European Journal of Research ISSN 2521-3261 (Online) № 4 (4), 2017 ISSN 2521-3253 (Print) IMPACT FACTOR IFS 3, 8 / UIF 2, 7

REPRESENTATIVE INSTITUTIONS IN THE PROCESSES OF MODERNIZATION OF STATE AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Boltaev Mansur Sotivoldievich Senior lecturer of the National University named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Ph.D Abstract This article reveals the place and importance of representative institutions in the state and public administration, the national and foreign experience of parliamentary, the essence and content of reforms in the sphere of parliamentary currently being implemented in the Republic of in the process of democratization of public and state governance. Keywords: Parliament, party, territory, group, national interest, and , personal interests, public and political activity of citizens, upper and lower house, parliamentary and public control.

As is known from the doctrines being of the people. Parliament in the sphere of state and law, the serves as the main link among the parliament through the three branches of government. The representatives of various social embodiment of public interests in strata, political parties and political it and their open expression movements reflects the political ensures the transparency of the ideas, interests existing in the parliament. This transparency society, coordinates them and helps in overcoming the develops the common will of the contradictions between the people. It is "... a complex government and various state mechanism, the intertwining of bodies, the center and the party, territorial, group, personal territories. The identification of a interests. To strengthen the balance of interests within the parliament on the basis of a limits of powers constitutes a multitude of group and private interests there should be a universal interest - peace, interethnic harmony and the well- Social Science and Humanities Boltaev M.S. ______29 Vienna, Austria European Journal of Research ISSN 2521-3261 (Online) № 4 (4), 2017 ISSN 2521-3253 (Print) IMPACT FACTOR IFS 3, 8 / UIF 2, 7 permanent task for the The practical meaning of these parliament."1 ideas expressed in the context of Of course, civil society, reforming our parliament was especially at the present time, does expressed in the fact that after the not end with a parliamentary form elections to the Oliy of the of government, embracing other Republic of Uzbekistan in 2004 a forms of public and political bicameral parliament was created. activity of citizens. However, it is At the same time, the lower with the creation of the parliament chamber consisted of deputies that a transition to such a society elected as representatives of parties begins. and independent candidates. The first President of the Candidates were elected on an Republic of Uzbekistan, Islam alternative basis. Elected deputies Karimov, on May 25-26, 2000, at work in parliament on an ongoing the second session of the Oliy basis. It is important to note that in Majlis of the second convocation the new parliament, the activity of advanced the idea of transferring the deputy experts was achieved, our parliament to a bicameral the staffing of our supreme system working on an ongoing representative and legislative body basis. This idea, it can be said, with highly qualified and marked the beginning of the most professional personnel. Also, it important, new stage of democratic was determined that the most reforms taking place in our important task facing our new country. "With the change in life," legislative body is the qualitative said I. Karimov, "the growing assimilation of the order and political and spiritual traditions of world consciousness of our people, the parliamentarism, the doctrine of appropriate changes in the the work of a democratic organization of our parliament, as parliament and parliamentary well as its activities, are natural."2 culture.

1 Feruza Mukhiddinova. History of political and 2 Karimov I.A. Our main goal is a free and legal doctrines. Textbook /: ed.TSIL, 2006 – prosperous homeland, a free and prosperous life. Р.238. - T.8. - T., 2000. – Р.483. Social Science and Humanities Boltaev M.S. ______30 Vienna, Austria European Journal of Research ISSN 2521-3261 (Online) № 4 (4), 2017 ISSN 2521-3253 (Print) IMPACT FACTOR IFS 3, 8 / UIF 2, 7 The significance of the transition highest goals. The process of to a bicameral parliament in the preparation and holding of the conditions of liberalization of the referendum became a serious processes of state building and the impetus in the development of formation of a civil society is political and legal activity of the expressed in the following: population. The nationwide vote First, an accurate definition of ended with support for the the timing of elections warns adoption of a historic decision for arbitrariness and expression of the people of Uzbekistan, that is, someone's selfish interests, as well the transition to a bicameral as other subjective approaches in parliament. The referendum this area; showed the achievement in Secondly, such an order creates Uzbekistan of a consensus in conditions for ensuring a balance resolving the most important between the branches of power, issues of the development of the usually between the legislative and constitutional structure of the state, executive branches, preventing and also opened a wide path for disagreements and disputes, reforming all branches of state avoiding duplication in their power. The referendum has truly activities; covered boundless opportunities Thirdly, some of the tasks that the in the prosperity of national President is carrying out today, statehood and the legal system. together with other separate The people expressed high functions, are entrusted to the confidence in the state authorities, Senate. " officials in carrying out democratic At a referendum held on January reforms, while giving them great 27, 2002, the people of Uzbekistan responsibility. It is worth saying supported the idea of creating a that the referendum decision, bicameral parliament in the which has the highest legal force country. The referendum was a throughout the territory of the great test for the period of Republic of Uzbekistan, has democratic transformation of the initiated a new stage in the political system of Uzbekistan, our development of statehood and the people, aimed at achieving the activation of lawmaking. Our

