and the man then spleen,- general debility, paralys is, -asthma , coughs, in- cured me.' r , , ' ;it shall be 40 000. that you are . throughout the Kingdom. . • v for a frien d ; the one I had has quite . . . caution-money shall be 50 000f. pects to the Sultan , who was known to be there and asked the prosecutor if he could produce any money quietude , sleeplessness, involuntary blushing, . tremors , Ask for FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH , and observe Dr. - Hope, in his treatise on these complaints : Although if the journal is published only twice a week ; and who waited for his Highness a few days. After to show that he was respectab le. The pr ose- dislike to society, unfitness for study, loss .of memory, the, name and address of "Thomas Prout , 299,.Strand , there are many medicines professing to .cure , these com- 20,000f. if the journal only appears once a week, Abbas Pasha was received cutor said he could not, but could get some for the delusions , vertigo , blood to tbe head , exhaustion ,' melan- London ,'' on the Government Stamp. plairits ,' Dr. De Roos* Pills are the only thin g of the kind I performing quarantine ¦ choly, groun dless fear, indecision , wretchedness , thoughts can recommend , havin g tried them in every instance , with; or at greater intervals.' The committee proposes in the most flattering manner by the Sultan , -who matter of that , and , acting upon a suggestion; of self-destr uction , and many ; other complaints. It is, < ; UNDER:ROYA L PATRONAGE. • •;. the most gratifying results. ' . that when the jonrnel appears more than three may well be pleased with so subservient a subject. of the pris oner, he went i to a house he was moreover , admitted by those who have used it to be the Mn Smith, Henley :-r 'I purcha sed lately from a fellow caution-money shall be 24.000f., living at, 10, Globe-stre et, Wappin g, and fetched best food for infants 'and . invalids , generally, as it never styling himself Dr.; ' who is evidently an ignorant quack , times a week, the His Turkish Majesty presented the Viceroy with a , but imparts a healthy only three times a week, or less, 18,000. a £10 note and six sovereigns, and returned turns acid on the weakest stomach , what I suppose is intended as.:an imitatio n of your excel ' and if decoration , and tbe latter made over to him the The prisoner expressed himself sa- relish for lunch and dinner; and restores the faculty of lent Renal Pills, and having found it of no effect was scep- Again, the government bill went on to say :—' The , to the house. digestion and nervous and; muscular energy to the most till I tried yours which I feel convinced only fine serew-stearner Sharkee yeh which was so much tisfied as to the prosecutor 's respectability, when ' tical of relief , caution-monev of journals appearing more than lan d, with all her appointments com- ; enfeebled . It has the highest approbation ,of . Lord . Stuart require to be known to become extinsely patronised. admired in Eng he saw the money, and at his suggestion it tfaa de Deciea ; the Tener ahle Archdeacon ^Alexander . Stuart , benefit cau only be reasonably expected at the twice a week in the departments , other than those three-years , ner vousness ;-' Maj6r -Gene-' Perfect freedom from \ Cdugti iri 'ten, minutes after use, Lasting plete , every descri ption of stores and provisions , a agreed to accompany him to his lodging j and on pf Jtoss a cure *>f ' ' hands of the duly qua lified practitioner , who, depar ting ¦of the Seine, Seine-ei-Marne , Seine-et-Oise , and : ral Thomas King, of Exmouth; Captain :Parker D. Bing; instant : relief) and va rapid Cure i of ' Asthma and valua blehorse and richly embroidered saddle , and their way up the,CityTroad ;.the prisoner and his ! ' - ' from the rou tine bf-^iwralpractice , devotes the whole or 20,000f. for towns of 50,000 in- ham; B.N. j of No. ' 4, Park lwaik, little .Chelsea,Xpiidon, Cpn sumpfion, and all -IHsorders .of) the Breath and diseases; the lamentable neglect ihe Rhone , shall be £50,000 sterling in hard dollars. One of the fans accomplice, the man who first spoke to the prose- ' cured of twenty-seven years ' dyspepsia in ' ¦¦•: his studies to this class of ' W ho^was six1 Lungs, . are insured by .. i ,v ' ; • . .: of which by ordinary ' medical men, and their futile at- habitants and over ; 12,000f. for less considerable of th e scre w of the Sharkeeyeh is broken , and she cutor , iuduced him to enter the Red Lion public : weeks- time [.Captain -: Andrews ,, R.N. ; i Capt. ' Edwards , , house, and there they had some ale. The prisoner Esq., barrister , aWaw , . King's Col- ; LOQOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS. tempts at cure by mercury and otber equally dangerous towns ; and , respectiv ely, the half of these two bad to be towed to Rhodes ; but a new fan is ex- R.N. : William Hunt , DR. medicines, have produced 'the most alarming results. publica tions appear- again boasted of his money, and ' said that as his lege, Cariibr idg'e, who, after suffering years from partial The extraordinary powers of this invaluable medicino sums for journals or periodical pected from Eng a , which will be sent to Con- his limb's Iri a very short are now proved by a mass .of evidence and testimonials , Sufferers are invited to apply at once to Da. De Roof, l nd companions were respectable men, he would lend paralysis , bas regai ned the use of who guarantees a speedy and perfect cure of every, sym- ing, at most, twice a week.' Here the committee stantinop le. . On the . Sultan leaving Rhodes with time upon .this excellent lood ;„the Rev. Charles Kerr; of (which must convince the mojt sceptical , that for all disor- them £60 each; and the man expressing ;his thanks ' ders of the breath and lungs it is the most effectual remedy ptom , without binderance from business , change of diet, reduces the amount to 6,000f. and 3,600f., and to the Turkish fleet Abbas Pasha returned to Alexan- TVinslbw, Bucks—a cure of functional disorders ; Mr. T. ' ' said he would go and fetch a couple of bill stamps ; Bromley—record ing ' the cure 'of a lady from ever discovered. \' ,, , - ., . '•¦ ' ' • ic , in comparativel y few pats, or return the money. one-half of these amoun ts in the cases just speci- Woodhouie , 1 , ¦ , .Country patien ts -wishing to place themselves under dria , having been away a week altogether. The prisoner asled. him to leave some security for consti pation and. sickness during pregnancy ;! the Rev. TV ; : ' •' ' Cure of Asthma, Coughs, die., .at Wisbeach. . fied. The bill of the committee also contains the table bis roll of sham -!¦: ¦ Chemist ^Market -place. treatment will be minute in the detail of their cases, and INDIA AND CHINA. his return , and he laid on Minster , ' of St Saviour's, Leeds—a . .cure , of five years ! ••• . From Mr..Oldham , to prevent trouble , no letters'from strangers will be replied several articles to regulate the keeping up of the full , observing that that would answer for his nervousness, " with ^ spasnia ' -' and 'd aily! vomitings j Mr. ! Gentlemen ,—Fro m the great .qua ntity of :your ; Wafers I notes the ' opportunity of witness- to unless they, contain £1 in cash, or by Post-office Order , amoun t of cauti on-money in cases of fine. With CATASTROPHE AT BENARES. . When he got to the door :he beckoned the Taylor , coroner bf Bolton |. Capt ;AUeh^-recording cure have sold," I have had an excellent payable at the Holborn 'Office return. - Doctors Ure , and- Harvey j James Shor- arid I have 'much- pleasure ' in being able , for which advice and medi- stamp -duty, the government bill de- to him,'and when he got up from his of epiletic fits ing their effects, ' cines will be sent. Patients corresponded with till cured. respect to the A terrific explosion took place at Benares , in prosecuto r lahd/Esqf, No. '3,' Sydney.terrace , Reading,. Berk s.j.late to inform-you that several obstinate , cases of asthma and seat he could. not do less than his friend had done— ' of At home for consultation , daily, from 10 till 1, and 4 till clared that ' within fifteen days after the promul- India , by which upwards of 1,000 lives were lost. surgeon in the 90th Regiment ^-a cure • dropsy ; James coughs have been ewed completely by th eir nso ; and , in- , (Sundays excepted.) y, leave his money as security for his'return . of thirteen years , general in diseases ofthe lungs . 8 gation of the pre sent bill a fixed stamp-duty shall A fleet of thirty-five boats, containing government namel . Porter , Esq., Athol-street , Perth—a cure . ' deed, their efficacy in Post-office Orders payable at the Holborn Office , te This he did , and whilst the man got him . some coiigb, with ' general debility j J. Smyth , Esq. ,' 37 Lower Please to forward me a fresh supp ly immediatel y, and ob- be imposed-on journals and periodical publications , ' ¦ ' Walter De Roos, M.D., 35, Ely-place, Holborn , London. ordnance stores, amongst which were 3 000 barrels from the house, pretending to Abbey-street , • Dublin ; Cornelius O'Sullivrih, M.D., lige yours,- \Ya.T. Owiuis. .. , , ( . . , : Z .. be their size. It shall be 4c * twent y yards away . . . no matter what may (330,0001bs.) of gunpowder , arrived at Benares en consult him about the stamps and the loans , .the F.R. C.S., Dublin— ajjerfect cure of thirty years ' indesorik • „ .. Cure of Severe Cough and Cold. able agony from aneurism ,, which had resisted all other re- ' . DE ROOS' CONCENTRATED the sheet on periodical jou rnals, publications , or route to the upper provinces on the afternoon of prisoner escaped with the money. The man sent Frorii Mr. Ti Johnson , Chemist , Leek, Jan , 24, 1849. DR. ' . engra vings of less than two leaves of impression, , medies ; and 20,000 other well-known individuals , who hav e An . elderly gentloman iri this town labouring under a GUTT.fi VITJ! has, in all instances , proved a the lst of May, and were moored off the Raj Ghaut the prosecuto r back to the house and then made off sent the discoverers and importers; Du Babbt and Co., 127 severe cold and cough, obtained from me a box of Dr. speedy and permanent curei for ' every variety ef disease published hi the departments of the Seine, Seine-et- (the princi pal landing place of the city,) in the himself. On the 17th of June the prosecutor iriefc NewBond-street , London , testimonials of the extraordinary Locock' s Wafers ,' froni which he derived so much benefit arising from solitary habits , youthful delusive excesses, ' Oise, Se'me-et-Marne, and Rhone , and in the arron - centre of tbe town. A little after ten p.m. one of the prisoner on Tower-hill , and gave him into cus- mann ei; In which their Kialth 'has been restor ed'hy tlila that lienow recomm ends them to aU; I could, if necessary, and infection , such as gonorrhoea , syphilis, &c, which , tody.—In cross-examination , the prosecutor ad- useful and economical diet, after all other remedies had furnish you with numerous respectab le testimonials from from neglect-or improper treatment by mercury, copaiba ,, dissements containing atown of 50 000 inhabitants , these boats caught fir e, and immedia tely af ter the years , journals and other periodical publi- mitted that .he had received £10 from the pri soner 's been tried in vain for many and all hopes of recovery persons who hove'derived special benefits from their use, cubebs , and otber deadly poisons, invariabl y end iri some of or over. The whole exploded, sinking all the boats near the land- abandoned. 'A full report of important cures of the abov e (Signed) T. Johnson. tbe following forms of secondary, symptoms; viz., pains and' cations pnblisbed elsewhere shall pay a stamp-duty sister , on condition that he varied his testimony so and many other complaints, ' and testimonials 'from parties ing place, and destroying or injuring every one as to obtain the priso ner 's acquittal. Ho said he Cures of Consumption iri Newcastle. swellings in the bones, join ts and glands, skin eru ptions, the sheet.' The hill of the committee pro- of the highest respectability , is, we find; sent gratis by Du can myself speak of your Wafers with the blotches and pimples , weakness ofthe eyes,' loss of hair , of 2c within a certain range. By the latest accounts the defeat justice , but to get back a Co. Morning Chronicle. , Du Barry arid Co., Gentlemen ,—I 1 or did this not to. Barry and ' — . greatest confidence , having recommended "them in many disease and decay of tbe nose, sore throat , pains in the poses to say, tbat after Jul y 15 all journals killed and wounded amounted to 1,200, but more his money. He never had any inten tion 127 New Bond-street; London ; also of Barclay, Edwa rd s, side back and loins fistula , piles ic.; diseases of the) portion of : cases of pulmonary consumption , and they have always af- , , , , periodical publications of less than ten leaves of were continually being disinterred by the 300 men of performing the condition. —Mr. Horry submitted Sutton; Sangar , and Hannay, arid through all grocers , forded relief when everything else has failed, and the kidneys, and bladder , gleet,, stricture , seminal weakness, thirty-two centimetres square , or less than five chemists, medicine vendors ,' and booksellers in the king- nervous and sexual debility, loss of memory, and finally at work in removing the rains. The Raj Ghaut that the evidence could not support a charge 'bf ' of Messrs. Do Babrv patients having been serfeited with medicine , are delighted leaves of from sixty-nine to seventy-two decimetres lear ned Jud ge said his opinion was dom. Caution. —The name ' s invalu- to meet with so efficient a remedy, having such' an agree- such « state of drowsiness; lassitude and general prostra- Hotel , the Begum's Palace, and the Mansion House felony.—The able food, as aleo that oftheir firm , have been so closely tion of strength) as unless skilfully arrested , soon ends ia -square, shall pay a duty of 6c. in the departments that the evidence, taken to be tru e, did make out too carefull able taste. J., Mawson, 13, Mosely-street , Newcastle-on- are amongst the princi pal buildings destroye d, and imitated that invalids cannot . y'look ot the Tyne;' Dec,, 5. 1815.. a miserable death ! of the Seine aud the Seine-et-Oise, and 2c. every- the charge. —The jury found tho prisoner " Guilty. " exact spelling of both , and , also Messrs, Do Barm 's ad- ' •In the pre eentior v and removal of the foregoing symp- the missionary 's wife, the Begum and her family, 127 New Bond-street ,; London " ih' ' To Singers iud Prih tic Speakers they are invaluable, as where else. The payment of this duty will enable —Sente nced to six mont hs' hard labour. dress , , order to avoid in a few hours they remove all hoarseness , nnd wonderfuUy toms, and as a restorative of manl y vigour , whether de- are amongst tbe victims. On the river , all the A RAILWAY SERVANT. —TllOinS White , being imposed upon by Erva lcnta, Real Arabian Revalenta; ficient from earl y imprudence , or residence in hot cli- journals to be sent free, those paying 6a. all over ROBBEBT BY Lentil Powder , or otherspurious compounds of peas; beans increase the power and flexibility of the voice. . thirty-five ordnance boats were sunk or destro yed, 20, was indicted for having stolen 271bs. of sugar , , : They have a pleasant taste. Price ls, lj'd,, 2s, 9d, and mates , Testimonials from numbers ofthe Faculty and patien ts delusive excesses ; with plain directions for the removal of y seizure Mossy by Fracd. who have been cured of Rupture , establish the efficacy of The counterfeit Medicines have words on the Stamp so sailles between M. Clar y and M. Valentin , tbe Mon- Obtainin g —William Thomas , resembling , every disqualification , and the attainment of health, vigour, for debt by the English government of the valley of DR. DE. ROOS' REMEDY iu every case hitherto tried. , nearl y these as to mislead the unwary. Pur- «tc., with ease, iagnard repr esentative , in consequen ce of some re- 42, was indicted for obtaining by false and fraudu - chasers must therefore strictl y observe the certainty, and safety. Beam is confidentl y antici pated. lent pretences from a variety of individuals certain It is perfectl y free from danger , causes no pain, confine- above caution. May beobtaihed ik a sealed envelope through most book- marks on M. Valentin , in a letter addressed by M. ment, or inconvenience, applicable to both sexes; and all Prepared only by the Propriet or's Agents, Da Silva The China papers of tbe last month are barren sums of money with intent to cheat them thereof. ¦ ¦ ¦ and Co., Bride-lane , Fleet-street sellers, or of the Author , pri ce 2s., or free by post for Clary to the ' lloniteur.' M. Valentin received a — ages. , - .- . . . Louilon. Price ls. ljd. thirty-two posta ge stamps. of incident. Business is reported rather dull. The Mr . Woollet appeared for the nrosecution , Mr. M . Sentfree witli full instructions 2s.?d, arid lis, per box. The 2s 9d. boxes contain nearly severe bnt not dangerous wound in the thigh. The ; , &c, renderin g failure ', OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. pirate chief Sbap 'i gtsai (whose fleet was recently Prenderga st for the pr isoner.—Fr ancis Grant de- impossible , on receipt of 7s. in cash, or by Post Office three of tho small size, and lis boxes five of those at seconds of M. Clary were, General de Gramm ont 2s. 9d. • Extract from the Medical Gazette and Times :— ' Fortu - destroyed by the English men-of-war in the Gulf of posed that he was captain in the 41st Regiment of order , payable at the Holborn Office. : nately for our country, a remedy for these deplor able com- and Captain Agme ; those of M . Valentin , M. Madras Native Infan tr y, and resided at 69, Pall- A great number of Tr usses may be seen, which were plaints is at last found , and we hail the time as not far dis- Tonquin) had given in his submission to the left behind by persons cured ON PHYSICAL DISQUALIFICATIONS , GENERATIVE Scboelcher and M. Bruckner. mall. In October last, about tbe 10th or 11th , the , as tropliie s of the in> INCAPACITY , AND IMPEDIMENTS TO MARRIAGE. tant , when such diseases shall be comparatively unheard Chinese government on terms which secured ofiice mense.success of this remedy. of ; we hope all persons so afflicted will 'L' Ami du People,' a Socialist paper published prisoner called upon him and introduced himself as Thir ty-first edition , illustrated with lose no time in to himself and his lieutena nts , and amn esty for his N. B. Letters of inquiry should contain two postage Twenty -Six Anatemi availing themselves of Dr. De Roos's skill.'—This work is at Pay, Haute Loire, and prosecuted for a seditious Mr. Thomas , the son of General Thomas , of the stamps. ' cal Engravings on Steel, enlarged to 196 pages , price indeod a boon te the public followers. He is now a mandarin of the fifth 2a, 6d; by post, direct from the Establis hment 3s, , as it has the two-fold advan - libel has been acquitted hy the jury. Bengal service , statin g that ho had at one time Address , Walter De Roos . M.D., 35, E\y-place, Holborn- , 6d. tage of plainness , and being written by a skilful and duly grade. His followers are pardoned , and bill in postage stamps ,' The directors of 'Emancipation de To ' ' affec- been in possession of £40,000, which he lost by the , London. At home for consultatio n from 10 till 1; qualified man , who evidently well understa nds liis subjec t' £be ulouse tionately admonished to return to their and 4 till 8.—(Sundays oxcepted .) SI LENT FRIEND ; —Times. ' This is a work of superlative have also been acquitted homes failure of the Union Bank of Calcutta , the conse- THE — excellence, and . and endeavour to become good subjects.' quence of which was that he was reduced to penury. a medical work on the exhaustion and physical decay one which we should recommend to the perusal ef all'; The printer of Ledra Rollm's pamphlet < BroVier Chartists ! of the system, produced by excessive indulgen ce in fact it is quite , Le 13 Recent accounts from Cochin China state that He represented that he had endeavoured to obtain a , the conse- essential to those who contemplate mar - Join,' has heen sentenced to three months ' inp rison. BEWARE .OP ENGLISH KNAVES WITH ASSUMING quence s of infection , «r the abu3e of mercury , with obser- riage,—Record. ' - cholera made its appearance in tbat country in the livelihood by writing for monthly publications , that FOREIGN NAMES. vati snr, on the marrried state , and the disqualificat ion? Address Walte r De Roos M.D., 35 El ment and costs, for having affixed a fictitious name hew of General Dyoe asd that he was , , y.place, Holborn ^ latter part of last yeer, and had committed great he was a nep ¦ , Numerous complaints having been received from persons wliich prevent it; illustrated by twenty-six coloured en hill, London , and address to the publication. ravages, travers ing tbe whole kingdom. acquainted with Colonel Consadine , a number of who have been cruelly deceived by useless imitations of grnving s, arid by the detail of cases. By R. and L, PERRY N.B.—All those deemed inccbaele are particularly in- Wednesda y. Accounts from Renn es It broke officers of the Madras establishmen t, and the and Co., 19, Berners-street , Oxford-street , London. vited. — , Brittany, out in the month of September , in the royal these pills, sufferers are earnestly cautioned against swind- state that in consequence of a violent hail-storm Quart er-Master-General of the Indian army. He ling ignorant youthful quacks , who dare to infringe the Published by the authors , and sold by Stra nge, 21, Pater- province , and quickly spread through the otber pro- proprietor 's right by advertis ing a spurious compound noster- row; Hnnnay, 03, and Sanger , 159, Oxford -street , OLD PAIlH GATHEB IJJQ HERBS. . all the crops of wheat , oats, tobacco , and rape stated that he was about to establish an English Starie ,' 23, Tichbdrh e-street Haymarket vinces, proceeding in a northern direction. It at- herry Hills under ano ther numc ,_ the uso of which ' can only bring an- , ; and Gordon , 116, for three leagues in tbat neighbourhood have been school on the Nielg , in tho Madras pre- noyance and disappointment , and to attract patients; Leadenhall -street , Lond on; J , and R. Rai mes and Co., tained tbe greatest malignity in the month of having been promised aid in furtherance of pwv Leithwalk totally destroyed , and , at the same time, three sidency, fess to cure them for less than is really possible, assum e' a , Edinburgh ; D. Campbell , Argyll-street , Glas- October, af ter which it diminishe d in intensify » tbat object by many officers at Madras, when he foreign name , place ' Dr. before it, and hare recourse to gow; J. Priestly, Lord-street , and T. Aeivton' , Church- bouses thrown down by a whirlwind. arrived in India , but he was ih need of pecuniary other practices equall y base. Street , Liverpool ; R, Ingram , Market-p lace, Manchester. but at the latest dates it bad not entir ely ceased, Part the First General Fabvier has presented a proposition to occasionally exhibiting renewed vigour. In the assistance to enable him to proceed thither. the National Assembly to the effect that EXTR AORDINARY SUCCESS OF THE NEW Is dedicated te the consideration ofthe anatomy and physi- Abd-el- Royal province tbe most moderate and tru stworth y Believing this to be true , witness gave bim a REMEDY!! ology ef the organs which are dire ctly ©r indirectly engaged Eader shall bs forthwith transferred to Alexand ria estimates state the number of victims guinea , but made a communication to the Men- in the process of reproduction. It is illustrated by sue co- at 20,000, in consequence of information h'e sub- Which has never been known to fail.—A ewe effected loured engravings. er St. Jean d'Aere, in virtue of the conventi on although some carry the reckonin g dicity Society or the Money returned. made with him. as high as sequentl y received.— J. "E. Y. William- Part the Second. 100,000 ; and it is thought that the other PAINS IN THE BACK , GRAVEL , LUMBAGO , RHEU Treats ofthe infirmitie s and decay of th e system The director of the National * was sentenced provinces son, of the 17th Madras Native Infantry , deposed , produced ' have lost from 10,000 to 15,000 inhabita nts each. MATISM , GOUT , DEBILITY , STRICTURE , GLEET , &c. by over indulgence of the passions , and by the prac tice of by the Police Court of Paris , on Tuesday , that the prisoner called upon him one morning in solitary gratification. ; It shows clearly the to im- The greatest consternation prevailed , and the February last at the Oriental Club. DR. ' S manner in prisonment for three months and to pay a fine of usual the month of BARKER wliich the baneful consequences of this indulgence operate care and respect for the dead , which so striking ly The prisoner was shown into tbe drawing-room , D U R IF I C P.I L L S on the economy in the impairment and destruction of th e 200 francs for having announced a subscri ption to - characterise tbe Chinese nations , were entirel y lost and when witness entered ho took him by the i. have long been well known as the only certain cure social and vital powers. The existence of nervous and pay a fine imposed on a Socialist journal. hand , shook it most cordially, and inquirod ji f he had for pains in the back and kidneys , grav el, lumbago , rheu- sexual , debility and incapacity, with their accompanying sight of. The corpses were throw n out into the train of symptoms and disorders , are traced The Presidents and secretaries of the standing fields and rivers , in some p passed a good night. (Laughter.) He then pro- matism , gout, gonorrhoea , gleet, syphilis, secondary symp. by the "bain of committees of the National Assembl laces actuall y obstructing , toms, seminal debility, and all diseases of the bladder and connectin ss results to their cause. This selection concluded y were nomi- the streams , and persons who bad ceeded to say that he was a son of Colonel Thomas urinary organs generally, whether the result of impruden ce with an explicit detail of the means by. whieh these ' effects nated on Tuesday. They are all Conserv atives. been seized with and was born in India , but was sent to Oxford to be may be remedied the malady were cast out of their houses before or derangement of the functions , wbich , if neglected, inva- , and full and ample dire ctions for their GERMANY: educated. He had been about to enter the church , riably result in symptoms of a far more serious charac ter , use. It is illustrated by three coloured engraving s, which THE ONLY RATIONAL REMEDY life had departed. A great drou ght had also pre- but went out to India by direction of his father and fr equently an agonising death ! By their salutary ac- fully display the effects ofphysical decay. The number of political journals pros cribed tbe vailed , followed by famine, the rice crop s having to enter an indigo manufactory. His father died tion on .acidi ty of the stomach, they correct bile and indi- , . . Por t the Third . . PARR' S. LIFE PILLS. use of the pest-office in Prussia is still increasin g. almost entirely failed , and the inhabitants were re- and left him a large fortune which he invested in Ac gestion , puri fy nnd promote the renal secretions , thereb y Contain s tin accurate description of the di4?ases caused by preventing the formation of stone in the bladder , and esta- hfectian, and by the abuse of mercury ; ptmary and so- Hie Advan tages derived from In the district of Munster this privile ge has been duced to the utmost misery , feeding upon leaves Union Bank of Calcutta , and returned to England condary symptoms ; erupt ions of the skin taking Pake's Lira Pills are blishing fon life the healthy functions of all the e organs , soto thr oat, in 1st.—Long Life and withdrawn from the ' Weslphalain ' Volkshalle and and whatever they could possibly use as a means He was reduced to beggary by the failure of the Tliey Inure never been know n to fail , a a flamm ation of th * eyes, disease of the bones a Happiness. of nd m ybe obt ained ' , gonorrh e , 2nd.—Sound and the * ffochcnblatt. ' In the Bromber g district no preserving life. Unusual ly heavy rains afterwards bank in 1S40; and he then had to look about for through most medicine vendors. Price ls, l$d.,' 2s, 9d,( gleet, Btrioture , dsc, are shown to depend on this causo, Refreshing Sleep. something to do for himself and famil y, and as' he ami 4s. Gd. per box ; or sent ireei on receipt of the price Their treatment is fully described in this section. The ef- 3rd.— Geod Appetite. paper has been stru ck, the ' Bromberg Volksblatt ,' followed, completing whatever of the work of in contemplated establishin g a school on Molghorry postage stamps, by Dr. Alfred Barker —A considerable fects of neglect , eithor in the recognition of disease w in ith.—Energy of Mind and Clearness of Perc eption. the only oppositi on jou rnal there published havin g destruction the drou ght had left unacc omplished the trentmont , Hills, several friends had volunteered to pay his saving effected by purchasing the larger boxes. , are shown to be the preval ence of the virus —Gener al Good Health and Comfort. testimonials, • in the system, which sooner or later will 1 5th. recently abjured the discussion of political ques- and sweeping away the few paddy fields which the show itself In one tith.—They are f ound, giving passage out. The school would be for the education •' W. n. Willis, Acton , write s; _' I am quite cured new. 1 of the forms already mentioned , and entail disease after them a fair trial tions. In the Konigsberg district , the Oestpreus - miserable inhabitants had been able with much toil in its for a weeks to ' of children of the officers of the Indian army. He had suffered from gravel and pains in the back and loins. most frightful shape , not only on the individual himself, but few , possess the most Astonishing and sischen Schnlbot en' has been excluded from the and perseverance, to form. We have not learnt said he was nephew of Brigadier- General Dyce, un- I consider them a great blessing.' also on the offspring. Advice for the treat ment of <»11 these Invigorat ing Properties. post-office. Some of the above papers have an- whether the cholera had appeared in Cambodia , but der whom witness had served , and solicited witness 'Mrs. Edn ty, Hackney, writes : 'Thoy cured ray scrofu- diseases and their consequences is tend ered in this seotions nounced their discontinuance after certain dates . it can scarcely have escaped a visitation , considering to contribute towards the outfit of himself and lous eruption after all other medicines had failed. ' which , if duly Mowed up, caanot fail in effecting a cure. To ha ve produ ced a medicine so benign ' and mild in its :Mr. Smith , Henley.—'I purchased lately from a fellow This part i3 Uluatiated by seventeen colour ed engravings. peration and effects, and yet so effectual in searchin g out AUSTRIA " AND HUNGARY . the virulence with which it had prevailed on both family. Witness gave him a sovereign , when he nnd curin g said, '?You may as well make it a guinea ," and styling himself Dr. , who is evidently an ignorant quack , Part 41m Fourth disense of however long standing, exhib its on VIENNA , June 27.—The political organisatio n sides of it in the adjoining kingdoms of Siam and what I suppose is intended as an imitation of your excel- ¦Treats ofthe prevention of disease, by a simple application, the part of Old Parr deep research and a thorough know- Cochin China. witness complied. Witness recommended him to eritPurific Pills, nnd having found it of no effect, I was by which the danger of infection is obviat ed. Its action ii ledge of his . subjcct . for Croatia , and Slavonia . and the military fron- simple with, AMERICA. one of his brother officers , Captain Wilson , who gave sceptical bf relief till I tried yours , which ' I feel convinced , but sure. • It acts the viru s chemically, and -None are genuine , unless the words " PARR'S LIFE tier , are published. The former are to be entirel y him two guineas. The prisoner had with him a list only require to bo known to become extensively patronised. destroys its power on tho system. .This import ant part I'lLL S are 111 Whit e Letters on a Red Gkoond , on ths 48 ofthe work should be read by. every (J overamcnt separated f rom Hun gary. The ancient dignity of By the Royal Mail Steam-ship America , Captain of subscriptions. It was also deposed that , he had 'Address Sr. Alfred Barker , , Liverpool -street , King' s- young man enterinp Stamp , pasted round each box ; also, the fat- Shannon cross , Loudon , where he may ba consulte d dally from 9 ¦ auwie of the signature of the Pr oprietors Ihe Ban is to be retained. The Slavonic is to , we have advices from New York direct received the following sums ;—from Lieut. Peebor , -. Part the Flfth • ' . ,. , "T. IIOBERTS till I mornings , and 5 till 9 evenings j Sunda ys 9 till 1. ana to., t/ran e-court , Fleet-street , London ," on the Direc remain the official language. The Croat s and Sla- to the 19th , and Halifax to the 21st ult. a guinea ; Major-General Smith , fivo guineas ; CAUTION. —Sufferers are earnestl y cautioned against Is devoted to the considerati on of tho Duties and Obliga nenry A. Thomas , ten guineas ; and tions ofthe Married State , at ls vonians are highly pr aised for their loyalty and We learn that the Cuban affair was entirely Thomas L. dangerous quacks , who have impudently assumed a foreign and ofthe causes which lead to n Md; 2s. 0d., and family packets at good Mathews , a guinea. —Hor sford , tho chief name nnc the title of Doctor , and : dared to infringe the tlie happiness or misery of those who have entered , ii?°!5J.us.eocn, J °^f - services in 1849. The tsilitary settled , the American prisoners having been re- constable , 1 into thi by all respectable medietas venders throug hout fronti er is to of the Mendicity Society, deposed tha t proprietor 's . ri ght by advertising a spuri ous compound bondB of matrimon y., Disquietudes and jars between mar. retain its ancient character ; leased after passing throug h the form of he had ried ceuples are traced to depe Some slight altera- a trial . A known the prisoner for eleven years, and had been under another name, the use of¦ which ¦ can only bring on- nd, in the majorih of in Wholesale Lend on Agentn.—Messrs. Barclay and Sons, rencontre had taken place in New York ndynnce and disap pointment , - stances , on causes resulting from physical Famng don.st reet tions are made in the internal management. between " looking out for him " for the last seven months. ' imper fection] ; Edwards , St, Paul' s Chuich-yard ; AGENTS WANTED and errors , nnd the means for their removal shewn to be SMitton and Co., Mr. N. P. Wills and Mr. Edwin Forrest , in which On the 7th of June he saw him enter a houso within reaeh and Bow.Ch urch-yard j Sangur , 151, Oxford- RUSSIA. ' , No. EXTRAORD INARY SUCCESS OF effectual. The operati on of certain au street ; Hannay and Co., Oxford -street , London ; Motters- the former was seriously injure d. Forrest had 7, Walton-street , Chelsea , when he followed and qualific atio ns is fully examined; uni infelicitous heno. and Reports are in circulation , both in Berlin and AJ THE NEW MOD E OF TREATMENT . DR. ALFRED arid uniirn! . Roberts , Manchester .- Kaimes and Co.. Edfa « charged Willis with the seduction of his (Forrest' s) took him into' custody. On his person he found two 48 Liverpool-street Kin duotive unions sh»wn to bo the necessary consequence bargh ; and j Noble Vienna tba t the bAhKEU , , , g's-cross , London , The causes and remedies for this state , Boston ; and sold by all chemists. , Emperor of Russia intends , on wife. lists of subscriptions /on ono of whioh the names of having bad a vast amount of practice at the various hos- fcm m hnnorLni N.B.-A NEW THEOItr . the 1st considerati on in this section ofthe work . < " "P " *" " -A new nnd startling bf December next, to abdicate in favour The steam-ship Griffiths was burnt within the witnesses appeared amongst many others ns pitals in London aud en tiie Continent , is enabled to theor y as regards the natural duratio n of human life ap- ¦ treat with the utmost certainty of cure; every variety THE COltDIAL BALM OP I tt,e of his son the Heredita ry Grand Prince Alexander. twenty miles of Cleveland , and upwards subscribers. There was also a long list ' of narties SYRLACUM *»$ cnU,ed ' The^traor dinary Life anS of 200 per- of diseaso arising from solitary and sedentary habits , Is.expres sly E?. ^ r. 0Vt sons drowned connected withthe Indian service.—Other evidence employed to renova te the impaired Dowers »! HJS flSf1, l lf P " ^ .f n ^ "? caUc d .Old Parr ; this GREECE. and burnt. indiscriminate excesses, and Infections , such as gonor - hfe, when exhausted by the influence htt e work , besides the said theory, contain ^ much tliat was given to show that the prisoner and his wife ' • ' exerte d bjmSSSS is There are report s of a ministerial crisis. The The application of Pr ofessor Webster for a new rha itt , ; gleet, strictures , and syphilis, «r venereal -di- indul gence on the system. Its action is instructiv e and profitable as regar ds the means of enshrine wero living at No. 2, Providence-p lace, Chelsea , in sease, in all Its'various forms and stagoa , whether-pri - pureV Wsamic • good health , and may be obtained journal * Patris ' has been been confiscated. New trial had beea unsuccessful. comfort , its power in re-invigorat ing the frame in nil cases of rieV bgrat uitouTOU8IJslv otof aByany maintaining a very respectable , appear- mary or secondary, which , owing to neglect or improper vous^nd sexual debility, obstinate gleets agentfor PARR'S LIFE PILLS. and. more severe pres s-laws are expected. The A Brazilian vessel, with 240 slaves on board , ance. His wife had not been pregnant , nor had treatment , invariabl y end in ' gout, rheumatism , skin imMtenW W had been captured off Cuba , and diseases, gravel , pains in '., the ' kidneys , back , and loins, and treaty of trade with Russia bas been promul gated. tak en into Port they been destitute. —Mr. Wollet said they were demo 8tr ted byltsunva ,?1"8 8HM<*s in thousands A Danqeeofs Liver Complaint finally, an agonising death ! The lamentable neglect oi ^^of casea.. To.S those-personsil. who ar Effectua lly Cored bv; THE INSURRECTION IN BULGARIA. Royal. not in a position to deny that the prisoner reall y this class of diseases by medical men in general is too well e: prevent ed enterinr Holloway's CkPills. - Extract ofa letter trom Mr. W. the marri ed state by tho consequence s of ) m th Advices have been received in Vienna from CALIFORNIA. was a natural son of Colonel Thomas. —Mr. Pren- known , and tiieir attempts to cure by means of such dan- earls Wrs it if w0S,i^*J l? l i fT llaTen sworth, Hunter ltiver, New der gast addressed the jury , and contended that M h ff d0 1 for Holloway l Semlin to the "21st ult. The outbreak of an May gerous medicines, as mercur y) copaiba cubebs, io., have OiH ntment£ 'J °t at?' J s' ' 9' 5» "S^ 's Pil s and in- 25.—The • Panama Echo ' gives an account there was nothing to show that the prisoner had produced the most doplorablo results. AU sufferers are Sydney, dated January 17th , 1819 :— « Sir,— surrection is Bulgaria THE tea n nth the is confirmed. The insurge nts of an attack on the office of tbat paper by a body not tho intention of proceeding to India as he had earnestl y, invited to appl y at once to Dr. Barker , as ho CONCENTRATED DETER SIVE ESSENCE ilrLe5hi - l? ? 8im» l «as attacked with a severe ' ^ Md l con!U,ted tl»o attacked the fortress Belgradnicza on the 15th ult., of the natives , who did a vast deal of dama ge, represented , -j- The jury found the prisoner guarantees to all u speedy and perfect cure , and tbe era, An anti -syphllitlc remed y for purifying the i^ rf ffi " ^ ? ' 1 medical and dicatlon of every sympton , whether primary or secondar y, system from Ve ia nct h I derived no benefit but were repulsed with some loss by the grrrison. killed several Americans. The pretext " Guilty. " —Horsford stated that the prisoner was aereal contamination , and is recommende d for any of thk w£fJ£te } i ** from their for these without the uso bf any of the above dangerous medicines varied forms of secondary sympt oms On a subsequent attack tbey appear to bave gained outra ges was the arres t of a well known impostor , and was convicted of felony , such abruptions on l t« a negro boy who had —thus preventing , the possibility of any after symptoms, the skin, blotches on the head and face, ralar gement alnaW ^%»i ?'" en epmmenced taking Holloway' a possession of the fort. One account , in this court in 1838.—Mr. W itham sentenced the This truth hns been borne out in thousands of eases of the bv continued them which is on stolen a trunk value 800 dol., the pro pert y of the , and throat , tonsuVand -uvula j; threatene d, destructi on of the fi Sl ^ for "Ibon t Teven prisoner to one year 's hard labour. as a fur ther guarantee he uridctakes to cur e the most iri- nose, palate , &c ;£,.,, ?nd. I. a» now completely the face of it exaggerated , says that 40,000 men editor of the * Echo,' which is an American paper. . Its . action is purely detersive, and Its pleasurei' n cur•¦ ed I have gerea veterate tfase ina few days, without hindra nce from busi- beneficial influen ce on the system Is und eniable. giving publ icity to tiie C L • * are under arms. The cause of the insurrection is A pro test against the insecuri ty to life and pro- or any change of diet, &c. Countr y patients must and 33s> per , bottle, : Price lis ro sT-UFF icK ness^ . . RKQuUTiON a—Another instance of said hy one account to be the discontent of the perty which prevailed at Panama; had been signed Choler a. (Ireland). —From a return just pr e- bo minute in . tho detail it their ;cases as that will render The «. case c-f SyriawHn or Concentra "» inconvenience a personal ' visit unnecessary. ted Deter sive Eg. of the recent postal arrangements people, in consequence of the exactions and oppres- by the British , French , and Chilian Consuls, sented to the House of Commons , it ap pears that the ' Advice with medicines scncVcan only be had at 19, Berner s-stre et, occur red at which ten shillings, ' Patients < correspond ed -with till cured. London , whereby Oxford str eet Bristol on Monday. The usual Midsiun- sion of the Turkish government officers. Another had the effect of eliciting a proclamati on from total number of persons attack ed with cholera in Ire - there is a saving of It 12s and the ^ ' mer Quar ter Sessions commenced in the the Females may. with the utmost safety confide themselves tient is entitied to receiveUe advice without %' tnororogi acwunt , ascribes it to Russian machinations. The Governor of the provin ce, detailing stringent land , and relieved , medically or otherwise , by boards to the care bf Dr. Barker , as ' the most honourabl e secresy t0 a fee, which ana sowe document s requiring the inspection regu- appli «" * ^ose who r»M for a of the principal leader is a certain A. Rascha. The chiefs lations for the peace of the city. The Isthm us is of guardians , from September 29, 1848, to March 25, and delicacy are observed in every case; At home daily JjK f ^: ^ ^ Kecorder , arrived by that morning 's post, which , have assembled at Belgradeicza , and have drawn up very insecure , 1850, was 65, 141. The cost of relief to 5,002, whose for consultation from 9. till .1. mor nings, and 5 till 9 Cons»ltation .fee, (if by letter ), had it not been for the arrangem ents and many att acks upon the lives and evenings ; Sunday s 9. till 1. ' . " , ' , , 11. - Patie nts are mentioned a statement of the demands. It is said to be very effects of American emi relations or supporters died from cholera , was a8 nute a8 p0S8ible * above, would have arrived the day before. grants had taken, place. £5,183 14a. 3d., which, added, to the medical and Post-office orders to be made payable at th» Gonera in the . The Re- moderate and just. Greek priests are reported to be About 2,000 persons Post Offic e, to Dr. Alfred Barker , 48, Liverpcol -atreet , S3S! SS? - *?J8m!corder according ly had to look over them wililst the were at Panama waiting pai- other expenses occasioned by cholera, made a total • Attandanoo.daily at 19, Bern ers-street , ' ¦bon the. connected with the movement. «ageto California. . King' s-oro ss, London A cure effected¦¦¦; or ¦¦¦ the wwey, ret London, from eleven to two, a Oxfor d-str ^ nets of court was being trausa ctead,>m»tead of £41,102 8a. Id. . : [ urn eain all oasesi • '• ' "" ' - " . nd from avoAybt0 Rk *? ** of havmg-nwhiohmall Susdayf rdm¦ ¦ eleven to one. ¦- «> pr obability their nature re- ' ¦¦: ,.' .r- i > ¦ •: . ; . ,:.) . - . , < " ._ .., • • . . , ,.