22470 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 156, Pt. 15 December 16, 2010 programs that promote prevention and man- the admirable professional legacy he has built A SALUTE TO WOMEN IN DEFENSE age chronic conditions. These programs, now in the Commonwealth of . required of ERRP participants, mitigate the on-going fiscal impact of caring for an older ‘‘If it’s true that reporters write the first draft HON. MARK S. CRITZ population. It’s encouraging that these pro- of history, then Tyler has written a lot of his- OF grams can reduce costs. tory,’’ former Baliles told the Wash- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Notwithstanding this success, approxi- ington Post. mately 24 percent of our non-Medicare med- Thursday, December 16, 2010 Madam Speaker, it is my pleasure to honor ical and pharmaceutical costs are associated Mr. CRITZ. Madam Speaker, I rise to recog- Tyler Whitley for 50 years of exceptional jour- with early retiree health liability. Recog- nize Women In Defense, A National Security nalism. nizing this, the included Organization that will celebrate its twenty-fifth much needed provisions for relief from these anniversary this Sunday, December 19, 2010. costs. CalPERS 2010 health premium rates f reflected the lowest increase in 14 years. Women In Defense began in the fall of 1979 In anticipation of the Department of HONORING MARY WILLIAMS as the brainchild of seven dynamic women, Health and Human Services certifying our Margo Giordano Anderson, Karen Hopkins, ERRP application, CalPERS proactively ne- Betty Kimmel, JoHanna Kinley, Diane gotiated 2011 health plan contracts that re- HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH Lafferman, Lillian Morris, and Rebekah Not- duced premium increases by more than 3 per- tingham. They met and discussed the idea of cent for our non-Medicare plans. We esti- OF CALIFORNIA starting an informal network to assist partici- mate ERRP will provide premium savings of approximately $200 million based on reim- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pants, especially women, in expanding their knowledge of national security issues and of bursement related to more than 115,000 early Thursday, December 16, 2010 retirees and their spouses, surviving spouses, the national defense community in which they and dependents. Mr. RADANOVICH. Madam Speaker, I rise participated. The association was incorporated We thank you for expeditiously imple- today to commend and congratulate Mary Wil- as a nonprofit 501(c)(6) on December 19, menting important health care reform provi- 1985. sions and we are committed to being a col- liams upon her retirement as the Mariposa County Community Services Director. For 25 years, Women In Defense has pro- laborative partner in ensuring the smooth vided women a formal environment for profes- and successful implementation in the Mrs. Williams began her career with months and years ahead. sional growth through networking, education, Mariposa County on September 1, 1988 as and career development. Its 3,000 members, If you have any questions regarding our Extra-Help Senior Services Information and program, please contact me. and 16 chapters throughout the , Sincerely, Referral Specialist. She was hired full-time on cultivates and supports the advancement and ANNE STAUSBOLL, September 1, 1989, as Assistant Veterans’ recognition of women in all aspects of national Chief Executive Officer. Services Officer. Over the years, Mrs. Williams security. Women In Defense also offers the f was reclassified a number of times, first as a HORIZONS Scholarship, which was estab- Veteran/Senior Services Assistant in 1990, lished in 1988 to encourage women to pursue HONORING VETERAN NEWSPAPER then as Community Services Deputy Director careers related to the national security and de- JOURNALIST TYLER WHITLEY on October 1, 1993. On August 3, 1998, Mrs. fense interests, and to provide development FOR 50 YEARS OF EXCEPTIONAL Williams was appointed Community Services opportunities to women already working in WORK AT RICHMOND, VIRGINIA- Director. these fields. AREA NEWSPAPERS Mrs. Williams worked tirelessly for the citi- Madam Speaker, I congratulate Women In zens of Mariposa County. Among the many Defense for the dramatic impact it has had on HON. ROBERT C. ‘‘BOBBY’’ SCOTT projects she was involved in, Mrs. Williams professionals who serve the national defense OF VIRGINIA provided senior services, senior nutrition, tran- and national security of our nation. Its numer- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sit, outreach and support for seniors, edu- ous successes have elevated the presence Thursday, December 16, 2010 cation seminars and special events of help and stature of women in industry and military and interest to seniors; arranged for the first leadership. Because of their efforts, the United Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Madam Speaker, I restaurant meal program for seniors; was re- States benefits from a workforce that is better rise today to honor veteran Richmond Times- sponsible for overseeing the scheduling and equipped to serve our great nation. Dispatch journalist Tyler Whitley. Mr. Whitley implementing of activities and programs for f has been a newspaper reporter in Richmond, seniors such as the annual Senior Exposition, Virginia, for the last 50 years. He has spent 40 the Senior Prom and Thanksgiving dinner; or- PERSONAL EXPLANATION of those years covering the Virginia General ganized a wide variety of fundraisers; and Assembly, including the 15 years that I served overseeing the Veterans’ Services which pro- HON. MIKE PENCE there. vides assistance to Veterans, their depend- OF Mr. Whitley, a Virginia native, is a graduate ents, survivors and the general public in ob- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Hampden- College in Hampden- taining benefits from Federal, State, and local Thursday, December 16, 2010 Sydney, Virginia. He started his career in 1960 agencies administering programs for Veterans, as an obituary writer at the Richmond News to name only a few. Mr. PENCE. Madam Speaker, I was absent Leader. He later became business editor at from the House floor on the legislative day of Besides her commitments to Mariposa the News Leader. In 1992, he joined the December 14, 2010. Had I been present, I County Community Services, Mrs. Williams Times-Dispatch when the News Leader and would have voted ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall votes 628 also served as a member of a number of the Times-Dispatch merged into a single and 630, and ‘‘no’’ on rollcall vote 629. groups, including the Future Farmers of Amer- morning newspaper. He has covered nine f , fourteen national political conven- ica/Western Days and the Farm Bureau, was tions, and four redistrictings. He has also trav- appointed a member of the Fair Board by the THE HALL OF FAME IN HONOR OF eled to ten countries on assignment. Governor and has worked actively with the AN AMERICAN HERO SPC TIM Mr. Whitley is well-respected by journalists Junior Livestock Auction Committee since its HALL 173 AIRBORNE BRIGADE, and politicians in Virginia. He is affectionately formation. Mrs. Williams recently celebrated THE referred to as the dean of the Virginia capitol 50 years of marriage to her husband Kenny press corps. Last week, several journalists and they both look forward to spending more HON. DEAN HELLER time with their family upon her retirement. and editors, Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell, OF NEVADA and former Virginia Governors James Gilmore, Madam Speaker, I rise today to honor Mary IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES L. , and Linwood Williams for her dedicated service to the peo- Hilton gathered to honor Mr. Whitley. The ple of Mariposa County. I invite my colleagues Thursday, December 16, 2010 presence of these Governors at Mr. Whitley’s to join me in wishing Mrs. Williams many Mr. HELLER. Madam Speaker, I rise today 50th anniversary celebration is a testament to years of continued success. to honor the heroic sacrifice and service of

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