Social Science and Humanities Boltaev M.S. ______31 Vienna, Austria European Journal of Research ISSN 2521-3261 (Online) № 4 (4), 2017 ISSN 2521-3253 (Print) IMPACT FACTOR IFS 3, 8 / UIF 2, 7 people, while approving the countries, the upper house is questions of the referendum, formed by inheritance (UK) or its confirmed the need to continue composition is appointed by the their efforts to reform the head of state (Canada). Sometimes legislative, executive and judicial the upper house is formed in a authorities. Decisions of the mixed way: some members are referendum determined the most elected, another part is appointed, important directions for the part of the seats are occupied by consistent development of the the right of inheritance (Nepal). In main institutions of civil society. some countries, the upper chamber In this connection, we consider it has an indefinite nature of powers, necessary to give the general their composition is partly updated concept of a bicameral parliament (USA, Argentina, France, etc.). This (bikameralizm). The bicameral gives the upper house a serious parliament, as a rule, consists of organizational advantage, creating two chambers, having differences continuity and integrity for the both in formation and in powers. . Partially updated Historically, the lower house has upper chambers can not be traditionally been recognized as dissolved. As a rule, higher more democratic. Therefore, in requirements are demanded for order to express the interests of the candidates for deputies of the aristocracy, to perform the function upper chamber (higher age of the brake in relation to the lower qualifications, etc.). In most chamber, the upper chamber was modern parliaments, the rights of always opposed to it. To date, the the upper chamber are somewhat bicameral system exists both in limited in relation to the rights of federal and unitary states. The the lower house (for example, in lower house of parliament is many countries draft financial laws always directly elected by the can only be introduced in the lower population. The upper chamber is house, the upper chambers can not formed in various ways: indirect influence their adoption in any (France, Austria, Germany) or way). direct elections (USA, Italy, It should be noted, due to social Australia, Japan). In some progress and the availability of

Social Science and Humanities Boltaev M.S. ______32 Vienna, Austria European Journal of Research ISSN 2521-3261 (Online) № 4 (4), 2017 ISSN 2521-3253 (Print) IMPACT FACTOR IFS 3, 8 / UIF 2, 7 appropriate conditions, the issue of to the past and future of the parliamentary administration, European Parliament, states the both theoretically and practically, following: "If in the past the is moving much faster than public European Parliament was a administration issues. A striking consent store for people speaking proof of this can be shown by the different languages, now it is true example of the European Union Political organization that has Palaeo. The European Parliament, legislative and executive power."3 which unites 751 electorates We can agree with this opinion, organizationally and in this sense since today the powers of the is the second largest in the world European Union Parliament in (after India), in other words, has matters of social development are absorbed more than 375 million increasing almost daily. multinational voters, despite the In the increase of the authority impossibility in reality to govern and significance of the parliament the countries of Europe, in the in public life, its valuable territory of its members to the performance in fulfilling its fullest extent Dictates the will in functional tasks, continuous work the sphere of public and efficiency of members of administration, since the adoption parliament play an important role. of questions in the sphere of the In this issue, if you approach the budget of the European Union by activities of the national parliament the majority of the deputies of the from a historical point of view, you European Parliament determines can notice great positive changes. the importance of issues of social In the Decree of the development. Ideas on the overall of the Republic of Uzbekistan of activities of the European April 4, 2002 "On the main Parliament are also different, for directions of legislative work example, Professor of the School of carried out following the results of Social Sciences at the University of the referendum of the Republic of Manchester, David Farell, referring Uzbekistan held on January 27,

3 ?language=EN&type=IM-PRESS&reference= 20070615IPR07837 Social Science and Humanities Boltaev M.S. ______33 Vienna, Austria European Journal of Research ISSN 2521-3261 (Online) № 4 (4), 2017 ISSN 2521-3253 (Print) IMPACT FACTOR IFS 3, 8 / UIF 2, 7 2002", taking into account the 2016, the most important legal interests of the individual, society basis for carrying out radical and the state, the development reforms in the sphere of state and needs of the main institutions of public construction in our country democratic statehood, Priority under the leadership of President directions of legislative activity of S. Mirziyeva was unanimously the beginning of the XXI century, approved, in particular, the as well as the sequence of adoption election program of S.Mirziyayev, of the most important laws. Including the Liberal Democratic At present, each of the branches Party of Uzbekistan, approved at of state power has not only turned the VIII Congress of the Movement into independent and independent of Entrepreneurs and political forces, but they also act on Businessmen, voiced in the report the basis of the principles of "Consecutive continuation of the mutual control, mutual demo The creation of peace and responsibility, cooperation in the tranquility for our people, decent name of the tasks of achieving the living conditions - a guarantee of well-being of citizens. Therefore, stability and progress."4 From now the establishment of the first on, based on the examples of parliament in Uzbekistan, which developed countries, as well as began in the second decade of national experience and traditions reforms with regard to the creation of statehood, new strategic of a bicameral system, is one of the priorities have been identified, main directions of the radical which are an innovation for state changes in the creation of a civil and public development, on this society and a legal democratic basis a decision was taken to carry state, which is the strategic goal of out the latest reforms in public and our state. public administration. After the elections of the Taking into account these President of the Republic of factors, the President of the Uzbekistan, held on December 4, Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.