>, ^uwd-Uu wjwt tft«it ;teJBure !pfirui8l, • » \ ' ! •iJ jDtE58, T tfE.'W'O Rf®Eii N" rSTia'i' .„..„.. __. . ...,,,,, , .., ;.. . , . f . . . ¦ - -^ - ~ - - 1 : __^-^ : ^_r^^_i 9 ^ -ask — b ^ ¦ : - .' i- ' j VmiL.iii ) ir.ii:- , ¦ •-, Si ; : ' .' ¦'" '¦ " l , ' FATAIiACetDENT TOi SlBiROiBERT PEBIi. tion and 'ptoftcrericy tnat Ihad ' disiinguiBhed' bim at df Frea ^kde ' aod-f 5 VtV " ,\ Anfacciderifc;qf- .a fatal nature, occurred ; to; Sir maticsiaud 'classics.! f^ ." ' /.'viv.:;:!:-:.* . .'] i)'i :-' .i i' > wards tike the most prominent ¦¦ oK vEoET ARr AN Robert Peel on Saturd ay was' ' par t in aboli shing ¦' D^wni m -DoGiiMtisM ;^"Robert, 'my dear," A" " convention has been held in evening last/'as he ;: iNofsooner had he taken his degree than his fathe r the one,-and ensuring the perm anent ,,a New ,Ior k. ,Dr. Sylvester ' Graham and Dr. Wieting proceeding up Constibtibn -hiU on SbreaBhack ^' Sir- triumph¦; of the said Jeriny .-'with tho:de ferentml ;air of scholar , J re ye dom'^O right wieel? ^are ye &mio* my, 1 secured forihim a seat in parliamen t, and he was re- other lO iZvy- y \- -; -¦ ¦!:— Zd.y ? ;.:;. -' :.Z :il ¦ • ' " Robert; what did ! Slr.^ Carra ways mean when ho had an animated ,' and not very good temper ed dis* ¦ ¦ r Robert left his1 residence in" 'Whitehall-ga tdens cu"s8iori. " •ff jhah lnZyn Z- ' ' -j —viv ZZ ' ' ' -' y li shortly before nye' :groom, turned ," in his. 21at year , ; jfpr .Cashel, : .Upon ; taking .^'Neither ihe.ministry . nor the. parliament '>which said he;hated dog—dogmntism ?.'.' Topps was puz- The Evening Post says it had supposed Fort une fora' that she sen aye ^; o'cldcki'/attendecl by-his ' f ,?X,RoD' " that tho effeot:of the vegetab le:diet was to make Be thankftf ;to and, passing:through the park , -had -arr ivednearly his seat,.he adopted ;tbe political party of his father , called}it : ihto \existence: was.aiyear .old, when the zled. ert , my dear ," : Jenny urged ,' " what— Te'tt Ve ^enty ;o' . Men's aye to offer their and .spokei and voted- withthe Tory party. He at leader what in tho world is dogmati sm V Now it. was the men as meek and gentlo as lambs , but it would ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ opposite to the new entrance in Grpsvenor-p lace,; on of the.country party- himself proposed a mbr seem, from the proceedings han*;:¦ * • •: -, . • ¦ , .... bhee; dispiwd.great .'fcapabiUtie s ,,. weakness of Topps ' never to confess ignoranc e of , that thero is some ! 'tfieir countenance- * ' body .Cpnititution-hi lL when his horse suddeujy shied at .for debate a^ djfication.of the old Cprn; fLaw. / iThe. princi ple .was ' of, the old Adam left eveiif in br own "When ye needna¦ ¦ something tha t and ," kiekiD pit's heeb made several speeches' jpf . great , pr omise.' ., • In 1810 anything soever to'his wife; ;" A man should never ¦ ¦ bread and ' • iens' ye; ' —' ' '¦$y ' : - was passing, ; ,g^ : . , carefully ; and. ostentati pusiy jadhered toi but, the , ge- do it." Topps had 'beeri ' sweofc apples.'^ : ' ' - • » • - ; threw'Sir Robert over iCs headv,oh h« ftcei';iri the hewas chosen to second the' address to the throrie known in a convivial mo- •:A' body . . himself, as was Mb wont , to When ye needna their countenance— a* body ' he was appoin ted Uhder-Se cretary of' State for suspicions' of • the ; coun try gentlemen , and some of make a solemn- satisfying answer. -- Taking off' his ' ' and the horse,- being thereby suddenly : checked, foil , L L O WAY' S O INT MENT. tens ye! ; the Colonies. The official career thus commenced ' them went even so; far as to proghqstica te wha t has hat and smoothing the wri nkles of his brow. Toons HOAn Extraordinary Cure of Scrofula , or King' heavily npon SirfRobert j the animal's knees striking . ¦ s , the tide ta&' s a turn ! " Therewereiseveral ' and fated to lead to the highest offices of the state , since happened. , ' They were' , 'reas btied into said, " Humph ! what is dogmatism ? Why, it is ¦ .. .,. ;,. f. ... Evil.. . ¦;; . . - ;;. But waft yea wee till him between tiie shoulders. , ; per- ; L , however . . - . . 'An'; awa wi*the ehti drifts thefavoitf s.she sea' a the spot-at :'the' time,' !ahd ata oiig did not linger on its. earl y' stages.' ' From ah'Under- yielding , which ^ they 'did ,1 this, Of course ; dogmatism is puppyism como to its ofa letter from Mr Jt H. Alli(lay, 209 Iligh-atreet ¦ sons pasiin g hear ! under the belief that by full growthi — ;- • Extract . , yg ** • the rest Sir James Clark , her Majesty 's physician. Secretary ship in Downing-8treet Mr ; Peel was pro- yielding a little to . an obvious pfessure ,'they woiild : Cheltenh'arii, dated January 22na, 1850, ;; ' It is only now and theiii says the Liverpool My eldest son, When about three years of age Gauld friendship ; will then leave ye lanely to The first persons to raise Sir Robert from the ground moted in ;1812 to the onerous ; post of Chief Secris be 'all the stronger in thei r new' position'. This saved . j)/er- ' Sib,— . , - : • ¦ ' " and King. . ¦,. ; ; cary, that any thing trah apires of the extra ordinary was'afflicted with a glandular swelling in the rieclc, which mourn; ::: • :—• . . ;;• . were two gentlemen named Towll . The tary. for Ireland dur ing the Viceroyship of the Duke thepreraieffrom that bdiu m' which he would other- broke out into an ulcer'. An eminent "When * their friendshi p, then saehody barone t was then completely insensible-r- addresses which occasionally find their way into after a short time ye need a right hon. ofj Ricbmond. In this position be.broug ht in a bill , wise have'incurred. He ^was aided not a little, torn our post-office ;" but ' we think 'the following, medical man pronounced it as a very bad case of iscrofola, . kens ye;' -« . his featu res' were slightly abrased , and . his face' per- whioh and prescribed for a considerable time without effect. The subsequentiy.camed ,;for establishing the Irish con- by the pr ide of; his followers ; many of- whom ,' ¦'al- was forwarded to its destinati on last week, would : Xaehody tens ye, &o. fectly pallid, indeed , so much changed, that it was ' diaeasc then for years: went on gradually incteasinff in identi ty w^discoVered. stabul ary force , popula rl y known in that country as though with wry i faces,' went 1 with apparent cheer - charm the ' very shade of Wordsworth himself:— virulence, when besides the. ulcer in the neck, another like a hnrr to yonr side, some' moments before hu The crony wha stuck Sir Jam esClarke, on observin g the accident hastened 'j the . Peelers. " A similar force , was .subsequently fulness along, with. -hi m, lest/itshould : be for a mo- ": Take this to Upton—well you know the place— formed below the left knee, and a third under; thye,;be- An' vowed wi' his hear t's dearest blnid to assistance iu his power ,, embodied in this country . Hav ing chan ged his cpn- men t supp osed that they/had been betrayed or even ,:, For braw John Briscoe—well jou ken his face ; ' side8 seven others on the left arm, with a tumour between ' forward to rende r .aU the. J ' . 'Tis the eyes which was expected to break. During the whole of befrlen' ye, ' . . ' . Eden, who was the first to recognise 8tituency frorii 'Cflshel to Chippenham, be( sat for ;a taken by. surprise. ; .Tbe agijatibn from his brother—brother by the law- 1 will par t as wide and Commodore " again Bt Com Laws Arid such a chiok the eyes' , tbe time my suffering boy had received the constant adrice A five guinea note, man, ye # Sir Robert galloped off to giyefth'e first information few' years for "the latter , borough, when' a vacancy of all kinds astkept up by the League." ,- of man ne'er saw ! of the'mqst celebrated medical gentlemen at Cheltenham, As ifoceansand deserts -were lyin." between ye. w. i ". , About See both'the eM ck' s,.an' , by my troth , ye'Uswear at the right hon.' baronet 's residence, and endeavour occurririg .fih'f^ i^l7, in the rep resentation ' of the the , close of the session , of .1844,,, Sir Robert beBWea being for several months at the General. Hospital : : tfaebody Kens ye, &o. ' family oh receiving the . .most That mortal eyes ne'er lit on such a pair : where one of the surgeons said that he would amputate to lesson the shock to the University of Oxford , upon tbe elevation, of Abbot to positively, disclaimed any intentien ^'n the part of the sailer ! the gentleman gallopped off to St. . From this hero¦ ¦ world here to that there world the left arm, but that the Wood, was so impure, that if It's the .siller that does't man ! the intelligence. Another the peWagej hU;iAlma; paid him the grea t . ¦' ' ¦ '• ¦¦ '" ; 'r " " • ' ' ¦' , and returned immediate ly with Mater governriierit tq disturb the settlement of 1842.; The IHBRB, " - • ' " '; ' . '• that limb were taken off it would be then even impoBsi. - .. .;. = siller ! : f . ,, - . George's Hospital compliment of electing him to fill the vacancy. Hay- declaration It is said ble to subdue the disease. In this desperate state I deter- ye, an' mak s ye, an one of the medical assistan ts and a cabriolet to re- squires took him-afc . his word ^-his indi- .. that the fortune of the Rbthschilds is mined to give your pills •It's the siller that breaks ing resi gned the^ Irish 1 secretaryshi p, he had more ' not less ' tha n twen ty-nine and ointment a trial, an d after men's ye! . . ., . move Sir Robert. •Mr.jMa ckeDzie just previousl y cating what were at the time , ho doubt , the real millions four hundred two months perseverance in their use, tho tumour begau . t leisure for taking a 'pro minent thousa nd pounds sterling , '...... • i perceptibly to disappear, When your pockets are toom, an' nae web 1 tne observed ah open carriage approaching, in whichwere part in the discussions views of the ' government. ' / ¦j and the discharge from all the two'ladies; Mrs. Lucas, of Bryahton -square , ahd he'r ofthe Eng lish parliament; and on the 17 tb of Janu- ' Shortly after the' opening of the session of 1845, . A fe.w days ago, says the Kendal Mercury, as W, ulcers gradually decreased , arid at thb expiration of ' Oi Rother y, ;Esqv ; of 'Greta -hall , was ra mbling eight rmonths they were perfectly healed, and the boy Then tak' ye my word for't there 's naebody kens daughter, had explained to them the 'serious nature ary , 1822. . Lor d Sidmouth having retired on that the govern ment/ with Sir Robert as* its mouth piece,' ' thoroughly restored to the blessings M«?.. Lucas at once in- , r through the woods at Butte'rmere ,. be acciden tl y of health, to the as- of the accident upon which day, Peel was appointed Secretary of State for the proposed one of the most sweeping alterations in the trod ' ' tonishment of a large circle of acquaintances -who could ' :' kens ye, &c. oiated upon alighting and 'pkeing her carria ge at Mr. upon a largo viper, whioh ran up his back and testify to tho truth of this miraculous case. Three : . Saehody . Home Depar tment, a post which he held till the ad- tariff of tri e: coun try that ' haa ' ever been effected.- seized hint by the hair of his head , , years sae—. Mackenrie 's disposal. . Sir Robert ihad at this time vent ef Canning, ie ahd he had grea t have now elapsed without any recurrence of the malady, But thinkna Imean that a' manki nd are ^ in 1827. '. Waen iCanning .becam The proposal did not touch-the great question of difficulty, in^haking jifc off.:rlt then- recoiled and and the boy is now as healthy as heart can wish. Under misfortun e Bhould showa symntoms of returnin g anhnation , and Sir premier , Peel and some. of , It's the butter fly frieu's that James Clarke having expressed his opinion that his bis-colleagues resigned the corn laws, . but the country wasi nevertheless sprang at him again , and hissed most furiousl y; To these circumstances! consider that I should be truly un- fear aye— • • •¦ • _ ¦ , .. but the death of that minister qccuring: in, August of taken by sarprise avoid its rag o, Mr .- Rothery ' wasf obliged to 'jump grateful were 1 not to make you'acquainted with this won- sen there removal might be effected , was lifted into the car- at tbe boldness and comprehensive ' derful cure, effected by your medicines after every other There are those worth the name—gude gentlemen who had the same year , caused another change in the position character of his ,¦ measure... Hund red s ;of articles down a preci pice of twenty feet, arid in alighting ho ria ge, and saDDOrted bv the two ~ ' ' ' ' '' ' ' . , means had failed.—(bigncdj-^J. H. Alliday.—To Professor were mae ! tne. , . picked bim up, and attende d by the . medical officer of parties. ' . . . . - . , ; . .. . fi i were swept from the -list of dutiable .articles ,; and received great personal : injury, , and was obliged to Hollowat...... Wha, the caulder the blasst^aye closer draw ' be brou ght home in a conveyahco.:. from Sir George 's Hospital , was driven slowly home. The Duke of Wellington being called to the hundreds .of imposts ,' some! of them insignifican t,- bu t He is still con-¦ Cure of Acute Rheumatism, of Four Years Standing. near ye; On Sir Robert'sarrival ih Whitehall-gardens , he was counsels of the king in the ensuing January , ' fined to his room. . . . -... ..,. ' Naebody kens ye, &c. 1828: all/ofihem yetati qus, sacrificed,^ In some caaea, A qobeb genius being asked ! Extract of a Letter from Mr. John Pitt,, Dudley, January iminediately placed in bed and siibiected tbB medical Peel'was once more in place as' h'ome secretary, and ' ' why he did not go to 19th, 1850. . fatf r ; the . duties . were only modified, in otbers they , ,were the funeral ot his wife, replied that he could not .: The &ien*s wha can tell us our ta to ou examination. Sir Benjamin Brodie, Dr. Seymour, held that ; importan t post during : 'the ' troublesome The was ! ' Sir,—It is ivith the greatest' pleasure that 1 write to , totall y repealed ^ latter the' ease •with re- leave bis shop, and . that it was always better to at- thank you for the benefit I: have received from your pills Mr. Cssar Hawkins, Mr. Hudson and Mr. Jac kson, period that preceded the dissolution ' 1 of the ''To ry " ' Bat aye fra oar f oesin onr absen ce defen's ns, the family sur geon,-were very soon in attendanc e, spect to glass and auctions. ^ ; .This Was 'a new and a tend, to, business before pleasure . • : ¦ ' and ointmont which have completely cured me of tho ministry in > 1830. Before he took office wth 'the i! l shopkeeper rheumatism, uiider which I suffered.for thp lasi foar Leezemeon sic heart s ! o' lifepack he's the ace and after a careful examina tion -had been made the he still ruderhlow to 'the cohBdence qf the'i country A once wrote to his sister— " O ur naebody kens Duke , of Welling ton ^ had staunchly opposed aged father died yesterd ay of bf years, at times I was so bad as hardly to be able to walk ; "Wha scorns to disown us when following bulletin was issued :—" Whitehall-gardens, party in their leader ; ' They how begah to see that ¦ ¦ ¦ a large assortment¦ I had tried every kind of iricdicine that was rccomntewied : Catholic emancipation; but 'he entere d upon - his ' disord ers .*' '¦' " ' ' ' '•' , ' :i K > '-¦ ' -:' : ' ' Z '' [ . us...... June 29, seven p.m. ': Sir Robert Peel has met with they had 'been duped , and ' had th e mortification of ' without receiving any being. I' at last thought I would - CHORUS. a severe accident by falling from his horse: There is official career in 1828 knowing that theiduke meant Beeing'that their opponents were " Doiom> drinkftole in^Amerioa ?'' asked a cock- give your medicine a'trial , and purchased from Mr. J loiUu, ¦ aware -that they¦ ney. "No ;, wo drink thunder and lightning," chemist s of pills, arid two of oint- Naebody hena us, naebod y kens as, ; severe injury of one shoulder , with a fracture of the to grant relief to the Catholics. " His voice arid his thought so. ! •¦:'" ¦!' . ' !¦ ¦• ' . -i ¦ i: -- -' :;;¦ j said , of this town, two boxe speans ' i' - - - ^ the Yankee."' ,' , - - ..¦ ' •;• ' .- - . .. - ment, and in three weeks, through them and tlie blc-aslnga Poortiths ' a dry nurse fre folly whuk left collar-bone. ; There is great reason to hope that rote being used against his old friends of the '' no : Sir, frequently questioned durin g the of God, I was restored to ' ¦: ' • '• " ' • Robert was i A woman , charged with being drunk and [disor- health and strength, and am now . US • • - . ' ,. - ' there is no internal injury." , , , ; ', Z Popery ^ parity /' and in. favour of . political progress j session asuto his inteationa , with regar d to the !coin as well able to walk as over I was in my lire. f. am well She daprives uso' means, just to show to our We have the pain ful duly of announ cing the death derly; denied the latter offence, urging ,that " she known in this parish, having been sixty-five years in it gave mortal offence to many, of ..his supporters. Iii laws.;- His answer was invariably that it . was. not in was too drunk "to be disorderI y. .' , . j , Men's, of Sir Robert Peel. The right' hen. ' barone t ex^ , ¦ n . with the exception of ten years I served in the 24th regi- ns when naebod y kens ns. vain he declared that his .feelings on the subj ect re^ contemplation ,to Interfere with theu). , The country " " What a strange thihgit is/' rem arked a French- ment of foot.—(Signed)—JohmPar. —To Professor Holmw- "Wha winna disown pired on Tuesday nighti at a ;few minutes .after ' ¦ mained as; 'they, had , been but that emanci patio u man , after making vim. ¦ ' • ¦' • . ', ' • ' • • ' eleven, o'clock. 'A gleam of'hope was rais ed on ,. party had now resolved itself into the Prptectioniat the tout of GWat' .Btita m, " that ' by the app ear- " could not any longer be safely withheld .*'', Oxford party, the main object of which was . to keep up the you should have twofhundred different religions, Cure ofa Bad Leg of more than Sixty YearsStanding. THE BETTER LAND. Tuesday morniu g, at eight o clock, ¦ . y, Mr. Barker, of No, 5, Grabam's-place, Drypool near ance of the following bulletin : . - . ¦ . . '. would have him ho longer ; he was-opposed and price pf all agricultural produc ts, by' exempting them and onl one gravy ! j " ; . ; , , f, , HABEISO S. . ' ' , Hull, had ulcers on his leg from the age of eighteenhe until BI HBSB7 iSSIAB. seven o'clock, last evening, Sir ^Robert beaten by Sir Robert Harry Inglis, and compelled tq ' . AsIrish counsel being questioned by a jud ge to upwards of eighty, and although for manj^ years had. "Afte r fro m.foreign competition . This party did not limit know " for whom he was concerned ," replied, . Oh, my Brothers ! seldom see wo . - Peel's symptoms were considerabl y'aggravated , so find his way into parliament through the convenient ' ' "I sought the first'advice in the country, nothing was found ( : ! ifa views, to corn , and what confidence; as regards am con'cefhed , my- lord , ' for the pla intiff , but 1 am to euro them. He very often suffered most excruciating Hale old men with bright grey hair, as to cause much anxiety respecting him; -Early boroug h of Westbury. . - ' v. -' ." -.. ( co'rri ,.could it he expected to niihister who ' • • : Ahj :however , he : had some: refreshing , haY^ .in ^ employed by the defendant. " ' pain for long periods together, which incapacitated him Calm as Time !^ aoonye^wither, thisfmornin g, The memorable three ' days of July .' 1830- thafc pr6po8ed -to admit to the disadvant ages -. ¦/ , from attending'to his business." He had given up all hopes for peace ia rare I sleep, and the alarming symptoms bave somewhat of competi- Atr laisHMArf, seeing a vessel veiy heavily laden , .Joying young, gave Louis Philippe a- throne; lent- an' impulse to; tion British cattle , beefjlar d/grea se butter i 1 cbeeae,( and scarcel y, above the .water's edge, exclaimed , of gettinu a cure, when at last he was .persuaded to try Wait no longer, ther e are other , , abated.-:Whitehall , hatf past eight o' clock a.m. . , ; : Holloway's Pills and Ointment,.which ho did, and however T ' baro- Europe which, amongst .bther things , turned the : Sic. }--: Befdre tb e f amine ' of -1845 precip itated the' " Upon my. soul, if the river was but a bit higher, Brighter akieS at yonr command ;— During Monday nighi,.when the right hon. 1 wonderful it may appear, the leg was thoroghly healed by Bid defiance to oppression,— net's symptoms appeared very unfavourable , Viscount Tories once more out of office in England; and let crisis which " soon "afterwards ensued , 'th e breach! tho ship would go to the bottom. " . .. tbeir means, and by.continuing to use the.Pills alone after Onward to the Better Land ! Hardinge , who for many years has lived' on the in the Whigs to carry the Reform Bill; Sir Robert between Sir Robert Peel aud a considerable section! Of A ricli man it was said'-^" Poor .mahl he toiled his leg was well, he has become in health so hale and day and night until he was'forty, hearty as now to be more active than most men of fifty.— most affectionate terms of: friendshi p ;with Sir Ro- served his patty during the debates on this measure ! of his: party was virtually complete. ; .' • • ¦ j . to gain his wealth , Bread enough there is, and wasting, ¦ answered and he has'be en watching it ever since for his vic- n.b;—Tho truth of this extraordinary Btatement can bo While the little children jnoan , bert , was sent for. The noble viscount by speaking long ; and .frequentl y! and cleverly inj ;• The famine; which occurred in the autnmn of tbat vouched for by Mr. 3. c. Keinhardt, 22, Market-place, tlie summons immediately, and remained with his and against the tuals and clothes." And in piteous anguish see it, favour of rotten boroughs, proposed- year ,.opened up :a very ' gloomy pr ospect fbrf the ' Existence is only real ly valuable while Hull. February 20th, 1350. right hon. friend throughout the night, taking leave changes in iir representative Bystem. But in vain, ! it is ne- Cure of a Desperate Case of Ringwormof Sin Years- Mocking ; tiR it seems but stone; bul- p country. . ;The - ar ticle ;;of ;food rott!which a;large cessary to somo one dear to us. The moment we , clay-cold finger . for a short time only when the more favourable The Reform Bill became the law of the land. ,. , . -' . i — Standingi — Poverty, with letin was issued in the morni ng. • f - - ' part ;of the United Kingdom almost solely depended , become aware tha t our death would leave no achin g One of the most eminent surgeons in Lima (the capital Galleth more than feudal brand ;— / Whilst these political contests were in pr ogress, a e perished throug h the influence of an un- void iri a human heart , the charm of life is gone. more than your fetters , Jn consequence of the great number of carriages nd n arl y of Peru) had a child covered with ringworm for Wake, on wake ! burst off -on.Tuesday, and the Sit Robert Peel,' the father , died , leaving his son to ' known and mysterious disease. The cereal. , crops f ''Love .—At three years of'age we love our mothers; six years ; in vain he exhausted all his art in his endea- - the Better Land ! : which drove up to the mansion, ' ; vours to effect a cure. Not succeeding, consulted am«ng . . . 1; Onward to urgent necessity of preserving the greatest quietude , succeed to the barbrietcy, and to an atriouht of pro - were also short , and the price a of, th e• , necessaries, of at six> our fathers ; at ten , holidays ; at sixteen , he dress ,; at twenty, our sweethearts ; at twenty-five his brethren, the most celebrated medical practitioners of Many hearts of noble natur e . so as' not to interrupt the occasional rest of Sir perty that rendered him one of the wealthie st com- life were high arid still tending heavily upwards '—a ' , the city, but nothing was found, to do the child service. duty here ; our wives ; at forty , bur ¦children ; at sixty, our- StUl'.will find their Robert , the medical gentlemen gave instructions at moners in England. On his parent 's demise : he state of. things ', the evils of: which , were aggravat ed ""' '' "' "'" When,ho was persuaded by Mr. Joseph P. Hague, the Ye who yearn for other missions, carriag esshould be allowed to selves. English chemist and druggist, residing, at No. 74, Calle de an earl y hour that no gained also the seat for Tamwortb, which he occu- by partial and precarious employment, for the labour - A. TiirjK ' Trust your , impulse, never fear ; enter the court-yard. The gates were accordin gly pied ! J . :.:: . ' Man .—Who is he? . One!who will not Palacio, to try Holloway's Pills and Ointment, which wat :till his death. • ing, classes; It was uiider these circumstances that swerve from the ;pat h of duty to gain a mino of done, and after using six large pots ofthe Ointment, with Xaunch'd upon the bounding waters, closed, and as parties arrived they were referred to -. In 1834 Earl Spencer died, Lord Altho rp re : ' Leaving England 's haughty strand , the bulletin , copies of which were exhibited on the thehatioh was called upon • seriousl y to 'cbnte raplate wealth or a world bf honours . He respects the a proportion of.tlic Pills,.the child was radically cured, U flag of Hope'rejoicing,— * signed r the Melbourne ministry was broken Up, and the propriety of keeping its ports any longer almost feelings of all, the rich and the poor , tho titled and the surprise of the whole medical profession. The name loft your gates. A porter was in attendance to receive cards , the. ;Duke ( : of the parent, from motives of delicacy, is withheld,— Onward to the Better land ! and so great was the anxiety exhibited throughou t the of Wellington was again sent for. * Sir hermeticall y: sealed against the ad mission of foreign the humbl p. He is as . careful not tb speak an un- Lima, 18th of November, 1849. . Robert Peel , was at the time in Italy with bis kind or a harsh word to his servan t • Atlantic, day, that-th e number of visitors considerably ex- family grain ; Lord John . Russell was spending part' of , as to his lord . . Tho Pills should.ba used conjointly with the Omtaientln Biding o'er the broad v; ' seeking amusement: and the improv ement He isfaS : attentive to the wants of a slave as to a most of the following esses :— Learning: ^Freedom on the deep, ceeded those npon any previous day. i ; of his th e receha at Edinburg h, f rom whence he indicted his - The answer to all inquiries , up to mid-day, was health. . The duke , by this time, seems . to -have prince . Wherever you meet: him he is tho same Bad Legs Corns (Soft) Rheumatism Sowing seeds of aspiration , celebrated letter!to his!constituents in London; an- kind , accoriimodating,, unobtrusive , humble indivi- Bad Breasts Cancers Scalds • ; Which your children yet shall reap, that Sir Robert Peel continued - much- the same1 as fully appreciated the'value of the absent . stat esman nouncinghi s adhesion to : the League. !:If report Bums Contracted and Sore Nipplea .. when the bulletin was issued at half-past eight dua l. In him.we embodied the elemerits of pure .re* Bunions Stiff-joints Sore Throats Where the Western prairies , swelling, to the Conservative party,, for be despatched , at speaks truly,. Sir Robert : Peel^had ( ;already;;be en;a ligioh.: No'step is taken which the law of God con- Boll their music soft or grand, o'clock. During the afternoon , the crowd increased once, a mes'seriger to offer Sir Robert the Premier, convert '; to f ree-trade doctrines. . One, , ' < Bite of Moschetoes Elephantiasis Skin-diseases so much, that additional officers were sent to preserve morning . in demns—no word is spoken that pains the ear of and Sand-flies Fistulas Scurvy Resonant with life and freedom;— ship. The crowning point of his official ' ambition • - Order, and a copy of the bulletin was furnished, to a December , the country was "informed tbat the Peel, man./ ; Be you like him ; then you will be prepared Coco-Bay Gout • Sore-heads Onward to the Better Land ! was gained. He returned to Engla nd, formed a to live or die, to Berve God on earth or in heaven. Cniege-ibot Glandular Swel- Tumours. ,. constable stationed at the entrance of . Whitehall-gar- cabitietwas at an end , The ministers iett town for , Chilblains lings TJlcers There the air isjmre and glad'mng, dens in order to enable him to answer inquiriesin ministry, and dissolved the parliament. Peel was Osborne , and returned , as private individuals to.Lo u- .Cba pt.—There was m his native village a wealthy Earth 'is , Jew , who ' was seized With a danger ous Chapped-hands Lumbago Wounds - free as are the waves, WhitehaUV.and thus lessen the pressure of the crowd now to show his quality a3 a statesman . He had don. Lord John Russell , how a declar ed Free illness. - , -• Piles Yaws Free from lordli ngs, free from despots— ; Seeing death " approach; ' despite of his physician's Sbldby the Proprietor, Strand, (near Temple Bar,) near the mansion. At half-past, six o'clock the fol- bis choice of colleagues, and' many favourable cir- Trader and com'-laW Repealerj ' was sent 'for by the : 244, " Britons.never will be slaves." lowing bulletin was issued . " Sir Robert Peel is cumstances for his great experiment. He Bkill, ' he- hothou ght bim ' of vowing a vow ; so he London, and by all respectable Vendors of Patent Medi- —; hid se- Qiieeh ori -Sir Robert' s recommendation ; ' 1 cines throughout the civilised^ world, [ia:.Pots and Boxes, Bise then, be ye slaves no longer- much exhausted ; and altogether: not so well' as he solemnly promised that , if God would restore him cured a reputation for official aptitude; for power in The pointon which the Peel cabinet split was the to health, he, on his part Is. Id., 2s. 3d., 4s„ Cs., 118., 22s., and 33&. each. There h Join as Brothers,' heart and hand- was on the earl part of th9 day.—July 2, 1850, half- , on ; his recovery , would Bope triamp hanij— y debate , and for. services as alaw reformer. • He had , opening of the port s; ' : Lord Stanley; then secretary Soil a certain fat beast in his stall , and devote the a very considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. Swell your song of past six p m. After this time instructions were moreover , taken very decided steps by bis bill of N.B.—Directions for the guidauco of Patients are affixed Onward 'to the Better Land 1 given to admit no person wfthia the gates except the for the colonies, headed the. opposition, and minis, proceeds to the Lord, The. man recovered , and . in to each Pot or Box. ' 1819, and m other ways, for influenc ing the cur- ters placed their resi gnation- ia the hands of her due time appeared before the- door of the synagogue 2ne Aotionat Jh structor Bishun of Gibraltar, that reverend prelate having rency and monetary been sent for shortly previous by Sir Robert's desire. arrang ements of the country. Majesty .^ The^Wldgs did ( >noit .succeed ?in forming driving before him a goodly ox; arid several Jewish AN THE PREVENTION , CURE, AND In executive government , in legislatorial conflict , in a governm f butchers , after artisticall y examining the fine fat )\J General character of SYPHILUS, STBICTDKES,. The Bishop of Gibraltar arrived shortly before eight .nt. ^Personal l disputes ,. prevented thero Affections of the PilOSTBATE GLAND, VENEREAL and 'o'clock, and -was admitted to the presence of the the modification of our jurisprudential system, he from ; completin g their cabinet. - After a; week spent beast , asked ,our convalescent what might. be the Wnbltc g|mu0emtnt 0 price of the ox. " This ox," replied tbe owner, SCORBUTIC ElttlPTlONS of the face nnd body, Mercurial right hon. baronet*, with.whom he remained for 'had made bis influence felt throug hout the coun- in vain efforts to reconcile • differences , Lord , Joh n excitement, 4c., followed by amild, successful and expedi- nearly an hour. Sir Robert at this time became very, itry. The country was now more than ever in "lvalue at two shillings," (Isubstitute English tious mode of treatment. QUEEN 'S THEATBE. ; his abandoned this task , and Sir Robert Peel was oijce money ;) " but this eock ' , much worse, and all the membersof bis family were hands , and the people looked , on wiih natural ' ,f"hB added , ostentatiousl y Thirty-first edition, 2&r. Eirida fld, a yoong aspirant for his- to the more reinstated in 'the post-which , oh this , occasion, exhibiting a chanticleer , -"I estimate at twenty IUustrated by Twenty-Sbc Anatomical Engravings OU introduced to take a last leave of their revered parent. solicitude know what hew Coaservative cau con Steel. Nbw and improved Edition f ame . has leea representing some of Peel: was reduced to such a h ie^ scarcely fbe sidered .to have quitted. . pounds ." The butcher s laughed nt him ; they , enlarged to 190 pages, trionic , . We believe that Lady ^ minister would do. ; Speculation was how rife as to the policy whieh thou ght he was joking. However, just published, price 2s. 6d; or by post, direct from th© ni state of mind , from excessive grief and: watchin g, ; ^ as he gravely Establishment, 3s. 6d. in postage stamps. Shakspeare 'sfDesichara cters for several ghts ' It was on the 9th of Februar y, 1835,. that the ithe restored 'minister would pursue. ¦• persisted that he . was in earnest , one of them , ieces usually repre- that it was not thought advisable to acquaint her Th at he medi- " THE SILENT F1UEND," a Medical Work on Venereal wiih great snccess. The p ¦w ' new parliament assembled . In this parliament itated nothing short of the proposal which broke up taking him at his word , put down two shillings for and Syphilitic Diseases, Secondary Spmptoms, Gonorrhaja. ladyship ith. the approaching dissolution of her " ' the ox. sented at this theatre are of: a melo-dramatic husband lest the shock might prove greater than she Sir R. Peel's government was beaten on more than 'his ' cabinet was evident from the reconstruction *' Softl y; my good friend ," rejoined the ,4c., with a PRESCRIPTION FOR THEIR PREVENTION; charaeter , and the company: being adapted for ; -' ¦" ' ¦¦' ' ¦' •' one question , i On the 8th of April , he and his ; seller, " I have ' made a vow not to sell the oss with- physical exhaustion, and decay oftheframe , from the effects'! could bear. " > - which it'underwent ; Lord Stariley kept aloof, and out the cock ; jou buy of solitary indulgence and the injurious consequences of higher walk of Viscount Hardinge had arrived in Wh iteball-gar- colleagues resigned,- and ' the-Whigs returned to ^ must both , or be conten t with obligations such pieces, any .artistefinthe . Mr. Gladstone was elevated to the head of the colo- [neither ." Great was tho surprise of the by- the abuse of Mercury ; with Observations on the traged y, must necessarily appea r to disadvan- dens some time before,. and joined Lord Villiers and power , which they retained until 1839, but with nial department.. People werei perplexed ,1 however , standers , who could not conceive of Mamuage, and directions for obviating certain disQualk Mr. Dawson and all the other members of; the what pervers ity ncations. Illustrated by twenty-six coloured 'engravings. tage, owing .to, the want of adequate support gradually diminishing majorities ,.inntil at length when they saw tbe Duke of Wellington once more Ipossessed their wealth y neighbour . But the cock By R. and L. PEKRY and family " at the bedside of his afflicted friend. Sir J. they were ¦ Co., Consulting Surgeons, 19, from the corps dramatique. Impressed with 0 virtuall y- defeated on the : Jamaica Bill, supporting the ' cabinet , seeing that it was well heing valued at two shillings, and the ox for twenty Burners-street, Oxford-street, London. Published by the Graham , the constant political and priva te friend, ' and retired from office. authors, and sold by Strange, 21 Paternoster-row ;• Han- this idea, we were agreeably surprised to find , sent- for and was al60 ad- This was in 1839. Sir R, known that he ,had . sided with Lord Stanley before pounds , the bargain was concluded and tho money , Sir Robert had been , paid. Our worthy Jewinow walk s uay, 63; and Sanger, 150, Oxford-street ; Stavie, 23, Tich- the traged of Hamlet placed upon th e stage mitted to an interview; with the right hon. baronet , Peel was once more entrus ted with the task of form- the dissolution of the previous administration. /This up to the Rabbi , bbrne-street 146 y ing a ministr y. , ' ¦ cash in hand. ..*• This;'.' 'said he, handing the two , Haymarket ; and Gordon, Leaderiball' in a manner deserving commendation, and who, with the exception of 'occasional wanderin gs, . was afterwards explained ina characteristic manner street, London ; Powell, SS,. Grafton-street, Dublm ; retained his sensibility until within a very short \ ' The celebratelb ^dchamber plot is yet too fresh b the Duke. For fa , time, I however^ , it seemed . to ^shillings, " I-devote toth e service of the synagogue, and Raimes and Co., Leith Walk, Edinburgh. which cert ainly reflect s great credit on the ¦¦ y being the puce of thefox,' which I had vowed ; Parti, treats ofthe anatomy and physiology of the re- period of his death. • ' '.' > "' " • '= _ ' in the minds of most men to rf quire any detailed enshroud the intentions of the minister in. consider- and mana gement. .. Mr. ; Kiridand 's Hamlet is-a this, placing the twenty pound s in his own bosom , productive organs, and . is illustrated by six coloured At nine minutes after eleven o'clock; Sir Robert notice here. It appeared that Sir Robert fancied able .mystery j' -arid it was. not until shortly ' after the engravings. Tery respectable .performance,,the soliloquies , 'the pre sence of nearl y all " is lawfully mine own/for is it not the pric e of Peel breathed his last in that 'the Queen had given him the most ample autho- opening of the sesaion of 1846, that the, country was the cook ?" —"And what did your neighbours aay Part IL treats of the consequences resulting from exces- were well delivered, and his .scenes with the the members of his family, of whom he had taken ty to surround her both 'in her political aria donies- ; sive indulgence, prodacing nervous excitement, and genera- ri made fully awaife . of the principles oii Which he. had of the transaction ?" Did , tbey not think this ricii tive incapacity. It is particularly addressed to those who ghost, and also, with Ophelia, were excellent ; an affectionate leave only a short time previously. tic'capacity,' withi parties of'hw ' cKooslri alrid sub- " Int elligence of the melancholy event was immedi- . gl recdhstriicted his cabinet. He then' formal ^ an- man an arrant rogue ?" " Rogue !" said my are prevented, in consequence from entering into the hoik Ms voice and figure are good, his .action mitted a list to her Majesty containing the names nounced his intention , hot of modifying,. friend , repeating my last words with some amaz e- marriage state; Illustrated by three explanatory engrav- ately forwarded to Buckingham Palace, and by but of en- ings: ¦ graceful, and : many of his points were well of an entirely new household . - The Queen was sur- tirely repealing, ' the Corn Laws. From that ment , " they considered him a pious and a clever electric telegraph to several family _ connexions of " Sharp enough, Part III. treats of the diseases resulting from isfeciios. ., . made. We are not disposed to he hypercri- the right honourable baron et resident in the countr y, prised at the proposition , and intimated her disincli- moment-he ; became the object' of unceasing ' man. thought I; but delicate Illustrated b attack , about exposing my ignorance , y seventeen coloured engravings. tical, and .have.no . doubt but that a little Sir Robert Peel expired in the dining-room of his nation f o let political chan ges reach her in her do- unsparing invective ,' and bitter repr oach from those I judiciously held my Part IV. contains a Remedy for the Pkwektios off peace. Disease by a simple application, by which the danger Ot t more practical experience and study will rea- mansion, from which apartment he has not been re mestic relations , i But Sir Robert !was inexorable * who complained: tha t he had abused t heir confiden ce i Wbstebu editor reques ts simple moved since his arrival at home after the accident. A those of his sub- infection is obviated. Its actio* is but sore. It t lize Mr. Kirkland' s fondest hopes. The per- and insisted upon tbe proposed changes in the house- an d- betra yed, jthem. iTIi e I opposition' was strong, scribers who owe him for moro than six years' sub- acts with the virus chemically,- and destroys its powtr r was very hold, not as a,domestic but; as a political necessity' hitt er , and not. illrcpnducted ; but ¦ after a protracted scription to send him a lock ofth on the system. This important part of the work. i . sonation ofthe Ghost by Mr. Green, ' . eir hair, so that he should not escape the reader s notice. good, and the .excellent acting of Mrs. C. hraMOIR OF. SIR R. PEEL. ,;. ;, Not succeeding in his object , he came down to the discussion, thepolU iy of;the P remier ; triumphed : iri may know they are living. . ' of and stated that he aban - When,Milton PartV. is devoted to the consideration of marriage asd 'd Boyee as Ophelia, received well meri ted ap- The father of Sir R. Peel was, as is weil known , House Commons,; had both Houses of Parliament. ' The Cor n' Laws were : was blind he.married ashrew . The Us duties. The reason of physical disqualifications, and d doned the intention of form ing a cabinet , on the Duke of Buckingham called her a rose. the causes of unproductive plause. We trust that the playgoers in this one of the enterprising men who helped to lay the abolished ; and althou gh the instrumental ity of one " I am no unions are also considered, and'd ' ground that he had had the misfortune to misunder , judge of colours ," replied Milton , " but it may be the whole subject critically and philosophically inquired id quarter , will, get a relish for the legitimate foundation of out present 'enormous ' and important who, but five years before , had been elevated to into. : ' , stand the wishes pf her Majesty on a matter of great power , tb maintain them. Sir Robert was for but a so, for I feel the thorns daily." drama , and that the management will be well cotton manufacture. He was bora I in. 1750, and iu ' A Paris letter says, "A cure , aged forty-nine , The Authors as regularly educated members of th» « importance. Sir ' Robert was again in opposition , brief time in office after this; ; A coalition of-Whigs Medical Profession , havinjjh ad long,'diligen t, aiid Practical at supported in caterin g, not only for the amuse - 1773 embarked in a cotton factory at Bury, in Lan- ran away last week 'with a young girl of a noble observations in the various Hospitals and Institutions for or cashire, in "partDershi p with '' a Mr. Yates, whose having on this occasion abandoned . the Treasury and Prbteetioriists drove him, fromf power on the family. Another , last week; was kicked out of an the relief of those afflicied pbilis, Secondary Symp- ment, bat the instructi on of its numerous taken pos'session of it on with ?f p- daug hter he afterwards married. In fourteeri years bench ere he'bad scarcely , Irish! Coerc lon Bill,' Lord John Russell -was . , again English fam ily for making a disgrac eful pro position toms, Stricture, Venereal and Scorbutic Eruptions of theie patrons. —so ra pidly was money made by cotton spinning in grounds which some affected to regard as good, hot sent for. ' From that time ' down to the occurrence to a young girl. This happene d at Nismcs/ ', faco arid hoay; have perhaps had an cncsuai, oppovtuuits tj which others treated as a mere pretext for relinquish - ' ; There is a man living in of witnessing their dreadful and destructive consequences .es those days—he had amassed enough to purchase a bf the fatal accident ; which has just terminated ' in the back woods, who, in all their 'various slnses: llcuce, knowing the practical ial ADELPHI THEATRE, Urge land ed estate in Yorkshire , to which he sub- ing office, at a time 'when it< was inconvenien t'in a his death; Sir Robert - Peel,' although not ' in power , being invited to a New Year's dinner , ate so much necessity of sound judgment in such serious cases, and hair- iv- . ]ffiss "Woolgar-took her benefit : on .Wednes? seqnently added others iii Staffordshire and : War- party point of view to accept it. • The apologisis of could scarcely be said to be in opposition. ' Throug h bear s meat , that , he went home and hugged his ing seen the injury that has arisen from the carelessness and ad vijfe—a thing he had never been guilty of before. neglect ofitsstud y, Messrs. R. and L; PERRYhave devoted ed day night, and the crowded state of the honse, wickshire.. At Tarn worth ,. then falling ,info decay, bis conduct, on this occasion , find it necessar y to all their difficulties he has given a constant support ' 'of the immediate ; Bov or GiRii.