Zhc Palestine •<5a3 •publisbeb b\> Hutborit\>

No. 1237 THURSDAY, 10TH DECEMBER, 1942 1349

CONTENTS Page ORDINANCE CONFIRMED ־ ־ ־ ־ Confirmation of Ordinance No. 26 of 1941 1351

GOVERNMENT NOTICES. ־ ־ ־־ ־ - ־•Honours and Awards 351 ־־ - - ' ־ Appointments, etc. - 1351 Person inscribed on the Roll of Advocates - ' - - * 1352 Law Examination for Administrative Officers - - - 1352 ־ - - Medical Licences granted 1352 Dentist's Licence granted - - - - - 1352 ־ Midwife's Licence granted - - ... 1352 ־ ־ - ־ Veterinary Surgeon's Licence granted 1353 1353־ ־ ־ Telegraph Traffic during the Christmas and New Year Season Restrictions of Weight of Letters, etc. - - • - 1353 ־ - - Palestine Post Office Savings Bank Deposit Book lost • 1353 ־ Vacancy of Post of Lecturer in the Kadoorie Agricultural School, Tul Karm 1353 Extension of Notice of Sale of State Domains - - - - 1353 ־ - ־ Sale of State Domains - - - 1354 State Domains to be let by Auction - - - - 1354 ־ ־ List of Nurses graduated - - - 1356 Claims for Mutilated Currency Notes - - - - 1356 ׳ - - Tenders and Adjudication of Contracts 1356 ־ - ־ - - - ־ Citation Orders 1357 ־ - - ־ Notices of the Execution Office, Jaffa 1360

׳ RETURNS ־ Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary - - - - 1361 ־ - - ־ Financial Statement as at 31st March, 1942 1362 Statement of Assets and Liabilities at 31st March, 1942 - - 1364 ־ Statement of Coins and Notes in Circulation at the 30th November, 1942 - 1366 Sale of Unclaimed Goods ----- 1367


׳ - • ־ - CORRIGENDUM - - 1378


PRICE : 50 MILS. CONTENTS Page, (Continued) SUPPLEMENT No. 2. The following subsidiary legislation is published in Supplement No. 2 which forms part of this Gazette:— Order No. 95 of 1942, under the Palestine Orders in Council, 1922-1939, converting certain Land from the Category termed "Miri" into the Category termed "Mulk" 1835 Defence (Amendment) Regulations (No. 27), 1942, under the Emergency Powers (Colonial Defence) Order in Council, 1939, and the Emergency Powers (Defence) ־ ־ ־ Act, 1939 - 1835 Food Control (Registration of Importers and Manufacturers) Notice (No. 2), 1942, ־ - . - _ - under the *Food Control Ordinance, 1942 1836 Benzine Rationing (Amendment) Rules, 1942, under the Food and Essential Commodities ־..־.־ ־ ' Control) Ordinance, 1939 1837) Notice under the Immigration Ordinance, 1941, appointing an Immigration Officer for ״•* ־"." the Purpose of the Ordinance - 1838 Order No. 96 of 1942, under the Immigration Ordinance, 1941, exempting a certain Class ־ ־ - of Persons from the Provisions of the Ordinance 1838 Order under the Immigration Ordinance, 1941, regarding the Working Days and Hours of the Department of Immigration - - - - 1838 Vesting Order No. 73, under the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, vesting ־ ־ ־ certain Properties in the Custodian of Enemy Property 1839 Natanya (Price Control of Foodstuffs) By-laws, 1942, under the Local Councils Ordin­ ־ • . - ance, 1941 - - 1840 Natanya (Slaughter House Fees) By-laws, 1942, under the Local Councils Ordinance, 1842 ־ * - • ־ 1941 Notice under the Palestine Volunteer Force Ordinance, 1941, appointing an Officer of ־ ־ - - - - the Force 1843 Notices under the Import, Export and Customs Powers (Defence) Ordinance, 1939, regarding the Seizure of Goods when an Attempt was made to smuggle them to Tans-Jordan, and their Forfeiture to the Government of Palestine - 1844 Notice of Posting of Valuation Lists in the Urban Area of Bat Yam, under the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, 1940 - - - • 1845 Defence (Control of Containers) (Specified Material) Notice, 1942, under the Defence (Control of Containers) Order, 1942 - - - 1845 Defence (Control of Containers) (Plastic Material) Direction, 1942, under the Defence (Control of Containers) Order, 1942 - - - - 1846 Defence (Utility Goods) (List of Scheduled Goods) Notice, ]942, under the Defence ־ - . . !Utility Goods) Order, 1942 846) Defence (War Service Occupations) Notice (No. 5), 19-42, under the Defence (War Service Occupations) Regulations, 1942 - - - . !847 Notification of Commencement of Settlement in respect of certain Lands in Jaffa and Sub-Districts, under the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance - 1847 Notice of Posting of Schedules of Claims to Land in Hadatha Village, under the Land ־ - - . !Settlement of Title) Ordinance 848) Notice of Posting of Schedules of Rights to Land in certain Villages, under the Land ־ - Settlement of Title) Ordinance - - 1849) Ramie (Variation of Urban Area) Order, 1942, under the Urban Property Tax Ordin­ ־•••-. ־. . •. . ' !ance, 1940 - 850 Ramie (Variation of Municipal Area) Order, 1942, under the Municipal Corporations ־ ־ ־ - - - Ordinance, 1934 1851 Defence (Use of Sugar) (Restriction) (Revocation) Order, 1942, under the Defence Regu­ ־ - - . - - lations, 1939 1852 Food Control (Restriction of Manufacture of Cakes) Order, 1942, under the Food Con­ trol Ordinance, 1942 - - - - . 1852 10th December. 1942 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1237, 1351


The Secretary of State for the Colonies has notified the High Commissioner that His Majesty will not be advised to exercise his power of disallowance in respect of Ordinance No. 26 of 1941, entitled "Banking Ordinance, 1941".

J. S. MACPHERSON 8th December, 1942. Chief Secretary. (SF/116/37)


The following announcements in Admiralty Fleet Orders are re-printed for general information:— ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDERS dated 18.12.41. No. 5490—Honours and Awards— "London Gazette" Supplement of 2nd December, 1941.

Mentioned'in Despatches.

Temporary Sub Lieutenant FREDERICK HUGH COLENUTT, E.N.V.E., H.M.S. 'Glengyle'. ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDERS dated 9.7.42. No. 3195—Honours and Awards— "London Gazette" Supplement of 30th June, 1942.

Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. To be Additional Member of the Military Division of the Said Most Ex­ cellent Order. Temporary Sub Lieutenant FREDERICK HUGH COLENUTT, K.N.V.K. For courage and resource in fighting fires, saving life and removing vessels; from the.neighbourhood of a burning merchantman.

The KING has been graciously pleased to approve of the award of the British Empire Medal (Military Division) to :—

Temporary Chief Petty Officer FREDERICK CHARLES EDMUND SLEAP, E.N.V.E. For courage and resource in fighting fire and saving life in a burning merchantman. J. S. MACPHERSON 9th December, 1942. Chief Secretary. ^ : —— ׳—־7 ׳ ־ — : ׳

APPOINTMENTS, ETC. grammes, with effect from. the. 1st June, 1942. APPOINTMENTS. MRS R. BELKINE, Senior Programme Assistant, The High Commissioner has appointed: — Palestine Broadcasting Service, to be Assistant Controller of English-Hebrew MR. A. L. GARDINER to be Relieving President, Programmes, with effect from the 1st June District Court, Grade E, Judicial Depart­ 1942. ment;, with effect from the 1st April, 1942. (Seconded to Trans-Jordan Government as MR. C. C. ROSS to be Chief Magisträte, Grade Judicial Adviser). F, Judicial Department, with effect from MR. P. LIVINGSTONE to be Assistant Director the 12th October, 1942. of Customs and Excise, Grade F, with ef­ MR. S. ARAZI, Draughtsman, Grade M, De• fect from the 1st April, 1942. (Seconded partment of Public Works, to be Assistant to Trans-Jordan Government as Director Quantity Surveyor, with effect from the 1st ; of Customs). December, 1942. MR. G. F. WALPOLE to be Settlement Officer, Grade F, Department of Land Settlement, MR. A. SHOSHAN, Assistant Veterinary Officer, with effect from the-1st April, 1942. (Sec­ Grade N, Department of Agriculture and onded to Trans-Jordan Government as Di­ Fisheries, to be Veterinary Officer, Grade rector of Lands). K, with effect from the 1st April, 1942. MR. G. T. FARLEY, Assistant Secretary, Sec­ retariat, to be Clerk to the Executive and ACTING APPOINTMENTS. Advisory Councils, in addition to his sub­ stantive duties, with effect from the 5th The High Commissioner has appointed: — December, 1942, THE HONOURABLE E. H. SAMUEL, Censor, Pales• MR. K. SALOMON, Assistant Controller, Grade tine Censorship, to act as Chief Censor, K, Palestine Broadcasting Service, to be with effect from the 19th November, 1942, Deputy Controller of English-Hebrew Pro­ until further order. 1352 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1237. 10th December,. 1942

MR. E. E. CASSELL, Chief Telephone Superin• NOTICE. tendent, Department of Posts and Tele• graphs, to act as Deputy Controller of j Notice is hereby given that the name of MOUSA Posts, with effect from the 1st December, i EFF. ALAMI was inscribed on the Roll of Ad- 1942, until further order. I vocates on the 1st December, 1942, under sec- ! tion 5(2) of the Advocates Ordinance, 1938. MR. S. S. FARRUGYA, Telephone Superinten• dent, Department of Posts and Telegraphs, I M. COTRAN to act as Chief Telephone Superintendent, Officer in Charge of the with effect from the 1st December, 1942, un• I Roll of Advocates. til further order. I , Chief Clerk of the Supreme j Court, MR. N. MEHOUDAR, Assistant Postmaster, De• j 4th December 1942. partment of Posts and Telegraphs, to act ! (Gaz/5/10) as Telephone Superintendent, with effect . from the 1st December, 1942, until further order. ! LAW EXAMINATION FOR ADMINISTRA• TIVE OFFICERS. MR. M. J. MCCONNELL, Acting Deputy Inspec• The following officers have completed the re• tor General, Police and Prisons, to act as quirements of the Law Examination for Admi• Inspector General of Police, with effect nistrative Officers which was held in November, from the 7th December, 1942, until further 1942: — order. MR. G. T. FARLEY ! MR. B. C. GIBBS MR. A. F. GILES, Assistant Inspector General, MR. C. M. PIRIE GORDON. Police and Prisons, to act as Deputy In• W. J. FITZGERALD spector General of Police, with effect from i Attorney General. the 7th December, 1942, until further order. 9th December, 1942. (U/86/40) MR. H. M. FOOT, O.B.E., Assistant British Re• sident, Trans-Jordan, to act as British Re• sident, with effect from the 3rd December, j NOTICE. 1942, until further order. ! 1• AHMAD EFF. HAMDI SABEK, Assistant Veterinary j MEDICAL LICENCES. Officer, Department of Agriculture and T Fisheries, to act as Veterinary Officer, with | Licences to practise medicine granted during effect from the 1st December, 1942, until ; the month of November, 1942, by the Director further order. j of Medical Services under section 4(2) of the j Medical Practitioners Ordinance. Licence No. Name Address

TERMINATION OF ACTING APPOINTMENT. DR.3233 ZOLTAN FORSCHNER Haifa DR.3234 MORITZ LANDAU Haifa. The acting appointment of MR. N. MEHOU• DAR, Assistant Postmaster, Department of Posts and Telegraphs, published in Palestine Gazette II. No. 1198 of the 4th June, 1942, ceased with ef• DENTIST'S LICENCE. fect from the 1st December, 1942. Licence to practise dentistry granted during the month of November, 1942, by the Director of Medical Services under section 5 of the Den• tists Ordinance. TERMINATION OF APPOINTMENTS. Licence The appointment of MR. J. GUTCH, Assistant No. Name Address Secretary, Secretariat, as Clerk to the Execu• tive and Advisory Councils, published in Pal• D.947 RIWKA MUNDLAK SZAFAR Jerusalem. estine Gazette No. 1233 of the 12th November, 1942, ceased with effect from the 5th December, 1942. | MIDWIFE'S LICENCE. The appointment of the late RIGHT REVEREND j Licence to practise midwifery granted during G. F. GRAHAM BROWN, O.B.E., D.D., as Hon• j the month of November, 1942, by the Director orary Chaplain to British Police, ceased with ! of Medical Services under section 5 of the Mid- effect from the 24th November, 1942. ' wives Ordinance. Licence No. Name Address

RETIREMENT. M.716 VICTORIA ISHAK HAMARNEH Nablus. MR. HANNA BULOS, M.B.E., District Officer, J. H. POTTING ER Grade K, District Administration, Galilee Dis• for Director, trict, retired from the public service, with ef• Medical Services. fect from the 13th November, 1942. 2nd December, 1942. (Ga«/23/40) 10th December, 1942 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1237. 1353

PROFESSIONAL LICENCE. 6. Any postal articles which have been posted in Palestine but not yet despatched will be The undermentioned has been granted a diverted to the air route to South Africa thence licence to practise veterinary surgery and by sea. medicine: — 1st December, 1942. (Gaz/4/40) No, of Licence Name Address

106 ARTHUR RATH Haifa.

G. B. SIMMINS NOTICE. Chief Veterinary Officer. DEPARTMENT OF POSTS AND TELEGRAPHS. 2nd December, 1942. (Gaz/7/40) Palestine Post Office Savings Bank Deposit Books.

