- _,- r < • -r -t -i * ' -:, ¦ ¦ ¦ Z' tyZ X :;.:i . ;: ":* : ' i. -.i '-i ¦ ; WESaXS Qr-- DP OB^ THE. HAND COM .. i y^S^^ i ' ' THE "IRISHMAN " NEWSPAPEfl. ¦ "'" \ 7" . "<.£&NT. A public meeting was held on Monday evening, July 1st XO THS MUD MEMBERS IN PARTICUL/B, , at the Farringdon Hall, Farringdon-street - ASD TO THE" "WORKING CLASSES by the, friends of the " Irishman " newspaper, to GENERALLY. consider , the best means of re-establishing it on a permanent footing, and to give stability to its ¦ ¦ circulation. • Mt Fbiesds,— ... ! As much anxiety has be» JotaraBy- ielt The chair was taken at eight o'clock, by G. Juliak Habnbv, who expressed his satisfaction vrith respect to the winding up of the Land at seeing Englishmen and Irishmen going hand-in- Company, I beg to inform the members that r ; hand together for the most glorious of all causes— steps are now, being taken .to ¦ ihe requisite that of fraternal liberty, by the march of intellect , which I havethe greatest , affect that obiect m !^ MM l^ i^ iiS^ ^ i^fe whicb would ultimately break down every, barrier interest Perhaps : the people will nave ' In ' - that retarded human progress. The chairman con/ which ¦ already learned tbedifficulties i against ¦ ' ^ eluded by calling on the meeting to support tbeir M. DU P. 663; ¦ "-. ' hWO ¦ ¦ ¦ I - " " - ¦ ¦ f . ¦ fr iJi. l., i;. lM• , , ^tzZ^^iS¦ ^S^. , . ¦' .;¦ ¦ • I have had tb contend—not'legal difficultiesa ' —' ,, .,. , , - S^iLm.-. free and untrammeled journal , and not allow such a ¦ ' ' or Parliamentary difficulties only, but class be measured by state necessity and nationa ! the necessary arrangements had . been made • .. CHARTIST MEETING AT LIMBHpUSE. nd, with the aid of tracts, feffeet muoh" glorious organ of the people's rights to fall to the 1 1 ¦ go ¦ pd for the opposition, upon which those legal and .Par- the fact which will take place on Thurs- Democratic cause; (Loud 'cheers.)•";' ¦' ' Z: ground. The chairman called on Mr. Joyce, the requirement; and now.to prove , from for this affair, r ; liamentary difficulties are based ; because the John-street Instigation, '. A cvoT?defl meeting.was held in the large" hall of :Mr; Matthias also ably and briefly supported the secretary, to address the meeting. the one instance furnished by the. Chrbnicle^-if day, July 21th, at the tUei Phosnix.iTavern, . Ratcliffe whichf was then classes must' understand, that the Cross, bh Mbridtty resolution^ put;'and oarrled una- Mr. yce said, it was rather an unusual thing working Sir Robert Peel's father employed fifteen -~-The Weekly Meetings at John-street.—-It was evening lasti fiLri-BaooKBsv having 1 been called r to nimousl Jo ; y. .After the usual honours to the¦ chairman, to see a man of his humble station in life presenting term law is a merefarce as regardsitheir class, thousand hands; and made a profit of only. one resolved '.—" That the Institution be taken for the chair, entreated a hearing.fbr those who might the meeting separated: ft - .. .> -. :; ' -- • ¦ the House of Commons is a mere differ, himself before a public meeting, on a platform, but I and that shilling a week,up on the labour of eachi that six weeks, commencing Tuesday eveningV.July in Opinion with them, and introduced Mr.¦ 'John¦ , Shiiw,, latel i ¦ • • '• / ¦ r in the absence of a worth friend to liberty—namely, ** Show Box" where tricksters perform to would amount .to seven hundred arid fift y I6th; and'that no meeting be held on'Tuesday y/liberated from Newgate: ' ; - ; y : • tMr. John jHAw—who was;hailed with a • tri Mr. Clancey,. the responsibility fell on him, but their own advantage, and not to the advantage pounds a week, or thirty-ninethousand pounds evening next,- in consequence of the 'Ernest ple LITERAltY AND SCIENTIFIC ilfsTITtrTION, round ofr applause-r-moved the followingresolufion": JOHlf-STEEET, T0TTMHAM-Cp.CR^ROAD. the day had arrived when a man should not shrink of those whose interests they profess to serve. a year, and I put the profit down at less than Jones': festival,f'on the succeeding Thursday ' "T hat tbis meeting is of opinion that the happiness from any responsibility that the cause of liberty , or 1: . Let me give you the clearest definition one third the real amount. Well, then, had evening, Delegate Council.