—Tho following mod© was adopted their attcution exclusively tothispeculiav class of nmlalfax m such a upon questions of trade and manufactures ; he ad- contest in question , ' ' an d Queries . BALM OP SYRIACUM M manueras toresemble cotton vocated the union with Irela nd,' 'and had ' strong as the head , of the country par ty, against the com- total of ouriton nagOj With the increase per cent, for "It is very curious," said an old gentleman to Is expressly employed to renovate-the Impaired powers ivera in whiteness and softness, as four decimal , 284 ton s 1828 life, when exhausted well as in coherence. , it may he patty ; which was then • organising, - and the periods :-^1818, 1 225, .; , his friend , " that a watch should be perfectl y dry, by the influence exerted by solitasolitai Bor this purpose a littte.Bea water is to be put into opinions on the currency—opinieris re- metcial 1, 741,291 ton s,',42 per cent. .; 1838, 1,995,680 tons, indulgence oil thesysterii." Its action, is purely balaamilaamii an iron pot or an un&med copper marked , opposed to those afterwards put forward princi ples bf which have since culminated in the ab- 15' ' when it has a running spring inside. " its pawev in re-irivigorating the frairie in all caseB of niof m.i kettle, and a mix- per\ oent ; ; 1848, 3,154,011 tons , 60 per . ceht.— not by strength tareof equal parts of birek aKkej. and quick and carried into effect by his son. ij .v .' - , •; ¦/- . .' straction known as the Manchester school. The old Iri thir ty Great works are performed , , but vous and sexual debility, -obstinate gleets, impotency, toy, bii lime years (the 'tbnnago of tho Uriited States has persevera nce. Dr. Johnson. . renness, and debilities arising frsnv venereal excesses,'hses,'hi strewed uponit ; a small bun dle of flax is to be opened The late Sir Robert Peel, the subject , of; this political watchwords : were forgotten in the conflict increase d 150iper cent.; upon what it was in 1818. by; — . and spreadnp on the surface , and ^ That womaij is despicable who, having children , been demonstrated by its 'unvarying success in thousamusaHi covered withmore notice, was born oh the 5th pf February, .1 788. , I n- which was now waged: ou economic grounds. ' Pr o- The/first six .States , in point of ship buildin g, avo ' of cases. To those persons who ave prevented entering ting ii of,taeiiu xfare ,%and thei over feels ennui. —Richi e. .. strati fication continued till heriting his father fs talents and aptitude for busi- tection and Free Trade met f ace to, f ace on the . elec- presented in ¦fcbtir order , tis f ollows ;-T-M3ine, 8^974 married state by the consequences of early errors, It & it 6 ii toe vessel is.sufficientfy filled. . The The most useful sign painters ih the world are valuable. Price lis. per bottle or four quautities ln,04 ln,01 whole is then to ness consideration s were tons ; New .tor k, !68,434 tons ; Massachusetts , ¦ ¦ .¦ ¦ ¦ , ¦ ¦ be boiled with sea water for. ten hour ^: fresh , he had all the super-added ad vantages - of an toral field, and althoug h political pub lishers of newspape rs—advertise your busine ss for 33s. ¦• • ' . ¦- < " -'"¦ qnen- «w\ " ^ , fought between 39,300 tons ; Perinsy lvariia , 29,633 tons ; Maryland , DOTssrOTsri tMesof water beingocca somMy suppYiediu propo r- y, soiftid/. aud complete . education.; . He , was not overlooked the battle was chiefly ''j ¦ in tlio papors if yoii would draw custom . The £5 cases of Svn'ucosi or Co.vce.ntbated first sent to Harrow, where he was form-fellow with these , 17,480 Ohio , 13,070 tons ; Ono-tiiifd of the ' shi p- Man was never intended to Essence can only 'be bad at 19, Berners-street, OxforOxfon tion to the evaporation , that the matter may never anta gonist systems, Ih this; first pitched bat * building of bo idle. Inactivity Theboiled.flax is to be Byron , , letter , by and the Penns ylvania is in tho West—8,000 tons frustrates 'tho very design of his creation ; whereas street, London- whereby there is a saving of XI l«-» **<> •> ™ become dry. immediately The poet in a since published tie between them . Fr ee Trade was worsted , of New Yorkiship building is on the Lakes. The thepationt is entitled to receive advice withouta fee, wnii, wnu vrflShed in the sea.byaJtttle ai a time, in a basket, Totu Moore , Eavs :. " Theie were always great Whigs, in the autu mn of 1841,.met a parliame nt in an active life js the best guardian of virtue, and the , who remit A 6, 1 A 6, U ; : State of Ohio , ; nn entire inland Stat e, is tho sixth in advantage is applicable¦¦ only to those with asmooth stick, at first while hot ; and when hopes of Peel an\ongst us aU , , 100 agains t. greate st preser vative of health .' ' . a packet. _ • • • ___ ' ' ""' " rr . masters and scholars which there was a majofity of nearly poin t of ship-building. . The State of Ohio builds as ._ ..„ f . i, T ^ , ntf-To^ -to^ grown cold enough to be borne hy the hands, it must and he has not disappointed them. -As a scholar them. - As soon as they ' this "discovery,' they much ' Drawino . . an Inf ersjtoe;— Mr. ( Ral ph Waldo TERRY'S PUIllFYIfTG SPECIFIC PILLS aLS ,soap, laid to made tohnagein ^essels as all tho States and . ports in all'wscs of Gonorrhaorrhai Is well'ruhbed, washed -.with bleach, he was greatl y my superi or ; as a declaimer and- an resigned and Sir Robert ' the "' incarna tion of from CheasepcakVi lay to Grande , f Emerson , lecturin g in New York , set his audience Constitute an effectual remedy and turned :arid watered every day. Repet itions of , Peel, . tho Rio ' Gleets, Stricture, and Diseases of the ,Urinary OrgaiOrgaii «fo» i was reckoned at least bls equal ; as a school- the victorious prin ciple, the champ ion of the coun- i "A lady in- Newport ," sriys the Swansea HeraM, agape by deblar inc tha t " we eat fins, -dr ink - gas; the washings with soap expedite the bleach ing," after ,r 5 tread ; on gas, ^and are gas !!' .. The'n it's a groat washed; o?y. out of school I was always in scraper and he try party , and the leader- -of the conservatives , was w.a8 expecting, a few mornin .es sinco, tho appear : " [whieh the Sax is to be beat, and again well never, .shame,;' cried a calculating Yankee, that :gas is pot iblo in the deU of 'thdr cases, noting ««PWffi««*: « same and in school he always knew his lesson and more summoned to form an administra tion. ance ofa new-servant , whom she had engaged from ' " com^enc^, cmg, [when-dr y,it is to be worked and carded in the once the Countr y, , ' so dear!" . duration ofthe complaint, the mode of its and pressed between two !; ' ?tom_Harrow the future sUteiman went From -the manifestoes , and the but , in JIi oi' 6teadfcame .the following agc, totatt ,ot gnanner -ascommon cotton. toi ^ the Vniveta wbich he uttered note ':— ' Mrs. M~, I ain very , Te!l pu " .Iocarr rather lafe this morning , Willia m," syinjitoms and progre^. ^W «*J9™j ™ iwards for forty-dgh't, boors. . It Is fnow fally pre- tj ;of Oxford where ihe: entered aa .a speeches-which he delivered, las- well-as . fro m the stor y\t,6.;. . y ' , in society.' Modicfncs can genUemau ¦ ^ that some ofthe latter day sehts" ' thi s said good , Idr. Risowitbthe^ a'un to a laggard appren - ^'^^^''^^^^Mas they,(wRl be «cariSecurii pored'.and fit/flr nsel .. 'It loses in this process nearly commoner ;of;,,Chri at ha s.Ben here , world ; rio difficulty can occur, . f iChurch. i The form in .which the issue ; between the. two parties Mwmng Bh' 'is ' ' 1 1 ' ' ' lato hour. ' ' *¦ efl, 'sir but carefully protected from 9Pf« n - jime-ha lfits weight, which is abundant ly compensated qualiti es he ; e»iuced looking for Marry and o gone to ser- tice, 'who came at a ' T ; paflked, and Wmostt 'ofoi tom oia m™ .at his public school went with went to the country, _it could riot : .be doubted tha t vice to them Sho is ? 'is ahfbld saying," rep lied -M.-Meaicine Vendors can be suppUed by m the impro tementmsdein its quality. bun to his college. " gone again ' my ~ancfiher fathers ' bette\< hto thanf jiovor, In London. He displayed the same applie d Sir Robert acceded to power as the avowed enemy will. What will becum of hur. '" William. " Better never late," said the master, " is WholesaloFatent Mcdieing Houses AJk ¦ , ¦¦' 4 " THiS TN aRsT'H^'RNoCTMiT - -' ' " " • * * that vanceB (Ireland) Bill, yhich"was intended to ;::i--rp: i- '¦--- ¦ EOREIGW,EOLICY; . I that ite had considerable doubts whethe?. ' —-^ Educatioii-for t&€I Millidiis. ¦- a BARGAINT "t; tration in alliits aspects,. while,.. his,political . MINISTERIAL, , it cut facilitate the workirig -of the Encumbered LEASE, THE TWO- would not give them too many voters " TOn BE LET,:ON career ,ha& proved thai he^as pre7«minently ; r eighty Estates Commission ; .theMerchantSeamens' ACRE ALLOTMENT, now occupied by T. M. lendid defence of his down -0 6hfce :'th'e three hundred and' ' WIS BAY IS PUBLISHED, ' capable of marching with the , age, and .that he Lord Palmerston's sp ! . Bill, for the bbiter>egulatibh of our mercan- ' ' " ''Z ¦ wWheeler, at O'ConnorvUIe.. Rent £9 a-year, the purchase :who wefe^stimatea, under the .its Ifo. VLT. OP [ " " • mmoney for crops, improvements, tools, &c. £30, there is knew how to solve, that most difficult problem Foreign Policy saved'h'imself and the Ministry ihbusana tile: marine,' and the protection of seamen j the capable of beingconverted to, one hundred, and eighty thou an excellentbarn, a large shed, , in Statesmanship—how to reconcile Conserva- from defeat: Notwithstanding the desertion franchise, ^ Bill for the much needed reform of the Woods " THE NATIONAL KSTRUCM " Sat a trifling expense, into a capital '_wash-house and dairy, 1 ; sand }' and thus! swept away, the chance, o^f * ¦ ¦ a goodi tool-bouse, hen-house, pig-sties, manure tank, &c, tism with progress. Sir Robert was not an of Messrs. Htjme, Cobden,'Bright, ViLLiERb, and Forests has. also; been ; bast into .that ; ; the enfranchisement of two hundred thousand PRICE ONE PENNY. together with a quantity of manure. The crops are in originator, but no man understood better how Sir Wi Molesworth, and other Liberal Mem- limbVwhich' is the usual receptacle of Whig first-rate condition, and consist of half an acre of wheat, ' Irishmen. But that was hardly enough for , half an acre of to apply new principles to action, how to in- bei's,- and the union of the Peelite party with «' intentions.'.' . , With all ' these, and The ooject ofthe Proprietor, Feabous O'Conhob, half an acre of potatoes mangel wurzel this amiable lordling.;.: It was with reluctance ;good Zsq., ^M.P., and Swedes, half an acre of parsnips, a quantity of barley, troduce new elements into the .body politic, the Opposition, Ministers succeeded in getting other deductions, we shall certainly> at the is to place within the reach of the of a new and valuable sort, and the remainder of peas he persiiaded himself to give votes to,so many poorest classes that Politicaland Social Information , with the least possible displacement of existing amajority" of forty-six, at four o'clock on close of the Session; have a beggarly account beans, artichokes, onions, &c. There are a considerable of the , " rubbish.? ;He;was strongly backed of which they are, at present deprived by the quantity of fruit trees of various sorts. The crops alone interests, or how, at the very climaxof a crisis, Saturday morning, in; a house of 574; mem- of deeds to reckon up, as the result of so much Government Taxes on Knowledge. are worth the money demanded. No one need apply who bers, ff Such a majorit is scarcely equivalent by his i brother Obstructives ; and Lord Lans- " " cannot command the ready to turn aside the threatened explosion. It was y ; : ' 1 talk arid work! - In addition to a serial history of the " Life and cash. Possession can be had to that by which the Government was . beaten dowhe, seeing a defeat before him, offered to Feabgus immediately. the general conviction of the existence of this ; Adventures of O'Cossor from his Boy- Applicalion,s somethingf must give up the £8:franchise;' ; if the Opposition hood, containing a postage stamp for reply, to be peculiar faculty in his character which caused in the House, of Lords ; but : On the part of the Queen, the Government " it will containEssays by the best writers on addressed toT. M. Wheeler, O'Connorrille, nearRickmans- ; wpuld.giv'e him J612 as a compromise The ¦ ¦ ¦ at issue in all the leading Questions of the day, written in an worth. Herts. ¦ " '' - , ¦ him to be generally regarded as the sheet an- be allowed for the larger question ^ ' Legislature, Lord John Kussell ' ¦ " ' overture ' was refused, and , a majority / of and the earnest, honest, and impartial spirit; Tales and chor ofthe State. .: tbe. Cpmmons, and upon wbich greater diffe- offered the friends of Sir Kobert Peel—if present NATIONAL CHARTER ASSOCIATION. twentyitwo against the Government conclu- Sketches, illustrative ofthe working of our Unlike many of our public men, who begin rence of opinion might have been fairly expec- agreeable—the honours of a public Social and Political System; Reviewsand abstracts OFFICES, 14, SOUTHAMPTON STREET, STRAND, sively put an end tb the Lish Franchise Bill they were LONDON. . their career as Reformers, and end by being ted. , The motion of Lord Stanley narrowed in doing so passed a- warm Of 2few-Books ofa nseful and iastructive character, for this Session, at least, because we can funeral, and suited alike for the The Executive Committee hereby announce the follow- Tories, Sir Robert's public life was one of the subject to the affairs of-Greece, while that great predecessor in and Mi-cellaneous Information, ¦ scarcel suppose that the Government will be eulogy on his . amusement and instruction ofthe fireside. ing meetings: progress in education, _ in liberal ideas, and of of Mr; Roebuck opened up the whole of Lord y; office , and for maiiy years his political^ On Sunday evening, July 7th, Mr. Bezer will lecture at craveneiibugh to agree to a qualification which As "THE NATIONAL INSTRUCTOR/' is de- 26, Golden-kne, City. corresponding liberality in his measures, He Palmerston's Foreign Policy ; since he held rival, a eulogy which was . warmly responded signed to improve and' elevate the Political and Dr.-Brooks will lecture at the why so wide a question is nearly double that they fixed upon, and On the same evening, was brought up amidst the most rampant high ofiice. We do not see to by the House. In the House of Lords a Social Condition of the Working Classes, its Commercial Lecture Hall, Fhilpot-street, Commercial- i selected, when the imme- which reduces the constituency they proposed road East, Church and Tory influences, and for many should have been similar demonstration of respect was made by columns will be opened for fair and temperate dis- , the sense to enfranchise, more than one-half; cussion npon all the questions affecting their wel- On Thursday evening, July 11th , a GRAND SOIREE, to years faithfully and zealously maintained the diate object was to test; , of the Cpm-j the Marquis of Lansdowne, on the part of consist of a Tea Party and Public Meeting, will tfcke place * point We presume that the .Lords were stimu- fare, and it will thus become a truthful and living Wind, bigotted, exclusive, and intolerant doc- mons oh the particular respecting which the Government, and responded to by Lord public opinion. in honour ofthe liberation of Ernest Jones and John Fug- of Parliament come to ah lated to take the course they have done, not exponent of sell, atthe Literary and Scientific Institution, John-street, trines and policy of a party, which looked the other House had Stanley, foY the. Protectionists, and the Fitzroy-square. .- down on the masses as born to be their slaves adverse decision. Many Members might have only by the desire to retaliate on the Commons AU the advocates of Democratic and Social Reform are - Duke of Wellington, for the Moderate SIXTEEN LABGE OCTAVO PAGES, and thralls. In that capacity, and, no doubt,, approved of Lord Palmerston's conduct; for their vote on Foreign Affairs, but also by Price One Penny. invited to take part in the proceediugs. tlie of a general election at no distant Party in the Peers. Mr. Goulburn declined Tea on table at six o'clock precisely, and the public most conscientiously, he resisted every pro- towards Greece, who might conscientiously prospect consequence ; meeting will commence at eight o clock. date and the certainty under the present con- the honour of a public funeral in CONTENTS OP No. Vn. ' posal of a liberal character, or tendency, whe- object to other portions of his policy ; and to , , Tickets for the tea, one shilling each, maybe had Of Ml. stituency, of getting a majority of Irish Mem- of Sir Robert Peel haying, like the late 1. The Owenian Scienee of Soeiety. Dick's, 7, Wellington-street North, Strand ; Mr, Parkes, ther it affected our criminal jurisprudence, our such an .extent was this feeling prevalent a Queen Dowageb, . distinctly directed in his 2. Life and Adventures of Feargus O'Connor. 32, Little Windmill-street; Mr. Dudderidge, Old Dolphin, civil and . religious or our commercial system ; short time previous to the division, that'it was bers to support a Protectionist policy and Ca- 3. The Secret. Old-street, St. Luke's ; Mr. Reynolds, Crown and Anchor, binet. Their lordships, however, have but will that his funeral was to be without any Cheshire-street, Waterloo-town; Mr. Truelove John- and yet strangely enough in the issue, he has not expected the majority would be more than a a remains 4. Joseph Mazzini, a Biography. , deferred : the.pplitical enfranchisement of the ostentation whatever, nd th t his 5. Gleanings. street ; and of the Secretary, John Arnott, 14, Southamp- inseparably linked i bis name with all : the fifteen , or twenty at the utmost. 'Such a small are to be interred in the Church, at Drayton ton-street, Strand. greatest reforms in these matters that have number would have been equivalent to a defeat Irish people j' they cannot prevent it, even with Admission to the Meeting Threepence. - the aid'of ,that most inconsistent and unepm- Bassett, in the same vault where his father 2fow Keady, N.B.—In consequence of the above soiree, the usual distinguished the present century, f and a resignation of the Ministry. We believe, , Lord Brougham, and mother were buried. . The honour of the THE FIRST MONTHLY PART, Tuesday evening public meeting is postponed to Tuesday To Peel we are indebted for the ameliora- however, that the larger number was gained prehensible old turn coat evening, July 16th. who; at the close of his life,- seems to take a Legislature having suspended its sitting for Stitched into a Wrapper. Price Threepence Signed on behalf of the Committee, tion and humanizing of our criminal code.'Jie entirely by the speech of the Foreign Minister. pride in opposing'every principle; the advocacy a day was never before paid to a subject, and Johh Abnott. General Secretary. introduced and carried through the measure It produced an immense effect upon ,the public CONTESTS OP PASTH . " of which; in early life, made his name famous. will testify to posterity the estimation in which which placed Roman : Catholics on ''.% .social Uiind, and deputations were sent from several he was held by his contemporaries. Sketch ofthe History of Socialism. constituencies, to remonstrate; with Members He is a .bundle of .'crotchets and contradictions, The Slave Ship. - portr aits of patriots * and political equality, with their ^rbtestaht ih which it is in vain to; look for any connect- life and Adventures of FeargusO'Connor , him the .princi le ; of .who f were understood , to contemplate < voting fellow citizens, and by p ing link or consistent idea « and it will puzzle Esq., M.P. (Continued.) The readers of the "Northern Star," and against him. ;Ainong those who had the screw- . . MONIES RECEIVED freedom of commerce was. niade the governing , "VYebk Ending Thursdav The Tyranny of Competition, the Democratic party generally, are informed, put ;.upon them was Mr. Bright, and,. - we many to reconcile the former part of his speech, For thi , principle of the policy of this country. It was Jvir ijin, 1850. The_ Secret. (Continued.) that there is now a re-issue of the various believe, Mr. Cobden had also to withstand in which' lie; advocated a limited franchise, for A Lithographic Sketch. impossible that any man could thus act in op- the the closing , Steel engravings lately distributed with the solicitations from his constituents; At ' all Irish; with portion of it,.in A Fact in Rhyme. position to his early views and opinions with- which, with his usual copious command , of for- England's True Aristocracy. " Northern Star." They consist of , those events; in . his speech he seyeral times com- THE HONESTY FUND. out incurring odium and reproach: from ; cible words, he advocated the extension of the Received by W. Ridke.—W. Rlgg, Bridgeford-gate, ls 3d Gleanings. Kossuth, MKAonsR) with whom he had formerly acted. - Incapable plained, with considerable bitterness, of the —Preston, per J. Brown, 2s—H. H., New Swindon, per W. Cost of Pauperism. LpOIS BtANC, . . MlTCHEl, ' cabals that were got up out of doors, to prevent franchise to the hard -working, hard faring, Bennetl, 2s 6d-W. Simpson, New Swindon, 6d—D. Mori- of reasoning themselves, or of appreciating the son, New Swindon A Tale ofthe World's Justice. Ebskst Jone3, Smith . O'Beien, Members fromigiving their votes according to hard headed artizans of this country. . Most , 6d—A Friend, New Swindon , ls—Not- le influence of expanding knowledge upon' such 1 tingham, per J, Sweet 7d. The Peop 's Sabbath. Prayer. RlCHAB D OA3TLER , JOHN FBOSr, ' ' truly did Lord Brougham declare that ¦ ¦ The Better Laud. a mind,, they attributed his conduct to the dictates of their own consciences: .. „ £ s, d. These Engravings have excited the admira- they were by far, more , honest and Received by W. Rider ;. .. 0 8 4 Memoir of Robert Owen. the lowest motives, and stigmatised him as a \ In treating this subject last week, we com- tion of every one who has seen ' them. independent than the " capitalocracy," - the AGITATION FOR THE' CHARTER. The Value of Labour. They traitor and a renegade. But the whole of plained/of Lord Pamiersto^^ The Confessional in Spain. are faithful portraits, and are executed in the ' shopkeepers, and ten pound voters, who Received by Joffif ABHOTr.—Sutton-in-Ashfield , per W. his public career proves, undoubtedly, that it did not go far enough ; his speech, however, ^ Felkin, 15s—Exeter, per R.!Snow, 10s—Washington lo- London Club Houses. most brilliant style. Price Fourpence each. monopolize political privileges under , the pre- he must have been animated by the highest lead'sto' the inference that,the ;blamei of this cality, per Mr. Marsden, 4s 4d—Collected at John-street, Robespierre. There has also been a reprint of the under- , ; sent; system;. and most cordially do we echo l/8s 0jd—Cards at John-street, 4s 8d—Marjlebone, per J. The Owenian System of Society and holiest convictions of duty, and ' that, the defect , does , hot ; rest;upon his shoulders.: He Goodwin, 5s—Kei hley, mentioned portraits c e ee e . his wish, that he may live to see that valuable, g per Benjamin Morrell, 11—Ber- Joseph Mazzini. , whi h hav b n giv n good of the country was. at' all times his para- has to struggle against a. despotic and . reac- mondsey locality, per John Pearcy, 10s—Mr. Antill, for a a s " Northern honest and independent section of his fellow; cards, 6s^-Leicester , per B. Thompson 10s—Huddersfield , aw y t different time with the mount, consideration. . ¦ , He liad every thing to tionary , party {within the Cabinet itself ; and , , SIXTY-FOUR LARGE PAGES, Star," and which are striking likenesses, and countrymeh now enfranchised; ; By,the. way, per James Ewsall, 10s—Mr. Rider, as per Star, June 29th, lose and nothing to gain b change, in the hence his hands have been tied, and his efforts 3s.—Total, 61 6s Ojd. - y , he must always be doing, something or PRICE 4 FENCE. executed in the most brilliant manner— ordinary calculations of;the .politician.; In paralyzed, at the moment when. vigour; arid as TRACT FUND. . . other—mischief when he can find nothing else Orders and Advertisements to be sent addressed Asdhew Marvel, William Cobbett, order to carry two of his great reforms, he determination were' most urgently needed. If Received by John Abnott,—A few Friends, Poplar, per to the ofiice ofthe Northern Star, London ; or to A. Abthub O'Connob, Henrt Hum, we want England to be effi ciently represented —why does his Lordship not introduce, a bill Mr. Matthias, 3s 6d—Mr. Simmons^ Poplar, per Mr. Heywood, Manchester ; W. Love, and G. Adams, Patrick 0'Hiogin3, F. O'Connor, had to separate himself from those with whom Matthias, ls—Mr. Starling, Marjlebone, Cd—Collected at in international affairs; this clique of sympa- for the political emancipation of the class he the Marylebone locality, Glasgow; Robinson and Co., Edinburgh; J. Sweet, Bbonierre O'Brien, W. P. Roberts. he had lived a lifetime of intimate friendship ; 7d—Charles Jones, Islington, lauds so highly ? We should like very much for ls—Alfred Jones, Islington, Is—Yarmouth, per John Nottmgham ; J. Guest, Birmingham. J. R. Stephens, he- had to sever his connexion with two great thisers with Russia; Austria, and' .Naples, ' him to test the real value of the cheers which Royall, 8s. The "Uahonal Instruciob" will be supplied bj There is also a re-issue of the two large and powerful parties of whom he was the ac- must be ousted froni power. In Mure, those FOR OR. M DOUA LL. greeted bis lowing eulogy of the artizans of ' all ihe London Booksellers and News-agents. prints, knowledged leader and head, and the last of who struggle for constitutional governments g Received by W, Rn>M.-Mr. Whiff, Uxbridge, ls-T. this country. Redruppj THE NATION " which he may be said to have created and or- throughout the world, should know hot only Oxbridge, 6d—W. Barber, TJxhridge, 6d—J. JULIAN HABfSETS SEW PUBLICATION. " AL CONTENTION OF 1839. Meantime, the Lords have only to pursue Rogers, Uxbridge, 6d—W. Ri*g, Bridgeford-gate, Is 3d— ganised himself. From the time the that the sympathies of England are with Preston, W. Parkinson; Sow Publishing for Saturday,July 6th, 1S30, ' THE PRESENTATION OF THE NATIONAL the same course with -respect to one or two per J. Brown, ls—Abergavenny, No. EL of Reform Bill became law, Bir Robert set them, but that if need'be, her power and her per D. Harris, 4s—P. Cameron, Paisley, 3s 2d-J. Redrupp, PETITION, by Mr. DUNCOMBE, in 1842." ether of the measures which have been, or may Cd. RED REPUBLIC AN , himself to form what was called the Con- influence are at their disposal, and ¦ will be ex- THE To be had of J. Payet, Holywell-street. , ' .,- , . - ¦ be. sent up. to them, and the present Session FOR MR. E. JONES. Edited by G. JULIAN HARNEY. servative Party. His celebrated advice— erted in their behalf. . .• >• . Received by John Abnott.—A Paisley Friend, per Mr, Ijgf In this number is commenced an account of the In- .' ' The debate was calculated to raise the intel- will be, to all intents and purposes, effectually Reynolds 5s. ' " Register, Register, Register, -' 'laid the . , ; stitutionsand Laws of Republican America. nullified. AU the wearisome work which has FOR MRS. JONES. COXTEST3: NATIONAL LAND COMPANY.— foundation of,. and ultimately gave the su- lectual character of the House of Commons • Received by W. L Letters of L'AmiduPeuple. No. 3.—' The Truculent DISSOLVING. premacy to.that party. By. separating him- in, the estimation, of the world.. With few been gone through from the lst of February Runs—P. Cameron, Paisley, 3s 2d. "Times," and the Ruffianly Royalists, till the 1st of July, will have been thrown FOR MRS. FUSSELL. 2. Poetry to be lived. ,, v\ Belf from it he knew that he gave up ; the exceptions, the speeches on both sides were ¦ ' ¦ '¦- away, leaving a net product of nothing. The Received by W. Rideb.—C. Cameron, Paisley, 3s 2d. 3. Bakunin, the Russian Patriot ' * Notice is hereby given, that application is high position of Prime Minister and - .virtual maBterly displays of Parliamentary eloquence. Received by John Abnott.—Mr. Jordan, per Mr. Turner, 4. The " Red Republican," and the " Leader." intended to be made to Parliament forthwith The theme Avas a a d h p a two houses are in collision, which of the two 6d—a Pianoforte Maker, per Mr. Turner, 6d. 5. sRepublic and Royalty in Italy. By Joseph Maz- , Ruler of this mighty empire. .. They must ^ gre t one, an t e s e kers • zioi, Tri iunTir ofthe Roman Repu blic. for an Actio dissolve the National Land Com- hare been strong convictions indeed of public rose to its level. Mr. CbcKBTJRN, the member will yield? FOR WIDOWS OF THE LATE MESSRS. WILLIAMS 6. HorribleMassacre ofthe Paris Proletarians. pany, and to wind up the undertaking, and to ; for 'Southampton, ¦; produced an impression . AND SHARP. 7. InstitutionsandLawsofRepublicanAmerica.No. l. duty which induced him 'to make* such sacri- . ' make sale of the Lands and property belong- almost unparalleled in the House of Commons, MADMAN OR RUFFIAN.-WHICH ? Received by W. Rider.—Preston, W. Parkinson, per J. 8. Poetry: Garibaldi, ic., 4c. fices-as these. We have plenty of instances Brown, ls—J. Waddell, Paisley, 5s. 4 ing to the said Company, and after the pay- of public men sacrificing their principles to by the brilliant, fervent, and impassioned cha- PRICE ONE PESNT. ment of all debts liabilities DEBT DUE TO MR. NIXON. , , and expenses, re- obtain power, placed and dignity \ f ew, indeed, racter of his., speech. We , never heard such In our fifth page will be found an account Received by John Abnott.—A Friend, John-street, per London: Published by S. Y. Collins, 113, Fleet-street. specting the same, to: divide the surplus of their sacrificing all'these when" gained, in hearty and ringing cheers in that .house before of an examination at Guildhall, of " a young Mr. Shute,6d. . To be had of all Booksellers and News-Agents monies, to be realized by such sale or Bales, be- man very respectabl dressed, who refused to WIVE S AND FAMILIES OF VICTIMS. in Great Britain and Ireland. order to act upon ah honeBt conviction of what as those which for some minutes followed his , y tween and amongst the shareholders and sub- was best for the public good. " ".' , ','"' powerful peroration, and the rush from all give his name," who haB been masquerading Received by W. Rideb;—Preston, per J.Brown, 2s—J, Ronald, Paisley, is—R. Irvine, Paisley, 6d—A. Davies, , , ENTER- scribers entitled thereto, rateably, according quarters of the house to shake hands with him in, and libelling the character of a deter- POLITICS, LITERATURE SCIENCE Such a man cannot pass away from the " Paisley,t*i Is.--» . TAINMENT. to their several interests in the said under- arena in which he filled so large a place with- was ;quite ; marvellous. The occupants of the mined Chartist." It will be seen that the m M'DOTJ ALL'S MANCHESTER taking. out causing a marked and important change Treasury bench were amongst the foremost to said M young man " has been giving publicity .. ;" TO THE PUBLIC. JOURNAL, And notice is hereby also given, that it is present their congratulations and of course the to certain revolting schemes directed against Will be published on Saturday, July 13th , in the position of parties; and in the course of , : Price One Penny. intended to vary or extinguish existing rights public events. Ever since the passing of the learned gentleman will not be forgotten when the aristocracy. Small love as we have for that An appeal is respectfull y,b ut earnestly made Dedicated to the intelligence of tbe middle and working or privileges, if any, which may impede or in- last measure of the Peel Cabinet, and its Solicitor-Generalships; or. other good things class, we cannot too strongly repudiate the to the British public on behalf of a large num- classes, with the view of securinga cemmou understanding terfere with the purposes of the said Act. are' next to be disposed pf. devilish devices , set forth by this fool forthe public good, and a co-operation of head, heart, consequeut resignation, parties in this country ¦ ber of Polish refugees who are at present in and hand for the Cojotosweilth of England. Dated tbis lst day of July, 1850. : One good effect of the debate has been or knave. Until the re-examination has taken have been as / it were, checkmated. Sir to London in a state of extreme suffering and BeaL 2, Shoe-lane, London ; Heywood, Oldham-street, Wm. Prowting Roberts, Solicitor, > draw public attention place, it would be premature to comment on : Manchester. Robert, and those who adhered to him, held more to foreign policy distress. • - Robert-street, Adelphi. the balance of power in then* hands, and they than', hag been the case heretofore ih this this subject, other than to demand that, if the Most of those brave men have been engaged Walmisley THE CHEAPEST EDITION EVEB r CBLTSHKP. & Son, Parliamentary.Agents , used it to maintain the status'quo. They were country. Our insular position tends, to some " respectably-dressed young gentleman" is in the Hungarian struggle for national inde- 23j Parliament-street. Price Is. 6d., not prepared to let their ancient, allies , into extent; to isolate us from other nations,' and proved to be insane, he. shall be handed over pendence, and having escaped the vigilance A new and elegantedition , with Steel Plate of the ' 1 to render us indifferent to what is passing to the proper authorities ; or otherwise, if Author, of power to interfere with the commercial policy and tyranny of the Northern despots, and suf- they had inaugurated nor were they prepared, among' them. In the midst of this apathy proved to be si, villain—a second Powell—he fered fearful privations, have succeeded in PA I KE'S POLITICAL WORKS. £o Gr oiTf/eponnent s. ; to support the Whigs, even if the latter had and . want of information, it has been easy for shall be adjudged to suffer the punishment of reaching the hospitable shores of England, Ob. M'Douall'b address is292, Buckley-terrace, Rochdale- the Forei the cat-o Now Ready, a New Edition ot been disposed to propose any very liberal mea- gn Minister of this country to play '-nine-tails; the fitting reward of any expecting to find that sympathy and support road, Manchester. Dr. M* Douall requests US. to State into; tlie. hands of foreign one who, being in possession of his Ms. O' COKKOR 'S WORK ON SMALL FARMS that the balancepaid to him by the Liverpool Committee, sures. That this unsatisfactory state of despots, : and to senses, which their patriotic and gallant conduct so amounted to £2 3s. 4d. He adds : ' I am consequently things must, in some way or other, ;have been1 prostitute the great power: and influence of could even imagine atrocities worthy of Aus- preeminently entitle them to. * unable to bepn my profession unless I can borrow £100 ; : . Soiaby J. Watson,.Queen 3,Head Passage, Paternoster but where that is to altered, there can be no doubt.. The nation Great Britain; to subserve the. most infamous tria's assassin-tools, but utterly opposed to the A Committee has been formed for London; A. Heywood, Oldham-street, Manchester, .come from I have yet to discover.' ¦ the pur- row, The Lacet. Tom—The following subscriptions have been would not much longer have tolerated.the policy and designs. It has also tended to sentiments of Englishmen of all classes, and pose of receiving contributions and Love and Co., 5, Nelson-street, Glasgow. received ;- and, in ap- And bi all Booksellersin Towm and Country. :—Sir J. Walmsley,Esq., M.P., £1 ls; Tindal pur ibeihg frequently hurried into wars with every variety of political opinion. Atkinson, Esq., 9s ;S. Ward, Esq., 5s; Mrs. Cobden, 10s; policy of stand-stillism and do-nothingism, pealing to their fellow-countrymen for this G. Lusbington, Esq., M.P., £1: J: Hume, Esq., M.P., 53; which has characterised the Administration of other nations for objects totally alien to the truly benevolent purpose, they anticipate such THE CHARTISTS OF NEW- . R. Gardner, Esq., 10s ; Sir B. Hall, Esq., M. P., 10s ; C. public' feeling* but the cost of which we have TO Pearson the Whigs for the last four years. Sir Robert PARLIAMENTARY REVIEW. ; a noble response that will at once prove to CASTLE AND GATESHEAD. The committee hereby , Esq., M.P., 10s ; J.HaU, Esc., £1; W. D. S., had to pay. If the attack upon- the policy these give notice, that a members' meeting willbe held in Mr. 2s 6d ; T. Prout, Esq., 10s ; W. James, Is 5; Mr. Hender- Peel's death has precipitated a change. gallant men, that although driven from . son, 6d ; Messrs. Lewis of Lord Palmerston b Greener's Long-room, Cock Inn, Head of Side, on Sunday , ls; Frienls, per Argue, 9d ; Those of his party who were 'prevented by , y the Tories, has The great debate oh Foreign: Policy appears their ^n ative land by the miscreants of the July 7th to take into consideration the propriety Mr. Fleming, 6d ; A Manchester Red, 6d; II. Wilks, hel evening, , Secretary. personal attachment to him from joining the ped to dispel this indifference, and to to have unfitted members for ithe north (and they of getting up a good district organisation ; and also to elect ' ' despatch of deserve no milder term) the Dear Sir,—Will you be so khnlas to correct a mistake party with whomthey are reall in affinity,will arouse the people to a sense . 'of the vast .im- British peop a delegate to attend a district delegatemeeting. ' y the ordinary business of the Legislature. The le appreciate their noble conduct, Chair to be taken at eight o'clock. in last Saturday's Star concerning the Lacey Fund ; it portance of keeping that department of the 1 should read as follows now go over to the Conservative camp. Those elevation has been too great to enable them to and honour them for the principles of liberty Johs Beows, Secretary, :—John Sewell, Esq., treasurer, Governmeht under efficient and vigilant con- All correspondence for the Chartists of Newcastle-on- No. 2, Kockingham-row, Kent-road, Surrey. All monies of them who, have decided tendencies to such readily descend into the common and prosaic which they have bo firmly and gallantly de- e, te be sent to John Broira, care of Mary Brown, 8, and Post-office orders to be made payable to him at the very moderate Liberalism in- politics as is trol iii future, it will have produced>a national atmosphere of routine; fin fended, i Tyn branch Post-office, High-street, Borough, and all com- which they are ac- Harrison-property,Stepney-hank , Newcastle-upon-Tyne. embodied in Whi ; ; expected to benefit. . One thing is quite certain, that the Mr.James Nisbett, late of Newcastle, will much oblige munications to the secretary, Henry WiJks, No. 24, ggism, may- be customed to move. The sudden and lamen- Subscriptions will be received by Mr. Rochester-street speeches delivered on the question proved that the committee by sending his address to John Brown, , Westminster, London. Yours, &c. make common cause with the Ministerial table death of the' most eminent.and distin- Harney,. 