The following deposit book is reported to have been lost:— NOTICE. DEPARTMENT OP POSTS AND TELEGRAPHS. Deposit Booh Name of Office No. Depositor Remarks Telegraph Traffic during the Christmas and New Year Season. J erusalem 900 JOHN CRANSTON "Lost In order to keep as clear as possible all tele• OSBORNE graph communication channels by land line, cable and wireless between 15th December and As the book is valueless to any person other 5th January it is requested that civilian mem• than its owner, the finder is hereby requested bers of the public will be kind enough to re• to return it to the Postmaster-General (Sav• frain from sending telegrams of a non-essential ings Bank), General Post Office, Jerusalem. character between those dates. (Gaz/4/40) 2. The reason for the request is to free the communication channels for telegrams con• nected with the war effort and telegrams to and from members of the Fighting Services. NOTICE.

3. The XLT service for Christmas greetings DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES. telegrams will NOT be available this year. 1st December, 1942. The post of lecturer in certain agricultural (Gaz/4/40) and other related subjects is now vacant at the Kadoorie Agricultural School, Tulkarm. Salary £P.300.— per annum, consolidated plus free single accommodation when available. NOTICE. Candidates must be Arabs, holding a high DEPARTMENT OF POSTS AND TELEGRAPHS. University degree in agriculture, capable of managing certain section of the farm. Air Mails to United States of America. Applications with full particulars of educa• Restriction of Weight of Letters, etc. tion, training and experience, age and know• ledge of the official languages should reach the It has been notified by the Postal Administra• Director of Agriculture and Fisheries, P. O. tion of the United States of America that the Box 667, Jerusalem, not later than 12 noon on transmission of postal articles by U.S.A. air Monday, the 14th December, 1942. services to Hawaii, the United Kingdom and other European countries to which an air mail (Gaz/7/40) service is in operation will in future be re• stricted to "letters in their usual and ordinary form" weighing NO more than 55 grammes. 2. Printed papers, rolls, packets, etc., for the NOTICE. countries referred to above cannot be accepted no matter what their weight. EXTENSION OF NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE DOMAINS BY AUCTION, GAZA SUB-DISTRICT. 3. The above affects the Palestine to United Kingdom mail service by air throughout. It is hereby notified that the Notice of Sale of State Domains by auction, published in Pal• 4. The restriction became operative in the estine Gazette No. 1228 dated 15th October, 1942, United States immediately the instruction was is extended for a further period of two months issued early in September. It is possible that as from the 15th of November, 1942. items contravening the new regulation which arrived in the United States after that date have been forwarded by surface mails. M. C. BENNETT Director of Land Settlement. 5. The new regulation applies to registered 3rd December, 1942. letters as well as to ordinary letters. Regis• (Gaz/1/40) ' tered letters can only be accepted provided their weight is not in excess of 55 grammes. 1354 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1237. 10th December, 1942


The Government property described hereunder is hereby offered for sale by auction.

Govern• State Deed Block Parcel Area Village Locality ment Description. Domain No. No. No. No. Dns. MS Share

GP/3/l(126) Khan Yunis Abu Humar esh 508/37 65 22 In whole 10.302 Sand dunes Shamali

The outbidding list will be open at the District Offices, Gaza, for a period of one month from 9 a.m. on Tuesday, the 8th December, 1942, until 12 noon on Thursday, the 7th January, 1943, unless extended by notice. All registration and stamp fees shall be paid by the purchaser.

The bid is made subject to the conditions of sale, the terms of which the bidder is deemed to accept.

Other particulars may be obtained from the District Officer, Gaza, and the Director of Land Settlement, Jerusalem.

M. C. BENNETT 2nd December, 1942. Director of Land Settlement, (Gaz/1/40)



Notice is hereby given that the following State properties in Beisan Sub-District will be let by public auction : —

Govern• Term No. of Description Block Parcel Area Location ment Property of Property No. No. Ds. Mi Share From To

GP/10/13(13) Al Ha jar Al Tawil, Waste land In whole 8 5 833.795 1.1.43 30.11.43 Jabbul Village GP/10/13(23) Al Maibara, Jabbul Waste land In whole 16 8 1301.596 1.1.43 30.11.43 Village GP/10/16(18) Kafr Misr Cultivable In whole C. 9 4 103.884 1.1.43 30.11.43 land GP/10/28(5) Umm Ajra Plain land In whole 3 5 116.754 1.1.43 30.11.43 GP/10/28(6) Umm Ajra Plain land In whole 3 6 93.233 1.1.43 30.11.43 GP/10/28(7) Umm Ajra Plain land In whole 3 7 28.331 1.1.43 30.11.43 GP/10/28(8) Umm Ajra Plain land In whole 3 8 62.300 1.1.43 30.11.43 GP/10/28O) Umm Ajra Plain land In whole 3 4 161.802 1.1.43 30.11.43 GP/10/28(10) Umm Ajra Plain land In whole 4 5 41.391 1.1.43 30.11.43 GP/10/28(11) Umm Ajra Plain land In whole 4 6 195.873 1.1.43 30.11.43 GP/10/28(12) Umm Ajra Plain land In whole 4 9 64.565 1.1.43 30.11.43 GP/10/28(13) Umm Ajra Plain land In whole 4 10 57.917 1.1.43 30.11.43 GP/10/28(14) Umm Ajra Plain land In whole 4 11 56.998 1.1.43 30.11.43 GP/10/28(15) Umm Ajra Plain land In whole 4 12 66.191 1.1.43 30.11.43 GP/10/28(16) Umm Ajra Plain land In whole 4 14 137.899 1.1.43 30.11.43

The outbidding list will be open at the District Offices, Beisan, from 9 a.m. on Thurs• day, the 3rd December, 1942, to 12 noon on Thursday, the 31st December, 1942, unless extended.

Particulars of the conditions of the tenancy can be obtained, on application, from the District Offices, Beisan Sub-District.

M. O. BENNETT 30th November, 1942• Director of Land Settlement. (Gaz/1/40) 10th December, 1942 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1237. 1355

NOTICE. STATE DOMAINS TO BE LET BY AUCTION. Notice is hereby given that the following State properties in Nazareth Sub-District will be let by public auction : —

Govern• Term Description Block Parcel Area No. of Location ment Property of Property No. No. Ds. MS Share From To

GP/14/23(3) Khallet el Burqina Waste land In whole 17088 1 280.466 1.1.43 31.11.43 GP/14/23(4) Khallet el Burqina Waste land In whole 17088 2 365.004 1.1.43 31.11.43

The outbidding list will be open at the District Offices, Nazareth, from 9 a.m. on Thursday, the 3rd December, 1942, to 12 noon on Thursday, the 31st December, 1942, unless extended. Particulars of the conditions of the tenancy can be obtained, on application, from the District Offices, Nazareth Sub-District. M. C. BENNETT 1st December, 1942. Director of Land Settlement. (Gaz/1/40)

NOTICE. STATE DOMAIN TO BE LET BY AUCTION. Notice is hereby given that the following State property in Tulkarm Sub-District will be let by public auction :

Govern• Term Description Block Parcel Area No. of Location ment Property of Property No. No. Ds. MS Share From To

D/Tul/26 Ard el Mayal Plain land In whole — — 45.965 10.1.43 9.11.43

The outbidding list will be open at the District Offices, Tulkarm, from 9 a.m. on Thurs• day, the 10th December, 1942, to 12 noon on Friday, the 8th January, 1943, unless extended. Particulars of the conditions of the tenancy can be obtained, on application, from the District Offices, Tulkarm Sub-District. M. C. BENNETT 3rd December, 1942. Director of Land Settlement. (Gaz/1/40) l"

NOTICE. MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF JAFFA. MUNICIPAL PROPERTIES TO BE LET BY AUCTION FOR THE HEGRA YEAR 1362 (1943/44). Notice is hereby given that the following municipal properties will be let by public auction: — No. Description Parcel Block By Whom Occupied Now.

1. Dwelling 163 7017 Subhi Sami 2. Restaurant 163 7017 Hassan Nabulsi & Yacob Freij 3. Shop 163 7017 Shaker Abdul Jawad 4. Shop 163 7017 Adib El Sidawi 5. Shop 163 7017 Haj Fattalla Bayari 6. Shop 163 7017 Subhi Khanis Ombarji 7. Office 151 7019 Ali Sharif & Mohamed Ja'ahari 8. Shop 54 7017 Haj Abdul Kudir Matori 9. Shop 54 7017 Haj Khanis el Karzoun 10. Café Premises 104 7037 Said Hallack 11. 1st Storey Premises 104 7037 Khalil El Bast 12. 2nd Storey Premises 104 7037 Sheikh Sami Abou Ghazaleh 13. Shop 72 7017 Abdullah Almas 14. Shop 121 7024 Khalil Dies & Ibrahim Khalaf The conditions and particulars of tenancy can be obtained, on application, from the Muni• cipal Offices. The outbidding list will be open at the Municipal Offices, Jaffa, from 8.00—14.00 hours on Thursday, the 24th December, 1942. ALI MUSTAKIM Acting Chairman, 2nd December, 1942. Municipal Commission 1356 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1237. 10th December, 1942

NOTICE. The undermentioned nurses have completed a three years' course of training and successfully passed the final examination in nursing prescribed by Government Regulations, and their names have been entered in the Government Register of Graduate Nurses on the dates shown against their names, in virtue whereof they are entitled to all the rights and privileges of graduate nurses in Palestine.

Registration Name of Nurse Name of Training Centre Number Date

MIRIAM KOPMAN Government Hospital, Haifa 752 28.11.42 RÜTH HAUSER Government Hospital, Haifa 753 28.11.42 ROSE SZKULLER English Mission Hospital, Jerusalem 754 28.11.42 STELLA BARDAJIAN Church Missionary Society's Hospital, Es Salt 755 28.11.42 NABIEH ABU DAYA Government Hospital, Safad 756 28.11.42.

. H. POTTINGER 1st December, 1942. for Director, (Gaz/23/40) Medical Services.

PALESTINE CURRENCY NOTES. 5. Tenders will not be accepted after 10 a.m. Payment of the value of the following mutil• on the 14th of December, 1942. ated currency notes has been claimed by the W. J. HOWARD-BEARD persons named. Any other person wishing to 3rd December, 1942. for Inspector-General. submit a claim in respect of any of these (Gaz/42/40) notes should communicate at once with the Currency Officer, Jerusalem. II. Number Value Name of Claimant NOTICE TO STATIONERY MANUFACTURERS. of Note Tenders are invited for the supply to Gov• ernment, Public Bodies, Schools and Licensed G.659689 LP.l Mr. Hussein Irfai, c/o Post Stationers of the following articles: — Office, Tel Aviv L.094419 LP.l Mr. Shmuel Eivlin, Beth 1. School exercise books. Israel, Jerusalem 2. Writing pads. C.472075/ 500 Mils Bank Atid, 42, Lilienblum 3. Packets of writing paper. D.489209 Street, Tel Aviv 4. Packets of manifold copy paper. D.283174/ 500 Mils Officer i/c Accounts, Middle Tenders will only be considered from licensed C.680315 East Area, Northern manufacturers. B.090331 LP.l Joseph M. Tawil, Haifa Successful tenderers must be prepared to sup• G.917152 LP.l Barclays Bank (D.C. & O.), ply ex their stores at the price quoted in quan- Jerusalem | tities of 100 units and upwards. D.761009 LP.l Rajab Mohd. Salem, Jaffa The Controller of Light Industries is not D.135266 500 Mils David Yasmineh, Jaffa bound to accept the lowest, or any tender, and C.706083/ 500 Mils "Hefzi-Bah" Standard Ar• may furthermore award part only of the quan• D.671011 ticles Co. Ltd., Tel Aviv tities quoted for, subject to a minimum of 10% M.647562 LP.l ) Messrs. Jacob Japhet & Co. of the quantities required. M.715439 LP.l 1 Ltd., Jerusalem Tenders not posted by the 20th December, 1942, will not be considered. 20th November, 1942. A. L. PETERS Those persons wishing to tender can obtain (Gaz/14/40) Currency Officer. full particulars upon application to the Con• troller of Light Industries at any of the fol• TENDERS. lowing addresses: — I. Mamilla Road, THE PALESTINE POLICE. P.O.B. 299, Jerusalem. Tenders are invited for the supply of fuel 31, Ahad Haam Street, wood and coal to the Palestine Police and P.O.B. 98, Tel Aviv, Prisons for a period of six months ending the c/o Food Control Office, 30th June, 1943. P.O.B. 1270, Haifa. 2. The approximate requirements during the J. L. FLETCHER six months are as follows:— Controller of Coal, household, Indian, screened 150 tons. Light Industries. Wood fuel 1,000 tons. 3. The successful tenderer will be required to ADJUDICATION OF CONTRACTS. deliver the written requirements of the In• 1. The contract for the extension of Benei Be- spector-General to any divisional Police Head• raq Hospital has been awarded to MR. M. quarters, M.P.S.F. formations, Central Prisons, DARECHINSKY of Tel Aviv at £P.2,084.187 mils. Jail Labour Companies or internment camps Period of contract is 8 weeks. anywhere in Palestine within seven days of the 2. The contract for the supply of 465.12 m3 of date of posting of the requisition. sand and 56.90 m3 of soling stone for repairs 4. Full particulars and tender forms may be of flood damages on approaches to bridges of obtained on application to the Quartermaster, Lydda—-Wilhelma Road has been awarded to Police Headquarters, Jerusalem. MR. DAVID NOTTMAN of Rehovot at £P.0.750 10th December, 1942 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1237. 1357