-— and; prosperity, —Metropolitan of nations depend coiofl^npon 'tbe On Tuesday evening a^crdwded meeting was held his country, called on him to fulfil. He concluded between the position of one who devotes his it not been for this advantage Sir Robert Mr.; AntiH to ascertain . it his perfection of their social as well as their ' political in the above ^ . ,. attended / institution/ convened by the vExecutivo by reading a letter of excuse from Mr. Or. W. M. time to tiieservice of thepoor, and of him who Peel havebeen still living, and working fistj,''compromising[ members,1 would be institutions ;;it desires, therefore, deliberately 'and Committee, of the National Charter Association.1 ' may 1 thirty Reynolds, for not being able to attend, and another devotes his time to his own services. I have at his loom or on the land; and what this solemnly/to express its conviction of the nselessiiess Mn T.; Brown .wa8.ca|Iedit64hevobairi[and said , 'does permitted to return a member to the.Metropo- ; from Mr. Fulham , the proprietor the Irishman'? power to get a of merely:nolitical chanees or reforms 'Zexeetit in the business of the evening would be to discuss the of " fried every legal means in my prove? Why, that there are thousands—nay, litan Delegare. 'Council, -which will hold its first so . far as these tend to sustain thb law of progress? following newspaper, intimating to them successfully resolution, which he had no doubt would that tbe paper plan legalised that would have hundreds of thousands*—now in the same con- sitting at the City Chartist Hall, Golden-lane^ aiid to ameliorate and exalt the social condition of ' would appear early in Jul X ' meet with their entire approbation , y, which was enthusias- country, . :— ''• That - look- developed the resources of the and dition that he was when a child, and who, if on Sunday, afternoon 'nj^^j iXilhripoo'oiock.— the people!" -He said he rejoiced to' see' such hYg;to the recent debate'- ani'dmaion on the ques- tically received. wonld have successfully destroyed pauperism, their parents had the power of educating them He was ,answered iuftbe^affiifmative. The large and enthusiastic Chartist meetings, as they tion of the foreign policy of ministers, this meeting Mr. Broom moved tbe. first resolution as foi : e the lie to their insi ' iwvertv.anta gonism, and crime. In the lan- as Sir Robert's father had, would be as well Committee-adjourned until: even- fav. dious foeB. ' (Loud Cheers.) is of opinion that ; a" change must speedily take lows :— " That Mr. B, Fulham,. the proprietor of We: dhesd^y; 'he chaplain magistrates, and others had united in place, and that it rests: with the f of the Chaplain of the House ot Com- qualified to fiU the omce of Statesmanor Prime ing, July loth. , f . [ ': [ "Z [Z.[ > r, \ '. ' * mass of the people ithe "Irishman " : newspaper, is entitled to the guage , . telling him, during ' his imprisonment, that Guar- whetherj.t shall be one of progress or.reaotion—this would have united and knitted RL00M6BTJEV.—A meeting ' isympathy of the Irish people, and of. every true mons—"It Minister. v . .; of . the'frien ds tiara iW.a8 _dead--(laugriter)--andstrenuouslyad vised meetihg.pherefdre calls , on >tbe . people of . .these togetherthe hearts of all within these realms."- The reader must on no account imagine and supporters of the People's Charter con- nijnio, stiok.to Jua business, and makenoattempt to realms fo'bo up and stirrin'irin the work of jlovet of liberty, and that the friends of democracy: ^ area? (are Bat the House does not follow that maxim. that theso comments are intended to cast any vened by Mr. Cottle, was held "at-'the Glpba resuscitate it ; then guess his surprise at finding nisationj with a view to thefurtherance of political , in duty bound, to do everything within their) .1 such-large and highly respectable meetings1 ' Spower to re-establish that powerful organ of: Well, I have done my utmost to secure legal reflection .except tbat of greatness upon father Coffee-house, Red Lion-street, Holborn, on as'that and Bocial rights; as .put ^drwara by. the National he vjitne8sed at John-street, and the one now before Charter Association. 'To give success to liberty. _ Mr. Broom said, as an Englishman, he; protectionfer your funds, while eveigr opposi- , as I have, much greater- respect for Monday evening, July 1st. Mr -7EIliot was F " that re> '' or son . ¦him. , It gave him-, the utmost pride and pleasure solution, tbey.must attend . to the instructions it ;never would shrink from vindicating ri ht against Tarliamentary, and party—has elevates himself industry cailetLto the chair and briefl ' g tion—legal; the man who by aud , y opeheid the.pro^ tpfrenew.nis feallyito the oause, and move that re-' contained, and organise; and supply the Executive, 'wrong, and that the people were d,, And now to prove ¦ -^-Z !t :: , in duty boun been thrown in my way. talent, than I have for the tinselled, brainless ceedings, by pointing to the gr^at extent of solution. o fLoudfjieers.). : f <:; Z V •' Z' - with fundsjjin order that. they ' might inundate the tb support the liberty of the press. He dwelt at; tiie maxim that '« One man may steal a horse niacompoop, who is; born an hereditary legis- the Bloomsbury district;, the quantitiest of k( Mr> ^Uii^H^B^ioN', a lieensed victuallerthe , baihe country, with tracts.^ Let theyfpeoplo, but do -their length on,the on * v^' foheers) to-second i.
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