4, Brunswick-row, Queen-Bquare, Secretary. HENRr Woks, 24, Rochester-street, July 3rd. , bun present Legislators are1 better acquainted Nottlngiiah. J. Sweet acknowledges party, and take their share of the loaves and guished ornament of the House of Commons Bloomsbury ; John Arnott, ,. Southampton- — the receipt of the with foreign affairs than their predecessors : , 44 following sums (sent herewith) viz. :—Foe the Honest y fi shes, as the price of their adhesion. The still farther indisposed its members for doing street, Strand ; Mr. Davis^fyButtress'-sfcreefc, Fdsd. -Mr. Dalton, 3d; Mrs. Perkins, Id; Mr. Smith, 3d. : that they pay attention < to them, and by so T TO TAILORS. The M'Dooali. Peelito party died with fits -head. We are, business. On W.ednebday-rhy way of testify- "Waterloo-town . ' Z: Z Committeedesire to express their erateful doing qualify themselves for pronouncing an thanks to the members of the Manchester Chartist therefore, getting back to a more natural state ing the profound grief felt for the bereavement Contributions from the country may be By approbation of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, and Council Victim Committee, and the democrats generally •¦ ¦ opinion upon subjects which were formerl H.R.H. Prince Albert. of things. - Parties will be fairly pitted y they had sustained, and to mark tbe high forwarded, by post-offi ce order, or made of Manchester, for the generous and timely support ren- left to 'the exclusive controul of the Forei pay- NOW READY, dered to the interests of Dr. M'Douall. against each other. The unhealthy stagnation gn estimation in which Mb public character was able to the Treasurer, at the post-office,"180 Secretary arid a small and exceedingly select , THE LONDON AND PARIS SUMMER Julias Basnet has received for, and- paid over to John which has marked English politics for several held—they separated, immediately after as- Strand, in postage-stamps. : FASHIONS for 1850, by Messrs. BENJAMIN READ Shaw, 2s, from" Wm. Coltman, Leicester. coterie,' who were supposed to monopolise all Polish Refugees. years back, will now give way to vigorous sembling, having just given utterance to the Cr. W. M. Reynolds and Co., 12. Hart-street, Bloomsbury-square, London ; —By referring to the address, which ap- , the,'information and all the wisdom Treasu rer. and by GEORGE BERGER, Holywell-street, Strand ; a pears in another column, Mr. Coltman will see to whom action. In the struggle which may ensue, it extant emotions excited by the painful whioh William Davis, Secretary. •money should be sent for the upon these matters. event, splendid PRINT, exquisitely engraved, and very richly Polish Refugees. is possible that reaction of a decided character was uppermost in the mindsof all. M onies Received.—Stirling," toloured. This beautiful Print will be accompanied with Mr. Wild, Oldham.—We do not answer legal questions. We hope that Lord Palmerston,, On Mori- per Mills, 2s. 6d.* Consult Mr. Roberts, 2, Robert-street, Adelphi, Strand. may take place.[ , The Tory party are power- I encou- day night the debates were of that miscella- Member of National Reform League, 6d. • ' very extra fitting, and most fashionable style Riding, raged.by the resppnsehe has received from Thomas Frockand Dress-coat Patterns; a Paletot, or Spring Over Is AKswEB to numerous ' correspondents, we cannot ful, and may secure a majority sufficient to in the neous and scattered description which charac- WeUb, 4d. ; Wm. Morsing, ls. ; Mr. Beer, 4s.5id.; Coat of the present fashion for the season ; a Yoath's answer legal questions. country^ will future be more bold ¦ Crown and Acnhor, carry them into.office. But that, woiild in the . , decided, terises a Supply night. It is onl o 33. Ud. ; Hall of Science Jacket, and the most novel and elegant style Ladies' and when necessary, pra y needful t 6s 5 Two tod Republicans BidingHabit , with illustration of every particularpart end, we believe, ultimately advance the cause ctical in his assistance chronicle the result. The. n^n°. i - , Whittington money was voted. and Cat, 2s. ; Mr Maskell, Is,; Mr. Morrison. Method of Catting and Making-up fully explained. Also of popular liberty. The nation would be roused to. those .who may require his aid to maintain On Tuesday the business in the Commons was Mr Denny, 6d:j 6d.; everything respecting Style and Fashion for the present Mr Masters, Gd.~Total, £1 Is. fid to active and earnest agitation, and Would find free .institutions on the C; ontinent. He will of a purely routine kind, and the House broke —William Davis, Secretary. . . ' . ' SSaSbn, and much Otber nseful information. This magnifi- THE NORTHERN STAR have the people with him: in any measures cent Printis exhibitedin the RoyalExchange , London, and SATURDAY, JULY 6, IS50. > earnest and active mien to give utterance to its he up early. ; •: - , maybeseen there at any lime during the season. Price, convictions—to demand the reforms which hwiy adopt, to prove that England is not the ; , , i are Inthe House of Lords, Earl HARR0WBY, complete with all the Patterns and information 10s. Sold felt to be necessary, tool of despots, but the friend and natural all by Bead and Co., 12, Hart street, Bloomsbury-square, and which cannot be much y on the part of the Church, made an attack on y pu ,8hes a circular a few ; London; G. Beecee of all free peoples. Had tbis whichhadS ^l, ^ ' > copies of , Holywell-street, Strand ; and all SIR . ROBERT PEEL. longer withheld. Lukewarm friends, and been done two the disposal of the Government grants in aid then just reached Trinidad , announcing ¦ Booksellersin the United Kingdom. years ago; we should the, discovery;: READ and Co.s Patent Measures now become univer- sham Reformers, will be driven aside to make hot have witnessed the bf Education, f' The clerical cormorants are of a. new gold region in the republic r ' TWcircular sally adopted, price 5s. the set, with every explanation re- The most eminent Statesman of the age has way for honest and sincere men. The reign of present prostrate and manacled state of Eu- not satisfied , with the immense revenues riSn^ , 4ich was printedI at i specting their utility and use. Registered Patterns, of any ' Oiudad Bolivar, m Angostura, is in Spanish, been suddenly snatched away from us in the humbugs cannot be very long protracted. ( The rope, and the glorious Kossuth, and his co- A and is i description, sent to measure, Is. each, post free. (Ladies they already enjoy,they hunger arid thirst after r dd ' • '¥ 8et3 &* one I Pale tots, same.) fall maturity of his physical : and intellectual Whigs, now that they can no longer depend on patriots, would not now be wasting life in the \Hrsenor vl° % • ? "! **• • ^ thefewthousands spentineducating the people, Pedro Monssteno, an inhabitant of the »ro->.: READ and Co's. New System of Cutting will supersede powers. A few hours after closing a speech In the aid of their best and most powerful suppor- gloomy solitude of a remote Turkish fortress, and they,want to have the viuce:of BarqvieaimetQ, had, just everything of die kind before conceived. Terms and- all ' dispps.al of those Upate ^ . arrived from i particularssent post-free. Instructions in cutting for all the midst of loud and long continued cheering, ters, will be compelled to move in one direction thousands without being , bringing with Km the intelligence , accountable to, or auriferous grounds that rich kinds of Style and Fashion, so that any person may per- in the House of Commons, he was stretched, or another. They have, opposite to them, a ; RAMPANT TORYISM. interfered with by the Government. We existed iri the vicinity of he form equal to having forty years experience in a few hours. braised, bleeding, and almost unconscious, on . are Yururajr rivers, aiid producing visible Habits performed for the trade. Busts for fitting coats on. party which out-numbers their , own. They happy to say this barefaced attempt authenticity tokens Of thi the bed of death. On Friday ni ht week he at plun- of the fact in the%hape of Spkfs Boysfigures , &c, &c Post-office Orders, and Post Stamps g have, on their own side of the House, eighty , The Lords have revenged themselves on the der was defeated. On Thursday the.precous mineral to the o\ to any amount taken in cash. was in his place in the Senate House, both Houses amount of lS ouTces where, members, who, though giving them , a gene- Commons for their adverse vote of Saturday were occupied with a fruitless attempt These are stated to be composed.of N.B. Foremen provided. for forty-one years, he has held a distinguished " to pre- grains of vwfous s ral support, are yet pledged .to a much last by virtually throwing out the Irish Fran- vent the Monster sixes, some of whioh are as laree a, wnj «!» position ; on Tuesday ni Exhibition of 1851 from grains of EMIGRATION TO SORTH AMERICA. ght he had ceased to more.liberal policy. If that party now does chise Bill on Monday night. By that measure coffee, and^ome so^largefs i exist. During the whole of that long spoiling Hyde-Park. The longer this scheme an ounce in weight. ' The eSdUf f APSCOTT AND CO., SHIPPING period its duty to the country it will compel .Lord the County and Borough Franchise was is before standard of tbo io i. . WT Sir Robert Peel was, with short intermis- the public the less attractive does it • and Emigration Agents, Liverpool, continue to John to repay its past support, by conceding placed upon an £8 rating,' and it was calcu- become. ' ' despatch First Class Ships— sions entrusted in one capacit We were among the first to expose , y or another at least the moderate amount of representa- lated that it would givb to a nation, possessing To NEW YORK—everyFive Days. with the Government of the country, and he its true character, and to denounce it as a To NEW ORLEANS-every Ten Days. tive reform, advocated by Sir Joshua Walms- a population between seven and eight millions piece of authority, but the Port oi'fminVJ^mfltit -ToBOSTON Fifteen Days. " died iu harness." Other Statesmen Charlatanism! and mock liberality un- seems to' and PHILADELPHIA—every have ley and his friends. Parliamentary Reform in number, a constituency of about one third " make no doubt o/tffS4b£s And occashually to been permitted to retire, and in the le worthy of this country. At that time we stood announcement; considers Kee BALTIMORE, CHARLESTON, SAVANNAH, QUEBEC, isure is the first great question that'demands settle- of a million ; such a homcepathio dose of Par- this is a verv natfli iv, f and calm enjoyment of private life to prepare alone, but we have now plenty of co-labourers • stitute for the editorial •< we" in aad St JOHNS. ment. The masses, who are now deprived bf liamentary Reform did not seem to call and publishes IK&y TwWehh Drafts for any amount, at sight, on New York, payable for the grave, but he was stricken down in the money comes so slowly in, that we no newspaper, • thought ia anv part ofthe United States. the all share in the government of the country, for any profound gratitude or extreme thank- printing press and S e«e^\ l midst of his labours. He may have cherished auspect the show willultimatel y neither be of types. A postcript aCJed too Tapscotfa "EmigrantsGuide" sentfree, on receiptof must have that fair and , legitimate participa- fulness on the part of the people his document makes the Four PostageStamps. the hope that time would yet set him ri , and it the vast dimensions, or the satisfactory cha- . further anEenVentt About ght tion in legislative influence to which .their might have been fairly, expected that since the departure of Son™. Vr T • *• ' ^ twenty-eight thousand persons sailed for the with the great party from whom he that racter whioh its originators intended it should. another ' New World, in Tapscotfiline of American Packets.in 1849. was se- numbers, their intelligence, and their value to the Press would let it pass, especiall individual hSd colfected -S?&bSSn^ vered a few years ago, and again restore him : "¦ y as the We must say, however, that the opposition tb m he dutnet of the country, so justly entitles them. ' ". total constituency of Ireland has now dwindled Yururay.Alettet^ffiJifcfflSSi to the proud position of Premier of England. locating the Exhibition in Hyde-Park is too m the paper we have a luded to, from the CHALLENGE FOR £500 STERLING. While, therefore, we share in the profound down into some six-and-thirty a respeotabe agent33 But his " sun has gone down while it was thousand barefaced a developement of class-selfishnes, firm in Trinidad^ , confirming the inte-e.: DR. GREER'S SIXPENNY yet and universal sorrow which is felt throughout voters !—less by twenty thousand than resting intelligence. It» a THAT day/' All is over. His name and his deeds the and exclusiveness, for us to sympathise very curious fact that thereroi PAMPHLET ON MEDICAL REFORM (which will the country at the sad event , which has so number, on the register for the West is every reason to behove the newly-discovered mMMI be sent free for six Queen-head stamps), now belong to history. Riding heartily with. If London really is to have this contains the most suddenly deprived us of a great man—while of Yorkshire ! A more flagrant mockery 1 lt the Bl Dorado Euccesful medical and surgical practice since 1814, yet Never was there a public man whose s of gigantic Bartholomew Fair, let the rich expe- X'ViUTh mi vhK- 5 -. of siisui publishedby any living man. los we are anxious to do all honour to his memory an electoral body never was heard of H$t L?£ *$ ' , .lch 0Me» u^ there be anynyi •Deax Sn,—After ' , was so Bincerely and deeply regretted by men ; but, rience its inconveniences as well as the poor. e d 800T6ry tory U many eminent dectors gave meover and to pass over without comment the short- true to their instinctive impulse to check anpologyot ; gJ tv,I 'J l ™ We to nwkeaSi even in th * Infirmary, where their best skin and medicine of all classes, and all parties. "We believe that comings every Lord John Russell> on Thursday, made to the manes of that much maligned were used, till all declared it was impossible I could sur- of his long and eventful career—while movement of a popular nature woman i ** hero. >. the great mass of the people, whose political , the House of the usual announcement, which heralds b5& vive, as my loscs, they said, were as ulcerated as my neck, we are fully sensible of the great gap which for Obstructives decided, in a very lordl ClayfieldCltJfiS diedS^ in Stroud^T^ breast, and arms, which bear many scrofulous marks, predilections are of a moderate description, the time is y way the approach of the close of the Ses- Workhouse last week, ageqecc your pills cured perfectl caused by his withdrawal from that the Irish people—whom Lord sixty-seven years. It is understood y; grateful to you and thankful to and who do not take any active part in Stanley sion. " The slaughter of the innocents '' an that she beoamawE God. Philip Theme, 80, Bndgegate-street, Glasgow.—To politi- public life, and the loss of his matured and calls " rubbish" —shall not as inmate of Horsley Poor-house when, an infananll Dr.Greer. . cal struggles, looked upon the deceased be entrusted, even it is called, has this year been tnree ' States- comprehensive judgment at moments of diffi- to a limited extent of a weeks old, and remained there until the for'or1 Mr. John Monfries, 29, Simon-square, Edinburgh, agent man as the right hand of the country^!In the Whig Bill, with the merciless one. Having lost ten days nation of More agents wanted at home and abroad, for these the culty and doubt—we see reason to believe by the the Stroud Union, consequent upon whiolioll , case of any emergency, or that power of self-government. The Earl of debate on Foreign Policy, she was removed Genuine, Hygeian, Universal, VegetableMedicines , which any greatcrisis, the his death will eventuate in benefit and other matters to the establishment in which shahw Dr. Greer, surgeon , after he had re- eyes of all to the coun- DESART—a very solemn young man, with a died. Supposing, then, the oost , improved in 1834 parties would have instantly turned try, by restoring a more not immediately connected with. Bills in of her maiutenancmew signed the professorshipto the British College of Health, to 43u*Robert Peel as the healthy tone to very considerable opinion of his own abilities, progress, the Premier averaged 2s. 6d. per vreek,> the deceased bas cosiosi London, (see pre&ee to Moebosi as* of that date ,) when man to solve the English politics, by putting " has availed himself of the pariah Dr. -recmed difficulty, and au end to the and a corresponding, contempt for. the ri hts upwards of £440 ia hard, ©ash, vrithouovi G. the honour of being enrolled at the head of to carry, the vessel of tho State transition period through g the circumstance for throwing overboard counting interest, which, for «rchiTeiof that College, by the late great, but ill used, safely through which we have or interests of other people—.proposed that suoh a long period ai ai Morison, the Hygeist. whatever dangers might threa- been passing, nearly every Government; measure of her lifetime, would be a very handsome ten and by placing all parties in the franchise should .be raised im- u bonus. Apply ioJiioa Gua, M.D., P.ES., of the Scotraa it. His long experience of official life had their true relative to £15, or pprtarice on the paper. Among ;. You havk broken the Sabbath , Johnny," niaaii exaaaJmasms position. Stagnation must nearly double that agreed thbae so h' M , Giamow. given him a thorough knowledge of adminis- give to by the Commons, ti-eated^efind the Bill for the a good .man to u son, M Ye», .taid his little il iii way to Progress. and condescendingl Abolition:of ter, and ' y, informed the Irish people the Lord lieutenancy, " ¦ mother¦¦ ¦ ¦ s long com¦¦ b, too, right in tbnbw¦ ¦ the Seouritiea A& piewa." • - > ' Z^> ¦>K* .<.\^ * r .— ' . - .. TJ^^rj ,T i8ao. ¦ _ ff - 11 , ¦ _____ ¦ " ¦ ¦ ¦ ^t» "" fN»l#iiR — - iWfAii "— ^ — ^-=— —H =^————— .^——— ^ 5^ *—" Ti ^— - I*'" .'?* . ' " "I l -AkHrifn a» . ~.z£^£2 ^^ ~~ *^ ' ' ^>&9*<4r ^>A ^*t^^ ¦' ' ' " ¦- ' ' ¦ ' ' 1' Hf-.-"-" -^* ** — ^ . " '' *',,, ' ' _ ' " ~ ' - ' ' •" i 'TT , ; m r i i m n i f i i THE THE LATE SIR B. PEEL. ^: to answer any of tbo questions addressed to - ' Charged with, feloniously, assaulting and robbing; \; "Vf^. ^m^b^h W^^MM^o^,mlome considerable time, wasth brought up for final him, and appeared to be sinkmginto a eorak- ^ .ihsariity/ arid -if sb;;iefcpmrftr^plyprovided'for'for, ex^lnation charged with rowing his . wife, Ann Mr. Charles Williams, a country gentleman, now ( tose state. Sir ' a8bw i the ' residing at 37, Jubilee?p our thiour third page willbe found an account Benjan^m Brodie" was again ; HALL DiN reSttf1 ;./^^^ ^ D6n6vflh,;frbm a second-floor window, wiih > felp- lace, Stepney.-r-Theprose- aa deatte death, and also a memoir of this distin- sent for, and on his arrival ^y?* S Assault, -i Samuel woman oh slop,wages.")~Attend at Tatfceraall's'ahd ' rievous .bodily harm,— cutor : appeared with • his head and : face cut and agreed with Drv to*ttleueld was ^brought' up, c hidus intent to do her some g nied staied atateamarit Foneart, and the other medical harged ;witb com- shqpt .thb first jockey'y^'see.^Note^fRuinedr by Mr.; j;:Wobd how stated, io answer.to questions by bruised in a dreadful manner. His shirt and clothes gentlemen, mitting a very dangerous assault uwh Henry betting ' " per the in- wero toyn and covered with bloody his hands were i is imj is impossible to exaggerate the feelings that the case now assumed Gunning, under, on; horse mihg.)-^Kifl -someJ s'ririH'that the magistrate, that for the first time since a most dangerous the following circumstances :- olass who 'have'driven you to desperation., .' If,you ital he could state severely lacerated,.and his eyes were, swollen and ¦cofeuncofeund on with which the mournful aspect. The Mary Gunning, wife of ! jured wbmarihad been in .the.hbap emoti pulse had become very weak, the unfortunate man; was are hanged forjo.d.oiag,.;you ,wil2 f departf to' thfl from, general symptoms that she was out of danger, discoloured; Jt appeared from his evidence that he gencei'of the death of Sir Robert Peel and marked 118 . called, and stated that she lived at 25, Philip-lanej future ' l had only been in London a few days, and that on lligencdi From two o'clock to six and that on Saturday, statOsBier. and . and', would be able to leave the ward in a few days. ireceiv beat a ing .•—'« Sailonal Halij' Hdlbbrn-rrMeetinig'-house, at tha next session of the Central Criminal , Court to give tbem some porter. . When that was drunk bbt, thd>t, the next very natural desire was for tbe stertorous breathing poor boy who had neither father nor - mother to bottom of Holborn-hill, " on the charge of felony. ' ' ' Smith asked for some rum, and he gave her a: shil- became more and ect him, upon which prisoner up yard—Sons of Fusseil ' .. . t e ampe ample information than the suddenness more, .painful. The relatives were Eref , and 'tho woman —Bonher's-fields Cotta|es, near there Chartist WORSHIP-STREET. — Dbterminkd Acts of ling to fetch some. This was repeated several now in- e was living with as his wife, ran — ,, until the:male prisoner came in, with his face iie occne occurrencehad hitherto admitted of. formed that aU the relief medical science out . and called leaders French Republicans in .Iiohdon — Qy. Get SKLF-BESTBUCilON.—Emma Constable,.a young girl times In could her all the most abusive names they could think of. one to conie over' begrimed: with coal dust, and M¥v Williams, was ivr to ssr to satisfy this very natural anxiety, afford was exhausted, and that no from Paris." ^- Robert Smith, of delicate appearance, and scarcely exceeding 16 it hope what- Witness's father came out, on hearing such a volley residing at'Wo. 30, Kin'g-street; Smithfield, a com- years of age, was charged before Mr. Arnold with introduced to him as a country gentleman whom „ pern, perhaps, suffice if we embody the leading ever existed of Sir Robert Peel's life being of abuse levelled at his daughter, the consequence mercial ' v they had invited into their humble dwelling to give traveller, said.he.saw the prisonei between jibe following repeated and. determined ofattempts at ( dentsdents connected with the calamit prolongedfor twenty-fourhours. The Bishop of which was that blows were exchanged between one and "two o'clock on Wednesday self-destruction,—Francis,, a^constable the S, di- him a caution against the thieves and sharpers of y in the them, at a house Soon.afterwards, and while talking to the oinedjoined narrative, the materials of Gibraltar (the Rev. Dr. Tomlinson), a very when witness's husband, Henry Gunning, where witness usually dihos; Prisoner came in vision, stated, that wbile!on duty at Hackney at a London.- jj for which came up, and asked prisoner the reason why he women, who were, constantly,hanging about him, r re beere been gathered from sources of old friend of Sir Robert's, was now sent for to and called out, ". Is therejiny one here who is a late hour on the night pf .the 29th of May Inst, he unqaes- insulted his wife, whereupon prisoner's woman im- Chartist?'' Witness treated the 'hiatter lightly, found the prisoneiv wandering ! about in 'a very he put his band intohiswaistcoat pocket and missed nable iable authenticity :— administer the last offices ofthe church. On mediately pushed Gunning, and while he was stag- hispurse, which cpni$£ed. five sovereigns. He was and'jokingly said ihat he was a Chartist, upon wretched and disconsolate condition , and, as she ac- the house. Hir lWir Robert Peel had called at Buckingham the arrival of the prelate it was intimated to ing back prisoner ran up' and struck him a which prisoner wanted tof speak 'privately with knowledged that she was both homeless and desti- sure. it was safe w^eplfleentered His I lace alace and enteredhis name Lady Peel and the members of the family, violent blow in the mouth, and another at the back witness,' who would' • Upon silver in another pocket remained untouched. The in her Majesty's of the ear have nothing to say to him tute, he conveyed her to the station-house. i iting Iting boot onl that they might now, without risk of increas- , which knocked him down, and his head unless he spoke aloud. Ttief prisoner then said reaching there she was . placed in one of the cells, prosecutor f tF£J(AK.Tr.W....E. subscription, to pay such fines, Ac—Tbe prisoners be disturbed in any ana" shown into a private room, prisonersaid to WifiJOSS Mu\s^prpJotiWc^UriWd tfief cRa'rge-sfieet as Dbdd, • a Chelsea" pensioner, was-charged' with as- family physician and surgeon, were also sent the remains to way*. " I suppose you know the were locked up. the precisecause of death will therefore never contents of the letter," teing ".Gentlemen.f^ijankwater , 391 D, deposed saulting Ann Dunn , a single woman, whb was so' for atthe same tame. Sir James Clarke and and on. being answered in the affirmative, he asked that the 8nmemoHiih'g, weak froni loss of An application fbr permission <''at tw6'b'cl6ck, he heard a blood as scarcely to be able to Dr. Foucart remained in attendance until Mr. be ascertained. witness if he was a determined Chartist. Being great' rioise in Park-orescent, . Regent's-park, and, give her evidence.—,The ' complainant, whose head NON-M SMVERT. OF NEWSPAPERS AND LETTERS OS , Shaw (Sir Benjamin Brodie a assistant) came, to take a cast of the face, from .au eminent again answered in the' affirmative, he added;; "I on proceeding to the Snot, hethere saw Jones very and faco exhibited severe marks of violence, said Sukdat,—A deputation of the proprietors and their am a determined Chartist, and a ph drunkj and creating a disturbance; that she met representatives of the principal London weekly when the former left. At length Sir Benja- sculptor, was also refused. ysical force He was desired the. prisoners,J, with whom she was - Lady Peel continued-throughout Tuesday man." He then asked witness if he would assist to go quietly on, but he refused to do so, and •slightly acqua'ihte'd;' fhe previous evening, in newspapers, waited on the Marquis of Clanricarde, min arrived, and a consultation took place him to carry out a certain plan, and after explain- abused"witness'|n the most gross language imagin- Church-street; Bettihal-green.He was intoxicated, Postmaster-General, at his . residence, Carlton- etween the six gentlemen whose names are in a state of complete prostration, and on ing what it was, he said if witness did able ; he also struok him a , on Wednesday morning, b " not do it violent blow, which and upon seeing her gave her a yiolont blow upon terrace in order to urge above given. A formidable difficulty pre- Wednesday morning her illness had so much he (prisoner) would,, adding, "It can be easily knocked him down, and, while upon the ground, he her face, which knocked her down, and made upon his lordship, and through bim upon the go- the necessity for the abrogation of tho sented itself at the very outset of the case, increased that it was found necessary to call done, and if you will.not do it I.am determined (Jones) kioked him, and tried to bite him on the the blood . flow; profusely. While on the vernment, to get some one else." He then again arm. Otlier constables came up to his assistance, ground he kicked her in the back, and then recent post-office regulation, suspending the deli- from the distressing fact that Sir Robert's in Sir Benjamin Brodie. spoke of . mercantile establish- bis plaD, which is laid down in the letter produced : and his assailant was taken into'custody, The de- hammered her head upon the 'pavement. The pri- very of letters and newspapers on Sundays. Col. acute that he would not Several of the principal 9th June, 1850. sufferings were so and at tbe West End, ma- "2 —Sir,—In , Kensington-gardens fendant Smith was in Jones's company at the time, soner had no provocationf from her.—Policeman Thompson, M.P., had also an interview with tho permit any minute examinationof his injuries ments in the City, ofa Tuesday and Friday evening, about six o'clock, and his conduct would be Bworn to by other wit- Culver said that he took the prisoner into y, noble marquis for the same purpose. Mr. Serb) nifested their high respect for tbe lamented custod to be made by the medical men. The slightest nearly the whole ofthe aristocracy in town are nesses.—Smith : Will you swear that this gentle- and that, while the complainant was by his side, he addressed his lordship at some length, and ex- their regret, . premature touch in the vicinity of the injured parts gave deceased, and at his congregated to hear the band play. A great num. manj MivJones, knocked ydii'down ?—Witness ; I struck her twice in- the mouth. Witness was ob plained the inconvenience which had arisen to tha , ber.seat themselves under the trees near the have' sworn it. li public and the newspaper proprietors in conse- him intense agony, and the only manner in demise, by closing their windows—a proceed- band, —Jones : Then you have perjured ged to have the assistance of another constable, o h- but a. greater portion promenade upon the gravel i-ourself, by. .—Mr. Brbughtdn : I desire, sir, and it required eventually six, policemen to take quence of the new regulation. He was followed which he could be treated under the circum- ing almost universally ad pted in the neig Whitehall The flags of many walk. . They are so crowded:.together that tbt that you will behave yourself, with proper decorum; him to the station-house. He was obliged to be by several other gentlemen, who brought forward a s w a a comminuted bourhood of dresses of the ladies, which are of the li recollect that you are a variety of facts and arguments tending to show st nce as to ssume th t the r, and also on many public ghest ma- now in a court of justice.— strapped to a stretcher.—The prisoner admitted fracture of the clavicle (which was evident to vessels on the rive terials, touch one another. Therefore if we could Pike, 255 D, said that when he: went up he saw that he struck the complainant, but said that it Was the injury which had arisen to a variety of persona were hoisted half-mast high, as a ' the government to use its iie eye, on the clothesbeing removed) was the buildings, set fire to one ofthe girl's dresses the flame-would Jones and the¦ first witness strue-a-linfi'together on with the open hand;—The prisoner was fined £5, or therefrom,.and urging mark of respect to the memory of the de- immediately.extend over the whole. . The scheme the ground. Smith used-his utmost ehdeavours to in default, t»o months imprisonment. . influence to rescind it. His lordship, in reply, •only one, and tbat the ribs were uninjured. —' is this ; Go to the Gardens some tery fine Tues- release Jones, and said he'd be if he wouldn't SOUTHWARK. — Assault- on a Poucb-con- observed that his own sentiments on the subject the consultation it wasdetermined to re- ceased. , After The'bod was placed in a shell oh Wednes- day or rnday. evening, and take with you a piece see him home ; he (Smith) was extremely violent. stable.—William Hughes was charged with com- were well known to the public It had not beea u , but owing to the extreme y of paper steeped in turpentine —Other evidence, : the wish of the government to pass the regulation, , -thV;constabies of struck him a severe blow in the face, and attempted to. The deputation, alter Borne further observa- »• of Ms family; bat after this it was thought rap ,great this distinguished statesman wereremoved ina number. The people could not easily escape, as having treated him; with unnecessaryharshness , to kick him. He then took hold of him, for the tions, thanked his lordship, and withdrew. advisable to exclude all strangers from the , Woon- lain hearse from Whitehall Gardens to the there are so many chairs , and stools about they and Smith said . that he was < taken for . no other purpose bf conveying him to the police station, Escape and Recapture of Convicts.— &• r , for fear of producing any addi- p would fall over them. Ton could easil offence than that of wishing to get his friend home. when he struggled violently, wicii, July 3.—About eight o'clock this morning lg apa tment railway-station to be conveyed . y escape and attempted to get tional excitement.' Sir Robert passed a rest- North Western , in the confusion, and it would be advisable to —Jones waBfined 60s., ana Smith 40s. The penal- away.—Several persons came forward, and stated two convicts, one named. Joseph Hindmarah, aged att to his residence at Brayton Manor in Stafford- .;. .¦ ¦ • ¦ , and the other John Griffiths, aged 21 21 less night on Saturday, his extreme sensibility , turn penny-a-liner, and report the matter to the ties werepaid. - .. - iff ' , "- tbat the prisoner was extremely violent, and tliat 23 years will take lace on Tuesday you I ASSADMING A TOLIi-CotI,BCTOR.--Captain he used most disgusting language towards erery years, obtained possession of a short ladder, and ad touch increasing hourly, and his symptoms shire. The funeral p newspapers as an accident, .for which f PlllIiP & next. Lady Peel was more composed. would get; a good i sum, and as it ;W0Uld Barnar d,;residing at 14, Somere-place, Hyde-park, female he met, and that the officer acted with great got upon the top of the dockyard wall at. the west: :sfc altogether becomingvery alarming,whi ch at allay any suspicion that might .otherwise arise, 'was charged with having violently assaulted Thomas forbearance towards him.—Mr.'A'Beckettfined him end, awf, having thrown back their coats and hats, - ts, first, -we believe, some of the medical gentle- you would have the satisfaction ; of grilling 'the Stapfes7fa toll-colIectbr.^Complaittant deposed that 40s. for the assault,' and in default of pay ment com- droDDed into the lane , leading to Charlton-pier, sr. men in attendance did not consider them to Aubmi-vg Collision.—On Saturday last .intelli- greater portion off old Satan's representatives, on Tuesday afternoon,- the defendant, whb was on mitted him for one month. They were immediately pursued by the police, but >ufc be. On Sunday evening, the pulse having gence was receivedat Gravesend ofa very serious besides saving him some trouble, by sending tbem horseback, passed by; the Mornington-cresceht bar, - LAMBETH.- Bioamv and Charge of 'Attempt- succeeded in eluding them, and all traces were lest est residence, If Hampstead-road, without.paying ing 1 ' a master bricklayer, of tbem for some time, although express was sent ent increased from between eighty and ninety, at collision having occurred iri the South-West Reach, to their final half roasted. r youf could (oil. He foonr to Poison—Henry Page,; a few miles this side ofthe Kbre Light, between the succeed in getting a li ht dress fairly on fire success plainant) walked after him; and demanded lid., but and Mary Clarke,- were brought up for final exami- to the. various police stations and beats in the the which it was ranged after the accident, to up- g neighbourhood. About half-past four o'clock p.m. .ia. Neptune screw steamer, and a fine brig called tke would be almost certain, as persona on fire, espe- 'defendant, instead of paying, laughed at him/.upon nation on a charge of bigamy. During the inqui- r wardsof 100, it was deemed necessary to take Henry Alexander, for Hamburgh. The unfortunate cially ladies, naturally rush to anybody near at which complainant finding that he could not get his ries of-the officer, he ascertained that both the pri- the convict Hindmarsh was brought to. Woolwich ich some blood witir a view of reducing the in- hand. If you do not' like this scheme I am ac- money seized the horse's reins, when the defendant soners were previously married, but that the Dockyard by an inspector and sergeant, of the the , disaster took place about eleven o'clock on the As police his capture having been effected iii a singular ular flammation. Twenty leeches were accord- night of Thursday, the wind blowing strong at the quainted with some others, one of which is to set raised his stick, aiid with the lower end of -it struck f ormerhusband and wife wero then living^ soon , . . recovered he ap- manner. It appears the convicts, had; made their heir l a lied to the left shoulder by Dr. time from the E.S.E. The force with which they the Opera-house on fire on a grand night,. in such him several sharp blows over the head and shoulders; as the-female was sufficiently ing y pp came in contact may be gathered from the fact that a manner as to cut off the retreat of the audience : lie also hit him with the butt end, and the number prehended her, and both were remanded, for the way so far into the country, that ;.theyireached tha tha Foucart, and a large quantity of blood was of blows he received in the whole was seven farm of Clay pits, in tfie-parish .of Lee, by the mjd-mid- the brig foundered very shortly after she had been but this would, require three : or four persons.— br eight. depositions against them to he' taken. • The female 1 obtained. There was no positive improve- struct, the crew just having time to preserve them- Yours, &c, A.B. Addressed to * A determined -rrDefcndant-^Did you demand the toll of me before prisoner admitted in tbe presence of the constable, dle of the day, and while occupied in searching for* for mentin the condition of the patient from this selves by getting on boardlhe fNeptune, wbich re- Chartist.'." Witness then asked the prisoner if, the you laid hold of and stopped my horse.—Complain- that she was married to a man named Clarke, and a hiding place found the midday refreshment ont ol I operation, and he continued in a verypreca- turned with tbem to tbis place. The steamer lost foregoing was in his handwriting, and was answered ant-rMost certainly I did, more than two or three that he was' living. She also stated that Page ad- three countrymen who, were, mowing .hay on tha the i times. !' farm. The convicts were not long in consumingminj rious state throughout the whole bf Sunday her bowsprit, cutwater, and other damage. that it was ; and on being further questioned as.;to —George Jackson, • coaohman to the Earl ministered "some drug to her in some drink in a Thb Koh-i-Noob Diamond.—This celebrated gem whether he had .any more such letters .about him Compton , said, he saw complainant, who had gone coffee-house near Kewington church. Several wit- tho bread and cheese and drinking tho beer,, but bul i and Monday. On Monday night the alarming arrived in England on Saturday last on board her he produced the following :—" June 29ja850;~r: efter defendant to speak to himj flogged by the nesses having proved the marriages, the 'prisoners that did not satisfy them,, and they commencatencat; symptoms were greatly increased. Abont Majesty's steam sloop Medea, Commander Lockyer, Sir,—Are you a determined Chartist ?':: Jf ;: so, latter; the blows appeared to witness to have been were fully committed for trial, and all the witnesses dressing themselves in the clothes and smookfrockfrocb i seven o'clock Sir Robert become delirious, which put into- Plymouth, and landed mails and and you would not mind risking your life in assist given with considerable force.~Defendaht, on' be- bound over to prosecute nt the next sessions. of the mowers. While thus engaged one of ,th»f .thu and attempted to raise himself passengers. The jewel was not landed at Ply- ice:your party, I am acquainted with a scheme ing, asked what he had : to say, replied that he Forgery.—Wrilianv Ed ward Eicke, lately a clerk mowers approached to refresh his thirst with been been up in bed. In ¦ putting on the clothes of hirof hioi this state he continued during the mouth, but was forwarded on to Portsmouth in the whereby you may do so, by settling the greater knew nothing about . any i bar being at the place in the accountant's office of the London and South- and seeing two men greater h alluded to until after.his i self and the other mowers, called them to .his ashis as s part of the ni Medea, in the charge of the officers entrusted with portion of the aristocracy now in London. Althoug horse was violently seized Western Railway Company, was brought before Mr. ght, and at intervalshe became it from India—Colonel Mackeson and Captain I donpt belong to your party, yet the aristocracy by complainant, who then for the first time de- Elliott for final examination, charged 'with forging si6tance to secure their property. The conviobnviot t so much exhausted that his medical attendants Ramsey. It remains at Portsmouth until instruc- have so misbehaved , themselves to me that I should manded the toll. - When at ; the' station-house, to and stealing a debenture bond for £2,000, the pro- wouid not give up the property, and the three movB mom were several times of opinion that he could not tions from the Home Office are received by the like to start 500 of them on their infernal journey . which he was'taken by a constable, complainant perty of the railway ¦ company. The whole of the ers had a regular fight with them, the convicts ractswi survive throughthe officers in charge of it as to its removal. If you would not liko to undertake the business; wished , to compromise.the' affair with him,- but he voluminous depositions were then read over to the siating them moat determinedly and actually puttinfiuUin i night. In the paroxsyms _ G! ¦of Caufobkia The Daily Aha California, of the yourself can you inform me of a person who would ? would, not agree to anything of the sort j the only prisoner by Mr. Parry, the chief clerk, when Mr. large stones in their handkerchiefs, and laying oing,, his sufferingsSir Robert'sthonghtswerewith .— the mowers most unmercifully. Tho MOWemower his oldest 13th April, contains the following announcement I want a cool determined fellow who does not mind assault, he committed was that of striking com- Elliott asked him whether ho wished to say any- and dearest friends, and the nameB plainant thing, ns he Stood fully committed to tako his trial being three to two, at last secured the convict Hintt Hini i -of Harding —" Dr. Stout's Hospital—now successfully esta- running some risk.—rYours, Ac, A.B."—Prisoner : on the head.—Defendant called a witness n e and Graham were frequently blished for a year, and the oldest in San Francisco This is my writing—I admit it; and the first letter who said that there was nothing like a gate at the at the ensuing Old Bailey sessions, for the forgery marsh, and kept him until given into the custody istody upon his lips. At four o' is also my writing,—Witness further asked if he spot to indicate that toll was expected ; all that and' larceny;~Jlr. Games, who appeared for the the police. The convict Griffith's, finding his a bis ai clock on Taesday —offers every comfort to invalids at reduced terms: overpowered morning Sir Robert fell into a sound Bleep,in a private room, twelve dollarg per day • a private was determined to carry the plan into execu- was there waiaeort of chain bar, not projecting into prisoner;*- declined stating anything.