mils per m3 of sand and £P.1.150 mils per m3 8. The contract for the supply of 1000 m3 of of soling stone. Period of contract is 3 days. soling stone and 1,340 MR of haunch stones to Wilhelma Road north between Ras el Ain Jun• 3. The contract for the supply of 370.44 m3 of ction and Jaffa—Haifa Road Kms. 78.300 has sand and 141.12 m3 of soling stone for repairs been awarded to MESSRS. SOLEL BONEH LTD. of of flood damages of approach roads to Wilhel- Tel Aviv at £P.0.650 mils per m3 soling stone ma Bridge has been awarded to MR. ABDALLA and £P.0.150 mils per MR haunch stone. Pe• KAYALE of Lydda at £P. 1.150 mils per m3 of riod of contract is 3 weeks. soling stone and £P.0.750 mils per m3 of sand. 9. The contract for the conversion of Veran• Period of contract is 3 days. dahs adjoining Ward Blocks into rooms in Gov• 4. The contract for the supply of 100 m3 of ernment Hospital, Jaffa, has been awarded to stone chip pings to Lydda—Wilhelma Road has MR. IBRAHIM GHANDOUR of Jaffa at £P.298. Pe• been awarded to MR. J. SILKIS of Tel Aviv at riod of contract is 1 month. £P.1.580 mils per m3. Period of contract is 2 weeks. ADJUDICATION OF CONTRACTS. The contract for the supply of boots and 5. The contract for the supply of 352.80 m3 of shoes to tax-collectors and messengers of Gov• sand for repairs to flood damages at Lydda,— ernment Departments in the Jerusalem Dis• Ben Shemen Road has been awarded to MR. trict has been adjudicated to MR. ANTRANIK ABDALLA KAYALE of Lydda at £P.0.750 mils per BALAYAN of Jerusalem at the prices shown here• m3. Period of contract is 3 days. under:— 6. The contract for thé supply of 100 m3 of Per pair of boots £P.1.600 mils stone chippings to Salama—Wilhelma Road has Per pair of shoes £P.1.500 mils. been awarded to MR. MOHD. AWAD YUNIS of The contractor is bound to execute orders Ramie at £P.1.530 mils per m3. Period of con• tract is 3 weeks. within three weeks of the receipt of a written demand from the Head of the Department. 7. The contract for the supply of 100 m3 Boots and shoes must be in accordance with the stone chippings to Lydda—Beit Nabala Road sample kept at the District Commissioner's and 100 m3 to Ras el Ain—Majdal Yaba Road Offices, Jerusalem, and must be fitted to the has been awarded to MR. MUSTAFA JAMAL of satisfaction of the Head of the Department. Ramie at £P. 1.500 mils per m3 to Lydda Beit Nabala Road and £P.1.400 mils per m3 to Ras W. R. McGEAGH el Ain—Majdal Yaba Road. Period of contract for District Commissioner, is 3 weeks. 4th December, 1942. Jerusalem District.

ADJUDICATION OF CONTRACTS. The contracts for the supply of winter uniforms to tax collectors and messengers in the Galilee District during the period 1st November, .1942, to the 31st March, 1943, have been awarded as under : — Name and Address Price Total of Contractor Unit £P. Mils £P. Mils

MR. ANTOINE GESSER, Per jacket for tax collectors 5.250 Nazareth Per pair of trousers for tax collectors 3.— 8.250 Per pair of breeches for tax collectors 4.— Per overcoat for tax collectors and messengers 4.500 4.500

MR. MICHEL SABA, Per jacket for messengers 2.800 Nazareth Per pair of trousers for messengers 1.750 4.550 Per raincoat for tax collectors and messengers 4.250 4.250

MR. NAIM KHUBEIS, Per pair of boots for tax collectors and Nazareth. messengers 1.780 1.780

A sample of each of the materials selected is available for reference at the District Commis• sioner's Offices, Nazareth. J. H. H. POLLOCK (S/45/41) District Commissioner.

CITATIONS FOR ORDERS OF SUCCESSION. Court of Haifa for an order declaring the I. succession to His GRACE BISHOP SHUKRALLA IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF HAIFA. KHOURY of Tyre, deceased, and that the said application will be heard at Haifa on the 22nd P.P. Case No. 77/42. day of December, 1942, at 9 a.m. In the matter of the succession to His Grace the late BISHOP SHUKRALLA KHOURY of Tyre, All persons claiming any interest must ap• deceased. pear at the said place and time, otherwise such order will be made as to the Court seems right. Let all persons take notice that ABDALLA KHOURY of Arfa, Lebanon, and MARY SHAH- K. SHEHADEH DAN KHOURY, wife of ABDALLA BOUSTANY, of Saida, Lebanon, have applied to the District (Gaz/37/40) District Court, Haifa. 1358 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1237. 10th December, 1942

II. All persons claiming any interest must ap• pear at the said place and time, otherwise such IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. order will be made as to the Court seems right. Pr. 294/42. SH. MUHTADIE In the matter of JOSEPH DAVID KATZENELEN- Registrar, BOGEN, Tel Aviv, deceased. District Court, Tel Aviv. Petitioner: ABRAHAM KATZENELNBOGEN, 9, Ha- (Gaz/18/40) ari Street, Tel Aviv.

Let all persons take notice that MR. ABRAHAM V. KATZENELENBOGEN has applied to the District IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. Court of Tel Aviv for an order declaring the succession to JOSEPH DAVID KATZENELENBOGEN Pr. File No. 309/42. of Tel Aviv, deceased, and that the said applica• In the matter of the succession to (ISRAEL) SALO tion will be heard at Tel Aviv on the 21st day FEUERWERK of Tel Aviv, deceased. of December, 1942, at 9 a.m. Petitioner: THERESE FEUERWERK of Tel Aviv, All persons claiming any interest must ap• 11, Arnon Street, daughter of the said de• pear at the said place and time, otherwise such ceased. order will be made as to the Court seems right. Let all persons take notice that THERESE SH. MUHTADIE FEUERWERK has applied to the District Court Registrar, of Tel Aviv for an order declaring the succes• District Court, Tel Aviv. sion to (ISRAEL) SALO FEUERWERK, deceased, (Gaz/18/40) and that the said application will be heard at the District Court of Tel Aviv on the 23rd day of December, 1942, at 9 a.m. All persons claiming any interest must ap• III. pear at the said place and time, otherwise such IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. order will be made as to the Court seems right. Probate Case No. 305/42. SH. MUHTADIE In the matter of the succession to YEHUDA BOD- Registrar, NAR of Tel Aviv, deceased. District Court, Tel Aviv. (Gaz/18/40) Petitioner: LEA BODNAR of Tel Aviv, repre• sented by S. GRATCH, advocate, 39, Yehuda Halevi Street, Tel Aviv. VI. Let all persons take notice that MRS. LEA IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. BODNAR of Tel Aviv has applied to the District Probation File No, 312/42. Court of Tel Aviv for an order declaring the succession to YEHUDA BODNAR, husband of peti• In the matter of the estate of BENYAMIN SHMUE- tioner, deceased, and that the said application LOW, deceased. will be heard at the District Court, Tel Aviv, on the 21st day of December, 1942, at 9 a.m. Let all persons take notice that BEN-ZION SHMUELOW has applied to the District Court of All persons claiming any interest must ap• Tel Aviv for an order declaring the succession pear at the said place and time, otherwise such to the said deceased BENYAMIN SHMUELOW order will be made as to the Court seems right. and that the said application will be heard in the said Court on the 20th day of December, SH. MUHTADIE 1942, at 9 a.m. Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. All persons claiming any interest in the said (Gaz/18/40) succession must appear at the said Court on the said day and hour, otherwise such order will be given as to the Court seems right.

SH. MUHTADIE IV. Registrar, IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. District Court, Tel Aviv. Pr. 307/42.

In the matter of the succession to MR. DAVID CITATIONS FOR ORDERS OF ADMINISTRATION. BRIKENSTEIN, Tel Aviv. I. Petitioner: MRS. ELKA BRIKENSTEIN, Tel Aviv, through her attorney S. B. SASSOON, IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF JEEUSALEM. advocate of Tel Aviv. Prob. 150/42.

Let all persons take notice that MRS, ELKA In the matter of EPHRAIM (FRANZ) TENENBAUM, BRIKENSTEIN has applied to the District Court deceased. of Tel Aviv for an order declaring the succes• sion to MR. DAVID BRIKENSTEIN of Tel Aviv In virtue of an order of the District Court, and that the application will be heard at the Jerusalem, bearing date this day, I do hereby said Court on the 22nd day of December, 1942, cite all and all manner of persons to appear in at 9 a.m. the said Court in ten days from the date of 10th December, 1942 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1237. 1359

publication hereof, and show cause, if any they IV. have, why an interim order of administration of all and singular the movable property, IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. rights, credits, miri and mulk immovable prop• Probate Case No. 315/42. erty of EPHRAIM (FRANZ) TENENBAUM, deceased, should not be granted unto the Administrator In the matter of NAHUM VASKEWITZ, deceased. General, as, in default thereof, the Court will Petitioners: MRS. RACHEL VASKEWITZ, MR. proceed to grant the same accordingly. ALEXANDER VASKEWITZ, MRS. ROSA GLIKSON and MR. THEODOR VASKEWITZ. Dated this 28th day of November, 1942. In virtue of an order of the District Court A. NASR of Tel Aviv, bearing the date of this day, I do Registrar, hereby cite all and all manner of persons to District Court, Jerusalem, appear in the said Court in ten days from the (Gaz/39/40) date of publication hereof, and to show cause, if any they have, why an order of administra• tion of all and singular the immovable prop• erty, rights, credits and mulk and miri immov• II. able property of the late NAHUM VASKEWITZ should not be granted unto MR. ABRAHAM DOUB- IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. ROWSKY, as, in default thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the same accordingly. Probate File 300/42. Dated this 6th day of December, 1942. In the matter of YEHIEL HALPERIN of Tel Aviv, deceased. SH. MUHTADIE Petitioners: PENINA HALPERIN, GAMLIEL HAL• Registrar, PERIN and MIRIAM DOR, represented by J. District Court, Tel Aviv. KAHANA, advocate of Tel Aviv. (Gaz/18/40)

In virtue of an order of the District Court of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby CITATIONS FOR ORDERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court in ten days from the date of I. publication hereof, and show cause, if any they IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF JERUSALEM. have, why an order of administration of all Probate Case No. 160/42. and singular the movables, rights, credits and mulk and miri immovable property of YEHIEL In the matter of guardianship over the minors HALPERIN, deceased, should not be granted unto JIRYES, MARY, ISSA, YASMIN (VICTORIA), PENINA HALPERIN, as, in default thereof, the LAYLA (EVELYN) GEORGETTE, FUAD (ALFRED) Court will proceed to grant the same accord• and WILIAM, sons of HANNA MALKY MOORY ingly. EL-SYRIANY. SH. MUHTADIE Petitioner: MRS. HAWE MOORY of Jerusalem. Registrar, District Court Tel Aviv. In virtue of an order of the District Court of (Gaz/18/40) Jerusalem, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court in ten days from the date of publication hereof, and show cause, if any they have, why an order of guardianship over the III. minors JIRYES, MARY, ISSA, YASMIN (VICTORIA), LAYLA (EVELYN) GEORGETTE, FUAD (ALFRED) and IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. WILIAM, daughters and sons of the late HANNA Probate 301/42. MALKY MOORY EL-SYRIANY, should not be granted unto their mother HAWE MOORY of In the matter of JOSEPH SILBERSTEIN, late of Jerusalem, as, in default thereof, the Court Tel Aviv, deceased. will proceed to grant the same accordingly. In virtue of an order of the District Court, Dated this 1st day of December, 1942. bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the said A. NASR Court in ten days from the date of publication Registrar, hereof, and show cause, if any they have, why District Court, Jerusalem. an order of administration of all and singular (Gaz/37/40) the movable property, rights, credits, mulk and miri immovable property of JOSEPH SILBER• STEIN, deceased, should not be granted unto II. MRS. ESTER BEN-ARI (née SILBERSTEIN) of Re- hovot, as, in default thereof, the Court will IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF JEEUSALEM. proceed to grant the same accordingly. Prob. 163/42.