4 Sh.M. Mirziyayev. The report "The consistent progress" at the VIII Congress of the Movement continuation of democratic reforms, the creation of Entrepreneurs and Businessmen - Liberal of peace and tranquility for our people, worthy Democratic Party of Uzbekistan. The People's living conditions - a guarantee of stability and Word, 2016 2 November №216 (6651). Social Science and Humanities Boltaev M.S. ______34 Vienna, Austria European Journal of Research ISSN 2521-3261 (Online) № 4 (4), 2017 ISSN 2521-3253 (Print) IMPACT FACTOR IFS 3, 8 / UIF 2, 7 Mirziyev at the solemn event mechanisms for parliamentary and dedicated to the 24th anniversary public Th control. of the adoption of the Constitution On the basis of this proposal, a of the Republic of Uzbekistan, unified system of local delivering a report "Ensuring the representative bodies and the Rule of Law and Human Interests - Senate was formed, that is, A Guarantee of the Prosperity of territorial commissions were set up the Country and the Welfare of the to implement the functions of People",5 identified concrete parliamentary and public control measures to eliminate existing over the activities of local executive Shortcomings in the sphere of state and representative bodies. These and social construction, socio- Territorial Commissions are economic, political and spiritual managed by the territorial spheres. representative of the Senate, as In other words, the President members of the local proposed the formation of a system representative bodies, law for the continuous study of the enforcement and executive bodies situation in each territory, first of acting as members on a voluntary all, the state of implementation of basis. decrees and decisions, their quality The tasks and rights of the and effectiveness, the preparation Territorial Commissions are of proposals to increase the determined on the basis of the responsibility of state bodies, the Regulations, their duties are establishment of procedures for coordination of local state and studying the real state of representative bodies, a system development of districts and cities analysis of existing conditions on and making proposals On hearing the ground, development and the relevant leaders at the sessions implementation of measures to of the kengashes of people's eliminate identified shortcomings deputies in order to create effective on the spot and in the shortest possible time, in the necessary and

5 Sh.M. Mirziyayev. Providing the rule of law and People's Word. 2016 December 8. No. 243 human interests is the guarantee of prosperity of (6678). the country and the welfare of the people. The Social Science and Humanities Boltaev M.S. ______35 Vienna, Austria European Journal of Research ISSN 2521-3261 (Online) № 4 (4), 2017 ISSN 2521-3253 (Print) IMPACT FACTOR IFS 3, 8 / UIF 2, 7 recognized urgent cases, and dramatic changes in the preparation of proposals On the country, it serves the optimal and solution of problems, the effective organization of the work organization of systematic studies of each individual, each authorized in the field and the synthesis of person, each level of public or state their results, the organization of administration, Any forms and spiritual and educational work in manifestations of abuse, the the field for propaganda and creation of the most optimal form svescheniya reforms in the of government, started with country, saying the president's citizens' self-government bodies words, a mechanism works like a up to ysshih public authorities, clock. changes and amendments to As a conclusion, it should be existing laws, adoption, if noted that the establishment of the necessary, new laws, prevention of Territorial Commissions is a new factors that give rise to problems, system of state and public as well as suppress the emergence administration throughout the of new barriers to the progress of world, and in the period of rapid society and the state.

References 1. Feruza Mukhiddinova. History of political and legal doctrines. Textbook /: ed.TGYuI, 2006 – Р.238. 2. Karimov I.A. Our main goal is a free and prosperous homeland, a free and prosperous life. - T.8. - T., 2000. – Р.483. 3. Sh.M. Mirziyayev. The report "The consistent continuation of democratic reforms, the creation of peace and tranquility for our people, worthy living conditions - a guarantee of stability and progress" at the VIII Congress of the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businessmen - Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan. The People's Word, 2016 2 November №216 (6651).

Social Science and Humanities Boltaev M.S. ______36 Vienna, Austria European Journal of Research ISSN 2521-3261 (Online) № 4 (4), 2017 ISSN 2521-3253 (Print) IMPACT FACTOR IFS 3, 8 / UIF 2, 7 4. Sh.M. Mirziyayev. Providing the rule of law and human interests is the guarantee of prosperity of the country and the welfare of the people. The People's Word. 2016 December 8. No. 243 (6678).

Social Science and Humanities Boltaev M.S. ______30 Vienna, Austria