—The prisoner sociate , made his escape into a cop a cop > -which he ward day ; general ward tion ; and he answered tbat he certainly was, and but; at the side of the road.—Defendant was fined was accordinglyidonimitted, and all the witnesses near the farm, and a strong force has been plaoi plaoii continued trainterraptedly until , eight dollars per ,.five round it as a cordon to secure him should he & he, ii -eight o'clock. On dollars. These prices include all charges, except if witness did not choose to do it he would . go and 40s. which in addition to 1J. for the toll due from bound over to prosecute. awaking, his mind was -, in no him he immediately HAMMERSMITH Dabino Puts • Robbkbt.— tempt to come out. tifrom, w urse but throughout the Bame O'Cohnells, and the palace of the Liberator, whose relieving officer. If none at hand practice on that side to another. When she got up he followed her, he rushed out of the house. She, however, followed the theatre. The BaTute co , lengthened place of amusemen t, when the parties opposite,)posite,, had remained name has conferred upon it a share of his own im- of policeman. Attend at Belgrave-square or Eaton- and as she was going off the boat she fancied sbe him down the garden towards the front gate, when ;«aibition Mion period tiie system perfectly felt he pulled out the soup ladle and struck, at her head order to give greater eclat' to their , , pulse had greatl mortality is announced for sale—anact whicb, it square at twelve at noon, -when a lady is passing a hand in her pocket, but she did not think of inactive. The y increased seems, is prompted by , from her mansion into her carriage, settle her with looking at the moment.: Directly afterwards a little (witn . it, but she avoided the blow,- aud it only nited a great many rockets, which "^lilS °iS from 112 some half-dozen creditors direction shot tf ri on Tuesday, marking to 118 , and, curious enough, the name of the sheriff who a crack ofa life preserver. If you killed a duobess boy came to her and told her that.the prisoner had struck her Blightly, and opened the gate and called the perpendicular }^2itheathe£ theaartS ' At noon on is to effect and having entered the store-room of the and Decomingvery weak. Tues- the object is O'Connell 1 it would be. as good as a life tosuranoa for your robbed her ofa.purae. Upon looking sne discovered for the assistance bf two young men who were The police and neighboneighboa himself to be Obstacle family.—(Note 6d. per she had lost her with aome silver in.it, »nQ a standing opposite. The prisoner had by that time aetthesame in a blaze. day Sir Robert expressed a ..*** to Keys ahd Picklocks.—During : Spitalfields weaver on 3s. . purse, . wipceadodin preventing the flamesbe from reaoha reaobh little easier. This relief was, unhappily, of "»e wholeof last week the officers belonging to our week.)—Fasten a cork on the head of a long bod- constable coming up she gave the prisoner into his returned again up the garden and climbed over a fhey could Qono , y custody. wall eight feet high; : After that she saw no more totht^Kfore .^^ered short duration. At two o clock far more dan- S P?«>D, the Caatle, were unable to lock the kin—attend at -Regent-street, about three p.m., Notwithstanding tbat several persons saw and aU it contained was severely eWWly ' ' g*te leading to the Little. Roodee. On Friday last and as a lady, is passing from her carriage into a the robbery the prisoner denied ever being in the of him,—The prisoner was remaiided. * atore-room gerous symptoms than any which had yetbeen take off the lock, wbea, silk mercer's, thrust the bodkin into her temple, boat, and swore that tho purse was his own-pro- ^THAMES.—Desperate Assaui. asd Robbbbt.— m sufflotent »ft*mt »&$&*- ""^ *9 that some to thei* slvsSStlemen, possessed of *™ observed presentedthemselves. At this time ft uhw"^ &*i«a> vered : beeshad and JOU Will kill her insUnter. ,. If you had.tho perty ; ho was; however, fully committed. :. Henry Haseroaa, a registered co&l-whipper, Cathe- machinery ' ,yROM pated looking and «£%$£»> » u Sit Robert began, to fxeea&&stertorously, luck to stick a countessyou would do more for TitX LAW CUABOB Of THROWING A WOMAN A rine Baseman, a bloated and dissi with the intention; of ^e»bwkiiZJff "Ming^^ i^ hji l^n lu8,» tbe fint liae we ever hesrd of the distressed needlewoman thin all the societies iWindow.—CoMMiiiAi, man his wife, and Emma Bmith, a girl^of loose Liverpool Wd Mnsesaffa"* &&>d him, Eo ceased ••u^ch a aiagulK,? - . of tub Pmsokkr.—Daniel wo , cultivation of cotton at flatal. circumstaaw.-.CStfrterChr onfoe. and public speecheshave eier *»»« Ton would Donovan, the pugilist» who has beea ia cwtody for ohwwtett wrr ' bwugfct,bafow Mr, lar dtey, - A Jk «aNn ¦ J ^ ' 6 ' 1 . " * tlt THE -^:oRir« S-fAR. ?* ** • ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦!¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ggSg w w ' ' ' ' " ^^ - '•-6 -Lit ' .' " ' ' .' ' -¦. - - - —«———^ ^ ^^ _.. i ...... «.u.;-.. - — j,- .^ -...- x i.—i—^.Itrtreflaapssedd unjuunib iiiiss duridilnfl uHtK the he 'famine.famine. .- Distress, within oming last. Th,a.. pjcionJ oJ beii«iopnoerned ija 'thevrf 'ceptvb iirglaries was destroyed by fire,Qn r£riday m ' neighb purhood .ofajiverpo" Were. brought tho last f ew weeks, ias-been again extending—the [ ' B 'ind * well-exeouted construction,, in the oI, f ; business suspended) excep- decklediSnt^^^.^.^n m^mK brid ge is a solid Defore Mr! Rus'fttpn on' Satu rd ayf/last , .aiidJF rere,re. shops idle, and . wit&tbg £$c J fftf ropoltk : wounds on hispersoh-o ne 9? *}» e#« »M thau-320. yards in length . Abobt , : 'tafbHsbineht' for 'the biire' ' ^eoItobonft a per sins. as .they, were never seep tojue. 'sffter war ds. and is no less committed ;' " Hal f an ' Hour'^'afterwards ' tfie ^afest tion' of an es ot.psb on In the thr bat, and tbe/.tbir d-W ; : ' be .;.destrpyedi. or :cut i iaway in ; J ' at 1 'Peterhead /in' Scptlandj-p,rigi-^ Health- os Lokdo -iD niosa the Week. - the ^ The nanle 'of tfi e stSam-bbat whT6h;can . setf .W ,ac-. sixty yards . have .en . : » constern ation :wa8 -oo'oasiohed by^^Hhediscov ery'that the plan adopt ed' ' -^ understood tha t these N«^lS*N?P ^gl3 } ofdlt tjp revent, the fire from , sPrt g. - ^ibere: nated by a London firm , but 'which-latter ty h^is mot week ending last Saturd ay, 965 deaths were regis- himself. ;;ite w*;awaw fl«* witness idfflitiM 'WflkW^ -fir eyto, ;bu? the:p risoner ,,Mutch hadJesoaped - out of Bridewe ll. the deceased ^ tniinl s'ter P " Company. ;' 1 Sho' w&^on her a ' belief that thebridge .was wilfuIly:S8t.. been - going- Oii 8atisfaot orily,'jbwing,iit is stated, to tered in London. - The increa se on the ret urn of was looking ' after him; and offered ; no ofaeM tp Wes . enny . aUn jwefc It. is supposed .that / as; he,was;;being conveyed iwith : t he previous week , occurre d, Iast 'p'assage^rom Lbhdbh-brid ge ' 'Huugerf dfd and our infor maht .states .thathe was prescnt . the difficulty of;tfainingvtb.e,jpc«l fishermen by the , when only 775 deaths his so doing. OnfThu rsday last ; he told witness ¦^• , w to i three magistr flteB . ot , a .number of,others aloDg the passages to the , .colls, ' . arisesnot from-an but We8toiniBte r ' i f;;: ' 'Z V^ ^ 't ¦ tigation mad e^oii. Saturday by, ' crpucfi ' b' ' ' 'persons brou ght oybr from Peterhea d, :WrhQ :are : iex- increase d rate of mortal ity, that he was going to the water-closet , when he went ^. , - ' John Vm, he cpntri ved to _ , ehind . a door, and after- from an influx of eases which had been the subjects omnibus , and rode off.; The ' 'The . MBTR6 POMTAW vlNTkRM riNi.s.'Bitt. ,!Tr On the di8trict , the Rev/J. Jen kins, ^-> Tr ard s to pass up" the stairs , arid by wrenching off periehced in the system' praoti sed ther o. .,.In .thp,in. ont and entere d an Of ' and ,that those,- .gentlemen.' - after ' ; ^ of coroners * inquests at var ious periods in the last saw him waB On Saturday , '.when :'he Monday^ a meeting deputies ' froni the - pr otes'taht andi'Capt ai^Scbtt; tKe' K6x oy throug hithe .Crown Court. iMr. 'Husht on!wasi sit- no cattle are to be seen on : for thefp^urpose of titi the supposition. • , The, fire was ; first , Oiscovered uieuj or euiigmieu, ur the qua rter. The corrected average for. 10 corre s- about three millions of francs were found in the Head , Poultr y; .pe phingft he 8 ting in;the :Nisi;Priu3 , Court ,,so-,th».t: ;the man bad lermer , occupier s i vuaving ponding we with ^ House of Lords on the subjec t bf the Interments Bill. twb work meniiand the, alarm .bemgf giveiy^ " into the workhouse ?. ;. A11 ..those house's tare eks iri 1840-9, is 994; compared deceased's pocket-book. Several letters written in ropes; were ) set^o , only .to adopt a little caution to get off unobserved. gone " •which the decrease of The chair was occupied ' by J. R^ ' Mills,' • Esq..' who" body of men with buckets and crowded. 'A violent typhus fever , has Recently deaths of last week exhibit a the 'Fr ench language by the unfortunate deceased This .man is suppose d to be tue planner of, the bur-; . ' 29. Tea persons children , died of ' 'One "that he stated that the objections: heretofore; entertained to , work ,>ut the flames gained M'^'Wjiu J g , ' b' " '6sB'0ssed' 'of' broken but in' one of them ,',and the Poor Law jln- , bf whom 9 were were laid before the coroner/ said, a porti on ; ofcth o on«g«M» , glaries ; and is said . to . e p . great inge- ' - fsmaltpo ir, 17 of measles, 14 of scarl atina, 19 of owed his distress to tho passing days."' It was the bill byf the "' dissenter g still continued .'b'ecau sc in thought ri ght to cut away nuity and iicutenessV ' When the pri soners werb 'ap- spect or,1 Mr.' Lloyd/;w,hb;h ad be'en, preyibus .tb.his epi- ' ' 1 House of save' the>ek .This : was clever ly• ' 'de hooping-cou gh, and 34 of typhus ; all of these . stated that he alluded to the days of Louis Philippe its passage throu gh the Common s it had *: from.»«rfextend ^£ .ingJ. i prehend ed^ he endeavoured to escape : by-u jump- :!lappoihtnient to that Office,' a pufiy-lieuteiiarit of morta lity, been in no respect impro ved either , in it's niain fea- beingmade the.fire was preve nted victims; ' ' demies showing much less than the usual and the French Bepublic which followed. Another wer e so intens e that ing . throu gh ;the. 'window , of the irailway carriage. the , county of: Mayo, is amongst the . That except the last , from the avera ge. done me in- tures or prominent principles ,,.'Hef admitted . that , alone the bridee. - The flames ,, " seized " : with the' cmalady fat which differs little letter said, ' 1 pardon all those who have ' Susp icion points towards: Scotland as, t he ,place of gentleman who wason But diarrho ea shows a considerable increa se; in the from all those whom I have the object of thefmeasiire was good, but then tha t , ,,at ' Castletown died Monday last, ;afjter . ten- days' jury, and I claim pity v^&r ^Ubrid ge. > The . scene wm his ;flight, but up tr ace of hiin[ has been discovered. ' ^' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' last three weess the fatal cases have run thus,—17, letter, after refer ring to the good oiiject «vas about to be made ihsfru mentai m.'in- , iipright supports of the ^s^^SSi ' ' ¦' '' ," ,' ' '[ ' [' ¦¦ , ' illness; . ' '' , ' " "'" . ;. , ., .. ... •- . ; , ' . ' , ::.a were reg s- offended. " Another * magnificent.^ The fire rea ched to an —Manchester.StidrdiariZ ' : . , ,- -. • : 19,-and 33.—Two deaths from cholera settlin g of his prope rty, concluded with; " Adieu— dieting ; a great injury , oh the inhabitants ) because it time was Very has ^ommence d an ^ ''¦ ' ' ' Fat al Fiout ai TuNnKinaB.'—On Wednesdy last FniGHT pbli 'Accidbnt ;— The Limerick Chronicle, of 4, Princess-st reet, invested the whole power of taxation oh a board cpn-j , . mme^seh eight.: Ca ptain ^cott ' ' tered:—Oa the 25th of June , at oh, my children— oh, my whV-oh, my son. Ver- B89 f *a fight took.placefat the Odd Fellow's' festival; that Saturday says :—" We are deeply pbneer ned to an- fcipplegate aged 33years, died of''acute " sisting of some four or five' persons. " He moved the inquh-y at ,thl King' s Arm si K ^ ' i tt nounce tha t the eldest son of George 'Gubbihs , , a porter . dict of " Tempora ry insanit y. . !' ' ,was no sign of the fireI at7 elevenP , iwas held.at Tunbrid geoh Tuesday i one of the com- ' rheumatism {10 days), cholera {3 days.) The de- Suspicious Death.—On Wednesday afternoon an adoption of the petition to. the House of Lords. This it ap pears-that the?e first fray ; An . inquest , was Esq., Milltown , Bruff_l,; was this day accidenta lly , ' flight, r ^hen observed , it ibatants being killed in .th e- j . ..i.-t l_ u:_ u'^.il. m. : i:...li.. i ji-j ' 1 ceased had a gevereatt aoBMbholerain August last, Inquest was taken , by Mr. W. Baker , jun., at ' the petition was similar in substance!tb one already pre - o elook on Thursda y side ' oii Thursday. ;A"oout twelve, suot uy 111s uiuLuer , wane incautiously nanunug a has not been good. Commons. was ragingfto windwar d, and the ^aatern being held at the Bull Inn , . ' and since tbat time bis^Keflth Rochester Castle. Stok e Newington , on the body of sented by the Dissenters to the House of ' d 'clock ph Tuesday night there was.danoih g-ih the fowling-p¦iece¦ ¦ , and¦ ¦< ¦the wound is behaved to-be 23^Wmdmill-row, be not passed, without , previ- . most iniured . seemstosh oyr tha t the fire commence o *" '. - ¦r - -: : : :: ' .- . r. v-" >-\. ' -f '" .. On the 28th of June , at the wife W. Fernley, aged 26, pork butcher , lat ely carryin g It prayed that the bill , , , active exertion ar e bboth ' 'at had been erected for holding' the Odd fatal . _ , . , died-bf " bilious it to a select committee , and the on the windward -side. ^ery s th 'against tub , ^ of a labourer , aged 54 years on business in Holly-street , Dalston , whose death ously submitting , and it is hoped Fel lows' meeting * in, when some dispute ' arose re- :• .Actions Lonn Mayor.—In the Court cholera (45 hours.)'' The certificate adds that ' clauses to provide for the decent being made -to repair ,the damage , on Saturd ay,; in the caS' is alleged to have been the effect of the administra- inser tion of certain able to pass over the br idge m garding some, deal ; planks. A;young man named of Exchequ er/ ebf 'Powelv. " there was no purg ing in this case/' Mr. Hears , deceased's mother , pr eservation of burial grounds , :whioh may be discoii-. that.tiie; trains will, be. t 'Mayor, Sir Cplman O'Lbgblen applied :to> tion of arsenic:— Mary Fernl ey, days. , Z- ' : • _• ' : ¦' ;;. Fr ederick i Brigden. beoame much excited ,- and he Lord the registrar , when cholera prevailed last .year , ' Stoke Newington , said that her son tinned by order of council. ^-Mr. f Conder seconded about a weekbr ten ' "$, he. fought. , with compel the plaintiff tp give securi ty for costsj. .The 4, York-place, . Rb igatb ami Dorkin g Bakk ,—A meetin g of wishedTtb fight, and length , described this row as in a filthy condition , and ' house on Monday morning the adoption of the . petition. —Mr. fGriffin though t . . The ' ' named Alfred Walkl in. The le'a'rned 'cpunsPl sta ted that the plain tiff had insti- died at her (witness s) the creditofs of this hank was held on: Monda y; y com!- .even, and after sbme 'tcn'or'twelve ' rounds ) durin g notices : of ;twenty -five further actions , for alleged inches. The mean temperature was 46*2 deg. It 'in his opinion , the measure was chair. Mr. Kerric k having reported from the " ' told her by a surgeon , and from what had been thrown out, for . ^ that though the which both part ies frequent ly [felV'Brigdenvi fell violations . of tha law. in actin g in-the capacit y xof was more th an 7 deg. above the average on the first suffering worse now than when it had been originally intr o- mittee appointed at the last meeting, of the city ofDublin. Mr." op stated to bier by her son, that he was so favoura jble -a.resulta B without being st^uok , and iiever afterwards spoke, Lord Mayor Dir posed four days, and it was below it during the remainder taken. He came to her on duced , inasmuch a s the overplus ' frorh the fees was, estate did not show ; quite the mbtibn. " The court hayingJ uUy. consideiJed ¦ from somethine he had ant icipated ,: they were opposed to the aff airs The jury returned , ta verdiot ; .of .". Accidentally ^!, ' ' ofthe week. - , and was very ill. He com- accordin g to Sir George Gr ey, to be approp riated , tb they then ground in the act giving a the 'ap plip'atiou , refused . it, but restrained 'the Friday, the 14th June Kelly, who killed by. a fall to the . of AcavW Iii 4>ll««nA £\9 Death weuxb of Chlo- extension. Hei declined to being woun d up under a bankr uptcy.iMr. ' •nl n S^tiiff VkM/tnfVnAlw\f *tU TVU1V)/\At*Va ^TVIIUU»OT» IIJJ1G Q +ti/V tikbeu thb Influenc e plained of excessive sickness, and said that, at the purposes of church . .! affairs blow, but Were is'rib' evidence to show that it ' was UiUllll/lU UlliU yiUb"«CUUJK. V* -MiO roform. —On Friday aftern oon, June 28ih, an im- e move an amendm ent. .;After some discussion , .the re presented Mr. Nash, re ada stat ement ofthe !- . ; . :; , >. -¦ << •• ' ¦'' breakfast time, his wife gave him a cup of coff e then, proceeded (o an- ioaused by 'blows given ' in the fight." Alfred Wal- actions. ' . . . : portant investigation took place before Mr. William he could not drin k it. He prayer of the petition was ' altered and -agreed , to as on the closing of the bank , and ,. Thb Potato Cboi?.—Accounts have 'been r'eceived which was so nasty that etermination of, Mr. Nash to .close the kin.and thaisecdnds: were then brought ? into the . Payne, in the Board Room of Guy's Hospital , res- h ha she had put something in it; follows:— " That the bill mayit not;pass throug h .^bur nounce , the d bythp coroner. ?, of the re-appearance of the potato Wg hti' whiPh Has remarked to er t t ' concern. It appeared that the claims against the rq pm,'and . suitably repriman ded j pecting the death of Alexander Scott , aged thirty- which she denied, when he observed ,: " If you have honour able house, but ^that mayfbe refer redf to a ' STATION , LlMB-STRBBT , manifested . itself in vari ous counties , althoug h, up bank were' OOO, the assets £30,000, and that the . ,'ACCI DBNI'AT THB RAIliWAlT, ' four, a policeman of ths R. division, who died from not, then drink it." She immediately took it out select committee, before which your petitioner s^nd ^oO. "tivBBPbbL.—On Wedn esday ' morning; an acciden t to this time,' its , pro gress has been slo.w and its niea* remaining , £30,000. balance was t j bo made up from . ^ the effects of chloroform while undergoing an opera- of his hand , and threw it under tho stove. He other parties'ag»rieved hy, the provfeions .o^the . occurred 'th e riil^ay station in Lime-street , of a range very limited. Most of the prby ihcial 'joiir- tion for the removal of the right hand , hitherto denied them; the.pri yate estates .of Mr. Nash and his part her,rMr. jaf ; ' : of a portion asked her to go to the dispen sary with him, as he sure may have an opportunity , Mr. very 'serioiis' cha'raotbr. ' 'I t-appea rs that ''ah excur!- hals,chowevier deny the 'existence ofthe ' disease, which had been bitten by a man thirteen months pre- On the of explainin g and substantiating their /objections.' ;' Neale, : which were not Eufficient to meet it.v ¦ was very ill He had some medicine^ part.of an honest sion train leftfthe -Uttoxeterv station , "bm the -North and ,describe :the crop as most luxuriant in appear- viously whilst on duty at Deptford. Some unimpor- he came again. He Still conti- The meeting separated with jthe usual vote of tha nks Nash j Was determ ined to act the ance. -This prp yes.that ktherblight/must .be ve'iy Monday following " ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦, ¦ ¦ ¦ Wr yghte , .the aceountant jithen read; a Staffordshire Railway , at an early hour/ that morn- tant evidence having been taken , Mr. Edward Cock , nued to complain of sickness.- Witness did not see to the chairman , f " ' .f ,. - ' - y. ,.' -y ^ \ man.. , Mr. , " tra in.t pok up; passengers^ partial in 'its operations up to .this time.- The Newry long report, .which began by-stati ng that . the. inspec; ing for Liver pool. The , Slid the deceased was sent to him by a surgeon at him again till the subsequent Monday, when she (be at the various stations till -it reac hed Leek , and .Telegraph, of Tuesday, .says^ i—"In our neighbour- Deptford for a gavere pain in the right hand. One of j ; tion of accounts showed tha tithe, . bank ;bad , enon- scarcel y knew him, as his head was so swollen , ! payable to then proce eded 'rapicll y on its' jb'urhe y^o the summit hood the crop is. luxu riant and health y-looking, as the fingers had been removed , and deceased suffered h ad pcpm«c^ ;:;: :; Tr solveht for many.years -thatthe dividend He also stated that his legs and stomac h . v | on the rea lisation of of Edge-hill-tunnel. ''The train consist'ed'df ttoenty- inthe bestsoason antecedent to the first appear- great pain at the stump.' Witness found him to be a answer to the jury, ' the witness ^ , creditors was main ly depende nt r . ' •: ' swelled gre atly. In of last Mr. Neale and might amount two carri ages, and iwould 'contain; . we sbould 'sup- ance ofthe disease. ^ . ' ; > . strong vigoroas men. The bone was in a diseased stated that until her son was taken ill with sick-' ^bbbb v TRAVEttKBs.—(Du '^afurday in- the.separat c estate of , 'HeM ' the pound. Mr ; Ham soni Who pose, about five hun dred peop le.; When iifc.arrived ...Captais :PBEi,.-- The accountsl receive d frota state, as were also the nerves, producing immense ness he always had excellent health: She believed fotm'ation was given that . Mr. y; Bixsill,.i pf to fifteen shillings ia Nenag ' s ng Neale, then addressed the meeting; at Edge-hill the engine was detac hed , and the tr ain h . on Tuesday , morning ,state, ;that ::Captaiu .tendern essof the arm and right side of the body. tbat deceased did not live happil y with;his wifel-*j Heafbrd , was robbed in a steamboat ,, while cros i represented Mr. 'd , ' " in charge Peel ofthe 6th Royals,, The only remedy was to remove the end of the bone l purse containing .thr ce and offered to leave the matte r to the meetmgfwhich was espatched down the tuniiel , of two , the nephew of .Sir Robert The Coroner , having here been informed that de-; the 'Hum b er tb Huil , of a ofthe brea k'siheh of th'e'Londbh and .North Western Peel, ;who met with; so 'severe an accident , by ¦and the diseased nerves. The deceased came into the Bank of England ' note's, and aboiit;£15 in gold, ;, and.^ was obviously with him) as to avoiding a bankruptcy; ; ' 1 ceased's wife was in the house, directed that she' : ' 1 Bailway 'Com "pany, ahd the 'gu'ar ds whb 1 came with falling ' from his ' phaeton , - is steadil y progressing hospital to bave the operation performed , when de- that a lady travelling in a 'secon'd:'pl8)ss..' carr iage 911' aiid after considerable discussion the following reso: < ¦¦ i: should be broug ht into the inquest room. He then ifcl The tunnel , as is well known, is on:an incline, towards recovery. :' • •. • :: > ;;• :' •.' y-- >< ' - ' ' ' • ' ¦*" ceased said, "i hope, Mr. Cock, you will give me witnesses to her ,' after; the Staffordshire Railwa y was robbed. of af. long blue lution was;carried unan i5noUBly;:-^" That this_meet-; een r read the evidence of the f Mr ! iHam- i aad the duty of the ,thre p men ; would . ha^ve b to ' -Thb RBPBAE' A88ociATioNi—This Association "met chloroform, for I cannot bear the pain. " Witness which he asked her if she had any questions to silk purse containing four ; sovereigns and . ,a note , for inir. havine heard the guarante e given by , informed him that he would rather not use it ' also circulated , :, '6ffering ,,a "par t of Messrs ; Neale—that the overd rawn H ave , used their br eaks- so . as to keep the , train at .Conciliation Hall on Monday, Mr, Rafferty in the , ahd put to either of them, stating to her that ' she had | £60. Information was , son on;the ' it whien it emerged from the chair. ' Mr. '^phn fO'Connell , fin ,,alluding. endeavoured to dissuade him from taking it; bnt the large re ward for the app rehen sion of highway robbers ,! acoountbf Mr. ;Nealej.sen.> sball be paid in full-rex-l uhderc ontrol j and stbp ,-.to- the liberty to do so. She said that she had not.—The tunnel ; 1 We are informed; bbwever , by the pfficer^ atrocious outra ge upon the , Queen , said'he thought deceased added that he had made up his mind to to have a post six or seven in nuraber j . fay, whom Mr. ,, Edwar u presses its opinion that the affairs of the bank may. inquiry was subsequently adjou rned , ' trust deed' at the station that the guards of the train -were 'uh-j heiwasouly doing what Ke oughta samember of the 'have it admini stered to him. Witness always objec- mortem examination of the body, and an anal ysis of Flowers, while returning home . on horseback ,from; be more advanta geously wound , up by a ; ' ' Court of Bankruptcy ;-and ' acquainted w'ith the:ihcline ,' and that the * two ^men Association , when heTgave expresBibn to theji orr pr -ted to fiie use of ehloroform , for it conld never be the contents of the stomach. Preston Cape T Northamp tonshire , in company , with than by proceeding in the by. 1 -given withou t ' named Anthony ' : ' was; sh and Neale be called .on to assign' alread y-alluded , to hadrn pt.sufficient ;power ; to .con- universally felt | Ir ishmen at the outra ge com- some degree of danger. The ordinary The Post-office Obstruction. —At an; inquest: his son, aHd a servant . Kirby, . th at .Messrs. Na ' carriages. , .The mitted against her Majesty, and machine was used, and, as it had not the effect, wit- attacked and dragged from hia hor se - and , haying their property to trustee s for the benefit of the cred i- trol the yelooity, of the 1 consequence their- . delight 'that held on Tuesday, at the Hero of Waterloo, Lambeth ,' ' ' ; wasy.th'at the' tra in cpuld hVt.be ,cbra j)letely.]broug ht she had not even suffered fright on the occasion. ness directed that a napkin should be folded into the who fell into the water and was drowned ,- been severely beaten , arid . injur ed, . . , was jrobbed /of tors. - ' All parties agreed to do all!they¦ ' could ¦ tbl ; on a boy, ¦ ' i. ' ' - '' ' ' ' ' ' ' week' shape of a cone, which was applied, with chloroform . about iU2 in gold , and a siiver ^^ carry.this out. ,; : ;.,ii :>.,j, .:- . , .:> , :. .>- ,. "j : y <- - - : - <: • >\ \ iip ' till it came .into .collision .' with the stone wall (Cheers:) The rent¦ .¦ for¦¦ the¦ was¦ announced to Mr. "Wm. Carter; tbe coroner , remarked' tha t the: T . ' which faces' Lime-street ;'- 'The carriages we're ' very be£8 11s. 6d. • • ¦' ' " ' ' •'. ' • ' > ' ' • . " ' ' ". ' .":: : .f The ojerafion of removing a portion of the bone Esoape:-?A very " p t ,, escape; JATIL ; Acoidbni . iouA'j Railwat Guari );— lOhj oc- recent alterations in the Post-office were likely to] NAiaow roviden ial ' ' "^ From twenty to thirty 'passengers ; The Ora nge Anniversaries; — ' cupied one minute and a half, but before it was com- ' from death by lightning : occurred ' during ;a„heavy] Monday 'even ing, : a train i -left Salford station -for, little damaged. By tbe northern¦ ¦ work very prejudiciall y between the coroner s were more or Iessj bruise d by the concussion ; some papers -which .- arrived this , week • it would ' appear pleted ihe blood, which was gushing out, suddenl y v t s , arid thunder storm which , on the night of the 26th' iilt.,i Accrington , :having as its guard a man nam ed-W. l * ofiice and the public. He li ed a King ton of thein are cut about the head ,and face, and other-: that the first of July,has passed i oyer ; iwith but: any stopped, when witness directed Mr. Lacey to feel the received information of all cases requiring his atten- visited Wells:,' " The1 '.electric fluid struck , the resi-! Walker , thirty-two .years of age. i-Mr. : Cooper , the; ' ,; the.Btat ionj ,saw the train off, 'and: wi^ shak enfaud contused , f The whole; of .the pas- iittempt being niade . to ipfringe the proyi sionsof the pulse of tbe deceased; when they ascertain ed that the dance throu gh the post. Oh Saturday night last , dence of a ipurneyman brushmaker ,. named Thor n superintendent of ' ' ' ' ' deceased had expired.—Coroner: What " was the ' down the , chimhe y,ihat-i keot his . eye on it , for about a hundred yar ds. -At! sengers were miich alarmed; and as soon as possible Anti-Proces sions Act ; and , what is equall y satisfac- he went to the post-office and received his letters ,' in Lavrpodl-Iane / It passed ' ' leasant ppsitibn ; 1 ' The tory /there does cause of death ?—Witness : The chloroform , most tered a door and alooking-gras's Jo pieces, and then , the, starting, Walker appear ed quite sober and col-: were removed from their ub p notseem tp haVe been any of those ¦ for which he had to pay one penny on each. Now! injured parties were ' taken over 'to the' ' Queen 's convivial clubigathering s iii comme'moraiioh undoubtedly. In this instance a very small quantity , but what was still; knocked down the.poor , man's Iwife, burnin gher se-, leoted , and .when last seen by Mr. Cooper was stand- ' !,0f the that was an additional tax Hotel, by direction of Henry Bootbj Esqiy who-hiip-' day, at which J f potations pottle deep " were- drunk had been used, not a tenth part of what bad been worse, he sent his warrant appointing the pres ent verely, and Tendering her .fdr .some , time insensible. ; ing on.the step bf one of the eight carriages which administered in other cases. Witness could ' a, piece include d. -. At thirt een minutes :past seven , pened j to be, on the, spot, s and who, directed: that in memory .of men and thin gs now matters of his- not ac- inquiry for Tuesday. He (the coroner) came to: It next 8truck the fir e-irins; tearing off the] the train every attention shoul d be paid to them at the charg e tory, and which ' count for the deceased dying, and was certain , there the poKer/aft e'r which it shattered the . windows , ,andi the tra in arrived at :.the . Clift on junction / and Mr. i , , for peace sake, had better : be tow a, but when he arrived at place appo inted to! . ' of the f cbhlBan'y.: ' Dr. Waltbh " was "immediate ly! buried in honourab le oblivion. What.re nders was no disease about him. So strong and powerful hold the inquest he found neither the ' summonin g: made its exit by, throwing down the (op of ai walb j ! i Charles ; Gr iffiths , the ticket taker , observed that ; f i this. :_ ' ' >A I'l-'ilii. ¦'' : " :.. ' Hi; 1. . ! ': • i . "recovery of the patient Witn ess strongl y, objected ' ' 'direcdoni'as if watchin g the parties , and a sheaf public house,. at. ;Pendlebury ;~ and on' subse- encoura ge the belief that tbe blight, supposin g that : to defeat the ends of justice. The jury were unani- the samo : Firs t ' ; ' to its use.—The coroner then summed ' up the evi- threa t Of violence on the part , of one of these men quent inquiry it was found that a porter upon the 'YBS8EL rnoJi ;THE ' CLTDE to California. — it has really appeared in Kerry and other counties ! mously ofthe same opinion as the coroner , and they Durin Grace.Darling.oleared dence, and the jury returned "a verdict of " Died wis bverheSrd '. 'surgepns who made a post railway, named Cartwr ight, could ; give material gfthe-present weekrtbe is makin g no. progress calculated to excite seriou s •• - . - ¦• -•¦- said the sooner the recent order was altere d the ] .^The ; ¦ out. from Glasgow,, and ;, has sailed for ' California , apprehensions. ¦. .. . :, ; - 'from¦ the effects of chloroform. " f better it would be for all parties. . ,.' mortem examination we're1 of opinion that death had evidence in ; the; case. Cartwri ght 's statement ' was - , .. -ZZ ' ¦ ' op ' ' beingW^first ship, direct frorn this port for tbat Mr. " SMira ; '0'BRiBN . Suiciiis of iei Peopeietoe the Kentish Burnin g of a Brew ery. — Shortl y after one been caused by strangula tion or suffocation. Verdict to the effect that , short ly befor e-' .seven - o clock he ' j — A meeting was held-OU . '' ' ' the ;line a diBtarit fegion/ 'She is afi'ne barqe , carr ying, more Tuesd ay evening in the theat re Town Assehblt RooHsf—On Saturday last, Mr. o' clock on Saturda y last, an alarmin g and destructive — L Wilfuj murder .'by. aperson orpers ons unknown ." and a: man ; named - Whittle > were upon ' of the Mechanics * -Wakley, M.P., held an inquest at the above assembl , ?Oldfi eld-rbad , Bridge; add Baw the th an 300'fohsi and belon gs'to 'Dr. T; Hi Ponnel y, of Institu te; Lower Abb ey-str eet, " To ' take iato con- y fire broke out at the spacious brewery belonging to The deceased was a very powerful man .aged fifty- little, - beyond ' ( ' ' rooms, on the body of Mr. James Ware , agedthirty- four, which leads to the , presumpt ion 'that the crime train pass under.. Tho deceased at ' that time was Vreen ook/whoUcopmpanie s thei ship as 'Owner and sider ation the treatment of William Smith O'Brie uf ' ' Mr. Raven, situa te in Bull's-fields, contiguous to the 8u per oar -seven, the propri etor. —John Edwards , an omnibu s ' , couldno t have been committed by; the woman , un- on the top of one of the carriages , aiid as the train . gp.uShe has a ful l general cargo /consisting in his penal exile." —Mr. James Haughton , presi dedi sappers and miners barracks Woolwich. . No time : of wine ale, y, ;bpttles,;. 8hip.8tores , Arbr oath driver, said that on the previous day he had been was lost the authorities of the dock yard , arsenal , assisted ,' if, .ind eed, she were a , part y to it. '. . ,,; passed : under , in wooden bridge which is erected ,; brand —Dr. Gr ay read extracts pfa letter from Mr . asked by tiie' by. stones, coals, two' strong iron houses, &c. It may Smith O'Brien Wife of the deceased to go to his bed- and artillery barracks ', in despatching , the, various ', Accident iiif Chatham . Dookyabo;— On i Satur- acros s.the llne from ' the cana l tolome mills on the ,. add re ssed ,to Mr . Butt , Q. O., iu robni, which was locked. He went up and entered day last a melancholy and fatal acciden t occurred in contrary sidej. -they. saw the deceased stoop 'down, seem strange.to send a car go.of more than 100 tons whioh Mr. :O'Brien ' complained of. the restri ctions engines belonging to those establishments , to the ; of coal such a vast;distance ,, at a freig the room throug h the window, when he found the accompanying them. For the thir d dock; in which the-Nan kini fifty;guns , is (and pass isafely i;under , .There were -two other ' ht of three under which;he laboure d in Maria Island. • Several deceased l scene, hundreds of soldiers " 1 guineas per ion, biit whb 'ri-it is considered -that' by , ying in bis bed. bleeding from a wound in a long tim e, however, they were unable to arrest the fitting. ,' Mr. James Barnard , of .. Rochester,, was j bridges to: be passed before the : train left that resolutions were adopted , and a committee api "his throat, whieh extended from ear to ear. He pro gress about leayirigtbat vessel by the _ port -hole (used l by (neighbourhood ;; and Cartwri ght did nob observe the:last advicesicoals ' were selling -in ' California at pointed to..make arr angements ('to hav e the case of the flames; owing to the want of a suffi- the rate .of eight' guineas per ton ., war then alive, and once exclaimed " Oh !" but ex- cient supply of water. Placed in this difficulty,, and the shipwrights as a gangway, ) when he was seen Ithe tr ain. , passin g tinder ¦; the first of these two the;sp eculat ion . is of Mr. , 0!Brieifbr ough t before, the House of Com- pired in jabont twent y minutes. ° Two ra zors were to h g the dock; a depth of- about jbrid ges ; < but on its arrival at' the second , he 'saw likely tp bC neither : unreaso nable. nor unprofitable. mons by .regular motion. " —Previous to seeing no chance of a continuous supp ly of water , fall eadlon into . the sepa-" found lying by his side.—Other witnesses stated , ' " further progress of the de- thir ty feet. He ' was at once taken to Melville jthe deceased 's head; as' it appeared to him, come The Grace Darling is pr ovisioned for :fifteen months. i ra tion of the meetin g, Mr , Diiffy, of the Nation, ' the troops , to stay the ¦' We wfsh' aipBUccess to this .'first was that deceased ffas of a very nervous temperament , vouri ng element, proceeded to demolish the adjoin- Hosp ital, but soon became , insensibl e, and death jin contact with the bridge , and deceased instantl y Openin g of com- loalled upon , and spoko as follows :-Just think and was a martyr to th9 gout —The daug hter of the put aii end to his sufferings in about twohours. 'fell upon the •arriage , and his heels ' .' flew up into merci al relations between the Clyde and the golden what you are met here for-to ask ing buildings and outhouses. \ By this means the fire British Mail, j that a man , deceased was called to prove his state of min d, tmi was confined to the brewery in which it originated , I Openuig of the , Public Walks . &C. .arou no jthe air. '' ; Car twri ght observed to his'companion re gions of the far west-^North f < ! whose ancestors were kings in this country- before she was too much affected to be able to give 1 ' . JPibb ; hear G1A800W.—-On Saturd ay a fire , her evi- the whole of which was burned to the ground. The NoTiiSGHA*i.-rThe p ublic walks (twenty-five miles ¦that the man had hurt him solf ; but he had np oc- I one stone of this city, stood upon another , Bhall be' dence—Verdict , "That the : decea sed died in con^ in length) around the improving and busy town of suspicion - at that time thai he bad been killed. -An curred on the. premises occupied as a printfield by ! separated from the worst . crimin als.England , extent of property destroyed is stated to be very con- . Messr s. ' Muter and Miller flines sequence ofa wound in the throat,-inflicted by him' , , Nottingham -were opened on -Monday. The cere- inquest was held upon : the-body on Tuesday,' and ; ,. situ ate . about , a mile i out other polluted bosom—a man who, I positive siderable. " below DuhgIa8S,' riear Glasgow. iy self while in s state of mind which is to the jurors Fir e near Covekt- gabden.—About half-past i mony was not so numerously, attended as might the jury returned a verdict of' Accidental death '/' [ The origin of the ; know , if he followed the ordin ary course ' of Irisri unknown." . ,- .- - . -.;; . e following depre - fire-is liotfBtrictly known ,' but is Supposed to have represen ta "be eleven Vclock on Mond ay morning a fire broke out Ibaye beeri expected,, owing,to the badness¦ of tb I i RosBBRt bt. A! SsRYANT.^-The ¦ tives, would ; sitting now in Dublia • Suicide wi a. Cler gyman.—A few days since, ; W'eather : ,, j : ([ > !•- ' .: ¦:) ¦ ' ¦ ¦> , |;dations have been recehtl y discovered'in the esta been communicated to the machine room , ih whioh ,i Castl e, as Irish Secretary, in Hart-street , Coveht-garden. It originated at the ,f ; : :: -.. .:•. , dispensing the jus tice the Rev. William Prescottj a clergyman, aged forty ; occupied by Mr. M'Clan- 1 Thb Liver pool Bur glars have been thus disposed jbhshm ent , of Messrs , Mand er,' Weaver ,' and vo:, it was first discovered , 'by the: overheatin g of the that is refused to him—a man who ' rear of a range of buildings , ¦ flues underneath j T portion of, the j , I veril y believe, from the country, entered King s C-illege Hospital; disti, engineer ; Mr. Reeve, car penter , and others, ' of :—The three men have been committed for three jwholesale ¦ dru ggists, of- Wolverham pton . 'Froni . . his ; fbuilding ; if it was not for .his own extre me humani ty for the purpose of undergoing the operation of fieing ' always heated,,.was^ consequ entl , :if it litho- principally used as workshops. Several engines soon months, ahd the ..three women handed over to the 'cer tain. suspioions entertained by Mr. Fre derick 1 y very dry, i was not for consequences that no human aid could tomy. .On the 28th alt,, it was intimat ed to him ' , ono of the as- and th 'iir became a' speedy prey to;the 'flame 's. The arrived , and after working for an hour , the flames 'authorities of the countr y. • i : . ^— . jWeav er t hat Edw ard Gooch Hone, ' ' avert; that 'perhaps no human wisdom could foresee " tha t the operation would be soon performed , when were arrested in their , progress , t g e s j The Bri ghton . Pavilion. —The grounds ' ofthe jsistants in his employ, was in ' thejhabit ' of takinu damage sustaihed in projperty is considera ble/ but is i would be at 'this hour sitting in th 1 he appeared willing to undergo it. In the bu a r at los of covered r b insur ance. -' Thi !: at Castle in quit e evening pro perty, working tools,.&c, of the workshops near • Brigh ton Pavilion , recen tly purchased of the Woods (money from the shop tillj a pourid'in silver was y' s fire affords another ]adifferentposit ion. (Cheers.). - For: my tbe port er fonnd tbe unfortunate gentleman banging, ' ' convincing pr oof of the evil results arisin gfro' part lam were consumed. ' . . - - . and Forests < by the commissioners -of Brighton , iniarked oh Thursd ay last, and Mr. Weaver commu- m the pre pared to say, her e and everywh ere, and quite dead in a closet. No doubt physical tor- 1 constable. Col: want of force-pumps and other such appliances on that not EXTEKSIVE , CbOTLAGRATiOS IN THE . SlRAND.—On under powers conferred on them by an act of the nicated his suspicion to the 'ehief " only .did l.share . his friendship and his counsels/but ture and horror at the proposed operation drov e him on Sunday morning opened arrange ments for Inspector Plim- all promises similarly situated. . -., . - : Wednesday morning , a few minutes before six, a 'present parliament , were iHoggithen made ithat there is nothin g he did , and nothi ng he medi- to the commissionof the horrid act. to the public. Durin g the day man y thousands eh'-' 'mer and Serge ant Haddock to be in waiting in the toted ;_ fire , atten ded withthe destruction of a considerable : .; ; , which I did not hear tily enter into, anoV AccniBNT TO Mr. Green , ihb Aeron aut.^ ' amoun t of property, brok e out in the premises he Itered the grounds. <• , , - ; .;., fevening to search HoneVas he was about to leave ' ' pledge myself soul " body • Gbavxszsd. ' r '; ¦ '¦ -: :> Z.i ¦-, - , arid to carrv out. / rfmi rf —At about a quarter to nine o clock on longing to Mr. Cullihgfbrd , a lithographer , carrying i Embezzlement Case at ; Leeds.—At, the Leeds the premises , at eight o'clock. J Hone was ac- -I IVClailD. cheers .) Therefore my Saturda ynight last, , sympath y in this business is' a balloon under the direction, on business at No. 22, Southampton-street , Strand. 