SH. MUHTADIE In the matter of the guardianship over the Registrar, minors RUTH BUCHWALD and MIRA BUCH- District Court, Tel Aviv. WALD. (Gaz/18/40) By virtue of an order of the District Court of Jerusalem, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to appear in 1360 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1237. 10th December, 1942

the said Court within ten days from the date of CITATION FOR AN ORDER OF PROBATE. publication hereof, and show cause, if they have any, why the petitioner MRS. YEHUDITH IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. BUCHWALD, née ROSENTHAL, should not be ap• Probate File No. 313/42. pointed guardian over RUTH and MIRA BUCH• WALD, minor children of the petitioner and In the matter of BENGAMAN SYMON, deceased. ARIEH BUCHWALD, deceased, as, in default thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the In virtue of an order of the District Court of same accordingly. Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the Dated this 28th day of November, 1942. said Court in ten days from the date of pub­ lication hereof, and show cause, if any they A. NASR have, why the last will of BENGAMAN SYMON, Registrar, deceased, should not be proved, approved and District Court, Jerusalem. registered and probate thereof granted to (Gaz/39/40) MESSRS. BENJAMIN SAKS, MOSHE LEVINSON and ABRAHAM GOLDIN for the Committee of Direc­ tion of the Asylum for the Lonely Aged, named III. therein, as, in default thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the same accordingly. IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. File No. 308/42. SH. MUHTADIE Registrar, In the matter of the appointment of a guardian District Court, Tel Aviv. over the minor children ZEEV and ESTHER (Gaz/18/40) BRIKENSTEIN.

Petitioner: MRS. ELKA BRIKENSTEIN of Tel Aviv, represented by S. B. SASSOON, advoc• EXECUTION NOTICES. ate, of 53, Rothschild Boulevard, Tel Aviv. I. In virtue of an order of the District Court of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF JAFFA. cite all and all manner of persons to appear in Execution File No. 3508/35. the said Court within ten days from the date of publication hereof, and show cause, if any they NOTIFICATION OF SALE. have, why an order appointing MRS. ELKA BRI• Between: KENSTEIN as guardian over the persons and prop• Aly Yousef Hag Abdul Aziz Shahin — erties of the minor children ZEEV and ESTHER Judgment Creditor. BRIKENSTEIN should not be granted, as, in de• v. fault thereof, the Court will proceed to grant Yousef Mohamed Dib Abu Jarad of Yibna the same accordingly. and the heirs of his father on behalf of SH. MUHTADIE the estate — Judgment Debtors. Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. Notice is hereby given that an order has-been (Gaz/18/40) issued for the extension of the sale of the rights of the judgment debtors in the property de­ scribed in the schedule below on conditions to CITATION FOR AN ORDER APPOINTING A CURATOR. be seen in this office. Bids will be accepted in this office for 30 days from the date of pub­ IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. lication of this notice daily (except on official Civil Case No. 361 /42. holidays), between the hours of 9 a.m. and 1 In the matter of SHMUEL TARTAKOVSKY and the | p.m. appointment of a curator. j NOTE: Provisional sale has been ordered in Petitioner: MRS. REBECCA TARTAKOVSKY. ! favour of the last bidder for £P.66.— which was apparently increased to Let all persons take notice that the above pe- j £P.93.—. titioner has applied to the District Court of j Tel Aviv for an order prohibiting MR. SHMUEL j SCHEDULE. TARTAKOVSKY from dealing with his property and appointing the petitioner MRS. REBECCA J (1) .Locality: Yibna .1 ׳ TARTAKOVSKY of Tel Aviv curator and that the District Court of Tel Aviv will hear the said ap- ! 2. Block and parcel Nos.: Block 54, parcel 13. plication on the 18th day of December, 1942, at I 3. Share out of share : 6250/10000. 9 a.m. | 4. Area: 29 dunums and 270 sq. ms. All persons claiming any interest in the said i 5. Assessed value: £P.81.321 mils. property must appear at the same place and 6. Description of property: Sandy miri land. time, otherwise such order will be made as to the Court seems right. ! (2) Dated this 3rd day of December, 1942. j 1. Locality: Yibna. 2. Block and parcel Nos.: Block 2, parcel 9. SH. MUHTADIE | 3. Share out of share: 60/96. Registrar, j 4. Area: l dunum and 263 sq. ms. District Court, Tel Aviv. \ 5. Assessed value: £P.3.950 mils. (Gaz/18/40) j 6. Description of property: Sandy miri land—a garden with grapes and figtrees . 10th December, 1942 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1237. 1361

(3) Block Parcel Share Area Dns. Mtrs. 1. Locality: Yibna. 2. Bloch and parcel Nos.: Block 11, parcel 2 36 In whole 0. 659 111. 2 39 2728/10000 0. 422 3. Share out of share: 60/192. 2 40 2728/10000 0. 310 4. Area: 1 dunum and 998 sq. ms. 2 42 2728/10000 0. 976

152 .3 2728/10000 44 2 ־.Assessed value : £P.7.800 mils .5 6. Description of property : Miri land. 2 45 646/10000 1. 645 2 50 In whole 41. 087 (4) 2 53 5446/10000 1. 205 For all : £P.6,242.343 mils. 1. Locality: Yibna. 2. Block and parcel Nos.: Block 15, parcel 4. Total value of all parcels — £P.6,748.653 3. Share out of share: 5000/10000. mils. 4. Area: 3 dunums and 771 sq.ms. These parcels are adjacent and have 5. Assessed value: £P.37.710 mils. been consolidated to form an orange 6. Description of property: Land planted grove, the trees of which were plan­ with citrus trees, without water. ted at 4x4, 13 years ago. The trees are in For further details reference may be made to good condition. The grove includes a yard the report of seizure. of 1500 metres, a hut of 13x9, a room con­ taining a motor engine "Pitz" of 20 H.P., SH. MUHTADIE a well 40 metres deep and a fountain of 27 Registrar, metres with a 4 inches pump and a pool of District Court, Jaffa. 2|x2| metres from •which the trees aré watered by means of concrete leats. For further particulars refer to the report of seizure. SH. MUHTADIE II. Registrar, District Court, Jaffa. IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF JAFFA. Execution File No. 17242/36. QUARANTINE AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES SUMMARY. NOTICE OF SALE. For week ending midnight 5.12.42 In the case of: — 1. Quarantine Restrictions. Musa Salem Ezra of Tel Aviv Mortgagee. The following restrictions are at present in force:— v. Date Yousef and Khalil, sons of Hassan Yousef Against Port restrictions of Yehoudieh village — Mortgagors. enforced

Be it known that an order for sale of the Cholera Arrivals from Calcutta by air routes 9.9.36 mortgagors' rights in the property described in the schedule herebelow was made subject to Cholera Arrivals from Allahabad by air routes certain conditions which may be perused in this 13.6.41 office. Smallpox Arrivals from Calcutta by air and sea routes 19.2.38 Bids will be accepted during a period of 30 Smallpox Arrivals from Iraq by days from date of publication of this notice land and air routes 11.11.40 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 1 p.m., holi­ Smallpox Arrivals from Bombay days excepted.. by air routes 9.2.40 Smallpox Arrivals from Iran by air and land routes 1.7.42 SCHEDULE. Plague Arrivals from Madagascar by air and sea routes 1.6.42 1. Locality: Yehoudieh village. Plague Arrivals from Port Said by air, sea and rail routes 24.7.42 2. Category: Miri Maukuf Wakf Khaski Sultan (arable land). 2. Weekly Report of Infectious Diseases in Palestine. 3. Registered owners: Yousef and Khalil, sons of Hassan Yousef of Yehoudieh vil­ Small Date Place Typhus lage. Pox notified Block Parcel Share Area Dns. Mtrs. Jaffa la 30.11.42 8 7 In whole 2. 590 Eehovot, — 1 30.11.42 Jaffa Sub-District 8 8 In whole 14. 287 Haifa 4 — 1.12.42 Haifa 1 — 5.12.42 Assessed value : £P.506.310 mils.

These two parcels comprise an arable land (a) Imported from Ben Shemen, Eamle Sub-Distriçt, of a red sandy soil. 1362


Receipts in the Receipts from RECEIPTS month of 1st April, 1941, to TOTAL March, 1942 28th February, 1942 LP. mils LP. mils LP. mils

1. Customs 224,250 104 2,187,820 498 2,361,570 602 2. Port and Marine 13,851 558 55,589 182 69,440 740 8. Licences, Taxes, etc. 218,235 753 1,557,340 466 1,775,576 219 4. Pees of Court or Office, etc. 123,708 181 683,177 933 806,886 064 5. Posts and Telegraphs 46,530 877 660,721 215 707,251 592 6. Revenue from Government Property 10,075 191 72,648 404 82,728 595 7. Interest 14,255 748 126,362 299 140,618 042 8. Miscellaneous 5,616 977 150,642 919 156,259 896 9. Repayments of Loans from Public Funds 18,449 544 101,499 187 119,948 781 10. Land Sales 808 784 4,597 518 5,406 297

Total Ordinary Revenue 675,782 162 5,549.899 616 6,225,681 778

in-Aid 598,879 840 1,500,220 901 2,098,600 741־Grants .11 12. Colonial Development Grants 1,100 000 170 000 1,270 000 18. Railways

Total Revenue LP. 1,275,262 002 7,050,290 517 8,825,552 519

Advances 1,209,637 699 7,417,378 173 8,627,015 872 Deposits 1,772,758 825 6,627,934 116 8,400,687 941 Remittances Courts 3,312 547 90,913 651 94,226 198 Imprests 162,034 807 1,530,789 560 1,692,828 867 Investments 64,142 576 58,377 844 122,520 420 Investments Adjustment Account 9,484 672 — — 9,484 672 Joint Colonial Fund 289,000 000 3,583,236 992 3,872,286 992 Renewals Funds 11,867 561 48,479 113 60,346 674 Total Receipts LP. 4,797,495 189 26,407,399 966 81,204,895 155 ^ . 1st April, 1941 — — 211,525 975 211,525 975

Balance on lgt M&rch> 575,897 174 — — — —

TOTAL LP. 5,373,392 863 26,618,925 941 31,416,421 130

3rd December, 1942. (Gaz/14/40) 10th December, 1942 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1237. 1363


Payments in the Payments from PAYMENTS month of 1st April, 1941, to TOTAL J_ J\ 1 111 Hi X.^ J- M March, 1942 28th February, 1942 LP. mils LP. . mils LP. mils

1. Public Debt 158,946 183 158,946 133 2. Pensions 6,990 781 61,444 553 67,435 334 8. High Commissioner 1,093 470 11,490 247 12,583 717 4. Accountant-General 1,407 989 18,980 747 15,888 786 5. Agriculture and Fisheries 25,259 846 110,835 826 136,095 172 6. Antiquities 2,160 724 18,696 886 20,857 610 7. Audit 1,722 142 15,597 934 17,320 076 8. Cooperative Societies 716 870 5,732 388 6,448 768 9. Custodian of Enemy Property 2,833 601 17,271 158 20,104 769 10. Customs, Excise and Trade 102,094 836 845,528 626 447,618 462 11. Defence 1,848 909 1,983 593 8,282 502 12. District Administration 57,910 936 200,120 410 258,031 346 18. Education 61,518 433 309,817 628 371,386 061 14. Forests 7,146 566 22,192 089 29,838 604 15. Grants to Local Authorities 20,492 495 56,099 692 76,592 187 16. Health 41,921 642 254,988 029 296,909 671 17. Judicial 11,316 665 111,656 408 122,973 068 18. Land Registration 2,640 703 24,955 434 27,596 187 19. Land Settlement 6,197 127 44,885 324 51,082 451 20. Legal 2,887 614 19,858 494 22,241 108 21. Migration 2,886 562 26,632 504 29,019 066 22. Miscellaneous 178,826 057 928,078 761 1,106,399 818 28. Police and Prisons 225,625 916 1,746,054 045 1,971,679 961 24. Posts and Telegraphs 66,577 684 428,554 970 490,182 654 25. Public Works Department 52,863 392 87,468 476 140,326 868 26. Public Works Recurrent 40,867 913 266,870 646 307,288 659 27. Secretariat 24,716 491 140,722 664 165,489 155 28. Statistics 669 842 7,841 147 8,510 989 29. Surveys 8,514 408 62,866 878 70,871 286 80. Trans-Jordan Frontier Force — — 42,796 600 42,796 500 Total Ordinary Expenditure LP. 956,209 118 5,588,887 630 6,494,596 743

81. Posts and Telegraphs Extraordinary 8,097 844 50,368 825 58,466 169 82. Public Works Extraordinary 48,157 007 549,944 258 598,101 265 83. Trans-Jordan Frontier Force Extra• ordinary 84. Railways 85. Loans from Public Funds 48,727 424 267,440 753 811,168 177 86. Colonial Development 1,100 000 170 000 1,270 000 Total Expenditure LP. 1,057,290 888 6,406,311 466 7,468,602 854