'Borough Sessions, .on the 28th ult, a highly res- 'cordi hgly: searched , .when four of the marked pieces a matter of cours e, it adds no' as it appears, of Mr. Green, the celebrated aeronaut , :iwas ,D.UBUK;--RiBBpKiSM . , weight to it; but I The 'discovery was made by, one of the police con- ipectable -lookipg man , named James Prenholm , was of coin were found in bis possession , and he | -^The Aewry. Examiner ^a have felt it due to , those j with .whom- 1 accompanied by another gentleman, passed over this ' ' taken ; custody. ; Mr. Weaver ' paper pl\ strictl have been jstables ofthe F division.. In a very brief period |char ged with haying embezzled several sums of immedi ately into ' s y' liberal princi ples-ra sserts. that . workin g to make ,; this, candid explana tion. : town, in nearly a direct easterly course down the ines and fir e-escapes arrived. The engines were jmbney, . the 'property of, i bis -, emploper , J. W. suspicions having been thus confirmed , a searoh was iRibbonism hot'' only continues to exist, but is suf- Mr! ' eng ¦ , Loughnan told you ' that but for one honest man f riveri la almost a quarter of an hour afterwards it ,set to work ; but in spite of the torrents of water iHugail. The recei pt of numerous sums of money- |made , at Hone 's lodgings - in ' St. John 's^u are; fered tp flourish ^ no' effectual step' being'taken for would be descended suddenly and fell into the river near ¦its! " " tastin g-the mercies' of the - black serpent' thro wn ' over the flames, they continued to rage , unaccounted , for in the books , havin g been . sa- where a large amount of prop erty of considerable suppressi on ';; 'and the way-laying system, which or Ma m "Island ¦ Jenkin buoy,1 off the Nore. A barge happe ning to .' . I am not there , however, but and , having extended to the , roofs of the houses Itisfactp rily. .proved ,, tbe prisoner was , senteheed ' to Value was found in his rooms, nea tly packed up in so often shows itself, is stated to be the immediate in Irela nd,^ and of th at be coming up the river at that point , observing the ¦b ' ' [offspring: of-a . shalf come two resul ts.: If elongmg to Mr. Jackson (No. 23), and Mr. Wea- seven years tran sportation. , A similar re sultf took |a tru nk and several boxes. The greater portion of ? Ribbon org anisa tion ^.-;" We grieve tno Whig ministr y—if-a-man floating ,monster balloon, made towards it, as did place 'in of Richard : Roberts for em- : jtp say,' pbser yes the Newry ; connected with .the therfield , surgeon , (No. 21,) the destruction of the I the case . / the property had since been identified by Mr. paper ,. '? that in Louth Whi g ministry—if any one who has also the Fly revenue cutter; and fortunate ly rescued whole side of the street at one period seemed inevit- bezzling money the property of .his master /Mr. W. jWeaver. It consists of'all ' kinds of patent medi^ ither e'has 'been an incre asp of marke d .supported a ¦ ¦¦¦ indications of Whig ministry, shall come upon a Mr. Greed and his eovtp ognon- du voyage from their ' 6.,- /. - vfi I- ,: '-: '.; -: . • ¦::' :• 'the pro gress platform iri Ire- able. The firemen , however , kept to their , posts, ^^0 • " joinesi togethbr with a quantity bf quinin e;* Turkey of Ribbbnism. V the number of persons land to ask tho 'suffra ges^f th e Irish" perilous :position. The captain and crew of the and , by conveying tiie hose of two or three engines j: , A, Benefactoe to Southam pton. — The .Ramp- opium i sul hate of beeberine , titrate off iron ' aha 1 ;chargea ' with the ' 'c'dwardl y'i crime ; people so- cotter found ^ , p ' of way-laying be pine the just God , I, or some of iny great difficulty ia securing the balloon, 'on to the adjoining roofs, they were enabled /to; cut jsliire . Jhdependent>s a,yBi—>'We understand that- the quinine, ; nitra te of silver, Rowland 's Maoa ssar oil; ' .brings conviction home upon the point to all-who associatj esl' hat the expedient adopted by the captain—nam ely, will bo there to say to him or his party tha t he shall* 'off the further progress of the flames ; but.it was will of the late Henry -Robinson Hartley, Esq./ was anoh ovy sauce, essence of anohovieB , per fumes; and ' 'dp notresist thefevidehqe .of /facts. . {IRibbonism :in- not , pouring a volley of musketry into it so as to give, by ' 7 ' _. agam .pos8e8s : the- suffra ges of the ..wmk. * jriearl y,ton ere they were wholly subdued. The tot al proved in doctor 's Commons on the ' 27th ult., • and other valuable artioles , fortning ^pdrtionsp fthe stock .cludes. , the . (whoie,system- of^^-way-laying '/the ploft; the the perforations , room for the gad "to escape, In a ! : sag Loud cheers ) ,lt K ^eie WMgs are sensativ ^ lloss is'very considerable , bein g estimated by. some ;the : proper ty sworn ;under , £99,000, the interest 'of pfia wholesale druggist. A woman' who' had been aiust llie or . prop erty is; hatche d , in the Ribb on bear bear .). for Ehnrt time enabled them to secure it. It was put on ;who lodge ' ' ' iH?ar. ¦ . What caro t^ey honbur able^ [ofthe firemen at nearl y £2,000. A. female in the I the greaiklr part of which princely sum will eventu- living with the prisoner , and represented her- ah$executed by the Ribb on agents. '' ,. f . , feeling ? What pare they for board the barge, and brought , with its owner and lupper .part of the premises had a narrow escape. ally corne r into the-hands ' Of the ' corporation ' of self t ; hiB wife but is believed to be the wife of ;Thb MABfirN' "Estates. pubUo bpinlbhT BU? his companion, . o be , j —The [C/ dfya y Vindicator they care for votes in Parliame nt ',i: ! to this' town. They, after a short She was not aware ofthe outbreak until her room South ampton, for the-:promotion of literar y and another man, was also taken into custody the same pf Saturda y last contains the «nd ^we*wiU n»ef stay at Mr. Waites's Hotel , proceeded to following:;—'' Notibes them; upon .that ground s-Tories , ' ;- London , at become so full of smoke as to nearly suffocate her. scientific purposes! , , . i' , ' » - flight at Hone's lodgin gs; some articles identifi ed have been seryed Conser vativ es- o' !' ' - .up.on the reliesing officers by the devils shall have four ' votes; rather - four clock on Sunday morning. Mr. Green libe- Mr. Cullin gford was insured in the- .Phoenix fire- ! STATFORnsHiRK; Colubr y. District. — Wedne3- by Mr . Weaver > having -been found in her workbox . -managers of tho Martin estate . than Whius rally rewarded the crew of the barge , who mainly ' of their inten tion to (Loud cheers.) . One other prac tical wor d officej and tne others were insured in the Sun office. bury,; June , 29.-—Under this date a correspondent jHone ; has been in Mr.' Weaver 's employ for^about evict a vast : number of unfortunat e' creatures how all . I abbor contributed to save himself and friend from a watery outrage again st . a wbman-I abhor aU coar sene ! Chan ges at St.. Paul 's. — Workmen have re- feays :—' .|Thefbusy , industrial district of ; which this ix months , and .it is believed 'he has been in the residin g on thi s pro perty. ' The number of houses towards a . ss: grave. We regret to be obbged ' to add tbat Mr. .woman ; but I tell the ' Whig . minS. moved the massive iron gates at St. Paul 's Cathedral , place forms a sort of centre is in a very unsettled and Sabit of robbing his master dail y ¦during ¦ ¦ the -whole from which'the inmates aro to be cast but is 276 ; this place r Green is severely injure d on the head and face, facing Ludgate-hill , not, t ta , unsa tisfactor y state ;' i Various causes are operating ' ' ':- . • '. ; :; .i : . . .:• : :i ,but' *°m , as. I told them from oth e^pS however, i is s ted for of thafc period. . :' Z.\: ' on aocouri t ofthe previous evictions in the an las I .shall not doubtless from the struggle s be had fo make to keep the purpose of carrying out tbe pr ojected improve- to produce this—th e depressed state of the iron trade, Snooiiso a Gamekksfe u. — Joseph • Field 'same iquarter /' " fail to tell'the m,.that while Sm£ j ( alias Beveral ' families reside; in many in- O Brien is m Ma ria Island ' himself on the balloon when in the water. ments, bu t for re pair, and new foundation stones the : disputes between ;:the men and their masters Chance , of Toddington , was brough t up before the stances /under the same , :they, shall .not dare S • Accidest roof, so tha t we conceive, brin g tho Queen of England at thb Hoose of Deten tiok: — On are being laid down. about the payment of i wages; and .the continued jWoburn bench , on remand ,1 in custod y of Superin- itis a moderate calcul ation 'to estimat e into thisof island . (Loud- Tuesday foren oon an inquest was tak en ' to be the number r d ,ng Wavi ' ' by Mr . T Seizure of an Illicit Still.—On Saturday last ' strikes ' on the part of the men in consequence of tendent Jebbett; on a charge of having feloniously 'individ uals-about ' subjeoted 'to all the T? ^ !' - ' ' ^ ts, handker - Wakley, M.P., at the Douse of Detention , Chrken- ^ ' ¦ tor- ch? Bl^ fv The Chairma n' ^ a large still, at full work , was seized in Willow-court, the attempts made to reduce their wages. Durin g shot at and ! wounded John 1 White ; gamekeeper , in ture s of'exterminat ion at 1,500. In one !K^ ' ,*°;)T : I dissent altogether well, on the body of John Dyas. aged twent v-six, a . ¦ * foil swoop frorn that last observation . (Confusion .)' brickla yer. St. Pancras , by Mr. O.iver , the revenue and several the last week the ' chain-makers of Cradley have the employ of W. B. C.'-Cooper , Esq. The eame- a number of paupers Will be made sufficien t to fill When - 3fce deceased, on Saturday aftern oon, ' the Queen came to Dublin last year she met'with 1 was employed in repairing other officers, who conveyed the same, together turned out ; and at Darla ston the gun-lock filers , to keeper was on his rounds on Monday , the 24tn ult. one of Our lavgtist workhou ses. ' It is a curiou s fact , a tiie ventilati ng shaft of t u t y right welcome and hearty recep tion from.the " peo- the prison , when he bad occasionto wi h a vast q an it of spirits, &c., to her the number .of six hundred , are also laying idle. In and seeing the prisoner coming along the road; he that out of this propert y not a far thin g of poor ple go into one bf Majesty 's stores , Old Broad-street , City. the latter instance , at least, the poor men seem to be retired into a field in the occupation;of Mr. Phili , and lt.is my conviction tha t when she visits us the fines communicating from a wing of the building . Only^one p. rates has for a long time; been collected. In a con- again she will ¦ man , named Robert Spragg, was found on the pre- rather hardly dealt with.. ' There is an order in hand Hoi worth , and knelt dpwii • amon gst the • barley, versation 'which we had receive the same. (Hoar, hear , cries- with the shaft. The deceased went too far iu, and , 1 with Mr. Beaumon t, who of "No , no," and excitement.)—The ' mises/ Ue . was forthwith conveyed before Mr. from governmen t for 50,000 locks, but in the compej whichf was about threef feet high,-to'; watoh his is a large creditor On 'the propert y, ; .Very Rev. it being very dark, he could not see his way. lie in Combe , the magistrates , who committed him to the he informed us Dr. Spratt was then called to the ohair / and ooBseqnencefen down the tition which necessarily takes place amongst the per- niofyemetjt s. Shortl y aft er the' prison er - entered that he was shocked at the terrible tbtf fine, a depth of about House of Correction for three months in default of ' ons who send in contract s,' : ' 1 state of things meeting separ ated. —Morning Chronicl ebf Tbur sdayi 1 twenty-five feet. -~ The alarm was given , the price to be paid per the barley field, ahd took up his position abou t whioh existed in Cbrihe'mara iind that , and he was payin g £30. Illicit distillation is now carried on to !ock has been redu ced from 7s. to 4s 5d. ; to meet ' / , in his opi- Sales op ; , Encumbkbbd Estates .—Seven- sniall' immediately removed hot showing any signs of life. twenty ^ eight -yards ' .from the gamekeeper. The nion, nothin g but the Enounibercd Estates , an extent beyond conception , the spirit finding this redu ction , the contractors have ' ; Commis- properties were ann ounced for sale oniTupsday, and: His'head was extensivelyfractured , and his right leg required the Soacher had not been there many minutes before sion could effect a salutary obahgeL '" ' ready purchasers with varnish ,makers and low beer- workmen to produce eaohlbck', including forging and e saw something rise up amongst the barley and - Tenant -ri ght the result is much less unsa tisfactory than the. was broken. 'Verdict— " Accidental death. " p | I)EMONSTRATioN .~-The great te- , which had. given ' - SwicmB of X TRADEaMAu. sho keepers. ' filing, at 3s. 7d., thereby leaving a profi t bf lOd. per suddenly dro p down again: Thinkin g, as he said; nant -ri ght demonstra tion sales of last week , rise to appre - -^On Tuesda y morn- Collision on the River and .Loss oj ;Ijfb. lock for . the contractor : of the county of Loiith , tensions tha t' the business of the commission Hr. Horen, — , or 2d. more than they ob- it was a rabbit;-he put a> cap on' his- gun and jwhioh took place at might ing/ a master plumber and glazier, resi- A serious accident, by which two lives were lost aud tained during , the war. The contract ' Dundalk on Satu rday, was to come to the end for lack of purchasers; a ding at 24, Blackmoor-s treet now referred to }* smaoked" it, -but the. oharge tiid not go off; The the fullest extent as successful' ' , Clare-marke t, com- several other persons placed-in jeopardy occurred on is divided .amon gst five persons , so thatthe as the most earnest Tub Wba thbr. —A strong ; gale from the ; mitted self-destruction by hanging himself under clear pro- gamekee per heard the hammer of the gun hit the frienda of the'eause could 1 west the Saturday night last on the river Thames, about fit to each, at the labour price offered to ' have desired. The at- pro vailed during the whole of Tuesday night - following circumstances:—He went to bed as usual , the men, nipple, biit felt certain it was pointed in another tendance was Oxtreme ly huinerous ' ' The midway between the Hungerford . Suspension and would be somethin g like £400, whilst an expert work- direotion. A , the pr oceedings English mails have beeii delayed much , beyond th«> hut washeard about the house as early as three ; gain the dark object was seen to move (wore perfe otly unanimou s, and the ' " ' " " ' ; ' " '' ¦ • ¦ ¦ Westminister Bridges, on the Surrey side. On the important object usual time.¦ . ¦ . . man would not be able to clear more tha n : ¦ - ¦ ' • ¦ " ' ¦ ¦ ¦ half-a- amongst the corn; another perc ussion was affixed. ¦ .— ' ofdock. : At six o'clock the workmen came,' and the ni ht in question Mr. W. Hawtery, ; r of oementing the union of the North and South, for , ^^^ » g the eldest son of crbwn a day/ Last September a reducti on was made the poacher raised his gun and'fired; Making 1 1' housekeeper coming down to let; them in, found her one of the members of the court of common coun- sure promotin g ' the common hiterests ' 'of the tenant LOSS OP . LlFB ON THE GoPb w ' ¦ master hanging in the .wages of this Class df workmen amounting tb of his game, lie deliberatel y walked to the spot and 'lN' SaTO S i-Tldl' by the ballu strade; she instantly gave cil for Br ead-street Ward , and four other gentlemen ten per cent. ; the ; jocoupierB of both , was most materially aided on the Saturday. -frDisastrous. as' the late the alarm, and medical but reductie n now prop osed iB some- found tbat.he had shot the gamekeeper. His fir st pcoasioni - storm ' of tb ffiii assistance was procured , hired a randam skiff of Mrs. Needham , the boat- thing like; twent y-five .-per cent.addition al In this point of view the Loiith meeting and lightning has pr oved^; it was of ao avail, as life was^extinct. The body was - this the exclamation was, " Oh" dear; - have I shot you ;" has been one of the most , difloKK ^SS builder , at St. Paul's, wharf , for the purpose of pro- men have resisted, and at presen t there appears to be and asked :what 'imp ortant assemblages country, in no place was its eomlSelf J}^ removed, and awaits a coroner 's' inque st The de- ceeding up the riyer. On arriving near Bennett' he could do 'to assist the wounded that have yet taken place in the tfenan t-rightmove destructive 'toflife' ' e- little :probabilit y of them and their employers coming man , The : ; !: ¦ ¦ ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ^ and property, ffita SfhSl' «? * ceased I prCTio nsly had told¦ several pers ons that he whar f iu the Bebridere-road , they perceived a keeper told him to co for a dootor .; He rnent -i •• ' -i" ' - - : ' - - : ' " "' ' ' ' ' "'• ' on thls p ^ ofthe^sV would destroy himself.-' " steam- to term s; The government assistant -inspeotor of did so; White followed soon after Vo ^ ^ boat coming towards: them at a rapid: . pace from ; , and met a large ; Enouub bbbb 'Estates ,—At' length the petitions , situs, we -naynotice two small ar ms has been down to the - spot , but with no party to whom the prisoner had communicated viidlrWfiKfflj ,Melakchol * Suictdb.—On Tuesday , Mr . William Hun gerford-m arket. The persons in the skiff: cried beneficial the for the sale of-estates are diminishin g. Duringthe Goodwin. * Atf; daybreaki ' results. '; The men complain of promises unfortunate circumstance. Six: shots !were .' week ' ai largo w££^j &L Carte r/the Surrey.coroner , and a resp ectable jury, to, the captain of the steamer to . " . ease," , or. " turn made to them by him re- ending the '28 th ultimo , only four petitions ascertained . : to have been i assembled at the. Crown and Cushion only to be broken ; and. whilst ceived in his' face; two of them just under the left Were pres pnted /' being. one-seventh of the' the Famb Mr £D«?> ' ' , Wesfminster- astern ," but the speed ofthe vessel was not ! j usual dimin- all the dissatisfaction and bad feeling produced by eye ;. and nine in -his waistcoa t ; the ' bulk of'th bridg e-r oad, Lambeth , for the purpos e of inquiring ished, but she .'came violently into collision with the 1 e avera ge for ' some mOnthspa st; The total number this increase , there are scores of families endurin g shot passed jiistover his head. The prisoner a'p 'pf 1 ' 1 ' ipto the circumstances connected with the death of skiff, causing her instantly to fill with water , and the privation . : ^ petitions '' now ' 982; : Some heavy ' sales ar e JfAuguste Fran gois .Quentbn.—Charles The Board of Ordnance is to some ex- peared sui-pri sed and sorry at what had : ocou'rredj fixed'for the pres ent and noxt month ' Campbell five ,, gentlemen , .together with a lad . named . W. tent to blame for this,- but especially ar e , including the said that he was a, coSeeihouse-keeper , and resided Higton, a nephew ofthe owner they so for ' and declared it was purel y accidental ; < The .police- estates of Mr. John O'Connell , of Gren a, county of of the :bdat, became giving/their contra cts to persons who arc at '3; Mount-row, WestmJhster -bridge-road. .On immerse d :, The : steam-boat was connected man of the distri ct stated that the gun must have Kerry ; arid tha second ' division of the estates of : stopped imme- ¦¦ ¦ Tuesday l»st the deceased , with. ' tommysh opB ' i and public-house s"; it being been fired at ' a oonsidorible elevation , as the bulk Lord ' '¦ ' '" ¦ ' - ' • ' ¦ • '¦ ¦ :> >' ¦¦ ¦' '¦- tht was brou ght to his house, diately after the collision, and ropes with life ( Portarlington. " - rescumg with ina 'eab,.by a person named Gree k. buoys generally an. understood thing that nearly all the of the charge :strU ck- the. barle y about ' 1 six yards 'THB 'Pppii'LAw^Altboug the.whole of tl ^ eng in Two rooms Were thrown out . to those struggl ing in the 1 h the re has been a con- mast ed ^ ' ^ her f i^been aged for bim his house. water , money shall be expended thereat. ' The tr ade strikes beyond the place 'where the gamekeeper lay. In his sider able diminution in the ^ wi ^ S^S reB} • lie re- but , owing to the darkness of the night , they were ;; ; number s receivin g relief takin g " S ?h^were °n board mained there until Thursd ay night last, when he in this district are becomin g more and more frequent .defence the -prisoner said he -thought it was a pr etty,generall y ' there are Various " a ti%to ^ a^ . unable to lay hold of them, and had it not been for in their * , . union s in wbinh haD absented himself. On Saturda y mornin g he again the fortunato occurrenc e ; their evil effects it would be rabbit. When- he went up to the spot at which 'he e Tft 1 BWl a ruinous circumstanc e of a man named Mackal- almost im : « " ? and an intolerable ' tho Vol ^ ? te'creature s on board ' saw him, when he came to his bar and asked for roy, possible to calculate. It is one of the fired and ' found out his '¦* mistake ,' White said he fburde n.!; In^' the union of Callan and Fi-ench ^ one of Mr. Tomlinson , the boat builder 's, men, grea test blots in our °f (extendin g through could tbe key of his apartmen ts, whicb was . given to passing m his wherry, social system; and it is one for thoug ht ho should ' die;- as the shot had entered his. fch'ic^y ffi^erin y bT seeW0f thom abou t- him, and he went upstairs. and hearing the screams, the which the employers ar e to-a • great extent respon si- brain , on hearing ' which ho ( the prisoner ) advised W?fe pf th St the lnwl T j ' .thirty. Unhto bilv Witness saw no more whole six perso ns must have ; f °f "PPerar y where tho lHsurrc ofcioua ry of hun tifl late the same night, when he perishedi As it was, ble.'.'—Daily News. - - - ; ' - him to think oihis poor soul. : The Chairma n aaid took movement was called (ins man„ at ibe risk of losing his life b ' place inip),' the ; poor rat e is slUl^nSo up.star s to break the door of deceased' y having his : Appboachi ng RBStr MP iibN of wobk by the it was ' a most painfu l as ;well as a doubtful ' case; in sevpral ' ' S 3tE r ^f^ ' ^^^ ^ ^ ^ sea breaking, s room own boat ' pulled over, succeeded in TescuiD of 1 electoral divisions/ f or instance S/« SS h! «P«?\ . «e there found hini hangin g by the neck by g two Colhbbs. —The Monmouthshire Merlin expresses its It was 'impossible to know whether ^ 'the gun had S' *s " be sufferers , who weref ina very exhausted- state. pleasure at us£ljuck;bW - n been see^f them 3 ^ «*. tro. « three silk handker chiefs, which finding that the colliers are submitting to >beeri fired off intention ally or not ;-but it .was not ! ^ J 'th eir 5S^ ^°fe or ' I hey were forthwit^ h removed to the- Swan Tavern , the reduct ion ¦ n» ; ;10si>;ih tho poun d in by m°™ ^sels & &° Mngo of-a cupboard door. Hung eriord • found necessary from 'th e state of the likely that a person who \iras in th'o cdnktan t habit ^^,7s.'in ' SE H StToooast about.Jf T iS tSfiSSW1 - market , where everything was done for icoal mar ket ' ' Crebano : and it is. not less than " 13? ff oEhe prov^-homl ^ .i-epbrt s forwa rd W ™8 WM mte eitlaet and apparentl y ihem tha t /: and are -abbut returning to their work of ;shootihg :would sho'dt 'six feet''above the' ground ? d ^ £I hlr f S ' the-na»ure of, their case <.required./ Two generally. - ,! ;- ^-.i^ •' ¦ '¦ > ¦"• ' [] ' :: ; :; 1 ,( :; P e ^isions t5' »JS PR:!»% ,89n» hours.-Eichar d Gr eek said otuers. ' ':'-' _ ' z ' ' - ' : f ' at' a! fab ,bH. The 'magistrates '; therefore ,vhad de- S 5M 1^ ^ °^ ?*rSM^ 8: e ' were also saved-rone by swimming'to the DbSTBOCTION 1 ldwer , ran ging from ifisJ Cd. W <4\1" iri ^L : -A ?- ?sag«d as semnt to.the deceased, shore, and the OF A VlADtJ Cr ON THE WHiTBHAVEN cided upon'sendin g the case for : trial lat'the hext 1 other by clinging tmone of the buoys Jvmno s ' RAiLWATi—A-'Iarg g ' ; ' ~ QSggS ^J * . *°M Campbell's house m the : nver. .Mr. portidn of b beautiful aB8.ize.sl'-- The prisoner was accordi ngly^committed ' Constttuiidri ^on Tuesda y last. He Hawtrey and . Mrs .'Needham 's .woodefi- bridge over the ^Esk an - ' ' ' ! hto a'v'Pry gloomy hCcounVwft ^i ' was- engaged & , watch *he ijephsw ytere festuary bf - the'sea^ ; pSOAPB JDI" 0NE OJ THB LlVKOT OOIi 'BuRO USRS.— :done,'buttwo '.do ^ ,. howeyej r, :both drow ned, ft is sup- on th e Whitehaven and -Furae ss Junction ' ' r . vriot hear of ahy in^^^ ^^ Railway / .-The three men ahd ' Women apprehended under; sub- had ' Berj sb-re ,; Pxtprdshire/f ' i( ocoupied-so-promin ent a Vi„ w^ anioffihe S J ^mlh' l Surrey»«¦ / ipnfha ^worked well^and «,:::V: - Glasgow, June 25th, 1850; inind to say that Jfr. .Cpnno rjwa ^ hot fit perso n Mr. Sherrington describ ed about the satid -bag^and ' 5fbffeited !tbeir; lives tb ' the 'iai^S of the ' advice ' , ^*P' a " '.•HOTJ SEV! * V ^' ,ir ;,cbuntr y in ¦Pf i the . .gqyern ment inspectors . wer e eve i.-J Hfe DEAB Editqb ,—-I have been directed to : be a leader ' of/$Qedemocrac y the windows taken ' 6inr :uV*the Tine ~df .jfrocession, '. Ol LORD S^lBiSH pABtUM KNfflBT "bonSequ ' 'bf fabtsW which theyf ry yea * ; of. this country. ' .ence iadffbeen icon-! moro cordi ally nought for and acknowled < He then adverted ' to the of ahd the loop-holes for 'the 'sbldiersi .station ed within .VoteBsrHiiiiii-r.The .ihouse hayin g.bur /bf p ' f . " ' : ' men t . ; but contend ed that in general Soint at once. .(Grea t confusion and expressions of miried upon/ He:(Mr:'Sherfin gtbn) ; thetf went 1 ' f tleman 'hoped tha t' the government wonld extend : they kept within of his friends from ' * Yf EiBt'OBSABi, -who ' 'ihove'd - UV'ari atfendpient ,j .the. scope of thei r instructions. -iwissattended by a numb er fe'satisfectio n.). The duty assignedlto. him.was to to say, that Adams declarationas / M By high heaven," ^ ; , s6me-.furfc her.'.!.indul geneeV Depa rtin gi j from the Respecting the lfte ; 'd^ 'he had thafc the minimum i ratin g qualification ,^ne cessar y to , ' ' jealousies that had .arisen! on :the ©]u«^V/i !' ' ^ e wonld iw inuch; ;of;flu 8 imre- mak e a state ment of facts, and any one,' was at li- was not to be much miride f questio ned ordinary, dustbin ; • these* person s hail ' been treated as can but have heen ' 1 'be- confer , tho : franchise , Upon , tbnants i ;sh'ould be ;in- • ¦ 1 1 part of a certain section ofthe church he believed ias&ied you ; I T bfrty to contradic t them who though t proper. . He him respecting the petition when at; Glasgow ,; , somewha t ; differ entl y , ordinary ', convicts. : . ^ r t ' crea ^d from -48;to ,Jei5 .i , - ,, W;¦ from that they : were founded upon misappre hension, t proceeded to state , that after he went to London it tween the meeting of the Cbbyention and tneimeet; . v.,,;^.} ; v. . -i} -: Tickets , ofieuve had- been ' -be aera jfi yeta instr ucted that th e report is to he ' ,The '^ar quis' of Lans'dpwjjb' amend- offered them on their arr cause the . Privy Council had carefu lly, was state d'to, him tha t .Mr ',! O'Connor was the only ing of the Assembly, when ne declared , " So help . opposed , the . rival in the colony; ' Three recognised me when yqu have done. with it, ment ',' enlar ging of them accented the! the supremacy , of the.cler gymen in all-mattewr «f ^Sbame ^J e ; a . one to blame for makW the statement in the House me God ! Mr. O' Connor was unde r the ' mark, and "«**»*• 0?» 'refused ' ot plaoing the Irish electorate upon a re al and sub- ; ^ . ^.. ^fabd,therefore by religion. He nevertheles s' denied tha t the ; leeisi asrth ey requ iret it for another purpose, and had of Commons relative to the petition ; that he was calculated the whole from the number ' that went his own act alone those , restraints . ' stantial basis/ and contended ' bad been placed lature . bad . designed, or ;that the Privy Conneil to take anothe r copy. Meetin ga of a sup posed , Q* Connor ' from -Glasgow" (»'. e., the weight. of the parcel that that the '£8 rating was upon him of which he ' ' t-gt^fuqe to be a friend of Mr. s before , he qr. his .frl ehds now com- were warranted / to.place all national gra nts for delegate containe d the names,' &e.)l He then " showed the not . too . low, .while the .suggested! enhancement of plained. The^ hon. gentleman eitt Uar natu re are to come off next Wedne s- left Glasgow for London as a ¦ , aad referred ' the qualification would very sfatcd that it was a educftUon&l purposes at the Bole disposal of the to the meeting in the Democratic Hall as evidence meeting how Adams took the ' liberty; of ^h anging much circumsoribe .the violation of honourable feeling ' to day-and - Thurs day here, of which we will send " numb ers of the constituency ^, ; . , . open letters ad- clergy bf . the established church . Dissenters and of this fact. ' Ha stated that when he was in Lond on at pleasure , but th at there was no aUowanco "br Mr, , dressed by convicts to their frien ds. faithf ul reports. Mr. O'Conno rs fri ends ¦ " ' ; ' ' ." Lord SiANisi conceded the Wh y it was Catholics had a right, and were intended to come you he was deter mined to get positive proof as to Mr. O'Connor to change. . '" •. .; ', . . . f . , . pi'dpr lety of dreating what was done with regard to convicts . . , an- enlarged electorate in Ireland iri this coun- in for thei r share. : The Wesleyan bod are notfidle in prepa rin g for those meetin gs. 's condu ct ; tne first opportunity occurred Mr. Wbir came forwa rd, amidst great confusion , , but Objected to try and with regard to every y had at O'Connor have't he " : oonviot in Vaii first testified some jealousy of the particular attention to this not e made b Cuffay, party claimed the next half-hour. voters holding beneficial interest-In pi'o Diemen' s Land who had not a ticket governmen t sys- ^J 6y paying , in the statem ent y in the presence of as the opposite ' of leave - and acquiring fuller informa tion (Dundee), Mr. Peacock (Greenock), Mr. Weir commenced by saying, that the , first line perty 8wamped i 'by sq-vastan . additi on: of .' small for the obvious reason , that were it tem , but on of the real you^will oblige the Chartists of Glas gow. Mr. M'Cra e not so measures the contem plated inspecti on and the three gentlemen whose of their bill wasfalse, viz., Feargu s q'Conhbr ,'Esq., tenant voters as would be j Occasioned , under an £8 of escape might he concocted natur e of . , had waived ' ¦ Tours Mm, and Jfr. Grassby, ' , articles .: sent to the all difference and cordiall - , . , Browk. signed to the pamp hlet, of charges accept ed the twice repeated offer ratin g, A pauper constituency was the worst pos- newspaper s and means taken y co-operated with tho names are M.P. , not haying ' ' 1 ' , to render the punish- Priv y ! Democr atic Hall, 48, Nelson-street , 'Connor. showed that , of Mr . to meet him in discussion! sible. It ' wobld oyerwhelm the pro perty. , of the Council in utilising the means furnished by the against Mr. O He Cuffay Robert Cochrane ment a laug hing stock/and altog ether to defeat the legislature .. Glasgow. that it was not neces- country ; and might react dan gerousl y upon the 'imr ends of punishment. No invidious distinctions had , as was was a most trustwo rthy person , from the character dto. He (Mr. Weir) observed ' ' - [ 1' (Hoar , hear.) . The govern- rAleged O'Con nor gave him, ahd that Grassby was the sar y, as Cochrane knew quite well tha t .Mr . O'Con- perial .parlia mont. In-his opinion £15 was some- ment had done what they , been created .against the church , but all Mr. could in this case to miti- sects wero from the confidence put in him by the various nor was' coming (Cheering and considers * what too low, but he was w'illingto vote for it as an gate the severity considered in the Act with the most care- PUBLIC MEETING AT PAISLEY. same, himself. tha t attended the sentence of ful impartiality . and insisted that noth ing should be taken on ble" tdnfusion.) He (Mr. Weir) said that he looked approach to a sound system of qualification . trans portation ' Of 689 schools assisted with grants A bfll appeare d, on the 15th of June , announc ing trades, . , but : he thou ght tha t the hon. gen- aurme the two' but that they should depend on the upon this up to sow discord , . A prolon ged ;discussibii ffollowed , in:which ; the tleman was asking last years , 533 belonged to the es- 3 meeting to be held on the 17th of June, in the Ex- bis word, . reve . as a meeting got ' for too much when he requir ed tablished church Mr. Grassb y, concerning a private con- amongst the democrats. ' He alluded tb the reference faots and ar gumentsi '|turned chiefly upon the ,, cha- that a special , to whom had been , appro pr iated change Rooms, which was headed , " Charg es lations of . ' ' exemption should . be made in behalf eighty per cent, the petition as to the manufacturin g Mr. O'Connor made to the Home Secretary (Grey), racter of the ^electorate 'whi ch would be .created¦ ¦ ¦ of Mr 'Brien ' of the funds expended by the Com- against Mr. O'Connor ;" stating, als», that Messrs. versation about , ' '>'¦ ' ' . S. O . The onl y, alterna tive was to mittee of the Coun cil whole letter of Grassb y and illustra ted Mr. ' by a under a franchise based iipOn' tenure. treat him ' for Education . After 'reading Cochrane , Adams, and Harley were going to names, 'die., embracing the O'Connor s declaration , as he was treated , or to set him free the testimony of di He (Mr. Harley) then reference to himself a church : - Lord BuoconAii said; -that as one-third of thei again oh gnitari es and ministers , the no- prefer them, Ao. Tbe bill was signed " James to Harley on th e subject. in connexion with , , as his native soil.. He deeply regretted that ble marquis submitt ed that ' previou s to Mr. O'Connor ' s being one of a part y things that lie would hot Irish ; peopl e were ,paupers .it would :be afpau per a gentleman who had satanlon gst the administra tion of Wilson." went on to state , that . doing ' themselves should the national funds voted for time he . wrote to .Mr. do as an individual —dwelt on the fling at the Irish popul ation ^, and onef peculiarly ; under priestl y ;i.n- have heen subjected to this puni pur poses of instruction On the night of meetin g, after the committ ee. coining to Glasgow the last " ' shment , yet to say was unobjecti onable in answe r Confederates , and Mr. "O' Connor s.rep said flinjiace, both in th e north and 'tW south of Ireland. because .he was a principle , and nseful in US 4x., had taken their seats, it was propo sed tha t Mr. Shirron , of Aberdeen , and got back an . ' ly—an d ' gentleman , and had .been a mem- practical results. For these than was revealed that the conduct of Cochrane and He, therefore; supported a "£16 qualification , but ber of Parliament ;reasons he objected to James Wilson take the chair , whicb, being se- containing something more by. Co. , as a party, , that therefore a free pardon was the appointment of a aeIect the condemnat ion of Mr. O'Con- was sufficient to d=—~n any , movement. - •..; - he conc luded by strongly urg ing the claims of the to be , given him :cpmmittee f^ |»^hB conde d, . . . . Mr. Grassby, viz., . . . . , would be holdin g up justice to also that at so late a period ' Mr. CinnrcK referred to Athen's and her Socrates workin g classes of England to an .'extended fran- contempt and of thb session there' wiS Mr. Asobbw Hobebtso smoved as an amendme nt, nor s letter of the 22nd April, by the unanimous , ' , ren dering punishmen t a by-wor d and no time for it to prosecute ' as proofs that after generations chise, ,becau se,the ; tradesmen and shopocr acy of the a mock ery. inquiries to any¦ available " That Mr. John Howie should preside," and re- vote of the Assembly. He then adverted to some do justice to the purpo se. ¦;. ' ' ¦ ' •; ' ¦- ' , — ' ' maligned and persecuted whose countr y: were far more servile and dependent than Mr. B. CocniiANB ' . ferred to his lat e conduct as chairman when Mr. of the points in the letters—both Mr. O Connor s , characters have 1 ' perfectl y.agreed with the righ t Lord LrmMO N supporte d ' O'Connor been blasphemed , and gave a caution the artisans and mechanics of England., His Lord- hon. gentleman tha t the motion. O'Connor in Paisley last, as being a gua rant ee and Shirron s—such as "Tom foof spoiled to those who under the circumstan ces of the Lord Kinnairo suspected was ' were blaspheming the character of ship said, 'ih the firstiesspn . for the" day which had case law should be that the motion waa lay- to all concerned." the petition ;" " O'Connor s stamping his foot and Mr. O'Connor. ' : carried out. Ho saw no reason " fbr fair-p " He put in the plea of gratitude due O' been read yesterday it was said that Saul had re- for showing promp ted by a party " in the church, and urged - The amendment being seconded, was put to the swearing about the petition ; and that Cuffay had to_Mr . Con- favour to one class of . persons , more th the ent had nor oh° the part of the peop pented in Backblotn and ^ashes, when he was about than anot her at governm gone to the utmost limits and carried by a considerable majo rity. one advantage over O'Connor— viz., " that of le, for his vast services , .and it was some false sensibility of of concession towards the rote , in their cause. Look (said Mr ; to be turned out of office or dethroned , because ho that kind that he National Society. The Chaibmas read the bill calling the meeting. bein g an honest man." He then alluded to a re- . Carrick ) at his believed had led to the recen t out- The Bishop of Salisbu ut following effect— days iri thefweek ; ^suggestion which was rejecte d ever ; but his own ' statement was founded upon of the Convention that it was wrong. Mr. responsible, ' a tween landl ord and tenant , and was inapplicable to it was the Committee. Adams procee ded to state specting the peti tion , and that Mr. O'Connor knew by Lprd J bhri Russ ell. Finally. it, was arranged communica tion from his bro ther 'tb.MK Butt Cochrane next adverted to Mr. O'Connor 's ^ " ^' , Q.C., parts of tho country where the tenancies were small . three statements in connexion it to be afalse statement he made aboutthe petition . that fha whole matter should be discussed on and might be relied on. He could ask no more statement , that the Conve ntion had cost him £150 that there were The bill was likewise opposed by Mr. M'Culla oh which he wished to bri ng Mr. Adams next came forward , and said , that ap- Thursday, and in the meantime a memorial , ad- than that his brother should be trea ted with consi- , of expen ses. He referred to his being on the with the above meeting, Mr. CnmsT orHER , and Sir G. Stbicxxahd . The arrival of two police- parently it was the design of Mr. O'Connor 's friends dressed to the Lords of the Treasury, by the Com- deration in : his present unfortunate position finance Comm ittee , and his being willing to pay before the people :—1st. . To Upon a division , the third readin g was carried by that if the to hide his faults ; he had ho sympath y .with those missioners in charge of the Exhibition , stating the ask for release would, perhaps , be unreasonable. his share of th e sum if it wai-tr ue. Then he went men with special informat ion, 53 again8t l7. would be fired upon. who would do so. He then went into the subject of decision to which they had cbnie, as to the locality He only asked that he , might be treat ed so that his into a stateme nt to show that they were only £40 people proceeded they Upon the motion of Mr.. Mailings, two clauses Mr. O'Connor leaving the ranks of the aristocrac y, and the reasons for it, was to be placed in tho hands health should not suffer . wer e iri debt instea d of £150, and that it was taken out 2nd. The declaration in the House of Com- adde d to the bill, one for lessening the evils of it but Mr. O' Connor. &c, and said , he left them a poor man , and he was of memders. Mr. Haw ks assured the house that the Governor funds raised to defend Mr. O Connor ' s right mons, and no person knowing emblements , the other makin g crops seized by tbe ot the a poor man yet ; what had he but a few poor acr es Mr. Smith -O' BRiBj f.