Advances 1,447,828 910 7,147,870 504 8,594,699 414 Deposits 1,057,460 648 5,704,026 066 6,761,486 714 Remittances Courts 2,399 694 86,084 291 88,488 985 Imprests 161,810 230 1,582,236 060 1,694,046 290 Investments 163,753 875 1,069,566 898 1,238,819 768 Investments Adjustment Account 80,140 550 — — 80,140 560 Joint Colonial Fund 925,000 000 4,097,286 992 5,022,236 992 Renewals Funds 810 224 196 995 507 219 Total Payments LP. 4,845,494 519 26,048,028 767 30,888,523 286

~ . 28th February, 1942 — — 675,897 174 — —

balance on 81gfc Mareh> 1Q42 527,897 844 — — 527,897 844

TOTAL LP. 5,373,392 363 26,618,925 941 81,416,421 130

A. L. PETERS Accountant General. 1364 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 123?. 10th December, 1942




RENEWALS FUNDS 809,102 710


Special Funds - - 1,884,415 484

General ..... 1,148,983 804

665 8,054,670 427 26,271 ־ General Manager, Railways



Balance at 1st April, 1941 4,424,779 702

Balance of Surplus and Deficit Account for period 1st April, 1941, to 31st March, 1942 (surplus) 861,950 165

5,286,729 867 DEDUCT : Depreciation of Investments at 31st March,1942 20,655 878 5,266,078 989

LP. 8,687,175 809


LP. Mils

Expenditure for the period 1st April, 1941, to 81st March, 1942 7,468,602 354

165 861,950 ־ ..... Surplus

LP. 8,825,552 519

4th December, 1942. (Gaz/14/40) 10th December, 1942 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1237. 1365



ASSETS LP. Mils LP. Mils

844 527,897 • - - ־ CASH


IMPRESTS 15,608 511


Postmaster General - 12,295 670

Sundry Accounts 495,007 276 607,802 946


914 8,099,119 ־ ׳ ־ General Balances Palestine Archaeological Museum Endowment Fund 279,552 217 General Police Fund 4,772 815 Jerusalem Water Supply Renewals Fund 61,997 494 Russian State Property 7,008 750 Sir Ellis Kadoorie Bequest 98,915 818 8,551,866 508

LP. 8,687,175 809


LP. Mils

Revenue for the period 1st April, 1941, to 81st March, 1942 8,825,552 519

LP. 8,825,552 519

A. L. PETERS Accountant General 1366 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1237. 10th December, 1942



Coins in Circulation

Number LP. Mils


— 640,587 6,405,870 ־ • - Mils 100

— 576,381 11,527,620 ־ ־ • ־ Mils 50

Total Silver Coins 1,216,968 —


20 Mils - 2,310,000 46,200 — — 78,340 7,834,000 ־ • Mils 10 — 44,720 8,944,000 ־ - - - Mils 5

Total Nickel Coins 169,260 —


— 7,156 8,578,000 - ־ • - Mils 2

— 11,880 11,880,000 ־ Mil 1

Total Bronze Coins 19,036 —

TOTAL COINS 1,405,264 —

Notes in Circulation

Number LP. Mils


LP. 100 481 48,100 —

־— . 785,900 15,718 - ־ - LP. 50

LP. 10 - 478,042 4,780,420 —

LP. 5 - 1,207,761 6,038,805 —

LP. 1 8,752,667 8,752,667 — LP. \ 2,192,107 1,096,053 500

TOTAL NOTES 21,446,945 500

TOTAL COINS AND NOTES 22,852,209 500

A. L. PETERS 1st December, 1942. Currency Officer. (Gaz/14/40) 10th December, 1942 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1237. 1367


I. The following unclaimed goods lying in the Customs Stores, Jerusalem, will be sold by public auction if not cleared within one week of the date of this notice.

Date of By Rail Description Consignee Whence arrival

Rail P. 28864/ 20.7.42 5 packages printed books Hijawi Egypt 2201 and copy books Cons. 2201 Rail P. 12850/50 17.8.42 1 bag newspapers Nelson Kantara Cons. 50


The following unclaimed goods lying in the Stores of the Near East Bonded Warehouses at Haifa, will be sold by public auction if not cleared within one week of the date of this notice.

Name of Dale of Description Consignee Whence Steamer, etc. arrival


Bolsena 12.4.89 2 cases hollow glass Adriatica Trieste LBW 220, 220 A Bolsena 12.4.89 1 bale artificial silk MJ8 Express Services Port Said

NOTICE OF DIVIDEND. Date and Place of First Meetings: 16th De• cember, 1942, at the office of the Official Name of Company: Bank Der Tempelgesell- Receiver, 36, Yehuda Halevi Street, Tel schaft (Bank of the Temple Society) Aviv. Limited. Hours: Address of Registered Office : Jaffa. Creditors: 8.30 a.m. District Court: Jerusalem. Contributories: 8.45a.m. Amount per £P. : 100 mils. First, Final or Otherwise: Eighth. H. KANTROVITCH When Payable: Beginning 14th December, Official Receiver and 1942, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon, Saturdays Provisional Liquidator. and Sundays excepted. (Gaz/33/40) Where Payable: Administrator General's Office, Mizpah Building, , Jerusalem. NOTICES OF INCORPORATION H. KANTROVITCH OF PRIVATE COMPANIES UNDER THE Administrator General. COMPANIES ORDINANCE. Liquidator. (Gaz/33/40) The particulars given below correspond with the following headings :—-

1. Name of Company. 2. Date of Incorporation. COMPANIES ORDINANCE. 3. Objects of the Company. WINDING-UP ORDER AND FIRST MEETING OF 4• Share Capital. CREDITORS AND CONTRIBUTORIES. 1. Homeland Estates Ltd. Name of Company: "Yehavi" Insurance and 2. 11th November, 1942. Credit Ltd. 3. To purchase, take on lease or in exchange, Address of Registered Office : 17, Herzl Street, or otherwise acquire and hold any lands, Tel Aviv. buildings or any other immovable property Court: District Court of Tel Aviv. in any part of Palestine and to develop and Number of Matter: 313/42. turn same into account. Date of Order: 25th November, 1942. 4. £P. 1,000 divided into 1,000 shares of £P.l.— Date of Presentation of Petition: 23rd Octo• each. ber, 1942. (File No. P.C. 1326) 1368 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1237. 10th December, 1942

1. "Levant-Devek" Ltd. 1. Toka Ltd. 2. 12th November, 1942. 2. 17th November, 1942. 3. To carry on business as manufacturers, im­ 3. To manufacture, buy, sell, refine, mani­ porters and exporters, wholesale and retail pulate, export, import, and deal in all kinds merchants in all kinds of goods and in par­ of chemical pharmaceutical, medicinal, cos- ticular in glue, glue materials and glue metical, industrial and other products and products of all kinds, bone products, bone substances. dust and all kinds of by products of glue | 4. £P.2,010 divided into 40 founders' shares of and bones ! 250 mils each and 2,000 ordinary shares of 4. £P.1,000 divided into 1,000 shares of £P.l.— | £P.l.— each. each. ! (File No. P.C. 1333). (File No. P.O. 1327) 1. Marina Trading Company (Palestine) Ltd. 1. Rachel Jerusalimsky Limited. 2. 17th November, 1942. 2. 12th November, 1942. 3. To carry on the business and act as traders, 3. To purchase, take on lease, or in exchange, merchants, manufacturers and general hire or otherwise acquire and hold any agents, commission agents, importers, ex­ estate in the properties situated at No. 24- porters and concessionaires in Palestine and 26, Balfour Street, Tel Aviv, and registered elsewhere. in the Land Registry Office of Tel Aviv in 4. £P.1,000 divided into 1,000 shares of £P.l.— Volume 56, Folios 1 and 2, under Block No. each. 6934, parcels 206 and 207 and develop and (File No. P.C. 1334). turn same into account. .Rubber Stern Ltd .1 ־-.P. 1,000 divided into 1,000 shares of £P.l£ .4 each. 2. 17th November, 1942. (File No P.O. 1328) 3. To carry on the business of manufacturers, importers and exporters of, and wholesale and retail dealers in, impregnated stuff, 1. "United Industrial Co." Ltd. textile fabrics and textile goods of all kinds. 2. 13th November, 1942. 4. £P.1,000 divided into 1,000 shares of £P.l.— 3. To carry on the trade or business of engin­ each. eers, founders, smiths, machinists, manu­ facturers and patentees of all metal articles (File No. P.C. 1335). of any kind and executing of all works and decorations incidental thereto. 1. Elsar Ltd. 4. £P.10,000 divided into 1,000 shares of £P. 2. 19th November, 1942. 10.— each. 3. To carry on the business of an investment trust company in all or any of its branches. (File No P.O. 1329) 4. £P.2,000 divided into 2,000 shares of £P.l.— each. 1. Camhy & Alcalay Limited. (File No. P.O. 1336). 2. 16th November, 1942. 3. To carry on the business of general mer­ 1. Hanel Ltd. chants, importers, exporters, commission 2. 19th November, 1942. agents, brokers in, and manufacturers of, all 3. To carry on the business of an investment and every kind of merchandise, especially trust company in all or any of its branches. in silk, artificial silk, wool, flax, cotton, —־.P.2,000 divided into 2,000 shares of £P.1£ .4 linen, yarn, jute, hemp and other goods and each. fabrics, whether textile, felted, netted or looped. (File No. 1337). —־.P.1,200 divided into 1,200 shares of £P.1£ .4 each. 1. Josef Feldman & Sons Ltd. (File No. P.C. 1330). 2. 19th November, 1942. 3. To carry on the business of cutting, clean­ ing, polishing, sawing, refining, grinding, 1. "Achuzat Edwin" Ltd. setting, dressing, carving, shaping, prepar­ 2. 16th November, 1942. ing for market or use, trading, importing, 3. To purchase, take on lease or in exchange, exporting, buying, selling and dealing in hire, or otherwise acquire and hold a plot diamonds, gems, precious stones and jewels of land registered in the name of Mrs. of every description. Frieda Katz, in Kerrem il Roubhan, Jeru­ 4. £P.5,000 divided into 50 founders' shares of salem, plot No. 29, Vol. 42, Fol. 48 and to £P.10.— each, 200 redeemable shares of develop and turn same into account. £P.10.— each and 250 ordinary shares of 4. £P.500 divided into 100 shares of £P.5.— £P.10.— each. each. (File No. P.C. 1338). (File No. P.C. 1331). 1. "Mifrass" Shipping & Fishing Co. Ltd. 1. D. De Ciaves (Palestine) Limited. 2. 22nd November, 1942. 2. 17th November, 1942. 3. To carry on the business of fishing in the 3. To carry on business as general traders, im­ Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea and in any porters, exporters, dealers in, and manu­ rivers, lakes or inland water in Palestine facturers of, goods, merchandise, com­ and any other places and to import and modities, products and articles of any de­ export and deal generally in fish. scription. 4. £P. 1,530 divided into 30 ordinary shares of P.50.— each and 30 founders' shares of£ —־.P.5,000 divided into 5,000 shares of £P.1£ .4 each. £P.l.— each. (File No. P.C. 1332). (File No. P.C. 1339). 10th December, 1942 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1237. 1369

1. "Lambskin" Fur and Leather Clothing In­ ordinary shares of £P.l.— each and 120 dustry Ltd. redeemable preference shares of £P.25.— 2. 22nd November, 1942. each. 3. To buy, sell, prepare, manufacture and deal (File No. 1362). in all kinds of skins, furs and leather (Gaz/31/40) clothing. 4. £P.6,000 divided into 600 shares of £P.10.— each. I NOTICES. (File No. P.C. 1340). j J 1. Near East Diamond Exporters Ltd. ! BLIMA LTD. i ־ .23rd November, 1942 .2 3. To establish, manage and maintain fac­ tories, workhouses and business establish­ Notice is hereby given that BLIMA LTD. has ments of any kind for cutting, cleaning, on the 19th day of November, 1942, changed its polishing, fitting and working upon name in accordance with section 25 of the Com­ diamonds and precious stones of all kinds panies Ordinance to:— whatsoever in order to make them fit for the purpose of jewellery for industrial pur­ "Rehov Hayarkon 93" Ltd. poses of all kinds. H. KANTROVITCH 4. £P.1,000 divided into 1,000 shares of £P.l.— Administrator General. each. Registrar of Companies. (File No. P.C. 1341). 2nd December, 1942.

1. Y. Goldman Ltd. (File No. P.C. 479). 2. 25th November, 1942. 3. To purchase and obtain transfer of the property known as No. 10, Simtat Beth- II. Hashoeva, Tel Aviv, and registered as par­ cel No. 10 in Block 6921 with all that is built COTOGYPT COMPANY LTD. and erected thereon and to develop and turn same into account. Notice is hereby given that COTOGYPT COM- 4. £P. 1,000 divided into 200 shares of £P.5.— PANY LTD. has on the 23rd November, 1942, each. changed its name in accordance with section (File No. P.C. 1342). 25 of the Companies Ordinance by the addition thereto as an alternative or additional name of 1. Transport and Contractors Ltd. the Hebrew version thereof, namely: — 2. 25th November, 1942. חברת כוטוג׳יפט בע״מ. 3. To carry on the business of carriers of goods and passengers whether by sea, road, air H. KANTROVITCH or rail. Administrator General. —־.P.1,000 divided into 200 shares of £P.5£ .4 Registrar of Companies. each. 2nd December, 1942. (File No. P.C. 1343). (File No. P.C. 800). 1. Jaffa Textile Trading Company Ltd. 2. 27th November, 1942. 3. To carry on the business, by wholesale or III. retail, as marketing merchants, brokers, תעשית ארג ארץ-ישראלית בע״מ. agents, importers, and dealers in textile and yarns and all goods of all kinds whatsoever תעשית ארג ארץ־ of local and foreign origin. Notice is hereby given that ,has on the 23rd November, 1942 י׳ערא5ית בע״מ. •—.P.13,000 divided into 260 shares of £P.50£ .4 each. changed its name in accordance with section (File No. P.C. 1344). 25 of the Companies Ordinance by the addition (Gaz/31/40) thereto as an alternative or additional name — :of the English version thereof, namely —•׳ /

NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF A COM­ "PALESTINE TEXTILE INDUSTRY" LTD. PANY UNDER THE COMPANIES ORDIN­ ANCE. H. KANTROVITCH Name of Company: Amir, Supply Company of Administrator General. the Jewish Farmers' Federation of Pal­ Registrar of Companies. estine Ltd. 2nd December, 1942. Date of Incorporation : 26th November, 1942. (File No. P.C. 683). Objects of the Company: To buy, sell and deal in all kinds of provisions, fodder, deeds, fertilizers, oils, essential oils and juice and generally to carry on the business of IV. traders in all kinds of commodities neces­ AHUZAT NUSSBAUM COMPANY LTD. sary for human and animal consumption and use. I Notice is hereby given that AHUZAT NUSSBAUM Share Capital: £P. 10,000 divided into 100 j COMPANY LIMITED has on the 27th day of Novem­ founders' shares of £P.l.— each, 6,900 ber, 1942, changed its name in accordance with 1370 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1237. 10th December, 1942

section 25 of the Companies Ordinance by the II. addition thereto as an alternative or additional name of the Hebrew version thereof, namely: — W.E.S.T. WINE AND SPIRITS LTD. ׳ - j I Notice is hereby given that the nominal חברת אחוזת נוםבאום בע״מ. i capital of W.E.S.T. WINE AND SPIRITS LTD. has j been increased by the addition thereto of the H. KANTROVITCH j sum of £P.5,000 divided into 5,000 shares of Administrator General. £P.l.— each beyond the registered capital of Registrar of Companies. £P.2,000 divided into 2,000 shares of £P.l.— 2nd December, 1942. each. (File No. 792). H. KANTROVITCH Administrator General. Registrar of Companies. V. 2nd December, 1942. "PALMED" PALESTINE MEDICAL CO. LIMITED. (File No. 1253).

Notice is hereby given that "PALMED" PAL- III. ESTINE MEDICAL CO. LIMITED has on the 27th day of November, 1942, changed its name in accord- LEVY BROTHERS & Co. LTD. ance with section 25 of the Companies Ordin- ance by the addition thereto as an alternative Notice is hereby given that the nominal or additional name of the Hebrew version there- capital of LEVY BROTHERS & Co. LTD. has been of, namely: — increased by the addition thereto of the sum of £P.6,000 divided into 6,000 shares of £P.l.— each beyond the registered capital of £P.4,000 ״פלמד" חברה ארץ־ישראלית לרפואות בע״מ. .each ־—.divided into 4,000 shares of £P.l H. KANTROVITCH Administrator General. H. KANTROVITCH Registrar of Companies. Administrator General. 2nd December, 1942. Registrar of Companies. (File No. P.C. 690). 2nd December, 1942. (File No. P.C. 176).

VI. IV. HERMINA LTD. "PLEESE" METAL WORKS LTD. Notice is hereby given that HERMINA LTD. has Notice is hereby given that the nominal on the 2nd December, 1942, changed its name in accordance with section 25 of the Companies capital of "PLEESE" METAL WORKS LIMITED, has been increased by the addition thereto of the Ordinance to: — sum of £P.12,000 divided into 12.000 "A" ordin­ ary shares of £P.l.— each beyond the registered צפורה אשרי בע״מ. capital of £P.6,000 divided into 6,000 shares of H. KANTROVITCH £P.l.— each. Administrator General. Registrar of Companies. H. KANTROVITCH 2nd December, 1942. Administrator General. (File No. P.C. 422). Registrar of Companies. (Gaz/31/40) 2nd December, 1942. (File No. 946).


I. EASTERN ARABIC MATCH WORKS LTD. TEL AVIV TEXTILE Co. LTD. Notice is hereby given that the nominal Notice is hereby given that the nominal capital of EASTERN ARABIC MATCH WORKS LTD. capital of TEL AVIV TEXTILE CO. LTD. has been has been increased by the addition thereto of increased by the' addition thereto of the sum of the sum of £P.10,000 divided into 10,000 ordin­ £P.1,000 divided into 1,000 ordinary shares of ary shares of £P.l.— each beyond the registered £P.l.— each beyond the registered capital of capital of £P.10,000 divided into 8 000 ordinary £P. 1,000 divided to 1,000 ordinary shares of shares of £P.l.— each and 2,000 preference £P.l.— each. shares of £P.l.— each.

H. KANTROVITCH H. KANTROVITCH Administrator General. Administrator General. Registrar of Companies. Registrar of Companies. 2nd December, 1942. 2nd December, 1942. (File No. 1142). (File No. PC. 1139). (Gaz/31/40) I

10th December, 1942 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1237. 1371

REGISTRATION OF PARTNERSHIPS. 1. Ghaleb Nashashibi, Gaza. Mrs. Salma Rashad Shawa, Gaza. The particulars given below correspond with Mrs. Eisheh Ibrahim Abou Khadra, Gaza. the following headings : — Mrs. Makram Salim Abou Khadra, Gaza. 1. Names and addresses of partners. 2. Samer Cinema. 2. Firm name of partnership. 3. Ghaleb Nashashibi and the manager ap• S. Names of partners authorised to administer pointed : Rashad Shawa—jointly and sever• ally. the partnership and to sign for it. 4. From the 1st November, 1942, for an un• 4. Date of commencement and termination. limited period. 5. Object. 5. To manage, establish and hire cinemas, to 1. Albert Cohen, 5, Princess Mary Avenue, deal in films and accessories and to establish Jerusalem. amusement places. Arieh Cohen, 5, Princess Mary Avenue, (File No. 5024). Jerusalem. Ouriel Cohen, 5, Princess Mary Avenue, 1. Dr. Ernst Wollstein, c/ö Wollstein House, Jerusalem. Mt. Carmel, Haifa. 2. Albert Cohen & Co. Heta (Hedwig) Wollstein, c/o Wollstein 3. Albert Cohen alone or any two partners House, Mt. Carmel, Haifa. jointly. Erna Mayer, c/o Wollstein House, Mt. 4. One year as from the 11th November, 1942; Carmel, Haifa. to be automatically extended for one ad• Dr. Max Mayer, c/o Wollstein House, Mt. ditional year if not v terminated 3 months Carmel, Haifa. before the expiry of the first year. 2. Wollstein House. 5. Engineering, building contracting and road 3. Two of the partners jointly. Cheques not construction works. exceeding £P.25.— and confirmations of in• voices may bear the signature of every one (File No. 5019). of the partners severally. 1. Arnold Turkus, 4, Abraham Mapu Street, 4. 10 years and 2 months as from the 1st Nov• ember, 1942. Tel Aviv. Emil Lehr, 91, Ahad Haam Street, Tel Aviv. 5. Boarding house and similar business. 2. Palestine Fruit Centre Lehr and Turkus. (File No. 5025). 3. Both partners jointly. 4. One year as from the 1st November, 1942. 1. Mrs. Eva Koigen, Gedera. 5. Import and export of, and trade in, fruits Israel Wolsky, Yaakob Street, Rehovot. and vegetables. 2. Wolsky and Koigen. 3. Both partners jointly, but cheques and notes (File No. 5020). or other undertakings up to £P.10.— may be signed by each partner severally. 1. Eliyahu Fenigstein, 34, Harav Kook Street, 4. From the 4th November, 1942, for an un• Tel Aviv. limited period. Hans Kahn, 7, Allenby Road, Tel Aviv. 5. Transport. 2. Fenigstein and Kahn. 3. Both partners jointly. (File No. 5026). 4. One year as from the 28th October, 1942; if no notice is given one month before the ter• 1. Meir Bash, Ohel Shlomo, Hassidoff House, mination of the term, the partnership will J erusalem. be prolonged every year. Moshe Yosefsberg, 22, Hagai Street, Jeru• 5. Trade in second-hand radio apparatus and salem. workshop for electrical appliances. Shalom Bash, Yanovsky House, Shmuel Hanavi Street, Jerusalem. (File No. 5021). Ettinger and Rubin (Partnership, notice of which was published in the Palestine Gazette 1. Choucri Karkabi, 45, Allenby Street, Haifa. No. 990 of the 7th March, 1942), of 8, Press Yousef Elias, 7, Yebna Street, Haifa. Street, Jerusalem. Edward Elias, 22, Field Street, Haifa. 2. "Abir" Factory of Pipes, Deales and 2. Karkabi, Elias & Co. Mosaics. 3. Each partner severally is authorised to sign 3. The signature of Moshe Yosefsberg and S. on behalf of the partnership. Bash binds the partnership in connection 4. From the 1st November, 1942, for an un• with receiving orders for work. limited period. A six months' notice should be given by any partner wishing to retire. The signatures of M. Yosefsberg and A. Rubin bind the partnership in connection 5. Drapers and outfitters, commission agents, with payment to labourers, buying of and general merchants in drygoods and materials, etc. cloth. The signatures of M. Yosefsberg and M. (File No. 5022). Bash or M. Yosefsberg and J. Ettinger bind the partnership in connection with drawing 1. Moussa Mustafa Mouaket, Herod's Gate, money from banks, bills and all other lia• Jerusalem. bilities or financial matters. Hassan Fadli, , Jerusalem. 4. From the 15th November, 1942, for an un• Hussein Husni, Herod's Gate, Jerusalem. limited period. Only after three years one 2. The Arab Trade & Commission Agency. of the partners may retire from the part• 3. Moussa Mustafa Mouaket alone. nership after giving a six months' notice in 4. From the 1st November, 1942, for an un• writing. limited period. 5. Factory for pipes, deals, mosaics and con• 5. Commission and trade. crete works. (File No. 5023). (File No. 5027). 1372 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1237. •10th December, 1942

1. Samuel Kagan, 64, Pinsker Street, Tel Aviv. 1. Shlomo Hamer, 58, Bezalel Street, Tel Aviv. Esther Kahano, 55, Sheinkin Street, Tel Abraham Szefner, 60, Pinsker Street, Tel Aviv. Aviv. 2. C.M.C. Abraham Rozenzweig, 60, Pinsker Street, 3. Both partners jointly. Tel Aviv. 4. From the 11th October, 1942, until the 11th 2. "Hamer and Szefner" Mechanical Factory October, 1947. If 3 months before the ex• of Machines and Foundry. piration of the partnership term, none of 3. Shlomo Hamer together with one of the two the partners gives a written notice of his remaining partners. desire to wind up the partnership, the same 4. 2 years as from the 27th October, 1942. shall be renewed for a term of two years 5. Factory of machines and foundry. and so from two years to two years. (File No. 5034). 5. Thread twisting factory. (File No. 5028). 1. Nady Mahmud Muhamad, Jaffa-Tel Aviv Road, Jaffa. 1. Irabi Ishak Banna, Gaza. Hammoudi Ismail Najar, Jaffa-Tel Aviv Hassan Mahmoud Ashi, Gaza. Road, Jaffa. Faik Hassan Ashi, Gaza. Hamad Hamdan Mohareb, Jaffa-Tel Aviv 2. Banna & Ashi. Road, Jaffa. 3. Each partner severally. 2. Jaffa National Banana Co. 4. From the 31st October, 1942, for an un• 3. Nady Mahmud Muhamad. limited period. 4. 3 years as from the 27th October, 1942. 5. Manufacturing merchants. 5. Trading in bananas. (File No. 5029). (File No. 5035).