—On the question for going of Van Diemen ' s Land had been actuated only by . He next adverted to the 3rd . The statem ent about the deputation to, and sheriff liable to rent whilst on the farm. to sit In Parliament. of laud in Ireland ? (Great disapprobation.) into Commi ttee of Supply, one feeling, a sense of duty as well to th e his solicitor with a view conversation with, Mr. O'Connor oh Sund ay. Mr. Crown as Mr. S. Cbawford moved tha t "Ireland " be ex- print er having consulted , Mr. Carric k came forward , and dwelt shortly on. Mr. Anstby as an amendment moved for an in- to the convict. '[ There had been, payment £40 Adams said , that the last time Mr. O'Connor was however , certain cluded from the preamble , considerin g that , al- to compelling the of , due to him for Mr. Cochrane at last becomin g honest in acknow- quiry into the circumstances unde r which a letter modifications since the 26th of November when it was agreed that each place that in Paisley, he had told the people that he bad , referred thou gh the bill might be in some degree suited to Erioting, , foot, &c, &c. ledging Ms personal neglect, and that it ought to addressed by Mr. William . Smith O'Brien to a mem- to in the letter read by the hon . gentleman opposite Eng ad sent a delegate to the Convention should raise passed through marines , horse ' land, it was in no degree suited to the former Adams declared before high heaven that there was teach him sympath y for others , seeing tha t he had ber of ; this house, complaining bf his havin g been (Mr. Monsell). " Mr. S. O'Brien ' s being confined countr y. £2, and that £2 had been forwarded by him from conducted himself so. It was a pity tha t they al- ' alone was solely nothing of the liind. He then referred to his speech, placed in solitary confinement by the present Lieu- his own act. In respect to his This pr oposition was negatived , upon a Paisley. [The statement referr ed to above is as lowed such a petition to go to Parliament ' dietar y, division, in vindication of the Conventio n and moral demon- , and tenan t-Governor of Van Diemen s Lan d, was inter- and place of confinement , some especial by 64 against 14. The bill then passed. follows :—"Did you hear the d— fools, how they those did so were greatly to ' ' stration, ' and said, the hole at .which he attempted who , blame. He next cepted and opened in that colony by the local favour had been shown him, and to that extent it The house suspended its sitting from cheered me." ] Here he commented on Mr. O'Con- referred to the use Mr. O'Connor ' ' : two o'clock to get out was his declarat ion of ignoranc e of the .made , of his authorities. The.questibn was, whether the local might be that tho governor was even open to Eome The motion of Mr. Roehuck respectin g nor' s treachery in making public the sentiments of money, greatly to his praise ; referred to his censure. ' ' ' the Church . par ties he was acting. with. He.then referred tp the aristo- authorities had a ri ght to retain or open letters ad- ¦ '[. . . .. of Ireland , fixed for tbat evening, a private convers ation. (Cries of " hear ;" " his cratic connexions " was postponed in knowledge Mr. O'Connor had of the number of , and his taking up tho cause of dressed by the convicts under their char ge to per- Mr. EwAKT thou ght'thatMr.O 'Brienw a8entitled to consequen ce of his indisposition. time is up, " ic , which again created a little con- ' ' signatures to the National Pet ition, on Thursday, the workin g classes. Cochrane s excuse as member sons in this country fillin g an official position ? Mr. some consideration at the hands of the government , Peti tion or C. R. Htatt. fusion.) Mr. Cochrane , on order being restored , " ' —Mr. F. O' Coksob and his professing that he did not know till Sunday, of the peti tion committee was very lame. , He then S. O'Brien having refused a letter of leave was sent and he was sure they would not be unwilling to moved that the petition of Charies began to descant on the anxiety of the Convention Ratb band Hyatt , the 9cb how the petition was made up, till informed referred to the addre ss, which had just been 'issued , to the penal settlement of Darlington , on Maria show such as was reas onable. complainin g oi the form a union with the Irish , and stated , tbat a , conduct of Mr. Commissione r to in his hotel. He next directed attention to. the and asked, who could take part with such factious Island, off the coast of "Van Diemen's: Land. Mr. Mr. S. CnAWFO RD said , no one atte mpted to jus - Fonblanque , consisting of Messrs. Kydd and Leaeh, ' , and pra ying for inquiry (presented deput ation ' June number of the Democra tic Review, for some individuals ? Cochrane wan ted a leader. ,Who O'Brien thoug ht the prison regulati ons had beon tify the , course of conduct that Mr. O'Brien had and cordially received by them, but ' ' 24th of June,) be printed . was sent over, 's. He then referred to the would they 'have—who could they put in the place unduly stretohed for the purpose of inflicting addi- pursued ,;, but he could fearlessl y state that there O'Connor ' s attack on Mr. Duffy' s , letter statements ,of Harney Mr l Tno RNELT (chairman of the pub lic petitions i that Mr. ' the petition , about a circular that was of Mr. O' Connor 1 Was it Hume or Cobdeh ? and tional hardship, and addressedto him (Mr. Anstoy), but was one feeling of sympathy and compassion a barrier in the way ; but few words to suit Friday after for committee ) opposed the motion , on the ground that ; stood as calling a private meeting, and the called upon them not to be drawn away from Mr. a9 a member bf Parliament , a letter on the subject. him throu ghout the whole of Ireland were used.' (Cries of " read , read. "} handed round , . it would cost £15 unnec essaril y, as the substance > a purpo se conclusion that he and Mr. Tattersal came toi was, O'Connor , as nota single charge had been proved In this country and in Ireland , where , Colonel Dunne supported the proposition of the Cochrane attempted to speak again, and said those in of the petition was alread y in the han ds of hon . . Mr. that it would be about the petition. He then.re - against him. Seeing.that the national petition had charge of the prisoners had a plenary power to es- hon . member for Youghal , and conourr ed in statin g ht to have hailed them. (Gties of" read.") members , and was quite sufficient to form the basis 3 they oug ferred to the weight ofthe petition , taking his data injured the peop le's cause/ through the neglect of tablish such regulations as thoy pleased; thor b did tbat theio was a general feeling of regard and es- The sent ence was then iead, which seemed, from ' of a motion if tbo hon. and learned gentleman u from a former opinion in connexion with Sherring- the people s delegates , let them after this all attend exist regulation s in virtue of which the authori ties teem for Mr . S, O.'Brien 's' maiiy excellent qualities ' applause that followed, to give general satis- , wishedj o make it the subject of one. the ton and the Land Scheme, which made the petition to their duty. might detain and open letters add ressed by con- nnd of regret at his present unfor tunate position . faction.) He, (Mri Cotirane,) went on to speak Mr. F. 0' Connor did not think the expense oughtit to contain within a few of tbe number mentioned in Mr. Rober tson then moved the following resolu- victs to. any persons withou t 'the gao l Colonel Thompson said*, that tho case two reaso ris assigned by Mr. O'Connor for ' , or of Mr. to stand in the way in such a case. of the the House of Commons. They ought to have known tions :— . which . might be sent to the prisoners within. Smith O'Brien appeared to him to be th'e.'delay j f the National Assembly .-—1st. ' just like that j Sir R. Lvotis said he would not be' deterred inin desiring somethin g about the petition before they took their " That the conduct of Robert Cochrane , in his The distinction between convict and freeman of an officer to whom liberty , upon his Ite illegality,; 2nd. He (Mr. O'Connor) wanted to parole was i any instance of alleged grievance fro m printin g a a mission &o. They were to go,to the country and factious -opposition to all popular movements for was recognised • in this country ; biit , for offered when he was let out of prison. He mi see what would be the effect of the new infusion , ' ght petition on the ground of the expense, but as theie tell the peop le that they had been imposed on by the the obtainment of the people s ijust rights, is all purposes of polioe whatsoever , there was refuse his liberty upon tha t condition ; but of members'-frOm amongst the middle and shop- ' if he did substanc e of this petition was alread y printed hede House of Commons ; and he said .that Mr. Clark trifling and vexatious , and deserving our utmost no distinction between free and bond in Tan Die- the world at large would be content to let him take 'I should keeping chissps;before the holding of the Assembly condemnation. "' . ; [ '" . ' l ' oppose the motion. called it a d d imposition. (Shouts of " Why , , men s Land. The post-office th ere was regulated the consequences. (Hear , hear.) If ho could see Mr. Brotuerton took —discour sedon Mr. O'Connor ' s i gnorance on these " That the conduct of Messrs . Adains and Harley, the same view, particularlyly to the did he not make the statement when at Paisley with by a local act, in which convicts were expressl y the smallest reas on te belibve that the government as the petition was a perfect pam phlet in contents , 3„ two poiht s^referre d Scottish Convention in ' ' Mr. E. Jones ?") The number , made up by the in their continued opposition : to affect a union named , and of a.particular mode pointed out for desired -to, press har dly and inconsider ately Glasgow—the Pa rliamentary and Financial Reform ' ' iipon The house divided, when there appeared : district overturned bis jud gment in the matter. among .all classes bf reformers , db. in our opinion, transmitting thoir , letters ,- .^lit .th o same,penalty Mr. Smith O'Brien , ho wa9 suro there was nothin g Convention a few weeks since, and the Anti-Corn- For tho motion ...... 1 He then referred to the information he received show .a vindictiveness wh ich ought to exclude them attached to , tho Unlawfu l dotain jii^ 'br " ho would not do to si y his condemnation law League." He then referred to the strong lan- ' ; . opening of gnif of it; Against it ... 107—106 from from the association "of men of prin ciple, and render ^wafletfcer of a . " ' ' but he could no guage employed by Ernest Jo nes and others , when Mr. Cuffay and Mr. Grassby—stated that tho , convict as .thaton of a freeman ,,. . If t see any. On the contrary , he de- Tho report of the Committee of Supply was is tbem unworthy of the name of citizen. " : ' ^hpVe had been informa tion oath ' sired to moving the " petition for Hhe liberation and resto - committee in Glasgow was favourable to . Mr , ¦ f J that , he (Mr. congratulate the present government as brought up, and the resolutionsj 'ere agreed to. O'Connor—and O' Connor said it was Mr. Mr; CocihiAnb came forward , aud said that the . Mstey ) was a susj ^ous person and ' being the first of all governments who had dispensed Tho Pirates ' nead Money Repeal Act Com- a- ration of Fro st/ Williams, and Jones, as an evi- tbat Mr. . . , that the letter * Adams that dama ged the petition as one of the resolution was total ly uncalled for ; surel y he andresscd to hini^^ wji ujdjbo for an with oapital punishment in political cases. ( Hear. ) mencement Bill, and the Sheriff of Westmoreland .id. dence th at the government was not going to inter- , j .psed improper pur- ' '¦ ' committee—but here Adams declared that he could would not be condemned without a hearing ; he; .ijiise, he would 'ipbeerfullyaiainit that the Governor : The bouse then divided ; tho numbers were— Appointmen t Bill, went through committee *. ' - •"'-. -. fere—rep udiated the idea of waiting to see if the 1 swear by high Heaven he was not on the committee. was now forty, years old", and had been a member , ptVanDiemon' s Land acted ' vyitnin the . limits of For going into committee v..' 45 The Portland Ha rbour and Breakwater Bill was is . middle classes were likely to join, and closed on _ J read a second time and referred to a select com- i- He next stated that Mr. Cochrane was a member , of the Renfrewshire Political Union ; he hstd itaken } his authority: ; but the subject was one for inquiry. For .Mr. Anstey 's amendment "17 I this point, by sneeringly asking, what was the use , „, Majority...... » —28 mittee. ' ' . ' " ' " forty -nine and that he .could give his oath that Adams was not a part in the ;Mora l and Physical Power System , ori $r. O'Brien having address ed .tho letter.to " J. .C. . -,, , of dissolving one Convention ^>f dele- 1 ' : ' M The - amendmen t being consequently ' lost, the The house adjourned at a quarter to six o clock. to elect another Convention of forty- on it. He next animad verted on Mr. O'Connor 's the side of MUral Power : referred to threead teachin g ^Anstey; ..Esq..fHous6 .bf Commons ,. London," fpiv > ; ¦ gates merely ; of Dr. M'D ouall and Stephens " ' ' " Chief Superintendent of Convict s. hbuso .went into. Committeo of Supply. WEDNESDAY, Ju w 3. ? (laughter cheers , and hisses.) declara tion, that change Of circumstances never . , an ^ fa , long- •warden it to the rune delegates , bill as to the position he occupied in former days ; tb ^despatch whichj . covoved tHe letter . . Sirf'.W. I! £124000: was voted for educational purposes in to the nume rous letters coming change his resolution. Mr. O'Connor declared every Jb ' t 'Gr eat Britain. HOUSE OF COMMONS .-The Spbakbe took k He next referred day that he would bold the procession ; so it seems The Chairman put'it to the ' vote; ' ^ HeniilJi'Ws! jDehfisony th o" : Lieutenarit-Gbverr idr,; .frhhkl y: a«£ some praising, and others con- " 'db ;! ipff OPO fo&national educatio n in Ireland. the chair at twelve o' clock. to the Assembly, he changes his resolutions when no alteration takes manifest tbat it was not a vote that whV heartil y faiWy adinitted that it wasbpehe y his authority, . of Mr. O'Connor. Mr. Coch- . ¦4 J ^7S5-for;Sohoo]s design, The Death op Sir Robert Peel.—Mr. Hume. e. demning the conduct of place—ail the circumstances were t he. same—th ey entered into, from the very strong langu age, in the a pd 'that he read the letter .to inform himself |ojt fact that they had sent ' ' yii the vote for £2,000 for salar ies and allowances —I hope, in addressin g the house, I may be ex-, x-. rane next alluded to the , had characters to protect as well as Mr. O'Connor. resolution. . But the chairman declared ' that the the cbniplaint s or misrepresentation s, as^hj ^oalled fr ! ' O'Connor was still of tbe same mind. resolutions wero carried by a small' maiority, after 'Mr ; O'Brien might make. Wlienthe - tp.the professors of Oxford and Cambrid go being bused for expr essing the deep regret which not only ly to see if Mr. Mr. O'Connor taunts them (the speakers , Cochrane , them? , . fetter ¦¦ ¦ I but every member The answer retu rned was, that he was determined which declaration the friends who took part against reefchbd 'Dd'wnihg-BtreerEarl Grey, through the rf&iiT • ¦ ¦: ' ¦ ' - , of this house, I am sure , must sb and Harley), about the prop osed .sum to be raised ' feel at the loss we have just suffered by the death th to stan d by. his former declaration . The result of Cochrane wen t to look for a conveyance hOnte Tin iUn'der-Secret 'aiy.for.the 'Colonios, forwarde d it, and , te/TBwAar.regre tted that ther e was not at those by the people of £10,000—he (Adams] referred to ' of Sir Robert Peel. (Cri es of " Hear , hear. ") II the differen ce between the sixty delegate s who their absence, however , for the sake of satisfy ing 'invited hlm ";(Mr. Anstey)" tb ' call at tbe' Colbnial- Tjhi ver aities a ^ep fessor of history in connexion his speech in the Star, about tbe people not being ¦ " '¦' ¦ cann ot allude to the conduct and career of that iafc came ultimate ly to the Assembly, and the one th e people , he took the votes over again , when he; o]ffic© and.read what Sir W. Denison had writ ten, with;diplomacy. ?r ^ . : . ' • . • ' able to give tbe pro posed sum. Mr. O'Connor may f ri ght hon . gentleman more par ticularly of later hundr ed that ' were elected and expected, was at- " declared upon' bis conscience that the resolutions - Nothing :cpuld be more fair , " courte'ous j or candid | Losd Pa imbrsx ss said that the matter had been , ter taunt , but a discern ing public would see that they ' ' years, when events of immense importance baveive tributed to Mr. O'Connor 's letter. There was a were carried ; and the meeting broke up after two 'thJ ih thb conduct of the Colonial-office . .The let'ter for some time . undor his considera tion ; and he had no wish to plunder the people, and that their , taken place, mainly owing to the part whioh he he letter read expressive of the mind of tbe de- o' clock in the morning. might h ave been;forwa 'rded ' thither With the , hoped ,to - be :able -to make arran gements for characters would yet shine forth in resp lendent seal has enacted withou t forming the hi legates who did attend the Assembly, that unbroken , and Lord 'Grey would have forwarded it examining those.who received their first diplomatic , ghest opinionion glory. I have (said Adam s) confounded Mr. O'Con- ' of him as a public man , read y, as ho showed hiiminn they would not listen to any repudiation of Mr . so. The ground of complaint was, that .the , seal commission.. .;; : ! f i nor : and I now declare , by way of prop hecy, that Wrrck of ihe Orion. —The divers are continuin g to saorifice power and everythin g-ing O'Connor , but he (Mr. Cochrane) declared tbat was broken in Tan Diemen' s Lan d •j The ,jY0te was agreed to. self to be, , ofiice, the day is not far distant when every honest man their , operatio ns at the wr ^ck with considerab le . During the for the passing of a legislative act which he believedped there were individuals there who were pre - period he had resid ed in Van Diemen' Other votes,having been taken , an interes ting will g* and every rogue bis deservings— success. Amongst the propert y recovered is the s Land—fro m ^ the imperial interests of the country 'd emanded, ed. pared to speak against him. He (Mr. Coch- et his own, 1829 to the present time—ho 'discussion arose in connexion with tho vote'f or tho he next referred to the land scheme, about' some chest containing the silver plate. belonging to the did not believe there (Cheers. ) It is needless for me, on this painfuliful rane) said nothin g against him, but look at the ever had been an •instance in' ,' which a letter British Museum. The sluggishness and the ob> broken promis es; in the midst of which there was vessel. The value of the plat e is upwards of £1,500. W«S ' occasion , to do anything mor e than express a hopo,ipo charges he has brought against me as forming one opened except on swirn information and struct iveness of thoso whoso duty it is to furn ish , another fearful crash at the end of the building, The body of Miss Morris, nieco of . Dr. Burn s, was under if the house should concur with me in the senti-nti- ofthe Assembly, viz ;—Tbat we were the means of warran t. The rjghi hon . member for Hi the publio with an oarl y and popular catalo gue of which created considerable alarm. recovered on .the . 27th ult. This makes , in all, . pon, when ment of deep regret I have attempted to give utter -tor- . tr ansporting Cuffay, Howling, Lacey, Fay, and char ged with opening the' lettefsfof the hon the library wero uncompromising ly dealt with , and , thirty -seven bodies recovered , and at . least twenty . mem- ' ance to, that they will agre e to adopt that couTseitse ! Ritchie. He conte nded that tbe language used in Mr. Suerrik gtoh then commenced the vindica- ber for Finsbury i might as well despite the usual official excuses, the feeling of the believed to have perished! Some still ,have pleaded that which it appe ars to ine is tho best , and indeed ^ed the Assembly was milder than that used in the tion of Mr. O'Connor , die, After answering the others are it was the general practice tb' "' open: the letters of 'public in reference to the unwillingness or incom- , ,, more. The sheriffs' authorities iri Glas- the only means we have, of showing our respeclpecl l Convention. ' Look at the strong language of Mr. substan ce of-the long letter Adams read on the think many free persons hero , as ' the authorities of petency of.cortain of its paid : servants to do their compliance with an order! from Crown Van Die- for the memory of our greatly deplored and labiate ; O'Connor , Frost, "Williams, and Jones at the Land, he (Mr. S.) said he though t, it would be a gow, in . men's Land that it was the general practice to duty, in regaVd to this department of the Museum , scaffold. Edinburg h, were engaged last week in open member , by adjourning the house without proceedteed foot of the [At this stage of the business crying sin to meddle with poor Cochrane , Then counsel in the letters of convicts there. The course ,taken in was satisfactoril y expressed. the gas went out , and there ' evidence of masters and mates who were ing with any business whatever to-day. (Cheers. ) I.) I were nothing but two he went into the subject of the petition , to show takin g the as opening the letter of Mr. O'Brien was unjust , un- The discussion of the Estimates occupied the th e platform , with the navigation of tbat coast^ to is impossible for me, indeed 1 have not the powenwer candles on which created a little con- that he had given them a data by which to guide acquainted ' lawful , unprecedented , impolitic, and dishono urable. house till half-past twelve. . people, the channel which the Orion to express what I feel so strong l fusion, bnt the anxious that he should them in numbers by the weight of the Petition. the course through ' The refusal of Mr. 8; O' Brien of a ticket of leave y at the grea ses, out, "Go on [ the circumstances ; and • TUE SDAY, Jutt 3. public less which proceed, shouted in the dark. "] He Harley determined not to leave London until he should have steered under was justified by the consideration that the ticket -of- that right~ hen. gentleman 'aanV next referred toP.M 'Grathsprop ' osition O'Con- degree of responsibility attach ing to ; HOUSE . OF LORDS. -Education .—The Earl of death has occasioned. When I contemplate the tbii forrai sing got evidence respecting the conduct of Mr. also as to th e leave man ' was exposed , to be constantl y, annoyed £5,000, to be under the direction of a to'Glasgow the respective officers of a ship during a watch. Harrowby moved for the appoint ment of a select many sacrifices he has.made , and when I considesides committee nor, and a letter was sent , stating that by charge s of " irisubb rdinat ion,'' -. charges of a, and the ultima te conclusion was come to to they would have Mr. O'Connor overthrown ,in three Confide nt expectatio ns are still entertained that tbe committe e to inquire into the expenditure of the the stron g feelings and deep interest which hav hav general or indefinite. descril)tion,,%hich might be raise £10,000, to be under the direc tion and disposal days. (Shouts of " Proof, proof. ") Reference had wreck will be ra ised. . ' : . ,. " .' public money granted annuall y for the purposes of been manif ested in this metropolis at: 1 . . . . a magistrate b any free man , bow- , and which I an I of twenty commissioners. Mr. Cochr ane said been made to J. Keer and D. Paul * The reference A» action has just been tried before the Tribu nal broug ht before y educati on. Detailin g the chief featu res of the con- sure w.i! xtend throughout the whole country, j ry, si . in charact er. the , government J , Peargu Bsaid we wanted to plunder the people, over deba sed J f troversy now pendin g between the National Society this great calamity, I hop© 1 may bo excused eve even hut to D. Paul was a mistake , as he was not on the of Commerce , in Which , an English gentleman , think that , the 'ltimb 'h a&.ebme' when , I wish I had him here. He then referred to the Assembly Committee. (Crie s of " Where is the named James , was plaintiff against the Havre Rail- r eally did not ahd tho Committee of the Privy Council on Educ a- if there -should be no precedent—and I am »«i »C3 if release , these unfortunate mod altb- subject of cowar dice, and said, any one was a letter ?" ) Mr. Sherrin gton ackno wledged the letter way., Company. Tho action was to . recover the tbey ought fo tion , the nob!e;.earl argu ed'that the ri ght .of inter- aware tha t thero is any prece dent—on sucb an oon occ O'Connor was the ho trusted at all event 'a that. they would not coward , Feargus man. He then to be in the bands of Mr. O' Connor , He ' then re- value of a tru nk containin g jewellery, and other gothor , ference claimed (by the co"unt)iV With all the schools casion—on e so seldom, if ever, likely to occuoccui of Engla nd gettin g sufferings. "[ ', , ] ' ' . : went into the subject quit of ferr ed to the letter of Shirron to Harle y, and stated articles of value belonging to his wife, estimated by aggravate their ,,. , / ^hich were , fo pari ;ake of the national grants / tendod again at least in my time—propos ing, . out of rof ni of" Sit down sir " «p amendm ent and refer - " , Mr. O'Connor. (Shouts , , at. that, as Shirron was dead, there was no evidence him at l,580f., whioh was lost during hisf journey j Mr. Dickson seconded the , to shake and extingu ish the efforts of individual ght hon. gentlem an , whose melanchol icholl : says Cochrane ' ' of Limerick , in ' speot to the ri Brewster ," &c, &e.) Ob, , Mr. that it was his at all. (Here Adams came forward from Havre to Paris. The company refu sed to pay red ton petltipii fr onij the Count y zeal among a lar ge,portion: pf the olerical and lay death we have to lament , that the house do adjour Jjourr of meeting him, ¦which had been expresse d " Brewster scorne d the very idea to show the letter , which drew Mr. Sherrington 's more than 150f., as their notice stated that jewel- tho deepest sympathy members of the establish edTchufon. 'By the system proc eeding to any other business. (HeaiHeaiJ th ree weeks earn est without "We are blame d for having spent attenti on to Mm.) ' 'M r. Sherrington then Baid that lery and articles of value ought to have been entered with Mr, Smith O' Brien /cbupled .with ,an of Bupervision , thef whole body of sohoblma ster s " ' : ; ¦"*" ¦'*" meeting of con- ! hear.) . ; , , , abusing Mr. O' Connor , and being a I Adams had said little against Mr. O'Connor , but as sucb, and paid for accordin gly.' Tlje tribun al , desire for Bome relax atibn of;h is severe ;treatment. . were placed under - the immediate control As the hon . gentleman , • froi-frou sat a fort- m 1 ot the Mr. , Qubsioke.— apiritor s; when the fact is, that we only defehce of himself/ He then went on 'to show ,, decided otherwise .contendin g:that , ' Sir ^ ' G RBVcould not admit ., that any groun ds Privy .Counqil , and the resul t was that the am ; sure all will appreciate , hw, hit sale of how however ,. the educa- motives which I night altogether. He then referred to the it was possible for Cuffay and others to be notice of the company, did not apply to personal had been; made out for a Parliamen tary t,inquiry. tion of the people was obeoked on one side motion to ' the house, and as'lsa'lscc O'Con- lt " , and submitted this the Star, at the rate of 13,000, and that Mr. * *m»ed by theAssembl y. He then , in reference effects and condemned the defendants to pay to Mr. ,He bogged' to assure the hon . gentlem an that the :the privUe gea of th e church' invaded oh the i no other " person connected by office with tt h tit to the , v iwr was wellpsidbythe people, by rachapureha aej pr ocession going on through the fbrces i went Jaiaes the' suin bf I.OOOf, " ' "' letter to which he had referred had been opened otb er. i lamented gentleman of whose loss we intend tod H l 8 THE H yrOETHEIlN^S^AIL . -— __ . , ^ , vault at ;,!«.! : nil .* '"' . . thei' evening it would have been delayed ah ich the hon. gentleman has made. I am per- would, therefore, be. buried m contended that the defendant had no nght'to ;twn Saturday reachvits Drayton. ' " "' ." "f ;;• , - - ": --M .-. jy .'- .y: ; Vi of twenty-four hoUrs before it could f.f. r-ly sure that it will be asabj ectof grief to the Pabis, Wednesday: o^.Tho quarrelsfhe - p^ '/fifiiifF^S^L^DEBT^CQtJ^ ; the plaiiitiffwho'wasatrespasser;off hiB^ .grounds, extent necessary i i Me lord at the head of the government Mr. Hebkies added a tribute to. thehe imemorjf\ofj ' ' destination,.in,consequence of which this , tbat in with which said that f tween the.different sections of the> reactionary %&3$&WBBB.r ^A.wBisMB . roiBlBBiTiMb.MBN. -; and rib'complaint was in'ade of the/manner in' whioii pe of a parcel^ es e , probably, of the introduction the deceased statesman^ np f ,tp ? ! ; had to.be despatched in the shain to equ nce of this ,Juloivr i< to; party,; .are, every: day -wcreaBihg-in;intensity, '-"'MK'H.fPi lft'ood stated;ihat.t his client; sought availed himself of• that ght; But it; was order order be} sectjeetR a few moments earlier than it mi p ca i , sbould ever be .ej . ,under tnef fpllow'ihg oirp'umiitances :— he bad ri the at an increased, expense to the,public^ : ght have oliti l reminscences" ' '¦ ' > ¦ , ¦{ v recover „. contended that in imprisoning the plaintiff in ' , ' i ein expected, he has been deprived of the satis- mingle. ' ', . :, .. .^.-;.v .:. v.^Vf. v^-a,v and Orleanists, Legitimatists^.ah^ i'Buoiia^ desiria£8 ' , Briggs : and ; : Woodcock,, 'were 'ifpbsaw le,tohe'6fwei— Observer: : promised statement ^ Two , pe na : cell in question' the defendant had transcended his in time, ' that a man who1 onntion of. bearing his part in this, i s , Lord John Russell made his partists/ attact efo^ backed for a fpoi race., The' plaintiff and a Mr. lain- : Thb Durham; Chronicle relates, the earle t of publio business for the. <: ' . rights, and had inflicted.an injury upon the p refusals, wooing b , tribute of respect, in reference to the course meaisiired terms.' ' The' Le^itunatUte\:;haTe Allen deposited'£8 in the hands of the'defendant now called upon't he jury to give persisted,^ sp .of repeated in one not t e last to be paid session. . Tho. Stamps Bill, ;^ tiff/ for which he ite of an, inn. near, Mie the memory of one whom: I may now name— remainder of the the discovered that they ;have ; /been/ completely tbe BtakehbWerjl rA'dis^ --Sir F.' Thesiger, ' in '• addressing the the widowed landlady, Barnard C ss , the Mercantile tne ; him damages. seized fa ' fpw ' evenings since, by the= blab late Sir Robert Peel.(Hear , hear.) The sub- Ecclesiastical ommi ion Bill bamboosled, in..- thecmatter-'fof the Electoral of^ raJBe, and ihis. client, fupoii demanding the jiiry for the defendant, " recapitulated all the cir- Castle, was. , ; : and vwlt which has been Marine BUI, the Charitable Trusts Bill, ¦ . ' was a'riswered ' the defendant paying 30s. her son,' ' who f ibbrbughly tarred introduced by the hon. gen- Parliamentary Oaththe's B Savingsill were Law) and ' the O inion^ stakes, . by eumsferices bf the case 'to show the great forbear- widow and aanman—he. will forgive jne for saying—is one Bank Bill, and the p ^P«6%we puhliohea a into" courts Several witnesses h side were uiihappy suitor frpih top to toe. with ; while the Lord-Lieutenancy tooh eab ance of the defendant' under long continued and feathered the dit does not &t this moment bear discussion. to be proceeded letter ifrom . a leading Legitupatist in ,brie of examined^ whose (estimonyfled a Btvong inference 'He ' " ' ' • ' ' " " ' tbe Merchant Seamen' systematic provocation. contended that what- y.i ' UK0S* , . —- pyy ery heart is much too full to allow ns to pro- of Ireland Bill, s Bill, the the departments^ stating that. tho bf&ct of tbe " was what in . sporting parlance is had sustained/ he had Forests Bill, the Securities for Advances ' that the race : ever injury the plaintiff' ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦ '¦ p c i Woods and hew law will'be . to prevent the of termed a cross.—Mr. Hughes,, counsel for the de- and that the defendant in [ '.. . 11 sd so early to enter u on the onsideraton of (Ireland) Bill, and the Railway Audit Bill were not. return a brought it upon himself, •;; \ '&&^*X*iX: . - aans amount of that calamity with which the coun- le Legitimatist for that department fendant, contended that the 8 and 0 Vie., cap.,10V. arid'his family from the repeated ¦ The Landlord and Tenant Bill was to be proceeded sing , either protecting himself • ¦ ¦ ' " ' " bnar bass been visited in, I will say, premature of ' 18, known as Lord George Behtinck's Apt, put annoyances to which they were subjected had , not • ' ' - -' ' OdJDT. ' . the has with to the second reading. to the Assembly or to any ; the munici¦ pal sec ' inasmuch as the transac- -Tiiesup ply of-Bng thb ith of Sir Robert Peel; for, although he ¦ ' ' ;:!i "¦ "¦ ' -' . ¦ " ¦ ¦ the plaintiffout of court, d d i , as was admitted on the Mark^amb, Wednesday, • July 3. 11 fed fall of years and full of honours, yet it is National Exhibition.—Col. SibrHORP moved that councils. ' f '' '' tion was illegal.—The learned Jiidge'ruled that the excee e his legal r ghts of the impri- lish grain ,continues exceedingly.small, and .the foreign proposed s d , with the single exception .been TeiylitUj a ha i a is p a , be- the report now presented respecting the On Sunday, 180 persons inet. to dine in the plaintiff couH onl one had and-re- other i e But for that imprisonment arrivals are also smaU. but there has aa fleath t t n hum n eyes rem ture Exhibition of held in Hyde Park, be y recover for m y hes then sbriiinent in question. business done in any description of grain. .Wneat iiuiy sse ase we had fondly hoped that, in whatever Industry, to be rooms of the restaurateur tJeffieux, Boulevard ceivedfor use of the defendant.—Mr., Hug the defenuaht was not liable as it was not his act, d; is held yntt» referred to a select committee. The hon. member been paid to the , MlJlsfed Monda/s -prices, an Poreigu - itithsition, by the weight of his ability, by the du Temple, at a banquet given in honour of stated that £2 10a. hiid already , but that of the magistrates/ the defendant being increasinR firmness although the demand is limite?^ the purity of his repeated the objections he had urged almost every had been paid into court, ,, nndendour of his talants, and by the election of M". Giradin. All the hands en- plaintiff, and that as 303. responsible for nothing' which occurred after the Good freah heavy bats are in request. The .weather here iff been spared to render night for some time past against the Exhibition to, a Y'erdict,-rMr.,;H.- .P. ' stated a good murines, he might still have in Hyde his client was entitled : plaintiff came before the magistrates. Lord Camp- cool ahd showery ; and from Liverpool it is nnomost essential services. (Cheers.) I will only generally, and the selection of the site gaged on every department of the Pressenews- Wood observed,' a ^ sauce lor the goose ' case, deal of rain, which was much wanted, has fallen in that - that what w s bell was about to sum . he facts of the ttte, ,.as deeming tbem highly appropriate, Park in particular. . , paper , editors, compositors, printers, clerks, was sauce for the gander, ftbat , Lord George Ben- up t who after a neighbovuhood, , ote those seconded the motion, 'and suggested when he was interrupted by thejary^ , Bbitish.—Wheat—Essex, Suffolk, and Kent, red new 86s- stst Kt touching and most feeling lines which were Mr. Alcock employes, porters, and f emale f olders of the tihck'a Act applied to the statement ptMr. Hughes, brief consultation/ returned a verdict for the Battersea-fieldsas a less objectionable locality. 10s. for.a bet, equally : to 40s, ditto white, 36s to 46s, Lincoln Norfolk and York- hUepUed .by one of the greatest poets of this coun- journal were present. M. Victor Hugo, of his clieht having paid £2 defendant.' 1 ' . shire, red 31s to 38s, Northumberland and Scotch, white of a man even greater than Sir B. Hall had succeeded in savin* Regent's who as much as the defence he had set np against the ty to the memory and there- y the defence of the CLARK V/ SAVAGE.—StANOEB. Sis to 38s, ditto red 32s to 86s, Devonshire and Somerset- ] Park from any danger of this infliction, undertook so nobl Presse claim of his client, and he must remark that it.was red, —s to — is ditto white; to rye 21s to 23s Br R. Peel:— supporting the This was an. action brought against the .defend- shire, — —s , > " Now is tbe stately column broke; fore had no longer any hesitation in in the Assembly on its arbitrary suspension far from honourable in sporting men sheltering him barley, 21s to 23s, Scotch 10s to 22s, Angus— s to —e, li ht is quenched ih smoke. criticise many of the acts a s anderous words spoken by . to —s, pale 40s to 49b, peas new The beacen g motion. He proceeded to in July 1848, , among the guests, the themselves from their debts of honour behind the nt for certain l appeared that the plaintiff, Malt ordinary, —s ~ , grey, ' The trumpet"s silvery sound is still. commissioners, censuring par- occupied against the plaintiff.—It 22s to 248, maple 23s to 2Gs, white 22s to 23s, boilers new and intentions of the distinguished rank merited by this service. act cited; and he hoped to see the time when the who was considerably advanced in life, waslat one The wardersilent on the hill." ticularly their cutting down trees belonging to the enaot that debts of honour should 24s to 26s, beans, large, new 23s to.25s, ticks 24s to 26sy One of the workmen proposed , .in energetic legislature would time/ the driver , of a coach Von the Great Bfbrth- harrow, 25s to 27s,.pigeon, 29s to 31s, oats, Lincoln and iae&eers.) I will say no more. In saying this, I public, o l d d i that an address bo be recovered.—His Honour ruled that the £2 10s. ' ¦ and c nc u e by mov ng the health of Girardin, the bold road. Having married a woman with considerable Yorkshire f eed, 14s to 15s, ditto Poland and potato, ee ,ve perhaps said too much. It would bave been e d , praying her Majesty not to language, could not be pleaded as a set off, and gave a verdict 15s to 17s, Berwick and Scotch,. 15s to 18s, Scotch l pres nte to the Crown the ' ' "' property, he retired from this occupation about the Wetter if I had simp y confined myself to second the sanction the erection of any building in the Park publicist, and Victor Hugo, poet of the for '&l. ff.f. ' . . y. . [ :¦ ' broke up the business in which feed, 14s to I5s, Irish feed and black, 12s to 15s, ditto time that railways -potato 158 to 17s, linseed (sowing) 50s to 62s, rapeseed,' tiiotion of the hon. gentleman. I was in hopes that for the purposes of the Exhibition. Tribune. M. Girardin said, in returning he had been engaged. - He then went to reside in , ppr protracting the subject for some moments others COURT OF EXCHEQUER. Essex, new £?Q to £o4 per last, carraway seed, Essei, new Mr. Rice opposed the motion. thanks, that the Presse had been founded that ¦ the neighbourhood of St. John's Wood, whwb he jljhight have entered the house who would have been Mr. Stefbksson , as a member of the building ¦ "' '- ' : ' '' ' ' [ [ Mvy .v. BBBMAJf. . ' .- . ¦ ' ,•-¦ . ' 27s to 31a per cwt, rape cake, £4 to £4 10s per ton, lin- day-fourteen years, aud unfolded the firsfceopy ...... beoarae acquainted with, , defendant, s seed, £9 .Os.to £9 10s. per 1,000, flour, per sack of 2801bs, rreDre worthy to discbarge the duty I have under- committee, explained tho reasons which had guided Mr. Lush/with Mr.f Barnard, conducted the case 1 the whb wa June 30th 1836. He proceeded the son ef a man of fortune, from whom he in- ship, 26s to 28s, town, 35s to 37s. taken. But it is not so. However, the tribute of o de Park for a site, and combated printed on , for thb plaintiff ; and Mr. Edwin James appeared 1 Fomign.—Wheat. — Damaig, 42b to 48s, Anhalt and will be aU the selection f Hy from- Victor Hugo herited a large fortune. After some time the de- ppespect which we now offer , I am sure, the objections that bad been adduced against it. to read long quotations for the defendant.—This was ah action for goods the plaintiff that he, the plain- Marks, 36s to 39s, ditto white, 38s to 41s, Pomeranian red, i i ne more valuable, a ea e d, from the Park was equi- e fendant proposed to 36s to 38s, Rostock 38s to 44s, Danish, Holstein, and nd allthe more r dilyr ceive To remove the Exhibition and Lamartine, which had appeared in that sold and delivered , and oil an accbuntstated.—Th tiff and" his wife/ should take the defendant's nmom the silence whichhas prevailed, and whieh has it altogether. debted ; Friesland , 32s tb 36s, Petersburgh, Archangel, and Riga, valent to prohibiting ginal sheet. After a speech by Victor defendant pleaded, , that he was not in house,;;and that the . defendant should stay with 30t to 37s isseisennot from a want, b f s o Hope wished to save Hyde Park from the ori that the plaintifffirst was indebted to him in a 30s to 32s, Polish Odessa, , Marianopoli, sj id Ber- ut rom an exces f Mr. Hugo, and a song called " The H and then them in the capacity of a boarder. This arrange- dianski, 30s to 34s) Taganrog, 28s to 32s, Brabant and iHieling. (Hear.) destruction which the proposed building must ine- ymn of the larger sum.—-It appeared that the plaintiff is; a ment was acceded to/ but some time afterwards French, 32s to 38s, ditto white, 34s to 40s, Salonica, 28s to a as I have a motion on tbe " by one of the printers, the ban- a r g ; bM Mr. Nactsr.—Perh ps, vitablyoccasion. Workmen andiron merchant in the neighbourhood of Hounds- the defendant's conduct was such, ' bring- 32s, Egyptian, 22a to 26a, rye,' 19s to 21s, harley, Wismar reaperfor to-day, I may be permitted to say how the opposition to the de- quet broke np. in and Rostock, 16s to 19s Danish Mr. Hume looked upon ditch, and that the defendant is a farmer at Wands- ing certain parties to the house, : and other- , , 17s to 21s, Saal, 18s to lllillingly I waive everything to join in testifying, in sign ofthe commissioners as being ¦ The proposed Press Law will extinguish the wortnj in Surrey, . hop mefphant in South- 20s, East Friesland, 13s to 16s, Egyptian, 12s to 14s, Danube ' " founded on the and a wise, that ' the plaintiff considered it impos- 12s to, 15s, peas, white, 21a to 23s, new. boilers 24s to* ijy manner. l , my sorrow and regret for the narrowest motives of personal comfort and profit. greater number of the Legitimatist journals; wark';, ahd the action was. brought, to recover the hiB wife could any longer jjemain , ny eancountry has sustained. It is a very arise to the indus- sible that 25s, beans, horse, 21s to 24s, pigeon, 25s to 27s, Egyp- sssos which the The great benefits expected to have how jo ined the RepubU-: value of certain manure wbich had been supplied by in the house. As, vhowever, ; tno plaintiff had tian; ISs to 20s io , that a Targe portion of those country ought not to be sacri- therefore they in tho month of A , oats, Groningen, Danish, Bremen, and xrur us circumstance trial classes of the the former to the latter pril, 1847, brought considerable, property 'into- the house, Friesland, feed and black, 12s to 14s, ditto, thick and brew ggegislative measuresto which I was about to ask ficed to the convenience of a few ladies and gentle- cans in their opposition to it, and the Bill will real question m the cause, was. as to what * ' and the ho sent his wife away, but remained himself in the 14s to 18s, Kiga, Petersburgh, Archangel, and Swedish, 13s tehe attettion of tbe house have been suggested by men; Hyde Park was the best locality for the y be thrown out. ;> was the value of that manure as well as the actual to 15s, flour, United States, per 196 lbs,, 20s to 23s, Ham- man who has its successful probabl house* The defendant then commenced a system itehe legislative wisdom of that great Exhibition,, and indispensable to GERMANY. amount or quantity of , that;commodity which had 'in ' burgh 19s to 21s, Dantzig and Stettin 20s to 21s, French per .ssust been gathered to his fathers. The impulse and ' ' of annoyance regard to the : plaintiff, which had 280fbs;, 27s to 3l)s. operation. been delivered. It was stated that this particular rendered it absolutely-necessar uencouragement which he has given , to measures of Mr. Laboucuebe believed that, after ail that had A letter from Vienna of tho 1st , says:—Se- de was confined to very few persons^ of whom the y for him to apply Arrivals wis week:— Wheat — English, 840 quarters;, tra to the court for protection. In; March the forei 4 p islation in connexion with the criminal juris- been said and promised, the passing of the the pre- veral cases of cholera have again occurred laintiff was one. ' In , the spring : of 1847 , 1849, gn, ,350 quarters. Barley — English, 10 quarters \ rresorudenceeg of this country, and the records he has amount to a breach of faith present p defendant began to asperse the character of the foreign, 2,430 quarters. Oats—English; 120 quarters J. sent motion would here ; the disease first" appeared in the Leo- there was a large, fire at Irpngate-wharf,. and the foreign, 7,240 quarters. Flour—English , sacks ; Ifbft behind him of his enlightened wisdom on that and the country, as well as be- plaintiff Jn the most serious manner, charging him — between the house poldstadt, where two persons who were at- result was that there had been a vast accumulation ana in tiie Foreign,.470 sacks, . :. • mmnortant'subiect, entitle him to the gratitude, and country and foreigners. He dissected ' repeatedly, presence - and hearing of Richmond (Yorkshdje . tween this tacked b it died almost immediately, -In the of rubbishfahd other articles, mixed upitogether, in many people ,) June 28.