1. Michael Donchin, 55, Shlomo Hamelech 1. Eliyahu Sztejnman, 11, Massaryk Street, Street, Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv. Aron Steinberg, 43, Bezalel Street, Tel Aviv. Yosef Sztejnman, 11, Massaryk Street, Tel 2. Book-Centre. Aviv. 3. Both partners jointly. Reuven Pliss, Kefar Glikson, near Pardes 4. From the 1st November, 1942, for an un• Hanna. limited period. Simha Freund, Kefar Glikson, near Pardes 5. To deal in books and articles of arts. Hanna. Shmuel Goldwasser, 3, Emek Yizrael Street, (File No. 5030). Tel Aviv. Moshe Bregman, 46, Rashi Street, Tel Aviv. 1. Aziz Shihadeh, Isaf Street, Jaffa. 2. Peled. Elie Nasser, Isaf Street, Jaffa. 3. Any two partners of the following jointly: 2. A. Shihadeh & E. Nasser. Eliyahu Sztejnman, Reuven Pliss and 3. Any one of the two partners. Shmuel Goldwasser—shall be entitled to ad• 4. From the 23rd October, 1942, for an un• minister the affairs of the partnership, to limited period. manage and sign on behalf of it, provided 5. Advocates. that any transaction of the partnership (File No. 5031). which will exceed £P.3,000.— requires the joint signatures of all the three partners 1. Zeev Liphshitz, 28, Shederot Nordau, Tel aforementioned. Aviv. 4. From the 8th November, 1942, to the 31st Abraham Idelstein, 34, Faierberg Street, March, 1945. Each partner is entitled to Tel Aviv. retire from the partnership at the end of Moshe Liphshitz, 21, Rashi Street, Tel Aviv. the above period, provided that he shall give Chayim Liphshitz, 21, Rashi Street, Tel a one month's notice in writing and in Aviv. such case the partnership shall be continued Benjamin Rosmarin, 34, Faierberg Street, by the partners who did not give such Tel Aviv. notice, according to the conditions of the Abraham Kramarz, 34, Faierberg Street, agreement, for another year as long as at Tel Aviv. least two partners shall remain and so in 2. "Degania" Beit Haroshet Le-Afia. each subsequent year. 3. Zeev Liphshitz and Abraham Idelstein 5. Manufacture of machines and parts there• jointly. of, instruments and tools; mechanical pro• 4. From the 1st November, 1942, for an un• duction from metal and dealing in all such limited period. articles. 5. Bakery. (File No. 5036). (File No. 5032). 1. Zelig Levin, 1, Hashuk Street, Tel Aviv. 1. Ludwig Katzenberger, 3, Hagesher Street, Itzhaq Levin, Abu Khadra Quarter, Jaffa. Tel Aviv. Eliahu Levin, Mahne Yehuda Quarter, Walter Katzenberger, 3, Hagesher Street, Jerusalem. Tel Aviv. Shoshana Levin, Abu Khadra Quarter, 2. Walter Katzenberger. Jaffa. 3. Each partner severally. Fania Levin, Abu Khadra Quarter Jaffa. 4. From the 25th October, 1942, to the 31st De• 2. Zelig Levin & Co. cember, 1947; to be automatically extended 3. The signature of Zelig Levin shall bind the each time for a further year, if no 4 weeks' partnership. notice is given. 4. From the 1st November, 1942, for an un• 5. Wholesale dealing in, and manufacture and j limited period. export of, toys and games. j 5. Trade in fish and other foodstuffs. (File No. 5033). I (File No. 5037). 10th December, 1942 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1237. 1373

1. Nissim Jacobson, 42, Shenkin Street, Tel j; 2. Orshansky and Jarach. Aviv. 3. Both partners jointly. Shmuel Menahem, 3, Shenkin Street, Tel 4. From the 4th November, 1942, for an unlim• Aviv. ited period. 2. N. Jacobson & Co. 5. Manufacture and sale of acethylene chlor- 3. Nissim Jacobson alone. hydrine. 4. From the 1st November, 1942, for an un• (File No. 5043). limited period, provided that each partner is entitled to dissolve it by giving a 3 months' prior notice. 1. Peter Rosenfeld, 81, Gordon Street, Tel 6. Purchase and sale of fancy goods, "Bezalel" Aviv. works, silver, smiths' work, etc. Karl Kahane, 10, Melech Koresh Street, Tel Aviv. (File No. 5038). Hirss Vassermanis, 10, Engel Street, Tel Aviv. 1. Efraim Schimmel, 13, Bezalel Street, Tel 2. P. Rosenfeld, K. Kahane & Co. Aviv. 3. The joint signatures of either Peter Rosen• Pirry Perl Pinhas, 13, Bezalel Street, Tel feld or Karl Kahane with that of Hirss Aviv. , Vassermanis. 2. Efraim Schimmel. 4. 6 months as from the 1st November^ 1942. 3. Efraim Schimmel alone. 5. To operate motor cars under a contract with 4. From the 1st September, 1942, for an un• the general contractors Johnson, Drake & limited period; terminable by a three Piper. months' notice. (File No. 5044). 5. Sale of clothing and underwear. (File No. 5039). 1. Isaac Yehuda Herman, 19, Lilienblum Street, Tel Aviv. 1. Joseph Reitman, 29, Maze Street, Tel Aviv. Meir Herman, 19, Lilienblum Street, Tel Strul Reitman, Herzliya. Aviv. 2. Joseph and Strul Reitman. 2. "Hermon" Isaac Yehuda Herman. 3. Joseph Reitman alone. 3. Each of the partners severally. 4. From the 20th October, 1942, for an unlim• 4. From the 25th October, 1942, for an unlim• ited period, provided that any partner may ited period. leave the partnership at any time upon ser• 5. Trading in hosiery and textile. ving a notice by registered post at least two ! months in advance. jI (File No. 5045). 5. Trade in all kinds of textile goods. (File No. 5040). \i 1. Adolf Saenger, 14, Ben Yehuda Street, Jeru- ! salem. 1. Jacob Benedik, Tel Litwinsky. Mrs. Use Saenger, née Jekel, 14, Ben Ye• Shimon Shapira, 36, Hovevei Zion Street, huda Street, Jerusalem. Tel Aviv. 2. Saenger Shop. 2. Jacob Benedik & Co. 3. Both partners jointly. 3. Both partners jointly. 4. 2 years as from the 1st November, 1942. 4. From the 1st November, 1942, for an un• 5. Dealing in presents and gifts of all kinds. limited period, with right of dissolution (File No. 5046) upon serving of a 3 months' notice. 5. General merchants and contractors. 1. Ernest Lukac, Lukac House, Herzl Street, (File No. 5041). Ramat Gan. David.Kremer, 76, Ahad Haam Street, Tel 1. Joseph Arieli, 34, Lilienblum Street, Tel Aviv. Aviv. 2. Palestine Trading and Transport Co. Igal Arieli, 97, Herzl Street, Tel Aviv. 3. . Both partners jointly. Ariel Arieli, Montefiori Quarter, near Tel 4. One year as from the 8th November, 1942; Aviv. to be automatically prolonged from year to 2. "Arieli Press". year, unless a three months' notice of dis• 3. On cheques and promissory notes the joint solution be given by either partner before signatures of Joseph Arieli and any one of the expiration of the first or each subsequent the two other partners will be reaui^ed to year of business. bind the firm, otherwise every partner is 5. General trading and transport business, authorised to manage and administer its and agency. business. 4. From the 1st November, 1942, for an unlim• (File No. 5047) ited period. The partnership may be dis• solved only after 3 calendar months since 1. Haim Yitzhak Patt, Shuk Halvaa Vehisa- dissolution notice has been served by one chon, Agrippas Road, Jerusalem. partner to the others through registered Benzion Lebinstein, Shuk Halvaa Vehisa- letter on the firm's address. chon, Agrippas Road, Jerusalem. 5. All kinds of printings. 2. Patt et Lebinstein. (File No. 5042). 3. Both partners jointly. 4. From the 1st November, 1942, for an un• limited period. 1. Dr. Yehudah Orshansky, Beit Hakerem, Jerusalem. 5. Importers and wholesalers of all kinds of cheese. Dr. Renato Jarach, 243, Prophets Street, Jerusalem. !! (File No. 5048) 1374 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1237. 10th December, 1942

1. Avraham Shabetay Bachrach, Mea Shearim, B. Change in the partners or in the name or Jerusalem. surname of any partner : Zvi Dov Bachrach, Mea Shearim, Jeru­ Outgoing partner: DR. ELIYAHU KOHN. salem. Newcoming partner : MRS. OLGA BLUM (née 2. "Avraham Shabetay Bachrach and Son". KAHAN) of 10, Hebron Street, Tel Aviv. 3. Both partners jointly and severally. 4. 3 years as from the 1st December, 1942. The C. Change of person or persons authorised to partnership will then be continued automa­ sign on behalf of the partnership : tically year after year unless one of the partners will serve the other with a notice Each partner is entitled to administer the of his desire to dissolve the partnership not affairs of the partnership and to manage less than two months before the expiry of it. The signature of each partner binds the the extended term. firm. 5. Flour mill and trade in all kinds of cereals. Date of Change : 1.11.42. (File No. 5049) (File No. 4417). 1. Mosze Leib Fiszlewicz, Jabotinsky Corner, 8, Harav Kuk Street, Ramat Gan. Abraham Eisenberg, Jabotinsky Corner, STATEMENT OF NATURE OF •CHANGES IN THE PAR• 8, Harav Kuk Street, Ramat Gan. TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— CAFE Abraham Eisenberg, Jabotinsky Corner, GALINA. 2. M. Fiszlewicz & A. Eizenberg, Mechanical A. Change in the term or character of the Joinery. partnership : 3. Both partners jointly. 4. From the 20th October, 1942, for an un­ Previous term: From the 11th August, limited period. 1942, for an unlimited period. 5. Mechanical joinery. New term: Till the 25th May, 1943. (File No. 5050) B. Change of person or persons authorised to sign on behalf of the partnership: 1. Salah Hafiz El Kishawy, Gaza. Saleem Hussain El Kishawy, Gaza. All three partners jointly. Muhammad Hafiz El Kishawy, Gaza. Date of Change : 10.11.42. 2. Salah El Kishawy and Co. 3. Each partner severally. (File No. 4899). 4. From the 28th November, 1942, for an un­ limited period. 5. Grocery. STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR• .MA'AYANOTH—־ : TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP (File No. 5051) A. Change in the partners or in the name or :Hassani, Iskandar Awad surname of any partner־Ibrahim Faraj El .1 Street, Jaffa. Mohammad Ibrahim Faraj El-Hassani, Outgoing partners: Rachel Rubin and Iskandar Awad Street, Jaffa. Sonja Ahronskind. 2. Ibrahim Faraj El-Hassani and Son. Newcoming partners: Zeev Surpin, 108, 3. Mohammad Ibrahim Faraj El-Hassani Herzl Street, Tel Aviv. alone. Zalman Surpin, 108, Herzl Street, Tel 4. From the 24th November, 1942, for an un­ Aviv. limited period. 5. To trade in manufactured goods. B. Change of person or persons authorised to sign on behalf of the partnership : (File No. 5052). All the three partners jointly. 1. Jacob Pearlson, 122, Allenby Street, Tel Date of Change: 15.11.42. Aviv. Marcel Iancu, 9, Gliickson Street, Tel Aviv. (File No. 3398). Juliu Iancu, 9, Gliickson Street, Tel Aviv. 2. "Pearlson and Iancu Bros." 3. J. Pearlson and one of the other two part­ STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR­ ners jointly. TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP : — JAFFA PART­ 4. 2 years as from the 25th October, 1942, and NERSHIP FOR LEATHER TRADE. subsequent periods of one year each, unless dissolution is requested by either partner A. Change in the firm name : three months before the expiration of each Previous name : The Jaffa Partnership for period. Leather Trade. 5. Contractors and architects. New name : Jaffa Hides Company. (File No. 5053) B. Change in the term or character of the partnership : STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR­ Previous term : Six months as from the 1st TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— "ORIENT" April, 1942. BLUM & DR. KOHN. New term : From the 1st November, 1942, A. Change in the firm name: for an unlimited period. Previous name: "ORIENT" BLUM & DR. Date of Change : 12.11.42. KOHN. (File No. 4631). New name: "ORIENT" BLUM & Co. 1375

STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR• statements. All other correspondence, do• TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— T. Q. cuments and cheques may be signed by any MANASSAH & Co. one of the partners. Change in the term or character of the partner• Date of Change: 21.11.42. ship : (File No. DCJ/27/74). Previous term: 3 years as from the 1st July, 1939. New term: From the 1st July, 1942, for STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR• an unlimited period. TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— PALESTINE ENGINEERING STORES—MAHASANEY ERETZ- Date of Change : 28.10.42. YSRAEL LIMCHONOT. (File No. 3300). Change in the general nature of the business: General nature of business as previously carried on: Traders in new and old machinery, auto• STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR• mobiles, spare parts, installations, pumps, TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— M.K. oil, tyres as well as all other things con• A. Change in the term of character of the nected therewith, directly or indirectly, con• partnership : ducting workshops and garages, and re• presentatives for automobile and machine Previous term: 3 months as from the 19th firms. September, 1942, but if no notice of dis• solution will be sent by either partner General nature of business as now carried on: within the above period, the partnership Traders in new and old machinery, auto• will continue for an unlimited period. mobiles, spare parts installations, pumps, New term: The partnership is for an un• oil, tyres as well as all other things con• limited period and may be determined by nected therewith, directly or indirectly, either party giving to the other not less conducting workshops and garages and re• than a 3 months' notice in writing. presentatives for automobile and machine firms, and generally carrying on all kinds B. Change of person or persons authorised to of industrial and commercial business, in• sign on behalf of the partnership : cluding investment of moneys in industrial and commercial undertakings and parti• Each partner severally. cipation in any bodies, corporate or unincor- Date of Change : 28.10.42. porate. (File No. 4941). Date of Change: 10.11.42. (File No. 1513).

STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR• STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR• TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— EIN HAKE- TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— JACOB BE- SHET. NEDIK & Co. Change in the term or character of the part• A. Change in the principal place of business: nership : Previous place: 6, Hakhashmal Street, Previous term: The partnership is constituted Tel Aviv. for five years. If no notice is given by any of the partners three months prior New place: 7, Levontin Street, Tel Aviv. to the expiry the partnership, the same B. Change in the partners or in the name or shall be deemed to be continued for an• surname of any partner : other five years. New term: The term of the partnership is Jecheskel Stchik, 35, King Salomon extended for another year as from the Street, Tel Aviv, joined the partnership. 15th November, 1942. C. Change of person or persons, authorised to sign on behalf of the partnership : Date of Change: 15.11.42. Jecheskel Stchik together with either (File No. 1461). Jacob Benedik or Shimon Shapira. Date of Change : 23.11.42. (File No. 5041) STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR• TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— SABA & Co. A. Change in the partners or in the name or STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR• surname of any partner: TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— KARKABI, ELIAS & Co. Aziz S. Saba left and Najib J. Dabbikeh, Connaught House, Jerusalem, and Karim Change in the firm name: G. Khouri, 21, Kingsway, Haifa, joined the Previous name: Karkabi, Elias & Co. partnership. New name: Youssef Elias & Co. B. Change of person or persons authorised to sign on behalf of the partnership : Date of Change: 22.11.42. Fuad S. Saba, F.C.R.A., is authorised (File No. 5022) to sign audit and accounting reports and 1376 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1237. 10th December, 1942


STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR­ j C. Change of person or persons authorised to TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— GENERAL ! sign on behalf of the partnership: ENTERPRISE FOR COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY. | Benjamin Sheinson alone. Change in the partners or in the name or sur­ Date of Change : 29.11.42. name of any partner: (File No. 3916) The following persons left the partner­ ship : Israel Feinstein and David Campeanu. STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR­ TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP :— THE NORTH- Date of Change: 16.11.42. I ERN ARAB VILLAGES TRANSPORT CO. ACRE. (File No. 4086) | Change in the partners or in the name or sur- | name of any partner : i Maroun Khalil Joume left the partner- j ship and transferred his share in the part- STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR­ ! nership to the partners Haj Mohammad TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— CAFE CON- j Ali Shloun and Mohamed Haj Mohamed DITORY POPPER. j El Laz. Change in the partners or in the name or sur­ j Date of Change: 1.11.42. name of any partner: j (File No. 3808) Dr. Walter Gingold left the partnership.

Date of Change : 20.10.42. NOTICES. (File No. 4038)


j Notice is hereby given that the above part- STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR­ | nership, notice of which was published in the TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— HEILIG & I Palestine Gazette No. 1129 of the 4th September, Co. 1941, has been dissolved as from the 1st Novem­ ber, 1942, and that all assets and liabilities have A. Change in the partners or in the name or been taken over by MR. LEO FRANKENTAL. surname of any partner: Outgoing partner : Leopold Maurycy Mun- (File No. 3891). zer. j Newcoming partners: Moritz Heilig, 3, ; II. Hassolel Street, Jerusalem, and Karl Heilig, 25, Gaza Street, , Jeru­ j NASHASHIBI & SOURANI. salem* j B. Change in the term or character of the ! Notice is hereby given that the above part- partnership: | nership, notice of which was published in the : Palestine Gazette No. 1156 of the 25th Decem- Previous term: From the 4th June, 1940, j ber, 1941, has been dissolved as from the 16th to the 31st December, 1942. j November, 1942, by mutual consent of the part­ New term: From the 3rd December, 1942, ners. .(File No. 4166) : ׳ .to the 3rd December, 1945 C. Change of persons or persons authorised to sign on behalf of the partnership : The joint signatures of any two of the III. partners shall bind the firm. THE MODERN CABINET MAKER. Date of Change: 3.12.42. Notice is hereby given that the above part­ (File No. 3583) nership, notice of which was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 1167 of the 12th February, 1942, has been dissolved as from the 10th No­ vember, 1942. STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR­ (File No. 4350). TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— C. M. COOLING AND MECHANICS. A. . Change in the partners or in the name or IV. surname of any partner : MICHAEL SHECHTER AND Co. Arie Meirsdorf left and Mrs. Rivka Sheinson, 4, Rosenbaum Street, Tel Aviv, Notice is hereby given that the above part­ joined the partnership. nership, notice of which was published in the B. Change in the term or character of the Palestine Gazette No. 571 of the 13th February, partnership: 1936, has been' dissolved as from the 24th Sep­ tember, 1912. . Previous term: From the 11th August, 1941, to the 31st December, 1942. (File No. 2512). New term: For an unlimited period. 10th December, 1942 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1237. 1377


CAMEL HAIB WOOL INDUSTRY. "BARCO" BUILDING AND ROAD CONSTRUCTION Co. LTD. Notice is hereby given that the above part• nership, notice of which was published in the Notice is hereby given that Mr. Israel Hur- Palestine Gazette No. 1175 of the 5th March, witz is alone entitled to act and sign on behalf 1942, has been dissolved as from the 9th Novem• of the company and anything done or signed ber, 1942, and that the business of the part• by him alone on behalf of the company is bind• nership will be in future carried on by Mr. ing upon the company. ERICH HOJTABH alone under the style PALESTINE CAMEL HAIR WOOL INDUSTRY.

(File No. 4398). IV. | NEHEMIA LTD.

I VI. I At an extraordinary general meeting of the CHUICHA, RBJWAN AND RABIE. above-named company the following have been elected directors of the company: Notice is hereby given that the above part• nership, notice of which was published in the Mr. Israel Levy Palestine Gazette No. 1142 of the 20th Novem• I Mrs. Hava Silka Frenkel. ber, 1941, has been dissolved as from the 22nd November, 1942, by mutual consent of all part• ! The joint signatures of the above directors ners. shall bind the company. (File No. 4071). | Mr. O. Rotenstreich, advocate, Tel Aviv, ; shall be entitled alone to sign contracts of pur• chase of property by the company and to ap• NOTICES. pear in the Land Registries or before any other authorities and to sign documents and deeds The following notices are published at the in connection with purchase of property by the risk of the advertisers and their publication company, give loans on mortgages in favour of does not imply any certificate as to correctness | the company and discharge such mortgages. or authority. I.

THB JERUSALEM CIVIL SERVANTS CONSUMERS' | v. COOPERATIVE SOCIETY LIMITED. VERA LIMITED IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION. Notice is hereby given that at the extra• ordinary general meeting of the above society, | Notice is hereby given, pursuant to section held on 29th November, 1942, the following | 206(2) of the Companies Ordinance, 1929, that persons were elected to the Committee of Man• j the final general meeting of the above company agement : i will be held at the office of the liquidator, 13, j Ahad Haam Street, Tel Aviv, on the 10th 1. Mr. Meir Shkedy January, 1943, at 3 p.m. for the purpose of lay• 2. Mr. Abraham Reifer ! ing before it an account showing the manner in 3. Mr. Moshe Alperovitz i which the winding-up has been conducted, and 4. Mr. Yehuda Navon J also determining by extraordinary resolution 6. Mr. Meir Klein \ the manner in which the books, accounts and 6. Mr. Joseph Winograd i documents of the above company and the 7. Mr. Yehuda Shapiro. \ liquidation shall be disposed of. Mr. Charles Kalisky was elected Honorary Secretary to the society. O. ROTENSTREICH Liquidator. The signature of any two of the following three members of the Committee of Manage• ment shall bind the society in all its affairs VI. and business: 1. Mr. Meir Shkedy — Chairman UNION OF BORE HOLE PUMP MANUFACTURERS OF 2. Mr. Abraham Reifer—Vice-Chairman PALESTINE LIMITED IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION. 3. Mr. Moshe Alperovitz — Treasurer. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 206(2) of the Companies Ordinance, 1929, that the final general meeting of the company will II. be held at the offices of Messrs. Fellman, Livay "MERETZ" MOSHAV HAKLAI AOUDA SHETUFIT LTD. & Co., certified accountants-auditors, 7, Le- vontin Street, Tel Aviv, on the 10th January, Notice is hereby given that Mr. Jacob Reid- 1943, at 12 noon, for the purpose of laying, be• man has been elected Chairman of the Manage• fore it an account showing the manner in which ment Committee of the said society, and Mr. I the winding-up has been conducted and the Jacob Langer has been appointed secretary. property of the company disposed 61, and also j determining by an extraordinary resolution the The joint signatures of Messrs. Jacob Reidman j manner in which the books, accounts and docu• and Jacob Langer shall be binding for all pur• ments of the company and the liquidation shall poses of the society including all manner of be disposed of. transactions before Land Registrars and Settle• FELLMAN, LIVAY & CO. ment Officers. Liquidators. 1378 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1237. 10th December, 1942


IHÛD-REÛÉV ÀGUDA COOPERATIVIT LE-HOVALA The following are the authorised publication LTD. rates for notices and advertisements in the Palestine Gazette: — Notice is hereby given that in accordance For every \ of a column with the resolution of the general meeting of or part thereof . - 625 mils. the members of Ihud-ltegev Aguda Cooperativit Lé-Hovala Ltd., held on the 29th August, 1942, Exceeding \ and hot as to the election of the Committee, and at the exceeding $ column £P.1.25Ö,mil8 elections which were held on the 2nd Septem• Exceeding J and : not ber, 1942, the following members were elected to exceeding | column £P. 1.875 mils. the Board of Directors : — Exceeding | and not Soslik Shoul, Burstein Moshe, Ditkovsky exceeding 1 column - £P.2.500 mils. Haim, Aharoni Israel, Levin Rephael, Sha• piro Benjamin, M. Z. Gluzman, Degani All notices and advertisements must be Moshe, Spivakovsky Gershon. prepaid. Instead of Mr. M. Z. Gluzman who resigned, It is notified for general information that Mr. Zabrovsky Haim was elected as the next notices intended for publication in the Pales• candidate after the said Mr. M. Z. Gluzman. tine Gazette should be addressed, together with the appropriate publication fees, direct to the At the meeting of the Board of Directors held Government Printer, P.O.B. 293, Jerusalem. on the 3rd September, 1942, the following mem• bers were, elected as members of the Adminis• Notices of registration of Companies, Co• trative Secretariat of the society: — operative Societies, Trade Marks and Patents will not be accepted for publication unless Soslik Shoul, Burstein Moshe, Ditkovsky submitted through the appropriate Registrar. Haim. The signatures of the said three members at Orders with regard to the administration of the side of the seal of the society shall bind the estate of deceased persons . or probate of Ihud-Regev Aguda Cooperativit Le-Hovala wills, and any. orders issued under the Com• Ltd. in all matters. panies Ordinance, or in accordance with any other Ordinance or Order of the Court, and notices of registration and dissolution of part• nerships will not be inserted unless passed for publication by the Court or Registrar. CORRIGENDUM. Notices of dissolution of partnerships will Palestine Gazette No. 1198 of the 4th June, 1942. not be accepted unless signed by the partners named therein or by their legal representatives. Page 684, notice with regard to the registra• tion of the partnership Jacob A. Lewinson The signature or representative character of Paper Mills Representative. a signatory must be verified by a declaration made by an advocate. The name of the partnership should read: "Jacob A. Lewison". A notice of dissolution of partnership not (File No. 4693). signed by all the partners or by their legal representatives must be accompanied by a sworn

declaration made by an advocate to the effect that the notice is given in pursuance of the terms of the partnership to which it relates. NOTICE. The following notices and advertisements SUBSCRIPTION RATES. will be published in the Gazette at the risk of the advertisers and will not imply any certi• The Palestine Gazette may be purchased, ficate as to correctness or authority. at current prices, through all booksellers and news-agents in Palestine or from the Govern• Notices from Liquidators of Companies, etc. ment Printing and Stationery Office, P. O. B. 293, Jerusalem. The subscription rates are as Notices concerning meetings, appointments follows: — of Directors, redemption of bonds and kind• red matters from Companies or Cooperative Half-yearly Yearly Societies.

Abroad £P.1.750 mils £P.3.000 mils. No notice or advertisement concerning a Palestine £P.1.200mils £P.2.000 mils. Company or Cooperative Society, other than a notice published by Order of the Court or Applications accompanied by remittances of the Registrar, will be inserted unless it is (Cash, Postal or Money Orders only) should be accompanied by a declaration of an advocate made to the Government Printer, P.O.B. 293, that to the best of his knowledge the statement Jerusalem. made in the notice or advertisement is true.