—We had a tolerahla ihViil ever claim the unanimous respect, of all classes the statements and arguments on which the oppo- y maBB ' , with tho commission of unnatural supply of wheat this morning, which had a dull sale, the onegeneral , upon : which the watchful eye of crimes. It was to protect himself against the-in- it f the community. When the news came to bim of sers of the Hyde Park site had founded their heart of the city also, as well as in the suburbs the.plaintiff was fixed , Hisjudgmenttold'him that prices were much the same as last week: — "Wheat sold, and when I reflected how short was the jury which such imputations were calculated to br- from 4s 9d te fis Sd; oats, 2s 4d to 3s 0d j barley, 3s Od: iisdsd eath, objections, and showed their futility. Months had of Laungrabe, several cases have occurred. this rubbish would be most valuable as an article of sieriod since I had beheld him standing on that spot passed since the selection of that site was publicly ' " diet upon him that he now threw himself upon the to 3s Cd.; beans, 3s 6d to 3s 9d per bushel.' ' manure,; seeing that amongst it were linseed/oil, court fbr protection. uhthe fullvigour of a matured intellectual power— k , and yet no opposition was raised until now, arid a variety of other, things,; which in a state,of —The defendant pleaded the BREAD. imbastened bnt not impared by age and experience— nown' at the eleventh hour, it assumed ite present general. issue.—Evidence was adduced to'prove the when, THE LATE DASTARDLY ATTACK UPON 'yielded manure of a valuable character. : The prices of wheaten bread in the metropolis are from i. was reminded what shadows we are ; and the life shape. The dome, which had been so much cen- THE QUEEN. combustion , after the fire, this rubbish and slanderous words used ; butthey were such as to 61d. to 7d.- ofhousehold ditto, 4Jd. to 6d. per 4Ibs, loaf. wavering In course of time render them unfit for publication ff if the wisest and strongest of us is but a s , d, d , most probably never be a ,up to sale by auction by the insur- .-Mr. Sergeant salame which the passing breeze may extinguish. ured woul he ad ed the re-examination of the prisoner ax thb home shes were put Wilkins did: not deny thai the words, d b CATTLE. buu\ and the.asserted. appeal for public money ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ance office authorities, and were purchased by a per- ha een .. - ; . ¦ : ' ¦:¦ ¦ ¦ OmOS. ; ' f" .- .- ' -f' ff nor- did< SaiTOFiBiD, Monday, July 1.—There was a considerahle- EHear, hear.) almost to a certainty never be made. ; having failed to' , used, his client attempt to justify them. this : ri ht hon. friend was On Friday, Robert Pate, was again brought up son who, clear tbem off the pre- The defendant was an eccentric and ' decrease in the receipts of home-fed Beasts put up to Sir R. Isoeq.—Perhaps my g . Mr. B. Osborne retorted the charge of delay upon mises within the specified term, they were about to irritable per- morning's market, - while their quality was by no means (oiorrect when he suggested that silence was more i i e , ad ht of ex- for re-examination at the Home Office.—The wit- son, a ad f o d i a f first rate. The dead markets being very scantily tupplied, occasion of such a the comm ss on rs who h never thoug nesses in attendance were six in number, including be put up again, when the plaintiff1 bought them by nd m e use o w r s n moment o great Moquent than any words on the amining into the fitness of other sites until the private contract for £7 10s. It appeared that the heat, implying charges which he had no serious in- and the-attendance ofbujers 'on the increase, the Beef" ntoss as that whicb thiB house,and tbis country, and those who were examined on the last occasion.— tention of imputing to -the piaintiff. traderuled steady, at an advance in the quotations of 2d. question had been forced upon them. He wished to plaintiff and the defendant were old acquaintances, —After- a few :: f may almest say, which the whole European com- secure the fullest success tb the Exhibition, but The evidence of Sir James Clark was io , ' c , o a , tb found a verdict per 81bs. From Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex and - theeffe t and that the latter, in the previous year, had com- words from L rd C mpbell ejury shire,,we received ,2,020 Scots, home-breds, and short- nmuntty has sustained in the death of. Sir Robert felt and stated; many reasons why h d b that he was called upon to attend her Majesty be- for the plaintiff, damages £100. "• " .- ' . , as the silence enjoined by my ri ht hon. it s oul not e 'clock on tho evening Of pounded with liis creditors, two circumstances to horns ; from other parts of England, 350, of various breeds : ?Peel. But g held in Hyde Park. tween eight and nine o which was to be attributed the length of time that aiid from Scotland, 120 homed and polled, Scots. The irriend's address has been broken with equalfeeling Mr. Gladstone (one of tbe commissioners), re- Thursday,, the 27th June, and tbat ho observed a ' COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. supply of Sheep -was considerably less than that eihihifed member f orthe swelling ' had been given the plaintiff to . the defendant as : ii&nd troth by the hon. and learned marked that the firstprinciple by which their course on her Majesty s left temple, and also a ' hy com.Br v. bowb.—sBnuciiojr. on this day se'nnfght. All breeds moved off steadily, and 30niversitj' of Dublin, perhaps I may be indulgedin small incision,' which, bad produced a slight loss of credit. ; TheJatter having heard of this manure be- the currencies improved fully 2d. per 81bs.; the primest old; was guided was to make the Exhibition a London came anxious to have it, as it was peculiarly calcu- . This case, which occupied the Court, a part of wearing my humble but hearty testimony to the one. Tbey believed it would be unjust to allure blood.—The depositions having been taken by, Mr. ' Downs having sold at from 3s. lfld. to 4s. per 81bs. We: lated for the 'soil of his farm'.in Garrett-lane, Tuesday^ was ( resumed this morning (Thursday.) were fairly supplied with Lambs, in which an average Character ofthe friend whom we have lost. I trust forei s and c n e lis b Burnaby, the chief clerk of Bow-street, the priso- It was an action brought by the plaintiff, s d .ibat hismemory may be brought to our hearts and gner ou try people to th metropo y ner was committed to Newgate, to take his trial Wandsworth, aiid thereforo an arrangement was who ue business was transacted, at full prices.. The sale f or promising tbem a spectacle wbich they sbould find come to by the parties that he-should , pay in forma pauperis f or damages sustained by the se- Calves was by no means active. In prices we have no sounds without the least reference to those political themselves afterwards forced to travel many miles for misdemeanour. d hter/ by the defendant, Mr. change to notice. . For Pigs the inquiry, was heavy, , at atopics which have unhappily divided us, and to which just as much for it as they might on some future uction of his daug • off to see. At this moment a change in the plans in- day agree as a reasonable price. , a bookbinder, of Fleet-street. Mr. Sergeant almost nominal quotations. ssome passing allusion has been made in the intro- the Exhibition for upon The rubbish Bone Price per stone of 81bs. (siaklng the offal. HBeef 2s 4d to- volved the postponement of John Shaw's Benehi at the Cut TheatuB;— was in due time sent up to Watney' Shee and Mr. Browne appeared for the plaintiff ; 3dnctory address of the hon. member for Montrose. to the general disappointment and s wharf at 3a 6d; mutton 2» 6d to 3a 8d ; yeal 2s 6d to 3s 4d ; another year, This event came off on Thursday evening, and Wandsworth, and amounted to as much, as was Mr. M< Chambers and M. Maynard for the dbfen- pork 3s 2d to 4s Od; Iambs 3s lOd to 5s, Ufc is not necessaryo n such an occasion as ihe pre- serious loss of the multitudes who had already darit. Mr. Sergeant Shee opened the case for ics which mi ht disturb that boxes, pit, and gallery, were crammed to over- alleged by theplaintiff, as 600 tons,: The rubbish the Head op Cattle at Smithfiei.d.—Friday. —Beasts 640 ; scientto refer to any top g made extensive preparations in the expectation p , reciting the evidence which he was about 200 ; calves 350 igs 300. Monday. Beasts and that sentiment which I flowing. The pieces selected were, The Grape Girl having been sorted over on the' wharf, seventy laintiff sheep 16, ; p — rtinanimity of feeling, that it would come off in 1851. " to offer. The first witness oalled was the young 3,832 ; sheep 36;900 ; calves 303 ; pigs 820. I e ad , o y s , b e r of Madrid, followed by Duke the Labourer, s c i d ak r , arid a vast trnstp rv es n t onl thishou e ut th count y Sir De Laoy. Evaks deprecated the selection of Mr. Lysander Thompson and Henry Ringroldin which, gra- a ks of l nsee were t en f om it , Ann Cuffley, whose evidence was to Newgate and Leadekhau., Monday, July 1. —Inferior Kit large. (Bear, hear.) It is with the most cordial quantity of bricks, some iren, some copper, woman herself beef, 2s 2d to 2s 4d; middling ditto, 2s 6d to 2s 8d; prime- Hyde Park. tuously presented their services in the characters , some the following effect :—She had been a bookfoldebin ifeelingsof respect that I bear my humble testimony Mr. T. Duncombe and Lord Dud- brass which were taken back to the plaintiff. As large 2a 8d to2s lOd; prime small,9s lOd to 3s 0d;,large Mr. Stanford, , of Luke and Philip, a i a o e the defeadant had not been able to pay. for the establishment of Messrs. Bone, employed In pork 2s lOd to 3s 4d ; inferior mutton, 2s Cd te 2s lOd ; ito the high and honourable character of the man ley Stuart having briefly spoken, much to the s t sf ction f th folding sheets for the binders; ' *whose death we now deplore, and, as one who has audience. The performance concluded with the the manure at the time, i p a d She had also been middling ditto, 3s 4d to 3s 6d; prime ditto, 3s 6dto 3s 8d; Mr.' J. Stuart recommended the house to wait farce of An Irish Engagement, in which Mr. Searle, the pla ntiff urch se often employed ;in doing li a i veal, 2s 6d to 3s 2d; small jwsrk, 3s 6d to 4s 0d«, mow sat for some' time in parliament, to rise and involved should bave been of him his horse and phaeton for £60. Eventually, ttle m tters n the until the legal question as Tim Rafferty, kept the house in a roar. the plaintiff made a claim of £275 f or tho manure ; counting house of Mr. Bone, jun., such as lig lambs, 3s 8d to 4s lOd ; per 81bs. by the carcase,. :state that I believe there never was a man who settled by the courts of law, and moved the adjourn- , hting made greater sacrifices'for the public good than Sir Lord Palmebsion i» France.— , deducting the £60 just mentioned, be still his fire and sweeping his room. He had always FISH, POULTRY, &c. ment of the debate. English name of Goug A man with the so that treated her with more attention and favour than Robert Peel. (Hear, hear.). Power he sacrificed h appeared on Saturday be- —!Av,:l' - ,James, on the part of the New HosGtnroao.—Turbots 2s Od to 14s ; brills 2s Od to After a few words from Lord R. Gbosvenor and fore the tribunal of Correctional Police to answer claimed £215.contended thaf; this was the the other girls, often g her fruit; He had also 5s Od • codfish 4s Od to 6s Od; whitings 4d to 9d ; mackerel willingly ; and I think he would.have sacrificed Sir H. WiLtor/GHBr, defendant, most pre- iving everything except tbat whicb he regarded as the complaint of one Nicholas. "I had my pipe in posterous demand that was ever made, for the taken ber to Greenwich, and once to Sadler's Wells 0a to 8d; haddocks 0a to Is 3d ; red mullets, 9d to ls ; Lord J. Russell conceived' that no advantage my mouth, and was about to ligh t the Theatre. On the 16th of October, 1843, the de- and lobsters ls fid to 2s 6d each ; soles Cd to 2s Gd per pair j paramount, namely, his duty, to the good tobacco," plaintiff asked the defendant to .pay him £275 for fresh herrings, Od to 0s ; and smelts Is Od to Is 6d per d e f d aying the vote upon this ques- said Nicholas, for you must know that after sup- only cbst:hiniself £7 10 fendant met her on the stairs in the warehouse, of hiscountry. (Loud cheers.) _ Those who might coul r sult rom el " that which had . But what dozen.', eelS,.0d to Is ; and salmon, ls 3d to Is 6CI per lb.— tion ;.but after meeting and rebutting soma of the per I always take a pipe. Well, I advanced towards the worse was and desired her to go up stairs and light a fire in have differed from him on political subjects will, arguments adduced on the other side, he Bttblultteu made tho matter , the plaintiff had Supply plentiful, trade middling. e, unanimously concur in the expression of the lamp of the public-house, and I bummed a tune taken away and sold all the bricks, , and had also his counting-house, which Tjas on the second floor ; Turkeys 5s.0d to 7s 0d; goslings 7s Gd to 8s ; fowls 3s to- lam sur to Sir B. HaU-whether it were worth while to press w c e, because it was Palmerton, Palmiton, he followed her up stairs, a d e 5s Od ; capons 5s 6d to 6s 6d ; chickens 3s Od to 4s Od ; one cordial feeling of grateful respect for the me- the motion to a division. hi h I lik realised £20 by the sale of the iron n f tched ;her the coals Marmiton—what's his name ?— other articles which he had sorted oiit., copper and and firewood for her to light the fire. ducklings 4s Od to 4s 6d ; rabbits Is to ls Cd ; hares 3s Od mory ofthe man who really did more to distinguish Sir B. Hall expressed his willinpess tb withdraw from the After that to 3s 6d ; guinea fowls, 3s Od to 3s 6d ; partridges Os Od to- this house among the deliberatebodies ofthe world " No, no! never in France mass, the whole of which he nevertheless, d he brought up some walnuts, and gave her some- s , but several members having insisted on Shall the English rei charge 0s 0; and pigeons Od to 8d each. Meat per lb. :—Prime than any oneindividualwhoever sat in it. (Cheers.) hi motion gn." the defendant with. Then he had taken the thins; out of a bottle which he said was wine, legs of mutton 7d shoulders 6d coming to a vote, the house divided :— which made her stupid and sleepy ; she . also dranandk , , necks 5d, and breasts.4d ;. Tcordially join in the proposition that has been For Sir B. Hall's motion ...... il . . " Palmerston, that's the name," growled the de- defendant's horse and phaeton at £60,f so that he roasting beef 7d to 7Jd ; boiling ditto 6d to 61; dairy-fed addressedwith so much feeling to the house, and fendant. " Leave out all useless details, and con- had already, for his outlay of £7 10s, realised a sam something out ' of another bottle, which he said pork, 7d to 8d ; Iamb (finest quality) 9d to 9Sd ; and veal ' Against...... 166—119 was gin. He then threw her down on the floor , in proportion Freah butter ls to ls 3d ; best salt ditto- -which has been received with so much fee'.ing by A second division immediately afterwards took tinue, said the President. " But the useless de- of £80. But then there were expenses of course that in consideration of the great loss tails are - the p a , Mr. Presi b d d, but with those expenses, and began to take improper liberties with her, lOd to ls Od ; common ditto 7d to 9d ; Clieshire cheese the house, place on the motion of Col. Sibthobp, a ith of the aff ir dent. to e educte it would 7 Jd te lOd ; double Gloucester 7d to 8d; and single ditto -whieh the house has sustained, e de which w s Well, this young man was vexed to hear me sing— be seen, he debited the defendant.—The jury even- and afterwards effected her ruin, i d and from th ep also rejected by a majority of 166 to 46—120. crying out at the , she resistng an 5jd to 6Jd per lb—Supply good trade moderate. sense which it entertains of tbat loss, e o "No, no! never in Prance tually returned a verdict for the defendant. time.' He would not allow, th h use Home-made Spirits in Bono Bill.—Lord Naas her to leave the room, but kept her locked in for HOPS. d p c d f b h moved the second reading of tbis bill. Shall the English reign!" MORCATT l/. FAGG.—A DISSENTIENT JUROR. shoul ro ee no urtherwith the usinesscf t e Mr. Edward James with Mr. ' , until five o'clock, Maidstone.—The bines continue to grow vigorously, and' day. (Hear, hear.) The Chancellor of the Exchequer reiterated the And l ean understand that, for he is ah English- , Prentis, conducted three hours 1 when the porter are now shaking hands the case for the plaintiff ; and Mr. brought up Mr. Bone's tea to the counting-house. ' ' across the alleys. No increaseis ; Sir W. Somervuxe.—As no notice was given of arguments he had urged upon the first reading man, and the English are national'like the devil." Martin and Mr. visible in the number of fly. We had a thunder storm on any intention to move the adjournment of tbe house, Dowdeswell appeared for the defendant. This was She then went .into a cupboard while Mr. Bone Wednesday night, and such a foil of hail against the measure, and declared his intention of I an Englishman !" said the defendant, " per exam- went to the door/ unlocked it , or rather of flat and-asit accidentally happens .that no member of I was born at Chare'nton le Pont, near Paris. an action to recover compensation .in damages for , and took the tea pieces of fee, on Friday, as hasseldom been witnessed. The agaiu taking the sense of the house upon it. ple, " froni the porter.' She had some tea with ' her Majesty's Cabinet is at present in the house, Mr. Wtlb moved the adjournment of the debate '' But his father is an Englishman, and there is no the non-delivery, of a parcel which the i him, and last three or four nights have been cold. With the excep- , ' " . plaintff had afterwards went downstairs, creeping under the tion ofa little ' wh pping,' however, scarcely any probably I may be permitted to say, that had such d , setting aside blood. . Well, he forbade me to sing sent to the defendant's office, the White Bear in effect is been the case some one of greater importance a an the house divided Piccadilly/to be forwarded to a Mr. Hobbs at counter to escape the' notice of her fellow-work- visible in the grounds, as resulting from these causes. In .th n For adjourning the debate 95 'No, er,' because he said it provoked Dawn- this immediate district we have found no trace of myself would have risen to, express on . the part of the no! nev ton in the.county of Wilts. The onl , and .got out of the warehouse without bids fair for mould. . Against ..135—40 him ; so/to vex him and Palmestoh—" "Palmer- y question in beingwomen seen. She was questioned At present evei^thing: a crop. the gbvernmenttheir deep feeling of regret at the defendant. the case was, whether the defendant, who turns out on the .'following TUKBBlDGE,—Tlie hops in this district are getting The discussion was continued by Mr. Fox Mauxe ston !' ' growled the " Good. Palmer- morning by the foreman as to the . reason of her on re. loss which the country must sustain by the death of and Lord "J. Russew., who withdrew ston ! So to vex him and Palmorstoii to be the keeper, of a "bookihg.offlee V only, had miirkably well. They are perfectly free from %, though their opposi- , , I roared as ' absence, and said that she perhaps not quite so forward as that eminent statesman whose loss we have now to tion to the Second reading of the measure. loud as I could— led the plaintiff and also tho public at large to sup- had beed locked out and at some seasons. I have been through the principal grounds round deplore. (Hear.). I will say no more on the pre- The bill was then read a h " carrier." The question is one could not get in in time. About a month after she Hadlow, Gold second time, and the " No, no! never in France pose t at he was a told the defendant that she was Hill-green, and Peckham, and And them all equally good, sent occasion. It would hardly be becoming br pru- house adjourned at two o'clock. Shall the English reign!" great importance ; but as there was no verdiot with child, be told dent in so humble a member of the house to say of y a cold ; but, at any rate d A gentleman connected with the trade was commissioned returned, and the point therefore still remains un- her it was onl , he woul by a factor to send him all the fly he could • more than that I deepl a c p e ,:July 5. - " You need not repeat the words so loud," decide give her something to take. On the 14th of July, get I think he y p rti i ate in the g neral FRIDAY h! Mr. President said the d/it was a. useless expenditure of ,our space said he found half a dozen after looking through as many feeling which has been expressed oh this occasion. HOUSE.OF LORDS.—Parliauestaby Yams President. "A , I doso to enter into thefparticulars of 1849, her child was born ; arid she afterwards went acres J lishman that we ; love ourto coun-show the case. It may, , but did not¦ ¦suppose he could find another for a am quite sure that if therioble lord at the head of her (Ireland) Bill. Their Lordships went into com- to this. . Eng . however, ' stated that Mr, to the defen dant with her mother and brother, sovereign. ¦ < . ... try as much as he does his !" "So he struck you?" be Baron Parke said, to Majesty's government had been in his place,—that mittee on this bill. After various clauses bad been case was brie ofthe clearest he had ever heard—the try to prevail ori him to allow something for the Fabnua&t, Altos, and Couotry Districts. — Since our " Smashed my pipe into a thousand pieces, last report we have been visited with a hi he is not here I am certain is solely attributable to discussed, ' ' and there was no evidence to show that the defendan t child's support.—Her cross-examination, by Mr. gh temperature, the fact that he did not expect the motion would Lord Stanley moved on clause 15, an amend- ciit open my lips with a blow which none hut an had in any way represented M. Chambers, elicited that she had been in the accompanied with heavy thunder storms. The plant has, * lishman could have given." "It was only a himself as a " carrier." of course, made great progress, aBd there are very few fly have come on at se early a period of tbe day,— ment to the effect that it should be optional with Eng —The Foreman of the jury said, that he and habit of often going to public houses with young to ha seen. if he had been present, I am convinced he the elector whether is should be on the register or slap in the face," said the defendant. " You had men and drinking spirits but, face,'! observed the several Others of the jury , entertained a different with them, also of going SEEDS. would hare concurred in the expression Of the not. : no right to slap him in the. opinion and for himself he to theatres - and-conoert-robms- 'to , for singing a song which , would say, with all . unknown her London, Monday.—The seed market was without life ' . deepest regret for the lost which the country has This opposition was. opposed by the Marquis bf President, " Frenchmen respect ' due mother. She had also made assi r "1do n't say the contrary, Mr. Pre- , that , he considered th d d gnations, and had indeed , at this period of the year there is rarely much sustained, aud of hishighest respect for thememory LissnowNE, Earl .Grey, Mosteagle, Lord approve of.'% liable.^-Mr. Baron Parke : But e efen ant to be made an appointment with a < gentleman doing in that department Lord sid ; . have his opinion. I as a matter of law to take a of business ; and in this state of of the great statesman who bas just departed from EDDiSBtjRr, and Lord St. e ; and supported ent every man is free to I tell you that upon this evidence ' fide with liim in his gigto Kew ; but she did not do things quotations cannot be depended on. G rmans didn't want to talk politics, but he bored, tor- the defendant is -British. among ns, and, with the sineerest sympathy and by Lord Brougham, Lord Redesdale, and not liable and the plaintiff cannot recover. It is so because it rained onthe day appointed.—William —Cloverseed red 35s to 40s ; fine 45s to 50s ;. ;. d l , would have declared his concurrencein Glekqall, and, a , was carried Lord mented, and defi anced me: with his infernal song.". " white 35s to 50s ; cow. grass [nominal] —s to — s ; linseed I con o ence on division by ¦ 53¦ ¦ to for you to take the law from me, and not for you to Cuffley, the brother of Ann Cuffley/ was the next (per qr.; sowing ' the motion'thatthe house out of respect to ihat 39; majority against government, 14. ' ' •' The tribunal condemned tho man to two months' offer thelaw to , d ing learned that 54s to 56s ; crushing 40s to 42s ; linseed I : imprisonment ; being thus severe because on a pre- me.—The Foreman : That may be witness and he eposed that hay his cakes (per 1,000 of Slbs. each) £9 0s to £10 Os; Trefoil (per r great man should' e d a It was then agreed that the report should be your Lordsh|p ?s opinion ; but sister was in the family way, he went with her and cwt.) 14s to 18s ; rapesced new (per last) £30 0s not proc e' with' 'ny further' ' vious occasion he had been condemned for striking my opinion is other- to £35 Os; ; business, to-day... {Cheers.). -,. .. < - .-,.;- :. - .-.- brought up on Tuesday. wise, and I cannot find for the plaintiff.—Mr. Baron his mother to the defendant to prevail on him to ditto cuke (per ton) £4 5s to £4 10s ; mustard (per Dushel) ) 1 • The Speaker then put the questjbn,,b ' -j. -: ;Their Lojrpships having resumed, - his father and mother. As the plaintiff went away, Parke : If.upoh your conscience make some provision for the child. The defendan wmte bs to as; Drown 88 to lis ; Coriander (per cwt) 16s » at;^ v. . ho east a sl lance at the defendant, and mar- you believe the de- t, to 25s ; Xtonary Sir,TvV Souertxc£e immediately rosef again and . The Australian Colonies Bill, after a speech from y g lenaant to be a carrier, of course however, refused lo do anything in the matter, de- (per qr.) new 74s to 78s ; tares, winter, ; mured-. ¦ [.¦ .. ; .: . '* " you will not per bushel 4s 6d to 4s 3d; carraway (per cwt.) 28s to 29« • •¦ said ,—I have ju5t Tieea informed that \b& noble Lord LmsiiTOfl, who complained of its imperfec- find him not to be so; but I tell you you are wrong. nying that he had ever nad any connexion with lord tbe First Minister of the Crown , " No, no! never in France, new 30s to 32s ; turnip, white (per l>usbel)-s to -s; ditto "> . , happens to tions was read a third time and passed. Never, no iieyer l -;The Foreman ; . I . still think x he is, has held witness's sister. 'At . a subsequent interview he FoREicw.-Clover red (duty 5s be in the country. He. went last night. Their Lordships then or per cwt.) per cwt., ,„ J (Hear, adjourned. Never In France, himselfout'to the world as.a " ," and l oan-: still persisted in his denial.—Harriet Pounceby and 33s^ toJOs; ditto white (duty 5s per cwt.) cwt ., hear.) " ' carrier 24s to 42s ; V HOUSE OF COMMON S.—Repeal of the Malt Shall the English reign !" ' not find otherwise.—Another Juryman •. . body Maria Peacock were called and deposed to the at- . unseed (per qr.) Baltic 38s to 44s ; Odessa 42s »« The question was again put, and agreed to Tax.—Mr. Cayley submitted his motion, Every tention which the defendant had paid to Ann Cuffley . 0 4Cs ; hnseed cake (per ton) £6 to £8 ; rape cake (per ton) al] .- - -•• brought Accident by Guheowder.— ghbourhood of knows that the defendant is not a " e ," and S unanimously. " " forward entirely, he observed, upon bis own respon- The nei y carri r The former witness had been in, c a e f* 10 ; rye ST188 (per ,qr<) -» «o -s; coriander ;it Guiidford-street was much alarmed on Wednesday that he is onl ,a booking-office-keeper.—The jury her omp ny on on <£J C £ ! hempseed small The house accordingly adjourned, at a quarter to sibility, for the repeal ofthe malt tax. His argu- tremendous explosion at No. 33 then had a -further occasion when the defendant had taken them to a P?J *£J T*}° -~i > (per qr.) 32s to 33s ; i;; " forenoon by a , the . consultation, at the end of *° : tafeS (P6r qr } Sm 28S t0 82S ' one o'clock. " ments against the continuance of the impost were de . Thomas Wakley, . It which the Foreman said, , was no chance of public-house called the Blue Hart, arid treated them krgSto 38s! ' ' ^ J' , Joxt 4. founded partly upon general objections' resi nce of Mr the surgeon their there to some refreshment. ' The second witness deposed THURSDAY to the appears that the valet and an.under-groom were agreeing. , He would, therefore, suggest ; that COLONIAL PRODUCE. HOUSE OF LORDS.—The decease of Sir R. vexatious and inquisitorial character of an excise amusing themselves in the back-yard by firing off the best' courfee would be that a juror should be to the defendant's i Sna'Att.-Tho market , various occasions whichhaving given the gb fruit on has been steady and last week's .' a Peel was alluded to by the Marquis of Lassbowss, tax and partly upon the necessity of affording fiowder with a fusee. A'qu antity in a canister, withdrawn.. The counsel Oh both sides having con- she brought down into the prices have been supported, but there has not been muchctl who spoke an ep some relief to the agriculturists, who were suffering not sulted intimated their acceptation warehouse, and shared with her feflbw work-women. r an nff from {he le(i itaph of eulogy upon the virtues ' a pound in weight, caught fire and ex- of the sugges- »S' .l f tte 5th «ction in the dulyofi ty; and talents of severe distress in consequence of tbe cessation of ess thanseriousl injuring one of the foolish tion. A jurorf.was accordingly Also to the fact of Ann Cuffley haying been-dis- .^; m? p inst 310 W»«ls. only 03 the late statesman, and gave utter- ploded, y peraons withdrawn. Mr. Wesw«fT„t India^ios. old ^n ?" - ance to his own-regret at tbe loss which the coun- protection. . The hon. member afterwards dwelt concerned/shattering the lowerwindows, ahdfniuch Baron Parko said, he had never seen a. .case. charged from the service of Messrs; Botie some time but 3500 bags Mauritius found steady buyersjrr upon the justice of relieving the poor consumer ! clearer after by the foreman in public sale. . The pubUc sale of 3,300 bags Bengal was™ try had experienced. alarming the neighbourhood. Mr. Wakley was im- The defendant was not liable,, but the Seuth- for some alleged misconduot. y ' from a burden which enhanced the price of an ar- : 'R —Mr. Montague Chambers v»}f w.«^^ ¥ , ™V°> *erS abovl the markebee Lord SrAstET, Bbocoham, the Duke of . . l , a d a of Western ailway Company were.—The Foreman of defended in a speech of value. . Kefined steady. low** brown lumps quoted 48s 6d idl Welusgtos, and theLord Dake of Cleveland ticle tbat might be classed among their necessary mediatey sentfor n on scertainingthe nature j y a , considerable length. The tale of Ann Cuffley, fair to fine 49s succes- the accident he had the man removed to . the the ur s id he entertained a very different opinion was, to 50s 6d. sively added their homage to the memory of their luxuries. hospital. The whole of' the muscles of the as a man of business. . he contended, ii pal a , and after com- _ CorFEE.-This article is firm , the public sale of 250 caskaki Mr. Cheisiopher pable f lsehood an deceased friend and colleague. had been prevented from voting thumb were torn . away from the bone, and re- menting at some'length upon its probabilities, he ii e . I • Ceylon went off at last week's prices, and aboubuu Natiosal heretofore in favour of an abolition of the ' 2,500 bags of good ordinary native sold by private ExHiBmos.— A. discussion on the malt-tax d ' removal, p d „.: ':; *> " • public sale , proposition, upon the ground that no substitute , .—It is with ,;,William Humpbrys, who laboured- under the 2^vS76S ended ia Lord Brougham's withdrawing a° motion much regret we announce the demise of tiff \ Ruii remains stead had been indicated for the very important tax which Mr. Robert supposition .that he had some claims against the Regitbatios of yoTERs.—The return to Parlia- y. • he had broughtforward for referringthe subject to Dillon Browne, M.P. for the cjunty of ' defendant George Humpbrys : CorroN.-The market has he was asked to remove. He denied that the re- Mayo , ,. the existence of ment respecting the registration of voters, which j not been active, _ butuuu wothe lalawamWati a select committee/ which took place on last "Monday morning, about which the latter denied/was in the habit of annoy- ,mentioned m advance is fully supported. The Metropolitan turns of the consumption of malt gave any indica- ' was the Times of Saturday, shows an : Tauow remains dull at 86s Interments Bill was referred 'clock. The hon gentleman was in the enjoy- ing the.defendant, by .trespassing upon his grounds inorease of 8,981 Parl 6d. to a select committee, on the understanding that i a ad proved injurious to the ten o iamentary Elootorsonithelists TfA.-There has been a fair demand ' t on th t free tr e had ment of his usually excellent health until the Friday and alarming his family. In- May last, the plaintiff of 1819-50, compared actions have to-day : the tranwna such course was not to endanger or delay the mea- producers. The total quantity had no doubt de- when premonitory. with the preceding year. -Iu chiefly ,be9„ in Congou, from flic^to uuf mi previous, Symptoms of gout de- oame upon the defendant' g d, and walked e d j in counties, there is a common has become 'scarce sure. < clined by about one million quarters' y be- veloped themselves. ' Oh that evening^ s roun Ir lan decrease of nearly and quoted 10$ peflb : : annuall contrary to baokwards and forwards in front of his windows, 6,000 voters. I land and WaleB the . .SosDaiES—African ginger sold 37s Gd tn ao= »r 1 v v Their Lordships then adjourned. tween 1839-and 1849. ab s d d s a , he' n Eng number of ginger bought in 35s. . ^allba5b°1 But the t le showe that the a vice of hi medic l advisers attended in from nine o'clock in' the morning till three in the voters in 1848-49, was 872,374 ; and on the Irffitf pSSper t HOUSE OF COMMONS. — The house met at the consumption of wine had fallen from 7,000,000 his place in the House of Commons fbr the afternoon. e f nd present sold 19s Od to 20s. Sago floui^old 18s ACi lJ% V*"t ?¥ *& purpose Th de e ant frequently, d i istry, :887,810 :—in Scotland, 90,396 rowroot bough Sti' TinMnt Ar, A\ noon, but after going through the private business ,247, gallons, and that of spirits of all sorts of recording his vote in favour of Lord Palmerston warne h m reg , and now t in Od.to ^d, . „ to 6 000 's to depart, but paying rib attention to his remon- 90,305 -.—and in Ireland, 78,433> last year * ' adjourned, npon tbe: motion of Sir G. Gret, until ad a s d i b ill foreign policy, and there is little doubt that the strances, - a'policeman :was sent , and • - : :•../ HIDES, AND ' h l o eclned y oneon mthe ionother gallons hand in the ex- for/arid both ,066 on the present register ; making the total in OILS. V . J" , , half-past four. same interval. Tea, , had citement- and exposure to cold necessarily conse- parties shortly afterwards appeared before the ma- 72 On resuming increased in the ten.years from thirty-five to fifty 1848-49, 1,041,203; and for tho present, time, inthe afternoon, quent on'that step tended to aggravate the illness gistrate. . ,there, 'the defendant . e l;050 187; : Death of Sir R. million pounds ; coffee from twenty-six to thirty- Whilst offer d to , By the 20th inst. rates and taxes due Peel.—Lord J. Rbsseh, rose, with which he was threatened. On the following discharge tho plaintiff, .provided he.would give.him on the 5th of January must be paid, and, with evident emotion, bore an eloquent testi- four millions ; and cocoa from 1,600,000 to 3,200,000 day he was seized with a violent attack of gout in a simple promise, of enter into lie attributed to ah' improve- ' " hlB Own recogni- Kewpousdlasi).—The seal fishery of this season di "hch 9d'to mony to the character, public and private/of tbe pounds. - This change the head, whioh terminated fatally, as - already zance, not to arinor the, defendant agahV This, ^ ,W 2s Sa ed.6C distinguished ment of the moral habits of the people/ which had has terminated most successfully. In.St.. 's S hides es OdT ^^ Statesman of whose presence the stated; Mr. Browne was an accomplished classical howeverj the plaintiff refused' d , and hd John ' in the taste for stimula- to b was alone nearly;350,000 seals are now in course *t ' ^, tO 29s ' house bad been so suddenly and lamentably de- led to a'happy diminution scholar and a very able speaker, As a popular committed. After- his liberation, and -in 'Au of being »?n^B&to ; 0d ; "&* < *« Englisfelili ed. . He referred ght honourable baronet pro- " gust manufactured, arid we think we" shall not exawA- :35s : 0d 6al« u er ton too Env to the late Sir Robert Peel's ting fluids. The ri orator he had few superiors, , although he spoke hist he appeared once more, at. nine o' a il -i£iAxm' .~4'tT? 5 P° P aving been stricken down bo ceeded to quote the evidence of patties largely ex- and clock t vato whence Bet down the arrivals into the diffe. shortly after the but seldom in the Houso of Commons, ld night, in front' of 'the ; 's house. He was ie 10s to uo., time when/in tbe full exercise and added many arguments to prove that ; he se om defendant rent outports at 150,000. In tho year 1840, 111 • ' rriri nn? i "2 ""?¦ —*• "• colouredarffi of his mental and perienced, failed to command attention and respect. Mr. again warned off , but refused to depart/ where- 630 000 °? L'°' ~ l J Cocoa Nut Per tou 3«. to 40! 44 bodily strength, he had been assisting the loss to the" revenue obcasiohed by abolishing first elected in- seals were taken .;; in 1843, 650,000, and in 1S44 Paim 3 . in the deli- Browne was 1836, vice the Right upon the defendant ordered his gardener, o 630,000. berations of thaf house. His lordship the tax would not be compensated by an increase Hon. Dominick Browne, created Lord Oranmore pre ' wh was . Yet the superior quality, of the seals of . ; described ' , sent/ either 'to'turri him out bf the grounds/ or this year, together with ' T . . COTTON. the intellectual power, the disinterested patriotism of consumption, or the general benefit of the con- and during the longperiod that he represented his to . send .for , a policeman for. the advanced price of oil and the invariable courtesy his apprehensibri. and of sealskins, bring up the value of- -as yCry and candour of the late sumers. . native county, his votes were given undeviatingly 'did not leave the grbunds, but ' this year's thSf SSa^» _sti«aa b , and 7passed an eulogium < , , when the house He went and produce to that of any previous year. Early aronet upon the reforms A- long discussion ensued in support of the principles of civil and reli slept ., that nig , in the barn adjoining the in re in commercial policy effected divided— " ¦ . " - ' For some time gious ht June we had much snow still remaining, and the ~ llas been fair business less by him. He then ¦ freedom. previous to his death' he house. Being found in the barn in tho morn- patches of land varn and nnitn ,,= «' i..^ a s expressed his willingness, if the family of Sir For the motion ...;..... ,.. 123 was busily engaged in asserting his: which were uncovered presented a "1UCh uBmand «» <*»fli within thin 11 Robert ' claims to iho ing, ho was apprehended and carried by a 'polioe. ffitek T :con •• Peel should sanction such a course, to move for a A|ainst it ;...... '..::. 247—124. . dormant Irish peerage of Roscommon. browned and;cheerless aspect. , -f , . mainta ned a«rt fc , »«lMnw :ii that prices are firmliran ' . Mr. Browne nian once 'more before tho magistrate. Ori that Post > e ina,'ket , as a h(!a public funeral. ' ' Tbe Railways Abandonment Bill, which h»s was in the thirty-ninth year of his age.. " ;Pjficb.—A .very remarkabie case of the in- meZrandh,h ' fly **!**. Th T'l , , jf was intimated to him that he might go ^S,lcr,.Counts of yarn are" iii gcoS demand Mr. Goxjlbuzs, on behalf of the famil already passed the Lords, was read a third time. General occasion convenience of , the new Post-office and lwfl^„ y of Sir MoNKi-ORnBH^— Post-Oppicb, , June. at liberty provided he found sureties arrangements '"q""7 not osIy in Rus«an; Greek Robert Peel/made a grateful but agit The house adjourned at half-past two o'clock. for his keeping occurred on Saturday last. A strong manS , and IndJlian accounts' Ge, GG ated reply, —Newton Butler, county Fermanagh, having.been the peace. This he - likewise refused representation , but for home manufacturers 'em acknowledging the universal sympathy which had constituted 'a post town, the ofiic ^ to do, and reached the Home-office of the serious illness e there will be again threatened tb repeat his annoyances when of a heen aunifested; -But, in reference to the public The Museum of the Louvre is becoming richer opened for the issue and payment man named Joseph Rooke, who was committP/1 tb l of money orders on once more at large. The magistrate, at a loss what of funera, a will of Sir Robert's, dated in 1844, every month. A little whileago it obtained _a large and after the 6th of July next, ^e magistrates that cit on ,P in ^^the IB^»S; h MaceleimeldWstrir which upon which date to- do with one( so incomgihie, determined to Wr^? y tbe parish «f St Anne, Westminster^ , at the a subsequent'expression of his sentiments had cbn- increase of Egyptian and Assyrian antiquities. It also 'the receiving office for letters 8th of May, under sentence oftwo months erane, 16, Printiffintit raed, induced the famil at Tottenham remand him to, 'the petty sessions. This was on 'imnrison- Great Wtadmill-street, Haymarket, in the cne 1 y to believe that they were has just received a considerable number of Mexican Cross will be opened for the issue ment. f here was not a moment to be lost in of Westminster, forthe Proprietor, i;and payment ¦ - ¦of¦ ¦ ¦ the Tuesday, and he was remanded till the Friday! order E3q. U.P., FEARGUS O'CONNONW Lut obeying-IbeHr' revered relative's wishes in de- and Peruvian antiquities. ' ; -....; ;-, ¦ •; miney orders. .- '• * > , toe wretched man il possible, from aad published by the said WU.UAM RlDEB In- the mean time he was confined ia a damp cell, to save Ovine in the Office, in the , DEIEI prison ; and , yet the necessary order could *am» street hd<1 narisli.—Siturdituni not be ; July 6th,. 185.1..;,, , i . - • .. ..• . . .. t , t t